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S. Study Program Include Hebrew
Young Israeli G o u p ^ ^ v Introduce Skills to ****»»* Camp Jay-C-C Campers
Single Copy 10 Ci'nts Aliniuil Hale 4 Dolluij
shinlgon —The study of Hebrew will he included in the new Dr. Abe Greenbeig, f o r m e r vice-presirleni; Sidney Taren, secUnited .Stales nationwide eduea- j president of B'nui B'rilh District ond vice-president; Dr. Beaton tioned program featuring insfruc;- j No. li will receive a special award Kuller, third vice-president; Sam lion in the languages and cultures \ for "distinguished service to hu- E. Epstein, recording secretary) New tu Omaha and lo Camp supervision of the religious acti- of the Middle F.asl, it was an- manity,' J u d a i s m and Israel" Moses Kagin, corresponding secJay-C-C which opened -last Sun- vities' committee headed by Jerry nounced by Arthur S. Flemming, Aug. 8 from Ihe district al the au- retury; Nate Turner, treasurer) day'nre a young couple who are Stone, Bernard DeKoveu and Bar- Secretary of Health, Education | nual installation dinner of Henry l.ou Cauar, chaplain; Charles Morgenlhau, w a r d e n and Gerald experts in the fields of dance and bara Bereutt. Classes are taught and Welfare, Monsky lodge al the Blackslone Schwartz, guardian, riflcfy. by Stone, religious dramatic acj Tickets, al four dollars each, Mr. Fleming said the American Hotel at 7:45 p. m. They ore I'iiini Sliwinger and his tivities by DeKoven and choir by people need to know not only more The presentation will be made; are available from any member of iviio, A viva, whose marriage blos- Miss Bcrcutl. languages, but also more about by Harry D. Udkoff of Delroit.j Ihe lodge's executive cornhiilte*. sumod from a courtship which be- Individual Personality Developed the economic and cultural aspects Mich., district govemoi (o the gan while both served in the IsMr. Ball staled that the Jewish of other countries. Supreme lodge, rael Army and whose interest, in theme of the camping program The new program to begin in w h o succeeded American Camp life drew them to has been Incorporated into the the autumn, will he financed wilh Dr. Greenberg in recreational, educational and re- more than three million dollars in that post al the ligions activities of the daily camp Federal funds, and will provide for Serve As Counselors ! recent triennial As camp Counselors,. they are routine. new international study centers, j convention in Isbringing their .skills lo the camp"Camp Jay-C-C", lie pointed out, modern foreign language fellow- rael. The 1059 campaign for Staia ra. Mr. Sliwinger, a resident, of "goes further than just providing ships and a research program. of Israel Bonds will be launched Dr. Greenbeig Israel since Ihe ;n;e of six, Is con- campers wilh fun-filled activities, a I a National Kconomic Conferis past president dueling the Counselors-ln-Train- by encouraging ea"h one, as an inence for Israel at the Hotel- Sherof - the Jewish Jnjj program while his wife, a Sa- dividual personality and as a memman in Chicago from Friday, SepFederation, and lira, Instructs in social and Israeli ber of the Jewish faith." lember 18 through Sunday. Sepformer chairman folk druieinc;. , lember 20, It was reported by First Period F.nds Aug. 1 of Ihe Greater Ttieir participalloli is pall of tlie I Period One Campers will be reMIH. J.. Harry KulnkofskyT Area Tel Aviv (JTA)- -Finance MinRroup' of activities and skills of j turned lo Omaha, Sunday, August ister Levi F.shkol, on behalf of Is- Omaha Commit- Dr. (ireenlieig Chairman. Jewish and Israel motif threading ' 2; at K:45 a. m. and will be taken rael, signed an agreement with lee for Slate of Isiael Bonds Local Area Delegation Lou Jess, Omaha hotehnan, will 'the camp program, Norman Ball, j directly to the Center. Baron ICdmund de Rothschild, head A large delegation from Omuha 1 Otnip Chairman, reported. The Second Session 'Camper. ! of a group of foreign investors, for be installed as president of Mon-\ a n ( ] council Bluffs will be selected The young Israelis who were will be picked up at the Jewish a M-year concession on a lti-inch j sky lodge al the- dinner dance. M O JOJM r n G 750 Jewish leaders married seven months ago, expect Community Center, Sunday, Au- pipeline between Elath, at. the Gulf iMr. Jess has « long record of; from a |j P a r j s of the United States to return to their country in sev-i gust 2, at 9 a. m. and from there of Akaba, and Ihe oil refineries at service to the lodge and has-oc-j a m ] Canada expected at the nieet:era! years, after concluding their ! taken oil! lo the Camp. Haifa, on the Mediterranean Sea. cupied most of its executive roles. I j , , ^ according to Dr. -Joseph J. •Indies at an American University. Other officers lo be installed by Schwartz, national vice-president. Tlie agreement, signed In Pre"Our Heritage" Program i mier David Ben Gurion's office Ihe 1,000 member lodge, largest j The Bond Organization, which sponsoring Ihe Conference, proSpecial religious, choir and \\e- ' here, with the Premier an Inter- in the Southwestern , Regional'is : blew .studies at the camp have \ ested spectator, must be ratified Council are Millard Margolin, first vides funds for Hie development — — ------ -1 of Israel's industry and agriculben coordinated in a special dally Sheldon Cohen lias been elected by the Knesset, Israel's Parliature, the construction of homes, piuerani known as "Our Heritage" ment, which will have to vote a roads, harbors and railways, and ut the camp. Campers take part ! president of the Young' Adults law authorizing the concession (he exploitation of natural rein service for the-entire group In! Council. Other new officers are grant. The de Rothschild syndicate courcea. Bond sales since 1!