July 17, 1959

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Vol. X X W I I

> « . 45

l J " h l l "l'e'* "very Fritiny. inj N. a/in, Omaha. Nebraska. [Miuiia JA 13UU



iit Oni.-ihu. Nebr.

Sliiule Cupy 10 Cent* Aittiuui I?ate 4 liollui'tt

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged l a p ^ ° ^ > Proposal (Tlk> Dr. Philip .Slier Home for Ihu Aged acknowledges the following memorials and donations.).

"|"Q i\tjVfQIlCS

Jerusalem <JTA I -The proposal to advance Hit.1 national e-lrctions Mr. and Mrs, f-rpd pnjpnitock, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vorcf, Louis Samm'.r and Mi*,» Beo, in Israel from November 17 to the Mr. and M'"». VfHUuin Bocr.Ucrtj , MKs Jennie FHdrnuii middle of .September, to .shfM'Icil Mrs phit SoM, Mr. and Mrs. Reubcfi KulnkoW-y, Mr. ond M n , A. H; Broclkey, Mr. and and M n . William OuuLbprg Mrs. Bf*>Gio l e v y 111« period of Israel's c.in't.'ikcr Mr, and M n . Churlcs Fcllman , , Simon Shy ken Tin 1 J e w i s l i CuMiimmity CVntcr ( KCJHUI S u n d a y , C e n t e r (io\eninif'nt, \v;is droppi'il by Ma iVr, and Mrt. tteyrr Stern .-,, Mrs, 'BHIu Roniitk Pai-king lot. will be flic KCCIK; of; 'jVh fjrsl session c a m p e r s a r * Louis SoMiintr and Mm Bra, Mrs. Hrnruin FrtinkMn ond M I M Kuluri. Mr. ond tM\, Lloyd pai, tin; parly of JYoiiilcrvpfivitl li M lw Krledmcin, Mr. ond M n , Drwid Orfci:w, Mr, amt Mrs. f-red Hosemtock, t^r. and M i l . linpl>y tin '"' y llnuiiK ' - of -r (.'iiinp-boiintl 1 j sch(»flulcd (o r e p o r t in t h e J e w i s h Reuben Brown, Mr. nnd Win Alw Goldstein, Mr. and "Mri 17. M. Oruesktn of $loux lit'M (iiii'ion which ciriKifinlly spoii- f .x.unKKlt'r-;, .Sunday, July 19 at !)11i Community Outer auditorium Cily. la., M' O'Kt Mr%. Joiopti Koy of Berkley, Col., Mr. and Mrs foul 1 Vernt ,. Mrs. Gertfudc Kalo^nttiky sorfcl ttu' j)i'»po.sal. 'I'hc Mapat ac- ;i in. us tliey prepare (n lioaitlj • Sund.'jy nioniin^;. They will leav» Mn. Mciyuie T^ml» AIJKH>IVHI Mrs. Hebccta lemfn hi,sr.s for C'.'iinp .I;iy-C-C' « h c i e ! for Hit* fNimp site at 9 a. m. in "Mri, Libby Kopiai • Mrs. 5aroh Solomonov/ tion was explained by the fact that 1 they will lie «'i'lo)in«l by specinl I clKtrlojcd buses. f/.f, /iiid Mri Ouviri OrKo^/ . * Mr. npliroim V/einhery no majority' could hi. iniisterpd for opening d;iy nolu'ities. ! Hnxwxxe nml lu^.'i^o should lii Mr and Mr» O A Uoiumrr. Mr. nnd Mr*. Merrim-rm, Mrs. Virginia Hfiffii, M n . G, V7. (be proposal in Knesset, Israel's Johnson, Mr. ond Mrs. H'-ndfick',, Mr. and Mrs. J<ick ^rttinldi, Mijfnle (-ntjJbritson, ! Children from Oniah.'t, other Ne- I brought fo the ('enter Parking Jot, • Mr ond Mr* J-rry Swift, Mr. ond Mrs. Wuynff Lorsrn, fclkfio Martin, Mr. ond Mri. W.hO'i Mortin B«?" V;aldnirjrt j Parliament. i Ijiaska coiiinuinities, and cities ill! SaJurdJiy between (i p. ni. and J Iowa, Kansas, Kansas, Illinois, Illinois, Missouri Missouri [j m. where ii will he lurried over In Honor Of! However, (lie House C.'oinniill'.'O ! luwit, Donor of the Knesset decided today to and the Dakotas make up the en- to a specie! staff nnd later placed Mr. ond Mrs Swru Roienl)li;m, Mr. and Mrs. William fiousijrrg ,.,.... Anniversary of Mr. onri Mrs. Julius Ahramson I l'eeonmiend dial the elections he Mr. Q.Kt Mr;. Paul Vnct Ncr.ovcry of Jacob Slostiuro- Jr. I beld on November .'! instead of Mr. onU Mrs. Oani Ho'.intjUun Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllloni Doasbcrg November 17. At the same lime it Donations to the Home Synagogue i was learned today that (IK d ) \ ernment will proiio.se to the km s Mr and Mrs ttirhard Moi^rinnn, Mrs. Vircili Mmdin, Mrs. Hen Mohcrniud, /An. Noi« Gol(ifcm, S«m tolnic, ,'r/.nion Silvcrnion set deferring, lh<; municipal elections for one year anil amending Special Contributions Hie. municipal election l.'iw t) ( n Wr. and Mrs M<jr Ion D-'IJI:M In memory of inolhcr, Mrs. M-nnir! D. Deoed and sister, Miss Florence Dcgcn able mayors to be elected by popVr. and r/rt. Drive Hcil.n In honor of lln.'ir reci.'nt morrioge ular vole, Majors are now chosen Mr. ond Mrs. tk'nry ttONtvnn ..Grass S(.'(-d tor ttie Gtound'. or elected by the members of the Itr. mill Mrs. Louli Kulokotjky .11 ft. RclrKitrtilor In memory ol mollirr, Mrs. Bossle Levy municipal council.


