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New York Finaeicior and Diploma! To Visit Omaha for Israel Bonds Ini
01 , ' . t n l / < ' d
I >lspi
,.MJ!!barr—an •« tCeynofe
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.1 Sunday
•,:li? Copy K> CtMiti mini Jt.-ile A DollurJ
O( TOISI.l: HO, /!).-,«
'Rich1 Gas Found In Israel Dead Sea Area
I r a Hirsehmann, outstanding c u n | i - i n ( l e t m < i M \ \ \ itit s m i T'orcij; N'al Kappin of Cliiea);o, 111., New York financier mid businossDiscovery of a ("as well describee produced, and for the clay indusA n a u t h o r o n f o r e i g n a f f u i i s . ll'iiiii K'lilli District No, G vicetnun, American diplomatic repre1 as "very rich," in an area ju.st try ul Heersheba, The new ga» M i , f l u sf I m i a n n ' s CM* '! ion< o s i n pri'siilenl, will m a k e t h e k e y n o t e sentative, and )i loading iiutlinrily west of the Dead Sea, in South- field will bo named "Zohar," which Oil Israel and its people, will speak ( h e 1-I.il 1 , o i ' |>i m i l l e d t h e b a s i s f o r ,iddie s u h e i i Oniiih.'i lodi;es ojien ern Israel, was announced this moans. Light. at a meeting at the home of Mor- I n , iio il; " I . l i e L i n e t o a i ' l ' i m i s c d I heir I'H'iO nienilieishiji drive w i t h week by the Nnplha National Oil Other companies with, conceston- A. Hichnriis Thursday night. L a n d " H o h . i s a l s o u i it l e u a i l i d o - ,i l'.iel:-oll Ineakfasl Sunday, N o Company of Israel. sions in the area will start drilling November r>, in behalf of Stale of loi' i i i i | ) o r t a n | p i ' i i o i h e a l s a n d l i a d e '.ciiiber I at it a. in. a t t h e F i r e join iiiils o n l e l o M s i o t i b r o a d c a s t - side licsl,mi iint. The new slrlke is the fourth gas within six months, Government Israel I'.onds. ing a n d pingi ainming. with special well brought up by Ihe drilling, circles declared. 'Ihe O m a h a coal will be 200 new Thursday's parlor session will lie e m p h a s i s o n c l o s e d r i i e u i l I l n o k niciibei ships it w a s s t a t e d b y and at least five more drillings Discovery of (lie new, rich gas the final preliminary to tin* nniiual IIPS Kcni-i.il d i n e c h a i i n i a n , (Icorfje are now envisaged. The latest well field came almost four years sinca dinner, scheduled lor November. Jii yields gas of very rich, almost Mr Hiischinanu u a s a nu'mbei Shnfei, w h o is liehiK Hbsisle'ci I)}' the first discovery of oil in tha lit the lilackslone Hotel, chairman of the Boaid of Higher I'ducalion Sidney Taien, Alvin Abnimspn pure methane, content, the experts Heletz area, which now produces Robert. M. Feinbcu; said. said. It may be usable for large of New York, liom li)IO lo HUH,anil Pliil Smilh. about 120,000 tons of oil annually, Klrliarri l'(irincr (.'liiiiriiiiin Cliairman ol Ihe Linard of Trustees New ineniberK will be .initiated industrial enterprises like power some 10 pci' cent of Israel's constations, or us raw material for Mr. Richards, 19.~»'J chairman of of the New School for Social Re- at the IHBO district convention in sumption. With the new gas-well the Jiiiilders of Israel, is a former search and Chairman of Hie March fJinaha Their class will be known the petro-chemical industry. output, Israel is expected to prochairman of the Greater Omaha of Dimes campaign Following Ihe new gas discov- duce 18 per con I of its domestio as the Sam Stone Class" in honor : Committee for Slate of Israel ery, Israel is planning construc- fuel needs. of the present district president. Hand*. He stressed that the meet' Awards' will be made to mem- tion of a gay pipeline to the Dead Ing at his honii' i.s "by no means bers of each lodKP signing the .Sea potash works which are now limited to Builders of Israel. I most members and a trophy will using large (|uantities of oil and hope all who can will attend," ; . be presented to the lodne aequir- other fuels. The pipeline would bo inj; the most members over its about IS miles in length, of fourMr. Hirschmann, Chairman of inch diameter, and would cost BOB I. the Board or the Pennsylvania F,xabout SIHCi.OOO. change Uunl; of Now' York, is a. A laigc group of udult piogiams former vice-president of Ulooming- will be organized soon at the JewNew Fuel Supply Personal obser\alions on China ish Community Center, Karl .Sie•Inle's and Salts Fifth Avenue. UKGKNT CM.1. FOK Another plan foresees the lay-will bo presented by John C. Caldgel, Adult Activities Chairman, anMr. llirscbniann founded radio HANDMADi: AHTtCI.KS ing of a gas pipeline from the new well, author and political corstation WOR in Newark, New Jer- nounced gas' field to Ashdot to supply Ihe respondent, at the fourth program for the The selection of activities will be Ki-deration of Jewish Women's power station with fuel: also to ot the University ol Ornahii Insey (now located In New York City) and '.KM Station WAISF in determined by Ihe response reprovide fuel for large industries slilule of World Affairs, WednesClubs New York and is president of ceived from cauls mailed to the in Oron, where phosphates are day, November 1 nt 8:15 p.m. a t .ISooih at the Television Systems of America, community which list potential the University auditorium. Childien's Meuioiial Hospital Inc.j. and Iru Hinielnnann C'um- adult piogiams The Institute seiies which is lia/aar pa/iy, Inc., which operate televiThe offered list fnoludes Latin being co-sponsored liy |he Jewish Siuid iv e\enifii;. No'.ernbei l."> sion systems throughout the Unit- A m e r i c a n dancing. (couples); Federation of Oin.dri, Iins boon And ed Slates. biidi^e msliuefion (beginneisi, alti.icling a large attendance at Monday All Day. November Hi tournament bridge, ceramics workSurliy Trips In Israel Contact When Israel goes lo the polls each session, llolicrl II. Kooper, shop, foreign lilm series, music apMr. Hirschmnun lias personally preciation, (classical); music apMrs. Krnesl A. NOKK. GI. 104.'I next Tuesday its citizens will have Federal inn president, reported. Iiei;otiliti-d With Prime Minister preciation, (jazz); aging in the Mrs. Hubert .Summer. GI> riO.">l to choose 120 members for the Mr. Calduell is Kastorn political lien-(;urion of Israel, Colonel N'as- m o d o r n world, women's gym Knesset (Parliumenti out of .1,291 correspondent for national magaMi of I ) r \pt "Hid otln r high-rank- classes, women's figure aid class running for office. Only 4'! of the zines and news syndicates and au» <iiK' officials foi the United Slates and "koffe klotch," nn informal candidates are professional poli- thor of "China Coast Family," Kt tie Dep n I in' nl Hi- IKIS made discussion group. ticians. Some 300 are clerks, 2.'iO "Still the Rice Grows Green,"-. 