December 18, 1959

Page 1



" *

Published every Friday, 101 No, '2'Ah Omaha, KTOiuhku, i'hoi.e JA KJ^G

Cabinet PIciced by Ben Gurion Tol Aviv Israel • premier Ben Ourion formed n new government Coalition that is more to the Kk'.ht tlisin his outgoing Cabinet, Nine members of the mod'>>rale Socialist Mapai, two of ihe National •-Religious Front, OIK; Progressive and IIIIP Progressive iiro In Hie coalition which lias seventy of the 1-0 votes in Hie Knesset. Mr.. Ben-Gurinn's parly will retain all Ilio jmportanl portfolios. The Premier will continue as Defence Minister. -Mi-.-i. Golda Meir .•Willremain us Foreign Minister, I.-cvi Kshkoi as Minister of Finance, /Caiman Aranne an Minister Of Kducation, JJi.-lior .Shltrcet as •.Minister of Police and I'inhas Sapir as Minister of Trade and Industry. Mapal newcomers in the Cabinet Will he Gen. M'oshi? . Daynn as Minister of Agriculture, Ur. Glora Jo tscphthal ns Minister of I.ubor and Abba KbairTis ATTIil.sler without Portfolio. Mr. Khan, former Am bas.sador to the United Stairs and representative in. the United Nations, will deal with international affairs, working closely with Mrs. Weir. The Religion* parly is Kettinp the Interior portfolio which will be taken hy Moshe llaim Shapiro, end the Ministry of .Social Welfare to 1)0 headed by Dr. Yoref Hurt;, FinluiK Rosen of the Progressive will remain a.s Minister of Justice Bild P.nbbl Jaaijob Moshe Tolednjio, IndejH'iident, continues a.s Minister of Religious Affair!;. The Transport, Development and

The Jewish Press will ho received In tin.- mail on December 3]. Instead of January J. Duo to tile earlier publication date,-, news contributors • uve asked to have their news releases in the precediiic Thursday. ••:•'..-•

Adult *•*n Opens

! 8

ception to Mark Opening f Barber, Beaufy Shop at . Sher Home for Aged

Health Ministries, which had boon IS [oosr intended for the representatives of Ahdul Avodnh and Mapam, uve not A 10 wpiic (ouisc expected to In- distributed at presst.ut ent. There is n possibility that and painting for adults, Kill Wednesday, Januaiy 61 from these later. A special ceiemony Sunday, Dep. rn. to ]0 p m at tljlo Jewuh Community Centot, The pass will cember 27, will m a r k the forma! opening of the Barbw and Beauty be open to beginners as well Shop just completed at the Dr advanced students Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Inslruction will lie prc 'Mod- by Omahans who heard Mr. Y. Cin- Neal Melden, who spent tjhree and Aged The project was the culdi.«h of Acre, Israel, speak here a half years at the Choliiijaids Art mination of many months of efnot too long as;o, will be interested .Studio in ta Angeles and the foit of the BikHr Cholim Society, in his-re-elected'as mayor of his Wall Disney Sound Coo dination its sponsors, it was stated by Mrs. city. The vote was nine to-three. Studio. Mr. Melclen i3 an exper- Juke Wine, picsident. The mayor's outstanding per- ienced commercial arlisf Biid speThe opening will be held In consonality left a lasting impression cialist in advei thing design. nection with a program at an open on membersof the communities Fee for the 10 sessions [is $7.50 house and reception at 2 p m. included in his tour of the United for Center members and $10 for planned by the Society. •States. noii-membeis Pcrsong wiping to A room was set on the first A Mapai affiliated Arab, Mr. enroll hi tho class are qkked to floor of the home which has been Mohammed Huhshi was elected to call the Center Activities office, furnished with equipment necesthe post of vice-Mayor of Acre. JA 1,16(1, now. sary to provide beauty and baibor sei vices for home residents. The maintenance of the project will be sustained by BIkur Cholim. Highlighting the afternoon's progiarn ,wlll be the dedication of a plaque in memoiy of the late Mrs. Sophie Neveleff, well-remembered community leader who was

Mayor Re-elected To Acre Office

20 U.S. Type of Supermarkets Operate in Israel Soon

Needlework Guild Names C@n$ribut ors Mrs. Dave Colin, Chairman of the Jewish Federation Agencies' Section of Die Needlework Guild, ui'ties all persons • who have not: sent in their contributions to do •o this week, in order to eliminate my further "follow-up." The following have contributed to the Needlework Guild since the 1 ist list appealed Mnies. Milton Abrahams, Edr wild Hen:, l).i\id Bleicher, Abe If Brodkey, Maurice Feldman, Morton h.'••Fisher; Saniuel Gcnd-

Israelis lining tin lr (,rro<ery niiirl>( tluj{ In IIIR slate's llrst lu.irltet hi T< I A \ l \ .

