«. , , . . - v r T | M „ Vol. XKXIIl No. 2
Published every Friday, 101 N. 20l.li. it<i\,i\ Omalia, Nebraska. Phono JA 18liU CJMAMA.
lA'on CJria Edward C Robinson Tlir world |ir<-iuicrc of llio new cloriimmlary lilm entitled "Iirunf," tvriilen and produced by Lfon VtU. nutiior of "Kxodm," and slurring Edwanl C Roliimon, will lie held at llir Nulitmal Econoniir Coiifcrenre for Israel lioiid* in.r'.hiruKo on Saturday rvening, September 19• (irraiiT Omaha will have one Israel, Israel's laruesl banking inof the lijn;est delegations at the stiHilion. National Kconomic Conference for A special feature of the conferIsrael being held this week end at ence will be the world premiere of the Hotel Sherman in Chicago ii new documentary film on Israel under the auspices of the State of Israel Bond Organization. Heading the local delegation will l>e Robert M. Feinberg, Greater O m a h a Committee Chairman; Mrs. .1. Hurry Kulakofsky, Iowa, Close on the heels of the ChiNebraska, and South Dakota chaircago conference will be the man; Morton Richards, Builders kickoff for the 1939 campaign of Israel chairman; Mr. and Mrs. for state of Israel Bonds in Ben Gershiin. co-chairinon, CounGreater Omahu, i n c l u d i n g cil Bluffs committee; Sam KtitzCouncil Bluffs, at an organizaman, 19.">8 Greater Omaha Comtional meeting of the Women's mittee Chairman; Paul Veret, FedDivision, Tuesday, September eration Kxecutive Director and 22 at 1 p.m. at the home of Us Gerald. Schwartz, Israel Uoi'icis chairman, Mrs. Aaron Rips, 522 area manager. South 381b Avenue. Mrs. Itlps will outline* plans Israel's finance Minister Levi for an October 11 dessert Kshkol and Foreign Minister CJolluncheon at the Blackstone da Melr will discuss her bconoinio Hotel. . needs. Special sessions for MidPresidents and Israel Bonds west delegates, including. I o w n chairmen of every women's state chairman Abe D, dayman of group In Omaha and the Bluffs Des Moines, la., will Jie held. Mrs. who will he guests, will hear a Kulakofsky and Morris Alexander first hand report on last weekof Chicago, chairman of the Jlidend's historic Conference for west Board of Governors, will preIsrael from the local delegaside. tion. 'I'mr Chicago conference will-inAnother highlight of Tuesaugurate the fall campaign to sell day's meeting will be the mid$75,000,000 in Israel Bonds. It west premiere of a new, 12will nlso mark the,attainment of a new-peak of S-100,000,000 in'lhe niinute film on Israel's first total receipts from Israel Bonds 11 -years. Paul Veret, Jewish since the first Israel Bond issue j Federation Director, will inwas floated in the United States I troduce the film and report on in-.May, 10r>l. - I the latest developments in the In addition to the top Israeli j Middle Kast. Cabinet Ministers, principal speak- I ers will include Itubfol Abba Hil-| and produced by.Loon Uris, author lei Silver, of Cleveland, chairman | of "Exodus.'" of the Board of Governors of l h e | "" The film has Kdward G. Robin Israel Bonds and Dr. Y. Foei-dor, son as its star and will be intro chairman of the Hank Lcunii Le- duced by Air. Uris.
Kickoff Tues. Noon At flips' Residence
-Mrs. fleir Voices Hope inSuez Issue Sl. Louis fJTA)— Mrs. (Jolda Mcir, Israel's Foreign Minister, in addressing the Huclnssnh Convention here, said .she is "confident that the United Nations Assembly will do all in its power to KCC that Israel enjoys equal rights and privileges in shipping and trade through Suez Canal. She said "Ihe canal should be free and open for for all—and we think we arc part •of that all." The Israeli Foreign Minister nlso expressed the hope that "friendly European governments" will permit all Jews who wish to be reunited with their families to emigrate to Israel. Israel, she declared, is making preparations to receive an immigration of "large numbers," adding that, while IBrael needs large immigration, "'lnrge. numbers of Jews need IB; r n e l . "
- .••
•. •••.'•>
•• '•• ; i •-.-•
.•. • •
Second Class Pustaco Paid ill Omuliu. Nebr.
