Vol. XXXVII No. Ui
Published every Friday, 101 N. 20th". OinahEi. Nelirasku. I'liono JA i:i(;fi
Lebanon Takes Stand -• v>
.(•Tiisalcm, UTA i A Lebanes | a solution of the Arab refugee cabinet minister warned oilier problem. Arab countries that Lebanon will It cli I n it Jumtiir* firm word* not continue to support Ar.il> in- si'i-ins to l>« tint fact that I.elmiitntrisifjonci" in refusing the re- ••se political fiiilnnro li tmsi'd oil sell li'menl of the Arab refugees an n lsy equilibrium between th« unil thai his country may split Moslem and Christian populations off from the Arnh camp on this with till percent of. HID refugee* linissue. ing Alusli'iiis wlille most (if tlio <'o in ni !• n I I n n on the Aruli emigrant* ivre Christians, t h u s 1 I^'itjii'"'- * outright rejection of I'..N". threatening lo upset the tialiillCK. (Secretary (•••nrral DIIR IlaininurArab delegates meeting in Beir>liJol(l'N report on the r»"f II^JVI-H, i nil, cautiously rejected Ihe terms I'li-rrct Jinm-ll, Lebanese Minliter I of" Mr. Ifaninmrskjold's sugges«»f I.utior niid lender of the ChrlHtions about Integration of the tlun I''ithing*' coalition party, clerefugees into the economic life in (-lnre.il that 1 litH wan the hint warnthe host countries, while repeating lufC to th« Aral) countries tiiat demagogic slalrnic-nls about the I.CIMUKIM iiiiiiiiil mi|)|iort a ••••gnimpending return of the refugees tlv« iitllliiilc mill MIIII-HS Arnli IfailI to what was formerly Palestine. «*r» nwlftly find n eonslriiellvi1 j "' ftohiiloit to tlid refugee problem, Lebanon will hnvr In go !•* own wny. Tin1 M i n i s t e r explained that Kinall Lebanon cannot carry any Jerusalem The first dentists to longer tin; burden of .100,00(1 refu- be trained in Israef received their gees who form 11 percent of HIP Doctor of Dental Medicine degrees population, while Lebanon's own in ceremonies at Ihe Hebrew Unicitizens are forced to emigrate. versity. The Aral) governments cannot reA six-year course was completed ject all constructive suggestions while failing to produce Ilu-ir own by the first graduation class of i'*n feasible proposal. Jumeil saiil. Hi' students. Professor H e n j a in i n ' Mazar, proposed that the Arab countries usk the llnllvd States mid the president of tin- University, presided on the occasion. Soviet Union to joinlly "work out
i First Israel Trained ! Dentists Graduate
Israel Subway Will Sabbath Schedule Open iid-Sentember Keeps Chess Star Taifa Tourists visit inn Haifa in inid-Sepleuihcr will see the oppiiing of the subway from Lower* Town lo Ml, C;iuiiel. The giiile trip which has required 1(0 minutes by bus can he made in five and a half minutes by subway and will iillow persons working downtown or in Hadar Hiicunnel to go home for mid-day break. Mayor Abba Khousky who estimated Unit 50,000 persons would use the subway daily, said II saves at least eiqhl million man 'hours a year. Ik' nddeil Ihal "but for the subway We should have to build four new mounlHin mads and acquire 20(1 buses. Koads and buses would CIMI. moip than the subway apart from the fact there is no land available'for another four roads". The mayor declined safety of travel was another puinl In favor of the subway.
Out of Tourney
New York, UTA) Samuel rieshevsky, world-famed chess master, said tliMtlie would not lie able 10 play in a tournament in West Orange, N. J., because the event was lo start on Friday evening and continue through Saturday. Mr. Koshevsky, an Orthodox Jew, said he never played on the Sabbalh. Frank Brady, business manager of the United Stales Chess Federation, one of Ihe tourney sponsors, denied that there was any discrimination against Mr. Hesehevsky, and said that "many of tha players are Jewish." Mr. Reshevsky, .saying ha fel< the schedule was ''a personal insult," pointed out that, in all the years he has been playing, ha was never faced with breaking the Sabhatb, "not even In Russia." He became world's chess champion in 3935..
125 Campers Will Depart Sunday as Camp Jay-C-C Adjourns for Season; Arrive at Center at 10 AM.
at. Om;iha.
Single Copy 10 Cents Aiuiuul Hale 4 Dulliir*
iman to Direct ?L Jer Program Boris Sleiman, of Seattle, Wash., has joined Hie staff of the Omaha Jewish Federation as Director of Ms Cenler Program, Robert II. Kooper, Federation president, and Paul Verel. Federation director, announced this week. Camp Director Mr. Steiman will be in charge of the lolal Cenler program which encompasses j^roup w o r k. education, physi c a I s o c i a l activities sponsored by the Ceil t e r in the co in m unity foi children, you t li, adulls, and senior citizens. He will supe r v 1 s e t , a n d coordlnale,^ I S , members of thej, ,\/ Center staff. \\c\''?<(\ will also ser\e< *fc/s, as director ol v < \ y Camp Jay-C-C. Itnri)« Stelnian. Mr. Sleimau received his Bachelor of Ails degree at University of Manitoba; he also has Bachelor of Social Work and Master of Social Work degrees from Ihe University of British Columbia. Director at Seattle Center Mr. Sleiman served as Program Director of the Seattle Jewish Cenler since March 1H5B. Prior to that he was Program Director at Hie Vancouver Jewish Cenler, He has also has considerable camp direction experience, and was associated aclively with tho Council fin Aging and the Senior Citizen program' in Seat lie. Air. Steiman, his wife, Molly, .sou, Sandy who is 15, and his .111year-old daughter lOlaine, plan to arrive in Omaha about the middle of September. Commenting on the selection of Mr. Steiman, Lou Canar, Cenler chairman, said: Mr. S t e i m a n comes to our community with a distinguished record of performance and excellent p r o f e s s i o n a l training. Our committee was greatly impressed with him, and we look forward lo a productive and enjoyable association, from which our community will benefit." Norman Batt, Camp Jay-C-C chairman, staled that he looked forward to further growth and development o f - C a m p Jay-C-C under Mr. Sternum's direction. "Me impressed us wilh his competent background and maturity, and considerable camping experience," he said. Mr. Steiman succeeds Saul Silverman who has accepted a Center Directorship at Holyoke, Mass.