In Memory of

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Mr. and Mrs Mlllord Krriine. Or. and Mrs. A. Hutmltl' ....Until Fixture for new Tea Room


.Alvin Richard "Dik" Weiner, I An Oniaba visitor this week was I firnl planting of trees, a decade promilifiit liguri' in c.im[iu.s activi- | Hanan H. Yarden, Managini; Plat;o in the Negev was accoinplisbfd tif-i' al the University of Iowa, ! rector of the Keren Kayemeth with cans of water transported 1>> Iowa City nlul former Camp Jay- I Foundation for the Jewish NalionC'-C counselor, lias been named di- i a I Fund in Jerusalem, who sees the truck. I'rotjres'* In Adulhim Area rector of children's anil youth ac- {.security of Israel interwoven with The Adullam area in the westtivities al Hie Jewish Conmumity ! the development of its land. ern part of Jerusalem, tinpopulatCenter. The announcement was j , JNF I'ruKrain in.-ide Ibis week by Robert II. j Mr. Yarden is touring the Unit- i ed for centuries, he pointed out, Kt>(ip<'f, Jewish Kederatioil presi- j fd Slides to bring the story of his is a concrete example of the addent and Lou Canar,Center Com- I organization's program for soil vances made by the Jewish Naj reclamation and .settlement of tional Fund's efforts in land recmittee Chairman. I Jews in Israel, and expressed the lamation. Through its joint efforts Mr. Weiner replaces Mrs. Nor- I feeling that, both arc essential to with I be Jewish Agency and the niiin Milcram who" has accepted a her security. He recalled the bar- government, nine of seventeen ren, urid stretches of land and the villages planned for that section, piwition on the \ limited living accommodations in are already in existence. Iseth Kl Hebrew' Israel when he arrived in 1!)I2 in Private gifts to the Foundation School ulnff. i contrast with the vnsl progress in evidence throughout the state to- have hp?n responsible for (lie outHB niajoreil in standing strides made by three day. soehil icriences nt settlements -Roglit, Neve Michael llie University of Itceliiinatlnn I'rovlcli't. Jiilift and Kfar Avie/er. Prior to the esI own ami while Mr. Yarden Raid that the Jewish tablishment of. the Foundation National Fund in making land which receives gifts from estates, al school served available for newcomers has pro- insurance and individual bequests, at recreation divided work and sustenance for the Jewish National Fund, Mr. rector for handllens of thousands. cipiied childien Yarden lemarked,.carried on with "Most of the people who come the aid of the traditional collecfit the Children's to Israel are city-bred nnd un- j lions only, through Ihe familiar Hospital, and in familiar with Ihe soil," he ex- j blue boxes, holiday dinners and oilier g r i> n p "Illk plained. "We encourage them to j simiTar events. work activity. Tilt- n«nv directoi' participated in till the soil nnd provide them with niitny University activities and was a living until they are permanent- I Klghly per cent of Israel's land I Is still undeveloped, it was Jndicaptain of the cheer leading squad ly settled. "We also function to plant trees jcaled by Mr. Yarden, although lie which nt tended the last Hose Bowl Game in California, belonged to and expect to plant 100,000,000 firmly believes the greater portion jean be made useful despite the the Hnwkc-ye Pep Clul) and the I within the next ten years, includ desert and rocky areas. "\\\Z lirolher" inganization. - lie ] ing those on behalf of the covernVVJ> affilinled with J'lil Kpsilon Pi • meiit for security reasons." Krateniity and was twice presentTrees for Security ed with trophies for "all-round'; Mr. Yarden saitl the forests of trees serve as lines of demarcation service. Holidays Begin Sundown Of .. Mis association with Camp.Jay- on the nation's frontiers as well as Previous Day. C-C includes five years as coim- proleetion for the land. Today, he Ilosh llashonah ....October 3 selor'aMd program staff mem her said, water is conducted through Yom Kippur ......October 12 j pipes., fur this purpose, but 'the ami five years as a camper. Mr. Weiner, the son of i\Ir. and M r s . Kdward Weiner of Villisca, Id., will assume hi* duties September 1.


B'nai B'rith to Stress Praise Education, Says Katz

Druze Leaders Israel Government

Kxprcssing confidence, that a meaningful Jewish life can be maintained in this country, Label A, Katz, newly elected president of B'nai BYilh, told District Grand Lodge No. 2 convention in Kmisas City, Mo., that this can be achieved only through a well-informed Jewish Community. . •

Haifa UTAi- The Druze population of 1H villages throughout Israel converged on a Druze village fr» Western flalilee to welcome Primp Minister David lien Gurion on '.his visit to Ihe community. On a specially constructed dais, Mr. Ben Gurion received greelHe defined a well-informed Jewliitts of the Dru/e spiritual leader, Slieik ainin Tarif, Diuze Knesset ish community ns one whose citimeinliern and other ciders. lii their zens possess nn awareness and 1 upcpclip.i they praised the efforts knowledge of their Jewish heriOf the Government of Israel for ttio P a w community. Katr called for intensivo Jewish

educational programs for adults, youth and children. He said B'nai B'rith will stress intensive yearround ndull educational programs. Jewish i:ilii<:itiiin "B'nai B'rith members will be encouraged, to give I heir children an Intensive Jewish education by sending them to (he Jewish religious schools and to lake, an active interest in the-schools and in what their children are being taught." Katz emphasized Ilia importance of the learning of Hebrew by Jews llvlnff outside of .Israel. ~

rollnient for the first two-week session which has already passed capacity. Third Decade Sunday will mark the third decade .of resident camping made available through the Jewish Federation of Omaha, Norman Bad. Camp Clmirniiin, observed, with the approach of the 1939 camping season, "Although the resident capacity ot the camp site has been increased 20 per cent," Mr. Batt. disclosed, "the need remains-for the institution of a waiting list for prospective . campers who registered too late for the first period."

in the cabins assigned to campers. Although a truck will be on hand to assist with baggage Sunday morning, it is preferable that It i arrives Saturday evening and parents are urged to do this if possible. All duplicate keys, prescription» | anil special instructions required j for the campers should reach Ilia ! camp office before Sunday. Second l'erlod The, second camp period of two! weeks will begin Sunday. August 2. I Parents are asked to call'the camp office, .IA 1.'!()(! for additional tnI formation. •

CI.IMt: TO AH) NUAIMIMM) Israel Official, Dr. Jerusalem— A low-vision clinic, Bunche Discuss Suez the first of its kind in Israel, has United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— been opened in Jerusalem ut the Hadassah-Hebrew University hos- Joseph Tekoab, permanent,'.representative of the Israel delegation pilal. The clinic was setup by Dr. to the United Nations and Dr. Albert K. Sloane, Director of the Ralph Bunche, UN UndersecreDopi'irlnienl of Refraction al. the j tary, discussed Ihe question of'tho Massachusetts Eye and F.ar In-1 passage of Israeli cargoes through firmary and lecturer at Harvard) the Suez Canal which is beinu Medical School at. the invitation hampered by the Kgyptian authorof Hadassah. ' • .- ities,

