December 4, 1959

Page 1

'ulijlblifij I'vcrv Frid.iv. 101 No. yntl Oimilin, N c l n u i l t a , 1'III.MIU JA KiliO

Vol. XKWI1 No.



Mapol Leader Made Speaker of House


J e r u s a l e m . (il'J \ i I lie ncwl>- iM.ipiu and ^eneirill> \ote wilh MiCli'ltVlI Kill sset I'sriicl's fourth p.ti

'lheie weie fewei women in this Parliament sum HIP csluhlish- Knesset tlnn m the thice piecedmen' of Ihc state plecled Knrlrlm)i iri|; asenibhes only nine uometi I , u / . leadei o( P i e m l e i l!en <>iu- lldMHK won heals I'.sther Wllen)on's M • f>iii p u l \ as spi'.iUc i of ska, I lie Communist leidei wli>i the house when it <inn<n<d tins scntfl in e\cM Isi iph pdili iinent, w e e k -Mi L u t / *>1 v ' i n \- is \ I m - failed of eleelion to thii one The viiinvist nieiiibei-) ol the IHIIIM1 IS isler ol A g r i c u l t u r e in t h e OlltgOMOSIH- T3eii| irnin Vissiin, 2', Siin ol lllg ('iblliet W a S 111] II 111 I t l l S s l i l the Soph IIdie < hipt II dibi, who He studied m iimwiMtip, in I s- was elected on the (icnernl Zioni-it thoniu ami H a n i e anil I itei was ticket, Was one ol tin" leadei s nf the 1 i. l«>r movement in Palestine.

Witnesses' Oaths Mqy Be Abolished In Israel Courts

IVi-Vuli'iil Speaks The Piesidenl's flag was borne into Ihc Knesset winch still complies in tin- minimised fovei of piemlscs intended for ,i bank as the distinguished giie-l* took then seats After ieviewinj» the Knesset's Riliiid of lionoi, Piesidenl Ben-Zu entered Die chrnnbej ,uid in a buef address, welcomed the new und \eteron legislator, und wished them a pioductise session Foimei Sponkei N.ihum Nh was then invitnd to picsido us the oldest tncmbei of I he house He culled on each mcmhPi" iilphibpttpnll) to take the oath find maintain the Iiw4 of the Stale IntPipu'iPis lied the entne (>ion edin;;-, via an earphone .system for the benefit of tJle seven Arab iiwin-

Jeuis.ilem (JTAl - Witni'sse- in lsi.ieh com Is will not in (uiuie ba\e to dike an oath to tell the tiiith if Isiael's P.nlliiuicnt d e e p t " eli.ifl leKisl.ilion jimounced by Ilciim Cohen, the Attoniej (lenei.d The pioposed code revision would hd\e the court formally idvise the witness or defendant th it he would bo subject to seven1 punishment ir he faded to tell the truth. An Impoitjiit ch'iMKC in t i cimunid uide would b n i blanket f;uilty plea by a defendant. The defendant would be able to stai,; the correctness or incorrectness ol specific points in the ch;iri;««s him but would not be able In make a blanket plea of <;uil(y to the entire cb'ir;;e. Another change recommended by the Attorney General was the holding ot libol triuls behind closed doors to avoid furl her unfavorable publicity.

Vi l';irlli-s in IV.IIIII Knrssi-I There, a t e I'* p a i t i e s ii\ t h e K o u r t h Kne-xet, nine ol Ui<-/n .Ii.-wisli and thn'f.''Avail -im* Moslem, fine ('In i s l u / i - A r a h a n d one D r u / e . '('he three A r a b p a r t i e s a r c all p i n -




Slm'le Copy 10 Cents Annual Hate 4 Dollars

| fid -, Pu i


Big Day for Sunday

An all-out effort to mobilka economic support for Israel will mark B.I.G. (Bonds of the Israel lOvernment) D a y throughout Greater Omuha Sunday, Dec. 6, Robert M FeinlM?rg said today. Felnberg, chtiumiitv o( the Stat« of Israel Bonds campaign for Omaha and Council Bluffs, said ;iand niaishnl Arthur A Conn has assembled "the best group of workers, for this project in the nine-year history of Israel Bonds." UreaUtast nt 0:30, Sunday Workers and all chairmen ol Israel Bonds for community or-> ni/iillons will assemble a t tt\« Jewish Community Center, beginning at B a in »ie, svill be served fiom 9 30 until 10 a.m., and will lie followed b> a bnofing by Colin. He meed moie volunteers to j(i\n the one-day a i m ass of the Jewish community, "which is abessential it we ate to ISRAEL BOND AlP solutely isil oi esceeil lasl jcav'b sales i IN l > i ^ i - l SUIJ;II InilusliiiO ('lilerpiise, iM-rtill^iTt and figuies" Mine inlDinutiori may (I ilraK I.til., siliiati'il ill t h e llnifii U n y HUM, re< enll.s (oinnlcted be obtained l>> telephoning the tliis iiislalhiMna I ' r Hie |iniiliiet!iin of anuiKinl.i, which VVIIH con- bond office W 1177 jt AT lO9.i. striicled with tin- i'ul „( Israel Komi funds. Mis J Il.urv Kul.ikofsky, rhiiiman of I-.ui •! Bonds for lima, Nebiiiik.i .unl south Dakot.i uigeil ill membeis of the conimiinity to fC't'et solicitors lor U l t . O I J v nh muMiniim puiJerusalem (JTAi -Michael S.I I (.1TA)--The cornerstone ctiiwe-j ' It wo ili«\'t cvU w\ ;<mi, c ill us.' "Mis KuljkoNk\ stated. Ojinaj. deputy chairman of I s - ' {,„ hum Did IPS iind ''Oc rael's delegation to tho current science Ijuildim; at Hie Institute of '"H( Tussed General Assembly--at the United Technology was laidheie with Femlicru; >j\il sale ot Israel Nations, has been appointed us den Heicl, Ji., Amb is- Bunds'' in Omaha and Council Isiue.I'y permanent representative sadrjj- to Isiael, as guest of honoi muffs, jncluding cjsli and committo the UN. , : : : . Construction of the building \sas ments, has passed the $120,000 made possible by a SiOO.OOO grant He urged all persons who from the United States Govern- h.-u'e not yet paid for their bonds ment througli its special cultural to pick up their commitments as program for Israel. Gen. Yancov soon as possible. Dorl, president of the Technion, "The need for cash lo complete expressed the institute's apprccia the indiistnal und agricultural and Mrs. Harry Bernstein will tioh to the United States Govern- projects in Isiael is uigent. Proment for pioWding the Technion ceeds from bond sales have made discuss* current events. "with yet another instrument to possible almost miraculous progMrs.'Sol Nogg is hostess chair- help assure Israel's) continued ress during the past year, one of man.: The lounge, open to all sen- growth and development." comparative political peace. But ior citizens on Mondays from 10 the economic warfare against Isa.m. until 3 p.m., i s a joint .prorael by her immediate neighbors ject of tho National Council 6t PROPMiTY 8XLV. I'KOCKEDS continues to mount." Jewish Women nnd the Jewish TO Sl'l'I'OKT KESKAICCH Ifnniikkah Festival Drc. 13 Community Center, ;Now York—The sale of an Plans for the annual Hanukkah Future plans of the group will apartment building in Trenton, include current events sessions, N. J , for $610,000 will result in Festival, to be held Sunday, Dediscussion groups,'.music listening, support of major educational proj- cember 13, at the Blackstonc Hocommunity singing, trips to local cels such as the furtherance of wl at 8 pm. moved forward with agencies and institutions, mov(es snentific reicurch at the Hebrew the news that Governor Tlalph G. Brooks will speak, The Nebraska and arts and crafts. l/invcrwty of Jerusalem. chief executive addressed the 1958 Hanukknh Festival, UK first public appeal ance after being elected.


