vs.. «
Published overy Friday, 101 M. sOlh.
n M
Scroml Class Pustaqc J'ald oniuliu. NoBr. a|
Sln/jlff Copy JO Cenlft Annual ftuto •) Uullun
Red Feather-Red Cross Ccn**- *gn •)usly Washington (JTAi—Soviet Pie- which could only hcip Wte siiua* December-KV, Chatiukuli Festi- 1 Chicago (WNS)-'-Launching of -fled mii'i1 NiMta Khrushchev, in his lion of Soviet Jews. a nationwide campaign aimed »t val at Blackstone Hotel. c nationally tdevised address at the Ulatter ot American Cunrern Further details will be an- IK \ Belling SC>,000,00(> in State or . cueration, Fri- Nnlionnl Press Club gave an The important development. It Israel hands in the next hundred nounced in later editions of the da. ... president, Robert IT. oblique answer to a questiun about was said, was not so much tha days was voted here at fho closing Jewish Press. Koupcr. the niuch-cli.HCiisscd status of the statement the Premier made as (ha session of the three-day National Mrs. .Meir Hits Sue/, front1 This year's city-wide go»l is in Kit" Soviet Union but it fact that he personally learned • Economic Conference for Israel. Highlighting the conference was ?],8;")5,1;!7, the ininlmuni amount Jews iin anasver considered certain thai (he situation of Soviet Jewry The objective of the 100-tlay drive an address by Israeli Foreign Min- required for the whole family of wns to be warmly welcomed hy Soviet w,is a matter of American concern. U to reach hy the end of the year ister Golda Meir, who called upon hetdth and weifnre agencies. The Soviet Premier was assumed Jens. the 3059 goal of .$75,000,000. to be keenly tiwan; of Uw f;\ci IViat Die United Nations to end Ihe "The goal must be attained," HiiOii i(nct«*t LuuiU'hiuK Omuliuiin Participate*! United Arab Republic's blockade Mr. Kooper said, "to meet the The Sovii-t i'remier made his the National Press Club, where Actively participating in the of the Suez Canal to Israeli vessels growing needs of a progressive city Ihy American anxiety about the conclave were several Oniahan.f, and shipping. She characterized like Omahn. Costs of services are statement-—that Soviet Jews were problems of Soviet. Jewry was draforemost among those responsible including Mrs. J. Hairy Kulakof- the UAIt'.s action in preventing rising just like those of any busimatically made known to him, is sky, area chuinnan for Israel lawful pasasi^e of Israeli ships ami ness nml more than Unit,.the de- for- the launching of the Soviet the nation's most Important jmWfe moon. lw.'Uet and thai Jens held forum. Bonds; Ilohcrt Keinborg, Greater cargo through thai waterway "a mand for agency senices mount. place of honor in the Soviet Omaha chuinnan; Mr. and Mrs.clear violation of international law Mr. Kooper urged every member aUnionin roplyiiif; to one of a Ben (jcrshtin, co-chairmen [or and resolutions of the UN," add-.ot the community to do his part Council Bluffs: Paul Verct. execu- Ing that the international organ- and give his share in this humani- group of questions prepared for tive director of tin* Oniahn Jewish ization "can operate only through tarian effort." The Jewish Fed- the event hy Ihe Jewish TelegraphFederation; and'Gerald Schwartz, moral force which it can exert." eration is a 'bciieficitfry of the Red ic Agency. men manager for the bond nrgnn- That moral force, Mrs. Meir Feather-Red Cross Campaign. Mr. Khrushchev also said in his izstion. stressed, "can oiily lie effective The 1WSO Campaign headquar- reply Ihnf the question of a man's Mrs. Kuhikolsky reported snles j if the UN defends the rights of all ters is located at 1820 Fnrnam religion wus not asked in the The .lewish "Federation Agencies* in the Town, Nebraska and South nations, large or small." street. ' . Soviet Union. This was a matter Section of the 1959 Omaha Needleof individual conscience, lie s;iid, work Guild has opened its annual Dakota area arc running some 15 explaining Hint the Soviet Union appeal for contributions it was to IG per cent above li).")K, while looks on a person as a person. national figures reflect an,increase reported by Mrs. Daw Colin, its of 28 per cent. "But our area set Kxneiis on Soviet affairs here, Guild chairm.'iii. fl record last year, while sonic The appeal fov funds is an an« including American correspondents other sections had flight declines," (The Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Aged acknowledges the fol-who served recently in the Soviet mini event spoiiHored by all charitshe pointed out. lowing memorials anil donations.) Union, regarded the Premier's able groups in the community to Immediately upon his return statement as a public expression furnish clothing anil linen supplies for needy fumUios. from the Chicago conference, JUr. Do In Memory of Fcinberg mel with presidents and Mr . nor The announcement was mailed and Mr*. Jacob H-s*» , Goodman Pill bond chairmen of all local women's Mr. ond Mrs. Oen Minkln, Mf. and Mrs. Nathan S. MandeU to ull Jeivisli women by the FedHoy Hoffman Mr. and tAn. Fred Rojenjfocfc, tAf. and Mrs. Pout Veref, Louis Summer and Miss organizations at the home of Mrs. Oca eration'of Jewish Women's Clulia , Mr* Jane Phillips and all contribution!; will be acAaron Rips, women's division Mr. and Mrs, Nolhau s. Mondclt . . 