October 9, 1959

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Vol. X X W I I

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Yom Kippur Beg Sunday at Sunser

"• '

1 KI1JA1 .




p. ill.

B'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron



onialia, .Neh

fjuuaI Ituie '1 O





eace to Arabs

.Ilumliiy, Oct. 1Z «..'IO n. in

Temple Israel

t'nited N.I lions, X Y . M'I'Ai for biintjiiiK the "made in Israel" "The people at Israel bear tha Arllnir I.'iurie, <'h;iiiin;in of Israe Sue/ issue before the Assembly. Arab people no grudge. Our sinSunday, Oct. II Siinil.iy, O i l . Jl line, h is in.ide an oflerj Answeiuif,' Dr. Fawzi'.s insisl- ceresl desire is to live and Jet livo Annual Memorial Scivice, Kol Nidre S-.'iO ». m. Pleasant Hill Cemetery 2:00 p. in. to enter into immediate peace enee that (he .Sue/ issue Was part —to work with the many others .Mrniit:i>, O i l . 12 Kvcning Service 8:15 p, m t.'dltswith Ihe Arab slates, ''wifh- of the So-called "Palestine Ques- for a better and happier world. Our M o r n i n g Service 7:.'10 «. m . out iiny preconditions " tion," Mr. f.ourie directed at the profoundest hope still lies in the Monilii>, Oct. 12 Offer in i : \ Address Kgypllati Ihe question: "Is his principles of ('quality and tha Mr. Loinie addressed the flen- country willing to negotiate with brotherhood of man. Our hand reService Jiegins 30:00 ». in. Beth El Children's flour 1:15 p. in. eral Assembly, after Dr. Mnh- us a seltlement of these differ- mains outstretched in peace to our neighbors. II is our hope that the Numl.iv, Oct. II Vl/.l(»r 4.00 p. m. moud Kuw/I, Foreifjii Minister of wires?" time will not be long delayed when Kol Nidre !i -45 p. in, the Uniloil Arab ftepublic, de"At An) Time" Miiixliiy, Oct. J.'! llvcretl ;i sharp, iinti-Isranl attack "I can d e c l a r e here," the il will be grasped in peace for the Morning service 8.00 n. m B'nai Israel of in which he a c c u s e d "political Israeli representative continued, benefit of the region and all manVlzknr 10:30 u. in Council Bluffs Zionists or Zloniziiig polilicians" "in the name of my Government, kind." of "manufacluriiic" a case out of that wo arc prepared to enter into Youlh Service 31:00 n. m Dr. Faw/.i, in his address, had Sunday, Oil. II Israel's grievance a g a i n s t the immediate negotiations for a full asserted that the UAIt was ijving Miuch.i Ne-i-lah 3:J5 p. in. Kol Nidie 5:30 a m. UAH's blockade of Ih<: S U M Canal. and final settlement of all out- up to all international commitIn his attack. Dr. Fnw/i specific- standing Israel-Arab problems, at ments rogurdlng freedom of shipMiimliiy, Oct. 12 Beth Israel and Beth -Moinuig Service 8:00 n. m. ally named Mis. Ciolriu Meir and any time and place the Arab lead- ping through the Suez Canal, inHamedrosh Hagodol .Scimoii 30:.'!0 a. in. Sehvyn I.loyd, rosnectively Israel's ers may wish—and without any cluding the Constantinople Convention of 1888 and United NaSunday, Oct. II Vi/kor 11:00 n, m, and Britain's foreign ministers, pieconditioiis," Mr. I.ourle pointed out Hint In tions declarations and resolutions, Kol Nidic ri.r> p. m Children's Service . . . . 3:00 p. m. Ibis j cur's Assembly, "mure Hum lie coupled the- Canal issue with Sermon 0:15 p. in Xe-i-lah 4:10 p, m. SO countries f rum various con- the problem of the Arab refugees Mi)iul:i>, O i l . V. srarl's ] and asserted that F.gypt is willing tinents" have MipiiurliM Morning service '<:'•)() a. m insistence mi (rci-ilmn nf naviga- to accept the jurisdiction of the Sermon '.): 15 a. in. tion through tin- Sue/ <':m:il. "hi|f- International Court of Justice on Vlzliur 10:.'!0 a. in iiifir.uillv" In- sluted, "not one ' the Sue/ pioblem. •liini'ir f"D!i.:ii";: ilioii . . 1 0 ' ! ( l .i ee to till) single nun-\rnl> countrv b.is cnine Ireland .idded il J u n i o r Coii'-H ; M ! i o n . . '.' " 0 p . K''-i

I ill f ' n i i ' l ' i i l i i i • S f n i i i 1 ."> |i

Congregation of Israel l.-iu'llll

Federated Clubs Make Appeal for Bazaar Articles

more, tliiin t7t meinlier stuti-s iiippoll ing Isi.ii'l's HIM1 ugnlnst tlio Mr I.HIII1In-edleil i l i . i l t h e I'iilttMl Anil) Kepiililic's hlnckiido i i niciil ISI,II-II-AIMI, i h l l i e u l l i c " . of the Sue/. C:III:II. i'hor Tlinrs, o i I ' I I M M K d i n A i . i b i c | i e l i o n o l t h e cliiiirnuiii "I die leihiHilie delegaT.N I'.ilestiiiiI'.UIIIMII p i . i n I n timi, told the (iener.'d Assi-mlily HUT "Ilnri tin- Ai.ib .states n e - ' thiit his fioM-iniiidit hopes "wo fepted Ihiit d e c i.si o n . " be said, , ruii see the rri-eiliiin of n:i\lgntioil riiMViud


Tin- I-'edei.iliiui nf Jewish Wome n - Chili will a.i.iui have its own hoolh .il the ,-iiuiu.il Childien's Mciihiii.il

Hi/ pil il




< I . I I . i l l Ii

•bi-l'l SIIIHI.IV rtcuiii,; and all day 1 snnil.i.v. O i l . II .".limit.iv, Noiemlier 1.") and I(i at K<il N i d r e ,*i:l."> p, in the .Sln-Liiiiii-Koiilenelle Hotel, it

In s i i p i i o i l

tin- l u l l e d


nl H i e il.ilois l ! i |>iililii."

"both gieat Sennlie peoples cmild j (broiigb Hie Sue/ Canal re-estabu.is announced by Mis. Krnest A. h.-iM- benefited.' The Isr.ieh con-j lished aicnrding In inli-riintluliiil Nogi: and AIi.s. Hiiherl .Sonuner, eluded his speech bj asserliiif;: j Ian mill (lie Sue/. Cannl Conxcnco-ihairuien for Ihe Women's I-'edHear No firudgc" I Him of 1KK8." ' i-i ,itlnn "For the past .sewral years the New Vuil(. (J'lAi fiijie John ' Jruis.ii women bine done an out1 XXIII' . oidei ilel'-imi' neg.ilne j Manding job for this cause." Mrs. I»:C,\i;SI-; V O r CAISi:, ;;i\e ;;enrefeiencC's IK J I H : . .ind Moslems j Nogg declared and added ''that eroitsly to Ihe United lied Featherill a Catholic pi.m-i u.is hailed by ue want to do even belter this Red Cioss DIIUMII which Hie Jewish Fedeialioii is a beneficiary. Women leproseiUlnj: the leader- (ions of human relations agencie.if tin1 AmeiH'.ui Ji-ui-h Commit lee year." ship of many of Omaha's Jewish current issues and controversies) lodav as "another significant step A kelf-addrc-.ised ^ivelo|>e lo be and the human relations educaby the P()11,iff , „ „ . , „ ! nnpmving women's organizations will partitional program. intei religions undei standing a n d ! ... .,._ _ ™ ,, cipate in a four-session Human to women in the community sug Other guests will include Gqorgo helling a new M.indaid of achieveRelations Orientation Course be- Robinson, of the Omaha Urban gcsling that they indicate the ment for religious leaden and type of items they are planning lo ginning October 14, it was an- League and Nell Danberg, execu('(lUt/.'llO! contribute. New York (.ITA)—There a r e nounced today by Ted Sennett, tive secretary of the Mayor's ComAll the merchandise is being about VJ.QH'J.OOi) Jews in the world regional director for the Anti- mittee on Humnn Relations. Mr. The Pope oideieil the omission of Hie passage in the piajer uhich stored at the home of Mrs. Hubert livmi; in 11!) hinds and territories, Defamation League of B'nni B'rith. Sennett will chair all the sessions and will lend several of them. referred lr> "those who are still .Sonuner, .">;)1!) Nicholas Street. according to the World Jewish Each of the two-hour sessions, Organizations to be represented Khtouded in darkness of idolatry Mrs. Ilichard Einstein will again Congress' Institute of Jewish Afto he held on consecutive Wed- at the Orientation Course arc or Main " He al o oideicd the do- i he in charge of staffing the boolh. fairs survey. Thi- .survey lists «,17(i,000 in the nesday mornings at the Jewish B'nai B'rith, Temple Israel Sislelion of the passair which re- | Donations of hand made articles ferted to "the children ol the peo- | including ;ipions, te.i towels, Icriit- Ameiieas ."i,200,00O of them in Community Center, will present a lerhood, lieth Israel Synagogue Sisterhood, Hadassah and Nationof • A m e r i c a - specific subject for discussion. pie which u a s mice the cho.sen j tun;, croehelin:; and etc. are badly the United .States 1 al Council or Jewish Women, Beth people, in.i) Ihe Idood alie.uly in- needed Anyone able to make any .'l.27.'f,."i()() in Km o p t ' of whom Kabhi Sidney Brooks of Temple voked on llii-in descend on them of I l i c e items aie asked to con- "there aie about 2,(«)0,000 poisons Israel, will discuss the History of El Sisterhood. Those registered for the course loo as a i-li-ansiii'; li.itli ol re- lact Mrs. Xo,:c, fiL 1(U") oi Mrs. registered as Jews in the Soviet Anti-Semitism al the opening are Mmes. Al Oruch, Kdward LevUnion within its present bounddemption in life " Sommei, ill, !id."il. meeting. Subsequent periods will lns-on, Millard Speier, Henry Aplies." 2,00(j,K)() in Asia, including Second Time Fond in- b.ikery items c.iiiuot he lX'-VHil in I'.i.iel; .ICO.nuO in all bo doioled to history and func- pol, Harold Goodman, Seymour Tins was Ihe second lime till1; Africa and (il.fiOO In Australia. Ahrams, Charles Stern, Joseph year that Pope John had ordered Horwicli, Harry Weinberg, Harry the omission of negative passages Sidman, Phineas Weintraub and concerning 'oilier groups in Roman Julia Jacobs. Morris C.. Follman. Catholic liturgy. Last March, the Pope ordered a i: h a n g o in an imcienl liturgical text il.-ed in Jerusalem (JTA i -Arab ne Jerusalem (JTAI--A group of Good Friday services which said: fun Ro.ss McFarlano will open Oreinus pro perfldis Iiulaei ." (I,el j p.'ipers from Jord.'tn ie[iort arrt^its j .sevi: al hundred Oernuin tourists Us pray for the perfidious Jews.) j of Jews in Syria and Lebanon. The have been graiilod visas to visit the Univeisily of.Omaha Institute Jerusalem. (JTA)—The Polish' This .hud. lieen changed' by Hit reports stale thai, in Syria, dwilh Israel next monlh after they filed of World Affairs Wednesday al affidavits attesting to Ihe fact that Ocean Lines will start regular previous Pontiff tu be translated H: 15 p.m! al the University audisenleiices had been requested by they hail never been Nazis. shipping service next monlh heus "I.et us pray for Ihe unbe-1 The group, the first large tour- torium. Tickets for the institute, I ween Poland and Israel, it was l i e v i n g J e w s " and Pope John j 111'; Syrian prosecutor for eight struck the word "unbelieving" I Jens charged with allegedly 'at- ist continent to-cn'ine to Israel co-sponsored by the Jewish Fed- reported here. This will be ihe first regular shipping arrangement from the text. tempting lo cross the border into from Germany, will visil the coun- eration of Omaha, have been mailed between Israel and any Communist try' as part of the ^Mediterranean to Jewish Federation members, Herbert' U, KIII'III.MIIM, president] Lebanon "c*route lo Israel." bloc company. tour on Ihe S..S. Aridne, a German of Ihe American Jewish Commit-1 The routes will connect Polish The Jordanian press also reports vessel. The visas were granted by Hubert II. Koopeiv president, tee, Klresse'd thai Ihe Pontiff's acslated. ports with ports in Israel, contions ""might well augur the be- thiil, in Lebanon, police uncovered I In: Israel Mission in Cologne, IsMr. MoF.'ii'lane, a radio-TV com- tinuing lo Bulgaria- and Rumania. ginning of a new era in intergroup "the largest and most dangerous rael has no diplomatic representamentator, correspondent, and pub- Several years ago Rumania had spy ring working for Israel." A tion* in West Germany. and interi'eligioiis relations." licist-journalist, has jiisl returned shipping aiTnngoiiH.'nls with IsJewish lawyer, allegedly headed from a tour ol" Africa. lie will talk rael but Iliesi- were halted the ring. His closest, collaborator on "Africa —Kasl or West." is reported to have been a Christian Moslem-journalist. Soviet Union-Free World con- Fraternity Withdraws Boston (WNS)—It. Is never too Tiio.se arrested in Lebanon are late to go to college, it was demon- flict -will he Ihe subject of the six From Ncrtional Group The election nomination lists in charged with "collecting military strated here by 8(>-year-oId Morris weekly lectures of the Institute Middletown, Conn. (JTA)—A. England indicated that at least Information" as well as with "help- Springer when he registered as a which ends Nov. IS. .Speakers will second University chapC5 Jews wore contesting seats on ing Jews to escape from Lebanon." special student at Boston Uni- be top ranking authorities In the ter of aWcslcyan national fraternity ended October 8—nine. Conservatives, 41 They are also accused of being as- versity. Mr. Springer was grad- fields of government, internation- its national because ot Labor, 14 Liberals and I Commu- sisted by "Jewish financiers" in uated last June from the Boston al relations, history and philoso- discriminationaffiliation Issues. phy. Central Evening High School. Beirut. nist.