>51 ar» the Camp Synagogue under Hie i Miss F.leanur Resnick, first vice- will invest some $20,000,000 in the Arnold Miner, second j ». .. „ . ,._ .;._.•.... ^ i president; New York (JTAi - The Slate now nearing the $100,000,009 mark, vice-president; Miss Ann Wein- project. In exchange, the Govern- does not have to give corporate Conference IM Springboard traub, secretary; Miss Leah Pfef- ment will |iand over Hie pipeline charters lo groups which practice I Stressing the key importance ot fer,-treasurer; Lowell Baumcr, 10 it on July 1, I960. Al that time, hate and bias, n justice ruled in the c o m i n g Conference as Ilia Chaplain; Fred Marcus and Fran- the line is expected lo have a car- Queens County Supremo"" Court springboard for the Fall Israel rying capacity of 1,700,000 Ions of cis Silvers, sergeants-at-arms. this week. He denied tlie Incorpor- Bond effort, Dr. Schwartz said: Israel's oil and fuel supply will 011 a year. ation application of (he "Associa"The Conference must lay tha shortly be refined entirely in HeThe 16-inch pipeline has already tion for Preservation of Freedom basis for anTeTf«rt~which will brew The Refineries which passed been laid from Haifa to Beersheba of Choice, Inc.," for a Slate char- produce maximum results in tin iiilo; h i del owneiship on Apnl 1, and work is now proceeding on the ter. Israel Bonds. Israel must hasten HI* now undeigoing n Hebi.n/dBeersheba-Elalh Bee 11 on, now The decision was handed down the development of every sector I-ondon (ITA) Refoim Jnd.ition piocess aimed at gi.idiMlly served by an eight-inch line. With replacing thn J.ngl^ii teinilnology lMii should make a "gieal effoit" the- construction of additional by Justice J. Irwin Shapiro who of her economy. She must, prothat has been In use theic since to win back to Jiidnsm those who pumping equipment along the line, indicated his conclusion that the vide homes and jobs for th«! imthe plant wan opened ovei 20 base become indiffeienl to it and it Is expected that tlie capacity purpose of the organization was to migrants who have entered, and ,il<o offei the Jewish faith to the will be increased to 5,000,000 tons fosler and encourage discrimina- those still to come. She must J e m ago tion for reasons of religion nnd build a sound economy, which will A commit lee of plint eiigmceis "spli Dually homeless' outside the a year. race. stand as the basis of her entir* nnd matiaxen me now busy li.ms- Jewish community, Kahhl Bernard liilmi; live technical English tenn<> .7 B.imbeigei, foimei pi evident So far as the proposed incor- national security." of the Synagogue Council of Amerused in the ledmiiK piocess into porators as individuals are conIleluew When tliej complete the ica, decl.ued cerned," the court held, "they may HAIFA SUBWAY WII.I, NOT And anolhi'i r e s o l u t i o n lo job, they will pass their new dkHolidays Begin Sundown Of indulge in their prejudices and j '«-'N O N SABBATH Jerusalem (JTA ) - The new Halbigotries. But their purpose and tionniy to the H<bie\' language continue holding the biennial eon- Previous Day. Aciidemy foi appiov.il 'Die teinn feienees outside the United States Rosh Hashonuli ....October 3 intended practices should not be fa subway will liol operate on th» Will then become Hlandiiid at the to maintain the inteinational ch.ir- Yqm Kippur October 12 sanctioned by receiving the Im- Sabbath, it was decided by th« town's municipal officials. nctei of the oigani/.illon primatur of 'this court." plant
Bond Leaders to Launch Drive af Chicago Meeting
Pipeline Between Efafh and Haifa
Young Adults Council Elects New Officers
IL Y. Gourt Refuses Charter to 'Biased'
Oil Terminology To Be Hebraized
Urges 'Indifferenfs' Return to Judaism
('unpepi unm nil liimd eiirlj u» tliej crowded about the departing liuii's In cuijiir uutli ijmtloii of tli« ninny experience* »' ramp life offored at Camp Jay-C'-fl. Homo will remain for tliA first twi) veok period wlileli begnn Sundiiy; others for tin full mon tit'* tttukUm hut all nnxlatu to be part of (lie ninny notivltlei now" In action.
C:impnr« and staff member* joined for a dUriiHslon on ciiinp |>rcpurution led by Norman Batt, ('limp Clialnnan, limt week ut the .JewUli Coiiiniunity <V-nl<>r. Thojr wore given a, I>revlew of tlie cumphu;.program planned for ynmiKStfiM ntJUaiiip J»y-• C-C with Its ninny now 19511 fcntiires. Mr.'Batt l« pictured at tiin podlmu.
