Vol. XKXVII No. 1
Pubilslicct overv Fritfay, Wl N. 'Jllllt. Omaha. Nebraska. Pliono JA tauu
Smmil Class i'osUtt;*? at Onmtia. N'chi.
K\ni;\t> CIMIJI II) Cent! Annual Hale 4 Uullart
Overseas Aid
Mrs. Rips Will I^?HJ Women in
Mis. Anron Rips will be Hie chairman of the wniiK'n's divisidii of the Clrpiitfi1 Omaha Committee for Stalo of isr.-io! Homls. An .iddilional s'.i5,()(KJ,(i(ii) in c.ish In IJeiember J2lh., lor Her appointment was announced in itrgonlly JIW'I'''1 l i v " 1(? United presentution at the annual nulioutoday liy ilolierl M, Feinbcrg, Jewish Appeajf by year's end in ul conference of UJA in New. chairman of I he Israel ISnnils oroidei lo maintain aid programs of York," Mr. tVdei > ganization, She will succeed Mrs. its agencies, it: was slated by Da- said, "but the; Samuel Wolf, who headed last \id Fcder, PliiJnntlirople.s Pledge need for cash is year's campaign which broke all Redemption Chairman, as he re- so grave we ale records- of the oiglit-.venr-ol<l hispotted the beginning of a nation- urging communitory of Bonds for Omaha and wide drive for cash to start ini- ties lo have at • Council lil lifts. medi.itely in communities through- least one-half of Smv I-irai-l in Ji*i*>8 out Ihe country. their quotas by Her i n f e r f s t in Israel was November 2." One-Half Quota Nov. ?. heightened. Mrs. Hips .said, by her "The national goal should be "The UJA aid Ii)oH tri|i In Israel. "Seeing the tremendous strides in agriculture programs face a , find industry made possible l»y serious hamper- ' / ^ Israel .Bonds investments dollars ing of their ac- / / • / uas aij inspiration," the new chairtivities for lack David Viidrr man assorted. of funds," Mr. Feder deel.ued J.sraeJ Arabs living in the Gal- "Cash is desperately needed now Mrs. Rips was chairman of the ilee and in the Little Triangle urea, in order to continue, the urgent Women's Division of the 1'hilmiyiTj\, Aaron Kips which borders on Jordan, are now immigrant absorption program in thopies Campaign in lit.'vlr She is a member of the Belli Kl and Beth manager Gerald Schwartz have for the first time able (o travel Israel, us well us vital welfare and Israel sisterhoods, and tms served been added to the delegation which within their own areas without rehabilitation programs in some on the Jk-tli Kl lioaid. She is a will attend the September 18-l!0 permits.. This is the first of the twenty-five other countries, informer viee president of Hie Oma- National Kcoiiomie Conference for Government's relaxations of mili- cluding the United Slates." liii Chapter of Hadassah, and cur- Israel in Chicago. tary rule over Arabs living In Isrently is oi-chajrnum of the ,lcwGoal of the conference is to bring rael. ish National Fund committee for the cash side of Israel Howls .since A member of the Council of the Chapter. She also is a mem- the first issue was floated up to Tlrah -a village in 'he Little Triber of the National Council, for and past the S 100,000.000 mark, angle—Is reported to have said Jewish Women. Mrs. Kulaltofsky said. that what the Arabs wen- now ilfrn. KulnkiMky, llmiiirur 1'iiit awaiting was the abolition of the Meeting, .September 22 Mary Jean Belitz, former "Miss An organizational meeting for special permits needed to enter Omaha" and the 1<K>8 Stute o! Mrs. .[.Harry Kulaliofsky aciiiu will S'.-rvf us honorary chairman the women's division will he held the Arab villages on the border. Nebraska champion in baton and The new arrangements appear twirling will instruct classes in ot tin? women's d i v i s i o n , She at Mrs. Hips' home at 1 p. rn. headed-the unit in 1951, 1!'~>^ and I September 'J2. Presidents ami at the moment to be working only baton und twirling at the Jewish JHLI'i, and for the pus! two years isruel Bonds chairmen of nil worn- in the towns and not in all villages. Community Center, scheduled to has lici'ii chairman of Israi'l lionds en's organizations In Omaha and The extent of freedom allowed is begin in several weeks. for men and women for Iowa. No- Council Bluffs have been invilcrT therefore still unclear. A Duschesnc college sophomore, taraska and South Dakota, Mr. I'Vinberg reported that Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gcrsluin. fo-chairjTii-ii of the Council Bluffs committee for Stute of Israel Bonds; Paul Vrrot. cxeeutiw director of Active program participation by the Omaha Jewish Federation, and all who attended, wasVhe outstandMrs, Vercf; and Israel Bonds area Appointments to the Federa- Mrs. Freeman's home. Future ing feature of the Teenage Leadertion of Jewish Women's Clubs for luncheon meetings, will be hofrl ship Institute at Camp Horner, the ,1.O5!M;O witxou Were announced on Thursday noons, November 5. 111., members ot the Omaha delegaby Mrs. Mike Freeman, president, January 7, March ','>, and May. 5. tion, reported on their return, at the organization's last meet- The- November meeting will tuke Monday. place at "the Jewish Home for- the ing "Tiie camp conference was a Aged; all the others will be held Project C'Muiriu.rn at the .Jewish Community Center. wonderful experience."