Need Servicemen's Latest Addresses

Uniled .Stales and Canadian businessmen will provide capital and technical know-how for an Since the Jewish Press is.mailed Aineriean-lypa food chain of 20 each week to Onmhnns in the supermarkets in Israel, as the result of the success of the nation's Armed forces, notification of any first, such store operated in Telomissions or changes of addresses Aviv by Super.sol, would assist tile Press office in The Introduction of American bringing its mailing list up-to-date. 7 Omalmns are invited to make retail methods, -self-service, onefsuch corrections immediately also stop shopping and .the use of exIn order to aid tin; Federation of tensive newspaper advertising met with immediate success, ns the Jewish Women's Clubs' who arc popularity of the Tev Aviv market Bending Hunukkah greeting to became evident. It. is managed by Omnha servicemen whose names lm l'eiuberj;, nephew of Uobert are on the list. Mrs. Joseph H. M. I'Vinlx-n;. Freeman, is chairman of this projCentrally located warehousing ect, The Jewish Community-.('en- facilities are planned for the new ter, JA TM\C> will be'glad to ac-venture, it was stated by Kmcept the llsiiniis. nantiel Sella and .Stanley Knben-

Greater Omalia's V.)'t\) State of ern scii'ii Governor lirooks Israel Bonds campaign pushed past, said. the §177,r>00 mark in eoinniitments Joey Ailam'i, recently elected and 511-1,000 mark in this national president of the Ameriweek following a lii(;li!y sneeessful can Guild of Variety Artists, told llantlkkali Festival at the Hlack- the audience1 "As long as a single Jew remain. ) In bondage, every slone Hotel Sunday night. Governor Italph O. Bivioks told Jew suffers some form of Iwndage." !lie audience of some 200 jM?rson.s Kobcrt M., Feinberi; presided at science has "cracked tile tile nieeting, which was tho last wnind barrier, hut that it is up to public affair of the 1959 drive, nail to break the thought barrier." which already has passed last He pointed out that not too year's record in Council Bluffs. nnny years "go all the water;; of "The leadership of Ben and Kelma he Jordan Kiver could have been Gershun in Council Bluffs In truliverted so that all of Israel (then ly remarkable," ho said. 'iilejitinej could lmve been irrlFelnborg Baj(i Hint tho results ;ate<l nt the cost of $20,000,000. Sunday "make our chances to hit "W'e knov/ that tha lam] of Is- $200,000 again highly enoeuratfing, ael can BuW»rt 10,000,000 per- but it will all-out comuns through the miracles of mod- munity effort.1'


s t e i n , Supi isol ie[>icsent(||tivos currently \Kitmg in Om.iha Hinder Hie sponsorship of C. M.-Nc\|mun, Uinky Dinky Stoics Co, \lcelpiesIdeivt.

lei, Richard Goldman, Elmer G r e c n b c r g , Daniel Greenfield, Charles Guss, Julius Ilornstein, Mendel Landsman, Mathias F. Lcvenson, Aaron Levlne, Edward Lincoln, Harry Lobel, Marks Lorig.' Mmes. Harry Markel, Josef Miiyer, DaVid Uosenbaum, MUlard Itoscnberg, John Rosenblatt, Jake toscnbloom, Bernard Ruben, Richard J Seitnei, Isadoie Sokolof and Sam Zwoibttclc.

president of Bikur Chollin for twenty-five years, and an ardent worker for the home. The idea of the barber and beauty shop was suggested by Mrs. Neveloff, five yeaia ago at a Bikur Cholim meeting at a discussion of set vices for the home, Mrs. Wine :ccalled The proposal wag revived a short time ago and accepted as a project by members of the society who raised funds for its establishment. Mrs. Wine stated that "Bikur Cholim hopes the shop will bring added pleasure and a new Interest to the home residents who ara looking forwaid to using the conveniences now available."

$69,300,000 Given To U J.A. in Year New York—The United Jewish Appeal has raibed $69,300,000 this year in behalf of its constituent agencies carrying out piograms of relief among 590,000 Jews throughout the world and parUculurly in Israel. This was the figure announced at the UJA conference in New York. Among the UJA beneficiaries are the United Israel Appeal which conducts reception and absorption programs among newcomers to Tsrael in cooperation with the Jewish Agency for Israel, the .Joint Distribution committee whicU operates in European and Moslem lands and aids the aged aijd handicapped immigrants in Israel and assistance for Jewish Immigrants in this country B u d g e t s of the constituent asencios submitted to the convention totaled $240,935,850, The largest was the Jewish Agency's $210,927,000 Joint distribution asked for $29,112,000 and the remainder was requested by the Now Yoik Association. The delegates gave unanimous approval to a resolution pledging full support for UJA's J9S0 campaign and urging Americans "to demonstrate their continued supporl by responding with highest jeneioslty to the campaign for unds vitally needed for lhe-sav\ng efforts In Israel."

>maha Nurse Rates 'Israel on Par With U.S.* An Omaha nurse who has veiled the hospitals of many lands,: was so impressed with nursing cai|e in Israel, that she hopes to yqjurii in a profe.'sioiMl o i p u l l v foi several month1! soni'd ij I1 She is Miss Barbara "Rdwjli'ds, personable member of ,St. Jo|fccpli Hospital's operating staff, wl«|| recently returned from u trip til the Mid-Kiist and some of the soiillerii I'jtimpean Nations Highest .Standard* Said Tvlisi ld>vuds, ' t h e lios pitals of Israel have the. lugIiesl of standard.'; and nre on a par ^ilii our own. They l n \ c the fiui Ht equipment and are s t a f f e d ] skilled physicians and n u r s l i staffs". . A graduate of Crt>ij.:bton vcr.sily, her interest in foreicn pltals, has taken hor to Sr America, along the Caribbean, Scandnnuvinn countries, Nnrll Eurojio niid the British Isles, in pursuit of a long-range <>l> live, world-wide In dimensions. Miss -Kdwiirds has nccumul notes, photographs and other tinent m a t e r i a l for a thesis "Comparisons of Hospitals of World" which she eventually prepare In connection with atu for a masters degree In iiur.sln