4 . . Ben Watdbaum M<". onU Mrs, Hainan H. MandCll . . . . < • • * . . . . . . Hymlo De(roan knowledged in issues ot the Jewchairmen. Mr, ontJ Mrs, Erncif A. tiorjfj , Clara Soihnlck Shen Koom, Tcma Koaer*. Miriam Kornish Press. lie asked all Oniahans to re- Mrs.' Helen Goldstein good, Sorll Korngood, Herman Goldstein, servo these key dales fur the fall Sarah shlfffer, Mr. ond Mrs. Louis ManBoris Steiman, Director of the The following liav« .soul in their tfe)l campaign: J. Maroules rT Nellie, Blciweisj, Miriam Glfman Center Program Department of contributions as of last Monday! ot Mcrmun'i C'niar J I J ' * . 3elj30 KaVttnon. Jack Gau^jhsn, John. F, Ouinn. Georo* Mmes. Edward Abrahams, tsaI'CIIIIXTK Announce, Omaha 1'luns BoysVoclktr, Joseph Tool Morris Rubin tlic Jewish Federation, will be the Abrdnison, Jacob iVdlcv, MorOctober 3: Sponsors ot Israel guest speaker at a desert lunch- dore ris Adlcr, Herman H. Auerhach, . (women purchasing $1,000 or more Donor eon meeting of the Golden Age Ralph In Honor Of Biniamotv, M.'i.v I. BiUrier, in Bonds) annual coffee at the Club, September 28 (it 1 p. in. at and Mrs. Harry Trujstin, Mr. anA Mr*. Paul Veref .., ,, Fortieth Anniversary Anniversary of of Mr. Mr. ami and Mrs, Mrs, Loulj Louis Kulakofsky Kulakofsky the Jewish Community Center, Mr, Isaac Block, Win.' Boasberg, Simon home of Mrs. NogK at JO ,. Fortieth ond Mrs. j . Slegei , First birthday of grandchild Bordy, Max Breslow, 'David Broda.m. with Colonel Shoshimu GerBen Handler •• Recovery of William Epstein Steiman will also show a film, at key, Edward D. Brodkcy, Fred Mrs. U. 5. Yaffe Recovery ot Mrs, Rose Glnsburg * Shorn, former commander of t lie . ond Hcrmon Franklin and M l « Kalah v. Recovery of Mrs. Norman Barf the meeting. Brodk'cy, Harold B. B r o d k e y , women's army of Israel, as guest ond Mrs. Oovld Orko-.v, Mr. and Mra. Max Scheucr/nann . . . . . . Recover/ of Sam Cohen Luncheon arrangements have Harry' A. Brodkey, Edward E. A. Matte Recovery of A. MaHl of honor. been madu by Mrs. J. Milton Mar- Brodkey, Sam Canur,' Jay Cher« October 14: Annual women's digolin and Mrs. Louis Cutler, Gold- niack, Isaac Cherniss, A. Louis Donations to the Home Synagogue vision luncheon atTClaekstoneHoen AKP co-ordinalors and Mrs.Cohen, Don Cohen, Jack B. Cohen, JannsUe Wanner, tel. Nathan Simon, Golden Aj;e chair- Bennett L. Colin, Seymour Cohn, November 15: Dinner of State man. The cluli is sponsored hy Hurrj Cooperman, Sidney Coren, Special Contributions at Blackstone Hotel. the Omaha Section, National Coun- Isadora Dansky, Samiial.II. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. AIJA Bear gaiker of or peaches Basket peaches F u r n i t e cil of Jewish Women and the Jew- Harry Dvosin, Aaron V- P s t e i n, Mr. ond Mrs. Harold Chcrniock Furniture ish Federation. William Epstein,. Morris Krnian, Julius Faikenstoin, Nathan Feldman, Phil Fcldman, Abe C. ifellirutn, Nathan Ferer, Frank Fishber/f. William J. Fogel, Oscar Fox, Chicago (JXAt—A leading JapuAbraham Frank, M a u r i c e J. nosi! architect hn.s been engaged Frank, Harry A. Frankel, JVTJko to design the new sanctuary and The Youth Council will hold its Freeman, Wm. Freiden, Elizabeth, addition to the North Shore Con- first meeting of the season, Wedgregation Israel in Glcncoc here. nesday, October 7 at 7:30 p.m. at The 1M9 Annual Institute on and Edgar Ansel Mowrer, Novem- F/ied, Lloyd D. Friedman, Adolph Frohman, Max FvowWri. Robert The architect, Minoru Ynniasakl, (he Jewish Community Confer. All World Affairs of the University ber 18. who has been honored by the other council meetings will he hold of Omaha will be co-sponsored by In addition to the Jewish Fed- Fromkln. American Institute of Architects on the first Wednesday of each the Jewish Federation of Omaha, eration, other co-sponsors of the Mmes. Jack Gelfahcl, Irving F. for his buildings at Wayne Uni- month. Robert H. Kooper, president, an- Institute are: Altrusa Club, AmerJohn B. Gidinsky, Stewversity