of Prayer

Rabbi Brooks to Speak at Opening Of Human Relations Course Oct. 14

5,200,000 Jews Live in U.S.

Arab Arrests ofJews

Israel Visas io German Toeirisfs

Famous Commentator To Open Institute 0! World Affairs

Poland aind Israel

65 JewisSi Candidates In England's Ekdion

College at 86



Published Every Friday by Hie Jewish IViRraiion of Omaha.


New Bishop to Israel Denies Politics Part Of His Appointment



St-wM jiud u;i|'[>'nines til 1 tic Dr. Philip cr Ji-Mlth IIIIIIII.' I'ur The *t«d by I ill Olliuw.

Second Clu:5 Fotlfii; Paid (j! Onicho. Nctr. Annual SUDScriphcfl. U 00. Advert!::™ Pci'rs en Application PuDMcotion OfHce—101 No VO!h r;!rrct, Omcnu, ricLr. JA<>r.on l;f,e.



ll.VI'i'V NKW VKAIl in 5720 i'iini the residents ;in<) staff of lii' Or. Philip Sher Jewish Home or 'J'iio Aged. ! J-MHIAI. SK.VSON OI'JONS: Ilelli j;l Sisli'ihiMid, under the chairmans h i p (jf .Mi.-.. Kevin Simon, opened

FrMny, Oitolier B, J»AS

All friends and relatives nrc Invited to attend Mrxieis ami reception. LAWI!K.\TE (JltOSS.MAN STEVKN UAIZ Lau'ienee Grossman, son of Mr. ; and Mrs. Arthur GrOnMiian, will i observe his liar Mitzviih, and; Steven Kalz, son of Mr. and Mrs ' Maurice Kat/, will observe his j liar . M i l z v a h at the Saturday i morning service at Beth El Syna-1 gogue on October 10. ;

OHIO FISH MKT. 2612 No 16th St.


j the social bea.son ut the Home with Piei-rc C.i- j» program centered about a film Komo. 1JTA1 of Hebrew content, nefreshmcnls Di^io ('hi.ippem, I In- Vatican's were served by the ludirs of the LOI'IS CIHJNOV1C Patronize Our Advertiseis iieuh-appfiinted Latin Bishop in sisterhood, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham ChunoIsrael, Mild thirit Ins duties would FLOWERS: The floral arrange- vie announce (he Bar Mil/vah of be entirely pastoral and not potheir son, Louis, at Beth El SynaOamllclifjht, 5:HX p. ill. litical. He denied lhat his appoint- ment at The Home last week, was gogue on Friday evening, October WHAT DO YOU NEED WHEti ment might be a first step toward presented by Mr. and Mrs. Nathan 16th and S a t u r d a y morning, TEMPLE ISltAKI. UNEXPECTED GUESTS CALL? Turner, in Honor of The Bas MitzShabbas Shuvah services VMII be Vatican recognition of lsrad and vah of ..their daughter, Judy. October 17th. held this evening at 8.15 p. in. at called totally unjustified rumors VAHIt/KIT: Special memorial of Arab fears that his nomination the Temple'with. Rabbi'Sidney H. might mean an initial step toward services scheduled during Ti.shii; Brooks officiating. Tishri 3—Oct. 5—Sam Epstein Immediately following services Israel-Vatican diplomatic relations. Tishn 5—Oct. 7~Rebecra ZueiThe new Bishop, who said he exan Oneg Shabbat and reception back will be given by the Temple Sis- pected to arrive in Israel within Tishri 7—Oct. 9 - Solomon OsiieWorms, Germany (JTAI -In the AND 4 MINUTES... THAT'S ALL I terhood honoring Mr. and Mrs. the next two months to take up presence of Christian and Jewish Mix your batter and pup it in the overt row Gerhard Spies. Mr. Spies, former his duties, said he would probably Tishri 11—Oct. 13--Da\id Cooper clergymen, political lenders and Hhile your guests are pelting settled..* executive director of the Wesl- reside in Haifa because a major- Tishri 14- Oct. 16-Barney Mnr- representatives of several German then surprise 'em with « /eat home-baked treat, chester Jewish Center in Mama- ity of Israeli Christians live in Jewish communities, the cornerkowitz ronek, N. Y., was recently ap- that area and because other Is- Tishri 16—Oct. 1 8 - MM. Sam stone for the rcconslruction of the hot and fragrant from ttia ovent I t ' i thai rael localities were easier to reach pointed Temple administrator. famous, old "Rashl" Synagogue easy . , . with Poster Dromedary Mixes! Shabbas morning services will from Haifa than from Jerusalem. Tishri 27—Oct. 29—Sam Hoffman was laid here. He said his jurisdiction would Tishri 28-Oct. 30—Philip Saks Slock up begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi The original "Rashl" Synagogue, today! Brooks officiating and the Re- be limited to Israel, excluding (lie Tishri 29—Oct. 31— Lottie Silver- built early in the 12th Century, Jigtous School Choir under the di- Gaza Strip, and that his jurisdicPOUND CMC H I I stone was believed to have been the old- CIHCEII MEAD I I I I rection of Miss Ida Gitlin singing tion was delegated to him by the >st Jewish house of worship in Euthe musical portions of (he service. Patriarch of Jerusalem who preope. It was named for Rabbi Solo- com HUD mi £ 0 M MUfFIH MIX The assistant teachers of the sides oxer Israel, Jordan and Cymon ben Isaac, known as "Ranhi," Sunday Division of the Religious prus. amous Jewish expounder of the The new Bishop expressed the IIAItltY SALTZMAN School and members of the Temple Funeral services were held Mon- Bible and the Talmud, who studied youth group helped during ch.il- opinion that all pending IEMICS, day at Beth El Synagogue for Har- here in his youth. The synagogue such as the Aral) refugee problem drens services and story hour on ry Saltzman, 58 of 485G Ciiming was destroyed by the Nazis during Hiid the status of the Holy Places Rosh Hashimah and assisted the street, who died Sunday. He was he infamous "Crystal Night" of in Israel and Jerusalem, snould Mens' Club with traffic. 1938. owner of the Saltzman Grocery. Members of tit.- l«o groups told I ' * . "faced lealislically taking exThe synagogue will be rebuilt Surviving are his wife, Sara, the children Holiday stories and isting realities into consideration. in the style of the original 12tlv| He hinted that the incrcusinB l w o s " " S l assisted during the services. TliobC HI.; Krnest A., Omaha; two sis- Cantiiry structure which had been I who helped were: I.oannc Trost importance of the Jordan-held Old designed by the same architects and Larry Mayer, co-chairmen City of Jerusalem stressed by ters, Mrs. Ben Colin, Mrs. Keith who designed Worms Cathedral. and Jonathan Bank, Steve Bern- King Hussein rendered the chances Peltz and two grandchildren. Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Worms, which had a pre-war Jewstein, Norman Hlficher, Nancy of internationalizing the entire city sli population of ],100 ]y,ia only Brodkey, Sherman Brodk'.-y, Rich- "more improbable." He said he iwo Jewish families as pennament ard Kngel, Tom KelJman, Jerry considered the condition of inc MAX LKVIN residents now. Frank, Bonnie Kislt, Marcia Fogel, Arabs in Isrnej as .satisf.'io'orv. Funeral services for Max J » Richard Friedman, Nancy Hard\inc, 5-141 Deoatur Street, who ing, W i l l i a m Kully, Belli Ann died Tuesday, were held Thursday CABINET WORK Mnkiesky, Mark Planner, John MONUMENTS as the Jewish Funeral Home. Spilzer and Eddie Treller. For Specialized Furniture Burial was in Golden Hill Cemein the Jewish Tradition


