August 28, 1959

Page 1

Vol. XXXVII No. Bl

Publlnhod every Friday, 101 N. BOtU. Omaha. Nebraska, Phono JA 130U

To Assume Post September Seymour Scitehick, former Philadelphian, has l>cen appointed as Director of Health and Physical Education of the Community Center, Lou Canar, Center chairman, end Irvin Yaffe, Physical Kducation Committee chairman, announced this week. Mi'. Seiichlck comes to Omaha from Lexington, Missouri, where lie was Phj.'iical I.ducation Direct o r and Basketball Coach in the local high school. Prior to that, he served as Education Dnector a n d Athletic Conch in K a n s a s High Schools. The new Phyniciil Education Pitector of the Mr. Scltrlilck Center received his BS in Physical Education from Southwestern College in Kansas. He has just received his Master's Degree in Physical Education from Kansas State Teachers College. In addition to his physical education

Washington (JTA)—Israel will receive enriched uranium of a quality that Is almost entirely fissionable under terms of an agreement signed here. Yaacov Horzog, Israeli Charge d'Affaires, and G. Louis Jones, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affnlrs, signed the agreement which provides that Israel will get a quantity of 00 per cent enriched uranium for use in a research reactor now Hearing completion in Israel. The agreement amends a 1935 accord under President Eisenhower's Atoms-for-Peace program undor which Israel received uranium U-238 enriched with 20 per cent U-235. The upgrading of the quality ofuranium to 90 per cent is important to the working of the Israel reactor. The reactor will go Into operation next year. Israel, Turkey and Pakistan are the only nations in the Near East working to Implement projects undertaken under the Atoms-forPcaco program. '

Refraction of Gen. Grant's Article Washington ("JTA)—A movement Is under way in the Senate to persuade Senators-belonging-to the Civil War Centennial Commission to insist that Gen, U.S. Grant, 3rd, chairman of the commission, retract an anti-Semitic article he endorsed relating to the Civil War. Sen. Joseph S. Clark, Pennsylvania Democrat, asked Senate colleagues on the commission that they insist upon an immediate retraction. "I was deeply disturbed by Genoral Grant's sponsorship of an antiSemitic article," the Senator said, "Particularly by the Implication that, by virtue of his position as chairman of the Civil War Centennial Commission, the article has official sanction. General Grant's failure to print a retraction of this baseless attack is a clear breach of his responsibilities as chairman of the commission." Senators holding Commission membership are Hugh Scott, Pennsylvania Republican; Clinton P, Anderson, New Mexico Democrat; Carl T. Curtis, Nebraska Republican, and Joseph C. O'Mahoney, Wyoming Democrat.

work in high schools, he had extensive experience in recreational centers in Philadelphia. From 1!M« to 1952 he served In the U.S. Air Force, and directed physical education and recreational activities, "Our Physical Education and Health Department Is fortunate to have Mr. Seitchick as its director," Irvin Ynffo, chairman, said. "Under his direction we look forward to an extended and enlarged phys-Ed. program 'servicing all groups and ago levels in our community." Mr. Seitchick will assume his position September 1.

Cruise Reservations Reservations should be made immediately for the scenic cruise Wednesday, September 2, arranged by the Council of Jewish Women for Golden Agers and residents of the Dr. Philip Slier Home. Reservations which are to be limited may be made by calling Mrs. Albert Gaer, GL R915 or Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, GL 40G8. Transportation will be provided for the Golden Agers at the Jewish Community Center at 12:30 p. m.

Israel to Be Testing Area for Diet Study United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Israel Is being used as a testing area for a new type of study Inaugurated by the United Nations Children Fund, In an effort to find out whether there is a relationship between improved dieting and a lessening of infant mortality. A survey of this type, the first ever undertaken, is being conducted In Israel now with the cooperation of the Government of Israel. Girl students, seniors In the College of Nutrition and Home Economics, at Jerusalem, are Interviewing 800 families in 40 Israeli villages where the residents are recently-arrived Immigrants. From these interviews, and other studies, a scientific survey will be made of the effect of dieting and other environmental factors on infant mortality, especially among peoples whose diets had been previously inadequate.


