Vol. XXXVII X». 13
every Friday. 101 No. iotli Nebra^itu, 1'hone JA KIU6
Admiral l,e«k
sylvani.i, Dropsle College, Chicago Medical School, the University of Liege in Belgium and many others. Admirul Strauss holds the Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit and many other top military awards. He was nominated to serve us chairman of the Atomic Knergy Commission in VJ'i'i, nnd served the five years' statutory limit. . .'• .
AnfNewish Campaign in Russia Intensified Magazine Reports New York UTAi -In tin- lust few month-;, "the .Soviet Union's campaign against Jews and .hifi usm hi"! Itilfniifii d ' lcioiihiif; to a report from Moscow in this \wek's issue of Life imfM/mc '1 he fllusti.Hcd icpoit, s.i\s tint, within recent months 'all o\ei the countiy synagogues haie been raided find newspaper m titles haie opjieared a 11 a c 1c i n g Jews as 'thle\fV and 'cm nut s of socialJ/sni." In nil of Ittissln, die Article, Btaleil, on I) IK ho><i are stiidciili at ii m.ilce-shlft >cslil\n tnfiiliiflcd In onn of MOSPOU'M thrm f»jrmBagilfff urn "permitted liny edncntlon In tint traditions »r Judaism nnil only 8,0IW Hebrew prayer IMMIIM have printed Mnoo 1017— Mini only a few hundred were ever dihlriliuted." 1 lfe itpoi Is Hi il !< ws c uinot be of)i< i rs m lie n.iij or go\ eminent uffiiiil. Only one MJUJM MIC H-niuni in Kir u h u h his I MO 000 J e n s nnd m inv who louK ,i ihv off
$22,4Q9,G80 Renai:'! Plan! for Eg;
last I'a.isover were arrested, the story said. In spue of tin- persecutions miinj ,I(ns including j o n n j men in their twenties told the Life roruspondenl that they "feel like J e w s " 'Ihe wiifei \\,m told by a number of Russian Jews, "Maybe one day they will let w go to Israel"
enry Monslty I.oiljje, B'nal I i . Ih, will have Fred Hill, associate .superintendent of schools, as Kiiesl speaker, at a meeting Tiilirs(!:iy, December 37, 8:15 p. m. at 1,7V Ito.ie. Howl.
Second Class I'oytaitr f'&id ut Oinuliu. Ntilit.
Oipy 10 0 Cent* Cnt* Annum li atc 4 Uollan Ull
Base To Climax Bond Program ady Gala climax of the l<)r>9 State the year's total for Omaha
••ad's first •II "Tanin" al Base In Viin harbor on its ]6-day "iiui'-e to Israel, The submarine, manned )jy a full complement of .")(! officers and men, was fully .timed «ith thirteen 2,000-pound toipedoes and "ready for combat." The day of departure 6tarted at 7-'iO a m. when the Tanin's crew took up stations aboard the vessel while flogmen carefully Inspected the hull in what on Israel stuff office called "a customary precautionary measure." Sister Submarine One hour later, the crew of the sister submarine, the "Rahav," paraded through the British base carrying Israel's navy flag and drew up on the pier facing the camouflaged submarine, As the colors weve raised on the deck, Seaman Yehoudn Halm, a 23-yearold Ycrhnite cook, intoned In the ship's galley an informal blessing for ihe ship's voyage. Commander Yosef Dror, captain of the Tanin, arrived on the pier, accompanied by the commanding officer of the British naval base. After inspecting the Ilahnv crew and a British guard of honor, Commander Pror was piped aboard. Col. Yaval Necman, the Israel military attache, and I.t. Cmdr, Nathan Sofer, the naval attache, assisted at the ceremony. AnolliT Crew In Training Another crew under the command of a lieutenant from Kibbutz fiiii Harod, is being trained in Mngland for Hie final takeover of Il'ih'iv, the refoud submarine ptiifhiicd from Ihe Bntish The CH'W of the K.ihiv, like the ciew of Ihe 'litriin, Is a f rue crosi section of Isinel's population They Include Jews fiom North Africa 1'eisia, Pol.md, nil no-born Isiiiells, and South Africans All of them aie volunteers
of Israel Bonds program for 195!) will be held Sunday night at the Hlrrckstone Hotel when the ninth annual Ilaiinkkuh Festival will be produced by its Greater Omaha Committee. Governor Ralph G. Brooks and Joey Adams, comedian and author, will headline the program, scheduled for 8 p. m, A dessert supper, priced at 6eventy-flve cents will follow the program of information and entertainment. Itcservatlons 1'rgcd General chaiirnan Robert M. Feinberg urged reservations lie made by telephoning the Israel Bonds office, AT 1177 or AT 1093. The office will be open from 10 a. m. until 4:30 p. m., Sunday, Feinberg praised g r a n d marshal Arthur A. Colin and his I'eiiilx-rg corps of vnlunleer workers for their siieresi efforts on BIG (Bonds of the Israel Govcrment) Hay last Sunday. Sales of more than 510,000 boosted
Mrs. Meir to Retain Israel Cabinet Post 'Jerusalem (WNSi -Mrs. CJulda, Meir, who repeatedly indicated she would not .u(cpl leappomtuK ul is I'oieign Mmistei in the new cuihtinn Cabinet to be fomud by Premier David Ben Gurion, w.is icpoitetl to h.ue ngned to accept the portfolio pio\tiling there is no top mteifeieiice in the aiea of her lulhonty as Foreign Minister
and Council Bluffs to $KM,500. Afimy to Ccmtiu't "We still have a great many persons to contact. Unless w« reach all prospects, we cannot go over the lj;200,000 mark," Feinberg asserted. He and women's chairman, Mrs. Aaron Rips, asked for more volunteers to complete the solicitation program during the next few days. Adams, national president of the American Guild of Variety Artists is receiving acclaim from newspapers throughout the country for his efforts to revitalize the entertainment industry. He also will take part In Philadelphia's Chanukah Festival of Stars December 20. Gov. Brooks on accepting the invitation to speak, stated "the gal« lunt struggle of the people of Israel for economic self-sufficiency has won the heart of all Americans." „
11 of Israel-Bound Group Die on Deserl Tel Aviv (WNfi). -After a long journey six Jewish families from in Hindi ntifii d At ib countrj have
reached Israel, where they were temporarily settled to Ilerzliah. Whn (he .six families started their trek to Israel some months ago, they counted .')7 souls, but eleven perished on the way while negotiating treacherous desert land that, was scorched by a burning sun. After reaching the shores of the lied Sea and landing in one of the North African countries, the wanderers were carried to. Israel by plane together with the religious objects they carried .vith them on the way. Within days; after their arrival, the family heads went to work on orange groves in.. Israel.
