July 10, 1959

Page 1


No. 11

Published every Friday, 101 N. anth. Omaha, Nebraska, 1'liuno JA 13(10


AH of .Inly 7, ]i)SI) Tho following are current reports from divisions ., me K>.">9 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: Division Inilinl Gifis Men's division W o m e n ' s Division B. * I'. Unit Children's Division t l i g h School Division University Division Organizations Miscellaneous


250 Youngsters joy Day An Onei? Shabbat was planned to close the Jewish Community Oeiilei' Day Camp soason, Friday. The service .was to be led by Bernard DeKoven, religions adivities counselor. The camp attended by 250 boys find girls, has enjoyed one of its m o s t successful season, Mrs. I.eoiiard Kulakolsky,. Day Camp Chairman, reported, .She s a i d ninny of the children had added to their skills in swimming, athletics and craftsmanship.' Campers also were to participate in a program with un "Outer .Space" theme on the closing (lay.

The affection of the Israelis for. David Ben-Guriun has not wavered l!l.'i!)T(iliiI in I he least since his resignation or because of the decision to sell $;i5!),0:i7.r>0 arms to West Germany. 125.122.00 This was the unofficial opinion G2,,'M5.O() of Joseph Gadish, Mayor of Acre, 2/(87.50 Israel, one of the world's oldest 1,882.50 cities, Mayor Oadisli, who has been ..,. 1,,'!(',].15 visiting the Omaha area, is on 1275,00 lour of (lie United Slates through ;.., 2.807.50 Ihe courtesy of the United Stales 1,130.00 j government. He is visiting municipal works to aid his own city in .<M5fi/r)l.1i> Galilee. Attitude As Slate Mayor Gadisli said the sales of munitions to West Germany could not. be affected by personal feelings but involved the attitude of Washington (JTA)-• Kirsl Dep- Israel as a stale towards Unit, uty Premier Frul R. Kozlov came country. "I lost: my parents, a sister and under criticism in the Mouse of Representatives for his assertion a brother in Poland during World War II", he explained. "At this that the Jeus live a "much better moment what, is important to me, life in the USSR than they do ill is what is good for Israel." Israel." "The deal with West Germany House Majority I.eailer John W. was of benefit to Israel financially and as n means of getting funds McCormaek, Mass., Democrat, said for such armament as Is necessary in a speech on the House floor for her own. protection, since she that Kozlov made a "bad slip" does not produce nil Ihe types of when he sought to portray Jewish arms needed. "The sale was also a way of life in Russia as better than in Iskeeping her own factories in prorael. "Everybody knows that Isn't duction." so." Rep. McCormack staled. Hen (iiirlon, (Jreut Leader Mayor Gadish, who feels Ben Gurion is one of the greatest Jewish

I hearing "tourists" talk in guttural I Prussian tones. It is not a question | of forgiving or bearing a grudge I - they simply make us nervous, That is how il will probably be to Ihe end of our days. Hut to sell them arms? Certainly! We came to this country to start a new life. To cry over the I past, to point an accusing finger at the murderers, to exhibit, our sufferings these things can be done much better in the Diaspora, where the evil dwells. We came I here to be cured, to become ordinI ary human beings again within a nation just like other nations, Their'demented leader, who is smouldering, we hope,.in the hottest fire hell can offer, would certainly like-to see us a miserable

Rabbi H. DeKoven To Camden Jewish Rabbi Ralph DeKoven, whose career has been closely Identified with J e w i s h education for 15 years, has iiceepled an appointment l'o head the Bureau of Jewish Kducation in Camden, N. J. IFe has been Director of Kducation at Beth Kl Synagogue since July 1953, coming here from Atlanta, (la., where he held the same post, at Ahavath Achim Congregation. As head of the Camden Bureau he will he in charge of six Jewish .schools, with his offices in the Jewish Community Center there. Mrs. DeKoven, a teacher in the Beth Kl religious school, expects to continue' In the same role at the Beth Kl Synagogue in Camdeii. Rabbi and Mrs, DeKoven will assume their duties at their new posts September 1. In announcing their departure they expressed i their pleasure in serving In Oma| hn and their regret In leaving their : many friends. • I Before going lo Camden they I will visit their son-in-law nnd daughter, 1,1, and Mrs. Howard .Silberman and their grandson, Cary Jay in Monterey, Cal. Their ,KOII, Bernard will serve as counselor at Camp Jay-C-C.

Sennet! to Take Part In Missouri Meeting nowhere hear our cheek. This is to notify all. politico?.-riding the guided mlsile of public opinion towards their Knesset chairs, that ali our sympathy is with the Old Mafi, who has again proved himself—us he did when he announced the Sinai r e t r c a t - a statesman of stature. We, with your permission, are falling in to his right. Lest there be any misunderstanding: we unlike the majority of bell ringers—have t personally experienced'NaV.l persecution. We went through many of the phases of hell- these monsters had prepared for us. Kven today, Gernian films are an abomination In bur eyes. More than ones we were gripped by genuint panic upon

leaders of this generation, considers the actions of the minority opposition in refusing to approve the deal only a demagogic step on their part to win sympathy before the coming election, normally, November 17.


