November 13, 1959

Page 1


N.i. »


ry Fiiilnv. 101 N'j.





Authority to Inaiyze Israel's Now i'ie,ii|ent ol tlie ConforKft'i'd of Prime Mini .iri- Davitl ISen-(;urion's sweeping victory in encv of Kconoiiitc Progress, Mr. 1 the Israel ('lections on th' Jewish Keyserlin,; will spc'ik on "The State's economy will lie discussed r.'eonoiny of Israel I'roi/.i'es.-i Under by Ix'ttii II. Koyserling nl Sund-iy Kreeilom/' night's Israol Uiind'. dinner, The A to raiv: 'i billion dollars (»../') p. m. function at tile Klark- irt inv*• sIrnenf capital tor Israel .stone Hotel will liicl>li!'.l>l I ho I'.CiO in the ne*M several years is exjtt'ctcampui>;it in Omaha ui'l Council cd In he revealed liy Mr. Keyset-Hint Is. lim;. ilr. Ki'ysi-rliiii; ilsii is exMe. IJeyserlmi;, loruier chiel jh'f- .'it t.t coiuuu'nt *>ii the cited, ccmcunu' advisor to ('resident oi 131«' Kenatilt case on Israel's Harry .S. Truman, is now special economy, on tiie rapid developMlr» Olllwrt 11. » a Bllva economist -fur tlie Jievelopmcnt ment of israeli Hade relali'tu?; Corporation for Israel. His newwith (Ihana, < IniUSJ.I ami MIIKT new I''iv« di..tint;uished and popular Synagogue.. Temple Israel, B'nsi City College in New York City. booklet itn Israel's growing econ- African nations, and on the esfun- personalities will make uppear- B'rith lodges and Chapters, OmaDr. Nasrollah Saifpour Fateml, omy II.II received notices in HieHIOII of relations with Burma. ances in Omaha durlnt; the aiming ha Chapter ot Hudassah and the Middle .East expert, author an<| nation's AiU',li>-.!ewish pre'.s. (Ire.utt'r Omitiiit olmlnmm K*»H- months an part of the cultural Young AduKs Council. Admission ert M. Fofiilierif nrK<«l "II JXTSIIIW und education program of the Jew- to the lecture and concert series diplomat' Mira Gilbert, famous folk slitguv win* liavir iu»t yrl miule reHervd- ish Community, Earl Sietjel, Adult is free. Howard De Silva, actor, prot!oin 1o do tii lniiiiwllut«ly l»y tf\v- I'Mucatlou Committee Chairman, The series will IKI opened by ducer and director. lilniiiiiii; AT 1177 or AT jttfl.'f. Tim announced. Meyer 'Levin,, internntionally famLou Cunar, Center Coinmittea ftnii*! ISiuidH olden will tit: OfM^ll The famous headline™ will be •'hatnnan, said "Thi-. cooperatiya Sunday, Nov. 15, from 10 it. m. topteseiited <m the «i\nunl Program The novel 'Kv'i" hy Meyer progtum of hrinKing outstanding •I p. in., Mr. Koldlmrg mild. of (lie Month series sponsored by Levin, has lipen placed on the cturecj aii'l arti.sts to Omaha, Mi's. Vein Simon mid lien Klulin cooperation with Mr. Keinher,; f>tressed thil JIUI- tho Center "hest seHer" Main necordinjj to which wa<) initiated last year Iia8 ftmn will lu'.'irf ;i temporary steer- or Israel Bonds In n«*l rc- ?'>eth : Kl SymmOKue, Uetli Israel the New Vorl; Time* Ueadei'S iroved u tremendoiH success. W» Ing committee miani;ed to plan f|uin.'d lor mlniissioii to the dinner. will have an hear 'Kpect the WMiO series to draVT activities lor Hie Senior Citi/en's "Tlie import and impact, of this Mr. I.evui when he ajipenw cotisideralilo intevest lu ouc com," looting*' nt i'ie Jewish Community ninjoi' mlili'OMs sliolikl intenwt evunder tlie auspices oi t.h"» Jewuunity." Center. ery Jewisli family In (Ireatpr ish Community Center on the Mem'iei.'.hip of I In.1 coinniitlee Omiiha," he said. • • • . I'rogrum of tlw Month, Noalso will include Mines. IScssie vemhi'r i t t h nt Mi.- I'.etti Kl IJehn, Harry Burnsteln, George j .Syivjiioguu. The hook is uvudKaplan, Sol No(;i;, Morris IloseuNew York Tiie fiilme of the nt)te at <h<' Center I.ihiuiy fiteiti, Mr. mid Mrs. .Simon Temin; American .!<'wish eoininunity "to Messrs, David Klnnchecl'. mill Kuva face up t<« its iihll'jntlii-'ipii; i.-siiiV ous Tourualist 'in lufhor. He will New York f.ITA >-.-The organItornstein. was raised hern it n invsi con- .speak Noveinli.'i 2'l lit lieth I'll ized Jewish community In ComTiie lomn:«." i'i part oi tin; Golden ference by Lutiel A. Katz, fiivslmunist Clximi will CQIISC to eKlsfc "If. S. Foieii;n Policy" will lie dent of H'iml JVritli. Ai;e program jointly Hponsored by The programs which will be held within a few yearn, if tlie numboP thi! Nntionul Council of Jewish discussed liy l'>li;ur Ansel Mowror, Mr. Kutz cliarfied th.jt "the Jews there continues to da* Women and the Jewish Federation. I'ulitizer Priw winner, in the con- cultural upsiveep in Jewish life, at the respective Synagogue:!, the ellue «t the present rote. Center und at Omaha University, Kepreseiitallves of the Council ciudiiii; lecluic of the University that is llnditii.; its best hope, mid also will feature; Tliere are only 251 Jews m t h j who will work with the KUrerini; of Omaha Institute ot World Af- impetus iimon/; youiii; people. Is Dr. Sol Lipl/.iu, outstanding entire country. A year ago t h j committee m e Mine1;. I.eon Kell- fairs. U'ei|ne.,il,iy, Nfn-emher 18 lieiiiK llr.viirti"! by a liap-h'izrird m m .'in K i MI in c I, Holier! nl K:15 p. in. in the University und nc(;tii:cnt iipproach to the Jewish educator a/id professor ot Jewish community of China numbered 294; in 1057 it wua IKW.'lh Silver, unil M'IC Vender, l'.oris Stel- auditorium. The series has hoen need of their reli.'.ioiw education." the 40'K there were more tlmn 25,nian. O n Id' Activities iliirol.d-. is (M-..,poiiMt>red hy tin- Jewish Fed000 Jevys on the Chinese mainHe called for >i well-financed, eration 'il' Omaha. coordinating 'he activities. land.'.Migration, took most ot tUeox Mr. Mowrer, known <is the "licati coordinated 'effort hy the Jewish The program nl the I-oune.e to Israel, Britain, the U.'S.'.and communities m the Unitod Stnte.