July 3, 1959

Page 1


No. 43

Puhilslicd every Friday, 101 N. yoth. Omolia. Nebraska, t'iiono JA 18UU lOV ;\Vt

AH of JIIIIB '!(), 1 !).">»



Second Class j'o.stiiKx I'ukl at. Omaha, Nel>l .

3, MSB

Annual Itata 4 Dollorl SIHRIC Copy 10 Cent*


Per Gesii U.S., ows American Bo it


New York (JTA I - Kit;) y pn cent of the 5.2o'0,000 ,U" J1OW living in the United Sta •s a i e American-born, according o t i l " 1959 edition of the Amerie. J e u Division 1»5» Total ish Year Hook published jo illy b> Initinl Cilts $;jM,4:i7.5() the American Jewish Coi m i f t r e Men's Division ... Z"i,lL»2.()0 and the Jewish Publication Women's Division (i2,L'(>0.f)0 of America. I?. A I». Unit a.«)H7.50 'Hie year book carries data Children's Division 3,871.50 '«*>«^xl»* showing that in the 12-yea postHigh School Division J/i(M.15 war period, from 194(> to 195H ! i University Division 275.00 Jewish philanthropy conti United Organizations 2,807.50 more than $1,7H(),0()0,000 II rough Miscellaneous ],1:10.00 central Jewish community i rgani zations for a broad number of di Total $') ••lU.ZTi.fi.'S verse causes. In another s'ction, the year book reported tha antiSemitic agitation in this c null'} 'W"*»ffi»"^>^yi»."j{'w-WT' has increased in the Soutl with the growth of desegregati I tenWorn tliiin 000 reprrxf ntalivts of Anurii.in Jnw-h loinmiiiutint sions. prustnlrd MS nO.OOO in cash <ol!c i (IDTIS ugainst pledges to the na» In a report on world Jewisji poptimi»idu 1II59 United Jen mil Appt.il uini|uiKii, SuaiUi), June 21, Residents of Jewish homes for vivois Insurance. Very few had ulation, the year book said there 111 the U.IA'H Niilional (.'ash (onforenct at the Ilolol liooscvell in tin' aged me generally older than supplementary incomes from in- was a total Jewish popillaliin esNow York City. Delegated passed a resolution urging Jewish comin previous years, Use longer, are timated at more than 12,0(0,000. munities in the United States to raise a like amount of cash in th» subject to more hitmen's and re- vestments or public assistance. last half of I1I39, for a year's total of $75,000,000 cash. .Shown with Of this number, about 0,210,000 UcspniisihUitlcH quire an increasing aniount of symbolic check representinjr cash announced at conference art', left Jews live in North, C'enln and to right; Mclvin Duhinsky, U.IA National Cash ('Iniiriniiii, Morris W. medical care and services. These Two crucial questions raised by South America: about •'!,-"J0.000 Ilcrinstvin, U.IA General (hnirnian and Itnhlii Herbert A. l-'ricdman, me. among the major findings of the study are: To what extent can are. in Kurope, while Asii has r U.IA Kvi-cnfivt; Vic« CliairMnn. tin? National Study of the Council about. 1,900,000.-Some .>fi0,00( .Tews the Jewish homes for the aged asof Jewish Federations find Welfare live in Africa, and about J5.000 Knurls on the health needs of resi- sume responsibility f<jr the care are in Australia and NcW'Zo dand. dents of Jewish homes for theof the menially impaired without The population of Israel, i< cord mjeil, neglecting the needs ol other ail- ing to the year book report, s apMental Impairment ing residents?; and how can an ex- proximately 1,7HO,000 Jews; and Arteriosclerosis mill mental Im- tended spychiiilric service be or-217,000 non-Jews. Jerusalem, (JTA I-Civil courts pairment ivero found to lie tlie ganized and financed?.' will have exclusive authority to most widespread ailrne.nis afflictJerusalem (JTA'i- A bill to pay issue orders for adoption of chilTint financial problems created ing tho aged. ThT* greatest scourge, government allowances, ranging dren under a bill which has passed Hie report declared, was mental hv the Increasing health needs of from six Israeli pounds per month its first leading in Knesset. liii|)alriiient, ranging from loss of the residents are likely to grow Rejecting objections of Religious mental vigor to e.vlrrnin defieleu- mure si'rloim In the future. The Vienna, (JTA) — Thousai Is of to ten pounds, lo all families with <lci. Almost 7(1 per cent of nil III— average age 111 the home* will most Jews from nil 'over Poland gat eretl four children or more, was intro- Party deputies, Finchns ltosen, duced in the Parliament. The likely cnnliiiiic to climb ami with Minister of Justice, who introfirinary iiatlents Ntmlieil were (lie added yearn will come. In- at tho Olympic Stadium in \ oc- measure, sponsored by the Minis- duced the bill on behalf of (lovjil'iitally confused. law, to watch the Israel for >all try of Labor, and approved by the ernment, said that Jewish religious creased health problems. It was to Cabinet's e c o n o m i c committee, law does not cover arloptions of 'l'iireo qunrlois of the residents also hollevrd that evpauslon ami team play the Polish team-a thrill to the music of Hat vah would go into effect November 1, children, only guardianship. Ho covered by the study r e q u i r e d Improvement of Jienllh services medical visits once a week or less; will result from community pres- played by an official Polish ind, and would cost the Ciovernmenl 7,- said that there was therefore no while the Israel flag flew fr I a 700,000 pouds a year, if adopted. 20 per cent required more exten- sure* for adeipiale Institutional conflict between Israel's civil a,nd sive service.'Mt'il . th<" remainder earn for morn people with pro- flagpole. religious courts In this area. All Israelis with families of four The Israelis, participating i the deeded L'illit.c tia.ily visits or <i doc- longed llliip.xH or serious Impairor more children would benefit. The huHic provision of the. bill in International Football Conle at r tor constantly on c:iH. All- J>ol.