After 18 Speakers, Eban Ponders Youth
Jeruaslem At what point does a person consider himself young? Take the famous Abba C h a n ' s ' point of view for example. Addressing a recent rally of Ontt hundred nnd twenty-five i The camp committee headed by visiting young people in Jerusalem, Kini-tiiillleil C'niup .Fnv-O-C <iiiii|i- Chairman Norman Bill I. enter- Khan who was born in lillli, said r r t will ret urn to the Jewish ('din tained the stnff with a < program, he was not sure whether he was iiiiinlty Center, Sunday id 10 u. In., Saturday night, August 1. The .Uill entitled to consider himself Korimin llatl, rliiilrm.ui, nulil In committee' participated in a skit one of Ihe young. iiiiiiioiinclng thn piul ill the lust on camp life written by Mr«. Nor"But. believe me, I was still man Batt. A gift wan presented quite young when I came here 4'Ullip HeN<ilOIl. this evening." No less than 18 The campers will travel to'I he to Mr. .Silvennaii. speakers had preceded him. Center in churleied h u s p s nePrunes Program companled by staff members. Mr. Batt praised the, high cali("amp activities will conclude with a banquet Saturday.-evening bre of the health and cultural prowhen campers will receive nwnnls grams of the camp In remarks to for excellence,, proficiency and the gathering. participation In tho various skills Saul Silverman, Camp Director, Beth Israel's annual picnic will nnil activities offered. stressed the active and vltnl role be held Sunday, August 10 at Elmplnyed by members of the comT wood Park from 1 p. m. to 6 p. in. Cumjter Council Klecti During the second session the rnlttee in all phases of tho overall A program of games and contests VAAD camper council elected the operation of Camp Jay-C-C. He has Iwen planned. The event will he held in the following 1939 enmp pfficers; Gary stated That the successful operaRosenbaum,, Rapid City, S. D., tion of the Crtmp WBB tha result park pavilion in case of fain. Co(fifth year camper), president; of tho team work of staff and chairmen for the picnic are Gene Steve Hohermnn, vice-president; committee". Such demonstration Braun and Harold Segal. All chilStewart Sloan, secretary and of joint, effort is Indicative of the dren will receive free gifts nnd community's interest and concern, pop and popslcles will be disNancy Lincoln, reporter. he added. • tributed. Committee Entertain* Staff
Beth Israel Plans Picnic Sunday
Rabbi Aryeh Lev, Director of Jewish Chaplaincy Hoard of the Nalional Jewish Welfare Hoard, will be the guest of Ihe Jewish Federation Hoard, Tuesday noon, August IS at a luncheon meeting al the Hill Hotel, Koberl II. Kooper, Federation President, announced. Itabbi Lev, who holds Ihe reserve rank of colonel is on a tour of military installations. He will visil Offult Air Force Base where he will discuss Jewish chaplaincy coverage in the United Slates and overseas.1 and review local services for Jewish personnel. As director of the commission, Itabbi Lev is responsible for the JWII program of recruiting, endorsing mid serving Jewish chaplains in all brunches of the U.S. Armed Forces and l'Vderal agen cles employing chaplains. Th< commission on Jewish Chnplaincv
consists of representative's of ths Central Conference of AmericanItnbbis, Rabbinical Assembly of America and Rabbinical Council of America. Morn' in Jerusalem, Kabbi Lev was ordained by Hebrew Union CoUegi; and served as rabbi at Lebtinon, Pa., from 10^7 to 19.'!9, He became national director ot Young Jiidea in lil-lf), the post from which he entered Ihe ohap« laiilcy. Rabbi Lev is a member of U19 national advisory commission of USO. In the pnsl he was president of the New Yoik ( haptei ot MiliUiv < Implants Association, na-
Israel Knesset Closes Session Tel Aviv Israel's third Knesset lias adjourned to prepare for til' general elections November 'A The Premier and the majoriij of his cabinet will be chosen by tin' new Knesset from its 12') members. 1,'nlil ;i new government :•> formed, Premier Hen Gurio.i HIM! his four-parly coalition w'll remain in power on a caivl.ikci basis. The elect ions will he Ihe first iri ' I'oin years. The law require* (.•eneraj elections every four y.'ais nri ess the Knesset, calls for an ir.tcriiu election. The most important legislation enacted in the rush loward adjournment was a bill that liberalizes Ihe laws on foreign investments and offers greater Inducements lo foreign capital. Members of the Knesset are chosen by proportional representation. Mr. Ben (iurion has rrie-J for several years to change'this system in the hopes that .direct elections would lead to a two-parly sysiem. There are now twelve piuties in the Knesset.
