November 6, 1959

Page 1

Vol. KXKVli

l r iilillsin!i] e v e r y FriUuv. 101 Mo. Onlillm, NelH ;i'.kfl, i'hylii" .1 A I

No. H



Oiiiuim, Nebi.


Jigron, Jerusalsm Mayor, Dies Visited Omaha for Israel Causes


' • c i t h e r n A ' i o n M i v o i o l It i n s a l t i n [ I n i) i n l i i I I , il< m S m i d i - , N o v e m h e i I i t t h e 11 < o f W J l i e ! m d b t t n i l l I I K e M jtli m b < i

A1 me

I it e t* I i s It i u s i h m n i i v 0 1 i n 1'lt t lit w i m i i e n t h l i m n i n g f o i ie-<kellon l i e h e tele el t h e l i s t o f c a n d i d i t t s o l t h e M a p I I 1 s t ie-1 s

l.alm I'utv if ulueli he was <i lea III! ' mi mlii I I 01 n in Ibe I In nne ho eamewith hi-, p u e n t s to the United Stale-, it the ige eif 7 In VI1K hejoined the lewish Legion as volunteci end seiveil In Pilesline until In l'lil he went hick tej Palestine inel settled the-ie editing the pule-dine Uullelm » iKuh Krighsh .\griiil lipwspipei, He latei acquired Ihe paper and founded The Pale-sline ment and Ihe l.abar P a r l y " Post under his elueetimi and eellOther C,nv eminent 'lenders- ex torship It is now known nt 'Ihe I piessed condolt ntes in message-. Je-ritsilein Peist | to the widow, Airs. Klhel Agron. When Isiae-I wa-, established he I liernne eliiertoi of the" lsiael Cow criimi nl infomi itiem h o n i r c He IttltAKM I'Kl'.SJDKNT visile-d the I mted Stales un sev- I'MHASKIJ >VITH eral mis ions foi the United Je-w- Jtl I(M\ A ISM Jerusalem -President Ilzliaz lien isli \ p n il md I I ii-l lionds, re-turning froiti an official 1'iemn i H n (.m ion si ile-il in visit to Itiirni'i, e-xpresseel great n :ii'-i-.i,e" to the widow ' G i i s h o n atisfaclioii over the? great friend Aaron's untimely death brings ship In1 found among llurmese leadI ami. shock. A volunteer from J;I ern and the Huruiese people for United Stale.;, be wa.s a ini-niIsrael and ils people.


Kick-Off Parly The Omaha Section

Naliona Council of Jewish \V o in e- n an noime'f Hint the "Red Slocking' "id" Itie-k-eiff parly will he hell, Monday, Nove-rnber *i, She-ratonKoiilenelli" ballroom, H:.'i() p.m. A lloor .show, uiieler (be direcliew eif M m e s Norman De-ne-nl)errg and William i-'eige-l will be presented. Mrs. ftussell liliimi-nlhal will ac. • .Martin Caielin, who at .'(I, is company all acts written by Counceiu.tiitere-d one of the world's k-ad- cil members and I heir husbands iiii; aullioritie-s on military science, The arrival e)f Iher eiirecteir e>f . iiijelew. rocket, guided missile, aviation, gernt-rnl science and '"Heel Siockifigs," Who is of Jerome Apace flight subjects, will appear Cargill .Inc. Productions of New (it the University fif Omaha Wed- York, will mark the event. Those inlc-re-sti/d in weiikine; on and ap lieselay evening pearing in "lied Stockings !*>!•" nrc Ml". Caielin will talk on "Space1" invited lo •.•Miner, Tickets iv.v III" fit K: 15 in tlie University audi- performane'e will lie em sale at Ihe torium, tilt? fifth lee'luior lo be kick-off party, presented at the World Affairs Institute, which the Jewish Federx. v. CON(;ICI:<;ATIO.\ ation is e'ei-sponsoring with theVANDAI.I/KU University. I'Jochester, N. Y. -Congregation Known especially for "Ceinnl- Anshe Slieilem here- was vvrecke-d elovvn for Tewnorrow" vvhierb is re- hy vandals who broke through Ihe epiired reading lor the National oue-Kleiry synagogue, ripping hooks, . War Colle-ge-. .Mr. Caidin's back- prayer shawls, and everything else ground includes military M-rvie-e, they e-ould lay their hanels on. In •'warfare.1 specialist with the New addition they ripped the podium York Civil .Commission. freun its mooring, broke- winelenvs, 10 books and numerous articles, chairs and other furniture. TherePublished in 1!l,">!> were his was no estimate of damage, hut ".Spaceport USA," "Boe-ing 707," congre-galion officials saiel they "Thunderbolt," and "War for the elenihte-d whether the buileling e'oillel lie used again for weirsbip. Moon."

Omalians to Hecar Talk on Wednesday













• • • • • • •

• ' • •

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged (Tli.-; Dr, I'hilip Slier Home for thy At;ed ackiiouledtjes the followiiii,' memorials and donations.I


In Memory of

Mr, arid f/,ri. Allwrl Sf(tinbcr;j ...tM%. flallion CreedtX'ro it'f, wi Mrs. HtujU^et Brown, t.'.t. atvl t/.it Harr/ Mocdman, Ifr, VI. A. llu'l ...Mrs. Sciruh creenbera Kntolcr Mr, anrt r/.n. Frofl Hyhn ...Meyer Krestut Mr, oncl Mri. HejDcn Uro*n ..Ctiorlps Sall/mon fAr. ond Mrs, M/ni«.'j Lc»/in? Mrs. Annie Grrcn f.'.r, oncJ Mra. //arll/i Ko!m , , , . , . . . . . M r i . Rcjlna Oollllcl) t.\r. qnj Wrt. pouf Vcret. r.'.rj. flpn Handler , . .........r.aul VV. reunion


In Honor Of

Mr. on.J /yrs. Fred M-jftn IM, Jsrrj Go'don

,.„....,..Spc^'J/ recovery of Idi Sacks, Joo Lcvlnlkv , Sr>?ffily reentry of Mfjn flrclov/

Donations to the Home Synagogue f/r. ur,J M r i . joim Roljifiion. IM, and Mrs, Jacob S. Heu, tM, and IM, JCICOI» Sharplro, tMi, a'jryti Silver, Mr}, nosi Ferer, Solomon Sllvcnnon, Sam Cotnlc.

