August 7, 1959

Page 1

Vol. XXXVIlNo. 48

Published every Friday, 101 N. 201 li. Omulia, Ncbnisliu. phono JA 13M1 OMAHA,

Nasser Stipulates Conditions For Suez Passage of Cargoes Jerusalem, (J'J'A) - lljiilccl Na- Israel cargoes. Nasser's "con tions Secretary Cieneral Dug llam(. j marskjold informed the Israel C'.ov- veyed through M i " sriptiorniiieiit thiit while In- fully recog- have been report. nizes Israel's right of navigation lating thai cargo.from Israel would through llu; Suez Canal, under the j be permitted lo pass the Suez ! Canal if it is carried I''OH Haifa — rulings of the U. N. Security Coun- I meaning goods on board belonged cil, lie iK nol able to oblain any I to the buyer and if all Israeli imfurther concession from President ports were to be CIF Haifa meanNasser of Hie United Arab Kcptib- ing that they remained the proplie: beyond Ihe "conditions" set l>y erly of Ihe exporter until they Nasser concerning the passage of ! readied Haifa.

B. B to Honor Dr. Abe Greenberg To Install Lou Jess as President I'ant I'rt'Hhlent of IjOllgti Omnhu Jewry will pay tribule Dr. (lieenberg is a pas! presito Dr. Abe (Ireenberg Saturday night al the annual Insinuation dent of Ihe lodge, of District (i, dinner dance of Henry Monsky which embraces eight slates arid Lodge of B'nai B'rith. Hepresenta- lour Canadian Provinces and of tives of every Jewish organization Ihe Henry Monsky Foundation of in the .'ilea will attend Ihe func- B'nai BYilh. He is a former memtion, scheduled for 7:t"> pjn. at Ihe l>er of Ihe .Supreme Lodge of H'nai B'rith's board of governors. lllackslone Motel. He has" served as campaign Citation From District II Dr. (Ireenberg will receive a chairman and president of Ihe special citation from District fi •Jewish Federation, and held almost of B'nui H'rith, the nation's largest. every • other position in that orJewish service fraternity, at the ganization and in emergency dinner. Harry D. Udkoff of De- drives for the United Jewish Aptroit, district governor lo the Su- peal. preme Lodi<e, will present the Dr. Creenbers; is a former nward for Dr. (.IreenlK-rg'-s "dis- chairman of the Greater Omaha linuuislu'd and dedicated service to Coriimillee for Slate of Israel lium.inity, Judiiism and Israel." Bonds and is a member of the I.ou .less, Otiinhn civic leader Midwestern Board of Governors and hotelman, will be installed as of Ihe Israel Bonds organization. president. Reservations slill are Al the recent district convention available from nny executive com- in Winnipeg, he was presented one mittee member, according to Mil- of two citations for service to Isliird Margolin, program chairman. rael handed out in the area. During his crowded philanthro.Margolin will take office as first vice-president. Others to be ili- pic nnd medical career, Dr. Greenulalled are Sidney Taren, second berg has held many leadership vice-pi'esident: Dr. Benion Kutler, posts. . H e currently is president third vice-president; Sain K. Kp- ot the Nebraska Stale Cancer Bti'in, recording secretary; Moses Society and is chairman of the I1': KuKiin, correspondingsecretary; Oinahu committee* of the National Nate 'I'nrner, treasurer; I>ou Ca- Conference of Christians and Jews. Hiir, chaplain; Charles MorgenIliau, wiirden; and' ( l e r i i l d Schwartz, gualdian.

Two Israel Banks Rate Among 500 Largest

Hebrew University To Oot Rockefeller Orant for Research

New York (WN.Sl- A gran I of New York. ' ( . I T A l T h e Israel banks were listed by the American $110,000 to the Hebrew University Hanker, daily banking newspaper, of Jerusalem for a Negev agriculus among the RtIO largest commer- tural .study was announced by the cial bunks in Ihe free world. The Rockefeller Foundation. Agricultural Practices Itiink of Israel in Jerusalem, with The Rockefeller Foundation andeposits equivalent to .S17O,51O,(>("7, w;is listed as the .'{.'Wild largest nouncement of the g r a n t was bank, and the Bank of l.eiimi le- coupled with disclosure that Negev Israel in Tel Aviv, wilh deposits studies showed that "the region equivalent to SI 17,11fi,") 17, us. the at one time supported at least -372nd largest bank. (Continued on Page 2.)




7, JH5U

td Class I'oMiiue Paid at. Oimiliu, NL'IM'.

