Vol. XXXVII No. 50
Military Develop A bolter relationship between rabbis and clergy ot different faiths is achieved through chaplaincy service in tlie military. Rabbi Aryeh Lev, Director of the Jewish Chaplaincy Board of the National Jewish Welfare Board, declared in a tnlk hero, this week, I,enm Different Custom* The .greatest advancenienl in "learning to live together" has been made in the military, where rabbis, priests und ministers work together and acquire un understanding of the different religious customs, thus creating a better relationship when they return to civilian life, Itabbl Lev told thn Omahans. In the same way,,the chaplaincy program lias brought together rabbis, of the orthodox, conservative and reformed groups, sr> .that they can consult on a common ground on community problems when are ready to leave the service,' he declared, Metier Civilians llahbi Lev said tho young men in the service are better prepared for civilian life through their association with the fellows servicemen mill the chaplain to whom they turn for the answers to their problems, "We want Id be integrated in the American way of life." flu.' rabbi pointed out, "but on the otbcr hand we waul to be Jews. In
Israel to Introduce 'Agora' In January Israel—Tht> new .denomination' of Israel currency -the agora— will be introduced on January 1, 30 Tho Amendment to the Currency Ordinance which incorporates this provision passed its second and third readings in the Knesset. From'next J a n u a r y ] , the Israel Pound will be divided Into 100 agorot, and the prnin—which is one-thousandth of a Pound-will be abolished. The word agora is taken from the second chapter of Samuel I.
S I . . 1W.9
Set-on o CIHSS Pust-'tpp Paid 1
al Omaha. Nelir.
Single Copy 30 Cents AtniuaJ Rate 4 Dollars*
Area Percent (J -.' u f t l •' e r u s a 1 e m o"\v-^ ... decided to e.xthe military we hnvc I „„> .^ city limits by .r>,622 acres, v greatest ft ride. A course in Modern Hebrew will I sponsored by the Boston Hebrew nius increasing the city area of Rabbi Lev said that in ,.•<; of !),250 acres by GO percent. top offered on Tuesday* at 7:15 ! Teachers College and Camp Raman the 3horta!.;i' of rabbis today, it is The now city limits will now in- p. in. by (IK- Evening Division of by the Jewish Theological Semimportant that everyone of them clude Mei Neftoah, Mevaserel the University of Omulia at open- inary. serve in the chaplaincy, because Yerushalayim, Meoz Zion, both ing of the full semester. The course The new Hebrew course will inthrough its' efforts the greatest Upper and Lower Mol/.a, the Hu- wlilcli carries three semester hours clude instruction in reading and contribution is being made in im- dassah Medical Centre overlook- credit is open to everyone. writing for beginners and classproving relationships between dif- ing Ein Karem, and the Swedish Dr. Norman Milgram, clinical room conversation. Audio-visual ferent people. psychologist at the Nebraska Phy- aids will be used to deevlop conVillage near Kiryat Yovel. Program Must (U> On M o r d c c a i Isb-Shalom, vice- chiatric Institute, has been ap- version in Hebrew. He said the chaplaincy program mayor, noted that the city, within pointed instruc-,. . > , ~t Discussions will be held on the must go on by using whatever they its present limits, could accommo- tor of the couisc origin and development of the Hehave to work with, to \w prepared date a population increase of 100,- He received his /•f brew language in the Biblical, Talfor all emergencies, a s " l c y re- 000 (the city's population is now B. A. from Ilai- J muilic and modern periods. turn people lo their interest in 165,0001, but ihere was no reason vard University ,"'• Judaism and develop true Ameri- why it should not expand towards a t Cambridge, , the coast. Moreover, only in this cans. Mass, and his M Rabbi Lev disclosed that military additional area were there any A. and Ph.D. dechaplaincy lakes priority when a hopes of finding 500-71)0 acres for grees from Bosrabbi completes bis education; and another industrial zone. ton University. if the graduate passes a physical About 5,500 persons live In this examination he must, enter the area. It will cost the Municipality Dr. M i 1 g r a m Items lost or'left at Camp Jaychaplaincy service - a self-imposed about $4!),!i00 lo build roads, $22,- earned the deC-C during the recent camping .sesgree of Bachelor draft set up by the Rabbinical As- 000 to lay water pipelines and sion may be claimed at the Jewish of Jewish Edu- I)r sociations. $0,900 to.install lighting. cation from Hebrew Teachers Col- Community Center upon proper lege in 1951 and taught for seven identification. years in the Boston area. He vis- Marked clothing or gear of outof-town campers will he returned ited Israel on a fellowship for ad- to owners by mail. (The Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged acknowledges the fol- vanced study at the Hebrew UniOmahans are urged to call for versity in Jerusalem. He spent sev- their articles at the Center as soon lowing memorials and diiiiiition.s.'' eral seasons as counselor and su- as possible, as all unclaimed items Donor In Memory of pervisor at two Hebrew speaking will be distributed to needy famM M . Gthclyn Koirton Mrs. Bessie Levy summer camps — Camp Ynvnch ilies or sent overseas.