Special Contributions t.'.f.-.r. ond Mmtj, Oeorje Kaplan, Val» Olniburoi Morvln Sobej, Alfred Mayer", Mo* Rlclei, Sam Kaplan, Rubin Llppelt, Oen Wlnlroub, ), 13. Zleomaa, Julius Falkcnjtcln, Mr|. sorn Woa'i. . E.;;.;...,

. • : • . . . • • " . ' • , : „ , . •,•^-1.,

v\ is


e It e l e d


pi * 1




eeeinoinist who .served as chairnia eif President Truman's Council » •I'.'ceiimmic Advisors, will speuk a the" annual State eif Israel Jiemei elinner at the lilaekstonc Hotel .Sunday nij'hl, Nov. J5, Robert M FoinliecK, chuinnan f o r C / r e u t e Omalia. announceel today, "We are i n d e e d fortunate ti have secured Mr. KeyserliiiK fo Omaha and Council Bluffs Jevwj,' Mi Fcinbcrg said "At the lccen National Economic C'onfeience foi Israel in Chicago and at the na tional Hdddssah confeiente In St Lotus, Mr KeyseilinR recened most enthusiastically " Jtesei vat inns foi the elinnei may now he md|to hy felephoninR the Isi.iel Bondi. office al AT 1177 01 AT 109't "Those who recall the (remeiKJoui) nileiest in pa".t elinners will ttiint to insure themselves of seats today Betuube of the impact of Mr. Keyserliii(j'« appearance, wo are not icquuine the advance p u i c h a s e of Iwnds foi iitteneLmce," Mis A a i o n Rips, ivomen's division chairman salej Mi Ke\selling was Chairman eif Ihe Council of Kcunoinic Advisors lo the Presielent eif the e d States feir three years, h hat post, from 1 (150 until his tation in Janiiar>' l!)."").'t. He had M'e'viouslv' ser\ed as Viev ('li in man of Ihe Coune'I! from 10K! li

I! e s n i c k and I ltd Ma 1 ciih, A " l l ( > W l l " ' r si i('<-cinr at a 1 m s, and L o w e l l Daumei, chaplain Mle-s all joung adults to paiticiAmie Wmei, new piesielenl, inp.ilc m the piogi.un which vvill hf \<iiied enough to Intciost everyone

A.D.L. Elects Regional Board Sl.nilij A M o u n t / P i . m i e V i l I ige1 K I I I S I S , vv is n a m e d ch.iiiiimn eif the P l u n s SI lies Regional Advisoiv IJ1 ii if A n d Oe faninlieni l i ' i y i e 1 nl I', n i l l i n t l i Siindiv at its annual meeliii;; in K a n s a s City. Kansas, lie succeeds I.ett Ki^ens l a l l nl' OmaliM.

H e r m a n Kilelsbcrg, Wasliinglein, .lil.'iO, lollowini', appoinlriKMit and D. ('.. repri-se-nlalive- ol the- Le-ague-, e.'emfiriiiatie'in by llier S e n a t e ii[«in re-liorii.-el that efforts to use social iMiaelnieiit of the Fmplxyiiirnt Act and religious bij;olr,v in recent of .1 '.MO ( " F u l l L'mployniciil A c t " ) election nppe-als have backfired.

Mr, lOisenstatt lisled areas to which the League lias been devoting alle-nlion: increased distribution of bigoted literature: tensions due to misunderstandings and V'IOT

latieins of the question of religion in 'public, schools; discrimination in employment practices; and; recejit baiinings of ADL literature, films, and other books. . Omalians elected as officers are: Calvin Newman, state vice-chairman; Kdward Iteisen, treasurer; Leo Kisensliitt and Dr. Abe Greenherg, central advisory committee. Ted Sennet t, Omaha, is the l>ague's regie>nal elirector.

-S!nf:!ij Copy JO CfJBtj Aiinuni Hale i D t i n


I .eon H. Kuyi>ei-liiii<. jiroiniiieiit

hei 1 O l h i 1 eilh c< i s i | t \ n 11 e \ \ t m l 1 1 11 Ij 1st Met - | o t suit n l , P 1 I 1 H I 1 e n fit III J n t i v 1 1 e piesitleiii (,roi( 11 A n n i\Ie / e y '"•eu'l/iti Shelelon ( o l i i n l i e ihtin-i L i e e n o1

\h \ i i n v i i l l I O i n ill i i n N o Vi.'intie I if l'>>(. Hi be ' u l f o f I h -


eif Hit


il the first Jewish Le-f-.ion in gener.'ilioii. H e w a s oii<" ol our I talented and upright jeiur-.1.,. His p i sin;; Is a loss lo the li J e w i s h public, the S l a t e , the City eif J e r u s a l e m , j o u r n a l i s m , Ihe press, the pioneerim; miive-


L At SsroeQ


Mr. KeyserlinK previously held other liiKh level (Jeiyernmeiit posi lions, He hael been Depuly Ad iniiii.slrate>r and at times Aclini; Administrator of the United Slates Housing Aulliority. (.1937-42); md General Counsel of ihe Nation il HousiiiK Agency, now- the I-lonsiri and Home Finance- A^encv (TII2 m




















Leon diaftlng eif full emplentncnt lalion Mi Key selling is the author of iHimeioiis Hludie-s auel atliclcs on economic and subjects His "Ihe Anieue 111 l.conomic Goal" ivon a ^lOOOO p n / e in 11H Mi Kejserhng is now a consulting economist mid ittorne>, with offices In Washington D C , and is woiking with individuals i|id 01 g ini/ations in v uioiis parts of H-eounliv md ibieitel He is also Pusidenl ol the Confeience on iinniiiie 1'ieigie's.s a noripai lisan, nein [nnfil oif,'uu/«lion engdged in ee oiiiJiiue lesi-ue-h md "ducition.