in Detroit mid by flic Ar- Calendars will lie mailed to each nounced this week. Free tickets ican Association of University Gendler, aii Gilinsky, Nathan Gimple, Yala chitectural Institute of Japan for member of the organization by have been ipailed to Jewish Fed- Women, Omaha Education Asso- Ginsiurg, Marx Goldberg, J. C. buildings in Kobe, expects to com- Gary Parilman and Irene Winer, eration members. ciation, Nebraska Federated Wom- Goldner, Abraham G. Goldstein, plete the plans for the congrega- of en's Clubs, Second District, Omathe calendar committee. The institute will offer top rank- ha Rotary Club, Young Women's Paul M. Goldstein, Dan A. Gordtion new year. ing authorities in the fields of gov- Christian Association, Woodmen man, Morris Gordon, Vale Gots200 to Teach in Israel ernment, international relations, of the World Life Insurance So- diner, Walter E. Gottlieb, Henry Grabols, Saul M. Gtatelz, KdJerusalem (JTA)—Two hundred history and philosophy, ciety, District 66 Teachers' Asso- wa:-d B. Green, Peter Greenberg, immigrants who arrived in fsmel Ian Ross MeFnrlnnel traveler, ciation, Offult Air Force Base, Harry M. Greene, Nathan Greenthis year, have already joined the radio-tv commentator and corre- University of Omaha Alumni As- field, Benjamin Groner, Morris. country's teachi/ig staff. There is still an opportunity for spondent, will be the opening sociation, University of Omaha Grossman, Hyman Guss, Manning those interested in Modern Hebspeaker Wednesday, October 14. Board of Itegents, University of (Continued on Page 4.) rew to register for the classes His topic will lie "Africa—East Omalifi College of Adult Educawhich are being held at Omaha or West?" tion, and University of Omaha InUniversity every Tuesday evening Other institute speakers will hS: stitute of Public Affairs. from 7 to 9:55 p. m. with a coffee New York (JTA)—-A spolces- Henry C. Wolfe, October 21; Dr. All sessions of the Institute are break. man for the Radio City Music Nasrolluh Saifpour Fatemi, Octo- held on Wednesday evenings at Registration is still possible by Hall said that arrangements had ber 28; John C. CaWwell, Novem- 8:15 in the University auditorium. attending the second session nest been made so that Israeli singers ber I; Martin Caidin, November 11 The theme for this year's InstiJerusalem (JTA;—Israel will Tuesday eevning, or by registering and dancers brought here for a tute is "Areas of Conflict." soon sell to other countries spare In advance at the University. special Israeli program at the parts for jet trainer planes, after Dr. Norman Milgi'am is the in- Music Hull will not have to pera plant for manufacturing French Peking Requests structor. ' form on Rosh Haslianah and Yom model Fouga Magirter planes boKlppur as originally scheduled. Jewish Publication gins operations, it is vepovled in ai The Music Hall management New York (WNS.)—The Nation- review of the activities of the Deacled after having been informed al Library of Peking, capital of fense Ministry. ofconccrn in Isfael tlint the IsCommunist China, has asked to The Defense Ministry survey Publicity chairmen are urged receive rae7i artists would be performing; "Judaism" a quarterly jour- also described major development New York (WNS)—Philip M. on the Jewish High Holy Days and to send their copy for the of Jewish life and thought pub- in the Israeli munitions industry. Klutznlek of Park Forest, III., a that Premier David Ben Gurlon October 9 issue to the Jewish nal lished by the American Jewish It said Israel's munitions exports former Omahnn and noted Ameri- had taken*a direct interest Jn tlie Press by September 30 because Congress. had provided employment ior sevcan Jewish leader, has been erect- matter. of the intervening Jewish High The Jewish quarterly will be eral hundred workers and that ined president of the American Israel has oftered^to pay the Holy Days. The November 2nd, Friends of the Hebrew University cost of advertlsments in New York no exclusively New Year's edi- sent to Peking: in exchange for the come from these exports covered Library's English-language 1 maga- the costs of importing raw maat the annual membership nteet- newspapers explaining why the Is- tion, is closed. terials required by the industry. . zine, "Chinese Literature.' ing of the organization. raeli troupe will not perform.
Needlework Gui\d Initiates Annual Appe«af for Funds
Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged
Center Program Director to Address Golden Age Club
Japanese Designs Synagogue Addition
Youfh Cousicil Meeting O c i 7
Insfefufe on
Hebrew Classes At Omaha Urai.
