November 27, 1959

Page 1

Vol. XXXVII N". 11

ulillMiicd every Krliluv. 103 So. '2H>n Onuilm. Kublablcu. I'li'inii JA l.'Uiii





class Postage Paid Onmlia, Nt-Oi.

-SliiKie Copy 10 Cents Annual lime 4 Dollars

Z)r. Philip Sher Home for the Aged (The Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Aged acknowledges1 the following mcmoniils iiml donations )


In Memory of

Mr. ond Mrs. CoUin Welnbery ,,, Mr and Wrs. MIKf Frccmon


.,..,,,,..,Soul Fellman, Aoron 5liai)lra Horry Sallzmart. Abe Grodlrtl. Or Ab'am Daniky, Mrs, Ben Vein Mr, ond Mr>. Poul Verel ..Abf Orodini, Dr. Abrom Dani(<y, Or. Morris, I. Cordon. Mrs. Cva Miller, Mrs. Roie Viener, Jay Mala\hack Mrl Temo Slflkowsk/, Karl N. Louis Mrt, Herman Fronklln ond Mlts Kaloh Franklin Ab« Crsdins Mr. Louli Sommtr ond Mln Beo Sommer , Dr Morrli I, Gordon, Abe GrcxJIm, Jay Moloihock Mr. and M n , Alb«rl Steinberg , , , ton Hainan sieintierg Mill Haul Deotn and Mr, William Deaeq Alw Grodlni Mr, and Mr., c. M. (Nick) Newman Abe Grodlni, Mn. Eva Miller Mr. and M n . M. S. Monde) M n . Tema Sfrlkcviky, Saul Fellman Mrt. Ben Handler , Ben Handler, Jay Maloshock Mr. and M n . jack p. Murphy tfr% Regina Gottlieb Mr. ond M n . Marki Lwlo ..Dr. Morrii I. Gordon, Joy Molajliock Mn, Leonard Klein M n Loud Pali of Konsoi City. Mo Mrt. Herman Fronklfrt , <.. Parertfi, Mr and Mri Lauil Flnkenstein

Special Contributions Mrs

Samuel Gulrnan

Urge Payment Of UJA Pledges

Syrian Jews Sentenced

London (JTAi — Four Syrian Jews have been sentenced by a An iiii'.eul ,ip[)<';il fur p.ivmciiih D a m a s c u s military couit to of .Icui'ih I'lnl.mlhiopies pledges lengthy prison terms for allegedwas issued by D.iwd Krilcr, IMedKe ly h.ivini; tiled to fie,. d> Isr iel. Redemption (li.iii m,ui, on the occ - 1 1 u ii i

•She J--.-rl.-i


'Ih iiil(";nui(;



D a y



s ll'l

we i (,'ive thanks for (IK- M" il ih it h i , ix on "Here,


A n n - 1 ic:>

our fortune, in < UJOMIII p 1 I" M t i f II 1 11 ' Boiirci-s, uml ii liij;li .standard of