-Edwin SidNamed were: Bonds of Israel, man, Omaha Youth Council presiV,'ashini;ton, U. C. (WN.Si -SoOierli Community Calendar dent, declared "because it gave viet Premier1 Nikila Khrushchev Mrs. .1. Hiirry Kulaliofsky; CenA Club Calendar was distributed will not meel with American .Jew- ter ffospitnlity, Mrs. .lake VVine; to all those present indicating hol- everyone a chance to participate ish leaders on his visit to tlie Unit- Children's Memorial II o s p i t a 1, iday dales, special events and fully in the'programming." Sided States, it was intimated hero Mrs, Krnest A.. Nogg and Mrs. women's organizations board and nian was selected as chairman of by Soviet sources who said thai Hubert Sonmicr; E m c r K e it c y regular meetings. Mrs. Joe Guss, a discussion group. Among the other Omahans who (ho Moscow government was latt- Drives, Mrs.J Albert Fox; Histor- Calendar Chairman, stressed that ini; the JIOSUMH' that then- is no ian, Mrs. I nul /Bloteky; Jewish organizations should cheek the al tended, Stephen Gnss-and DougJewish problem in the Soviet Un- Home for Aged, Mrs. Max From- community calendar by calling the las Platt worked with discussion Itin; Library, Mrs, Sam Katzman; groups; Naomi Rothenberg •'and ion. . , Luncheon, Mrs. Harry Wise; Na Center before setting any definite Susan Spcier helped coordinate The disclosure was made against tional ('(inference of Christians dates for events being planned. the- background of reports that and .Jews Auxiliary, Mrs. Harry The following are 1959-fiO Fed- the dramatic presentation of Sun.American Jewish orK'mizatinns Wigmlsky; Needlework Guild, Mrs. eration of Jewish Women's Clubs day night which climaxed^ the were seeking to meet with the- So- Dave Cohn; Parliamentarian, Mrs. officers: president, Mrs. M i k e week's activities. The Youth Group was accomviet Premier when he arrives here Henry A. Newman; Pledge Ite- Freeman; first vice-president, Mrs. for talks with President Kisen- demption, Mrs. Morton A. Rich- Lloyd Friedman; second vice-pres- panied by Dik Welner. Centeihower. . .. ards; Programming, Mrs. Louis ident, Mrs. Harry Sidman, and Ymtth Activities Director. The InDisciimUiutlon l),iiliil Katz; Services to Armed Forces, secretary, Mrs. Robert II. Kooper. stitute.was conducted by the National Jewish Welfare Board. Al the same time it ivus report- lire. Joseph Freeman; Telephone, ed that Radio Moscow, in an V.wv,-Mrs. Nathun Turner; Veterans Jish-languMRe broadcast li> North Hospital. Mrs. Abe Hear; and America, said that all reports Welcoming, Mrs.. Arthur H. GoldaJioiit discrimination against Jews stein. Tel Aviv.(JTA) The Mlviach, in the Soviet• Union were nothiui; Affiliated Or(;;it!l/.;vt|olls Jerulnsem fJTA) — The Jorone of the two frigates sold by but falsehoods since Jews in IttisThe Women's Federation is com- tsracl to Ceylon, is now officially danian Government was reported sla "are c'l'ial members of our so- posed of 14 community organizaciely and they are. very useful, tal- tions. The organizations, their in the hands of the Ceylone.se to be concealing the discovery in enlod ntcmbeis." The announcer presidents und appointees, respec- Navy. In a ceremony in the Bay the Old City of Jerusalem of arof Aden, the Israel flag was low- chaeological remains dating to the said the broadcast was designed tively are: as nn answer to some elements ' n Bel" El Synoooauo Sisterhood, Mines, AAor. ered, and the Ceylonese standard period of Uie.Juile.in kings (Ninth C. Fellman, Ervln Simon; Beth Isrocl was raised aboard the Mivlach, as Century 13. C. K. i. It was reported New York who are anxious to dis- rl> Sltlcr/iood. Mm".. Henry Apnvl, Haitian H. cuss with Premier Khi'uslicliev GrcenWo, Morals Appel; Olkur cftollm So- the transfer of the fighting ship in consular circles here that the ctclv Mma. Jake Wmc, Pttllin oatl; B'nol discovery was made when work"recent charges in the American B'rllfi Nebraska Chapter No. 346, Mrs. wit. was completed. Stono; O'nol O'rllh Wonjky Chopler No. The Mlvtach and its sister ship, men were repairing the. floor of press that Jews, notably writers llam 470, Mines. JuMo Jacobs, Chorlesr stern; HorSrnlllt; B'nal O'rHh Cornhu ,ker Chapter the Miznak, were sold to the Cey- the Mosque of Omar (the Dome of and people of culture, have been ry No, 103!, Minn, Worvln Gorbtr, A)\a" Sicoel; and are being purged" in the So- DrandefJ University. Hotlonol Women s Com- lonese Navy, but. remained in the the Rock), the traditional site of mlllec/ Mmes. ,M. A, Borcovlcl. Keith Gulf of Akflba harbor al Kilat Solomon's Temple, in preparation viet Union- The broadcast made » Sagnd«>; Hodauph, Omoho Chaplei". Mmes. the ceylonese hesitated for the Moslem holy month of HaOrccnbi»rg/nVfncn Delman; Ladles Freo while sweeping denial, de'clm-infi Unit Max Loan Society, Mrs, Som Klaver; Mluochl W ) Mmei, MOK Arbitman, Ben Ben nandlcr; nandlcr; about .sending a crew toEilat to madan. K are open in Moscow', Worne/* OK Arbitman, Mmei, C o i l ot i s h W o m n Mmos. Mmos take over the ships, because the The Jordanian authorities are ot JJewish WomenCouncil O , Lvov and other cities, that Nallonal Hoaoft, Loulj Soaolow; Pioneer Stanley said to have suppressed the news Btute stores Ktoclt Jewish foods und Womci'i Mmej. Atlllan t, l b „ JJacob United Arab Republic frowned on W ' chwart; Temple Temple II, D.. Schwarti; the deal. Now that the ship has of the find to avoid possible politiFcldmon, I, D D 00 thai many "Jews, such af» Mikhail Fcldmon, 0 0 ^. AAmes. Edward Levlnson, Slstorh S l t hFeilman, ^ AAes d r d and Levlnon Paul E Veret; wor Israel been transferred, some of the Is- cal complications which would reBotvirilk, world chess champion, E. Loon Cil Auili Circle Auiliary, raeli sailors are staying nboard the sult from requests for access to and YurlFaler, conductor of the Samuel ue Ormjleln. Mivtach to help train the Ceylon- the holy site by various religious Bolahol Ballet Orchestra, were Chairmen m'ade their reports at ese authorities. ' crevv to handle the vessel. a prominent In Russian life today.