Italilii Arveh l.cv tional chaplain of the Jewish WaC Veterans and chaplain of the.Nev/ York County American Legion. Offutl Air Force Base person* nel will hold a reception for Rab« hi Lev Tuesday evening. .-
Soviets Lift Ban on Two Jewish Volumes
Washington (WNSl Lifting of , Ihe Soviet ban of two Jewish book* at the U. S. exhibition in Moscow was repotred here by Hie Siate Department. Restored to g o o d grace are both Great Ages and Ideas of Ihe Jewish People by Leo M. Schwarlz and D. M. Dunlop'a History of the Jewish Khazars, There was no relenting by th« Soviet censor of a few books deal* ing directly with Israel, Israel and Its Glory, a pictorial volume, and Seattle, Wash., (JTAi A .state Marver II. Bernstein's The Politic* law which prohibits discrimination of Israel. . . . . on racial grounds in the sale of houses built wilh the aid of Federal financing, was declared uncohstilulional jn Superior Court. Judge James W. Holden set The Youlh Council has coin* aside a ruling by the State Board Against Discrimination directing picked air arrangement for the fall a home-owner lo sell his $18,000 pledging program, Kdwiri Sidman, house lo a Negro applicant. The president, reported. Sidman said lists of incoming judge ruled Unit the propertyovvner was acting as a private in- high school freshmen have been dividual even though his home had sent lo officers of all clubs and been purchased with a Federal that each organization w i l l ba Housing Administration insured limited to two rush events. mortgage. Freshmen will s i g n i f y theic choice of organization at a pledge breakfast, November 1. Special . orientation, s e s s i o n s are being planned to aid them.
Wash. Anti-Housing Law Unconstitutional
Youth Council Plans j Pledging Program
OK for Israel Girls To Stroll in Shorts
Jersualem (WNSi A .bill w h i c h would have'deprived women of wearing shorts in public went down to defeat in Knesset when g o v e r n m e n t spokesmen argued the wearing shorts and low-cut dresses is a question of taste and not of law. The measure was sponsored liy Agudas Israel deputy S. 1. Gross who maintained thnt excessive feminine exposure was contrary to Jewish law and morals.
Texas Uni. to Offer Hebrew Houston, Tex., (JTAi -The University of Texas announced this week that, it will offer two courses courses in Hebrew during the Fall semester and two advanced coursed iiv the Spring semester. The courses can be used to fulfil University requirements in cither the modern or classical language. The courses will be taught by E. S. Efrat, an Israeli, who in working for his doctorate at tha University.
Tag* Two
N t m end Bapptnlnitl at T i e lit. Plllllp tilirr Jtnlsb Home for The Agtd by David Orku\f.
Published Every Friday by Hie Jewish Federation of Omaha. Second Class Postage P a H ot Omoho, Nebr. Annual Subscription, $4,00. Advertising Rotes on Application. Publication Office—10) No. SOIh Street, Omoho, N t d r . JAckson Kit.
Editor SPECIAL KinOUSIIi by Mr. and
Threat of 'Jewish Beatniks' Challenges Adult Leadership Brazil Appoints Jewish I perate need of a "modern guide Foreign Minister I to Ihi! perplexed." Sao Puulo (WNS)-- President "The challenge presented by this • Juscelino'Kubitsehek appointed a generation cannot for long be igprominent Brazilian Jew, Orncio nored," he warned. "The age that Lafer, to the post of Foreign Min- produced beatniks should look ister. well to the meaning of those conThe appointee, a former member fused and desperate characters. If of Parliament and Minister of Fin- we are not to have a crop of Jewance, has been actively interested ish beatniks the Jewish commuover the years 'in many Jewish nity had better bestir itself and causes, including the United Jew- Rive answers that are .straightish Appeal of Brazil. forward, realistic and constructive. S t a r l i g h t . Pa. (JTA>--Thc Youth is willing now to be eduAmerican Jewish educational sys- cated but will our adult leadership tem- runs the risk of producing a meet this challenge? generation of "Jewish bent nicks" unless it can Rive young J e w s "straightforward, r e a l i s t i c and constructive" answers to t h e i r Jack Stelnninn The Bar Mitzvah of Jack Steinquestions, Dr. Ira Eisenstoin, former president of the Rabbinical man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Assembly of'America, and one of Steinman will- be celebrated at the leaders of the Reconstruction- '.t' Beth Israel Synagogue August 15th. Services will hei>in at 8:45 ist movement, warned. Rabbi Einstein was addressing a. m. All friends are invited to more than 100 teen-age regional uttend the service snud the kidsh following. officers of the B'nai .B'rith Youth Organization who are attending a Leadership Training Institute. "Jewish youth no longer want* to run away from the Jewish heritage, they want to adopt It," Italibl Elsensteln said "But they recog: nlzo that they cannot live with It Tel Aviv — Jews from Oriental s s It has been handed down to countries in Israel are tending to them. Unrortuniately, they have, follow the birth rate of their by and large, found few teachers countries of origin rather than prepared to adapt It to t h e i r that set by the case during the needs nnd to the. times In which Mandatory period, Prof. Roberto we live." He added that Jewish Bachi, of the Hebrew University young people—particularly those reported. In leadership positions In Jcwlih The result of this change in youth organizations—are In cleg- trend-setting and following was an increase in the birth rate of the Oriental communities here as opposed to the decrease, in their birth-rate under the Mandate, he said. Today, 