1 jmni 111 in c do/mi sin wy H i p s lo farmer. !, GS merchants, 120 teach- "Lei's Visit Formosa," "The Korea Jsi.icl ni ii <• nl *•< " and is mm- Persons inleresleil in tile acers, G -l journalists, 79 attorneys Story," "Children1 of Calamity," liletel> infotni'd on the latest de- tivities are tuned to return the and 21 housewives. Forty of theand .."Communism in Our World." cards marked with their prefervelopments m tin Middle Kast. Shelf Katskee will supervise candidates are 70 years old, and His "Let's Vis!l"series Is the ence immediately, to facilitate A special itl.xlK of the Aincn- speeding oraganization of classes, weekly Tournament Bridge at the over 380 are under the age ofmost widely used publication on . . I , 1 - ••,.;•'• -.. . . ' • - . - .. . . - : . : . • t,in 1 mbass} in Ankara, -Turkey, Mr. Siegel said. Asia in the American schools. Jewish .'Community Center, every f o r t y . .-':• ilurlnc Wotld VV.u II he later was Thursday eveninc from 8 p. m. to Watch your TV and Radio for .-'•Mr. Caldwell, the son of misOther activities may bo instinamed Pusidont Roosevelt's spe- tuted upon discussion with Horis 11 p. in., slartiiif: November 5. The election results. . •': sionary parents in South Africa, cial represent.itne to the War Rcf- Sleiman, Center Activities Direc- fee is 7!icpcr person. Kveryone was- educated in Shanghai- and! ligcc Ho ltd In l''l(, lie was Spe- tor. just, returned this summer front is welcome. • cial [nspecioi (Initial of the Unitthe Far East where he has spent HI'IAIl AND SEf;ed Nations Rthcl and Rehabilitamost of his: life. . . . . •. BKN GUIUON, of Israel tion Admlnihtiation where he re: .. U Nu, of Burma
Center Planning Adult Programs
Author to Discuss China Wednesday At University
Israel Elections Next Tuesday
Tournament Bridge Starts Thurs.af Center
Israel Negotiates On Oil Refineries
Isadore and Mollie Goldstein Scholarship to Be Established
. ; ' - . . ' . v
- - : ;
n n d .
1 1
. .
.' • - > ' • .
• " • '
Kdward R. M u r r o w
in a ;i-wiiy conversation
Women's Federation To Meet Thursday At Home for Aged
Sunday, Nov. t ; , 5 P , M. The Isador and Mollie Goldstein cation, with (lie aim of entering JLRUSALLM Ort L'5 (.ITAi — Scholarship Fund has beoii estab- t h e r a b b i n a t e o r t h e J e w i s h t e a c h - WOW-TV The regular luncheon meeting Channel 6 Negoti itions me under way with lished by two Omabans as an ex-i n g p r o f e s s i o n . .•••".'••"•.. .'•..••-•'..•• of the Federation of Jewish WomThe .scholarship is open to JewAmciican unestois lor financing pression of their life-long interest en's Clubs will be held Thursday, of modnni/ition of Ihe oil refin- in Jewish Youth and Jewish edu- ish young men and women in the November ri, 1 p. m., at the Dr. Omaha and Nebraska area regardcucs at Huf > Tin n fineries were cation. Philip Slier Jewish Home for Aged, less of their personal or families' limit in l').H l>> II"- IJritish I'etioMr. and Mrs, Goldstein,- promiMrs. Mike Freeman, president, leuni CompuiV 'I lie facilities be- nent and active members of thereligious viewpoint. announced. Recipients of the scholarship will Cime ISI.IIU propiit\ alter they Omaha community have b e e n After the business meeting, DaMeie puidiisod la t February, by closely associated with communal have the choice of enrolling at J. Harry Kululcofsky will repie- vid Orltow, Home superintendent, the Ciouiiiimiit nid a private affairs and with the Beth Israel the American Jewish Seminary in will talk about the Home and wiU i ; conduct a tour. .synagogue. They are especially in- Chicago or the Yeshivu Univer- sent the locul fnm At Ihi' > niie time it was learned terested in furthering Jewish edu- sity in New York City. The Gold- Jewish Fedei .1The presidents and representasteins have lent their support to todd) that Jsi iel will soon become cation among the youth. ^ ^ tives of all women's organizations both institutions for many years. tion as its deleHigher Jewish Education an c\poitei <'f itfmcd petroleum are urged to uttoml the meeting. "We only hope that through the gate at the Gen- v ^ *%\ pioducts iigtin, foi the first time The scholarship, will make funds oral Assembly of "*. . ! Reports will be presented by comuince the Aral>s closed down the available to any Jewish young man widest publication," Mr. Goldstein Jewish Federamit tee chairmen. Iraq-Haifa pipeline, 11 years m;o, or young woman who is interested stressed, "that we will reach in- tions and Wel(Contimied on Page 4 ) il'urim; Israel's War of Independ- in going on to highei Jewish editfare Funds in ence. It was revealed thai, under San Francisco, n new contract, an uiiidentifieil Cal., November country will market 100,000 tons 12-lf), it was anof ga.iuline. and other petroleum nounced by Robproducts annually. The "gas" and ert H. Koopcr, „ , other products are processed in Hie Haifa refineries. Federation pies-Mr. Kulakofskj Finance Ministry Kourcc3 said ident, Mayor John Rosenblatt will'of--. that, when Ihe contract becomes Mr. Kulakofsky served as chair- ficiate at the ribbon cutting cerex '• effective, the Haifa refineries will man of the Philanthropies Cam- mony marking the formal opening be able to operate at 50 percent paign in l!ir>2 and was president of of the Senior Citizens Lounge a t capacity, instead of the present the local Federation in 1953 andthe Jewish Community Center, one-third capacity. The present Monday, November 2, at 1 p. in. 1T)1. capacity is enough to provide IsThe lounge, which is the first rael's needs of 1,500,000 tons a of its kind in Omaha, will bo open year. Ultimately, the Haifa reeach Monday from 10 a. m. to 3 fineries are to be brought up to p. m. and will offer planned activfull capacity of 4,000,0(10 tons a ities. Dessert and coffee will be year. The exports will j;o, under Mr. and Mrs. Richard Glimmers served. the new contract, to several Euroare'having nn open house in hon- Arrangements for the lounge pean countries. or of the 75th birthday of Mrs. B. have been made by the Mines. AlJt was also dlsdo.-.ed today that Rosenthal, Sunday, November 1 bert Goer, Robert Silver and Marwork is ahead of schedule on conbetween .'! p. hi. and 5 nl their tin Kimniel. This project is coversion of the Kilat-Halfa pipeline home, r>()OH Jackson. Mrs. Rosen- sponsored by the National CounInto a IG-ineh line. Paris of that thai is the mother of. Mrs. Glim- cil of Jewish Women and the Jewlino now includes tubes of only ish Federation of Omaha.. mers. Mr. ami Mrs. Goldstein—Jewish IMucntlon eight-inch bore.