Mew Oen!er Program Director Assumes Duties This Week Boris Steiman arrived in Onmha this wt'olc from Seattle, Wash, to tuke charge of the Center Program Department of the Jewish Federation. His appointment was announced last month Iiy Robert H. Kooper, Jewish Federation President and Pnul Veret, Federation Director. As program director, Mr. Steiniun will be In charge of group work, education, physical, social activities sponsored hy the Center in the community for children, youth, adults and senior citizens. He will also serve as director of Camp Jay-C-C. "The Omaha progi-ani appears to be extremely Interesting with the many fine facilities available at the Center," commented the new director, "and I am looking forward lo starting the fall season and .meeting the community." Mr. Steiman will meet, soon with the Center Committee, whose chuirmun'is I-ou Canar, toiriup the program for the l!)!59-G0 season. Mr. Steiman was accompanied to Omaha by his wife and their two children. Their son, Sandy and daughter, Elaine have enrolled al Central High School. Mr. Steimau previously served as Program D i r e c t o r of the Seattle Jewish Community Center and prior to that in the same capacity in Vancouver.
Urge Soviets Invite Jewish Study lission New York (WNS)—The -Soviet Union was urged here to officially invite a representative committee of U.S. Jewish leaders to visit Russia for a study of Jewish life in the Soviet Union by American Jewish Congress president Dr. Joachim Prinz. Expressing hope that the idea of such u study might be agreed upon, Dr. Priiu said the mission would have the following objectives: to ascertain the facts concerning facilities for religious and cultural activities among Russia's Jews essential lo their survival us a national minority, to inaugurate friendly and on-going relations with Soviet Jewish personalities and to recommend ways and means for enhancing Jewish religious and cultural life in the Soviet. Union consistent with the Soviet constitution and the prevailing practices in Soviet, society. Reporting on his recent visit to West Germany, where'he was received by high dignitaries, Dr. Prinz said that anti-Semitism was not now a political force- in that country, but that us "u latent, dormant force, it must be watched,'
e iiogra To Be Released New York (AJP)—World Publishing Company plans to release on.September 21 nn American edition of the biography of the famous founder and organteer of tho Huganah, Orde Wingate, who was killed In Burma in 1944 in a plane crash. Christopher S y k e et who wrote the book, recounts 'Wingate's exploits In Palestine., Burma and Ethiopia. Because of the historic role he played in the new Israel, Wingate la a household name in theYlshuv. ... ••
Washington, MTAi — Praising he people of Israel lor having "created a dynamic ..ociely." President Kisenhower today pledged the United Stales Government "to strengthen the'already close ties of friendship and mutual undcrstandng" ''clwi-en the U.S.A. and Israel. Mr. Eisenhower's pledge was Voiced to A v r a h a in Ilarman, Israel's new Ambassador here, when he presented his formal lettors of credence to the President in a ceremony at the White House. Israel Seeks I'eace Mr. Harmnn, who during a pervious tour of duty in this country was Israel Consul General in New York, told the president, "To us, tin United States stands as a mighty nation whose policies are based on the sanctity of human life, and are directed to the Biblical vision of peace. The young St. te of Israel seeks to guide its development in accordance with this vision which has inherited from the ancient prophets. V. >S. I'lt'iised to Assist Replying to Mr. Harman's address, the President told the new Ambassador: "I am deeply grateful for the .sentiments you have expressed about my country's dedication to peace and our efforts to that end. Indeed, no nation is loo large or too small to share in the great task of securing peace in the world. In pursuing this cause, both
of our countries draw inspiration rorn a common spiritual heritage, and are guided by our belief in the dignity of man and the right of all nations to'enjoy freedom and independence. "The people of Israel, many Of whom have embarked on a new iff in new surroundings, hav» created a dynamic society, whose achievements iiVJJie social, eco> nomic and scientific fields hava .von widespread admiration. Tha United States is pleased to have assisted Israel in its economic dfl« velopments, and wishes every suo« cess in its endeavors to build & properous and stable economy. "As you undertake your duties •iere, you may be assured that tho United Stales Government will extend to you full cooperation in making your mission a successful one, and will work with you to strengthen the already close ties of friendship and mutual understanding between our two coun> tries. Mr. Ilarman is Israel's third Ambassador to Washington. EliahU It-iath served in that post two years and was followed, in 1930, by Abba Kban, who headed the Embassy here from 1950 to May, 1959.
