June 19, 1959

Page 1

Vol. XXXVII Nc. 41

fubllulied every Friday, 101 N. UOtli. Omaha, Nulirasku, I'iiont JA 13U0




19, 1959

Second Class Postnrce Paid ut Omaha. Nebr,

Annual Rate 4 Dallat» Single Copy 10 Cent*

Y. Head States: A« of June 10, 1W.) The following me current reports from divisions in the 1930 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: 1059 Total Division To Date Initial Gifts , $.'S.'S7,982.50 Men's Division 24,977.00 Women's Division 62,063.50 B. & P. Unit 2,982.50 Children's Division 1,848.50 HlRh School Division 1,:5,T7.G5 University Division 275.00 Organizations 2,632.,l50 Miscellaneous • 1,130.00 •

Total to Dale


Leo Daly Will Receive B'nai During Last 10 Years New York (JTAi — Tim .loin! B'rifh Award

JOG Reports 135,000

Pistributiou Committee reported that it luicl helped more thiin 135,(MI0 aged nnd disabled immigrants and thfir dependents in Isniel during the last ten yeais since Its' rslablishmcift of the Malbeu there. The report, issued In coiincetion with the 10th anniversary of the Mallx-n •— stressed tiie fact that many of Ihesu newcoiners, listed us."hard core cases," had been integrated In Israel's economy. Mallici! is the .1. 1), C.'s welfare program for aged and handicapped immigrants in Israel. Maintained are twenty-one homes for the nj;cd and an extramural program for them that includes cash grants, housing aid an<l housekeeper services.. The report also disclosed that Mulben Kiipoprtcd twenty-three Golden Age Clubs to provide recreational facilities and that Its program also includes it network of rehabilitation' services and in-service trainin),' rourscs for nurses.

UAR Threatens Israel With iodernWeapons London I JTAi - - Radio Cairo warned, in a Hebrew language broadcast, that the United Arab Republic possesses enough rockets, missiles and other modern weapons, "capable of annihilating Israel in one attack." The broadcast, monitored here, lumps together a number of recent Middle Hast developments as "proof" of u "concerted imperialist-planned-operation" against the U. A. It. The events include the recent Egyptian-Israeli jet-plane battle, Jordan's complaint against the U, A. H. closing tho JordanianSyrlHii bolder, and an Iraip allegation that tha U. A. R, was sending fedayoen into Iraq.

Jerusalem, (JTA)—A six-member committee, consisting of three Government t officials and flu'ee newspaper editors, was formed here to study for n month the Government's ban on 'publication of news about immigration unless such news is issued officially by the Government. The committee was named after a meeting between newspaper editors and Prime Minister David Ken Gurion. Most of the editors came to the meeting firmly opposed to the immigration news blackout announced by the Government last week. However, after listening to the Premier, they agreed to give a trial to the irnplemenatlon of the new rule. Meanwhile, the Israel Government lias issued a new order for the appointment of a military censor to Implement its ban on publication of immigration news, The military censor can prevent, in advance, publication of news, including items on which the government might, not be. able to make a court case for punishment.

I,eo A. Duly will receive the eighth annual Americanism Citation of Henry Monsky Lodge, H'nai Il'ritli, it was announced by Ernie Nop,g, the lodge's Americanism committee chairman. The award will be presented at n luncheon in the j •S h e r a ton-Fon- j tenelle Ballroom,* June 25. | Tlie award i based on cnntu-; Jerusalem fJTAi -There have billion by an in-| been so many reiiuesls from fordividual to com-s eign countries for technical assist? munity nnd civic and- from Israeli exports that the betterment, arid Cabinet w a l e d a special interfor general mldepartmental committee lo superv a n c e ment of vise Israel's aid to other countries. c i t i z e n s h i p reThus far, this year alone, 20 responslhllity. A. F. JA:O Duly quests have heen received for the Jacob.son was last year's award help of Israeli experts, several of winner. Other recipients were: W. these applications coining from O. Swansnn, 1952; M o r r i s K. Latin American countries. Jacobs, 195:}; Kdward F. Pcltis, The new I n t er-departmental 1054; Hoherl. II. Sum. 10j!5; Clar- committee decided tentatively to ence L. Landen, 1956 and V. J. give priority io requests for exSluiH, 1957. perts from five areas: West AfMr. Daly, head of the archi- rica, Burma, Iran, Turkey and tectural firm bearing his name, Kthiopla. was general -chairman of the 1959 United Red Feather-Red Cross 70,000 ON ROM'S OF Campaign nnd served as general NEO-NAZI <fHO VFH Bonn (JTA)—At least 70,000 chairman of the Omaha All-AmerGerman youths are members of ican City recognition banquet. His other civic activities include lightly-organized, neo-Nazi groups, Ak-Siir-Ben, O'eighton University according to an article in the Hoard of Lay Regents, Advisory | official organ of the Circle of Board . S t . Catherine's Hospital, | Christian Democratic Students. Omaha Development Council, Omn- • ha Industrial Foundation, and Board of Directors, Omaha Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Daly Is also active In several professional organizations IncludliiK The American Institute of Architects. He vyns recently named Jerusalem, (JTA)—Following a to the 'Board of Directors of the meeting the Israel Cabinet issued Sanities Acceptance Corp. and is a communique slating that "addialso a director r;f the United States tional steps to p r e v e n t piracy" National Bank. were discussed in connection with the crisis that has arisen with the refusal of the United Arab Republic to permit passage of'the Danish freighter, Inge Toft through the Suez Canal. The ship destined Tor the Far Washington, MTA)—The U. S. State Department disclosed that East, was halted three weeks ago the deadline for filing claims for when the captain refused .to unconfiscated furniture and other load its Israeli cargo. Observers here are doubtful types of personal property seized during the Nazi regime, in Austria whether the Cabinet would take has been extended from June 30 any steps against Egypt before the United Nations Secretary General, to December 31, 1939. This was revealed In an an- Dag Hammarskjold, Rets Ills "last nouncement that the Governments chance" to settle the conflict durof Austria and tho United States ing his'forthcoming visit to Cairo. It Is generally; believed here exchanged notes .on May 30 concerning the A u s t r i a n Fund of Hint Israel can do little escopt to $6,000,000 for the Settlement ot take retaliatory action against Certain Property Losses of Polit- Egypt, i( .tlie.Inge Toft Is not porical persecuted;. The Fund was mltted to c o n t i n u e her voyage established to settle claims of per- t h r o u g h tho Suez Canal with sons who suffered from racial, re- Israeli cargo aboard. At I' 10 name ligious or political persecution in time, the opinion prevails ''ere Austria from March 13, 1938 to that tho Israel Government would May 8, 1945, anil whose bank ac- be hesitant to taKe such drastic counts, securities, mortgages ;ind nieiiNiires. On tlio other hand It is cash were subjected to lorccd considered likely" Unit utt«r Jnistransfer* or confiscated. • • " • • tatjon, combined tvltlt potential