Koslov Assertion Hi? in Congress

Arms and the Man Hy I'iphralm Klshon .Israel—When you hear Ihe election loudspeakers blaring out Unit we are supplying Hebrew arms /or the murderers' army, nnd thai the Defense Minister e v e n supports the deal, claiming it is serving the country's best. Interests, mi honest man has no choice but to nay exactly what he thinks, without inhibitions and without any attempt at whitewashing. In our opinion, for instance, the deal is absolutely desirable Not because the Prime Minister lias succeeded in proving that the Alidut Ministers knew about It, and iiot because it Is -earning us foreign currency—but because tin's deal is causing us a great deal of t;'tisfnetion—nnd our tongue is

Scroiid Class Postnue P;<lil at Omaha. "


Ted B. Sennett, director of the Plains States Regional Office of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, will serve as a consultant at the first Human Relations Conference at the Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, Mo.', July 15-17. The conference is co-sponsored by die Anti-Defamation League, the college's- Human Relations Center, nnd the Missouri Commission on Human Rights. The conference, designed for teuchorB, school administrators, PTA and community leaders, senior and graduate students Is to further knowledge, understanding, in Intergroup relation with emphasis on classroom applications. (Reprinted from tin Jerusalem Registration Information may be Post). i obtained from, Mr. Sennott. and stricken nation, unable, ever to recover from its wounds, a bunch of frightened i h a d o w s, throwing scared glances over their shoulders as they scurry into their mouse holes, It la a great pity we did not sell arms 20 years ago, A nation producing arms Is not led to the slaughterhouse llko docile cattlu. And if the day ever cornea when the German army Is equipped exclusively with Jewish weapons, then, and only then, will wa have wreaked vengeanco on oiir tormentors —German and non-German.

Major Joseph (iiidlsh Playing On Public Sympathy "They are simply playing on the sentimental chords of the people", he declared." A similar situation arose during the period year ago during debate on compensation for Jewish refugees from Germany which brought minority disapproval and demonstrations. Today the same group is In accord with tho decisions made at that time." In a p p r o v i n g Ben-Gurion's

Anti-Bias Agency Offered Time to Reverse Decision New York I JTAl - - S l a t e Supreme Court Justice Henry Kpslein gave the New York Stale Commission Against Discrimination AH hours lo decide whether it wanted to withdraw a decision dismissing charges by the American Jewish Congress that the Arabian American Oil Co. discriminates against Jewish applicants for employment. 'I'lie action came at a lienrinu al which the A-IC sought to appeal n ruling by SCAD rlinirman Khner A. Curler that AKASK-O wan entitled to all exemption from the New Vork State Fair Employment l»nw, which barn Job discrimination. Justice Epstein pointed out thai if SCAD withdrew its ruling of November 10 granting ARAMC'O an eNeinption, the A.JC appeal Would become moot. If SCAD should refuse to vacate dial decision, Justice Epstein said, he would consider the briefs of both sides and issue an opinion on the appeal on or before July 1!). ConiniiHsioner Carter of SCAD ruling-maintained Uial tlic leiiufrenienth of American foreign policy iniulu It necessary to grant ARAMC'O a "hona fide occupational qualification" .exemption permitting tile company to <l i H c r I in I n a t c against Jewish applicants for positions In Saudi Arabia.

Annual Hate A Dollar* WlllgU- Copy 10 Cents

judgement, .Mayor. Gadish' quoted aifancient proverb, "the end justifies the means" because it involves Ihe security of Israel and the safety of its people, which lie feels sums up the situation. Confidence in Mapai He is confident that the Mapai parly will win in (he coming eleclion and that Ben Gurion will return as Premier. The suggestion for the advancement of the elections lo November 3 would be an advantage because of the climatic conditions. Many people, he said, would turn out on the earlier date, who might be deterred by the ensuing raining season. Proof of Loyally "The entire situation may in-, crease Ihe strength of the Mapai and the high regard for Ben Gurion", he asserted. "The Israelis love their country deeply and the proof of their appreciation to their leaders, will be through the election." . ; , Mayor Gadish, was impressed by the kindness and friendliness of tfce people in the United Stales nnd by the well-planned cities, public works and museums, Hralns nnd Common Sense The United States was not developed solely through money but by brains and common sense, ha remarked. He was deeply moved by the interest, of Omahans in Israel's welfare. A teacher by profession. Mayor Gadish is finding his trip to tha United States which is taking him to 20 cities, a great experience. He is a participant in the state dopartment foreign l e a d e r exchange program. Mayor Gadish, a member of tha Mapai party in Israel, heads an unusual city. Has Arab Population Acre was once a completely Arab city. Today, It has a population of 125,000, 20 percent of which is Arab, the largest percentage In an Israeli city. The mayor said "thn people live there completely in accord with each other." Mayor Gadish was guest at a • luncheon meeting of the execufiva committee of the Jewish Federation Tuesday and later met Israel Bond leaders in Council Bluffs and Lincoln. .