•Sliisle Copy 10 Cents Annual Itulo 4 Dolluii

fUever Levin Books So Be Filmed in Israel; w to Speak Here will be the setting for Ihe IT duction of three books Siiinen by Meyer Levin, who is scheduled to appear in Omaha as United Nations, N. Y., .(JTA.i — a feature of the 1959-60 Program ol the .Month Series sponsored by Israel delegation sources here look the Jewish Community* Center and issue wilh Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold in regard to a porcooperating organizalions. "Ballad of Red Hock," an origi- tion of the UN Chief's annual report lo the General Assembly. nal slory by Levin, which has heen bought by Darryl V. Znnuck, will Opening {if KIIIKI he filmed in Israel soon. 'Die slory III his report, Mr. Hammardeals with young Israelis who risk skjold devoted several paragraphs their lives during their vacation to the Ml. Scopus dispute between periods digging in Arab territory Israel and Jordan. The • reporl "out of a profound need lo dis- blamed Jordan largely for the falal cover their archaeological past." Ml. Scopus affray in which four Another film deals wilh Levin's Israeli policemen were killed, as new hovel, "," which Simon well as Col. George Flint, the and Schuster will publish on Au- United Nations Mixed Armistice gust 21. It is about a young Jewish Commission chairman. The report woman who survives the Nazi holo- slated that Jordanian bullets had caust by disguising herself as a killed Col. Flint and at least one Christian, finally making her es- of the Israeli policemen. However, cape to Israel. Ihe reporl went on, Israel should The third story is about the not close the Ml. Scopus road Dead Sea Scrolls. Dr. Yigael Ya- used by Arab villagers, holding din Is cooperating on the technical that Ihe closing of that road has side of the film. American companies in the pasl, have shown a hesitancy aboul sholing film in Israel. Lately several pictures utilizing Israel locales are being made, including Special awards went to campers Stanley Kramer's "My Glorious Brothers" and Leon Uris' 'Kxodus." for outstanding achievement last Among Ihe many fans of Mr. Saturday nitjhl al a p r o g r a m Levin's reading public are Ihe an- marking Ihe conclusion of the first tiior's Omaha relatives, Mr. and two-week'period of Camp Jay-C-C. Mr?. Irviu C. Levin. The Oinahan. Ciled were David Biltner and an atorney, is a first cousin i;f Ihe Jane Fox, Jewish studies; Richard wriler. Krantz and Carol S h e r m a n , drama; Ray Bouganiii and Sherri Miller, dancing; Bob Bait and (Dwell Robinson, campcraft: Sheldon Zwerling and Kllen Berman, naturelore; Scot I Friedman, BarTel Aviv An Israel .Revue with bara Jess and Sharon Berman, about 40 local participants will be journalism; Gary Rosenbauni and staged at the Radio City Music Sandra Bernstein, sports; Barry Hall in New York beginning Sep- Fleisbel and Melinda Rosen, archtember 17. Leon Leonidoff, vice- ery; Marc Romanik and Kllen president and director of Radio Davis, riflery; Sluart Sloan and City slated. Snzy Buchwald, arts and crafts; Mr. Leonidoff, who bus been Inl- Jerry Schneider and M a r i l y n ent hunting" here contemplated Novak, swimming; Barry Colin and taking to Ihe U.S.: l(> singers of Shirley F e IIJIIIH n, horseback; the "Galilee Singers" choir, led Steven Kalzman and Susan Kalzby Avraham Kaplan; four Yemen- man, best junior campers; Richard ite dancers of the "Ale! Hn'esh" Slosburg and Claudia Colin, best troupe; Shoshanun Damari (who senior campers. is already in New York*; a dancer A fireworks display brought the and a drummer. He said he was still negotiating with the Cannon program to a close. Thursday night the camp celeFolk Dance Troupe, Druse artists anil others. The composer, Moshe brated Hawaiian Islands night Wilensky, who has been Mr. Leon- wilh a parly honoring the new idoff's assistant here, will also state. Knlertainmcnl and decorations all carried oul the Pacific travel to the U.S. The Israel Revue will run as Island theme. long as it justifies itself, Mr. Leon- 'A "record hop" is planned for Ihe campers on Saturday nifthl. idoff said.

40 Israelis vor Radio City Show

led and continues to lead to tensions. Free Access to Mountain "In reply lo the observations ragurding Ml. Scopus," said Israel delegation sources "Ihe real issue is Jordan's continued refusal to implement Article VlII of tha Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement under which Israel would b* free to resume functioning at. Hadassah Hospital and at the Hebrew University on Mt. Scopus and under which Israel would hava free access to the Mountain." , "It is regrjeJIable,". the. delegation sources cnnlinu'eii, "IHat no mention of this ~ salient fact ig made in Ihe report." The delegation sources pointed oul, however, that the Secrelnry General "ban made attempts to bring about a change in Jordan's attitude" dut» ing the last year. The Secretary General's annual report covered a 12-month peiiod ending lasl June 15.

Center Has Copies of Soviet Purged Books The Center Library has copiei of the American books on Tsraol and Jewish subjects which were among Ihe volumes removed front the American national exhibition in Moscow, by Soviet authnriliex. All are available to readers, Mrs. Belle Zeff. Center librarian, said. The hooks i n c l u d e d : "Great Ages and Ideas of Ihe Jewish People" edited by Leo W. Schwartist "Israel and Its Glory," a pictorial volume ediled by Abe Harman and Yigal Yadin; "The Politics of Israel" by Marvcr II. Bernstein; and. "The History of Jewish Khaznrs" by D. M. Dunlop. The United States Senate floor this week rang wilh condemnation*.' of Moscow's action oil the books. Minnesota Democrat, Senator Hubert. II. Humphrey, asserted that, by banning Ihe Jewish books in question "the Soviets removed some splendid essays on the people of the Jewish faith." Senator Styles Bridges, New Hampshire Republican, declared that "Groat Ages and Ideas of the Jewish Peopie" was a great book, and that ."the fine heritage of the Jews offers meal and drink too strong for the Kremlin stomach."

Nebraska Girl Finds life in Israel Kibbutz 'A Wonderful Experience7; to Spend 4 Months on Study of Farm Systems A glowing report of her introduction to life in iin Israel Kibbutz has been received from a Nebraska participant in the International Farm Youlh Kxchange program. Hel|M IlnrvttNt <riru|i«H She is Beverly Shepmdson of Ansley, 21 year old University of NobrnHkn graduate, who is helpiiiK with the grape harvest at Kfar Maccubl, the first agricultural settlement", to be included in her four of Israel. She will visit Kiryat Anavim, Gevim, Nahalal, Negba and Gederu. The program is designated for selected farm youth from the United Slates to live and work with farm families in other couri.tries 'and for farm youth* from cooperating countries, to do the stiine In the United States. Nathan Gold of Lincoln and the Rural Youth of Nebraska Bra sponsoring the Nebraska girl's trip. .