Israel Priority Plan For Experts '@n Loan'

Sew York (JTA)—Concrete recuuiiiiendiitlons (or the settlement of tlie Arab rvtugeo problem were advanced here tills week In connection with the World Uefugee Year, which goes into effect on July i, under a mandate from the United Nations General Assembly. The recommendations were outlined In a report presented at a pre«» conference by Elfuii Ree.s, (iutlrmun o{ tliR executive committee of the International Committee for tho World Uefugee Year. Tliey suggested: 1. To accept as "practical" and "hopeful" the offer which Israel made In the United Nations last year to compensate the Arab refugees under certain conditions. 2. As part of dip.over-all settle-

Famous Synagogue To Become fceum Geneva fJTAI- One of the oldest und most sacred of Kuropean synagogues, the famous "Homo" synagogue in Cracow, founded by Rabbi Moses Isserles in 15.").'!, is lo he closed as a house of worship and will be converted into a museum, according to reports from Poland. Protests made by Jews in that country were over-ruled by Polish "authorities.

{Removal of Rome Rome (JTAl—Members of [our opposition parlies in the Home City Council will request the resignation of Mayor Urhano Cioccetti for his refusal to permit, the city's official participation In the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the-liberation of Rome from Nazifascist rule. A speaker at a protest meeting recalled the suffering o[ Rome's Jews during the Nazi-fascist regime, and accused the mayor of "betraying the spirit of the solidarity shown the Jewish fellowcitizens" by Christians In Rome.

ment of the refugees problem fit the Middle East, account must ba taken of property abandoned in Arab lands by 400,000 Jews who "have been forced to leave theiv homes in Iraq, Yemen and North Africa" for settlement in Israel. 3. To consider the repatriation of the Arab refugees to Israel an "physically and politically impossible, and culturally undesirable." 4. Israel should admit some Arab refugees, "under international control, on a quota basis, over a pa« riod of years." 5. The world "should be ready to support Israel financially in Its compensation plan. 0. 'Die United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Arab Refugees from Palestine change its title, to "Works nnd Helief Agency," so as to emphasize the need of rehabilitation of the refugees through work, rather than through, relief activities. UNRWA's mandate expires June 30, I960, and the United Nations must decide at the noxt. General Assembly whether to continue aiding (lie Arab refugees and how to perform that task be* yond 1HC.0.

Civil War Centennial Body Barnes Dr. Korn New York (JTA)—Dr. Bertiain W. Korn, president of the American Jewish Historical Society, has been appointed to the Advisory Council of the Civil War CenVennal Commission of the Federal Government by Major General U. S. Grant, 3d, chairman of the commission. The Civil War Centennial Commission was appointed by Congress to supervise and encourage celebrations by the Federal Government,-the-States and local communities of the various events and experiences of the Civil Wae period. NUWRECOBI) SET Jerusalem, (JTA) — For the first time since the establishment of Israel, foreign currency receipts were larger-than foreign currency espendituies, dining the fiscal yea i- 10.^O-.Vl,

Israel Cabinet Discusses Action Against Egypt in Suez Crisis

First Graduation at Einstein i e d School Deadline Extended New York — Fifty 'men and women received their doctor of medicine degrees at the first commencement exercises of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshlvn University. The event marked tho first time In the more than 300 years of American Jewry that a Jewish sponsored medical school held a graduation. Highlighting the ceremony was departure from taking by students of tha traditional 2,000year-old Hippocratie Oath. Instead, the students, chanted in unison the Declaration of Geneva, a statoment of ethics and principle In which genocide is foresworn. They'pledged not to use their "medical knowledge contrary to the lpws of humanity'' nor to "permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between duty and patient."


For Filing Claims

domestic liuplleutlimH In the pres- completed. The spokesman denied ent election year, mny force tho any connection between the evergovernment lo take some drastic clse and Prime Minister David action. Ben Gurlon's recent statement that Meanwhile, Israeli circles in- Egyptian seizure of Israel cargoes dicated dissatisfaction over the In transit In the Suez C'unnI would fact, that Mr. Haminarskjold is I not re null n u <me-sUte.d actluu. personally proceeding to Cairo to The British government is not Intervene with President. Nasser "intervening" in the Sue? dispute, there for the passage of Inge Toft it was announced by. John Pronnd the Israel cargo. They pointed fumo, Minister of State, when tha out that the fact that the Secre- subject was brought up the Housa tary General "must rush to see of Commons. Nasser, every time the dictator starts mischief" certainly does not. odd to the prestige of the United M M , ADVOCATES CIVIL Nations. They also resented the JIAItRIAOES, DIVORCES fact that HiimmarsUjold's trip is Jerusalem, (JTAI—A Vill pernot scheduled until the end of this mitting civil marriages and dimonth, or early in July, whereas vorces in Israel was introduced the Inge Tott has been held up for in Parliament here hy U\c \eC\more than three weeks now, and wing Mapam party. The bill would Israel * considers the case one of remove "personal status" fiom exgreat urgency. clusive jurisdiction by t!»•"» rabbinUnited Nation sources indicate ate. Under present legislation, all possibilities that the Secretary marriages and divorces must bo General may visit also Israel and performed only under leligious auspices. Jordan when He goes to Cairo, An army spokesman described as "routine" the intensive night 8.UUAK t'ACTOKl' SOI'.U. Jerusalem--A. new su&av tivclory oxerclses ot the Israel Navy's flotilla of torpedo bants. Tho ex- has been sold to Mexican investors, erciser wlilcli included surprise, ill the first transaction of. th« attack*, on floating t argots are kind.



Page Two


Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Omalia.


News nua ppengrs i Iho Dr. Philip BUcr JtrUtBll (Ionic t o r Tlia Aged by Oiivld OiUovv.