J. H. Kulakofsky Is Federation Delegate To General Assembly
"* «• ,W
Mayor Will Open
Friday, Oifolur SO,
page Two
! With the Home Folks iiRttal Hit- I>r Hilllji I or Tim As*(I lijr
Diabetes Defection Week to Be Observed
O m a h a u s are urged to l>o ihicKid foi dialirtes by IIKIP family |)lnsi(iins dm ing Diabitu I 'J Deleition Wi i k November I'i - 1 , ^I'J ( IAL K.IiMJ^II Mr Tditor (MRS) FRVN'crs KI r r ; Dr. Moins Mriigohn, Chan man of Mis J Kiib Shaprio Hill ,-iv 1 the Dinbi'les C'ommiltce of 1be s[«'i i.il kuldish this SalunliiV Nebiaska Stale Medicd AssouiaI ihe li'siilenls of the Hume II M ) ( OI.l-KtTIOX 1 ion. announced. COI.WC1L OK II WISH WOMAll friflltls :ind ON IIAI.LOU'hKN .lie The pin pose of the week is to I LN NEW PROGRAM A .Sjiennl i m i t r d tn nth-nil Temple Isiael Youth Giolip will discover unknown diabetics, so that nnd vvoik&hop for men VMIS itaited riM't'pil inn. this week under thp tutorship uf meel on Halloween Uve, at the they can be treated, Dr Maigolin, the Mcsdames A fiaer. M Veil home of Maiy Kay Hobeiman, said Iil< II Mil) ger. H 1. Weil and A J Wem- 1007 Xo 64lh stieel, and will then Tlii" Hai Mri/vah of Rlcharii PKA1T HKADS KOKKKJN berg Pai ticipants w <• i e the spend one hour collecting for the Miinn son of Mi <ind Mr«. So MINIhTICV'S 1NTKKNAT1ONAL Messrs, Louis Behn, I-ouis 1'iusen, United Nations children's enipiMann will be observed Friday INSTITUTIONS Ben Mi'jeison and Sain Postoi gency fund, annual project of flip evening >iniJ Saturday morning Jenisalem, i ITA) — S n n c h a Mcsdames Rose Hobcrman, Bessie group Octobei ,Vi Hiid 31, at Hie Belli Ciinrii-liKlitin?, 3:02 |i in. Piatl Kind's Consul General in Tesslcr. Sarah Silver, Rose '51a/Isiael Synagogue New York was named dneclor of rnmi, and Helen Goldstein itwited »KTH KL the Koieign Ministry's Division a seuiiig project Services this Frnla\ at Btlh hi A monument will be dedicated for lnleinntion.il I n s t i t u t i o n s . SynagOKue will begin <U 8 15 p m S l ' M N SM'TZKY to the memoiy of Samuel Oicen- Pi lor to hW cuirent nssignment Io Kabbi Myer S Kupke will delner New York, Mr. Pratt, served as Susan Slut/ky, daughter of Di beig, Sunday, Novombei 1. 2 p m the seimon C.nitoi A.ironl Erig>ir and Mrs Ben Slutzky, will obIsrneli Consul in Chicago. Beth Kl Cemetery with Itabbi j and the Beth Kl Synagogue Choir, serve her Bas Mit/vah and Judy Knpke officiating Fnends HIK" will render the musical poitions of Nogg, daughter of Mr and Mrs The Hnai B'nth. Ht'iuy Mon- relaliven are Invited to attend. the &emce. F, Ralph Nogg, will observe her sky, N'c'bnisk.1 nnd Cornhiihkei DUNDEE FLORIST Sabbath morning set vices m i l Bas Mit/vah lit Beth IJI Synagogue lod«e and rh.iptei-s will sponsor A iiionumeiit will be dedicated toccm at H,30 The Junior CoriKie- this pvening and Saturday morn- the fust of tliK-e blood bank to the memory of Sam Faler, TuesWA 2442 KMtion w i vices aie at 10 ,J0. The ing clrnes for t h e 1TO-60 si-ason, day, November X ut 11 a m ut Mincha M.ianv services will begin Wedn<"Ml.i>, November 4 f r o n t Pleasant Hill Cemeteiy Ftiends 675 No. 50th at 5 p. in Sunday morning seivices AIJCK ANN rKIJ.MAN noon until 6 p in «t the Red Cioss- and lelutives me invited to atlettm dt 4 Daily sen ices aie held Dr and Mrs A (' Kcllnian an- Blood C e n t e r , f')th A\c and tend. I l i l i rn and 7 p m. nounce the Bas Mit/vah of I heir Dew e>, daughter. Alice Ann, on Friday B'uai B'nth supplies the Red GORDON STORAGE JIKTII JSKAKI. evening and Saint day morning, Cross in Omaha, with approxiRabbi Benjamin Oionei, Cnntor November 6th and 7th at Beth LI mately 500 pints of blood, annualWAREHOUSE. INC. Kli KdR.in, Heth l.sraej C'hon will Synagogue ly, Mis Max .Sacks, chaiimaii conduct late Fuday c\eninK w n JA 3032 in charge of the pjojprl, Muted KCA at 8 p in Tiadittonal Fnday n her appeal fot dunois. 1201 JONES Seb (Subby) Pulverente evening services (Kabbolas ShabThe Bar Mrt/iah of H a l v e } AsMsting Mr« S a c k s as coIKVO bc^in lit 5 p m Sabbath iiibenduie, son of Mr. and Mis chairmen aie Mis ChaileK Fish-i 25 Yean' Experience morning service 8 13 a in Junioi Morns B.ibeiiduri' of Fiemonl will ei and Mis Yale Kaplan Also [ With Jowiih C'onKicK-'tion at 10 a in Rabbi be observed Kiiday evening und lelping ate Mines Mvion M.uko, (Jroner will conduct tin* Talmud Lettering and Memorials .Siitiml.iy morning, November (i ilniry Fncdninn, Bi>n Blatt. A<iClass at 4 I'i P in Sabbiith Mincha ind .il Beth Isiael on I'pHlein. Arthur Parilm.in, Ju-' nt 5 15 p in follovvpil bv Miol^slip I 2211 So. 8th AT 2452 i.in Nathan. Nate Kaplan, MOP' S'euilos .ind M.iinv IJ.iilv mum-i Grossman Albert A Oitirti Abe inr; services at 7 <J m ; afN'i noon i Beai, Al Teinin, Bernard Gulilwrvices 3 10 p m Sund.iv moiiistiom Dclmar Klein, Charles Lu b inK SIM\K(S b< J^III at 8 J"> n ni , 1.1 <ih\l. N. Id. \ZMt A1)(1 ' v I l l l ( ' ' »>ehard Wright Mil- 111 IllB! follinwd JA In '• ikl.ist ind I: lhlii < I Funeial suviies were hrlil Wed-! ', . |.H; I atriCt-n ') ">" M l " " . Slfln(> y '/'"Pimi I " " " v class in liihli SIIIKIIV innmini.' n.sd.iv in M lo-<ph Mo f.,i IS< Bla/ir. 7J of ",101 ' ' " ' ' ' I - ' " . •' M'»on Miigolin Junior Minyan, followed bv brf.'ik- lUi'ine \ Call Jerry Krupinslty Divrnpoil M i n t pirMiiin.nl ..I i Ki.inh SIK.II William Slime M.nf.isi si u is ii fi ,0 i in For Freo Estimates , Mil GtibiM- an d Julli I irolis lorney, who died Salurdav. 