Meet* Israeli Sclioolnuttn In anticipation her trip to Israel, Miss Shepardson began acquiring information lo help her ill her travels. She was rewarded for her efforts when she met Miss Tamara Gil of Israel, a fellow student iil the University of Nebraska. Miss Gil made her home with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hill of Lincoln, during- the post year at the University. The two girls became friendH; Tainara visited in Ansley and Beverly joined the Hill family (it a Passover Seder. The Israeli has returned to her home in Tel Aviv where Beverly plans to see her before lenving

Her enthusiasm is evident as she describes her first weeks in Israel in a Idlerwhich opens with "And a beautiful country it is! She goes on lo say • "We Ispeaking of a California roommate) have been al Maccahi almost Ivvo weeks and are having a wonderful experience. Kfar Maccabi is a kibbutz of 1,000 acres and has approximately 400 people. It is 24 years old and so is well settled. A kibbutz is one of the types of communal settlements in which all (he properly and work are organized on a collective basis. The members work for the community, at large, and receive what they need from the set I lenient according to the community's financial means.

ioracl. Knd Letter with Shalom In her let tors to her homo (i.. to It.) 'i'umur (HI, Israel "]''<H>d ({lllttt (iood" town, the N e b r n s k a girl has "In this kibbulz there are many adopted the customary Israel tenn and n»v»rly .Sliopnrdson, Ne.tiruihouses which have two two-room of "Shalom" for hollo and goodbye and tis«i it alwva her signa- lio, who plan to meet agnln In apartments and there are also one ture, . , Tel Aviv. ' . room apartments. Each family

here has such an apartment and manages very well, since the children from about six weeks of age to 16-17 years old live in dorm-,, itories. Also there is one dining room which feeds all Ihe people. This reminds me of college life! The food is quite good here but the first morning, I WHS wonder' ing when I faced a plaller of tomatoes, onions, peppers, cuciimhers, bard cooked eggs, bread and tea for breakfast. Now I enjoy the, meals. Much fresh fruit is eaten, but they eat very liltle :neat bo< cause it is quite scarce, Jrrlgaliiin *K\pi'iisl\« "Here at Maccabi they raisd many of the necessary foods they consume, but also raise crops til sell. They raise wheat and corn — approximately 80 bushels to t i n ucre and also b a n a n a s, f;i apei (which are now ready for thd harvest), and I have been'help* (Continued on Page 4.)


Pag* Two


Neu« slid najiprnlnirs nt Tlic- Dr. tjhfr JI-»IB1I Home For The Ared David Orkoi*.

Published Ever; Friday by the Jewish Federation ot Omaha.

Second Cluss PostcgB Puld at Omaha, Ncbr. Annual Sufiicrlptlon, 34.00. Advertising Rate* on Application. Publication Office—101 Ho. 201h Street, Omaha, Ucbr., JAckion 13M.


One Violinist Inspects Another

Editor S I' E C I AL ENTERTAINMENT: On Wednesday, August 5, our folks were entertained by Miss Beth Alexander and her baton troupe and by Miss Mildred Hoffman and the Collins Dance Studio group. The program was held on Ihe northeast terrace of the home. DRAMATIC P K O <i H A M : The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club will entertain at the home on Sunday, August i) at 2 p. m. A wonderful afternoon is in store for our residents and their guests. Refreshments will be served in the main dining room following the program.


f ;3

Ja<k Ilennv of T \ , sl.igc :ind screen Inspects f-tnioiis puint•fiK'. "The Green Viulinist," l>y .Mare ('h:i|;:ill, during tli« CollertnrH Kvhlbition and Art Sale prcscntt-d In the \V(linen's Division, American Friends of tlie Hi'hrew liiivcrsity, ill .Illmni lirnrli, Flu. A tiitiiplet« f-(i)lc( tion of (ii.ig.ill :irt IMIOKS nnd sewrnl prtntH of his unrkn are jiviillable at the. Center library.

Rockefeller Grants iContinued from Page 1.) .six large cities with on estimated population of 100,000, as well as numerous small settlements" and that "traces of ancient desert agriculturaF'systems found by scientists indicate that the farmers were highly .skilled in the conservations and use of water, cultivating only 1 C'liIKlcli^ h t illK. ~ : ' " > I - " ' • the flood plains where wind-blown ! soil accumulated, terracing the (TEMPLE I S K A E L [fields with stone walls that held .Services will be held this F r i d a y I Ihe run-off waters, and in some t v e n i n g in the chapel at 7:30 p. in. | cases constructing artifical coujdtiits. "It is Ihe hope of Hebrew BETH EL |University scientists, the announceSabbath evening services will be ment said, -to establish agriculheld at Beth Kl .Syn.v.-o-i'i'. ture in the Nogev without bringing fit 7 p. m. Sabbath morning .serv- in water from other areas." ices will begin at 9:30 a. m. Tlic The grant will cover a threeMincha-Maariv Services will be- year study by the Hebrew Unigin at 7:15 p. in. versity of first century agriculDaily services will be held dur- tural practices in the Ncgcv. ing the week at 7 n. in. and 7 p.Tn. Dr. Herbert Marcuse, professor *the Sunday service will be »t 9 of politics and philosophy at «. m. Brnndcis University, received a Krant of Sfi,230 for research on BETH ISRAEL cultural changes in contemporary Services this evening i Kabbalas society and their interrelation with Bhabbos) 7:15 p. in. at Beth Israel political trends. Synagogue, S a t u r d a y morning Dr. Moshe Perlmnn, lecturer In tervices begin at 8:45 a. m. and Ihe Junior congregation meets at Itrnellan Studies at the Center of 30 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner Middle Eastern Studies of Harwill conduct the Saturday after- vard University, received $7,000 noon Talmud class at 7 p. m. to conduct research on the early and Mincha, followed by Shalosh history of the Zionist movement S'eudos and Maariv, will begin nt and on polemics in Islam in Iho T:30 p. m. Middle East. • Dr. Michael Mjchaely. instructor Services Sunday morning begin fit 8:45 a. m. and are followed in economics at the Hebrew Uniby breakfast and the Rabbi's class versity, received a grant of ?2,000 In Bible. Sunday .'morning1 Junior to enable him to participate in Congregation meets at 8:30 n. m. teaching and research in internaDaily, services 7 a. m. and 7:20 tional economics nt the University of Chicago. p. m.