Richmond, Va. (JTA)—Tobacco industry officials here have received word that an Arab ban will soon be imposed on Turkish tobacco and cigarettes because of Turkish tobacco business with Israel. The Arab conference hold in Beirut, Lebanon, decided that all Arab states would boycott, all kinds of Turkish tobacco and cigarettes containing Turkish tobacco, because of "the establishment of Joint Turco-Israeli cigarette factory. The restrictions on Turkish tobacco would be lifted only if Turkey severed its business connections involving tobacco with Israel, the report said.

Home Beauty Shop To Be fready Soon The beauty and barber shop to be set up at the Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Aged will be ready for use in the near future, officials of the Bikur Cholim Society, its sponsors, said. Funds raised at the fifth annual dessert luncheon and card party given by the organization August 25, will be used for the shop. Additional donors for the project, announced by Mrs. Harry Sidman, chairman In charge of donoi solicitations, are: Mines Jake Brookstein; Izzie Garsick; Joe S. Guss; Louis Katz; Abe Kloppcr; A. Lipsman; Nate Gitnick; M, Mittleman; Alex Sadofsky; Phil Smith; Nathan Steinberg Family; Harry Weiner; Joe White, Clara Tretiak and Sidney Snklyn.

UJA 'Documentaries' Filmed in Israel

New York (JTA;—The United Jewish Appeal has completed shooting of a new documentary film, "The Dock," to be shown on TV screens throughout the country during its coming campaign. The picture, a story of the Immigrants to Israel in the last 11 years, was filmed with Israeli actors, in English, at Haifa and in the Negev. A second film, "The Key," which deals with housing problems in Israel as seen by a 12-ycar-oid boy, Is currently being filmed in Israel with an Israeli cast and London (JTA)—The death Au- camera crew. gust 19 of Sir Jacob Epstein, one of the greatest sculptors of contemporary times, was announced here. He was born on New York's lower East Side In 1880. BUKMA LUMBER Jerusalem (JTA)—A team of Jerusale'm (JTA)—Two issues Israeli experts will visit Burma in involving Israel's insistence on September to investigate possibili- freedom of Innocent shipping ties of an Israeli-Burmese partner- through international waterways ship to increase the supply of were discussed here at. a meeting lumber available there for Israel's of the Cabinet, under the chairplywood Industry. Israel could dou- manship of Foreign Minister Golda ble its-plywood exports if it wore Meir. Prime Minister David Ben assured of adequate raw materials. Gurlon is on vacation. The issues concerned are: 1. The case of the Danish freighter Inge Toft, tied to a dock at Port Said since May. 2. The case of the two frigates which Israel has sold to United Nations (AJP)—Yosef Ceylon and which Ceylon has not Tekoah, Minister Plenipotentiary yet taken over, due to pressure on and Acting Permanent Represent- the part of the United Arab Reative of Israel to the UN may step public. Into Ambassador Elian's UN role Regarding the Inge Toft, halted here as head of the Mission. It is by the Egyptians at the entrance expected, that Foreign Minister to'the Suez Canal, as it was carGolda Meir will head the Delega- rying Israeli cargo from Haifa to tion during the 14 th Assembly the Far East, Israel observers notopening on.-September 15. ed that no-progress whatever has been achieved, despite the intervention of United Nutlons Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold with UAR President Nasser. Holidays Begin Sundown Of As to the frigates, the possibiliPrevious Day. Rosh Hashonah ....October 3 ty was seen-here that Ceylon may Yom Kipp'ur October 12 cancel the purchase. Ceylon made a .i'argev cash down payment for

Famous Sculptor Dies

Second CHIKH Postage Paid ut Oinuha, NeUr.