Adult Activities Set for January

Meyer Levin Book Shelf at Center

An mgeinents are being made foi (In January op"tiim; of this TIi« aliiim pictures mi evldliil of IIDOIIK written hy Author Ale.vcr I.e\in, arrungfil hy tile Censr IMIII s Adult activities at the ter t.lhnir.v iniit nvnllulih* tlipro. .^Ir. Ja-vli> will si»-aU in OmuUsv Sundny, >>i>\timl>i'r 2S at 8 |>. in. It wish Community Center, Karl at tluv fteth Kl Synagogue, lie I* the first speaker to apneur this SCMSOII under tile nusplcet of the - living. Sifi'il Adult Activities Chairman, Prnjtruiii of the Minitli, n ciiimiiiiiilt.v-wlile project sponitiircd hv dm Jewish ('uiiiiiiiinllv Ceiitor. "But for him ilrcds of thoii announced. "Compulsion" topped aU fiction capeii from Get many during the Kiiiuls of Jewish Mi Siegel said plain included, Meyer Levin, one .of the most men, women and < l i . ( . in Latin American Dane- exciting writers and absorbing lists f o r m a l l y weeks. "Compul- war. Here pt'e some excerpts from sion ''. became a Broadway hit and c h 11 (I r c i) el < - > in/r koiiplfsi, Totirnaiuent Bridge, personalities in literature today, then a major motion picture of his pen. Why "i:\u" Was Written w h e r e in Oils ( 11 nines W o r k s h o p, Foreign will open the Program*' of the 1 0 5 9 . ; ••••'••'.: world there is "I- wrote "Eva" as a culmina1 ilm Aging in the Modern World, Month aeries, Sunday nt 8 p.m. 50,000 C'oplCM tn Print continued and }/ tion of 15 years of trying to unMii>i( Appreciation (Jazz), Music at: the Beth El Synagogue. The "Eva" now has more than 50,000 derstand awd explain what had desjKrute n e e d Appier lntion (classical), and Kofon this Thtmksl<e Klotch, (Informal discussion). series' is « community-wide pro- copies in print in four, printings .Happened''to t l i e J e v v s °t ^{iT°t>eDny." i)»viii i->iiri Kcj;i.'ilration.s iti'e heing accept- ject sponsored by the Jewish Com- with weekly sales runninu about I wrote this book to celebrate life 2,000. Currently oh a lecture tour, g g contributors to make a ed by the Center Activities De- munity Center. the author will have spoH.en in Itself, the Immeasurable survival Special effort at this time to pay partment. Outlier' group' activities force that Is the God-urge in huMr. Levin's new documentary D5 cities by December 1, their pledges, Mr. Keder emplm- may he arranged with Its director, novel, "Eva" is another best seller manity, and that has been exMr. Levin Irt a recent article emplified so continuously in Jewglzed: Boris .Stelman. for the author whose recent tells why lie wrote "Eva" which "You can make your own ish people. is based on the true adventures of Thanksgiving more meaningful hy "I wrote this story in the hope a housewife In Israel, who es helping them! In Israel alone that i I. would clarify, in the drasome.-100,000 look to you for hell matic terms of a single human in gaining •«. new foothold on their life, what it means to be a Jew. futures. ••Elsewhere, in .25 other I have taken part in this fascinacountries, survival Itself, for some ting and endless debate through 200,000 people, depends on the almost the entire body ot my writhelp which comes from you. Cnsh Joey Adams, popular star of ings. I tried to fill out my own in urcently needed to carry on the television, motion pictures and r i definition in my autobiography "In program of Having lives." dio, wil be featured in tin:- Search." I felt the meaning to ba expressed In Eva's life because it HanuUkah Festival for Slate of I<AltfiKST KNKOI.LMKNT. The nppoliitnicm o f William is expressed in actions, in'life deIsrael Boiidn Sunday night, DecemNew York (.ITAl -The largest ber ID, at (lie Blaekstam; Hotel. B.nnes of .Minneapolis, Minn., as cisions taken out of absolute neciii'ollin'cnt in Yeshivn University's Duet-tor of the Jewish Commun- cessity. Announcement of Mr, Adam,' history—4,704 students at 17 aecf-'plancf- was made . by I'.obei t ity Center If< dth ( lub anBut Eva" is not u polemic novel. st'lHXd.s and divisions was an- M. Keinbf-rg, chairman of HIP nounced by Holjdl If Koopei, II is the story of a young woman's jioiincei.1 Jewish Federation picsidint ClroHter Omaha Commit t«c fot life, of the poisistcnce of the need Mr. Barnes is i |,i tclti 1(0 of (he foi love, even for laughter, in tha .State of Israel Bonds. '1'he ClianuChicago, III., School of M iss igc most difficult of chcumstances, kah Festival will c l i m a x Ibis and formerly with the B e u h and nf llv? human ahtUty to suCten. year's Israel Bonds campaign in Club in Miami them ilmaha nnd (Council illuffs. Fl.i the MinncPlans for RJ.G. (Bonds of the Ml Levin, Ins uile, also a urit1 A i:ift to the Childri'iis Me- Israel Government i Day. to be •ipolis Club and r. and their four children divide morial Hospital will he presc-nled held a week earlier, Sunday, DeIIKII lime between tiii-^ country Ihr A m e i i ea 11 by the .levvisih War Veterans at cember (j, meanwhile gained innand Israel. He illh .Studios 111 Hicir Tlianksjiivini; Dance, SaturMinneapolis. l i t i n l e v i n to Intiodiiec Speaker day.' cveliinfli Noveniher 2H at nonlum uniler the . leadership of .;rand mairhal Arihur f'ohn. l h e iilthor who uill specie on a I'eony Park. The niiw din e Leader;; of I lie IMHKI <lii\.' met sulij( 11 of cvtienie mteiest to toi who assuim s ".roily .lot-" Martin.of Hailio SlaOm ih i Jf.-wij uill be lulioducerl his duties iin tion WOW, will be master of cere- Wednesday noon at the Uegjs Ho\>\ \n Onv,i\\n timsiii, U \ m 5>c\m, mi (hately pruiw d 1 monies at intermission ceremonies ld with Milton Krof.'hmal of (.'lunumliu" of the ,I(>VMSII Fedorition the excellent fawhen a croiipclte. »• miniature :;H;O, III., Midwest regional ilirciL o u d nnd C'hanin in of its S l a cihlies providf d 1 o.\yi;en tent for children, will be or, followini; a women's' division Mr. Colin urij.-d ill Jewish men's at the C p n l i 1 tislu s ('onimillee received by Lloyd* Jensen, hospi- Cathci'in;: wi'h Mr. Kroclnnal, Tuesday afternoon at. the home of nd wonu-n's organizations in II e a 1 t h Club \\ Ilium limics tal administrator. Ihp I'roi.'i'.iin ot l l v Monlh is The presentation will he made Mrs, Aarmi Itips, women's division Omaha and Council Hliiff.s to des- which he described as among tin- sponsored by lhe Centi-i in coitinadofficer.; for B.I.f.I. Day hairnian. finest in (he couniry. Mrs. Barnes operation with Beth LI Sjn.iifrtrtiic, < by Kpslein-MorjiHii Post ComKroclnnal said Cireater Omaha's "rhi;; .will hi" the most intensive, and their five children are expecl- IVnai l'Vrith Lodges ,n)d Chapters, lnaiider Robert Katelman and one-day drive in Israel Bonds ecoid for iri.')'.) "can exceed the ed to arrive December 1. Belli Israel S>n.iKoi;ue, Oniahu dance chitlrmnn, Abe Miller. Post officials will announce the forma- ine cainpaign of I'XiH if we gel listory, and we need more workers "The Health Club is fortunate Chapter of H.ul.issali, Temple Isto handle nil the prospects," lie tion of a revolving cash fund at he coverage necessary. Although to have a director of Mr. Barnes' rael ami the YWUVK i\Uult CouiwiS, Adult Kducition Veterans Hospital to be uvailnblv his year's drive is below last sold. experience," Irvin Yaffe, Physical Karl Slefiel, Jncy Adams also has written Kducation f'ommitlec." said fol- chairman, said throughout the year to needy pa- year's In terms of cash and eomnltmeiils made, to date, on the several best-.sellinj,' books, incliid- lowing the appdinlinent. "His tlents for furloui;h trips home. The iiiitlior'n books which a l e a Tickr-ls for the dance will be >asis of the'same cards covered, ini; "Cindy and 1," "From GaRS many fine fiuallfieations will coti- part of a special exhibit in the s nv.iilnble »t tile special j . W. V, we '.are-running "me five to ten to Riches!" and "The Curtain IrlbUto to the • success of Ibis de- Cenlcr Library, aie ,iv,nlable to \ever. Falls." partment," thr- commiinifv. bonlli nf the Park. per certt ahead."

