November 20, 1959

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X K X V I I . S » . Ill

'1 e . t i y I i l i l i v Ml N'o M, I.t'W.i-.l.u, r i i o n u JA

OMAIf \ ,

Youth Council to Conduct Thanksgiving Service at

M ISK \ s l l \ ,


\ o \ I.MIII.I

J I'i I'l.loi I'o I.II'C I'ttitl at


.stride Copy lOCcntu Aitnuu! Itate ite 4 Dollars

^ L_£Vin Pfiimouc

#*»% «•


"i- 11 LJ

Beth Israel. Wednesday Nightj A u t h o r TO TalK M e r e Writer to Kick-off Program of Month

Twenlv-fmji hush school Mil fit-ills "ill p.u hcipate in the nineteenth annual Youth C o u n c i l r i'liiinUsi;i\iiiL' SLM\ u f s ut lieth Isr.icl .S> lucogue Wednesday, November 28, nt H p in. The hri\ii.v> will hi* conducted I'lilncly liy members of the Youth Council. It was announced by ils piesident, i:<h*.in Sidnran, who will offer a welcome frum Ihe oiganlzution to the gathering. l.i-.uinc Trosl und Uuddy Marcus, co-chairmen of the e\eni, will juintly preside nt the service Holes in the service will he td :en by; Sam Jileichei Sprrnonrttc. SHUI Knlmnn Call ID worship. Ronnie Mc>ei, Justin Ban Yoiillj Council [irnjcr

Kevn Sh>kcn- .Mali Tovu L a r r y Kirke Ti.inslalion of Mull Toui. Meyer Kevin, noted author, Sarah Milder. Hnicr Uernslein, David Forbes;, Klaine Stciinun, Jo whose latest novel, "l,v<i" h/isl Anne Shnnr Ucsponsi\e rradlng. soiiicd to hest-sellei licii;hls, willi Ned Itloom, Susan Ulocli, Jeff open the Ptum.iiii ol the Month' Wohlner, Oiity Mulnick, Arlenc Gi'Osin.'in, Kiank Cioldhcrg Reud-

John Spil/er Shoma. U d e n Cohen Translation of Shema Simdm H .i s s m a n Closing [» aycr The Youth Council members invited I hen" parents and friends to attend the service which is an Import, nit function of the year. Members of Ihe arrangcmc-nls committee which assisted Leanne Trosl and fiuddy MUICIIH w e Klauu- Slciinun, Mai dee Sokolot and Judy Sherman A social hour will folov. the

Meyer Levin Exhibit In Center Library

lier's, Coronet, The Reporter, Commentary and the New Yorker. He was an associate editor of Es(|»ije and then worked in Holly, wood until the war when he Iiecame a war correspondent. He spent a number of yeais in Israel and Hollywood writing und filming thp story of the Jewish survivors. His stirring film "The Illegals" is the only surviving record of mass immigration of Jews from behind the Iron Curtain to a new home in Palestine Compulsion, another of Mr, Levin's fume making novels topped nil fiction lists for m;vny weeks, went on to become a Broadway play and one of the maior molevin tion pictures of lD'iit, attracting serii'i, Sundaj. November li'.) at wldcsptcvid attention uc at 8 P m. Belli Kl Organizations Coiiilnni" !)fforts The Program of the Month SeThe series VMIS ai ninKf'd as part ot the cultinal and educational ries is piesr-nted hv tin* Jewish prn^rani of the Jewish Community Center

Tl«" tollovuiii; hooks v. i it I en hv Mejer Levin aie now on ibspla> at the Jeuish CninmiinilN Coiiler»ary. Compulsion The Diary of Daud S Ko^an Uvii The Golden Mountain If I Forfii*! ThixIn Search Kilihut/ liuchenwald Mj Fulhi'r's Kuuse The New Krldce The Old Hunch seiiKe The Story of tin- Jewish Way or Life The Story of the Synnsmjiie S i l c ol S t - i t c n l [si.iel liana's in Yehudii New Yoik lliigadirr Cieneial f i v o . i l r i O i n . i h i I JI HiV.l passed the On di.splay also is a lecordIli-Vt'lopiiii-nt of Kealisin David Sainon (haiiman ol Radio SHOU'io m i i k this w . n , I ' l i m inn of the music tor the film Clitics have descnbt'd Mr. Kei Cotpoiatlon ol Amelu.i, icceived "My r.i1hei'<i House.' which in in IJii'x-il _\I i ' l i n h e i , ; s a i d " A s «,is piodiieed in Israel Othei lvin's works as limdmarks in the it I I s u i t 01 ( l i e MIC < . ' s ^ l u t i l i n n e i j Ihe IVnai li'nth's I'lesident'.s MedIxioks u i it ten b\ Meyer [ j ' u n development of the ic.ilislic novel w i t h I • )ii If K i - i s ' - i l i i n , ' . W.-i-lini ;- ial in K-riignitiun nl Ills "ciealive j i;euiiN in luglii'i' ('oiiimiiiiii .iti'in ' are Citizens. Krankie and His novel, "I'X'a" which reviews Ion ( . o n o . i t i - . t , v.( , u e u e l l o n o u i advancing l;iuiw(eds;e and. un-i .lohnnie I repiililisheil a.4 The w a y t o ext'H'd'ui;', la-.t y e a r ' s l e r - 1 have acclaimed for tin- author's ! deistaiulint; bi.'iv'.i'en men and na- V'oiiili; Loversi and Ke()orter, 01 'I c a m p a i g n . " h<- a d d e d . famous vivid and powerful style ol Ai Ihe .Sunday dinner at the IItiotls " storytelling, has captured the inlil.-ickstone Hotel. Mr. Key.serling j terest of a world-wide rendini; Saiil "Israel's economy is -increasing in gross national product a I public. (i i i t e hi -In i Ih in t h it o t inv IleeoKmtum <>.» un <uitlwn came f <KIII11 \ HI i i t l i i id • ol t h • l i o n to Mr. I.evin, u nnllvc- of Chlcfigo, in li u n b o i ( i n t m i lilt l o l i ol in the Unities Ills book 'The Old fil tcl H i n d s in M m i< l u e i e n i e n l Hunch" published In T)'i7 is conis p n a m o u i i sidered a classic of Ameileanr e m b e i i ; s u d [>l H I S H I HOW IK Jewish Life, An eiKhteen-year-old 1 ii • o b . i i v u u e ol lii'i.h P.ool. tluouith dheise media A special graduate of the Unlieisity of Chiim; compli ti d foi t h - a n n u a l IUC. flionds of the Isiael Gov- Mould vhich opi us llni I I id iv c italo'jue explaining tha purpose cago, he was star ivportei in 1928 t-inmenti IJI> on Doiembei 0 un- will be hi 'lih hlid in Omaha b> ol the e\hilnt hnf been prepaied fot the Chicago Daily News when der the Ieadeislnp ol Ailbui Colin u special displ i\ on 'Ihe liilile in he left to become ' the first AmerCommunity Invited 'Ihe aunuil Ifanukkah Festtv il at the I unr'U.iKe of Ai I in the lobbv ienn Chalut?" to Palestme Members of the comimiiiity are tlw Bli'lcslom Hold Denmber ot Hie Icnish ( (/ininututy Centei Wrote I "or >Inffn7lni"» Some foi t\ volume^, outslandiiif! invited to the display at the 1 ! will <huii\ tho dim- foi Oiiuexample-, of hooks and lepioduc- Cenlei us well as ni which Ii i nnd Count il Bluffs Mr I CMii his wuttcn foi m inj uicliiilhiK the SutuitUy tmns o{ tin- hiblc In tin IIIIKUIIKC IAOIIIIU; 1'usl Cosmopohtim, Colol art aie pail of thii. c\luhit, Hen Kaslow leuish IJducation 1 Hitioiu chaiim in said

Bonds Pass $110,,000 Gen.