< of American i'oroi|',n corrcspimwhich will be- open on Mondays other lands. to eliminute physicul shortaiie:; in ileiil;;", will analyze U. S. policy from 30 ii. rn. to '! p. in. will be New York (JTA)—The overImsed on the needs /<nd interests ill tin.' ureas oi conflict. Tic viux Jewish education, to "open new wlielminR majority ot the 813 ref- Also reported a r e general difand modern nppronches to curi'ificulties faced including, "the de« chief Chlciii;<i Dally News foreign of senior citizens. ugees including a substantial num('•irreiilly available are Km;lish corres|iiindent for 20 years. :uid ctilar development, and expose her ol Jews, who came to thegenerating financial condition" ot classes, Yiddish lx>ol<s and news- author of nino IKWUS incluilini.: "A Jewish youngsters to a religious United 'Stales II years ago from the majority of the 72 Jews re> ' Pi'iperu, m u s i c listening, tuble Good Time 1o be Alive" published education (hat would be relevant Europe as the first admitted un- maitutig m Shnnghai. Two-thirds were pn relief in. June of this year. to their needs and interests." Tlie tills .spriuj;. games, him:", cards and moviiN. der the Displaced' Persons. .Act ••'of In addition, more than 20 .persona B'nai U'rith, lie suid, will K 1918, have heeome fully integrated were receiving three meals daily hl(jh priority to these problems. Americans, according to a newat the community's shelter house. study. The study was made by The The Shanghai Council tins exNew York Times In cooperation tended its help to the diminishing with various refugeo i«Rencie!v in- Jewish community of Tientsin, cluding. the United Hias Service. whose own central communal body The grouji was the. first of near- recently' dissolved. There arc only ••backtfiound to the arrestu i.s that London (WNSl—The Times of ly '100,(100 victims of. Nazi and 2»i ,!i;ws lctt in Tientsin, and 15 ot London disclosed that the Ruman- when, toward (lift epd of lost.ycnr. Tel Aviv. <.JTA>—The Kaiser- Communist persecution admitted them are receiving regular monthian flovenimeiit hiis launched a the Rumanian Government' sudfiinpaii;n to terrorize .lev.'.s in thedenly and without explanation re- Frazi'r automobile plant in Haifa to this country, under, special .im- ly relief grants from Shanghai. country wl\n had indicated desire opened its doors to allow the de-will close down for a t least six migration laws. Tlie arrival on Harbin, with I K Jews, vcmtuns or intention K> ei)ii(;nile to Israel. parture ol Jews to Israel, i t was weeks »s n result of tint can- October 30, l'.MB on'. Ilia ' army the largest community in China, transport, the General' Black, was disconcerted by the lnn;e number cellation by the French Renault and its Community Council con,|i.'V. A svho wanted to i;o to Israid. the report .'.aid, were. heitiK who rec'StcmJ ' o |;o as well as byCompany of its contract to supply marked hy the tooting of New tinues to carry out its functions the stveiu'.lh ov. Arab opposition. York harbor whistles and Rreet(lie Israel firm with assembly independently. T h i s community lounded lip On chavees of cspiotiings from the President. The study also maintains a shelter house, in iii:e n."<l treason. The nllei;ed moti- After « few inoiuli I he Govern- parts, ment .stopped Ihc inilfli'ation, l)tit indicated that the General Black which 11 persons are' fully taken VUtion behind the iirrcts is .said theli Jews have remained restless." The Haifa plant, which was taken hy surprise when the French passengers quickly adopted Amer- care o£. Harbin still has its own to he intention to frighten the ican manners and attitudes and synagogue with regular services firm announced its decision last .lews into hreakini; their emotional month to .sever connections with that almost all heeamo citizens; and, HS in Shanghai", matzotl» were link with Israel. Most of them learned Kuglisli baked and distributed to the comIsrael due to Arab pressure, found .Dlsclosim; that Kome li!0,000 itself also without parts for Amer- quickly. They were settled in com- munity prior to last Passover. .lens left Kunifinia in li>50 rind ican Willys earn, which are nlso munities throughout the United 10al, the report stated that "at Washington C.ITA)—-One of the assembled, here. Plant executives States and think of themselves arf the name time Zionist lenders were iirrcatcj, tried, find Kontcuced to by-products of Ihe trip by Leon- decided to close down until ;t new Americans, rather than ivs Euvaryini: terms" and that many of ard Bernstein and tho New York consignment of parts arrives here. ropeans. the 200 who were then involved Philharmonic to Soviet ltussia was Tournament bridiw will were."now foolni; re-arrested nnd a reunion hy telephone of the comThursday, November 10 a t 8 p. m.. tried for the offences for which posur-comluctor'» father nnd uncle. at the Jewish Community Center. they have already nerved sen- They had not been in contact for Shelf Katskee will supervise. l'"eo tences." The report siiid that the 49 years. i:-. 7!) cents JILT person. Mr. IlernsteliVa father—Samuel J. Bernstein of Bronltline, Mass.— Jerusalem (JTA)—There are Israelis also showed an excess of disclosed the .story at a reception preceding a National Press Club more Jewish men than women in males over females hy a ratio of Israel, paralleling the situation 105 to 300. luncheon for the conductor. A 43.6 per cent of Israel's popWhile the conductor was in thowhich existed In the United States Isrnel—A new pneumatic (,'rain 50 years'ago, census figures show ulation is native-horn with 28.9 Israel -The new Beersheba celeSoviet Union last month, ho reelevator, which has Ixien operated a ratio of 103 Israeli Jewish men per cent coming from Asian and brated its l l t h anniversary , in ceived a visitor who identified cxperlmentully In the DaRoi> Slloa for 100 women, n proportion typi- African countries. While Ihe ratio October by opening a 350 bed hos. in Haifa, will mean a direct saving himself as Slinoon Bernstein, a cal of countries undergoing major of the native-horn Israelis to thepital. The institution has sin; demining engineer from Siberia. Purof 5100,000 a year, not counting immigration changes. total population is about the. same V'u'tnwriYR, ?>r> (Anclors, HO'nvnrscs the savings and tho Increased ef- ing tho conversation, the conductor as ten years ago, there has been and 250 employes. 11 will have a Immigrants from North Africa learned his visitor wus Ills uncle. ficiency resullim.: from the cuttlnc a significant rise in the propor- park wilh 10 acres of lawn nnd have contributed the highest raTlie unrfo went with the conductor down of the amount of time, which tion from Asian and African coun- 2(1,000 trees. Planned nlso are a •firain Khipn will have to spend In to Leningrad for a concert nnd tio ot males to female.*—107 to tries with a corresponding de- permanent .school for nurM'p, 74 100—while immigrants from Asian there they telephoned the conducHaifa. Tlie new elevator, which crease in the proportion of Ku-modern bousing units for the staff can handle 3,000 tons of grain in tor's father in Brookllne on Seff* countries showed a ratio of 102.5 ropean-born Israelis. and a Held for helicopter landings. males to J00 females. Native-horn t ember 3. 24 hours, cost 5(550,000.