Holiday Performance Of Israelis Cancelled
KSutsnicIt Heads University Group
rag* Two
^Published Every Friday by tlio Jewish Federation ot Omaha. Second Cltiti Postage Paid ot Omaha, llebr. Annual Subscription, $4.00. Advertising Rotes on Application. PuDllcullon Offlco-101 Ho. 1'Olh Street, Omolio. llcbr,, JAckson 1364.
Friday, September SB, 1089
Milford, Conn., Considers Closing Schools for Yom Kippur Observance
Memorial Services Annual Memorial services will be conducted at Beth El cemetery, Sunday, September 27 at 2 p. in. by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke nnd Cantor Aiiron J. Edgar. At B'nai Juoob Cemetery, Joe Adler, WE 1708, will be present (o ;issist with memorial prayers from 9:.')0 a. m# to 1 p. m. Simlay, September 27.
New Haven tWNS) —• A decision selves without loss of pay while by the Board of Education of Mil- at Ihe same time save the city (in Editor ford. Conn,, to shut its schools on estimated $750 in pay for subYoin Kippur was met simultaneous- stitute teachers. ly with praise and condemnation The school board's action Was in Jewish circles. defended by former town judge The suggestion (o close the Joseph Bernblum, who said he saw schools for the day came from no great objection to the closing. Milford School Superintendent Jo- The judge, a Mil Cord Jewish comseph A. Foran, who said it would munity leader, was of the opinion be difficult if not impossible to IIH.ill HOLIDAY SICKVICKS: recruit fifty or sixty substitutes that the issue "is a purely political miiller" and "not a religious si'i'vic-es for the High Holy for the Jewish teachers that were 220 Wiring—Gas Furnace matter." A sharply opposing view Days will bo held in the home expected to be absent on Yom Kip- was taken by A, H. llenkin, direcVi Block from Beth El y g * ' under Ihe supervision pur. Cancellation of classes, he tor of the Bureau of Jewish Kdu304 So. 49th St. of .Sum Posti-r, its president and said, would make it possible for calion here. Mr. llenkin held the observant teachers to absent them- school closing dangerous "because IfF.TIl KL sexton. He will be assisted by Call KE 6358 Services <i! Belli Kl Synagogue Canloi Honicli M. Wolfson of Linit could lead to Ihe further intewill begin nt 8:15 p.m. on Frigration of religious activities into day. Kabbi Myer S. Kripke will coln, Nobr. the public schools." SEASON OI'KNKH: The Fedpreach on "The Mood o[ the A monument will be dedicated eration of Jewish Women's Clubs Month." Cantor Aaron I. Edgar to the memory of Joseph Ruback and the Beth Kl SymigoKue Choir will inaugurate their activities ut at Pleasant Hill Cemetery Sjin2612 No. 16th St. The Dr. Philijvjjhrr Jewish Home wil. render the musical pot lions day, September 27 at 11:30 a. in For The Aijwl with a program, of the service, with Rabbi Myer S. Kripke ofstill to be announced, under (he Now York (JTA) Fifteen JewSabbiith morning services will flu spices of the Belli El Sisterhood. ficiating. ish chaplains, the largest single begin at 9:.'iO. Junior CongregaA monument will be dedicated group of new chaplains to be inFOR THE lion services will begin at. 10:30 to the memory of Mrs. Susan RII- ducted into military service at any a. in. Mincha-Maariv services will hack on September 27 at 11:30 one time in more than II year, begin at 6 p.m. Sunday morning JOSEPH MKItHITT a. m. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery have entered service for orientaservice will be held in the Chapel Funeral services were held Tuestion and training, Habbi Morris m 9 a.m. Daily services at 7 day at John A. Gentleman morJA 8990 A monument will be dedicated Lieberman of Baltimore, chairman «. m. and 7 p.m. tuary for Joseph Mcrritt, 7fi of to the memory of Mrs. Sarah of the National Jewish Welfare Rabbi Kripke will open Slichbtli o39 Park Avenue, a retired drugBoard's Commission on Jewish services at. Beth El Synagogue at gist, who died Sunday in a local Frank, Sunday, September 27. nt chaplaincy, announced. midnight, Saturday, September 26 hospital. He was a graduate a! 10:30 a. m. at Golden Hill CemeAll of Ihe IS new Jewish chawith a sermonette. Services will be Creighton University School of tery, plains will be ready to officiate conducted by Rabbi Kripke, Can- Pharmacy. A "monument will be dedicated at GI services for Kosh Hashatiiih tor Edgar and the Both El Choir. Surh'iving iuc a son, Dr. Jack, A coffee hour at 11 p. m. will