Vol. XXXVII No. !H
To Altai Institute A group of Omaha youth leaders will attend a Teenage Leadership Institute at Camp Henry Morton Richards, Om;ih;i biisl- national Economic Conference for Horner, III., this weekend, under iips's and civic leader, 1ms been Israel in Chicago, Sept. 11-13, Ger- the auspices of the National Jewnamed c l i i i i r m u n of the 11)39 ali' Schwartz, Iowa, Nebraska ami ish Welfare Board, Midwest Sec Builders of Israel. His appoint- South Dakota Manager, said. lion, Phil Kutler, Center Youth ment was announced today l>y Mrs. Golda Meir, Minister for Activities Chairman, announced. Kubcrt M. Fcinberg, chulrinnn of Attending the Institute are: Kd Foreign Affairs of the State of win Sidman, Omaha Jewish Youth the Greater Omaha Committee for Israel, has accepted an invitation Council president; Steve Cuss, State of Israel Bonds. extended in Israel by Dr. Joseph Youth C o u n c i l Vice-President; Richards, a past jncsident of theJ. Schwartz, vice-president of the Douglas Plait, AZA 1000 presiOmnliii Zionist Dktiicl, served us Israel Bond organization, to be thedent; Naomi Rothenberg, BBG chairman of the R o h a n u e 'president; and Susie principal speaker at the Chicago Spcier, BBG Kdinr president. 1952 and 1953 conclave. c a m p aigns for Dik Weiner, newly appointed Israel Bonds in Youth Activities Director, will acDr. Schwartz said, "Our ChiOmaha and cago conference will not only cele- company the group. Council Bluffs brate the attainment of the $100,- Tlie institute aims to bring toHe has been an 000,000 mark In Israel Bond sales, gether teenage leadership from the but chart a course of future cam- Midwest area to_ discuss problems active leader in paigning to enroll additional tens of youth, youth programming and Beth El syna of thousands of Americans and youth responsibilities in the comgogue, the Jewish: C a n a d i a n s us shareholders in munity. Eli Pcchany, Field SecreFederation and! Israel's e c o n o m i c development tary of the Midwest Section, is coU.J.A. drives, nndj projects." ordinator of the Institute. numerous com inunal causes. Morton Kirluirds Servo Under Ciintor Richards-will serve under Eddie Cnntor, Hollywood actor and humnnlturinn, who is national chairm a n of the Builders of Israel. Builders are p e r s o n s or firms which buy $3,000 in Israel Bonds this year.. "Although Israel has made remarkable progress with the help of Israel Bonds, its economic structure faces severe strain as a result of the renewal of mass immigration." Cantor said. "The Israeli government must build 3,000 housing units a month for the balance of IDS!). The cost o< one family unit is $.'5,000. Special Israel Bonds in that denomination have been issued, known as Israel Housing Bonds. I am confident Omaha again will play Its part in setting the pace this year," Richards asserted.
Workman Circle To Meet In Lincoln
The annual conference of the I'sruci—A warm welcome awaits limited her activity. Her parents Workman Circle Midwest District, eight-year-old Lea Fikslcr of Mos- carried her on their backs to Sunday and Monday, September liav Meiron, who requires urgent school to avoid any undue exer- 6-7 at the Lincoln Hotel, Lincoln, heart surgery, and her mother, tion qn her part. They took her to Nebr., will be attended by an Omawhen they arrive in Minneapolis, see Dr. Jerome Kaye, the U. S. ha delegation headed by Louis WitMinn. Their stay there is being heart specialist then visiting Israel kin, chairmqn; Max Crounse, arranged by the Junior Chamber several months ago but he urged treasurer and M. F. Goodmen, secof Commerce and the Minneapolis that she be operated on in Minne- retary. : apolis as the operation in Israel Jewish community. would he too risky. Delegates from Sioux City and Combine To Aid Father'A Tructorist Des Monies, Iu., Omaha and LinThe Safad Junior Chamber and The cost of the entire round coln, Nebr., and Denver, Colo., will its counterpart in Minneapolis, totrip and operation was an unparticipate in the meeting which Kethor with many organizations und individuals both in Israel and dreamed-of sum for her father, a will open Sunday at 11 a. m. tractorlst in the m o s h a v. The in the U. S. are sending Lea to the U. S. for an "open-heart" opera- Mlrom Hagalll Regional Council also found it impossible to raise tion. the sum alone and enlisted the aid Carried on Buck of the Safad Junior Chamber. Lea was born with a heart deAmong the organizations who fect which has endangered her life Jerusalem, (JTA>—Israel's Cabever since and has seriously gave generously were: Kupat Ho-' lim; the Scrcnl Fund of the Ru-inet has approved the Governmanian Immigrants Association; ment's delegation to the United Moshav Meiron; the M'rom Hagalil Nations General Assembly, which Regional Council; the Hnpoel Ha- will convene September 15. mlzrahi Moshav Movement; and Mrs, Golda Meir, the Foreign El Al, which hns donated the cost Now York (WNS)—Jewish teen- of the round trip for Lea and her Minister, will head the delegation, during tlie early weeks of the Asagers trained in Reform Temples mother. sembly, after which the chairare proud of their religious herit(From Jerusalem Post) manship will be taken over by. age, it was disclosed here this Arthur Lourie, Israel's Ambassa_weel< on the basis of a survey condor to Canada. Other members of d u c t e d by the Union of American the delegation will be: Yosef TeHebrew Congregations, The survey koah, acting permanent reprerevealed that 95 percent of the nearly 1000 teenagers interviewed Haifa (WNS)—Premier David sentative at the United Nations; stated that if they had a choice Ben Gurlon, returning aboard ship Michael S. Goinay, deputy directhey would prefer to be reborn from a brief vacation to France, tor-general of the Foreign MinisJews. disclosed that he held no political try, former Ambassador to Can• While there was some division conferences there. All bo did onada; Shabtal Rosenne, legal adon the question of dating non- his .trip, he said, was to "write a visor to the Foreign Ministry; and Jewti, the large mnpority of the foreword and a survey for the Ayrahdm Darom, Israeli Minister youngsters declared' themselves next Issue of the Israel Year to "Yugoslavia, an expert on Latin American affairs. • ogainst Intermarriage. ' " • > . • Book." '