Collection of Children's Hospital Bazaar Articles All merchandise which had been offeree! for the Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar, Nowinner 15 and 16 may lie left •it the home of Mrs Hubert Siimmc'i, 5119 Nicholas, it was announced hy Mrs. Ernest A, Neij;K and Mrs Sommer, cochnirnicn eif the bazaar project for the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs Tile chairmen asked that ai»licles be turned m as soon as possible and also that if It is more convenient they can be taken to the Jewish Community Centei. Mrs Nogg, GL 1045 oe Mif. Summer, GL 5051 can be ctlled for pick-up service.

From l'J,t3 to 1!):)7, Mr. Keyser lins; wiis legislative assistant to Senator Robert F. .•VVagnor and served-'in- ail expert capacity Ihe Senate Commit tee on Bankinp; and Currency. In these positions, lie Assisted in the preparation of lei;l.tlntion anel conducted economic studies relating to banking ami c r e d i t, trade regulation, public works, housing, s ei el a 1 security, labor relations and employment During liiltrlfi, he i/lso die! special consulting work for the Semite Postwar Committee and the Senate Conimitte on Banking and Cur_ Mrs. Dave- Colin, chairman, Jew- rency, and participated in the ish Charities S e c t i o n . , of the Neeelle-weirk (iuilel Drive, urges all Iheise who have1 not as yet sent in (heir contributions to do so immediately. Ii, fieldiliou lei those women who hif.'er contributed previously, the wing I'ontributions are repeirtc-d: Mines. Hen VV. Abrahamson, J Abrahaiiison, Jacob A b r a m s o 11, Henry Ap|K-l, Kelwarel (I. lielzei, •Jam Bc-rman. Jae.'eih Ilernstein, Leslie" L. fturkenrejad, Irving VV ('barney, S a In u a I M. d a y m a n .Max Iv Cohe-n, Je-rome I. Colin Max I-:. Cohn, Net lie1 Colin. Abe 'eioiier, David Coeijier. Harry Duioll, lien I'Jisenberg, John Kaiel saelore Fenbes, Jack Ko\, Herman I'Yaiiklin, .Stuart 10. Kie-lel, Hem Ga'ielick, Albert Iv Cilinsky, Isaac ( l i l i n s k y , Sam II ireen, J. J. CJicenbi.-rj;, Klmer S Jross, f.lary Clross, Ignac (hoss•nan, Daviel Hoberman, Ileiward Kaplan, .Samuel S. Kaplan, I"'r;»ik [Catz, Mcilach Katzmaii, I l a r ' r v ICrantz, Max Kurl/.mefi, Joe J .evey, J. .Milton Margolin, Krank Marks, fienjaniin Martin, Kdvvarel •J. Milder, Mollle Milder, Sol Mii)ff, Chnrles Nathan, Hen Perrelman, Edwipei L. Simon, George; A. (•reetlngH from the <lt.V nf Oiiiiilin were lirmight liy Ilarrj Spitzcr, Ralph G. Turkel, Sam Trustin, Cmiiuihiiaii, who Is shown cut lint; tlie rililiem at tin- nou Weinstein, Uernhardt Wolf, Misses Senleir ('ill/.elis' T.uunge! at flu- •fawlxli t'liiiiinuiiity Center. This is « Elizabeth J. Hart and Belle Grecn- joint project eif tlieOniiilia l'hu|iter "f Ilin Xatlin'il (U) ex" Jc-..)crg. Isli Women miel the Jew'sli I'rdi'ralldll nf Oinnlia.

Contributions Given For Needlework Guild Operations

Senior Citizens' Lounge eif Jewish Center

afaga Tire



Friday, Xn\finl>.r 0, HtSO




M i .iiid M i ) . I O / . i i of K . i i i i a s C i t j , M o , a n n o u i K * ' ' l i e b n l l i of ,« son. Ifoii.'iid S((itl on Octobei ' ^ 7 M i s O / . i i i<; Ilic fin m i l I.e-.|y