Complitta Tour Her seven days in Israel beganwith a thorough tour of Hndussah instltutionK. She saw the old structure on Mt. .Scopus, now Inaccessible since its' roads of approach were cut-off, tvnd viewed the new buildings rising to take its place on Kin Karen;. She was conducted through the five temporary structures which evoked her professional praise anl surprise '•[ was .shown every phase of the hospital and witnessed operations including heart surgery as fiilpjas performed in 'his country. I 'conferred with the director of the Henrietta S/oId .School of Nursing, had lunch with the nurses and even ;iltended one of their coffee breaks." The. Oniuhan also praised the HciJinson Hospital in Petah Tikvah and the Sharon Hospital in Kanial Cm Lauded Nursing J'roro.sHion Slie was L'locitient in lauding the nursing profession in Israel "for their dedication to their work which Was beyond anything" she had witnessed on this trip. MiRs Kdwnrds who feels that peison,il int"est m l e n t s

cieates bettei undeislanding of a case, highly appioved of the coordination of nursing and community health in Jerusalem's.'community center where nurses ara on. duly ;t,«0((, Children' at Concert A highlight of her visit wag hearing Uu> Philharmonic orches^ Ira concert in Tel Aviv where .'1,000 children sat without a sign of restlessness. .She wus a guest of Hie Aineriean-I.srael Foundation. Miss Kdwards, also a talented organist and pianist, took . her first trip abroad when she won a music scholarship to Oslo. The sabbath observance was another impressive note in her -visit. "1 will never forget the universal quiet", she remarked. "Kverylhing was shut down iiv honor ot Kahbath. ' To familiarize herself with tha Rlbical history of the state, she read the Bible in its entirety. Miss Kdwards' collection o[ data still re(|uires a trip to Asia. When the thesis is.completed, this young nurse, with her own dedicated purpose, looks forward lo a longer stay in Vlie isvud wWcH her so much.



ay, Utinabtr It,




Stamp Corner

IV] Aviv (WNS - Drmand for ndnilhsioii io Israel's trade schools f«r exct'fdn cap.'ieity, OUT tn Israel reported.