Center Health Club Director




Friday, Nov.mber X7, J8SJ)


With the Home Folks Stomp Corner •<

Youth Published hvurj l'ilil.i,\ h.\ Hie Jewish I ciliTalinu of Oiniilia.

Po!c a! Om-jho, Nebr. Annum Subscription. J4.W). AOVITI • " j >•-tti on AppMralion. Publlcollon Otlice—101 No '/C!n street 0 .-". , lltbr.. JAcklcn 134«. (MRS) FRANCES KU:iN . . . .


Bar and Bas Mifzvah Religious

AH friciiils and relative! »re ' Invited to attend service* and reception.

JCOIfAM'K KI.K<TS OITIC'KKS ROIIMIUIC I3BG 'elected officers. Sunday, November 22nd, at the Jewish (.'omnumity Center. They are: Naomi Kothenberg, president; Eslellc Shulnian, vice president; Henec Rimmennan, recording secretary; Helen Katz, corresponding secrctiiry; Frances Krman, bills treasurer; Rosalind Nogg, dues treasurer; Maureen Bordeli, Youth Council representative; Sandra Bassman, Youth Council alternate; Dora fipirwr and Sherry Kraft, s e r g e a n t - a t - a r m s ; Susan Sachs, editor; Bonnie Tarnoff, historian.

.Next *ncj lisiiprnlnii >l Tin Dr. I'lillli Slier JfwUh IIIJIJU I ur H i . U n l l» David Orbow

Mr. and Mn>. \h-\ Ku\/. liioivht beautifully di-coi-itcd cukes donated by The Beth Kl Jiisli-ihood on the occu.slun of iheir thirtieth ,innlversnry. They also sent the Floral centerplfce. THANKS to Mr. ,-iml Mrs. Hur'bort L. Wei! for the d e c o r a fivi fiberglass rurtaink for the TIM Room and for put Uiu; them up The Blkur Clmlun Sorioty h.i\r started a new series of piugrams and have already hold two p.irlies The next one is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, December 2nd. The group cotisl.sts of the Mines. Jake Wine. Morns FrankStiiiiip New lin. Krcd Hahn, Clara W.tldman and Nathan Wit/er. They exjiect Till- almvc proviitloniil Israrl others to join (lie group, will bake Hldtnp, to he Issued soon, Is IHIMMI their cakes at the Home and then on tlm ni'iv currency unilcr uhlcli 'ntertain the residents. tlio Israel iioiinil In illvlilrll Ililo Jake Sadofsky utiendcrt tiprvice.s 100 "ngonit" liifitcHd uf 1,000 "|»rtiin the Home Synagogue on the tnt," an It Inw lipen up to now. occasion of the Yahiyelt of his Tim xtamji Is one «f » wriin ol Mother, Maila SndofKky and gave 10 of varloiiH iW'nomlniitlnn*. It A Kldrlush. A tnusicalr wux held in The (Icjilct* an ancient J«ulsli coin Home Auditorium, with a wonder- from the IMTIOII of tlm wiuiml . ..''• ful turnout, to hoar n classical Teiij|ile( (18-70). Iirael n(ani|H> muy now Tin uiirprogram played by a trio under the auspires of The Musicians Un- clmscil from I he Jewluli Communion. The KUC'SIS artists were Mrs. ity O n l c r IJbrnry, room 2S. Helena Bell, James B. Peterson Pi».'^\';Sj?'%S^>;,'%&;i'f.!*v;.')U"'.V:'i ;••;'. fS and Louis Pi.sciortn. A sprvin) Klddiish was given by Mr. and Mrs. Jake Chescn In ANTI-FREEZE honor of their mother, Mrs. Esther Ann Chosen, home resident. IN A LEAKY RADIATOR The Council of Jewish Women IS MONEY WASTED Aits and Craftn classes are con'ImiiiiR' every Tuesday morning, For Fast—Dependable Guaranteed Service U.S. Helps Translate Tel Aviv, (JTA)—The United: States Information Service will • irovide help for tlie translation nto Hebrew of many Ameiican' Lou Hurwlti, Prop woks, Harold Howlaml, USIS 1 1 Downtown Location Chief nnd rullnial attiidip h' !' , 1708 Cast WE 0200 rfjiorled.

