KtUinv, J01 Oimttia, Kebnisk.
Vol. XXXVII Xn. 5
•"ION '8
o< I o m
Po.st»r:e Paid iiu, Xt-lt,
i•» >'i
Slr./;lp C'or,y 19 Cents Annual itulf 1 Dollars
Onialians Will Attend ADL Regional Parley fllllillM
B . VcllCzUv.
III., niiliomil chairman for Region? of the State of Israel Bond Or Kaliization, and one ol the midU(">l s If Kline (I loi in i ,iii(l businessmen, will appear in Omaha oh October 22 in behalf of the Second 1 >t-\< I ipmr III I sin o( 111.' Mate of j Israel Bonds. Chairman llnhcrl. M. J'einheri,'. announced Mr. Vcmv.lty has .served as hoili chairman of the Israel liond National KKecittive Committee and of the Kxecutive Committee of the Mid-West It i- « i o n. He has visited every major community in the nation l« stimulate iiflivitv for the Israel 13.ihd drive and other Jewish causes, Formerly Chairman of the National C'ampuif'n ( .ihinet of the Umtrd Jewish Appeal Mi Vene7k> has been ,i fie(|ti(iit visitor to Israel. In addition, he has been Juliiii. It. Vene/.l<v a 'member of numerous overseas delegations w h i c h have visited (.ipllal for Isiael s histouc pio Israel to meet with fiovermnent j,'imn of eionrnnie di iclopmcut officials and to survey the conntry's development The Slnle of Israel Bond Issue is the cent nil source of Investment
Omaha will he roprcsciilcrl by a I delegation at the Plains Stales !!(.'Kionnl Hoard ineptine; Of li'nai li'rith's Aiiti-Del'ani.'ilioii League, in Kansas City. Kans., October .'11 to November 1 The local group will Include Leo I isensl ill iij'ional hoard chairWashington (JTA) •— Reports man; Hurry (Jondhinder, Dr. A. A. (IrcenherK, Kdu-nrd A. Rosen, Mil- which were circulating in some lard IJosenlicrir and Dr. Leon Fell- circles here to tlie effect that man. ..'••.• President Kisenhoiver personally I Icrnian Kdclshcrg, Washington, had raised questions on the status JJ. ('., represcnfnlive of ADL, who of Ihe Jews in the Soviet Union .ippnuid is a speaker in Ornahu in his talks with Soviet Premier in I'.i.iH, will make the keynote Nikil (i Khrushchev at Camp Daaddress at the itieelliiK. A lawyer vid . were confirmed in a letter In profesMon, he has held impoi'tanl tfoverument posts prior to /rpiii the White House made public by the B'nai B'rith. '--\:.. j l u s sen ice with Ihe
chev On Soviet Jewry Hi
Khiushche\ five to d asked of him at his televised appe.u,jjire before the N i fioniil Pies- C u b heie V.S. Jerth CuiKeriieil "The President," CJCD Peisons mfoimed Mi Hiti, "then informed Mi. Khiiibhchei of the concern lint had been c\piessed to him b> leptesentatives of Ihe Jewish people In the Sowet Union"
J lie lio-ud consists of 153 JewLetter to B'lilil B'rllli Mi Kat/- lauded the Piesident's ish liMileis fioin Ncbiask.i, KanGen. Wilton B. Persons, aysislsis Iowa nnd pjrts of South DH- anl to the President, addressed the intervention, >.<iyinB thut it probItolj anil Missouri letter to Lal>el A; lCntJ!, national •il)l> lefl <i "significant impression" lU'seiViiliojis foi the d i n n e i president of, Jl'nal B'i'ifIt, • infoiiiir; on the Sonet f'remiei, nnd "this which will open the lonfeienee, • him that President Kisenhoiv- can only hnvo <i \eiy favorable m.i\ he made hi contacting the p'r lind discussed me controversial! ADI, office, VJ7 Secmilies hmldwith Mr. I^hriishchev. effect on the futuie cultui.il and mi; American Jewish ieiidcrs ivere un- lelifjious e\istence of Jews in Ihe able to meet Mlth the Soviet pre- Soviet Union" 'Ihe B'nn B'nth mier for the. samr purpose diirin!{ head bind lh.il the Piesident hud M r . / Khruslichev'K•.". tour. of the ienrieied the Jewish community United Stules. ,' '/';. i g n it sci i uc Mr. Khrushchev ..told Ihe Mel Will) Cresident dent that he had been avviu I h( Umu Hiilhlejdci disclosed tiie question, lieiu Persons tint follow ing nis mt it ing Mith but that it was his position Sir Henry Davi^dor Gold-1 L o n d o n i.lTA) i l c t m n s in J J r i t - M l |so far as possible, the Jewish peo- I'll iilenl 1 iMiihimci on Sipleni . , , • , , . ,, , . .'tin's e l e c t i o n i m l i c a l e d lii;tr IIRMC ! sinid and Sir Keith Joseph, weir ple in the.Soviet t.'iiinn ;ne irealed l» i J ! slioi t K bifou tb( si irt of New W k . l.IIA. I h e d e p a r t . ; „ . „ ( | / > .,, ^ . . ^ ,,,..,„ h , . , . s „, t | , , , ; re-elected. The third Jewish Oonlike everyone else.'" This response, llu < unp Duid I illts he hid t n e n l of p s y c h o l o . - y a t \ - s h i v u ; , | ( m M . ,.,. ( • „ „ , „ „ , „ , , , s ,„ , , , , . , „ , . . j in c l f o r l , w a s s i m i l a r l o t ( i - a i l - I h Ii tin W l n t i I! ,u < with the senalive All' is A. IJoyle. n i v e r s i l y s f . r a d u a t e S c h o o l of j v i ( | 1 | s , . , , . , ; , , „ „ , „ , „ „ , , , „ , , , „ „ , ; in pi f -•• inn l i n t the I'Ksnlent h i d Sir Oswald Mosiey, the llrltisb J ' . d u e a t i o n a n n o u n e e d r e c e i p t of a ; ^ o n ( , | i ) ( ( | . ( . ( • „ „ „ . , . „ , j v i . . „ „ , „ , „ . j |il i c (I llh ' llli]( ( I ol SIIWI t f( WS on tin ( imp D i u d i g m d i ^f^ J j i a n t o l S1U.O0O r , o , n I h c N a l i o n a l ; | i > h S ,_.,,„„. ( | U | J _ ,,,,,_ j [•'ascisi. was at. the bntttun of the [n (h(, I n s l i l u t e ol M e n i a l I I e ; , | l h l o r ; v i ( ) U S I>., r Ii.1 inc-nt * t h e r e v . e r e L'll list in tin* elec'lion in tho Norlhj i K il/ M mi ire Ui^\(i e\tctiluc ure picsiduit of II n u l i n t h and •nmlimial of a i r . < e a , r h I ' l " - | .lew (Mi L a l i o r .Mi'1:, ,ui,l I r . o CIMI- Kensinp.lon constituency and torMis ( h u l e s I) Solonch piesifjriim i n leiirniii;; a n d m e m o r y . ' I h e | s ( 1 1 . v . ( | j v t l ( i • feited his r.-leclion deposit,. Mosiey New York (WNSi The hrsl. denl ol 15 nai Ilntli Women, had K r a n t w o u l i ! p e r m i l c n n l i n n a l i o i i o f ; ' O ( ' | ( , ( ) j t n e hiMlili»hls . of t h e nationwide American Bible conpolled 2,800 votes, com pa red wilh met with Mi Lisinhowet to prethe r e s e a r c h for a n o l h e r 21 [,;,!„„• . s , . t b a c k wa.s t h e loss o r h i s 1 "uirllllxseat by Jan Mikardo, vice-chair- 15,000 for the Labor candidate, test, patterned after the Illolc seiu him mill the rVn,ii Until quizzes in Israel, will take place in f'iesidenl<i rnedil foi his effoits man of the Labor party, member M.O0O for the Oinservalue, entry of the I'rtale 7,ion and of the Brit- and ;i,000 for the Liberal c.indi- May of litliO under the ueKis of the in prfseiiniH: woild peace Jewish agency. Dr. Samuel Blumish Committee of the IUstadrut. 'At that t i m e " Mi Kill/ baid enfield. head of the agency's de'. .... Another Jewish Socinlist who lost date, a.few. 'we cxpiesscd to the Piesident the partnienlof edurnllon iind cijltiire, j his seat ivas Maurice Ohrbaeh. concern of Amelicnn Jews foi tho s a i d . :. ;•. • ' : - - : - - '• ' : • • ; • ' • ' • • ."'