. •.••.-.•....
Nebraska Girl Visits Israel, Finds Are Just Like Folks at Home "IVi hnj' Ml nitui.il pietlv
IIIIIIK ' in Isi lei I'.e'.ciK Mupiid-
onstrate the "rock and roll", to
son, NebiTiiki p u ll( lp nil in Hie
Interndtionnl Farm Youth V.x(11 n i f e I V o t L i m ill eliiri d ,ts s h e i h'itt'd iboiii In i f o u r month1t u p i h r o i d i l u i u i ; i s t o p o w i .i< M u n u i p i l A n j i o i t i n i o u t e t o hei h o m i in A n Ii \ , >,i hi ' J I H I h o u m i l s o l mill s ' i | n i i t 'ii n ' I fi din hi i h o m e i \ ipin I ' I d in I M u l is . h e hi i i n ' i m i l o p ' d in its v n i i i h i |<it i l l l \ i \l< rifled t o in i d m in ; i l o i n ol <i ,i u i i l t u r il
London, (JTAi • 'i'lie Ilriiauit automotive concern .lias promised .settlements there. JJlie, Vistlng N'eiKlilMirx to invest $'J2r'V)0,<KH) in a new plant "It uas just like visiting the for construction nnd assembly of Itenault cars in Kgypt, the Cairo neighbors" she explnined as -.he described iier friendly hosts, of the ]{;i(lin reported. lienmill receiidy cancelled ;i •simillarity of food, dress anil living contract for assembly of its I.J.ui- in gfiieral. Miss .Sliepard:i'in lived on four phine eats at the Kaiser-Fra/er p|ant in Haifa, Israel, in order' to different types of farm settlesecure removal of it;; name from ments ranging from the-communthe Arab boycott of firms doing al-type kibbutz to tlie moshava, which .seemed to her "the nearest business with f.srael. <From Jerusalem it was re- thing to a farm as we know it in ported that several Israel Minis- Nebraska." Among her many experiences tries were .studying the possibility of establishing; ii Govenimenf- among the Israeli families, she was owned automobile plant to help impressed by. the modern home fill tli« (;ap created by the cancel- convenience!) and her conversation lation by lienault of assemblies in was .sprinkled with-praise for the latest farm equipment and the apIsrael. plication of scientific' research. The 22-yeiir-old daughter of Mr. School Official Is and Mrs. Haymond .Shepardson,
Lodge Speaker T
Israel's First Sub1 Hanukkah Festival Sunday
4c/m. Strauss Will Receive Beth Israel Annual Award One of America's most diilinguished public servants, Ailjiui.i] Lewis L. .Stiauss, will reeeiw.- On' cnVPted humanitarian award (if Brlh Israel .'.ynagoguc at tlic congregation's annual citation dinner Sunday night, March 20, IDCO Announcement was made by president Don Gnrdman and KHIIIII Benjamin Groni;r of Belli Isi.icl In n joint statement, they s-ud "Admlrnl Strniuis follows ' in the fnotsteps of our distinguish! d recipients in the past, including'former President Harry S. Truman, JKddle C'nntor and George Je.ssel." I-ewis Uchlcnslein Strauss, who has served as Chairman of Hie U.S. Atomic Knrrjiy Commission, us Secretary of Commerce in I'resident Kisenhower's Cnblnet and is now President of the famrd Institute for Advanced Study at Trineelon, lias devoted his lifetime to civic, philanthropic anil religious activities. He is pant president of Temple Kinnnn-I-:i in New York.-In July, lifiS, he was awarded the Medal Of Freedom, the nation's highest peacetime award, at special White Jloii.sc ceremonies, lie has received honornry deRroes from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, NYU, Columliia, (lie University of Perm-
lleverly Sheparilsiin, young Nebraslian eiitting grapes in an Israel Vineyard. She arose at l:.'',0 a. m. to pick grapes at Kfnr M-'ieeabi when she arrived at the height of the harvest season where much to her surprise even the climate seemed .similar to her home .state except for Hi .sun's Intensity in the morning. She cooked nt Ihe home of her Nahalal host, whose' family was enchanted with her America apple pie. She also treasures the memory of going into the'orchard of the 25-acre farm to pick lemons for a lemon cream pie "The food in Israel is very good," she said as she complimented all the fruits and vegetables included in the meals.