The appointment of Robert M. Feinberg as chairman of the Greater Omaha Committee for State of Israel Bonds was announced Friday by Abraham Feinbcrg of Now York City, national president of the Israel Bonds Organization. I.amU'd lly National Leader "I'Yinborg's selection to lead this vital organization only ten years after he moved to Omaha is indicative of his service to and acceptance by the local "community, general and Jewish," the national president said. He will succeed Samuel Kalzman and Samuel Rice, who as cochairmen last year vvitli Mrs. Snmuel Wolf as women's division chairman, guided Greater Omaha to sales of $200,000, highest in the eight-year history of Israel Bonds. Pepsi-Cola Head Mr, Felnberg heads the PepsiCola Bottling Co., as he did in Canton, O., before moving here. Since moving to Omaha in 1949, Feinbi'ig has been active in Jewish and communal affairs. He has served as chairman of the Guardians of Israel, special sales for Israel Bonds, and has helped on Red Cross, Community Chest, Omaha Safety Council and other campaigns. Currently ho is the president of the Omaha Zionist Council, which

Former Omahan Is Department Head of Cincinnati Hospital Dr. E. Gordon Margolin, a former Omulian, has been appointed ftil-timc Director of Jewish Hospital's Department of Internal Medicine, in Cincinnati, O. He will also be chairman of the Mndical Staff Committee on Education. A resident of Cincinnati, he has been a member of the hospital's medical staff and assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, As director of the Renal Division, Metabolism of the Cincinnati General hospital he set up the artificial kidney unit there, and will continue to supervise its operation. Dr. Margolin, a graduate of the University of Nebraska School of Medicine, is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin'.' • . •"

UAR Pressure Halts Ceylon's Purchase of Israel Frigates

Tekoah flight Succeed Abba B a n inU l Role


Single Copy 10 Ccnti Annual Rale 4 Uolluri

Robert" M. Fplnbcrg co-ordinates activities of all men's and women's Zionist organizations. He also is on the board of Beth El Synagogue and is an Honorary board member of the Douglai County Multiple Sclerosis Society. Praise for Feinberg't. selection quickly came horn Mis. J. Harry Kulakofsky, chairman for Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota, and from Morris Alexander of Chicago, Midwestern chairman of the Israel Bonds organization. New MarliH Can Be Set ''Our work with Bob Felnberg for the past, two bond campaigns convinces us thatOinaha lias made a wise selection," Mrs. Kulakofsky and Alexander said. "Under his capable leadership, new marks can certainly be set as Israel enters its historic second decade of independence." In accepting, Feinberg said "Omaha is fortunate to have such a wonderful person as Mrs. Kulakofsky to serve as an inspiration for myself and all of the past chairmen who have told me they will work closely with me in the important, months ahead."

Israel Expert to Aid Liberian Eye Glinio Jerusalem (JTA)-—Israel has accepted an invitation from President William V. S. Tubman of Liberia and will send experts to that country to develop ophthalmic medicine, and help in the establishment of eye clinics. Professor Isaac Michaelson, Of the Hebrew University Medical School, will shortly leave for Liberia to make a study and advise on problems concerning the establishment of eye clinics there. On his return here, Professor Michaelson will be accompanied by several young Liberian doctors who will receive special training in ophthalmic medicine at Israel hospitals.

the frigates—now in the harbor of Eilat, In the Gulf of Akaba. Ceylon sent a crew of 100 sailors to man the first of the ships, these men sailing aboard a Ceylonese minesweeper. The minesweeper, however, is docked in the Protectorate of Aden awaiting the UAR's acquiescence to the IsraeliCeylonese deal. Ceylon's government at Colombo had asked the UAR for assurance that the frigates would not be molested passing from the Gulf A dessert luncheon -will open the of Akaba through the Straits of Tiran into the Red Sea. So far, the fall season for members of the UAR has not acknowledged the Federation of Jewish Women's Club at the home of its president, Ceylonese note. Mrs. Mike Freeman, 5419 Western Avenue, Thursday, September 3 at VELKIN TO SPEAK 12:45 p. in. AT B. B. MEETING The program will include discusVirgil Yelkin, athletic director at'Omaha University, will, speak sion of plans for the coming club at the season's first meeting of season and announcement of the Cornhusker Lodge No. 1760, B'nai chairmen of the various commitB'rith, Wednesday, September 2 tees. , '' . at the Tower Restaurant, at 8 The presidents and representap. m. tives of the 14 organizations beElliot Brown, president, will an- longing to the club as well as tha nounce new committee chairmen committee chairmen are urged to and Baid plans would be mapped attend the meejing by Mrs. Freefor the coming year's activities man. . .-.•-'•• •-.