CJFWF Discusses loccaf Programs

Miami Beach (JTA)— The fostering of sound inter-group relationships by local Jewish Community Relations Councils, and the development of effective programs to this effect, was urged at a regional conference of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds here. A resolution adopted declared that programs dealing with intergroup problems have become a community responsibility and that each community should have "an instrumentality through which thn various forces of the Jewish community can jointly deal.will) their community relations on a planned and purposeful basis." The resolution also called for close and "harmonious" cooperation between local and national community relations agencies and the utilization by the local community "of all reArabs Urged to sources and services available locally and on the regional-and naTrade With Israel New York (WNS1 -Comment- tional level in carrying out its re' ing on the importance of the ex- sponsibility."

panding trade between Israel and Asian and African countries, Mrs. Kleanor Roosevelt declared here ill a State of Israel Bonds dinner that Israel's neighbors should take cognizance of the great benefits ensuing from the trade program and that the Arab nations should "take advantage of the offers of cooperation made by Israel and inaugurate a program of trade and commerce with Jier."

KUKUDMAN. CIIANCKIXOIl OF CANADIAN IJMVBKSITYWinnlpcs, (JTAl—Justice Samuel Frcedman, member of tho Courl of the Queen's Bench in tha. province of Manitoba, has been named Chancellor of the University of Manitoba for a term of three years. He Is the first Jew in Canada to hold such a position In any university. *




Exodus of 300,000 From Moslem

rees Published Kvery Friday by the Jewish Federation of Omaha.

Seccnd Class Postage Paid at Omatia, Nebr. Annual Subscription, $4.CO. Advertising Rotes on Application. Putjlicotion Office—10! Mo. 20(1) itrtct, Omaha. Hcbr.. JAckicn 1244.


Religious Services L'uudlcliKhline:'7::-iU.|>. i»B'NAI JACOH ADAS YKSHUKON Services at B'nai' Jacob-Adas.-Yeshuroh will bogin Friday at 7:15 p. m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 7:15 p. m. followed by Slinlo^h S'oudoB. Daily services fit 6:.'IO a. ni. and 7:30 p. m. ;

TKMPLK ISKAtX Services will bo held this Friday evening in the chapel at 7:.1O p. m. Marlon Sombevg will officiate. BETH KI. Scn-ices at Beth El Synagogue will begin at 7 p..in. this evening. Sabbath morning Kervic is at <):.'!0 a. in. Mincha-Maariv services arc at 7:45 p. m. Sunday morning SOIAices (ire f i l 9 a. in. 'Tin; daily services a re at 7 a. m. and 7 [>. in. BKT1I ISHAKI. Friday evening services IK abbalas Shahbos) will begin I 7 :.'!0 p. m. Services on Saturday morning beyin at R:-1"> a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Grnner . will conduct the Saturday afternoon Talmud Class at 7:15 p. m. and Mincha, followed by Shalosh S'endos and Mnariv will begin at 7-.-1") p. in. The Sunday mornins mitiyon meets at 8:45 and is followed by breakfast and the Rabbi's class in Bible. The Junior congregation meets at 10 a. m. on Saturdays and 8:.'iO a. m. on Sundays. Daily services at 7 a. in. and 7:4!) p. m. T h e weekly Talmud Study Group meets every Tuesday at 8:.'iO p. m. Saturday -morning services at !• a. m. in the 19th and Kurt Street Synacogue.


Sen* null liai»pnilnt:s ill 'ltie Dr. Willlp *ltcr J,.HL,II ll'inie I ur 1 lie ARf:»l Ly llftvlrf OrUore.