Carolyn ECagati Will Teach Tan, Ballet, Acrobatics at Center
New York (WUP)--A survey on teenage gangs in the greater New York area has disclosed that not a single Jewish youth is involved in any of the gang warfapc activities. The reason given for this, according to the WUP reporter, was tha stability and wholesomenessVif the Jewish home and family life in [eneral.
Another new activity has been a&led to 'the Jewish Community Center's Physical Education, it was announced by Cy Seitchick, Director of Physical Education. Carolyn Kugan, a Omaha University freshman and Phys Kd major, will instruct classes in combination tap, ballet and acrobatic dancing. A complete dance curriculum is being offered which will include boys tumbling, modern dance and jazz. : Classes will be held from 4:30 p. m. to 5:15 p. m. on Thursday's for boys and girls from ages three lo eighteen. They may enroll by (.•ailing the Phys Ed department at JA 1366. . Miss Kagen has received awards at. various talent and television programs and has attended the the conservatoire of National Association on Dance and Affiliated Artists in Chicago,"to further her study of dancing techniques.
Meets Friday
iTsur Has New Post Perusnlem Yaacov Tsur, formoi Israel Ambassador to France, who will lip remembered by Onuihans who heard him speak here lust year, was named Deputy Director General of the Israel Foreign Ministry.
Single Coi>y 10 Cents Annual Rate- 4 Dolluri
Philadelphia (JTAJ—Five Orthodox Jewish merchants of Philadelphia have filed suit in the United States District Court here challenging the constitutionality of Pennsylvania's new Sunday blue laws.
Beth El School Staff to Attend Institute Four mem tiers of tho neth El School staff will attend an Institute'for Jewish Education sponsored by the Central States Region of the United Synagogues of America at Gravois Mills, Mo. during the week-end of Septe Tiber 18-20, Yale Gotsdiner, school board chairman, Bald, The Omahans making the trip are Miss Rosalie Cohen, Walter Feidnian, Mrs. Roberta. Milgram
and Mor,t Yndin,
.;. , ;,.
The Center Health and Physical Education Committee is meeting this Friday at 12:15 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. The meeting with committee members is the first for Cy Seitchick, new Health and Physical Education Director.
Baton, Twirling Class Registrations Opened Enrollments are now in progress for the baton and twirling class to begin soon at the Jewish Community Center. Mary Jean BelUz, former state champion and teacher of this year's national junior champion, is the instructor. Parents are urged to enroll their children immediately by calling tho Center Physical Education Department JA. 1366/
o Jewish Teenagers In FJ. Y. Cang Wars
Top Allotment to Arab Father of 16 Jerusalem (JTA) - The Ministry of Lalwr announced that the largest monthly payment under the new family allowance program will go to a ,'W-year-old Nazareth Arab with two wives and 1G children, all under 14 years of age. Each of his wives has given birth to twins. Officials said that the allowances for the 16 children will equal tho father's monthly wage.
Tri-Coti9inental Aid Proves Kate's Death Tel Aviv fWNS)—A Jewish "agunah" in the United Slates who was precluded from marrying another man under Jewish law I>ecauso she had no proof her former1 spouse was dead was released from her predicament as the result of tri-continental efforts. Leah Klimowski and her husband 1 were married in Poland. During the war they fled to Russia whore Mr. Klinowski was arrested and subsequently vanished. The woman subsequently settled in the U.S. where she launched frantic efforts to trace her husband. The path led her to Chief Rabbi Abraham Katz of Petar.-h Tikvah. On receiving a request Irom tho woman he contacted a group of Japanese scientists in Israel who were later to visit the Soviet Union. One of the. Japanese scientists made an inquiry at the Soviet Ministry of the Interior in Moscow and learned that tho woman's husband died in 1949. After Rabbi Katz received the death certificate he' mailed to American rabbis who declared tha
woman free to marry. , '.'
Friday, Beptcmbejf IB, ltttt
nstoll Published Every Uriilay by the Jcwibh Federation ol Omaha. S»cond Cloii PoilQge Poid ol Omono, Ncbr. Annual Subscription, 14.00. Advertising Rofc» en Application. WctKm OHIrt-10! HO. 20th Slrcel, Omoho, lltbr., JAckson 1366.