UN Delegation
Jewish Teen-Agers Proud of Heritage
Second Class i'oMuj'e al
Kindle Cony 10 Cents Annum Rate 4 Uollais
Heriw Asked Washington,. (JTA)--Three lie to the United Arab Republic fofl publican Senators have asked Sec- Canal improvement. relnry of Slate Christian Herter to lA'tl<-r To Macomlior obtain firm guarantees of free The Senators were Jacob K. transit for Israel shipping in theJavilS, and Kenneth Keating of Suez Canal, before I lie United New York, and H u g h Scott, .State., approves a World Bank loan Pennsylvania, all Republicans. They reminded Secretary HerteV of a letter from Assistant Secretary of State Macomher, on July ,'t, in which Mr. Macomber said the U. S. executive director of the United Nations, N. Y., (JTA)— World bank was aware of developIsrael took directly to the Secur- ments involving Israel in the Suez ity Council its grievance over re- Canal issue. In light of this, the Senators cent United Aral) Republic violations of the principle of the free- noted that the Bank is moving fordom of passage through the Suez ward with consideration of a loan to the UAR. They told Mr, Herter: Canal. Yosef Tekoah, Israel's acting "We would appreciate your advice permanent representative here, as to what is being done to obtain sent a long letter to Armand Ber- from the UAR firm assurances and ard, of France, this month's Presi- guarantees of free transit: through dent of the Council, accusing the the Canal. Needless to say, we do UAR of "continued acts of piracy" not feel that money should be adwhich, according to the Israeli, vanced to the UAR for the Canal place Egypt "hi open challenge to without at least these assurances the world community" and con-in hand." stitute a " c o n s t a n t threat to Houso Hanking (Wniuittce peace" in the Middle Kast. Representative Seymour HalThe open complaint to the Coun- pern. New York Republican, also cil was made by the Israel repre- addressed a letter to Secretary sentative after many months of Herter asking him to consider the discussions of the Israel com- views of 13 members of the Hous9 plaints on the level of "quiet diplo- Banking and Currency Commitmacy." Mr. Tekoah and his aides tee on the issue of a World Bunk o.i the delegation have been in al- loan to the United Arab Republic most daily contact on the Suez to improve the Suez Canal. Tha issue since last February with Congressmen voiced opposition to Secretary General Dag Hammar- the loan because of lhi> UAH's skjold and with other ranking anti-Israel blockade of the Canal. Senate Debate United members-of the Secretarial. In the senate, debate was heated when praise for the Nasser rogimp's operation of the canal by Chairman J. W. Fulhright of tho Senate Foreign Relations CommitWashington, D. C. (WNS)— tee, drew opposition from other Leaders of major United States senators who attacked .Egyptian Jewish groups have formally re- discrimination against Israel shipquested the Soviet Embassy in ping, among them. Senator Scott. Washington to arrange a meeting Senator Fulbright said the Canal between them and Premier Niltita was now being run "efficiently." S. Khruschev to discuss the status Senator Scott Interjected that tha of Jews in Russia. Both the United Canal might be operating "efficiStates State Department and Rus- ently, but so was Hitler's governsian spokesman have indicated ap- ment." ...-.•proval for such a meeting although Addressing Senator Fulbrighl, no formal commitment hns been Senator Scott said that, as long made. as Nasser refuses Israeli commerA special conference of leaders cial transit in the Canal, he would of eight Jewish groups, with Philip not spend his time praising Nasser M. Klutznlck of Park Forest, 111., for bringing peace to the-Neaf past National B'nai B'rith presi- Fast. dent, as chairman, was established last week at a meeting in New York City. ' Concern over the situation of Jews in the Soviet Union and other Eastern European countries, New York, (JTA)—A contribumotivated the joint action of the tion of $150,000 to the Weizmann Jewish leaders. Institute of Science in Israel was Leaders of the Jewish groups, announced here at the annual din,vho banded together, are t h e ner for the Institute. The donor heads of Jewish fraternal, Zionist is Herman P. Taubman of Tulsa, and non-Zionist groups, as well as Okla. He made the gift in honor the lay religious organizations of of Israel Ambassador Abba Kuan's the three branches of Judaism— becoming president of the WeizOrthodox, Conservative and Re-mann Institute. form. It was learned that the conference would name a subcommitee to arrange the details for the possible meeting with Mr. Khrushchev. The subcommittee will be empowered to appoint those who Plans are under way for several would attend such a meeting. new programs to open the fall season in the Activities Department of the Community Center with the arrival of two new staff members this week. Seymour Seitchick who has asLondon (WNS)—Shipping ties between Israel and the Soviet Un- sumed his duties as Director o? Health and Physical Education, ion were reported to have been resumed for the first time since said plans were "shaping up" for the 195G Sinai campaign when the new features to be introduced In USSR cut Israel off its shipping the near future. An athletic schedlist, the Financial Times of Lon- ule will be announced soon, nlso. An invitation "to come in and don reported. The London paper discloses that an Israeli freighter get acquainted" has been extended recently unloaded a .shipment of to students in the community oy asbestos at Odessa and that addl- "Dik" Weiner, who has joined tha tlonnl sailings between the twoCenter staff, as director, of Children's and Youth Activities. countries have been scheduled.