As of .Inly 15, I!I5!> Thi! follouinj; arr current reports from divisions in the 1959 Omaha Jewisli Philanthropies C.-nnpaiKn: Division l!l">!) Totiil Initial Gifts $.il<l,W.2.f)0 Men's Division 25.l2iJ.00 Women's Division Gl!,/lfi5.!)0 B. & V. Unit ;!,(X)2.50 Children's Division 1.8S-1.50 IfiKh^Scliool Divisinn ......'.... .... I ..".K6.1.r> Univcisity Division .' • 27fi.00 Oi-Runiziilions 2.X07.!i0 Miscollanwms J .130.00 Total

S t(;(),0,t.l.G5




Friday, July 17,

Omahans in the News


Tunisian Jews Suffer Economis Problems

Mr. mid Mrs. Donald Sulolurov-1 stein of Chicago, III., and the skvand children, Melvin and Shir-'' Arbitman's gramlson, Daniel Allen Paris (JTA) -.ICUK hi 'J'unisia ' Denver, Colo. Second Ctu'.s Hoslage Putd ct Omnlio, Nebr. are now preparing Utv I he orK-inley. VVIK 1 s p e nl t h i •' past > ear in Annual Subscription, 54 00. AUvertivng Rates or) APPI'CUHGH. \y.u\\on of ch'Hions to tiic loader( "ity, M 0 . . have I'e t u r n e d ; Kan Publication Olflc*-101 No. V0!h Slrcet, Omaha, liebr.. JA<.k;cn 13«. •leroine l'erer, haK been visiting ship i»f I lie .Icvvisli fojiirnuMil ics 1(. UKi k e t h e i r 111nine at Editor . tn ( (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN vvith his parents. Mr. anil .Mrs. thruut^hout (lif L'nuntry, accoiviin^ Mnrtuu Ferer and sister, .Joy, fol- 10 reports from Tunis. Al pieM?nt '• N r a c l i n e r s to O m a h a a r e M r . lowing his basic training at Fort 11 io com in unities an? led liy cninaii<l Mrs. Martin Koinmn w h o Leonard Wood, Mo, J {e will leave mittecs jippnintcri hy \ho ^ovcrnpreviously r e s i d e d in Detroit. soon for Fort Moimiouth, N. J., HKMlt. i Varsity Seeks Title 'I'ht* r i r i i i l i p r r s s 14-ptirls t h a t Mich. They a r e living at SWI N o r t h where lie will complete, his iinny i The .Iiiy Varsity Softball learn duly. tin* ceoIKnnlc crisis in TnrtKhi is •Hi S u e d . jpoured it on the U i Salle IliliernK rowing ami 11ml -lc\vs I here, *•*! ians 1(1-^ Thursday, .Inly 9, to Mr. iiml Mrx. lleury Kiasnr will pt'ciiill> tin 1 in idle cfuss, ,iri l cnitMrs. C V Silver of T.as Yeijas, I keep its hold on first place in the 1 N''\-., a i i i \ f d July 1 to Npend sev- arrive home Saturday Idllowim; Ccnifil h-ss wilh tin polili<al <tcI Club League. H a y K i r k e K>'Ve up eral weeks visiting with h e r m o t h - ii tour of California and a visit \ t-loj iinen |N tluin with ihv. i'i<ir I three hits in gaining his sixth er, Mrs. A. It. Miislihi and h e r to I.as \'et, as, Nov. In San Mateo, nmnic ami MM-1:I1 pr<il)lcrn«. T h e ; w i n . Leading the hilling a t t a c k brother and sisier-in-hivv M r . a m C ! a l . , they attended the wedding reports em pint s i / r s that inily ;i j was .terry Colnic and Hurt HoliinJuly ."i of a lOiiner Oinahau, How- small Miniiher uf u<ivnIIUHIII offiCMHllellglitliig: 1>. i n . Mr-.. Stiiiirt Mif-Uin. : son \\ho\e timely hilling with men ard Marvlaiider and Miss Jacque- cials in Tunisia art* biased n^alnst rill liases pa veil the way for the BKI'll 1SKA1X line Thompson. Mr. a n d TMrs. Stiul K a t z a n d Services this evening (Kabbal.'K lar^'st Jay hitting of the season, Un (ho othi hi'j' hand, tin1 childien. SHMIII and Neil a n d Nena Central Shablras) 7::S0 p. in. at Beth Israel Slim Widinan, former t h a t a numhi'j1 of Sie>.;el, all of P i t t s b u r g h . Pa., have, Synagogue. S a t u r i i . i y morning - 11JLCII Kaseliall .star was added lo UH'nt dceji'es lin\(* I)r*»u^hf- chalij.'cs r e t u r n e d home following a visit ...services begin at X:!5 a. in. ami the . l a y team roster a n d shared at the residence .if their a u n t s , MISS (iOI.DVi: (ill.INSKV in tin* s t a i n s of t h e Tunisian .Jewthe .Junior r.-on^ri-witi.ni meets at t h i ' c a t c h i n g duties w i t h D i l / M o . Abe Knclimiin :tinl Miss S a m l l''!meral services \ .eie held last ish rnmmunit.y. '['heso include (ho 10 a. in. Rabbi Benjamin lironer Killlll. N'einser. Anotlier \ i-itor at t h e Friday at P.urket Chapel for Miss 1 j.'.n on Ziotiisj. activities and 1 lie will conduct the Saturday after- : The Jay Varsiiy leimi is seek- same time \v.n ('IILTVI I'idgeon of' Goldye Cilinsky, wliu died July H aliolislnnent of (In1 rabbinical law. noon Talmutl class at 7:15 p. ni. ing its first softball title since Des M.lines, la., w h o rlivideil h e r in a Rochester, Minn., hospital. Poverty aiium^ J e w s is ^rouiufr, : and Mincha. followed by Shalosh l'.C)t; .v.lien they were winners of lime between t h e P.ochman resi- She was the sister of the late '.'spo'.'ially in t h e lower class which S'eudos and Manriv, will begin -it the National l.eayue. dence and that of h e r grand- Sam K. Gilinsl'.y, Cj-miha fruit is completely indifferent to politi7:45 p. in. p a i o n I s , M r . a n d Mrx. S a mdealer and 1'nited l r ruil Corn[>any cal lire. Ka>ini Knu^li riders LeiuHntc Services Sunday morning begin ev'ciitive. nuiial was in Pleasant Uayim's Roiif;hi iilers are on top a t U:45 a. in. and are followed Hill Cemetery. of the Youth Council Softball by breakfast and the Rabbi's class Mr. and Mrx. Kli IJiltm-r arc in Miss Gilinsky was born in CounJunior t I.caj.;ue vvith a record of (i wins • in Bible. .Sunday morning Davenport, la., wh^rc they are cil Muffs and moved to Omaha Congregation meets at 8:'W) a. m. and no losses. .Members of Hie visitini; at the home of their sonin the Hi Hi's. She lived here a Jerusalem. July 13 ( J T A ) - Is. Daily services 7 a. m. and 7:15 league leaders are Steve Cuss, in-law anil daughter. Dr. ami Mrs. ; few years before she made her Jim Guss Hill Horwicli, .Instill rael is making efforts to obtain iin p. m. Werner Hollander. I >r. Hollander j'home in Beverly Hills. Cal. G r e e n b e r g , Uon Fiedler, Dirk additional .SyO.OOO.OOrJ loan from The weekly Talmud Study Group and the Hollander's daughters. Surviving are sisleis, Miss Ada l-'rance aiter completing use of the meets Tuesday evenings at 8:HI). Ziieharia, I'i'iy Katskee, Dave Win- : Suzanne and Je.iiiie n e leavim: and .Miss Beatrice (iilinsky. Bev- .f.'lO.OOO.dfiO loaned last year. troub, Jeff Wohlner, Malt Faic-r, Services at the 19lh and Hurt Friday for a Kur.tpean trip. erly Hills and brother, Philip, The Isr.icl Industrial InstiiutR Is Street Synagogue, every Satur- Jim Farber is the team manager. ; Follow!ni; th<>ir stay In I)a\en- Denver, Colo. AZA No. l'lf) is in scennd place to receive ii S5,0f)(i,()00 loan from day at 9 a. m. port, la., the liittiifi-s will leave vvith a :',-'.'• record while A./.A. the I'uited Stiites Development for Peiiiia, 111., wln-re they will No. 1 has 2-\ and A.Z.A. Honil is,a l&j the L;U*,'sts of their son and nr.NJA.Miv iirasTKiv Fund for purchase; of machinery B'NAI '..I A COB ADAH in the cellar with a J-5 record. Funeral services were held Sun- and spare parts, l.nsl year $15,i'KSIU'ItOX dauKht.-r-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. day at the Jewish Kmieral Home 000.001) was received froiu the l)eMorris Hittner and family. Services at B'nai .Jacob-Adas- TICI, AVIV TO H.WK for Henjamin Bmslcin, fill, of ilM velojimenl Fund. Ye.