- n ment. Wroclaw, lost lo the Pules,7-2, The assumptions underlying the rstahllNlimcnt of procedures . or fraction needed nuir.inj.; service: The residents cannot be ex- But the sentiments of the V lisli proposed legislation are that the the termination of obligations and '">(> per wnl received sonic nursing pected to absorb the resultant inaverage worker is able Ui provide rights between tlie chilli and Its service in the residential units and crense in costs. The study which Jews witnessing the game wa cx- for a family with no more than natural parents and blood r'cla* practically nil in Hi • infirmaries stressed the importance of ade- pressed by an elderly Jewish \ m- three children, and that the moth- lives, nit'J the transfer of those ol>required regular nursing services. quate public assistance and espe- en who stated: "We don't about the defeat of the I;aeli er of a family wHh more than M^atlons and rights to tin: adopted Average ngn Is 80 cially of improved rates of p;.yment team. For us, it was enough hat three children Is liable to supple- cliilil and the adopting ugcnclc.R. The study revealed that (lie to homos for the aged which actu- we heard Hatikvah player on ment the family's income, being The Justice- Minister, in reply sierage age of the residents had ally perform the functions of high- Polish soil by nn official hand, ml loo busy to hold a job because of to ' q u e s t i o n s , said that the r sen to 80 years.'The women out- ly developed nursing homes. to see the Israel flag flying h •e." the burden of caring for her chil- adoptee's natural parents would dren. The new benefits would go continue lo be recorded in the naniiniber the men by over 50 perto all families eligible because of tional population registry to avert ThcII a g u e, ( J T A t - T h e cent. The Increase of mental imyear-old Ashkcnazl synagogu in the number of children, regardless any possibility of an adopted child pairment requires psychiatric care of whether the head of the family marrying a sibling. the former Amsterdam Oh ;lo, as we.ll as nursing services. is employed or unemployed, and desecrated during World Wa Contending that the measure II. Kesldcllts Are Dependent regardless of whether the family would fill a serious gap in present will be restored with financii The economic conditions of the London (JTA) - • Dr. August from the Dutch C.o\einment aid is itch oi poor rangeinenls, Dr. Rosen disclosed residents, as revealed by the slurry, Uiidt, United Nations High Comthai 107 children were adopted by show their dependence on both missioner for Refugees, described non-relatives in ]f)r>7. Of these, h« • public assistance and Old-Ace Sur- as "terrible" the fact that there said, 81 were born oul'of wedlock was in Kuropenn refugee, camps a and 11 came from.separated famthird generation of refugees. ilies. He sairl 115 other children Speaking before the -Combined had been adopted by relatives of Overseas Rehabilitation and Refuthe parents. . gee Appeal, he asserted that the "misconception that a refugee was Jerusalem, ' fJTA)— Tlie Israel Lin Heads JWB Kaiser-Frazer Company announced charity" should be fought. lie said New York, (JTA) — Solomon that it has received its first order there were re f u g e e es who bad Lilt, who has been 'chairman of tho from Colombia for $1,500,000 worth changed the outlook of their host executive committee of the Naof jeeps and other vehicles. The countries in many respects, both tional Jewish Welfare Board sinca order will be filled under a trade economically and culturally. 195.'!, has been elected national agreement with Colombia, calling To accept, refugees Is "u lesson president of the JWB. for import: here of Columbia cof- and not. a burden," he declared, fee. and cited one country in an lipThe firm has resumed exports to parent reference to It u m a n i a , Turkey, sending GOO d e l i v e r y where people had packed, surtrucks. The company's exports for rendered their jobs, homes mid the first lialf of this year will ex- everything and now were preventRcftiu.'-nls of Hie Dr. Philip Slier ceed the value of the exports dur- ed from leaving. Ho said they, too, Home for the Aged will be the were in dire need of assistance. ing the similar period of/liiHS. guests of tlie Council of Jewish Women for an hour's outing each weelt, The organization has chartered a bus to take the Home residents fur a ride from 6:3(1 p . m . to 7:30 p. m: each Tuesday 'evening during July and August. Parents who plan to enroll their season. All members of the Golden Age children in Camp Jay-C-C: should Rates for the second, session are Club are invited to participate in do so at once, since tlie first ses$90.00 for Omnhans and $100.00 the motor .jaunts and those intersion, July 19 lo August 1 Is alested are asked to contact David ready filled to capacity, Norman for non-residents, Departure Information and othor Orkow, superintendent at t h o Bait, Camp Chairman disclosed, home. ' Thte heavy registration has left data for campers and parents have Mrs. Albert'(Jaw, Council direc•oniy several openings for- the sec- been mailed to those regl-sterud tov lor for Home ret-real ion and therond anil final ses.'Xon, August 1 the first period. Additional Inforapy, is in cli-"-'e ot arangements to August id. Mr. Halt said he an- mntion'Is available a t tha cnrtip for this program. ticipated a waiting list again this offlco, JA. 1360. The following arc current reports from divisions in the 15159 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: ,