Comay Permanent $300,000 U. S. Grant UN Representative For Technion Building

Jewish Prayer Book to Be Printed in Braille Program Starts Monday in Atlantic t.'if.v. N, .!., I . I T A I - Plans for publication ol the first Orthodox Jewish I'niyerbook in Uraillo were approved by 700 delegates at the 3f>th annual national convention of the Women's Branch of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of Americri. : Teh plan was presented by Mrs. Isidor Freedman of New York Cily, chairmuli for the project, who said the Praycrbook would be published in cooperation with the Jewish Braille Society. She said the two-volume I'lvtyerbook would be published in a .first edition of. 400 copies, explaining I bat a YV'oin' en's liraneh survey had indicated request's fur jiiore tlian ,'S50 such Pniyerbooks ' t o r tradilloiudist Jews who are blind. The Prnyerbooks will be published in aliout i\ year. :

Senior Citizen's Lounge

A program will be Initiated in the Senior Citizen's Lounge in the Jewish Comnninlty Center, holiday, December 7, it was announced by Mrs, Veta'Simon and lien Klalnmn, co-chitirmen of the project's steering; committee. Monday's activities include:: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m;, Knglish:class with tor.

M r s .L e o n F e l i f n a n , i n s t r u c .'. •••-••.. . •:-.";,'. .;•••- •.."••• ;

11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Free period. Coffee and tea provided; Participants arc asked to bring their own IlinCh.



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1 p.m. to 2 p.m.. Arts'and Grafts under direction of Mrs. B. G. Arn,
































2 p.m. to [I p.m., Mrs, Sam ZwerliiiK will lead community

Fraud Charged in Handling Aid in Arab Refugee Camps * • *

t * .







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Washington (JTA)-The State UN had taken the matter under Department has asked the United 'serious consideration." States Kmbassy in Amman for a report on cha'KCs of fraudulent practices by Arabs in die administration of Arab refugee camps in Jordan. London (WNSl — Plsclosurc This was learned following that many fruit dealers In Britain charges by .Senator Albert Core of Tennessee, and .Senator Gale W. were selling oranges from the McGee of Wyoming, both Demo- ftcyptinn-lield Gaza Strip under crats, in the course of their visit "Israeli produce" labels was made to .'the Nenr East. here when representatives of the ; Secretary of State Christian Israel Citrus Marketing. Board Herter said In? hail received re- filed a vigorous protest against tile ports from both Senators on corruption In Arab refugee camps. practice with British authorities American finane • projects were and major fruit wholesalers. involved according to the two KPIITim protest was especially diatoi'ct. rected to the port authorities for He KUid It appeared that ration permitting unloading of n .cargo (imiliis been "Jmprojx'rly npplied" in distribiitiiif; uid to Hie .that misrepresented the origin of Arnb TCfiisces u»d lidded that the tho product.

Market Arab Oranges

Renault letter Breaking Israel Confracf First Shown to Arabs

Pfiris (JTA) — The Lebanese Tim r\pl uns why the envelope Kmbassy here revealed thai the (MI i j in» n letter dated SDptember Renault automobile company In 10 TiVI, hid the Paris po?t office France had first submitted to the ,e il of October 6 Arab League it:; letter suspending (Accoiding to a leporl in Uie relationship with the Kaiser-Frnz- 1 'Vjili m I'leSi bv the head'of th er firm in Haifa before .sending Flench rcoiionnc Mission in the letter to Israel. I '>pl, lhi< ]''ieneli automobile film In order to certify to the Arabs R"ii.uilt intends to establish an the .sincerity of its pledge to suspend relations with Kaiser-Frazer, automobile asenibly pi ml in the management of Renault handed the letter to the Lebanese Kmbassy. The Kmbassy 'requested a formal authentication of two general managers of Renault, The letter was then authenticated by the police and delivered to the LehThe mmual In in-lit all m of the anese Kmbassy to bo sent llmmghj Hu.ini-^ ,uid 1'iolessinn il fioiipof its diplomatic pouch to the boy-^n »I iv di will s l u t at 7 p m , cott committee of 1 he Arab League \v ' i n s d i \ P K I I I I IilxH Ii ff»' a al the ('onium K C i i l l * I , c l i i l l In Cairo. The letter was returned from man, M i s Julius NVn in in and Cairo to Puns again through the hi i cu ( h m m in, Mi s I w h n Lebanese diplomatic courier, an Lei.v, iinnoiiiKed '1 lie ( ient open to the (u.iimunEmbassy official stated. It was only then that the letter was llv will ItMtuie liiiincioiis c m i l ' s mailed to Kaiser-Frazer in Israel gifls, u'fieslinii'iits and "unpiiscs