, Nov. S fliilibi Hrnjnmin Gruiier nnd VOl III ( O l N« II. Mhf.TK P u b l i s h e d K \ e i > L ' r J i ! . i > )>v t i l e I i u i - h I t i l i i a t h i i i <>( O I H . I I I J L . r ( fi nl or Til )(;i|;nn will offmnle NOVK.MIIKK 11 t r r r u L e i f • i, i K <,' < I C ' n *,ei r Annuoi Sucscrrp' en i* CO At, c i 1 i ' < 1 ; j j f ,i f -, 1 «t monuini 111 (Inlioiilloiis on Sun- The Jewish Youth Council will 1 Mem PLbltcotiOn Off'CC—101 NO i. Jl " r e Ct .,, r c r ft d.iy, Noiemlwi H to the nieinoiy meet Wednesday, No\eml)t'r 11, 7 (MRS) FRANCHS KLKIN Hlilor I Mis Li'OiMid Klein, fditoi of Iho of the follov.niK p m , at the Center, Several imj j i « i s h J'u'.ss, is Hie matc-inal Lou I.iisljiHilc/i, ;il 10 11. in. atportunl iteniH will he (liscufi'fd. I grandmolhei Ml find Mrs John j Robinson of Norfolk, Nebr., are the Mount Sinai Ceineleiy. All reprecsntntives arc urfed to tne ' V/lS El t l l P HOITIP F o l k C »>'"cinal Kieat giandpnients attend. Mis. Nellie T'eier Uleiueisx, at n 1(11 IllVr ICUIIIU I U i n j T ) ) e ,, i l l 0 I ,, n , Kn , n dp.irent« aio Mr. 11 a in, tit Golden Hill Cemetery u» inn! liiri>4-b!nK4 at Ihr l>r. I'hlllp and Mis Si O/ai of Kansas City, In M> Hi im I ur H i . A(rd bj Mo S.iin (Blntjl (ianoj), ]) 30 H in. DUNDEE FLORIST Mr. and Mr.s Sol Stiss announce ill Golden Hill Cemetery. WA 2442 NO\. I: We welcome Louis the birth of a daughter Rebecca Mis. Belle Giller. at 11:45 a. in Kiililan uur new resident to urnFa>e, October 17. They are also at Golden Hill Cemetery. 675 No. 50th Can(llcll|;htii)(f, 4:34 p. in. Home Belli Isiael Synagogue Sis- the parents of a son, Cntey Anthony. Krhood en lei tamed with Istaeli Louis Lamlnuin. at 12 o'clock nt BETH KL Grandparents ,11 e Mr. and Mrsthe Golden Hill Cemetery. Services this Kini.t> nl Beth Kl filnik shown by Sam Stone and Kdvvard Kahn and Mi. ,'ind Mrs Synagogue will begin at 8 15 p in "live" pmKiam fioni The Beth Rabbi M>er S. Kri|ike wjll deliver Gciynes Dance Studio Refresh- i/ie Stiss Mrs. Klhel Hi>spcl. V2 110011 the sermon Cantor Aaron 1 ments served by Mnies. Abe Boar, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel V. Cooper Ht the Golden Hill Cemetery. and the Beth El Synatfojjue Clioir, announce the birth of a daughter lvill render the musical portions of Henry Appel, Harry Kpstein and Ronna Gay, October 24. Friends and relntnes me invited Harold Sie^el the tiorvice 0 attend the services. , / v " I'lE NOV. 2: RcMdentii participated Sabbath morning services will in the opening of the Senior CitiEvery Portrait begin at 9:.'iO. The Junior Congieeation services ure at J030. The zens' Lounge at the Center a Precious Gift.. . NOV. S: Council of Jewish WomMmcha Maanv services will bej;in at 5 p. m. Sunday moininK .seiv- en Shelteicd WoiMiop for men RUG & UPHOLSTERY ico.s begin at 9. Daily sendees aie and women held at 7 a. m and 7 p in CLEANERS NOV. 4: A i(sit to the Joslyn , Museum Kxhibit. RUGS —CARPETING ISRAEL LAMP SHADES NOV. 5: Federation of Jewish ' Rabbi Benjamin Clioner, Cantor Eli Kauan, Beth Israel Choir will Women's Clubs luncheon at the ' FURNITURE MONUMENTS conduct laic Friday evening serv- Home. Cleaned in Your Home! in tho Jewish Tradition ices at 8 p m. Traditional Friday VAIItlZIJITS: The following ale ViMll lU I M ' M i l i l I I P p l K C l l 'Vrll finding—Laying—Rtpgirlng e\riling .services CKabbolns Shuh- cnicmbeied with special prayers In .ui MMe *>t "Yalnv.Ht" no t h e . . . w.ien it it a special bosl begin at 5 p. m. Sabbath on the dates commemorating their m •, n,\ J i' < \u l;p l i u n u d Don Bernstein HA 2S54 morning .services, 8 45 a m Junior deaths Heslnan 2. Nov. 3—Sadie holiday portrait We are known for our exact ictmq Congregation at K) n m Rabbi Fish, 5. No\ 6 - Invin of your family Hebrew IcHtfnng and •d taif Gronrr will conduct the Talmud Sialmastcr. and J .1, Gieenbert;; You may placo your confident* fla.s& at 4'30p m Sablwth Mincha tslnan 7, Nov, 8—Surah Furber; in ui knowing coch do toil sntt «t 5:00 p. m. followed by Sholesh Hcshviin !), Nov. 10 Harry's John Kalina tradition will bn adfiored to SVudos and Maanv Daily morn- Krasnc: Heshvan 13, Nov. 14 Live Fish Market with ufmojt care and iVitl. Photographer ing services at 7 a m ; aflenioon Mrs. Moirib Giosfc. 15. 817 So. 36th HA 1044 services 5:00 p. in. Siind.i\ morn- N'o\ 15 Bon H.indloi. ,uid llr"-liKosher Poultry i f i •> \ \ u |Mi i-ilt s t d i , r , l n i c ing services licRin at 8 Vt a m >an IS, Nov ]'l H.ula S.idofsk> " i n ii i i i ' i . n i i - r<>' Killed Daily :•] i m ' i t l c t 1 I <i i r i ' H i ' r n I ' , followed by brcikf.isl nnd ILilibi's class iii Bible. Sunday morniiiK WHAT DO YOU NEED WHEN AT 4977 1314 No. 24th Study Groups Junioi, followed l)\ l.rc.jliOmaha Monument UNEXPECTED GUESTS CALL? Certified «nd r p p r o r d Ly RnLbi fttM, <1iiil«. at S 10 ,i m HK'I'II M. S l W i O l i l i: Dr. Leon Tliorn, Preiidonl, AmeriThe T a I m ii il Discussion croup Gotnfiany College of Adult Jewish can Academic Rabbii Aiiocisfiofi j n r e t s e\i'i> 'ln*it-(l*j\ i w i n n ; ; at "•i-eond s s,ion Momliv, of Now Amcncrnl. and RnLbi 5 ( 3213-15 "<?" St. Fronk Rcnna f-.HO. p. m. V/nll<in of flic Orthodox Rvibbii A«. f). 8 p. m. Charles O.nretz, Cl i i e f Open Sunday 2-5 location cf N c « York Cily. of Hie Ciroup Work Division, NeB'NAl J.\( Oil VI) \ s CAKE MIXES braska Psychiatric Institute will *KS;H ito.\ Semcrs at Bn.ii J.IPOII-AIIJIS- be guest lecturer on "Judaism and AND 4 MINUTES...THAT'S ALL! Yoshuron will begin Friday at P.sjrhi.'itiy " A discussion and cof- Vi« your b a i l e r and pop it in the &»en *hile your g u n l s a t e t t l l m s s e t t l e d . , , 4:4") p m and S.ituuLiy morning fee hour will follow. hen surprise 'em wdh a at H " .JO a in. with MiiK-ha at 4:45 TK\ln,K IKKAKL real borne bal'ed treat, p. in. followed by Shalosh S'emlos hot and fragrant from Daily ser\'ices at C .'«) n m and Bible Study Gioup will discuss the oven! I t ' i lhal "The Hook of Amos"-- A Critique 8:00 p m ...with of Social Problems A Revolu- «a»y Dromtdary Mme TEMFI.K 1SKAK1, tionary Concept of God on the Slock up Temple Israel sei\ieci will be- first and third Thursday; coffee al j today' gin Friday at 8.15 p m Rabbi 1 p m. and class at 1:30 p. m The j POUND CUE N i l Sidney Brooks will officiate next session will be November 12. tlKCEl H E > 0 HII Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks leads the COM HEAD Group. COm NUFflH N i l All friends nnd rclnUven. (ire Invited to attend services and j 4 recepUon. Jimmy Klim-ldrr ower WIRING ELECTRIC Jimmy Shneider, srm of William j TRADITIONAL AND MODERN SERVICES HEAT REPAIRING Shneider, Auburn, Nebraska, will I be observed Siiturday morning, !) i •HADEN «. m. at the B'nai Israel1 Syna- ', e. Council Bluffs