•"'; ' Philadelphia I.ITA) The ehalWhile most of the Jewish AlP's eiosion of the lehgious and culThe projectj.sponsored tiy. the tural communilj of Jews in Soviet lenp,e to Peniisylvauia's Sunday- retained their posts; they tlid up Jewish Agericy ill co-opcratIon with Russia It was then indicated to closing law took on added signifi- with reduced majorities. Those the Israel : Bible Society of Jei-ucance when the Philadelphia ll.'ib- returned to Parliament were Barus that the Piesident was highly hihical Assoeiation and the rhila- nelt .fanner,:president of the fjntNew York (WN.Si -A caiKO of salem, is desiKiied )o slimuJate comcrsant with the subject" esrogim greater Irlterest In (He reading nnd fjoiphla Hoard of Ilahhis, represent- ih ish Hoard of Jewish Uepu'ties, ei[>h| canes of Israeli iii(; Reform, Conservative and Maurice Kdelinaii, author and jour- aboard the S, S, Xion/of the Zim 'studying of tlie KibJe iinlonf; younjf! Jewish Croups Issue Statement T«enti-one national Jewish orOrthodox rabbis here, filed a joint nalist, Kmanuel Shinwell, Sidney Lines was unloaded on a Brooklyn people Ihroufjhout the U n i t e d States and; to enlarge the role of Kaiwutions which ueie prepared "friend of the court" brief in sup- Silverman, member of the world port of five local .Jewish mer- executive of the World Jewish pier by striking, longshoremen but Bible studies' in the school curricu- to send a delegation to Soviet chants who seek to upset the Congress, Julius Silverman, Mar- of deference to the religious needs l u m . D r . Azriel ElsenbcrK, execu- Picmici Nikila Khiubhchcv, 19 Ktnte's newly-stiffened "blue" laws. cus I.ipton, David Weitzniau, Ails- of the Jewish community in New tive vice president of tlie Jewish discuss with him the status of SoKdiicnt ion Commit tee and former viet Jciviy, issued a statement, Sl\ Ilrlefs tin Albu, F. Allaum, M. Cliffe, Y o r k C i t y . \ • •• : ; ' : , '•.'••.• V president of the .Nntlohnl Council emphasi/lng that the> have reason The latest briel bioucht to six John Diamond, M. Lever, N. H. Unloading of the shipment makes for Jewish Kducalion, is lo head to believe that although Mr. (lie • number of "amirm; eurtae" Lever, (j. ft. Strauss, Leo Ahse, (I. it possible for the esrofiim to be briefs already submitted in the Jeger and J. J. Mendlson. Two distributed in time for Ihe .Sukltot the undertaking wilh the co-op- Khiushchev lefused to bee their case—five allackim: the Sunday new Jewish Labor MP's elected holiday. Consenl to unloading the eration of/leading educators, 'rabbis fne-nidii deleKUtlon their \iews law and one in favor. Seeking to were M. Galpern and I"). Ginsburg. shipment came after Intercession and Uible scholars in the tfnlted rlid reach the Soviet Premier. The two Conservalive Jewish by the American T r a d e Union Slates. upset the law are the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of SevCouncil of the Ifisladriit. Another enth Day Advenlisls, the Philadelappeal to-the strikers was made phia Jewish Com,ruinity Relations by representatives of the RabbinC o u n c i l , the Delaware Valley ical Council of America, who told Council of the American .-.•wish union leader.'; that deli'iilion of Ihe Congress and the two Philadelphia esrogim would hinder an important rabbinical groups. .Supporting the Ifuni ( W'olli loieiKn affairs religious observance to Oxthodox measure is the I'ennslyvania ReLondon l.ITAi C o in in il Ji i s I Jews in the United Stales. Union author and prophet, will be the tailers Association. China utilized the election cam- leaders said they would make an s. (oiid In adluiet at Ihe Omveisity Close Sat. for Sjhli:itli paign in Israel to attack the Israel exception where religion was inol Omaha institute of World Af.l.iu s Hi will spi'ik mi Geimany, At a hearing before the court Government- in a Peking radio volved. ^iilnesil ii (Jdohei _'l It « 15 lasl month, the Jewish merchants broadcast in'Ihe Knglish language (The esrog is Ihe cilron, OIK.1 of p m in tin l i u i t i s i t i auditorium, charged that the law violated the to Asia and African countries. the "four Species" symbolizing Ihe First and Fourteenth Amendments "Wilh the general elections in observance of Suldcot. > Ihi Inslitiitc nhirli is being coto the Constitution by interfering Israel less than two monlhs away,'1 j V irso nn s[iiiisoiid bv the leiMsh I'ederawith the free exercise of religion. the broadcast said, "the Hen (lur-j lion of Oinalia. will conclude on They said they closed their stores ion (iowrninenl is now under' mhi.i l s . i l t n ,is. lectuies by nnp Now na in observance of the Jewish Sab- heavy fire for its policy of .serving top i inltiui; autliDiitii s Itobert II Ijath and were unduly penalized imperialism as a spearhead against Kui[i i I i dei ilinn tin snUut s ud because the law requires them to the national independenci.' moveAlexandria. Va. (WN.S'l : A band close on .Sunday as well. The five ment in the Middle h'asl and Its Jewish storekeepers are being rep- m i l i t a r y adventurism toward of hooligans culling Iheni'sclves It is (he "Isniillis and tlu1 Nazis-have recently begun an in- Cohens" v\'hu lake the lead in resented without fee by attorneys neighboring countries." nctive in Ihe American Jewish numbers in the Jolianncsbui1:: Tlu1 broadcast said that "Israel tensified anti-Semitic campaign in Congress. is becoming a base for U. S. big this city, threatened to sej ilre to telephone directory as the nbow I'l i n u> i n i n , ni i d e f o i Ihe Recently, Pennsylvania .strength- business for their economic ex- the deputy-Mayor's home and stole eNcerpI reprinted l'mm tho He- D l s l l l e t I ! 11 II P. H i l l ( HIV M 11011 guns and ammunitions from a local brew publication. Omer, inened the penalties for violation of pansion in Africa, and Southeasl w h u n w i l l Dl) n - i n n I i \ hitli1 Jli dicates. 'its Sunday-closing law, based on a Asia." It emphasized that "tires, store. mil i m l linn _ i n t h i cit\-u,ide 1 A note left on a. wall of the depIn the telephone direcloiy.oi statute dating back to 1791. The chemical:;, and cement produced Ii i i i i | i u I i l ' I n ( i u ( Vuilitoriiim new law specifically bans the sale by American-owned or controlled uty Mayor's home read: "This was of Ihe South Alri • MI nu.'h'o'-.iil •, Co-chairmen ineiis Ciinof certain items on .Sunday and in- factories in Israel are being ex- done by. n Nazi. Catch me if you the name, Snvlli ranks first. ii nliiiti in 1ofdi Iho nd (Ios( ii mi) creases the penalty for violation ported to these areas in increasing cm." Anil-.Semilie .slogan:) were There, are (S^l) Sinilhs aiidlhi" Mi 1-iss Poll ik i' 'ii m from a maximum of four dollars to quantities as Israeli goods to dis- ulso painted on the walls of the name, ('olr.'u la'-es second |i''i('f I;: chairmmi of tho WomenV con$200, plus jail terms of 30 days for guise United States economic pen- store from which the hooligan: with 492 jfriM. • •: venlion. etration." each sale. stole the Guns.