CHAKKLS S. ItOSS Funeral services were held at Published t i t e r y Friday by liio >]«\\isli 1 Vilrrutiuu ul Oimilia. Beth Kl .Synagogue December 9 for S^'L (J C l «i Hi- b i< T n u I 0 1 > u N e t r Ch/ii-Ii's S. Ross, 70 of 6325 GlenA n n u a l i u n i c r i p t l e n , W CO A a v e r l i s i n y Kc5e''> UM Ar>p c n P u b l i c a t i o n O H I c e - l O l N a , [ ' p * - » ' f f i o c u 'itt j*-or i I u , wood lUmil. The Jewish Funeral (MRS) FRANCLS lUXIN Editor.1 ijonic was in charge. Mr. Ross, """"""""" I owner of the lioss IGA Slurps, I died December 8; . ' ' / | Surviving are his wife, Sylvia; W1UP'All friends and relative) are j daughter.' Mrs, Jean Kpstein, Omactij ATW nd lletlftj Invited to attend services and ha; sons, Karl, Detroit, Mich.: in 9 reception. Alviii, Hartford, C"onn.; Justin^ I^os n^/m ~\\v\ Angeles;.' Cal. and sisters in Israel. HOW AlU> KATZ.MAN M The Biir Mitzvah of Tfmva'ri ADOIJ'H NKWMAN... IN A WIDE VARIETY Funeral wrvices were held, son of Mr, iuid Mrs. TO SUIT celebrated | day at Crosby-ICunold/Mortuary David Kat?man will EVERY TASTE to- J for Adolph Newnian, 90, of ,H702 ut the Keth Israel ! Klut: W I N K S , SHAND:I:I. Dodge Street, who died Sat unlay'.. £I:IV/OWITZ. W I B H H I A K , nitiht anil .Saliirelay mornint;. I. VODHA, CHAMPA&NK Siirvivint; aiewifc, Ijona; duugh,,.-B;KTH Sf'AMKl IHO BlJHtlUNnT, tere, Helen ;md Sadie Newman; X KICHTMAN . /Services' at:Belli Kl" KynagoRuo O if the first tmlMlnirs nf son, Tli<»dore Newman; sinter'/ will bt»fjin this evening at H p.m. :rin. •Mitzvah of Max RichtYeviid HH-MHIIIH. 'Ihe till) hliotvs CONCORD and MALAGA Newin..n and ,i Rabbi Myer Kripke will deliver a tnup of Uilte iruleli wlilrJi !•< notr nlno lir rallnr'ii nnd Mrs. David Mrs. daughter,Wendy, all of Oimilia. antl hntr srnllorm the sermon; Cantor .Aaron' 1. will be cok-bi..ted at /.itt dlMtpiM-Arlne nuu, mid Kar and the Beth Kl Synagogue the lieth Isi.iel SyniijoKMp on F n turned Into (erUle Innil, Spl.OM'ON'.AIINTZ Choir will render the musical por- tl.iv eveiilru;. Decoinl>er 2.">, and A rcixirC lias buen receive of the An IbLip] htump 1ms been issued t i o n of the service. •'••'•. / S.itiiMi.iv morning, HPCPJUIK'I X death, Sunday in Port Jervis, N. Y,, to commemorate tlip founding; of •.".';..Siibbaib;- morning 'service's will of Solomon Mintz, father of Milton Yesud lla-Miialu o\t-r 75 jeare HKO Certified Strictly Kosher by . begin a t H-.'SO, Junior •C.;oiijji*f|»a'tion H ' j » * - £ e Mintz. Sen ices were held Tuesday The iivlllPinPtit, one of the .fierviccw; .10:30. TheMinclm-Maariv 'D.IT I n 5 Rabbi Isaac Halcvi Heriog in Hrooklyn, N.. Y, A|so survivinf; service <it 4:30 p . m . Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Stern-ori- are his wife, Aiina, : another son, in the countiy, was settled on t h e ' Chief ftabbi of Israel .slime are.i of 1,,-iltp HIIIPII The Sunday:' 'hioniirig.'- sen-ice miutire't^ie hinh of a son, John i.eohurd of Arlinglbn,: Va, and five hv youiiff iiiiiniur.inls mosily fiom Mieh.iel on November 30. bejjin .at 9 a. ill. grandchildren.. Ihp SIIDIP MllaKe in Poland Mr find Mrs The iiMine, Y e s u d Jl.i-AI.ialn, /BKTMjSICAKIt'//.'// /' - :>-\ " II. Stein nnrl Mr and Mis rhe funill* of (He« Mr. moiinin); Ihe ' B>>(jmniMK of the Available at Your R;ibhi Benjamin Grqner, .('an- Scvrmour Colin ui»nd-p<irIriKalheimi;'' ii> l.iken fiom the SoliiiiKin MIIUTiiiau \tihli t o Local Liquor Store . torKli Kiigan/iini! 1he. Belli Israel ents arc Mi. mid Mis K''iihen Bible's story of K/iu's entrance Boidy, .lose[>h H.i\kin, of Onifilin I tlianlc tlielr"frienils' anil relnChoir will conduct late1. Friday eve- al into Jerusalem at the head of the 1 IIVPH for the muny ueU of Ir d A - "nd Mrs.Max Colin of I family services a l to p. : m ./j "f.: IT! mi ling fiom Kabylonlnri tlioiiKlitfnlnesH Kiid kindness 'rraditiohal' Frid.-iv., ovpiiinir serv- i Council'• Bliiffs. la Blolcky I«v«ra9« Co. ' F o r ii|>on the first day durliif; Ihe film* of tli'lr lieJA 3990 ices f-Kii'hbcilas Shabbtwl begin at of the finst month began (yossod) -•inn Mrs II>nwrd nwrd N NVvvboip •rtiiveniPnt. K.»(lu«Ur l)l«lrlbiitorf> 4 : 3 0 p .i n . ''•'. •"":'•'•••.;_;•';.'.'•: ^ •• , : / ho to i;o up'.il.u fioiti | of 1 iwton, Okl-i, mino.incp the Shabliath mpining services be- birth h t h of f a son, Babylon . . . " Mirh;io| on CKNTItAL IIK.II DKHATKItS . girt at 8:45;'.-a.... m. iit 52nd and November 29. AhiptiK .the rncinbers of the Cen- This stamp valued a t 120 Pmtii and at 9 a . m . at or nl)Oiit 7 cents in American tral HlKh School team, the. runtreels. Junior Con; ner-up in .last Saturday's Girls money tmtv be putt-liimcd nt the Missouri Valley Debate tournament j Jewish Comninnitv CVnler liliraiy, ev will conduct the Tz •„•„,]" j were Donna Kalmnn and Madelyn I room 2T Mrs N.-ithdii Sdks ,ire Ri'e «t: <1:15 p. ni;:'Sabbath Mincha at Kripiic.'!•.'•• ; ' . . . :: i .4:43 .p. m., followed by Sholosh j . •.' : : . '..'••- •'• ." S'eudos and Maariy. • Dr. and vMrs.".Charles R./Beber, ANTI-FREEZE Daily services at 7 a,iriarid 4:50 or Miami, Fla,r announcethe birth ; of p. m . ' a daughter, Jennifer I. on .Xo- IN A LEAKY RADIATOR Sunday morning services begin I veriiber 20. u


Bar Mitzvah


at 8:45 a. hi. followed by break-., «rand[Mienl< a i•e.Mi rind M i s fast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Nathan-Sacks'"of .'New York and Sundaymoming Junior Minyan. at f r - a » d Mrs, Meyer Beber of OtnaJS:30, followed by breakfast: ? a " ^ r s - R e b e c c a Hubenslein, of 'Tlie Talmud Discussion group ^ e r , Colo is a great B; Weiner of nieels ever>' Tuesday evening at I " 1 0 " " * a " ( I , M l is A -.' ;Ali classes: in; the. Beth -Israel j.«»;«ndmoiher.

S i


,^ . ^


Set.e |^"o£ December j ^ a 7 « I ^ > S ^ H ; / ; .

21 to Decerober 31,•-1959 during] -; The three girls' Kioups of VoimK the puhiic .school winter vacation, j Judaea will meet Sunday afterj noon, DecemlKT 20, a t the Jewish Community Center. B'NAI JACOB YKSIM KON' The Anne Frank fjnls who will at B'nai Jacob-Ada.s- meet ill 2 p. m vvill tomplete a Yeshuron will beRin Friday a t 4:45 program to be piesented «t the ' p. n), and Saturday morning a t Detember ll;id;iss.ili Junrhenn, S:;tO 'a.- in: syith Mincha: at 4:45 The DOT.s sit a 2 p in meeting, p. ni. followed by .Sh.ilosh S'eudos. will work on a pioKram of dances j Diiily services at^6:30 a. m. arid which they will « n e at the Ui i Philip Slier Home for the A cod r A reheaisal of a skit to lie pro- < TKMiiVK ISKAKL ';;... :.'•', ' . , ' / d at a Unnnkk.di t e i in honoi ' • Services will be held a t Teinplc of their nwlht'ts, will be held at Israel, F r i d a y at: 8:15 p. p in. vvit.ri h the 2:30 p. m, meetliiKof the sixth! llabbi Sidney If Diouksofficiating g r a d e , g r o u p . ; / • ,y •..\•:.• '-.' 1," .