Friday, June 19, 1059

Decision Ends FourSyneigogye Seating Dispute

Second Clois Postage Paid ol Omaha, Htbr, Annual Subscription, W.00. Advertising lialcj on Application. Publication Ofllco—101 No. JOIh Street, Omaha, Nebr.. JAckion 13S«.

The Michigan Supreme Court en. Also involved in the case which KADI MA 11 1'KKSKNTS-A F a - | ? n d c d " f oui '-y'-ar dispute involv- was appealed at its conclusion by (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Editor tiler's Day program under the u 1 g' Congregation Belli Tefilas one man Baruch I.itvin, was the Moses in Ml. Clemens when it votleadership ol Mrs. Charles Gnss ed unanimously to forbid mixed issue of the properly rights of nil individual. on .Sunday, June 21 at 2:30 p. m. Mr, Mivin stated the court's deFLOWKKS—At the Home tfiis j seating during religious services cision was not a personal triumph All friends ana relatives are week was sent. l>v Dr. and Mi-s. I a t ln<! synagogue. A hut a victory for Orthodox Judainvited to attend services and A. A. .Steinberg in honor of the l lll(1(1 | | V O l l e M a " Religions i Tlie reception. wedding of their daughter, Donna. supremo court o p i n i o n ism, llowi'ver a synagogue board to Maynard .Small. j hinged on a definition of the con- spokesman, in a newspaper interAltXOM) KIMMIJL view, implied (hat in the future NKW RESIUKNTS-C h a Jacob! r l e s j tKregation as Orthodox, Arnold Kimmel, son of Mr. and , Heingold and Mr, and Mrs. ' m e eslablishing that at one(heof the nearly everyone of the 75 memlierServices Mrs. Charles Kimmel, will observe Shapiro. | tenets of Orthodox Judaism is fiimilies would join in forming a his Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning) NI'.W KXI'KKIMENT—A shell-1 separate scaling for men and woni- new congrcgat ion. at Belli El Synagogue. iM'i'd workshop was started lhis|~ " ~~ l.i>st ('nngroffantH month at (he Dr. Philip Sher JewL';uiilli'lightiii|{: 7:10 p. in. "Mr. I.itvin's victory lias won NKII, SIMON ish Home for the Aged. him a congregation but lost him ItKTH ISKAKL I Mr. and Mrs. Krvin .Simon an-j the congregants; has won him a. Services will begin at 7:30 p. in. j nouiice the Bar Mit/.vah of their i i e a v e tQr decision Ihaf Una cost him the at Beth Israel .Synagogue, Friday. I son, Neil, on Saturday morning, Twelve members of lieth Israel Members of the executive com-! friendship of the rabbi of the. I.ate evening services will he re- June 2~\\\ at Beth El Synagogue. Synagogue Youth Organization miltee of HIP Beth Ul Sisteihood ''.vntigogue siml nearly every family Mimed in (he fall. .Saturday lnoinand Club Tovitn will participate in the Mt. ('lemens community; i)>g services, H:-15 a. m. and Junwill meet for a Births in Ihis-year's annual .SYO camping has won him a court case that ior Congregation, • 10 a. in. Rabbi at. Camp Moshava, Wild I dessert-luncheon News has been received from ] gives him use of-*a building that Benjamin Groner will c o n d u c t prohibits mixed sealing but lost Saturday 'Hdinuil Class al 7:1.1 Colorado Springs, Colo., of "he | Rose, Wis., from June 21st. to 28. \ on Monday, Juno of ;« son, Joshua I.abe lo! Marsha Rosenblatt, Linda Siref, j 2f) „, ,,, e ,,. ) m p o f him a minyan 1o conduct m;rv« p. m. and Mincha, followed by, I.averne Wolf son, Lnrry Feder,; „. „ , . „ ices," the board member stated. Shalosh SVudos and Maariv v.ill ] Kabbi and TMrs. Ainoltl K;uiiian MI Mrs. Morris C. 1 begin at 7-4 ) p m ] June 12. Grandparents arc Mr. rind ViVi Feldman, Carol Fisher, Ray "Sunday 'services begin at 8:15 ] «i'S-_ William Kaiman of Omaha Groner, Helen Kalz, Sheila Rtider- Fellman, piesiail Mr. and Mrs. S. Goldfarh of] man. Dora Gerher, Susi Brook- dent. The sum- f""\ a. in., followed by breakfast and jand the Rabbi's class in Bible. The I Cincinnati, O. .Mrs. Sam I'latt is slein, and Keva Shylton. Rozanne j mer meeling for JOSKPII KKDIiZINKK I Siporin will lie on the Moshava j the entire board v» Sunday morning Junior CongrogM- <ru' Kreat-Kramlinother. i staff as a counselor. I Funeral services were held Sunlion meets at 1 ():.'») a. m. Daily i " ~ , T .. ( Irving Stern who will accom-, is scheduled for day, in Ninth Hollywood, Oil. for flIld rs seivices are held at 7( aa. m. m and |' of •*' ' " • "' '-inunucl urevich August 4 in the Wichita, Kan., former Omahans, pany the group, will be assisted by J Joseph Raduziner, 54, who died 7:">0 |), m. social hall of the i June 10. Burial was in North The Talmud .study group meets ! announce the birth of son, Marc Paysie .Shyken. synagogue. \ , Hollywood. Mr. liaduziner was a The group will leave by bus at every Tuesday at S:.'!0 p. m. and i Gordon, on June 8. They also have B o n r d mem-.Mrs. M. I'VIIinuti former Omahan. 10 p. m. on Saturday from the Saturday morning services at 9 j another son, Richard Jonathon. hers for the coming y e a r , are a. in. at the I'Jth and Hurt Street • Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Belli Israel parking lot. Surviving are \\j(e, L y l l n n , divided into four groups under . Barney Previch of Omaha airtl Synagogue, ' diiiighler, Mrs. F.llio! Fine and a 1 (he four vice-presidents. Ri'gistraliuiis for all Sunday j Mr. and Mrs. Alan Julian of Mi- r.ATIICK'S DAY grandson, North Ilollywopd; a Ways and moons vice-pr'.'Sid^rtl //rs Ralph School and Talmud Torah classes j ami, Fla. Paternal gieat-giand- PROCLAMATION Uofjg tios the following ctiairrfipn: Circle co- j brother, William, Omaha; sisters, ordinators Mmer,. Morrii Brick, Robert t-olnare being accepted for (lie Septein-i father is Max Drevieir of Miami Mayor John Rosenblatt, issued a berg, Norman C. V/oh!ner, Jo-cph Horn- i Mrs, Al Silver, North Hollywood ti t G ber senifster. The Sunday School J and maternal great-grandparents proclamation calling for the ob- stein, andd B Barton Grtcnbera. -; and Mrs. Esther Singer, Omaha. qrains, r/rj. Don Slulzky; llowcr (tinrl, Mrs division accepts children from the j.'