Mrs, Joseph R. Garland of ChiEditor cago, 111., president o£ Q'nui B'rith Women, District No. 6, will conduct (he first installation of the newly organized B'nui B'rith WomAH friends ana relatives are en's Council Wednesday, Septeminvited to attend *ervlceg and ber'23 ut 8:30 p. m. at (lie Hotel Paxton ballroom, Mrs. Hurry reception. Friedman, installation chairman, PAUL, ROSEN announced. Paul Rosen, »o;i of Mr. and Mrs. Officers to be installed include Ben Rosen, will observe his Bar Mrs. David B. Bleicher, president; Mitzvah at Beth El Synagogue on three vice-presidents, Mrs. Max Saturday morning, September 10. Krizelman, in fund raising; Mrs. Stanley Shapiro, program chairman and Mrs. Harry Sidmon, S'J'JJAItT SMITH The Bur Milzvah of Stuart membership chairman; Mrs. Abe Smith, son o( Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bear, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Aaron Epstein, treasurer; Smith will bo celebrated at the Mrs. Harry Smith, recording secreBetii Israel Synagogue tomorrow tary; and Mrs. Al Oruch, financial mornini!, Sept. 19. Seivices, will ne- secretary. K"i at 8 45 a. m.
Bar and Has IHSzvah
!i Candlelightlng, U-.09 p. »n.
BETH 1SHAEL Services this evening (Kabbalas Bhubbos) 6:15 p. m. at Beth-Israel Synagogue, S a t u r d a y morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. and the Junior congregation meetb a t 30 a. m. Habbi Benjamin Groner will conduct the Saturday afternoon Talmud class at 5:15 p in and Mincha, followed by Shalosh S'eudos and Maaiiv, uill lipgln nt 6:15 p. m. Services. Sunday morning bep.in at 8:45 a. m. and are followed by breakfast and the Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday moi nmg Junioi Congregation meets at 8:30 a. in. Daily services 7 a m. and 6.15 p m. The weekly Talmud Study Gioup meets Tuesday e\enmgs at 8.30. Services at the 12th and JBurt Street Synagogue, eveiy Sntuiday at 9 a. m.
Assisting M M . Friedman In planning the event are three chapter representatives Mrs. Harry Smith, Monsky; Mrs. Paul Sacks, Nebraska; and Mrs. HnroW Abrahamson, Cornhuslcer. The invocation will be given by Mrs. Max Sacks, and Mrs. Marvin Gerber, will offer the benediction. Mrs. Sarn Pollack will serve as (lislrict-area-councll consultant for the event. Mrs. Garland will lead a two day B'nni B'vith Council workshop beginning Monday, September 21 at 9:30 a. m. at the BlaeUstone Hotel a c c o r d i n g to Mrs, Max Sacks, chairman. A no-host 11:30 a. in. brunch will be held Monday at the Mlackslone.
OMMTED The name of Sam B. Epstein was inadvertantly omitted from the Ust of. names of the B'wil B'rtUv Youth Commission.
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ABE LUBKK The Bar Mliyv.il) of Al« Leber, hon of Mr. mid Mrs Gerson l-eber will be celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue oft Satuiday moininf!, Sppl. 2G. IJNUA UKAKTZ ,Ii;UV TURNER Mr. and ^lre .Saul Graefi! announce the Bus Mitzvah of their daughter, I indu and Mr. and Mrs Nathan Turner announce the Bas Mil/vah of their daughter, .Judy, on Friday evening and Saturday morning, September 25 and Septoinber 2fi at Beth FA .Sy
B'NAI JACOB 'MiAH VESHUKON Services at B'nai Jaeob-AdahYe&huron will begin Fnday at 6 p. m. and Satuiday morning at 8:30 a. in, with M i n c h a at 6 p. m. folloued by Shalosh S'eudos Daily senices ;it 6 '10 a. in. and 6:15 p m.
Memorial Services William Milder, chairman of Beth Krarl memorial ^c-ivicps, announces they will be held Sunday, Soptpmhi'r 27 at Goltlen HiU Cemetery at 11 a m. and at Beth Hamediosh ("ometcry fin S.npy County i at 2 p m Rabbi Benjamsn Groner nnd C a n t o r F.li Kasjan will oftu'late. Arrangements have been also !t» a poison to be a Mount Sinai Cemetery, 77th ,ind Crown Point Avenue, to assist with memorial prnypis at gi us esides,, during the nc-xt two Sundays Ben Lindonjbaum, WE Zni may be called I for further information.