The weekly Tnlmtid Study Group | meets Tuesday evenings at 8:30-1 Services at the 19th nnd Hurt! Street Synagogue, every Satur-j day at 9 a. m. ' B'NAl JACOB ADAS Services at B'nai Jacob-AdasYeshuron will begin Friday at 7:15 p. in. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 7:15 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Daily services at 6:30 a. m. and T:30 p. m.

1.179,329 Eligible To Vote in Israel Ramat Gan -Israel hai 1.179,329 eligible voters for the Knesset elecllons, the Central Elections ComMittce chairman, reported. This number represents a 20 per cent on the 3955 total of 1,023,657.

Israelis will cast their ballots lor 120 members of the Knesset in the November elections.

French AnH*S@mife Vi w ©n Efeded layor

Majority Accopfr

Jlje f

Friday, Augiiat 7, 101)8

INT .MEMOHIAM: Mrs. A n n i e Cirrcn. YAHRZEIT: S p e c i a l memorial services have been held in the home synagogue for the following, the anniversary of whose death came iluring the month of Tammuz: Ben Milder Tammuz 17, July Xi. Louis S. Lebowitz--Tammuz 18, July 24. -Sam Josephson—Tammuz 27, August 2. Molly Tully—Tammuz 21), August 4. Additional services will be held during August for those Yahrzeits that fall during the month of AV: Mrs. Morris Turner—Av. 1, August 5. Mrs, •Fannie Steinberg Av. 4, August 8. Mrs. Meyer Brookfitein Av. 9, August l.'i. Harry Friedman -Av. 11, August 15. Harry Adelschtein --Av. 15. August 19. Mrs. Louis Sommcr - Av. Zl, August 27.

O l d

Paris (JTA)—Senator Fernand Auberger, whose election as mayo/ Jerusalem, t.ITA)—Ninety per- of a small French town was ancent of the 61 world-famous Jewish nulled by the courts because ol scholars around the world, polled his introduction of racial issues in by a special Israeli Cabinet committee on the touchy problem of his campaign against his Jewish who should be iicknoivledjjcd as a opponent, was re-elected to the •lew in Israel, have rilled that post, by an even greater majority, strict Jewish religious law should when new election"! were held. he the rule. | Henry Torres, noted French That would mean that a child; barrister and bend of the adminismust IK.' registered in accordance I native council of the French radio with the religion of the mother. and television, called on the 'I liiis, children of mixed marriages, French .Senate to disqualify M. where the mother is not Jewish, could not be registered as Jewish) without ritual conversion to .luda-• ism. Pressed Tongue Loaf Those in /nvor of the strict inter- : $ 1 5 0 Lb. pretalion of .[('wish religions law' on this (|ucslion include a famous 1 professor at Harvard, and other j DIAMOND'S famous scholars and rabbis, includ- j WA 5554 4415 Cumlng iiij,' sonic who are not Orthodox Jews. The view was underwritten by I lie cntiie five-man board of the London Kabhinical Court.

'Who is a- Jew'

I-'IKST I'l.AV IN NKW 1'1,AVIIO1SK "Say Darling," the; first play to be presented at the new Omaha P l a y h o u s e , t><)15 ('ass ^trcel, opened Thursday and will run nightly except Mondays until August 22.




John Kalina 817 So. 36th

HA 1044

Dedications A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Joseph Conn, Sunday, August 9 at 1 p. in. nt. Beth Kl Cemetery. Rabbi Sidney Brooks will officiate. All friends and relatives are invited to attend.

GORDON STORAGE Warehouse, Inc. 1201 JONES

JA 3032

Births Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Comisar announce the birth of a daughter, Sharon Ruth July 18 in St. Catherine's Hospital. They are also the parents of a son, Frank. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Frank and Mrs. Frank Comisar.

MONUMENTS in the Jewish Tradition

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Anti-Semite Must Serve Sentence

Israel Platoon, "Guinea Pigs' For Tests on Tel Aviv—'What is the effect o£ Ifcrael btmimer climate on drinking und eating habits?" An Infantry Ijlatoon stinted Monday on a 3G8 mile march from Bilnt to Melulla under Army Medical Corps supervision to find the answer, Kav Keren Zoliur, said. The foot-loggers are covering 15 and a half miles'a day. Volunteers from two companies, they are carrying full battle kits and a weapon. The terrain covered is not dififcult iiiid a 10 minute rest IK culled every hour. lll'cr llirlmldl Ten csrurts inVlitding four doctors and medical corpsmen are cheeking "n every member of ihe jnarch. One section of the platoon i> iiiiliihinK only water from their canteens, another just cold water, olliers lemonade or cold milk, and <me ui'oup anything they wish.