Items Lost at Camp flay Be Claimed at Community Center
Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged
n. E., Ro'iCnbiolf o c o , s, Soroh S o h Chpsla hpia Gor Mr). Mrs. Oorellck Mr, and Mrs, Morris Gallas, Mr. ond Mrs. J, Goldman, Dr. and Mn. Harold Kay, Mrs. H. Helfner Mrs. GerJrude Kulakofsky Mn. Ben HandJer, Mrs, Sol Norjo •.... ••• Jacob (Joe) Brown Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Roslnsk/, tAr. and Mrs. Paul Vcrel/ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Meyerj, Mr*. S. Nolerthirn, Mrs, Morrl$ Groiirnan Mrs. Annie Green Mr, anil Mrs. Arthur Rosimky , .-»....Cy Sliver Mr and Mrs. Paul Vcrct M n , Nay on Heller Mrs. Ida R. Breltleld , Mollie and Morris Turner Mrs, Herman Franklin and Mfis Kafah, Mr. a/id Mrs. M. M. Kruplnsky . Cphralm Welnbera Nebraika Credit Union Leave. MJ»s Sophyc Kolbe, Mr. ond Mrs. Steve Lustgarten, Mr. and Mrs Paul Verct, Mrs. Leonard KIHri Roy Roffman Mr, and Mrs, Nalfran L. NOTO, Mr. ond Mrs. Reuben Browri, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vcrct, Mr, and Mrs. Morriv J , Franklin, Mrs. Herman Franklin and Miss Kaloh .. Morris Food Mr. ond Mr*. Paul Verat „ , Mrs. Yctto Gelr Mr, and Mrs, J. Se'tiat *. ,...., M, Somff Mra, Ben Handler Mrs. Hedwlrj Rosenberg
In Honor Of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vcrct. ...Recovery of Leo Waxenberg, Max Bfcslow, Sam Kaplan. Gene Dlorer, (Ars. iiador Levlnson, Max Arbltman, Jacob Bernstein Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Friedman ...Rocovery ot Sam Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trintln , Recovery of Mrs, Hymle Milder Mr*, flcn Handier Recovery of Mrs. Morris FrankMn, William Epstein Mrs, H. Franklin and Mist Katah .Recovery of Mrs, Morris Grossman Mr. and Mrs. J. Sleool Mr, and Mrs. S, Daniel's 30th Waddlnfi Anniversary
Donations to the Home Synagogue Morrli Green, Mr, and Mrs. Mil fort Rosenfhal, Solomon Silvennan, Edward 1. Ros«n
Special Contributions The Drodkey children In memory of their mother,"Mrs. Ettiol Brodkey. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sombero—1 Wolf ovens and kitchen Cabinet. Mrs, 5. E. Glllnsky—Three chairs and a desk.
YOUR LIBRARY PRESENTS: KOL NIDRE From its Record Department, the Center Library has selected a rnre treat for Omaha Jewry in its collection of Kol Nidfe recordings. Only onto during the year, on Yom Klppur Eve, the Kol Nidre is sung, and all too briefly its haunting notes fade away for another year. To .recreate the spirit of Yom Kippur, and to bring into your home one of the most poignant melodies ever written, tho Center Li-' brary offers Cantorials, In.strumentals and Choral Kol Nldre arrangements recorded both here and abroad. For those who have listened to the famous Cantors, the Kol Nidre sung by Cantors Slrotn, Kwartin, HcrSkovitz und Moyshe Oysher will bring back memories of Yom Klppur Eve In other synagogues. The beauty of tho music has • attracted not only liturgical singers but also popular artists such as Jan. Pecrce, Al Jolson and Perry C'omo, who have all made Kol Nldrc recordings sung with reverence and dignity. Among the finest Kol Nidro arraiiKements for solo, instruments are those by Max Bruch for cello and violin, performed by Pablo Casals, Joseph.Schuster and other famous artists, The Roger Wagner Chorale offers a Kol Nldre of great warmth and power, as does the chorus ond orchestra of Benedict Sllbermari. The Center Library U proud
to present this outstanding collection of Kol Nidre records, all available on loan at the library and Its staff Is always on hand to assist vi s i t o i s Monday through Friday from 9 a. m. to 5 p, in.
lanager Arrested for 'Star of David'Stamp -Jerusalem, (JTA I - The manager of II Bulgarian textile factory, which for years has been using the "Star of Davjcl" us a trademark, has been arrested in-Sofia on a charge of "sabotage against the national economic effort". The Bulgarian plant had sold some textiles to Irorj, which rejected material on the grounds that the Star of David marked it as "Zionist good." The arrest followed.
UOVKItNOi: OF ISItAtX HANK KKAPPOINTEO Jerusalem, (JTAi — President BetrZvi has appointed David Horowitz to a second five-year term as Governor of the Bank of Israel. Besides serving as a reserve bank, the State bank also acts as the nation's financial watchdog and maanages Israel's accounts with 18 countries with which Israel has trade agreements.