Steering Gomtnilfea To Plan Acfiyifias For Senior Citizens

Tcalli P©Siey to Close

Charges Religious Education Issues Being Sidestepped

Only 25! Jews LeH In China


to II.; S, Life

Rumania Penalizes Jews Seeking Vhas for Israel

Haifa Oar Firm Sfiaifs Down © VJsetts -Due to RenauIS

Skarfs c$ Center

Israel—-Land Where Jewish Men Quinumber Ihe Women

Save. Money

New Hospital For Beersheba



Friday,-November IS, 1PM


Omahans In the News



Mr. ;tnd Mis. JoM.'ph D. lyMiif-r JMIiS. VICTOR VIKNKH announce thf ljii'lh of it son, HoS)Services « ( i t held .Sunday (it t'rt. Max on Oclolier .'il. Tln-y mo Pvbllnlied Eiery I'rid.ij b\ tlio Jiwisli I d k u t i u u of Oni.ilia. A I I n - r t FrlPilwiin, CPA. midthe Jcvd<h Fuiu-i'iil Home for .Mrs. also Ilio parents of tvio other MHIS, i e c c n o Clt. * F-c'c.' o F'c 0 cil 0 i fjl a H i L r AnnLai Si,D*cripMen J^W- A m i i i s ' * o M ' c 5 c r i / h j i rlcn nii'inbcr of the accoiiiitin)! firm of 'Victor Vii'iicr of Mastiu^s, Neb., Sheldon and Hiehard. PuDJIcotlcn Oil ice—101 l«o < ( , i " l r , ( i o n c. m i r j s a v n l v t (MRS) FRANCES KLLIN Hiitor Sheldon A. Bernstein A Co., baswho IYHHI l-'ijtlay. HiuiiiJ was in (irnndparents arr Mr. and. Mis. Jack I.iTTroJn, been elected ft nieinber of the Beth Jlamedrosh Hii^odol Cemetery. Rnbbi Benjamin (ironer of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Marcofin | Amcncm Insiiiuie of Public Ac- Beth Israel SynaK"Kiie, officiated. ,'iiinounce Ihe birth of a son, I/mis I count nut N. Surviving lire husband and cJauj'liAll friends and rclHlIvcn are Jay, on November {) at (.'larksvni tei.s, Mrs. Myra Shampanier, Has- Hospital. They are also the parent* Invltt.'d to attend M'Mh'es anil Mrs. RicliHril K. KlnMeln h tings; M r s . Bernice Murks, Den- of. two sons, Ross and Lance. ret option. been sleeted second vice-president ver, Colo.; Mrs. Edith Friedland, Grandparents are Mrs. Louis ,T. I.AWKKM'IO JOKI. (ilMI'I.K of United Cerebral Palsy of Oma- Siilt Lake City, Utah; brothers, Margolin of Ixis Angeles, Cal. I tw it lire Jo'l Ciimple, son ofha, Inc. Mickey Krupinsky, Omaha; sis- and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Braverman Mi ,ui(l Mis David W. Girnple ters, Mrs. Minnie Monovitz, Fre-of Beverly Hills, Cal. will observe his Bar Mit/vah, Sat The National Jewish Welfare mont; Mrs. .lean Flamm, Mrs. tirrlay, November 14 at 8 a. in; a t Board has named Itabbl Sidney II. Bess Hi'lphand, Los Anjjeles, Cal. . 4:4« .Mr. und Mi'K. llyiiuui Print the B'nai Jacob Adas Yesliuron Brooks of Temple Israel on-call and Mrs. Maynard Creenberg, wish to tlmiili nil thflr frli'inls TKMPI.IO IMtAKI, Omaha. Sj nn und rcliifhcH fur tin- inimy