-hunin will begin Friday at 7:15 3 NKW SII'KH.MAKKK'IX South .''..'! Street, who died Saturp . i n . and .Saturday morning at Guests at the home of Mr. anil Tel Aviv UVN'Si - - Thri-p new day. Offieiatint; was liabbi Ken8:.1O a. in. with Mineha at •'•*' stiiiermarl^ets rur- expected to open Mrs. Mas Arbitinall are their .iainin (holier. Burial was in I'.eth p. rn. followed by Shalosh S'cudns here shorllv. $10 Reward Mr. anil Mrs. Kred Hernp Hamedrosb Ha'.'odol Cemetery. 1 Daily son ires at B:'i(.i u. ni. and Stirvivim; are wife, Kose, damdiFor Any Information Leading 7::«"p. m. ters, Mrs, Holly Babendiiro, Frefo tho Employment mont, Nehr.; Mrs, Helen Ilrown. TK.Ml'I.K of a capable woman (21 to I.as Vegas, Nev., Mrs. P.ernice Services will be held this Friday 50) to soil Roady-to-woar in C'ohoii. Omaha; brothers, Phil, St. «veniiiK in the chapel at 1:'M) p. m. i Geneva i . I T A ) T h e term "i ef- : now iliat eniiijiatioii has been Joseph, Mo.; J Tarry, St. Paul, one of Omaha'* Most PleasAbe Katelman will officiate. ant Department Stores— | uue-e" is rarely applied lo Jewish stopped are .stateless, in most Minn.; I.mi, Kansas City, Mo. and 1 Philips at 24th and O, South | refugees at international nieolini; cases dependent in a meat meas- eight grandchildren. BKTH K I J in Geneva ami elsewhere, llius ere ure upon aid. but by definition, Omaha. Phone, Write or ApSalibath evening services will b e ; . u j | | i r H f . i l s ( 1 j m , , i e s s i , , n ,,f the since they reside in tile '::M:I1!'.V of HKN.IAMIN FI.i:iS( H.MAN' ply in person to Sam GreenJield tonight ut Beth J-;iSyiiaKOKue,!jpvvr'sh yehll,IH, Max A. their birth, they are not refugee*," pmh)vm, Funeral services were held Sunberg, OR 2600. . at 7 p. in. Sabbath inornim;'.s"rv,i i r ,.,., ( i r Keneral general of the Mr. Kraii'le pointed out. '.serv- •„,...„„,„ day al the Jewish Funeral Home Braiide, director "It seems tiiat the iutc^ialion for Ilenjainin Fleisehman, 7!l, of Ices will lie-in ut !i:.''.() a. m. The, World ()KT 1'nion, complained of a mandated refugee who has I ~j Jr> .South 50 Sireet. who died Jlincha-Alaariv Services will be- here in an ailiiress. mine : ( ) Australia or decided to \ Kriday. -nuriiil wa.s In r'lefisiint gin at 7:30.p. in. ; Do Not Mcit lt<i|iilreniint>i reiiiaiu in Austria is a matter of Hill Cemetery. Daily services dunir; 'liu '.vepk' .Surviving are sons, Jack, l.as are lield at 7 a. m. ap.d 7 p. in. • "During World Refugee Year world concern, lint the Immigrant The Sunday ":orriiiK i ' n i c ! is ?ach group "f citizens is expected^, | O | S |-, t el is presumed In bi> a '/.ion- Vegas, Nev,, Sain, Hitkerfield, Cal. to in:rease its aid to the refugees isf who left, his eoiinlry of origin H,,<] five grandchildren, held at 9 a. in. i it chooses to help on cither de- not because he felt things weie . .-nominational or national lines. Bu 1 bad there, but because he ha<l . Sab (Subby) Pulvcronla MltS. liKKTII/V I'ASSKK : iii m<-etin:;s in Ceneva and el<e- strong political fceljings," t h e ; Funeral services were held July j where we hear about, every kind of OUT leader stressed. 25 Years' Experienco ; 2 in Council Bluffs, la., for Mrs. i refugee aiid very little, if anything Nut Only Trunspoilatioii , licrtlut 1'nsso.r, 7.'t, of Council With Jewish I indeed about Jewish refugees," "The refugee's problem has not Uluffs, who died July 1. She lived Forty-five Omaha children will; Lettering and Memorials ' Mr. Brauile said. "For the Jewish been'solved when he gets aboard in Council Bluffs for 40 years. leave Omaha. July I9th to attend, by governmental defini- a boat, a plane, a train, with a :^refugee .Surviving are sons, I.otiis, and the second Aliyah tsession; a t 2211 So. Oth AT 2452 ; liuns and. eligibility standard1; of simple blessing," Mr. Braude Bait]. Ben, Council Bluffs; Stanley, OmaCamp Herzl, near Webster, Wis. i ' the United Nations and intergov- "He niiiMl be taught to work and j hii; 12 grandchildren and 14 great The camp, which is sponsored by j ernmental agencies is very rare. to support, himself." <• . | the Zionist Youth Commission, is • There are few under anyone's supported locally by Hadassah and; mandate, for our most pressing the Zionist Organization of Anier-; local Jewish problems, do.not meet the lea. Mrs. J. Lewis Yager is legal requirements." coordinator for Camp Herzl. FREE ESTIMATES The Qroup, composed of children, 12 and "A Polish Jewish repatriate 1 U 13 yeori ol oqe, who will attend ore: Jim PL 5396 not a refugee legally, yet he still Abrams, Carol Altsuler, Michelle Aronoffj Ellen Bank, Paula Bcrcull, Sharon Bern needs help," Mr. Braude explained. Commercial Residential " ' " "' BrctJkey, Brcakey Barbara Bteln. Roz Bordv, Goll New York i JTA i He-ports that Chuoacoff, Jo< Erman, Alice Fellman, Sandy "A great many of the Jewish exFlelschl, Morlyne Frecrtmon, llancy Frllcck, emigrants Nsil Gcndler, Barbara Givol, Bcb Gould, pellees from Kgypt are not ref- "hundreds" of Jewish from liiist Kuroiiean countries Grossmon, Clolre Gummcrs, Franctt Horn , Were suffering starvation in Vien5t«ln, Gail Hurwick, Isabel Hurvjil/, Don . o l t h r i l l have passports. Kalskee, Susan Kaliman, Arnold Klmmel, i i nit while awaiting entrance \IS.IS Penpy Krawc, Goil Levin, Ror.liy Llpp, Jerry i I t i i n v i n h i l l B Need A i d I to Australia and other lands were Lohrmon. Nancy Moktesf.y, Jud/ Nogg. Gloria «lini.llllllll» .X « '»!» Rainlck, Joyco Render, Linda Rlfkes, Ailccn More (linn 15.000 Jews in Ru-: denied here by S. Z. Sluagai, JewRlmmermon. Lynn Sounders, Jell Sllverman, Nell Simon, Linda Simons, - 5uian SlutzkyM m a n i a , who ^nve up their citizen- j j s (, Agency executive member in jefhe Srneerln, Judy Turner ond Alan v/hlt- i ship and jobs for visas to Israel, j charge of emigration. man. . OMAHA'S LEADING Mr. Shrjigai, who is now visiting the I'nited Stales, said he received a" cable from Vienna establishing WA 5554 „ 4415 CUMING that there were no more than .'10 STOP AT persons there living as emigrants in private dwellings and receiving aid from tile International Rescue ! Commit tee. Our Own Famous Homemado Corned Beef The 171 h annual convention of the house of worship. I "More than 0.000 emigrants who the Rabbinical Alliance, of AmerThr> ironic and sad paradox of i passed through Vienna at various ica heard its president. Rabbi Samthe Synagogue-Center movement times, .proceeded from there to Isuel A. Turk issue a call to the rael; about 800 have emigrated to is that in fact it has converted and other countries, and. only 'iO now American Jewish community to separate the Center from the Sy-jptrvertod the synagogue info n remain in Vienna," Mr, Shragnf denagogue in a talk in Greenfield, social club where recreational and clared. social activity is predominant and , , Published Every Friday by llic Jewish Federation of Omalia.