i . & P. EvenS Begins 7 P.M. VM., Center




Jews Fleeing From Lebanon Tel Aviv (WNS)—Half of Lot), anon'-s r>,000 Jeiv-, have left the covuiliy ' in panic," neconVing to a recent issue of the Beirut new'Sjj.ipei "Kid Shejo" The Hewut. p.n>ei, v.i\mi» Lebanese si < mil} sou ices foi its repoil said it was i;i<ilificd that the Teuish section of lienut been half-pniplied .uul -hat it would be c\en moK1 pleased "if another half of Lebanese Jews will leave the connliy At the same time the Beirut oig'in HiiiiHil tho Jews that it would \IP "beAU.'V" M Uicy lull, "on their own ;>l tho earliest opportunity tlian wait until we shall isk tUpui to lo i\c when v^e minht In trouble with the United Nations " In Israel, informed sources collfnnieil n "iiumbei" of Leliane.e Jews had leliiir|Ui"lli1d their belotu'ini's and enngi.iled to olhoi.' ,c«'iintries




National Officer Pioneer Women To Tafk at Dinner I . I H r i lpp d i n

II 1

r rliliiv, lUiinitur 4. IMS



Mi ,iii(l M e Sol/man, i l i i u i M i , N II • i i i n o n i i i t ' H I P b n l l i ,,r lli( n f i i s l d n l d , M i r l m e l Wen-

|, (>l on \ member 27. |





Radinowski at New York Meeting




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J o e l i ' i d i n o w ^ k i w h o . s ^|n nclinr s e v e i a l v v i e k s in N i u Y m k ( I U will d l l e n d t h e annual nilionil

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UNEXPECTED GUESTS CALL? O N . i l i . m . i l l i i M i d iiir.iil)! i ' M i n e H o m y C J i e e n b e i g m i d I S P I conference of the United Jewish Ixirij! belt! theic Dec mbei J ' -Maloinal pann..nd Ion numb., ship eh .inn.ii., S S"l"n.ui gicaf fi.and•11-13. Mr. RadinoM'.'tki'is a inemb.r , „ „, ,, . ., pjinits .UP Mr and Mis. Philip of the Budget Conunittec and the of Pioneer Women mil be the ,.„,,,„, , , ,,„,) )f T l l c s o n i A l l / (.MM Si spi ilkei p.itcin.d KI «-.iL guindmolher, is Hoard of Governors of. the. Jewish IVXAI JA< OK \I» \S at t h e l o c a l Mis Hemletta rphraim of Pla-Feili'ialion of Omahii lKSIII'KON u i g a n i / .1 He also will attend the World i|iieinine, L(i Seiwccs <it B n<n t i o n ' s Child Yiddish CultuiP Coii(,'iess dunnn AND 4 MINUTES...THAT'S ALL! R e s c u e Kund your balUr and pop it in I " 'o v " * Yeshuion will b(>t;in Knilay at 4 45 Mi ami Mis S Noinian Phillips his New Yoik visit Vl> .h,.e\oi.r K u.-t» .re «ett'ni sMt.«d . . p m and S.ilimlny morning nt Dinner, Sunday, of Lincoln, Nehr, announce Ihe hpn iuipn*e em v.ith a 8 H) a m with Mincha at 4 -35 Dee b at bulh of a ddiiKhter, M.nsha Ljnn ,il\ home baHtl 1"-at. p. m followed b.v Shaloih SVudos pm ill ihr Jewon Novembei 10 Mr Phillips is hot and liagf.nt from flj a foimcr Om.ihan Daily »-ci\irc« lit 6 iO Bm and ish Community the oven1 II s thit Center (jianrlp.uenls are Mr, and Mis 5 p m ««sy . . . with y| f!-»"jjSS Mis H,tl|ienn Manny F.iHan of Jacksonville, FI.L , / .»-<! Judf!c Lawience Krcll will speak Dromldary Mi<es' while in Jsiael "i and Mis Keva Phillips at the thud annual falhei and Slock up TEMTL.K IMtAhL A son Imiifjuet at Tnn|)le Isi.iel Sun- tod<y' "The Decisions of Judaism on m l'|-|J-50 \(sitMi und Mis Pavid Gelbnit .in- day, December fi at G 30 p. in rOUKD CUE VII / / Ihe Values, of Life' "ill be Dieed the Moet/et topic ol the Konnon IJV Ilabbi .Sid- II.ipo.ilol, t h e Mr*. Hiilperin nounu' Ihe bulh of a son, Steven The event will bo foi sons fiom SINGER M U D Mil , I COM HEAD MIX | ney H Brooks. Fnd,.>, December woiking Women s Council and II on Novembci '1\ at Clarkson Ihe fouiOi t,'i'"'e on or »ce, ten or CORK UUFFIH Mil - ^ 4 at Tt'niple Isiael .-it H 15 p rn Miter oiK.ini/.itKm of Pioneer Hospital ovfi, their falhei-. and giandWomen, Ihe Women's Labor Zion(jt'andpaicnti: aie Mis II.ui> fathers An invitation is. extended Afler the -.ervicc Hie con^ic- ist OiKam/alion of Amenca The and Mr and Mis Simon also to f<ilbcis of daughters Rcsg;uils aie invited to shaie with Isi.iol {,'loup maintains a vast 1 pivations mny be phoned to the Rabbi Block - in a rii.scussion un nctuotk of social .service installa- t Temple office, HI.* fiVif) The din"To Subdue 01 S«'k Plfasuie"— tions including childicn'ti homes, Mr and M u Leon.nil Pol<ish ner IK 1'2 pel pel son Faith in Wholesome Jovs day nurseiics, rehabilitation cen- of Pulp Alto,; Cat.,1 formerly of teis for ininiigiarit women and Omaha;'announce the birth of a P.itioni/e Our Adveitiseis KKTIf EL (,'irls. Vocational and tiade schools, .son, D.unel Victor on Novembci Sm VIM'S at Belli I.I agricultural vouth Milages and 24 They ha\e thice other chilviill bej;in this eiemii); nt 8 15 trainins schools, special clubs for drpn, Deboidh, Bruce and N.mcy. ANTI-FREEZE p. m Rabbi Mjei Knpke will ilc- Arab women and more than 200 Grandparents- aie Mr. nnd MIB Ji\i>r the st'imon Ccintoi Aaion I training cento™ in frontier vil- AIJC Brookslein of U>s Angeles, IN A LEAKY RADIATOR Edgar and the Both V.l SynajjoKUC lages. Cal, Mis. Saiah W. Potash and IS MONEY WASTED Choir will render the miiMo-il porTile Ohioan pre\ loiiilj .served us Morns Potash of Omnhn ( tions of the sciuce For Fastr—Dependable piesident of the organization's grdndmotlipr is MIR. Ida Werner. Sabbath morning «onicn<i uill Cleveland Council. Guaranteed Service begin at 1 .'10, Junior ConcrPKation Chan man of the event it, Mis.FUND FOK YIDDISH M»rvlces, 10 30. The Mincha-Mnnti\ CTLTIJItf: AT HKANDKIS Milton Nearenboiu and Mis s.m\ MONUMENTS (service at -1 .'K) p. in. Wallham, Mass fJTA) A dust Kifkin XMII be to.'islmistiess Memin the Jewish Tradition The .Sunday morning srnice,1 j bois added to the toll of those fund to enhance tcilchiiiK (if the Leu Hurwirt, Prop ^.1 1 will begin at 9 a in followed by who will help SOI\P mo r Yiddish ldnRUj|;e and niltmp hd-> \ , n iif \ .1 It 1 ll ' o tnc « breakfast anil discussion session Lconuif] Pinkovitz, Kusc Sc (', I 1 1 t 1 . i •ll ll( run Illl Downtown Location been established i't Hianrlris I'niled by Rabbi Knpke The break1708 C a n WE 0200 \e)sit\ W t a r e | . n o ^ n for Our r ««cf fast is spon&oird by the MenV and ! » H c r rq and HcL rew Club nnd cateird bj the SisleiYou n , y r laco your co° fider CO hoor) l Mi*,