Ssr&el Submits
Complaint to UN
Conference With Khrushchev Sought
Omniums To Meeting' Folnberg, R i c h a r d s , Mrs. J. Harry Kulakosky, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kntzmiin, and others will represent. Greater Omaha at the
Minneapolis Joins Efforts To Save Israeli Youngsler
4, Jiir.O
Contributions Made to Weizmann Institute
Two Mew Center Staff Members Assume Duties
Israel, Soviet Union Resume Shipping Ties
September 4, 1E58
AJ6 Moves Into
Council f
Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Omaha.
New York (JTA)—The AraerU • enn Jowish Committee todny moved 1(8 national headquarters to its new eight-story structure, which will be known as Institute of Human Relations, Const ruction of the new building, located at 165 East 50th Street, was begun last year and completed this s u m m n
Stc<nd CtQss Postoee Paid ol Omaho, Mebr. Annual Subscription, 14.00. Advertising Rotes on Application Publication Offlct—101 Ho. 20th Street, Orrohg, liebr., JAckjcn VM.
Religimis Services 6:32 p. in.
TEMPLE ISRAEL Services will be held nt Temple Israel this Fridny evening in the chapel at 7:30 p. in. ' BETH EL Sabbath evening services will be held at Belli El Synagogue, at 7 p. m. Snbbath morning services will begin at 9:30 a. m. The Wincha-Mnariv services will begin at 6:30 p. m. Daily services will be held during the week at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday mrvice "ill be at 9
AH friends nna relatives are Invited to attend services and reception. MAUVIN IKA BKAUN The Bar Mitzvnh of Marvin Ira Braun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Braun will be celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue Saturday morning, September 5. Services will begin at 8:45 a. m.
Argentina Dignitary Praises Israel Army Tel Aviv (JTA)—General Pedro Aritmburu, former President of Argentina, praised the Israel Army for the deep sense of responsibility shared by the rank and file of the forces. This, he said, resulted in a strong discipline which did not require the service* (o maintain an artificial distance between officers and lower runks. General Aramburu inspected Army units and saw Israel's leaden while on H week's visit to the country.
KIOITII AND KOKEY LEVIN Keith Levin and Korey Levin, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Levin, will become Bar Mitzvah at services at Beth El Synagogue, Saturday morning, September 5. CAIH, TEPL1TSKV Carl Teplitsky, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Teplltsky, will observe his Bar Mitzvah on Monday morning, September 7 at Beth Kl Synagogue.
JIM AIUIAMS BAIinr NADOFSKY BETH ISRAEL, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abrams Services this evening.(Kaiibalas Shabbos) 6:30 p. m. at Beth Israel announce the Bar Mitzvah of their Synagogue, S a t u r d a y morning son, Jim, and Mrs. Sarah Sadofservices begin nt 8:45 a. m. and sky and Mr. Jack Sadofsky 'anthe Junior congregation meets at nounce the Bar Milzvnh of their 10 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner son, Barry, on Saturday morning, will conduct the Saturday after- Sepetmber 12 nt Beth p;i Synanoon Talmud class at 6:00 p. m. gogue. and Mincha, followed by Shalosh S-eudos and Maariv, will begin at I'AKKY KOIIEIIT FKDEH The Bar Mitzvah of Larry Rob6:00 p. m. Services Sunday morning begin I"' 1 F o ' i e l '. s<"'n of Mr. and Mrs. at'8:45 a. m. and are followed | L o u i s Ferlf" W'H he celebrated at by breakfast and the Rabbi's class j l h e ' B e t h Israel Synagogue on S.itin Bible. Sunday morning Junior • urday morning. Sept. 12. Services Congregation meets nt 8:30 a. m. «'U begin at H:45 a. m. Daily services 7 a. m. and (>:35 p. m. Monday (Labor Day) servBirths ices at 8:45 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Krupinsky The weekly Talmud Study Group have, named their daughter, born meets Tuesday evenings at 8:30. August 23, Carol Lee. Services at the 19th and Burt Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. fitrcct Synagogue, every Satur- Milton Katz of Wichita Falls, Tex. day at 9 a. m. and Mr. and Mrs. Micky Knipinsky. B'NAl JACOB ADAS XESHURON Word has been received of the Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas- birth of a son, Jay Edward, to Ycshuron will bejiin Friday at 6:30 Specialist Fourth Clasj and Mrs. p. m. and Saturday morning at Gordon A. Elewitz at Michael 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 6:30 Reese Hospital In Chicago, Aup. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudoB. gust 26. Daily nervices at 6:30 a. m. and Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. . 6:43 p. m. Albert Oruch and Mr. and Mrs. Izadore Elewitz. Paternal greatgrandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elewitz, and maternal greatgrandparents arc David Flanchek and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice LipsJerusalem UTAI—Dr. Albeit man. Babln of Cincinnati, who developed Jive polio vaccine, is in Israel to Dr. and Mrs. Charles Hart of advise Israeli health authorities Kansas City, Mo., announce the on its use. The first experiments birth of a son, Richard Steven, with live vaccine in Israel have August 18. Mrs. ,Hart is the fortoeen conducted successfully in mer Miss Arlene Meyer of Omaha. two collective^ settlements. . However, officials of the MinisNews has been received of the iry Indicated that Israel does not birth of a son, David Matthew to Intend substituting the live vac- Dr. and Mrs. Paul Saltzmnn of cine for Salk shots as long as In- Park Forest, 111., on August 27. formation on the live vaccine is They arc also the- parents of a not. coordinated by the World daughter, Amy Elizabeth. Health Organization. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. In the experiments conducted in Philip Klutznick of Park Forest two Israeli kibbutzim, half of the and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saltzmaa thlldren were given live vaccine Great grandfather la Samuel Fellnnd half were given pure water. None suffered any after-effects, but germs from the inoculated HEBREW IJMVEItHlTV children spread and actually im- GIVES DECREES TO 017 munized children and adults who Jerusalem (JTA) —' A tolol of were not inoculated. 617 degrees, the largest number in the history of Hebrew University, were awarded nt the University's 29th graduation ceremony this week.