5 ; ' p . ' - ' r t l , ' • • . . • " • " ;


: ;

: ; . . '




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Thomas Klulzniek to AH Aliens f^ust Miss Doris Gofsdiner Wed Smiffi Student Addresses Plans Spring Wedding

Organizations Jf'IONr I.IIS' If A M K l % \ l l P U J ' I \ 'I IK- I ' H I I I I I - I V n i ' i n II >< ( ) i , ' , u i i / , i l i o n w i l l liulil ,i II i i m l ' l ' < l i j i . n l v l i t t h e i r I M I K I K ' O I I MH'i'lliic, T i U ' s « l a \ , ] ) i i-< i n l i i i '22 a t 1 2 V) p i n lit t h e . h w i - l i < ' o M i i n i L i i i l v ( V ' l i t i r M e n i h i ' i s » n e a s k ^ d l o IJJIIU; Hifts, f o r a H m i i i k k a l i exeh.inKf. Tallies 'Mil he si-l up for (IIDM-



'. n i l ' )>' M


WA 2442

i d . r . n l o ! il,i

\ll l ii , n i ' i n I l i i ' I ' M I I « M I i Mi ,,nil M i s I < •>» id s mi J , i i i ' j , n \ I, i- ii li %i>,u ' In Thomas Kliil/iiiek, son of Mr n i l l e j i o i l tlu-ii jflilii-s->is t o Ihi | , i i l l | i ) U l i C e I l l i - c i i | : . j p i n c u t n f I h e i l druifdilrr, Mi'.^ Dons lo Lewis I , i i i ( l M i s 1 ' l n l i p K h i t / i i i i I t . l i i i i n i ' i { A l t o i m - y Cf-n<-i,il h j Ilie e n d of l/eiistnl, sun of Mr nnd ,Mis | Omniums, mm' <>l Pailt l-'nresl. | Iluil inmiUi, it w a s i i i n i o u i K v d \n ('"ill 1/i' ^ spruif; ni'ilili ill] I'lie .tiinuiiiii i-mi'iit \ M I S tiMiie t h e Imiini'i iiliuii .ind N a l u i , i l i / , i is beinj,' jiliimu'd. bv M i . mill Mis Reni.imin Dien(mil Semre nt the I-' UinldKwtl, of KlfAsiiiDor, III , patents iiiKi"ii ' . i . < ,i."iM ul Mr


I lien 1 )n n, ul I

of the bride-to-be. Fuims with which lo niukt; tin Mii,s bien^ott, mi Jiliniina of Ilic can he obtained fioni ,'iiiy FaulldicT Sfliool for fin-K in Chi- report J cajfo,1 is a student at Smith Co\- l ost Office or Jniini|;ratioii office during the month of .lanunry. le(;e. The law provides severe penHer f i a n c e , whose father in c h a i r m a n of (he intcinaliiinal allies for failure to comply with council of B'nai H'lilh, is Httend- tins requirement, it was imported »l(ANI>i:(S BOOK (iUOI'I* ii>K Oherhn College. MKKTS TIlUtNIMV Hilly (irnhani On The Book (Sroiip of Omaha -lordtin IHaeUII*i1 Chapter HrundelS University NaWashington (WNS)- IU*M-ICUII tionol Women's Committee will Hill Grit ha in, noted American meet on Thursday, December 24. 12:.'K) p. in , at Hie home of Mrs. Jerusalem, (PTA)- Israel's Par- evangelist has been placed on the M. A. V e i i K e r , 6254 (Jlenwood liament K»ve a first rouding (his blacklist by Jordan becnuse of his lload. Mrs. N. It. Greenberg will week to an amendment which pailicipatlon in "pro-Israel at empower Israel's courts to tivilies." lead the discussion of Custave would liermil I(i-.vear-old girls to marry KliiulM-rt's "Mniliune Ho v a r y , " under ipecial circumiilarices after through Chnpter 10, P,ut 2. All rejeetinu arguments from lellgious Brandels members nl-e welcome •ifioke.smcn lo lower the mai-ringe to altend. age for jriils. The minimum JUSTIN D. HORWICH f would rrmnlxi 17. PltE-IIAM KKAII IUNMCK A pie-Hamikkah family dinner Specializing in in to be )ield Friday, December IS, Joan Crawford Honored Undervalued ul 6 p, m. nt Beth El Syna«of;iie. Siller service will lie provided. Securities Dinner chairmen me Mmes, Harand old I'crclniun and Max Falk. Special Situations Circles assisting wilh nrranucmeuts lire 7, 8, 14 and 15, under the direction of Mrs. .Joe Horn(iteln, circle eo-ordinator. Circle chairmen arc Mines Milton MarKdlin, David Sliukert, 1/ Tretiak, Members New York Stock Ixmis Huiwil/, Harold Goodman, Exchanqs and Othor Meyer Ifnlpiin, Norman Wolilner, Principal Exchange* Harry I.tbernian nnd livm Kai1801 FARNAM m it n. WGbster 4555 Resi-rvallons may still be made •SIS' l)> eallim: the sviia^oiiue offiee. wishing to play r.iriN, Mines. Dave Kpslcin [iiid Isadora Forbes ai»' iiinelieoii chairmen. Members and frU'iidsaie a.skeil to make reservations by calling Mix. Harry KlcliJin, WK 15C.L'.