'Jho I.il ,i\id Insi iissmn M<'||>. Ho «as bom in St I,,sr|,h and M ( " S M S , ! ' 0 1 1 J ""- s William S|.,,, and Prompt Scrvlco .it, ie<trv..d h,, RaihHor of \ . i h di , • I hot Hiown, M,,x Sa( ks unit I ) . . t>:30 p. m. grei- from tin- I'nu.iMtv uf Mis-' 1 1 " ( - " ° I l p l PiosiK-rtne donors aie lequcsl,01111 He i,line to Onuh.i afti Harry's B'NAI JACOK ADAS be «•!"; gradiiiitrd liom the I'ni- ed to lefr.'iin fioin e.iting anv f.ilLive Fish Market Vhsiir itov vcisilj of d m ij,o I-.ivv .Sihool in ty foods foi foui lioms prior to giving hlnud To aicommoilate Seivices at Bn.u .T.icob-Ad.is- 19H Kosher Poultry Yeshuron will begin Kud.iv at Survrving is a hrothei, Philip of donois, Bnai B n t h will \ei\p ... -ii it is a tpecial eornod-beef landwirhos all dav on 5 30 p m and .S.uuidav moining Havana, III Killed Daily Nou'innei 4 al the blood center. «t 8 10 p m with Mincha at 5 00 holiday portrait AT 4977 1314 No. 24th p m followed by Sh.ilosh S'oudos S KISKMAX of your family Daily services .it 6 id a m and Services and buna) weie held in Births Certified and approved by Rabbi 5 00 p m Los Angeles, Cal, foi Charles RiseDr. Leon Them, Preildenf. Amcri. Mr and Mis Robert Krasne man, Hi. a former Omahan, who announce the birth of a daughter, can Academic Rabbit Anocintion Xr;MPI,E ISIiAKL o( New Americans, end Rabbi S. died Friday in \jo<i Angeles A ' nf Photographer Welkin of the Orthodox Rabbit AtTemple Isiael s e n ices will be- long-time emp)o>e of (he J I, Maicia I.ynn on October LO Methodist Hospital 817 So. 36th HA 1044 •ociation of New York City. gin Ftiday at 8 Io p m Kabbi Brandeis & Soni Furnliuie deGiandparents are Mr. and Mis Sidney Biooks will off unite. partment, he moved to California Abe Kiant/ and Mr and Mrs. on his retirement In 1947. Millaid K r n s n e Great giandSurviving aie his wife, Hannah, mother rs Mis Herman Kiasno of three sisters, Mrs; N i c h o l a s I^os Angi-leu, Cal Abrams, Los Angeles, Mrs Dave Riseman and Mis Carl Sessel. Mr and Mrs Avrum Bondarin Mr. uml Mr» S.un Colirn aie of Forest Hills, N Y , announce •isiting in Bevei l> Hills. C'al. uith SAI \, \S. TKU-MAN Ihe birth of a daughter. Lisa Beth, Funeral Services were held Mon- September 28 Mr. Bondarin rs the their son .ind daughfei-in-]av\, Mr fuid Mrs Hobert Cohen and family day at Beth El Synagogue for son of Mrs Herman Bondarin. Saul W Fcllman, 49 of 420 No ]\lr. and MrH. Leo IScrrniiii and 40th Stieet, who died Sunday. He Dr and Mrs H Man in Ciiind | <3aughtei. Ulen fonnei Om.ih.ins, was owner of Household Furn- of St Louis, MO , announce Ihe i have moved to G715 Holmes, Kan- itureS Appliance Co bnlh of a daughter, Susan Both, Bis City, Mo. MORTUARY Suiviving are his wife, Lvcljn, on September 20 They aie also 1 son, Mark 2 daiighteis, Diane the pill ruts of Lisa, M.nk and Miss .Sophia I'trri of Los An-and Kaifir '1 sisters Mrs Robert David Keles, Cnl .mil Sam Fcici of las Marer, Mis Abe Slusky 1 lnolh The m.iti i n,i| giandmoth<r is Vegas Nev aie < \pected to amve er. Dr. Leon Fellman. Burial was Mis V Habn nf W i t n bin j , ('< nil November (! for n vivit at the in B< Hi 1 I Cmietei v ' Mis I! ("ami | of Om ,b,, ] v f | ] ( home nf.lheir moiher. >Irs. lt<w ' p . t l i i i m l I'l.iiiiiunitlii i Fcri'r. ir I IS( I l l J t l ' . i l H u i i / i () ir A I K I I li 1 1 . I iini i.il s i ' n u n for Adulph .IiTimic llarlan I'iriT. son of .Mr. i is( h. i, 20-10 No "MIII SIMM who and .Mrs. Morton Frn-r, has re- iliirl Snud iv win- In Id Tmsdij OMAHA'S LEADING t u r n e d liouu:' from Fort MOM- al the •Jewish Funeral Home nioulh N I v l i n i hi (umplrlfd Burial was in Clolden Hill (Vmi his military s e r v i c r. Ho was t n \ yiadiiiitid fiom 1,1(< tinniis *~< Ii jol RUG a UPHOLSTERY Fubhshid L\er> 1 ml i\ i>\ Ha Ii\M-.h I < I'I ration of Om ilia t
ffi.l' f l | ' I ' (. P c ' 0 An ii*at M ' f ji cr i . ' t- T ' 'i / Publcolcn 01'CC-1CI II it' O <j '
Tin fns( study group dinner of | JNFTY WMK held lit the home of C ill Mn II r, Sund.iv, Oclobei 2^ H.IIIIJ! Sidiifj H Biooks le.id Hie disni'-'.ion
Car ant! Oas fviitzvah
B'nai B'rith Aids Blood Bank
Monument Co.
no 1 specialists in storage, packing, local and long-distance moving
lit'cry Portrait a Precious Gift. ,
John Kalina
Omchans In the News
Eugene N. Blazer Oct. 8, 1888— Oct. 24, 1959
DiU & Cafe
Kosher Meat Market ft Delicatessen
s . f.i\illusion,
Major Appliance, will speak Ihi Fiigidaui s 11< ^ inn lint's i iiifj conduct</d at. the f! c n o r Motors Training CVnler
PI ! JA I '6 Io initrl ,c r .'.or I H In Ihe Jf:wi'.li Prcii. Hale is CO cenfsfor *ocli Ihrfe line Iniei. tion. The Prcis rf.crvti tht rich* Io ll(nll -r/e rj rtrh td^trl 'cmcil
BAR and Bus Mitzvan congratull.u iison Bmdlii s 1 i son t lations nlso for all Jowish holiof Judge .mil Mis J)on Mil Broil | 'Jr,s nnd special occisions key i r r i m i l tin I aglt Award in j Me\er» Nev s- Stand 1102 Dodf;e Sioiilini' >it <i 'I loop '01111 of Hun | <»r at \\asbjn^tori Sihool JIi is .* member* of Boy Scout Troop '.17. Mike
P<TM.'I), .son of
Mr. nnd.