Sarnoff Honored

Center Opens Jewish Boole Month V/Ifh Forty Volume Display of 1 "Bible in She Language of Art

Tunisian President Galls Nasser 'Plotter

unis Pu&id'iit II ihili lioiu guiha of T i i m . i i s u d I n n t i n t ' \ b u l Ts'assi-r plots anil b i s not l e i s e d to i n t i i g i i e ' I h e Tunisi in l e i d u \ . a s quoted in in mti i i w with i special (.oilLspmdi nt ul the l u n c h langua ;e II w p ijiei L O I K HI ' I ilili of \ oussi flsin" \I Liomguilit . i i d How c m we b i t e i p i e l his f i i M I ' S I n ictioii t h e d iv ifd i tin .pi 11 h I ni I'le lit Mctlioui 11 on c m b i l i ( v e I h " . J K I . o( the p u s md of Ihe I,g>pliall ladM, m j v.oid., , \ u t . those ot a frcni:h agent. And aft e r having created t h e fable of Yoiissefisin, what is hi'! goal tod a y ? To provoke an uprising by c e r t a i n member.-; of the Algerian insurgent N a t i o n ,i I Liberation Front. •

Seeks Vvuct: (III a speech at Met'aoui near Tunis on November 1, President IJoruguiha said Tunisia, on condition that her sovereignty be respected, "will back the Algerian cause with the utmost energy, whatever the consequences, with the aim of building the (Arab West) and cooperating with France and other nations in peace' and freedom). .Speaking of Salah hen-Yiussef, •flic Tunisian politician condemned to denth by Tunisian courts for plotting against M. Bourxuibii and ills government, and now n resident In Egypt, the Tunisian president said he hnd never asked Nasser to hand him over. But Ben-Vous.sef'a departure (Continued on Page 4)

Veterans Will Hold Thanksgiving Dance

Love fur IHIUf* The uwpii.itlrin loi the shoving was In* itutcd "I.ove foi the Bible, the Book of Books, which lias been expressed in m a n y wa>s - m drama, SOUK stoi\ and legend, and not the least of .ill m Ihe 1 ui(;u.ii;e of ait ' He udded that through'the ;IKI •> at lists ha\o found the Hook ol Books a source which inspired tli'm's loi .it 11 •, 11 c ci t i l ion md tl> it the Bibli his lundlod theli •in itjiiiiition whkh thev cxpiosscd

Denier Plans flew Ed. Classes The.' Physical Kducatioti lj t ; partment at Ihe .Ii.'Wisii Coinuuinity Center is plaiinin}; classes in wrestliiK;, nidi's f.\ercisi.', additional women's slim!iastii:.'i and hoy's handball. .IVrsoiw iutei'(;sted ill these Iiopul.'ir nn.'.'is of physical education are urend to contact Seymour Scitehick, depiivtmciu director at JA i.'iOO because the or[;aiiiz,'iflon of each clnss will depi'nd upon the number of recistrants. The followini: schedule is'bcInf; considered: Wrestlin!:--Sunday afternoon for hoys in .school. Handball—Sunday afternoon for boy.'i in cclinol. SlimnaHlics—Tuesday ni(;ht for women. Kxorcisc class--Til e .'id n y nijihl for lnisincKS men.


•/ewlsli Iliiiik Month

I psldii Moigan Post No 2G0, Jewish War Velernns of the Unitid v ites will hold its annual Votei HIS lhanksgiviin; Dance, Snturdiv niKlit November 28 at Peony ['iik Billioom l\v.- occasion i guioial sociul evening for members, will fcuture Dick Wiclunan mid his orchestra foi dinting 'Iickels aie 'il 25 per [ici sun and m iv be p u i c h u i c d it Ihe doni Tlu> organization's regular fund raising event—annual yearbook, will come around January 1, it was announced.

Wife Is Prominent French Novelist

l'hv Mi-\i'i l.e.m 1 Miuly has amil hei » 111in ; 'i» in'iei |iiominenl in her own iii;ht as H well knnwii I'Yeneli novelist. Sbe is Tereska Terr-'S, wife of Mr. Levin, whose books are also an international success. The. novel, "The Golden Cage." written by Mile. Terres, and just off the press, wns U mslvtod m o I »^!i-,l\ h% Iwr Illlsll Itld

The Levins weie married in Israel nfter the war and have lived alteinutcly theie and In this cotintty with their four thildien Community Center -n coopciation wlfh Beth K| Syiingofjue, B'noi B'nth lodges and Chapters, Beth Isinel .Synagogui* Omaha Chaptei of Ifadassdli Temple Israel and the YounR Adult Council, Earl Siegel, Adult IJducation Committee Chairman, announced Admission to the series which will consist of five lecture and concert piograms is fiee Lou Canar, Center Committeo Chairman, staled that the combined effoils of the coopeiating organizations, has made it possible to ui ing to Omaha programs of tremendous interest IJctli Kl Dinner Ueth VI Synagogue members and their wives will attend a dlnnei honoi ing Mi Levin at 6 30 p m on the evening of his appeal mice >U the sjniKORue Tho duinei sponsoitd by the Men's Club, will he prepared ami served by the Sisterhood. It is $5 per couple. Reservations may be made, with the synagogue office, GL 3221 or Jerry Freeman, RK 2217, > :'.-.

has many books in Um realm anil related .subjects available. As in many communities, Jewish Book Month is observed by IIitJewish Cominuiiily Center, and is expected to be marked here by synagogue activities and organization programs. As in previous years, Jewish Book Month will note Ihe anniversaries of the births and deaths of a number of Jewish .scholars, historians, pools, rabbis, philosophers and touchers'. Among those to be honored are the noted Hebrew poet, Huyyim Nnham Hlallk, on the 25th anniversary of his death; Ilabbenu Gcrshmn, medieval scholar, who ivus horn 1,000 years aj;o; Judah Abarbane), Iberian philosopher, born ill -1459; and Isaac Baer Levinson, .grammarian and fmvnnt who died a century ni(o.