Bikur Cholim Fund Raising Party August 25; Proceeds for Or. Sher Home Beauty and Barber Shop The Bikur Cholim Society will eburge of donor solicitations. hold its annual special fund raisAll friends and members of Biing dessert luncheon and card par- kur Cholim are urged to attend ty, at 12:30 p. m. at the Black- the dessert luncheon. General adstone Hotel ballroom. mission is SI; donor is $5. Proceeds will be used towards Following i.s a partical list of the installation of a beauty parlor donors: and barber shop in the Dr. Philip Mmcs. Elnar Abramson, Jack Alberts, Aronson, S. Canar, J. Chorney, A. Slier Home for the Aged. Such Sam Colin, J. Cohen. Sam Elewilz, Rose Epfacilities are considered a new itsln, Wm. Epstein, Saul Fellman, Leo Fox, Dove Frank, Mac Fried, J. J. Frleden, A. type of beneficial therapy for sen- Gendler, Marx Goldberg, S Goodman, Ab» Grcenberg, N. H. Grecnbtro, C. Izenstalt,' ior citizens. Mrs. Jake Wine, Bi- Sam Jocobow, Max Kali, Mcllach Katiman, kur Cholim president, said, and Abe Kranlz. Harry Kullcr, Ann Lehman, Irvln Levlnt, are being developed by many Harry Lcwlj, Jack Morer, Hymle Milder, homes for (lie aged throughout Wm. Milder, S. Novak, Dov« Parker, N. Plllor, Dove Polash, Dave Roznlck, Chos. the country. • Ross, M. Shames, Gary Sherman, Harry SidL. Slporln, R. H. Spleoal, Nathon Other projects undertaken by man, Vellier, Paul Veret, Dave Wine, Jake Wln«, the society in the past, at the Allan Zolkln, Ell Zolkln and M. Pollokoff. home include the installation of aii elevator, air conditioners for PKOPKRTy CAN the dining room and auditorium, oxygen tents, hospital beds and Berlin (WNS>—Jews who sold medicines for the hospital unit. their property to foreign governMembers of t h e organization ments during the Nazi regime are make monthly visits to the state entitled to reclaim it because they mental hospital in Lincoln where were deemed to have made the they distribute refreshments and sale under duress as victims of gifts to inmates, racinl persecution, it was ruled Mrs. Wine announced thut the by the Supreme Court lor Restitugroup's b o it r d membership are tion Claims in West Germany. The serving on the arrangements com- properties involved were in the mitee. Mrs. Harry Sidman is in Tiergartcn district of Berlin, the diplomatic quarter before World Japan, Hungary, Bulgaria and Latvia, purchased the properties from Jewish owners for use. by their missions in Berlin.
Philadelphia, (JTA) — W o r l d paper, Nearly half the subscribers Jewish news is considered first in kept the paper on hand each week importance by readers of the Jew- until the arrival of the nest issue. ish Exponent of Philadelphia, one of the largest E n g 1 i s h-Jewish weeklies in the country with a circulation of about*50,000 accordIsraelis To Translate ing to a readership survey. Russian for U.S. The survey team sampled a Israel—Two American experts The Golden Agers and residents have arrived here to organize the cross-section of the Exponent's list, Interviewing of tin; Dr. Philip Sher Home for translation of Russian scientific subscription books by local translators into every 35th name, News from Israel the Aged will be guests of the closely followed world Jewish news Council of Jewish •Women aboard English. Prof. George Adashko,-of City in importance to the readers in- the river cruiser, "Missouri Belle". College, New York, and editor terviewed and news of American Wednesday afternoon, September of "Soviet Physics," W i l l i a m Jewry came third. Local Philadel- 2, from 1:30 p. m. to 3:30 p. m. . Transportation to the docks will Slevers, of the National Science phia news followed behind. It bad Institute, reported there was a generally been a s s u m e d that bo provided for the Golden Agers readers uscrlbod most import aiice from the Jewish Community Cengreat shortage In the U. S. of pertci at 12:30 p. m. Reservations sons capable of translating scien- to news of locar events. tific works from the Russian, and The survey showed that nearly which are being taken by Mrs. Altho American Government was every member of the family re bert Gaer, GL 8915 or Mrs. J. looking for such linguists in Israel. celving the paper read some part Milton Margolin,, GL 4668. must * The work will bo carried out by of it and that'57.7 per cent of each be made, since.the number of pasthe Hebrew University, '" family read half or more of the sengers will be limited.
Council Plans Cruise For Home Residents And Golden Agers
Young Anti-Semite Sent to Prison Columbus, ^ia., (JTA) -Richard Vernon Smith, J A , 18, convicted of smearing swastikas on synagogue walls and of setting a fire in a museum where the damages totalled $30,000, was sentenced to a prison -term«)f six to ten years. Judge Hubert Calhoun, who sentenced .young Smith, unbraided him for his anti-Semitism and told him to "forget the tommyrot: about Jews." The youth, according to police, had called himself a "superman," and had described himself as "a hater of Negroes and Jews and- a follower ot the Nazi beliefs of Adolf Hitler." Young Smith confessed that he had smeared .swastikas in yellow paint on the walls of two synagogues herj, and hail maiie u bonfire of 160 paintings In . the Museum, of Arts and Crafts'here.