ol C ' i \ f



Temple Father-Son Banquet Sunday



Louis Elbert to Make , Second Trip to Israel

BETH I s l t A l I,

Hnbi Kcnjamin ('Ironn-, C.'antor I 1 O l l l s J Ilii i I ( o r i t t l i i I Eli Ka^iin and Ihr Belli Israel jfiM'i of t h ' BocJ< ' I r a v d Choir will IIUKIIH! ! id F i . r t u ' u i l l h t i \ i > I it i i " n l > r i *> f o i e v e n i n g f . u n i l j < . i r u < ( s .it S p ID I i s j , u r s i < n i . i n I l - \ l I T i . i d i t u i n . i l KIKI.IT, c v r n i n ^ w i v - i lints flight H e i r e s i K . i l j b o l a s Sliitil>osi IJI ^in jit m a I'p I I K 4 4 5 p . m S.iblMth m o i i m i c <oi\- " i l l i r e s l)Pt;iii HI S 1") ,i m Iiinini t u p w i l l ) (iKhl ( ' o n p i P K J t i d i i .it 1 0 a i n l i . i b l n Gionri will ( u n d u r i 1 lie T . i l m u d C l a s s . i l 1 lr> p in ^.ibb.-ith M m .



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Cleaned in Your Home! Oinding—Laying—Repairing

other Ii .i v e 1 audits from the

Don Bernstein

HA 2554

mid-west aie.i

ehd at 4 4J p m followed by 'Hie pa I t v Shnlosh S'eudos .mil M.i.irn Daily sen ices ,it 7 n. m andw .11 spend .< 4.50; Sunday moinint' services be- w e e k toininn gin at 8:4j a m followod by biepk- I s I n p 1 as the fast and Rabbit rl.^i in Riblp quests of the Tourist Sunday niorninK Jumoi Minyan Israel followed by stalls nl C o m m i s i, I II n During 8 30 a. m LOIIIH Kllifrl The T.ilmud Discussion pioup this visit, to be meets eveiy Tuesday i-vening nt hl.s second, Mr Klbeit will jieisonally make ammKemeiits whirh 6:30 p m. will enable him to make the best plans for Omnh.ins Intending to tour Israel. After leaving Israel, Jlr. Klberl All friends and relatives »re Invited to attend services and will stop In Rome and Pans reception. -"Omaha's Travel Service" AKJK NACIIMAN The Mil/v.ih of Aije Nachman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nnchman will be CflrbraK'd at 1he Beth Israel .Sjii.i«o«ue lonipht and S.ituirl.iv morninp


Live Fish Market

Kosher Poultry Killed Daily AT 4977

Leon m l biatfd




Mr i ill

i n i Hetli

o n "<,iiiiid




Certified end «pproved by Rabbi Dr, Leon Tliorfii President. American Academic Rabbit Allocation of Now . AmerlcAm, and Rtbbr S V/alkin of the Orthodox Rabbit At l o c i o f i o n o f Now Ybrlc Cify,


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T ' ' O fui

•J.1J1 .HUl ' | i T l , l l




P I . KIK il.ill


> . ui M -

Ideally planned tours io Israel during the sunny winter months — <ind on \o Europe- at Iho height of the social season.

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Omaha Monument Company 3213-15 " 9 " St.



Open Sunday 2-5 Mure lO.'S

Chairman Juliui New

Co*Ch«irm«n M i l l Evelyn Levy

220 Volt Moudepou/er





II Jr i i ' h i n l i r, i



~ r . r» V . ' L

5217 W I L L i h e n i l WJII, K ' i Ilir lfii.c Jeathoi i.if'fi ; > in"-t,'KC ,it 1 N o v . 2') Yfninf: . h i d . r. j n ( f Tjii/' co/il.ic't W A 'MTi. ] ] a \ e ; diir


Kosher Meat Market & Delicatessen WA 5554


Family Plan

HAM lih\H ( Ml))1*BAIC




ii ii n n -

1 Mnt 1 er ,

V. Illl t l l (


J M . C ] ^MI.I-

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Want Ads Ro'r - '0 tfl 'a irr tirn Tre Vrt % 'h t\:e el tc


M i s

r'rnbci J2

1 60 ri-cip i Ihe Jr#iiii• P Tt"

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^ V i i . nut nn i t ' l m iihi ll;.lii'n . . i"MI 'is f.i