.re Mr. and Mrs. J. Kessler of servance of Father's Day, Sunday, Michael Krdtne, and nrft fun(t, A'.n Sam : Stern. June 21 in the Omaha area. age of four through the third Brooklyn, N. Y. Cultural Cultural vice-president Mm. Saul Gfaetz grade, the Talmud Torah. from tieads ttie lollov/inj chairmen: Adult edurathe age of seven and up. For tlon, Wrs. Stev/arl Tully; hooks and publications, r/,n. Gene Rich; Broillf. Mrs, Altin further inhumation call Regent Woltlon; synarjoaue council, tf-ri. Dave Cohn; q!(t ;ticp, //rs Dave Sherman, r/.rs 6288. Harry Railli; Judaism -in thehome, Mrj. NorYale Trustin has been named to of 1h Hoffman House of Delicacies. man Prctt; proarom, Mrs. [A M. Jnbenis; '.ociot actions, Mrs. Rose Hollls; synaqoauo IJ'.VAI J/YCOH AIMS ' the executive committee of the He was with the United States services. Mrs. At Rlmmermnn; Torall lund VKSlll'llOV Morton Richards; Matilda Schethter Omaha Post No. 1 of the Ameri- T r e a s u r y Department for two //.rs. lund. Mrs. 5om Woll; Israel Adairs, Mrs. Services at. H'nui Jacob - Adas- can Legion. years as deputy director and slate Meyer Rubin; sisterhood sctiool relations, Yeshuron will begin Friday at 7:15 sales representative for promot- Mrs. i o l Parsow. Terry Epstein, son (if Mr. and ing payroll savings plans through Arlrnlnlstralivc Admlntttratlvo p. m. and Satwdiiy morning al, vice-president ;/,rs, Sidney Ineider has under tier direction the follow8:30 a. in, with Mincha nt 7:15 .Mrs. Sam Epstein will leave Sat- business and industrial firms. ing chairmen: telephone, Mrs r/.orrls Erp. m. followed by Shalosh S'cuilos. urday for Waultegan, 111., where man; membership, Mrs. Ernest Wlnlroul); Mr. Roflman is an alumnus of secretaries Mrs. Lev/15 and Mrs Daily services at (j:.'3O a. m. and he will spend two months in the Wentworth Military Academy. financial Novak; Public Relations, Mrs Clmer llovatf; employ of the Lalte County Health University 'of Wichita and Unl Standing fjomlnollons, IAn. Joseph Guss. 7:30 p. in.. Soclol Department. He is a junior at the ..TKJIH.E ISKAKL ! Soclol and wellare activities v/lll come unversify of Omaha. j der the |urisdic,tion of Mrs, Hurry Feronsleln. Services will be held in the Tem- University of Nebraska College of •• Those Include Community cooperation, Mrs. I Prvin Simon; fio'.pitalit/, Mrs. Wax Lashinple Chapel at 7:110 o'clock. Rabbi Medicine. Or. Barney Kadi* is attending !' sky; housekeeping, Mrs. Nathan Turner; purBrooks will officiate and deliver a medical seminar in S e a t t l e , ( choilna, Wrs. Sam Ban; rental!, Mrs Max Mr, and Mrs. John Robinson of Moskovllr, and soclol affairs advisory, Mrs t B brief sei-monette. ' Norfolk, Nebr., were week-end Wash. Following the meeting he i George Kaqafi. •,,.•. «.. guests at the home of their son- will go to Sacramento, Cal. to BKTM EL visit Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Golds-1 Dr. Philip S h e r Sabbath evening services will be in-law and daughter, .Mr. nnd Mrs. ton, who recently moved from Dr. Philip Sher awards were pre-1 held at 7 p. in. at Beth Kl Syna- Sidney Tari'n. They had just re- Omaha. lob (Subby) Pulvercnt* sented to Justin Lewis, Madelinegogue, .Sabbath morning services turned from Louisville, Ky., where Kripke and Harold Schneider at; will begin a I 9:30 a. m. The Min- (hoy attended the Bar Mitzvah of Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Milder have Beth El graduation-confirmation; 25 Yoars' Exporionc* cha Service will begin at 7:45 a grandson, Bruce Bltisiiisky. arrived from Cambridge, Mass, to exercises, June 12. Melvin Kats-j With Jowijfr p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rips have spend I he summer in Omaha. Mrs. kee received the Zlola Epstein! Daily services during the week Lettering and Momorials Milder is the former Sharon Kor- Memorial award. His name and \ relumed from B o s t o n , Mass., are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The ney. They will return to CamSunday morning service ia held at where they attended the gradua- bridge in the fall when Mr. Milder that of Harold Schneider were; 2211 So. 8th AT 2452 tion of their son, .Slu-ldon, from placed on the Talmud Torah per-', 8, a. m.... Massachuetts Institute of Tech- will resume his studies at (he \ manent honor roll. ' nology. The latter was on the Harvard University Law School.! Dean's list this year and plans to His brother, Jay h. Milder, an [ enter the University of Chicago artist, also vacationing here, has i in the fall for graduate study. just been notified of the purchase ! CHAIRMEN' NAMKI) FOR of one of his painting by the Art KOHANITE BEAU DANCE FREE ESTIMATES Stephen nnenhfTK served as a j Museum in Dayton, O. for its perRosalind Nogg and Linda Mag- judge in the "high jump" competi-1 m a n e n t collection. He maintains PL 5396 Samin have been over-all chair-, tion at the 381 h annual track and) h i s s U ] d i o j , , N e w York City, Commercial Residential men for BBG's Beau dance, to be field championship meet of the held June 20 from 9 p.' m. until National Collegiate Athletic Asmidnight at the Sheraton-Fonte- sociation at the University of Nenelle Hotel. braska in IJncoln. The son of Mr. . Other c h a i r m e n are Susan and Mrs. I'eter (Jreenberj;, he is Sachs, publicity; Rene Rimmer- doing graduate work at .the UniRUG & UPHOLSTERY rnan, stickers; Judy Pollack) tick- versity where he is also a memCLEANERS "' ets; Judi GendFer, patron (iclwis; ber of the faculty and an anRUGS—CARPETING Bonnie1 Tarnoff, decorations, and nouncer at the University teLeOMAHA'S LEADING Nancy Harding, house parties. vision station. LAMP SHADES Ticlcets may be purchased from .Kosher Meat MarkeJ and Delicatesson FURNITURE Harvey A. noffman has been any Rohanue member or at th<? WA 5554 4415 CUMING Cleaned fa Your Home! appointed merchandising director door. for Buchanan-Thomas Advertising STOP AT Binding—Laying—Repairing WINS SCHOLARSHIP Co. Mr. Hoffman who has been Marshall Bernstein, recent Cen- in the retail food business here Don Bernstein HA 2554 tral High school graduate, was one since 1918 will remain president of four awarded an Arthur BranOur Own Famous Homemade Corned Beef deis scholarship in retailing for the;;'1959-60 school year at the University of Omaha. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bern1535 NO. SADDLE CREEK ROAD stein. .