With the Home Folks Netm mid tuipi>rnlnKn M Hit llr. f'liltlp Khrr Ji'ulih lluini. l o r III. A n d by Iliivicl drkuu.' "
Friday, July 24, l»r>9
Sam Berek Appointed Wins Scholarship Friedman, son of Mr. and Slate UN Chairman Mm.Steven I. H. Friedman has been
S ft in 11 e 1 Berek of Fremont, ' Xebr.. has been named state chair-] awarded a University of Nebraska ; man of Nebraska's 1959 United >Regents Upper Class scholarship NKW ICKSIDKXTS: (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN' Editor .Nations Connnitteo by Go\ernor| for ]!)r>S-60. He will ivi\un to the Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shapiro I lialph Hiooks. I university in the fall its a sophoMr. and .Mrs. Morris Green. Mr. .Julius II. lliaff. • The appointment will mark Mr. j more and is a member of /.eta Beta M i s . l'.iiila l . t i s t j j a r t e n . lit'rek's si\th consecutive year as Tan fraternity. ~ Ili:i".\lt'Ili;i:S: Harry -Bern- head of the committee whose fimi;-; stein has recuperated si> quickly linn it is to contact heads of all! Pressed Tongue Loaf under Ihe regime of The Dr. Philip N'f'hraska communities in porparation for United Nation's Day on j Slier .Icui.sh Homo For The Aut'd, Mrs. M. A. Berrovici was plecte<l .. " : piv.sidcnt of the Oinalm Section lhal he has returned In his home. October 2-1. Hnindpis U n i v e r s i t y National lilDlM SHIM: lien Shapiro tjave DIAMOND'S Women's Committee, at ;i lunch- a kiddush In honor of his father, WA 5554 441!. Cumlng eon meeting held at the Highland Jacob Shapiro. Keith Peltz L;nve H ("omilry Club. Ki(l(hi«i) in hi'imr of the hirth of t'anilrllglitini;, 7:>9. Other officers elected u\e Mrs. a (Ir.'indsou. BETH KI. The sixtieth annual I'nlted <M\V ItlDKS are continuing with Sabhath evening services will lie IJVrnhai'tlt Wolf, honorary presi- weekly trips around the scenic Stntes Open Clie.ss Championship jdent: Mrs. Myron held tonight nl Beth KI Svnai;ij Mie opened this week at the SbeiatonMild'-r, first vice- environs of Omaha. Mnny r>f our Kontenelle Hotel with Jacob Keld- : st 7 p. in. Sabbath umrmiiK svrvfolks ate participating In this president; Mrs. iees will begin at 9;.''.() H. in. The .man as committee cb;iirinan. ; suinirier council program, I.eo Kisenstalt. IN MKMOICII'M: Mincha-Mnariv Son i c s will beAmonK those ualhered here for 1 second vice-pivsigin.at 7:,')0 p, in. 'Mrs. Yetta Get*. , the event are Arthur Blsguier, Dr. ';dcnt: Mrs: Abe BETH ISltAKI. ' Karl Bm'ijei' of New York City; j Services this evening < K,ibb;ila>. G/pcnberg, third AKMY CAHKKR FIELDS Gilbert Haich, Philadelphia; Louis | Shabbosi T::'iO p. in. at Beth Israel i (.* e -president; The latest comit of career fields Levy. Patterson, N. J.: T. N. Kdel- I Synagogue,- S a I u i d a y morning Mrs. C h a r l e s in whirl) individuals may enlist haiirn, Windsor, Conn.; B. Zucker- j FOR •ervices b<*Kin at H:V-> a. m. anil K i i t e n i t o o k . ' in the V. S. Army is fiO. mill the mail. Brooklyn and n father nnd I Brid«l Porlr.it. the '.Junior ruiiKivuMion nii'.'is at fourth viee-presi- number of t e e b n i c a l trainitif; son combination, II. Weinstein and : 30 a. in. Rabbi Benjamin Gianni IPIII ; Mi-s. Kd- courses in Ihe biyb school linidii- H.iynioud Weinstcin, Brooklyn. AMD ', <Z,*i\i W<ddln« A' a r d (J re en. ate speoinlist program 15 107. will conduct the S.iiurtHy af f t I With BisKiiier, former V. S. ! noon Talmud -class at 7 p. m MM. Berrovlci treasurer; M r s . 1 CALL j champion, was his bride. They in-. and JMIncha. followed by Shalosh Yernp Viince, refolding secretary;; cluded Omaha and the tournament S'eudoB and MaHriv. v. ill bc^in at Mrs. Krviii Simon, corresponding i in their wedd'mK trip. 7:30 p. ni. secretary; Mrs. Is.idoie Chapman. | Services Sunday morning be^iii financial secretary; Mrs. Kred ' OITSo. 36»1i HA 1044 CONTHIIH;TIO.\ TO AI-HKKT st H:45 a. m. ami :.ire foliowfil Kosensiock, financial co-secretary; I KINSTKIN SC'IIOOI., MKXICO by breakfast and the Kribbi's class Mrs. Alfred .Mayer, auditor; Mines.'i Mrs. Mnrvin Taxman is the new Mexico City ( J T A l - The Cenin Bible. Sunday morning Junior J. SlosbtiiK. Jr.. R. H. Brown, president of the Women's Division Conyretjation mc'ls at H:'.V) a. m.David Fi.'dcr, Morion Kichnrds,. of the National Conference of Iral Jewish committee here w i l l : . c o n t r i b u t e $80,000 for the e x p a n - ; T)aily services 7 a. in. and 7:-l^> Allen /.alkiri, Allierl N'esvman, di- Christians and .lews. sion of tiie Albert Kinsiein Schocjl, • rectors, i1 p. m. ' • " " * which u'as presenter! by the Jews ; I (;«ntor and Mrs. Eli K a ^ a n HIS ol Mexico to t h e S t a l e 11 . s e a r s . The weekly Talmud Study Group i visiting relatives in I.oiii^ Beachmeets -Tue-silay evenings at H.'.V). \ Births ! Cal. Services ;U the 191 h and Hurt Street SyiitfiWUP, pv"iy .Satnr-1 Rabbi and Mrs. Berijainia Groner announce the birth of a sijn on ! Alun ,1, l.exlne, son of Mr. anil ci.'iy at 9 ;i. in. Tiif-.-day. July 21 at I,ulhe]»n hos- , Mrs. llymaii Levlnn left Saturday : pital. , ; July II. lor the United States B'NAI JACOB ADAS YKSIiriCON ' I . They arc »Uo the parents of an- Army T r a i n i n g Cnnip at Korl Services al B'n.ii .Iaci>b-Adas- other son, Ilaphael and fi\e dau^h- ; l.eon.'ii'd Wood, Mo. , Yeshuron will be^in Friday at 7:1.V tt.'is. Diane, Gladys. I.inda, Arlcnei 1'ari*. MTA 1—-Assurance of the' .