Cornerstone Laid for German Synagogue




Omahans In the News



Marble Top Tables

Your urdcr sii'Jiil'l Uu placutJ V.T)1 In advance of "Yalir/dt." no tlic

Surviving are wife, tun daughwork * lues nut huvi; to he hurried. KKTH KL I n in Yaffr. of I he N. S. Yaffe CALL KE 0842 Services at Beth Kl Synagogue Printing Co., was elected to the ters, Cerilia Phillips, Sara OslraWo are known for our exacting will begin at 8:15 p. m. this eve- board of directors of Printing In- vich; brother Ike of Atlantic, la., Hebrew fettering and defajf. ning. Itabbi Kripke's sennon topic dustry of America at the organ- five grandchildren and one great | You may placo your confidonco i will be "Teachers Are Master ization's national convention in grandchild, in us knowing each detail and __ ! Builder". Cantor Aaron I. Edgar New York, recently. Mr. Yaffe Harry's tradition will be adhered to and the Beth El Synagogue Choir is president of the Graphic Arts with utmost cars and skill. Live Fish Marker will render the musical portions of Association of Omaha, local afthe service. Here you dc.'il directly with the Kosher Poultry filiate of the national group. owners . Wo portnlt m> untimeSabbath morning services will ELKOTK1) TO OFFICE [ ly .soUtvJnilon . . i1 Call us for Killed Daily anpolntnifnt tit vour •convenience.. begin at 9:30. The Junior CongreElected as officers of the Sigma j Mrs. Beulah Rutslein of Sioux Delia Tnu pledge class at the Unigation service is at 10:30 a. m., AT 4977 1314 No. 24th Wincha-Maariv services, 5:30 p. m. City, la., is \isiting her daughters, vcrsity of Oklahoma, Norman, are Sunday morning services are at Mrs, Hurry liclmont and family Nancy Vengor, daughter of Mr. Certified and approved by Rabbi 8. The daily services are at 7 a. m. and Mls» F r n n m Ittitstfin. and Mrs. Abe Venger, who will D/, Loon Thorn, Proildent, AmeriAcademic Rabbit Association and"7 p. m. serve as secretary and Judith Co- can 3213-15 " 9 " St. Frank Renna Now residing in Omaha after a hen, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Dan of Uew American!, and Rabbt S. A reception welcoming the new Wafitin of the Orthodox Rabbi. AsOpen Sunday 2-5 •members of the Beth El Talmud three year tour of duty with the Cohen, as vice-president. sociation of New York City. Slnro 19-3 . Torah staff will be held following United States Army are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Klrwitz and their services, Friday evening. son, rFny Kduiird. Mr. Klewitz was Plowed to Pi Ijimbda r'hi, Uni- ! attached to Fifth Army Head- vcrsity of Oklahomn at Nonnan, i BETH LSKAKL PERMANENT JOB AVAILABLE Friday services iKahbaias Shab- quarters, Chicago, III. during the aie Larry flilinsky, son of Mr. ant] ; 1 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY bos) will begin at 5:30 p. m. .Serv- past year. T\Tis. Sifwart (Jilinsky; Justin . ices on Saturday morning, at 8:4."> iciiilnif.' tf niinjr- .(',rifn\iciy, son of Mr. an<l Mrs. The fainilv For M<ifurc Man, Omaha Rosidenf. For Work in F a c t o r y i B. in. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will arily at the home of MIK. Klewitz's Mixing—Packing—Shipping — Waiting on Customer* — • conduct the Saturday afternoon parents, Mr. .'ind Mrs. A. A. Onich. Kal/man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam.I Loading and Unloading Trucks and Other Duties. H i g h Talmud class at 5:1:5 p. m. and K;itzman. ' Minolta, f o l l o w e d by Sha Josh School Education with Chance for Advancement. ib-njumln I). Wifsmun lias been S'eudos and Mauriv will bogin at elected to flu.1 board of directors rMVi;i;srrv or MISSOIKI Phone Charles Guss for Appointment 5:45 p. m. Lcnora Kay Folk. (lan;;|itcr of i of 1 lie- Junior Chamber of C'oniThn Sunday morning .Minyon xnorce. Mr. and .Mrs, I.vidurc Falk has CHEMICAL PRODUCTS COMPANY meets at 8:45 a. m. ami is folIji.'cn plfd;;fd to Alfih;i Kpsilon Phi, lowed by breakffisl and tlie Ilahbl's Office—PL 3133 Eves, before 9:30 P.M.—GL 8340 I'nivrr.sify of Misouri, ('oliiinl)in. I class in Bible. The Junior Congregation meets ;d 10 a. m. on Saturdays and at. H:.'iO a. m. on . Sundays. A nursery school program for Daily sen ices ;it 7 a. m. and 5:45 p.' m. The weekly Talmud i (hree-year olds which opened OcRUG & UPHOLSTERY Study Group niseis (.-v^ry Tuep'lay tobr-r 6 at Temple Israel, is beinj; held on Tuesday and Thursdays CLEANERS ewn'mp, at 6:.'i0. from !) a. n:. to 1J:.'',O a. rn. with RUGS —CARPETING ?vlra. M:irlin Haykin and Mrs. .Smil B'NAI JACOIS ADAS LAMPSHADES Rosinsky ;is its instructors. OMAHA'S LEADING yr;srn;i:oN •*** FURNITURE The program will include music, Services at IJ'iiai Jacob-AdasKosher Meat Market and Delicatessen Cleaned in Your Home! orl, stories, science, holiday eele.Ycshuroii will begin Friday at 5:30 bration.s ,'uid excursions. KnroJlBinding—toying—Repairing WA 5554 4415 CUMING p. m. and Saturday morning at. men't is limited to fifteen children. 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 5:30 Mrs. Nathan .\Toval: is chairman Don Bernstein HA 2554 p. m.-jfollowed by Shalosh S'eudos. of the nursery school committee. Daily services at 6:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. •


Omaha Monument Company

Nursery School


Gall Wednesday for Thursday Delivery

Holidays and Knsts Yom Kippur Oct. 12 Sukkot . . Oct. 17-22 Hashonah Rabah Oct. 23 Shmini Azeret . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 24 Simhat Torah . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 25






Friday, Orlolirr 9, I9.'>9




Dr. Glueck Discovers Stanley H. Rubin Scientific Research Ancient Megev Road Married in Wesf Budget to Be Doubled

New Immigration Law Passed

W a s h i n g t o n 'I lit- l.isl s e s s i o n ol ! LM find ]r;.;al r c i i i f e n c e in t h r t T . S, C o n g r e s s p a s s e d i m m i j ; r a l i o n l e e - 1 of n o | less thiin 1.") y e a r s , New Ynrk, (,]'} A » ' I h e discovJerusalem (J'l'At — Complete Announcement has been made islation iiirreasiiii; family reunion | i'rovi.sions e x t e n d i n / ; t h e i i i ; h l ery of an old Ne;;ev roulc thai reorganization of the Israel Govp o s s i b i l i t i e s a n d o t h e r m e a s u r e s of c e r t a i n p e r s o n s w i t h T B l o j o i n was ancient even in Hie tin if of of ihe marriage of Stanley II. Ruernment's Research Council and of v a l u e In p r o s p e c t i v e n e w c o m e r s r e l a t i v e s in t h e I ' . S, a r c liber.'il- A ! i i i h . i m W I M . i i i n o u n e i ' i ! h u i e b . \ bin and Mi"s Freda Cooper. Thr I l e l | i I Illli- J'.llllllies j Urti '>> ' I " ' ' " ' » l " « I ' l l l l l d U i a s 1 - I I . I . T i h e i.."i f a m . l v . e n m o n « " ' V < ' c ^ l i m a l e s JH..I .TO a d d , lavs eei rain family sep.niiiionb Initial J e w i s h f a m i l i e s u i l l f;ani uhieh. in Ihe case of KasU'rn Ku- i i d n u s s i o n l o t h e I ' . S u n d e r l l n s ropean Jews have often run into l a w . It e \ p n e s o n J u n e .'10, liHil Ihe iiiifoi-(".i'i>;ilj|f futnie, me elim- lint it in.iv be m a d e p e r i n a n e n l .

inated. fJteli-ience.s ^united for (ho odmissioii lo the U. "S. of brothers oiid sisters of cili/ciis and th(> married sons and daughters of citizens arc extended to t h e spouses rind minor children of such pcrson.s, who may now IICcompnny them. Under lln> prior luw, if 11 brother ol a U. S. citiy.en or (lie married child of 11 eiliJTM wished lo immii;ntte under the benefits of a preference; he hud to leave his wife and minor child behind and apply for their admission following.' his a n i \ a l here. Non-Quota Kasis The new ]nw makes it possible for thousands ol people to enter 1hi? country on a jion-quola basis, so Ilial man}' of those far down on quota lists may be moved ahead 1o a more favorable position. Some of the differences in rights between naturalized and native-born citizens (ye eliminated. A naturalized citi/en who has had 15 years of residence in the U. S. subsequent to his naturalization may Jiow reside nurnnd for nny idiKlh of time in n country other than Ills former place of residence or birth. The n a m e permission Is grunted in a naturalized citi/en who prior to nttntnine the age of

Births Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Diamond Announce the birth of a daiif,'hler, Dehrn Diane, born October 1. They ore also the parents of another daii(;liter, Gail and a son, Wayne. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Nalc Ferer and the Kev. nnd Mrs. A. Diamond, (Jreat crandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ike Kaplan, A daiinhlcr, Marln Una WHS born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Manny Goldberg, September 27 at Methodist Hospital. Grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Wintner of Brooklyn, N. Y. nnd Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goldberg. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Root of North Hollywood, Vfil. announce the birth of a son, Dnnlel J. on September 20. Mrs. Root is the former Harriett Geifmnn of Omahn. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Snm Geifmnn of Omahn and Mr. and Mrs, Sum Root of Klsinore, Col. Mr, and Mrs. Marshall Becker announce the birth of their CIMIKIIter, Lisa Jo. on Scptcml>er 25 at Clarkson Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. nnd Mrs. Mux Turchen of Sioux Falls, S. D. and Mr. and Mrs. Morris.. Becker. Great grandparents are Mrs. Bertha Ruderman, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. M, Turchen, Sioux City, la,; Mr. mid Mrs, Hun Hecker and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Limner, Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Heckrr is the former Virginia Lee Tiiichen ol SIOIIV Fulls'.

Organizations IU;TII isit,\i;i, TiiK.Mi: i s ItOSlI IIASIIANAII KVKKYDAY "Kosh ]la<-hiim>h Kvcryday" is Ihe (home of the Uclh Israel Sisterhood dcsscrt-lmicheori nirotliiK. Tuesday. October l.'tlh, at 12:.'i0 p. m., in the synaKOKiic social hall. Mrs. David Lewis is in charge of Ihe program. Mmes. 1). H. and Ko.se KpsU'in lire chairman and co-chairman of the luncheon, and reservations may he made by calling Mmes. Barney Grey and Milton C'ackiu. The board Meeting of October C was held at the home of Mrs. Kriiest Horhstcr with Mi.s. Kli Kagnn acting ns co-liosfe(-s.

.Madrid UTAi -- The Jewish community of Madrid has received permission lo open a syna!:o;;ue. the first.-to function in Madrid Bince the expulsion of Ihe Jews fiom Spain in H!>2. .Madrid .lews now hold services In a private home, although ii.ir.cel'ina Jewry uses two "unofficial" »yn.'ij',o|,'ues located in the Jewish Community Center. It was reported that the Madrid Jewish community had been .seeking permission to open an "official" synafjoiiue more adequate let the community's needs.