' \ l t J i : NACIIMAN , The Bar Mit/vah of Arjc NnrhI man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nacliman will be celebrated at Die Betli Israel Synagogue on Fri. 8:02 |>. m. day evening, December 4 and SatBKTH ISItAKL Cantor Eli Kagan, the Choir urday morning, December 5. and metiiljers of the senior class o£ the Talmud Torah will partici- AlLKKN RIMMEKMAN MKMUKKS pate in the late Friday evening FRANCES KIIItIEK family sen-ices at 8 p.m. at Beth Aileen Rimmerman, daughter of ATTKNI) CONVENTION Attending a convention in KanKl Israel. Stephen Appel will give Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Rimmerman, the sermonetle. will observe her Bas Mitzvah; and sas City, November 26-29, are Traditional Friday evening ser- Frances Shrier, daughter of Mr. Beth Kl'i USY members, Maureen \icei (Kabbolas Shabbosi Iwgin at and Mrs. Al Shrier will observe Borden, DeDe Brodkey, Chuck 4:45 p.m. Services, Sunday morn- her Bas Mitzvah at Beth Kl Syna- Bouganlm, Frances Cooperman, ing begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by gogue this evening and .Saturday Frances Krman, Leanne Goldberg, Donna Kalman, Mike Katz, Nancy breakfast and Rabbi's class in morning. Kalz, Madeline Kripke, Sherry Hible. Sunday morning, Junior Kraft, Linda I,icb, Linda MagznMinyan followed by breakfast min, Rosalind Nogg, Louis Rich, starts at 8:30 a.rn. Naomi Rothenberg, Susan Sachs, The Talmud Discussion group Joel Snider, Sunny Sternberg, meets every Tuesday evening at Bonnie Tarnoff and Allan Whit6:30 p.m. Sabbath morning serRabbi and Mrs. Myer S. Kripke man. vices begin at 8:45 a.m. Junior attended the funeral of Mrs. Goldie Their advisors are Sheldon CoCongregation a t 10 a.m. Talmud Karp, mother of Mrs. Kripke, NoClass at 4:15 pjn. Snbbath Min- vember 20 In New York City hen, David Bouganim and Mort olta at 4:45 p.m. followed l>y Mrs. Karp died November 39. Sur- Yadln. Shalosh S'eudos and Maarly. viving are three other daughters NAMKD MISS NCOC In observance of Thanksgiving. and a son. Karen Sue Fellman, 16, was Beth Israel Talmud Torah or named Mi&s NCOC at the annual Sunday School will not hold class'Sound-Off" dance at Central es on Thursday, November 26 or ligh School. She was chosen from Sunday, November 29. imong bix candidates selected by [ion-commissioned officers in the B'NAI JACOB ADAS Funeral services for Karl N, chool's ROTC unit. She is the l'ESIH'KON Louis, 72, vice-president of J. L, laughter of Mrs. Saul W. Fellmnn. Services at U'nai JiK'ob-A'lns- Bramli'is & .Sons, who died No- man. Yi"-hiium will hc-j;iii Fmiiiy .'it j vemher 18 wore hHd at the Cms4'45 Jim. and .S.ituriltij moiiun 1 ; hy-Kunold Karniim Slivet Mortu- YOI'NO JUDAKA MEETINGS at 8:80 a.m.'with Mincha at 4:1.") r v N i m ! r 1 R;ihl)i SilIllev -mo sixth, seventh and eighth T Brooks off.aatfd. pm. fullouod by Sli.ilush SViido- j II. yrade Young: Judaea groups will Daily somcc, ,it (5 30 am. iind j II. Brooks off.aatfd. j Mr. Brandeis was a member of nojjj < n e | r individual business B p.m. Temple Israel, B'nai_ BYith, Na- meetings at the Jewish Communtional Conference of Christians ity Center, Sunday afternoon, No- i TKMI'LK ISICAKL find Jews, Urban League, Atlantic vein tier 29. Following the meet-{ Services will be held this Fiidiiy Union Council, President'* Coun- ings the Judaeans will hold a mass ! evening at 8:15 p.m. at the Tem- cil of Creighton University, Oma- installation for newly elected of-1 ple. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will ha Country Club and Omaha Field ficers of each group. I officiate. The Rabbi's sermon will Club. Leaders of the groups are .Stevbe "Between God and Man." Surviving are his Wife, daugh- en Guss, fifth and sixth grade Shabbas morning services will ters, Mrs. Vincent Brosnuhan. bojs; Nancy Frledlander, sixth begin at 11:30 a.m., with Rabbi Darien, Conn.; Mrs. Richard J. grade gills; Linda Veret,' seventh Brooks officiating. The Religious Canavan, Falls Church, Va.; sons, grade girls and Matlee Katelman, school choir under the direction Karl H. and Walter R., Omaha. eighth grade girls. of Miss Ida Gitlin will sing the musical portions of the service. —"Omaha's Travel Service"