Yeshiva University Gets $49,000 Grant
22 Jews Elected to British PorSiament
American Bible Quiz Scheduled
Rabbis Challenge Pennsylvania Law
Esrogim Unloaded in Time for Sukfcoi
Communist China Attacks Israel In Broadcast
Smiths, Gofiens 1st 9ti Plione 0oo!( List at Johannesburg
Foreign Affairs Expert to Speak At Institute
Oily Threatened i
Bktekl i'nai
Plans «9-0ay
Friday, O.lolx-r Jfi. 1059
I*»jre Tiv«
All (ritmis mill ri-lntlwfl urn limlol to .itt<iiil ' • i n l u s mil n i < plmii IA)\ l^- ( I I I \ O \ I <
Published Every Friday by lliu Jewish reikrallun of Uinahn. . . Second Oa-S Fc:!ur;e Pcj.d c;t Orno.'iu, Netr. • Annual Subscription. tJ.tt). /•(ivcrl>;n'i Rc'es en ^rpliccilicn. Publication Office—10) I40. 10;!) STtcl, Oifid.u. lictr.. JAck-r.n Tj(-J.
1 oil] ( ijiiiiuv u on i^t M i Hid Mi \ln ill in < huiiovli «MI obsi'ivi Ins 11 n \Iit/\ ill .it BeMi \A Syii.ii Oh'« " • ' I"inl«i> 'veiling, Oi-'fobii lii'h m l ' limit,ly inoiniiU' <)i tol.f i JVlh
| U.N. Helps Survey Dietary Habits of Israel Newcomers
Births Mr.-and Mrs. Kurt Hirschinger announcp the buth of a son, Richard Muitus, on October 3 at Chukson Hospital Tliey aie also the patents of a daughter, Debra Ann. i iiftndpnicnls, Mr. and Mrs A. II. M.ucns. Om.ihn and Mr. and Mis Heiman llirschmger of Red Bank N J
United Nations, N. Y. f J T A ) Israeli scientists and medical au thorities, aided by two United Nations -agencies, are conducting « special food and dietary survey among immigrants in Israel, to deKliling, 5:22 p. termine the.--food-, and diet habits A recent photograph shows the Hotel Ti-1 Aviv in construction. B'NAI JACOB ADAS of the newcomers and methods for Located within the city limits of Tel Aviv, Israel's largest city, the helping them elbriinate disease and ]B3-room hotel is being built by the rccc-Mly formed Hotel CorporaServices at B'naiJacoh-Adns reduce infant mortality, according tion of Israel. It was announced that units of stock rind debentures will be offered to the public to finance the nc<iui.c;ition and con- CI.i:i«.YMhN TO Veshiiron will begin Friday at 5;30 to a UN report,. VISIT IsitAhl. itruction of the hotel, which will overlook the Mediterranean Sea. Dr. Sarah Bavly, head of the p. lit and Saturday morning a'. New Yoik-Sixlv five Ameiicin 8*30 a. :m. with Mincha at E:30 College of Nutrition; and: Home Ciitholir iltig>men will visit Isp, m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. E c o n'.o'ni i c s in Jerusalem, Is in rael this month, following the CenDaily services at 6:30 a. m. and charge of th? survey, aided by tennial Jubilee reunion of the 5:30 p. in •• : • : -."• :'; physicians of the Hadassah MedNoith Aini'i K.III Cnllej.'< now ical School and the Israel Governrel(bi,il( d in Home TEMP1K ISRAEL, ment's Central Bureau of StaThe Kindegrarten c l a s s of tistics and Economic Research, On Guests of their parents, Messrs. Temple Israel-. Religious School behalf of the United Nations, the Mrs. 'iVi! Sanforil wfshfu io Jerusalem (WKSl. — A longand the new students of the first project is being aided by the Unit- iind Mines. A. H. Marcus and .lack thank her manv friends for the cherished dream became a reality grade will be consecrated by Rabbi ed Nations Children's Fund and Bratmton over the week-end, were gi l-vii II c .mis shr rri i l\rd ilurSidney H. Brooks a t the Sukkot the World -Health. Organization. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bramson of to three chassidim here when they luir her recent IIIIICSK. were advised by the Soviet EmFestival services, Friday, Qctober The Israel Government is meeting Highland Park, III,, and their fambassy that Moscow had granted 16, at 7:30 p. m. four-sevenths of the cost involved, thpm visas to make a pilgramage . StudenlJ to b« conitcrattd Include: Polli the remainder being contributed iMr. .Ma\ Arhltninri whiles to to the tomb of the chasKidic rabbi Aronson, Ronold &ebcr, Joel Sidney Brooks, by the UN agencies. thank all his friends ami rcliiSpenctr Brookitcln, Karen Coin, Pamela Fox, H. Holm has been noti- Nahmnn Bratzslaver in the Kiev • Mofgo Frchman. Worcia Gerellck, Ellen Gott. EspeciallyTtrained senior girl fed that he received the Phi Beta region of the Ukraine. tlvi-s for their mnny acts (>I . lleb,. Janet GetKller, Jomes Horrl», Oavld Housmon, Susan Housman, Vlckl Kotz, Rich- students from the College of Nuthinihtflilni'SK anil c.'inl« mill Kappa Award for hig junior year ard . KlrshentMum, Ronotd Kolasky, David Applications for visas were flowers hi- reeilvnl tvliiln In Levlne, Jonn Llberman, John Malashock, trition and Home Economics in t Dartmouth College, Hanover, made some two years ago by V2 the liospltnl, Nancy Milder, Sltven Nepomnick, Linda No- Jerusalem arc conducting the isurvak, Neal Osheroll, Michael Rips, Nancy Bratzlaver chassidim, who were reRosenslock, Andrew Schofnbaum, N a o m i i ey among 800 Israeli families, se- <*.- H. The 'son of Mr. and Mr». Schwartl, David Eric Scnncit, Shcrl Simofll, Hum Kohn, he will graduate from ported despaired over the prospect Michael Spectfr, Cralo Starr, Amy Tajelmon, eded on the basis of economic Maria Sue Weirtoff, Uourle Weinsfeln end and ethnic groupings, length of he school in June. His wife, the of ever having their petitions grunt.Ur. iiutl Mrs. H a r r y I). Richard Wlesman. ed. Last Friday, only hours before First Grade studcnls entering the ReHo'C^s residence in Israel, type of settle- farmer Judith Ann Oreenliertr, is Mnrhn, now of IZ50 So. Citrus Rosh Hnshonah eve, the three were . School for ttie first time who will be Con- ment, and nature of occupation of eaehinK in the Dartmouth urea. Avr., I.OH AII(;<-IIJN, (.'al.i wlhh ftecroted Oft: Frank Orodkey, Gale Elsensummoned to the Soviet: EmR.i«y, start, Gary Hauimon, //,arcia Fox, Sharon work. where they got the good news. to tlianli their many frlcmlh Monsky, Jaynte t o o Novak, H(ol Paismon, I. .1. Kraft of Creditors Coliec- The three were told they would Debra Plnkowitf, Gary jtnnctt, ?,* Stephen ,,c., Sher .,..<.