Everyone Is Invited to the

DONAI.I) <rOIJ>STMN The Uar .Mil/vah of Dnna'lii s o n of


<> n

1314 No. 24th

Bar Mitzvah


i In^wmr] ( AC h < t i/>il tnd led t r n d I,, „ „ l| in fo 1,1! will u*mi • t c* (0


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Diamond's Famous


1959: Dec. 22 1960: Jan. 19, Feb. 9. 23. Mar. 9 Stey in Israol may. be extended and European cfivjngtd, nllowing rndepondenf return, Attractive Tour Foldori For Further



Information and Reservations



Suite 424 — Farnam Dldg., Omaha 2, Nebraska LOUIS ELDERT —Co-Owner. Pvigr. Telephone JA 5874

Gall VJcdncsday for Thursday Delivery



r>U»y, Bfrmibtr 4, 1850


Israeli Challenges Phone Company's Automatic Bookkeeping System As Unfair

Stamp Corner J'ioiHf r III l l r h r r u nil New Shinip

The centenary of. Kli<v.«T Hen Yehuda, pioneer of modern s|tok*n Hebrew, which was celebrated last year iii Is-


rael '.Anil abroad. was marked by ••! the: issue of a special coiiirniorative s t a in p. The B t u in v a l u e d , a t 2">(; priitfi, thf! c<|uiv- » • • • • • • • • • • • • • " • :

> alenl of 14...tents • .^^,J,,^3 -^y^s '• In lXs.:,iTioncy. : - ^ ^ t ^ i ^ Q ^ : ' '•• '••. M i e z e r

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• Yehuda was born ' : T.;V '•.:!! ^; ;jn: Xilhuanjii )nf...-'-;. ' .'.•"' ,. : : -: 3858, and settled , I J ( . 1 1 . Y W i U ( l i i ill Israel iii 188L lie was onq of Ihe first to prdpose the return of Ihe Jewish people to (heirancient honieliirtd and WHS: (i pioneer in 1he revival and use of modern Ifetrcw tisa spoken tongiie. This slarrtp may be purchased at the Jewish (!pmrhunlty Cenier library, rooni 2.'!, In addition; the library has the book; "The Tongue of Ihe Prophets" by Robert St. jphn as well as various pamphlets Kiyihfc information oh Hen Yehuda. Fori the•-•.•••readers.'.. lnform;ttiori tabs on the bottom of stamps—the JRIiezer Ben Yehuda stamp has n lab attached--makes the slamps jiibre valuable.This fiib in Hebrew «nd French, translated info English moans "restorer of the Hebrew

i i:i.i:<;n;n All iinl-[ clsfulicre, that c\('r sinct; the i . i ) ' ' I I i i i i l i i i t i / C T i U O I I . i i n . i - | introduction i.if intrr-urbnn auJudy Cohen, daughter of Mr. and tomatic dialing, their phone bills 1'M h i l l l i i n h i s u , u , I I , , ' i i i s | t h e have become inoniin.'Hely high | Mrs. Dan Cohen, was elected freshI w . i n m ut ( . o i l n l i n i ' < i n i i p i i l i i u : and Ihut' !lii! automatic billhif,' man representative to the Stuilent (inil hooKKff \nni-' <iuloiiiiituiis when tin' Jswiel Siipicinc Com t e(|Uipi>ient. has been c li e a I i n.j; Senate'-at the University of Oklathem. The Post Office heatedly; homa at Norman, Okla. gave ' •.sympathi.'l.ic our to his denied Ibis. , (h.iige these elect ionic One irate bill payer finally 74tT I'l.KIKJKS maiwls had been scientifically made a; test casp. He acted un- • Lawrence Ifoberman, son of Mr. elieating him by meichaiging der iin old law dating back to and Mrs. David Hoberman and him on his lelophone bills. the days of the British Man- David L. Wintroub, son of Mr, and date, and demanded that the Mrs. Louis Wjntroiib have been The couit oidcicd tile Isi.wli I'DSI Office, which inns the Post Office rcrft him individual pledged to Zeta Beta Tail fraiereountiy's telephone .system, In .ctmntilij?.'equipment to cheek his riity at •(hn-Univcrsity- of * Iichigari, phone bills. The Post Office said pcimit neutral experts to examit had nosych equipment availine the automatic lulling equipable on a rental basis. The subment used by the Post Office scriber thereupon sought an orto establish whether or not it is der nisi from the Supreme/ faulty, as charged, mid is overCourt which called for a neutral charging telephone subscribers. K i a m e s h a ' Lake, -H. Y. : ( J T A ) : expert study of-the charges. Israelis have been protesting T h e World Council of SynaKoguos, in letters to the newspapers und formed provisionally t w o y e a r s .Id iisaliwn

f.lTA i

World Council of Synagogues Formed

Iowa Writer Is Beth El Speaker A wnlor of childien's books, Mrs. Lcota IJ.uns Ken-, of Des Monies, l a , will be the feuluicd guest speaker at the December U uncheon meelng of Beth Kl •Sisterhood n't 12:30 p.m. in t h e synagogue social hall. Mrs. Keir in the author of 'Freckle - face F r a n k e I." a book w hich i eenlly won the .1 n li e... A r'd e n award for "its Mr<( K | l | r m i n o r , family ' vaimth and sound values foi 'een-iigers " The moetinc wlurh

Plans Completed for Young Adults Party

Plans have been completed for the YOUHK Adults Party on Saturday evening which will include a night club casino, •-dancing, entertainment. <ind refreshments. All young adults and their friends are invited to the event, Lowell Baumer, chairman in charge, said, Assisting him are Anne Weinstrauh; Sheldon Cohen, Geoi'Kio Ann Mfzey and Fred Marcus. Neal Maiden is arranging a floor show.


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ago, c a m e into Official being h e r e with t h e adoption of i t s constitiitioii a n d t h e Plcclion of Charles R o s e n g a r t e n of \Vaferbury, Conna s i t s president: T h e Council's cons t i t u t i o n a l convention is being held here c o n c u r r e n t l y with t h e biennial convention of t h e United Syn a g o g u e of America. '.•'•..-'

h e fiutlloreKS. T h e Iciu'an \ \ i l l s p e a k o n " T i e a s u i ' - s f o r t h e T)il(-

. it ii .i spcciol

Itulibi SUM) .Mrs. lii'iijiiniln <iron-

cr and children, Itaphacl, Gladys and I.inda spout J In- past n r i h - t r i d in (.'hietigo. 111.


