July 31, 1959

Page 1

Vol. XXKVU No. 4T

Published hed every y Friday, 101 N. antli. O h N b k a . Plioiv JA~13t;il Omaha, Nebraska.



Mr. Meyer W. Weiigal, Cliniriniin, Lxriutive Council of the Wii/munn In liInto of Science, presents former Amliiilsnilor to Washington wilh hi§ oflirial appointment aj the new President of the Institute, Mr. Elian i» now rcsitli>i| in Krhuvoth and has Obsumcd hie post.



31, 105»

Second Class POHIHKO Puid at Omiiliu. Nefor.

KiriRle Copy 10 Cents Annual Rate 4 DolJara

Executives of Women's Unit Plan Program Officers of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs made plans for the 1959-150 season at a luncheon meeting, Monday, at the home of tlie president, Mrs. Mike Freeman. Tlie Federation of Women's Clubs is made up of the president and one representative from each of (he fourteen women's organizations and the chairmen of the various committees. Tlie first meeting of the season will be held on Thursday, September 3, at 12:.'!0 p. in. at the home of Mrs. Freeman. The officers, in addition to Mm. Freeman, are: Mines. Lloyd Friedman and Harry Sldman, vice-presidents, and Robert H. Kooper, secretary.

Jerusalem (JTA)—Prime Minister David Bi.'ti Gurion, acceding to President Ben Zvi's request that lie continue as caretaker Premier, informed the Cabinet that he would preside at'Cabinet meetings but would not take part in any Ministerial commit tees which include the four Ministers of the left-wing Mapam and Aclidut Avodah parties. Tho Prime Minister resumed his duties after a three-week vacation. Iti'ltenitcs Stand Earlier, he reiterated in a letter his contention that the four Ministers had violated the principle of collective responsibility In voting against the sale of $3,000,000 wortli of Israel-made arms to West Germany. Leflst members of the Cabinet retorted to his letter that they had not violated the collective responsibility principle. They repeated their contention that the

West German arms pad was not one of the issues involved in the coalition agreement three years ago. Nciv Movement Meanwhile, a new political movement: announced it favored a federation of Israel and Jordan. The new movement, to be known as "Tlie New Regime" is composed of disappointed members of the pro-Government Mapai Party and tlie opposition Herut Party. It is headed by S. M. Tamil', leader ol the Herut and includes Eliezer Livneli, formerly a leading figure in tlie Mapai. The new group has not decided whether to take part in the forthcoming national election, but if j t will, its list of candidates will be headed by Mr. Tamir who gained prominence during the Kastner trial as the lawyer of the defendant.

Sunday for Chief Rabbi Isaac Halevi Herzog, who died Saturday. Burial wns Sanhedria Cemetery. Rabbi Herzog, who was 72, had served Israel and world Jewry as a spiritual leader for nearly a quarter of a century. Fluffs tit H;ilf Mast All Government buildings and institutions, and offices of foreign missions, tlie United Nations and embassies aiid consulates placed their flags at half-mast for a week of mourning. Tributes to the late Chief Rabbi poured in from all parts of the world. News of the Chief Rabbi's passing Saturday was withheld by tho Israel Radio at tho request of the family, partly not to violate the Sabbath and partly not to impair tlie joy of the day of rest for Israel's Jewry. However, the news readied Jerusalem synagogues before the Mussaf prayers. Soon Jerusalem leaders from all walks of life—secular, religious and ultraorthodox—began the trek to the Chief Rabbi's home to file past the tallis-clnd body while rabbis and seminary students maintained the doath vigil. Abilities Noted Early Born in Lomza, Poland. Rabbi Herzog demonstrated his intellectual gifts when at the age of nine ho began mastering entire tractates of the Talmud. The young scholar later entered London University and earned one degree after another. Later, in

Israel—Delegates from 11 Arab States are expected to discuss proposals for creating an Arab Common Market al a meeting in Lebanon. The main object of such a move is soon here as being a means of combating Arab industrial capacity in an attempt to outclass Israel goods in quality.and price. Tlie countries to bo represented at the conference will be the United Arab Republic, Lebanon, Jot>dan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the Yamen, Kuwait, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco. Iraq, Jordan and Tunisia which liuve consistently refused invitations to Arab meetings in tho past, have this time agreed to sit Sit the same conference table with the UAR. A spokesman for the Boycott of Israel Central Office (a recent Arab creation) said that the conference would study "new and practical measures aimed at block- . ing Israel Economic infiltration into some Asian and African coun- , tries." Observers In Beirut, how- / ever pointed out that the difficulty of realizing an Arab Common Market would be immense, since tho difference between the economia systems of the various Arab states are far greater than among Western European countries. At present 243 American, European, Asian and African concerns and 187 merchant vessels are oit the Arab blacklist.

Nasser Threatens go Israel Silverman Takes Record Attendance Is Exterminate London (WNS)—President. Nasof the United Arab Republic, Expected for ionsky ser Position in East' Arab Common Market boasting in a speech at Alexan- Israel iourns Death Tlie resignation of Saul Silverdria, Egypt, that Israel had not •maii. Activities Director of the Of Rabbi Herzog Aimed Against Israel Jewish Community Center, was (" A record number of reservations won a single victory in the Sinai campaign of 1950, assured a cheei Jerusalem—Thousands lined the Trade in Africa announced this week by Robert for the annual dinner dance and H. Koopor, Jewish Federation installation of Henry Monsky ing mob dial "this time we will route of tho funeral procession 1