prominent Ansley ranchers, Miss Shepardson, who has been closely identified with 4-II activities, was particularly interested in farm life and spent much time at Kfnr Mac- Misa Shepardson chuckled over cuhi, Kiryat Anavirn, Gevlm, Na- the disappointment of her young friends when she could not demhalal, Negba and Gedcra.
them synonjmous with her >oung compdtnots and also then goodnatured laughs over the Americans' Bermuda shorts, (The Isr.iol girls wear short shorts and the 'Beimudis" is consideicd n man's stjle) But iill-m-.ill, she noted the gnls diess much the same as in this country T.MIIIIIRH Arniinil the riresldn Her social life included dates with young Isiachs, visits to the cities, swimming In the seu and there were "many memorable evenings around settlement .firesides devoted to conversation, song and food." She was on nn excursion on Ihe fateful October night when three .students met death at the site of an old land mine which exploded. Miss .Shepardson compared the young Israelis' lour of military duty to the college period of Americans, in as much as it is the time when they "^row up and become adults."
The Jewish Press will be received in the mail on December -. 1M instead of December 2."). Due to the earlier publication date, news contributors are nuked to have their news releases in the p r e c e d i n g .Thursday.
Another of her observations Included the Sabras, the native oorh, who are especially notable for.; their wonderful pride in their c o u n t r y . "
' -
. '
'•.•'••.!.. .-.•-.; :•:••'•
She was particularly Impressed by the.relationship between teachers and their charges and had tha • occasion :to teach a class in English oil her visit to one schcibl.. i : ; Children's Itespcct For : Teachers "The children have great respect for their teachers,": she pointed out. "The youngsters aro con«. sidered individuals, are guided to think through their lessons in their search for the right answers and are never forced into anything." . She added her amazement "over-" the assimilation of the different cultures that, have become* a part of tlie country's melting pot and staled the people of Israel are striving for peace with their Arab neighbors and the opening of free travel in tlie Middle-East. .- ... "However," slit- went on to sny, "there is no fear among tlie people who accept everything as a way of life to which they .have become accustomed. They must keep up their- defenses because the country is small." ' • A graduate of the University of; Nebraska, she visited a former .schoolmate, Miss Tamnra Gil of Tel Aviv, a cousin of Mr. and Mra. . I.eo Hill of Lincoln. As a result of her many experiences, Mis.s Shepardson said Bhd hopes to bring a truer understanding of Israel and her people to Nebraska. ......... . -..
Deaths .MRS. Ful>li«li>'ri Kv«ry l-tiitav In I lie lenLhli F i d (.ration of Omaha. An:i»ui suUAiit' !.n n l^. A I t n i - i H','ts on Ar^i-alkic Publication urr ic "Jl '.'J .; V FM 0' on. >uSr JArfcn IK«.
•MRS) l-'rtANOr.S KJ.l IN
Stamp Corner
AI.IKi:i» A.
\ « n li.is Ix'in re<ei\''d uf lh( di'Uih. .N'owiiilwr 17 in Jeiiivrtlem, I si ..el "I -Mis Allied A\eltixl Ml-. A\l-ll«d '.Ids Stlll'kl'Il Ulllll
Editor tourinp Isr«"l u'ith her hiisb.'ind Burial WBJ, in Jerusalem.
I>W«.Vt PM'
iOmahans in News l(.ilil>i Sklnev l i . B i u u U of Tt-n.ple l n u e l w;is iiptx^iittrd ,i nicniber »f t h e chnroh mid s l a t e <-(>iriinitlee iiiid the sltimlin^ lunwnil-
f >I-«T
f , ' t r " i a l i ti,iiiIII.III " I ' l . c l i i M i c n s Hi- |>J'.il H.i^.iin
lee. on resolutions *>f the Central Conference of Aiiiei'ieun 1!;I1JIII.S
SIII\IVIIIK 'Hi' her liu^baiid and 1'irst X-ifllUliant Sf4-plie.ii J. son. Dr. Kphraim Axelrod, v.ho is Orcenherif, him nf Mr. and .Mis InU'i'nim; in « jNew York hospital. 