Live Polio Vaccine
Tested in SsraeB
Beth Israel Nursery School Opens Sept. 9
Place Your *'hJli~.tL U _ I!J the orientation program at tlie Nebraska Psychiatric Institute are Mrs. Itolicrt I.evine, Mm. Itohert Brown find Mm. Kntz. The need for volunteer workers at the Nebraska Psychiatric Jntitute, wan the subject of a sur,'oy made by a committee comed of members of the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women, at the invita-
Mrs. Henry Appel, Beth Israel Sisterhood president, has selected the chairmen who will head the organization's committees. They are: r / m e i . Sam Kotiman, parliamentarian; A! Sorktn, Sam Rcsensfeln. Sidney Katleman, Julius Hornsteln, donor luncheon; Marry Sldmon, Chanukah candlci; Marshall Katl, publicity; Michael Cohen, Harold Selrjel, table setting; Ben Kalmcn, Robert E. Lee, Maurice Katelman, Robert EndHmon, rjift ihop; Albert Friedman, membenhlp. Mmel. Max Vromkln, Sam Bermon, special contributions; O. D. Epstein, Role Epstein, luncheons; Henry Greenbero, Sam Bermon, book reviews; Barney Grey, Milton Cockln. telephone; Harry Lev/Is, conservation; Max Greenfield, Morris Appel, board notices; Sam Katzmon, Israel Bondi; Som Stone, Talmud Torah Liaison. Mmei Arthur Epitein, Oelmar Klein, decorations; Ben|cmln Groner, Arthur Parllmon, courtesy; Sidney Feldman, Frenk Cohen, Elliot Rubin, bakt sale; Ruben Ratner, Don Cohen, linen shower; Abe Bear, Home lor The Aped; Aped; IHarry Strtt. progrom: Frank Cohen. Vi'eterens Hospital; Sam Kaplan, administration supplies; D. H. Lewis, education. ti Mmej.. Sidneyy Kv/lalek. Leo Meyerson, Berman, Maurice Katelhospitality; .Sam Katel itlit S i man, nursery school; Henry Appel, Sidney r Katelmon, llodore E l t w l t l . representative to synagogue board; M. H. Greenbero, community cooperation; Ernest Hochster, motherdouDtiler banquet; Herbert Melches, B<n Mltivori consultant end George Schoplro, member at lor&e.
Deaths WILLIAM POLACK Funeral services.were held August 28 at Beth El" Synagogue for Willinm Polack, 61, vice president of the City Sanitation Company, who died August 27. Mr. Polack lived at 727 Parkwood Lane. Burial wkas in Pleasant HU1 Cemetery. Surviving are wife, Beatrice; son, Joseph. Omaha and two grandchildren. MRS. ROSE FXKIN News has been received of the death of Mrs. Rose Klkin of Denver, Colo Mr.s Klkin lived in Omaha from 1911 to 1938. Surviving are huBband, Joseph; children. Mrs. Joseph Cohen, Mrs. Sam Pitter, Mrs. Samuel Schachter, Denver; Ben Elkin, Hollywood, Ca!.; 10 grandchildren.
tion of the Institute. Members of the Council have been serving there in a vounteer capacity for the past two years. Bused on the Council's studies, plans are being made to ask representatives of all organizations to sen'e as volunteers. A general orientation program will be held September 9 at 10 a. m. in the Institute auditorium. The Council commit te making the survey included Mrs. Louis Kntz, chairman; Mrs. Robert Levine, Council vice-president; Mrs. Sidney Brooks and Mrs. Henry Riekes. Sirs. BCMI Deporto wisliot to thnnk nil her frlentln anil relaUvi'H for thrlr expressions of kindness and thoughtfulm-sii extended to her during lier rerent Illm-stt In tlu: hospital.
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The Beth Israel Nursery school will open its fair session, September 9 under the direction of Mrs. Elliot Brown and Mrs. Arthur" Ep»tein,
Classes will be held Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9 to 11:30 a. m. for children between three and a half and five years of. age. Information on registration may be obtained by calling Mrs. M. Katelman, GL 7063; Mrs. Sam Berman, GL5346 or the synagogue office, BE 6288.