Israel hit n. big time high in magazine coverage when [our prominent national m a g a •/. ines wenl to press reci/nlly. The tnaga/ini'S cany colorfully illustrated accounts on Israel by well known authors. Tourism ill Israel i.s the cover story in the current issue of Holiday. Ilecognitlon of the many tourist attraction!; are given in a story by Robert. (Inives In its December edition, lieauliful phut<>• ;ra[ilis hy Arnold Newman showing many aspects of Israeli life ,'ind of the Israeli pen'pli.1 illustrate th(! lciiglhy tribiiif. Leon Viis, ut "l-'.xodiis" f-.inii- ui an iirlicle in Look. Inils Israel as

the "firmest democracy i n ' t h e middle east." He writes that the . impact of the country during a. visit this year was even more overpowering than he hart found it jn JOHfi when lie collected material for "Exodus." Isovcmbcv's isswc i>[ Tvavel \n an article on "Kternal Israel" describes the country us a small area housing the most .sacred aspects of religion for Jews, Catholics nnd I'liileslanls.

"An African in Israel' i.s the. subject ol Die pictorial piece in Kliiiny. l1ln'>l<*f»r:i|)lJS. show the life of ii Ghana .vmilh who is studying imtimy ut. U«> ll"Uv;'\v UvAv^-T' Jerusalem. ,