' ( V ) 11

Bar and Bas Mifzvah

220 Volt J4ou5ep

3llck & CoL

—"Omaha'i Travel Service"

I.AWKKNCE JOKI. KIMI'I.K Lavuenee Joel (Simple son of Mr. and. Mrs. David W. '(Simple , will be Bin- Mitzvah on Saturday • morning, November 14 ;u 8 a m at the Adass VeUiiiiun Bnai Ja<oh I Synagogue



FI.I.I.MA.N Dr. and Mrs. A. ('. I-Vllm.-m announcc Ilif Has Mit/vah of their' daughter, Alice Ann this Friday (•WHIM;: .md S,ilnnl.i\ muinmr ai Erth I.I S\n u ngiu


IIAKVKY KAItKM>i:iCIC Thr- Bar .Mitzvah of Harvey Ha-,


WA 5554


Fomily Plon

J i : n i;




Ideally planned tours to Israel during the sunny winter months — and on to Europe <it iho height of the social season.

h e n d i i i e , "Jin (jl M I , n i d M i s M o r ris H u h f i i d u r c .if I ' r p i n o n l will b e ' «bs<'iv(d this Kndav rvriiin,1 :.tnl' f-'alnirl.iv n i o n i n i ; ' ,il Bi-ili K I . K I 1

The B.n .M i I / \ ,i h of .Ic ffn \ , Simon, son of Mi .mil M i s M.iiiddi Simon will lie a lehraW'd on K n - j «lav I'veiiing a n d .Saiuidav mm n-1 ing. Novombri 1 ', ,iinl 11 ,it H u b I s i a d Sviiagogue

Serving ALL — Regardless of Financial Situation

o o

Vl p«fture Datcl

1959: 1960:

Dec. 21 Jon. 18, Feb. 8. 22, Mar. 7

54/>y in lifflc) may be extended and European itinerary cb^nocd, JI I to wing independent return. Attractive Tour Folders Available Fcr Further Information ond Reservations

Mr. and Jlrs. Harold Fox an-1 nouni'i.' I hi; Bar Mil/.v.ili of their 5:011, Kolx'i I .inrl Mi and Mr.s I-)iv< 1 Rei"-s annoiincf the B.n Mil/vah o\ | Suite 424 — Farnam BIdg., Omaha 2, Nebraska their son, Jon nl I lie ' Sabbath j LOUIS ELBER7 —Co-Owner, Mgr. Telephone JA 5874 morning MI vices, November 14. at Beth hi


'•i >

OaiS Wednesday for Thursday Uelivory

Friday, Nof*mb«r t, K>5»


Kichiird M., 1 Krsiiiilson, New York i Cily: 2 brollipjs, .Snmuf-I, Occi-! I>It. A I S H A M I M N S K V lii.'iilu), Calif.; C'oleniiin, Clev eland. Dr. Afji'iim, .')ft, f o r m e r Ohio; Mslers, .Mi-, .lanie, Tltr BIKI.'K CIIOI.1.M SOCIIOTV ' Oniiihan, died October 31 In BerkeT l i r Hil'.ur ( ' b o l i m S o e i i ' l y will r i i i n i n i t t e e i h a i r m e i i f«n t h e J I . I I : ley, California where services were Maiden, Mass., Miss Ida 11. Gor1 M n i c h M i l l o n I.t^.s, f u m l i . i r m ; ' ; duii, Mrs. Leona Wilileman, New ilf)](l Illfll IPHlll'll" llf-Sl'Il-lllllclH'OII held. meeting on .Monil.iy. Nou'mber !», M e r l e f o f a s h , |>ro}:i'ain; M;>x K i r - .Surviving aie wife, Kleanor; son, Yoik City; Mis. Mane ('.mm, Jej «t 1 p in (it 111'* Jewish ('111111111111- h l i r i i h . i i i i i i . i n e i i i t j e i ' h i p , U a v i i\ David; daughter, Laura; of . 825 usalein, IsrncJ. ! Cohen, pubheitv, Il.nold (i>io<l- Coventry, Berkeley, Calif.; father, Ity Outer. III;III and IIMII); Snn;er, A D I , ; Herman nnd brother, Morris of Allen Sie|;cl, Women's ion; Omaha, . BKTH ISKAKIJ SISTKHIIOOI) Sew members will be guests of .lay Ch/isifti, welfare; YaJo Kiiphonor at the Beth If-riie! .Sister- lan, blood bank; Diivid 1Meher and MUS. KVA MIfXKIt hood luncheon meet INK Tuesday, .lorry Lehman, telephone and postFuneral services were held in .Stiuirt (iottllolj, local attorney, No\ ember 10, 12:30 p. in. In Hie cards; Milton IJISS, Klliol Brown, Seattle, Washington, for Mrs, Kva Burlon Dunevil/, and Marvin CerSynngOKtiP social hall. rexiewod the book "Iiiimigrat ion Miller who died there October 29. bcr, eomention; Seymour Abrams, Mrs. Hy Shrlcr will present ex- donor; Paul Klfkin, iJhilanthropics; Survivors jtre: Mrs. David Green- I^'iw mid Procudiire" by Charles cerpts from the Broadway plan Gene Osheroff and Yale Kaplan, berg (Sadie) of Omaha and Ji Gordon and Harry Ttosenfleld, in "A Majority of One", by Leonard Jewish home for a^ed; und Klliol grandchildren. the November issue of The AmerBrown, B.B.Y.O. Mmes. Marvin ican Bar Association Journal. A new member will be selected Gerber, Miix Kirshonhaum, Merle OK. MOJtltlS 1. GORDON «s "Queen for the Day." A corona- Potash, Harold Goodman, Miles Funeral services were held WedlOnvin J. WWi'lmun lias been aplion ceremony will follow with Ilemer, Jerry Ixhrn.'iii and Ira nesday at Beth El Synagogue for pointed munaKcr and buyer of \ha KifU being presented to the Trnchlpuharg are representatives Dr. Morris Gordon, who died Mon- Men's Clothing Department at the "Queen." Mrs. Harold Zelinsky, to the Omaha Council of B'nni day. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Nebraska Clothing Co. chairman, will be assisted by B'ritli Women. Mrs. Ben Hifkin is Cemetery.;. ' • • Mmei, Albert Friedman, Arthur Trustee. Temple IM-IUI'S delegation lo Surviving are his wife, Maybelle, Kpstein, Dclmnr Klein, Al Sorkln, Omaha; 2 sons, Jerome A. and the Union of American Hebrew Harry Kidman, Ben Kniimin, HenCongregations "convention in Miary Uiwnberg, Krnest Iloehster, TVMVI.K IHKAKI, mi, November 14 to 39 arc: SIiri'KK (1,111 Sidney Fehlmnn, POM Cohen mid Messrs. nnd Mmes. Harold K.-irThose Beautiful Mr. nml Mrs. Morris J. Lipp MIIJC Fromkin. ber, Adolf Mayer, Ben Silver, Kd co-presidents of the Temple Israel Levlnson. Paul Blotcky, Stanley Moments .Supper Club announce the first .'JlosburB, Dr. nnd Mrs. Robert IviiH'NAI K'KITII I.OIXiKS meeting will be Saturday, Novem(jel nnd Italibi and Mrs. Sidney Representatives of .'ill four B'n.ti ber 7, at 7 p. m. at the Temple. Brooks. E'rith lodges in Omaha inid Coun- After dinner all guests will yo to cil Bluffs will attend the fall meet- the Community Playhouse for a ing of lhi' Southwest Council In behind-the-scenes preview of the Sioux City Sunday morning, 10 forthcoming attraction "The Girls «. m.. Sheraton-Mnrtin Hotel. in «)•)". "Many