New York UTAt--Tlie World ilies reside in Afghanistan, he reJewish Congress reported that ports, with about 80,000 Jews liv< Ol N< II. Ol" ,Ii:\VISH WOM- more than 200.000 Jews have been ing in Iran, -1.000 to 5,000 in Jrnq, Editor KN: ,Sij.'ht-seeinK nips for test- , arWr^fioYn Iran., Kfrypt and .Syria -1,000 in Libya, -W.OOO to 55,000 in dents of ihe Dr. Philip Shut- Jew- during the past 2") years and an- Turkey, and several hundred in ish Home for the At'.ed l>ej;an JHSI | other I (Kl.liOO have (led other Arab Yemen, week and will continue over tlie j lands, incluriinff Yemen and Libya. l.fUaiion Shows lncreasr summer. Tilt The bus leaves every "Tiie only country which has not II Countries C'lieclieil Tuesday e\eniti]-: at G:'M) p. m. and I practiced considerable discriminuThe survey covers 11 countries tinn is Lebanon," it. was reported. I.ie 1). Simon, son of Mr. itnd | Senior Citizens are welcome to Mrs.- Milton Simon, loft .Saturday, join us for tiie pleasant drive. Con- | - •Afghanistan, Kfiyiil, Iran, Iraq, ! The .'(,500 Jews in Lebanon in l!r,»,'l July 1 for the United States Marino tacl David Orkow for ftirlhi'i' in- I Lebanon. Libya, Morocco, .Syria, have swelled today to 10,000, clue | Tunisia. Turkey nnd Yemen. "Tho to a considerable extent to the Corps Training Center, San Diego, formation. of the Nazi Parly to forced exodus of .several thousand C'al. i i(i;i'i!i<ii:it.\Toi{ DON'VTIil): i accession imv|1) ;p in ((ienniiny ' '" 'iniuiy had dire con- | Jeivs from Syria. "' j Mr. and Mrs. Louis KiHii'liofioty ii'seqiipnc's (fir (he status of llio Sir. and .Mrs. Harry Havliln left ,ionated a Philci) refrir.ei'iitor jthe intirmary at the Home In I Jews in the Moslem lands," the re| Tuesday on a motor I rip to t h e ' " ; port states. "The waves of iinli-1 ! memory of Mrs, Bessie Levy. Black Hills. j SI'ICCIAI. KIIJDISII: will lie i Jewish terror folltjw iiiK the Israeli Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schwartz | given on July 1-llh by Mr. Charles ! War of Independence and the cs-1 are entertaining Mrs. Schwartz' Hfiingold, home ri-siilenl, on the j lablishmenl of Israel swept away: jibe last barriers to Jewish disen-I parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Preii, occasion of his wife's Yahr/eit. j fruncliisenK'n! and elimination in at their home, 812] F r a n c o s YAMHZKl'I'S: .Sam Poster anIrnq nnd Syria and contributed to Street. Mr. and Mrs. VveA, formally of Fender, No.hr., now live in noiinres that Special Memorial the exodus from Yemen, Libya Services will be held ot. the Homo nnd Kj>ypl," the survey continues. Miami Heacli. Other guc-sts this week included Mr. and Mrs. Arn- Synagogue for the following dur- "The call of the reborn Jewish ing the month of Tainmu/: Ben State caused lnnje-sciile / eniifiraold W. Rihnick of Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Ilibnick IK Mrs. Sch- Milder—Tainmuz 17, July '1'i; lion from Iran, Turkey, ]\Ioroc<*) Louis S. I^obowit/ Tainmuz IK, und Tunisia." wart/s' twin sister. July 2-1; Abraham Orkow- TainThe former community of about niiiz 24, July ;i0: Sam Jo.sepliMHi Births C.ndid W.ddin, Tiiminuz 27, AiiRti.st 2 nntl Molly 100.000 .lew* in thf United Arab Republic of ICgypt nnd Syria hns Mr. and Mrs. '/•• Gordon Rips Tully- -Tanitnuz 29, August 4. been reduced to between 15,000 CALL announce the birth of a daughter, und 20,000. Considerable commuDebbie Helene, on July 2 at Cliirlcnities remain in Morocco, with fi'in Hospital. more thiin 'JOO.000 Jews, and in I 017 So. 3&th HA 1044 Tunisia, with about (17,000, the Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. MItS. I1AVK FItANKEI, News has been received of 1 lie re|>ort states. A few hundred famDonald Fischer and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rips. Mrs. Bertha Fischer death of Mrs. Ida Frimkel, T.\, in of New York City and Mrs. Dave Glendnle, Cal. Mrs. Fninkel was Kiscmun are maternal great grand- a former Onnihan. Funer;tl services were held Monday. mother's. Surviving ure her h u s b a n d , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Segal an- Dave; sons, Leon, Council Bluffs; RUG & UPHOLSTERY mmnce the birth of ; daughter, Sylvan. Reseda, Cal.; brother. CLEANERS Debra F.llen. June .'10 al Metho- Murk Leon, Oakland, C;d., and RUGS — CARPETING' dist Hospital. five grandchildren. LAMP SHADES rjrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. FURNITURE Saul Spielberg of St. Louis. Mo. iind Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Segal. Cleaned in Your Home!

Omahans In the News

John Kalina

Hade in Israel

Gifts An electric wall cl< ick, to the Jewish Funeral Horn • by I^ouis J. Ringle. A book to the ( "enter Ubrary, by Major and Mrs. J . K. McDonald in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zeff.

Herman Youth Group Elects a 'Fuehrer'

A monument will be unveiled in memory of Harry Jan^er. SunBonn UTAl -Seven groups of day, July 12 at 10 a. in. at Brtli neo-Nazi youth organizations in El Cemetery. Rabbi Ralph De- a national meeting at Idstein, agreed to consolidate their moveKoven will officiate. ment, and elected a former East German Communist functionary, Hans Schulz, as their "fuehrer." The consolidated movement is itys Tie for First said to represent between 40,000 The Jay Varsity .Softball team, and 70,000 members. The meeting after losing a forefeijed game to was organized by adults, forlner tlie cellar dwellers fought hack members of the Hitler Youth, the last Thursday night to defeat the SS and the Nat .tonal' Socialist Partough Midwest A. C. team 2-1 with ty. Delegates were Nazi-style unia terrific last inning rally. Ray forms, complete with helmets and Kirke had pitched a nifty two- shoulder straps. hitter and the lone run off him was due to a walk, a wild pitch and a single by Bob Rodgers, who for the past two years has been 1 the Varsity basketball league referee. Israel- The driver of an army However the Jay lads came back in the last inning trailing 1-0 pick-up could hardly l)elieve his when Keevee Kirshenbaum drew eyes when he was flagged down by a walk, and Al Konecky got hit in President Izhak Ben-Zvl recently the ankle by a pitched ball. Both and asked for a lift into Keersheba. The President and his aide had runners advanced on a wild pitch. Al Bograd bounced to short hut arrived by helicopter to attend Keevee. Kirshenbaum's nifty slide exercises which the armed forces beat the throw home. Lindy Paul were holding "somewhere in Isboat out. an infield hit, loading the rael." The helicopter came down bases and with the outfield pulled near a road leading to Becrsheba jn, Al Monaco, a recent addition to for refueling, and the President the club, blasted a drive to right decided that he would like to have center to give the Jay a hard a cup of coffee in the Ncgev capifought 2-1 win. The victory keeps tal. The army dispatched a car for the Jay team in a tie for first him, but the President and his parly decided not to wait and place. stepped out onto the road to ask Association Sponsors 1'icnlc This Sunday, July .12, the Oma- for a lift. The pick-up brought the party ha Softball Association will sponsor a picnic at Carter Lake for the to Beers'heba. As they wore drinkSoftball players, umpires and their ing coffee, the army car arrived, families. In charge of the affair and later returned them to the is Morrie Handleman, the Jay's 'copter. representative to the Softball Association, and a member of the IIISTADKUT INVITED J a y Varsity team, Handleman in- TO VISIT CVPRIJS Israel — The Archbishop Makavites all the players in the club, Ahamd and Youth Council League rios, Ethnarch of Cyprus, has Into join them for an afternoon of vited the Histadrut to send a.goorl-