Friday, August 21, J069
Japat.es© Scholar Israel Prepares for
A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Max Baum, Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Onmlia. Sunday, August 23, at 11 a. m. at Second Class Postage Paid ct Omaha, Ntfcr. Annual Subscription, H.00. Advertising Rates en Application. Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi BenTel Aviv (WNSl—The arrival Publication Office—101 Ho. '/Old Street, Omaha, licbr., JAckscn 1364. jamin G r o n e r and Cantor Eli here of a sixty-year-old Japanese <MHS.) FRANCES KLEIN ...Editor Kagan will officiute. scholar, Professor Abraham KutAll friends and relatives are in- zuki, to undergo conversion, to Judaism, has set off anew spcculavited to attend. latlon about reports of strong A monument will be dedicated trends toward Judaism among the I tVPllie memory of the late Sam intellectual segments in Japan. One-time teacher of Hebrew to ! Bordy of Silver Creek, Sunday, the. Japanese Emperor's brother, Cologne' <JTA>—-A special li- August T.\ at 2 p. m. at Beth who, too, was reporter! to have brary has been established here, Hamedrosh llagoclol Cemetery. gone over to Judaism, Professor devoted to the aim of "briiiKing Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Can- Kutzuki has considered himself a light to the question of thc rela- tor Eli Kngan will o f f i c i a t e . Jew for many years. Dining World tion of Germany to her Jewish Friends and relatives are invited War II, when Japan was on ally to attend. CandcllBMiii(r. 6:55 p. m, population." The goal of the libraof Nazi Germany, he was detained r is t n e 11KTH ISRAEL V gathering of material A monument will be dedicated for no other crime than being a . „ . , . ., ! covering 2,000 vears of Jewish life to the memory of Yeshia Freggcr, Jew. He told newsmen on his arb August 23 at 1 p. m. at rival that he became a Christian Shabbos) at Beth Israel j federal *£™?Jh7?p. m. r C '""^:,^': ::^iin Germany, with thestate helpgovernof the Sunday. government, Beth El Cemetery. Rabbi Myer nt the age of thirteen, a process, ments and private collectors and S. Kripke will officiate. All friends he said, which ultimately led him services begin at 8:45 a. m. and contributors. I and relatives are Invited to nttend. to Judaism. the Junior congregation meets at Thus far, 1.500 volumes have 10 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner been gathered by the library, re- , will conduct the Saturday after- lating to general Jewish life in i noon Talmud class at 6:30 p. m. this country. A special division of and Mincha, followed by Shalosh the library is being devoted to the Jerusalem (JTA)—The MinisS'eudos and Maariv, will begin at i ^ / c o n t ^ o r a r i ^ T n d ' w o r k s ' o f j try of Finance today approved a 7:30 ' p. m. i Moses Mendelssohn, the father of $2,750,000 pound bond issue to be Services Sunday morning begin "" the Haskalah, or Enlightenment I floated abroad by Fertilizers and Tel Aviv (WNS)--'A group of at 8:45. a. m, and are followed movement, among German Jewry. ' Chemicals of Haifa. The bonds payGerman physicians duo to arrive by breakfast and the Rabbi's class T h c ij n r n r y W JHa | s o i, a v e material ing six and one-half percent inter- shortly in Israel as tourists will in Bible. Sunday morning Junior! f m j ^ z i atrocities against JewB. j c s t . " ' " h(1 s ol d ' n t l l e United neither be received nor grceeted Congregation meets at 8:30 a. m. vo of the foremost authors of States shortly. by the Israel Medical Association. Daily services 7 «. m. and 7 p. m. the younger German generation, For the first time since the esThe Association turned down a m P' JHeinrich Boell and Paul Schal- tablishment of the State, thc cost- equest by a local tourist agent The weekly Talmud Study Group Uieck, initiated the library by is- of-living index has remained un- that it act as host to the German meets Tuesday evenings at 8:30.!.suing a public call for establish changed for more than a half-year group of physicians. The associaServices at the 19th and Burt ment of a collection of "Germania period, the Central Bureau of Sta- tion coupled its rejection with a Street Synagogue, every Satur- Judiiici'i." Financial .support has tistics reported today. While rents statement recalling the ugly and day at 9 a. m. been given to the library by the Increased slightly, poultry and egg unprofessional role played by GerCity of Cologne and the State of prices declined, to keep the July man doctors in the extermination B'NAl JACOB ADAS i index at the same level as January. of Jews under the Nazi regime North Rhine-Westphalia. XESHURON and the gruesome experiments the Services at B'nai Jacob-Adasmedical profession conducted on Yeshuron will begin Friday at 6:45 concentration camp inmates. STOP (T (N TIME.' p. m. and Saturday morning at 8-30 a. m. with Mincha at 6:<15 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Daily services at 6:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
To Judaism .
Library for Study Of German-Jeviisf. Relations Set
Bond Issue Approved Israeli Physicians Refuse fo Be Hosts To German Colleagues
Soienlifler Parlay Tel Aviv (\VNS>—Abba Kban, president of the YVeizmann Institute of Science at Rehovot, announced formation of nn Israeli council to advise and assist in arrangements for the projected international scientific conference to be held in this country next summer. The international conference on the advancement of science will lake plnre at Rehovot in July of 19G0.
Pressed Tongue Loaf DIAMOND'S WA 5554
4415 Cumlng
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Max Reizbautn's Downtown Tailor Shop SPECIALIZING IN MEN'S A N D LADIES' ALTERATIONS Old
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323 So. 15th
AT 8445
Live Fish Marker TKMI'I.E ISRAEL. Services will be held at Temple Israel this Friday evening in the chapel at 7:30 p. m.
Order in Morning and Pick Up in Afternoon
.Births Mr. and Mrs. Marvin 3. Suvalsky.'of Council Bluffs, announce the •'Wrth -of a son, Robert Nenl on July 7. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Krieger, Atlanta, Ga;, and Mr. and Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, Council Bluffs.