Meeting of Women's ffiroup Thursday at Freeman Residence


Page Two


Friday, August 28, IOM>


New Staff Members Of Belli I I Talttuic! Torah

All Iriencfa and relatives nro Invited to utteiul wrtlces and reception. Published Kvery Friday by the Jeuisli Federatlun of Onuilia, SIDNKY KAUL IHJISLKIt Second Clasj Po:fy^c- Pula u» OMKJIICJ, Netr. The Bar Milzvali of Sidney Earl Annual SuDscripilcn, V1.C0. Ralles on Application. David H. Bou^anim has been Publication Qfllco-101 Uo 20lh Slrcel, Omaha, IJcbr.. JAckign mi. Ifyisler, HUM of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Editor named Director of rducation of Ben Hcislcr will lip celebrated at (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Beth 101 Talmud T.irah. its ehairnian, Yale fiotstiincr. announced. the Beth Israel Synanos-;ue, August L'!). Kerviri's will ber;iii at. 8:45 Me. i-toiujanim who comes to a. 111. Omaha from Ilarrisbiirtf, Pa., has A monument will be clwlii'Mcd been I'-achim; in I lit- east .since JfAUVIN Ilt.A UltAI'X lo.the memory of F<hv;ml A. Beit;. I!u9 and has served in adminisThe Bar Milz.viili of .Marvin Ira Sunday, August 30 at 11 a. m. at trative pi)sis since 3!).")l!. Hraun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kugene Pleasant Hill Oinptpry. Hnbbi A native of French Moincco, be Br.iuii will bu celebrated at the Benjamin Orum/r will ofncaic. All e.mie to the United Slates in 1(1-18. Ueth Israel Synagogue on Saturfriends and relative arc invited to Me received the decree of Bachelor day, September 5. Services will heattend. f"~1'."Z'':'--?-'' """-r'1°f Kelii;ious J'.'iiu- j,'in at 8:-15 a. in. A MonuiiitMil wilJ he . dedicated j ^ i J A ^ i - J i - - feat inn from the KKITII I.IOVIK to the twrnory of Robert .lacub~on, 'Jewish T'neoloHi- KOICY I.KVIN Sunday, August 30 at 11 a. in. at cal Seminary and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Levin anBeth El Cemetery. Rabbi Myer S. ; Sabbath evening s<'rvir.e» \'. ill be the d e c r e e of nounce that their sons, Keith and Kripke will officiate. All friends B ii c h e 1 or of Korey L<»vin will become Bar and relatives are invited to attend. | hf-lil ill I'.t'lh Kl Syn,u;o;;ue. j Science, from Co- Mitzvnh at. ceremonies, Saturdayj at 7 p. in. Sabbath inui'iiing serv-j hiinbiu Uni\ morniiiKi September 5 at Beth El j ices will licj;in at 9:.'!0 a. in. The | ty In New York. Synagogue. I vviali tu otfir mini- and my j Miiirh.'i-Maariv services will begin Mort Y a d i n i'.hll(lri-n'» heartfelt tliimhs to : at (i'.