1'eter (Jiei-nbcrK, hn.s been assigned to Litlle Rock Air Foive | S0I-0.M0N SIKVi: Soi vices u r n held Sunday at H.if.e, ii mill of the Slriilegic Air the Jewish Funi-rjl Home for .Sol (iininuind. onion Silvfinun,fc~>,a resident of I.iciilfiiniit OicenherB's dutieh the Dr. Philip.Shrr Home lor tin as AssiKliint Infonnntion Offieei Ayed, who dud Satuiduy. Rahb at Little Hock AFH will include j ) OIOIIW olfuialod. work in the public relations, comSurviving aio .sons. Morris S<>- munity n-lntioiM and internal in, 4:»ri p. m. )b AURWI'S, Calif.; Loui formation fields. BKTM ISRAKI. SiJverman. Palm SprniRs, Cplif. llabbi Benjamin (iivner, Ciintor Ale>: Sehnng, Chicago; daughter Mr. and Mrw. Mm Stinplro have Kli ICagan, thp Beth IsiaH Choir Ann Silvennan, Chir.iKo; a l>it»!h;iiir| ni(»n>l)ejs of the Talmud Torah er Max, a Mster, Ml*. Pauline Lu- returned home nfler a two weeks' Intermediate Class will partici- liowsby, 1K)HI of Hrooklyn, N. Y. pastern tHp which included a visit Monument Co. in Washington, D. C, with their pate in late Friday family MTMCCS fi grandchildren, 11 daughter, Mlhs Hurriet Slinpiro. nt H p. m. leb dubby) Pulv.r.M* elulrlten. Tiaditional Fnday evening (.en-j 3\Irs .Silverrnan was a ivsidenl 28 Years' Experience ices (Kabbolas Shablxisi lH-j;in at iof Oimiha fifty yca/n and a mem4:45 p m. S e n n e s , Sunday morn- ber of Beth Israel Synagogue. With J.wiih ing at 8 45 a m. followed by Bnnal was In Cinld^n Hill CemeLettering «nd Memoriali Bleakfast and Rabbi's class in Bi- tery. RUG & UPHOLSTERY ble. Sunday morning Junior .Min2211 So. M i AT 2452 CLEANERS yan followed by breakfast at 8 30 Bar Mitxvah a m The Talmud discussion group RUGS — CARPETING mccth evei> Tue.Miny eveniiiK at All friend* and relaUvea »r« LAMP SHADES Pntinnfre Our (i:3Op m. MHiteil to attend aerilrei and FURNITURE •Sabbath morning services begin reception. Cleaned in Your Hornet at 8.45 a. m. Junior CoiiKn*i;ation DONALD (iOI.DSTKIN yi« The Bar Mitxvah cf Donald at 1Q a. in. Talmud class at 4' 15 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 4:45 Goldstein, sun of Mr. and Mi*. Don ••rruftin HA 2554 p. m. followed by Shalos.li S'eiidok Leonard Goldatein, will be celettmttrhm brated at tlie Beth I«ia«I Synaand Maariv. •AMfOMMi on SKturday moriiing. MfMM B'XAI JACOB ADAH MATZMAN Every Portrait VKSHt'ROX Tlie Bar Mitxvah of Howard Seivicpg a t B'nai Jacob - A<lusGift... Veshuron will t)egin Friday at 4:4!) Katzinari, (.on of Mr. and Mrs a Precious p. m. and Saturday morning at David Kat/man, will be enlebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue on H-W a m. with Mmolia a t 4:45 p m followed by ShaloOi S'eudo«; Friday tveniiiK, December 18 and Dally sen.ice<! at fi'iO a. m. »n<l Saturday moiinnK, Dwember 19. 5 p. m.
The stamp KIIUUII soinr of flip kuildlngM at M r r i m j a uhii'h wltl cflebrafo its 50th minlver•ary noon. The above itamp was. designed •to cominenior.it* the fiftieth, anniversary of Mciha\ya. ihf first Jewish set dement in the Valley of Yezreel In modpm times, founded In 1910. The name, Mcrhavya, meaning "God's Expaiue," is tak«>n fii-m the psalm: "I culled upon the Ijord In dislrcis, the Lord answered me. and set me in a large place <Mrr-
The stamp, \ allied at 00 pi alas • r 3 1/3 cents in Ajnenrun money, «an he puTdmvd at the .Touisli Goinntunity O u t e r librai-y.
With the Home Folks
. I'KMPI.h IMiAEI, Blondo Barber Shop I R.-ihbi Sulney H Binok'n seimon tojiic for Friday eveniiiK, DeremRollle Rogers S a y s . . . 1 Thanksgiving tnblp decorations , l«?r 11th, at Temple Israel \vj|| he. lor the Residents of the Pr. Philip '"Prirlo and Perjury" - The 'IX Your Barber W o r k a t gher Jewish Home for the AfrK'd | Scandals :ini! Truth in ourTime. Your Convenience •wtrr made by Brownie Tioop V'M>, I Services at S:15 p. in. Appointments a t Bertha Barlwr School. Kelleme. under tin1 Ir-mli'iNlilp of Mrs. J. JBKTII K l / N o Extra Charge ly. Kvans, leader. I Services at Roth El .S TIFKSDAYS: Council of 'Jewish | will be^'in this eveninc at 8:15 GL 9284 Women Arts and Crafts classes |p, m. Rabbi Myei- Kripkc will de6618 Blondo 8 A.M.-6 P.M. are beinK well attended. liver the sermon. Cantor Aaroti I. WKONKSDAYS: On alternate m and the Beth Kl Synagogue Wednesdays, a special Blkur C'ho- Choir will render the musical porBm Circle is entertaining our tions of'the1 •service* ANTI-FREEZE folks, and serving "spwinl goodies" Services will be conducted by made at the Home. IN A LEAKY RADIATOR the USY. t'OMINtt KVKNTS: December Sabbath morning services will IS MONEY WASTED 13: Tlie Council of Jewish Women begin at 9:30, Junior CoiiKrefiaLion will have their party at 2 p. m. services. 10:30. The Mincha-Mnnriv For Fait—Dependable December'27th: This date is re- service at 4:30 p. m. Guaranteed Service *ervod by the Bikur Cholim. 