president, and Lou Canar, Center Lodge of B'nai B'rith was reported Chairman. today by Millard Margolin, chairMr. Silverrnun who h.'ia been man of the August 8 function, to With tlie Omaha Center since Jan- be held at the Blaekstone Hotel. G'onimiinllj-Wido Interest Uury 19."iC, hu.s accepted a position as Center Director in Holyokc, "Widespread community interMuss. Mr. Silvcrmaii plans to leave est is indicated in the evening's Omaha Septeinbor first, following combined features—the installathe closing of Camp Jay-C-C, of tion of Lou Jess as president and which lie is director. the presentation of a special award to Dr. Abe Greenberg," Margolin I'ralso Sllvcrinnii "We regrot very much losing said. Tickets at four dollars each, Mr. Sllvermnn," Messrs. Kooper are available from all members of and Canar declared, "and wo ex- the lodge's executive committee. lend to him our community's best . This year will be of special sigWishes for success in his new posi- nificance, as it marks the first time in 20 years that Omaha will tion." In comment ing on Mr. Silver- he host to a district G B'nai B'rith man's work at (he Center, Paul convention, Jess pointed out. Revival of Interest Verel, Federation Director, praised "Many past presidents, former the fine contribution he has made 1o the Jewish community and the officers and trustees and members general community. who have been relatively inactivo "To tfie Center and to I IK; Jew- have told me they plan to revive ish community, he brought com- their interest In B'nai B'rith this petence nnd devotion. Under his year," Sidney Tnren, who will take direction, the Center program has office as second vice-president, been broadened and intensified, said. An outstanding band will proBoth Day Camp and Camp Jay-CC have made considerable prog- vide music for the function, slated ress. Tlie Young Adult Program to begin at 7:45 p. in. has been firmly established, and Dr. Greenberg, who has served many now programs have been in- as district president, member of itiated under his guidance," Mr. the Supreme Lodge Board of GovVeret slated. ernors and national chairman of the Henry Monsky Foundation, reServed Community cently returned from the triennial Mr, Veret also stressed his con- convention of B'nai B'rith In Israel, tribution to the community at (/lilcngonii I.amis Dr. (imjnberg large, through his services as presMorris Alexander of Chicago, Inident of the Nebraska Camping Association, as president of the ternational chairman of the B'nat Omaha Adult Education Council, B'rith Israel Committee, and chairand his participation in the, Com- man of the Midwest region for Ismunity Welfare Council's Recrea- rael Bonds, said "I can think of no person more deserving than Dr. tion und Group Work Division. Abe Greenberg of this signal honA successor to Mr. Silvorman or. His work for B'nai B'rith, for Xvi) 1 he selected soon from candidates now being interviewed for Israel, for nil Jewish and non-sectarian activities, and In general the position. for mankind arc known throughout, tlie nation." The entire Omaha Jewish community, and all B'nai B'riths from the region are invited to attend and to "bring their ladies," according to incoming third viceThe Jewish Community Center president, Dr. Ben Kiiller. scored 1101/5 points to win the ninth annual National Jewish Welfare Board postal swimming meet. Twenty-two persons took part in the competition held in April.' There were 39 Jewish communNew York, (JTA) — Eight comity centers and Young Men and munal bodies In Copenhagen have Young Women Hebrew Associa- established a Danish section of tions which participated this year. the World Jewish Congress. DanThe Omaha Center placed fifth In ish Jewry number 6,500, almost all 1058. . of them residing in Copenhagen. Joseph Micek, Center Aquatic The community has an official Director, Is a member of the Na- status under a governmental decree dating back to 1814. tional swimming committed.

ish Section

exterminate Israel" if war comes again. Calling Israel a product of "treachery and imperialism," Nasser vowed to keep the Suez Canal closed to Israel shipping. Ills outbreak of belligerency centered around an assertion by former Israel Army Chief of Staff Mosiie Dayan that Israel pursue a policy of "hostility for hostility" against the United Arab Republic's blockade of the Suez Canal.' President Nasser interpreted tho remark as a threat to lnvada the Sinai.

FiSrtB oil Israel Wins The youth film prize for long documentaries was awarded to the German Film on Israel "Paradjes und Feuerofen" (Paradise und Fire Oven) at the Ninth International Film Festival in Berlin. The film was also awarded the annual prize of the International Roman Catholic Film Bureau. The Bureau said this film was chosen "without the Bureau wanting to take sides In current political differences, because the jury wanted to acknowledge this work which shows, more than others, human values and spiritual progress." "The depicting of Israel becoming a state, with people from many nationalities g r o w i n g together "was convincingly presented."

(Continued on Pago 2.) Washington (JTA)—Modern Hebrew will be one of the Middle Eastern languages to be taught at a Government-sponsored program at Harvard University being sot up under the National Defense. Education Act. The Harvard center will not only provide instruction in modern Hebrew but also in the cultural and economic aspects of present-day Israel. Fellowships will he awarded to graduate students-for advanced work in the Middle Eastern and other languages to be taught at the Harvard center.

Chagall fro Design Haddssah Windows Jerusalem—Marc Chagall, the noted painter, is to design stainedglass windows for the synagogue in tho new Hadassah hospital being built at Eln Karem, on the outskirts of jjerusalcm.

An evening devoted to colorful entertainment: and the presentation of special awards will bring down the curtain Saturday on the first two-week period at Camp Jay-C-C. Counselors and couruselors-intraining have planned a dance and song show revolving around the "showboat" theme. They will offer a chorus line and musical numbers by a quartet and soloists. A highlight of the occasion will be the presentation of awards to campers for s p e c i a l skills acquired at camp. Tlie awards" are part of an annual custom, always a n x i o u s l y anticipated by the youngsterj. Many of the 1959 campers will

remain at Camp Jay-C-C for Jha second period but those who enrolled for the first two weelcs only will leave Sunday morning and will arrive at the Jewish Community Center at 9:15 u. m. Campers registered for the seoond two weeks are required to ba at the Center, Sunday at 9 a. m. with their luggage. The lugi;ai',a will be transported to camp 'immediately. No arrangement!! will be made for any "pick-ups" on Saturday evening. The camp program for the second period will include all the activities which have been in effect., * lorman Batt, Camp Chairman, reported. He said interests will continue to be developed according to the needs of the.campers.


Fagc Two

rese Every Friday hy the Juivisli IViliratioii of Omalia. sc-ccnd CK.,5 PCMOOC ivki ct Omoiio. ,ictr.


Deaths KOV HOFFMAN' . ! Kuneral services were held j Monday at Croshy-Kunold mor, , Hoffman,' 68, Oma-

Friday, July 81, J»M!