-lli p. in. who has Joined my "rhuverlm" poato Zlon, l":«r! Puily services will be held durMax Reizbaum's the }i e t h El Iraml, I'ionefr Woiueit, and other dear friends for lrmrrihiiif; • ing the week (it 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. —M^-—,_ chint' staff, in Downtown Tailor Shop tile name of our dear vvifr anil i The Sunday service will be at 9 David Iloiigniilin.r native of ChiSPECIALIZING IN MEN'S AND mother, the late ISess Wolfson, j a. i n . na anil a graduate of Hebrew UniLADIES' ALTERATIONS In the <»olden Hook of the Kerversity in Israel.'He bet;an teachBKTH ISItAIX I ing in .1951. but in 1953 benan varen, Ilaluiyemcth. .M:ty you all Old Doubla-Orcasted Suits Services tliis evening (Kahbalasj ious assignments with the Israel have the hlrrsslng for K ° " d Converted Into Shalibosi tj'.-i") P- 111. at Beth Isryel 1 government including a period health and happiness—-Jiidah Uew Singla-Breasted Stylo SynafjOKJie, S a t u r d a y nionniiK with the Israel embassy in WasliWolfson. ^ervicirs'iiegin at 8:45 a. 111. and inKtun, D. ('. SUITS MADE TO ORDER tile. Junior ooiitfrcpatiyn...meets at i Mrs. fio'K.'ita Mil^ram, former Cleaning and Protilng ' ' Mr. and 'MTr».'VVi'fein I.psteln 10 a. in. Rabbi Benjamin Gronor tvishes to thank all their fri< Elds will conduct the Saturday after- Center stiiff member, who holds 323 So. 15th A T 8445 and family for the many cards noon Talmud elites at tv.lfi p. in. Bachelor and .Master's dej.;rep.i of good wishes, received hv Air. and Minchu, followed by Shalosh from Boston University and anEpstein during liin recent ill- •S'eudos and Maariv. will ber;ln at other, n Bachelor of Jewish Induration from the lioston Hebrew ness in the hospital. j]"> p. i n . Teacher's Col|pj;e, hns been ap.Services Sunday morningr bi'xin pointed to the Beth Kl stuff. SAVE TAX at 8:-ir> a. m. and are followed She is the wife of Dr. Xornian DOLLARS by breakfast nnd the Rabbi's class A. Milpvim, staff psychologist in Hi.I KIM. in Bible. Sunday morning Junior III.II-UI'OAI'ITAI. children's services at the Nebrasl m l u i l » l u l ' InhiiroiKi'pgatlon meets at 8:30 a. m. i a n c t . llcrnnc, I ' l , tlrei, tU I^aily s:erviees 7 a. in. 'inti 7 p. in. 1ka Psychiatric Institute, who will lllll p. in. j serve part time on the synagogue teaching staff. Dr. Mll«ram taujjht The weekly Talmud .Study firoiip Hebrew in the Boston Hebrew meets Tuesday evenings at 8:30. school system for M-vcn years. Services at Mm l!)th nnd Burt Walter Koidman will continue Street Synagogue, every Saturto serve- on the school faculty, .Mr. day at. 9 a. m. Gntniiner, finld. Be Sure to See