60 per cent of all children born to Jews in Israel arc of Oriental parentage as compared to 20 per cent under the Mandate. The average size of an Oriental family is now double that of a family of European origin, at a CandeUghtlng, 7:05 p.m. ratio of six children to thrree respectively. A temporary "babyB'NAI JACOB ADAS boom" among the Europeans here XE8IIDRON which occurred between 19-10-1950 Services at B'nal Jacob-Adas- did not indicate a stable trend, he Veshuron will begin Friday at 6:45 said, and Israel's comparatively p. m. and Saturday morning at high birth-rate at present was due 6:30 a. m. with Mincha at 6:45 mostly to the Oriental families. p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Paily services at 6:30 n. m. and t:30 p. m. Among those who met with Senator John F. Kennedy during his TEMPLE ISRAEL. visit to Omaha this week were Services will bo held this Friday evening in the chapel at 7:30 p. m. Ephraim Marks, chairman of the Douglas County Democratic party; David Blacker, publisher of BETH El, tho Community Newspapers, and Sabbath evening services will be Gerald Schwartz, deputy chairheld at Beth El Synagogue, man of the Democratic Midwest at 7 p.-rn. Sabbath morning serv- Conference. ices will begin at 9:30 a. m. The Mincha-Maariv Services will be- Illrscli Up For Promotion gin at 7 p. m. San Diego, Cal. (JTAl— Capt. Daily services will be held dur- Morris A. Hirsch, serving on the ing the week at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. staff of the commander of the frhe Sunday service will be at 9 Pacific Fleet, was one of 34 line captains listed for promotion to a. m. Rear Admiral. BETH ISRAEL Services this evdning (Kabbalas Shabbos) 7:15 p. m.-ut Beth Israel Synagogue, S a t u r d a y morning Holidays Begin Sundown Of services begin at 8:45 a. in. and Previous Day. the Junior congregation meets at Rosh Hashonah October 3 30 a. m.-Rabbi Benjamin Groner October 12 will conduct the Saturday after- Yom Kippur noon Talmud class at 7:15 p. m. «nd Mincha, followed by Shalosh S'eudos and Maariv, will begin at 7:30 p. m. Services Sunday morning begin RUG & UPHOLSTERY at 8:45 a. m. and are followed by breakfast and the Rabbi's class CLEANERS Jn Bible. Sunday morning Junior RUGS — CARPETINQ Congregation meets at 8:30 a. m. LAMP SHADES Daily services 7 a. m. and 7:}5 FURNITURE p. m.
Israel's Oriental
Mrs. Max Crounse on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. PKOGKAMS: Mr. Claude Bacon will present a program of very interesting slides on Wednesday, August 19th at 8 p. m. in the Home Auditorium. Tlvp entertainers of the Bess Alexander program -were: Bess Alexander, Claudette Collins, Rosiinne Dolce, Jennifer N'gro, J;met I', line.
Bln«"B7riffi~fo' District Official Officers nnd executive committee members of nil B'nai B'rith lodges in Omaha and C o u n c i l Bluffs will meet, with Ben Z. Glass, District No. 6 executive secretary, Sunday night August 16 at 7:43 at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel to ninke plans for the 19G0 district, convention. Last Sunday, local leaders met .vith Samuel Stone, of Peoria, 111., district president and Marvin Bailin of Sioux Falls, regional presilent at the Blackstone Hotel. Stone presented the district's Humanitarian Service Award to Dr. Abe Greenberg and Bailin installed officers of Henry Monsky Lodge at the group's annual installation dinner dance Saturday. Sunday's session with Glass will include the election of u chairman for the 1960 convention, first to be held in Omaha since 1940, and the selection of a steering oemmittee. Representatives of rill B'nai B'rith chapters also will get. to;ether with Glass during his visit. B'nni B'rith women of the district, hold concurrent conventions with the men's lodges. Jess, who took office last Sunday, said the first meeting of the Henry Monsky Lodge will be held September 24. It will fcatturc reports on the recent triennial convention of B'nal B'rith in Israel by several members who attended from the lodge.
Morrlj* Fogel Funeral services uere held August 6, at tlio Jewish Funeral Home, for Morris Fo^el, 86 of ,'!041 Seward St., a retired meM packer, who died August 5 in ft local hospital. Surviving are wife. Hose, daughters, Mrs. Sam Kpslein, Mr«. Harry Sherman, Mrs. Laura Rose, all of Omaha; Mrs. I r v i n g Cassman, Freeport, III.; sons, David C. and Louis E., Omnha, 12 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Burial was in Beth Hamodrosh Hugodol Cemetery.
chatted with surprised men and women. At. the market place he entered the Sinai Restaurant—a boy outside shouted "tlie conqueror of Sinai Is in Sinnl"—and Bat at a table. He ordered a soft drink. A m i d d l e - n g e d woilinn approached him asking: "Do you remember me?" "No . . , Not offhand." "Then you're not Moshe Dayan," she said with fluidity. After she recalled the circumstances of their meeting, hn remembered meeting her and her husband. He left the restaurant and entered the nearby flat of Mr. Salah Yisrnel, who, in reply to a question, told Dayan that his grandfather came from Yemen, his father was born here and married n .Sefardiya, while he himself had married an Iraqi. "I, myself," he said, "belong to the Israel Community.'' The next stop was the flat of Mr. Niihum Gcrshon—a Kurd who Is a building worker; the third tho flat of Mrs. Sara Distil, who was so bewildered at the visit that she flatly refused to be photographed with him. lie next called on Mrs, Yaltira Cohen, who lives with her policeman husband and three children in a one-room flat. As dark fell, Dayan went to the Mapiii Club and then bnck to Young Mapai headquarters.