Newest and Most Complete Line Cards for Friends and Every Member of the Family
1502 Dodge
en Till 1 P.M. Monday, Labor Day
Wilts*, September «, 18S9
to Leave Organize!ions Couple For Keris Soon
HADASSAH TO ENTEIITAIN JJEW MEMUERS The Omaha Chapter of Hadascah will hold a dessert luncheon for new and prospective members on Thursday, September 10 at the home of Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, 8543 Hickory. Mrs. Ray Simon, Chapter membership chairman, is being assisted by the following group chairmen; Mmes. William Raduziner and Jernld Raduziner of Henrietta Szold, Morton Richards and Albert Fox of Theodore Herzl, and Leo Rosenberg and Elliot Brown of Chaim Weitzman. Mrs. Meyer Rubin will conduct a question and answer period to help acquaint the new members with the projects and aims of Hadusstih. COUNCIL TO HOLD Plans are being formed by the Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women to entertain new *nd prospective members at a "Sherry Hour," Friday, September 11 nt 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Edward A. Rosen, 8016 Hickory Street. Co-chairmen for the event are Mrs. Mnrlon Somberg and Mrs. Mclvin Tatelman, who are working under the direction of Mrs. Harl Weiss, membership vice-president. The Council will hold its first board meeting of the coming season, Thursday, September 10 at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Stanley J. Malashock. 748 Sunnet Trail. Mrs. Stanley Her/off, president, will outline the events for the coming year. HARM BROOKS WILL KRVIEW "WIHTHEIl" Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will review "Whither" by Mordecai Zev Feierborg at the first luncheon meeting of the season to be held by Temple Israel Sisterhood, Tuesday, September 8 at 1 p. m. nt the Temple. Mrs. Sidney H. Brooks is In charge of the program and luncheon chairmen are Mrs. Norman D. Rips and Mrs. Phil Laser. Mrs. Edward Levinson will conduct the meeting and a board meeting at
Dr. anil Mm. (filbert Davidson
Arriving For Twin's Oar iifzvafi A large group of out-of-town guests are expected by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Levin to attend the services Saturday morning at Both El Synagogue celebrating the Bar Mitzvah of their twirl sons, Keith and Korey. Minnesota guests will be the boys' material grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman and family: Mr. and Mrs, William Hoffman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Halper and furmly, all of St. Paul; their paternal grandfather, Sam Levin; Mrs. Florence Goldman, Miss Betty Levin, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lebousky and family, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Levin and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Goldman, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levin and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Fienberg, all of Minneapolis. Arrivals from Chicago, 111., are Mr. and Mrs. Allen Solomon, Mrs. Marshall Segal and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Levin^Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jacobs. Among the visitors will be Mrs. Louis Greenberg and daughter of Norfolk, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Segal of Winfleld, Kans.
Dr. and Mr*. Gilbert Davidson are s p e n d i n g a week visiting friends and relatives in Omaha and Council Bluffs, la., prior to their departure for Paris, France. Dr. Davidson, son of Mike Davidson of Council Bluffs, has been awarded a Fulbright fellowship for a year's research in nuclenr physics at l'Eeole Polylechnlc|iie In Paris. He received his Ph.D., from the Massachusetts Institute of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Plnkovitz Technology In August. will leave Sunday for St. Joseph, The Davidsons will nail from Mo., where they will be tho guosts New York City on September 12. of their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Polsky. They will celeISRAELIS NOT ATTRACTED brate their fortieth wedding anniISY FRIVOLOUS FILMS Hollywood, Cal. (JTA)—Israel versary on Monday with the Polis something of a problem to sltys. American film producers, accordPntronlzo Our Advertisers ing to Robert E. Blumhofo, vicepresident of United Artists.
Family Celebrates 50flt Anniversary of Rev., i r s . Oendfer The golden wedding anniversary of Rev, and Mrs. Arthur Gertdler was celebrated Sunday at a family cocktail supper in their honor at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alperson. Out-of-town guests wcra Morris Poltz, Sam l'eltz, of Chicago, brothers of Mrs. Gendler; Mrs. Isaac Nagorner, Mrs. Bernard Levine of Des Moines, la.; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Holdowsky of Sioux City, la.