• j Mr. and Mrs. Irving Stern and concern of the Tunisian Governp. m. mid Saturday inurniiiK at and Sandra. 8:30 a. in. wilh Minrha at 7:15 .Mrs. Bessie Gla.sfnbern and Mr. ' family left S u n d a y for Mount ment for tiie nOicious and cultural . p. m. followed by Slialush S'pudns.'; and Mrs. Max Gioner, all of Chi- i Voni'm, N'. Y. and New York City. life of Tunisian Jewry was given . Daily serviceK at 5:'.V) a. in. and cai;o, are the gnindpaivjils. i MONUMENTS Guestn at Ihe home of Mr. nnd to a delenalion of Jewish com-' 7:30 p. m. Rabbi Groner is spiritual leader1 Mrs. Ben MoliofsUy aic Dr. nixl niunal representatives by Vice the Jewish Tradition ' President Hahi Ladi;hnm, it was Yourin onicr of Beth Israel Synagogue. . • KIIOUW! t)o plnced well Mrs. Iiichai'il Minkin of l.'»x An- 'rc|>orted here from Tunis. TKMl'I.K 1S11AKI. in .-jdvanie "f "Vnlif/flt" «o the ^e-lfS. Cal. and Mr. and Mrs. ,l.-il<(> Services will be held -this Friday. work ilocs not hnve to bo liurrlcd. The delegation discussed with evening in the chapel at 7;H0 p. m.: .Mr. and Mrs. IIut;o Kahn an-: Lawman of Phoenix, Ariz., the nounce the birth of a daughter,! I Ihe Vice President various prob- : Warner Frohman will officiate. V/o *r* known for our exacting Wt«"r, former Onuihans. Margie Ann. on July 14. .| ; Wits pertaining to Jewish coin- '• Hebrew lettering and dot all. You may piece your confidence Visitors'ul the. Kahn residence, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stone and ' inuiinl instilulions and left a: Mr. and .Mrs. Morris fireeii In ut knowing each detail and are-the baby's maternal grand-, duiiiihter, i'"radi'l|p, aro vacation- memorandimi with liim outlining' tradition will , b i adhered to wl»he» to express their iip- mother, .Mrs, Kdward Radloff and, these problems. i ing in Florida, with utmctt car* and ikilt. preciation to nil llieir friends aunt,-Miss Susan Radloff ai UniThe leaders of the Jewish comand r « U I 1 VCH fur th« yood versity. City, Mo. Mr. Radloff. who, munity in Tunis nre to convene; Utru you deal directly with tho 1 wlsht-g nnd donations made In arrived ivilh them, has returned to . , , , \v<j pcnnlt no untlnu1* a territorial conKress in the near • owners ly KolH-iutlon . . , Call UH Tor Mrs. fireei '» muue during her his home. future, at which the problems con- i fippolnlnii*nt nt your convriilciu't*. »t«y In the hospital. fronting local Jewry in each town ; Paternal grandparents are Mr.. and Mrs. Edward Kahn. ; New York f.lTAi Premier -\'i- are to be reported and analyzed. ; kita Khni«hchev was reported this .Such a congress convened each : Use the Want Ad« to buy, rent week to have informed the Imam year, but none last year for var- ' of the Yemen that no Jews from ions reasons, the reorganization! MAX STKINBKIKi i or .sell. Frank Rcnna the Soviet Union wanted to RO to of the communities subsequent to \ 3213-15 " 9 " 5». Funeral services were held Israel. As to emigration of Jewts Ilia new status which was accorded j Open Sunday 2-B Wednesday at the Jewish Funeral Sinro IOJJ .Mr. mid Airs. I'tiillip ('raiifrom other K a s t e r n European to them by Government decrees. \ Home for Max Steinberg ot 12'.* diill nisli to tlmnli their friends countries, the Soviet dictator .said No. 35th Street, who died Tuesday and relatives (or the ninny thai emigration from those counin a local hospital. Mr. Steinberg I'nrdH, HfthKlijrains, and U'Urtries was "the exclusive business was a resident of Omaha 54 years ftrams and for the free* plant- of these independent 'countries." and prior to his retirement was ed in Israel and donations niiiiln Me denounced reports of a moss associated with the. Nathan Steinin tlielr nnrnn on thn ooiiiion Jewish emigration from the Soviet berg Co. of tlielr forllelh ucildln^ anniI'nion (is "rumors spread ahionrt .Surviving are his wife. Fanny; versary. by imperialist circles" that were daughter, Mrs. .Joseph' Weinlwrg, i "entirely unfounded." Silver Spring, Mil ; son. Sam. Redondo Beach, Cal.; sisters, Mrs. Belle Katcher, Elgin, 111.; Mrs. Joseph Morgan, Omaha and brother, Dr. Cecil Roth. Oxford Unlvonity, Nathan Stc'innerc Omaha, Editor-in-Chief JACOB OF. liliOWN Funeral services were held Prepared in liracl by tho staff of tho famoui Encyclopedia Hobralea Monday at the Jewish Funeral In cooperation with a distinguished American editorial board. Home for Jacob J. Brown of CounOMAHA'S LEADING cil Bluffs, who died July 18. More lliiiii SOo arliilcs, UVIT ijOo IllitKlrntioiiK (12 \iugvs In full a>lur) on .low t.sh' j'flljildn, culluiv, c-iiKtdmK, tr;t(IRIonK, Jitcnttiu'c, ami history Surviving are wife. Mary; two from the (JJ<I rr(*stainciit to ttu; in-w State of I.M'aol . . . with Rppctiil eons, Jack, Phoenix, Ariz., and emphasis nn Jcwlsli Itfo hi AmcrW-rt. Milton, Dos Moines, la.. ArliclcR writloii by over »e> Aniciiciih, European anil l»racll icliujnro, Eurial was in Golden Hill Cemelncludliiic I3r. Icr/icI <;o!ilstcln. Justlrv Felix Fnmltdirter, Dr. .Samuel tery. ed Evtry Friday by lli« Jewish t'Vflurutluii of Otimha.