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menilier.s of the "Anne Frank" Kioup, [ill riclith-Kradc K'i'l'>, WhiiM1 leader is Miss Mat lee Kallcinan, Omaha school teacher, will present n skit. Three olher (;ioups nnd Iheir res|K"clive leaden; are: fifth und aixth Kfide IH>.VS, Steven <juns; sixth (jrade Kills, Nancy Friedlander and seventh tirade. uirK IJnda Verel. Mrs, Hniry Wigodsky, fJI- W.\ Is tnkinK luncheon


Matthews Book Store

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Israel Elected to UN Technical Aid Unit

YOIIIII; .Tudaea, IKIS announced that


MtiuiHiiiM-*, plains, jiljlfjus urn all bliovtii in ULimalr rtintil rthrf on linn rxnluif; new "Slc-reo-Ri-lief" ^IOIJI-. I ar iiiui i- \iM-ful, iwlinalional, irnli«li<-! Your ilnlilrui sec ,inJ/icZ tlie ilr-tjiions that afTcct popula. • i o n i , clmi.-iiii, ir.uiHpoil.-ilion, liiHitiiJ.tMrN, Ni-w "sj>m(» Flight" iriouiiliii^ in luii'Miml vfalnutft^nlgl miy m m inli> view.


pledges of Sii;m.i Delia Tan soiu-' Hty at various u n i v e i s i t l eh ' IhroiiKlmut the coimlry. ' Co-eliiiirinen of the paity a i r ' Mil. Trd Seldin of Counril Bluff-,, . . . vvnen it is a special nnd Mrs. Joseph Huinst'-in. Res-! ervaliojis may he made by calling! Tinted Nations, N. Y, (.1TAI- • holiday portrait Mm. Arnold rtownmii at RV. H'227'J'/ie Krojiomic anil Social Council of your family «r Mrs. liiehrird Wivott, Council elected Isiael to ini-mhersliip in the 21-mc in h e r Comniitlee on Rliilfi,. .'MX'.-.. Technical Assistancc. Israel competed for this .seat with Jmltmcsln DKIIIf'ATKS The fu-fcj two votes resulted in ;i Photographer I'HOfiKAM TO tie. On the thiid liallot Israel was 817 So. 36th 1OVNU .IUIIAKA HA 1044 elected. •Jlic Omaha Chapter of Hadas-1 tah will dedicate it.s Deri'inbfi iiui-ltiiK projjiam lo Young Judaea, its youth piojecl, Wednesday, December '2'.\ at 12;'!0 p. m. ni the Jewish Community Center. portraits of distinction Mrs. l^onin Paul, diiectur of



Enchantingly by

livery Portrait a Precious Gift...

• l o a n ('ravtff>rd Sti-i-le. l ' i p s i < - f i l i C n . illri i t o r , \ M I S liiniiiri il l i t t i n - 1 l u l l it . l i IM-.1I A p j i i . i l l o r l u - r i l i - \ nt Inn t o t h r l i i i r i i . t i i i l . i r l i n w o r k o f I t i i i g c i u i m . »»li«- u n s p r r s i i i f i ' i l w i t h .i - * l l \ r i - l u i i - i n f i'il |i in al tin- '!'<)•.• n IIDII-P IMIIIODIII (!ursls v. Ill lie .ill <o]ICL;I' ( Itilili- l>.\ I l i - r l i i i l \ . r i l i i l n i . i n , j;irK w lu» are artiw iiir-nibni1, diirl' I M A i - \ r i i i t i \ e v i i e , n t a ti-rr-l i i o n . \ i n IM-T l i n i i i r .



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', Seventy-Seven leys ;* Basketball League, S Led by General Ouirm.ii) Roboit M KemlM-tg and liuildens chairman Morton A. Richards, members of the Greater Omnha CommiUee for State of Israel Bonds ure intcibifying (heir drive for a second straight $'-'00,000 >ear in Omaha and Council Bluffs. "Please don't wait until you * contacted to buy your Bonds And tltal." Coming ill for »|H>elul comIf you have made a commitment, ment nai the fact that the inert•end your cheek In promptly," ing Htnrted on time and ended Ouardian Chairman Isadora Chap- within minutes of the projected mtrn urged. Mrs Aaron Rips, Women's Division Chairman, gaid 10 p. m. adjournment for coffee a special corps of workers is pre- and cake. Ifcrae) Bond's in Sioux paring for a cash collection camCity, Des Moines arid Lincoln also paign. All bond purchases mUkt he were called on to pay their 1939 mude by December 31 In order to commitments immediately. "The bo credited to the 105!) campaign, need for cash, particularly for Mm. J. Hurry Kulafcofuky report- housing projects is extremely ur» ed. Iteurtion, she sold, was "most gent," Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, favorable, to the Hanukknh Fe»- national chairman, said