pre- Omaha; daughter, Mrs. Caroline to the memory of Mrs. Pearl Iliir- and Yom Kippur. mcl Sunday, September 27 at 12 cede ihe services. Schultz, Hollywood, Cal.; a broth- noon, at Golden Hill Cemetery. Scb (Subby) Pulverent* er. Rabbi Max Meiritt, Los An- Rabbi Benjamin Groner will offigeles, Cal., and throe grandchil- ciate. Friends and relatives are 25 Yean' Exporionce BETH ISKAEL invited to attend. Services this evening (Kabbalas dren. With Jewish Shabbos) 6 p. m. at Beth-Israel Burial was in Pleasant Hill Lettering and Memoriali Cemetery. Synagogue, S a t u r d a y morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. and AT 2452 2211 So. 8th Patronize Our Advertisers the Junior congregation meets at 10 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will conduct the Saturday afterMiss Joey Margolin of Los AnTalmud class at 5:30 p.m. geles, Cal., arrived this week to and Mincha, followed by Shalosh; Phone JA 1364 to inter! your Wcnl Ad In spend Ihe holidays with her parNow is the timo for IU0T TO SUYl S'eudos and Maariv, will begin at Ihe Jowiih Prcsi. Rate ll 50 cents (or each three line Ifl'er. ents, Dr. and Mrs. Morris Mar6 p. m. Hon. The Press reserves !h« riphl to limit golin. Sl2e of each aclvcrllscfnenl Services Sunday morning begin New year's Cards at 8:45 a. m. and are followed by Among the new officers elected Patronize Our Advertisers DATE-HUT ROLL breakfast; and the Rabbi's in BAR nnd Baa Mitzvan congratu- by Ihe Omaha association of Inlations also for all Jewish holi- surance Agents are Barton GreenBible. Sunday morning Junior Conto come to tho aid off days and special occasions. berg and Paul Grossman as vicegregation meets at 8:30 a. m. Daily the party! Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge presidents. wrvices 7 a. m. and 6 p. in. Harry's The weekly Talmud Study Group Live Fish Market cako . . , made meets Tuesday evenings at 8:30. wilb crisp, chunk/ Services at the ..19th and Bnrt Kosher Poultry walnuts and \\it world's choicest Street Synagogue, every Saturday Killed Daily dales • . . vacu at 9 a. m. urn-packed for p*r AT 4977 1314 No. 24th Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor (cct freihricsi 1 Newest and Most Complete Line Eli Kagan and the Beth Israel put ina supply Certified and) approved by Rabbi Choir will conduct Selicoth ServDr. Loon Thorn, Prctident, AmeriCards for Friends and Every ices September 26 at midnight. •' can Academic Rabbii Association (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN
Record Oliapfaincy Orou|} Inducted
LIVE FISH Holidays
Omahans In the News
B'NAI JACOB ADAS XESHUUON Services a t B'nai Jacob-AdasYeahuron will begin Friday at 5:30 p. m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 5:30 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Daily services at 5:45 a. m. and 6 p. m.
Member of the Family
of New Americans, and Rabbi S. Welkin of the Orthodox Rnbbii Association of New York City.
Ilriuni-dury Cliwiilntc-Ntit Hull mid OrliMCe-Nut Holl
1502 Dodge
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VKMPLE ISRAEL Services will be held at Temple Israel this Friday evening in the ehapel a t 7:30 p. m. BKTH EL Sabbath evening services will be held at Beth El Synagogue, at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services will begin at 9:30 a. m. The Mincha-Maariv services will begin at 6 p. m. Daily services will be held during the week at 7 a. in. and 7 p. in. The Sunday service will be at 9 a. m. JTUDV TURNER LINDA UKAETZ ' Judy Turner, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Nathan Turner, will observe he:- Bas Mitzvah and Linda Graelz, daughter of-Mr. and Mrs, Saul Graetz, willobserve her Bas Mitzvah at Beth El Synagogue the evening of September 25 and Saturday morning, September 26. ABE XEBEJC The Bar Mitzvah of Abe I^ober, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Gerson Lcber •will be celebrated a t the Beth Israel Slynagogue, tomorrow mornIng, September 26. Services will begin at 8;45 a.m.
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Friday, September IB, 3S59
Page Tlire*
Temple Sisterhood Names Chairmen
Israel ctnd S@ytli by fly Seitcliick
I>i*f4. llt'i'iiian
The Youth Council flag football league will get underway on Sunday, September 27 at F.lmuood Park, when Hoyim meets AZA No. 100 and AZA No. 1000 goes against AZA No. ]. Both games will be played at 10 a. m.