Mrs. Kripke's Mother Dies

Karl N. Louis Rites Nov. 20


? - - "" «: . f -



Services this evening will begin at 8:15 p.m. at Beth EL Rabbi Myer S. Kripke's sermon topic will be "Are Friday Night Services a Failure?" Cantor Aaron 1 Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the services. Sabbath morning services are at 9:30; The Junior Congregation Service is at 10:30 n.m. MinchaMaariv services are at 4:-15 pm. Sunday morninfj services are at j B a.m. Daily services :ne at 7 a.m. 1 and 7 p.m.

Young Adults Plan December 5 Party The Jewish Community Center Auditorium will lie converted into | a night club Cnsino Saturday] ni^ht, December 5 when members of the Young Adults hold one of their social events. Entertainment is being planned for the party which will begin at 9 p. m. and wind-up with midnight refreshments. The committee in charge includes Ixnvell Eaumer, chairman; Anne Weintraub,' Sheldon Cohen, Georgie Ann Mezey nnd Fred Marcus-. Making arrangements for a floor show is.Nenl Maiden,


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Friday, November 27, 19B9


Page Tlire*

Center Bible Display Attracts Interest; Beth El To Honor B'nai B'rith Plans Former Omahan Au+hor"at Dinner Membership Drive Appointed Synagogues Join in Jewish Book Month The Beth Kl Mon's Club under The three lodges' of B'nai B'rilh New York -Uiibbi Duvid if. Wice Celebration With Special Events the direction of its president, Al- will conduct a "block-by-bloi-k" of Philadelphia, Pa., former spirituThe unusual imil rare volumes coiiimilte*. Heth Israel in tllr Hilile dlsplcy IIJ (he .Jewish The boys and girls of Beth Community CVnler Lobby hus attracted great interest nmonjj (he Israel Talmud Toruh and Sunday Kteady Hi ream of visitor!) who puss School are marking the sjx'cinl month by officially initiating the through the building each day. The library in the synagogue's new •xhihitlon WRI arranged for Jew- school building: ish Book Month, Ben Kn&low, Displays have been arranged Jewish Education Hurouti chaii- and a biography writing contest man, said. using malorjal from the library Many of the books, Mr. Kaslow is also being held. Many new books have been K.'iiri arc first or limited editlonn and illustrated by artists whose processed for the library in honor of the occasion, Abraham Kinnames arc prominent nmonu those enstein, librarian, a n n o u n c e d . associated with religious art. Samuel Stone, Mrs. Stone and Omuha synaKOgues, too, arc mak- Abraham Malek, members of the ing Jewish Book month with «pe- teaching staff, will he on hand for hook consultation. cinl observance. Helli Kl Tranpta Israel A new library is being readied I'upilR at Temple Israel will reat Heth El Synagogue under the view hooks during the regular direction of David H. Uougtinim, Sal)bath morning services for the head of the Religious School, in conjunction with the Sisterhood. Saturday Division. Posters devoted to the month Mrs. Morris I-'ellman, Sisterhood are being designed by nil children president said it. is hoped that the of the Sunday cliool and will he library's opening can he held bedisplayed In the Temple Social fore the end of the special observance. A display program dedHall, icated to books is being planned Prizes will bu uwarded for both for the occasion. tin; outstanding book reviews and The sisterhood, in honor of the postern. The latter will be judged for originality of thought, ex- month will sponsor a book and pression of idea conveyed and good author luncheon, December 8 design. Judges will be Mrs. David when Mrs. Leola Keir of Des Itebcr and Mrs. Paul Grossman, co- Molnes, In., author of "Freckled chairmen of the sisterhood re- Fare" Krankcl, will i-ptMk. This took is available at the Center Library.

Brandeis University Library Dedicated

bert Feldnuiii and program chair- membership d i n e lliib Sunday, Noman, Krnie Nogg, will honor Meyer j vember 29. Levin, noted author, at: 6:H0 p. in. All B'nai H'ril.h members arc dinner for Hclh Kl members and urged to participate by attending their wives, Sunday, November u 9:30 a.m. kick-off breakfast at 29 at the Synagogue. the Fireside Restaurant. George The dinner will precede Mr. 1-ev- Schafcr heads Hie city-wide memin's appearance us Program of the I>en>liip drive. Month speaker, at 8 p. m. on the same evening at Reth El, The proSell whal you don't need . . . gram is a community wide project sponsored by the Jewish Commun- liny whal you need through the ity Center. Mrs. Harry Fereivtein Want Ad». .sisterhood social and welfare vicepresident, will head the food arrangement committee for the d!nner. Reservations for the dinner, ($5.00 ,»er couple) should be made with Jerry Freeman, HE, 2217.