Israel Seeks Loan Of $20,000,000

gntemalionai Definitions of Refugees' Affect Status of Jews Heading Assistance

Monument Co.

Children to Leave For Herzl Camp

Report of {Emigrants ! 'Starving' in Vienna i Denied by Official

Kosher Meat Market- and Delicatessen


Addressing the 200 orthodox where religious activity is, at beat, j fsbon TCSK©S OfflCO | Tel Aviv (JTAl—Abba Eben, rabbis, Dr. Turk of Riverdale, secondary." N. Y., declared "At the inception Dr. Turk emphasized the com- former Israel1 Ambassador to the 'of the Synagogue-Center move- pelling need to impress upon the United States, was inaugurated ment it was thought that the Cen- minds of congregants that the president of the Weizmann Istitute ter^type synagogue would result synagogue wns a house of sanc- of Relioljot. Ho was invested In in a greater affiliation with the tity and couid not be allowed to be office by Prime Minister David synagogue and more devotion to demoralized into a recreation hall. | Ben Gurion.

Prompt Attention Given to Phono Orderf

Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery

Friday, July 17, 195t


Council f© Sponsor Second Camp for Blind Youngsters


Israel Exports Show Increase

Page Thre*

Grant lo Israel for Carriage Research

Omahans Plan Israel Visits

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Axelrud United Nations, N. Y. <JTA) — Jsruel-~The U. S. Public Health Israel's balance of Irade—the dif- left, Omaha this week fur a two Service has announced -a $53,000 month's lour of Kurope and Israel. lirence between tlie value of exTlii?y -will visit relatives ill Paris j grant lo the Institute of Applied ports and the value of imports — and Sw.'den. Knroutr- they plan to ' Social Research in Jerusalem to continues to be substantial on the spend some time in New York City j conduct a study of marital relaside of imports, nceordinic lo a UN with their son, Dr. Hphraim Axel- |tions among various immigrant survey on "Kcunomic Dcvelop- md. who is intenmiK in a hospital I communities. The work will be ments in the Middle Kast 1957- there. : under the direction of Dr. Uriel G. 1'*5S.'' However, a slight narrow- : Miss Nancy Friedlandcr, Uni- I Foa. the K\ec,u1ive Director of I'he versity student, and daughter of 1 Institute. niK of the KIIJI took place in V.)~>X. • Mr. and Mrs. Morion L. Kriedthe survey reveals. laniler, expects to leave August 17 ! Tile U. S. agency wants lo ifi"H.y 1957. I he ,'.;ap bad widened: lor visits in Kurope and Israel. She K'estigate the mutual influence bcto :>:.>!!(;,0(10,000, an increase of .S.'ili,- I will return early in September. I hveen culluie and social relations 000,000 as comp.fred with 10."i(i. In ! Planning lo leave in the tall for as they alfeel married life. The K imports we.nt down slightly ; a-lour of Kurope and Israel are study should take about three to S 1:12.000.000 and exports rose j Mi-, and Mrs. Isadore Plotkin. years. to SI Kp ' .OOO.OOO narrowing the nap j Touris'o planning to visit. Israel ] Dr. Foa is at present engaged by $10,000,000," the UN report ; may obtain complete kits of travel j in experiments in the theory of s lid. I information from the Center Li- social behavior subsidized by the Scientific Research Bureau of Die brary. ! American Air Force. Use the Wnnt Ads to buy, rent 01 sell. Patronize Our Advertisers