'J'he Sunday moniinff *en'ice, IN mntOHJAM: Solomon Sil- will'.bcgin at 9 a. tti. vermativ SKLAR RADIATOR TAJIKZEIT: SiieciaJ memorial Mn. Rose Garland Of Chieago, «erviccs will be held in the Home III., will arrive December 20 to L«u Hurwiti, Prop Synagogue on thfi occasion of their spend the holidays with her sonDowntown Location Yahrzeit: Kislev 1—Dec. 2- -Mrs. in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mm. 170S Cost WE 0200 Joseph Kosowsky. Kislev 3—Dec. Nathan Shnkert and family. 4—David Iyouis Moiosniek, Kislov 10—Dee. 1 1 - Mrs. Meyer Potav — "Omaha's Travel Service" nik, Kislev 19- Dec. 20- Harry Dworsky, Kislev 22- Dec. 2 3 Mrs. Sophia Neveleff and Kislev LOW COST 29-Dec. 30 Ifarry I.. Cohen. News «Jid BapprntnrA It JlirlJr Philip •ktr liulsh tluiiit fur Il.r <it'l l/> Bfevll) Orbnw
. . . wnen it is a special holiday portrait cf your family
John Kalina
JA 3032 1201 JONES
817 So. 36th
HA 1044
Harry's Kosher Poultry
no.l specialists in storage, packing, local and long-distance moving
Special Prices for Parties and Freezers AT 4977
1314 No. 24th
Certified and approved by Rabbi Dr. Leon Thorn, Prnsidenl, American Academic Rabbit Atiocittion of New American!, and' Rabbi S. Wallcin of the Orthodox feabbis'Association of New York City.
Hi. I U U.S. Utt.iil. Kl. III ;<nl4.»l. I k I w C — t j
Call Jerry Krupinsky For Fro« Estlmdtci ond Prompt Servlet
"22O Volt
Art Epstien At Hickory Room Art Kpslwn is the n t w owner of Hickory Ronin, restjiuivnit at the Red Lion, iiov,' .specializing in , "Har-B-Q" and homi'iii.icle pd.ilrics with "foods to nit." Hcstaurant liours ijirludf' Siiiul-'iys, H a. ui.8 p. ni. ;ind Kudav n;,d S-iturdajs
until 1 u. m
Ideally planned fours to Israel during the sunny winter months— and on to Europe at tho hoight cf the social season. Phone JA n w to 'h'.rrl vour Wonl Ad ».o Jcwi-Ji Prt',-,. Ralp is CO cents Icr each thrfe Mne Irr.cr»on. Tim Pre:'. r««rvn tin rkih! to llmll aim of eacH odvcriitcincm
CAKDS BAK and 15ns Mlt/.vah conyrnlulations also for all .Imvisli holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 DodRe
yon SAITE HY~O\V^{-;K-
nia-botind Roomy, .H bwlrooin, year old ranch in Maenneis Hillside. C,-irjK.-t<'d, laifj/.1 '.lircli kitchen, garnKe. full basemnit. • A riw.p cheerful iiou.se, soliitfil nearby. A.ssiuile Ty'/n'/o conv. loan. Payment, *.>• 103 inrl. prin., int.. taxes iiiid insiiivmce. 'I'M "!'.<('•'.',,
4415 CUMItJG
Family Plan
o o
Departure Cities
1959: Dee. 22 1960: Jan. 19, Feb. 9 , 2 3 , Mor. 9 Sfdy in Israel may bo oxtended and European itinerary changed, allowing independent" return. Attractive Tour Folders Available For Further Information and Reservations
Rrsr Candle Is Dec. 25
Suite 424 — Farnam Gldg., Omaha 2, Nebraska LOUIS ELBERT —Co-Owner, Mgr. Telephone JA ES74
Friday, tint
Fag* Fhn»
Leonard fiould, VAO So. 51, with WOKK.MIJN VIRVUK .\Trs. Meyer Hosenbuiini ;is r o -.UKMHEHiSiriP DINNER liosle
'I h e
. Tht> Workmen's Circle Midwost District Commit toe will hold il.s 5,'tl.') W e ; , Ii-i n Aveniif, M i s annual mt'inbei'sliip dinner, .SunMIIS. SIDNJiV HATI.KIIAV sitirt ( ' I U I U " * K mH I . i l l t\~, i M n i f , day, DwcrnlxT 13 «t- the I.alMH" IIOSTI,1S ll'liui B'lJIli JlcMiJ .Moii'.liyj IIO\IU> I,yr(>utii, W.'A C'uiiiinn street at. <i <liupt<>r N o . 170 w i l l h o l d a b u , i i d | Mrs Siilni'y K<itJr>iii.ui, 7>lr> I!1K1 It ( IIOJ.IM TO HOI,I) p. in. Louis Witkin will bo •ioaslnuvfinu iiml d<-:>hi'i t l u m - l i v o n ("iiss, will be Imsli'i1. to the II.iI'jlli-IIAVI Kli VII I'AJWl inastei1. Jttvei"vations iniiy ho made Thursday, Drc-mhiT 17, C'-no dussali cli.'iptcr Ixiaid lit a desscit The wofiioii of liikur Cliolim So- by-calling AT 4815. . • p. m. «t the hump of Mis OIMIIPH ltincliron on Monday, Drcciiibci '•i'-ly will hold their annual I'reFishpiv . f*o-host«'SK' will ho Mis.M. S p n i i n ; as ro-ho.itesKe.s will be lr.'uiultliali party and liirichcdii, Your Host Art Epstien Hrrrwml f'lOldstroiii. Mini's.. Jack KaiifMinn and Theo- Monday, December 14 at J p m. IIAUASKAII ONi;<i SIIABBAT AT HOMK OK MRS. VBKKT 'Dip Ilitd'issfih Kdiidition Council will holri ils monthly "OJIPK Shabbat" un .Siiiiudiiy, December 12, ut Hit' iKiine of Mrs, Paul Viwt, VX) So. 51 Awmif, nt 12:30 p. lit.