Klfriede F r e In) an, husband und uifo team of dintal Mir-j B«Jons from IVIali Tiliva, Israel are reH i' tv I ii g aeqiiuintaiii'.-s with t l i e i r Council ISInffs ii'lativi's, the Saul Suvnlshj'M, und nil! meet another con-Kill who Is expected^ 7v," l<> arrive from South ~{'* V
A reunion of international dimensions will claim the interest of the Saul Suvalsky residence in Council Bluffs, la., during the forthcoming season of high holidays. First arrivals are cousins from Israel, .Drs. Herman and Klfriede Kreiman, a husband und wife team of dental surgeons. Kxpected soon is Mr. Suvidshy's aisler-in-luw from C o n c e p t i o n, Chili. She is Mrs. Gregerio Suwal»ky, wife of a raincoat manufacturer, who will niiilte her first visit to the home of her Council Bluffs relatives. The Feimans who operate a denial clinic in Petah Tikva, Israel, made the acquaintance of their Council Bluffs cousins when Mr. and Mrs. Suyalsky toured Israel in 1958. Dr. Herman Freiman who is also distinguished for his ability as a cjintor. has been invited to chant the liturgy at the Hosh Jfashanah services nt B'nai Israel in Council Muffs where Rabbi David Korb is spiritual leader. He also will present a program of Israeli music at a meeting of the Council Bluffs Chapter of Hadassah, October 14. •.Dr. Frciman who is cantor of his synagogue in bis home community, is the son of a rabbi. He '•appears, with .the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra at the Frederick Mann auditorium in-Tel Aviv. The Israelis arc parents of a son,
Youth JKItltY UOLUSTKOM, JUNIOR* ICKI> CROSS PJiKSIDKNT Jerry Goldstrom, elected president of the Junior Red Cross at Centra) High School, called a meeting of the officers to spearhead the year's events of the organization. Jerry is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Bernard GoldMrom. 1JNY HUSH l'AKTY The USY will hold a rush party in the Beth Kl Synagogue Social hall, Sunday, .September 27 at 7
Due to the many Jewish holidays on Sunday, the league will operate on a onp round basis with each tcain playing three games. 'I'he league will culminate on Sunday, October 27. The schedule was worked out along with various rules and regulations at an athletic meeting at the Center this week. Representing the clubs wore Don Kidler, Joel Davis, Justin Mulnick and "Dan Hollis. Youth Council Chairman, Frank Goldberg and Director of Sehmiiel, a Yeshivn student and Athletics, Cy Seitchick, were also a daughter, Nava, 21, who recent- present. ly taught Hebrew in Cardiff, South ItADIO COMMKItCIALS Wales. KKCOMMENIMCO Mr. and Mrs. Suvalsky will enJerusalem—Radio commercials tertain for their visitors at an are to be introduced in Israel if open house, at. their residence, the Cabinet recommends and the Sunday, .September 27 from 2 p. m. Knesset approves a recommendato 5 p .m. tion by a special Cabinet committee.
Newly a p p o i n t e d committee heads have been announced by Temple Israel Sisterhood. They are Mmcs. Ted Colin, telephone; Clarence Bergman, prayers; Marlon Somberg, religious school fund; Joseph Levey, general luncheon; John TolJe and Joseph Goldware, reservations; Morton Soiref, publicity; Robert. Silverman, religious discourse and Michael t'leishcl, dinner decorations.
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New Rabies Vaccine Tested in Israel Jerusalem I.ITA) A vaccine against rabies, givijig promise of safe immunization before the onslaught of the infection and not after it, as the present vaccine does, has been developer! in Israel, Dr. A. Kidron of the Israel Veterinary Institute reported. Dr. Kidron said the new vaccine, developed in chicken eggs, had been shown in preliminary tests to be free of any threat to the brain and therefore usable immediately even in doubtfu) eases. He said this meant that the danger could now be avoided pf giving the vaccine when it was too late in the course of the rnbirs to be effective ',
. . . wnen it is a special holiday portrait of your family
John Kalina
Beauty Salon
Congress Brands Washington tWNSl—The foreign aid appropriations bill passed by Congress last week contains a provision branding as "repugnant" discrimination of the type that is being practiced against Jewish citizens of the United Stales by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries. Although the bill makes no direct or oblique reference to any country, it was made clear in the course of Congressional debate against which countries it was intended. Under the terms of the bill the President has full discretion in dealing with racial or religious bias on the part, of countries receiving U.S. aid.
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East Berlin Won't Show Israel Sfcsmps
Now f«»tun'nj
Berlin UTA (-Officials of a stamp exhibition in East Berlin refused to permit a .showing of collections of Israel stamps and of Htamps on Jewish subjects. According to West German nonJcwish stamp collectors, they were refused permission to exhibit collections of Israel stamps. One Israel collector who won an international prize for his exhibit on Htamps on Jewish subjects was reportedly told by organizers of the Kast Berlin exhibit that a showing of his Jewish collection would be "undesirable."