• T l l e ^*N report also points out fur thi'lr IhoiiKlitfiiliiPSfi prior = man and Linda Wollson. '"' *'""" " •"'" 1 that the school feeding programs ion Bureau left Wednesday for have to make specific arrangeto tlnlr l<-a\'iiiK fur C.'tllliirnlii The Consccranls will be Isra Iteration Certificates and ' m i S S " Tor^ ' " f'. helped by UNICEF, Minmi, Kla.. where he will attend ments for the pilgrimage to l.'mmi anil for thf lovely farewell Scrolls. 'roaches alxiut 120,(XK) children Iiimlicoii (;lveii for Mrh Miirlm. Religious School stuoY-nts will with a daily lunch, as well us 65,- ;he convention of the National As- after they reached Kiev. They whh to i \tenil in all H «t,'nin udorn the altar with their 000 children with a cup of cocoa sociation of Medical, Dental HosRabbi S i m h a h of Bral/sluv. offerings at this Sukkot Service. milk. This program, says the re- jital Bureaus, which opens October known in the chassidic world as Huppy itmt J'rosprroiiN New The children of the R e l i g i o u s port is considered an excellent way 20. Ho will be chairman of the day '•The Bratzslaver," was a great- Vear. School are asked to decorate their of teaching nutritious feed educa- on one of the meeting dnys. Mr. grandson of Israel Baal Shem Tov, Kraft was occoinpanied by his baskets in keeping with the mood tion. the founder of Chassidi.sm. ivife and daughter, JennitK*. of the holidays. Parents may obCABINET WORK The Bratzslaver was one of the tain baskets fiom the Religions leading theoreticians of the chasSchool office. For Specialized Furniture .sidic movement. Teachers will be present to asMarble Top Tablet IOSK 1UJKST Jit. B'NAI B'ltlTH »ist the children ae they place Funeral services were held Octotheir offerings on the altar. All BOWLING BEGINS CALL KE 0842 children and thoir parents arc inThe Junior B'nai B'rilli Bowling ber 5 a t the Jewish Funeral Home Harry's vited to visit, the Sukkah for a League will begin its season, Sun- or Mose Hurst, 69, of Creston, la., Live Fish Marker Kiddush immediately following day, October 18 a t 12:30 p. m. at ivho died in Omaha October 3. •Hu the services. Sky Lanes, in the Center building, ivas borii in Council Bluffs. Kosher Poultry 42nd and Center Sts. The league Surviving is a nephew, Julius Kilted Daily BETHEL is open to boys and girls in the Iankinson of Lisle, 111. Sukkot services at Beth Kl age group from 10 through the Burifil was in Golden Hill Ceme- AT 4977 1314 No. 24th Synagogue will begin this evening eighth grade. Advisors arc Harry .cry. nt 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke Colick, Harold Bloom and Mrs. Certified and approved by Rabbi Sob (Subby) Pulvcrent* Dr. Loon Thorn, Preiidont, Ameriwill deliver the sermon, cantor Ida Sacks. IKS. NAICAII can Academic Rabbit Anociaiion Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El 25 Years' Experience KNKKTKIt of New American*, *nd Rabbi S, Synagogue Choir will render the ANNUAL ifOBKl'ItAMA Funeral services were held Tues- Walttin of tho Orthodox Rabbil A i With Jewish The second annual Midwest musical portions of the service. loclafibn of Now York City. day morning at Brallcy & DorrSabbath and Sukkot morning Hobbyrama which will be held nnce for Mrs. Sarah Greenberg Lettering and Memorials services will bcgiin Saturday at Nov. 13-14-15 at the Omaha Civic '(neeler, 77, who died Friday in 9. Junior ConKregiitiun services Auditorium is open to all persons San Francisco, Cal. Burial was in 2211 So. 8th AT 2452 Our Advertisers are at 10:30 a. m. Minclia-Maariv interested in r-\hthiting hobbies •olden JJill cemetery. Mm. KneetServices will begin at 5:13 p. m. j er was n former Omahan. The same schedule will be folSurviving are daughter, Mrs. S. lowed for .Siiiid.iV, the wnm\ (lay Sh'pard. San Francisco; MMCIS, of Sukkot, .Mrs. Sinn Glickson, San FraHfisro; Services during the week are Mrs. Mollic Milder, Belle fjreenheld at 7 a. m. mul 7 ]). in. iKidl*-i>;, Omnha; brotheis, Harry, NaRUG & UPHOLSTERY tlush in the Sttkliah follows (ill than If., Miiynard, Omnha and Sukkot Services). . CLEANERS Oscar H., (Council UluJfs, and two RUGS — CARPETING grandsons. BETH ISRAEL LAMP SHADES Sukkot services will begin at FURNITURE 3:15 p. m. Services on Saturday morning begin at 8:45 a. m. 'Hie Cleaned in Your Home! Junior Congregation will conduct Binding—Laying—Repairing Sukkot services at 10 a. in. Rabbi Paris IWNSI- Sholcm Aleichem Benjamin Groner will conduct, the Don Bernstein HA 2554 .Street in Kiev, Russia, has given Saturday afternoon Talmud class at 5 p.. m. and Mincha, followed fiivi* p<.|irroii*»Iy to the TJnited w«y to Konstantinov Street and by Shalosh S'eudos and Manriv, Hed Ki'atli(-r-I(«'(t Cross Drive of Jewish inscriptions on. the plaque will begin at 5:30 p. m. wlifrlt the 'I^'Wish I-'rdcratlon im ;i of the Shiilfin Aleichem House! gave w;iy to innocuous identifica-1 Sunday morning Sukkot serv- tjenefh-inry. tion of the uorld-fainous Jewish | ices will begin at 8:45 a. in. Jun.writer- who.se works, it was r e - ' . ior CongreKdtion will conduct Sukcently claimi'd by Moscow, had I ikot services at 10 a. m. nunday .'i|!r'(in been translated into Russian ' evening services will be held at JA 1366 to Intcrl ycyr Went AtJ In 5:30 p. in. Daily services at 7 thePrione Hcliahle sources said that the! Jewish Pre;:. n. m. and 5:30 p. rn. The weekly Rate Is SO cents tcr cccfl Ihrre Ifne Inter. words "Jewish" and "Rabinowitz." Man. The C m s r«-,crv(s the rl'jht to limit OMAHA'S LEADING Talmud Study Group mocts every iho of ccch advcrliscmeni —Kholi-rh Alr-ichem's original name j Tuesday evening at (j:.'JO p. m. —had been removed from the oriKosher Meat Marltet and Delicatessen Parlies for the Talmud Torah BAR and Bas Mitzvan congratu- ginal plaque, which read: "Here lations also for ull Jewish holi- lived and worked between 1897 children of Beth Israel School SysWA 5554 4415 CUMING days and special occasions. and lf)05 the famous Jewish writer! tem will be held Monday, October 39th and Tuesday, October 20th in Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Sholem Aleichem (Kabinowitz)." j the Sukkak during their regular class periods.