Omahana In the News

FrMay, November 20,



JAY M. MALASHOCK F u n e r a l services wer« held JOINT IXSTAIXATIOV k P u b l i s h e d L A c r j I " i l d . i \ b s 1 1 K J « u i * i i I t <]• i.11•< n u f O m . t l i n .' 1. Itiisi iililuin lias IK i n Jhuifad.iv aftcMiinrin lit 'Jimple J - r o i l 1OI M. M DAKA.NS Annual SLD " i p r en stvL -ci t t i) iniccl t o the I H W I ) m a t i d pos i.u-1 foi Ia> M Mdliishodi, til A jmnt 111M11II ition (eieinoiiv fur Pcbllcollon Of( ce—1C1 f o n 'in c j ( ] l ( o r |nf r l n e d n i (i( .idviilisiiiM and p u b - piesidint of the Malnshock Jew(MRS ) FRANCES KL1 IN all nevvlv elMlrd offueih of the . I I K I U of t h e Wootlnn n of Hie pliy Companj Mi Mali^hock of I W01 Id Life Iiisuianie Soiiely M i . i l i Noith 71id stieet, died TUPS Young .Inddca elubs will be hdrl 'Itosenbliim who has be< 11 with t h e dav In a local hospital on Sundav, IJecembd 6, lit 'I V) Surviving die his wifo, Hulh, p m Ht the Jewish Commvimtv i»if!<im/iitinn foi A9 >ean>, pievVII friends anil rilallves are lously d n e c t o i of public rela- sons,, Dr. I,dwaid M, Di Stanley I Invitei) to utti nil s«r\lces nnd tions J. and Robert A.; sister, Jlra. Wil- Cenloi. Clubs will hold separata liam Safeistein and seven gr.ind- business meetings piftedinn th« g a m / a t i o n ful M v e i l s , pieviolis inslallalion eluldien all of Omaha. was d n e c l o i of public relations II\KK\ in As pail of a (ommumly keivue ilic H 11 Mii/vah of lfdirv 11. the dlh, Till and 81I1 Hurtun KiiblnKiin of H O Peet HVM.W .MOKTKII.IJI A cable lejmrtmg the death of grade Vounj; Judaea gioups enN nun sun of Mi .mil Mis David & Co, returned last week from III, wheie he attended then falhei, Hyman Morlfleld, leeled ?218 21 foi UN'ICI F on Kiudniiin will be cdebi.ited at 1e 4:41 |i. m. V o ncp-Siindcis Investment Sunday in l^ondon, J'ti^lund, has Odobei Jlsi I the Belli Isi.iel Sjn.ik'og loniKht " Tmsi .Seminar He was selected been received by Mis Henry Appel, |nnd S.Muirl.iy niuinlnir. B'NAI JACOB lo talk on Investment 'Jrnst Sales Beth Isiael Sisdihood president VKSIIIKON and Mis MOM IS Wiseman Mr .it onp of the sessions Now is the time for KOsALIM) IIOHIJV Services at K 11,11 Jacob-Ao\isMoil field visited in Omaha in •b HIM 10 U»l • Baib.ii.1 Jlenog, d<iUKhl(M of Ycilmion will bejrin Kntli> at Jut k \V. Miirer hits- been ap l'fiti Ml and Mi-* living HeivoR. will 4 ^ ] j m and Satin il.iy morning AIM) stiivivinK me In*, wife and pointed to the bo.ud of tiustces «t 8 30 .1 m with Mincha a t 1 'I") obsone hei Ris Mil/\.ih and J{o->a- of Children's Mernonnl ffospiliil no olhei <)aiif;htcts in lind Hoidj, d,iti);hter of Mr. iind p ni followed by Sh.ilosh S ourios Re-elect((i weie Kiliwiri! Sbnftou, DATE-NUT ROLL V Daily set vices lit 6 TO a in and Mis Bordy, will observe secreldi-j «nd tuistee and Ulilmril hci Bas Mit/\ah ni Heth ITI Sjna5 00 p m Finieial seivices weie held No-1 to come to the aid of Fllller, tifdsuiei l,oj;ije 1lus fipniiiK am) S.itindjy vemher VI at Ciusb>-Kiinold mor-1 the party! inoitiini; tuary for ].eo Adler, d2, of 6114 j TKMPI.K ISKMA, j Western Avenue who died No-1 CUkrt. , . marie SI'IMCCS will be hi Id ibis Fnilav A1I.KI.N IIIMMi:iMI\.V ttilfi <ri>p clik. ky V ember 10 at Temple Isiael at SI") p 111 PIUNCKS slUUKIt W A l n u t l anrl I he S 11 r v 1 v 1 n v, (11 e vv ife Nellie, ]I\NKI.TH-UX Ni:\\S Kdbbi Sidnc\ H Biook will offinDr and Mis A G daughter, Mis stu.ul (JoldbeiK «le Tlie Kabliih seimon vv ill be \ A l i s | T J I,K\(il'K unnouncp the Bas Mit/vnh of then Lincoln, one gi.inilchllrl, d biother, ' What Kefoim lews w.iill to know urn packed Icr ptfAilun, and Mi and Mis Aflei Ihiee weeks of pi,id lee Hen, Omah.i and sisleis, Mis Jaek f e t frrtrincMl nnd D o ' sessions the V.iisily le.i^ue moved A) Shuer announce the Bas Mil/London, Mis Heiimm Phllipson Put in J j u p p l / , , , P1101 to the ^elvlce Hie (on^'ievah of their daUKhtei, Frances at into their pie-season K.iines 011 Dallas, Tex Eution will IJC liostt. Fii(].i> at it Trid.jy eve- Wednesday November IHth Lindy Bctb Kl 6 10 p m dinner foi all families m n N l l l r n , , 1 M J 7 l l ) rimi S.Hin Paiil'h tejm pla.ved I'd Belui'ade'k MKS. LOUIS I'ATZ Drum* ilur> -M U.irn and the 1-ustn 11 len's plaved W h o h . . \ e ] o i n « i l h f lemplecluiinst 1 1 ) % „,„,„,„,, N ( ) V c m b c l '-'Hth NeWh has been leccrved of tin the Itohmson'h On Wednesday, the past >eur death, Sunday, of Mis Louis Pat/, Shiibbis nioiniiiK spmrps will Novcmbei J">th the I'UIII'H VMII lieuln .it 11 .i0 a in with R.ibbi meet the Robinson's and IJelsiade's of Mission, K.uis, u foimer Omnium Brooks officiating will (jo tiRainst LnstRaitens She was the daughter of Mrs VO1 Til C( The IlrliRioii*- School Cliou tin-J M Blank and sistei of Mis. Hy <Jei the direction ni Mis>s lila (»lt- . New Yolk Vouth Council teams have com1ITA1 A studv Shner, both of Omahu Also sin] l n will MHK the nnisicl poi lions ;u 1|)<?J nhcjf p l o l ( , s l < l r ) 1 ) C.HIKIIK pleted two pie-season K.imes and VIVIIH: .ire her husband, nnd a son will play then final pi net Ice games of the service Dan L, of Mission and Jewish schulaih mi(;lit enK.IKC in a continuous "dialogue" this S u n d a y , November 22nd Seivices weie held 'lue-da> in BKTII EI< AZA No 1 meets P.ajim and K»ns is City, Mo on theological issues \v.i& proposed Sen ice-, at B< th Y\ AZA No 100 plays A Z A No hi'ie by Di Jarsalov Pehkan of will begin this evennif; .it S 15 the Divunlj School of the Uni- 1000 Iteuular season pl.iv com- fv/jass. +O P u b l i c i z e p m H.ibbi Knnkes sennon topic lv of Die Lnthcian m e m e s o n Sundav .Ndvunbei 2'lih uill be -Some Hooks and Some ,,,,„, New Anti-Bias Law m<uip ]m |oposnl ut Minni/r LKAC.I K pTOple ' I mini \..ion I I-d^rj,, diicrlor. of In 1,1111 ' liosluii 1I T A i 'I In 1 M . i s i i l n l Midget lea^ueis hive ami the Hdh 1 1 - . m w t h o i r | t h p N f l , , ( < ) I l f o , o n r c o f r h n s . piaclice scisions \sith iw i r i d i - l s i l t s ( ^ i n n i n ^ s i o n A , ' n n s t D I M 11 will icndei the musieil P"'""^ 1 , , a i l s , in(i dates bhovvini; up foi the fust two m m a t i o n I 111111 h i d <i < i m p , n i ; n t o of the set vire needs confronu- piaclice sessions '1 he hovs aie e d u c a t e t h e p u br l i c iiil t h e s t a l e s S.ibb.ilh niDi n n^ strvicr-s will lion with Jiidiism." Dr. Pelikan e \ | c n - i v e f u n d . i m r n l d l j new f,nr hoiisiii|. l.ivvbe^'in at '» !0 'I hi- |unioi Conprc-' s,ud • iiy this J do not uie.111 only d u l l s ,ind IcMininu t h e b a s i c m o v e - r J'iftv' d e l e g a t e s o f 2 0 01^,1111/(1MONUMENTS Ration sci vice bi cms .it 10 fl-i i.i I the piofound motal Hull) D1.1t the i n c i i t s of t h e g a m e I-Mfi in t b e j turns ( o n e e i n e d w i t h civil n i » h l « In the Jewish Tradition Mincli.i-M.'iaiiv sen ires will se.iKon t e a m s w i l l be f o i m e d foi [ p i o g r a m s m e t w i t h W A D n i f n i I litMtinrnl of Jews it. one of the i ' o u t t i n i e r s i ' i i i l r i h o p i n t i l' ( I I held at 4 45 p m hem to disi us developments of the l ! ) I K l V l l l l C ' S O f " Y i l l l l ' / I ' l t " . H O t l l C plav leMs of Cluiblianily ,and a test in I till' l]OI s M r ; t l l , l \ ( I r ih o I l l i n i l (I The Sunday nioimnj; set wee is which the Chustian peiformancc new plivale lumsint; low whirl) 'be at 9 d m Seivices became effedlve last July" " P.ilioni/e Our Adveitiseis has been pool I flKo the JJIOWe «r« known for our exdctinq wick nre held at 7 .1 found ifliKious and (I1polog1a.1l Hebrew lettering end detail pm You may placo your confidence irufh that whenever Christ idn in ui knowing etch detail and thoufj'it loses touch with JudaATTEND THE BKtll ISICAKI. tradition will be adhered to ism, it loses touch with a pdit of llabbi Bcni.imin Gionei, I'anloi EPSTEIN-MORGAN POST, J.W.V. with ufmotr care and iktll. i itself Whenevei in Chustian hisEli Beth Isiael < hon willl toi> Chiisti.iiiit ted Hero you drill dlrecily with the conduct late Friday evening servI5fh Annual ouni'm Wo ptrnill nil untimeices at 8 p m Tiaditionnl Knd.iy then ties with the ancient people ly Mllll'ltllllrill . . , Ciill UK lor of God they ha\e been impovcvcnini; services ( Shnbnnnolntininl nt vour i rmsi nlrntc bosj Ijefiin at 4 45 p m S.ibbalh enshed in both faith and miderstandniK " Junior SATURDAY NIGHT — NOVEMBER 28 KK al 10 a m llabbi Buenos Aires> — Celebrationj. Peony Park Ballroom Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 4 15 p m Sabbath Minclui maikini; the 70lh annivemaiy of Get Ticketi From Membtri or at Door 3213.15 "Q" St. Frank Renno at 4:45 p m followed by Sholesh Moifcesville, the flist .Jewish agnM 25 cultunil colony here ar Open Sunday 2-5 S'eudos and Maimv | m conducted Dally services nt 7 a m nnd 5 p m. Sunday morning services be- I—"Omoha1* Travel Service" gin at 8 45 a m followed by U bieakfiist nnd Habbi's class in Bible. Sunday morning Junioi MmELECTRIC WIRING yan, followed by bieakfast staifs HEAT REPAIRING ai 8 30 a m The Talmud Di-cussum Kroiij) innLs e\n\ 'Inisd.n fvtnuij.' at I 6 V) p ni