CORNIU'SKER OHAITEII SQUARE DANCE The Cornhusker Chapter of B'nul B'rith Women will hold a scjunro dance, September 19 at the Jewish Community Center 11 a, m , • from 9 p. m. to midnight. Tickets Reservations may be made by may be purehnsed from any memcalling Mrs. Joseph Goldwaro, RE ber at a $1 per person. 7345; Mr*. John Tolle, PL 4755, or Temple Israel Office, RE 6636. BETH KL TO PRESENT "A WOMAN ON TRIAL" "A Woman on Trial" under the direction of Mrs. M. M. Jabenls, program chairman, will be protented at the opening luncheon meeting of the Beth El Synngogue, September 8 at 12:30 p. m. In the •ynagogue social hall. The cast includes Ben Kaslqw, as an attorney; Irvln Levin, prosecutor; Rabbi Myer 8. Krlpke, judge; Mrs. Sam Wolf, woman on trial; Harry DuBoff, husband; Cantor Aaron Edgar, rabbi; Mrs. Morris Brodkey, Mrs. Ernest Nogg, friends and Mrs. Morris C. Fellman a« sisterhood president, In charge of the luncheon under Ihe direction of Mrs. Harry Feren-
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'Freedom of Eilat1 Bestowed On U. S. Seminary President
U. S. Bankers on Israel Mission
Golick Is Chairman Richard Kasbw 00 Youth Commission Itichard Kaslow, president
New York, (JTA)—Senior ofI furry C'olick will be chairman ficers of leading American banks in ten cities left for Israel to par- of die Creator Omaha B'nai B'rith ticipate in the 19.">9 Jewish Agency Youth Commission set up to proBankers Study Mission, it was an- mo! e HBYO program and sel acnounced by Gottlieb Haintner, ex- tivity policies. .Serving witli him ecutive d i r e c t o r of the ,)ewish as olficrs art: Mrs. Stanley SimAgency, who organi/ed the group, j piru, vice-chairman; Mrs. Max • I i . ii i i i t o w n o! Dfi.OOO. Nov., he p l a n n e d T I , , . niesent mission is n a r t of -i •Sacks, recording secretary; Sam w i t h a p a r c h m e n t scroll by M a y o r ; | " l ' U H m " " " " ' " 1!> I 1 ' " 1 ' " ' Hahn. Financial Secretary; StewH. N e n n e r . T h e scroll n o t e d Prof, 1i s i / 0 l l ! l S 1 ) O e n s t e p p e d up to for 60,000, i coiitimiinsf p r o - a m be(,'iin in lifl'.i. art Gottlieb, Sergeant at arms; tall The griiiip, which is v i s i t i n ClnecU's success in i-howiiu: the. ! with a lfcommendatlon fluctuation of population in ill"; buildings, Ijnpluymenl • to be Israel ill the invitation of the Jew- Earl Siei;el and Mrs! Sam Pollack, Ncfjcv .and the Arava. These re-' provided by tin port, industry, "ad- ish Agency, will study the- cotm- senior advisors. trv's economic and industrial uVsearches "serve as eiicotira>;t*ini'iil The Youth Commission consists for t h e I, • | velopmeiil as well ns its iminh;ia- o.' the presidents and BBYO chairanil as yuideposts to r e n e w e d an< • hinterland" iyet to rise' l lion and colonization program. men of IJ'nai B'rith Lodges and settlement in the NCKCV today. During their s'.ay, members of the Chapters; presidents of AZA and Plans for development of Kin ill, I tourism. mission will lie given the oppor- BB(J cliapters; and their sonior Israel's putt on the Cull ol Akaba, tunity1 to observe the operations of advisers; and the following meminto a city of 60,000 flanked by the Jewish Agency in the fields of ber* at large: Mines. Marvin (111two major tourist resort areas is rehabilitation, bousing and - iigri- ninr and Abe Vender; Dr. Lewis under study by the town planning cultural development and to study Yager, Harold Zelinsky, Yale Truscommittee of the Ministry of the tin, nnd Edward Rosen, past BI3Y0 Interior. Amonf; the first to leave for the problems facing the Agency. All of the hunks represented! in chairman of District fi. Harvey Prof, l.uiyi Piccinato. noted University of Missouri at Columbia Lorbenbauin, Wisconsin and CornItalian town planner, provided in was• Marlene Swailz, daughter of this year's .Study Mission have co- belt Kegiims B'nai B'ritli Regions lh'' blueprints for throe major Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swartz, who operated with local Jewish Federa- Director, will service the Omaha functions for the port cily--an en- returned on Thursday to begin tions and Welfare Funds in refund- area. larged port giving Israel belter her senior year. She will be fol- ing loan projects benefltting the access to the East 'through the lowed s h o r t l y by her brother, nationwide United Jewish Appeal's resettlement and rehabilita- lUIICMA-I.HICAEL l.'N'IT TO Gulf of Akaba and ihe Hed Sea, i Clark, a freshman. IU'II.1) IIOMICS IN IllItMA as the administrative sent for thej Beverly Goldberg, a sophomore, tion program in Israel. southern Negev area, mid as n; n n ( j daughter of Mr, and Mi-s. Burma will get new lKjines, roads and bridges as a result of trade and industrial center. j H a n y Goldenberg. plans to leave KXIJIBIT OF XAZI an agreement signed recently beHis blueprints also provided for , soon for Missouri as will Marlene 1IOHROKK IN ITAI,i' two tourist areas. The Northern j Friedman, daughter of Mr. and Home I JTA i—Government lead- tween Israel and Burma. The agi-eenient sets up a joint tourist area is to concentrate on | Mrs. David Friedman and Lenore ers of the Kalian Jewish Commuhotels. Canals are to be dug to lead Falk, daughter of Mr. and Mr nity participated here at the in- enterprise — the Burma Housing seawater into lagoons or artificial Ifsaclorc- Falk, who will enroll as auguration of a special exhibit and Construction Company. The iwing the horrors of the Nazi Burmese will hold 51 per cent of lakes near each hotel, thus obviat- freshmen. concentration camps, organized by the shares and Its Israeli partner ing the need for all the hotels to the National Association of Po- U» per cent. be on the seashore. litical Inmates of Nnzi exteiTrtiimThe other tourist urea will be tion cainpK. EEilat—Dr. i l D Nelson N l G Glueck, l k i dent of the Hebrew Union College —Jewish Institute of fU'lif;ion, Cincinnati, O . and distinguished archaeologist, was made a "freeiniin" of Ibis ciiy in leccnl ceri-when he
south of the port and lie along the narrow strip of flat roast as well a.s inland into the hills, It will be intended mainly for camps, Originally. Kilat was to be a
First of Missouri
Council Announces Committee Chairmen
Austria Considers Claims Settled
of AZA No. 1 has returned from tlia H'nni B'rith Y o u t h leadership, Training Oonforaice at Starlight, Pa., whi'ic lip was appointed nieinlicrsliip chairniijii for District No. 108. Oinulinns representing tho Cornbelt Region at Hie meetinj; wera1 Kaslow ;is AZA delegate and Jniiy Pollack, former Kolianuc president, as HliC, alternate. Richard is the son of lien Kasknv and Judy; is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Pollurk. Joining Richard enroule to Omaha, at Washington, I). C, w;is his brother, Hownnl, who spent the .summer in the emplo. of Senator William Proxniire, Wisconsin, nnd will return to Yale University, as a senior, this month.