Introducing the author at the dinner will be his cousin, Irvin Levin, synagogue board member.

al leader oi Temple Israel, will be one of two 1'iibbis who will represent till" Jewish community on a clergymen's national a d v i s o r y board coinmillce to promote birth control information. The committee organized by the PlnnnPd Parenthood Federation of America also includes 16 Protestant clergymen.

Now •Wurlnl




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ii \\IH;IS I

A new library for Brjimleis University with :i Ofipadly foi' 750,000 volumes was dedicated at Walili.irn. M;iss., it was announced by Mrs. M. A. Hi-rcoviei, president of Ilie Omaha section of the University's National Women's Comiiiillec. A member of the selioul'.s f;ienl-

ty, Dr. Lawrence II. Kuchs, Chairman of the .Department of Politics, spoke at a recent luncheon given by the Omaha organization.

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Pag» Four

Friday,. November X7, 1959


Center Sports CampusNews Births


Mr, ;i!nl Mrs. Holiind Kahii anZHT, I'NIVEKSfTY VAIJSITV nounce the birth of :i son, Bret Tlie Varsity -cagcrs began tilth1 OK'NEHKAKKA Morris on November (i. They ar« ly disturbed children in CleveBeth Kl Events Appointments of members of the Dr. Floyd O. Ring.'psychiatrist land. Ohio, will bo featured at the practice games on November 18th also the parents of a daughter, Zola Beta Tau fraternity fit the aUi discuss 'The Uital Muiiuge KViilu lu'idioon meeting of the as I3elt'i"ides defeated Paul's 45Hi li n Ivimljerly. Grandparents ara L'mvcisitv of Nibiaslui include 41 and Luslgarton's downed Robflrfhe Beth El COIICRP of Adult B nai B i i t h l l e n n M mskj, ChapWilliam Coo|)ei, fidicinllj pies- Mi and Mrs. Hen Kiihn. Studies, Monday Now mix r 30 at (ei No 470 The Rioup will moot insons 18-10 Both niimini; teams 8 p m A talk bj Rabbi S Kiipke Wednesday, December 2, at 12 JO came from behind in the second ident and son of Mrs. Sarah Cooper, chosen s]>oiK duectoi of p.m. at the Jewish Community half to scoie their victoncs Mi and Mrs. William Novak will follow Tlie Varsity league will hnvp Station KNUS, campus l.idii) sta- announce the birth of a daughter, The sisterhood board will meet Center tion Tuesday, December .1 in the sy- Membeib and fiiends aie asked two moie rounds of practice Julie Ann on October 31. Haiold Kaiman son of Mr and nagogue social hall to bung Hanukkah gifts foi the games befoie beginning the regu Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Rabbi Kripke will lead the dis-children at Bellefalie at this meet- lai league play. Most of the teams Mis Beinaid Kaiman and Ronald cussion at the meeting of "Coffee ing Those vvlshing to d o n a t e are in need of more pluyeis Anj- Simon son of Mr. and Mrs BenSam Zedick, of Seattle, Wash., with the Rabbi,' on December 3, monej oi send gifts may contact one interested in plujing should Simon, elected president and vice- and Mr. nnd Mrs, Ben Novak. 9 30 a m at the synagogue, Mis Bernaid Golddinm chali- contact the Physical Education president of Hlllel Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Martin N. Colton man, Mrs Chailes Fisher oi Mrs Depaitment, JA 136G. Lee Blatt, Columbus, Nebr, apVOUTII COVSCIL LEAGLC Julia Jacobs pointed section editor of Corn- of Fl Paso, Tex., announce the PIONLEK WOMBS NAME birth of a daughter, Snarl Michelle A Z A 1000 had little difficulty husker yearl>ook DHS'NKK COMMITTEE A film, "Boy In the Doorway," on November .13. Mr. Colton Is a Mmos Da\e Epstein and Isidore on life at Bellefane will be shown In handing A Z A 1 56-28, and Thorn ah Platt, son of Dr, and former Oniahnn. Forbes, u e i e nam<(i chairmen of Sittei service will be pio'lded at Kajim humbled AZA 100 61-26Mrs, David PJatt and Jack Lieb, Giandparenls lire Mrs Gertrude the Child Rescue Fund Dinner to this meeting For reservations call as the Youth Council league com- son of Mr. and Mis Chailes Lfeli, be held Sunday, December 6 at Mrs Bernard Sieyler or Mrs pleted then second Sunday of cho3enmenilx;isof the Unheislty's Colton, Li), Angeles, .also fl'former Omah;in and Mr. and Mis. Ray practice games on November 15th Male Singers Group 8 30 p m at the Jewish Community Fiank Sekar K I I Pnso. The league games will officially Center Tne> will be assisted by Morns Biodkey, son of Mr and beyin on Novembei 29th with each Mmes Han> Richlin and William MIZRACIII JXSC HfcON Mrs Ldward E Brodkey, member team playing 12 league encounters Rossen. IS POSTPONED of the Arnold Air Society and MHHJKT ],EAGtK Others in charge aie Mmes JaThe luncheon to lie held foi the delegate to the Junior Intia.FrnMidget basketball pl.iyeis, are temity Council cob Feldman, decorations, Mai ion benefit of the Children's Village in Bondann, Isidore Goldstein, Mil- Raanana. Israel, has been post- undergoing extensive basic fundaRUG & UPHOLSTERY ton Nearcnberg, Sam Richman, poned A new dale will be an. mentals in an effort to improve