Serena Clo^i Positive Puid at Omaha, Utbr. Annual Subscription, %4 GO Advertnitifl Rotes on Application. fubllcotion Office—101 No. VQIh .'itreel. Onioho, Nebc, JAcKscn 13«.
irandeis Women's Committeer'Elecfs Mrs. iercovici
Ghess Players Gather | For National Tounioy j
Omahans in the News
John Kalina
Tunisian Government Indicates interest j In Jewish Problems
Soviets Deny Rumors Of filass Exit of Jevis
Omaha Honunionf
The First Md/or Jewish Encyclopedia in 20 Years
Kosher Meat
WA 5554
JUKS. VKTTA «KTZ; Funeral services for MIR. Yetta Getz, 79, resident of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, who died July 20, were held in Chicago, Wednesday. Surviving are «ne daughter, Mrs. James Samueleon, two grandchildren, Marc and Fnye. BVILO FIDDLES FORORPHANS IN ISRAEL Mnnster (WNS^—Youngsters'In this Wcstphalian community'have, embarked on a new project, building fiddles for orphans in Israel.
4415 'CUMBNG
Diamond's Famous Green Pack Quarts—Half-Gallon—Bulk They Are Delicious, Try 'Em!
Gall fifednesday for Thursday Delivery
BHkin, Mr. Heiijanih) K. Kpsli-hl, Prof. Sato W. linrim, lion. Yl(!iil AlJon, Sir J-pon Slniun; arid other mithoriteH.
'r.irtlal Contents: Orthodox, Itoforrti, nnd C'/inervfltlve Judaism; Inrnel Tod"<iy; Moral c^oru:ej)tH^ IJIelnry f.awN and Cookery; Holy Dnyft; Prorninenl Jc\vs In U.K.A.; lew* In.Arnurlcn's Armed J-'oi'res; Jewish Klhirn; The Jtat/liinicnl Office; Convert* to Jtidalflrn; ^lonl.im; Jewish OrftnnlZHDons in American, and much innre. . INtpillurly U'rittfn, ntodrrn, v.uinptetv.ly luiilioritutlv^, Tllfl Ktnndard JCWIHII ItncytlnpfMtlft. In »n uniinriillelrd MoreUimnn of information for yuung nnd old, for Illirurlrft, nclinotH, HynntOKiirn, HuliM*, tpachrri, Published by Doubladay, 1032 pagoi, J22.50
"I»ru*l Card* far JUmh I lit* lion ah"
JA 3144
Friday, July 24, 1959
Page Tlire*
Eased Controls in Arab Areas Sough)
Joel Milders to Live In South Carolina
Milders to Celebrate Anniversary in Paris
Jerusalem U'i'A)—A live-man! Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Milder Ministerial Committee of the Is- plan to celebrate their fifteenth Or. niid Mrs. J. Joel Milder who Columbia, S. C. Her husband is rael Cabinet recommended relaxa- wedding anniversary, August (i in were married Sunday, July 19 in the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard tion of military government in Paris, France. They will leave, Columbia, S. C , will male? theii Milder who were hosts, at a pre- Arab sections of Israel and the with their twelve year old son. miptiul dinner In Columbia on Sat- easing of restrictions on the move- Robert on July 29 for a tour of F.urope. urday preceding Hie wedding. Ac- ments of minority populaces. companying the Milders to ColumThe law now provides for free The family expect to spend four bia were the groom's brother-in- movement during daylight hours weeks in Fiance, Ilnly and KngI iw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hmv-in all parts of Israel except the land. In Rome they will be joined ud Vann, who served as best, man Negev, which is a "security zone." by Alan Jacobs, an e.\'-Omahan, and matron-of-honor at Hie wed- Israel's Arab citizens have com-j and Mrs. Jacobs, who now reside dinK. Another member of the Oma- plnined about the restrictions. i in Highland Park, III. The group ha parly was Miss Mary Kay] Independently of the committee! will spend five or six days there. Hobennan. i recommendations, Prime Minister-j A number of bon voyage parlies Bridesmaids were the Misses! David Ben Gurinn, acting in his] have been given for the Milders. Belle Lavisky, Miriam Karesh, Co-! capacity as Defense Minister, had lumbia; Joan l.cicht. Fresh Mead-1 announced plans for relaxation of I ows. J,. I., and Jacquelyn Novit,! the. restrictions. H o w e v e r , he Walterhoro, S. C. The M i s s e s ! sought to delay implementation Karen Zalin and Debbie Baker i until after 'the forthcoming nawere junior bridesmaids. Ushers tional elections to prevent the were Jack F. Burke, .U:, Dr. Leon- matter becoming a political issue. ard J. Drazek, Dr. Ronald D. fortgung, all of Siunter and .lo-' seph It. Bolker of Beverly Hills, IWorkman Circle Marks 1 Cttl., uncle of the groom. j Birthdays of Members 1 The bride's ROWII waa of white j The Workmen * Circle Branch silk organza over tissue taffeta, i 25X will celebrate the birthdays of Want- to fry a n«w hair Her fingertip veil of illusion IVHS ]Sam Kaplan and Joe Friedman fathion? Or b» turt your held by a crown of lace embroid-j with a dinner at the Fireside Res- favoriU hair tfyU it proptrered in sequins nnd pearls and j taurant Sunday, July 26, at 6 p. in ly cut and let? You can count on ui for mor* tov«lishe carried white carnations, cen-j nes* always, •Mm. .1. .loci Milder tered with a white- orchid. i Both celebrants have been active'members in the Branch for home in Slimier, S. C, following a1. California guests at the wedding i many years and have participate! included Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. j trip lo Miami, Fla., and Nassau. in all Branch activities. Represent•vlrs. Milder, the former Miss Bollier, uncle and aunt of Dr, Mil- atives from the Workmen's Circle Beauty Salon Laurel Lynne Zalin, is the daU(;h- der, and his grandmother, Mrs. IMidwest District Committee and 1«'r of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zalin of j Helen Bolker, all of Beverly Hills' 2531 So. 90rh and former Omnhans. ! the Labor Lyceum and families of TS 1185 both celebrants will attend. A reception was held at the Arrangements committee are: Wade Hampton Hotel, where the Milton Nearenberg, chairman; Ben wedding was held. .- Dr. Milder is serving as a cap-1 (i.'irelick, and Louis Paperny, Mortain in the II. S. A. F. Denial] ris Goodman will lie tnastmastei Corps at Shaw Air Force Base in !for the evening. .South Carolina. A trip to Ihe Bahamas was the! Use the Want. Ads to buy, rent destination of Dr. is nd Mrs. Lester; or sell. John Nalhan following their inar-i 1-iane at the Sheraton-Jefferson; Hotel in St. Louis, Mo., on June |
I0B ML'IUIOW INCLUDES ISIIAKL IN SABBATICAL New York <A.JPi—Edward H. Marrow, who .started his yearlong Sahhutical this week, has included Israel among the places which he, his wife and 13-year-old son will visit. While there, he plans to send his son to an Israel school.