Mame Changed
Washington (JTA)—The name of the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs has been changed to American Israel Public Affairs Committee by decision of its executive board. Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein, chairman of the organization, announced. The chango was made to reflect the fact that the committee is supported by all elements of the American Jewish community rathOnd meonj vice-president'. V.tnc; itc*orl hUC'll PUriKlSCS Of !).>0.O00,00O SChlll- ! W l l e u n c l e n l TullV. Barton Greenberg. Gill Shoi>: Harold I ;,.„_ , , , „ . „ , , „ n . , r l ,,r u .l,i^li ) . • • ( ; ' " potterj'. er than Zionists alone, The comFarber. Mictey Krupinjk,, personatittd 5to-l'"gs t h e S i e j t c r p . n t of WHICH J u s . „ i t . m e d hi? cur round LM . lioncry; Aitrcd Vat. stationery delivery,- i ulre'idv b e e n "iven t o f o r m e r AAus-< > n n l u i n u i n i s c a r round, mltleo will continue to conduct 1 l u U j.rome wilder.- Etom c. Brodkcy, Monie!'"f-" -* " " . " " ,!".", i went h o m e to c h a n g e c l o t h e s and public action in Washington with Schlmmei Home for the Ao.ca Fund; Albert I t l ' i a n s . ( l t i n g a i l a d d i t i o n a l p a y - 1 . e .t C. n S O n l ( , , , , Pox, E. U o N003. Morion Slokr Scholor- „ , , ... ,,r C|-(Wl (l<Vl tr. d - i i r m n f c ' " 'OOlS, a i l t l M t U n i C d t o a view to strengthening friendship ship Loon Fund, jeroia Hown. 5am Good ""'"I «>' Sl>,000.l)0<l to c l a i m a n t s :j c o r n e r of Aliha of (he U>S. and Israel, and to counmon, ' Golden AIP Fund' //.o^ Wolfion - 'ihivfn! l-m K'i'\i\ f^n'i'iifm o n v f r n . • . . . » ., vw.u^ r* /\. i.i.» ' ' ( l O I O i l O . I M hillO IU I ' l l . I I |;U< v i l l i , , . , . . . r—. , , ., teract AIM!) lobbying against IsLoonord Lutrbeo, comp ',or ihp tinnd Fund, i . 1 j t i l l e l and l a l p i o t streets had oil chairman: SIdne/ lied Slocc-! , l il ,n_l , . i , .have . , , , i t , ,indicated ,.„„..„ Lloyd Priedmon, "Red Schwaru, siockimi-, i?59' over- lincuts to A u s t r i a . ,,,'-..• , . '', Vienna--Dr. Bruno Kreisky, the I newly-appointed Austrian Foreign j Minister, told the Jewish Tele- ^ H | " A H ^ @ C ii m m i 11 e e chairmen for Ihe i >? ra P llic A « enc >" , l h a t t l l c Austrian , Kamat G u n - A crowd of chilj Omaha Section ol the National! Government behoves there has < i surrounding a sewage excavaCouncil of Jewish Women, for U-en a complete solution of the j t i o i T s i t p h e r e the attention of providing restitution ! rol)lel 195i»-(W, have lx-.-n announced by j I' " of Aluf Moshc I L J S he was I for tho losses of former Austrian i its president, Mrs. Stanley now living] "living to his office at the Itfapai victim.of N a z i sin zoff. ! Central Committee H e a d q u a r t e r s . abroad. They are: .. , ., . , , I When he stopped to look, h e s a w cited the fund f o r i Dr. Kreiskv - ^ - " " - - ' ' " ' " ' ; " j . t.h a t, a_ ,b.u. l.l„d ,o' z• e. .r . .h .a.d. ..'u n c o v e r e d. Choirm«n under M r s . R o w n Levine. way way,: " ' • — — . .