Uixon Implies Moscow Talks Toadied on SHuation of Jems rvi'w York (JTA)-r-Vict President Richard Nixon implied that, during his talks in Moscow with •Soviet Premier Nilutn Krushchev, lie1 discussed with the Soviet loader also the suppression of Jewish communal life in the Soviet Union. At a press conference held prior to his departure from the Soviet Union, Mr. Nixon was asked by Alexander Piirkson, of the Jewish iJ.-iily Forward of New York, whether, in his talks with Krushchev and other Soviet leaders he had a chance "to touch on the reported discrimination a « a i n s t Jews in the Soviet Union." Mr. Nixon replied: "I reeognUe that there is s legitimate interest among members of the press in the subjects 1 did discuss with Mr. Krushchev and otht'l leaders, but I have always followed the practice of not disclosing the substance of such talks or indicating the subjects covered. I think this is the only proper course to follow nnd this way we encourage n very frank exchange of Views when talks of this type do take place."

Page Three


Deer of 7\'i per cent ttlcoholic content, was taken along. The purpose of the test is to determine how much wider a soldier needs to drink under the different climatic conditions in various parts ol the country. Itcst to Drink "Contrary to common belief, it. is better to make persons thirsty in order that they drink more; one naturally tends to drink less than the liquid one loses," Kav Seren Zohar said. The medical corps is also studying the eating habits of each of the marchers. This Includes periods when they consume battle rations and oilier times when each marcher eats as much as he wishes. A close inspection is being made of the salt content of all foods eaten by each soldier to see if salt pills are necesasry, a sifbject on which opinion has been sharply divided. The Army has also conducted research among civilians in Kilat on the effect of climatic conditions, ft had been found that rest in a cool place was effective in restoring persons ' after a hard day's work. Kspeeially refreshing was a swim, which was shown to be more beneficial than a shower, Dr. Zohar declared.

Young Adults to Aid The Jewish Young Adult Council under the leadership of Sheldon Cohen will solicit funds for the Abbott Drive Improvement, campaign at the Omaha Boat Club's annual races, August. 10 at Carter Lake.

Jewish Girl Is Miss Chicago Chicago (WNSl-C'arml Rubin, an eighteen-year-old Jewish beauty of this city is to compote in the Miss America contest in Atlantic City in September. Miss Rubin won the opportunity to compete for the top beauty honor when she was named Miss Chicago of 1959. The young lady, whose father is n dress manufacturer, is to enter the University of Illinois this fall as commercial art student.

Knoxville (WNS)—John Kasper, hostesses will be Mines. Nathan Lerman, Max I.evine, Samuel notorious anti-Semite and segregaOrcnstein, Max Pfeffer and Sam tionist, must serve six months in Zwerling. the workhouse at Nashville and YOI;N<; AIMXTS TO pay a fine of $500 for inciting to NI'ON'KOR CAK WASH riot, in N a s h v i l l e integration Kred Marcus and Ann Weintraub troubles in 1957, the Tennessee Suare co-chairmen of the Omaha preme Court ruled here this week. Jewish Young Adult, car wash to The court turned down Kasper's be held Sunday, August 9, from appeal, affirming his conviction by 10 a. m. to r> p. m. at: Smiley's a lower court. B'NAI Jl'Ii H S<{I;ARK UANCK Dundee Te.xaco, 50th and UnderH'rilh Condnislicr wood and Tommy's Conoco, 7071 The B'n Vandalism in Jewish chapter wil have a square dance Dodge. Price, $1.00. 'ptemher 1!) from 0 Saturday, Cemetery in Turkey p. m. until idnight nl. the Jewish FAKIIAND-I'IOMCKH PICNIC Istanbul (WNS) — Desecration SKT r o i l THIS SUNDAY (Community Center. Mr. and Mrs. The t'nrbnral and Pioneer Wom- of the Jewish cemetery in the town Kenneth ilfrbour will be Ihe callen will hold their annual joint of Canakkale was reported here ers. ~ !| by Turkish officials following disTickets | t S1 per person may picnic, Sunday, August. 9, beginbe purchased from chapter mem- ning nt 2 p. m. at Klmwood Park. closure of the vandalism to probers. Mrs. 'iMillon Loss, PL 0I?4 Dinner will be served from 2:30 vincial authorities by a Jewish may be ea|led for further infor- p. in. to <i p. m. with no charge communal delegation. Police aufor soft drinks. A program of thorities said they had ordered an mation, ij games has been arranged. In the investigation. event, of rain, members will be inDKAMATljh <iltOI!I" l'AHTY formed of an alternate meeting AT I)K. S1IKK IIOMK place. The Drlmalic Group of the Workmen's! Circle will give a party at the Dr, $her Home Sunday, August 9, at '\ p. m. The"enf(|irlainment. will be presented by Mrs. Max I.evine, Mrs. for the Mainz, C.ermany (JTA)—Dr Milton Nejirenberg und Mr. and George Haueser, head of the criMrs. Sam fcwerling. minal police section of Ihe State "Royal Treatment1 Refreshments will be served. The of Rhoinland-Pfalz, was suspended from his post on charges of diWhen you want to prarecting the Nazi extermination of lorve a precious memory Jews in the Minsk area during World War II. forever. SKiMA Al|.l'IIA Mil Dr. Hauser was placed in the The U/jiversity of Nebraska Ilohenberg prison, near Stuttgart, M a k e an appointment awarded legent scholarships to on charges filed by the Control for a photograph today. three members of Sigma Alpha Mil. Commission, for. the Investigation Call They are Ijfoward Upton, son of of Nazi Crimes. Mr. and iJtrs. Joe Upton; Robert Shapiro, s< n of Mr. and Mrs. .StanIcy Shiipir) :ind Irvin Belzer, son of Mr. nm Mrs. Mnrvin Belzer, (ill pre-medic I students.