>IItS. SADIK CITI.IN ng." Fiinrin] M'Hircs wcic held SunIn addition to rcceivini; her ilay nt 'IVmpIo IM.IC I for Mrs, Ida Mnslei'K l>'i;iee and leaching at filtlin. 81, of thliri V' Slieet, irandvlcw .College in Des Moiiu", who died Ninpmlier 27. Mrs. Keir. has been active In radio Surviving are HDII, Jock. New programming, in the Children's Yoik City: dnuphtei-t, Mrs. Ami rVorkshop at the Des Alolnes ComCohen, Hellville, III.; Mrs. Uoso munity Playhouse, and in the pioniinmcrniiin, Sioux Falls, S. D., iramming and projects of the TifIila GilJIn, Omfihii, seven grand- relh Israel Synagogue in Des children mid nine Krcat-grand- Moines. In charge of luncheon nrrangccliildrcn. nents are chairmen of circles 7 and K, Mines. J. Milton M.irgolin, MUM. DAVID I.KVI.V Funcial .sendees were held .Mon- David Shukert, J/. Treliak and day at Beth lla^udol Louis Hurwilz with Mrs. Hurry Cemetery for .Mis. David Levin Jncoln, heading table decorations of Chicago, who died N'o\embpr 27. uul Mines, Charles Altnian and Itnbbi Sidney Urooks officiated. {arold Fox, table setting. Earlier services were held in Chicago. Mrs. Levin was former resiThose Beautiful dent of Norfolk, Nebr. Surviving are son, Jack, OmaMoments ha; daughter, Mrs. Fritz Nengarlen, Chicago, 111.; three sisters, a brother and four grandchildren.

817 So. 36th


)ccui.s dunng Jewish Hook Month ilio will fe.iluii- othei bunks hs




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Basketball News IH Vy




Friday, Dpeemtor 4, 1059


TUMru; A sornewliat .shakey Varsity TO SHOW MOVir: League completed their second The Temple Israel>!] round of practice games on Wed- will features a .sound n ovii1. "Un: nesday, November 25, With Lust- der -the Miami Sun, Tuesday gartens defeating Belgrades 68-21, 8 at 1 p. m. The film and Pauls d o w n i n g Robinsons will present highlights of the Na,48-28. •. , . - , . : -..-. . / •.-.-• ••-.-• tional Federation of Temple Sis-" pirectors of Athletics, Cy Seit- f terhoods convention and Will be chick, reports that there are not ..-followed by remarks by delegates. enough players in the league to | Luncheon chairmen are Mmes. make four full teams. Most of Joseph Levey and Ernest Priesthe teams have enough plaveis m m Mines Reinard Altsuler and on their rosters but the men are Maurice i t s t j will handle table not showing foi the games The settings y be H e s i t a t i o n s may league ma} have to disbani or ">e made b> cillint! lira Joseph Goldcut to two or three teams, fiK -7345; Mrs; John Tolle, SOUTH COIIXCU, ^ _ or Temple Office,; K E f | CA 05G0 Youth Council ..completed their j 553(5 j^rs Ed1 sis- & pre-season practice games on Sun- J te rh6od pfesl'dt day, ^November 22, After three meeiin,; and Iwar.lmeeling at 11 weeks, Rayim. is the only unde- a ,„ .•..•'•." feated team and is established as ;a heavy favorite to win the Youth M IW MAVKI^WILfc HOU>

B©nd Drive Close

Israel Exports

i Cov, 'Halp'h G, Brooks, 2lJth I chief executive of Nebraska, has , j accepted an invitation to sneiik I for the second straight year a t the Hiimikkah Festival which will cliiiiax the 19,")9 Isruel Bonds pro? ({ram for Omaha (ind Council


Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, Vice President of the Israel Bond OrBluffs.' ••'.• - • . - ::•:;. . - . ; ; . ; r ( . ganization, announced today that (;ov. Brooks' his fiint pui»-V Israel e x p e e t s her export* to lie appearance following his elcoreach $;«X),000,pOp for 1959, which tion last November at the 1958 would repiesent a 23% inci Il.inukkah Festival at IJeth Israel over the $239,000,000 total for Synagogue and was well received.' 1958. ." ' , ' Tliij year he accepted sjiCakilig cnKaHCinents in behalf pf Bonds, During the first six months of without fees or expenses, in Iwth 1939, exports of go.)ds and services .Sioux City rind Dcs Moines.: • amounted to $159,300,000, as c<jin(•nv pared with SKto.lOO.OO for the Tile Dec. 1,1 meeting at tha equivalent period last year, he said. Ulackstone Hotel w i l l highlight In reporting on Israel's lncreusthe nppearance of Joey Adani-s, veteran comedian who this ycfir ing trade abroad. Dr. Schwartz was olected national president of empliuNUed the decisive role of AGVA, the Anierican Guild of Israel Bond investments in the VariDty Artists^ exiiansion of production for export in Industry, agriculture and Woiiien'a d i v I » i o 11 < Imlrmidi, AppioMmald) K.OOO new pcrthe exploitation of natural re- muncnt housing units will be built Mrij. An run Jtlps, iirgcd nil lier sources. •.:'.•••".-.•'...'•' •-•".•• in Israel each year during the rornmltlee mcnilMrs to teleplionn '•:' "Israel Bonds pioneered nc-cl five \eais with the aid of ill ri'Sdn utlons for tliemwlvos and in the establishment and develop-1 Israel Bonds, according to a pro- thl-ir Hits n1 (nice, Sin- HIHII |»siiril ment of new enterprises such as jected plan which lias been placed II lust-mlnutc m i l for more Volunthe chemical industry, the mining before the Israel Cabinet bj the teer workers for ]».!.<;. I)«y, to |»a of phosphates, and the production Labor Mmistij. Aimed nt piovld- held this Siiiiiliiy, Dec. li. of Jxitash and copiH-r, which have ddeqmite housing foi the upNot content with confining his created wider opportunities for vvird spiral in Israel's population, talents to the cnieriaiimicnt, field, earning foreign exchange. In addi- due to natural inciease as well as A(l.'>msinvaile<i Hie lito.niry scene tion Israel Bond proceeds iiave imiL;ratiiiii the five-jear housing witli his autobiography . "From also fin inced production of citru->, program calls foi a total of 1G0.O0O Gngs to Riches." He followed thi.t textiles and other goods which a t e housing units, involving an invest- success with three other best-sellbeint; exported in great'T vol'imi1 ment ol 1,0V) OOfi.ofJO Isianl pounds ers. "The Curtain Neve!- Falls." h j t h i 1 (• i v e i n m c n l i i l i l l / m ' J s - ".Striclly For Laucln" and "Tii'ij than ever bef<jr "Since exports represent t h e | r a e l ISon.J capital ami by private J " < '- v Ailnms ,l<i|;t. Mo,,i:," His l a l ( st backlwne of a-sound economy, we | interests. ' * book, "Cindy ,m.| 1." w a s puli• seeking to increase the sale of j «.,,„„ ( ,,... , I lishi-il recently.