Rabbi W h o A i d e d Homeless, Charged W i t h Being 'Spy'

New York, I . I T A I A. frail ami .Jewish orplnios there and at the iiilinj; fi5-year-old rtibbi, who pro- <ml of tlie war, lid hundreds to (MRS.) FRANCES K L E I N Editor I Hoffman who lived at the Korick vided a. home for do/ens of or- O.i-rmmjlr., which the Siiviets hail • ' ' • Apartments, was was etigagec engaged in the phaned Jewish children in the annexed, where he stalled an ort'lureiy bu^ino^ here for mori post-war period, in Kaslern Kur- phan asyiuni. He was arrested hy ope, has been arre>(cd, alontf with Ihe So\iet, atilhiirities ;oid sutt: than 'O years. He was tiie hi ail of two delica-j bis son, by Rumanian authorities seijuently released. to-ens bearing his name until his i on charges of "suspicion of treason According to reports, the homeand espionage." i New York I . I T A I A condition retirement a vear a:,'o. A member! less throughout Rumania learned of Beth Kl Synagogue and IVnai; Iliibbi Alexander Portugal and ,ot nciir panic amoim Soviet .lews of bis kindness and began coming : ; has developed as a result of the I; lit Ii, Henry Monsky lodge, Mr. bis son, liabhi Ilillel Portugal, to his asylum. A group of Jewish ! lortjilile closing of the tireai S\na- Tolfinan was also active in the have been held in prison in Buch- children in Odessa left the Soviet • j.MP'.-ue of Clii'ruovity. in the 1-kraiue, Veterans of Foreign Wars and a arest pending an investigation into asylum there and joined liabbi I la>t iiicmih, the New York Herald ("liarler member of the American j their activities. Portugal in Czcrnowitz. The Soviet Legion, lie served on both the j The rider Itiililil's ris.-uc a i - authorities responded by arrest: Tribiuif' 1 reported. CiimllfliKhtini;. 7:i:i |>. in. ; S.M/.i^oc.ue officials \w-ic ordered .\icx'k:an Holder and overseas i n . tivities iH'Kan dining World War II ing tin; rabbi but released him to to tell visitors that thi' >yi];u:<)Liir World War 1. He was holder of: when he was deported to tilt* go back In "my children." BKTH K l , several serv ice aw aids including [ Tninsdiiicstm area ^\ldch the Sabbath evening services will In- close was the fault of nunircj/nnls tvvti Purple Hearts. Marly in MM7 he moved to Hitler regime bad permiltrd Uuheld tonight i'il Beth Kl S\ II.-IJ.'OU'HC, Whip bad i used tlie syn.'oinue lor Hucliarest where he reMlliu-ri IIIK 1 inania to anne\, lie assrmhleil iuispeeili' d "noiwvli;:ious and ilSurviving' an v\ife, Ann; sons,; lit 7 p. in. Sabbath iiiiii'ninL; servwitrU with .li-ulsh orphans anil again attracted the disp|e:t>.ure nf • ices will ' bc^in ;il '.I :.".<) a. in. The legal pin pn>es." The report also Harvey and Nonnad; stepson,, asserted that the S<»\ iels have Itoherl Schiller and siMcr. Mis. I the. Ciiuinilinist authorities, who Mincha-Maariv Services will beIsrael Mourns Rabbi been imp<».--inu bans on private Sam Sachs, Council Bluffs. rinsed his asylum. The ('nnuumigin nl 1:'.V) p. ni. iCotitimied from Pa^e 1.) prayer meetings, to which Soviet l-ls nrresliil him and four aides, BKTH ISICAKI, Burial was in,Beth Kl ("'•melcry. Jews have been resorting increasServices this evcnini; iKabbalas Friends and relatives were re-, Paris, where his father, Rabbi Joel releasing Iheui after four nionths ingly because of lh ( . stejiily clusof detention. Khabbosi Ti.'iO p. m. at Bc;th Israel inj; of s> iia^'o^ucs in various parts reived at Hie homo of .Mrs, .Sachs, | Her/.o^ seiAed, the youth decided Synafco^ue. S ii I u r i l a V morning Maiiy of flabbi Portugal's wards 1.V5 I"! 1 m w o o d riri\i?, Council. to become an archaeologist and of the Soviet Union. services boyin at H;<ir> a. in. and went to Israel during P.I5I) anil : studied at the Sorbonne. ' Noting thai other faiths in Uie • Bluffs. the Junior coinireiyitiun meets at However, when he was 22, he 1(151 but there were still many .Soviet Union are not molested, •• • '• - • • i 10 a. m. lUibbi Benjamin Gruner : j was ordained thus be^innin^ his homeless orphans in Rumania lor the report su^esled lhat the rur- MI1S. AX.NIK (JKKKV w i l l conduct, the Saturday after- : him to assist and he continued bis rent Soviet campaign is appaionllv Funeral services were held July' rabbinical career. As a rabbi in elforls traveling from town to noun Talmud class a I 7 p. m. "hased on a .belief" amonu Soviet 21 at the Jewish Funeral Home for Belfast in lill.i. he soon earned end Mincha, followed by Shalosh town despite warnings to slay olficials "that the Jews are to.br. Mrs. Annie Green, 71 of 1.515 rcco^nilion and became Chief liab- home. Finally, on the second day S'eudos and Maariv, will be'_'in at iTPj\ri\(:i\ as alien and hostile. They North nith Si reel, who died July': bi of Ireland. He assumed Hie 7:.'