Beth El Sisterhood Executives to ieet

Monument Co.

110NALD GKEENE WIN* FIKST PLACE IN TEST Ronald Greene won first place in the Nebraska government test a t the American Legion'Boys State In Lincoln this week. He was also named news editor of Boys Cornhusker. Boys State camp newspaper. H$s parents are Mr. and Met. Edward Levinson.

Tired of Your Old Mink Stole7 So Many Years the Same Sfyl'e? W» (TAV* m*ny ne'Y. Bxcttittg: ifylit Irr whicb you wilt food much dtfferv •nf. Our narrm it well-lfnowrr in tov/n^ «lusi> 4sff your fri«ndt abnut MAR* hoimM worhmanifiip-.

' W* Ara RMtonoblc, Toot Call RE 034S for a Fnt»

Air Stotag* & Complrt*

tkr Uniting.


Prompt Attention Given to Phone Orders

Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery

Friday, Juue 19, 1039

Organiiafiens Miss Steinberg Weds Maynard E. Small in Noon Ceremony

PIONKKIt WOMKN'S MKKTS JVSK 2.1 Mmes. .Take Kaplan, Dave Epstein and Isndore f o r b o s ' a r e luncheon commf'tloe members for the monthly meeting of the Pioneer Women's Oi>;;niizijtion, Tuesday, June !£.') a I Ilic Jewish Community ("enter, «1 12:.'i() p. m. Final plans will bo mufle for the linen shower to bo held in tin Labor I.yoi'iim nl 1 p. m. on Jimr .30. Mrs. Kpsteiii, HA -1574, ami her co-chairmim, Mrs. If. Fried RK 9195, may lie contacted in connection with donations of money or clolliinj,'. Klected for the coming year ai< Mines, Milton Noarpnbcrtf, preMdent; Host- .Schwartz, finimcinl 8e< rotary; H. Richlin, recording sec 1-elnry; D a v e Kpstein, cultuu chairman; l i a s i'Viblowifz, local corresponding s e c r <• t. a r y; Jal e I'V'idman, treasurer; Sarah Oliun and II. Richlin, miiionitl fund; II Fried, membership; Marian lionilariii, Bonds; II, Kichlin. chairman, I. Forbes, Bess Ferer, II Fried, telephone committee; Max Feiwlowitz, hospitality; Rose .Schwartz, publicity; .1, Kaplan Dave Kpstein. I.,Forbes, luncheons; J. Kaplan, bake snip, and Sarah OUun, picnic Mrs. Sam Novak, chairman of Israel supplies, will be assisted by Mr. Novnk and Mr. and Mrs. Sum fiifkin. Joe Kiidiimwski was named Onex .Shabbat speaker. I'.MIHAM) M I M I N G J I N K 21, CKNTKIt A report, will be made at the Fat-band Meeting, Sunday at 7 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center by Mrs. Marion Bondaiin on the Miami national convention Which she attended, i Mrs. Milton Ncaiviiburg will entertain with Yiddish folksongs. In charge of the dinner which will be .served are Mines. Max I-Viwlovvilz and I. Forbes, fieservjilions may he made by calliin; Mrs, Feiwlowitz Hi GL O.T'.S.

Page Thre»


Miss Donna Rue Steinberg, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Steinberg became the bride of Maynard Envin Small of .St. Louis, Mo., in a noon ceremony at Beth El Synagogue, Sunday, June 14 Offientinj; weie f{ ibbl Mjei S


Airs Mil) mini E Small Kripke and C a n t o r Aiiron A. The bride was gowned in a Henri Mulle original, fashioned on princess lines and of pure silk penu-de-