with A..Z.A. 1, -Wil last Sunday .Mrs. Adolph Mayer, chapter •while A.Z.A. 100. had no trouble in chalrnmn of the Hadassah Medical blast ins; a weak but eager A Z A Center committee, will be hostess to its members at a 12:30 p. m. 100 team <>l-2-' _ coffee on Thursday; December 10, Youth Council k a_m s ire playing high interest this year and Ia t h e r [''Jnie, 5607 Harney. Street. the league is in good shape as f _: Members of the committee are Mr-> Hubert Feinlieig repiesentplay begins. Theodore Hei7l Group, Mi-. MlIXiKT IJ0A(U K . . . : Lint/rrun of Hcmietta i Sixty-eight midget leaguers con* tintie to set a good pace in prac- 5>/oI<] Gioup. Mines M-i\ I aihin- ' Ch nm : tice sessions each .Sunday.' The, sk> _ , aid Reuben Lipp'tt ,... ... ot .. ''little guys" are learning correct'•pVe.itzrnan Croup, and Mmes. Jo: Se J .'methods, and techniques in. the P > Mayerof the Business, and: I; various!-.movements of the'game: J Professional Women. . . ., V The stress in drills are.'upon, ball ,: -••-•—^•— . . . •, handling. : d r i b b l i n g , passing, C p K N I i r s K E l i TO '.SENI> |i ilK s pivoting, shooting .and -defense; < T TO HEI.LEFAIKK / / •': ' [:•'.. Fbotwork also plays an inifiorumt; .A Hanukkah party will be. held •h part of the sessions, • ' . by : the ..Coriihusker Chapter of &; IDOY-BIDDY l;K.V(it:E . . . B'n;ii B'rith December 7 at %m The Jddj Kidd\ league at its b i n d ind regular underwaj on Mondi\ Decembei | nieetmi; ut the Jewish C'ommumu 7th Practice sessions will be held i Center cich Mondn MV\ r lue,d iv Immj Member a IIUV donate gifts for 4 to 3 p n- Second thud ami uv. Bellcfjire Home in Clc\eljnd fourth giadcrs a t e unitetl M v-\n at the rneetms The program tend Practice sessions hive been j , l v ) u l ] | , n c l,ide i filrr. *A Bov moved up to 4 p i r I In the Do.nvav" l n d j s c ,cul tlil . s i m m i , iu IIIIH.I.TI .™.v -• W l l l l f till" p l a n fucllM-M ( l t l p | l - | • •... OTIIhK ITII1.K1U M . H s . . , I) Israel Bonds tins year :w that t i , m „„ f | l ( | l r ( . ) l ( M I S , , ; IVrhapMhe ni.^t .•ima/ii.g facet |1(.(l(k A haiiilli.ill tl<iss is tivnii; to or o f Al1 A<(; nii larger resources may. he available a | w p r r ) v i l l l . s , , , r „ comorcln-nsiv ! " ' c:""<'>' " *!>o time ganize for school age bo\s on v m - s t r w t i V s i i p W K K :••"•"••-•. to enable Israel to grow and munu- „..,,,,„.„,,„, ,, f , . x l s , | n , l o I I s i n | •"«' moimy he has gji,.,, j ( , t i , ; < n . da>s A b)v^ g\mni-tics ind FOR BKTII ISBAKt facture more products for foreign ( . ( l l l l l j t j ,, l l s _ T | | | s l v | | | l n v o | "„,,.! l ; i l ) ! o •'etivitits. Th.-re Is h;,i,||y tumbling clis-, is also IP tli" 1 1 eau markets. In narrowing the gap m mmodcrnl7.atlou . ,,i)lm , j a, vvorlh-while j ••'•• Beth Israel Sisterhood will have. o a,. r n , 7 . : , t , O I l „, Himu u ,,• ;<• whirli which has has nut not of KOIIIP ! " ' process ol l>eing foimcii This its annual supply shower at a lunchparticipation. Nlttiidaril dwe mid the bulldClass will meet once oi t w i c dui,„.„„.„ . > .._.„, _ - . . - -I NKuiuaril ilwi-Iliiira, 11 eon meeting Tuesday, December Tin-Mi actlvitii's Iiits broHKbt hitil ing the vveek, aftci school Dan hasten the attainment of her goal l n ( . ( ( f a n „,,„„*,„„ I tfl.OUli ]«-r8 at i2;30.p. in. at (he synagogue fnnilllis still lioiiorit far lii'Voiid norinal r(H<»gFogel, a fonnei ci'iitei instructor of economic independence, Dr. ^ ^ j I ( o n j M : social hill;. • ' : ;V ; . / iiilion unit luclalm. Tin- C'olli'Kfi of living |n temporiiry quarters, will lead the class Those interSchwart;; said. Mmes. Von Cohen, William PosSince 1918, when; Israel'was es- tlin City i.f Nfw Vorlj guvc him ested in either class should conThe vvlde variety of Israelis w t e r a i j d Arthur Parilman will tie ?5 ports reflects the many industries tlu'lr <-ovctcil ditgr<*.\ "Doctor of tact the phys ed dtpartmert J \ in charge of the entertainment # t l l a t benefit from Israel Bond dol- labhshcd. a total of 311,000 new (,'oiuriiy" mid Citliiiiiliiu I'nlver1366 , The women's sbmnistic housing units have been built, inThese include ceramic ware, tiity similarly honori'il him with classes under the instruction of featuring 3 variety of games' r^'lars. ; ass cluding mole than 2.">3,000 neiniaEdith Goldstein continue to move Mmes. S a m arid IX W. Epstein are•••& 8* - plywpod, cement, chemicals, nent dwellings Israel Bonds have art honorary ili-gree. t o m 0 b i 1 c tires, polished dia- Adnrns claims that the late F10at a fast pace and ma> lead to a luncheon chairmen. Mmea Arthur & f na( u )nds Epstein and Delmar Klein in " i ' •"averages, metal .