FURS Parnam _t 36th —
realurinf CANTONESE
Wedding Trip To Bahamas
Plan Now to Attend
Ann Reiss Paul Wed in Maryland
Tlia bride, tho former Missj The marriage of Mrs. Ann Reiss Bohette Kaplnn, n the daui*hloi of Paul, a former Omahnn and Phillip Samuel Keksleln of Pitssaic, N. J., has been announced by the bride's father, Samuel Reiss. Teh wedding took place Thursday, July JO-in Bethesda, Md. Following their wedding trip to Nassau, Mr. and Mrs. Kskstein will mnke their home at <151B Grptna in Hethesda.
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Mrs. Lester J. Nathan Mr. ami Mis. H.my Kaplan of University City, Mo., and t h e grown the son of Mrs. Charles NnIhfin. Attending* the bride were Mrs: Robert Lending, matron of honor; and Mrs. Robert Colin, the Misses Silly Gerstc.in, Jiickio Sigaloff, Rosalind Povniek, all of University City, bridesmaids and Cinyle Lot- | man, Lincoln, -Nobr., flower girl, j Yale Ginsburg served as best j m a n for his brother- in - law. fJroomsmen were Howard Lotman, Lincoln; Alan Kaplan, brother of j Dip-bride; Dr. Karl Shrago, Chi-' cugo, III.; Leo Rosenberg, Lloyd Arkin and Jack Katie, all of O/naha. Ushers were Chuck Ginsburg, Omaha; Dr. Bernard DcKovitz and Harold Zabrack, the latter two of University City, Mo. The bride wore a gown of candlelight pcau do soie fasl^oned in princess style. Her fingertip length veil was caught by a matching Queen Ann cap of peaii de soie'in leaf effect outlined in pearls. She carried n cascading bouquet of While orchids and stephanotis. The couple will make their home Jn Clayton, Mo. Omaha guesls at the wedding Jn addition to the members of the wedding party were Mrs. Nathan, Ihe groom's mother; Mrs. Ginsburg, Mrs. Rosenberg, Mr. and Mrs, Morris Arkin, Mrs. Nathan Kramer, Mr. nnd Mrn. Maurice Feldmnn and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Abranuum.-
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Taga Four
Friday, July 24, 1959
Hadassah's Dream Comes True
By Slinloln JUcn C'lioiiu (This articla commemorates the anniversary of the death of Theodor Hei/1 on the 20th Tamnuz tvtiloh correspond! this year to ih« date of Sunday, J uly 20.) Theodor Herzl, the seer of the Jewish State and the creator of the Zionist Organization and it» Congress, was in EreU Israel only once dining his short lifetime. The funions Journey which he undertook with a email Zionist delegation in 1S98, in order to have an interview with Kaiser William II In Jerusalem and win him over to the Idea of the Jewish State, was Herzl's only visit to the country. We tnust nol forget, of course, that Herzl's entire Zionist activity extended over only seven years, BO that (i« could not physically have made repeated trips trips to the country which he described so admirably —especially in the visionary novel, "Altneuland." But historical truth retjuiios one more limiting statement. Originally, Herzl was not committed Exclusively to Eretz Israel. His Zionism was not "Paleslinocentric." He adopted a definitely positive Uttituile towards the project of setting up a Jewish State in Uganda, and It was only at the last Con. fcress in. his lifetime, the Sixth, that he told, .the "Zionei Zion" opposition, who passionately rejected fh» Uganda Sehunio, ' T h e visiting-card 1 left with you said "Herzl, Jewish Statist." It is only now that t have become a Zionist." With tears in his eyes, h» took the oath of allegiance of the Psalmist, "1m •shkakhech, Yenishalayim, tl>hkakh vemini" tlf I forget three, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget Former Senator Hirbtrt H. Lthrnun (l»fl) li nhovvn with Dr. Kal.| Its cunning i. (n«n J. Mann, dlrcctor-(en«ral of Ihi lladasiab Mediol OrfunliaKoal in I«r»el, «fttr Imptcllnr th« >ij million ll«cl«ss»li-Hebrew Unlver.j NAME OK THE STATE . Heiy.l's entire legacy is kept and paper, "Yeiliot Aharonot." There eHjr Mtdlcul Centtr. now under construction at Klryat iladainah • Jerusalem, the Land of Isiacl, i looked nfler by his biographer, Dr. ; aie girls called Herzcla, (llad»»h Iiwn), five wlln west of JtruMltm. Bn<i today the State of Israel, have | Alex Rein, and the complete He-; In addition to Herzl Street, KlftYAT HADASSAH, Inael;—' service laboratories: « separate fetumed loyalty for 1 o y a 1 t y; i brew edition of his works, diaries ! there, ore entire quarters named In tli« Judean Hilli. overlooking Mother and Child Pavilion for ma• herzl's memory lives in Medinnt ! and letters In being prepared in Is- after Herzl, such as Givat Herzl Hit birlhpUct of John thi Baptist ternity and Infant care; the Rosen* «t Em K>r«m, a Hadassah dream iohn Outpatient Clinic to servo Israel. We will here give a few! rael from the treasures of the Ar- Hebrew and thonames, like. Sometimes Herzl's Hinyamin Zeev, are instances of this life without, of j chives. tl coming line. more than 200,000 outpatients an(ourse, pretending to complete-j At No. S3, Mamilla Street, al- used, though Binyamina is not Hers at Knyal Hadanuli, the W> nually; and the Hc-nnetta S/old) Hess. Immediately before the pioc- • most on the