Omahans In the News
Ghassidim Oet Soviet Visas to Visit Tomb Of Brafziaver Rabbi
Soviet Street Loses Author's flame
Holidays and Fasts Sukkot Ocl. 17-22 Haxhonah Rabnh . . . . Oct. 23 Shmini Azeret . . . . . . . . . . Ocr. 24 Simhat Torah Oct. 25
"220VottJ4oudep t ower
(Will Clem Friday «t 3 P.M.)
Friday, Onlolicr 18,
Page Tlire«
Felicia Friedman Two New Schools To Wed January 3 Opened in Acre vcr.-.ily Niiti'inal Woman's ComHAM MOTHUKS C U B .Mr. .-md Mrs. David A. FriedThe Sigma Alpha Mil Mothers mit to*- announces a study j/ro>ip man have announced the engi'igeClub will hold their lu-xl nicotine o n " t h e n o v e l " , iiiiii<-r t l i e c h a i r - nienl of their daughter, Miss Feon Wednesday, October 21 at Hie m a n s h i p n l M i s N 11 i ',ii i nlii-i g, licia lo-.Stanley Schrier, son of h o m e i>f Ml 1 - S i n n I |i I ' i n . HUH w h i c h w i l l i n c i i IIIL- s i ' i o i u l a n d Mr. 'iiid .Mrs. Morris .Srlirier uf U i o k o i y S t i i ' d Mi •• II 1 W i d i n . u i f u u i l i i T h u i s i i i y » l t i l e n i i i n t l i Lincoln, Nebr. \s ill hi 1 c o - h o s l e - s l{rMT\.iliuns The betrothal « w re\e,iloil at ;i l i r e t o tic ni/iili" !.«. it H Ml". I ' . i w T h e n i ' x l M i r c l i r i i ; w i l l lie I f l d Inimly dinner, last Saturday eveFcirm.iii, I ' j : 4 i l l o n T l u i i s d . i y , U r l o l i c i L'.'ml, 1 : 0 0 ning at the Friedman residence p. in., at the home of Mrs. Win. Miss Kriedmun attended the COUNCIL TO IIO.NOK IiOii&ber,{, 7704 I'uppleton Circle. University of Kansas City IMD.I VOMJNTKKHS OCT. 20 "Old Goriot" by Balzac has been and the University of Nebraska Thi' Council of Jewish Women selected for discussion. Members HIT fiance also studied at tho Uniwill honor its community .service are invited to join this group. versity of Nebraska where he was •volunteers at n 12:.'iO p. m. lunchaffiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu. eon, Tuesday, October 20 in ii MCIIKAKKA CHAITKIt The couple is planning a Janc a n d l e lighting ceremony con- TO SHOW FILM uary 3 wedding at Beth Israel syducted by Mrs. Norman Whitman. The Nfbr-iska Chapter of B'nai nagogue and plan to live in LinAlso participating In the pro- B'nth will jiold its regular meet- coln. gram which will be held lit the ing, Weduesdiiy, October 21 at 8 Jewish Community Center ure the p. m. at the Jewish Community Mmes. Brigadier Piiul ltobb, Di- Center. rector of the Women's Activities An Israel film will be shown of the Sulvntlon Army and the with narration by. Mr, and Mrs. O n e Eppley Camp; Dorothy S. David Rleicher who will also reThe fourth annual theater lunchBeal, Supervisor of the Omaha port on the B'nal B'rlfh conven- eon party of the Temple Israel Hearing School; Miss De Lnmie tion in Israel. Sisterhood is scheduled for TuesSimmons, Assistant Director of day, October 27, at 12:30 p. m. Nursing Service of the Visiting COItMlUSKKK TO MKAft at the Dundee Theater. A box N u r s e s Association; and the MItS. HI.EHHKIt lunch will bo served before the Messrs. Charles Garctz, Chief Psy"sneak preview." Mrs. David Blclcher, president chiatric oocial Group Worker of Due to the limited seating caof the Council of B'nal 13'rith the Nebraska Psychiatric Instipacity, reservations must be called tute; Boris .Stelnman, Director of Women, will speak on her recent in by October 15th to Mrs. Jack trip to Israel at a meeting of Ilie Center Activities. Cornhusker C h a p t e r of B'nai Cohen, HK 1H44; Mrs. Milton Lehr, Reservations may be made with B'rith, Monday, October 19, at RK 8758, or Mrs. F. Ronald Cohn, Mmcii. Phil! User, GU 5212; Al- 8:30 p. m. at the Hldckstone Hotel. TE 5120. vln Kpstcin, RK. 9436 or Ted Working on arrangements are form, TE. 2330. A baby sitter will Mines. Ln/er Kaplan, Lloyd Banks, be available. co-chairmen for food; Arthur KulOverall program chairman Is nkofsky, tickets; Jack Cohen, MilMrs. Krnest Piiesman assisted by ton Lehr, F. Ronald Cohn, reserMrs, Edward I-evenson, Program vations; Howard Kaplan, InvitaNew York ' WNSI A p u 1) 1 i e tions. Mmes. I. M. Llbcrman and Chairman of the Month. Luncheon M'hnol on the [,I«UT K.ist Side has Mlllard Rosenberg are general coarrangements are bring made by been named after the lute Henrichairmen. Mnifs. Leo Ki.sonslatt and fl Gilbert Aronoff and decornlions by etta, Szold, founder of IJadassnh, at ceremonies marking the setting Mrs. Solomon Schwartz. OMAHA VISITORS of a cornerstune for I'ublic School Omahn visitors during the post. 1 j I'M. HAIIASKA1I SCIIKDUI.K weekend wore Mr. and Mrs. John The Chapter Hoard of the OmaOr. .Miriam K. Frennd, national Robinson nnd Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ha Chapter of Madassah will meet president of Hadassah imil herself Robinson and family, all of Noron Monday. October 19 at the a former New York school teacher, folk. lioirie of Mrs. Albert Wohlner, Y£S addressed the gathering. So. !).'! Ave. for n Vi'.'M desert luncheon. Co-hostesses will bo Mmes. Sam Itothenbori? find Morris Slnlmnster. 'Hie Group Boards will meet .m T e l ' A v i v (JTAI—The Halxir Thursday, October-22. Mrs. Hurry New York fJTA)—U o n c rii 1 and Contracting Company of Solel Bassman, 1114 Dillon Drive, will Charles de Gaulle, President of the Doneh, the construction affiliate be hostess to the Chaim WciU- Ficneh Republic, has accepted the of the Histadrut, has handled durmnn Group with Mrs. Charles honorary sponsorship of the cele- ing its nine months as an indeFredkin as co-hostess. The Theo- brations that will mark, in June pendent operation $,'i0,000,000 in dore H I T / I Group will meet at the 1960, the lOOIh nniiiversary of the construction work in foreignborne of Mrs. Alex Wolpa, 7857 Alliance Israelite Universclle. countries and $7,500,000 In Israel Dewcy Circle, co-hoitegscs, Mmes. The celebrations will bo world- officials reported. Abe Bear and Theodore Sanford. wide and delegates from Jewish Officials said the company has Mrs. Abe Marcus, 124 So. 69, '1 communities of both the old and become an Important factor In the Mrs. Sam Geifmnn will be hos- new worlds will come to Paris international construction market tesses to the Henrietta S/old during the month of June to par- through its experience and several Group. ticipate in them. It is expected thousand skilled workers. Seven'Hie Education Council of Ha- that all the Important sectors' of ty-five foremen and technicians daman will hold its October Oneg American Jewry will he represent- are supervising construction projShilbbnt at the home of Mrs. Meyer ed at the Paris meetings by their ects In seven countries, particularRosenbaum, 1607 So 58, on Si-tur- loaders. ly In Turkey, Ghana and Nigeria. day, October 17.