TKMJ'JLE ISKAfZ Services will be held .it Temple Israel this Fuday evening in the chapel at 7:30 p. m. BKTH EL Sabbath e\emng sen ices will be »Jii'ld at Bc!h El Synagogue, at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services will begin at 9:30 a m. The Mincha-Maariv services will bcuni al 6 p. m. Daily services will be held during the week nt 7 a. in mid 7 p m The Sunday service will be at 9 a, m.
Dedications A monument will be dedicated io the memory of Mrs. Katie La?er, Sunday, September 20, ijt 11 a. m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. Babbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan, will officinte. Friends and relatives are invited Io attend.
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DISCUSSION SEMEN "Omaha Uncovered" wiH ba the Subject of a discussion series arranged by tile Council of Jewish Women. Mrs. Norberl WoJke will leud tho first session, Tuesday, September 22 at o dessert luncheon nt the home of Mrs. Stanley Slosbui'R, 7644 Burt Stroel at 1 p. m. Study group chairmen are Mrs. Seymour Abrums and Mrs. Harold Zelinsky.
JUNIOR B'NAI B'BITH BOWLING TO STAItT The Junior B'nai B'lith Bowling league will begin tho 3959-60 bowling season, Sunday, October 18 at 12:30 p. m. at the new Sky Lanes, located in the Center, 42nd and Center Streets, Counselors, Mrs. Max Sacks, Harold Bloom and Hurry Collck, announced. The league is open to boys and girls from 10 years of age through eighth grade age. Two games will be bowled each week and teams will be formed in about 4 weeks from starling (late. Registration may be mude by calling Mrs. Sacks, CA ] 802.
BKTH NUHSKKY SCHOOL Sovernl openings are still available in the Beth Israel Nursery school for children t'M'v to 5 u.sv years). Children may be enrolled A skit will be presented at the by calling Mrs. Sam Herman, GL 5'546; Mrs. Maurice Kalleman, GL USY annual membership program, 7OB3 or the synnu;r>Kiie office, 1115 September 27 at 7:150 p. in. at Beth Kl Synagogue—"sing the theme, 6288. "USY, Now and Tomorrow." High school students are invited and Ilndiissnli Luncheon (hose interested in joining the orSeptember 23 The Omaha Chapter of Hadas- ganization may do so by caling, suh will meet Wednesday, Sep- Rosaind Nogg, WA 0448. tember 23 In the Jewish CommunANNE FRANK filtOIJP ity Center at a 12:.'S0 luncheon. A pantomine "Find Your Place Tho Anne Frank YOUIIK Judaea In Itadassah" will be directed and Group, will meet Sunday, Septemnarrated by Mrs, Robert K, Silver- ber 20 at 2 p. m. at the Jewish nian. Mrs. Max Greenherg, Chap- Community Center. ler president will preside. SIXTH (illAl)E "Breakfast With The Itulibl" SPLASH PAKTV Sunday nt Iletli El Sixth grade young Juilaeans are .All men of. the community are invited to the first m o n t h l y invited to a splash party, Sunday, "Brcukfast with the Rabbi", Sun- September 20, from 2:30 p. m. to day, September 20, from 9 a. m. 3:30 nt the Jewish Community to 10:30 a. m. at Bclh-KI Syna- Center. A meeting will follow. gogue. Sponsored by the Beth-El Men's DAUGHTERS or TOKAII The seventh grade Young Jtidea Club, the monthly Sunday event offers religious observance, fellow- group, Daughters of the Torah, will ship and conversation. Reservations have their first meeting of the )niiy be mndc by calling the synn- year September 20 at the Center K"Siie office, GL ,!221 or Dick WinRECEIVED DKfillEE troub, RE. 6:)22. Herbert II. Kaiman, son of Mr. Mrs. Jack J. Kaiman has reTemple Nursery School and ceived his Bachelor of Arts degree A nursery class for children be- from the University of Omaha and tween flie ages of 3 and 1 on will continue his studios there in Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 the post-graduate school. a. in. to 11:30 a, m. is being organized at Temple Israel. Those interested are nsed to call Mrs. Nathan Novak, TK 1240.