«) p. m. of Passover, last April, the police can live in the Soviet I'nion. They 2'.',. Buriel was in Pleasant Hill ! Chief Kabhiuato of Jerusalem in came to his home, arrested him Services Sunday morning hocin ate of eniiisv forbidden to leave. ; Ceinetery. 1!i:«i. and his son and several friends. . at H:4I) a. in. and are followed Hut they are not to cieale any I'. S. (iriitips Issue StJtelllent by breakfast and the Rabbi's class national unit "Inch inijjht some-; .Mrs. Creerj, a resident of Onm-, The Synne/c'iie Council of in Bible. Sunday mmnini; .Junior how be tied to Zionism or to the. li:i 55 years, was the wife of Mor-• America, repri'sentinj; all Jewish Pressed Tongue Loaf ii< Green, a retired grocer. CToiiKi'CKJi'inn meets at S:.'!0 a. m. bourgeois Jewish cultural centers: religious groups in this country, Surviving are sons. Norman 1,., issued a statement, on behalf of •• Daily services 7 a. in. and 7:-!T) in .\mcrica and Israel." .Santa Monica, Cal.; Dr. Donald. the American Jewish reli'jious p. ni. I.os Angeles, Cal.; daughter. Mrs. j community, expressing grief "o\ er 'Hie weekly Talmud Study Group DIAMOND'S Kvelyn Nalenberj;, Skolde, HI.. 11 •the passing of the sainted Chief meets Tuesday evenings at H:'V). WA 55S4 4415 Cumlng Kinndchildren and four g r e a t ' Rabbi of !-rar]." Services at the l i l l h and Hurt Street Synn|:oi!Uc. every Saturday at 9 a. in. AliAH INTII.TKATOK j The new sights and changes JACK (iKI.I'-AM) SHOT KV lSKAKI.I \ibich greeted Mr. and Mrs. SamB'NAI JACOll ADAS Funeral services were hold July. uel Kifkin in Israel upon their 2'\ at Brailcy-Dorranco Funeral ; Tel Aviv I W N S I A well-armed 1 * ESI 11" ICON SAVE TAX Arab infiltrator from I.i'banon was I Services at B'nni Jacob-Adns- second tour o7 thf.' nation, was' Home, for .lack Celfand, .51, of !MI-1 ', DOLLARS I Itiyi? killed by an Israeli patrol near Yeshuron will be^in r'riday at 7:15 deeply impressive, they reported North fitiili Street, who died July i Ill I t f-lv Tel Ilai when he refused to obey TIIII i r i i u n i ii -<• p. ni. and Saturday morning at after their recent return to Omaha, j 2.'1 in Sioux City, la. Rinial was' a hall order. hutuilri f i l l " Irww- '( f j l They saw new communities, in Beth F.I Cemetery. 8:30 ii. m. with Mincha 'at 7:35 i I I i:r, lli«'i^i', l»i, * °21 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. roads, ;md endless construction in-i • S u r v i v i n g are wife, Ruth; ; Daily services at 6:.!0 it. ni. and eluding lislns; quarters for new- daughter, Linda; two brothers, Dr. j FOR THE F I N E S T . . . } comers, all evidence of the vast j Ben and Or. Arthur of Sioux City . 7:30 p. ni. .. W D.y , IN PHOTOGRAPHY progress marie since their visit to ; and a sister, Mrs. Leonard Jaekicr. j tin \ j nrl% lm»Hi j Israel in 1955. They particularly, WillU'S-liarres, Pa. TKMIM.K .ISKAKI, ! Portraits .Services will be held this Friday noted the vasl strides made at the: V/eddingt evening in the chapel at 7:.'iO p. ni. Hebrew University in Jerusalem JOSKI'II MAI/.I.ISH Commercial jaiiiazffiflDt&F.iCaME/ Warner Frohman will officiate. find the Techni'ui in Haifa.. Funeral.services were held July "The progress is maunificienl. i 2.1 in Kansas Cily, Mo., for Jo- j JNItAIXI CIIAIUJKD the Rifkins remarked, "but Israeli seph Maizlish. <jli, a former Oin.'iWITH KSl'IONAKli requires much' economic aid t o ; ban, who died July 22. Tei Aviv iWNSi—An uniden- keep Koine". Surviving wife. Anna; son, Irvin, tified Israeli who served in the Knroute to Israel, Mr. and Mrs.; daughters. Mrs. Stanley Donovil/, • nrmy and later became a govern- Hijkin spent Passover on ship and 1 all of Kansas Cily; Mrs, Bernard ment official has been arrested oil participated in a Sedei' attended Iry j Krusne, Auduhon, la., three sisSeb (Subby) PulvorcnU charges of conduct ing espiona*;" ;I5() persons. They traveled three! 1ers, Mrs. Ben Lindenhiiiiin, Mrs. for <i foreign nation. months ill Israel and Kurope. j Pearl I.evinson, Mrs. Harry StaenAnnual iuli'.crtpiion, 5-i 00. AUvcrtijing Rules on Application. Publication Oflicc-Ifcl Mo. vO s t r f t i . O'nnhu, iiibr.. jAc^.'^Lfi \?u.