Arabs Travel Wilhoul Permits in Israel
g Affect (ifld.won Tci'suns The..:5.:s.">,00(),ri00 nationwide UJA cash goal is sought to maintain piograms affecting some GOO.OOQ me;/, women a"mf children in Israel and 2~\ other count vies. Wmost 100 000 of this number are Jw$ migrants of recent yi-urs lo Israel, where .some 30,000 immigrants of. the past few months need initial absorption help and where moro than 350,000 immigrants of previous years need housinj; Snrm set'ilement aid and continuance o( programs of help for aged, handi- . capped, chronically ill, and youttv C'asli Needed to f'olitinur "A Kreul deal of progress has been made in carrying «ui Ihcse aid programs," Mi-. Feder pointed out. "But all of us Icnou' I.Mat the. end of need has not been reached and that there is much more that remains to be done.-Cash and cash alone enables us to continue."
Baton and Twirling Classes For Girls Planned at Center
Youth Group Report Institute Experience
With taish iroups DouMful
Frigate Transferred In Israel Ceremony
tho season's opening meeting
'Finds' Reported on Historical Site
Miss Belitz has won many tvanots in twirling and baton acioss towa, Nebraska. Illinois ind Ooloiado including the Western Stales strutting and two baton championships and the World-Hera Id W.igon show championship. Classes will be held on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 1 IS p. m to ."5:15 p. m. for gills between the ages of seven and eighteen Girls and their \wionts \\l\o uva interested should contact immediately Cy Seilchiclc, Director of Physical Education at the Center by calling JA 13(>6 Clabses will bo limited in ordei to piovide plenty of individual altenlion for each of. its Ynembri *> JV1.1V SHII'M.Yfi LINE Jerusalem UTA.I ,\ no* shipping line has begun operations between the Israeli poll of fc'ilat and Kast and South African ports. A, "J,"00-ton freightei operated by the line made its fust call to the Israeli port-this week-end
Arab Split on Palestine Issue
CaKahlanca—Secret discussions on the Palestine contioicisy took place ut the thlity-socond. Arab League session here on Wednesday. A split, appeared net ween Palestinians supporting the Lcbtmfcsfe proposal to "create a Palestine State, outside Israel find Jordan's demands to create a Mi idovv Government and ap ,urnv based on Jordan. Tunisia and Iran " I V "ot icpresentcrt at the confeienee, despite the approval of a motion submitted uy United Arab Republic expunging a minute ivoni t\\e pre\i\ous meeting criticising thcie Slates, and !be dispatch of telcgiums to President Bourgib.i and General Ka.ssem inviting them to Cano The Moroccan rleles.ite called for a summit meeting of the Arab leaders' to discuss the changes in the structure of the Aiab League to meet the requirements of changing times. The only geneml .igi cement shown at the meeting is the rejection ot J/lv. Dag i t o w u E t joeld's plan for the integration of tho Arab defugees In Arab countries.
Friday, tjrptember 11, !»»•
r»ge Two $ „
getoisl) Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Second Class Fostoge Paid at Omoha, Nebr. Annual Subscription, S-J.OO. Advertising Rates on Application. Publication Office—101 No. ?01h Street, Ornoha, Nebr., JAckson 1366.
Brandeis Gommiffee Chairmen Appointed
New Dance Studio Opens
A new danee studio Jmn hten The board of the OJimhn Sec- opened at 109 So. 2-1th stieet by lidii. BrmuU \s Univeiftily Nation- Henry DankowsUi, whose oareet al Woinr-n's fomniilt^p, will fof* in; >\ dancer, includes appearing KlDDCSHl.M: Mr. and Mrs. Editor Hairy Wi|:odsky nn occasion of Ciif-sts of ihcir prohirlcnt, Mrs. M, with I ho Ice C'apiides, Ballet Ilus.se 4."ith wedding anniversary. .Mr, A, B c i i - o v i c i , jit h e r IIMIUO, VyV.i'J de Monte Carlo and In the movies. Neui and nap[iru!ncft at TIIB Dr. riilJlp Slier Jmlili llumi l«r Tb« i t e d b j Oailn (Iri.oiv.