Dresses designed by students at the Alice Seligsberg Vocational High scliool in Jerusalem, will be modeled at the Israeli Style Show to be presented by the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, Tuesday, September 29, at 12:30 p. in. at the Town House Ballroom. The dresses which are not foi salo are being exhibited to show what IE done through' vocational guidance. The materials of the
gowns are also woven by the students, Mrs. Louis Katz, general chairman of the event, said. Models will be Mines. Bernard Altsuler, Kdward Belgrade, Ralph Cooper, Seymour Cohen, Phil Feldman, H a r o l d Garber, Colman Greenberg, Walter Greenberg, Eileen Gotsdiner, Saul Grautz, Lee Gendler and Phil Gerelick. Others are Mmos. Irving Herzog, Norman D. Rips, Kdward Rosen, David Shukerl, Marlon Somberg, Harold Weiss, Harold Lincoln, Stanley Malashock, Robert Rosen, Martin Staenberg, Ervin Simon, Norman Huhn, Bernard HockenLynn Stalmastcr, son of former berg, Nathan Novak, Norman Omahnns, was reported to be Hol- Pred. lywood's busiest casting director, in a California daily newspapei rceived here. He is the son of the late Judge Irvin .Stalmaster. His mother, and Featuring his grandmother, Mrs. H a r r y OANTONtSa Lapidus, ex-Omnhans, reside in APPE1IZER3 California also. Stalmaster, 31, is reported handling 16 TV shows, including "Guns m o lc e" and "Have Gun, Will Travel" and numerous motion pictures. The article said Stalmaster cast "I Want to Live" and his "astute selections were a major contribution to the film-winning Oscar nominations." A younger brother, Hal Stalmaster will appear in two Walter Disney TV programs in the near future. 1914 Pane* SDT Pledges The Misses Tonl Fellman and Joy Freiden have been pledged to Sigma Delta Tau Sorority at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. They are the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Fellman and Mr. and .Mrs. Gilbert Freiden.
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Deaths SAM EPSTEIN" Funeral services were held Sunday at Beth El Synagogue for Sam Kpstein, 80, 5703 Harney Street, who died September 10. Bunal was in Beth El Cemetery. Suiviving are dauKhlcrs, Mrs, Charles Gusa and Mrs. Stanley and five grandchildri'n.
Couple Residing In Lincoln Nebr.
Friday, September S8, 1SJ» GOLDEN AGE MEETING Movies tnlten on a cruise will foa shown at a dessert luncheon meetAbraham Levy, well known anil ing uf the Golden Age Group, SepJong time resident of Omaha, cele- tember 28 at 1 p. in. brated his 87(h birthday Tuesday, March 35, at' host of a party a t GORDON STORAGE tin; Dr. Philip Slier Home For the WAREHOUSE, INC. Aj;ed. Jle recently became a resiJA 3032 denl of the home. 1201 JONES
Omahans in the News
87th Birthday for Abraham Levy
Morris E. Jacobs, advertising Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Kiantz w who were married August .'10 are.executive, ' i s one of the Oma making their home in Lincoln, hans. who attended the meeting Nebr. where both are enrolled at of the President's Council on Youth the University of Nebraska. Fitness at the Air Force AcuMrs. Krantz, the former Susan Judith Dechter, is the daughter of | demy in Colorado Springs, Colo,, SAM SLISKY Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dechter of earlier in the week. News has been received here of( Minneapolis, Minn., and the groom, the death of Sum Slnslty. 5J, in Jthe son of Mr, and Mrs. Abe Solomon Schwartz of Metropolj itan Life Ins. Co., will be awarded Houston. Tex., on September 5.! Krantz. j :i Diploma in Agency Maiiu;;cMr Slusky was a frequent Omaha The wedding was hold in Milno | meni, Sepleinber 23 at the Navisitor. Surviving are brut hers Abe, Kodosli Synagogue in Minneapolis Omaha; Louis, Houston and sister, and was followed by a dinner dance j tional Conferment Kxei eise.s of RUG & UPHOLSTERY j the American College of Life UnMiss Rose, ChicaKo. III. and reception. ' (lei\Milers in Phiiadelpliia. Pa. CLEANERS Th bride was attended by Mrs. MUS. SYLVIA MHXfclt RUGS —CARPETING Horace I.. Hiiscnljliini will he Martin Oibucb. Portsmouth, Va., Funeral services were held .Septhe Woodmen of the World LAMP SHADES tember H at the Jewish Funeral maid of honor and Mrs, Sidney FURNITURE Home for Mrs. Sylvia Miller of Levin, Denver, Colo.; Mrs. SamLife. Insurance Society employees 3702 Dodge Street, wlw died Sep. Yarosli, Minneapolis and Mrs. Har- who will atlonrl Hie National KraCleaned in Your Home! ald No\iik. Mr. Novak wns best tei-nul Congress Ui Philadelphia, teniber 7. Pa., from Sunday tliroiiRh Wedman. Groomsmen were Mr. OrBinding—Laying—Ropairlng SurviviriK ure sons. Sam. Min•lieapolis. Minn.; David, Jtochester, buch, Mr. Levin . nd R o b e r t nesday. Don Bernstein HA 2554 N. Y, daughter. Mrs. Helen Kor- Krasne. Ushers were M e r w i n gkj, Omaha, a brother, a sister Dechter. Cincinnati, O. Michael Lazer, itichard H.-iskin and Wiland five grandsons. liam Cooper.