Australia's Jewish Segment Doublet!

New York 1WNS1 Since 15)17, the Jewish population in Australia has increased from .'12,000 to 115,000 primarily throuijli immigration Horn Kastern Kurope. The two main centers of Jewish population •ire Melbourne and Sydney. The Kastern Kuropean imniiItr<.c11.f\, ( imh Hli'ln, Linda Zalliln, .lean fmits are "adjusting very well and (front I. to r.) I>rl)n 1 otfi'l, I,Hen < m i i i , (oiinsclins .it the helping ti; strengthen the Auslrncamp for lillnd children, shouliu,' two uf their charges lti>w In have linn Jewish eominunity." Jewish fun on it DIIIIP. The yontitj camper* lire J'niila Jcrnensen, (top ccnlcr) immigration to Australia is part and Iti(a Kocli, (front cenlfr). of an overall Australian effort bein« condi(?led uiulel1 the slounn Onndia .Section, National Coun- Kdwin K. Brodkey. Max Canar, "Copulate or Perish." cil of .Jewish Women, for the sec- Kdward Cceaii, David I''o«el, ].ou| ond consecutive year, is .sponsor- Klein and Kli ZaIUin, respectively.' Open to VKitors ! ing 1111 integrated .summer camp i for blind children, .Inly 15 UIIOURII Hie camp is open to visitors,! July 28 at the Ku(,'cne Eppley Sal- and all Council members are in-j 1 vation. Army Camp. The. blind viled 1o visit anytime during thej Alunicli iW'NSl—The president two-week camp period. of the Munlcli broadcasting stachildren will attend the camp at Special treats have been planned' lion's policy committee, Dr. Muelthe .same time as children from for each day, and there will be: ler-Meiniiwn, demanded that Dr. the Creche Home. Both groups pony rides, watermelon parties, Waller Beeher, a member of the will participate jointly in all ac- and cotton candy. Council's "Kve- committee, either resign or be fired tivities. 11ltiK.nl the Camp" p will be Wed- because of his anli-Semilic activinesday July '.12, when the Salva- ties, present and past. Dr. Beeher I'll 11 (aoipini; Siliidiito A full campinf: schcrlulo lias lion Army staff, as well as the | was specifically accused of having ren. will he Council's guests written anli-Semilic articles in a been set tip, including swimmim; children Sudeten-German periodical.in 1!)M9 iirld mis mid crafts under the di- at. an evening wiener roast. Volunteers are needed to help c;illinK for the purification of the rect ioivof Mrs. Alan Wolfson, blind activities coordinator, and the with the parties nnri the wiener German cult\ire by ridding it of Mules. .Max Wolfson and Leonard roast, and anyone wishiiiK to help its Jewish elements, and rofcrrinj; may contact Mrs. J.ultbeg, TK to Jewish writers as "cultural Ltittbf'Ki camp chairmen. 40f!i). IHIRS." Daughters of Council membei'H wliu nr« serving' as counselor* are Susan Hrodliey, Kllen Canar, Jean Ceciin, !)<• Ue I'Vi^el, Cindy Klein and I.inda Zalkin. All are Central }ligh School (Undents. Their parents ore the Messrs. and Mines.

Anti-Semitic Radio Official Under Fire

Lillian Bfttner Making Plans for Autumn Wedding

Meet Your Friends in the Sir Loin Room After the Show Saturday Night FARNAM AT 19TH —PHONE ATLANTIC 1313 —OMAHA, NEBR.

Going on Vacation???? A word of advice from the Gendlen—stay out of trouble! Have your car serviced at one of our Liberty-Phillips 66 Stations before you leave. Nothing can spoil a vacation like car trouble—better have the car serviced at home. Before you go wo recommend that you change motor oil and install Phillips Trop -Artie, the all-weather oil that protects your engine on the hot desert and still starts easy on the cold mornings in the mountains. A complete Phil-chock lubrication—by the book—is your best insurance for a safe, «mooth ride; at the same time we'll safety-check your chassis, exhaust system, and cooling system and recommend any trouble-preventing service you might need. Remember, vacation driving It hard on a car that's been driven in town all year. Tires that have been just "holding up" usually "let go" on vacation—where you'd be at the mercy of sorne strange "goniff"—-a safety tire check-up it free.




Stop in at one of the Liberty-Phillips Stations listed below— : , or call ui and we'll give you the number of one that will pick up your car for service and return it ready to go. The Gendlers (A. B.,.lrv, Lee)


li "Boggy" Bogdanoff Lot Him Holp You With Your Clothing Solocliom Kilpatriclc.'j Men's Clothing — Second Floor

13th and Nicholas For Information Phone ATlanric 9900

Miss Lillian Itltlncr Mr. and Mis. Kli Jiiltner have nnnoiinced the engagement of their daughter, Mlfs Lillian, |o Kenneth Kossin, son of Mr. and Mrn. Isidore Kossin of Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Hitlner received her Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the Eastman School of Music lit Rochester, N. Y, She is now music director of Congregation Mabonim in Chicago. Her fiance is a graduate of City College "f New Yolk and is currently working on his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago. He teaches at the Illinois Institute of Technology In Chicago. " An autumn wedding ie being planned.