Jacob Shapiro on Yahrwit of his
mother, Kstlier Rachel Shapiro. Moudjiy, S c p t c n i b c - r M , ;tt 10 ;\. in. .Mrs. Sarah Silver on Yiihr/eit of Mis. Brrcovid ;auioiiiic. l ^f'l tlic William Stone, Omaha insur- !soii,-Cy Silver. Jack Sadolsky on .*ipr><jiMfnu>nt of the following comj Yalirzeit of father, Israel Sadufance man, will be installed as Holidays Begin Sundown Of mil to** cliMirnicn: I president of Nebraska Lodge N'o. ky. Previous Day. !,f.n\ci. Han y Rorfiinaii, fouitc'.y; Mvrcn r SI'IOCI.M, (ill'TS: One hundred WfliJrf, tjCjk fund; f/tiy ,>nmn, Wufiny MI5, H'nai P/iith, Wednesday. fto.sh llashonali ....October 3 Kftt^lcin, t>u!lft»in; Kt-Hh SfiunUers, cemYom Kippur October 12 September 1(1, at 8:30 ]>. in., at ,a>es of potatoes from Sam S. niun.l/ rooperoticit; UtUHitd KcjpkJn, riectro.Steinberg of Omaha Potato Mar- IICIIL; HeuticM fir: own. hiiforkm; Clorencc the Jewish Community Center. tScrnmtjn, Doviti f rtkr, J. J. f-nrrimtjo, h;nj Dr. Abe GreeiiWrK, former pres- ket. Many packages of sundries plluhly, M. A Vcnricr, Joy tAulmhntk, lunc.lv Leo Eiicnjiall, //iltLn lefir, memlident of District No. 6, will in-tall Irom Philip RiiDjlc of Hamilton tori'i; t";IIIt![<-lit-;li*''JR. <>:'-! I1- >». bcrtfilp, Abp Crccdl.crfi, t)J /cilkin, life Max Rcizbaum's j Pharmacy. Furniture from Mr. mpmbcrtliiu; tAorH-y Zfpyi tky, Donald Nca'l, |Stone and other officers. pfotjromi; Danny f' fifirl, prinii'ig. B'NAI JACOB ADAS I Stone )i;is served as program I ami Mrs. Harold Cherniack. Black- Mfncs. David R: Cohort, iiyblifjf/; U H. Dov/nfov/n Tailor Shop Crcenbcry, study uttrnp; Som Roffmon, Rt-uj (.bailin in ind fust \K< piesident stone Hotel. Drown, Thfudcre fjpwfiinn. the fA\y.c\ BOAT KIDK: Fourteen of our i:en SPECIALIZING IN MEN'S AND Services .'it B'nai Jacob-Ad is ol the lodi,e is a i m i n h i i of Ihe Rose Grodih'.k^ tmd f;un Grc(Jm->,y, //.nics. Ht-nry Ncivmon, Rcoert Kcofier, residents accompanied by lour t:inc,\ LADIES 1 ALTERATIONS Yesshuron will begin Friday ai b iO f Yeshuron A, (JcfKi, /.'.orrii Grossman and Suni~ ' P I tins Slnte Kenurses, attended the Council (if ucl V/c-lf, bcorU of (jovtrnori. Sd p. m. andd Saturday morning at gion il Advisory Jewish Women outing on the MisOld Doublc-Brcajted Suitl S:30 a. m. with Mincha at 6 SO B o a r d of the souri Kiver. They had a wonderful Converted Into Births p: ni. followed by Shalosh S'eudos Anil I) ( f a m a- time. New Singlo-Brcaitcd SiyU Daily services at 6:30 a. m. and Mr. and Mrs. Jerald I.. Katletion I e i^ue and V.MIKZDIT: Special memorial 6:45 p. m. SUITS MADE TO ORDER b is t ik< n p a r t in sen ires for the following, the an- infin, former Omahans. now of Park Forest, 111., have named Cleaning and Pressing, "'TKMI'LE ISKAKL C o in rn u n i t y niversary of whose dealb came their daughter, born, August 21,1 ( nest ind Red during those days in the month of Services will be hold at Temple 323 So. 151 h AT 8445 Belli Ann. They have Jinolhr-r ~~\ \f y t loss r unpaigns. Kin) 1 September 4, Dorothy Israel this Friday evening in the daughter, T.aura Jane. Milder; Klul 2-• September 5, Morchapel at 7:30 p. m. l***"'^ ' Othu officers (irandparents are Mr. and Mrs. to be installed ris Grossman; Klul 3—.September Sam Beher of Parlt Forest, formBKTH El, mclud' Al Zwer- 6, Bertha W. Grcenberg; Klul 5— er Omahans and Mrs. David KatleHarry1 Sabbalh evening service* will be \ ' ling fust vice- September 8, Hannnh Solig; Klul man, the latter who reltirneil last held at Beth El Synagogue, <it 7 Ullllim Stone piesiduit Phil 19 - September 22, Mrs. Yehudas Live Fish Market p. m. Sabbath morning services Smith, second vice-president; Dave Sicgel: Klul 23—September 20, week from a visit in Park Forest. Great grandmother is Mrs, BenKosher Poultry Killed Daily will begin, at 9:30 a. m. The Min- [Dvorkin, t h i r d vice-president; Rebecca Glassman Epstein. jamin Greenfield. cha-Maariv services will begin at AT 4977 1314 No. 24th j.MeUin Brown, recording scere6:15 p. m. ! tary; Dr. Murry, K. Simon, finanCertified And Approved by Rabbi Daily services will be held durDr. Leon Thorn, Pr»*idonf, Ameriing the week at 7 a, m. -ihtl 7 p. m. j cial secretary: Al Hoffman, trcascan Academic Rabbit Allocation The Sunday service will be at 9 : urcer; David Bleiclier, chaplain; As in previous years, a person Joe Upton. Morris Franklin. Abe of New A mode am, and Rabbi S. a. in. will be present. u\ B'nai JacobBaer and Max Sucks, trustees. Wdllcin of ihr Orthodox Rabbit AsPleasant Hill Cemetery to offer BKTH ISKAKL sociation of New York City. Refreshments will be served all, prayers at gravesides on the SunServices this evening iKuhbnlas B'nai B'riih members in Omaha days of September 12-19 and 26 1 Shabbosl 6:15 p. m. at Beth-Israel and Council Bluffs an invited to from 9:30 a, m. to 1 p. m. For othSynagogue, S a l u r d a y morning the inpr-ting, er information call Joe Adler, WK services begin at 8:ir> a. m. iind FOR THE FINEST . . . 