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Israeli Families With Four Children Hay Oef AlSowances





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' "r-frf*"™«™

Knesset Considers Law on 'Adoptions'

Polish Jews W a ch Israel Sport Team

Third Generation of Refugees In Gamps

Israel Vehicles Sold to Colombia

Bus ^<les Arranged For .m& Residents

Openings Only forSecond Camp Jay-C-C Session, First Filled


Page Two

Friday, July 8, 1950


Omahans in the News Stuart Gottlieb hog resigned his Mr. mill Mrs. Morris Huffman Neun ana happf-nlnes at The Dr. Philip Slur Je»li,li III.mo l o r The Aicd t » position as assistant professor of and children, Paul, Rachel and David Orltuiv. t Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. law at Creighton University to be- David have arrived from Mon' Second Class Postage Paid a* Omaha, Nebr, come associated with the firm of terey, Cal. to make their homo in Annual Subscription, SJ.CO. Advertising Rules on Application. Publlcalion Office—101 Ho. 20th Street, Omaha, Hcbr« JAck!,on utb. MI;SlCAI..rc—The management Omaha. They at Ihe Commodore (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Editor invites you to a musical program White, Lipp Mid Simon. Mr. Gott- Hotel and will reside nt <>950 Cumto be presented by members of lieb who holds an A.B. from Ilofthe Omaha Symphony Orchestra stra ColU.'i;e, Hempstead, N. Y. in g Street after July 10. Mr. Hoffat the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish and on L.L.B. from Georgetown man is librarian at Northern Na•Home for the Aged on Wednesday, iL m v c e n t o r Washington, I). C, tural das Company. The J.C.C. Varsity Softball team J u l y X at 2:00 p. i n . angaged in private practice in the INI>KI'KNI)KN<:K DAY I-AHTY latter city before coming to Oma- Mrs. Ilirhiird II. Miller and lost their first game of the seaMrs. Kurl N. I.mils haw been reson to the tough Knights of Colum- —July Titli under auspices of the ha. He has contributed to I lie appointeil as members of the Omabus siiuad 3-1. Ray Kirke pitched Workman's Circle Auxiliary. Georgetown Law Journal and re- ha Public Library staff for a (JltASS SV.KD DONATICIJ— cently completed on article on three-yeur term. a nifty one hitter but hjs teampounds of Blue Grass legal education in Israel which will mates were guilty of three miscucs Twenty-five .seed donated to the Home by Mr. be published soon. Culiforiiians visiting in Omaha which gave K of C their win. The and Mrs. Henry Newman. He is a mi'inber of ihe Amer- are Mrs. Leonard Rosenblatt, and loss, however leaves the Jay lads CandlrllffliUiig: 7:41 p. m. KM)WICKS—Were sent by the j daughter, Susan of San Franin a tie for first as tlie Midwest family of the late Mrs. Jennie I ican, Nebraska find Omaha bar cisco, a nil her sister-in-law Mrs. associations, a B'nai H'rllh Henry A.C. also lost their firet game Habler. «, Mon.sky lodge executive committee, Sidney Epstein, and daughters, Services will be held tliie Friday last Thursday night. The Club Sunny and Nicki of Los Angeles. A KIDDISH—Wan given our a t 7:30 p. m. in tlie Temple Cliapel. league is listed ns the toughest folks by our cook, Krie Mae White- BBYO Council and is president of Mrs. Rosenblatt, the daughter of the Bread Breakers. Nathan Novak will officiate, league in Ihe city an four of the side, on the occasion of her mar.Mr. anil Mrs, ICuoen KpHti'ln, and areas top pitchers are playing. riage to Asbcrry Webster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schneider Susan are guests at the home of BETH EL and son, Stuart l'hillip of Univer- Mr. anil Airs. .Morris Ailter who They are Bill Hinchey, South sity City, Mo., will arrive on July became the parents of a son, RobServices at Beth El Synagogue Omaha K of C. Lee Tilford K of C, ert Allen on June 22. Mrs. Sidney •will begin at 7 p. m. this evening. Ace Hill, Midwest A. C. and the .A monument will be dedicated to 11 fora visit with Mrs. Schneider's Epstein, the daughter-in-law of the mother, Mm. Anna !W. Sosldn and Jay's own Ray Kiiko. Sabbath morning Bemce it at 9:30 the memory of Meyer Kirslion- her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. senior Epsteins, and her children In the Youth Council League bauin, Sunday, July 5 at 11 a. ni. and Mrs. Milton A. Niisldn. Mrs. are at the home of her parents, a. m; Mincha-Maariv services are Rayim is on top and are unbeaten. at Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Officiating Schneider is the former Harriet Mr. mill Mr«. Sam Steinberg. at 7:45 p. m. A.Z.A. No. 100 Is in second place, will be Rabbi Nat him Feldnian Soskin. Sunday morning services are at followed by A.Z.A. No. 1, while and Rabbi Myer S. ICrlpke. Foul Veri't, Jewish Federation 9 a. m. The daily services i n al Ronu A.Z.A. hag yet. to win their Milton I.ivlngHtou is one of the Executive Director, has returned first encounter. new members appointed to the from Ann Arbor. Mich., where ho 7 a", m. and 1 p. m. Board of Regents of CreiRhton attended the National Leadership Training Institute for the White El'lIKAIM WEINBEIU* Universilv. BETH ISRAEL House Conference On Aging, conFuneral services weie hold June Friday evening services at Beth ducted under the auspices of the 25, at the Jewish Funeral Home Israel Synagogue begin at 7:30 United States D e p a r t m e n t of for Kphraim Weinberg, K9 or 4801 eal n p. m. Late Friday services will be The Omaha Workmen's Loan North 52 Street, who died June 24. "'"'Welfare. Israel—The Ministry of Post's is » ; ' M"™"™. * Association will be headed during He was a former owner of the Issuing a commemorative resumed in the fall. postage The Institute was held at the University of Michigan, June 24-2R. the coming, season by Isadorc Puritan Fuel Company. stamp in honor of the famous HeSaturday morning services begin Ahramson, president; Phillip ft. Mr. Veret was one of the foundSurviving a r e wife, Gokiie, brew poet, H. N. Binlik and anat 8:45 a, m. Rabbi Benjamin Miller, vice-president; Harry ilichGroner will lead the Saturday lin, treasurer and Harry Staen- daughter, Mrs. Marian Abraham, other to mark the tenth anniver- ers and vice-chairman of the Omaha Senior" Citizen's Committee afternoon Talmud Class at 7:15 berg, secretary. All but Mr. Miller San F r a n c i s c o , Cal.; Esther sary of civil aviation in Israel. when it wns established some ten Bratide, Los Angeles, Cal.: sons, The Bialik stamp is printed in p, m. and Mindia, followed by were re-elected at u meeting, June years ngo. ' Sam, F r e m o n t , Neb. and Dr. light green and dark orange. The Shalosh S'eudos and Maariv will 29 at the Jewish Community CenHarry, Davenport, la. aviation stamp appears In differbegin at. 7:45 p. m. Tlie Sunday