Omahans Appointed To National Posts

CIIVITKK The C'ornhusker Chapter of B'nai B'rilh Women held a hoard meeting, October 5, at the home of Mrs. Paul Rlfkin. Co-hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Gene Osheroff mid Mrs. Burton DuneWashington (JTAl A poll of vilz. residents of the restricted nalional capital residential area of NKUItASKA CIIAPTKR Spring Valley, where many govNebraska C h a p t e r of B'nai ernment leaders reside, revealed B'rilh held its board meeting Wed- a majority, oppose restrictive nesday night at the home of Mrs. covenants barring Jews although Max Sacks. they sign such agreements to buy homes In the fashionable suburb. 1IKTII I'X'TKA The poll was sponsored by the A lea for new uiembeis of Belli Anti-Defamation League of R'nai F.I Sisterhood was held October B'rith. H a l t h e home of Mrs. Krnest VVirfMany members of Congress and troiib, chairman of the affair nnd high-i-iinking federal officials live membership commit tee. in Spring Valley and have signed .Members of her committee in- anti-Jewish covenants. The ADI. clude Mmes. Moe Venger, Harold cited the findings as "additional (iarher, Jerome Milder, Seymour evidence that such religious reCohen, Keith Saundeis, Hubert st net ions are largely imposed by Ilosenblum, Seymour Zoub, Stan- real estate developers and agents." ley Silverman, Philip Tuiek, and A total of !>8 .percent of Spring Al Fiedler. Valley residents revealed they would have been equally Willing IIKMIY MONNKY I.tiNCIIKON to purchase their homes if there Ted Sennet I, regional director had been no covenant against of the Plains States Region of Jews. Thirty-five percent of those the Anti-Defamation League pre- polled said they did not know or sented the "A.D.L, Story" at the refused to comment when asked luncheon meeting of B'nai B'rith if admission of Jews to Spring Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470, Valley would cause them to move Wednesday noon at the Jewish out. Sixty-five percent said they Community Center, It was an- would remain. nounced by Mrs. Harry A. Wise, chapter A.D.L. chairman. Mrs. Bernard Siegler and Mrs. Frank Sekar were In charge of reservations.

Capital's Restricted Area Polled by ADL

COUNCIL IIOAKD MKKTINO The National Council of Jewish Women will have its October board meeting at the home of Mrs. E. Leo NORB, 728 Sunset Truil on Thursday, October 15 at 1 p. m. Mrs. Samuel Zacharia will assist Mrs. Nogg as co-hostess.

IJ'NAI Il'MTII COUNCIL The B'nai B'rilh Council of Women will have a fund-raising meeting,'October 15, H:.')0 p. m. nt Hie Jewish Community Center. Mr. and Mrs. Stove Swarlz anPlans will be made for Ihe ornounce Ilie birlh of daughter, Cyn- gaui/.atiou's annual fund raising thia Ellen, ocl'ilier :i at the Claii:- .if lair. Mis. Ma\- Krizfilman, overton Iluspil.il, all liui'l raising rliaiiman, said. Crandp.'iienls aie Mr. anil Mr.-. I .on Juivn ol San Jose, Cal , nnd Mr. and Mis Sain Sw.n 1/

First Official Madrid Synagogue Since 1942

I Jr. Nrl'on GJiii-ck pienidenl of ' l i t e look 'il ice September l!0 in (lie Hebie1.' I'nion College-Jewish • I.os Angeles, Cal. Insliliile ol Helii;i(ni, who recendy The bride is Ilie daughter of ichuneil fiviin n MinmiiT arcliaeo- Mrs KSIIHT Cooper, Glasgow, loj^icul i-xplor.itidn which he con dueled in the Negev uiidei •the Scotland, the bridegroom is the auspices of the David Klau Foun son of Mr. and Mrs. Ailhur N Kubiri da I ion of N'evv Yi>ik The couple will live in Los AnI'.stiiniitini; that the load is more than 5,000 yeais old. Dr. Glueok geles ,-jflor a wedding trip lo Carsaid lie discovcii'd th.il Il:c High mel, Cal. way, which runs Jrom Sdeli lo Ihe Jo dunlan border, joined the King's Highway of Biblical rnenlion in Transjordan. His findings, he add ed, convinced him that Ihe ruad "had actually been the majoi eastThe National Council of Jewish to-wesl conection (if Israel with Women lias announced Ihe apArabia and Egypt." pointments of Mrs. John Solomon lie described "Kites belonging lo lo the NalionnrCominiltee of Pubthe period of Ahiaham. going lic Affairs, and Mrs. Joseph M. back some '1,000 ye;iis. and olhei Iloiwieh to the National Commitsites belonging lo the peiloc1 of tee on Ways and Means. the Jiidiiciin Kingdom, tenth to Currently Mrs. Solomon holds hixth centuries B.C.. and slill anollier (o ihe Nnbnlapan und By- the position as Education Director, zantine periods." II was the Uibli and Mrs. Horwich is Kx-Officio cal mention of King's Highway. on the Board of Ihe Omaha Sec"Ihe Beduin tracks which always tion. follow ancient ours," thai led him to discover this ancient 'oulc.

doubling tile Council's budget from $2,7rj(),O0() 11 year to .Sr>,r>00,000 was recommended here by the office of Prime Minister David Ben Gurion. Col. Daniel Shmishoni, an American and former Israeli air, force officer, who now heads a firm of management consultants, severely criticized the work of the Research Council to date, as well us "the Indifference to basic scientific research" shown by private industry in this country. The reports also rapped secondary school education in Israel for allegedly "not preparing students for scientific careers."

AKAB MKNTKNCKI) •'OR SPYING Tel Aviv ( J T A ) - A Jaffa Arab was sentenced to two and a half years' imprisonment for passing Information to Jordan.

U. S. Envoy Opens Exhibit in Israel • Jerusalem (JTAi—An exhibition

of 36 paintings and sculptures by 18 contemporary American artists was opened by Ogden Reid, American Ambasador to Israel, at the Be/alel Museum here. The exhibit is sponsored by the Whitney Museum and the American Federation of Arts.