LENNON SISTERS «f t l * Liwrtne* Walk Show; plui 6»Hy Joknioi). Four Coim; HarmonV.ale cthir «e»i. FOUK NIGHTS ONLT-Sipt. I, I. J. ». * * * *

RED FOLEY IN JUBILEE USA W l No. I couMr> rmjiic ihow «itlt Hi* • TWO NIGHTS ONLY art. » >n<i to. * * * * HMf »Wd»«. on P.rjdt. Aoto I U U I am) Thrill Shew!



Services at B'nai Jacob-AdasYeshuron will besin Kriday a t G:H0 p. m. nnd Saturday morning at 8-.:W a. m. with Mincha a t 6:S0 p. m. followed by Shnlosh S'eudos. Daily services a t 6:30 a. in. and 6:45 p. m. TEMPLE ISHAEL Services will be held at Temple Israel this Friday evening in 1hp chapel at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Kose Glnsliurg wishes to thank all Iier frlpnils and relatives for the many cxprev Hlons ill UtiiilncsH unit tliotiRhtfnliicw extended to Iwr during lior rrccnt illness.


Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Marvin IT. Stein and their two daughters, .Marsha and Ito'iiir.e, arrived Sunduy from Japan and Okinawa, to visit. Mrs, Eva Alpirn Stein, mother of Mr, Stein. Mr. Stein is Civil Affairs consultant for the hi^h commissioner in Okinawa mill cominuteH between Washington, D. 0. and Tokio, .lapan.

Monument Co. Scb (Subby) Fulvorent*

25 Yean' Exporienco With Jewish Lettering and Memorials 2211 So. Oth

AT 24S2

Live Fish Market 1314 Ho, 24th St.

CHICKENS Order in Morning and Pick Up in Afternoon

OPEfl SUNDAYS Save by Calling AT 4977 Cai-fified and approvod by Rabbi Dr. Leon Thorn, Ptetcdont, Anur!can Academic Rftbbis Anociation of New Amaricani, and Rabbi S. Waltin of the Oilhodox Rabbit A«locistion of New York City.


BEAUTIFUL ISRAEL DOLLS (HANDMADE! Dressed with Exacting Detail 8" Average Height

Perfect Gift for Any Age, for Ail Occasions

On Display at Community Center Lobby



1—liraeli woman (Oriontal); 2—lirneli nun (Oriental); 3-—Arab imolclng bubblt plp*i 4—Yomonilo woman with drum; 5—YtmoniU man witli flute; b—Oriental woman with water jug; 7—liraell IOr»nt»l) with box of oranges. I


Kosher Heat Market I Delicatessen WA 5554


6—Kibbutz boy with hoe; 9—Kibbutr girl'with hoe; 10—Bar Mitivflh boy; I I — W o m a n ' lighting Sabbath candles; 12—Haitld with Torali Scroll; 13—Israel Saiira boy; 14—Uraol Sobra girl.

Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery

Holect txH m a n y an y o u winh. Order by indiruting; number and mutl u l t h yonr rherk (covering t h o co«t of AO\IB a t $2.00 e a c h ) to t h e J«wUU Vrcnn, 101 N o . 20th! f^., Omnlin, N>It. Order nt once a s «Iiipm<'iit will be m a d e lUrwrtij from Inra«l. . . .



t8, Jfl59



Page Three

Murray Newmans to Live Carole Frank Engaged In Elkins Park, Pennsylvania To Stanley J. MJ and MIS. Muruy II, Newman will niiike I heir homo in Klkins Park, Ha., alter a wedding trip to N'lSS.lU, UilllHIIKIK.

1'hcy were married Sunday, August If), ;it Beth Kl Synagogue in a late afternoon ceremony with Rabbi'Myer S. Kripke and Habhj Sidney If. Brooks, iiffici.'iliiiK. A dinner at the RliiHcslonc Hotol followed. Mis.Newinon is the iliHijjhter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kalyinan; her husband, the son of .Tulo M. Newman. Mr and Mrs. Calvin M, Newman, brother and sister-in-law of the bridegroom, served us l>est man and mutron of honor. Bridesmaids were the. Misses Phyllis and Marilyn Kutzmim, sisters of the bride and Miss Dolores Ann Shapiro Ushers were Paul A. Heller, Willimantie, Conn.; Herbert J. Lerner and Dolph S. Bnrmaii, both of Cincinnati, O.; Miirre] L. Kolin, Louisville, Ky. ; Michel I,. Albert, Stout City, la. Robert I. Kully, James S. Shapiro and Stephen ,T.