COUNCIL . I'POI-NTMIJK'IS The Nati nal Council of Women ha announced the appointrnents if the following members of the Omaha Section to national corn nittces: Mrs. Sidney Brooks, me nbership; Mrs. I.loyd Friedman, 1 eld service; Mrs. Robert Levino corn muni t V services and ovcrse;

SSerman PCSBGG Chief Suspended From Post



DKfiltKIC Tirodkey, son of Mr. Jerald and Mrs. "red Brodkey received n Master ol Science decree at the summer iimincncomcmt exercises of the Un versify of Nebraska.

Scholars Off to Israel

Temporary Location on Second Level of Center RE 0233


42nd & Center

Meet Your Friends In the Sir Loin Room Aftor Hio Show Saturday Night

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!!B.THDAY PARTIES l'art of a Kroup of 8(1 American College htintents hound for II year of Kpeehil studies at tin- Hebrew University, 1" Jerusalem, pnso sit tlie Zini Lines' pier ill New York before hoarding the S/H /ion for thrlr tun week's voyage, to Israel. The yoiinRKtiTH, representing 'Hi American Colleges and universities, range. In .'iKe from 18 to 22. They were carefully screened for character and iicsulcinlc ability. The program sponsored by the American Frienils of the Hebrew University, inrllldcii intensive simile* of the Hebrew language nt Ulpnnlm mill extensive nlglitseelng.

Gerelick Attends Ford Meeting PlnTGerellck returned this week from Dearborn, Midi, whore he attended a meeting of the Natlonr *! Ford Dealers Council at the Ford Motor plant. Mr. Gerelick, nn Cmuha Ford dealer, is secretary ef.the 14-mnn council which represents all Ford Dcnlern in the country. lie wag accompanied on the trip by Mm. Gerelick.

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The Other Way of Doing It...