49th Anniversary


Omahans In the News

1IOMUAV IIANX'K The "Bcutiiik" In the theme for the Holid.-iy Dance, Saturday night. November 7, 10 to 1 n. in.. Field Club. A prize will be awarded for the "worst dressed couple," musical


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P.ijns 1 ' aiilhuied by Mines ( ) / / i e NOJ:B and M.tilene liernstein, ililerleil liv M Al .Inhenis and pioilureil by Dim Kat/man, liij;hliuntii)}' e a i l y je.irs of the slsierhood. m i l he " u r n ,il the November 10 iniTlidK »f Helh |-;| Sisleihoori. Honored jiui-st- will lie ;!0->e,'ir



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members and r>() new members. Mrs. Knicst Wmlioub, membership eh.iiriniin. oi(;iilii/e(| Ihe session. Cast includes Mmcs. Dean Krankel, Donald Ilice, ICdward Ko.sen, Phillip Kul/man, Stanford I-ipsey. Kriward Zorinkky, Sidney Sehwai-tz, I n In Levin, Daniel Cohen, Serena Waldhaum, Alan Kohl, •lerald Bernstein. Donald NoKK, Jeiry Bernstein, Betty fioldslroni, Norman Whitman and Murray •Illdllll I,M7)T Dorden. Circle cliairmen in churjtc of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph La/or anluncheon are Mme* Circle 4, Mur- nounce the engagement of their ray Burden, Irv Pomcrnni/; Circle daughter, Judith A. Lazer, to War5, Meyer Ro.scnhtuim. Norman ren W. Wolpa, son of Mrs. Alex Abrahamson, and Orel*1 6, Robert Wolpn. A January .') wedding IK Silver, Morris Kooni. Pecornlions planned Hi Beth Kl Synagogue. nre provided by Mines. Leonard Warren Wolpa atte.nded NebrasCould and Hnrry Lincoln. ka University and was affiliated 'Hie board meeting will precede with ZBT and graduated from Hip regular meeting. Omaha University last June.

«. A I*. IIADASSAII A special liii-elini' nf the I! & V. JIad;i,ss,ih to cmiipli'li1 plans foi Ihe fund raising parly will hi: held

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«:oitMir.siii:it <fi.\rri:i( IJ'NAI ft'ltlTII IVO.MIIN The (.'ornhiiiiker C h a p l t ' r of Il'nai B'ritli Women will hold their je(;ular meelinj; on Monday, November !) al X;.'!0 p. in.. Ulackslone Jlolel,

BAH nnd Dns Mit/.van coiifjratulations also for all Jewish holidays and spccinl occasions. Mf-yer* News Slam), 1T>02 D


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People Change to



IlltAM)i;lS HOOK (iHOtr MKKTS Tltl;»Sl)AV The Book (Iroup of the Omaha Section liiiindcl.s University N«llonal Women's Committee will meet Thursday, November YJt, al 1 p. m, at the Inline of Mih M. A. Berroviri, MVZ Ciimim: St. Mrs N. 11. 'Iiri'iiberi;, chairman, will Irad the ilisi.'iisslon on Kniily B r o n t e ' s "VVtirllicrinj; Heights" All nii'iiilicis ;ne united,

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Mr, \hfcze\man began his c u t e r tit Ntbraida Clothing Company as A ifoclt boy <n 1920. Today, after 31 years of continuous lervice, ho hat benn appointfld mannger and buyer of the men's clothing department. Mr, Wczelrrnin brings a wealth of proctjcfll cxporicncc- to hit new poiitian. For m<iny ye«ui hr w«i a iiilcsman In the men's clothing.depnrtment. In 1956 he was promoted to manager of The Nebraska's Mr. Shop, A -position lie held until hit recent advancement. Mr. Wcielman resides v/Hh his wife and sen o t 6 0 1 3 Pierce Street.