Dinner for i i s s Joan Krasne and Fiance

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Katz and Mr. and Mrs. David Romaiiik will be hosts Saturday evening at a pic-nuptial buffet dinner honoring Iheir cousin, Miss Joan Krasne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krasne and her fiance, Milton Marcus. .Sharing In the many social events preceding the marriage of their sou to Miss Krasne on SunIl'NAI Il'ItlTII COUNCIL The new council of H'nai B'rilh day at Beth Israel Synagogue Will hold its first meetinK, Mon- are Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Marcus of day, June 22 at 8;;'.u p. m, at the Flushing, N. Y., who arrived two weeks ago. A dinner-dance at Jewish Community Center. the Town House will follow the ceremony. / UINN'KIt TO OIISKItVU Other parties have been given FATIIKIt'S DAV for Miss Krnsne by Mines. Harry The Dramatic Group of the Kidman, Sidney Saklyn, Jack SayWorkmen's Circle will observe Ian, Milton Stiylnn, Leo Sherman, Father's Day with a dinner, Sun- Harold Zelinsky, Lena Zelinsky, day, .June L'l at fl p, in. at. the L'ugene Braun, Dan Gordmun, Labor Lyceum. Louis Wilkin has Nathan Murcus, Martin Lesser and been named 'Father of the Year" the Misses Annette Kosowsky and nnd Morris Goodman. '-.Son of the | I J o s e Lagman. She was also honorYear ed at. a no-hostess luncheon* Chairman of the evening will Out-of-town guests expected for be Max Crounse. Arrangement the week-end are Mrs. Max BergCommittee will include Mines. er, Long Island, N. Y., Mrs. Joye'tta Orensleln, Sam Bernstein, seph Zelinsky, grandmother of and Nathan Lerman. Dinner will Miss Krasne; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney be served by Miss Silver, Mrs. Raskin, Stephen and Linda RasM i l t o n and Mrs. Max LeVine. kin, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln H. Lowe, Singing will follow under the di- Miss Barbara Lowe, Mrs. Sarah rection of Sam Zwerllng. Knox, all of Sioux City, la.; Mr. and Mrs. M a u r i c e Fink, Mrs. Esther Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schiffer, all of Denver, Colo., Mrs. Sam Riaff Kxcelsior Springs, Mo.; Samuel Kaplan, Kansas City, I Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Levin, A no-host bachelor stag wass i U o c l ( Is |., IK | f in U1U| M r . and Mrs. held Wednesday, June 17 at the! Harris Sirinsky, Chicago, III. Fireside Restaurant for Morris] Jtonald Brodkey, who will leave ] Sunday for Oklahoma City, Oklti., IHSTAMttJT 1HW1KTTel Aviv where bis marriage to Miss Beth , , (JTA)- The li)5i) Hisset at. 22,500,Hannah Gladslein will take pl»cc < a m " t l ) l " ' « e l On Sunday, June 28. • 000 Israeli pounds. Miss Gladstein i.s the daughter] of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Glad-1 FOR THE FINEST . . . stein of Oklahoma City. She was I IN PHOTOGRAPHY the recipient of a special citation I Portrait* UK the outstanding woman in the I t marketing department at the Uni-j Woddingi verslty of Oklahoma upon her j Commercial graduation this month. ! Mr. Brodkey, a 1958 graduate of j the same university, recently returned from active duly at Fort Benjamin Harrison. He will be joined in Oklahoma City later In the week by his parentB, Mr. nnd Mrs, David Brodkey and,his brother, Robert, a student at Dartmouth College, who is expected j home, Sunday. •j The senior Brodkeys will honor PHOTOGRAPHER iheir son and his'fiancee at a pre817 SOUTH 36TH STREET nuptial dinner on Saturday eveHARNEY 1044 nlnfr, June 27 at the Hotel Sklrvin in Oklahoma City, '''-''••'.

soie and imported Brussels lace. Her bouffant four-tiered veil of Imported illusion was caught by a band of imported lace, studded with seed pearls. She carried a white orchid and stepanolis, on a Bible. Miss Rocbelle Sleinbcrg, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. I She wore white lace over petal pink taffeta. Bridesmaids were I Mrs. Marshall Small, San Fran' eisco, Cal., Mrs. Mendel Small, | Miss Debra Small, both of Kansas i d l y ; and Miss Dena Incite, In| dependence, Kans. Shni'i Gay Marx i of Lincoln, was flower girl. All i were attired identically. i Mr. Small, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Small of Kansas City, chose his brother, Mendel Small, as his best man. Ushers were Marshall Small, a M o t h e r brother, Larry I Small, Wlllard Small, the latter 'two of Kansas City and Lt. Nell ' Miller, Omaha. A breakfast, and reception at the Town House followed the ceremony. The couple left on a two week's trip to Las Vegas, Nev. and California. They will make their home in St. Louis. Iliiiinle risk, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Stanley l''islt wishes to thank the many persons who remembered hor on her confirmation with irnlnngramH.

SPACK SATEIXITK TKACINO STATION FOR ISIJAEL Tel Aviv, (JTA)—The Israeli Astronautical Soeiely, which has Mr. and Mrs. Charles ROBS will its headquarters at Haifa asked American authorities to set up in entertain at an open house at Israel a space satellite tracing statheir residence Sunday evening. tion, to be operated by Israeli Honored will be their son and .crews.\ daughler-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Justin (Dusty) Ross of Los An- AWAItDKD 1'KIZE FOIt BOOK B u e n o s Aires — The Matias geles, Cal. and another son, AlStoliar Prize, instituted for the vin, who was graduated this month best Yiddisl) books of the year, from the University of Nebraska was awarded to a young Israel writer, losl Bernstein, a member School of Law, No invitations have been issued. of the Gvat Kibbutz for his book "Schmole Trotuarn." Mr. and Mrs. Justin Koss, here with their children, Jeffrey, Gayle and Maureen, will return to California on June 26. riitunno CANTONES1 APPETIZERS

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Plan Open House

40th Anniversary For Mr., Mrs. Rips

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rips will celebrate their fortieth wedding anniversary at. a reception in their honor, Tuesday evening,. June 30. The event will be held at. the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Rips, 711 North 6!)lh Street. All friends and relatives ure invited. No invitations have been Issued. Patronize Our Advertisers


TIIANK-YOIT Mr. and Mrx. Natlum liexnlck of Los Angeles, tltil. wish to thank all their many frelnds and relatives for the lovely hospitality tbry enjoyed during their visit hi Omaha. Tliey nlso want to wish them the best of luck nnd loads of liapplnesw.

Former Omahan Will Live in California Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Cohen of Lincoln, Neb. and their family will move to Beverly Hills, Cal. in June. Mr. Cohen, Ihe .son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen of Omaha, Ihree limes headed Lincoln Philanthropies campaigns. Mrs. Cohen, who on several occasions has addressed community groups in Omaha, has been active in synagogue, Hadassah and- Philanthropies activities in Lincoln. r O P CONCKRT, JULY 7 The American premiere of n cantata for cjioruii anil orchestra, "A Scottish Fantasy" will be featured at the second Pop Concert, Tuesday, July 7, at Peony Park. Dancing will follow tho concert.