Bar and Bas Milzvah




Center Sports


Center Proposed for Inter-Faith Study

Veterans Thanksgiving Dance

Omaha Monument Company



220 Volt JfouAeipou/er


Protestant Bible School in Israel .•The l.Ki'aH-AineriiMii Instiluti , (if Biblical Stiirlies a P r o l e s t a n l • foundation, h;is Vjeoo uponcd ;it t h e : Inslifiito's premises in .Ii'rusalem j Sixteen g r a d u a t e s of .Arn'-rirJiri ! coljej^es ;in(i tlieolf/^ric.'tl .scnliiirtries, ' h r e f of lhem \votiKn. arc takini; ' the 1 I n s i i t u t e ' s first vi>;m o n t h course. The I n s i i l u t c has reci'i1. eil in- > rnJiri«?s rrj-C*'rflin^' [i;irlicii);iiion in { Hi*1 iVjursp1; ivom Japun, living' Kong. A u s t r a l i a , .North Africa. • Piikistan. rjermnny and X o r e n y . :

Dedications A monument will he derlie.'ited • •fo the memory of Hen A. Z.jrin-1 thy, Sunday, November 22 aUO:''0 i .a. m. at. Golden Hill Cemetery, j U;ihbi Benjamin Groner ;inti Can- j lor Kli Ka^an wil) offiointe. ; Friends and ••relatives me invited I to. ctlend. . I

and EUROPE! Idea Hy planned fours to Israel during iho sunny winter months— and on to Europe at the height of the social season.

r\r k


Kosher Meat. Mar&et & Delicatessen WA 5554

4415 CUMfNG

Family Plan

o c

Di c-erlurr Ddlfri

1959: Dec. 22 1960: Jan. 19, Feb. 9, 23, Mar. 9 Si*y in luflcl may be extended and European itinerary th A need, allowing independent return. Attractive Tour Folders AvaUoble For Further Information and Rcicrvafioni

BOCK TRAVEL AG1MCY Su'iic 424 — Farnam Bldg., Omaha 2 , Nebraska LOUIS EtEERT — Co-Oy^ncr, Mgr. Telephone JA 5874

Order Your Holiday Foivl flow TURKEYS GEESE


Special Thanksgiving Delivery Call Tuesday for Wednesday


FritUy, Xotrmbrr SO, IMS

"We ;iir g r a t c f i! I lo tin' wonun of our C')iinnunily v.ho so urui.'ioii.sly f.:;nt> of their 1nn<\ liiboi', nviiify iiurl h ii n (I in n (1 <• iirlicli'N which ni.ide the l'Vil1'1','Hion of .Invisli Women's iiuoih

it success lit


l e d Stocking" Couturieres Busy Checking All Costumes

Bazaar Chairmen Thank Donors





20,000-Ton Israel Tanker Launched


JIombuiT..' I.ITAI Mrs. Rose Halpriri, acting chairman ui Ihr Jewish Agency, officiated at the JannchinK of a 20,000-1 on oil tanker buiJt. for the Israel merchant marine. The new tanker will he operated by the Zim-Iwael Navigation Company.

WA 2442 675 No, 50th


Children's Memorial Hiis|)Hal lia/iuir. "We lake this iiusins of tlinnloiif; everyone for Hie f>• 111 pliiyed in innkini! this I'Vilenition booth OIK! of 1 he l>, "MthouKh tlie Ho.spilnl Tia/.iar Committee is iiiuhle to arknow led^e packages which wore sent In without ldentilici• ion, its members would like evi'jy contributor lo know .ill such Rifls helped m.iko the ba/<mr a success ' Mis, Kincsl A Nnyif Mrs, Hubert Sommei" Co-chairmen.





Specializing in Undervalued Securities and

Special Situations


Leah Pfeffer To Be June Bride

Jills) ,irr.ui|;lii|r eosliinii'S fur the ensl of "Ited StnchlilKH '.")!)", on the theatrical calendar fur December 1«| iiml 2ml n( die 1'itrnnuiiinl '[lieiiter :ne ( on licit CoiilnriereH, Mrn. Miiymird <irccnlier(,', (left) mid Mrs, lit" illicit Ciilin, 'lieltets may he jmrcliiiMcil lit II(is|ic'«,

Mrs. Newman Heads B. & P. Benefit Mis


.Julius Newman has been

n.imid chairman of the Kund i •using beliefil

to be guen

by the

Business and Piofessional Womens (Jiouji of Iliid.issnh on Wcd, nesdav the

evening, December



!> lit

Mr. and Mrs. Sam ShraKO of hns Angeles, Col, announce the birth of a son, Aliehael Allen on November 7. They <iko have a daughter, Irene, Grandparents, ale Mrs IMlier (iDldbcrf;, I.os Anijeles and Mis. Max Shi'tiK" of Omaha. Mr Shrapo is a former Omahan.


FURS Fornam at 36rh

Members Mew York Stock Exchange and Other Principal Exchangei

Those Beautiful

1801 FARNAM WSbster 4555


Palrorii/c Our Advcrlisprs

Every Portrait a Precious Gift..

- . • > • - . •




When Captured So Enchantingly by


Mr. and Mrs Alan Simon have Kivi'n the niniu1 of Janice Ann to iniin. their daughter, born November 13, (itandpijrcntti are Mr. and Mrs Aii.ingements aie being made Leon Gieenhouse ol Philadelphia, . . . v.,ik.n It i i a special for a new t\pe of party which Pn. and Mr. <ind Mis Lester Snnon holiday portrait will begin at 7 p in and which of Omaha. ' of your family will include games, refreshments and other fr.iluies. i)ori>i,i;-i)i:<iii;i(s The committee working on therou Tier AVIV affair consists of IM.ICI The I),in Hits l'oo|ieiaMines I Mud Bcckci, Ho liiook- l i w liiis decicI'Ml to Iry .1 dimhle I slcin, 1 DLIDSIU, 1 >.i\id Ciei nbcig. decker bus in Tel Auv lo see it il . 817 So. 36th HA 1044 Alice Heeger, Julia Jacobs, Jean Is sint-ible fur i;en"i-il semci1 Miss l.enll 1'fcffcr K.iplan, n, W. Kawteh, LagMr. mid Mis. Oelok Pfeffei man. (Jiacc Lenk, Al.nks Long, h»vr announced the enpinement Josef Major, (Icrlriide Mo/er, Jenof their daughter, Miss I<eah. to nie Rosenblatt, diaries Ross, Iska A/3C Nenl T. Melden, son of Mr Rotliol/, Philip D .Schwartz, Fan«ml Mis, David Melden of West ny Sheiman, Louis C, Kobrm. Ann Covinji, Oil. The couple is plan- Soskin, Joseph Wolf'on, Marian OANTONESI Ynwitz. lung H June wedding. APPETIZER! Miss 1'fefler uttends the Uni- Misses Klaine Aienson, Hesse versity of Oinnhii. Her finnce, n Blank, Myrtle Kieeinan, Lee former student at the Oioulnanls (iienbeig, Rena Gi-oss, Kosella Art Institute in Los Angeles. (*nl, Handler, Mildred Levy, Uoiothy is now stationed at Offutl Air Hoserithnl, Ida S'pmig, and Julia Koieo Hiiie. Zilkcr. Miss l A c l j n Levy is her co-ehair-

John Kalina

DONALD JACK Photography Candid Wedding Photographen

Call RE 0233 Temporary Location flf CENTER—'.2nd »nd Cenf«r

Look What's Happening Here!!! B'nai B'ri+h Women's Council of Omaha

"Carnival of Fun"

'Carnival of Fun' Sunday, Blacksfone

SUNDAY — NOVEMBER 22 — 7:30 P.M.