Mrs. R. K. Pcrscll received a tui-j tion scholarship ;it thi; Vniversily cf California nt Santa Barbara, where he is a sophomore.
WA 5554
4415 CUMING Diamond's Famous
Don Bernstein
Volt J4ou,&epower
HA 2554
They Are Delicious Lb.
Friday. Ortotwr SO, 10.19
Tli rep
Social Work Grants Young Adults Plan Of $200,000 Offered 'Halloween Party
\<> w l o i K i J T A ) Isi.,fl's P H ]")\\a ln\<> i n i i i a M i l l>v '»")() p f i i i ill liming llif> p,is1 i i , h i M'lirk, 'I In ' m i n i , Ailulls , m pl.iiwiiii,' l< lull' iiiipoils l i m mi i r . T i l by
t O l M I I , K l M M \ ( . i : SA1.1. , 'on nil ' lit N> .'.iibi i 10 tit 'I 111' N.iUorilil ( (iinnil <if .Jewish I>. .hi, nt Ihe Temple. Women u i l l hive ilh unnw.il liniiDireclois of 111'; sltit tiiv Mines In.it.c Siilc Nnvrinljfi 1, 2, timl .1 .ii I'Jdvvaid L Milder, Ifovaid Vann 17,M Smith J.ltli ,Stnct from 8 and Mmlon SomViR lne cas II in to ri p in The (o-chiuimiMl includes Milieu. Warner Krohman,
Mil Ni w Yoil, i 1 J A i I I il Ir uish W i l l i l l ' I', I I I p n i l i i l .i ) l 11 low i ' n p I I I \ mi s I 1 U I I ! . I \ ,it I i " i l v r>1 |ii I LI nl 1h,il Jewish f'liiiiiiiiinil v ( i n l r i s 1l)t- .Ii uish ( iiniiiiiiiiilv ( i n l r i ,it .mil Y M - Y W I I A s tin uivhniil tho H W p in I hi evf-niiiK will Incount• y l u \ t - niiiilt- ii\iiilcil»le OVPI | d i \ i ) l i - d fn i l i n t m ^ i nti i l.iiiinu nt I ""•200 ()()() in fellowhhins srholai- and n f n sliini-iils ships .uul wuik-sludy pl.ins l o t Ki-sei\.itions (VI i m , j be in.ici<^ qualified people seeking financial I wilh I J i innr K i s n i i U , T l . 'J")S") aid f o r iji .idiidte soci.il wink edit- | HI Anne Winer, CA 1!)77 cation f o r Jewish CiMiunuinl\ ( V n - 1
for this >PIII s Mile nip the- MIIIPS
Hovvaid Vann, Mai Ion .Sombe Milluid liosenherg, Niilhan Novak Yale Tiustin, Mrfivin Hipii, lion uld Colin, Maunce Aiesty, Wil ham Finklc and Ilicliard Goldman X General luncheon c h a i r m e n , ^Tlns'compa.es with bui-ly ¥20,- , ^ " S S L e a d e r S Holt! or Mrs. D,i\id W P I I I - Mines Ki nest Pneaman and Joe Levey, will be assisted by Ihe Honn iJTAi The Social DemoNovember chaiimen, Mines Leon ciack the xhortnKP of piofchMonaid J,uol)son, Philip Malkin and ally ti allied Jewish Cnmmumly eirflir PHI t> arcusecl the NoitliMKS. NNKIDKK TO niiinc Weslph.ilia Minisliy of the by Mines Bernard Altsuler imd Center pei sound HKVIKW HOOK Maunce Aresly, table netlmt; and More than 100 students me ex- Intei loi of f,rli>ig to take fiction Mis. Si<lney : icider will IPVICW l Mines Alan Blotcky and Normal pected to )c beneficial i''s of these <ij;amsl formei SS leader in-v urihe hook "Kor 2c Plain" by ir.irry ciii'VinK mipoi '('lit posts in lh.it Lincoln, table decorations Res- giants Golden nl Hie luncheon meeting slale pivations may be made by calling of tlii* IViml IJ'nth Henry Monsky Mrs Joseph Goldvvare, UK 7345, Not long ,igo, the Public WoikChapter No. 470, Wednesday, Noor Mm. John Tolle, CA 0560 i'is I'mon clmrKed that the police \ ember 4, at 12 30 p m nt the in Dusseldcjrf, Cologne, Bonn, J sMii> Kdwaid l^cvmson, Sisler Jewish Community Center sen, Dortmund and olhcr cities A .short tnlk about "Whnt The hood President, will picside at the F u r Omaha delegates will ntweie headed hy Conner hiKh-iunkI'mted Nations Menus to You"general meeting and at ihp 11 a m tend the national conference• of ing SS officeis According to the will be given In honor of United boaid meeting. the Niitionnl Kcder.iUon of TeiYi- Union, some of the police officials Nations Month Uaby sitter service ple Sistci lionils in Miami Bench, had foiged then rocoids lo conceal will be piotlded H I this meeting Fin , November 14-19 their Na/i past 01 hem had been Kor reseivjitioiiR cull Mis HernThe delegates aic Mniei Paul icinstuted liec.msc the Ministiy »wd Slenler. JA 4217. or Mis Blotcky. Sidney Bionks, Hinold claimed that then membeiship m Ki.ink Snkur, WK 1164 STKVKN M. FltlKUMAN Finhci, J'duurd I.pvinsnn and Hoi- the SS had bc-en ' n mere foimalItKCKIVKI) (iOM) KKV ace Hosonblum. Hy " MIZKACIII KIJMMACK SA1.B Steven M KnefJinan was one of The Omaha Cluiplci, Mi/ruehi the 10 lop Ktudents ipco^m/ed nt Women will hold H MimmiiKc sale the annual College of Business In Ihe neiii future All members Adininlstiation honoih pioyiam al <iml (nends who can Contribute Ihe University of Ncbnibkii at LinMil.iblc nilieles me nsked to dill coln. The fikidentb were pi(.'iented Mrs Heiman Kranklm, WII SIM'S wilh Gold he>.s hy William Gold of Joe Uadmowski addiehsed the Lincoln. Chnplei (it its October meeting on The Omahan the "on of Mi the ' I'lilled Nations " and Mis I I I Fnedinan, is a Y.ilc Ciiiisliuri;, Dnvid WcinberR iind Al«' Ki'llmnn, with Mines, Jumps .S.innielsuii and Moiey himdniiin in CIMIKP of piok-up Anyone in.iy donate rummage or \olunIppi1 spmcrs hy p.illiilK Mis VUIP