Pressed Tongue Loaf
$fi50 Lb.
Births Mr." and Mrs. Eric Marx of Chicago, announce the birth of a son, William Leslie on July 29. They also have a daughter, Rhonda Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Max Katz, maternal grandparents, h a v e roturned home from a visit with the Marx family. Paterninl grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marx of West Englewood, N. J.
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Jerusalem—The dwellers of the densely crowded Zichronot and Nahlaot quarters of Jerusalem had a big evening recently when they discovered A! OK h e Daynn was strolling past their homes and shops. Residents of the area mostly second nnd third genera-lion Orientals turned out to cheer the former Israel Army Chief of staff as he made his impromptu appearance. Tension and troubles .dissolved in the excitement as they followed Dayan in a growing procession of adults and children. As lie made his way down the maze of narrow, twisting cobblestoned alleys, Dayan paused for unannounced visits at the local Mnpai Club, nt the market' place and a number of homes where he
Monument Co*
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Don Bernstein
People In Jerusalem's Crowded Area Cheer Daycsn ©si Unannounced Visit
Nebraska Goodwill Industries will open its fourth Omaha store Saturday at 2910 Leavenworth Street.
The weekly Talmud Study Group meets Tuesday evenings at 8:30. (Services at the 19th and Burt Street Synagogue, every Saturday at 9 a. m. .
Auguot U, 1B89
Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
Friday, August 14, 1959
.Miss Nuiiml Kaufman
Warsav/ Ghetto Ruins 'Bring Home Lessons We Forget Too Quickly' Warsaw (JTA>—Standing beBide the memorial to the more 1han 70,000 Jews who fought- and filed in the famous Warsaw Ghetto, near the very bunker which nerved HR the last, bastion of the Jews nealnst the Nazi onslaught ViceFresldent Richard M. Nixon called on nil men this week to "unite against such prejudice b e c a u s e here we see again what happens when such passions which arc allowed to be nourished me unleashed." Picking his way through Hie ruins of the bunker, !h« VicnPreisident remarked: "I think this ruined buildlnif, even more than
U. S. Intercession On Suez Blockade Urged in Senate Washington (JTA)—American Intercession at the United Nations on the Suez Cunti] transit issue was nsked in a Senate speech by Republican Senator Kenneth Keating of New York. Arab Action Condemned Sen. Keating condemned Egypt's anti-Israel b l o c k a d e practices, stating "we cannot Jeave this problem only to Secretary-General Hammarskjold." He said the time had come when the United States should HK''im formally raise this matter in the United Nations. I In Cairo, Nasser said that Isrncl would not be allowed to use the Suez Canal. He scoffed at reports that Israel planned to raise Ihe matter before the United Nations and repented that he will "wuge total war" against Israel If the Jewish Stuto will pursue "an aggressive policy" against Kgyptj Sen. Keating expressed hope that President Eisenhower and the Administration "will assume the responsibility to see to it that outrepresentative in the United Nations does everything within his power to bring Ihe Suez Canal problem to R bead." "Loan To (live Aid"
The Senator said that "so long ns any country Is acting illegally, we should be very loath to give Ihnt country aid to further its il)ef{(il purposes." He Indicated agreement with a view of withholding aid to Egypt previously expressed by his colleague, Sen. Jacob K. Jnvits, also a New York Republican. Sen. Keating told the Senate that some may think the Suez problem only affects Israel but "it Ig decidedly of more importance •than that." He said the interference with Israeli maritime commerce involves others "because it hns been the experience in internntlonnl affairs thut illegality in <ins area feeds upon Itself and may involve illegality in another nrea." He said that President Nnscer of the United Arab Republic is preventing the Danish ship Inge Toft from transporting a cargo to the Far East, "which ha« nothing to do with military affairs," In a manner that 1B totally without legality.
Page Three
Henry Monsky Chapter Chairmen
Lincolnite Engaged to Daniel P. Dennenberg An announcement has b e e n made by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I., Kimfnuin of the enfiugempnl of Iheir dmiyhter, Miss Naomi Mail.i U> Daniel P. Denncnberg, son of Mrs. David Dc-mifiiljcrK. TheKnufmiins rosidc in Lincoln, Neb, • No wedding dale hiis he an mimed. MisH K;iufm;m iittcnclfd tlIO University of Oklahoma at Norman nn(l now is a senior at the University of • Nebraska, Lincoln. Sh<» in president (if the Si girt 4 Dclt.i Tmi sorority there. i\Ir. DeiuiLMljt" y attended the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ami the University of Nebraska, arid is a member of Siiiina Alpha Mu fraternity. He will enter the University of Ni'brash;! College of Medicine in September.
The appointment of committee chairmen of B'nai B'rilh Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 for the (omint; year have announced by Mis Julia Jacobs, president. Tljey are Mines, Hany A Wise, Marvin Treller, anti-defamation; H a r r y Lippctt,!"*" aid to I s r a e l . * Nate Gitnick, V Martyrs Forest, Danny Goodman, b o w l i n g ; Earl S l e g e 1, B'nai B'nai g i r 1 s advisors; Bernard Goklstrom, Bellefane; Sam Shyken, b u l l e t i n ; C'hailes F i s h e r , b l o o d b a n k ; Mrs. Jacobs Herbert Melcbes, Morris Shapiro, citation luncheon; Sidney Sneider, advisor to citation luncheon; Dan Gordman, Bernard Siegler, civil defense; Milton Mintz, courtesy; Frank Sekar, telephone; Albert Rlmmerman, Dolls for Democracy; Richard Spiegel, donor; Charles Stern, inter-clubs; Robert Silver, Leo N. Levy, Hospital; Abe Miller, National Jewish Hospital; Nathan Kaplan, p u b l i c i t y ; Max Krizelman, Rochester Center; Sam Katzman, leadership s e m i n a r; Sadie Epstein, Abe G i n s b u r g, social;"Richard Wright, Mrs. Bertha Ellis, Veterans and Psychiatric Institute and Sam Kaiman, Henry Monsky Foundation.