Abruhmson, Elliot Browh, Burton Dune"The Carnival of Knn", the mm- (,ld vit/, K'url frtlbvrn, Moyncird Flnkle, MarOcrtM>r, Marvin GIMntky, Carl Glvont, hincd fund raishiK event of I heIi vln Mtirmy Golilbfrcf, Hcirold Goodmun, l-lnrry Crtrnhrrg Mtyer Holprln. Stanley Krihn, li'nai H'nlh Women's Counell will j Yale Koulun, Max Klrihenboum, Jerry LehMlllon Loss, Gene Oheroll Herbert bc'Kin on Sunday, November 22 at man, Panmun, Dfn Rllldn, Gcorae Nloer, Al 7 .J ' O |>. in nt the Hlackstonc Hotel. Scheclcr,

The proKinm will he filled with Kamcx for everyone, cake booths, nwa.'ds and many other attractions, Copies t>f the new recipe and Ad book will he available. Trips to Grns&inKer Hotel in New York and the Ilivicra Hotel in I.sis Vc^iis will be awarded. Mrs. Max Krl/elinan is overall chairman of the event. Her committee Includes members of each of the chapters. They are: Henry /^ensky—Umr^ Worrfi Adlfr, Max Colin, Aaron CpHein, Dave f p i t c l " , Chorlci Fl'.htr, Hcrry rnedntdn, lierncjrri Gold'.lrom, JullfJ JotU^, Sum KOinion, Nathan Kaplan. Max Krlictiniin Abe Miller, I'hll OslrovicJi. £om I'ofluk, f-ranl Icl-ar, Monley Sliripiro, Harry '>i<Jrnon Harry Smiln. r.errna V/i ' " Nctj'ro'.kcj f/mi\ Arthur Aljrtirir,, Juitm Buunirl, Abe fkcjr, OtivKJ I l l r l r h ' r Votrr. Franklin Jo'«|/li Ituicr. Al Orurli. I lul l^al fier. Herman Hosrn 1 rf^/riMl Htilwtv, Mm laeVi, I'n'jl 'i<,rV\, Cl tirtrs '.fude'rr, Will,f,ii' itnnp • c-iIV, At / ^ e r l i n t i

Blackstone Hotel Games

Chie,i|'i>, K,i|il;in, .Sliili's the

I.I'I'A '


i li,HIni,HI


-I 'I * - e p h lit*


Coniiiiitii i



4-Day Vacation at Grossingers, New York


3 Days at Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas

portraits of distinction

Call RE 1317

SI.00 Donation

Candid Wedding Albums Formal Bridal Portrait! Children Our Specialty Qualify Work ot puollfy Frlce*

4B29 Dodge W Customer Parking (,•

SU JutuSi^H iiKiai 11:7 till 5'&&&%'ii i\'S ii'i? Si'fi tiii iiiiii'i? ii'i? ii ii ii IKI ii:

"Many People Change to Puritan the Careful, but Few Ever Change Again"

"I lay why not join fhe duke and I for a

Fraternity Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversary

Special Attractions

Sunday buffet?"


Main Dining Room



Year the man who was chiefly responsible for the I'niled Slates imi'ticipalion in the world-wide piiidy of ^fojihysics hy i>S naii(>ns -'•was hoiKiri'd here by tlir inenilii'is of the I'hl ,Sii;in» Delta Fi 11ternily m u h.ui(|tiel wlehraliiit; tho TiOlh iinniveihiiiy of the liiiindln« of the.Fralrrnlly.

10 Convenient Locations Phone ATlantic 1761 •for Route Service

Serving Omaha for Over 50 Years

Pago four

Friday, November 80, 1030


Radio Plea for Emergency Aid

Tunisian President i( li n

>nl n i i i ' l f l u n i M , 9 1 ) tlit

Draws Internationa Response

li \ P v >ill ,nriiilt < u

BKTII 1-.K4I L I N M 1 1 I XI l> i u I P l i i i II i n I ' m ' / m i l I i i i i u t i m of ii MI i mi, (liplom itlr f ' 1 1 o 11 s iii'in I Mi-i I J i i t i l l ' K 1 i iil lointi l oi ni b I w i ti x nl\wn < HI ' "Hrl Tu Th Beth Isi i I In tmii I inihn, fJTAi Somo of tli -M\ Studie-. vlii'h D uft>inu^ ' n i n n i l M i , I K H . K i i i f m i n j r < n s h e uoil 1 outstanding ncuio-surgoon al-> i on 11M f mi nit u t , . 8. sentb of conr~t^ oi MOIK1I\ J iid' liii 1 n ponded to broiidcast plea Mf.mhfi-.oL III t o m m i l K p s from 8 p in to <•> [> in will holl Hie tli< ^ i w m . l . K foi i I I , I M C t i n f u n d s t o , ' " ' " " i n u s l l»' l'"'1(" B fni tmergeiioy aid for an eight Its fir-t session Novimlier if<