' Norman Hips, a former Omahan and his son, Michael, of Los Angeles are visiting Mr. and Mrs. ,Mrs. Murray II. Newman Harry Kutler. The latter is the Mlw C'arolr June Frank Cohn mother of Mr. Rips. The visitors Tlie bride's gown was white peau Mr. nnd Mrs. David W. Frank will remain until September 8. de soie. A crown of seed pearls announce the engagement of their held her three-tiered veil of French daughter, Miss Carole June, to illusion inid, she carried a . while orchid on a bible, Attendants' gowns were of royal blue silk or-

Catania Beauty Salon 2531 So. 90th TE 1185


Deafrh MRS. CLARA Funeral services were held Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Homo for Mrs. Clara Soshnlk, 62, of 512 South !51 Street, who died August 14 Burial wan in Golden Hill Cemetery. Surviving are husband, Ben; a ton. Joseph Soshnlk, Lincoln and three grandchildren.


Mr. and Mrs. Hersz Flatowicz announce the birth of a son. Glen Lee on July 20. They are also Iho parents of four other children, .Second Lieutenant Stanley Joseph Pleire, Martinc, Francois and Jean Claude. Widmun, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Leybus BaranowEky of France, L a grandfather, Miss Frank attended the University of Nebraska where she was affiliated with Sigma Delta Tail sorority. She will graduate from (lie University of Omahn in June. Lieutenant Widnian graduated from the University of Nebraska last June where he was affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mil fraternity and Kappa Alpha Psi, business fraternity. Lieutenant Widnian will be stationed with the Air Force y ° u wont toft, pampered at A m a r i 1 1 o, Texas, for three Do looking hands—woll groomed months and then at Fairbanks, naile v/ifll that oxtra look of Alaska. iltl will keep you proud of The wedding will take place in your handi. perfection? Our manicurDecember.


Come Meet

FURS Farnam a* 36th

Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff Let Him Help You With Your Clothing Seloctiont

Kilpatrick's Men'j Clothing — Second Floor

we've new shirts galore for your fall wardrobe styled by WEBER ORIGINAL Whether you're headed back to school, back to work, or to a club meeting this faH . . . you will appreciate the smartness and comfort of a WEBER ORIGINAL shirt, d e s i g n e d of fine combed cotton in new variations for the coming seasons. Perfect with suits, skirts, active sportswear. Sizes 10 to 18.

only 4.98 a. "county fair" "In or out" shirt, roll-up sleeve in country print of grey, beige or green 4*98 b. "rocking horse" Long-sleeve classic, convortible collar. Blue, green, red figures, putty - toned background 4.98 c. "american classic" "In or out" style, roll-up sleeve. Blue, red print 4.98 MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS WELCOME sportiwcar—iccond floor

T7" r i « r.<p , . . ,



Friday, Augu*t 28,1959


AZA Sweetheart Candidates Parents Honored On Anniversary

HAJDASSAH CAPTAIN'S TEA Invitations for tho annual "Captain's Tea" of the Hadassah Medical Organization and Vocational Education committee have neon Dialled . to workers. The tea will be held on Monday, August 31, at the home of Mrs. Albert S, Wohler 8t 12:30 p . m . Mrs. Meyer Rubin, chapter chairman, will preside. Mrs. Arthur Grossman will lead the discussion (in the aims (>f the Medical Organization. The vocational education program will be explained by Mrs. Theodore fianford.

Mr. nnd Mrs. David Potash were honored on their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary at an "open house" by their children. The event, a "surprise", was held Sunday, August 23 at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome D. Wassomian. Among the out-of-town guests presonl were Dr, and Mrs, Gordon Clienvilz and their children, David. Richard and Mirinm of Davenport, la.; Mrs. Philip Siigarmuii of Providence, Ti. I., and Miss Marilyn Slavin of Los Islrtnd, N. Y.