Edye Sue is the name chosen by Mr, and Mrs. David S. Rice for their daughter born August 7 at Clarkson Hospital. They arc also the parents of two other daughters, Jody and Linda. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Zorinsky and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Rice. BAU I1AN BRANCH IN BEERSIIKBA Tel Aviv, (JTA)—Bar Han University will soon open a branch in Beersheba.
Bar Mitzvah SIDNEY EAKL. HEISCER The Bar Mitzvah of S i d n e y Karl Heisler, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Ben Heisler will be celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue on S a t u r d a y morning, August 29. Services will begin at 8:45 a. m. All members of the family and friends are invited to attend the service and kiddush following the service.
BETH EL Sabbath evening services will be held at lifth Kl Synagogue, at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services will begin at 9:30 a. m. The Mincha-Maariv Services will begin at 7 p. m. Daily services will be held during the week at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday service will be at fl a. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Solomon of Kansas City, Mo., announce thc birth of a daughter, Susan Marl . on August 12. Mrs. Solomon is the former Lee Ann Mason. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Mason and Mrs. Sam Solomon of Kansas City and th.0tgreat gr&ndparenis are Mrs. A. Katskee and Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason.
No. 24th
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Certified and approved by Rabbi Or. Leon Thorn, President, American Academic Rabbit Association of New Arnoricam, and Rabbi S. Wolkin of the Orthodox Rabbit AtlocUtion of New York City.
MONUMENTS in thc Jewish Tradition Your order should ho plnccil wrll in advance <>t "Ynhrzclt" so the work dots not hnv« to l;o hurried. Wo aro known for our exacting Hebrew lettering and detail. You may placo your confidence in ui knowing each detail and tradition will be adhered to with utmost care and skill. .
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dlrwtly with tho permit no untime. . Cnll us for vour convenience.
Omaha lonument Company 3213-15 " 9 " St. Frank Renna Open Sunday 2-5 Since 1028
Temple Delegation To Attend Meeting Delegates have been named to represent Temple Israel at the 45th Assembly of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations November 14-19 at Miami Beach, Fla. They are Harold A. Farber, congregation president; -Laznr Kaplan, vice-president; Loyd Bank, treasurer; A. H, Brodkey, immediate past president and Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks.
MItS. TOIJIJY KOMONEK Mrs. Touby Romonek, a former Oniahan, died August 7 in Los Angeles, Cal. Surviving are daughter, Mrs. Minnie Hoffman, Omaha; son, Dr. Philip L, Romonek. Beverly Hills, Cal., four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
FREE ESTIMATES PL 5396 Commercial
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WA 5554
KBNG KOW ILIMTZiS Blueberry Strawberry Cheese Kishke
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Gall Wednesday forThursday Deliver?
, August SI, 1609
Rubins Return Lefkow-Marer Ben From Wedding Trip Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rubin Jr., are Wedding Held making their home in Omaha.fol- Ben Gershuns Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Goldstein lowing a wedding trip to Las I Kan Francisco, (JTA) — The migration authorities solemnly Vegas, Nev., and California. They will entertain at an open house \1Jiiited States immigration laws gave the youngsters status as In Sioux City were married July 19 in Kansas from 7 to 10 p. m., Tuesday, SepV'an be tempered with kindness "parolees" on a multiple entry
Tarolee' Status Clears Way to Camp for Mexican-Jewish Group Ind understanding, 11 Jewish youngstors from Mexico have learned. The children live in Tijuana, Lower California, and were invited to attend the summer day camp sponsored by the San Diego Jewish Community Center. According to the Jewish Community bulletin here, which reported the episode, "it didn't take mi act of Congress, only an agreement with the U. S. Immigration and Naturalization Service of I he Department of Justice." To comply with all the formalities, the paper said, the Im-
Red Cross Motor Service Classes
Youth Leaders Favor [.lore Parental Control Starlight, Pa. (JTA)—An overwhelming majority of Jewish teenagers in the United States waiits more parental control, is willing to accept definite limits on behuvior. These facts emerged here from a survey conducted among 150 regional officers of the B'nai Ii'rith Youth Organization, attending a Leadership Training Conference this -week-end. Almost 97 per cent of the teenagers voted in favor of a curfew to be set by the community for boys and girls below the age of 18. Among those questioned, 85 per cent favored having parents "around" when teenagers hold house parties. Almost unanimously, the Jewish teenagers agreed that displays of affection in public are in bad taste, beyond boys and girls holding hands. The youths were of the view that parents and teenagers should decide together the size of a youth's allowance, and 80 per cent agreed that parents have a right to inquire as to how the allowances are spent.