ter. Dr. anil Mr*. II. Martin ISIurUer Burial was in,Beth Hatnediosh ent, shades of blue as well as yelmorning service begins at 8:15 left last Friday for Baltimore, Md., Board members named for the Hagodol Cemetery, low and Krey. a. m. and is followed by breakfast coming term are Milton Rosnick, where Dr. Blacker will serve a and the Rabbi's class in Bible. Tlie Arthur Meyerson, Ben Liniienj surgical internship at Johns IIopdaily minyon meets at 7 n. m. arid biium, Jacob Kaplan, Hymiin GUMS. MKS. JKNNIE IIABLKU j kins University Hospital. Funeral services were held last 7:50 j). m. j! Mayer Frank, Ruben Epstein, Mor- Friday nt the J e w i s h Funeral /"The weekly Talmud Study Group jris Fisher, Ben Klaiman and Home for Mrs. Jennie Habler, 74, meets Tuesday evening at 8:30 Rose Glnsburg. of 4801 No. 52 Street, who died Meetings will be held every other June 25. Burial was in Golden Hill p. m. Saturday -morning .services .are held at the 19th and Burl Monday during tlie summer. Any- Cemetery. Jcrus/ilctn, (JTAI—A new turn RUG & UPHOLSTERY one wishing to mnke loans or pay- Surviving are sons, Victor and in Arab attitudes toward the Arab Street Synagogue at 9 a. m. CLEANERS ments is asked to contact Mr. Harold, Omaha; daughters, Mrs. refugee problem, realistically call- j Staenberg at WA '1758 or GL 2501. Ruth Johnson, Omaha and Mrs. ing for "bargaining" rather than j B'NAI JACOB ADAS RUGS —CARPETING Helen Hose, Los Angeles, Cal. and for the traditional Arab use of the J LAMP SHADES Services at B'nai Jacob-Adasrefugee problem as a political ! j four grandchildren. FURNITURE •Yeshuron will begin Friday at 7:15 football, was seen emerging from | p. m. and Saturday morning at Lebanon and Jordan. Both these i Cleaned In Your Home) BKN WAI.IMIAN" 8:30 a. m. with ZMineha at 7:15 Funeral services were held Mon- countries (ire among the "host" j Binding—Laying—Repairing p' m. followed by Slialosh .S'eudos. Paris t J T A l - Anti-Semitic van- day afternoon at the Jewish Fu- areas where the refugees now live, j Daily services at B:.'5O a. Don Bernstein HA 2554 and dals have disfigured a French Jew- neral Home for Ben Waldman, fil. Kl Tlayal, of Beirut, one of the 7:30 p. m. ish institution for the fifth time 2504 Crown Point Avenue, who most influential newspaper in Lebin the past few weeks. The latest died June 28. Burial.-was in Beth anon, editorially c e n s u r e d the Patronize Our Advertisers target was a synagogue which was JIamcdrosh Hagodol Cemetery. Ai"ii> governments for "exploiting splashed with red ink. A black •Surviving are wife, Clara, daugh- ihe Palestine refugee problem" car roared up, and the vandals lers, Mrs. I. Charncy, Mrs. Robert during the past decade, "It Is high J.AWKKXCK I. LEFITZ threw the bottles of ink at the Smith; sisters, Mrs. Ben Gorelick, time that we cease to regard the The Bar Mitzv.-ih of Lawrence synagogue. Omaha; Mrs, • Kmma Twbevitz, unfortunate refugees as a political Ira Lefitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Police admitted that they had Mrs. Becky Brodkin; brother, Abe weapon," the paper slated. Ben Lefitz will be celebrated at io evidence on this attack or on Waldman, all of California. Tho editorial called upon the . the Beth Inrael Synagogue Satur- he earlier ones, and the culprits Arab countries to present a "posiday morning, July 4th. Services are unknown. Jewish leaders have $ob (Subby) Fulvsrcnla tive" attiinde there at a meeting will begin at 8:45 a. m; All mem- visited French authorities, who of the advisory committee to the bers of the family and friends are have expressed their regret and 25 Yean' Exporionco United Nations Relief and Works invited to attend the services and have increased police protection Wi»h Jewish Agency for Arab Refugees. "Host" the reception following the serv- o sucb buildings us the Tomb of 1 Lettering and Memorials Frankfurt (JTAI -Concern over governments—which include Egypt ices. the Unknown Jewish Martyr. the recent revival of anti-Semitism and Syria, in addition to Jordan b are scheduled to and anti-democratic Ideas In West andd Lebanon AT 2452 2211 So, 8th Germany was expressed in tlie participate in the advisory committee's ""sMo f, in Ben ut. closing resolution of the annual meeting here of the Central Council of Jews in Germany. Franklin, N. J. (JTA)—A group Israel—Work will begin within The resolution pointed out "with of 1,260 ultra-orthodox families, the next, few months en the confrom the William.sburc section of struction of 29 new industrial regret" that it was still necessary. Brooklyn plans to create a vil- plants which will provide employ- 14 years after the conclusion of World War II, to adopt such relage In this New Jersey suburban ment for an an estimated 6,000 to solves. The Council's closing sesarea where they can live accord 7,000 workers. sion also criticized the slow proOMAHA'S LEADING ing to the strict rules of the folPlans include such Negev plant* cessing of Indemnification claims lowers of the Satmarer Rebbc Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen as the textile combine in Dimona and levelled criticism at procedwithout outside interference. . and woolen and cotton mills in ures which lead to the rejection WA 5554 4415 CUMING Congregation Yetc-I Lev D'Sat- Sderot and Beersheba. Other proj of legitimate claims filed by vicSTOP AT , mar signed a lease for land here eels consist of the expansion of tims of Nazi persecution. on which they hope to break two existing tire factories; the ground in December for thoir vil- building of a fourth plywood fac- AWAKD FOR IMSTINKIIISIIKD lage with the first. 500 families tory and the Kaiser-Frazer-Pegard Our Own Famous Homemade Corned Beef scheduled to move into their new Metal Plant in Ashkelon and a SKHVICE TO riSANjiiTurrrcit Washington, (JTA) — Associate homes early in.l9(>0. The site is a sugar factory in Kiryat Gat. Justice Felix Frankfurter of the 250-acre dairy farm. The Ministry of Commerce anc United States supreme Court was The village will include a syna- Industry also hope;: to open a num- presented with the second annual gogue, a day school, a ritual bath-, ber of diamond polishing work- Award of the Farbund Labor Zioning establishment, a bakery and shops in Beersheba, Eilat, Ashdod ist Order fof distinguished public shops. The move was inspired by nnd Jerusalem. j service. the Satmar Rebbe, who fearer that the congregation would be dispersed as city development proj ects developed in the Williamsburg area. Most of the members are --^ Prompt Attention Given to Phone Orders FREE ESTIMATES needle trade workers. They hope to establish factories here but unPL 5396 til then they will commute by bus Commercial Residential •". to New York City 50 miles away.