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In the ShoppingLane
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Needlework Donor (Continued from Pago 1.) K. Handler, Reuben Harris, Gert BENNETT TO SI'KAK AT Chapter uf H;tduss;th, Tuesday rude Hermanson, Morton Ililler TEMPJLK 1SKAKX MEET September '2§ a the Town House Itichard Ililler, Max M. Joffe, Max T. B. Sennet I, Regional Direc- Ballroom at 12:30 p. m., Mrs. Kadis, E d w a r d Kahn, Murce Katin,, Jake Kaplan, Lazar Kap tor of the Regional Office of tinAnti-Defamation of B'nai B'rifli Louis Kulz. general chairman, re Jan. Dave Katzman, Archie Knvidi Lazier Kavich, Max Kirshenbaum wiU speak on "Neighbors and ported. Fences" al tlie next meeting of | Among the dlhers working oi Frances Klein, Tevil Klotz, MarTemple Israel Sisterhood, Tues- the show are Mines. Irving Lin tin Kolm, M. K. Kreitstoin, Arthur day, October 6 at 1 p. in. at the colin, chairman, Herman Fried Kulakofslty. Temple. Mrs. Kdwitid Levinson, man. Owen .Meyerson, tickets Mines. Leopold Levy, Harry Libpresident, will conduct the meet- Norman Cain. Leon Alexander ennan, Charles S. I.leb, Sheldon ing iincl the lionrd meeting at 11 decorations: .Seymour Zoob, .Sam Lincoln, Louis K. Llpp, Maurice a. m. I Kpstcin, Henry (Iicenberg. Sam Lipsman, Karl N, Louis, Philip Luhnum, Hen Mauzainin. Carolyn Luncheon chairmen •n are Mine*. (Goodman, wardrobe mistresses; Maizner, Hurry Malnshock, Jay Charles Moimspe and can HiolumJ T o s e l l l l Kiislicnbaum, accessories; M. Malashoelt, David Manvitz, Goldman. Reservations lie ,C. B. Karbi'r, Norman Hahn, seatnmade by calling Mrs. .tospph Cold- | stresses. Mrs. Harry OtiBoff will Nathan Martin, Itichard M. Martin. Alfred S. Mayer, Betty S. ware RE TM7>, Mrs. John Tolle,I be accompanist. Milder, Howard Milder, Win. MilPL 4755, or Temple Israel Office. der, Charles A. Monasee, Abe MozRK («K6. If.AO.VSS.4H I U ) N I > ilAli er, Stuart, Fannie New„..„, ,,„..,, , , . r i . 'l'lu» Hadussah ami Bond Club man, Julius Newman, Maurice Newman. K. Leo Noj,'K. Sol NORR, I t t. CkhA.N st)( I.AI, (organizational meeting, September iaroltl Novak, Sam Olcskcr, Alex The P.T.A. ol the Beth Israel j 17 a t , n f . I l o r n ,, ()f M j s s ].; v c j y n Oppenhciincr, Albert Oruclj, HySyi^soguc School .Sy-stem will 1lA.vy, Th(, c I l l h h u s fuiictlc.nort for man Ouch. Max C. Plott, Alex have their annual Ice Cream Social i 7 years with incml>ers registering lot kin. Morton Plotkin, Win. A. Siiiiila.v. September '.'7, in the, annually to purchase Israel Sav- lacusin, Win. A. itiicusin. Win. Syniigojjue Social Hall from '.' p. 111.1 j,, K s Bonds on a monthly payment taduziner, Joe M. Hiee, Samuel tr..5 p- rii. Co-chairmen ol the p | a n . MJ S S F;uinie Wezelman was A. Rice, David Richards, C'nrl social are Mi', and Mrs. Abo Fold-1 named first purchaser. Riekes, Robert Kimmernian, Philip man and Mr. and Mrs. Kinest • ^ i j s s Levy, clwirmnn-treasurc-r, HiiiKle, Aaron Rips, Fred Rosen-. Hochster. Thero will be, in addi-! m n y be contacted at. HA 2K90 by itock, Eerthold Rosenthul, Jarael tion to \he rcfieshments. K;imes j anyone wishing membersliip in the ['osenthal, M o r r i s Kubenslein, antl prized for adults as well as | club, \f;nes 'Rubin, Ahrahum S. Rubnitz. children. Tickets may be pur- '• .... Mines. - Ted Sanford, Edward Chased from school children or any j | | l ( i H I . . \ \ » IIUIVMNti ichimrnel, Bernard H. Schwartz, P-TA Board meinbe.-. ., ., Schra«er. presi.ient of the dward .Shafton, I^ouis Sillier, Highland BouiiiiK I.ea|;ue, an- Jacob Shyken, Hurry Sidmnn. Ben WOKKMK.N CIHCI.K TO n.-unees his Iciifjue will start its D. Silver. Harry Sllverman, Morris Singer, .Ben Slutzky, Abe Somj season, Sunday, October U »t 10 ;CKLKUICATK UIUTIIDAYS The Workmen's Circle Drama-! a. m. at thf Forty Howl. Flans tic Club family will celebrate the includ free breakfasts, cash tourbirthdays of .Mmes. Sum Sussm/ui: nanieuts, free practice bowling, and Max Schwartz and Messrs.M. j trophies and a Mr. and Mrs. ban KaU. San) Novak and Sam Zwerl-j f|uet. jng Saturday ninlit, September 2(1 al 8:30 p. m. at 1luv Labor Lyceum. iti:i> STOCKING; CHAIHMKN Mr. Sam Susinan is chairman of TO BK I:.STI;I:I'AIN'I:I> the evening. Kntertainmenl will Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, geneial follow Mr. Sam Xwerlinij as ch.'ur- chairmaji of Reri .Stockings 'oft to! man. be held at the Paramount TheaU 1 December 1 and !