Miss Slavin is visiting at the homo of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. <md Mrs. Merle Potash. < Mr. and Jlrs. Marry Green wish to thank their friends nnd relatives for all their good wishes during flic recent Illness of Mr. (JretMi, Patronize Our Advertisers FOR THE FINEST . . . IN PHOTOGRAPHY Portraits Weddings Commercial

MODELS SKIJOOTKl) FOIt FASHION' SHOW Models have been selected for tile luncheon fashion show, "Herabergs Silhouettes of 1900" which RUG & UPHOLSTERY Will open the season of B'nai CLEANERS B'rith Henry Chapter No. (Left to right) top—Arlene Orossmnn, I.piiiine Trost, Mnrlys 470, Wednesday, September 2 at Iinck. Front—Gall Rliricr Btid Rani Mojor. RUGS — CARPETING 12:30 p. rn. at the Jewish ComLAMP SHADES The title of "sweetheart" will stone Hotel from 9 p. m. to mldmunity Center, Mrs. Norman B. FURNITURE bestowed upon one of five Gendler, program chairman, recandidates by A. Z. A. No. 1 ChapThe candidates are M a r l y s Cleaned In Your Home! ported. PHOTOGRAPHER ler at its annual Sweetheart Isack, Debs; Gail Shrler, I-eanne The models will be: Binding—Laying—Repairing M m e t . Norrnon Hohn, Harry Smith, Mor- 3anco, September 5 at the Black- Trost, 017 SOUTH 36TH STREET both of Itohanue; ltoni mon Pltlor, George Elsenberg, Georo* ShuMeyer, Kdiar and Arlene Gross- Don Oernitcin fef, Harry Friedman, Murray Borden, Albert HA 2554 HARNEY 1044 Rlmmerman, Joe G u l l , Edward Rosen, Richling abroad and were in Israel man, Eleanor Roosevelt. ard Spiegel, Chorles Lleb, Irving Heriog, Julius Btmsteln and Max Kades. Junior They are the d a u g h t e r s of luring the 11th Independence Day (nodelS'Wlll b« T«rrl Kwlatek, Arlene Gendler grid Sharon Gtndler. elebralion. She also will tell about Messrs, and Mines, Joseph Isack, Fashion commentator will be ifiits to 1.he "kibbutzim" and other Hy Shrier, Adolph Trost, Lester Meyer and Arthur Grossman, reMiss Nancy Bounds. Reservations spectively. may be made with1 Mrs. Bernard lighlights of her trip. Mines. D. B. Epstein and Rose fiiegler, JA 4217, or Mrs. Frank Sekar, WE 1164. Baby sitter serv- Epstein are luncheon chairman WOW TO CELEBRATE md co-chairman. ice will be provided. 10TH ANNIVERSARY Members of the sisterhood board Television station WOW-TV will B. & P. HAD ASS AH vlll meet Tuesday, September 1 celebrate its tenth anniversary of MEMBERSHIP BRUNCH it 12:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. daily telecasting, Saturday, Au. The Business and Professional 3elmar Klein. gust 29. Hadassah will hold a membership Meet Your Friends In the Sir Loin Room After tho Show brunch, Sunday noon, August 30 Saturday Night ' at the home of Mrs. Joseph Mayer, 2603 South 60th Street. ReserFARNAM AT 19TH — PHON! ATLANTIC 1311 —OMAHA, NEBR. vations may be made with the group's president, Mrs. A l i c e Heeger, JA 0103. ^SSKSSMSMSOK^^

John Kalina

CORNHl'SKKR CHAPTER DOAI1D The board of Cornhusker chapter of B'nai B'rith Women will meet Monday, August 31. at the home of Mrs. Meyer Halprin 5823 Taylor Street. Mrs. Hen Rlfkin will be co-hostess for the evoning. The meeting Is scheduled for 8:30. COUSINS'CLUB PICNIC LUNCHEON Mrs. Joseph Wolfson will entertain the Cousins Club, Wednesday, September 2 at a 12:30 p. m. picnic lunch at Fontenelle Park pavilion.

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MBS. MAX FItOMKIN, <JIKST SPEAKER AT BETH ISRAEL Mrs. Max Frorakin will be the guest speaker at a meeting of the Beth Israel Sisterhood, Septemt>er 8 at 12:30 p. m. in the synagogue iocla! hall. She will talk on her recent trip to Europe and Israel. Mrs." Fromkin and her husband - spent two and.a half months traV-

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