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Everyman fern

Itayiin and A/CA No. 10 j An imitation is exicmled to the berg, Nathan If. •ireenbi'rg. Ar(-•-'t 'The medieval morality play cun^cioiisnes< that we may be 'women in the community to al- ! thui" M. Greene, Max Greenfield, off to a fast start in the Y I I i l l i "Everyman" vivified and human- > called away in ihe middle of our j Isadore Grossman, Ignae flruns- ('ouncil oil ootball flag le ized by •the '^rcal Au.-trian pm:t. >ins before we have been able to j lend tile annual ingathering tea | weig, 1'hil Gugcenlii'iiii, Fred .Sunday. Septt inber 21, at Adams make proper use of life and the \ to be given by the Omaha NeedleHugo von Hofniannsthal, and per! Ilahn. .Meyer I.. Halprin, Hen Park. .!5lh and Bedford. Rayim : nuiity opportunities it offers. I work (Juild. Tuesday afternoon, • formed every year with such tre! Handler, Harry D, Hiiykin, Martin downed ,\ZA No. 11)0. 5-0, and AZA ] When our end draws near and I October l.'t, at the Dundee Presmendous success at Ihe Snl/bmg ! II,.,-ji.rt' <l.-oi!*'V II t l e i v o f f . l a e o b "(i. 100 (lefeateil A/.A No. 1. 2:1-17. ; when, the entile account is hal- •byterian Church, 3312 Underwood Festival in Max Reinhardt's gripS III I lllis I l l i l l l II 111 I I I \( \t urn will \ < | I IM il n I anced. there i_s but o n e comfort— i Avenue. ping open-air staging, is designed bt i m III 1 i i n u d I I i l l ( i i l u i i, Ii i Sunday, October II at Adams jour Kootl deeds- charity thai ileThe Federation of Jewish Wom- M to enforce a mural religious lesson, ' livers from death. We arc sternly H o iwich \ I H 11 I I i<ob i Pink. with ;ill U•mils plaving at JIJ the stern message of sin and death reminded to take stock and that— en's Clubs under the name of Jew- \ \ i l l i i I II i b n ( d i l l • I s i n { a. in.and a;•ain at 2 p. m, —which is the meaning of the Day in <)'«.• grave hour of our deiuirtui'c ish Charities Section, as one of• I i \ u i ( K i n n i n I I n i v K i p l i n < " ireni-;:NT ST.1iMIINiiS Ihe participating Guild agencies, \ ilf I\ ipldn s unuel K ipl m II u 1 of Atonement --cither silver nor gol(Knor-'precW. J« hopes to contribute to the success old II Iv i r p SIIIIKV I v i t l e m m 1 . Wilh dl tht didstic f h i n t ' s if i lous stones will he of Jiiy iv ul to 1 0 of its appeal, Mrs. Dave Colin, sec- Aln ihiin K it k<( It iljili M K i t / i Rayim thought inrl (x|ii i x n i i that h i \ c | i i s on oui list j o u i n n but only tion chairman, slated. Mrs. Rich1 0 Miuiici K il/m in s un Iv, il/mun j 1000 p l u c in taken place i n - Ithe h e f ist mown;, foi ih (knowlcdRei ind oui good ard Wright is table display chair- Robe i t II lvejopei Uons Koine-v 100 . 0 1 over <.lun n ing woild of t h e atom deeds man of this unit. 0 1 Hvman Kraft, Abraham' Kranlz. 1 . . . Kill in stilkmK tonli ist to I-\ 'Lveivmin the n i n e l i l h cen Mrs. Cohn urges aIJ those who TlAMti L Ki n i l / Albfit I Ki is t i n y mot ility pi ij h a s nevci e i w n i n s iiie\ocibl( doom Yom ne Mill in! II h i ism M > n S failed to ti nT-poil i spellbound Kippui offus us the meiciful op have itot responded to the Ouild Kilpke Miniiel Isnipliisky I audience out of i h t j l m o s p h e i c of portumtj to icpi.nt oui sins and appeal to do so immediately. H a n v Kulikofskv Solomon I if, The following have contributed l f f f t t obtain a new lease of life by prom our modern over-refinement; it n u n Mooie I ishei S u n I pho faces us relentlessly with the. ul- ising to better our ways. And wesince the last list appeared -in th wil/ Willuni A I e \ i v P i \ f I i Tel Aviv I.ITA I Anolher landJewishPress; • ; "•.'-.•••..• '•-..' .',. • timate facts, of life and death as p r a y : . : . ' -. • .- . "' ' . - , . • , •:.':•,-G' \lne J o e I oikih m n k of 111 U h s i uly histoij, Mmes. Morris Abramson, Ruth does the Day of Atonement. Just "Who is a God like unto Thee that Mmes Max M igiil S i m M in the Hen lln im w is torn do»n lo AckenniUi, Joe Adler, Frank Jack as this holiest day, it draws us pardoneth iniquity, \ i t / Robtit I Mm 11 (jfill M i l in ikt ol l i t foi i liiiv,( ip ii I me ut into trie awful halls of silence, of j . , asselh by the transgression Alberts, Samuel Altsuler, Art Anlu chel, 5am Appleman, Abe Baker, t,olni Adolf Mi>( i Jacob Men ' house skysi i ipn 'meditation and pitiless Kelf-introof the remnant of HIS HeriNosl il^ic Ifl A \ h itsidtnls i e Sam Bah, Lloyd Bank, Abe Hear, dilson Jot Mtyei Ailhm M i j t i specllon. ft marks the speechless Meyer Beber, Robert Bernstein, son Itionio J Mildei David Mil i died that is ihuin Sokoloiv ind communion tif the heart with Him , lot His anger for- Max Blotcky, Herman Bondarin, lei I \w ilit(h \ e v d f ff H r n N i u Achad Ua im ont-i spoke at public thla ponders it, the touch of the ever, because He dclightelh Kdwin E. Brodkey, M, H, Brodkey, m m CTIMII AI NevMiidii l i n e s ! meetings it Ihe Ueil Haim Public soul with its Keeper: "Doelh not in mercy." .. M, Ronald Brodkey, Jacob Brook- A N O R B I t i l p h T u d N O I , K H u i y ( enlei (hen tlu onlj public n n f t He that weighoth Ihe heart conMicah 7:18-19) stein, Reuben H, Brown, ICdward Noodell l i m y Ninak \\d\ No mg hall and th it it was the site sider it? And He that keepetn thy Cccan, Isadore Chapman, David \ ik N ' j t h i n N o n k S u n \ ' o \ i k ot pre SI ite Jewish tominunily "1 BOUI, doeth not He know? And I . ••-,.• — :— Charncy, Harold Cherniack, Jacob fsifloie t Ohtimini D u i d O r u i h fust conccifs and opei is The raw shall not He lender to every man TW w n0 Icrapl PnlillPal Cohen, Michael'Coheh, Sam Co-H j m i n O s u f f I co O s l u x i c h M IU tipiitmcnt house ulll contain nuinaccording to his works?" (Pro- ' " f a B I rUIIIICai hen, Arthur A. Cohen, Ben Colin, , n e e J Peppei II n o Poilimtei eious offices ind enleiliinmrnf Dave Cohn, David B. Colin, Frank ;' Mnuiiti. If Pessen Duwd C P J i l l hulls Comisar, Harold Cooperman, Phil- j Sainutl P h i l Melwn S Plot kin I ist month the H t i / l n h G>m> Ip Crandell, Bernard Diamond; Willnm Polick S i m » P o s k i oITorn Kippur are the though.*' ^ & S i S t ' S S - Aaron 1. Kdgar, Richard K, Kin-David Polash. Louis Ruduziner nasiiim, one of the first building.? in Tel Aviv, was demolished to stein; Ruben Kpstein, Sam Kpxteini Max R e l / b i u m Don ild A Rite m iki plan foi a l i i t office bmltl* h - ' •" • • 'i Knesset Yisraol .Party—which is Willis M. Epstein, A. D. Faier, N o i m i n M Rice Peter Pit h u d in« beinf{ built by local conlrac)t ><.l>,cs that death ,s onn.po Ilnrold P. Karber, David Fcder, P u i l Ilifkin N lull in Rips P u i l lors and the American Miami Inl i n t Imml.liim «« isk l u r s . l u s I Rabbi A s h k e n a z i - and t h e Tnuat | Robert Feinberg, Abe Feldman, Rips, David Riseniiin, Idn Hobin\< stois dieiiip Alt we it iilv to f ice oui M il n Ifamoledet, a parly of North Afri- Charles Fellman, Morris ('. Fell- «on -IIIWMI Poffm in I'i IIJ unin I his is the turn foi i rdkoninj, cans and Iraquis. man. Harry Ferenstein, David II, P I' jilslcin Divid W P o m I n of the soul •-f'heslilxiii Hanefesh. | This leaves the Israeli electorate Fertil, Id I i) f II Ji iniK Ho m l I ill s mi Bernard Fink, Donald \\ h u h u in in \ ho u p (with 24 party lists from which lo Fischer, Ben Fisher. Abraham For- Post nblu n II II i \ / 1 < nli Id fit von in I in IK I Ih i[li[ i i jelvio.se five more than at the last nian, Albert Fox, I.eo Fox, Dave ^ m J < i n t m C h i l l i s I'o ( n live ( i'i of I) I• h sh n 'i is r | election's. nth il Hu \ m l W. Frank, Max Frank, Sam Frank, stot It i i P ik iid I I 1 I Ihr st i c f lif mil i M \I 1.220,00(1 Can Vote Sam Freed. Hersbel Fieeclmiin, Po i H m Piil m s t i i i i niter the dark unknown land i At i h e elections 1,220.000 I s - Joseph II. Freeman, Jacob Freg- Hiibln, 'from which no traveller return i raelis wlil have the right lo vote, gcr, Yeshla K. I-'regger, Rt>se FreiMIIK M i u n f Si II1- Will] m pth h iiiddcnlv i d / i s ho v un rind there will be 2.50.) polling s t a den, Herman Friedman, Isadore S iff i s t n n Phil S i l c H iiIv S d t / prepared he is that he has not used jt i o n s throughout ihe country. Friedman, Louis Friedman. man, Alex Sand, Kr-it.li .Saiiiidcr*his' life" . as he .should have done Among the electorate there are fif in u d ichfin Gei ild S i l i u n t / Mmes, Izzie Garsick. Samuel that piling up goods and gold and 90,000 non-Jews. I iiiiiniiel Se t l lules Shijiuo Geifman, Arthur Gendler, Stun K. Silver and running after pleasures, The total population of Israel, M i x S h i p n o lUn Sin i m in I i u i d Gilinsky, David Goldman. Herman Js not everything. on January 1, was composed as s h e i m i n ISKIOH s h t i n i in 1 ilhe Goldstein, Ifcadore Goldstein. Leon.•••.••..'•••. . Slid in in S u n Sluff M i \ Shi if,o In the same way. Yom Kippui; f o l l o w s : ard Goldstein, Arlhur M. Green, Jews ' ; . . . . . * . . 1,810,148 II iiold Si I el I /stf i Simon S l i i u l brings home to us the frightening Jack M. Green, Abraham GreenMoslems . . . . . . . . . . . . 152,5fi8 I Simon I icob Sloshing Sidne\ Christians . ; . . . . . . 47,612 M. Tretiak, Snin Trcliak. Frank Druses . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,344 h i m A Sleinbeij, Benj Stfin Electoral S.VRtpm Change Joseph F S t e m I ly Sloloi P i u l Organization of a non-partisan Suienky Simuel s « u u s mi committee for electoral reform, J mioff Ii i f i ichtenbiif, I s i f l i u aimed at changing the present EuM Iietiak im I n t n k 11 ink ropean type of direct proportional Puchin in I A iull> Phillip Jerusalem, I'.ITAI - The appoint Haifa, UTA) Professor Rahcl l u i e k Nnlhan Veit/ti l ' n i l V i i Israel's | representation to Ihe Americanjnent of Walter Kytan A I British type of constituency, was Shalon, head of the Building Re- et AIIMII T WtmbsiR .it l i Hew Ambassador in Palis was search Station ol the Technion, Weitz, Joe White, Louis' White announced. licially announced here. Mr. Kytan j Israel Institute of Technology, beWas the Director General of the! The new committee, organized comes the first Israeli to assume book Ben Winlinuh H n i > Wis Ji Albeit I Wuhlmi Midi by former Army Chief of Staff Foreign Ministry ince Israel's • presidency of an international Wohlner N T I I I I I I S Yiffr P i n A Yigael Yadin, issued a public' call establishment. scientific organization, with, her /ooiwill mil Ihe Missfs I I urn for a nalioiial referendum on the The appointment of tlie highest proposed change. T h e committee election as |iresident. of HILKM, \ienson f{t b t c t l B t i c r n i t i I dn I Foreign' Ministry official lo the includes Dr. Amos de Shalit, the- the International ".Union of Test-! ( ohn l e m (.cntllt i s i n I dm Paris post under* eores Ihe ini- famous physicist, and other non- ing and Research Laboratories for] sky I mini ( indmsltv I'o i Materials and Structures al ils porfanee which Isi af'l attaches to party personalities. f iodmsk\ Giiliude Ilollindfi meeting in Belgrade, Yugoslasia. her relations with France, 'Hie national election campaign 1 file II m i h I un K >hl I'I lit RILKM. founded in l!i-17, is an S u j t l I linn \ \ i / ( I i n i i i ind m -Air. Kytan is rep)icing Yaakov is now in full swing with colorful Tsur, who was appr inted Deputy poolers and cartoons covering liill- inleriiatiinial organization estab- mi IIIOIV f Mi I'f nj uniil KI il Director General of the Ministry boards and public meeting places lished to promote meetings and m in b\ Mi J i ni imin KI u n in he appointed ihro';hout Ihe country. Klectric helwiveh members Ihrougb symand is expect''d to p Director General in the near fu- signs have been mounted at kev posia and collotjuia. Only actively ture, . points while o\<vy hall is booked engaged scientists in construction research may belong. Membership Israel Ambassador Klialiu Klalh j ,'miH the last Saturday before-elcttoday is composed of about ."i()0 has lel't London after coir;plelin:; I tion. scientists," many internationally a nine-year lour of duly in Great ' famous, in addition to .7.00 rewnreh 119 SO. 24TH STREET Britain. He is reluming to Israeli organizations from many nations via Leningrad when.- be will meet as well as private companies. Omaha's Largest Dance Studio his 82-year-old mother. Among the participating counA representative of Queen Eliza- j belli II, I IK.- marshall of Ihe tliplo-; -lerusalem, I.ITA.I"— More Ihan tries are the L'nilcd Stales, Rusmalic corps,1'senior Foreign Office \ S7.J,000.000 has been invested dur- sia", India. Japan, Australia, Canofficials and members of the diplo- j ing 'be past six years in prospect - ada, countries of Latin America, 10 LESSONS matic corps bade farewell fo Am- i ing and developing Israel's only Western and Kastern Europe. Prof, j in Small Classes bassador Elath. In a brief slate- j significant oil find, Ihe Heletz Shalon's election as president of men I to the. press, the Ambassador J field. Despite intensive explora- the organization is for a one-year 35.00 li'iudcd the excellence of Anglo-1 *ion, the Ilelelz field supplies le.s.s period,- and 'automatically places Israel relations and recalled t h e ' ' b a n 10 percent of Israel's annual the next international meel in Is-1 EXPERT INSTRUCTION IN BALLROOM DANCING many tasks which will still face i consumption of 100,000 tons of oil. rael next year. This will mark the the I wo countries. . j About half of the total invesl- first congress of this kind lo be Special Instruction for hosted in this eounlry. jment has been by outside oil comDancing Teachers and Advanced Danccrt j'panics who have had less luck in striking oil Ihan domestic' comFOXTROT WALTZ CHA-CHA RHUMBA panies who originally found the POLKA TANGO SAMBA Helclz field. Experts here felt Phone JA \Zitt lo Insert your Wont Ad fn Ihe Jcv/hfi Prc^s. . Privafe Lessons Also Available Chicago, I.ITA) -Plans for Ihe that because of this, most of the Role K 50 cents for r c c h Ilirpc line Inserinvestments in the future were tion, Tho Prc-jS r e s e r v e s Ihe rif.lil (o limit construction of Israel's largest holire of e a c h adverll^cnienl Call HA 5205 or Drop In tel, in Tel Aviv, were unfolded likely to be made by Israel firms, here by a group, of Chicago busi- including the new National Oil BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratuNo Contracts to Sign nessmen. The group has formed Company which recently soJil 10,lations also for all Jewish holiKeen nut- phone number, IIA 52OTi,. Iinndy os we w r e loo Intc for the the Hotel Corporation of Israel, 000,000 pounds worth of stock in Inst telephone book llstlnjj. days and special occasions, to build the Hotel Tel Aviv. a public sale. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge

Tel Aviv Skyscraper To Replace Landmark

verbs xxiv i2»

Parties Disqualifed

' '" V 'll)lllllsls

Israel Makes Two Diplomatic Post Announcements

Scientific Group Elects First Israeli President

!$75 Million for

Ofilcagoafis fo Ered Hotel in Tef


Friday, October 9, 1059


Israel I Wednesday Luncheon at Bfacksfone (JiiMlu Omaha will pay tribute lo Mis Samuel N Wolf at a testimonial luncheon ,il the Blockslonp Hotel Wednesday at noon. The piogiam, which will fealuie I he appeaiance of Mrs Ora Schweil/ei of Israel's Atomic Knrifjy ComniLssion, will be a feaUue of the women's div)sion of tho 19)9 campriign for State of Israel Bonds in Omaha and Council Bluffs S. Wolf

Rebecca's Activities "She'll tin Ilii' joli for Oinulia mill Council Muffs." That's what Israel I'inaiirc Minister I.evi Ksidiol says.of .Mrs. Ora Schweitzer, second from ri^lit, who will in1 spealier ;it 11K; testimonial hineli«'.<ni for Mrs. Samuel ,N. Wolf .it 1 lie Ill.K'kst'iiu- llnlrl Wednesday, O i l . I I , l.ooliiitK on are Mrs. J. Hurry Kulaliofsliv, li ft. anil Abe I>. Cl.iwnan, ri^hl. They ;ir<- sinfii rltairriwiii :ulil lown stall- chairman, rcspeeliwly. .Mi'i'tini; was at reeenl Ctiicai;o ciiiiferenee fur Israel Hiinils. Sirs. Schweitzer, Information director of Israel's Atomic laurifv Commission, was principal woman spiiilicr al thri'e-d.l> cwiilave.