Miss Joan Beverly Lefkow, of City, Mo. tember J, at their residence, 509 N, Sioux City, la., became the bride Mr. Rubin's bride is the former 62nd Street. of Gerald Zolle Marer, son of Mr. The event will honor Mrs. Goldand Mrs. Jack W. Murer, on Sun- Debra Fleider, daughter of Mr. stein's parents, Mr. ;ind Mrs. Ben day. The ceremony was performed and Mrs. Dave Fleider of Kansas Gershun of Council Bluffs on the in Sioux City at the home of the City and he is the son of Mr. and occasion of their 40th wedding anbride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irv- Mrs. Ben Rubin. A dinner-reception followed the niversary. ing Lefkow tn the presence of the No invitations have been issued. ceremony. immediate families. The bride chose for her wedding Officiating were Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Cantor Felix a gown of pale ivory peau de soie and carried a white orchid on a Glatsteln. Alan G. Marer, brother of the prayer book. groom was best man and Miss . Her attendants were Mrs. StanJanet Lefkow was maid of honor ley Weiner, matron of honor; Miss Myrna Cooper and Miss Harriet for her sister. The couple will make their home Cooper, bridesmaids, all of Kansas in Palo Alto, Cal., where Mr. City. Abner Rubin, brother of the Marer will be a law student at groom, s e r v e d as best man. Stanford University. Groomsmen were Dr. Sidney Rubin, another brother and Larry Fleider, Kansas City. Arthur Novak and Roger Cooper were ushers. B'NAI D'RITII COUNCIL The Omaha C o u n c i l of B'nai Use the Want Ads to buy, rent B'rith Women will meet August 24 at. 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish or sell. Community Center.
MONSKY CHAPTER The board of B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 will meet RUG & UPHOLSTERY Thursday, August 27 at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Nate Gitnick, CLEANERS 1616 No. 58 Street. Mrs. Ben MagRUGS—CARPETING zamin will be co-hostess. LAMP SHADES The chapter will open its seaFURNITURE son with a luncheon fashion show, "Her/bergs .Silhouettes of 1060," Cleaned in Your Home! Wednesday, September 2 at 12:30 Binding—Laying—Repairing .Jerusalem (JTA) — An Israel p. m. at the Jewish Community border policeman was returned Center. Baby sitter service will be Don Bernstein HA 2554 here after spending four years in provided. a Jordanian prison. Moshe Binyamin was seized by the JordanPatronize Our Advertisers ians when he crossed the border four years ago, and sentenced to 17 years imprisonment as a "spy." JUSTIN D. NORWICH V Israel had demanded his release .immediately after he wns arrested Specializing in but he was held. A Jordanian infiltrator, serving a long sentence Undervalued in Israel, was returned to Jordan Securities at the same time. Israel police are now investigating t h e circumand stances of Binyamin's crossing of the border.
Jordan Frees Israeli After Four Years
Mm. Stanley Kntelniiin, Kcri CriMH Motor Service clinlrniiin, hlioun mulling a blood delivery 1o ii hospitnl. She nnnounrf'il that r h i K i p i for women volunteer drivers in motor service will Ntart Turniliiy,' September 1 from 9:30 u. in. to 1L:3O a, in. Women may rtuMtr hy enllini; Mrs. KutcliiKiil, WA HW . H or thn Iteil Cross, AT 2723.
Do you want a complexion radiantly alive—-g l o w i n g with dewy freshnon? You can count on our facial expert to keep your ilcin lovely always.
Catania's Beauty Salon 2531 So. 90th TE 1105
Special Situations
Houston Agency Sitter' Program for Aged Folks Houston, Tex. (JTA)—The Jewish Family Service of Houston has undertaken a program to find "Mania Sitters" for elderly persons who are economically independent and wish to remain in their own homes. In many cases, the elderly folk offer free room or free room and board to a working person in order to have someone else in the house at night in the event of need. No other obligation would be imposed on the sitter except that. The Agency is cataloguing information from people with homes they wish to share under these conditions and from younger working people who would be interested in entering Into such arrangements. With the problem of the aged
increasing in scope, the Jewish Family Service is expanding its efforts to permit people over sixty to remain in their own homes. The service's case workers make regular visits to many of these families in the area and provide nursing facilities where needed. The new approach is aimed at keeping us many men and women over 60 independent of the institutional care as long as possible.
FOR Bridal Portrait! AND O.ndid Widdlng
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WOMENS AFQ/\UIS ATTACHE Washington, D. C. (JTA)-Col. Shoshanuh Gershoni is Women's Affairs Attache at the Israel Embassy here. She was commander of th Women's Corps of the Israel Defense Forces for eight years.