170K. the Junior congregation meets at IN PHOTOGRAPHY 10 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Gnni"r will conduct the Saturday afterPortraits All friends and relatives are noon Talmud class at (i p. in. mid invited to uttfiul services unrip Wedding? Mincha, followed by Sliaio^h reception. Commercial S'cudos and Maaiiv. wiil h('i-;in a! : i.Aicia' itoiiKitT n:i)i;it ! 6:30 p. in. Services Sunday morning'Virgin I Thf Bar Mil/vah of Larry KobTel Aviv (,1'1'Al- The Israel at 8:45 a. m. and. are followed by , ei-t Frdcr, son .if Mr. and Mrs. Government has sinned an agreebreakfast and the Rabbi's class in : Louis Fcdcr will be celebrated .-it ment with Frederic K. Harris and Bible. Sunday morning Junior Con- I Ihe Beth Israel .Syr,aj;oj.;ue to- Company, New York consulting gregation meets at 8-.30 a. m. Daily ] morrow morning, .September 12th. engineers, to draw tip working j Services will beyin at 8:-15 a. m. services 7 a. m. and 6:30 p. in. blue;irints for a new harbor at Scb (Subby) Pulvorento The weekly Talmud Study Group Asluiod, 15 miles soul h of here. | JIM ABItA.MS rneels Tuesday evenings at 8:30. INirl for Citrus Limiting 25 Years' Experience Services at the 1'Jth and Hurt UAICItY SAOOrsKY The plans will cover the first WHh Jewish Street Synagogue, every Saturday U a r i" y Sadofsky, son of Mrs. [ si.-iKf <>f construction of a port ID PHOTOGRAPHER .•t 9 a. m. Jack Sadofsky will observe his provide citrus loading facilities to Letfering and Memorialj Bar Mitzvah and Jim Abrams, son cope with Ihe increasing exports 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abrams, of the fruit from the southern part 2211 So. Qrh AT 2452 HARNEY 1044 will observe his Bar Milzvah al of the country. Cost of the initial HOItlUS MALKIN Beth • ' Kl SynajjOKiio, Saturday stage of construction is estimated .• Funeral services were held Wed- morning. .Septeiiiber 12th. ai S2(;,fi(i7.000 in local currency nesday morning at the Jewish Kuand -S1O.00.00O in foreign exchange. , neral Home for Morris Malkin, I'AI;L UOSKN Construction of the breakwater i.s 65 of 715 Park Avenue, who died . Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hosr-n nn- expected to begin next year, with FREE ESTIMATES Tuesday in a local hospital. Mr. nouiice the Bar Mitzvah of their completion of the initial facilities Malkin owned the Malkin Furs son, Paul, at Beth Kl SyiiiiKOJiiie scheduled for 19(i,'t. PL 5396 - and had been a resident of Omaha on Satui'day morning. Septfinbcr ISlirlal I'liicc of .lonab Commercial Residential 48 years. The location of the new harbor Survivors are wife, Esther; son will be near the site considered to PhiJip; sister .Mrs. Bessie Forel- STUAHT H.UITH ^ be the burial plac£ of Jonah. A and, two grandchildren, nil of The .Bar M i t z v a h of Stuart lighthouse will be built at Nebi Omaha. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Younis—the highest elevation in Burial was in Golden-Hill Ceme- Smith will be celebrated at the the area—believed to he the spot tery. Beth Israel Synagogue, Saturday where, according to the biblical ac- j morning, September 19. Services count, Jonah was spewed by the ISADOKK JKSS will begin at 8:45 a. in. whale. News has been received of the death, August 31, in Chicago, 111., of Isadore Jess, 85, father of thru the Louis Jess, Omaha hotel executive. Other s u r v i v o r s include four daughters. Services were held in Chicago.
Install Officers
Memorial Prayers at B'nai Jacob Ocmelery
idr hfifzv@h
Mew York Firm %® Plans fcr
John Kalina
Hebrew University Develops Antibiotic
Jerusalem (JTA)—A new antibiotic -against fungi—heptamycin —has been developed by scientists at tho Hebrew University. The new drug is undergoing final laboratory tests before being tested on human patients. Current tests are aimed at establishing the exact toxicity index and whelher heplamycin can be manufactured in large quantities at reasonable prices. , The search for"^ antibiotics against fungi has increased in importance because the success of numerous antibiotics against bacteria had created an imbalance between bacteria and fungi, the latter multiplying to-la dangerous extent.