Israel President 'Hitches a Lift


Friday, July JO, 1059

t will delegation to the island.

Binding—Laying—Repairing The Israel - made grenade thrower, which became lliodi- Don Bernstein HA 2554 rect cause of the political flare-up over the Israel-German arms deal, is a personal GORDON STORAGE MONUMENTS anti-tank weapon, which is WAREHOUSE, INC. in the Jewish Tradition clipped onto the muzzle of a Your order shoul<l lie placed well service rifle and throws a groin advance of "Vahrzeit" KO tlio JA 3032 work do en not have to he hurried. nade (fired by a ballistic cart1201 JONES ridge) which can penetrate WB knov/n for our exacting cting Ihe armour of the heaviest ottil. 1arri<s. M a x i m u m effect ive no.l specialists in You may place your confidence range is 80 metei's. in ui knowing each detail and tradition will bo adhered to Another proud product, of I storage, packing, local with utmost cir* arid ikill. Ta'as, the military h Israel I li iin-1 and long-distance movinj dustry, is tiie Uzzi submachine IIPIP you <lrn\ dlrortly with the own ITS . . . We permit no untimeKun, named after its inventor, ly' sollrintlon . . . Cnll us foi* appointment at vour convenience. Rav-Seren Uzzi Gal. VAH LINES, fr.c. Two years ago the Uzzi won Omaha fHonumenf aji international contest of l i» tw tcwift submarine guns due to its many advantages, leaving the Call Jerry Krupinsky 3213-1S " 9 " St. Frank Renna Swedish Karl-Gustav a long For Free Eitimam Open Sunday 2-5 way behind. The Uzzi does not and Prompt Service Slnro 1923 jam in the most difficult conditions of weather or terrain. It is easily handled due to its simple construction. The Netherlands p l a c e d FREE ESTIMATES first big order for Uzzi's In PL 5396 November, 1957. Even the U. S. has ordered a considerable Commercial Residential supply of Uzzis, as standard equipment for banlc guards.





•Want Ads

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FOIl SALK 7- room brick home, (hire bedrooms, playroom, l ! i bntlis. Two blocks to Hnrrison school, Beth I s r a e l SynaKOKue. Fireplace, carpets, drapes, 220 wirinR. Full basement,'Has cabinet-hoar, garage, storms, screens, outdoor barbecue. 4% per dent FHA mortgage, or refinance to suit. 'Convenient to transportation, shopping. Immediate possession. Pncid for quick sale. By owner RK 8917.


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Friday, July 10, 1059




Paje Thre*

Ernest L. Stones Air. and Mrs. Erne.il. I,ce Sione who were married Sunday afterMr. and !Mis H l>. Kalian of IipnvtT, Colo., have announced the noon at Heth Y.\ Synagogue, are etinm;i'iiifiit of ilifir dam;lil'-r, Miss Kaye, to Robert Lewis Chapman, spending ten d,i\s in W c t e i n son of Mr. and Mis. Jsadore Chiipman. Coloi.ido OflicMting at thi'ii wedTin.' Kalians, their »!;mi;hlfi- and .son, Stewart, plan to spend the ^vrek-i'Jid in Omaha. Miss Karlan is an alumna of Smith College and tin; University of Geneva, Sv.it/erluiid. She received her bachelor's decree j n politica] science from Nnrlliwcstcrn University. She was rlniM'ii to represent Colorado at I hi1 American Pavilion c( the Brussels World Kail1 last year and Is cuiTcnlly assistant public relations director of the Mile Hidi'l'iiiled Fund in Denver. Mr. Chapman received his bachelor's drgrfr from the University of Michiciin at Ann JVrbor and i.s n ^raduale of .Stanford University School uf'l.nw, Palo Alto, CnJ. A Sc])trml)(;r weddinj; is planned.