Friday, August T,

Dutch "Israel Crazy" us


by Muciihee Knslilu I compare with the Courts in .lent-1 paper" complex has become deepJerusalem I'ust I[eport«r ! salem. Witnesses are ordered to | ly roated, as 1he files in most The Hague—Boundless enthusi-1 give up was also a record, The Gcnerali liuilding in Jeru- appear at H:.'iu a. in. If they nr- (iuvernment offices will show. The salem has an unusual elevator. , ri\e punctually, they will find the contents are of a dozen different asm for the Israel contingent, in | Among the participants wars -Only persons calling at the Fin- courtroom bare. The jiuU;e will sizes, several colors, thick and thin. the Annual Four-Day March here persons of all ages -the oldest \va* ance Ministry'., Income Tux Office convene court much later, gener- Il is almost impossible to leafj marked the end of this year's hike 80; the youngest 1-1, and from nit can use it. Those calling at the ally ni'uund !l a. in. and often much ' rapidly through a file, lyuh in- last week, The local press and walks of life. A Dutoh Roman Ministry of Interior's Town Plan- later still. At 11 a. m. court is re- dividual sheet must be turned over .spectators along the route com- Cutholie Membor of Parliament, «1 ning office are told to walk up cessed for LO ' minutes. As a rule separately, else entire letters are mented on t h e stamina of the lawyer by profession, this year and especially ad- j took part in the March for thu four flight of stairs. , il is the longest LJ0 minutes in the. skipped. Apart from standardizing Israel in,-, iers ; : girls. ' ' of " ' the " sabra ' '••'•• fourth time in .succession. "Hera The Finance Ministry says the; world, often being twice or thrice, • lalionery sizes, the art of using imired the spirit Noj of n e j a c o l o u r ' t o denote a c e r t a i n type I Ministry of Interior officials can-| that long. "' ' Israelis dropped out. j for four days a year, you find a 1 J S1 not use the elevator since the is still l a r g c l v ' ' " " ' - 'ael A m b a s s a d o r , l l n n a n little of that liberty, equality and The public's time is w a s t e d of correspondence Sf. C'idor, was present at the finish fraternity for which we search in Ministry of Interior does not pay! whenever any application has to unknown here. I and watched the Israel service- politics dutlng the entire year," ils share for running the elevator.! be made lor any (JoviTiiment serv» * A The Ministry of Interior says it ; ice fur1 the applicant dries nol The Civil S e r v i c e keeps no i men being showered with flowers. he said; An old friend which the la(annnt pay its shaie unless the; know which documents to bring, "efficiennv" records of ils persoii- j "It was hnrd wink, but it was onderful, dark-haired Master-j.raelis met all along the route of • Finance Ministry gives it an al-' He learns Ibis only alter wailing; nel. To find out if a clerk h of- ! womicrim,location. ! for an hour or so in a queue. It Iicient. one must go lo his im- Sergeant Hulhie Ilaramati shouted ,; march was the Ufzi submachine The Ministry of Interior Regis-; would be a simple matter to post > mediate .superior. If the superior v.hen >jlie slopped dancing with lierjgun, which the Dutch tinned force» tration Office is responsible for| a list of the required documents: is anxious to get rid of him, lie fellnvv marchers after Hie end of! have been buying for some tim* lost time and unnecessary ag-• on the wall nr the eiilranci hall! will give him ii .wonderful char- the trek. "The Dutch are Israel-! and with which all the Dutch graviitioil to g'Vennnent offices, I bulletin board. The clever appli-! acter; if he wants lo keep his crazy," she added, 'but we are ; soldiers were equipped on lh'* local nuthoril ies. public bodies and; cant who tries to .phone first and! hard-working assistant, he will he absolutely pro-everything Dutch," ii ninrcli. This 4,'ird Four-Day inarch willj The Israel contingent was comthe general public. I'nder (he law, | learn relevant details, is gener-j lukewarm in his praise. Were the each person must register'a change! ally stymied. Kor the line of sev-! superior annually or semi-ainiually go down in history as the hottest !i posed.of 25 members of Dan, !iL of address a few days after he jera! ministries and many pub-; to file a report on his subordinates, so far. Throughout the four days, !I servicewoiiien and 22 servicemen. I here was typical Israel summer When the official part of the march moves, or he changed in coll. I with ! lie bodies is engaged. II takes a truer picture would emerge. vvcathcr. which made the going, over, the Dan contingent the maximum punishment, being \ throe lo "JO minutes of steady dialrather difficult for many who were<j broke into dance and the .ioldici'4 a fine of S.Vi or three mouths in iiiL'. and redialing before the line nol used ID the heat, and espe-:• joined in after taking their paclcn prison or lioth. • is (ice. I cially for the many soldiers who''off.- I From Jerusalem Post! Most people do not register their The government pays ils ofhad to march With full pack. Changes of address. The law is not ; ficials St. 1K a day (plus travel exThe contingent of Dan dri enforced. The Ministry of Posts j penses' for each day they spent Jerusalem (JTA* The National shuffles letters hack and forth i out-of-town. This sum is divided I Religious Party failed in itx bid j trying to find the proper address;! as follows: 1-1 cents for, break-! to end compulsory military service j 'fu me of 4:.',0 a. in. each day, income tax assessments are sent : T for women in Israel. Women, like and so completed a large part of Montreal Police reported that to the wrong addresses; the draw-i fast; Sl.I. i for lunch: W) cents lor men, are required to undertake j their stint by the limp the heal supper and .S'_'.2O for a bed. Ts'o ofvandals broke into an Orthodox • JliK Up of the Voters Registry lakes' ficial cares to live in this kind of military service for a two-year] became' oppressive. The number of participants synagogue and destroyed scrolls, ©xtra weeks; police cannot locate i accommodation, available at. those period. A second move by the same suspects of witnesses. ! pi ices. Hal her than dig into his party lo make women's military (l.'4,21.H», and of those who sue- prayer s h a w I s and books IITI.I The electric company c a r r i e .^ ;ow ri pocket, he prefers to sleep service voluntary fell without even cessfully completed the march smashed silverware and other ii.'ll'J,S.'li)i was the largest ever, but ligious items. They estimated the persons on its rolls years after. a I home. Thus he spends a good being put to the vote. Mho number of those who had to'damage at $1,000, they have moved. iTIie electric • part of his morning working hours Mizraehi spokesmen argued that X^mpany could s a w untold time. traveling to his destination: a since ftf) per cent of the women in b.y installing its meters outside. : similar pail returning Iwime. The military service were doing clerical This would save the meter readers next day and possibly a ihiid - work, the armed forces could disBteps and time.t he repeals his travels. pense with their services. It was saiil that their mobilization affectThe I'tcal authorities .send on! New York I WNS i - The Joint alteralion of present methods. Hut The Israel clerk'has an odd habit ed Hie future of Israel's homo life rate assessments t»» persons who of writing on odd scraps of paper! and that an alleged decline in the Advisory Committee of the Na- il existing pre-handling methods llove moved years ago. if he his a whole sheel h< tears ; Israeli birthrate wan due to nim- tional Community Relations Ad- are found to be humane, the J c v Parts of Jerusalem pivsi'iit a a corner oft it. .This "odd pi :*ce of' pulsory military service. visory Council and the Synagogue ish bodies will urge, as in the ci-.