incomparable atmosphere for
Rentier's Well-Being Attributed to Walks Jerusalem (JTA)—Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, 7.'1 years old, "Is in good shape and is a (food insurance risk," his doctor jiaid after the Premier had undergone physical tests at the Tel jlashoiner Government Hospital. Mr. Ben Gurion arrived a t the hospital early in the morning after having taken his customary sixkilomelcn walk and wns Immediately put through an exhaustive jeries of examinations. "The results were amazingly more than satisfying," Dr. Chaim Jihela, director of the hospital, said Inter. "For his age, he is healthy and in terms of Insurance compnny rates, he can lower his premium," ' Dr. Shela •attributed much of the Premier's excellent condition to hit jxractloe of taking long walks dally,
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Communities Are Concerned With
Care of 'Aging*
Damp Jay-O-0 King And Queen Chosen
Omahans In the News
liiiliitrd Hiller has been named Youth Council League to the committee on public relaThe care of the aging appears to tions of the American Industrial The JeaKue champions Rayiin be one of the paramount concerns Bankers Associations. | poured it on A.Z.A. No. 100 us locally among communities, Herthey swamped them 16-4. In the man Levensohn of Chicago, 111., Dr. and Mr*. (Stanley J. Mala- oilier game Komi A.Z.A. won their regional director of the Kasl-West fihock have returned from Michi- sixth straight by defeat inn; A.Z.A. Central States of the Council of gan City, Ind., where they at- No. 1 11-4. AI Konec.ky was the Jewish Federations ami Welfare tended the 3^tli wedding, anni- winning pitcher. Mike Sadofsky Funds, .observed. versary celebration last Sunday of ; and Howard Martin paced the hitMr. I-^veimolin, recent Omuliu Mrs, Malashock's parents, Mr. and I ters with home runs. visitor, on 1I1N (our of coiifer**iicef» Mrs. Leon Kox of Chicago, at their I Ll'.Uili: STANDINGS with federation officials in cities summer home. The Omahans were Rayim 9 2 of the area. HUIII in addition to tliej a c c o m p a n i e i l o n the trip by their Romi AZA 7 4 Batumi coni-em for resident. In j c h i ,, i r 0 1 1 Kll thfrlne. Larry, Drill A.Z.A. No. 100 .4 7 homes for the aKe.l, there 1* also, a | l t l B u / 7 V t h ( . ,.,„,,,. t u o , \ l l 0 will A.Z.A. No. 1 'i 9 the rising problem of senior citizens r e n m u l u"s KUt . s ls'of their grandwho do not require Institutional parents until Labor Day. care. The Jewish Federation ol Oma-1 Miss Matler Katleniiiu, daughha is affiliated with the Council, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Katlea membership association of Jew- niiui, will return Saturday after ish federations, welfare funds and serving as a resource person at community councils. Its functions, the Planning and Training ConChicago, f.ITA.i— The head . of Mr. Levensohn pointed out. close- ference of the Nebraska Pilgrim the Chicago Commission on Huly parallel those of Ihe national Fellowship at Donne C o l l e g e , man Relations, who is also the Chest and United Fund organiza- Crete. chairman of the Illinois Committion and its local agencies. Jack Miss Katlemnn's participation is tee for Equal Job Opportunities, W. Marer, Omaha attorney, is a a representative of the Plains along with a Methodist Bishop and r e g i o n a l vice-president of the States Regional Office of the Anti- the Turkish Consul General, lives Council. Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. in a luxury Lake Shore cooperate Mr. Levensohn said his national T. B. Sennett, ADL regional direc- apartment house which has not organization which s e r v e s 800 tor, also participated in the con- welcomed Jewish residents for at communities, aids them by uct- ference on Thursday. Discussions least 15 years, the Chicago Jewish ing as a clearing house for fund led by Sennett and Miss Katleman Sentinel reports. appealing groups, on analysis of stressed cultural and religious unThe paper quoted the president overseas needs, examining com- derstandings. of the cooperative, at 1120 N. munity campaigns, health and welLake Shore Drive, as declaring Mr. nnd Mr». Joseph .1. Frank that he "doesn't know" that his fare planning, personnel advisory, community consultations, commun- and their son, Uruce, have just building is restricted, but it added ity organizations and many other reutrned from a trip to Seattle, that "long-term residents conWash., where they visited Mrs. firmed that only non-Jews have service functions. Another problem communities Frank's brothers and sisters-in- been permitted to live in Ihe buildfind themselves faced with to- law, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bern- ing for at least 15 years." day, he declared, is determining stein and Mr. and Mrs. David The paper reported that "resithe local health and welfare needs I Bernstein and families, dents include Methodist Bishop and how to handle the backlog) |) t t n i e i Zcff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Brashares of Illinois of unmet needs in Israel. ] , l ( . n M Z( . ff ,„ n o w s , a , j o n e d at I nnd Ally. Augustine J, Bowe, a In his conferences with federa-! F o ] ., O n i C ; l ! w l ] e r e h( , „.*-- s c , r v e vice president of the National Contmn executives, he found a grow-, fQ| . a s i x m o n t | , ,OII1. w j t M t h t . | ference of Christians and Jews, ing need for intercity and regional • A n l l v ' past president of the Chicago Bar meetings where information could' Association, and chairman of the be exchanged on community plan- SVNAfiO(Jl-K KOMISKD Chicago Commission on Human ning, services for federation deBuenos Aires (WNSi—A bomb j Relations and of the Illinois Compartinents and examination of fund j placed by undisclosed hooligans mittee for Equal Job Opportunraising. It is expected, he said,; exploded in the large synagogue ities." that arrangements will be made! here, smashing windows and dam-i for such joint gatherings in tliis! aging sacred objects. The bomb | area, sometime in the fall. went off shortly before services. |
Chicago Anti-Bias Leaders Reside In Restricted' Building
Israel Students Are Shakespeare Experts But Short on English
New York (JTA)—The sum of $650,000 was transmitted this year by the Pioneer Women to its sister organization In Israel, Moet/.ot James and Marilyn Novak, Hapoaloth. brother and sister, were chosen king and queen at Camp. Jay-C-C's closing banquet Saturday night. They are Hie children of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Novak. Marilyn also received the best girl camper 'award presented by for the the camp staff.