Orgamzai II'",NKV MONSKV BOAICU •Tlw H'nal B'ritli Henry Miinsky Ohftpter No. -170 will hold their first hoard meet ins; of the season, Monday, July 13, (it 1 p. in. at the JJumleo Dell. All hoard members »uf uiiied to attend. 1IADASSA1I HOAHD The Omaha Cluqilcr of HadasK.ir will hold its xutmiicr board liipetlnu on Monday, July 13, al 1 hch home of Mrs. Nathan L. IVfik'K- Co-hostesses for a 12:30 dessert Inntheon will he Mines. .Allen Kohan and I/adore i/cvinsnn. Project chairman will discuss plans fcjr ilie coming season's activities. Mrs. Max (IreenberK, president, of the Omaha Chapter will preside. >'OI!i\'<i AI>l"l,T ACTIVITIKS Younp; Adult, activities will include n. meeting Sunday, July 12 at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center, H party, July 18 nntl n softtmll yame at Klmwond Park. Kleeted al the last meeting were Wn_x .S|x>ctor, athletic chairman mid Sheldon Cohen, social chairman. KlflTIIDAY - (JKLKMCATIONT The Workmen's Circle Club nt, n feathering, Saturday, July 11, at 8 p/ni. ut the 1-nbor Lyceum, will honor the birthdays of Mmes. Samuel Orrnslciii, Max Katz, Sam itiidcrnum and Motek Pfeffer. Mrs. Sum ZwerlliiK will he in charge of entertainment. The club will hold its annual picnic, Sunday, July 12 at Elmwood Park, beginning at 3 p. m.

Hebrew University Jawisfi-Araf) Circle Israel -A Jewish-Arub students circle with some K0 members has been formed by the Miipai tIsrael Labor Party> group at the Hebrew University. It is to hold symposia on such questions an the Arab intellectual's integration itnu Israel society, thy role of the Aruh student mid such topics as Israel's integration in the Middle Knst. On the social side, the circle is fiboiit to start on folklore evenings, the firsl to be devoted to the life of the Arab peasant. It also intends to hold courses in folk dancing and ballroom dancing aimed at removing the social barriers between Jewish and Arab students. The circle's firs I. outing was held some three weeks ago in central Israel.

Israel Bonds Record State of Israel Honds in the Ir,wa, Nebraska and South Dakota area, outside of Omaha and Council Bluffs, are running almost 20 per cent ahead of 195H, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, area chairman announced today. Nationally, .she said, sales are more than 20 per cent abend. Plans are being completed for a national conference In Chicago in September, and a large local delegation will attend, according lo Cicrald Schwni'tz, area mnnager for the Development. Corporation for Israel. Irving Teicher, former city manager here, is in Israel now and will return to his position as manager for Israel Bonds in Minnesota and North Dakota, with offices in Minneapolis.

Washington, UTA)-- Mnj. (Jen. U. S. Giant, ;jrd, chairman of the II. S. Civil War Centennial Commission, said he was sorry he distributed a piece of anti-Semitic literature because "I had no ide.a the article was going to gel into the hands of the general public." (Jen. (limit, grandson <iJ die Civil War IUTII, had sent out thousands of copies of "Ahnilium Lincoln mid this Itotlischilds" which blimicd the Civil War on "Jew f'biancicrM." The article also sought to characterize, the assassination of Lincoln as part of a Jewish plot. According lo the article, "International" Jews sought to split the United SlateK to exploit dm two struggling sections.

Franklyn Bergs Will Reside in Olympia, Wash. ding were Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron Kd(?ar. The bride, the former Rita Lea Olesker is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Olesker. The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Stone of Denver. A Swiss organdy gown was the selection of the bride for her wedding. Her full illusion veil was caught with a double crown trimmed with blue roses. She carried a bible with a white orchid and slephanotis. Mrs. Bernard Hockenbi-rg was matron of honor. Uridesmaids wore Mrs. Herbert Kotzen and Miss Helen Manvitz. Burton Dunevilz served as best man. Ushers were Alan Newman, William Sandberg1 and Robert Wallace all of Denver, and Jack Green. Following the wedding,, a cocktail hour and dinner dance were held at the Blackstone Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Stone will live in Denver.


Gen. G r a n t , dispatched the article last month to members of "military order of the loyal legion of the United State-."—all descendants of Union Army commissioned officers. Protests ensued with the Anti-Defamation League raising 1he issue in Washington. Gen Grant explained that, "it was meant, to go only lo a supposedly friendly group." Tim same article wan published hi Ifl-M) liy this controversial Futlifr Charles 10. Coughlln and also in Nazi publications. It was recently revived by this "Seaboard Wliiin Citizen* Council" headed by John Kaspcr. When lie distributed Hi,, article, <Jen. (irant recommended Its content ait "llhiniiniitlilg" and •ndorsod It.

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Miss Syril Ruth Koslcr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Foster, Fox Point, Wis., and Pfe. Franldyn P. Rorjj, son of Mrs. Sol Berg, were married Sunday In Milwaukee, Wis. They will make their home In Olympia, Wash., following a motor trip through the west. Bridnl attendants were Mi's. Gerald Malmon, of. Milwaukee, matron of honor; Miss Roberta Forman, Bayside, Wis., maid of honor, and the Misses Sally and Suzy Buchbinder, Whitefisb Bay, Wis., Fay Anne Kafz and Madalyn Miroff, bridesmaids. Steven Foster, brolher of the bride?, served as best. man. Ushers were Gerald Malmon, Milwaukee; Gerald Friedman, Detroit, Mich.; Larry Epstein and Marshall Dennenberg.