Cmdr, AltniBn und an assoctuts arrived In Accra and Immediately examined the injured boy, Raml Kutz. They decided to defer opujmii! H a l i s , . M s pi >„'.,.m of • > " " • • ' « " e a t t e m p t e d aKg. \eai-old Israeli boy who was cri erating until after D8 hours of oh' Courses offeicd ue IK pinners >I d servation. -O.M, uuh.n. md.oscuch .n .Stato « J » h ldgf,iehsions ! " ! f ' - a".which . '!* 5J He'biew tejchei Samuel Stone the UAR tlcally injured in an automobile converscitlonal HPIJIOVV teacher Israel. directs itself." he added. accident in Accra, Ghana Guests at the tea will hear about Avrahdm Malck and Tudiism and JS\ Bouifjuiba Mild TuiiKm s If In i< spouse to a radio plea from the Young Adult tenclier Abraham plans for the Donui luncheon when Ann Landers prominent column- lationship with Iiaq were good the Israel IJmbassy at Accra, the Eisenstein ists will be guest speaker Mil ' because Iiaq at least wishes It no Foieign Ministry in Jerusalem arThere will be no charges or fees Plul Felcini in clianm in started harm and icspects the Hoveriimt} langed for Dr. A. A. Ashkena/i for registration oi tun ion The cost! of the countries with which lum to IK; flown theie. In London Of the text books, vull be the onlj I Q | ( S T U C K TO Sl»h\K lid Cooperated answering the plea from President London fJTA) -The Hoard of Kuauip Nkruma, the Royal Air Deputies of British Jews, express1'oice sent its top neuro-siirgeon, ed its "shock" at the continued relico RK b.M» «o«uC6 Collet <tf Adult Jewish Hi. Jlaivey Jackson. Jn Parii, on ports of mass arrests and harslj Studies will he Or Phillip Starr icceipt of the intercepted appeal prison sentences passed on RuKAUISI KKOOKH TO LM Tl Id. chief of the Childien-. Outpatient from Accra, Dr. M. Feld, out- manian Jews. Breaking its silenca OV "HASIC JUDMSM Service at the Nebmska Psjchia Boston (J1A) Lows •Salch- standing French neurologist took on this subject for the first time, Rabbi Brooks VMII give the fir->t trie Institute Dr Stan will lee nio' Aiuisliong blew his top inoff in a United States Air Force the Board also called on the Ruof a seiies of leciuies on Basic ture on 'The Ideal Marriage", stead of his tl limpet at reports plane All three met in Rome as manian authorities "to reverse this Judaism" Sundiv November 2Ji from Cauo that the I gyptian Rabbi iMjcr Knpke will talk on at 30 a m they awaited transportation to policy and take immediate step* '.Sex and Mamige in Judaism press had identified him as a lead- Accra. to remove the grounds for the reThe lecture is designed for thoie Anjone Interested i<i united to at- er of an Israel espionage probation which their oppressive who wish to furthpi their belief tend. Meanwhile, a Greenville, N. C, measures have aroused throughRelated stories developed that in bisu Judaism und for those Inradio announcer, Charles T. Wells, out the world." Lebanese security authorities had t e r e s t ed in conversion Rabbi F.iKU.YND TO HOI.I) uncoven'd a spj net which was Ji , who intercepted the Accra raThe Board also expressed its reBrook-, will suggest iipproprule Ki'KCIAL, MKETIM. allegedl> working under the cov- dio calls, notified the Israel Em- :ret that Rumania hud suspended reading mateml und will provide A special meeting of Faiband ei of various American aitistic basj in Washington which, in "the humane policy of allowing religious counsel for persons inter- Poale Zion will be held Sundav, ested in exploiuii! tl)i" traditions November 22 at 7 P in at the trobpos touring the Middle I-nst turn informed the State Depart- Jews to emigrate In order to re'Among the leading members of ment. The Department of Defcne Join their families In Israel " of ,Tud u>.ni TcHlsh Community Center Mrs he gang" said one Cairo icport, made airangements for Lt. Cmdr. I'Jarher, members of the central Marion Bondann chairman stnted was the famous Ameiican Negro tvan S Altman, naval surgeon, to 1'IONhHt HOME.V l'h\S I'Olt t was urgent thai ever} member musician Louis Armstrong who l» flown In from Port Lymitey. representative o r g a n i z a t i o n of British -lews had expressed CHILI) KKSCTh Fl'ND DINM- R attend to vote on the convention lecentlv visited Beirut' The retheir ii1 u- as to tho fate lyin.; iu The Pioneer Womons Or(;aiii7 I referendum concerning ' tin* per ports failed to specify what kind ton- fur lliinriiun'-i Jewish LMriition at its regular luncheon meet- capita tax of syiiig AimstroiiR hod done nunlty ing Tuesday, November 2-1 at 12 X Chairmen for the moetuic; are The musician vehement!} dep m at the Jewish Community W m e ! i l M ( j o r e Foibe-. and Max nied the rcpoits declaring that Center will m.ike pi ins for their_ r e mlowit7 Refreshments will be it »as "all Gioek to me and •Vienna MTA i Tlw Austmn Childs Kescuc Fund Dinner to be seived 'junk ' He said the charges ueie Kilicc Httompod and tlu-n JMV,. UJ> held Sunday December 6 at 6 TO i made 'just because I pl.ived m p m at the Centei |<Ol>INN t LI B A piominent or«ini/ inon per ' M r s Leonnd Cheimss vwll enLmbissv here iffus'-il tn is,in- u->Sonahty is e\ptct<'ii to app. n on « - r " » ' memlwrs of tin ( JUMIIS ns to thfi family ;nn) tin? pilot m the dinner pioRiam Club Wedne da> D e c e m b e r J . i t the I I Al pl.-nii; refused to tul;<> Chunmenfoi the Iuisdiv lunch i ' ] 2 "" P m 1' it the (lf( U l t l l till.' lllHvillill!.; p,-|SS011l:i.M-.-i eon ,ne Mines D,\e I pstem Isj Pc«is Hotel Anj >m ibo ml dorc Fin bos md Miv Tern It Mt/ ' u'r"' 1S a ^ 1 1 o C 1 " i n 8 - M '' 'Ilu (;ioup will hold n> One,,' 7 K 1 M oTIIMfT<IIB Ilu three w-<!i-L» identified as Shibbit Sitm h> "^' unbei -'I I in'lji i J FA i K m ' s nid of s^lin MI C'zi/rwinslti, a Polish •''•'.v-

British Group Bids Rumania Halt Harsh Treatment of Jews

Cairo Says Armstrong Israel Spy Ring Head

srael Blocks Polish Family's Deportation

King Saud Trying fo Close Port (o Israel

a t 1 ><) p m Davelptnn

it t h e h o m e o l M r I H l ' U o c i , ! -.tnet

CJulj iCI



,, ,, [


] u n c n ( o l l niL

„ „ „ lthW ,,„ „ „ , , ,

prORiam c h . n m i n Ih P ' " ^ ' " ' I > ' O V O m b e I J I >.( l h will mcludi' a t . l k In J o e Hudi | P ( ) b , l t S o M l . 7 1 1 now-,ki m d m u s i c il n m l r i s bv

Mrs s,ri, ,„,],„,

h u u Sl,,Ht.t

d l l n

of A i r , rinll

Needlework Guild

' vo(;x TO AUDKKSS COUNCIL STIDI (iieon* Mis Dive Colin chairman 'Famil> Rehabilitation a new project being started for multi Jewish ("hitme-. Section of the problem families \wll be discussed Needlework Guild Dine, iirucs all b> Philip Vogt, dnectoi of Public those who luve not i s yrt sent in Assistance Services, befoied fctud> their contributions to do so Imgroup of the National Council of mediatelv Jewish Women Tuc»da>, NoiemIn addition to those women who bei 2-} 1 p m at the home of have contnbute'd previously the Mrs Arthur Sherman, 1902 North followinK contributions are re58th Street Co-hostoss will be potted Mines Alvin Abramson J l o m s Mrs Arthur Sherman, 1902 North 58th Street Co-hostess \\i\\ be Arkin, Julius Barron Bessie Bebn, Jack Belmont Paul Bernstein Mrs Delmar Klein 1 Stud) group c h a i r m e n the Dave Bnlac Jeioiti! Bleicher .Sol Mives Seymour Abrams and Hat- Crandell Jacob Feldmin Steve old Zelinsk> made arrangements Feldman M o m s Firestone Henrj for this series of four discussions Fisher It vine; I Foi be-. Inmi; W on "Omaha U n c i m r e d ' B study of Forbes Motion IrinV Divid L