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Robert L Chapmans Take Wedding Trip to Europe
Pace Three
Family Reunion af Shyken Residence
Mi-, nnd Mrs, Robert I-owiss Cliii|nn(in lffl for a European tour following their marriage, Sepl ember U at the Town (.'Jub in Denver. They plan to visit London, Paris, Geneva, Munich, Vienna, and Home and on thoir return will mnko their home in Onudin. Mrs. Clutpnmn, the former Miss Knyt1 KarJ.m, is the daughter of Mi\ and Mrs. Herman D. Kmiiin of Denver mid her husband, tlieKm of Mr. «nd Mrs. lsndore Ch;ipman. A- (jrtwn of whitu-elipped Onin1illy liiee was chosen by HIP bride for her wedding. Her veil held by « Chantilly Juliet e;ip had been Worn by her mother at her wedding. White orchids and stephjinoti.s formed the bridal bourjucl. Mrs. Ainu Upin of Albert Lea, Minn,, wins m a t r o n of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Synui Teitlcr, Beverly Hills, Cal,, .Mrs. .Mrs. Hubert I.. Chiipnifiii Emvnrd .Slraiis.s, Denver and the ftdlle and the bride's mother wore Misses I.isboth and Wall is Chern• Ink of Omahn. Altendiinls wore a gown of autumn pink slipper princess-line ROWIIS of rose and satin. tiny veiled headpieces. A dinner and reception followed Harold Chapman of Dallas, Tex., served us bis twin brother's best the ceremony. nifin. Ushers were Stuart Karlan Jind Kchvard Strauss of Denver; Alan Upin, Albert I.oa; Or. Kdwurd Davis, New York City; Louis fJoldcnhorg, Minneapolis, Minn. imd Lawrence Chapman of Omaha. Mrs. Chapman was attired In a Miami B e a c h MTA) — The Christian Dior dress of wine silk American Jewish Congress here announced that a new le|;al effort to halt the introduction of religious programs in public schools will he made in the Dacle County, which includes Greater Miami. A dinner parly was i;i\vn at 1 he Bernard Mandler, chairman of Hiaukstone Hotel for Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Kalz on Monday eveninc, the Commission on Law and So.September 7, on (he occasion of cial Action of the South Florida Iheir fortieth wedding ••inniVfTNnry. Council of the American Jewish HOHIS wi'ti' their children, Jack, Congress, said that, the suits conKatz and the .Messrs. and Mines. tend that the presence of religious Heni.'iril L. Weiss and Aaron Feld- activities in the public schools — including prayers, Chanukali and m.'in and six grandchildren. Christmas presentations, 'Easter and Passover programs, readings from the Bible and other similar practices all violate the Constitutions of the United Stales and the'Stale of Florida. The chairman said the suit is an innovation in the field of separation of Church arid State litigation because it does not concentrate" on a single sectarian practice but seeks to end a variety Do you want a complexion such actions. radiantly alive—g l o w i n g with dewy freihneii7 You can count on our facial cxMm. Hum Novuk WISIK'K In porf to keep your iltin lovely thank her many friends and • Iw.y.. relatives for till- gifts, cards and flimern received while ulie WIIH lit in the li<i»pllal. She also wishes to express her appreciaBeauty Salon tion for the (ImlaliiiMS to the. synagogue, and trees planted 2531 So. M In Israel In her nnme. TE 1185
Group Acts to Halt Religious Programs in iiarni Schools
The home of Mrs. Jake .Shyl-:en will be the scene of a family reunion when the last of the anticipated visitors arrive. Spending two weeks with her mother are Mrs. Jack Kirslinet1. her husband, Dr. Kirshner ;md Iheir son, Daniel Simon of South Hi\c>, N. J. I.\pected on Sept ember 12 are Alls Shyken's .son and bis family, Dr. and .Mrs. Herman Shyken and children, .laye Michelle and /low-
art! Keith of St. Louis, Mo. The family recently returned from London, Kngland where Dr. Shyken had completed a tour of duty wiih the United States Air Force. He is now engaged iii therapy work at the University of Misouri, Columbia. Joining I he family will lie another sun, Norman of St. Louis.
Ex-Omahans' Son Wedin Wisconsin
Announcement, has been received from Dr. and Mrs. Albert Weisfeld of Milwaukee, Wis,, of the narriage of their daughter, Miss Terri Lynn to William Alan Nernn>erg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Nerenberg of Phoenix, Ariz., former Omahans. The wedding was lield August 2!) in Milwaukee. Both Mr. Nearenberg and bis bride have been attending the University of Wisconsin at Madison where he is a member of Phi Sigma Delia and she is affiliated with Sigma Delta Tan. Among (he Omahans who at!ended the w e d d i n g were the grooms, brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Eisenberg mid his great aunt, Mrs. Paul ICatzman.
Farnam at 36th
• i • i • f^^
Use the Want Ads 1o buy, rent or selj.
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Meet Your Friends in the Sir Loin Room After the Show Saturday Night FARNAM AT 19TH —PHONE ATLANTIC 1313 — OMAHA. NEBR.
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portraits of distinction
'Fortieth' Celebrated By Mr., Mrs. F. ECafz
Call RE 1317 Candid Wedding Albums Formal Bridal Portraits Children Our Specialty
Saturday-—Sept. 19 9 P.M. to Midnight Jewish Community Center
Duality Work at Quality Prices
4829 Dodge Customer Parking
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harbour, well known to square dance fans, will be the callers.
3-Speed Phonograph To Be Awarded Come Meet
Tickets May Bo Obtained From Mrs. Milton Loss, PL 0124, or Any Member
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff Let Him Help You With Your Clothing Selccliont Kilpatrick's Men's Clothing — Second Floor
Per Person
Omaha's Largest Dance Studio
Packaged Goods
15-Hour Lessons . . . . . $30 One Year for as Many Lessons as You Wish for Just ..$105
Special Discounts to Groups of 20 or More Special Teen-Age Dancing Classes Open Saturday, Sept. 12—Boys' & Girls 12-16 Yrs. Only $10 for 10 Weeks of Lessons CALL HA 5205 or DROP IN No Contracts to Sign Our Dance Director, Henry Dankowski, spent 3 yean with Ballet Rime dc Monte Carlo and played in 18 movici with juch starj as Bette Hutton and Fred Astaire.