., • • , - , , . , ha g r o c e r , v\ho d i e d S u n d a y . .Mr.

Soviets Shut Dov/n Elisions Synagogue


$|50 Lb.

Rifkins Hofo Israel's Headway Since 1955


Monument Co.

Gen. Grant Refuses to Repudiate Recent Anti-Semitic Article

btrji. all of OinaliH and seven j^ranflchildren.

HKI.NK DKI,l(O(iII Heine DelroKh, 71 of M2 South 5!l Street, died Tuesday in a local Washington, <JTA> Major Gen. : ticipation of the international j hospital. He vvas a resident of Omalia 46 years and a member of j • U S. Grant HI, grandson of the hauliers." Accuses Hanking Firm ! IVnai B'rith nearly 40 years. 18th p r e s i de n t of the United Slates, rejected a request from '; The article distributed by Gen. j • Surviving are his wife; sons, I Ihe Anti-Defamation League of Grant, carrying the title "Abra-j Philip, Omaha; Max, Los Ve^as, j i E'nai B'rilh to repudiate the anti- , ham Lincoln and the Kolhscbilds," New, and daughter, Mrs. Louis I Semitic article he recently distri- ; alleged lhat the Rothschild family, Kohll, Omaha. . .. j buted in.connection with the U. S. together with Disraeli, plotted in Funeral s e r v i ce s w e r e held j Civil War Centennial Commission : London; Judah P. Benjamin, Con- Thursday afternoon :<t the Jewish j I federate cabinet member, vvas j Funeral Home with Rabbi Ren of which he is chairman. j termed their secret agent. An in-j jamiii* Oroner officiating. Burial (»overhment Spnnsoreii (iroup nueiido attenipl was made to link; was in Golden Hill Cemetery. The centennial commission of ; Benjamin with Ihe assassination of | which be is chairman is sponsored Lincoln. The A D I , had charged i .MICS. H K I i W K i ItOKKNISKIMi hy the U. S, Government, Mnj. \('jcn. Grant with using "the ro-.j Mrs. Hedwig Hosenherg of 2037 Gen.- flrant, who is 78 years old. prinls furnished by Floyd Flem-i Harney S t r e e t , died July 14. iidmitled that the article he dis- ' ing, the local agents for the in-j Services were held in New York tributed appeared previously in .famous John Kaspor's seaboard! Oily. Mrs. Rosenberg1 m;ide her Father Coughlin's anti-Semitic I White C'iti/e-ns Council." Gen. i hnme with her daughter, Adele publication "Social Justice" and • Grant refused to identify "Ihe j Rosenberg. Surviving are four in the American Mercury which member of the loyal legion" from ; daughters.

is known for publishing anti-Jew- j w l m m ,„, oidnined" his material ifh articles However, he conlinued | Herman Adelsberg, ADI. directo defend Ihe article in which "Jew-: „„._ vcpiyint, , 0 (;,.,, c,r:m\, said;, financiers'' are charged with ex-j.-y,,,, |, !ive reached a venerable: ploitinK Hie Civil War, ! ; i g e ., nfi yM ho,u. a ),,.(>,lt J ) ? m ( , , Accusing Ihe Anli-Defamafion I Surely, you do not want to close I Washingtoii Washington (.ITA) Albert K. I^eague of commitling "a great | your public career by bequeathing! Km well, chief of the Near Eastdisservice to historical'I ruth and! (hat name to the fabrications of 1 c r n Division of the International to contemporary goodwill among! the warped minds who operate in! Cooperation Administration, told

$30,080 for Israel Tourist Promotion

Americans," Maj. Gen. Grant saiii the anli-Semilic underworld. , I he House Appropriations Committhat what "international hankers Truth From Historians tee that $.'(0,000 from n technical did a century ago "cannot by any Mr. F.delsberg suggested thai ! aid sum of Sl.liOO.OOO designated reasonable person be considered ajGcn. Grant c o n s u l t the many [for Israel has been eiirmarked for reflection of the many, many historians associated I the Tourist. Corporation of Israel. Americans who arc Jews." He with the Civil War Centennial I The money will aid Israel to dejustified recommending the aiiti- Commission. He expressed con- j vclup its toiirisl inilustry which is Eemitic article to a group of de- fWence that any of them" will de- increasing its roll Ms a dollar-earn scendants of Civil War veterans clare ihe Article " a lissue of lies er. The remainder of the technical by saying that they "may not have maliciously concocted to foment assistance will be used for vnrioiif, known of the interest and par-' r.reiuilice aeainst .lews." other purpoei*;. .


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Israel Meets America's Mother of the Year