Temple Theater Party, Oct. 27
Henrietta Szold Name Given to N. Y. School
DeG.aulle Sponsors Centennial
BIKUIt C'HOM.M TKA OCT. J(>, CKNTKK The Hikur Chollm annual SukkoL Tea will l)e held Monday, October 19, at 1:30 p. m. at the Jewish Commimily Center The program will feature a talk by Paul Verel, Kxeeutive Director of the .Tewi-Oi Federation and a reading by Joe Hadmowski Membois and li lends or Hiknr Cholim arc imitecl lo iill.'iid Mis. Keiivnd Schcin is ch.ui nuni of the e \ put
Israel--Tuc; new schools, one Jewish mi(J one Arab, opened September 21 in Acre, brought lo almost HO the number slarlcrl In development eenleis ill Jsi;u-I since the beginning of the school yeai. The youth center for 14-lo-17yoai-olrls, which was opened in Acre on the same clay, brought to nearly 20 the number of such newly opened centers. 'Die two-year high schools provide vocational or agricultural education for students who cannot attend regular four-year scnoofs, while youth centers are intended primarily for those young people who, for whatever reason, cannot continue their studies'in any postprimary educational institution The centers provide both educationnl nnd cultural activities. The Ministry of Education reported, that in the next five years, four tfmes as many students would finish elementary school as sire presently studying in nil the postprimary educational institutions In Israel. This change makes it necessary for the State to'bring the smnc type of revolutionary change to post-primary education as it has already brought to primary education, he stnted. Arab public educational sysM-m has grown since the establishment of the Stnte from 60 schools with 10,000 pupils to 132 elemenairy schools, 170 kindergartens, six high schools and a teachers' seminary with a total enrollment, of 35,000. There ar«" another 9,000 students,, he a d d e d , in non-State Arab schools. The number of qualified Arab teachers has also grown, the Ministry declared, and the total numIHM- of Arab teachers has increased from 240 in 1948 to 1,200 today. liVIayor Joseph Oudish of Acre was an Omaha visitor in July.I
$30 Million Building Abroad by Israel Firm
Fellowships Offered For Soeial fhrk New York (JTAi The Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds announced thai Hurry L Lime Fellowships were again available lor the academic year beginning September, 1U150. The grants will include: educational fellowships for students i* graduate schools of social Work, and research grants. Applications must he filled with 1he CJFWF by next February 15. The Fellowships were established in tribute to Mr. Lurie, who was executive director of the CJFWF from 1933 to 1954.
Fornam at 36th
Patronize Our Advertisers
Every Portrait a Precious Gift.. 1
Do you wint soft, pampered looting htndi—w«|l groomed nails'-with that extra look of perfection? Our manicur•its will keep you proud of your hands.
. . . when it is a special holiday portrait of your family
John Kalina
Beauty Salon
2531 So. 90th TE 1185
817 So. 36th
U.N. Body Predicts Expansion of Israel's Industry, Exports
United Nations, N. Y. fJTA) — payments. "Through the expanThe United Nations Food and Ag- sion of e\poils and domestic prolicullure Organization foiocast duction of i m p o r t substitutes, th.it Israel's population uuulcl in- Israel's gap in the balance of paycicase by 40 per cent in tlie iie\t ments is expected to decline to eight years, reaching a lotal ol s:>r>,000,<)00 by 19G9, which may be 2,700,000 by I9(i7. In Hie name covered by capital imports used period, the FAO estimated, Israel's for investments," the ICIKIII said. As to Isiaeh accomplishments to national income will grow by !).'! date, the FAO experts listed these per cent lo $2,447,500,000. IMtANIHXS OlMiANIZKS . Vast growth was also predicted achievements: 1. "The educational institutions have developed accordSTI;I>V (iitorr for Israeli agriculture, industry, ing lo modern-needs." 2. "Health Omaha Sect ion lirandcis Uni- exports and afforestation, "Kx- services arc. well organized nnd ixirtfi of agricultural commodities, Israel .compares favorably with the report stated, "are expected to most advanced Kuropean countries rise .by about two and a half with regard to infant mortality, times." maternal mortality,'infections, disIsrael's "most important, f^oal to ease occurrence, etc." .'i. Unemhe obtained In Ilie coming oec- ployment in Israel is "not more ade," the report, staled, is the. clos- than live per cent of Ilie labor Weil Merlin • i W N S ) •'--• Arnold force," Kdioonberg's opera "Moses and ing of the gap in Ilie balance of •Aaron" was wildly acclaimed here lty the huge, audience at lending the performance, lull the. occasion was nun-rod'by hissing from n small group of anti-Semites. portraits of distinction The opera by 'he Jewish composer was one of the events of the Call RE 1317 West lierlin Festival Week. Walter K.'ir.soli, music critic of the Candid Wedding Albums West. Hnrlin Daily Taijenspiegel, Formal Bridal Poriraifi said the performance-was an onchanting one mid that tho hissing Children Our Specially )>y the anti-Semites was aimed Quality Work 4829 Dodgo both at Schoeiibcrg and the conCutfomai Porting at Quality Price* ductor Herman Sehcrehen, ulso u Jew.
Come Meet
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff Lot Him Holp You With Your Clothing Selection*
Kilpatrick's Men's Clothing -—Second Floor
Anti-Semites 'Hiss" German Opera By Jev/isli Oomposer
Crunch Buffet 11:30 a. m. to 3 p.m. «si
Continental Buffet 5 p. m. N> 9 p.m.