Farnam at 36th
German Police Posts
Omahans to Attend Sisterhood Meet
membei of ZPIII B I In Tan fi.ileih i m Licit nity and » l')")S H'aduate ol Cenwlj ilceud officeiK of the tial IIIKII Sehool Hi t.i '1 .iu Mothers rliih ini Hide Mi-. Ailhui (ioldsi'in ))i*siill ill Mi s D.uiil Pl.itt \ K I - piesi<l< n l \li«. I i mi m l III i man, sericI n\ Mi Philip Km It i I n isiin i Mr 1 Hi• t11 Kl Svn;t[Mi;;iie ('(jllei.'e <il
Beth El Sponsors Study Series
kT/ ADD TWO of ii'S
!!i n ^IIIIOII-. will I)' in i h H !'•'
i,l p ililu i l , mil Mis I II 1 in il l i u i s h Slnrliis will 111(1 I nil (on sMUtivi M()ii(t.iv evenings U t ' i n in in will I" in ' i l i i ! i1 <>f I' I'1 iiniH Niiviiiibei 2 f(ii sis wcells ]ili nun, .mil d u n |Hindi miJ'hiee sessions will lip o l f i n d i.ich Ill.HI i.i- "< OITI:K •.•veniiiK al X p. in., with eoiirses WITH I UK I t U t l t l " i J i c i i b> sMi.ii;o^ue st<iff iiHiii'HIP Hi 111 I I .Synagogue stiuK heis The eouises a i e : Mised Kluiip will mei-t foi "Coffee with Choi.il Gionp, Cintni A I . I I K H I , I In- Itahiii' mi Tliuisdiiy, No\i-m- "Ihiiiels ( i i a n I s-lhe Piophetj.," bi-i \ lit 'I V\ a m , in Ihe s>na- Iliiblu M.verS Kupke; P.SJCIIOIOKV Ko^ui* hbi.ny Subject for discus- of Gioup Piejudiee," D.ivid I I itioii is ' Let's Talk Ahoul God' Kdiieation , Director; Hebiew, Walter FeiflSitter stiwcc \iljl be piovided Ki-sfnatlons lire hcuiK ttken by nian; and LcamiiiK to Daven, KPV. Mis. Noi'm.in Pred. AT. 9'1'IH, .ind Ales K i l l /
O'.r, rn[N
A visit to the Omnhn Cominunitv Playhouse will be Hie feature of Temple Fsiiael's Supper Club pruutnm, Sntuiday, November 7. A f t n n 7 p m buffet dinner nl the Temple, menibeis nnd (juests will attend the diesR rehearsal of -the next Playhouse pioriiicliot), •The Cu Is m SOI" which opens Noveiilhci 13 with Klame J.iheins mill Mary JVckham as co-stuis Mr and Mix Monis .1. l.ipp aie Club (O-pichidcnts D i n ne i «rlaiiRenienlfc me U-inK made by Normmi Lincoln, Moiey L,iiulni,in, Jxonuid .JacnbsDii, Ailhui Jarobhon, i;nvm Lanilow, H e i n . i r d JJuben, l^-onaiil Shi-lloii, Chniles MoiMsep, Mlllanl Hos( illici K. Yale Tiustin Mai Mil T.iMiiiin linil Morn*- Knsin nb,Him Dmii'i H ' M H . I -
HlilT. " T I I I A I . AND KIMtOlf AT TICMPI.K A skit p n t i t l e d "Trial dud 3'j ror" \vill !>(.' presented nt. Ihe Temple Kntel Sis'ei hood IiinchIXtA.MA'IIC C l . r i l INSTALLATION The Workmen's Circle DramaMe. Club will hold iifi iiniliiiil insl.iilla1ii)ii of olficcls, Sunday, Novemlier 1, 5:-'(0 p. m. lit. the Labor J.yrcum. HedvsliinfiilK nnil enterlaiiimeiit- v%i11 follow. th<> Illhtnllii-
Special Situations
Members New fork Stock Exchange and Other Principal Exchanges
KOI FARNAM WEbstcr 4555
flifct session with Kuest lertureis discussinK diffeient j)hases of the subjeel, followed by Habbi K i i p ke's romments on the Jewish appioach. Dr. Sol Gnrfield, Chief Clinical Psycholotjlst at the Nebiaskn Psychlntnc Institute will IK> the Kuest at the opening session disciibsitiK " A Psychologist Looks nl Psycholheiapy" Rabbi Kupke will romment on "A Rabbi Ixx'ks at KOIIKIOII ' A disrussion period and coffee hour will follow each lectuie
Jiaiional Shrine FOO. -rue
i/cwijsh War Vead
Tel Aviv, f J T A l 'the linns of an ancienl Jewish lor.ii datni)' back lo the Third Criilurv, C. K have hern (listoveied oil the slopis of the M<'iiin IIilK in I I Saf.nl I he disiow i v uns niadi- an nli m.illv li> ii public wiiilis ill |i n inn m i IIIIIIS ne lii'in, I II I i n .il tin I It ai lot di iv i i i IIJ; i] i 11 in I hi (on j '1'inplr (Jllni, Iti-i'i-nt li'i W> I stun I Kin uf ,i new m nl I \ ; m | . n| I | the dovi innii nl I)i |i I I inu nl n( I v 4 Ol s l . s < I.I II Anfutilities found soini- l l i hiiw inMis I P I I Alii ,ih MIIMIII u i l l i n- sciiplinns iinil p u l l i i v ililin^' lo | 1( il.im lli( ( oiMiis <'lnli .it ,i 1*! V)the |JIIII>II of Simon ! } ,n ^ n i h i i ' p in him hi mi ,il the I'e/is IlfiK I, who livid in the i l i m l < i Nlinv (,l IH.< \ l s i , 1O1 ( M i l . , i i w u n Wednesday; -November "i. Anyone Ihe Cliriuliiur K I ; I . jermisly Io 1 hi' United Red Featli'ei'Hecl (.'loss Drive of which tlie Jewniwilile lo iilleiiil IK aslicd to cull
AT 84KS. ,
by the day's hnstehs, M I B Richmd A combined course on "Judaism Mm tin, CL -xBl and Psychiatry" will follow the
F K iitH Of
Our AilviTli.sris
ish. Kcdoriition iv » hcnrflciiiry.