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F»K« Four

Friday, June 10, 1959


B'nai B'rith Sees Israel Panorama

Mexico Marks

(By Malkali Itajmist)

VAKSITV LKAfiUE SOFTBALL The J.C.C. Varsity Softball team remains unbeaten as they defeated II was quite an experience to accompany a group of H'nal B'rilh delegates to their triennial Conthe Knights of Columbus 5-3 last vention in Israel on a tour of the country and to listen to their comments. Sunday at Boyd Field. Ray Kirkc's Th<» group was on its way Jrom Jerusalem to Beershebu and was typical of the average Jewish Mexico City, (JTA)—Practic- sharp pitching plus some fine hit.businessmen in the United States, though many were retired or semi-retired. The particular bus in which I wns traveling contained Jews from all over the United States, living as far apart as Washing- ally every sector of Mexican life, ting by Stew Kahn were the main ton and South Carolina. They had different accents and different dispositions, but on the whole they governmental, Jewish communal factors in the win. Al Hograd and general press, is participat- made two fine fielding plays in were a fairly homogenous mass, and all of them in Israel for the first time. ing toward making the state visit the last inning to help preserve were uncritical, but that could ferent directions, had crossed at here of Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's the win. Keuutrd Like Children J.C.C. OL.DTIMKKS They listened attentively to ev- hardly be expected on a whirlwind this point. Here they had come Foreign Minister, R brillant suc- i ery word uttered by the guide tour where nothing is seen at close into real contact with the fabulous ess. Mike Borshansky and Al 13o(iift For President asked some pertinent questions quarters, where the guide's word Israel that they were seeing but grad c o m b i n e d their pilchinx has to be taken for granted, and with which they hod had no feeland were severely disapproving of Mrs. Melr was met at the Inter- talents -as the oldtimers hung a when most is seen through the bus ing of contact, having remained anyone who talked during explana- window. national Airport here, upon her 20-10 loss on Independent Metal. outsiders and onlookers all the tions. They reacted to almost evarrival from Chile, by Foreign EJICII of them felt proud of hav- time. Many of the soldiers spoke Minister Manuel Tello. She visited The win places the Jay club ia ery sight like children on theii second place, one game behind the ing contributed to the State of IsEnglish, tome spoke German or f i r s t railway trip, everything Mr. Tello at the Foreign Minis- league leading Police team. rael in one way or another and Yiddish, and lively' conversations aroused their excitement and wontry, then paid a formal visit on YOUTH COUNCIL LEAUUE der. They craned their necks to rejoiced in its achievements. The ensued. The tourists patted them President Adolfo Lopez Maleos. hardship*, handicaps and odds, did Next Sunday, Raylm' leaguo on the back, touched their weaplook back at two gaunt Yemenites She presented to the President an real to them; 11 was like ons, asked where they were born. lending club will face a stern engaged on de-stoning a hill slope not 18th Century, silver, elhrog cup, test from A.Z.A. 1 as they meet at reading literary fiction. On the They felt that now they were realin Judaen. and gave the Foreign Minister an Klmwood Park, Both clubs havo "Say, wheat! Real wheat!" they whole, it Mas a rosy, glossy tour ly in Israel, talking to real Is- oil painting by an Israeli artist, hard hitters and the last time they yelled, "Imagine!" and they mar- in technicolor, with not only Round raeli soldiers, many of whom had Ann Schicho. Later, she placed a met, Raylm squeezed out a one velled at the wheat as if they had effects, but also changes In tem- never been outside Israel, had wreath at the foot of the Monu- run win. A.Z.A. 100 will tackle never seen a ghetto and had never ment to Mexican Independence. never seen any before. When two perature, smell and tastes. Ronu A.Z.A., who are seeking their In Touch With Itenl Israel lived among the Gentiles. Real She was accompanied on her of- first league win. 'young boys, each carrying a small This strange feeling of "detachflesh and blood Jewish soldiers. ficial visits by Israel's Ambassasheep came into sight, they asked the driver to stop and all of them ment, of being rushed through After all, camels and Arabs can dor here, Gen, David Shaltiel. Use the Want: Ads to buy, rent' trooped out to photograph or film technicolor at great speed, sud- be found in Hollywood as well, Special Session Held denly ceased when we stopped for but not Ihis. or sell. the boys and 1he sheep. A special session was held here cold drinks at one of (he modern "Have you never seen sheep be- road-houses near a pumping sta"You know." snid a quiet, ser- today in honor of Mrs. Meir by fore?" tion. A crowd of young soldiers ious-looking man, summing up the the Joint Permanent Commission "Oh. yes, but ihis is different." with their officers had arrived thoughts I was trying to forinu- of the Mexican Senate and Chambefore1 us and were clamouring: late to myself: "Kverylhing I saw ber of Deputies. The Commission Varment Make Impression .Vineyards and orange grovf.s mound the bar. The tourists sur- is fine, and I loved every minute is Parliament's continuation group left them unmoved Inn wheat, rounded thorn, talked to them, of it. I!ut. this is when I felt for during a period when Parliament small tuo-uhffled photographed them and - -for the the first time in touch with real is not in session. A special gala sheep and cart pulled by a mule with a few first lime there was real contact life. Until now it. was more like reception was also given for Mrs. farm boys and Kirls hanging onto between them and Israel. Two dif- seeing a long film, only much more Mi'ir in the salon of the Foreign it, impiesM'd them immensely. ferent streams, flowing in dif- fatiguing." Ministry, where the guests inThey could not believe that these cluded members of Ihe Mexican are most ordinary sights all over Cabinet and Ihe diplomatic corps. 'Israel. They do not behove their Special audiences were given for eyes when Ihey see a farmer, but Mrs. Meir by the Ministers of s m o k e - belching factories or Labor and Kducation, where Mrs. streamlined modern housing projMi-ir discussed witli the respecects are accepted as real, with aptive Ministers the labor and educaWashington, D. C, (JTAi— A. Welles, as well as related mem- tional legislation and practices in proval but without enthusiasm. They llKinclli'il tint there is so chaptcr of the political activity of j oranda, highlight the efforts to Israel. inucli agriculture in Israel. They American Zionists is reflected In ; prevent British commitments or HOLIDAY IN OMAHA Cultural Agreement Signed iiud ncM-r believed It, tliinlilnu it | a volume of diplomatic papers re-1 negotiations involving a legal and j Meanwhile, at the Foreign Min: was mere runil-rjilslnif propag:in- latinf,' ' " U. S. foreign policy in political change of 1 lie status of ] l s f ' ^ ! ' " , j " c uH\ n ' a l agreement "was MEET ENDS da. When they saw Mist cultivated !'•>!]