SAM, I'MVEIISITY CLEANERS table setting and Sara Okun, Sam nonnced soon in the Jewish Piess the caliber of play befoie orpin- OF NEBRASKA ELKCTS i/ing Into teams for league play Temen, hospitality A chicken dinRUGS —CARPETING New oficeig elcected by Slgnui at the fust of the year Si\tyner will be served. LAMP SHADES eight boys have repoiled for prac- Alpha Mu fraternity, Univeisity Reseivations may be made with of Nebraska, Lincoln, are Stanley FURNITURE Mmes Cpstein HA 4374 or Forbes, Smnuel Stone, of Beth Isinel tice sessions dm ing tho fust two Kaiman, president, (re-elected); \VA 9">B1 The dinnei is %l lO pel Talmud Torah, recently published viccks Cleaned in Your Homel Martin Sophir, VICP president; OTHER I'JIVS KI> NKW'S a special arrangement of the Wishperson. Mike Blatt, treasurer, Arnold JofBinding—Laying—Repairing nan The edition has \os(rli puncA Z A . 100 Youth Council bas- fe .secretary, Bruce Bloom, alumHA 2554 tuation and vocabulaiy us an aid ketball team needs a conch Any- nl recordet, Uernurd Giossman, ' Don Bernstein SAM MOTHERS TO HOST to the study of the Talmud one interested.should contact the house manager, LINCOLN MOTIIEICS ftltOI'I' Phys YA D e p a i t m e n t immediately The Omaha Sigma Alpha Mu T h e i r mpcctive pjtents aie Mis Ma\ Kadis is in Saciamen- T h e new Ileulth Club nmn, Wil- esm and Mmes Jiick Kaiman, Rlotheis Club will entertain memliam B i r n e s , h a s played some colto Cat where slip it attending the bers of the Lincoln Molheis group Alfred Sophir, Ben Blalt, M A at a 12 "?() p m luncheon Dccem- Bai Mit/vali of her grandson lege ball a t t h e University of Illi- Bums, Huolfi Bloom Moe Giossnois a n d will play In t h e Varsity Maic Jay Goldstein, on F n d i j , bei 2 at the Old English Inn, 911 nian. South 87th Street Mrs Dave For- November 27 at Temple B mil Is- league this j e a i Fiosltman m e m K'liniMn recently attended tho bers of t h e J a y , will )u\\r oignnmel The youngstei is the son of raan, RL 4334 ma\ be called for Mr and Mrs Seymour Goldstein I7ed b a s k e t b a l l clinics e i c h D i m s Collect PubllcMtious comenlion in reservations. d iy afternoon Occasioning u ini"s New Yoik Cily. Sophn js spending former Omahans. vwll lx> played at th it time I th" Tliinks'jivnif; hohd ij ,it the COl SI.N-. CLl U Mrs. Beulah Uulstpin returned T h e response for t h e w o m e n ' s ' Inti < I'i<i1einitv Cuunnl ron\'nMrs [.onaid Chemisi will be li'i'i .IIMI in Nev Y ill, ( it\ hostess to the Cousins Club, Wed- to hei home In Sioux fitv I,i af- sliriin ISIICS i 11". mi Monrliv j nesday. December 2 at a 12:30 ti'i spending sevei il uneki \lsit We<In»vl i> >imi } n I iv h i s Ix-i n Tl \M IMN's l O I K W M I M pin himhcnn -it tho Rpfjis Hulel iii^ her d n u h t c i s Miis Ii.iurf so good t i n t IiittiiK tot I tlif 11 I KM I)M\N S 1)1 UV'Il Rutsloin <nul \Ii* Huiv RpliHint (•oldstein h i d to split th<' |/ioup Mu >n S I'n (dpi in D u t into t w o p| issi •, I n k Sti 1 -! BKTII U. II W l KKVH Mr*. Flora Bloom has relurned will i r M n u t h indli ill CIISM'^ on •novith Coll' , e j'iiioi vv is a memUOKKSIIOI' fiym Los Angeles (' il \\hf>if* slip Sundiiy aftonioon. . , . T h e Pliys ber of a two-man learn which reA Hannkk.ih deroi ilions uotk- attended the fortieth wedding nn I d D p p i r t m c n t is Hying t o g<>t .i cently lo )k fii^t pi ice m the c c shop will: be held at Beth El Syn- niversary relcbiation for hfi sii ->I><*rlil light ('\eicise gioup foi cind annii il St Joseph Inut ition d agogue on Thursday, December ter and brothpr-iti-lmv. Mr. and' m e n slnrled on Tuescliiy jilid Dehiti" 'Ioiiin intent 10, at 9 a m in the synagogue li- Mis J D Kufi ' 'lliiiisrhv afteinimn In addition to IwloiiKiiiK to the brary Sitter senice will be proDartmouth Forsenic Union, Froedvided nicin has been a nu>mtjcr of the Prior to the session, the decoC'ndcifii.idiidte Council, and K a rations will be on display at the member of T.iu rpsllon Pi fui- I Bynagogue office and at synagogue ternity. H e Is the son of Mr, nnd functions Vis living Fi.i>dm,in In addition to 'hose decorations on display. Mrs Marilyn Pred will demonstrate how to make use of mateuals on hand in creating a ...i it is d special Hanukkah mobile. Simple decoiaholiday portrait tions that can be fashioned by I* il is ( J ' I A J IVejidiution of children also will be demonstrated of your family clums foi il,im.u;os b> the K.nsci The committee In charge con—Frazcr Company In Haifa sists of Mmes. Norman P r e d jainst t h e R e n nilt , u i t o r o m p j n y chairman Yale Gntsrimr-i Max (if I i . i n e e vihirh n i l l u i n u fioin Bittner, Donald Nn.;r ,ind l l n r v opfi.ilions i n Isi u I h i v e Miliinl-' Photographer Lincoln Resei vation^ foi the ly hi e n c o m p l e t e d i n d tile c l a i m s , | 817 So. 36th HA 1044 workshop must IK.1 in;idc in :K1i>\(Mi]inh' $ J « i n 0 < ) 0 will h e fli(d vance with eithc Mis IVri A'l 999H, oi Mrs GoNdiriM 'II fi0r,7