border between the •' named after Herzl, but after his million Hadassah-Hebnw Univei- School of Nursing and Residence. Initiation of the State of Israel on-New mid the Old City, a tablet on j contemporary, B a r o n Benjamin eity Medical C«nt«r ii being built One of the Medical Center's ma< (is a "furtmn of heeling" in Israel. )or features is already being May 15, 19-18, a debate almost for- the old house of the Stein fam- iKdmond) de Rothschild. OrganlAnd throughout the United Slates Adopted by hospitals now being Kotten by now, went on in the He-! ily tells us that Herzl stayed here nations In Israel have nlso «omc>#nd Puerto Hico. the 318,000 mom- built In various parts of the world. Bred press. The question was what ' during hit • visit to Jetitsalem in times adopted Ilerzl's name -such feers of Hsdassah. the Women's It i« the brilliantly conceive* trie future state should be called, j 18f'N. A loom with photos and i as the Theodor Herzl Uodge of feionist Orgammtion—with heDd- nursing unit, shaped like half a 6ne proposal was "Her/liii." in j Mimenlrji of that memorable event j B'nai B'rith In Tol Aviv. The :Quurt«r« at 63 East 52nd Street, whfffl, which will reduce the worts Order to perpetuate the name of is shown'to visitors. j Horzl Society of Zionist BuslnessHew York City—are mobilizing load of the elan* and enable a coif • very fund-roumg effort to mmire centration of medical treatment tlie true founder, on the model of, I KIIIST XAMKS men, established in Germany, «tiU completion of this Medical Center and nursing attention In clojot lay, Columbia, which is named af-! The name Herzl is.quite com-1 exists in Israel as a "veterans nsin 1060. Mrs. Abraham Tului is proximity" to the patients. .fer Christopher Columbus, or of ilium as a first name in Israel, j soclation." national chairman of Hadasuili's The Medical Center will have tha Rhodesia, which takes its name : Prominent bearers of the name | A particularly fin« memorial to Medical Center Committee. most modern equipment for treat-, from Cecil Rhodes. 'Hie plan was'j are Mr. Ueivl Merger, Member of | Theodor Herzl is the splendid pa'scent and research. It will have thai Since 1848, when the United Na- ment liot adopted. No more was the Idea • the Knesset, and Mr. Herzl Rosen- jSQIlKer ship of the ZIM Line beareweit type model of the Cobal* tions assumed control of Mt. Scopui. nev. pf making the locality of Herzlia , hlum. chief editor of the eveniiiK | j n g his name. Tills proud vessel B lladussih ha« been prevented from omb for cancer research and hig^l the capital of the country on ac- \ -—' ~ carries the fame of the originator utilizing Iti hospital there end has voltage therapy. Closed circuit, color' 8ount of its name. been compelled to function in tem- television units will also be in» of political Zionism to all parts of porary quatteri in various parts of stalled to enable students to ob> the world. IIKR/L STKKKTS Jerusalem. These medical clinical, serve brain, heart and chost iur-' KVKRVU'HEKK Thus Herzl. In many names, in diagnoitie and research tacllitiot gery. Youth Coum-ll l^eague In keeping with Hadossah'i pnlall kinds of designations, lives on Tel Aviv, indeed, is an indirect | will be consolidated in the n«v.' memento of Theodor Herzl. for the i AZA.10D gave the Rayim Rough- j ["„' the' State "ofTsracl", "which, of Medical Center, characterized by Icy, there will be no distinctionname ol this largest town in Israel : riders their first loss of the season j course, has also Issued a HerzJ formor Senator Herbert H. Lehman in treatment based on race, colorj as "a monument of the Tv.entieth or oroed—between Arab, Christian) >vas chosen from the title of the by the ucore of 15-KJ. Mickey ; s t I , m p a s t i ] e Keren Kayenift had Century 8cientifio »nd Medical and Jew—at the Medicol Center.; Hetireu- translation of Herzl's' Sachs was the winning pitcher for ; , i o n e many years ngo. Herzl's picIll sole purpoici will bo to save Ufa World." "Altn/'uland" by Nahiim Sokolov, j the Onturymen while Steve Gould j t u r e adorns the Knesset chamber, and to restore to people, physically The magnificent HadaBsali-Ilebrew and emotionally, the dignity of th» who look this free variation from : absorbed the lo.-s. Ronu AZA _won j as well as the meeting-room of the Univeraity Medical Center — de- human being. the Book of Kzekiel. ... i their second game of the season j Zionist General Council at Jewish signed by the prominent American The Medical Center will-be of, In Tel Aviv, the oldest secon- 13-7 behind Alan Konecky's pitch- j Agency Headquarters. Behind the • icliittct, Joseph Neufeld—will in-; vital benefit to the State of Israel. dary school in the city is the injr. Rayim is still in front of the : desk of the President of the State, flude the Hebrew Univenity-Hn- In • time of Middle East peace. "Her/.liH Secondary School." and. j learup standings with a 7-1 record..