Bar and Bas F.iitzvah



chaplain for J e \ v l » h Men and Teinpte l&iael tn\ices will beliirds und flmicTM r c d ' h i i l by gin Friday at 8 15 p in Kabbi KOISKKT FOX Women stationed at Offutt Air .Mr. Fried during liin f>fny In Kidney Biooks will of finale Force Base hpie JOK KKISS tin- IMJS|)H;II. Bruce Brodkry, son of .Indue and Robejt Fo\, son of Mr. and Mrs Mis Donald Brodkey and member Haiold Fox will celebrate his Bar Mr. and Mm. Marvlii OilmflD ef Scout Tioop 'J7 will be pie-Midi ah and Joe Reiss, son of Mr aie now making their home lit Three thousand Israel "oldsters" • wnled with the Ner Tamid Award, and .Mrs. Dave Reiss will celebrate look part in the annual Sukkot j (Kternal Light), at the evening his Bar Mit7vuh at Oie Sabbath 3441 E m e r s o n Avenue, South outing sponsored by the Haifa M-ivices Pifsrnt m honor of themorning services, November 14 ntMinneapolis, Minn, Municipality. Of that number, .'150 occasion will be Jim T.irr F\ecu- Beth El Mnntn. and Mrarn. Don Hern- persons visited the Hebrew Unilive Dnector of 1hn Covered Wagon Klein und Harry Spit-gal recently versity campus as guests of Ihe Council of the Boy Scouts of Amer- JKFI'KKV SIMON S«b (Sobby) Pulvcrtnt* Jerusalem municipality. visited in Minneapolis, Minn. iui and Mis Tarr, .is veil as the The Bar .Mit/vah of Jcffiey 26 Yean' Experience Scoutmaster and i n c n i b c i i of Simon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Man- Mrs. Adolph Kadesh of Los AnTroop 97, With Jowiih del Simon will be celcbiitlrd nt the eles is visiting her aunt, Sin. Beth Isiael SjnagoKue tonight and Herman Franklin and relatives Lettering and Memorial! BKT1I Kl. Satin day morning, over this week-end She is enrotitr Set vice*, :tt Heth 2211 So. 8rh AT 2452 home after attending Ihe national will be held llns Awning at 8.15IIAItRY FRIEDMAN board meeting of the B'nai B'rith p m. Rabbi Kripke's .seimon topic The Bar Mitzvah of Many Fi ied- Chapters in New Yoik City. Mrs. will be "What Do You Mean 'Conmnn, son of Mr. and Mrs David Kadesh is the fonnci Bertha Kink-, servative"'" C a n t o r Auion I. Fnedman will be celebrated at theenstein of Omaha. Kdgar and the Beth IJ1 Choir will Beth Israel Synagogue, Friday render the niusicdl poi lions of the ?, November 20 and SatiiiHTVICC. day morning. November 21.. ; 1 RUG & UPHOLSTERY

Outing for 3,000 Israeli Oldsters


Monument Co.

Every Portrait a Precious Gift...


Henry Monsky Lodge To Meet November 19

Follow iriK HIP sen ices an OIH K Shabbat will be held in the social ROSALIND HOKDY . . . y.un it is a special hall to honor new members. BAICHAKA IIKItZOfi A rombmed meeting 'if ihe e.\-. holiday portrait Mrs A. G liimmeiman, gvnaMr and Mrs, Hoidy ?ruti\e rommitlee and gcncial of your family Koj;ue i e r > i c e and integiation •iniioiince the B,is Mil/v.ili of their •neinlK'rship of tin- I l t i n y Mon^Uy chairm-in, is in charge of miange- daughtei, nosal.inr] anrl Mi ,imi will be held nt 8 p. m. mfnt 1 ! Mis I n me ]]n/<><.• nnnounci1 t h r Thui'-d i\, 1fl ; l the Sabbath Mill Has Mit/v,ih of thur d.iunh lit f bruin nt l 10 *I hi- Junioi Congie-{ B iih.11, I ndav i-venin:' NoPhotographer Inlin I'm 1 'is inurnment iiltuiK.U1011 sfiMccs MM- at 10 10 'Ihc^uinbf, >t\ ( 1 .HI S ,i, l l ( t iV n i o .iiinr. u v v .11 \u p u s l sj-oakor. M i l 817 So. 36fb HA 1044 M m c h a M . M i i i M.ivirifcwilMH'Kin'NowintK'i 21 nt Hrth IA S W M - h 1 I ( j M f t I ( l h n P , O , ' I . M . ) rhhirmnn nt 4 4^ p ni .Sundii\ moiniiiK v * i \ - | u<»j,u

John Kalina




i i. I I M U

, iir


CLEANERS RUGS —CARPETING LAMP SHADES FURNITURE Cleaned in Your Home! Binding—Laying—Repairing

Don Bernstein

HA 2554


hfld at 7 «i in find 7 p in I y.-iJc Goisdinoi, Hrlh LI Sdiuol lx>,ii<l chiiinnan lias o\tp]iiiVd .m Phone JA 136* lo Insert your V.ont Ad In invitation to p a r e n t s lu \i*»il Ihe Jpwuh Pri-s Live Fish Market classes an> time duuiiK1 1"^' w**k Rote is 50 cenls lor each three line inier The Press reserves the nflhl to Hm,j of November Kith thioufih the lion Kosher Poultry six« of each ad/erllsement 39th, Da\id H4 Bou^aium, ilnecKilled Daily HANI KKAH 1or of education, :md staff \KI\\ he on hand to wclronie parenls. BAR and Has Mll7\ah congratli-J AT 4977 1314 No. 24th