the home
(il M i s .I.'il i
WA 2442 675 No. 50th Patronize Our Advertisers
Your Host Art Epstien
dore Sanfoid.
at the .fpwish ("ommiinily CenltT. Memlx>is ar<; urfjcd to attend the meeting by Mrs, Jake Wine, president, and askedf( to bring a small Vox, 120 So. .'U Avenue, with Iianukkuh Kifl "" txchmiKe. llosMines. M it u r i <• »• Alperin a n d rrvulions air being laken by Mrs. Chnrles (intvtz us (JO-hostcsscs. Wine, WA B(i(W, and Mrs. Harry S/old Crniip nt (hi1 home of Mrs.Sicinian, WA .'f'xJO. 'Hie K""JI' IHIIII'IIN will convene on Thin-sduy, Dereiiiber J7. Hoivl ( i i o u p at the homo of Mrs. Albert
Invitations Extendedfor Hadassah Donor Luncheon
SK\'. IIKDHKA TO SI'KAK AT lUtHADUKEAKKK'S M'NfJIIKO.V Senator Homun Ilmskii will IK' tiie t'Uf.st speaker «l the Ui'eadbrpakor's liineheon, Wednesday noon at the Jewish Community Center, i) ivns announced by Stuart ftnttlirb, president. MlZKAf'iri WOMKN TO <:j;l-HHKAJ B IIAN(!KKAH The Omaha (.liapter of Mi/.rachi Women will eelebrute Hmnikkali j with a "potato lutkn" party, Wed' nesdny, jleepinber 16 H( the Jewish Community Center at 1 p. rn. Co-chairmen, Mrs. H. Franklin and Mrs. Sol Nogg will be assisted by the Mines. Max Arbitman, A. Upsman and Beisie Belui. Mrs. Frank Seknr will be in charge of decorations. Mrs. Ben Ki.senberfl annually contributes the potatoes.
Omaha's Finest for
"The Flavor's in the Meat!"
M Q. Ill
. . •Smoked Turkey
. < ' v V , ; >Bar-B : -p Ribs
•Smoked Shrimp •Chicken
• Canape*
Y > ' B > * f •/•••;•/
o i''p-^
Compiefe Diiinen, Sandwiches, Sriacki
Open Sundays 8-8
Your Host Art Epstien
Fridays and Surdays Till I A . M .
.lul'.'.s IAulmI'r, uhe in the former Kslhi.'r Friedman of Sioux City, Ui., and a sintfr of Mrs. David
Hiwlliov of OiiialiH. Mrs Dan Coh#n, who will HHK seveial I.srncll .songi, will be ai1ciiinpuui'Ml by Mrs. A. C. Fellmun nt the piano. icra, a well ktiuwn human relaMrs. Stein, luncjii-uti cii.'iinnun, tions counselor, and r.olmmiiat, Is lieiiit; asMstetl hy \IniP«. Wll-
who will talk on "Trouble — The linm Alberts, Snm rimi, and Harry Great. Kqunlizer." Miss l,andt'r« Just. I'Rtinned -from a three .weeks Derorations aic being prepared visit to Ilussia. by Mmes. Maurice Feldmnn and Known In private life ns Mrs.Morris J. Shapiro.
CLAUDE CONSTABLE portrait* of distinction
^ : d l RE 1317
9uollty Work of Quollty Prlcei
goes thecost of electricity!
Candid Wedding Album! Formal Bridal Portrait! : Children Our Specialty
In the art* served by OPPD
482* Dodge
Custom«t Porting
the average residential cost of electricity per K W H —
Are the Factsi omoho
• T h « . average c o m
ol electticity, pei kilo-"'••••
wan hour, for residential usi in the United ; Staici and intlie OPPD area arc tu.(6||()w»: ;. rOTAL
Come Meet
. • • * ' • • • • • " '
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff
Lot Him Hnlp You WMh Your Clothing Selections
/ • :
. ••• 1 9 4 5 . : • • • • - • . ' • : • • ; .
Kilpairick'i Men's Clothing — Second Floor
1 9 5 0 ; ( .
. • • " - . • •
' • ' • . . - ' •
• . ' . . ' •
- - 5 . 0 t e . - " ' • • • •'••:•:-••••.
3 . 8 4 c •;••
5 . 6 6 c
• ' • • •
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• • • . - • : ' 3 . 2 4 c . • ••
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2 . 6 9 c
: - : v : 2 , 6 0 c ' ;••;•
1958 • :•
< ^ W '2.49c •• v 2J4i:.:- :... .;' ::;-/2.44c:: •
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,••>•'• ••'
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• • 2 : 3 3 c -
' " .••••
2^3Oc:. 2.27c.