the memorial, brings home some lessons .we forget too cujiekly." Th« memorial to which Mr. Nixon referred is currently being built by the Polish Government. The plans for the monument were selected through a contest in which over 500 of the world's foremost artists competed and is being made from the stones which the Nazis had planned to use for a monument, to H i t l e r ' s "1,000 - y e a r Reich." Use the Want Ads to buy, rent Mr. Nixon was visibly stirred or sell. as he toured the sight of one of Hitler's gravest acts of inhumanity. He placed a wreath of flowera before tho an yet unfinished monument. "An we see this memorial, tho Vice-Presidiint said, "we r e a l i z e the importance of avoiding another war." When completed, tho Wai saw Ghetto memorial will consist of a blond f>tith cutting diagonally across the ghetto site. Lining the path on either side will be 24 Want io iry * now hair faihlon7 Or b« tura your large marble blocks connected by favorite hair ttyle U properhen\y metal links. The blocks are ty cut and **t? You can im.-nnt to represent each of tiie count on ui for more lovoliCoiiniiies whose citizens were ex- n«it alwayi. terminated at. Ihe neurby Treulinlco. concentration camp, while the metal chains portray the Nazi trainR which carried these people Boauty Salon to their death.
IIADA.SSAH GHOIH* IJOAKO .Mi;ic'riN<;s The group boards of Hie Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will hold their summer meetings at 12:30 p. m. dessert luncheons, Monday, August 17th. Henrietta Szold group will meet at the home of its president, Mrs. Sam Katzmiin, 540 No. 72 avenue. Mrs. Joseph Guss, president, of the Chaim Weilzman Group, will be hostess lo her board at )i<?r home 722 Parkwood Lane. . Theodore Ilerzl group will meet at the home of Mrs, Abe Bear, 2115 So. 42 with Mines Arthur Abrams and Harry Goldslrom a.s co-hostesses. Mrs. Sam Rothenberg, president, will preside. The boards will discuss plans for the coining year. Tickets for (be "Jsnieli Slyle .Show" to be held at 1 lie Town House, September 29th, will be distributed.
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2531 So. 90th TG 1185
Ethiopia Seeks Israel Doctors Jerusalem—Ethiopia is seeking four Israel doctors—two as publio health officers, the Ministry oi Health, said.
COKNHUSKKH CIIAI'TICR MEMBERSHIP TEA The Cornhusker B'nai B'rith ohapler will hold a membership tea, August 19 at 8 p.m. fit the home of Mrs. Seymour Abrams,
rpu Meet Your Friends In the Sir Loin Room After the Show Saturday Night FARHAM AT 19TH — P H O N E ATLANTIC 1313 — O M A H A , NEDR.
Rosh Hoshanah This Year Begins Friday Evening, October 2
new loveliness
6309 Glenwood Road. The following will participate In a skit: Mmes. Merle Potash, narrator; Milton Loss, Miles Reiner, Morey Landman, Paul Ruhack) Ben Rifkin and George Reiger. Members of the invitation committee are Mmes. Ben Rifkin, Kevce Kirshenbaum, Harry Greenberg, Marvin G i 1 i n s k y, Miles Itemer, Merle Potash, Marvin Gilman, Jerry Lehman and Manny Goldberg.
* .•
Rosh HashdiiciBi Greetings Through the New Year.V Edition of
THE JEWISH PRESS Solve Your greeting problem by uting thit convenient and inexpemive method of wiihing ffiendi and relatival a Happy New Year.
Use the coupon below and check the number of the greeting you prefer or enclose one of your own choosing. Enclose cosh or check with your order. 1. Mr. and Mrs wish their friends and relatives both far and near a happy New Year. 2. Mr. and Mrs and family wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. 3. Mr. and Mrs. • •• •• and family lake this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year io their friends and relatives.
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4. Mr. and Mrs. . . . . . . . . and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity, netaoin MAIL TODAY JEWISH PRESS. 101 NO. 20TH ST. Omaha, Nebr. . Enclosed find S3.00 for which please insert No. New Year's Greeting Card in your Rosh Hashanah Edition.