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ISRAELI AOTIIKSS IN HOLLYWOOD Hollywood (WNS) Haya Harareet, a young Israeli aclress who recently completed the top feminine role in "Ben Ilur" for MetroGoldwyn Mayer, a r r i v e d here this week to f u l f i l l her conIracl. with the . Hollywood studio. Miss Harareet, who once carried Mrs. Harry Wise, Sr., and Kph- a rifle in the Israeli Marines, w.is raim Marks, Omaha attorney, have born in Haifa. been appointed to the Governor's Committee for the White House Conference on Children and Youth tile the State of Nebraska. Mrs. Wise, state mid social legislation chairman for the National Council of Jewish Women, will represent the Council on the Committee.

Gov. Appoints

"PLACE D' ISKAKI," IN PAHIS Paris, July 5. (JTA) The City Council of Paris has voted lo name a junction of three major avenues the "Place D'Israel."

for the .

"Royal Treatment"


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Mill Jrfiic Lwm, I xciuii'.e Diriclur, NJIIOIUI 1'cdcr.mon of Jiniplo Sisicthnods (al Iffi), receiving * Cihilion for DiMinK'nMicd Service from the Jewish Braille IiiMiwic of America lo mark the 25ih anniversary of lier "impirinj; leadership" as an officer and a member of ilia Executive Hoard of die Insiiluic, which the is currently serving as Treasurer, MakinR the prcscniaiiqn i» Mr«. I.eon I., wallers, Vice Prtiident of the Jewish Uraille Jniiiiuce, at its hcadquarlcn in New York Cily.

presents its

$115,000 Assigned For Scholarships

Anna Weizman Made Professor Emeritus

New York (JTA>-.Scholarnhip« and Fellowships In tho ninount of $115,000 have been granted for the academic year 1959-fiO to 176 students and scholars throughout the world, who are victims of'Nazi persecution. This was announced by the Conference on Jewish Mnterlal Claims Against Germany, which distributes these awards for Jewish study, research and creative work.

Israel- The newly-created rank of Professor Emeritus at the Weizinann Institute of Science, Rehovot, has been conferred upon. Dr. AnnaWeizmann, sister of the late Dr. Chaim Weizmnnn, who joined her brother In his chemistry research 25 years ago. Dr. Weizmann has been engaged in .identification and Isolation of natural products from local plants, and in the synthesis of Pharmaceuticals. .

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Pago Four


Friday, July 10, 1939

So, Jerry cooked up a stunt. When, on -the night of July 25, 1956, Sophie Tucker was walking along his innumerable personal appear- Ihe boardwalk, she saw a crowd By Herbert « . Lufl Hollywood—"I um a good Jew," ances for Bonds for Israel during gathering. They were watching Jerry Lewis assured me during which he raised literally millions j Dean Martin hauling a skinny our brief interview on the sound of dollars, and.about his selection | youth by the name of Jerry Lewis stage at Paramount studios dur- as toaEtmasier for the annual Con- I out of the surf. A life-guard comference of Christians and Jews, menced artificial respiration. Suding a camera rehearsal. While the electricians were busy Jerry Lewis regrets Hint he hasn't denly, Hie victim looked up, winked adjusting the lights, and the huge yet been to Israel, .though he has broadly and said: "If you thini; camera crane was brought into remote relatives in Haifa. He wants I'm dying now come see us enterposition for the next "lake," Jerry the iJ'l'Al readers lo know that tain tonight Hi the 500 Club." Lewis, still in .street clothes, en- he is very eager to visil the Jew- Then he leaped to his feet and ran tered the stage, wheeling a pretty ish State but whenever in the pasl down Ihe beach, hand-in-hand with girl in her teens, obviously a victim ho planned such a trip, something his rescuer. of muscular disease. To make his unexepecled happened ill his own j That night, the two young men frail visitor on the sideline laugh life—just as, tiiis year, his wife : threw away their usual material for a wlille, mid to pop up the expects (mother baby. However, | and went wild instead. They nilmultitude of crew anrl ttaff in ! Jerry has made up bis mind to j Ilbbed insults and wisecracks at their tedious work-nml-wait period, i visit Israel In HifiO. j each oilier, squirted seltzer water, Jerry was clowning madly about j Jerry Lewis was horn Joseph threw bunches of celery, turned off LfU'itch on March Hi, l!K>(i at New- the lights, tripped the waiters. The the set. When we finally met, Lewis i ark, N. J. At the age of 5, he tirade audience, loved it. The team was showed that he can quickly change | his debut as a trouper by tottlinj; held over at a high salary, and into a sej•iously-ininded person, lie • on stage "Brither, Can You Spare eight months later was a top. doesn't want to he complimented ,u Dime?". His mother played the drawer attraction at the Copacaon his humanitarian efforts, feel- i piano at radio stations. At 15, bana, at $5,000 a week. Producer inj; that more people holp oilier* young Lewis developed a "record Hal Wallis saw; thein night club, than is generally known. The | act" of his own, pantomiming and and signed them for pictures, alyoung man, who has been honored | silently mouthing numbers of op- though the contract is now nonwith the chairmanship of the eratic and popular songs being exclusive. Jerry Lewis and Pean motion picture industry's Permnn- played on an off-scene phono- Martin stayed on as a team for ent Charities funds d r i v e, who graph. len years then separated. raised (with his former partner In 10-1-1. at the age of 18, Jerry Dean Martin) SIS.OOD.OOO for the married Pali Colonira, a singer V. S. SCIKNT1ST TO Muscular Dystrophy Association, with Jimmy Dorsey's hand. They MXTIJHK IN ISItAEI. and alone, via a 20-hour telethon have four children with one more Felix nioch, 1!)52 winner of dm a final 51,500,000 to complete the en route. Nobel Prize in physics, has been $7,000,000 building for the Muscle Two years later, the 20-year-old awarded a Fulbrighl grant to lecResearch Center at Cornell Uni- Jerry Lewis teamed up with the ture oi\ nuclear physics at.the Heversity, believes that he has been much older singer Dean Martin brew University In Israel. dslng just his proper share. at the 500 Club In Atlantic City, Assuring us of his interest in hut the combination didn't . im- Use tho Want Ad3 to buy, rent IJewish survival, he told us about mediately click with Iho audience. or sell.