Want Ads

The ticket conimitJee conns)* of M m « lations also for all Jewish holiAbe Sok^r, Bennett Cohn> Sanfofd Brophy, days and special occasions. £om Brick, Orvel MJItJcr, Charlet Guss, Rob p trt Berntein. Rotwrl V/ogner, Sidney Snelder, V porton Gre«nberg, Bruce Grcrnberg Joe Mcverr Vows Stand, 1502 Dodge. Rice, Soro Wolf, Bernard Hockenberg, David Kat/man, Meyer Rubfn, Sheldon Lincoln, Expoit Mcn'h and Ladies' Altcr.iPhincos WlntrouD Gerald Bernitelrt Marry Lincoln, Nathon Turner, SomueJ Sfern, SoJ lloiw and Itop.ilrlng of all kinds Fartow, Davfd Wefnberp., Harold Garber, Oonotd Vann, Edward Beizer, Abt Roffmon, Will pirk Up Call JA r,l\ Dove Conn Morris Fcllman, Serena Wold toum, Moe Venger, Seymour Zoob, Alan Wolf*on, LWL% Pool, Joe Rolhkop, Jock Safer sWti Joe Hornsteln Leonard Boasberg Hen ry Stern, Max Biltner, Ben Slulsky, Rytpti Nogg, Ben Rosen, Bud Turkel, Yole Rich flrosj Stewart Simon, Stanley Hcr^off, Arn «ld Rcnemon, Morton Friedionder, Ben Kut ELECTRIC lef. Yale Glmburg Owen Mcyerson, Irving HEAT W Forbef. Ed Zalkln, Jack Cpstein, Ted Sanford, Harry Welnberg Herbert Forbes iaxn Rotbenberg, Robert Sloan (rvlng Kai man, Norman Bordy, Floyd PrrJmeter, Justin Monvlfi, Robert Kocper, Murray Kloss Dfln Goodman, Arnold Canfor TIckett ore S3 a couple


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Lively Israeli atmosphere

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Kabbi BenMmin (Jioner, C.intoi E h Kacan, Beth Jsiael ( hoir will ranrliKt late Ki iday evonni); services at 8 p ni Knd.-iv evenmE seniors ( Shahiio'i) lieKin .it 4 45 p m Sabb.ith moinniK •>«'!vices, H Vt :i in .Innior CoiiKiefMtmn .it 10 « ni H.ihlii *;Irmri will (unijiid the 'l.ilnniil cl.'iss ,it 4 'W) p m Sdil. ith Mnxh.i ;it r> p rn fnllowtd l>y Shnli sh S'< lidos ,inrl M.t.n i\ I ) , M K M I VJUS nt 7 ,-i m .ind ~> p m Snnd.iv morn irif;



and EUROPE! Idodlly planned fours to Israel during the. sunny winter months — and on fo Europe at the height of the social season.

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Drperturr> D^Uf

I) ii.ii


•yc-hinon will I n j ' l i i i f i<I.i^ .it 4 4r) p in ,Hid IIV>I niiii; I sit X .iO a m uilli Mimli.i .it ~>\

j) in folloucil \n sli i)o"-h S ' P.'jily sdvn""- .it (i '<> ,< in


Miyn:iic! Tplpiifi, COIIJHII Bluffs

Dttoriioy, has been elected to fill i a vacancy in the'Council Bluffs i ttty toiirii iJ '


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followed by hre.-ikl'a:.) in<l ft.-ibbi's rl.i«-« in liibN1 Sniid i\ inoiniiir! Juruiii folio M d b\ b i > a l < - ' fast, st;irl.s .-it H:.'i() ;i.m 'Jhf T . i 1 in n tl I ) i ' i i"-« inn ; ioii|i mrPts r'V< i\ Itic-dav 6 ' « p rn


Consult your travel agent —he's your best source of advice

BOCK THAViL AGEMCY Suite 424 — Farnam Bldg., Omaha 2, Nebraska LOUIS ELBERT — Co-Owner. Mgr. Telephone JA 5874

Gall Wednesday for Thursday Delivery

Friday, N«v«nt>rr IS, 1930




••sir* Three

Rabbi, Mrs. Goldstein Will Visit in Omaha

Anniversary Boil to Honor Beth El Birthday

Tin J(wi»-)i |/rjpulat)un in West Gum.jny if csijinatcd helwifn ;i(l,000 .Hid iOfM), lint onlv 2\ 4V.) iaie f i


Kahbi iu»J Airs. Ua\'id A. (iold.steiii will .irine on Tucsd.ty, No%emlH*i J7, to spend a few d.ijs in Omnh.i 'I hey will lie sl.i>mj.; at the lilackh'tonc Hold. liubbi (-joldstpin, lonniT S|nnliial ledder of Heth JOI SvnanoKiie. is now Kfibbi at .Syn.iKOKUe in Philadelphia.

Israel to Exhibit at 16 Fairs in I960 1 siael-Israel will participate in 16 international fairs in ]%0 compaied to ]4 this year. Thiee million dollars worth of oiders wcic received at this year's exhibitions and moie are expected.