iMrdif.il ()v\i;,\\\Y/i\\\nn Hiid VociiI ioiKtJ Krlnrntioji ;innii;il cai»i ;iiii's I utter"' about, the applicant who ISy Diana I.erm-r The Beth Kl Sisterhood will hold If<j lo hv licld Hi (IH; home of .Mis J Just ;t lew (lays a^o Mrs. Jennie 'was seeking admission fo practice a board meeting Tuesday noon, A. S. Wohlimr on UK ni\ev\unjn of l^oitnwii] Harron, who made history j before the Supreme Court her August 1 at the synagogue. last May when she \v;is appointed I husband. Mines. .Mt-ycr Rubin anil IA-O .'is the firsi woman .hislire in Mas- ! Happily married for 41 years, <iitori's ri.A.v Wcitz, l!;j<J;tss:ih rlinpU'i* cliiiinncn, sachusetts' highest t rial court, I they have three children and seven JOINT I ' K ' M C ;ue IK'JM^ ,'tssisU-rj Ijy Mr.s. Uavid achieved another of her many ; grandchildren. Her husband and Members of the Pioneer Wom- I-Jiodlu'y. flwipiw fund niisin^ cn" f i r s t s " : sin.' appealed us the. first (Hie of her daughters, Mrs. Hhilip en's Organization and the Kar- oj (lin.ilor. Woman in the history of Kn^land : WV'inick, aie accompanying her band will hold their annual joint (iioup cli.iirnn'ri ser\ in;^ \\ Mil : Do you weni a complexion to sit on tin- bench of the Court on her two-week tour of Israel picnic. Sunday, beginning al 'i them .iff Mines. Sfvuioiu* Ahnnns, radiantly alive—g l o w i n g p. in. al Klmwond Park. A gcfilte l.uii Lewis nnd M/t\ Novnk, C.'huiin of Appeal. London newspapers courts. wHh dewy freshness? You fish dinner with all the trimmings were full last uc<;k of the petite Active in <.'ivic ("miM's Wei I /in nn < jroup; Minus. A. V. can count on our facial ex^:iay-hnire<| Amei iea/i who sat in ' Judge licirron, who has been ac- ivvill be served at a nominal cost. I'Yifdniiui, Ailhur (irossmnn. and pert to keep your skin lovely ^L ;i hfij,1'* SMit. a white flowered hat, tive in many civic and philanA program of games is being ,I lurk .liicoljson, I k-nriell;t .S/oId always. , ^ <-iirriitL'.s and a pinee-ne/. beside thropic causes, is a member of planned. All members, friends and (ii-oup; Mines. ]);i\id 1'htil, Ilju-ry Ilii'eo wished judges. Lords Den- , I he Hoard of Hadassah and was I their families are invited lo MI- It;j\ ilz, Hiid Theodore San ford, Iiiin.', I lai nun) and 1 lodson. ! founder of the Women's Jewish ! lend. Proceeds will go for Israel Theodore Her/1 (Iron p. Second Visit 'Congress, which recently dcdkalcrl i projects. Beauty Salon Other members of tlie* eommilMrs. Barrnn is lieiv with the a law library in her name. In lOX) j Mrs. Sara Okum is chairman. tee JH'C Mrs. .lack Kaufman, ^ift 2531 So. 90th i 'she-was the only woman appoinl- ; The Karhaiid committee is coin- J mid and Mrs, ,1, J. ]-'i iedinan, j)layTE 1165 1'nion of Ameiican H'-hrew Con- cii by the Stale Department to an | posed of Benjamin Klaiman, Jake gregations. This is" her second visil i IS-niemher delegation !o ail inter- j Keldman, Carl Rosenberg, Sam In Israel, "which I Io\ e and have Mialifjnal congress held ill Geneva j ftifkin and Max Feilowltz. worked for all my life.'1 She also on the pre\enl ion of erinie. Known brines Ihc L'l'cclin^s of America's a.1 the judge with a heart, and one ! (OKNIirSKKIt CMAI'TfCH mothers, for in May she w as elect- w ho does no! live by the law book i MKMltKISSIIir TKA ed American Mother of the Year. alone, she has distinguished herThe Cornbusker Chapter of She is the first .Jewish woman lo self for her humane and palicnl IVnai B'rith Women will hold a win this honor, awarded each year •work in family reconciliation, nieinbership affair Augusl 1!) at 8 for exemplary family life to a solving the problems of crime, p. in. at I he home of Mrs .Seymour iiiotliei' who is aetivp in public juvenile delinquency and domestic Abrams. Those wishing to join are Kcrvirc. Her present trip will also 'relations, and giving al.so special asked to contact Mrs. Max Kirincllid*' a visil lo Moscow, where 'attention lo underprivileged and shenbaum, A T 05(5."). she will see courts and extend i minority groups. Ihw \\arinhearlCalendars for 1!»5i)-(iO may be Meet Your Friends in the Sir Loin Room After the Show '{jrpoliiiHS lo the mothers of the '' ed and understanding treatment picked up at the home of Mrs. Saturday Night .Soviet Union. • of each case has saved many a | Marvin (Jilnian, H06".' Smith 38 FARNAM AT 1VTH — PHONE ATLANTIC 1 3 1 3 — O M A H A . NEBR. Wurliecl for IMiiciitlun ; marriage from the rocks, and Street. Horn in 1H!)2 of Hn.ssliin iiiiini- i many a young offender from a life Ki'iuit. parents. Ji-iuiir; l.olltnan • of crime. CIOISINS <:I.I;B Wdiked her way ihroiiKh liosion j Ki\e foot twu inches tall. Judge TO MKKT WKDNKSOAV University tutoring immigrants ! Barron is thoroughly feminine. To The Cousin's Club will meet mid selling editions of Shulcp- ! the .SH.") cloak of black silk donned with Mrs. Nathan Simon at. the spcaif-'s works from door lo door j by the .'17 male judges on the bench Blackslone Hotel, Wednesday, Auon her vacations. She started (tut ' beside her, she adds a while frilly gusl ~i. Those unable to attend are in ;i wcirld in which women could | dicky. ; asked to call HA 3015. iiol v<jle. serve on juries, lie no- j fHsliiiKiiislieii I'IIIIIIC Service laries or have equal rights with I With an impressive record of ! CINCINNATI MOSriTAT, I l i f i i ' husbands in other fields as I civic services, Mrs. Barron holds < ; I - ; T S SI,(KIU.IMKI well. Slit1 w"as the first woman in : the annual Alumni Mednl from Cincinnati f.lTAl The Jewish her siiilo to serve as Assistant ' Boston University for distinguished Hospital here, will be the recipient .Attorney-Oiieral and to present public service. She is truslee of of a ¥1,0(10.000 gift, one of the u case lo a ^rand jury. She or- I three hospitals, active in youth or- j largest bequests ever made to the Kunizpd the Woman's Suffrage As- ; gam/.ations, a frequent speaker at i hospital, under the will of Mrs. sociation of Boston and 1!1 years I educational, non-sectarian a n d j.N'etla S. Much of this city,, a wideJtRO, wht-n slio WHS ajipdinloi! to I welfare functions. Last spring, l y - k n o w n philanthropist. The Huston's Municipal Court, she he- I when she celebrated her 20th year money will provide for Ihe care of came the first hill-limp woman ion the bench, the Massachusetts children and psychiatric patients. judge In the reputedly conserva- 'Association of Women Lawyers tlve state of .\fassaehuset Is. tendered her a testimonial dinner COUNCIL BOAKII MKKTINiJ Iliislinnd Is Lawyer Omaha Section. National Counattended by top-ranking U.S. GovHer liushiiiul is Sanmel Harron, ernment officials and featuring cil of "Jewish Women, will hold Its lmvyer nnil hanker. She says thai tape-recorded tributes from per- summer hoard meet ing for all ofhi- lms been I he secret of her suc- sons all over the world. During ficers and committee chairmen al cess, spurring her on in fields lour interview al the Accadia Hotel jibe Highland Country Club. TuesWomen had never entered. She (we were interrupted several tirnes day, August I I , at 12:110 p. m. we/ills Hie day in VX\'.\ when, iip- by persons who had heard she was penrint; before the U.S. Suprcime there and were eager lo meet her. ANNUAL CATTAINS' TKA •Court in Washington, sin; brought I Reprinted from the Jerusalem Meetings have been held in past Wnik'S to the faees of venerable Post. I weeks lo plan for the Hndassah justice* and of a packed courthouse when she stiilod simply: " I ff $ j hnve kniiwn this man for 25 years nnil c'iitl vouch for his nooil char-





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Fsg;« Four


U. S. Urged to Halt Saudi Arabian Aid

JDC Aids 200,000 In 25 Countries SERGEANT

One Chief Rabbi Is "| Proposed for Israel

Summarizing his report. Mr. Leavitt reported that "even when there is prosperity, there are many Who are hungry and need to he fed: and even when the echoes of World War II have faded into the past and ail the tvoi'ld has recovered, there are men and women still wounded 8nd sick and in need of our aid." Mr. Levitt declared that "one of the most nntuhle developments of Hie year was the dedication (mil opening of the Paul Buenvnld School of Sorial Work In JemBnlem."