. It was released here by the j Palestine before the end of the ^envd' | , K ] . i y between Israel and SATURDAY areas, lln-v w,-r.. ,,ma»»l. They Department of State. j war. Mexico. Under the pact, exchanges hud difficulty In grasping that »'»A considerable portion deals; It is evident from tho diplomatic a r e provided for students, lecpro ter shortage anil nothing else is either directly or indirectly with \ papers that the I'. S. (iove.rnment turers and university professors the cause of so much I.mil still! Die activities of American Zion- j was aware of the danger to Jews from each of the countries. Special lying barren. 'ists on behalf of what was then in Palestine, should the Axis units stipends will be granted, under "So this is the < •s»Tl? My, iny:"| c a i| P ( ] ., "Jewish National Home." advance further. It made sonic the agreement, to Mexican stuexclaimed n man at the sight o f j T i i e volume is one of a series, en- provisions for transportation of dents who will study in Israel, and 9 - RACES SATURDAYS - 9 the first patch of yellow l.uid. titled "Foreign Relations of IheiLVS. citizens who wo-.i'id want to to Israeli students who will pur"Haven'I you seen a desert be- United States. Diplomatic Papers." leave Palestine, and planned to S l l e | | i P j r studies in this country. fore?"1 "Oh, yes. 1 Jived many {Including StaU and F«d, Tax) It transpires from memoranda * npjironcli King Ibn Sand, of Saudi years in the State of Colorado. LADIES' DAYS nn conversations of State Departj Arabia, to make, hint exert hi* InACTION AGAINST UAVAHIAX But this is different." TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS mint officials with British and flm-ncc upon his. co-rellgloiilsts to ANTI-SEMITIC 'PimLISIIKKM Stop Bus for Camels Admlnlon for Lodlti 354 All were surprised to hear Hint Turkish diplomats In Washington j refrain from blood-shed. In nil-j Munich f JTA)—The Bavarian NO CHILDREN ADMITTED there, are 200,000 Arabs living in that these two embassies professed other aren where Jew* were in I Ministry of the Interior has starlDON'T MISS THE Israel, and that they an- not hat- to he greatly aljurmed by the j Jeopardy—in the French 7.ori« of j c d 'notion agalnsl the anti-Semitic $15,000 AK-SAR-BEN ed. In Boersheba they wore dis- formation of tin- American-Pules- j Morocco — the •V.fi'. Government | Arrow Cross publishers. HANDICAP JULY 4TH appointed at the few Rcduins they line 'Committee — made up of ; f'Ulcl find no legal basis for a pro-1 Officials of the group, which saw, finding them drab and tamp. Senators, Congressmen, Cabinet :'<"«* against discrimination, al- j maintains a research center and ;uid other prominent! though the Anieriean Jewish C.'oni-jn library of fascist nml anti-SemiMost likely Ihey e\r)erii"(] e*'rlh fif '*' them to look like an Ibn Sa'ud, Americans- and asked State I)e- '•• mlltce had suggested that It do so, j t j c literature in upper Bavaria, are expected soon to receive a request armed to his teeth, glaring dan- parttnent officials to explain to [ to leave the West Oerman Hcpub gerously ami-bristling with hatred. members of the commit let; "the! lic voluntarily and to "seek politThe Beduin women, so colorful dangers Inherent in Mieh an orical asylum elsewhere." and impressive, drew no reaction ganization." The British were parat ull. But when they saw a few ticularly alarmed by arrange- j camels glazing at a distance, mak- meats for a dinner nt whirl.. Dr.! • I s r . 1 ,.i... F o 3 ! i i , , ) l a n t s f o u n d i n ing haughty faces at the passing Cliaim Wetemnnii was scheduled ; ,, ) e N ,,^,, v , n ] f l 5 7 b y a n e b r e w traffic, they shrieked with ecstasy, to speak. j University botanist-have been idendemanded that the bus stop again, Lord Halifax, the British Am- tified as specimens of coniferous and riishrd to admire and photo- bassador, called upon Secretary flora belonging to the Early or graph them. of State Cordell Hull regarding Middle Jurassic Period, some 150 When we arrived to Aslikelon the "pro-Jewish activities" and milii.in years v.lien part of one could hear: "Now this is just was told that it would be difficult | thnli Negev was evidently covered what I like. Like Florida. Like to deal with this matter. The U.S. j with luxurious vegetation. Minmi. I say, which.ocean is this'/ Minister in Cairo, Alexander C. The discovery was made by Dr, Jerusalem has local color all right, Kirk, went as far as stating in a .1. Lorch, Instructor in Botany at but give me this kind of real cable to the Secretary of State the University, while on a visit and thing any time." that "the maintenance of present to the Machtcsh Ramon in the My neighbor in .the'bus. after concepts in respect to Zionism Central Negev. The plants were local moving, gazing fur a long time at the map, constitutes a major obstacle to found in rocks of greyish clay packing, storage could not understand why it is the successful prosecution of the which had been removed from an thai we turn north to go to Tel war." experimental tunnel dug1 by the Aviv from Beersheba. A woman, The U.S. Government declined Israel Mining Company. Dr. Lorch on he.'ring that Afridar is a South took the specimens to Britain, to follow the advice of the Min- where African venture, suggested bringlie studied them for three ister. Acting Secretary of State ing all the South African Jews to months in cooperation with Dr. Slimmer Welles explained in his Israel and to save them from perW, C'halonor, of University Colsecution. Hardly any of them had answer that "well-informed Arabs lege, London. a notion of Israel's frontiers, let are quite aware that the Zionists The study of these planln may alone of the countries that sur- play a far more important part round Israel. Several solutions in American politics than do Arab result in a substantial contribution Sales Representative were offered to ease the political sympathizers; thus the Arabs to the knowledge of plant environJtuation, such as annexing the themselves would value an Amer- ment in the Jurassic Period, espeand making a pact with ican declaration of this character cially as no comparable discovas a mere self-convenience state- eries nrc known to have been made Jordan. anywhere else in the Middle East. ment." "Modern" Pleases Tourists Another of Mr. Kirk's prophecies They liked their guide. They were very pleased with everything did not come true cither. He. wrote 1»TH .IKWr.SII MKMBER that loktd modern and stream- that the project of a national Jew- IN BRITISH COMMONS London, (JTA) — J. Menclelson lined and accepted everything they ish home in Palestine "has not were told at face, value. They were only failed ill the past, but is In- became the 191h Jewish member noisy, good-natured and friendly, c a p a b l e of realization In the of the House of Commons, nfter . winning the Labor Parly's seat in happy to see things with their future." Mf. • ON I). «. HISHWM » Ml. | . M IUVICI f » " H». 1 I t M M COMMUNITY own eye>, yet not quite believing An exchange rjf letters between by-elelcions in Prni&tone, York..-• their- oyc.s. On the wliolo -Iliey Rabbi Stephen Wise and Summer! shite.


Anti-Zionist intrigues Are Told sc


Ancient Flora Found in Negev

Nolspecialist in long-distance moving



1201 Jones

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