The Ocl 11 testimonial luncheon In Mis S.imncl N Wolf, hettei known as Kehecc.i lo hundieds of Git'iiti'i Omiha women she has uoiked wilh foi rountlo'S causes, iecofiiii/es mil' ul the most outsldndiiiK t.mris m civic woik in Nohiriska Mis Wolf, wlio hcidrd thn women s dmsion foi Slatr of Isi U'l Honds (ltiiuii; its two most successful 5*.us l'l'iO .iiiii ID'iH also has suw'd is a ill iii-ni in of llir. Spotlsoib of Isiarl loi Oindii incj Council Bluffs Shi* YKIIIMI Israr) last yiMir with lit*r liiist>iuill, mil i ai h auopti'd top positions in Ilii* < oninuini(\ \Miili- Mis Wolf Hiildoil tin- Itunils' lvomrii, .Mr. Wolf was i;i;nrral (liMlrnmn of tin- Phllantliiopli'sI'.JA < impiit;n for tin- Omaha Jewish I'l'di-ratiun. While In Israel they visited n in nonius factories and inslallallons made possllile I>> their piirdi.iKes and saleu. Mi VS'olf is a foinici picsident of tho Omaha Chaplei of Ifadassah nnd is past m i " ''put of the Beth f l sisleihooil, wlilch she also has seivod as Tomli Fund clicinman Mis Wolf also has heen actuc ah a mcmbei of the evocuti\c coinniiitcc Of Ihc Fedfi'ition fia Jewish

"Mis Wolf vull be hunoied for her seivice to Israel Bonds ns ehaiiman dining two successful dmes, including last yeai's, but her de\otion to the community, Judaism and Isiael in other ways is equally lmpiessise," Mrs Aaron Rips said Mrx. Rips Is ihalriiiiin and Mm. J. Hurry Kulakofsliv honorary lulrman of the uomen'N division and of the Wednesday luncheon. A special highlight of the lunchcon will be a guest appearance by Dr. Heiman Fieiman of Petah Tikv.i, Isiael Ur Fieimnn, a cantor in the hjnciKoguc in his home (own and Kiiesl cantor at B'nai Isiael in Council Bluffs this \ear, is a performer with I he Israel I'hilhainiomc Oicliesti.i The IIIIK liroii will follow Hie nniiu tl ti i of the SponsorH of Israel, whieh was selieilnle.il for this inoriiiiij;, Oi-t. «, nl 10 a. in. at the Inline of Mrs I.rmsl A. 'Sotxg, BTO N. r)7fh \\iniii- f oloael Slioslunn <.i rshnin, WOIIKH'S .ill.i< lie of the I.IMII.ISS\ of Isniel in WiisliliiKton, and former eommander of Chen, the Women's \rm> of Isnwl, Ig in Omalia to s]iarli the Ilonil cam> |iaii;n and sjicalt at the eoffee. Resei\alions foi the luncheon may he made by telephoning the Isi.iel Bonds office, AT 1177 oi AT 1003 "Because of special interest in this tubule lo Mis. Wolf, we have deeided not to require the purchase of Israel Bonds as a prelequisite for a( tendance," Mrs. Homy Rieke.s, Chen chairman said,

Appoinlmen.l ol Mrs. Henry Rielies as l!K>0 cliairman of ( I n n Jfor the women's division of the Greater Omaha Committee for .Sl.itr r i>f Israel llonds was announced today by Mrs. Aaron Rips, division * Chairman. ' ' "We are fortiunle to secure >>'MH »> increasing the ranks.if j IJoiolliv s seiuns diiinii' Hit >cai <'"''". our volunteer saleswomen j m whiili she usikd Isi.nl I am ' " r Bonds," Mrs. Rips said. nil that lui (nlhUMasm will Mrs. Rlckes, who has .sei\edi Israel In many capacities, has b'cn a captain for Hie Philanthropies U.I A campaign, chairman of numerous activities for the Om ih i Chapter of Hadassah, and is a member of B'nai li'rith Women She also has chaired niimeiotis projcels for (lie Heth Kl •iisler(nl. IHIIIII, ami Is a memlier of Omaha units or Hie .National Council or Jewish Women ami of ISriindeis Iiilveisily. Mi1 and Mrs. Rielies attended this spring's triennial convention of ii'nai li'rilh.in Israel <unl saw (oi. Shoshiintt Ceislimii, who will be uuest of honor at the annual Coffee of the Sponsors of ts-. it: first hand the tremendous progiess made possible by liond iu- iiii-1, luuii'd the United Slates and Canada in l')3h in behalf of State of Israel Bonds, Mrs Kjnesl A. s<iuf l o ( l n ^ , ' • . . . • • *T "• ™——™ .,,.._—._—. __ ™~~ ' — ....I . .... .mi.........i. i , M'.stmenl dollars. Women receive a Chen cliarnj. Mrs. ..jN'ogg's appointment-, as War I I , Sliosh.tiia (iersFioin h e hraielel for each .S",.">OI) In IV clVairinan for 1 !)">!) of the Grealei came one or (ho first (SO to lake r.oiuls they sell niliiiy. liaili Chen, Omaha chapter of Ihe Sponsors of part in .i British Armv officer's or charm, represents a. Irihe of Isr.'ii'l was announced by Mrs iiiurse for women; she HUM one of Israel, llriifc Ihere are l'» <'liarms Aaron Hips, division chairman. li> a loll bracelet, representing the flisl foilr to K'.idu.ite lh.it .Mrs. Noj;i; Is past pri'Milonlj of stlMIOII In sales. Women achieving Ihe I'lderatiiia ot Jewish Women's MIH II. ill \ COIIIM'. Colom I (leishoni led a unit this level i;o on towards a Wniii- Clulis and I'oiiner elialrinan of Hie of wnun n diivirs in l.'K\]it until an of Valor jiwaril, :iclile\cil by women's division of I'hilaiilliropies her ti.insfii to It ilv as .1 rtii mthe purchase or sale or Slllll.dllll She is a former board member of in Itiinds. lier of the Jewish llripide. There, Itelli I'll slslerliood, and has ineii Mrs. J. Harry Kulakof.sky at ;in active worlier lor the lied Ihe woniiii slaffnl (he military present is Ihe only woman br- Cross and Coiuiiiiiiiify Chesl. hospitals during the d.t\ and i.trtil and the Rockies to en Chic; foi lewisli rilii|,ie ihildieii in tho Mrs. Kulhic Wong alsi'i is on tin •ii the Woman nl Valoi Krii'iut.1; iloard ol Children's Me'Jerusalem. iJTAl A rccfim- ; liiive earn e\eiiin^. Ciiliiael (ierslioni was tho , pin. morial Hospital and ils board ol in"iiilalion for. the crealioil of a last of the Palestinian women offiIruslees. She is chairman of the "loof eomiialiy" to coordinate eon- [ cers (o leave Italy Omali.'i. Jewish Federal ion's bout Ii trol of Hit' many cnvernmenl-{Israel PrOfeStS MorOCCO In 1'Mli shi I I tin ni d to I'ali sfor the hospital's animal ba/aai owned industrial corporations in tme and lo tin Hi blew UimeiI hi:; j'ear. Israel was urged JM c byy Ihe Technical silv But the hi ^innings ol Ihe Jerusalem I.ITA) Israel is Indg/ld\isory Board of the Minlsliy of .Mr. null .Mrs. Nnutf \isiled IsDevclopnie'nl, headed Sir B Ben ink' a formal protest w i t h the Un- rael last year, and holli have been l.ilc 'I wi n l u s mil all Iblnllrll tin sliugfje loi naliond inilept ndi net* ' d d by b 'Si wite in the ID and the ambush Lockspeiser, noted British seien-1 ion Postal lTni\cr--.il in Genera j iielive in the Israel Itonds program I l i u In . s h e v is a pnot.il figuie and si iiuhti i ol a gioup ol >oung list'. The board include;! scientist.'; against Ihe " u n i l a t e r a l " action j! since ils Inception. II I I mih th Hu undi iKioiind d(-j studmls ggeied the Colonel's mid' experts from Israel ' a m i ! of 1 he Government of .Morocco in j to IC.IM tin Unnnsity h li\u,h l h l Colonel Gershom's service as Itnsi ainij nl the uim- j decision iibroad in meets twice a year. I severing poslal relations- w i l h I ('bief of Chen was the cuhiiina- niuinU ul Pilislini in (IH i l ^ s o l mil I I lui n to dc fi nsi woi k The initial leconimcndaliou was career' dedicated lo the tin M mil ili Hi 1 tasks mi Midi d Israel post office authorities I lion ul Ibis w is Ihe pi i mil thai saw made six mouths ago but the Government has nol acted lo imple- disclosed lliat Morocco had re- ilefi'iisi' of the Jews il) Hie II<il\ Mimj'i'lin/ ,n)ns hf.uluij' the H tin I H itiun ol ( liui and the .ipI.anil. From her ,-nrivnl in PalesI lilillui nl ul \ nun n, buildini i poinlininl ol Colonel Gt l shorn as ment it. The board slated thai turned two sacks of mail addressed 1 Government development compa In Jews in Morocco w i t l i the ex- tine in 1!)2."> through Ihe Sinai w on ii II s iniilliiii nl mil m niitain its ( h i i l Sin occupud the post campaign in t'.Ci^, she has. served ing loinmnnic ihons siinult ine- until lTi'l i\icpl loi .1 punod nies could be made profitable if planation that as a member of Hie uush fiom I')J7 to 1'IIJ slu was ,iftii tin Wai of 1 dilution when Iliey were tjrouped under one head Aral) League, Morocco was re- her country wilh distinction. The career nl Ihe polite, aiiburn- a I I scan h uoikci in .science at she u linquislied her command in j.loni; Hie lines of lui'Ke American quired to abide by all aspccls of Older to establish women's Nahal toiporatinns which have wholly- the League's policies, including its hiliicd leader has been charged the Ifohu\v Hum ihity miti-lM'nol activities. With tho outbreak of World (Armv-agnculluin!) unifs vvllh nclion nnd drama. During Hie owned tubsidiaries.