Workmen's Loan Holds Election

New isrcieS Stamps

Beirut Press Calls For Stand on Arab

Vandals Toss Red Ink On Paris Synagogue


Monument Co.

German Jews View Anti-Semitism

Orthodox Families Israel to Have Plan New Community 29 New Plants'




Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery

Friday, July 8, 1059


Baskets ofPalms, Setting for Ricks-Schneiderman Nuptials Baskets of palms at the alt.jr formed tlie setting for the mairiage of Miss Junis Lorraine Riekh end L. Leslie Sclineiderman, in Beth Kl Synagogue, Sunday afternoon, June 2H. The bride's parents ara Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ricks mid the groom's, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sclnieiderman. The ceremony was performed by Rabhi Myer S. Kripke, and Cantor Aaron Edgar of Beth El and Rabhi Benjamin Groner of Beth Israel. The bride chose a floor length gown of pure silk peau de soie appliqued with Hose Point Alencon lace. A crown of pearlized orange blossoms held the bride's three tier veil of imported French illusion. She carried a cascade of butterfly orchids. Mrs. Arthur Uram, Maplewood, N. J., aunt of .the brida, served as matron of honor in a gown- of white silk organza over taffeta. The all white wedding motif was carried out in the silk and cotton gowns of the bridesmaids, Mrs. Herbert Segall, New York City; Miss Susan Jo Kaplan of San Pedro, Col. and Miss J u d i t h Gimplo.

y ^ ^ f y °tT

Mrs, I,, I^slle Selincfderman

and Martin Kicks, brother of the brido. A dinner and dunce were- held at tlio Blncltstone after the ceremony. Following a week's trip to Colorado, Mr. and Mrs. Schneidernmn will reside at 4516 Bedford Abo Kesselman, uncle of the Ave. groom was be.it man. Ushers were Dr. Neal Sclnieiderman, of New York City, brother of the groom

Froenldns In Israel

Club Will Celebrate Martins' Anniversary .he Omaha Dramatic Club will celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Martin Sunday, July 5, at 6:30 p. m, at. the Fireside Restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Martin have been members of the club for over 2H years, and have participated in all its activities. Mr. Martin was lor many years the dramatic director and at present is secretary of the club. Mrs. Martin is the welfare director. Committee in charge of arrangements are Nathan Martin, Mrs. Milton Nearenberg, and Mrs. Phillip Crandeil. Morris Goodman will be loastmaster.

(The following includes exerpts from a letter from. Mrs. Max Fromkin, who just returned with Mr. Fromkin and her sister, Mrs. Joseph Rubin of San Antonio, Tex., from a trip to Europe and Israel. They were In Israel during the H t h Independence Day Celebration.) "The d i s p l a y of • arms a n d strength was most stimulating, (referring to Independence Day). This country has performed mirnclea in building itself into the nation It has become." "Everywhere y o u look, n e w buildings are going up and every effort: is being made to house the thousands of people who come from all countries to make their future home in Israel." Mrs. F r o m k i n praised t h e achievements of Hadassah and told of visiting Kibbutzim.

Page Threw


Brodkeys to Make Home in

Party From Bluffs, Omaha to Attend Milwaukee Rite

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ilrodkey i Ushers were Jerald Coplin, Fort who were m a r t i e d Sunday in Worth, Tex.; Gordon Znher, HousTemple B'nai Israel, Oklahoma ton, Larry Beckerman, Dallas, Tex. City, Okla., will make their home and Jerald Brodkey. in Omaha. The couple, who left, on a motor The bride, former Beth Hannah trip which will include visits to Gliidstcin, is tlie daughter of Mr. the Grand Canyon, the Music Festiand Mr.3. Alfred M. Gladstein of val "at Aspen, Colo, und Las Vrgas, Oklahoma City; the groom, the Nev. A reception in Ihe Temple Parson of Mr..and Mrs, David Brodlors followed the ceremony. I'cy.

Planning to be present at the wedding of Pie. Franklyn Berg and Miss Syril Ruth Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Foster of Fox Point., Wis., on Sunday, July *.> in Milwaukee are a number of Omaha and Council Bluffs residents. The Omahans will be Mrs. Sol Berg, mother of the groom; Miss Julia Zuker. an aunt; Mrs. Abe Perimeter, a great-aunt; the Missoa Maddy Miroi'f and Fay Anne Katz and Marshall Dertnenberg, the latter three, who will be in thrj wedding party. Mr. and Mrs. Herman MeyerSon and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Frankol will be among those from Council Bluffs to make the trip. Miss Dorothy Zuker, of Chicago, a former Oinahan and aunt: of the groom, will entertain at - a ptenuptial dinner Saturday evening in Milwaukee for -Mr. Berg and his fiancee.

She wore a gown of white silk organza over taffeta embroidered in silk daisies among the hemline which formed'a brush train. Her \eil of white illusion was attached to an organza Dior bow. She earned a cascade of white orchids and a garland of stephanotis on a white prayerbook. Mrs. Jay Gladstein of El Paso, Tex., sister-in-law of the bride, who was matron of honor, was gowned in pink. Her dress and those of the bridesmaids, who wore different pastel colors, were identically styled. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Leo Segell and the Miss Marsha Segell, Julie Greenberg and Carol Wittels, all of Oklahoma City. Robert Brodkey was best man for his brother. Groomsmen were Jay Gladstein, brother of the bride, Don Coplin and Joe Ptilaski, Houston, Tex. and Jerald Hoberman.

50th Anniversary

A dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Max Crounso on the accasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary was held in the social hall of Beth Israel Synagogue on Sunday afternoon, June 28. Preceding the dinner, the wedding ceremony was repeated for Mr. and Mrs. Crounse by Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan. Out of town guests were Messrs. and Mmes. Harry Crounse, David Crounse, Albert Block, Mrs. Stanley Urdangen and children, Mrs. Robert Turner and daughter, Mrs. Alvin Strasshelm, all of Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Anna Abramson, Jeffrey Batt, El Paso, Tex.; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rosenblatt and son, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Rosenberg, Hastings, Nebr.; Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Crounse and family, Cincinnati, O.; Mrs. George Lefstein, Rock Island, 111.; Mrs. Rose Resnick, Toledo, O.; Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Lashinsky and daughter, University City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. George Grund and daughter, United Nations, N. Y. f.lTA)--• Dcs Moincs, la.; Mrs. Ray MouFifty-two nations, including Israel, tain, New York City; Mr. and have this weekend launched World Mrs. Henry Weisgart, Lincoln. Refugee Year, a UN-sponsored project which does not get under- BUILDINGS DEDICATED New York (JTA)—-Three buildway officially until Wednesday. WRY Is planned to help at least ings, costing about $3,000,000, were 2,000,000 of the 15,000,000 refugees dedicated at the Albert. Einstein throughout the world still needing College of Medicine of Yeshiva resettlement or uld. i University.