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Friday, July J|, 1959

Our Israel Newsletter

Mass Appeal of -Exo

HAIJASSAH I*I,A.N>,'IN<i By Kllalm Siilpeter cooperative, agricultural settleISKAFXI STVI,F; SHOW ments. Jerusalem -Burma's Prime MinPlan* are beint; forinuialed for In March 1956, agreement was the .September 29tli presentation ister. General Ne Win, paid an leached to start one of the largest

'-' • •'•-•'' •-; of an " I s r a e l i Faulit'iii S h o w " by official State visit to Israel this experiments in international agrij it was tht» first novel lie bought n ! the Omaha Chapter of Ilad'tssah, month. In doing so, he became the cultural cooperation: a pilot, plant ! Mr*, I.oui.s Kal/.. general ar- second Prime Minister coming for was established by Isrnel experts I many years. Washington-What is ilie exHe characterized his visit to Is- ! rangenicnts chairman, " i l l be hos-an official visit to Israel. Signifi- in Hie. northern Shuan states, as a planation of the mass appeal of *'Kxodus" among the non-Jews of rael as "altogether too brief," It j less to the members ol he." com-cantly, the first Prime Minister basis for turning 3,000,000 acres was the "high |iolnt" of his foreign jmillee at her horn-"" on Monday, paying a Slate visit to Israel was of wasteland into wheat farms, official Washington? The current popularity of tlie tour.* He lauded Israeli hospitality I July 20. at I. p. in. his predecessor, U Nu, who came i which would receive Israel farm book among non-Jewish U.S. offi- anil described how pretty ({iris ! downs in the fashion show are to Israel almost »xuetlv four years ' m ; i J' l l i l l p r >'* l«''.eJ-ii.a(le fertilizers cials and Government personnel ht'i'vml cold drink* to his group at j designed ami made by the stu- ago. in May 1!!51. " | ami Israel, experts, and from on the national capital scene is I.ydila Airport. He found the Is- j dents of the Alice I.. Seligsberg which most of the wheat would be; |lr( ' Ne Win's visit rejire! Vocational School in fsrnel. 'J'he raeli girls "so blonde and pretty "" sold to Israel. The j)i]ol plant has •'phenomenal. It goes beyond the sents a new high point I Israel- ! , „ „ „ „ ,..,...1 . , . _ - _ . . . . - .. | school i5 one of (he projects in . . . Natural and normal just likit surface attraction of (lie idealized Hiirnia relations, which by vow | been completed, the results of its; amount of Israel's rebirth by our American girls, not a bit Jew-i Israel which is .sponsored by Ila- liave become utmost fruteriial ] experiments .submitted to the Kanjdassah. the Women's Zionist Orish or vulgar . . . " novelist Leon Uris. ' Kooil government, which lift s now* spite tile vast differences in j decided on a go-ahead for th« A Congressional secretary ex- '• ganization of America. State Department officials. religion and history between, the j whole project. White House aides. Congressmen™ plained that she found herself lov- I All Iladassah m e in b e r s are two peoples. ! fiskerl to report change of adand thief secretaries - -have kept ing g the Israelis. She identified with | dresses- and telephone numbers to. The relations betsM-en the two I After the Sinai campaign, probably due mainly lo the internal BrenlaniVs reordering this hook, j the Ameiican heroine of Kxodus, Mrs. Charles Kirumcl. ("J, 7801. countries can IK* divided into four problems facing the K;II*KOOII KOV-T Smaller booksellers here noted a j Kitty Fremont, phases. Burma, which.received its eminent, there wns a less intensimilar drmand. I While she was "a liberal" who independence from the Britsih in sive phase in Biuniese-Israel coTo understand the reasons for I thinks Jews "brit'lit and cliann- riONEKKS COIXKl" January 1018 (four months* before operation. However, Israel exIhi.s phenomenon, ymir corres|ion(l- | inc."' I he Con^i'ossional -secretary CMVI'IIKS FOi: I S " "f. Israel independence) extended full perts continue lo advise ent disclosed neither his religious ; had found lier Jewish dales "typi Mis. Milton Nerenlier;*, presi:ior profe-sioiril affiliation .when j rally opportunistic" in their social ; , ) r n | (,f u,..- Pioneer Women's 01- diplomatic recognition to Israel in ! the fields of agriculture, medicine, Intemeuin*,' "iAodus" readers, i relations with a non-Jew. But the i j>aiiizalion announces that tho or- December 1918. However, for administration, industry, transporthree years, were almost no jtation. etc. Numerous Burmese e \ Tlie find'uiK* Inilicateil that Ivvo- j Israelis seemed "entuely differ- j i;anizalioii Ins .started ;1 drive to j ,,„„,.,,,,, | ) ( , ( t there t .,, ( , n the two coun- I perts ha\e conliniiod to come lo dliti iva.H something more than just jenl." collect clothing to send lo Israel, j | r j , , s 'r*K, 11, in October 1952, a del- j Israel for .study and training, another good novel to the lion- j Indeed, he woidd like lo meet Only (dollies in good re-usable egation header! by U Kyaw Nyein, j The fourth phase of relations •Jew. Somehow, the sweeping por- "a guy like Ari Hen Canaan." He condition can be ac-:<"|ited.. I leader of tl)< Humifsc Socialist-| begun after tlu? visit to Burma of tr;iya! of Israel's liberation strug- was "the strong, silent type, (he Persons interested In donating ; P a r t y - t h e chief partner in the ; Israel's Chief of Staff, Ocncrai gle ill Palestine evoked a vicarious real Ameiican of the West . . . not clothes are asked to call -Mrs. thrill. If also helped Nome (.iritil I like the softies and phonies around to rationall/i 1 aull-Semltlc lean now." lugs, allowing them to assuage Other Interviews were sufficient- ' guilt feelings for disliliinj; '•'con- ly similar, with some exception I • ventional" .lews. to Justify a generalization. Appar- , A Stile Depm lment official put cully, a sense of liinship and iilrn ; i' this w.ij . "I.MI'JIIS revealed what I tlfieatioii <oini's to Aincrlcan nonI had suspected. The State of Is-j,lews with their first important ' j ol relations liegan. Israel appoint- j iK the training of tens of Burmese rael is a remarkable revival of the ! contact with Israel's native "snrd its first envoy to Jtitrina—ener- ex-servicemen in Israeli cooperaancient. Hebrew nation. They have ! bras." They find l:\01lus an ex- HUTU JSIJAi:i. getic, enthusiastic Oai'id llacohen tive agricultural .seltlenienls. A f t gotten o\*.'r their Jewishness and , liiliratiug experience. It-' provides •roMMiTTi*:rc H O L D S —whose name soon became a er their return home, these officers become a new people, a reincania- ; them with proof that they are 1111household word Imlli among liur- should become the hnckbone of the tlon of the old Hebrews. I have ! liiased. A "kick-off" meeting of the Beth incse government circles mid the large scheme of .settling tens of sympathy for the Israelis like Ari | After all, the Israelis in Kxodus I s r a e l Sisterhood membership j i{aiigooa diplomatic corps Soon thousands of demobilized Burmese Ben Canaan in Kxodus. In L'ict, Is-; are such, wonderful people. They coinmittce was held ul the home of Iliirmese experts and del- soldiers in new cooperative vilrael is a nation of farmers and: are unlike the "typical"-Jews. Any ; of Mrs. Alfred I1'rank, on Tuesday cautions begun arriving In Israel lages, particiul;iilv in the border fighters, real people. They are not liota of '.'.nilI from anti-Jewish bias ! evening, July 14. Plans were form- to study the Mpjilleubilily of 1 / areas, By this scheme, Burma like the feus here who are so ma- 1 is dispelled. ; (dated for "Camp.-iimi Day" on sdlnlloin found by young Israel lo hopes to solve two problems «t terialistic and money-mad, the Mi- j One spontaneously likes the 1s-I Tuesday, July 21. once: ".vjiat to do with her ex-servnnii Beach crowd. The Israelis areliueiis who are a new group "so j ' .Mr.s. Harold Zeliiifiky, chairman, (lie (ilinll.'ir problems fnclng yoiing 1 »o different fro mthe Jews." .different." But the old stereotype and Mrs. Albert Friedman, co- Iflirina. Among- lh<' ilelegnt f IH icemen, and how to increase the Comments also came from an : remains. To the Kxodus reader, chairman, will be assisted by WHS the first Hiinnese. military protection of her border areas. (JTA) Army officer who recently visited Mlie Israelis are a "discovery." par- Mines'. -George . Sehapiro, Alfred mission, which came In June 1!)54, Israel as a member of an observa- j ticularly thrilling to 'those who Frank, Henry Appel, Leo Meyer- mid which was followed by {ion group. He purchased Kxodiis find a psychological escape valve. son, Rubin Hairier, Delmnf Klein, sale of Israeli fighter planes to the oHe Air Force, SiiniK Hnron his-return, station frankly t i n t ' ( I 1 A ) A. Zelinsky, Sam Rosenstein, Mnypilots rei'eiveil • lielr Iralnnard Kat/.man, Milton Cackin, Phil