Irs. Ernest Nogg Sponsor Head ;



€oordinafion of Oovernmen! Indtisfrles Urged





Friday, Oefolier 9, 1B.TO


Richards,, Feinberg Set Parlor Dates Appointment of OIH<IIM (IVII1 and business leadei Isadoie Chapman ds 1931 chairman oi the Cicuter Omaha chapter of the Guaidiuns, of Isiael wus announced toiKn !ij Robei t M Fembeig, geneial chairnuii


Chapman »ill uoik with Keinben; and Morton Richaids chairman of the Buildei*. of Isiael in oigaiuzing the annual dinner NVn 15 and the Chamikah Festival set for Dec 13 Both etonls will be heJd at the Blackstone Hotel III addition, Chapman uncl ltii hards nnnouiKcd tli.it throe parlor meetings mil lie held Dates selected are Oct. 22. Oil. 27 and

Isiael last y e n , and Mis. Chapman sencd as C'haiiman of the Sponsors of Isiael last >eai Chapman succeeds Fcinbeig who was last >eai'i Guaidian rh.mm.iii Illlililers of Israel are those ivlm purchase a rniniiniim of SS.UOO in Israel Bonds during l!)'i!l. Sponsors are women and Guardians are men who buy at least $1,0(1(1 during (lie current year. .Another cateR<>r\, Trustees of Isrid, honors those liuvlni; $1(1,0(1(1 or more this je.ir.

Chapman h is loni; been one of the most acti\e woikeis foi the Omaha Jewish Fedciation and the annual Philnntlnopies campugn He is now chauman of (he JewVes, It'll none other (ban Mrs. (iolila Mi'lr, Israel's dyiinniic Foreign Minister, flanliiil mi (h» ish Pi ess committee and has headed many key groups dining the left h.v Robert Af, I'einbern mid .'Mrs. J. Harry Kiilaliofslsy and on the riKht I'.v Abe ('Javinan of I>e* pasl sevcial yeais Moines, loua Hlatc eliairinan. .Mrs. Kul.il(ofN]<,i is, fur the Heeond Htraigli tear, arm (hairiiinii for Ilin He is chairman of the oieiseas aid ami Israel division of (he budg- Inrael ItoniU or((uni/ation for the alateK of Nebmvlci, Iowa and South Dakota. .Mr. Felnberj; It K<'"~ et committee for Fedeiatlon and ICirhards C'h ipman eriil rhalrnian for Greater Omaha, which includes Council Bluffs. headed the vital initial gifts comNov. 3, all in the evening. Speak- mittee for the United Jewish Apers unit locations will he announced peal under the general chairman- Omaha Committee, Mr and Mrs Mrs Oia Sehweltzer and Col. both women to speak nl fiinctionx ship of Mayor John Rosenblatt a as hoon as the>\ Hie detcimined Ben Gershtin, chairmen of the Shosuiiu Gershoni lalk as the two here this month. Mr. and Mis ( l u p i n i n wsited few years ago Council Bluff-t Committee, Paul pnneipal siwakeis at national A campaign to sell SHOCK)000 Veret, director of the Omaha Jew- women's division meeting! The in Israel Bonds within 100 days ish F e d e r a t i o n , and Gcrfilrl Greater Omaha delegation was was launched at the National KcoSchwartz, area manager for Israel able to seciihre acceptances from noinic: Conference for Israel. Bonds.

$400,000,000 in Bonds Sold in First 8 Years

Gieatei Onwih t delegates played j have been -sold since the fust issue c a key iole in the recent National iv;ts floated in May, ] l)l Economic Conference for Israel in Among those from this area Chicago A highlight of the meet- who attended were Mis J Harry ing was the icporl by Dr. Joseph Kulakofsky. chairman for the J. Schwartz, vice president of the states of Iowa, Nebraska and Israel Bonds organization, that South Dakota; Robert M. Feinmore than $400,200,000 in, Bonds berg, chairman of the Greater

Israel Foreign Minister Golda Meir and Finance Minister I.cvi Ksliltol ivcre prineipul speakers at the I'onferencc, nlong with i-conomlst T/«on Keyserling, fornier chief adviser to 1'resident Harry S. Trillium. Kucli stressed tlie 1mportaiKO of Israel IIOIKIN In developing the country's Industry and agriculture in the face of continuing enmity on all of Israel's borders. Those at the (onfeieme heaid


Itoliert Fclnlicrf,'.

Israel Financr .MinKter I.evi Kshkol, Mm,

lien liiirslilln uud Mr. <ierslinn talk over plans for (ireater Omaha and Israel llonds during tin- critical wccki, nliead at the recent N'ntionoal Kcononiic ('onferenii- for Israel. .Mr. anil Mrs. (>ersliiiii serve us olialriuen nl the Council Itluffs eaiupal|;n under the general chairmanship of (ire.iler Omaha (halrniaii I elnber({.


v it*-.

Tlir inrreateil proiluclivity of Ifrael'e indu»lriei and agriculture is making mure of llie <6untry's produiti mail. •Mr for export lo tome 90 countries throughout tint horld. Stimulated i<y Israel Uond developmrnt fmidn, IIIH eronoiuic exponsion program is aimed at reducing the gap between export and iiuporte, thereby drenfitliening and Mainlining the country a eronomy. A constnnlly (rowing \ariety of (hemirals for industry and agriculture •ra being produced for export at ilia Fertilitert and I

l - ,v«

Uirnmali plant, where expanding farilitiri inrhide tlir oil purification section (flionn in photo aboie). At llio Kaiser-IVairr auto assembly plant at Haifa (upprr lrfl) niolom are *hown being assembled for small ran for llio export market. Among the nion)' agricultural product* now tiring exported liy Israel are tt,%» (lower left), inili. ruling the great utricles towards telf-suflirlrnty that limn lirrn made po»sihle through Israel Oondi, vhirh hava iil"« tided llio growth of cotton, tobirro and augar bctlv

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Itlflcin, leaders <if the Labor Zionist campaign /or Israel Itonds in Omaha for many years, confer in Israel with IMIIIIIIX Saplr, Israeli Minister of Coninierro and Industry, «t Ills Jerusulein office. The Hifklns returned from Israrl determine! to increase their sale* of bond* for I!»5'J.


Friday, O r t o W 9, 1030

P.i ce


impact of I&rael Flonil iiivch1itii nte Jiae ituMi'd I*ru< 1 Jo forge (head rapidly in her economie <!<•%vloinni-iit. Tlir nrw ]50,0n0 klloKall power plant nt Ai-lidod (upper lrf() will provide increased electric power for tlic entire • r n , hmrl'i growing paper industry provides enrlon* fur ilomeelic n^e. and for parkaging cilrtiR productn for export (upper right). Sugar betla (lower left) liovt liccn intro-

dint d uh u v jIuaMe induttridl <rop. Hurhor improvements at Ifiiifu (lower right) have more limn tripled its t«pncity, nnd Hindi; it one of the moM important ports in the Middle Ku*l. Tn addition to over-till economic develop' merit, llic new Srinnd Development IsMie. of Israel Uonrln vtill liclp provide lioiiHiig and jobs for llie 100,000 immigrants expertcd ill Israel from Eastern Europe, this 'year.

JIIIIM', piof,'iiss mid |,<iliiim,nice h,ivi made investment in

] lsi.nl a hapjiv, saliMvmi; e\peiieii(i foi moie than 1,000,000 men | and wiimcu uho have huii-hl Stale ol Isiael Honds dining Ihc past [ eii;hl J(.ns Now, encoiuaged by the response to the fust two Bond issues and faced with Ihe need for broader economic rlr-vi lopnient, the Government of Israel has flouted .i new Issue lot $.100,000,000. The new Uoids, which Inauguialo a new decade of pi ogress, for IsiaeJ, are known at Second Development Bonds. By__,Sep1ember 20, Israel Hand purehascis had mudc moie than "5400,200,000 avaiable to (he Stale ol Israel for economic development Israel ISoml* .ire .in v\en better InveNtnieiit today lieinuse of the trcnii'jidoiiH htrldeg iKraei'g e<onomy him <iil<rn, wlfh the »ubhtantial aid of Israel Itmid rcHOiirrcH, tonurd the goal of economic independent e. You, too, can have the hnppy experience of investing in Israel by purchasing Israel Second Development Bonds, which pay 4 per cent interest per annum and which aie backed by the progiess of a decade of glorious achievement You can he confident in the knowledge that your investment is bulvvaiked by Ihe devotion and courage of the men and women who aie building a modern nation of Isiael— leading the Middle East In its program ol development and industrali/alion Tlio 2,000,(100 people of lHriu-1 lire tlio best eollnt<ral you can get anVwhere. They have proved their ahlltlj tn develop their country with tlm aid of iHniel limit]*, In Israel's first decade, the number of fiu'torittK hnH incrrnNctl from 8,0(10 to 2."),000, and annual industrial production Jinn Increnwd from $35(1,0(10,000 to $710,000,000. The number of agricultural settlements has risen from 290 io 760, while the lotal area under cultivation has incieascd fiom 412,500 acies to 1,000,000 acres Annunl exports have risen fiom $37,000,000 to $200,000,000, and Israel is engaged in a laige-scale progiam of mineral exploitation, including phosphates, potash, oil and copper. This record of aehiycme.tlt is a solid foundation for future development.


Key Dates Set for Bonds Cre.iln Om.ih.iK 1'iV) Isiael Honds campaign uill shall) i last Je.n's lecoid or Sl'Ifi.OOO In c ish (.ales for Omaha* and Co u n e 11 Jiluffs That was the I'uiifidpnt prediction t o d a y of Kcnernl rhairman Tiobcrl Komuerg nnd w o in e n '« <hairman, Mrs Anron Rips,, as they announced the key dates f o r . , 1lil« years drive.* 1 "- A n r o n " " • "

llie ItlMi'lctnnr, n gain (liannkali »r early Dcci'iiilx-r. U.I.(i. l)uy K I'estlval ivIII > limav tlic campaign. the major, door-to-doiir KollcltnIIIIII inailc In Omalm mid Council OiitM.iniluu' p( ison,ililies .tie being M'(ini"d for the tvuj dates, IVinbciK s iid \ nationally known We aie cmleavoiing to ohtiiin comedian Ims been tentatively the .services of one of the, combooked lo head the entertainment, munity's most able oigani/crs to piogi.un for ihp Oianukah Fes- head this c f f o i t , Feinbcrg hind llMll In addition, .Mr. and Mrs. Hen Si'vi'inl pmlor meetings plus the Gershun have agieed to again lead women'ti division luncheon Wed- the Council Bluffs effoit, and a nesday morning honoring Mis young adults' division w i l l be Samuel N. Wolf nnd today's cof- formed he said.

fee featuring Col. Shoshanu GcrFeinberK paid special tribute lo shom will pieccde the two big M i d Saul Suvalsky of Council events Bluffs for arranging for the en-

On Sunday night, Nov. 1.1, the In addition, Mr*, lilps pointed annunl dinner for IxriiH llondx will nut, the nniiiiiil O.I.d. (Bonds of rw held at t'w ISI»rk»inn« llolel. tlio Israel ffovernmenl) I)n> will Fmir weeks Intor. on Dee. 13 nt hf held In either Intp November


tertainment piogram for Wednesday's luncheon and for helping to shift a Hndassah luncheon theic lo Tuesday