VHNI (inlsdlniT, J-enmird I.lilting, Alfn to rlRlit)—HeHi i;i hull t'liiiiriiK'ii. Kivc himilii'Lk fii'isoiih mo o\I>cctp(l lo nltrnil thr H«-th Kl Anniversary Hall nl Highland Conntry Club, Saturday evening, November 14, it was estimated by Mrs. Morris Kollinuii, j>iesl<lent of Ilie Sislerhood, sponsor of the ewnt. The cynuRocue which IK eelcbraling its 301h jimiivri sary has firown from nn initial niembeihhiti «f 75 to 875 families. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke has been spjntiiiil leader for 14 yean.,

B'nai B'riHi Plans 'Carnival of Fun'

I'icillfT, (left

Henry Monsky B'nai B'rith

Grandson Ghana Chief at Orf School Israel

A MeeHng "Must"

The Kiandkon of a tribal chief of Ghana is now a student of clectro-mechanies ul the Vocational School at Nalhanya, Israel. He Is shown here, upper left, with a fjroup of his fellow classmates. Tlie follouifiK y o u n g Judaea The 17-ycar-old John Daniel Abo|froii|». will meet Sunday— agyeh is related lo the Prime Minister of Ghnnn, Kwitme Nkrumah. Seventh Kiadeis, Daughters of Tornh, 2:30 p. m., Jewish Omimunity Center; Anne Frank, 2 p. m. nt the home of Alade'c Katleman, 7515 Cass Street and fifth and sixth graders, 2 .'iO p in. setting project n( home of Gail Goldslein, 509 N 62d Street.

for Every Member


JOHN POWERS Prominent Defense Attorney Will Speak on the

49th Anniversary SALE

Celebrated Grandsinger Case and Other Colorful Legal Evenfi

Thursday, Nov. 19th, 8:00 P.M.

roit i;. N. CIIIU)KI-:NS FI:M>

'I lie Oin.ilia li'iiai JSiMh Cinincil Mill featuic IIIIDK II,US alluclioiis

(il its efiinliiiied fiinil raisini: "C' of Knii, ' .Snnd iv, NoMiniiei '22 at the U'.n l<slcji,r- Iloli I ;il H Ji lit ) .tell em st will n i r u r :i ieci|ie' liixik and lxiul< Funds ficini! 1he event v.iil aid I he oij:,ini/.i-) iKin'n phifniiihic>|iir PKJKI.IIII Ad-i mission is it .VI (lon.-iiioii and m.iyl 1M' obtained at (he dour

Fifteen meinliers of Holiamie HHO collected WiH m foi the United Nations International ('hildron's I-jtierKciicy Fund.

Fireside Restaurant

FURS Farnam at 36th

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NO. 1 BLUE DISTILLATE—The perfect fuel for itovet «nd wall-flame furnsces , . . A cledr b!uo fuol th At burns with A hotter, carbon-free blue ffame. .'.fortified with fnmoui PET-RE-NOL, the additive that eliminate! clogging and loot . . . available only at Liberty and Associated Dealori . . . at the lame price ai ordinary fuels. -^.


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AMBER DISTILLATE—The best fuel you can buy for gun-type furnaces. The cleaner, toot-free flame gives maximum burner efficiency, f-amout Pet-Readded to effectively eliminate moisture, sludge and carbon and produce a cleaner flame. • EVEN-PAYMENT PLAN—Now You Can Budget Your Purchase

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Sunday buffet?" Main Dining Room

NEW PHILLIPS DISTILLATE With PET-RE-NOL Is Formulated in Omaha Only by Liberty and Is Available From Liberty and Associated Fuel Dealers


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Fri<l*y, NoveaiW 18, 1939


CampusNews fiLKCIVj OMASIANS Pi Lambda Phi social f CM lor nity, University ot Oltl.tliom.i fit Norman, minouncii't tlK1 •'lection ul Richard Kailrin, son oi Mr. am Mrs. W. N. Raskin as viiv-fiivsi (lent and Moiin<:lt Il'irnsli-in ..on of Mr. and Mi* Joi" Hornste'm HA a member of ita CAWHKV cvuicil BTt'AKT Kti'TLKIS ON ISKBK. UOWMNU TKAM Stuart Kullcr, sophomore at the University of Nebraska was selected to be a member of the uni versify bowling team which will compete against othor Bii; fclglit Universities He was one of .'<6 students who participated in a roll' off on the c a m p u s Saturday. Stuart, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kutler, is affiliated with Zeta Beta Tan fraternity, 8A.1I WISl'LAV TAKKS I1ONOKS AT I'.WKKSITV OF NEBIt. Si^mi Alpha MU'K Homecoming dispuiy, with the theme "Nebraska' Over Oklahoma," won first place fur small division houses in the University's house decoration contest, October 31. The display portrayed a Las Vefias seene with •sound effects. Display chairmen were Gary Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loo Hill of "Lincoln and Mike Biatt son, of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blatt of Omaha. Harvey Perleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tod Perleman of York, Neb., was ejected secretary of the Junior Inter-fraternity cuunril.

Around the World and Nation


discovery v •••» niil.> <>( an -Sixtei'iith C'Mi'j'y hynH';i»,^u^ c-m* tvvifi'-i in ii*l (MiilMiiy llolW'J, »(»• jiort'iitty fi-ji't f" II '>f p"ih°f t U' t tioii I''oiui'l \VM . 'hi' [»'>IIM! of ft pmyi-r n u m In tli,- old hi)iis<> in <ln' form.'t fSii••••» of the J e w s ) Ih'.inru: ili-'ui-. 1 uiit I.iitin i n scriptions J 1 ! I tli.- d i i i ' l.r>17.