Rabbis Urge Holiday Bonds The Rabbinical Council of America this week called on Jew* throughout the United States to purchase State of Israel Bonds dm Ing the Hanukkuh season. The call was issued by Rabbi Emanuel Rackman, President of the Rabbinical Council, which repiescnts 750 Orthodox Rabbi* serving over a million congregants in every part tot the nation. Stressing the key importance of Israel Bonds In the economic development of Israel, Rabbi Rackman emphasized that "Hanukkah" If the season of dedication. It is a very appropriate time for our people to recognbe and implement their solemn obligations in the upbuilding of the II'JIV I-rfiid " Citing Hip Industrial and a\;r\culturnl advanrei which Israel hut

mode In the pant decode, Rabbi ICackinan pointed out that "Israel Itonds hate demonstrated their effertiwnewj In the recoiulrurtlnn of Israel and In the assurance of its rronomlc in'ciiritj. "American Jews need to help Israel in every conceivable economic endeavor/' Rabbi Rackman said. "The purchase of Israel Bonds Is a manifestation of our admiration and love for the State of Israel "The Rabbinical Council calls upon the religious community everywhere .particularly the Rabbinate throughout the country, to make this Hanukkah season a time to demonstrate dedication to the

Sevenfii and EigliSh Graders I runt dofiKy,

r i m , lift


< l n I'IIIMTK,





Zjhinan, Frank


t u il^-lit: I l o u . m l l»«m

K n d c l t n i n, Kliuiixl.



( , < i ! i l c i i l i ( rj,', D . i n




*»i I m . i r l / , I-i-licr. raw,





M l l d i r. D u n ( . o l d s t . I n , . I ' l M

.!«(• (•(< i nlii rj;. i ' . m l K i i i n m i Ntiiurt to




. l i m .Alirmns,






II i r r j

S i i o n d r»\%, li fl Ift r i [ ; l i t : 1*111 l . i i i ' . l i i i r i ; , Arnli'


Itmi ilnli

Ivulniim, (.ollld,

\ \ < I t / , D i m I t n l i i i , ( \ S i i t ( lilc K. M i s - l n i f f m n i .Tcri.v






Siimly Ira


file lur<-l



ciiui'i't of I^r.iel by purchiiiin;; liiiiel Bonds, pro.i'lmg this «.tni,ji;hni» domoriacy with the s i n i u s for (i')noTiic md fi.cnl stability."



Fifth and Sixth Graders i rout rciu, lef| to rlyhl: Dim I!.issnmn, \lnt\\ Wolji.i, l.iirv Suinf, Kli Kf> < hud i< off. .Io< I lilc li, Lireiilii-rj,', Jails NIOSIM rt,', I >ir li slnsber^, II,in Milder, I),mil I.ihst'li. Se< find row, left to ri(;Ii 11 I,cs .losepli, Hilt 1 Mil in, ,III)III I).lie, M.i.Miiird 1 nrbi s, .Tului J.ohtmiin, Joint ICulien, 'loin linden, ISolt l e a r n e r , I.< e ICoss, Hi I / I T . Third n>u, left to rl(,'lit: rhllllp Itkln, .Jirrj (.en-liili, Hen Slmftou, M c \ c I .ill., ^ i n f o n l I reedmnn, Hint (>ros<>iiiiiii, < rfilpc .'Miller, Mure Itoniaiifli, I>a\bl Jadihsiin, •Ilm \ \ l(;l<ili. It.ii I. r u n : Arnli II,in, Jeff, <'> ^elt< hli K. Mltilnf,' from iihture o r e : D a i s Welnstrin, Kuii U O I | M , .Icrn Ifollls, llriun S.inillmrst, d.try ^climlilt, Jim (•Inslmri;, Mark Ilenisleln, Jioh «>r.t>, lilll WOIMI. I'll fined nlxne are must of the M>%i>iit>-si-\<lii .Miii^et IcaKiii-r* that nro uinliTKoIni; PVti'lMlid (Jrillllifc In h.ihketli.ill fiinil.uiK IIIIIIH e.ieh .Mllld.iy iifternoon at the Jenlsli Ciininiurilty Center linn, 'Die liii\"i will soon In- ill\ Ideil into t u n four-team lejipueN for competition.

I'.iul, Katsltpp, Joe ranged in the near future- for haum, Wayne SicKf>l, Cy Keltclnek, Vanity and Youth Council all Mtars V.<1 KolBnulf, Jack Stivs, Hny Kirke . . . A Z.A. 1000 fioihmiin enjoyed It\ C\ Scitilild, nnd I^-roy Kat/.. a volleyball game with Rohnnii* Varsity . . . ITonic find homo Raines with the fieslimun mrla nt tlic Center on The lifliji.icics pull'(1 off n m.ijor upset by df (citing tlic dcfcinhn;; W O nt Kansas City may be ar- Sunday, December 13th. chamiiiorc>liip 1'fttil team r>8-12, in lhe~opcninK nifht of the Viuslty ca|;e diop In the mulitcip, LustKaHon's inifl little dificulty in racni({ flo a .V)-."!i win o\<"r Jtobinson's, The Kf'lKintlf tram pulled nwny (.ITA) -Tin- I ' D I t e d is U.JI tiri'iin with Isi.iel, tho In the final qiLirlfr uifh n v.i 11j A i . - i l i I ' . i p n l i l i c v o u l d i i i l f - n ' i i c I"i;> pti in*. «l!l win. lie cdiints on li a I a n c v d nltiiclc fnun I-i'I'.oy inilit.'irily "on the very iiay the Kiipjioi't of.Arab:: In. olhcr Katz, Jerry CNilnic *,'ii)d Joe Kir.-;- the; I s n i d b boi;in to put into rffect counlries." chcnbauin. Katz lod the scorim: tlu.'ir plan to divert the flow of Itf'p-irts l'occivod ln.'io Indicated' parade with 38 puints. I.indy Paul the Jordan Kiver," JIajor Salah that the Ki;yptians had dropped was hi|a'h for the lo-cr;; with II. .Salem, JOcypt's chii'f proi;ap»ndist, widely advert ised plans to divi-rt In Hie sccoml (j.iinc mi out- declared in an arli<'lc In tin; Cairo tbo waters of the Jordan before classed Ilobinson .loam f'.'ll .Ijofore new.'.paper Al Guinhmiri.-i, of which they reached I'.T.iell territory by n fast moviii;; I.usti;.-irtini team In' is v'litnr, construct ion of u dam in Aral* 5!)-.'M with Cy .Soitciiick, Danny 'J'ln- I''ir;;t K.'iyptian Ann;/, he territory. A technical committed 1 i Kpst'rin niul Al (;i;iyiiu. iri .scorin;; ri'VeaJed, had tilready been put on bad reported to the UAH cabinet 4fi of tin.1 5'J points. Jt'iy Kalslitrfl the alert on the I\Vi;oV frontier on this plan and had recommended with M was hi;;h for the lo.sers. and, .should I lie Israelis br'i'in t h e j j t , ']•]„. c a b i n c l , however, w a s r e -