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Call Jerry Krupinsky For Frc« Eitlmatoj and Prompt Scrvlca
Births Ml and Mrs. Jerome Rndiiziner Miss Skinner Head of announce the birth of a daughter, Brotherhood Week Julie Lyn on September 9. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. New York (JTA I The appointSteve Feldman and Mr. and Mrs.ment of Actress Cornelia Otis • William Haduziner. I'uiernal great Skinner as national chainnan of grandmother, Mrs. Jacob Itadu- Hrotherhuod Week, February 21ziner of Omaha, and maternal LK ' was announced by the Nationgreat grandfather, Leopold Feld- al Conference of Christian* and tnan of New York. N. Y. Jews, its sponsors.
119 SO. 24TH STREET Omaha's Largest Dance Studio i<j'« o i n
'WALK IN—DAN'CE OUT1 Special Introductory Offer Until September 21
15-Hour Lessons
MONUMENTS in the Jewish Tradition
Newest and Most Compete Line Cards for Friends and Every Member of the Family MEYERS NEWS
1502 Dodge
for the pride of doing fine baking yourself keep
Wo *ra known for our exacting Hebrew lettering and detail. You may place your confidence in ui knowing each detail and tradition will b> adhered fo with ufmolt care and tldlt.
Reg. Price—10 Lessons in Small Classes $35.00 EXPERT INSTRUCTION IN BALLROOM DANCING
Here you deal directly tvlt.lt the owners . We permit no unthnoly snlirlnUon . . . Cull us for appoint merit at vour convcnlciirc
Omaha iionumen} Oompany Fronk Rcnno
Open Sunday 2-5 Since 10:8
They're l a s t . . . they're foolproof—give you perfect results the firsi time and fcvery time you bake! Stock up now , . . »nd discover how eaoy it is to bske like t n expert—even if you've never b3ked before! .
One Year for as Many Lessons as You Wish for Just $105
your order should he placed ivpl] In advance ol "Yuhrzelt" so tho work does not have to be hurried.
3213-15 " p " S».
CAKI on your pantry shelf
Call HA 5205 or Drop In No Contracts to Sign Our Director, Henry Danlcowslci, hat appoarod with World Famous, Dancing -companies and has been associated with motion pictures.
ORDER NOW FOR CHANUKAH (Direct from Jsr.-u-li
Dressed with Exacting Detail 8" Average Height
Perfect Gift for Any Age, for All Occasions
On Display at Community Center Lobby
NEW TASTS iH FtSH HISTORY! I—Israeli woman (Oriental); 'I—Israeli man (Oriental); 3—Arab smoking bubble pipo; 4—YomonUo woman, with drum; 5—Yemenite man with flufe; 6—Oriental woman with water Jug; 7—Israel! (Orental) with box of oranges.
DELUXE GEFILTE FISH Bo among tho firat to serve thi3 royal new dish I Made cxclu. sively by MOTHER'S, of pure whitefish only. ..the precioua luxury fish prized for its exquisite, delicate flavor, KOSHER © PABEVB Or choose blolhtr't "Old FaMonidl' (regular) aefilte fiih. i fnm th* tpotlen W[chen«-Of Mother'* Food Produclt. Inc. • Newark 5, tt t.
S—Kibbutx boy with has; 9—Kibbuti girl with hoe; 10—Bar' Milivoh boy: I I — W o m a n o n d l o i ; 12—-Haliid with Toroh Scroll; I 3—lira»l Sabra boy; 14—liraol Sabra girl.
Select ns many as you wluh. Order hj Indicating number and mall with your check (covering the coot of dolls at (3.00 each) to the Jewish Vieas, 101 Ho. 20th fit., Omaha, Neb. Order nt once n» olilpment will be made directly.frpxq Israel.• -. ' : ' • > •' /