•products, pla>ed a decisive role in making rello La(><i, former Mayor of Mrs exercise class for men this poilulc* charge of.;the table decorations. ' I I machinery and vehiclcii. Goldstein claims, ' The men need The urgency of providing laige- New York, was his greatest influ: the exercise worse then the wom- •;. neservatioris may lie made with' 'f. scale capital for home construc- ence. A stroiit; bond of friendship Mmes. Barney Grey, GL 5266; %• en do" . . . Joe Patrick, Sports tion in Israel hus been further existed In tv •en tiie two inch for Director of KMTV was a guest Milton Cackin, P L 7656. or i l y - hi highlighted by the Israel Uond manv \<\n , ami I idtiaidia was the young pla>er on the Lustgarten cage team man.. WE 4030. Baby sitter serv- fr drive thtou>;h the sale of M.000 instrumental in : .'l'for the Wednesday night Varsity ice wjll be provided. Israel Housing Ilimds to spin the Arlains in tin* early phases of his j career. . . league He was the guest of Cal creation of peinunenl dvvilhn>;. Tlv; State u( Israel Bond Issue, Kirshen, popular Omaha spoits- "MB." AND •.MRS." NIUHT costin.'; ippi.)\ini itely ^ I Mil pei is the central source of investment caster . , . , Dick Werner temporfanuh Cornhusker Lodge No. 1760 of capital for Israel's historic proarily has begun coaching the A Z A B'nai B'rith will hold its annual is one of the ininiuv gram of economic development. 100 basket!) ill team Eddie "Mr. and Mrs. Night", December objer-tiu'i of the fsrad I'.oml dnvc, Proceed;; derived through the sale Levinson is back with the regu- 9 at 7:30 p. 111. at the Oniahu Pubwliich also provides funds for inof Israel lionds are making poslar men's volleyball group after a lie Power District auditorium. dustrial development, agricultur.'il sible the growth of industry and three week vacation . . . 1-es Burkexpansion, exploitation of natural \ ".demonstration on elcciric agriculture, the expansion of irrienroad at 6t>, is rated among the cooking will be made by the OPPD resources, construction of roads, .Senator Lyndon B. Johnson of harbors and railways, and develop- gation, the construction of roads, best of players. , staff following dinner. and railways, the increase Texas, Majority Leader of the ment of an expanded export martions should be made with Merle of electric power, and the exploiCOVRHK IN BABY SITTING United States .Senate, this week ket; Potash, HK 8816, program clirtirtation f n t l , A four session course in baby man. called for investment in Israel ;nid tation of natural resources. sitting is to'be'offered :tt the. Jewother underdeveloped lands ah a vital service to the cause of free new nations of the free world. AT BETH Y.\. K, J. .Speaking at an Israel liond dinThe last .session of the Beth Kl ner in his honor in Houston, he College of Jewish .Studies will stressed the need for tlm United meet on Monday, December 7 at States to "enter creative alliance:; 8 p. rn. Dr. Nomi.'in Milgivun, Clinof trade and commerce" with the ical Psychologist at the Nebraska new tuitions of the fro world. Psychiatric Institute, will discuss ('Iting'tlie impori:tiir(< of invrfct"A Freudian View of Judaism—A mi'iits such .-is Israel linnils In the Oceanside, Calif., (JTA)—The Jewish View of Freudian ism." new free nations, Sen. .Johnson Oceahside-Carlsbad College Home- Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will conHald: coming Queen was a 72-year-old clude the series with "A'Jewish "We must recognize that freesophomore, who was the choice of View of Judaism." dom can never grow in unprepared her fellow-students over four 18Betli Kl will sponsor a Hanukfields, Frcedoiiifi requires schools year-old candidates. kah decorations workshop in the and hospitals and public uorkn Mrs. Irene Day Horvatb, a one- synagogue library on Thursday, and lilghwaj-.s. Freedom require!* time internationally-famous fash- December 10, at 9 a. m. Sitter capital Investment—beyond the. ion designer, Is a member of the service will he provided. resources of a new-born land. Thin Temple for Living Judaism in need must be. met." Oceansirte and a former vice- BOWi.INU Those who paid tribute, to the president of tlie Oceanside SisterTO Senator included Philip M.-KIutzhood. Arivingemenl niclt of Chicago, Chairman of the planpn The honor w;is paid Mr.-;. HorPresident's Council of 23 major ning the IJ'nai li'iitli \V'</rnen.s Disvalh for her many hours of work Jewish national organizations, and trict No. (j I'owling Tournament for the welfare and happiness of Moslio Leshem, Consul General of in February l'.UjO will hold their the junior college students. She the Slate of Israel. first mi'tling Wednesday, Dec. ft, .Shown here Is u huge (.'cinmt ml\er at the < I'ipe faclias been a leader in annual school !):-°.O a. in. ut the home of Mi's. Mr. Lesham presented to Sentory. In Israel, Ilio largest prc-slresst'd ennimto plpo plant In tlio fashion shows and is a columnist Max-Sucks, 180a.No. r,Gtli Street, , I » I . H O IilJMJ JUIIII ator Johnson a silver-cov-ered Bion the college paper. , general chairman. world. The plant, anil actual construction of irrigation lines, uro projble made in Israel, ect* tliftt benefit directly from Israel Jionil Investments.''.

Plan 32.000 New Homes

Call AT 1177 or AT 1093 to Work

On B.I.G. Day

Former Sisterhood Officer Reigns As College^Queen

i v n r l i l




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