Omahans in News

Every Portrait a Precious Gift...


$2,000,000 Claim Against Renault

John Kalina

IIKN'ICY \IONMH ( H \I>TI It TO F K \ 1 I IU, III M,l I "VI If I Bellf>f me

i home f JI ( molion i l -

Rabbis, Educators To Participate In Convention Program Rabbi Eliezcr K. Sepinsky, Topeka, Knns.; Rabbi Judoa Miller. Wichita, Kan.: Irving I^evitas, In recognition,of his friendship foi place et a baiKjuet attended by Kansas Cily, Mo.; Max Frankel, Israel and his support of the lsrnc-1 more than 2,000 leading ChicanoDenver, Colo.: Rabbi Sidney Bond campaign, Roman Catholic ans, at v/hich Archbishop Shcil we? Brooks and Maury L. Schwartz, Archbishop Bernard J. Shei! (con- honored as Chicago's 19'J'J Israel Omaha will bo amon;^ the .spir- tor) of Chicnpo received a 4,000- Bond "Man of the Year". At the itual leaders and educators who ycar-old cartlienware pitch'-r from left is Colonel Jacob M. Arvey, the State of Israel. The prtsenta- RaiKjuct Chairman and Honorary will participate in the program at j tion, made by Israel Ambassador of the Greatt-r Chicago the annual Missouri Valley Fed- I Avraham . Hartnan (rlplit), took Chairman Committee for Israel Borvb. eration of Temple Youth convention. . The Fall conelavete to be held ISK.-MX ri,AXS A< QI ISITIOV November 26-28 at the Temple OF JKT 1'LAXKS I'"OK I X .Uf'H'M JA I3M lo In'.c-fl vcui Wonl Ad In will feature the theme of "Com- WITH t'. S. LOAN' munications: between man and fel- Jenisnlem, (JTAI---Ac(|iiisition if.5 Je*,''.fi Prcii Rate I j 50 conls lor ea:f) threa nn« Insor. lowrnan, between man and Godof pure jet planes by El Al Israel tion. Tfio Prcjs rejerves th8 rlqti! Ip tlftill • and between man and his' inner- Airlines in ]f)G2 was projected this ilzo of each acWcrllsernenf self," at three cultural workshops. week in plans of tho Israel MinisHANUKKAH CAKDS •The Temple Sisterhood will pro- try of Transport for air tpyuisfmrt UAI£ and Has Mltiv.i]\ concratlivide luncheon Friday, November development. lations also for all Jewish holiIf the plans are approver!, "four 27 and luncheon and dinner Satdays and special occasions. urday, November 28, under the jet airliners will be. purchased chairmanship of Mrs. George initially a t an expected cost of Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Spitzer. A dinner dance will be 550,000,000. I t is hoped that 80 percent of that sum will be obheld Saturday at the Temple. Expert Men's and Ladles' AlteraConvention chairmen are Marlys tainable as a loan from the United tions and Ke-irrttlng of all kinds. States Kxporl-Import Rank.' will pick Up. call J A r>r>2:$. Isaac and Leonne Trost.

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