by Milton Friedman



Hancl|i>ninn, Gene I'.roun, I/itiis lug with the Israel Air Forci ulillc Siporin and Arthur. Parilrniin. others, learned from Isrnell InstructorH sent lo Ditrma, The liirjh point of this phase of TKMIM.K ISKAI'X relations was the visit to Israel PLANS I'AItTY Plans for a theater luncheon of Burma's Prime Minister V Nil, in May 19">1. When Kgypt tried to party. .October 'M were made at pressure him to ",'ivr up his Israel a meeting of the ways find means trip. V Nu decided lo skip his committee of Temple Israel Sisplanneil visit to Cairo, instead. I'elerhood at. the home of Mrs. I. M. j ceiving an entliuHiaslic welcome Liberman, .Inly 11. I all over the country, U. Nu was New members were guests at ! particularly impressed by the «,„ a dessert luncheon at the home of i butzini ai;d the mo.shavim Israel's Mrs. Alfred Sopliir, July 15. i •.._'_ '....____

Sell what y o u don't need . eed through Buy w hat j 1'he Sigma Pelta Tan Alumnae Waul "Ads league of Omaha, lurid Its first-' meeting with members of its*newly elected board,..Inly I I . The new executive body consists of Mrs. Sol SclnvH'tz, president; Mrs. Joe RUG & UPHOLSTERY Pollack, vice-president; Mrs. Joseph Burstein, social vice-presiCLEANERS dent; Mr.s. Kenneth .Sachs, corresRUGS — CARPETING ponding secretary; Miss Harriet LAMP SHADES Kiitelmaii, recording secretary; Mrs. Harry Alloy, tre.'isurer; Mrs. FURNITURE Kdwin (loreliclc, publicity director: Cleaned in Your Home! Mrs. Ariiold Ttoseman, telephone for Omaha and Mrs. Ted Seldin, Binding—Laying—Repairing telephone for Council Iiluffs. Don Bernstein HA 2554 S.O.T. A U T M N A l T "

Births • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Belinont A TREE QROWS IN THE U-S.A I have chosen the name of Ben!-jainin Michael for their .son, who was born July 7 at Clarkson HosSHKUATOX pital. Tliev have another son, Mark I-Mward. . ' ' * , : IH.'.V* ISKAI'X IIOSTICMtY A monument will be dedicated Grandpa rents are Mr. and Mr.s. The Norilau Plaza Hotel in Tel to the memory of Cy Silver, SunAviv, Israel, due for completion Dave Kredkin and Mr, and Mrs. day noon, July 19, at Beth Hameby, next summer, is to be named Hurry Belmont, Paloinal great drosh Hagodol Cemetery. Rabbi gramlmother is M r s . neulu Hulthe "Sheraton—Tel Aviv." Benjamin Ciioncr will officiate.. The Sheraton Company, a lead- slein of Sioux City, In.



• ••,




Do you want toftj pamparod ing American hotel chain, will run JIOWISII SCHOOL itoi.i-s looking hands—well groomed the 180-room hotel. This will be nails with iha\ •xJra loolc of INCKKASK IN I'AHIS ptrfection? Our mantcurParis rWNSj — Jewish school the group's first venture into hotel lif* will Ic«4p you proud of Phone JA *13W to Iniert your V/anl Ad (n rcgistiation in Paris has increased management in the Middle Kast. ths Jewish.Peesi. . • , your hands, by 15 per cent over last year. More Rate Is SO cent] for cocJl fhrea lint (marThs Prtss res«rv«t 1h* rlaht to.limit than 5,000 Jewish children were '•Mr. and Mm. 1.. Leslie tion, i\tt of each udverlfsomenf ieported lo have attended religious Scliiieldcrni'in wish to ttmnk DAILY JEWISH FAPKKS courses during the same period. their friends for tlift tunny Beauty Salon At the syitK' time it was disclosed I!ellil;lgr:inis received on tlio BAR nnd^ns Mitzvah congratulotions, nlno for all Jewish holithat Jewish Day schools here have ocnislon of their recent iiiiir2531 So. fO days and special occasions. ttlpled the number of registrants rlago. n lias Meyei*s News Stand, 1502 Bodge within the p<is! four years. . .

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