Gerald Schwartz Bonds Manager

(hiniiial and Tiiuieinl production hug iiuri.i'rd rapidly during tlio p.iH )iur uiidir llic imp M I of 1T.II 1 Ijnnd invc-liiii nl-. ^lio»n idinvc is a new jiliint uiidir t <in-.lt tn tuin nt tin (;)|)-iuii uorks m ,ir M.u Iili sh lininon, ulirro jiln^tir uf l'tir^ ivdl lie proilniid. \iiuliiir plin^e of linddinf; urlivity lien* fit* hifc from, Iwr«i I llond dolliirs ih llii i oii'lrtielion of pi rnmni nt Iinnr-ing for larf!e iiiiinlii ri nf nntiiipr.int« frinn I'.i-li rn ruropc. 'I lie in w SJ0O,00O,00O S i oiid DcK lopim ill Iffiic of Jirm 1 Jlonili nni4 pronde tapilnl for tlic dcvel* opnii nt nnd i \\\ iii^inn of nulii'tr}, upni nlliire nnd i mim" i


An'.i manage! foi Ihe Isiael Honds Uii'aniAition is fJ e i a I d Si In'.111/, Mho is dneetoi of <• mi[I III I I S

111 lllU.l

N i1 h i i si.a and -inuth I) il<ol i Hi' V I I I I',



T I I . H I V Kill iU o l , U v, HI,i t Ii HI man v till olfic , it 1011 (' I I y \ < I loll il I! ink Hiiililiii" S(h>vail/ i> a

fin im i

fflf- "


-wr-./i /


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ihsli l< I pit -adenl I T ild Si liw u ( / in I loud,i, wlv le he was i-sislant m i n a i ' e i of Isi.nl Honds foi die ilrr Ml inn He IS cu ildian ol llie Hi 111 v MonsUv I odi'e nf II n.ii H i ith and foimei pi evident of Ihe llie id hn'ahi'is He Hived as puhliiily dneeloi

ffrocl llonils ore helping Itrod lo lake a Riant (.lop,toward rconoinie progrem through the production of eteel. Al the Jrnul "Steel City" at Acre, molten HeeJ la iliown litiiig poured into moldi. The ttrcl industry U only one of llie ninny Ijinir eenlir|iri«rfl tiring developed lliruugli Israel Bomb, which are olio lieing Ijini ced in the expannion of agriculture, roiutrurlion of rosda, hornet, eommuBitliced Bicalion.. and harhora, anil in ihe exploitation of the tounlry'a uintrml retourcea.

of the 'Dmd II. S Aimy in C!ermany in l!Ml> and I')17, and touted nil I) I' ramps in 1 mope dimm; two years us a Wnr Deparlmenl. civilian employee. Mrs. Schwartz is Iha former Felice Pred o£ Pendcr, Nehr. They have three children.

~\ IMU.I IIIIIIII di vilii|inii nl lapitul, hhiih lius KMiirulid the proulh of i\ery nmjor pliiiec of Inrael'it industry ond iiKrieiilline, has lieen a key fa< lor in the expniii-ion of proilui linn at tin; Aniirii unhrnili paper iiiiMn. Tliia ecene at ilia paper mill shown IHIIHIIIIIK of )>nle» of corn ttnlkn heing piled lip before lieing 1 • into ' • iiaper -iul|i. 'llie lift: of luridly Rrown corn in llic pupepmsUing redincD in ipoiih of pulp, llini* i-nvins foreign currency.







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Vi 1M\( mutt- coiisideiable I g a l h c n n j ' ol i i n i n r i n i t s ml II i II 1 1 1 I I > | i l | ) l l ( I I I I I i l l l l l l I I s f l ' I I C • > , pi»Viess low IHIS economic inde- c o m p l e t e f i i l i m il tiul sin i il i n - I I i ! I K I I I I I l \ I l l l l I I I I 1 1 I f V I I V pendence \\ • IIIII I pi ovule liousiim lor 1 ii t h i s w h o l e p f i t i u i , 1st n I Hi' < who Mill live in m Tan n o t 1 ->iirnif- the past ton >p.n>- we Iwac nificased out nnl'Diitil pro- fifmiN h a v e t o fulfill i h t s n t i n n - 1 nid in slums iluilion at uri aveiai;.: mic of ten t i o j i . \ s o i m i l f f f i i i o m v got s li n i d W i" imisl jness l o i w u d oui efpiicent which is. indeed re'natk- in haiiil w i t h soi i l l p r o c e s s f o i l ' to i.use o u r production a n d able Ml S t p u o m A l i m s t i i uT f ' i m - jnodiK t a i l v lo com|ielitive export ] if,'hl ycjih ago, when we m e i e e a n d I m l u - l i v u > i nix • <1 h v i l s We must incieiise oui CKI mm lied the Ismcl Bond drive, a n o u t l i n e foi fl v i l o p i i u o u r m p o i l s bv eiKoiu.iL'in;,' public nn'i ilieie was ,i tremendous K-'l> be- d u s t i . v d i n i n g Hit. in xi livi in ix i p i n . i l e iinestmen) both i n t c m i l tween nut imports and out ex- j e a i s . T h i s , ' i d u s t n i l ill v i l o f i n v lit .mil i xlein.il p i o c n i m , w h i c h will b n n ' u s l i n t poi Is For each dollnr we spent m u c h ( I n s e t t o ( in,(in n m d i f>n impoit-fjoods, we earned from [ l e n d e n c e i e ( ( i i i i ( s m w • I I M ' n l s o l We must i.irrv thriiugh HIP n a pxpoils only twelve cents This ne.'irlv o n e b i l l i o n d o l l u s A , , n a l lldii il i r r l g i l i o n plan whlfh will

year our exports will enrn lml>-fi\e cents per import

over p a l l of t h i s u n o u n l dol- f r o m p i i v . i t e • . w i m

1 ii Within a fin jcais, we hope to <.iij• fiom exports about slxtx til sixt)-fne icuts on eich (lojl'ii .s VMII Ih of impoits

'IIlls \ n r It looks us though <iur total exports it III e.irn nlxiut t u o hundred II ml eighty IIIIIIICJD dollar*. TIIIH is twenty percent higher tlnili lust year and seven times more tliiin In I!)]!l. This we have done whit* absorbing ilmost ii million new mimigrants

campaign, i* u incinhiT of.the

Facts and Figures About Israel Soinds I i n e s l m i ii! in l s i . n l I . . n n K !<• i salisfvniK

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We must continue in hung tlia

We l i i v c j u s t .nlojiti d .ntii ntl- (iliK.itifinal cultui.il and economic MlfllN t n ('111 I o n i a n I n v i s t u n lit level of oui immigrants from 1.1H. w h l f h m i h e it (Hie lit D i e hicltward countries to that previm o s t hill r a l i n t i n - w o r l d l i n t In Ifiil in Isi.iel order to a t t i . n t pnv.iti- i nterjirlse Se|>nal(lv none of these thingi vie m u s t h e .title t o p r o v i d e p u h l h is sm ill oi bimple. Together they f i n a l l f l l l g u s \ u II Itiinil i m fiiiie ImiM a massive task, cine of hism u s t spiiilt this pifiu ss tfiiic piopfu lions

Mrs. WoK si

tin pi opli> nidi Ihc land to join In

\ " i i n .itivi

ili vt IOJIIIK nt

|si I. I - pipiilition is expected b u i l d t o fif v e i n , i t o • ' II i i l - o h tn if lli J ifOOQIJ lij 1'lfil, Ulld licationfujiiOdd li, l'i()'l M niv of tliese " The letiml fil p isl nid [ nt •ifv IM.HIIS viU livi .mil wculc in perfuim.ince is q ule i' i|> ( ^n( tIK \ c (\ which Ins been desHciC ale sfini' of the Kev pioiects ruhid In I'nme "vlinistei Bengeared ton aid development which CJUIIIIII IS "the he nil md of oui fill me pH^'ic-s • Isi.iel Bonds li,nc made possible During the next five ji.irn, IsKcrlili/eib «nul chemicals, Isnel's rael will reqnlie hiihst.iiitial Ismc*l largest single industrial enter- ISond reHoiirc^H tfi finance ninny prise, which is alread> meeting Key development -projects. Here all domeidc needs., .mil has bemin lire some of Hie import:.Ml unrs: Fuitlii-i Idij^e-scjle irrigation, exporting its products New electucal power plants, including n second pipeline from the Yarkon River to the Negev which has. increased Israel's anNev\ textile plant1) at \anous nual power output from 260 000- Inc.'ilions in Israel, including ;i 000 to 1,142 000 000 kilonalt-hourb Mai Re I.IJOII plant, which vias IrriRdtion projects which Have , «l>ened recently at Ashdod. incteased the iniinlui of irrigated , A new steel plant in the Haifa Hay at c.i acies from 72 "i00 to 27,'J 000 Vast expansion of the cimnicnl The cxpjiision nl H ul.'i l l u b o i nmi the dwvelopnn nt ol th< new | jiidusli v. from mining to final proport and town ol Elath fin the fssing Gulf oi Aq ib i 1'IOVISIO/I of elect! iCid piivser, Yours can lie tli« sulLsfyhiK .mcl constiuctiun of new roads parknovvled^i* that yf>u have proviflf^fl I ticulai Iv in tlie Negev. the inOispciisahli' hi^rcdienl: inI xj) insion of steamship lines vestment capital, which can enable ' ami us. i:i Al Isiael Airlines can

hilng w a t e r

will ff) r ue a s il d m e v e n now ' I h e i i m n n i l " ! h a s t o We must complete I i u conbohh e p i o v i f l f d b j ( i n v i r n m / n l a n d d i l m i i of oui new ngiirulttirnl t o a g i e a l c x l m t i i o m t l u m u d s s i t t l i m e n l s .nid put u p new vill . u s e d I l l i o i l f l l t h e s u b ' ol I S I K I 1.1' <S Hands

1 '•

Here's the team wliifh led List year's hincessdil woinen'H illvlslon (imip.ii^fi tin the <Jre.(ter Oin.ili.i Commilt.e /or Mate of Israel Ilunils. Left to rii;lil (ire "Vlrt Is.nlore Cli.ipm.in, 11158 S|mtisor chairman; "Mrs Miumiel N. Wolf, (jeneral woinen'» cliairin.in: anil .Airs'. Hi-iir) Newman, TIISK then C'liairiiisiii.


A survfjor rheck'i inslt'Ilnlions at llit litw 50,000kilov. ill powir >-tutiiiii nt AEIICIOI] on I-rael's Mtdilirraiuan coj-i. Confirm tul uiih IIK nid of Stale Of Israel Bond dollarcf the Aslidoil ftatinn lias lulppil lo inirii-r Iiruil'd 'annual power output from 260,130,000 kilonntt-lionr, tn well over a billion kilowatthour/i. Since 1M1, major finanrins of rlirtwc pcufr produrtion lias come from Israel Bond source". Allocation; of $30,000,000 from the niw 1300,000,000 Second Development Is<ue of Israel Umifl I m p 1,PMI /irhrdulnl, to supply tbo power for new Industries and Frltlnnrnts ii'ih bring rrratnl for ths economic absorption of Ifracl's imniiRrjiil^.

Israel Minister of Commerce imil Industry I'inhns Saplr, tenter, telln Mr. and MrH. Samuel N. Wolf of Omuhu liow Ifcrnel iSoiuls dollars lire being put to immediate use. The interview was a lilglill(,'ht nf flic Wolfs' 105S visit to Israel. 3Ir. Wolf was general chairman of the ](I5O l'hlluntliroplesTJJA campaign, for the Omaha Jewish Federation.

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