HA 1044
Tag* Four
Sukkot f© Simhof "Season ©f Our Gladness1 The Feast of Tabernacles, whirh begins 5 d i ^ <iftiT Yom Kij>j>ui" (October 171, is our Festival of TlMiik^mHn foi Ilif abundance of the harvest nnil for the threat mercies shown our ancestors when wandering in (lie wilderness. To the urban dweller of today it is a reminder ol the tragedy of our Raluth. when the .lews wore sundered'from (tie soil for nearly 'J.OIK) years "The u n e j i r d s of Israel have eej-ert to e\M hut the eternal Jew enjoins the children of Israel slill to eelebnile the vimftge A Mic th.it persists in celebrating their vintage, althouKh they have no fruits to gather, will regain then \mev.iids" said Benjamin Israeli in a prophetic vision that lias come true in our days. The joyous festival derives its m.fne froih the conininiiri "Ve shull dwell in boot bs 7 days , . . that your peiier ition may know -that I muUe the <-hildn n of lsr;iel to dwell in himtlis, u lien I brought them out of the bind of KK.vjit" (Lmil 2H, 12-13). Other symbols of The Feast of Inijatheiinf,' fire the lulav, e.srod, jnyitle and willow -with which the worshippers rejoice before God chanting praises of gratitude to the Giver of all fjood. Many are the symbolwations of the four species of this festive, Ikniquct!: the tall palm branch is said to denote men of [K>wer; the aromatic csrog, men of .sainlliness and learning: the myrtle, the average men and women of a community; and the willou rcpiesenlinj,' the humble poor: but all of them forming one human Hrothei hood mutually responsible for the welfare of all.
Needlework Guild Contributors
Mrs. Dave Colin, chairman of to God. -Thy contiiiion on the Day , l1 "' -'f"'"11 Federation Agencies of Fasting is in no wise more j s ' 1 ( 1 ' i o l i " f tll(> Needlework Cuild pleasing to Him than lliy jov on l>riV( '. i s s l l ( ; ( i •'"> "'I' 0 " 1 '1yriuest the Sabbath or the Festival, if *,)«'''> u v o k t o ;i11 u w l l e " t 0 SfL'ul "' be that thy delight comes from a i l h | 1 | r contributions >it.i\. devout and full heart", says Judahj In iiddition to those .pieviously JieiIt-\ i. j listed. Iho following have couThe second and last day of Sh>--1 Irilmled tlm,unli Friday: minin A/eret is .Simlial Toraii i .Mines. William Alheiis. Maurice (Oct. 25>. knnun as "liejou-iirj; of [ .1. Arcsty. Nettie Arnovit/, Hyinan I he Law" when the last rhaiiler '>! j Jirlir.iin. David liernsiein, Joseph the To rah is read (Deuteronomy i | Hrm-tciM. J">a\e liliiclter, Harry and I ben Ibe Holy Scroll is rolled ('olicl^ Ralph Cooper, Hans [)anup again and the wonderful story skj', .lack I-.'. Oiiitch, David B, of Crealion Hhe firs I eh;i[)ter of K[>stcin. Harold Kpstein, Lawrence Genesis) is recited to illuslrale Kp.sU'in. Mn.x Fallc. ('. B. Farber, I hat the cycle ol I In; Torab read- John A. Farber, I.oon K. Kellinan. ing continues and Ibai the circle .Stanley Fisk, Manriee M. Fleischl, of our Holy Torab is eternal with-] David C. Fogel. Alex D. Frank, jMay Fiied, 1/onard L; Friedel, out beginning or (-ml. All the Toraii scrolls are lalien .Samuel Friedman. Harold Garher, out (if the Ark :iii<l earned loving- Hyiiiic Gendler, Abraham Ginsly i.rouml tin- synagogue in a pro- htii'K, Benjamin Gorelick, Max cession (llalialot), Hull brought Grt'cnbeifi:, Maynard M. Greehbei'g, back and the reading is begun. At Joe Guss, Bertha Ucrscovitz, Ben tin1 end, blessings are recited iilltl Ilershoin, Harriett Honvieh, Isaill liupplness and festivity, Sim- dore Hurwllz, IleiTiian Johr, \Viliiam Kaiinan, Harold Kasii), Morchutli Toraii mines to n close. And this, the note of Suecot r « Kutlomah, Julius Katzman. gladness, which began'lit primeval .fiilius Katzman, Bcnuird Kaiifdays as harvest merry-making, and nian, Louis Kulakbfsky. Mmes. David I.*msoii, Morris then became the joy of Templeworship, has for the millcnni cul- l/sviy, I. M. Liberman, liarry Lipminated in triumphant rejoicing pet t, Joseph Lit t, Morris Margolin, over our Holy Torab, Israel's in- Samuel Meiches, Ifymic Milder, Leo L. Milder, Dan Miller. Milton alienable heiit ape .••;••••• :
Israel Subway Takes 6 Minutes for MileRun
Israel Part 3, Soviet Between Jerusalem (JTAi.-- Israel and Jordan promised each other at a the'Golem'? meeting of the Israel-Jordan Mixed
New York iW.VSi Conjectur- tells about the creation of tile Armistice Commission to maintain ing the origin of the "Golem" mon- Golem, an automation made of icker attached by Moscow U> part clay and brought' to life by the tranquility.' on the Israel-Jordan three of its most recent moon Maharal's. use of the secret nunie border and to avoid incidents. rocket, the Day-Jewish Journal, of God. According to this legend, The ineeting was convened to disYiddish daily, came up with what the Maharal used (he Golem dur- cuss border incident complaints of appears a most plausible explana- ing times of stress to save the both countries. Israel listed the tion. Jewish community from persecu- murder on Ilosh Hashanah of an In a front-page, unsigned story tion and evil decrees. As soon as Israel shepherd by Jordanians and the Golem had fulfilled his mis- subset)uent shooting which prethe newspaper said' 'The question is. Who Rave that sion, the Maharal would return vented removal of the victims body until Israel iirmored vehicles were name, .which has a Jewish religi- him to his lifeless stutc.i ous connotation and is associated' with the Mahiual of Prague? "Is it possible that the Jewish scientists, about whom Khrushica-'Israol Cultural Foundation, cochev said that they had a Kreat r;oi-i)i:\ SAYS -LACK or sponsors of the song book with the Share in the Luniks, have thus IITMOIJ' IX ISIiAKI. Tel Aviv (WNSi- Harry Golden, Arab. Department of the Governidentified thenrehes to the world ment Information and Civic F.duthrough a Jewish symbol for an author of Only in America and i cation Service, inanimate object which conies to For 2 Cents Plain, declared here life through invocation of The he was disappointed in Israel's lack of humor. He ascril)eri the 1 NKW A(;nicri/ruuAi, Sacred Word'' hick of humor to the self-con"Is is possible lli.it among those sciousness of people in a new state, SKT'J'Ii'lC.MK.VT DKIHCATKI) Jerusalem (JTAi —A new agriscientists was ,i former yeshiva | cultural settlement and urban censtudent familiar with the Maharal SIKIJ'IC'INKS TO JAI'A'N ter was dedicated in the Adullam and the Golem"" Jerusalem—A second shipment region of Israel in memory of the (Kditoi's Noti Judah Ben Bez- of I s r a e l medicines have been jlate Michael Weiss of Orange, alel of mideaval fame, was known flown to Japan for victims of Inst N. J., whose l>C'(|iiest to the Jewish in Jewish scholarship as the Mah- month's typhoon. National Fund, augmented by his ai.il and the Mibject of many leg•surviving widow, amounted to ends. The most famous of these ISOOK OK SON'MS ?2"iO.0p0.' The settlement; named IN AKAJiK Jerusalem (WNS) ---The first (Neve Michael, will .serve as a book of songs in Arabic designed | community and marketing center to aid singing in Israel school:; arid for .surrounding settlements where army youth groups is now on .the recently arrived immigrants from Iron Curtain countries are being Jerusalem (JTAi--Yosef Teko- press, and will he available in Sep- settled. ah, Israel's permanent representa- tember before schools reopen, it tive 1.0 the United Nations during was announced here by the Amcr- KXPAND HAIFA l'OlST the past year, has been named FACILITIES
Israel Briefs
New York (JTA >- -"Israel's national production has increased ut the sternly average rale of ten per* ,. I , , r-e * ',-! /•• (Cent » vear which is one of tho I'ranlclurt (.11A' Ibe (icrman , •, ; ., , , .. ,Lev ; Kshko, ».,,. ,Ins ... , of, Suciu „ . . Uesearcb ,, , re-1! highest the word. ittMe , ,.s in,,. , , . ' Israel I'lnaaiice Minister said. leased the results ol n n a " "Our exports have risen by 20 wide poll of West German youth percent this year as compared with indicating such ynutli is still in- last year and should totnl about f!ii''ncc<i l't a eofisiiK'rablc des.(rcc .Sl'HO.OOO.OOO." lie added. Mr. KsliIn' Na/i i(tcolo:;y. i kol nut'le the statement on his arA muiority replied in the .' rival at 'Idlewild International airniittise »'heii uskeil it they con- port. sidered the German nation super- i ior to other nalioirs. Twenlv-five! "In ;< urent oxteiil the progress of our economy has been speeded per cent replii d and 11' per tliroimli the exceptional generosity cent said "no." and warm Hi ol the people' of the To the C|iiestion as ID wbelber I'nited Slides ami ji.s j;in-<jninient. Hit ler would have been Germany's Loans from the American GovernKreatesi inafi had there been no ment, ;;r;inls-in-riid and investwar, 12 per cent said "yes," .'ili per DienLs in Isiael by hundreds of cent said "no," the remainder niv- thousands of Americans llnou|;li inf; indefinite replies. An older Israel bmicls have, in (treat measgroup •- in the .'iO-to-11-year-old ure, made Ihis possible." Mr. Kshbracket •-• uerc asked the same kol said.