7,?Sc .
hi tkt I'.dnan I'.Ucliil In'Ululi nd Iht flitrak Fowl Cotnmiuion ripeitit
60% SINCE 1926
••:; -'• ••.v.'.-- : 3 . 6 i c • : •.,•:•••.•
; •••: 1 9 5 2 -;...•.•: .••.•• •••••.'• - 2 . 7 7 « - . •'•
::.• -.•.••.3.4U--:. ••••'::,3ilii
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1953 1954 1955 ,1956 '
1948 1949
Greetings from the
•: ' ; YEAR ":Y:.; '<•• Unit.d St.t.i" ••.• .•.••,':,;:,-.ori'D : ..: 7.00c-".'• 1926: , : :. 1930 v;:,;6.03c.; S: :' '-rr-ir rSrtO
Your Host Art Epstien
(I/eft to riKhl) Mm. .hillus Strin, Mm. Mr.vcr llnhin, Mm. JPIilI JVIrimiiN—pliiTlnlnir nnniinl Undnssuli Donor Ilinrhron. Invitaticirui have bii'n i.wucd to all donors for 11j*- Ilnrtas-kah Medical Orgafii~/iition and VocnMonal Education Donor I.imclioon, on Tucuday, Deo'mlier IT), at the Moth El .Symi|,'o£iie at 1^:D() p.m. CJiU'Ht «|)O/il;er will be Ann l.an-
- There has never beth an increase In the residential rate on electricity in the: are«s served by the Omaha Public Power District. • So if your electric service bill seems higher than before, it's because .you are using more And more electricity , ... to live better. . In the face of steadily rising costs of living . . . •electricity ii, more than ever, iht bargain in your budget. :
Rower Qistrict
Pag* Toot
Center Sports .drills ;tiifj 1>;IMC fundiinuvilaJs conBy Cy SWUIiick j t i n u u Notiralilc improvement VARSITY LEAM'K Varsity league pl.'iy c'>iniil>iti d • .'mo!.;; uvni uf the boys is inking Ita third and final pu<-li<v g.iim-. ' place
With Pauls defeating I.UNIL; udi-m 60-52, and Belgra'li-s duminnR O'J'JIFK NKH'S Robinsons 78-51 A throp rouixl, Jeff PomeiaiiU Is doing a fine twelve game league tuhedulc Iw- job in assisting Cy Seitchick with gan on WVdnesdny, December 9th the Midget .league on Sundays'. Two University of Omaha basketYOUTH ball players, Phil Gradoville and A. Z. A. 1000 has jumped off to Chip Pratt are alternating with an early lrud at the end of two I.indy Paul and AI Claymon in ofgames as the Youth Council league ficiating at Youth Council cage goes into their thiid game on games. The boisterous and rumblSunday, December i.'Jth. La.st Sun- ing sounds coming from the J. C. day the league leaders, pulled away In the third quarter to stop a cold C every Mondny, Wednesday nnd A. Z. A, 1 team tt-2\ In the sec- Krl'lny afternoon's fiom one to ond game, Raylm loyed with A. 'A two o'clock are not helicopters A. 100, to the tune of 73-23. In taking olf from the Center roof. opening league encounters, 1000 They are the regular men's voldowned Rayim 35-ML' in a cnieial leybdll sessions. Kd I-evinsnn bus game nnd 1, defeated 100, 4.V31. volunteered to lteep low and order during the game . . . Jack Stiss off IDDV BIDDY MZAdl'E on a business trip to St. Louis Iddy-Iiiddy practice drills got and Chicago for two weeks will underway on JMondaj, December be mksed during the Varsity 7th. league gamed . . . Dave Bcl/er is doing lots of work lining up the MIDGET LKAiil'K Youth Council Convention athletic Widget league participants in- meets . Creased to »<;vonty-two ; boys as
Friday, December 11, 1!>">9
Israel Bond Committee Aims for $200B000 Brooks and Adams Will Head Festival Greater Omaha's intensive 1959 Israel Bonds' drive is headed for its second straight 5200,000 year, according to general chninnan Robert JI Feinlierg. Feinberg noted thnt tlie comniunity raised 5206,100 in cash and commitments in last yeai's record (iri\c led by S.nn Kntzman nnd Sum Rice, of wlifrh $198,000 wns Converted into c.ish by December 31, 1!).")8 "Willi tills Siiiida.v'H (,'ulu HnIKiUkiil) l'estlvnl nlir:id of in, anil our top lejitferHlilp tnliiiig pt'rsoii.il charge of the cumjiui|rn in Imlh
Omaha and Council Bluffs, we ran agiiin hit $200,000," rdnlicrg s.ild. Uesenatmni for the Festival, at which Governor Ralph G. lirooki and nationally-famed comic Joey Adams will gpeak and entertain, may still be made by telephoning the bond office at AT 1177 nnd AT 1093. "Both Sioux City and Des Molnes gained more than 20 per cent this year. With Morton Richards, Iz Chapman, Dorothy Riekcs, Esther Rips and Ituthle NogR carrj'ing the ball, we can maintain our leadership In the aiea," Feinbcig asserted. Aim. J. Harry Kulaliofhliy, nn» chuInnHii, noted that un eurl> moniUiR: f,no\v iir<tvent<'(] iniuij worker* from nssimlilj nt tlii* Jewish Community Center for ItJ(i Day. "«'(* Ktill liiive Idti to lie c/m-inl," Mr». linl.il.ohltj hnlil HI slie nppe.iliil fur mure iidikcri to eontmt |)rr\Ions piiriliaserh. Oni.iha's H mukli.ili Fi-.ii\ -i! wili he one of scei.il ilimifliout the I'niled SIJII-, Moif tli,-,n lf),000 re-n \,itio;is li.ue lioun rccoi'.od foi
two performances in Mailison .Sfjuaie Gulden in New Yoik. "Hecause of tlie tieniendnus intt'icst In this yen's Festival, we am again waiving the requirement of buying bonds in advance," Mrs. Kips said. She praised former women's chairmen, Lona Grossman, Fay Ix-vinson, llebccca Wolf, .Marion Kumlann, Ruth Nogg and "too many others to single out by individual name" for their all-out support, In Council Bluffs, Mr. and Mr*. Iten J, (iertilinn appealed to all T»bi« mbdol phone —choose from 0 docorator oo|or»
I.SKAKI. DKKKN'SK I'OIiCKS GIVE HOOKS TO COLI'MUM New York (JTA)—Tie I-sraeli Defense Forces presented to Columbia University a number of books in appicciation of the University's contribution to education of Israeli veterans who were enabled to resume their studies nl Columbia after military sen ice.