Friday, November <l,


Chairmen Praise for the selection of ehuirmen for the 1959 Greater Omalia campaign was ieeened toila\ fiom H o n l s Aiexandei of Chicago, Mid west chairman for St.-ite of Israel Bonds and national chairman of the B'nai B'rith Committee foi Isiael "Robert M. Femlieig, genenl chdumnn, and Mrs J. Harry Kulakofsk>, aica cliairman for IN'ebrjska, Iowa and South Dakoia, have gathered together one of the Strongest groups of leadeis e\ei assembled for an Israel Bonds campaign," Air. Alexander salt! "Wild Hii<h dynamic leadership »» rau be offered by tlip Mo*dames Aaron Hip*, Krnest A. Nogg and Henry IllcUes mid by Morton A. Itlrhnrds, Isadore Chapman mid Arthur Colin, I know jou will Hchictc \oiir goal," '"" mntliiilfd. Mrs Rips is women\ dmsion cliairniiin Mis Nogg heads the Sponsors, of Israel for the bond dn\o, and Mrs Rickcs is chaiiman of the Chen division. Mr. Kichards is chairman of the Buildeis of Isiael, Mi Chapman heads Hie Guardians of Israel, and Mr. Cohn is grand marshal of U. I. G; (Bonds of the Israel Government > Daj

Keyserling Interest High —Feinberg lUscrvations for the Nov. 15 dinner featuring ;i major addiess by Leon Kevserling .11 c mm available. Koheit M. Keinbcrj;, general chairman of the Greater Omaha Committee for State of Israel Bonds, pointed out today that the limited seating capacity of the ballroom at the Blackstone Hold should prompt early lescrvations. •'.Mr. KpyscrliriK's unparalleled reputation as an economist, speaker atld author hui made interest in (Ills dinner equal In 1li:it of the Eleanor Itooscvelt program two yeara ago. Those who remember tlmt crowd will Insure themselves of M-IIN by telephoning Tlie Israel Honds office today." the rli:iirm;in asserted. '••..-.• Mr. Keyserling. who mauVma-.- jor speeches at the national conventions of Hadassali ami Israel *.••". Bonds this, year,'selected Omaha ns the site.of his first major speech 'following the 1059 Israeli elections. Reservations may be made by telephoning AT 1177 or AT 109.'!.

Israel Bond efforts during the recent High Holiday services, in synagogues throughout the United States and Canada, resulted in the sale of approximately $7,250,000 in Israel Bonds, it was reported by Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, Vice President of the Israr-I Bond Organization. N'oling that this year's High Holiday Israel Bond total represents a ten percent increase over last year, Dr. Schwartz hailed the achievement as a positive demonstration of the vital role-of the synagogues in. helping to provide the resources for the building of homes, and the expansion of industry and agriculture fo^ Israel's continued progress. As the first decisive wide-scale nctivity in the Fall .campaign for Israel Bonds, the High Holiday effort WHS conducted In 77 communities, ivliere approximately 700

I'lun* for the C!renter Oniuliu Itriiel Honils program urn mnppetl hy, left to rijjlit, Lawrence. <•• Jjulfeyof Itostou, Itoberl M. Fvlnlti-ri; anil JVulliunlrl L. (ioldsteln of .\r\v Vorl( <'it.v. Mr. I^iMiey In cliairman <jf the Notional liveculive Committee for State of Israel Honils. Mr. Goldstein XVIIH llirro times elected attorney gene nil of the Stair of Now York nnd l.«i Renerul counsel to the Itonds organization.

Chanukah Festival Scheduled Dec. 13 A gala Chanukah Festival at he Blackslone Hotel Dec. 13 will <Imiii\ the Ji'")9 Israel Bonds d n \ e foi Greater Omaha Make plans now to tesene that Sundj) night foi one of the wu»t entri tinning evenings of the year Presentations of Chen charms and

other aw,irdi will be made on that date At least one entertainer of national fame will highlight the program, dccoidiitK lo Isidore Chapman, chairman of the Guardians of Israel Other details will he completed after the Nov. JS dinner.

Former Leaden Continuing the tradition which i C'hapmin and Henry Newman, nnd has made Greater Omaha one of j former women'* division chairmen, the na I inn's outstanding commun- Mih. Morris Grossman, Mrs. Isidor I^evinson, Mrs. Herman Bonities for the sale of Stale of Israel duriiij Mrs. Mike Freeman and I3onds, every former chairman Ibis Mrs. Nathan Nogg alsn are acweek pledged his full support to tively p.irllcipating. Robert M. Fcinbcrg, 39.'59 general chairman. Accepting positions on the executive cabinet arc Joe M. Itice, David Blacker, Jack Marer, William Cirodinsky, Dr. Abe Greenberp;, Sum Kat/.man and Sam Ilice. The ly other former rhaiiinan. Morion A. Richards, is Ibis year's chairman of the Huilders of Israel. A plea for workers for the B.I.CJ. Mr. Rice, recovering from .'i (Ucincls ol the Israel Government) lengthy illness, said "f am follow- Day program for Omaha and ing every step of the bond cam- Council Bluffs w a s issued 'today paign and hope to be able to at- by Arthur Cohn, grand marshal. tend a function soon. I know Sam "We have now set Sunday, Dec. Kat/man agrees with me we hope the I!).")!) (hive quickly 6, for the one-day, door-to-door .smashes our record s;unp:iign last solicitation of the entire .Jewish community," Mr. .Colin said. "This year." year, however, we "hope to comThe 1958 women's leaders, the plete tlif sales to previous purchasMesflarnes Sam Wolf, Isadore ers of Israel Bonds prior to Rt.G. Day it.sell." Mr. Cohn will contael presidents ol all Jewish organizations t<» ;isl: them lo .select colonels, majors and captains for the general mobilization program. Orthodov, Conservative and lie"We may Jiiivt* at many officers form congregations participated. as the Nebraska n:ivy, bill our efIn his announcement of the High forts are among the most imporHoliday results. Or. Schwartz tant in (be entire campaign. Ispaid tribute to the leadership of r;M'l ISonds are tile closest bond bethe synagogue division by Adolf tween American Jewry and the L. Hamburger of Baltimore. Na- State of Israel, and we hope to tional Chairman for High Holi- give PI cry Greater (Imiiliii fiunily days, and to the'Rabbis and syna- the opportunity to her/true- a part gogue officers who have helped of this historic program." Mr. Colin to. make synagogue participation said. a key phase ol the-Israel Bond Julian 3. Venezky, national campaign. chairman for regions lrom I'eoria, "The increased results of this III., suid "Mr. Culm's brilliant sucyear's High Holiday program for cess ;t.s general men's division Israel Bonds," Dr. Schwartz said, chairman for the Omaha Philan"highlight the growing awareness thropies drive this year makes all of Israel's role as a center of Jew- of us confident that Omaha and ish revival and democratic devel- Council Bluff.j will enroll a record opment. With this impressive be- number of bond holders this year." ginning, we confidently expect the AH persons wishing to particiFall campaign for Israel Bonds to pate in the drive are urged to call produce a record sum in invest- the Israel Bonds office, AT 1177 ment capital for Israel's economic or AT 1093. Prospect cards and progress," lists are available.