* Unique problem. The housts hivt Council of America are jointly of schechitah. that such metho in two addresses, one by stni t mil sponsoring a research study to; lie recognized as human in federliouse number, the other by >, (lion determine whether modern meth- j al and stale legislation, Slid lot number. Both sysli ins ir oris of handling cattle .-in the! At the same lime, officials of lised at the same time, t ui-ung United Slates preparatory to! the- two agencies said that the e.s©Ut-of-tuwtUM's to wander uuuud sl'iughter are humane, it was an- sence of the problem was the safefor IIOIIT*S searching for hous s nounced here by organization of- guarding of religious liberty aicl ftiuce there is no convenient 11->t fkriiils who said the overall pur-] that it was equally clear that ll>* of streets, and since the house lot pose of the program is to protect j problem, which has a strong miliBylem does not number the h ni-•-> schechitah in the recent wave of i Semitic potential, will rt'quiiv llm consecutively. I federal and slate efforts to adopt attention of Jewish community reW h e n it comes 10 being l i t e humane slaughter laws. lations agencies for many yeun. probably no Government bodv c a n If the study finds more humane practical forms of handling cattle for slaughter, then the Jewish orNebr. Girl to Israel ganizations will recommend.'the (Continued from Page 1 i <:rrv TOYJKNAMKNT Ing with the grape harvest One The -ICC Softball team, behinl ISTAMil'l, KAIJIO WIU. Mice thing about the job is tint the nifty pitching of Morrie Iln-iItKO.MK'AST ISKAKI.'MI'SU: they are green grapes, so i lot dleman won their first game in of the time the only way to till if Jstunbul I JTA I- The S f a t e - the Class 1! tournament open:/'. • a bunch is ripe, is to taste one dom mvned Istanbul Radio, under :< re- "Moe" pitched one of his finest the bunch. There are other fuiiN ciprocal cultural agreement with games, allowing just two him an'l ninny vegetables, incluiliiu' pot i Israel, iias started to broadcast striking out H. The Jay lads won toes and carrots. They do ronsid Israel music for the first tune. the game 1-1 and the timely hitcrable irrigation here by spnnklii ting was provided by Hurt Robinbut it is very expensive. The w ib 1 son, d e n y C'olnic and Leunii; for irrigation costs about t>% tenK Wolk. Norm "Coiinliy" Zevitz wa» per cubic meler. Handlemau's halterymate. The Jay Acquired IHK Ilrother team will meet Trinity Lutheran "There are not many young pi > either Saturday or Sunday evening pie our age on the kibhiil/ be in their move lo take tin- tourney. cause of the '2-2'h years Armi d Frankfurt,. (JTAl Trial of 11 C M n i-i:.\<itii; Services required for all bo\-, ind persons charged with terrorizing a Tillord of the K of 0 threw girls. But we have acquired a big Jewish family in Koeppern early a no-hltter lit the ('(niter Varsity hroiher (just out of the Navy i who Ibis year will start on October team Thursday night as \\\'t TO towa^ia/as GNI$! Js helping us enjoy ourselves. Wei H before an extended Frankfurt team look a 10-0 win. The Ins * would he lost if he didn't translate jury court, the Frankfurt. Office drops Jay Varsity into third plac.;. the Hebrew into Knglish for us. He of Prosecution announced, YOUTH1 COI'Nf II. I.KXUW, has acquainted us with an informal longer permissable lo avow" anli-j Multiple Charges. Kaiii canceled last Sunday's eftype pnrly a koomsitz very comSemilism "openly," and that "ul-j The dependants will be tried on forts at Klmwood Park but the inon among the young people. It though anti-Semitism still exists ch.-irges of libel, bodily injury, Youlh Council team.s will bait la received its name from tin- idea in "fiiilain and the'United Stales, properly damage, misdemeanor thiti Sunday with Komi AZA takof "come and sit." We sit around such prejudice is at ieasl publicly and coercion and distrwbing the ing on A/CA No. 1 while .Ilayiw a canipfire. sing and talk, with' deplored. The article also called peace. One of the defendants may meets AZA No, 100. A Rayim win food a must, from watermelon to j y l b baited potatoes, corn on the cob, London iWNS.i — Commenting attention to the fact that while also be tried on a charge of pub- will about cinch league honors for the ItotiKhriders who have droppeJ or shis-ke-bab. that while anti-SeniHism within there are no quoin systems in lic condonation of Nazi crimes. the United States is primarily British universities as there arc The indictment was based on a just two games all season. Coffee with Arulct in their American counterpart "it Team managers are being aslcel "We also made some visits to social. The .Spectator, leading Con- simply happens that Jews are not .systematic boycott of terroriza-. lion of Kurt Sumpf, an Israel for selections to choose the Youth neighboring Arab villages for cof- servative weekly here, declared selected." citizen, by youthful hooligans after Council All-siar team, which will fee and meals. The Arabs make a that the British brand of antihe opened a cafe last year in Koep- be announced at a later date. very good, but very different cof- Semitism derives its potency from fee, very, strong and sweet, drunk the economic frustrations of the HKIJISKW VNIVKRS1TY KXI'EKT pern. Mr. Sumpf had charged that black. On our first visit, (my room- small businessman here who is TO AID (SlIATKMALA SCHOOL police had not only failed to proJerusalem—The San Carlos Uni- tect him from his tormentors but mate and li were the only women finding it increasingly difficult to JA I 3 M I n u r l your Want Ad I n among a group of eight .men, sit- compete with, large industry. Ac- versity in Guatemala has invited had stood by opprovingly as three tr>«Phorw Jewlih Presj. ting cross-legged on a large mat, cording to this article, it is the Dr. M. Prywes, associate dean of of tlie defendants assaulted him. R a i l Is £0 cents for each thr«9 Una l n H r r small businessman who is the one the Hebrew University-Hudnssah lion, Th« Pr«s» r i i i r v M *1hi right To llmlr without, shoes." "Crime To Be .Jew?" slr« of eoch d r t l t f most likely to partake in "active Medical School to help reorganize Miss Shepardsori who remarked anti-Semitism" in its "most viru- it* medical faculty. Recently he closed his cafe and DAILY JKYV1SH VXVVMH Americans seem to be quite an lent" form. He puts "a Jewish moved to' Frankfurt. He said he attraction outside the large cities, name or a Jewish iV-e on hig com- YOUTHS TO STl!I>Y had' done so because his eight- BAR and Bas Mitzvan congratulations also for all Jewish holiexpects to return to the United petitor, or creditor" in order to IN ISKAEI. year-old son had come home from days and special occasions. States in December. She is the rationalize his-difficultie:; and ecoNew York (.IT A >.—Sixty-two school one day and asked his Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodga daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ilomic frustrations. Zionist youths aged 18-35, affiliat- father: "Is it a crime to be a Shepardsoii of. Ansley and plans ed with the Zionist Organization Jew?" The fathor said he fearea For Vacationer* to work as a h o m e extension At the same time, t h e article of America, are making a month's his son might b» injured by school- Practical Domestics and Baby agent after.ISVbruary.l. noted that it is nevertheless "no study'tour of Israel. mates, . : •... . Nurse3. Call WE 5217.

Women Will Continue Israel Army Service

Vandals Desecrate Montreal Synagogue




Jewish Agencies Sponsor {Research mi j Pre-Sehecfoifah Handling of Cattle


German Court to Try 11 for Terrorizing Jewish Oafe Owner

British IVeekly Calls U. S. Prejudice Social; British, Economic

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