In the Shopping Lane
7000 DODGE
Friday, September II, 1B59
Paga Four
Omaha, Bluffs Hadassah Delegations Will Attend National Conference
house for the D e p a r t m e n t Council Bluffs will ed States will speak at the open- of Experimental Biology a t tlio B1KIK CIIOLIM MKI-2TS HADASSAH ISOAKO i 1 at the -Ijlh annual Ing session. Other personages who SKI'TK.MBKU 14 The Chapter Board of Hadassah ! be ropri'seiitC' Weizmann Institute In Israel and The Bilkur Cliolim Society of will meet Monday. September 14, ; national com put ion of Hadassah, will address the assemblage are: a contribution to the Institute's l(i in SI. Louis, Mo. Arthur S. Fleming. Secretary of Central Kiuiovvmonl Fund were anOmaha will hold their first Titu- at the home of Mrs. Meyer Kree(September IS ie hold at the Shera- the Department of Health. Educa- nounced by Lord Rothschild at a lar meeting of the fall season on inan, fvllit Western a\c. Co-bos'sessions will dinner in honor of Abba Elian, Monday, September Mth at 1L':.'1O tcsscs u ill be .Mrs. I'nul Verei and! Hotel, -there. tion and Welfare; Dr. Knlmnti J. ton-Jeff ci son p. m. ut the Jewish Community Mrs. Harry Wi'tmisky. delegation will be Mann, Director-General of the Ha- former Israel Ambassador to the ! The Omalii Mrs. Ray Simon will leporl on 1 United Slates. Center Auditorium. Following the irs. Max Greenberg. headed by dessert luncheon reports mi all ac- tile, progress of tin.' membership and will incjude dassah .Medical Organization in Is|cut , chapter prcsk tivities will lie given by project chive. Mi's. Louis Kat/ will nut; group head Mines. Alice Heeler, rael and Dr. Moshe I'rywes, Assochairmen. • i line the final plans for the "Israeli liusiness and Professional; Sam iciate Deun of the Hebrew I'niwra Style Shmv". In the absence fit the ; Katzmaii, H liictta Sznlil; Sam !sity Hadassah Medical School. whichfor was Additional donors thehewffori August president who is attending the nai Kothcnberc;. 'heodoie Herzl and ; tiie purpose of raising funds to in- i t><»ii;il convention, Mrs. Morris RUG & UPHOLSTERY special event. j I'ICATS oi;ni:m;i> TO MAX \ Joseph Guss, "haim Weitzmali. stall a beauty parlor fur the use! Grossman, will preside. CLEANERS | Other Oma miis to attend will ! l)ISCItl.MI\ATIO\ of the guests at the Dr. I'hilip' i be Mmes. .1. I. Kulakofsky, Theo- j RUGS —CARPETING Sher Home of the Aged, are a s ' <»M.<; SIIAimVT (lore Sanford. iF.rvin Simon, Phillip ' San Francisco I W N S I Seven LAMP SHADES follows: Mines. Harry Conperman; ! The Kdiicaliou Council will bold Schwartz. Alf|ed Frank and Julius j secret fraternities with discrimina: FURNITURE Ben-ICi s e n h e r g; I. Goldstein its first Oneg Shahbal of the *ea- jNewman, jl | tory practices were ordered to George Kaplan; Abe Hoehman ! son Saturday, September 12 at the ! Cleaned in Your Home! clean house nt the University of !•:. II. 'ljjcjipennan. president | ' Sam Tarnoff, and Morris White ; home of Mrs. Abe C. Fellman. GS.'l jof Mrs. tin- Councill Muffs, la.! chapter j California. Issued by the Hoard of I
Omaha ;IIIC
I Parkwood Lane, ! sah. I!(will will represent her \; Kc;.:enls. of Hadassah, Hc'f'ents, the the order gave the frats i Tlie Council c o n s i s t s of t h e ! (lv SIK.S. lii:OOKS TO <' yearn "> which to clean up or Don Bernstein nrganizatioon jilt the conference. ] Chapter and Group presidents, proj r i s l t I()S • KKVIKW "KVA" ie accompanied In Mrs. mi: university recognition. She will lie A book review by Mrs. Sidney 1 grant chairmen, and members of jSaul Siivalskjf chapter education the Kducation. American Affairs, f Brooks of Meyer Levin's latest chairman, whijl will present a renovel, 'L'va", will highlight the and Zionist Affairs clepai tinents. port at the education workshop of opening meeting of the National! the convent iorjj. Council oL Jewish Women. Tin iciuorr iio.Uii) MI;I:TI\<;S The Honorable Harry S. Truluncheon meeting will take place j . The group boards of the Omaha »at the Blackstone Hotel, Tuesday, i Chapter of Iladassnh will meet on man, former president ol the UnilNewest anc j Thursday September 17lh at l'>:X September 15th at Yi:'M p. m. A • baby sitter will be available lor I p. m. APl'OI.VT.MK.IfT MAD1C j Cards fo those members who wish to bring i Mrs. Sam Shyken will be lios- -W. It. Lazafus of Haifa, Israel j their children. . j less to the Her/I Group with lias IXH'II nailed executive vice-1 Member . Luncheon arrangements liavej Mnies. Aaron Levine and Kd Simon president of t]|ie Ainerican-lBraeli { been made by Mrs. Leo Eisenslalt I »s co-hostesscs. Shipjiing Coinrljany. Inc., V. S. repand Mrs. GillK'rt Aronoff; pro-' The Weilznian Oruiip will meet j resentatives <]f the Zim Israel at the home of Mrs. II. Lee GendNavigation Cjpmpiiny, Ltd., of 'cramming bv Mrs, Ernest Pries-, man: and "table decorations by' ler. Mi's. William Alberts will be Haifa. her co-hostess. Mrs. Solomon Schwartz and her } Mrs. Harry Sidinau will be hoscommittee. tess to the S/old ( i r o n p. Mrs. Meyer Kosenhaum. vice-president, , will preside. Mrs. Max Frmnkin N. SKPT. l(i i will relate some of her personal The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers ; experiences in Israel where she Club will open the meeting season i visited recently. September lfi, with a d e s s e r t luncheon. 1 p. m. at the home of j IIOMIIAV DANCING Mrs. Kerl Korman, 5002 Leavenworth Street, newly elected presi- in.rn IUNNKIC DANCI: The Holiday Dancing Club will dent.. Mrs. All red Sophir, vicej hold a special dinner dance on Satpresident, will be co-hostess. All mothers of pledges as well as [ unlay, September Vi at the Blackcurrent m e m b e r s and alumni I stone Hotel. Cocktails will be mothers are invited to attend the | served at 7:.">u p. in. and dinner m e e t i n g . Reservations may bewill lie seiied at H p. m.
made by calling Mrs. Korman, KK 4334.