CLAUDE CONSTAILE portraifi of disiincfion
Call RE 1317 Candid Wedding Albumi Formal Bridal Portraiti Children Our Specialty Quality Work of tjucllly Prictl
4829 Dcdgo Custcmei Poihing
Specializing in Undervalued
Come Meet
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff Let Him Help You With Your Clothing Selecltoni
Kilpalriclt'i Men's Clothing — Second Floor
Page Toar
1959 Freshmen Pledging Procedure D u n n ; tlie p is' I Biddable phice
Ilie thi'
V <iill mi tl.nj
til.-I I
I, I I ' SIV.
t il • ii
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t I n - . v e . u •• f i• - l i ' i i i JI
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I t Ji
I Israeli Goifon Picker
1 I l ' l II I 1
I.! mi
tin ' ill< i t i >
(i l ' l , l '
• I i h i \ t I i •. i
j '\ t i i 1 C I fit i l l .id! M 1 ( \> ' t '
!>> II l l l l f >{j to be effecti\vr and the youngsters tiOII It f f). t( (I sverc unable to pailic pil< anil d<- 111 l l • t i l l ' ( 111)' II 11111 . i l l l l I ' l l l rieve the benefits that should be in' nt public in .1 i c f i c i r t t o s l i i i u part of a club As tn c^puiiiiicnt l.ne mteit'M .mil to bill]' tile (il for this >t\ir the gnN decided that to (lie .itli-nlion (if .Tevisli vnutli Ml Goldstein s ml that in tin each girls' club would accept u Cases when* i n m i t s aie able I to eighteen pledges The following pioieduie will IK assume pjit ol the lusts lie used In the November 1st, brunch scholarship will defi.n tin- ilif fei ence 1. Kach girl Mill select H ntimbc The Goldslt'in h.ive been pl.ir out of a box. runs: the schohiiship fund foi iiidir 2. Her name will be entered on months with Juck \V Mart-i. Om.i a m u t e r list opposite her number. lm attorney and p.ist piesicKnt (i 3. She will place this number the Jewish Fodei.itton <inrf Itnbl into the box of the club of her Ilcniumin Gioner, spiritual leade choice, of Beth Isrnel SynacnRiip 4. After cver>one has chosen AppIlennN Invited the numbers in each box will then Applicants ore invited lo con be put in numerical order. tact cither Jack W Maiei at tb 5. Gnls. "ill enter the clubs of Omaha National H.mlt liiiilding oi then choice In this numerical oi- Rabbi Benjamin Groner who vvil der. consldci theli scholastic quallfioaG Any pledges oxer1 the eighteen foi recotnincndalion to ti se v\ ill be asked to make then second lection committee choice according to the numerical B e c a u s e Mi. Goldstein's, tie order of their number have always been bound closely to 7. This choice is to be made Beth Israel lellfiious activities and privately with the Youth Director Jew Mi education he undertook the during the week following the chairmanship foi tlie buildinu com pledge brunch nut tee and pla>ed an active role 8 The lists of clubs will be com- n the- syniicjocue construction. He piled and posted at the end of the Rave mucli of his time and hejp to air-dnRing for the svmiROKue brunch The Boys Clubs \otcd to con- building and led the original plan tinue the .same ".ystem they had t l l l l R last year. It is encouraging to see The Goldstein family endowed the tremendous interest th:tt is ta- he chanrl in the IJpth Isr.icl !>yna ken in this matter It is hoped that qojjue in memory of the late Kate during t h e j i e i l >car this matter and K.i} Kamen. daughter und will be discussed further by the .son-in-ljw of Mi. and Mrs GoldYouth Council and the \ariou-, tein clubs. adwsoi->, and paient-. Throughout the J C I I S the f'.oldIcms tli.ue sponsoied Beth Isiae! Phil Kutk-i leljiew school scholarships cie Centei Commit!> • Mi'ncl to rn'oiiiaF'e chilclrc-n to Teeii-Agi' Chiiirman in mil.mi sihol.i-.tic sl.ind nils in b h i e " M I V I D I ill 'I M.-ill ji cr
Pioneer Women to Hold Flower Day
•u t u e
.'otv Oecord
p ' e n • i> tii
a t l d i d Hid
Friday, Octotor 80, 1059
m d h o h d i\ • I-I . i t i s I i iduiK c n i / f i i s vvlm h o l d n n ) ) i t m t fKisi-, i n t h e . I c w i s l i c o m t ' l i m i t v h.ivi- In 1 .-n l e c i p u n t s of ^ucli (iC)ldst(in , i v . , t r t U i n t h e i r out Ii ' N o l l m i i ; g i v e s nn> m o t e iiltMi-
The Pionwi Women s OiginiMtion will hold its intiiiil Flo,1.ci Day. Sunday, Novernbei 1 Mi-, Sara Okun and Mi-, .lu.ib IVId- :ue,' Mi (loldsteui icmaikcd man are chairmen of the project. 'than vvatelnnc; the enthusiastic rticipatiou of .vounHstors dunru; YOUN'G Jl'DKANS TO ^nbhiith sciviria I am confident HOLD ONKG SlIAIiltVI One hundred and Hvenl.v Young lh.it such bov.s and (,'irlb vvill mauiJudaeans and their guests will um their Jewish heritage and liegather at the Jewish Community :ome fine citizens because of their Center, Saturday. Oct 31, at 2 ally Jewish training." Mr. Goldstein, a native of Rup. m. for an Oneg Shabbatt and to participate in a Unicef program. mania, has worked since a lad of and came lo this country via Members will be "tuck-or-treat'Cnglitnd at the aye of 18 He ing" for Unicef m the evening Leaders of the groups are Nancy started the first "Duve-it-Yourself Friedlander. Linda Verot and Mat- Sjs'tem" in the United State-, anil lee Katleman Young Judaea is iv-.is the founder of the Capital Gaunder the auspices of Hadassih Mr and Mrs Goldstein are the and Z O A inrents of thiee sons., Paul, Arthur CHAGALL AT ind Leonaid and a daughter, Mr-, BKANDEIS lubeit Soinmer ,ill of Omaha Waltham, M.is> Hundeis I'niIf thioUKh Hit' schol.liships, just veraity announced the appointment few JOUIII;->1I t-3 eniich their Jewof Maic Chagall to its faculty a-, ish hjrlginund .ind develop their the first (Jack I POSI->I ,'utist-inHI to Juiauni, the icvv.irds residence He will e ^ a i t c a ce- vill b" ,iin|)]'-, the GoliKteins' feel ramic composition mural iti the new library. I'ltiuni/e Our AiIvL'rhser->
Omaha's Largest Dance Studio 19
- I . i l ill al \ '>i • i fi'Jiii tile 'i > i i I I " I Caciiu1 IL' 1 I' 1 I it j i t l on Oc.-t'iI ,.n • M l t •. tit cot•I 1 II » I H i I II' (• "l.t ll "II ll IV. I) <m i ; Hi • |>it t ii in; f e w (I ,' r, It ill > II ' I d i ' i ( 1 >J»C-ti b " t..t'1'ii Hit- n i" ( h a i ' i p i c i n anil o ' t' of ill,- iitht ' v in leers cm tl'e s u n . - p ' o l ' u ' l t r i e d t o 0 il lr> t l u jlnei, until l:i"<! 1 I n n >'i i\ \'. lien ( i c h t i k i a n i i ' j u n r e d t h i t l i e v\.is t : o i n g t n lie it h i s n v n l clecibivelv b y p k : l t niil l ^ i Kh' in o n e d a y . H i s p i c k i n g t i i i ' i \ M I S b e t off f r o m
thai of tin- olhei pielters and at Hie end of en;ht bolus, when each B o r k e i -> total w a s ui'irfhed it luiii'-d cult that VOUIIH Ciichuki b a d picked 1HI In; T h e pteviou-. vvoilds ic-etird «a> l')J kii and t h e jirevious I-i.iel r"£-otd « is I"i7 let;.