T h e A n n u il H i r v c M 'I'M f o i t h e m c m h e i s of t h e H i d i s s i h Mcilu il a n d V o c a t i o n il I d u c i t i o n (om m i t t o p s will bi h o l d Moil'I i> N o v t m h u 2' it 1 p m it tin h o n r o f M I S M IV P e U s X'lj \ o I i n acms ( h i | i t ' r i n u r n II f» H M O u I VI 111 M i l l ' Ml M I'l Illll 11(1 Lto Wut/ Jlx \ II I S M - , ) : 1 1)> thi f)l'j\in ioi p thiirnun Mint-, '-'winu Aid i n \ V Fiit'lii) i \ i i h i n (ji I in i n l i d r J i c o b )ii I m I ' i ' i n N J il

Fiedncks Hjniiii I iinl S j i r . i i fk'ld ~>uine\ fJiWliU)' Sinnnl tVjltin ire IIni \ ("In in Sun M fiMenb'ii li\m( II' l/o

l a c k fi^'i I) III If III V till 1 Vvll h i m Jus'ph JTOI) K I |i I i n Ii m Kip Ilin Osc u K i l l m i l l I ' M ' Kon N ( s r n i l N o n m i i K u n \ M i s I • li I ^OJl " \' I he O I K in lt> fid U Mini I if Mil ' '< " s t >'lv l'i i, i u n f o i A m n i r i n mi 1 s t ' i n S fiiloff A l b f i l \ ' <llr ' t u d n t s u tlw HCIJHIV Oi IK h K ' l t h I M t / s i t h i n F i l l m I *u M itv i>{ Uiu i|( m u ,, J K i t P 1/tlJI 1 MlllJl lllll I1' luiIUl) i li'l fill til M\ll> I ,M n r k N o i n in I) 1'ip Hubril 1 "Uliw \i n I ' o (.iiblum D i v i I ' o r u s t >ik San1 S i r I M I P I i n m l S n 1 M St< a l t lullj I i i Wnil bi»ol TKI KJI m n iii'l A l n M ulf JJI io I n s t r l v o u i IVont A l l

Ono Year Program For U.S. Students

iHf@ lic@lsir f® Visif Chicago: AI)ram Sotsuzau Kotsuji, GO-ycar-old Shinto scholar reccnlly converted to Judaism, will visit Chicago as guest of the Jewish Information Society. Kotsuji's introduction to Judaism came as a child when lie discovered a Bible in a secondhand bookshop in Kyoto. He was trained for the Protestant ministry and lie authored the first Hebrew grammar written In Japanese. Ho also wrote a book, "The Origin and Evolution-of tho

-> i i ii \i il) i .1 II te 1 i m v 'In < I > - (till unlitii iw il of tin I nit. I Nation-, lini i , nc> I <nn fion b h i i n i o l SheilJi oipilojlcini; the i t n l t of 'In in in i move to clo->e tilt' Gulf nl Akab,i to Israeli shipping and extend the Aiab bloek ade to the port of Akubj Tliough his political counsellor Jumal al Husselni a former Palestinian and relative of the c \ Mufti of Jerusalem, the King informed the foreign press at his capital of Rjidh that he had written to Piesident Liscrihower, offida'ily and privately, calling on him to take action to secuie withdrawal of the Shann el Sheikh gariison Saudi Arabia is one of the four countnes .lbuttinu on the Gulf of A k i b i the o t h e n belni; Egypt Juidin md Isi i d According to the1 -,t demerit Husse-iin nude it tins time Prciidont I isi nhowf i in 1<)")7 t i n t Do i j i I I -,sor in the SiiC7 runpui'ii iiil.l l)c> allowed to nine* inv , \\L w mini inrlur, an. that this piomi bf fulfilled lie , m i

i,h liwvcr, his wife anil daii;:hter. Ill \ i ime to Vicnim H year ago fin n t'olunil where they had obCilneil evit vivas by asserting they weie (migrating' to Israel. They h i'i n in lined here for one year during which Czerwinski worked as ii laborer and stalled off police b> displaying a visa for Chile.

The three were arrested and taken to the airport, for deportation to Israel. The Israeli Embassy refused to Issue a permit for the family since the Czerwinskis did not want to go to Israel, but the police used tho family^ old Polish passports with the penults issued in Warsaw. At the airport, the captain of the I 1 Al plane re-fused to take off with unwilling passengers on the technical grounds that they might endanger the .safety of the ciaft Finally, after two hours, the police jiermitteil the family, to l e u e fin plane ami took them biek to Vienna under arrest. Lutei the Minister}; of the Interior onleied the family's release and gave it permission to remain In Aiistiiii vhilc emigration was I>eing an inged. The family wants to il'rilp to the United States. Pit ionize Our Advertisers

RUGS — CARPETING LAMP SHADES FURNITURE Cleaned in Your Homo! Binding—Laying—Repairing

Don Bernstein

HA 2554

Harry's Live Fish Market

Kosher Poultry Killed Daily AT 4977

1314 No. 24rh

Corfificd and approved by Rabbi Dr. Loon Thorn, Projidonf, Amorlcon Academic Rabbit Atiociation of Now Amoricani, and Rabbi S. V/altin of tlio Orthodox Robbii At•ociation of Now York Clfy.

119 SO. 24TH STREET Omaha's Largest Dance Studio


Rolp I I 15 tcnli loi ca'.h thrtu lino tn-.-.r. Hon. TIID Prpii rcifrves Iho richl 10 llmil stre of ecch wl-icrtizi-mtnl

10 LESSONS in Small Classes 35.00

HAM;KKAII r.vno.s

B.VK and Has Milzvah congratulations nlso for all Jewish holiSemitic Alphabet," published in days and special occasions. 1937. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge During tho years of Hitler's perExpert Men'fa and Ladies' Alterasecution, Kotsujl befriended many refugees and later had to flee to tions and Itcpalrinp; of all kinds. Manchuria for his own safety. In Will pick Up. Call JA 5523. rec'jrit years, ill* L:cn;nc interested in tlie Jcrusaleni-li.isi.ri World Un- FUIEMSHED HUEEl'INQ ItOOM —Student or Business girl preion for the Pi'ojiai'alion of Judaferred. Kitchen privileges, 4305 ism, and, after much study, tunLafayette Ave. WA 5173. vorti.'ti to Judaism this fall. Kot.suji plans to tench Judai-wn, claim- For Practical Nurses and Pracing that its theology of monotical Domestics. Call Clara Rantheism and hiyli idealism is:m?c(ldall Placement Service—WE od iji t'>ot ci-'ii^tt-y. . 5217,


EXPERT INSTRUCTION IN BALLROOM DANCIN3 Special Instruction far Dancing Toachen and Advanced Dancors


WALTZ CHA-CHA RHUMBA POLKA TANGO SAMBA Privafo Lossonj Al«o Avoilablo Call HA 5205 or Drop In No Contracts to Sign

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