Oolda i e i r Oets Top Brazilian Decoration Rio De Janeiro (JTA) — Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Minisiter/ received the highest Brazilian decoration for foreigners this week during a gala banquet tendered in her honor by Negrao de Lima, Brazil's Foreign Minister. Previously Mrs. Meir signed a treaty of cultural exchange between Israel and Brazil. Sl\p came to Brazil from Caracas for a seven-day visit: as the official guest of the Government of Brazil.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Plnkovitz were hosts at: a family luncheon for thirty persons, Wednesday, Juno 24, at the Fireside Restaurant, The event h o n o r e d their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Ross*of Los Angeles, Cal., who have been visiting in the city. Aim. Morris Grossman wishes to tlianlt her friemlft and relatives for tlin many curds of Krtod wishes received during her illness. MM. J. J. Freirten wishes to lhiink her friends ami relatives for the many gifts and cards HJIC r e c e i v e d and thn many kindnesses extended to her (luring her Illness;

News Capsules ASK JORDAN TO I'lOKMIT 4KWS AT "WAIMNU WA1J," Jerusalem (WNS) The government of Israel was reported to have offered the government of Jordan some 150,000 pounds sterling If It permitted Jews to mitke dnily pilgrimages to the Wailing Wall, according to press reports. OFFICIAL VISIT-'TO ISRAKI, New York, (JTA) .— Gottlieb Hammer, executive director of the Jewish Agency and president of ZIM America Israel Shipping Co,, left for Israel to consult with officials of the Jewish Agency Treasury and the ZIM directorate. REAMING JKWISII I'Al'KR COST Tiiurcrc YKAR TERM Paris (JTA)—The Yiddish:language "Unzcr SUnime" reported that a Jew in the Soviet town of Grodno was given a three-year prison term for receiving from W a r s a w the Ylddish-langiiaKe "Folkstimme," which is n Com. munlst newspaper,

HKTII ISRAEL SISTERHOOD BOARD MTNCIIKON Mrs. Henry Appel, Betli Israel Sisterhood president, will entertain board members at: a luncheon Tuesday, July 7 at. her home, 4824 Franklin Street. An orientation meeting will be held first, at 11. a. m. OOLF TOIIKNAMKNT AT UKJULAND Highland Country Club will be host, to the Nebraska Women's State Golf Tournament: July 13 through .July 18. Practice rounds are scheduled on July 8 and 10.

new loveliucss Want lo try a now hair faihion? Or bo luro your favorlfo hair style ii properly cut and let? You can count on us for moro loveliness always.

Former Omahan to Wed Sheldon Rips 52 Nations Launch Mr, and Mrs.'William M. Wolfe, formerly of Omaha, now of High- World Refugee Year land Park, III., have announced the betrothal of their daughter; Miss Barbara Suzan to Sheldon Isaac Rips, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rips. The engagement w a s revealed by Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe at a reception Tuesday evening honoring Mr. Rips' parents on their fortieth wedding anniversary. Miss Wolfe attended Emerson College in Boston, Mass. Her finnce was graduated in Juno from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and plans to enter the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business in the fall.


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Cooperative Housing fn Nazareth