See the Omaha Area'i
Teachers Institute ! At Temple Israel
"COIT'KK WITH T i l l : RABIU" SKKIES ; The Congregation of Temple Is"You are a Jew" will be the : rael. will act ;is host for a renew subject title for the, coming ! ligious school Teachers Training year at the "Coffee with the | Institute to be held all day. SunRabbi" series. "Why Can't I Pray" j day, September K! at tile Temple, will be discussed at the first ses- iP.abbi Sidney II. lirooks,' an8|0n, Wednesday, September 10. at j ll 9:30 a. m. in the library at Belli '• »"Invited "«' fJ - to tile Institute have El Synafjogue. For sitter service j been extended to faculty members or reservations contact I he hostess j ol the religious schools of reform
Mrs. Jerome K. Cohn, WA » K . orj congregation in Kansas City and .Mrs. Norman Pred. AT <m>i. St. Joseph. Mo.; Lincoln. Nebr.;
Sioux Falls. S, P., am! Sioux City, | Iowa. ' . •• |
MIZItACHI WO.MKX Tlie Omaha Chapter of Mi/rachi Rabbi H, Horowitz, Director of"] Women will hold their first meet- Kducation for the National coming of the season on Wednesday, mission on Jewish Education of September Kith at the Jewish the Union of American Hebrew ;•'Community Center. The meeting j Consi.CKafions. A v i n s [ : k on "The will be preceded by a d e s s e r t 1| Major F.mphasis of Jewish L'ducaluncheon at 1 p. m. tion in Our Day" at the morning
session and Irving Levitas, DirecBETH 'KL WAYS A M I tor of I'.'ducation at Congregation .MEANS COl XCIL Iienai Jehuda in Kansas City, Mo., Forty circle chairmen will serve will address a noon luncheon. Mauas members of tile Ways ami ry L. Schwartz, Temple Director Means Council, of Beth Kl. Sister- of Education, will preside at the hood, under the direction of Mrs.afternoon session. Ralph NogK. ways and means viceRalibi Albeit . \ . Gordon, Regionpresident. The circles are under al Director of the Union Amerithe supervision of co-ordinators can Hebrew Congregations, who Mmes. Morris Brick, Joe Horn- has served as co-ordinator for stein, Barton Groenberg, Norman Teach Training " I n s t i t u t e s Wohlner and Robert Feinbcrg. throughout the Midwest, will atServing as circle chuirmen are tend. Mmes. Irving Schneiderman, T. i\. Rabbi Borowitz will speak at an Tully, Charles Kimmel, Alex Plot- evening meeting to be attended by kin, Charles Guss. Bert Render, the Board of Trustees, the reMurray Borden, I r v i n g Pomer- ligious committee and school room afttz, Meyer Rosenbaum, Norman mothers. Abrahamson, Robert Silver, Morris Koom, Milton Margolin, David Shukert, I. M. Tretiak. and Louis Hurwitz. Phone JA MA fo insert voui v/anl A0 in Mmes. Owen Meyerson, Albert the Jewish Press. Rate is 50 cents lor each lhre« line Imer. Feldman, Leonard Boasher;;,' Yale lion. Tho Press reserves thf riant to limit ' Gotsdiner, Louis Katz, Millard sire ol each advertiscmeni Margolin, H. Lee Gendler, Alvin Neiv Cards Abramson, Morris" Roitstein, Irv- BAR and Bas Mitzvan conyratu ing Forbes, Harold Goodman, Meylatlons also for all Jewish holier HaJprin, Harry Liberman, Irvin days nnd special occasions. Kaiman, Harold Kort and Ruben Meyers MPWR -itand 1502 Dodge -Marcus. .
Mmes. Ben Minkin, Abe Marcus, Apt. wanted or small house, Beth Max Shapiro, David Manvitz, Sam Israel District, furnished or unGeifman, Bernard Schein, Julius furni'ihc!!. Write I'>x 31,.'Jcwlsn , Press, 101 -No. 20th. I Stein, and Reuben Bordy.
HA 2554
--the feature of National Home Week September 13 to 20 Na lional Home Week will feature '10 new h o m o in tlie_ Oni.iha aiea dial have be n awarded Electric Nfcddllion;, tliu liallmaik of rlcrtiiial excrllcnci-. Wl crcver you see an Electric Medallion, you can be e suic tht- home is equipped to jffer thc. high standattls of comfort and conve ence possiblr with motlera ele. •tiic living. I'o qualify for a ^fedallion, a liouso mint h.ivc . MAJOR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES— —including liuiltin diclric oven and countor-lop range. 7 hex/* nujor apf>liAnccft are part of the original house—• not out-of-pocket emu to you.
LIGHT FOR LIVING— | i g i l t i n ,
ligntrd to enhance the. beauty °f intrrior drcorntinft, ai well ai for icicntificallycorrect illuiniflatlon.
FULL HOUSEPOWER— , o ptOvlde rircuin, outlets and switches for all tlio lighting and appliance* you u»e today— plui extra capacity for increase J ute of electricity tomorrow.
IAD l ' o w you o n livo better . » . electilc.illy—in an Electric Medallion Home. Sro special 30-page Medallion Home section In LIFE Magazine of September 14. E the 40 Medallion Ilomci open for impection dining National Home Week in th« haha area, Thc Electric Medallion is your asiurjncc they arc equipped to help you p better—electrically,