Basketball Mews

Elath, Israel's port on the Gulf of Aqaba, is the sctne of oxt'ii'r.c housinpr construction an part of Israel's immigrant absorption program, which concentrates on tht Negev region and otl»;r a'rean of development. Sonip 32,'iOH lio'j >mi: Units must bn built cadi yrai dmIng the next five >( ar s with the ni'l Of Isrnpl liondb, Smcf utatdio'iii Was achieved, Israel has built more than 250,000 permanenfdwellinKB, Utilizing Israel Bond funds. Shown

ab'nc it a v.oil.nian completing th« loof fia'n; of an apaitincnt house in E!;ith. In the barkground are the Gulf of A'jaba and the hills of Jni'Jan. C'onr,Uin-tio:i of housing ifl nnr of tli" pun J I V objtctiM'i> of tlio Ismol Ilond drive, which also p i o u l r i fui.di foi imlu^tnal de\iI'ipT(jit, di^iiculluial expansion, exploitation of natural resources, building roads, harbors and railways, and creating an expanded market for export commodities;.


Egyptian Troops Alerted To Stop Irrigation Plan

.lonJan diversion «:heme. this ,-irmy ported a t its recent p


h^> • «


/' |


<1 "' a


A sun^yor checks in^tallQtions at the tif-w 50,000kilowjtt power fttotion at Aslidod on Israel'^ Mediterranean coa^t. Constructed with the aid of Stato of Israel Dond dollnr«, tile Aiihflori station bas liflped to \ncrra*r. Israel's annual power output from 260,130,000 kilowatthoun to well ovrr a billion kilowott-liours. Since 1951, major financing of electric power production baa coma from Israel liond soiircf.9. Allocation! of >3O,O0O,O0O from tlic new {300,000,000 Second Development Issue of Inrael Uond have l<frn fclieduled, to supply the power for new imlustricj and settlfnifnt« now lii-ing treated for t}l« economic olisorption of Inruel's immisranti.

W ..1 1 0 0

I. 0 0 1 1

I.ust^'arten BWnraile Robinson Youth Council A.'/.A. KlOO, in what is proh.-ihly a Icifjue recortl lanihastod A.7..A. 100, 308 to :>.l, i» chalk up their thud Hlrai|;lil. 1 e n K U e victory. Rujim liun;; in the race with a .'J7-25 win over A.Z.A. Ki'oup. Othf-r Sport News . . . Tlie J.C.C. of Sioux City, In., will semi a varsity basketball team to Omaha to play the varsity at our r;yniiKisiiim. Al dayman will coach the Omaha f;roup. The game will be hold on Sunday, December 27th at 11 a. m. Play I nff for the Omaha Varsity will be: Al'dayman, Danny Epstein, Stove . Lustgarten, I.indy

m c e t l n c ID

would • (."iitiafjf1, ho asi-oin-il, "in have discussed military and diplolar^'ij-fcnle operations" with the matic means (if b I o c 1: I n f; Ilia support of tin.' Second Syrian Israelis, Army. I'reeilimi of N,'ivi|;atliiii i' Added f'opidutlon Israel sources, commenting on The K(;yptian editor called the Israeli water plan a "matter of life Jerusalem, on t h r e a t s by tho and death to the' Arab/!." If the United Arab Republic to prevent NCRCV was rendered fertile?, he a Jordan River diversion project warned, it could receive 2,000,000 to irrigate lieu- areas, said that more J e w i s h ininiiciant.s who Israel regards such projects as of would form' a w e d j j e between erjiml importance with freedom of KKypt and the rest of'the Arab navigation'in the Gulf of Akabn. world. j The comparison of irrigation A I/nidon Daily cor- projects with the imjxn-lnnrc of unrespondent who has just returned impeded A I t a l i a navii;ati(in lor from Cairo .said that President iKraol'.s southern port. of. Kilat was Nasser of the- United Arab Hcptib- considered an implicit warnin;: to llc "h dotermiiied to war UAH President Nns.ser that any rather than let the Israelis carry attempt on his part to Interfcro through their plan" to take water by fore with the project would from the Jordan River to Irrigate elicit the same Israel retaliation arid areas of tha NCKCV. He mild ns would Interference with •Kilii't' that Nasser believed that "if tliorc i

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