'Our Film Folk'

III Alfred Segal

More About Those Hotels

A fevv weeks ayo I reported hero that I couldn't go along with tho Anti-Defamation League which in B'nai B'rilh's monthly miiKMzine proiestocl because a hole! on Lake Placid. N. Y., di'ln't c u e to have Jews as guests. As I said tlic-n, in self-respecl I won't scream out loud just because sonic ethically imd socially low-down liotel won't take mo In. Pon't I demean myself and my people when publicly I make it widely known, that by some such hotel 1 nral my fellow-Jews are considered 8 lesser species of the human race? So I just keep still and hold my compels u vigorous, iiffirmativi; head hiiih. far above any of I hose | answer to discrimiiKition against low-down hotels. I no my way in ] any part i^f the human family, If proud self-respect, looking down we are not for ourselves, who will be? If we arc for ourselves alone, on them. I am brought back to the matter what are we? And if not now, .Of such hotels by a letter from when? Arouse Human CoilHcieliet' Lawyer Harry A. Kovenock. for"The road of human degradation merly president of Ihe Milwaukee .Jewish Council, (He reads this that begins with exclusion from column In the Wisconsin Jewish hotels mid ends in confinement in concentration camps is n long one; Chronicle.! but such a road was liuilt in our 'Restricted' Sign He. disagrees with me on the times, ami it was paved with tnatcer of those hotels. Says he: stones of silence. On this issue it "Your column SURRPKIS that when j is neither safe nor prudent to be a Jew encounters a 'Hesirick'd' I silent; and we should support, sign in a hotel, he should retreat rather than sneer at efforts to : in. dignified' silence and you oh-1 arouse the human conscience to }eet to Anti-Def.'imation League I the shame of discrimination." 'screumitiK' by publishing articles! My reply: Well, Mr. Kovenock, exposing hotel discrimination . . . il keep on • believing that discrim • You seem to think that the prob- illation which keeps me out of lem of hotel discrimination is not some of tho hotels is one of the important e n o u g h to call for ! lesser of the foulness in the human Speech or action." | race. So that no-good-hotel-keeper Mr. Kovenock s a y s I'm nil doesn't want me in his house! I wrong: "For a large segment of am -happy to be rejected by one the American people . . .notably bl so indecent. Why .should I want Negroes . . . the problem is some- any association in the environment times as basic n.i simply finding a! of such a person. I just don't wanl lodging for the night. If might still | to let myself down lo his level by be so for the Jew were it not for] protesting;'I go my way. Question of Employment the campaign of agitation which you find undignified . . . Indeed, our being kept out of which has been carried on by'many such low places is the least of dispeople and by organizations like criminations. Much more painful the Anti-Defamation League. It than my own self being kept out has made the American public at of such a hotel, is what may hapleast partially aware of the af- pen to a grandson of mine when, front to human dignity which is finally, he's looking for a job. Incommitted when any person is de- deed, as I understand, there are nied public accommodations be- more business houses that don't cause of his mce, color or creed. want Jewish- boys on jobs than In fact, in many st.ttes, including hotels that don't want Jews as >pour State of Ohio, .such denial guests. Is by law nude punishable." I know of business pliices in our Discrimination In Any Form own town that won't take Jews inLawjer Kuvertoek goes on: "The to their employ. (And, for that question, however, is not h o'w matter, there are those who won't much or how little hint Jews suf- have Catholics, either..' fer from ii paiticnlar type of disTo fight nil such discrimination crimination. The finest ion rather is that goes on in employment is. whether we Jews, as individuals far more important than caring in and thiough our institutions and the least that some hotel doesn't organizations, can and s h o u l d want me because I'm a Jew. I'd wherever possible through speech rather sleep in some lodging house or action discourage discrimina- than in such a, hotel. tion in any fonn whatever against Yes, to deny a man the divine any man because of Jus race, re- and social right to make a living, ligion, or natural rights. is a hell-of-a-lol more of a crime "Our religion, our ti,Million and- than to keep me out of some so our expei ience as a people for called swell hotel because I'm a m o r e than 2,000 years if it Jew. I just don't care. (WNS Service I has any meaning for our times . . .



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