Mr. ond Mr*. Niiiinnii Gcn'Jk'r Tii-« :iyji'i(:o,;ii.» in N a i u i v U i v/as die t h e C'lMirincn in ch.jiii><» of tin up'"iif'l in ilmr> J or Kiiijiur service. It ii l'.Kiit.-.l in t h e ('enter of t h e tin1, n ' n meet the needs of iniiiu^iMiit-i IIMI ii'A'erniiient ofThi? !<.•••.» ftrii' p.-iT'cuted a n d HriHls llvnii' in til • 'jr.'j expelled tiii'u Ko'lu'iibMtt; in t h e In ItV.iieiilmi'i:, West CJerinany, T h i r t e e i i t ' i C e n l ' i i y IJIKJ aKtili in ITj'Ji). Hisini i m i in this a r e a IK*» Iiev.* .!<?« i limit thf M-cret placn $125,000 U.S. Grant of worship, niiru'ipiitin^ r e n e w e d To Wei'zmann Institute piM\,cfiiti<i'i-> n u t p o . i l b l e il(»stnic< Tlie I-ini'.'l ziou'ii'1'"! center lu- tion of syil i ;HI;(|I'.I le.l nt Il'-h-imt, Irid just re[•"iivs v.!'i.- iti.'ii It-J in II Moscow c"iveJ 'i fiV'1 yi'ir, f.125,000 grant syn nT')j;(ic t b u I'.nsli HHshanah b y from the I ' S N'III'^IMI Institutos ti-.Sfiiiifi'n, fii'corduif; to thn of Health "to cintlmie .im.l CKpuiui iitnry of mi Ami'lic.iii traveler just re-iearoh on p.jly,imino acids us returned liinn Hi.- .Soviet Union, > New Vm!', Times reported. protein model.!"

CVntei. iiflair. Mrs, Morris J. Fianklin is pm gram cbiunian. Members are .MJIHt. asked t> lirmtJ their Jewish Nit ll'NAI It'KITJI A film will lie shown nt a imvltional Fund boxes to the meeting nil? of the Nebraska Chapter 3J6, li'tiai IJ'rith, Novemlwr 18, at the Ml. YAK Kit TO Kt'KAK Dr. J. Lewis Yaljer, Chief of Jewish Community Center at 8/V) Clinical Psycliolony at the Veter p. m. ans Huspitnl will Bpeak on "The Adolescent Years" ut the regular GORDON STORAGE weekly session of the Beth El WAREHOUSE. INC. Synagogue College of Adult Jew is'h Studies, Monday, November JA 3032 16 nt 8 p. m. 1201 JONES ilHblii Myer S. Kripke will talk on "The Bar Mitzvah and What Follows " HADASSAH MEKTINUH Because of the Thanksgiving Holiday, the Omaha Chapter of Hada&aah has advanced its Noranlior meeting day to Thursdny, November 19. Mrs. Robert Noddle find her committee will l>e I" charge of the 12:S0 p. HI. luncheon at the Jewish Community Center. Reservations may be mado with Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, UL 2315. Mrs. Phil Feldmen, doner chairman, announced that Miv Jules Lederer. Chicago newspaper "lowlorn columnist," will be featured it the December donor luncheon. The Education Council of Hadassah will hold Its Onep; Shabbat, Saturday. November 14th at the hofiie ot Mis. Sam Kut/niun, 510 N'o. 72 Avenue. The Oinalm Chapter of Iiadn1.. ih ISo.ird v.-ill meet at th' home if Mrs. Joseph Guss, 112 Parkwood Lane, Monday, November Hi, at 12:'!(t p. in. for n dessert unchuon. Actiiu; as co-hostesses will !»•• Mnics Morris Gr<mntHii uul I!i> Simon

WASHINGTON 1MSIM..VYH ISKAKI, STAMPS Wa.shifiKtr.ui f,rTA>~TjK l.'.S. Post Office Department, in what was belk'vt'.l thi> firs! instance in Its lustoi.v lmuruiii; n -.piTiil display of foioiijn iatjinps, ofx-Mi il n comprehensive exhiliition of Is- WOICKMKN raeli sr.imji-. ii.'if Po^lm.islci \ l \II.IAUl I'AKTY G e n e r a l Arthur .Stmnnr-rfk-lif Tin- Wiiiknicii'K Circle Lndies opened the exhibition. Auxiliary will hold their annual The undei taking is sponsoi ril card (IUI ty, Sunday, November 15 by the Gou-niment of I^r.iel, tlie at 7 .'10 p. m ot the L/ilwr Lyceum, Israel Ministry of Posts, Tele- ,".024 Cummg Street. phone and Telegraph. »wili the co- Hostesses will be Mines. N.ithati operation of the Isiael Plulutelic Lorman. Yotta Orenstein, Max Agency m America. The exhibit Kat/, S,im H i n d e r and Sarah endeavors to provide a panoramic Schwui I/. Mrs Max Crounse will view of life in Israel .serve as chairman. Admission will be fifty cents The public is invited ISR\KI. TO BUILD PLANT TO vnonvcK FIJICK COPI'KK MAl'UV SCHWARTZ FOK DOMESTIC NKKIW Jerusalem— A coppei refining (JIVES TALK Maury L. Schwartz, T e m p l e plant which, m its first std^e of production, will produce sufficient Israel Director of Education, spoke pure coprv-i for Isiael'f. domestic on "The Logic of Humor" consumption.'will ho built! In. the at a meeting of Cornhusker Lodge, B'nai B'rith, Wednesday evening near future at [loam Inn Israel a larfje plant in the Negov Desert now, at the Tlmma .Copper Mine.-. iu\ir Eilnt, but that HOOK KKV1EW ATBKTH facility produces only hif;li-con- ISU\"'L, NOIXMBMl 17 Beth 1st,eel Sisteihood will precentr.ited cement copper. Tint product '•> -.put abtoid foi fiml sent Mis John Je.s'" In -i book leviev. ,it ,i dcsvi t luncheon in refinim;. tin- sjni^D^uc ,DL'I,J1 ii.ill on Tuesi l u Not.'inli'M 17th, at 1 'JO p ni TWO AMi:iMCA\' .HAY'S Mi , J r - s " will ri'vicu ' T o r 2c AMONo \YIN.VI:KS o r PI nn" b> H . n n (Jolili-n Mines lo.vt NOISI:L i'Ki7i; Sjiii llciinjii .ui'I Ilcniy OieenStockholm Dr. Kmilio K<:t:n\ iieig chiiini'Mi, will hi' jsMsted by CO-winnu" of the J'lVl Nobel Piw Mines. Harold Siegol, table setin Physics with Dr. Owen Cham- ting; Delrnnr Klein and Arthur berlain of the United States, is the Epstein, decorations; and. D. B. second American Jew to win recog- Kpstein, luncheon. nition in 1959 by the Nobel FounBaby sitter services will be dation. The first one was Dr. Arthur Kornberjj of California, co- available for this event. wimier of the 1059 Nobel Prize in medicine for a study of enzymes. 1'AKTV T O ( ; K M : B H A T K CIIAKTEIC