Judaism growing "m lew York Suburbs

Israel—The first group of farnThe Initiator of th« new housingllien," twenty-eight in number, will estate > cite m e is Father Paul New York (JTA't—Tlio results shortly m o v s into tho newly- Guthier of Marseilles who arrived of a survey conducted by the New erected Arab housing estate in III Alfred here from Francs two years ago. Nazareth. Fourteen two-family, Unhappy about cramped condi- York Times on the rise of Judaism one-storey housoi have been com- tions in small homes and adobe in the suburbs of New York City indicate that the .shift of (he Jewpleted out of 80 units to be build j by an Arab cooperative society. | houses in Nazareth,'he was instru- ish population from the city to tht» mental in establishing the SociRealization of Jhe project was, suburbs has increased the number Yes, that old man I knew used to take a trip to the moon once ety for Housing Projects for Arab A month. He'd go then- with Clod for a brief visil each month, He not without difficulty, since tho Workers, which consisted of CO of synagogues in the area, housing-estate system was thought Was away ahead of all those physicists, space engineers, astronoTho report showed that: Hinra local optimistic residents. physics experts and those others who at this moment arc so frantically to lie incompatible with the tradi] 1917, a total of 6H new Conscrvational Arab wny of life. In gen-1 Fr. Guthier was encouraged In | t h e temples have been opened for working to get there. And what's the idea of all that . . . EOIIIK to the moon?,, in nn hour ol human life when there's so much to be done eral, only families belonging to the • his efforts by the Government Worship in the suburban area; aamo clan live in close proximity, j and the Histadrut. here, to make the miserable earth better? I since I'JHI, tlio Reform movement has opened 57 temples in the area; up there hi the moon's light. He Face Uplifted and, since 19-19, the Orthodox syWell, that old man was a neigh- stands there beside me and I see nagogues have been increasing, bor of ours in the remote time him as the Creator. I In planned it about 35 of these having been eswhen I was much younger than I I all to be KOOC! for us, but what tablished, most of them recently. am now. We lived at corner of two have we down here on the earth Tlio report point* out tlmt tho Streets. Of an evening each month done to keep it good." Reform organization, t!m Union at The incident at the street corI'd see him there, his eyes up toAmerican Hebrew CongreKntloiiH ward the new moon. His face had ner which 1 am reporting occurred ''i provide! grant* and loans, as well B reverential look, as of faces of an evening in the first war . . . as tt portable Aric and tlio 1'orah which are deep In recital of Kad- "Yes," Mr. Cohen went on to say, used In services, to get tlio new "He gave us the earth and tlio dish. temples under way. Tlio ConservaAt times, when I passed him at moon, but do we deserve it? We tives, through t(jo United Synathe corner, I'd greet him, "Good hum the earth in wars, we labor K"BUB of America, provide stall evening, Mr. Cohen. Beautiful eve- I to destroy each other. On the even l n s wlu 1 Wlln IIlm to the aid lint no tmb.sldics. All tlircu <!<•ning isn't it?" but he didn't a n - ' ~ "" «° nominations—llfform Consort agwer me. Mr. Cohen wan up o n | moon, I hear God saymK, Will my tive anil Orthodox—supply rabbis sons ever come to know the good the moon with God. for tint initial si-rvlces and lnl|. One evening, though, hu no- gift I gnve thrni all when I cretiio new group to cnga(;c u rabbi ticed my greeting. I guess he h,id ated the world for them." of Its own, Turned to INnlin B7 just come down from the moon; Reform relies heavily on student his eyes were on the earth Mr. Cohen drew from his pocket rabbis from Hebrew Union Collri',1-"Mr. Cohen," I said to him. "I've j a small book of the Rsalms Jewish.Institute of Religion! Cui' t e e n seeing you at this corner of j "I always bring this hook along servative supplies some student an evening every month, you i with me when I go to visil witli rabbis from the Jewish Theologithe moon and w i t h Clod on a now might soy." cal Seminary, hut urges the new "Yes, it's so convenient at this moon evening." Ilr turned to congregation to gel a full-timit corner," he replied. "You see, there ! Psalm 67. spiritual leader if possible Orthoare no trees at the corner and I ! "I read this Psalm to Him this dox .requires ordained rabbis, ami can see straight up to the moon I evening: 'God be merciful unto us, In the suburbs most of these como from here. See how bcautfiul the '""I bless us . , . that Thy way may Omaha Jiopc.s It Will Im-Included in the nationwide, lour «>t from Yeshiva University theologimoon is from here! Just look!" he known upon earth, tho saving .Communing With <io<l | health among all nations . . . 0, "l'lihitlngt by Israeli young I'eojilo" now helng nhown nt N«w York's cal .school. YeshivR University, acTie said he had just been up toilet the nations be glad and sing by Inrui'II boys and girlK, aged 12 to 18. Tho one above "In Tho cording to.the survey, maintains! the moon . . . "with our God," he I f« r J°y; for Thou shall judge the Metropolitan Museum of Art (his sunmier. Tho paintings were ifono a full-time "organizer," the only added. "God was with me all the j people righteously and govern the Ghetto"—shown a faci'lcns mother holding a faceless child ngaltist 11 full-time functionary whose job i.i way. Maybe, you will come along ! nations upon earth . . . Then shall background of lilirniii),' Imililings by Sliiilumitlt StWner, 10, who w;i* to help develop Orthodox synahorn In it Yugoslavian ronrcntrittion ramp. syn"gogues. With us some new-moon evening, the earth yield her Increase, and Tile survey established that Segal. I come here to praise the God bless us.' or Z. Cheshln. To celebrate the Ihero is an, "llili'rili'noinliiatloniil new moon every month, to say my j "-Maybe, Sej;al," Mr. Cohen went filtielh anniversary of the found- warmth" today between 1'rotcsprayer, to go along with God up j on, "I've given you a bit of a uning of the city of Tel "Aviv, a tants and Jews In suburbia, and there. It's very simple to got there der.standing." Ity Belle Zi-ff If you understand God. I look up I "Thanks, thanks." I replied, Now that summer Is bore, the handsome new photo album, TEL Unit Judaism has brought \w.\v and see die glory of the moon, and j I.:IIIII«T. IO the Moon heat and humidity may not tempt AVIV'S FIFTY YEARS, has just customs to HIP suburbs. "Jewish go along up there with Him." j It all comes bnck to me . . . all , one to participate in activities been issued. For sheer fun and congregations," thn New I'nrlc Mr. Cohen went on to sny he the way from the wnr vear of which require any expenditure of gentle satire, the Library's large Times report say*, "have sprung always had some words 1o speak 1918 by reason of all the energy. There Is one activity, how- collection of Israeli cartoon Ijooks up in lirdioiiseH, hanks and even tttunl <• li II r c h c H. liiillilinfj with God when he met him at this science which is being shot up tr» ever, which lends itself to an hour representing every'modern Israeli Street corner- on his way to the make a ladder to Hie moon . . . of relaxation. Anyone can read, cartoonist is available for circula- drives have led to tlm construcnew moon. He said to God: all those millions being spent to whether it be in the shade of the tion. For Omahans who contem- tion of some of the most modern "Blessed art Thou, O Lord, who get there. And what for? Isn't it patio or in the air-conditioned com- plate a trip to Israel, a shelf of looking temples in tlio country." tour books and travel hints