'ho perfect ,e»»ing f o r
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Friday, August 14, 1659
Tag* Four
(WOUND BKOKKN FOll MAHONIO TKMI'I.K Jerusalem (JTAV Ground was broken for a .Masonic Peaca Temple on Marcus Street. The street is named for Col. Mickey Mni-
CONVENTION CKNTI2K Jeriiaalem (JTAi Th» sum oJ 1,000,000 pounds won allocated this By HWIe Ztfff CKy Touriumient week for completion of the JerRayim's Roughriders met defeat , With the opening of school just usalem Convention Center, "Ih^ Binyanei Ilauinn. so that it will lli their first tournament em-oun-! a few weeks away, Hi? Center l i ter last Monday night at the 'iard* I brary offers its facilities to Omfihn New York I.ITA) The loyalty I'III, American hero of Israel's War l>» ready for the World Zionist Con^rcsK next July. of the c; o l d e n Boys 1S-9 Tli/I \y.iy$ an I g\v\a who wiif soon lie of the Jew* in Lebanon was at- of Independence. Youth Council thumps »« d their busy with special reports papers j | a( .] !( ,,i and also defended in the 1 t e a m manager for the pitehini; am. research projects. T o d a y's j Lebanese Parliament at a .stormy chores 1JUt .inn Father was hav- 'Hidcnts, from elementary school !S l , s s j , m a ) w hidi the question was ing control problems. Koy K;ttskee iliroii^h cril.poe. is :.s interested: debated whether to include Jews i:i t h e d i s c o v e r i e s of a i i l i q u i l y was his hntierjmate. in a bill dealing with the ri^hl to
Club I>eu{;ue The J.C.C. Vnrsiiy squad, f.iiuhl their way bark into second place as they defeated the La Salic H i b e r n i a n s 1-1. Al Howard pitched a nifty 1-hilter to Kr'i'i " i f win. H e was aided with sonic fine fieldi n g play.s by (Jerry Colnie :i\ liiiid place and I.ennie Wolk. '.\lni wade a pair of terrific pickups at first b a s e to pull Howard mi' of some b a d spots. Youth Couru-il I*tM;;iH' Steve Ciiiss pitched a shutou" to lead Rayim to the Youth Council Softball title as they defeated A.Z.A. No. Wl. l'_'-0. The u:in ^ives Rayim a r e c o r d of 9-2. Komi A7..\. won their fiflli slrafchl from A.Z.A. N'o. ] , Vi-'.l The Knnti victory places them in sole possession of second place with a 3-5 record. Next S u n d a y is » m a k e u p . ^ a m e as R o n u A./.A. tackles A.7..X. 1 and Rayim will meet • A.Z.A. 100.
Lawmakers Viov; Loyalty of Jews In Lebanon
Library Notes
in t h e s c i e n t i f i c n i a r v r u ol t h e , buy Lebanese land, The New York o r o o n t a n d f u t u r e , a n d at t h e Times reported. C e n t e r Lii>r-iiy lie w i l l f i n d tlif • Deputy Kmuel el A.ssad r e i ' l i s w e r s l c iiiiiny of h i s fji:< st i')M^. ; marked that the m e a s u r e would O n ( \ * ' i \ ;.is{iect ol lsr.< *l. w h i ' l h \ enable Jews of Lebanese descent e r it b e s t a t i s t i c s o r s t a u i | i c o l l e c t - j to buy large t r a c t s of Wind ill inu\ a i l ':r f l o r i c u l t u r e , b o o l o a n d ;i Lebanon for Israel. "I don't bepel l u d k a i s a r e a v a i l - l i n e 1'ir i n - ; lieve Lebanese Jews owe their ali o r i n ' i : i o n .Old educci! ' u ' l | le^iance to Lebanon." Deputy J.-uKli JIIMon i Tiiliirddin Sold, .staled. "It is to
Jewish history, froiii the time" of ! Israel that their allegiance goes." I the Bible tr the p r e s ' i . : d.i.1.. i s ! Defense of the Jewish community l ej-' cseni c l on many su -'Ke^ ai:>l j came from Deputy Joseph ('bader. 1 'i!e~ciiied liy the ab!..\st hisMri ins , He told the Parliament Hint no ol our day. T h e position and i J e w , in Lebanon or Syria, had the aconipli.sliments of the J e w in; been convicted for spying for every country of the world, ill i Israel. He usserled that J e w s in l i e a r t s and science!- and' piofcs- j Lebanon "are more loyal to this sions are in.licaled in many lc.olcs | country than many othei.'citizeiiS?' devoled lo discussions of tht'<e The bill was then referred to the suli.Ccts. O m i m i t l e c for J u s t i c e mid AdThe Cenier Library is tuocd ,,f | ministrative Affairs, iis section on minorities and their liob.'eins as a sociological survey. lien- ;ire bi.iks nut in an\ (ith'-r lihri>''\ in Omaha, and lor t l v soci jloi;\ :iiajor, a wealth *l in:iJerusalem Opposition to the (••rial is waiting only lo be u ,t'd. ! appointment of any foreign rabbi l''nr ,\r( liiicidoKy Student
Oroup Wants Israeli For Chief Rabbi
Clas* 'II' Tourney T h e . ! ( ' ' ' Oldtimers. down 7-L' . . . , . ,"•. , . tri tri ssucceed u c c e e d tthe h e late a t e Habbi Rabb Isaac Isaac . . . ^., . , , , , , , a f t e r three iniiinijs "f play [)iit on ., I'OI .,t h e s t. . i d e n.t of 1a r c ' i i i, c o l o ' v , I-la|i>vi H e r z o i ; a s Chief H a b b ol u b r . - i i v s e x t e n s i v e c o l l e c t m.i i . ,. , t h e i r be.st offensive a t t a c k of the Hie , . , ' ,, i r i I h r n e l w a s t h e s u b j e c t of a n oppfi b m i k s o n al l p h a s e s of l e s c . i i v n I . , •' . . . , , ' . Season as they downed Trinity o! . , , ., .. i t e l l e r issued hv t h e H i t a h d u l Rnei r '.. , i n . ,i . L u t h e r a n l-'i-S ,-it Hoyd KiH'I List i n t o .till iritji I \- r a i i f f froiti t i e ' l . . - , ,. ... , . ' , , , , , . , l l a v i s h u v , i m o l d e s t t i t i l l s h e d IKIIIV ' . , ., . Tuesday cvenim;. It « a s the sec- M e a d S e a . S c m l l s t o s c h o l a r . v v n l - i , • ., , , ., '.. . I of persons horn m veteran Moshaond win for the .lay team in tour- U i i i e s o n t h e ' r o i l A(;e. M a K i i i f u ' e n t i nament play. The bis; bat of Har- H';)n,dnclii:r>- of ancient (iisr u.