_', will honor the •VOAIA; /.ION following chairmen at 11 desseil DINK Kit coffee at her home Wednesday The social meeting of Far- September .'W: administrative viceJiand-Poale Zioii will he held .Sun-j chairman, Mines. Sidney Schwartz day. .September 27. at the Jewish Production Vice-Chairman, Stan Community Center, with dinner al ford Lip-s^-y; ads. Charles Rosen 7-..S0 p. in. stock; tickets, Huiner Fai'ber. Kd On the program will be Mrs. i ward Malashock; reservations, \\ TJiHon Nearenberg. sinHi'iK Ykl-j Let 1 N'ogg; finance, Norman Halm dish Folk SOMKS. Mr. Max Reiz- ! concessions, Alie Feldman; usheis baum. with a reatlin<» by David Harry Altsuler; jjro«ram liook er!i Pinski, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hifkin tor. Irviu Sherman. C M.p Nev will reporl on their trip to Israel. man; program hook distribution/ The crimmittee in charge of thi. Harvey Aronson; publicity, Philip meeting is Mrs. Isadorc- Forbes Fox, Ray Simon; make-up, Alfred and Mtix Feiwlowitz. Call GL &'K8 Mayer; props. Stuart Simon, tul for reservations, cut. Norman Dennenbcr/,', VVilliair Fogel; Kta^e manager, Robert Bernstein; costumes, M a y 11 a r d HUT ALUM MEKTIN'O Greenberj,', liennetl Colin; scenery SKPTKJIIIKK 26 The SiKina Delta Tau Alumnae Morris Kirshenbaum and Alvn League of Omaha will hold'n meet- Noes. Tickets now available. ing on September 26 at 1 p. m. at tho Gourmet restaurant. All members are iii-jjer] to attend to complete plans for a couples' party. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Arnold Roseman at RF 8227. Philadelphia 1JTA1—A United States District Court decision out\AMKI) TO lawini,' Pennsylvania's Bible-readWOKK O \ SHOW ing law in public schools as unconMrs. Robert Rosen and Mrs. stitutional and banning the recitaElaine .Jabcnis are in charge of tion of the Lord's P r a y e r in staKing the "Israeli Style Show" schools was hailed as a major victo bepresented by the Omaha tory for religious freedom.
Bar Reading School Bible
Friday, S&jiteniber 15, 185»
berg, Ban Somberg, Hubert Sam mer, Millard Speler, Kosa Stelf. man, Dave Stein, Dora S. Stein Albert Steinberg, Maurice Stein berg. Oscar Sulliv Sam Swartz Melvin Tatolman, Simon Temin Joseph T r e t l a It. Adolph Trout Harry Ti-ustin, ' P\ Wolcschlag, Oscar VValdvoRel, David D. WeinI'K, .Samuel N. Wolf, Richard Wright, Milton II. Yudelson, and the Misses: Charlotte Abrams, Marilyn It. Meyer, Syjviu Parilnian, Sally Newman, Rose Rothimp, I'Vancet Rutslein, Beatrice Somnier and Blanche Ziinmun.
Omaha's Largest Dance Studio II
10 LESSONS in Small Classes 35.00
Jerusalem (JTAI -Israel's second annual JJible quiz contest UUK launched with preliminary contests in fivt Israel cities—Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Rehovot and Kilat. Hundreds of entrants look •>art In the'written tests.
Cleaned fn Your Homo! Binding—Laying—Repolrlag
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
Meet Your Friends fn tho Sir Loin Room After tho Show Saturday Night FARNAM AT 19TH — PHONE ATLANTIC 1311 —OMAHA, NEBR.
You and your family are invited to tour OPPD's $45,000,000 North Omaha Power Station
Here is your chance to sec a gigantic modern .power plant in operation. YouMl se« fuel changed to heat, heat to steam, steam to electricity—and how electrical voltage is stepped up for transmission over tlie widespread system of the Omaha Public Power District. Expert guides will show you and your family through the plant and point out ths equipment which provides low-cost electric service for tTio day-to-day need* of a growing Omaha.
EXPERT INSTRUCTION IN BALLROOM DANCIN& Special Instruction for Dancing Teachers and Advanced Dancers
St. Louis (WNS)--'nn> four-day 45th annual convention of Hadassnh concluded with the rc-electioii~ of Dr.Miriam l\. Freund to tha presidency and approval of a $9,. 3:15,000 budget for the organization activities in 1059-liO in Israel and the United States.
Watch Electricity Being Made! 119 SO. 24TH STREET
$9,335,000 Budget For Hadassah
Saturday one! Sunday Sept. 2 6 - 2 7 , 2 io 3 p . m . HOW
Enfranot to North Omaha Pow«r Station It looalod en Floreno Blvd. at Craig St. f»bout 7T00 North).
Free balloons and educalhna! comic books for tht youngitersi
Call HA 5205 or Drop In No Contracts to Sinn
Keep our plione number, HA 5205, handy as v.c wore too Into fnr the last telephone book listing,