should renewest moon." And God replied mostly to set ourselves into easier fort of the living room. he of great value. to-Mr. Cohen: "Thou art a wise. positions to fight and die in wars? New Fiction ion of mine to know the moon so BLESSED IS THE DAUGHI hope this story of Mr. Cohen The Center Library offers a TER, by Meyer Waxinan, is a new well." will'provide a much belter underwide selection of summer vacaalbum of famous women in Jewish The blessing which Mr. Cohen standing of the meaning of the recited for the.moon is an old, old moon than the space scientists can tion reading for the whole family. history, as well as a beautifully New York—Israeli physicians KXenUS and ONLY IN AMKKphotographed, dnlailed description have devised a new, fasle£, and; one which Jewish men said all give us. Remember: It was Mr. ICA are still .high on the list of of nil the Jewish holidays. through the ages on evenings of Cohen who on that evening said; more accurate technique for diagHeading Tor Children the new moon . . . "Yes, Segal, I "But what have we done down Best Sellers, nnd both offer H wide nosing heart attacks by the use of range of entertainment. Among Fi*p the children, two new books it Reiser counter, which detects, raise my eyes as I speak to Clod in here on the earth to keep it good." the new books on the fiction shelf of special interest-are THE FAM- radio-active substances. 'my blessing for the new moon and And may I suggest this: Maybe then and there, I £o up with God we might resume trying really to are Charles Angoff's BKTWKKN ILY AGL-'lLAIt, a story of Jews Dr. Jack Kurpas, the Ilaclassali DAY AND DARK, the fourth . . . to the moon!" understand the moon . . . as Mr. volume in his history of the Pol- during the Spanish Inquisition, and Medical Organization DirectorAcquaintance With tin- .Moon Cohen did and as many other Jews ansky family, and ~DAUA TIIK THE MIGHTY ONES, by Meinderl General in Israel, said that tha Mr. Cohen smiled . . . "Maybe j used to do . . . by a blessing unto CYPIUOT, by Louis Paul. THE DP Jong, stories of the great new method had been reported by figures of Bible history. you don't believe me in all t his \ God on new-moon evenings. Professor Fritz Dreyfuss, of tho MAGIC BARREL, by B e r n a r d Music lovers will find a wide because you, Segal, like' a lot of M n 1 a m u d, Is a prize winning range of new.additions to the Rec- Iladassah Department of Internal others, don't have understanding UAUIO SKUVICKS IJ.MTK volume of short stories which has ord Library. Many new Cantorials Medicine, and Dr. Abraham Hochenough. Your own knowledge of : Jerusalem (JTAi.--.KoI fcion received excellent reviews. mnn, head of the Hadassah Radio) have been ndded, as well as folk and Tumor Institute. Israeli phythe moon comes out of books. Mv I.aglouh, the four-language radio Among the new hooks of biogsongs, Bible readings and instru- sicians could now delect promptly acquaintance with.the moon comes service of the Jewish Agency to from knowing God nnd Hie glory overseas communities, w i l l be raphy are TIIK NINE U V E S OF mental recordings. The ("enter Li- whether the patient had had a MICHAEL TODD and IN Till* brary offers summer relaxation, heart attack, and if so which arof of the universe which he creat- merged with trie Government's GRIP OF CROSS-CUftRKNTS, entertainment and pleasure for tery was clogged and what was tho ed for us all. Yes, it's easy enough Kol Yisroel. the "autobiography of Epliralm K. every taste and every mood. The extent of the damage. for one like me to know the moon well and to ascend to it in hii;h Hl'BINSTKIN I'AVII.ION OI'KN Lisitsky, an outstanding living staff will be happy to welcome you American-Hebrew pool. Monday through Friday 'from 9 INTKHESTKI) IN THUttK appreciation, and to enjoy it." Tel Aviv (JTA'l—The 527)0,000 a. m. to 5 p. in. Volumes i»T Vorse "And what do you see up there Helena Rubenstein Pavilion of ASPECTS OK V. S. WAY on these evenings?" I asked him. Contemporary Art of the Tel Aviv For poet IT l o v e r s , 1 wo new Tel Aviv (JTAI— Prime Minis"Oh, I see the fullness of Cod ' Museum has been opened here. volumes-of verse, POEMS OF A ter David Ben Gurion said that JKW, by Karl Shapiro, and THE there were throe aspects of AmerSPOK EN CII O I C E, by Amy ican life which Israel wanted to Blank, should he of interest. The Haifa—A shipment of over G00 emulate. He described these us drama, J. B., by Archibald Mac- tons of- copper cement—the first technical and scientific know-how Leish, now playing on Broadway, such export since the days of King the two-party system and the prois also available at the Center Li- Solomon--left Haifa for West Ger- gram of free- high school educabrary. many. tion. United Nations. N. Y. (JTAi— he proposed, are to be responsible For the sports lover, a revised The copper come.s from the A plan to-conlinue_Unitcd Nations for the general educational pro- edition of THI0 JEW IN AMERrelief to the Arab"refugees but. at grams for refugees. UNRWA, how- ICAN S P O R T S , by Harold U. Timna mines in the Negev. These mines are situated In an area the same time, to work toward ever, is to continue relief rehabili- P.ihaliiw, is a new arisal. where King Solomon's mines.ore Phono JA 1364 to In-.orl vour Wont Ad In integrating them in the broad tation and projects toward makOne of the most unusual and believed to have existed. Iho Jewish Press. economy of the Middle East re- ing the refugees self-supporting. gripping narrations of life in a ftatt Is 50 cents for cacn thrr« line In'.er. An official of the Ministry of tlon. Tho Press reserves the rlaht to limit gion, at costs that will run to be- One step Mr. Hammarskjold sug- German concentration camp, ns slie of eoch advertisement tween $1,500,000,000 and $2,000.- gested for UNRWA : that it weed seen through tho <yi.s of a psy- Development announced that the mines are expected to produce 000,000 between next year and out Its relief rolls to eliminate the chiatrist, is Viktor Frankl's FROM DAIfcY JEWISH I'Al'EKS tons a year. Negotiations are BAR and Bas Mltzvan congratu1965, IVes proposed here by Sec- "fraudulently registered and u n - DEATH CAMP TO EXISTENT- 0,000 in progress f<r 'the salo of this lations also for all Jewish holiretary General Dag Hammars- declared dead." • IALISM. .; .. year's entire output to a foreign days and special occasions. kjold. The report wa's filed for Mr. Hammarskjold did not inKnolls on Israel country. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodi;o consideration by the next session dicate the nature of the projects Among the many new books of o£ the General Assembly which to be developed with the large Israel which have been added to KOKDKK SETTLKMEN'T FOR PRACTICAL NURSES and convenes in September. sums of money needed by 1(165, but te Library in rcceiit weeks ore VVORKEK8 Practical Domestics, call WK. Mr. Hammarskjold proposed a statistical tables' hacking up his ISRAEL'S ODYSSEY, by AbraOne thousand young Zionists 5217. division.of functions between the proposals indicated clearly that it ham Mayer Heller, THE ZIONIST have come to Israel for a year of. agency and the "host" govern- would be much cheaper to inte- IDEA, by Arthur Hertzberg, and pioneer work In border settle- FOR RENT— Room. Wit h kltclicn ments—Kgypt, Jordan, Syria and grate the refugees in the Arab TEARS AND LAUGHTER IN AN ments in threo years since the plan 'privileges. For Kill. 3703 Dod«e, Lebanon. The latter governments, countries tlyin in Israel, ISRAELI COURTROOM by Shne- was Started by the Jewish Agency. Apt. 201. JA 7138.

The Moon and Mr. Cohen

Paintings by Israeli Children at the 'Met' nn r

Library Notes

Heesrf Attack

Negev Copper For Germany

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