question. Fifty-five per cent said j "yes." 35 per cent said "no," and the remainder said they did not UQVJ know. The youth group interviewed vvao in the lH-to-M-year category. Waltham, Muss. (JTAi -liran/Another question asked whether deis University has begun' conit was better or not better for struction of a three-unit, $1,000,000 Germany to have Jewish citizens. center for 11K social sciences to
Social Science Center for Brandeis
Forty•, per cent', .said
Germany be ready for the .lfmO-BI school year. The new facilities will jncludo the four-story .Social Science Huilding housing psychology 1,'iboratories anil lenehiiu; areas, as well ;is sociology, .•uitliropolof^v, ;ind economics Iiiculty offices. A child psychology laboratory and related progmnis will be housed in tho mit fee, following bis return from second of the three buildings. Thf? Germany where be discussed the third liuildini.: will have a lecture problem with Chaneellor Konrad I hall seating .'!0O persons and ddAdenauer. 1 joining; classixjuuis. Noting thai 'vvt. hear much ol .inti-Seinilir allilud"s and anliSemitic jneidi-iitsi in Germany," the AJC lea'Iei- said: "\S'e niusi continue In be vigilant. At the same time, v.e should pay iiicrcasine atlentiou to ami try to help Ihose clemenls in German.v conscientiously striving in make democratic roots sink deeper into German soil."
moved into the area. Jordan corn.; plained thai J.srael had fired on Jordanian armored vehicles. After hoth sides espressed intentions of goodwill and Jordan promised to dual with the shepherd's killers, both sides withdrew their formal complaints. Meanwhile, Israel officials declined to comment on a resolution j adopted by the Israel-Kgyptjan Mixed Armistice Commission—in Israel's a b s e II c e - condemning Israel for allegedly forcing smnu .'ir>0 lieduiu across the border into the United Arab Republic from the Negev. They emphasized that Israel does not participate in meetings of the Israel-Kgyptian MAC and that all resolutions of the MAC are adopted on the basis of Kgyptian testimony only and with an Egyptian VoU- to make a majority. .
Israel Synagogues Jerusalem IJTA) -The Ministry of Religious Affairs disclosed it was seeking from overseas communities 1,000 Tnr;ih-.Scrolls .and 3,000 pairs of phylacteries for new :>ynui,-:ai!e-i In IK;';:C1.
Jerusalem (JTA>—A 33,600,000 contract to expand Haifa port facilities was signed by the Israel .Ministry of Transport and a partnership of a French and Israel firm. Tho principal feature of the expansion will be the extension of Haifa's mnin pier to increase the port's dry cargo handling capacity from 2,000,000 to 2,500,000 tons.
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Ambassador to Brazil. Mr. Tekoah's appointment was considered a move toward further strengthening of Israel's relations with Lalin American countries find as a direct outgrowth of.Foreign Minister Gplda Meir's highly successful tour of major Latin American countries earlier this year.
Israel Production Steadily loereased
Surrey Sh©?/s
should, 24 per cent said it should not, and the rest did not know or opinion. Mint/, Max Moskowitz, Albert hadIn noParis, growing concern B. Newman, Julius I. Novak, David amoric West aGennans about the Orkow, Wm. Poster, Hyman Rich- need for. education for citizenship ards, Albert G. Rimmerman. Stella and democracy, Has reported by Jtobinson, Abraham Koehman, Jiving M. Kngel, honorary presiTel Aviv (JTA>-.Several hun- Harry Hochman, Horace Kosen- dent of the American Jewish Com-
dred passengers were trapped 'in bltini, Morris Ilosenstein, Sadie the new Haifa subway during one Hothe/llierg,. Sam I. Rothenberg. of. its first runs. After u 45-min- Samuel CI. Sahzmiin, living Srha mec'ianical ncl(Ierni;in. l.eon.'ird Segal. Kobert ute wait;, whil breakdown was repaired, the Car- H. Silver, Kr\in u. Simon, Louis The 2 festive .ays of Succol are melite resumed its six-minute. OJICfollowed by five intermediate days mile run between the top of Mount Soinbcrg, Marlon Somberg, Alfred .Sophlr. Slini S. Steinberg. I'.nbert and the full festival is resumed | Carmel and dor. nUnwi Haila. j Swat I /. again on the e i g h t h day of j .j.,,,,. „,.,.,„,,., J(|hl| w Stimuli A/wet 'Solemn Asseni- I Subway officials used Ibe sys-; MnwK loudspeaker to notify pas-|W ( . : , L( . (j ^.^.^ ,.- , U'idinan, hl> i which (our imlcs the Ti.shri | tern's scugcrs of the breakdown. ;ind Hairy Wilinsky, Paul Wolk. Irvin cvelc of fr^in.ils ind is called the averted panic or injuries.-The sub"Season of our (Iladness" in the way pruved to be such at attrac- Yaffc. Kii i\l. Zalkiu, Isidor Y.yxLituig\ Jn\ is .i I undarncntui note tion for children that thev filled ler, Seymour Zoob, Jlvrnie Zorinof mil leliuious spirit and h.'ippi- the train one afternoon, leaving no skv, and the Misses Minnie Kisennesii a duty. The essence of our loom for adults. An order was is- .stalt find Evelvn Lew. whole Toruh is contained in these sued barring use of the subway to thni" uuiils leiuenee. love. joy. children unless accompanied by Tiiev me the «.<\ to bring'us near parents.
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