YOUTH COUNCIL LEAGUE Ronu AZA, behind the pitching of Alan Konecky handed Rayiiu their second loss 16-6. The Ronu lads had their best hit ting of thu season and the win puts thorn in a two way tie for second place with AZA 100. Tho Cenlurymcn defeated AZA 1 by the score of 17-10.

New York (WNSl— The Congress of the United States was Meyer Levin irfjed to oppose Mutual Security lid'for "SaTOT*Arabia or any other .'ountry thut creates discriminajT.AS BO.VIPARPIER IN TtlEPlANE ion because of race or religion PiLOTET- BY^APTAUJ 20L»fJ KCLLV, mong American citizens in the granting of rifjhts otherwise availLEVIN J W N M l T H E & 0 « WHICH" ible to United States citizens genSLliSTEHHE JAPANESE BATTLESHIP I,EA(U'E STANDINGS rally." -IIARUUA OFF THF PHILIPPINES. W. I.. The request was made by six •lATfR,ATTHEFATILE3fTHE COPAL 7 2 ewish organizations-1he Aineri- Kayim SEA.HC -AUt.'CHEP T>1E 6OMP5 TROM .4 5 an Jewish Congress, thp Jewish Aonu AZA 4 5 THE FLYING FORTRESS :HJEF ,abor Committee, the Je\vish War AZA 100 , 2 T /eterans of the United States, the AZA 1 SEAITLE,WH!CIISANKA15,00CTON Union of American Hebrew CondAt- TRANSPORT lNdtN'UA^Y.1943. CLUB LK/VOITK ;regations, the Union of Orthodox AFTER ! M T H A N S I X I Y W B A T The South Omaha Knifjits of ewish Congregations of Americu, Columbus knocked the Jay VarMISSIOIIS. HE PIEHWAtvOPfPJlTlOfJ he Union of Orthodox Jewish 0 0 (JC1V 5UINEA.HF I'.'AS AiVffiPfP Kiegations of America and the sity, team out of first place last Thursday with a close 2-1 win. Al Jnid'd Synagogue of America. THEPlSFlNGUISIItT FLYING 2R0SS. Bogiird pitched a nifty three hitSILVER STAR £ 0 A U E A F l l l 5 T f F , & ter and was the victim of a bad Bicentennial for WASPOSTHUt/OUStVAWARPEP THE throw which allowed the winning run to score. The Jay hitting was PURPLE HEART.AS WELL AS A Canadian Jewry off as they were only nbli* to Ket; •CERTIFICATE OF MERIT Sra/fP Montreal (JTA) —• Canadian I wo singles off Ed Vacek. BY GENERAL R H . A W O L P . eivry will mark tho ^00 years of AIIAMO MCAOUK ts existence with a serins of funelons starting enrly in tho fall nnd I t took the Police team eight :ontinuing into the spring of 19G0. innings to hang a loss on the JCC. Oldtimcrs 8-G. The Center team r J\ ationat Shrine pounded Howard Sullivan, Polico Births FOR THS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Salkin on- ace liuiler for 13 hits but couldn't •dewish War PeaJ lounce the birth of a son, Rlch- got them when needed, Driz Kahn rrt Lynn on July 14 In a local hos- was the Jay hitting stnr as h» WASHIN&TON,D.C poled two home runs whilo Hariltal. They are also the parents of an- old Nepomnick also hil one. ther son, Michael and a daughter, Devra. Grandparents nre Mrs. "lorence Salkin of St. Paul, Minn., nd Mr. and Mrs. Julius ChasaHolidays Begin Sundown Of 10V. Jerusalem (JTA i--Thi> passing Previous Day. of Dr. Isaac'Halevi Ilcrzog, AshColumbus, Ga. fJTA)—An 18Rosh Haslionali ....October 3 Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Moskovits Yom Kippur kenazi Chief Rabbi, revived sup- year-old youth who professes the October 12 port for nn effort to establish ono Idology of Adolf Hitler and bonsts nnounce tho birth of a daughter, Uremia Lynn, July 15 at ClorkChief Rabbi and end the duality of of Ills hatred of the Jews, was be;on Hospital. Grandparents are separate spiritual leaders for the ing held on arson charges in con- r. and Mrs. Joseph Welnroth. Ashkenazi and Scphardi commu- nection with the recent fire which nities. destroyed paintings valued at $50,- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stein anSuch proposal was made by (he 000 in the Columbus Museum of nounce tho birth of a son, Robert RUG & UPHOLSTERY executive of the General Zionist Arts and Crafts. Allen, July 4 at Clarkson Hospital. CLEANERS Party and contended that the dual Tho walls of the museum and of They are also the parents of anChief Rabbis in effect gave legal RUGS — CARPETING ther son, Richard Michael. recognition of the division of Is- two Columbus synagogues were LAMP SHADES Grandparents are Mrs. Fannie also smeared with Nazi swastikas rael into two communities. FURNITURE in ink, charcoal and yellow paint. stein of Sioux City, la., and Mr. Davar, the organ of the Mapal Chief of Police E. V. Moncrieff and Mrs. Keith Peltz. Paternal Cleaned in Your Home! Party, in a supporting editorial, great grandfather is Max Peltz. Binding—Laying—Repairing suggested thai Rabbi Yitzhak Nis- said the youth admitted setting sim-, the Sephardi Chief" Rabbi, the fire and smearing the swasMr. and Mrs. Robert Katleman HA 2554 would remain the rabbinical repre- tikas oTi the walls of the edifices. announce the birth of B son, Stev- Don Bernstein Immediately after the crime, sentative of all communities in Isn Michael, July 20 ut Doctors Hosthe City of Columbus posted a rael. pital. They also have a daughter, An Indication, however, t h a t t h e 81,000 reward for the apprehen- Debra Anne. proposal for one Chief Rabbi still sion of the culprits. Gov. Ernest Grandparents are-Mr, and Mrs. lacked effective -support was in- Vandiver of Georgia, terming the Sam Bermun and Mr. and Mrs. dicated by speculation on Rabbi vandalism a 'demented act," added Oscar Katleman. Great grand•?5O0 to the reward. Herzog's possible successor. :nolher is Mrs. Leah Kalleman.