Traffic Safety Post To M. M. Krupinsky Manuel M. (Micke>) Krupinsky liai been namcfi traffic safety committee chairman of the Omaha Safety Council Mi. Krupinsky of Pacific Intcnnountain Express, Is prominent in civic and communal affairs Patronise Our AdvertiBers
Center Sports Gentribufiotis Olven For Needlework Guild Operations
lly tij- K(-lte1iieU "Ouit-liiiil J>ay" Suiiilay P..-.1 Mc.Minui:), bend baskellmll Mrs. Oiivt> Cohti, c-liainn'iii, J e w cojch at Ciei^hton Uni\er.-;i1y, will bii lii'- (;ii":it speak'-r, on i-.li Clitniii":, Secli'iii, of t h s Sund'iv. N'ovemli'i 1st, a^ the Nee.iliM-.oi k OniM Diivc. iir,';-?;. (ill .!.(•.('.' Midi-.-t huskclli'dl league tlio1:,-- w h o litve . n o t (in yel h-'nt (;t-N undi.-rvMiy w it Ii u I),id-!.:id in their e-iiitriiiution^ U> (I'i fj'> ini* cl:i>' ;M the Jewish Community nieduitelyCenter fiuditoi iuin at 'S p. m. In iidclitiiin !•> those vvonwn who I.iiuiy l^.uil, former l>ireet'ir fti Atbli'tics MI th»- Center, vsill hi h;u e (•ontrihuteit [iitrviously, tiltj followim; contrlliijtions -ire. i(?fi'jr(rMuster (A ('eienionitMj. 'i\\<^ eai;* films will he shown; an instruc- ed: tional film on hall handtiiu; by the Mines. JMIIK Arbitman, D. E . Iio-< University of California coach and her, Jacob .Bercovici, Louts BluuH an entertainment film on the Har- kin. ICueben I. Honly, Uavid M. lem (Ilohetrot lers. nefreshments (.'(i;i|>m:in, Meyei' Cohen, Monifl KpMein, Louis rVllm.'in, VVillianl also will he served. Saul Kellmmi, Alfred i-'iedlcr, Kosj finis and MidRet players, urc. I'"<)i;el. Herman Ki'iecll.'inder, JMIMII urged-to -send in their reservations Frieclmaii, Albert (Jarber, Hnrlmi us soon as fKWsible. H. Cireeiihei'i',. I);ivii.l rii'eeiiii^rjj, In other-center basketball news, Hyman !•'.. (Ireenbei,:. the Varsity l e a g u e and Youth Mines. Niith'in .1. H<trvvich, Al'fiCouncil high school league have rice K'litelni'in, Alex Kal/. K. I.icli .started practice session;; in prep- Kiperstein, I.eonurd Krasiu>, Jinn aration for the forthcoming cam- Kuller, L'IUMIIII M'd-ishoek, .la.-ls paign. The Iddy Biddy basketball Aleleher, H a r r y (;. Meiiri.-lbon, program will organize shortly after Meyer Meyci'vwi. .luck N'ewbei,^ the other leagues aro in opera- Hurry Priesm.'iii. Harry llnvit/^ tion. Henry Tliekes. Sam Hoffman, Morris Huderman, (Jnry .Sherman, IrKaton und l>anc« olnt'.ei Classes in Baton and Twlrlin? vin Sherman, Max Simnn, Meyer and Combination Dance are sched- L. Stem and Sam II. Stern. uled to begin this Thursday, November 5th. Tills is a fine opporJerusalem (JTA)—The Jerusatunity for youngsters to learn def- lem Municipality has obtained inite skills- from expert teachers. from a group of foreign Investors Be sure to send In your registra- 53.000,000 in loans for develoption cards an soon as possible. ment of the city.
GUARANTEE of Satisfaction You will be completely satisfied with your new electric dryer after 30 days or you will get your money bad, This unique guarantee applies to any new electric drjcr purchased fiom a Ncbraslta-Iowa Electric A Council dealer between October 19 and November 30, 1959, and installed on Omaha Public I'our-r District lines.
Only electric dryers cairy tliii unl ol guaiantee. You don't have to prove anything to m—just return your tlcctric dryer to the dealer from whom you bought it and the full purcli.is': price will be refunded We know you'll lie delighted with your electric drjcr because . . . an electric dryer is fast—and it's clean and safe as electric li^lit! Leave all the drudgery of laundry lugging and clothci pinning ber Iiind. An electric dryer is such a convenience—in any weather—at any hour—you can have soft iicsh clothes—ready to fold and put nvvjj or damp dry for ironing. And you'll enjoy years of trouble-free scivice with an electric dryer because of in simple construction and minimum number of parts. Il costs an average of only $1.08 a month lo diy clothes the modem tl'Tltic way. You actually operate your dryer for two to four years— on the money you save on the purchase price alone. :
10 LESSONS in Small Classes 35.00 EXPERT INSTRUCTION IN BALLROOM DANCING Special Instruction for Dancing Teachers and Advanced Dancers FOXTROT
Call HA 5205 or Drop In No Contracts to Sign Keep our phone numhor, IIA I52f>ri, Iiandy us v.e were too i;ito for the j last telcphom; Imol: UstiiiK
NEW SPACE AND MOKEV-SAVER A c Jinbi' it o-i clcctnV waiiu-r-drjrr t i l ' i up hit!"1 niwcc und costs li-.jj tlwri two 'rpir.il' ippliancci. Saves vvorl:, too. Iu>t l'»id it, ttt a ili.il— ;unl t.il'.c out clo'hin^ jt idy to iron or put away. As] sour d - i l i r lo.tliov/ you one of thc-s-j r'W roniliin ifon units.
Choose your electric dryer from Ihcso dcpcndablo national brands: BlacVifono —• Coronado — Eaiy Frlgidoiro ~- Gonordl Eloctric — Hotpolnl Imperial — Kolvinatof — Konmoro Maylag — Horgo — Philco-Dendlx
RCA V/hirlpool — Spood pmon Wejlingliouis — V/irsrd
Buy your GUARANTEED electric dryer from o dealer-member of •he Nebraska-Iowa Electrical Council, located In iho territory served by the Omaha Public Power District.