IIIUUILS to Join In the final Kiirfjitunurili the S'iOO.OOO «nul.
The bond office uill he from 10 a, in. until 4:30 p. handle leseiwilions and bond according to office niminger, ces Grei'iibor;.;
open in. to fains, Fran-
MAltlTIMK TItAIKI.NO CKNTKIt I'OIt ISK,\i:i. Monli-eal A martime training sc-huoi to be located south (if Haifa in Israel will lie known as the Canada ('••liter. The Israel Maritinia League In Canada is helpini; to ( ' s " tablish the institution for tin • tmining of officers and .senmen, Hitlierlo all of Israel's merchant navy officers and enjiineerR havo come from the I-i.iel Nautical f'ollcf[e Kouth of Acre.
n n 163%
f*>rBrl Is rapidly Q{»i>roa(?iin£ Sflf-J-ufficiency in food t!ip|'"f(l ttjih thr aitJ of imf-tnirrn capital proii<!r<l \>y UmA Bonds. Milk and tpR pnfdiuiion tiava nrtirly iriplcd, KIUIC v*'Kct»M« and fuji [irodtictiun have reacUed aJmofet four limn llttir \i\t\ of trn yenrfi ago- I-rurl Ilonds are playing a vital folr. ln.lh» r\piin<ion of every wctor of llie c-nunlry** ironorny, incluflijiff indu*lry, agrirul*. Itir*, tran-potl ntitj fdinmuniraiioiir-, and tlic rxploilntton of natural n'tonrcet.
TOV/ARDS SElF-SUrilCICtJCY (ptr copifo]
food Impodi reduccri by 54%
S+ill Time for Reservations
What a tl.ou ;htful , ri foi 60 hiindy , . . • . «
n'mMK >tri line . . .
h n 'I umi- ...<•'•
useful every
Gala Hanmk
d.ij of th" .\i ,ii'
Mom will think jmi Un lh" C J U . I I n i x e ol her kitchen
e\ti nsi'ui
in her f r . o n t e
8:00 P.M., Bladtsfone Motel Ballroom
will be Ituilli'd '.Mill ii"i iiii.nt Iictlp«)iii phnin" fur tho->e "pel MIII il" c.iIK Ij.id, too, v ill ln:e Ins n v n extension i>hnne in his wml^liuji or di n. You can i;i.e fstmsi'iti i»h'ine
lo fi•• nfIs oi )H.i-
ti\e<, wheip\cr they m.i> bo Imn;; i.t.'l .-in.ingi- to
Dessert: 75 Cents
have the mo'toM cliir,;f-> billi d to j o u . We'll lie glad to gift-wr«ip j o u r phone, .mil install itum >;m be made before or after H.'uniKlt.-ili, /is you wish. Call your telephone businc.-. offiie now fur det.uls.
Northwestern Bell Telephone Ca-nny
Thr iinproMinml In I*ro( 1*1 crimi/inir position with tli<- uiil nf I'rjrl llonill in ilrouiulinlly SIK.I.II l>y tlie rlian|;>; ill In r IJ.I1.UK,• t,f n.n]r. tmporti liuva lii en r t i l m n l liy 17 |icrirnl, u h i l c .:x|iorl» lia\o f i i c r u ' i i l !»y 107 prrrrnt. I I'onil IIM|MIII« per rnpim Imvi: ln-iii rniiirril liy S i p i n m l , njirrfi-nlinn a j niujor Mrji tuHiinl f»if-ni(Iirii-nc)-. hi".ir\ llmiil fiiinlt li.nc p l a i n t a i l r r i m n rdlr iii iinjirf^iitji; lfrai:l'a hal:nir*.r of Irailr. •
See and Hoar GOV. HALPH G. 0ROOKS and Doctor of Comedy JOEY ADAMS