BIG DAY Set for Dec. 6

Housing Problem Hoiisin,; is the first important step in the eonomic integral ion of immigranls. Th'it was a special message to the Omaha ro/iiMiunity this week from ftddie Cantor, national rhuirnian of the Builders of Isriel Mr. Cantor, v. In) visited here less than two yi-ar, ago to accept the Belli Israel humanitarian award, praised the efforl of Greater Omaha chairman of Builders, Mm luri A. Hiclutrds. Mr. Cantor said, "Although Israel has made remarkable progress wild the help of Ismel Bonds, its economic structure faces severe strain as a result of the renewal of mass immigration." "An H first step," Hie famed comedian ami philanthropist stated, "In the economic Integration of tens of thousands of Immigrants from Kasteru ICurope, Arab Africa iirnl pther places throughout tliu world, the (tovr.riitnerit of Israel must btllld :i,(ll)0 bousing units •s month In lftii!). 'The cost of one family unit, an actual house, is yj.OOO.' We ask you to buy one or more S'l.OOfl Bonds to solve Israel's critical immigiiinl housing problem and to start the neivcomciH on the road to economic independence. Buy an Israel Housing Bund and become a Builder of Isriel. "Build them a home with a new leas'.1 on life," Mr. C.intor conbltlwi.

More than fi'i persons paid tribute to Drs. Herman ami Klfriede r'reimami at the Council Bluffs Jewish Community Center for their devoted xt'rvic.'' to Stale of Israel Bonds Responding \n an urgent appeal from .Mc-ir Vidar, Midwest Director of the Israel Government Tourist Office, they pushed sales in Council Hlulfs tor l!).1!t to §11,800, .iccirding 'to 'ch-'ilnnen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun. In 'ill of hist year's successful drive, SI.'{,700 in I s w l Bonds were sold. "1 feel we are on our way to a record result, ftvery family In Council Itluffs hliould buy at least onn lioitd this* year, and I um certain we have mure fiuardluiw unil .Sponsors of Israel in our community," Mrs. tieraliun nald. Council Bluffs lias one of the best per capita records for Israel Bonds purchases in the Midwest, according to area chairman, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky.

c.^purU have increased by 350 percoiil during the past eight yearn, while imports hava increased by only 54'/<., it ia indicV.ed hy Leon If. and Mary Dublin Key.serling. noted economists, in ft survey of Israel's economy published recently by the Isiael Bond Organization. Mr, Key;;erling server! as Cliairman of the'President 1 !! Council of Kcoiiomio Advisers, in (he Truman administration, and Mrs, Keyserling has been .t^sociatrd with him in economic work for many yearn. They prepared I lie report after visiting Israel in August to make a detailed Mudy of the country'H economy. The -JH-page bunk, entitled "Tha Kcnnoniy '>( Israel: I^rogress t r nder Freedom." is illustrated with charts of Isiflel's eeonomic development. It discusses Israel's housing piOKiam, its argricultiiral progress, the exploitation "f mineral wealth, the growth ol industries, efforts to improve Israel's foreign trade position, full utilization of T'sourccs, control of inflation, and Wising the standard of living The report indicates that tfio grosi national product of the Stutu of Ifr/iel has Increased II percent per year between I0.V) aud I'.KiH. Jhis, it points out, is probably tiu> erago anini:il hicreiiso iicjiicw! l»y any country In Ilio rid I'nriiig thesi! y e n s . Copjet [ire available at the 4)tuab:i Israel toads iillice. It adds thai S I a I e of Israel Bonds, which jejnesenl about .'f'S percent of Israel's Development Hudgcl, base liad a major .sliar-i in the expansion of the rotmtry'ii iiuiii.stries, :II;I ietilture ,'ifid the c \ plf/ilalion of its natural resources. "During the most recent four or five years.'.' the report says, "tha militia) increase in industrial ».roduction in real Hems, adjusting lor changes in the price level, has been in the neighborhood of 12 percent. While this is about four times its high as the so-called !50-jvar average in the United .Stales, and more than Iwiee as high as wha,t is generally regarded in be an optimum for the United Stairs in view of; the new technology, it is not too high for a [datively underdeveU oped country like Israel with special problems. It has been an excellent record thus far. but the need to suslain it in the yearn immediately ahead is vital." Pointing to the progress which Isiael is making in reducing (ho gap between imports and exports, the report says: "Total imports of goods a)nd s e r v i c e s rose only slightly more than .">•! percent from lir>0 to 1058, while exports of . goods and services rose IJ50 percent. The gap in real volume terms was only .1 percent higher in 1958 than in 1050. Impressing this real volume piclure on a per capita basis, imports ol goods alid services actually declined 2.1 percent from li»50 lo .1958, exports nearly tripled, and the gap between .tha two declined .'!.'!.5 percent. This ix indeed the true piclure and Ilio basic test of progress." Tile Keywrllng report Indicated that primary emphasis Is licingf placed by Israel's economic plan* ners on accelerated production of exports In the five-year Industrial development plan proposed to l>c.« Kin in I MO. Cnder this plan, "(ho production target is to lift Industrial output, In tin- Average, about ten percent per year . . . It Is esti< mated that about one-lbird of the increase 111 output can be derived from using present capacity more fully, and from rising labor productivity. About two-thirds (mist result from investment in new factories and the enlargement of existing plants/' Approximately one-third of tha investment requirements for tho five-year plan are calculated to come from the Development I5ud« get, to which the proceeds of tho sale af Slate of Israel Bonds are devoted, the report says, adding that the balance would be derived from internal savings and from foreign and local private investment. The pla,n also foresees n rise

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