FIIAKCO-ISKAI'X TIES STRESSED KV l'JUCN'CH FOREIGN MINISTER Jerusalem—French ForeiKii Minister Maurice Couve de Murville, in a letter to Israel's Foreign Minister Golda Meir, has reiterated his country's ties of friendship with Israel, declaring that cancellntion of operations in Israel by the Renault company did not r-fleet any change in the strong Franco-Israel tics. Release of the letter by Mrs. Meir was interpreted here .as an indication that both Israel and France were inclined to regard the issue politically closed.

II'.'.VK li"*udliiK.'i this v.x'i

Medical Center, L>uart<.\ CM]., wit revealed tlu; ua-s of Hi.? fii-Jt syii present tlie churler to flu? Omaha Korf"'? f>i N/i/,un.*th in Z.'KW year chapter, AIKD coming for the own' tlie tlis(!oveiiy of a hidden liottsa '('(!'.• C)ifiali;i Chiipler. MUrael will be Mrs. Lillian Segal of St I^raycr in W[;.^( (I'.'riii.iiiy a n d r Women will bold u dessert lunch' Louis, Mo.. Director of Auxiliaries j u r i e d iiifjin in ii Moscow s.mumil, Wednesday, November JS 3 KeijioM V. MIZK.K'UI 1H0SSKUT


Tlie Omaha Chapter of the City of Hope will receive its chartei at a cocktail party at the Blackstone Hotel, the evening of November 17. Ben Horowitz, Executive Director of the City of Hope National 1G JEWISH MEMBERS IN PROVINCIAL I'AKMAMENTS Johannesburg, (JTA)—Sixteen Jewish members.of tlie provincial parliaments were returned to their posts in provincial council elec tlons throughout South Africa, in a quiet elect ion free of any "Jewish issues" or anti-Jewish propaganda.

no.l specialists in storage, packing, local and long-distance moving

1535 N O . SADDLE CREEK ROAD Tirad of Your Old Mink Stole? So Many Yesrt -ffie Same Stylo? W« (iav> m«ny nm exciting (t/lti in which you will look much difUr. «nt. Our nanis II vyall-Vnawn In town. Juit atl< ygilr (rftndi about Manhtlmar workmanthlp.

Htl«l)J.Hf>«mt|w. I li li }m

Call Jerry Krupinsky

W» Ara R.a»»Mbl«, Tool

For frt* Citimatn and frempt tcrrlu

Ctril K I 0)41 for a F r a « Ettlnota

Change Wash DAYS MINUTES witha modern ELECTRIC DRYER

Fur f t»tog« % Complct* Far Strvleiag

Leave all th« drudgtry of laundry - lugging and clotlif*-i>inninj» behind. An electric dryer if such a convenience—in any weather, at any hour, you can have soft, ficiii clothes, icady to fold and put away or damp dry for ironing. And you'll enjoy year? of trouble-free sei vie: with an clcctn'c dryer because of it» simple construction and minimum number of p,iih It costs an average of only $1.08 ,i month to dry clothes tin; modem, elixtik; way. You can actually O|»CKitc your diyi-r for two to four nn the money you save on the purchase piicc alone. An electric dryer It clean and safe a t oloctrlc light! A twist of a Hwitch sends suns!iine-|>uic radiant heat through the gently tumbling clothe*. Kvcry load of clothes comes out springtime fresh and clean—white clothes stay white and colors sparkle bright. An electric dryer It fast. An IB-pound load oi wet cottons dries thoioughly in 26 to 30 minutes in any I'lccl.ric dryer. You'll find your dryer keeps pace with oi "itayj ahead of your automatic waihrr. NEW SPACE AND MONEY-SAVER A combination electric washer-di ycr taUi't up little space .ind costs less than two sep.uatfi Saves work, too Just load it, set a dial—and take out clothing ready to iron or put away. Ask your dealer to show you one of these new combination units.

Electric Dryer GUARANTEE

of Satisfaction You .vill be completely satisfied willi your nrw I W I I K dryer rider 'M dayj or you will get your inon' y bark, T!ii.i unifjtic fjuar.intcc applies to my new electric dryer purchased from a Ncbrasl:a-Iow.t I',lc<:tric(il Council dealer between October Hi and November 30,-1959, and installed on Onialm I'nblic Power District linca.

Choose your electric dryer from theso dependable national brands: Bladllon* — Coronado — Eai/ — Frigldalro — Stnaral EUclric — Hofpom* — Impirlll K«lv!nator — Konmors — Maying — Norgs — Philco-B«ntll« — RCA Wh!tlpo»l Sp«»df Qutan — W»irmghoui» — Wl««rd.

Buy your Guaranteed clocfric dryer from a doafor-mombor of th* Nebraska-Iowa Electrical Council, located In tho territory sorved by iha Omaha Pesblh Power Bhtrkt*


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