• and in the private office of the (tai.iah Medical School—the only Hadataah Ii convinced that tho needless to say, there is a Herzl j Vanity Lrngur | Prinie Minister, we find large pormedics! school in Israel—founded in Medical Center can be a mnjo'i 1949 by the Hebrew University and lourc* for advancement of health), Strwt. Every city and almost ev-f T l l P G I p- ()nm ', | e a m (irOj>ped the j traits of Herzl, whose noble fealiadassah. It will also embrace • and madical knowledge for the ery other locality in Israel has a J a v Varsity 5-2 at Boyd Field last '"res are familiar to every, child 500-bed. teaching hoipltal with miire region. Her/1 Street. In Haifa, it is the; Thursday night and also in a three j i n Israel. His biography and basic main street of the central section. • VVBy t ) c (or first place.- The Jay j i ( l c n s a r 0 ' ° ' c o u rse, part of the fladar Hacarmel. Elsewhere. Herzl j ] a r i s J m . e t ) , e j r w 0 ] . j { ,',J|t o l | t fo". school cinriculum. So we are well Stret'l in many cases is no lojiK^r j ti,onist!ves as they must face the Justified In saying that Herzl lives Youth Groups to Study in Israel one-of tha most attractive streets. | o t h e r h v o i ea gue leaders in sue- o n i n I s r a e l - ' ilu > S l n l e i ( l "' l f b e n r s Jerusalem (JTAl—Two him- j lnnrt and a French group sponsince it is one of the oldest. Jeruwitness to his work, tlio peoweeks. tlred American youths of B'nai j sored by tha French Zionist Veil* talem is particularly rich in direct ple remember him, although it Last Monday night the Jay VarB'rith, Young Judca and Reform | erations also were ainoni: other arleniiriders of Herzl. sity faced Reynolds Machinery in I ^ o u l d b e cont™y to Jewi Bh feel- congregatlons were among the i rivals, m g MOUNT 1IEKZI, nn exhibition nt Upland Park and ««•««« itatue. of th« revered nn exhibition nt Upland Park and Instead, latest group of atudents who arP W'Mt of the city is Mount Herzl dropped a close 4-3 decision. The T " , rived in Israel for six to eight lla r ot ? «'° si Forest where Herzl's remains are in- Center twin outhit their opponent, I * f«» .™ ,, * , , ' seem " ^ 1 weeks study tours. A group of LnPatronize Our Advertisers 31 h l m o y U tened. They were transferred to 8-4 hut couldn't get that needed I*° I™ *'no. fairy-tale. . '?'.."• ° " " ' bor Zionist youths from Switzerget „ VI it. It is Israel from Vienna on May 11, clutch- hit. Ray Kirke took the 1949. The tomb has become a na- j loss at hie usually sharp control tion.il shrine. The opening cere- j allowed the Reynolds team to get mony of Independence Day takes | O n has? via walks. Fine perform-} place there every year on the 5thj a n c < ,j W ere turned in by Howie! FREE ESTIMATES of lyar. The anniversary of Herzl's ; Li p ( o n ftn(j Stan Widman in cen-1 death is always marked there »>'j ter and left field respectively. j RUG & UPHOLSTERY PL 5396 CLEANERS a simple and impressive function.! American l>Kioii Ball ! Commercial Residential Official visitor* never fail to lay Several high school hoys ore per-i RUGS—CARPETING wreaths at Herzl's Tomb, thus, ( o m i i n g i n t n e *,„„,„,,,• American I LAMPSHADES paying tribute to the "Father of Legion Baseball League. Bud- j FURNITURE the Fatherland." vveisera top pitchers are Jeff WoltlCleaned in Your Home! The headquarters of the Jewish ner nnd Bill Norwich, who were National fund (Keren kayemetj , n e m | i e i . s o f t h B Central HiKh Base- j ~~ Binding—Laying—Repairing U.- Israel i contains the Herzl ib a ] | ( ( > a m H o n v i c h h a , a n o . h i t t c r '; portrait! of distinction Don Bernstein HA 2554 Room, which, in its dimensions j , () h j s c ] . e ( ] i | ( h j s K(,.)SOh f . E Call RE 1317 and appointments, inclUdinK c u r - j i „ " :; . stein, uan lloJlis, .Matt taier anr turns and parquet floor , S a r e - ; R K a k arc performing fo, Candid Wedding Albums plica of Herzl's study in Furniture,! the JIaiz-, , h ( ? G j , s,_. In Vienna. Formal Bridal Portraits. liiBergasse In Vienna. Furniture,, ,Aliainu , . pictures and library reflect the! BoKra^'t'hrewTthnree hitter Children Our Specialty 482? Doig* Quality Work g>?iims of the master of the house,', . . j , •_ . to pace Customer Parking ;?i at Quality Prices who worked indefnlit;-! abli- atforthis thedesk Jewish people. After| ?.;'""* A'i"t.!U..!T timers lto- "a. ^11-3 win I Her/Is death, his friend and ^c-'-f^ Hanrlleinan's bases loaded cr-w.r to the presidency David j d f j " )It- "' a f " ) e b l « 1]lt o f *i ie W™ 1 0 c Wolffsohn. took these souvenirs!"' "! f ! c h e > ' ^ ° » " "Country' vvilh him to Cologne, and aftor h i s | / e v l t z chipped- in with two hits, death, Dr. Leszynsky, whose fam- ?' l n e ^'••''••n'iive piny by Hurt Hobily is now living in Jerusalem, j n s 0 » '» l c f l f i o l ( l !lfil P«l Al Boif II W» \ took over everything until it could « r a ( i o l l t S 0 I l i e 1| K |lt 6 P otE - The be transferred lo Jerusalem as the Oldtimers are in .second place JA 3032 1201 Jones Cherished property of the' nation, 'tehting to get into the Playoffs wmch wi slarl At the Central Zionist Archives, " AttKust 2.
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