New York, (JTAI—More tliun 200.000 men, women and children received assistance of one kind Or another from the Joint Distribution Committee d u r i n g last •year, according to the 1958 annual report issued by the JDC". Of this group, more than 100,000 were in Moslem countries, principally . North Africa and Iran. Assistees •Iso included some 57.000 in Kurppe, 40,000 in Israel, and more tyian 4.TO0 in such other areas as Australia. "Perhaps tin.- must notable single development of 19J,H was the assistance which JDC had undertaken to provide-1o Jews in Poland." the report states. "Since December 1957. when JDC resumed |ts activities in Poland. JDC aid has r e a c h e d sonic L'L',000 individuals." "Despite nil difficulties, .IDC's program in Moslem <• <> u n t r i « H renrlii-il more needy Jrwi than 111 any other area of Ihi- world—In 1958 more tlinn 100,000 ni.-n, women and children in these areat received JIJC iiKsistaiicis" Moses A. Leavltt, executive vice clisilrinnn, Stres*ed. Morocco had the largest number requiring aid—some (11,fcOO. There were 10,000 heneficlOfles In Tunlsiii; 4.000 In Algeria, end some 18,900 In Iran. Bemuse Iran has remained unaffected by the conflicts In the .Middle. East, the JDC lias been able to continue Its program on behalf of the Iruniun Jmvi»h population with n faindranee, he pointed out.

German Police Chief

Friday, ftdr 81. 1D5»

Georgia Arson


Mayence, West Germany, (JTA'i —Dr. Hans Haeuscr, chief of the Rhineland-Psalz State Criminal tolice. was under a r r e s t on charges of murder of "an indeterminable number of persons" as leader of an SS Einsatz Commando' unit near Minsk during \Vorld War II. Thousands of Jews Were executed there by the Nazis. A spokesman for the RhinelandI/mis Passer, Veterans' Service Psaltz Ministry of the Interior, anMiss Rose Leo Mendelson of New chairman for tho Armed Forces nouncing the arrest, said that for B'nai B'rlth's Irving Cohen when Dr. Haeuser was reinstated York City, is visiting her parents, Lodge, Council Bluffs, received a on the police force after the war.Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mendelson and citation at the organization's disIt was known he had been "as- brother-in-law and sister, .Mr. and trict convention in Winnipeg, CanSigned to the SS," It had been Mrs. Gilbert rrclden. ada. ' assumed, however, that he had Mr. Passer's citation represented merely carried out "routine police Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Teppcr and duties in Poland and Russia," the daughters are visiting relatives in second place in the James M. Stcinmali Memorial Award for out spokesman said. Bronx, N. Y. standing work in the group's Vet His arrest was a result of investigations; conducted by the Cen- .1. M. N e w in a n, president of j'•'•'''"is Program. tral Commission for the Investi- Hinlty Dinky Stores, was elected gation of Nazi Crimes, which was treasurer of Topco Associates,'Inc., established by various West Ger- at the group's annual meeting in j man states last summer. Chicago. Pflono JA 1346 to I m e r l your Want Ad

Omahahs . In the News

Soviets Ban Jewish Books ai Exhibit Washington (JTAi --American books on Israel and on Jewish subjects were among the volumes "removed from the American na tional exhibition in Moscow by Soviet authorities, the State De.'• partment confirmed. Books that Soviet inspectors insisted on purging included: "Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People" edited by Leo W. Schwartz: ''Israel and Its Glory," a pictorial volume edited by Abe Harman and Yigal Yadin; "The Politics of Israel" by Marver H. Bernslein; and ''The History of Jewish Khazars" by D. M. Dunlop. ORTHODOX XEACIIISHS, KABBI ATTEND SEMINAR Jerusalem {JTA)—A group of 80 Orthodox rabbis and teachers arrived from the United States for a month-long seminar under the auspices of the Jewish Agency Department of Tprah Education.

Mr. and Mrtt.'l'hillp Hirs<-li have returned from a three week's tour of the East and Great Lakes.

Louis Passer Gifed

Itis Jewish Press. Rote Is SO conts for each Ihreo fine Inserlion. The Press reserves tho right to llmll size of each advertisement

DAILV JEWISH PAPEHS BAH and Bas Mltzvan congratuDavid Flshmiin. director of the i_ lations also for all Jewish holiWorkmen's Circle Old Age Home j days and special occasions. at Elizabeth, N. J., is visiting hisj Meyers News Stand, ir>02 Dodge mother, Mrs. Bessie Flslimnii and WOMAN desires position in Koshfamily. er home as companion or housekeeper. Can cook and attend Mrs. Jack Kramer has returned elderly or ill person. Speaks Yidto Los Angeles, Cal.. after visiting Mrs. Charles NatliiMi and Mr. dish or German exclusively. Cal HA 7518. nnd Mrs. Yafe Ciinsliiirg. She previously had attended the wedding j roit of. her n e p h e w , Dr. I^osler J.: HY OWNKIt Nathan in St. Louis, Mo. 7-room brlclc home, three bed rooms, playroom, l',i baths. Tw ISKAKI. CLAY blocks to Harrison school, Betl' GOES TO JAPAN I s r a e l Synagogue. Fireplace, Jerusalem (JTAI The first carpets, drupes, 220 wiring. Ful shipment of fjint clay mined ia basement, gas cabinet heat, ga Israel left for Japan from Kiath. rnge, storms, screens, outdooi Orders have been received from barbecue. 4Mj per cent F H / Italy and Germany for 1,000 tons mortgage, or refinance to suit of tho clay which is considered Convenient to transportation particularly suitable for use in the shopping. Immediate possession. manufacture of bricks for high Priced for quick dale. Saul Sll temperature furnaces. vermari, RE 8947.

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