-- sot. old Neponinick wa,s Hi"- pioiiiineiil cj'c.N jihoimi in iluustrated a i r m o I The letter noted that names of factor as ".N'ep" blasted oin a sin- i.l'i;-,ii..-iI bu{)l;:i. main- of which are i celebrated rabbis in o t h e r conn* had been mentioned as »erigle, double, triple and home r u n ' fi'j-r, Isiar-I, Knglani and(ij tries be- "IIK candidates in rabbinical cirirclcs add personally drove in K runs. counTfV-s wl.icli ha other in the press. Moe Il.indl"inan pitched f o r t h e ; important in I h ii' •Id i ; and Tel Avh'K Chief Habbi Jssiir C e n t e r squad and was hit for 10 III,, Cniennan intimated he f a v o r e d hits but the .Iny l:nls \ t w v pound-, The- C Library enj>;.s I ._ ! P.iibbi Joseph Ii. .Soloveilchik, head Ing out I.i of their own. T « i hits ,f sii'dents ot nil ' . I of the Tahnudic Faculty of Yeshiva were made by S t a n Widuinii. '. li.-ii-ih With ,-ui impressive ,-u i I'niversity in New York. Another N o r m /.evitz, D r i / Kahn and Moe r.' l y n k s on Xeu and Old T e - I ' c o n s i d e r e d candidate is Chief Handleman. me'it,. Cornti M .-tii\e I'elitjions and Chaplain of Israel's armed forces, Jndai.-ni, the i v j i t Iwiolt on e \ . ' i > i IJablil Shlomo (jnre. |.'i'j-oiis SII'IJ.'CI can be fojn'i (in Us shelves. j
Privale Firms Will Handle Food Imports
Jerusalem. i.lTAf In another, step to liberalize Israel's economy. Minister of Commerce and Induslry Pinhas Sajiir said that the government would no longer engage in the food import field, and would leave this field to private enterprise. In order to avoid competition. and to facilitate purchases of United Stales surplus food, a new joint food import company ' s '"*• ing formed by Israel's major importing firms, with the govern-, Itient holding 10 percent of the shares in the new company. In the past, Mr. Sapir said, the Government has spent about S'll.450.000 a year stockpiling food.
!••< r Y'IIII;IT S i t
Si'll what you don't need . . . Buy what you need through the
I-'o, tin- v(iiin;;er s l u d e n ' , 111"; Want Ads C e i r l e r Libr.uv offers a v i-li- j choice <*f books for special I'fpoi Is lot Pjdi'.Mous School or p l i b M e :-_-Ii-«.1.. F o r Inc lieninninji or i'lM'ticed Hi'bri'A <tudent, 1 h71 •• art' i-KI1:.- ransii'i^ li'om simple •*ii.isl:alcd dictionaiief- l o the hish"-y of the-(ievelopnunt of the II.>br<-w Tiie Center Library is n-ady !o fssisl t h e Htudent of any Hf/t* on any subject related to the niod• 'in and ,'incieni problems of l!,e ,ir\:s and lo coplemporary ivliii'vl Jrv-sli suljji'cls from Israel ;ir(i trie Middle Isnsi to Oinalia aid!
the United States. Let the Center Library IK your first stop for source material or current events. National Commander j The staff will he happy to assist student from 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. Of JWV Elected j the -Monday through Friday, cither in New York (JTAI K e r n a r d \ person or by telephone. Abrarns, of Jersey City, N'. J., a combat veteran of World War II, was today elected the National Commander of the Jewish War Veterans at t h e organization's &4th annual convention. portraits of distinction The delegates recommended the Call RE 1317 deportation at the earliest opportunity of the "Butcher of Uie Balkans" Andrija Artukov, a forCandid Wedding Album! mer Minister of the Interior of the Formal Bridal Portrait! Nazi puppet state of C r o a t i a, Children Our Specialty Artukovic now lives in Los AnQuality Work 4B2f Dodg* geles. He came here u n d e r a ot (Qualify Pdc«i Customer Parking forged visa and enjoys American freedom despsite the fact that while he Was Minister of the; Interior of Croatia, his Government initiated more Jewish iind Serbian death than the Nazis.
'ase of i e Stiriiikifig lome or—Isn't It too bad that vrialer coid reduces t!» usafclo living eptca In your boma—cwi what you eta di stoat IWS dilemma If you have a room or IOOIIIK you iiin't keep u»nifuiubly
warm in winter, do' something tion!
Put (•!••<. die licat in
tlu'sc IOOIIIH. Inuallation U simplr and low in (nil -no duct
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ihimi clean. There are four cusy ways to put ele< til< lie.it in w!ntiT-(oM roonn and keen y ° u r I " " ' " fiom'jhiinking when tc turcs plimi»e to wio. S<;« diiigran)4 IH-IOVV
Built-in Wall U n l f t walls:
aliia'JUn, HnilWs
lass. Gefs Anti-Bias lousing Legislation Boston (JTA),— Sweeping new legislation outlawing bias in certain types of private housing went into effect in Massachusetts. The new law makes it illegal for an owner or his agent to discriminate In the sale or rental of dwellings containing three or nioi'e housing unita and in developments having ; more than ten houses.
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