Live Fish Market Koshor Poultry Killed Dolly
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J l l v
W l t h l inoichairman: 1»5»" odminljlralion vice -chairman; tlie.V e g . i n 11,,. r,r(,l,lem ' oil Sldne/Schwaru, , , . . .f i n . !a, „l ,l y, dli-0 - 1solved, . , . l,,,,,.,^,1 " a few hours, ll« nau i x ; i ( , | Stanford Lipsey, "Red Slockinii• lied 195VSIOCK! pro-! as duction vice-chairman; Yale Glniburo. Dovirl , unbroken jarsaway .Tivl turned up! .'._' cleared theclny earth from two Welnberg, Abe Feldmon, rummoae sole; t home- coins. j James Somuelion, Morcy Lrjiomon. rummo'ic I jolo pick-up; Solomon Schwartz, rumrnone Day an said he believed the pot-; late telephone chairman; Kurt Hirichinrjer, ' council honor pone; Ralph Cooper, //,r. and terj dated from the Canaanite j Mrs. bowling league; Bernord Ruben, hoke period. Part of a C.'anuanite come- \ sale. Choirmen under Mrs. Irvin Koirnon, ccm• ! tp.-v h ' l d n r e v i o n s l v tir»en f o u n r l in munity services vice -president: Mmcs. Sam. I . W a s h i n g t o n ( J T A I President I ' pr<viousr> net 11 l o u n u in ! , uel Zoctiorio. overseas interpre'er; Albert | Washington «f>snm|.,lon I J i A l - l!C.-.loeni (|,i K j n c a . l i e a d d e d . Goer, Golden Age coord'notor ond Home! E i s e n h o w e r has s i g n e d a special RUGS — CARPETING for "h* Aged crofls ond theropy project;:l , .,. , , ~, . ,, julia_ Jacobs, Omaha Hearing school; J/.or. Julia kor l u l l a d o p t e d by Congress t o e n a b l e LAMP SHADES rls Rottstein, David B. Colin, Children's We-' .,.. u-r-ir.l! <.M,1 hie -\<t ed father In FURNITURE mortal ShopCdiren and snock bar; | l i M Xsrar«ji a m i bis ag MorUn Hospital Klmmel, Gin Senior 5 Lounqe; to M t i n V/olfton, K l l bl'nd S i aclivlffci Clll co-ordinatcr; L b ;e r e u n i t e d i n this COIllltrv. Alan Cleaned in Your Home! Louis Kolr, Robert Levirje, Sidnci1 Brooks,' Holidays Begin Sundown Of Samuel iA-venslein of Hillside, Henry Rickes, Uiihra^o Psychlolrlc insMutc; = Previous Day. J. Milton Mcrpolin, Laul^ Cutler, Golden \ l^ew Jersey, came to this country Binding—laying—Repairing Afle; Nalhon Simon, Golden Aqt? reprci^n- , K , , . . . I . . ..f.,... r.rnf.lnclnti 01 ^V Rosh Htishonah ....October 3 Conclusion tatlve; William Koiman, Jules Shapiro, Home
Legislation Witl Unite Father, Son
Yom Kippur
October 12
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son; Sidney Brooks, Herbert Forbes, Rich- have not seen each other for 19 ard HUler, Robort Bernstein, Marvin Taxman- Julius Cphrt, United Communty Service years since both left their home delegates; Joicph U*H, v/ell Bab/ Clinic; Kevee Klrshenbaum, Morris Llpp ccmtnu- in Poland when the Nazis invaded nlty co-operotton; Herbsrt Welches, Morris that country. The son could not, Shapiro, ship-aba/, Chairmen under Mrs. Justin Monvltz, cd- umli>r existing laws, be admitted Uoction vico-prcsfdenl: Wmes. Leonard Jacob»on, board arrenqements; Ernest Prlesmon, to the United States because he program; Richard Martin, religious; Sidney has a tubercular condition. Brooks, scholarship award; Harry Wise, Sr,, social and state legislation; Seymour " Recently, Conftresswoman FlorHarold Zellnsk _ . . _ . . , . study group. Chairmen under Mrs. Edward Mofoshtrk, ence P. D v v y c r , h l i / a b c t n , N. J., public relallons vice-president; Mme5 Mour- introduced in Congress a special Stonle/ Molashock, p'jblicily; Holier! Ro!en- bill lifting the ban-against Harry blum, Jack B. Cohen, Bulfefin; Irvin Sherman, courlesy; Lloyd Friedmon. scropbook; Levcnstein's admission as an imB. Gilbert Aronofl, luncheon co ordinator; Berl Render, nollflcotlon cards; Leo Elsen- migrant. Now that President Eis8fatt. II. lluncheons; u n c h s ; Ph Phl'l Laier,, Alvln l Epstein, p , Ted "Cohn, luncheon reser ations; So'omon enhower has signed the bill, enactSchwartz, c h z , decorations. decoations. ing it into law, the Ron is expected Chi d M Chairmen under Mrs. Harl Weiss, memberShip vice-president: rWrnes, Maynard Flnkle, to arrive from Israel soon. membership Integration; Marlon Sombcrg, Melvln Tolelman, membership vice-chairman; Ted Rakle/, dues secretory for new members; Homer Forber, retention chairman. Additlonat member* of the board of directors are: Mmes. Floyd Perimeter, correPhone JA 1346 to Insert vour Wanl Ad In sponding secretary; Manny Krcltstein qnd Ernest Hochster, assistant corresponding sec- the Jewish Press. retarles; Lloyd Friedman, permanent plan, Role Is 50 centi for each three line Insernlno and evaluation committee; Sidney tion. Tho Press reserves th« rlqht to limit Schwartz, nominating committee; H a r r y sire of each advertlscmenl Welnberg, budgel secretary,- Harold Fprber, ouditar; Edward Levlnson, parliamentarian; New Year'H Cards Sidney Schwartz, Edward E. Brodkey, IInanclal secretaries; Sherman Sperling, re- BAR and Bas Milzvan congratucording secretary; Gerald Sernstlen, treaslations also for all Jewish holiurer; J. W. Horwlch, ex-offlclo; John Solomon, Louli Katz, Homer Farber. Lloyd days and special occasions. Friedman, directors.
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