Copenhagen (JTAt-The first European Maccahi Games, a regional sports festival affiliated with the world-wide Maceabian games that are held every four years in Israel, opened here. About 300 men and women are participating, in addition to a guest group from Israel. European sports groups represented here are from Jewish sports clubs in Belgium, G'reat Britain, Finland, France, Holland, Eire, Norway, S w e d e n, Switzerland, Austria and Denmark. Among the events scheduled to be run In all the leading stadia in this area are competitions in track, lawn tennis, football, hand ball, weight-lifting, and wrestling. Competitions will be held also in swimming and water polo. •••••••
school pupils failed in mathematics and English l>ecause their text books were unsuitable. Mr. B. Stern, principal of the O.R.T. school at Kfar Saba. blamed the inadequate professional standards of many primary school teachers for the heavy load of homework which was imposed on some youngsters. In certain Tel Aviv schools, he claimed, the general feeling among teachers was that the parents should teach the children. One mother in the audience posed the question: "I am from America and my neighbor criticizes me because I speak English to my sabre son. Is it better to speak bad Hebrew to him or good English?" The general consensus was that it would be better to speak English to the child.
Jewish Child Invites Khruschev for Borsch!
V. 8. X. INSTALLATION New officers will be installed by U. S. Y. at a meeting Thursday, August 27, at 7:30 p. m. in the Beth El social hall. Holidays Begin Sundown Of Officers for the 1959-60 season Previous Day. Rosh Hashonah . . . .October 3 will be Rosalind Nogg, president: October 12 R c n c o Rimmerrmin, first vice- Yom Kippur president; Madeline Kripke, second vice-president; B o n n i e Tarnoff, corresponding secretary; Susan Sachs, recording secretary; MarPtiono JA 1346 la msec! vour Wont Ad In tin Sneider, treasurer; Judith the Jewlili Press. Roto 1i SO csnii for each thrtt lint InserGendler and Linda Magzamin, ser- tion. The Prcn reicntt 1h« right to limit : geants-at-arms. Maureen Borden, t l u ot eoch advertisement RE 0577 may be contacted for DAILY JEWISH PAPERS further information. BAR and Bus Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holiISRAEL, COWS HIT days and special occasions, RECOKD MILK YIELD Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Jerusalem—A survey s h o w e d For Vacationers- • Israel cows, chalked up a record Practical Domestics and Baby for milk production with an anNurge3. Call WE 5217. nual average of about 925 gallons of milk. The next best milk giving DAY WORK wanted by PRACrecord is held by Dutch cows with TICAL NURSE in elderly per•"i iintui.il avemge of R80 gallons. son's home. Coll WE. 0171.
STUDY PKOTECTION FROM RADIATION London (JTA)--A number of Israel public health specialists nro participating in a two-week training course on protection from the dangers of radiation which* opened here.
"Royal Treatment"
Israel Officially Approves Scouts Jerusalem (WNS)—Scout move-, menl activities in Israel state schools were given an official green light when the Cabinet acted on a favorable recommendation of its Ministerial committee. Scout activities in the schools were halted under a government directive banning all youth movement activities Inside schools. However, there was wide dissatisfaction on the part of parents, press, teachers and civic groups over inclusion of the scouts in the general ban since that movement under no stretch of the term could be considered of a political nature.
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Rosh Hashanah This Year Begins Friday Evening, October 2
friaccabi Games Held In Copenhagen
Tel Aviv—The problems of Israel school children like their American counterparts, ate often the subject for teachers' panels. It was concluded by a recent panel of teachers here that Israel school children are well-versed on Shakespeare, but end up knowing very little English, while they get low marks in mathematics because the burden of teaching them this subject is often left to their parents. Mrs. Z. Dubin, a Givatayini sehooleacher, said that the English syllabus of the Ministry of Education bore no relation to the real needs of the pupils. "They know all tho answers to examination questions about Shakespeare and Browning, but can't speak simple English," she said. Dr. S. Schwirnmer, of Bar Ilan University, said that secondary
New York (WNSi—If Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev wants a taste of the best borsch in the United States, if not the world, he can have all he can consume if he stops over at a Bronx Jewish home for a borscht party on his visit to the United States, Tile invitation was extended to Khruschev by Barbara Dinitz 11year-old Bronxite who Informed the Soviet Premier in a letter that her mother had the "best recipe" for making Russian borscht. Khruschev hasn't of course indicated acceptance of the invitation, but young and gullible Barbara is quite hopeful. Her friends are sure Nikita will accept or at least acknowledge her gracious offer, and Barbara herself just refuses to believe that a genuine borscht lover can possibly turn down an invitation to. a plate or two of that unique dish
Friday, August M, 1959
Rosh Hoshon^Si ©reefings ••' ^ -^ ir Through the New Year's Edition of
THE JEWISH PRESS Solve Your groating problem by ultng thi» conv.nianf and in.xp.niiva method °^ "iihin? frl.ndl arV3 ral.iiv.f a Happy N«w Year.
Use the coupon below and check the number of the greeting you prefer or enclose one of your own choosing. Enclose cash or check with your order. .. • • 1. Mr. and Mrs wish their friends and relatives both far and near a happy New Year. 2. Mr. and Mrs and family wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. 3. Mr. and Mrs and family take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year toT their friends and relatives. 4. Mr. and Mrs. k . . . . and family . extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity, netaoin MJ\IL TODAY , JEWISH PRESS, 101 NO. 20TH ST. Omaha, Nebr, Enclosed find $3.00 for which please insert No. New Year's Greeting Cord In your Rosh Hashanah Edition. _ Please Print