cvwy Fr!<i;iv. 10) No. UOtli Ki;ljru'.i<B, I'lraiu .IA IMG OMAHA,
Vol. XXXVII No. I >
Israeli r..-J!.
Second Cl.iiis Vuiluy.t I'ultl at Onialm. Ncljr
r '-"py 10 Ccnti Annual H.itc 4 Uollnrt
Jewish Federation Annual Meeting, Sun., January 10
The annual meeting of the Jewish Federation of Omaha will be held Sunday evening, January 10 at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Robert II. Kooper, President, urges everyone to plan to attond the meeting.
Community Invited
Formal Opening of Newest Facility at the Home For Aged, Sunday at 2 P.M.
The entiio Jewish community has been invited to the formal opening of the new facility at the Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home for Aged—the Ueoidents' Beauty and Harbor Shop, on Sunday afternoon, December 27 at 'i p.m. at the Homo. This marks the completion of an important project Initiated by Bikur Cholim several years
Tribute to Lute Leader Featured at this program will be the dedication of a plaque In ' memory of the late Sophie Neveleff, a founder, and president of Bikur Cholim for many years, who devoted a lifetime to the welfare of the community, especially the sick and aged. Special dedicatory remarks will be delivered by Paul Veret, Jewish Federation Executive Director. Participating In the program wll be Robert H. Kooper, Jewish Federation president; Nathan h. Nogg, Home chairman; Arthur A. Colin, Home vice-chairman; Harry Sidman, Federation b u i l d i n g chairman; Mrs. Jake Wine, Bikur Cholim president; Mrs. Allen 9. Zalkin, Hikur Cholim past president. Mrs. Harry Sidman, Bikur Chohm vice-president is program chairman and David Orkow, Home superintendent, is nrrang*nients eh HI man.
"A Link—" "Ihe installation of the Beauty Jsrucll clillilri'i) In nrt*-iiii<1-rriifl* Workshop of llio .Icnisiilcin 1M-VWIIA nmlii* Himiiliknli mn- .mil Haiber Shop Is another link tldriilit ns tlielr way of preparing for tlui colcliralluii >>f thu )il|;ht-ilay I'e.stlvul of Lights. Tint V IN a in the endless chain of efforts of project »f tlm World JVdiTutlon of YMIIAH and .lovvlsli Community Crnters, of vvlilcli JWI1 Is (lit) liukur Cholim to make life easier, happier and more comfortable for IJnlted S t u d i iiii'inliiT. mil- Home residents," Mrs. Jake Wmc, hikur Cholim, president, <'onini"ntod. "And if the shop will In in1.; Hum greater personal pilde, and M i vv as a boo-itw to thf'ir moi.ili", thi" Bikur Ciiohm's aim In Haifa (JTA) -Israel's first sub- i'St ihiishm,; ami iii.unl uiiin;; it, marine, manned by an all-Israel v.ill Ije fulfilled" crew.trained in Kni;laml, was welGreater Omaha's 1'JJ'J d r h e for bond tiiis year, it can lx? attained." comed here with an car-splitting JsraeJ Bonds pushed past the Meanwhile, across the nation a serenade of harbor sirens, naval $!SL'.50O mark in cash and com- series of Chanukah Festivals In g'un salvoes mid roaring Super niitment-'i early this week, but the cash program lagged well behind, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Myslere jet. fii;h!ers. ficcordiiiR to chairman .Robert M. Boston, Miami and Lou Angeles New Yoik (JTA)---A Chicago drained off in the vacuum staga. Feinberj;. sent the national sales f i g u r e s fiiin—Fairbanks, Morse mid Com- "Construclion of the first lowOnly $131,900 in cash had been mounting steadily towards u new pany will v.o into a joint venture cost plant for mass production to collected by the weekend, and record. with the Government of Israel for be located in Israel will begin durJ'Y'inberg reminded Omaha and the construction of plants to con- ing 1960," the Chicago company Persons who buy Israel Bonds Council Hluffs residents that only by Dec. 31 nlso will benefit from veit sea water into fresh water checks .'received' on or before De- additional interest of a full month. by the process developed in Is- said. "We plan to locate a second cember 31, 3959, can be credited In the. case of 51,000 in txjttds, the rael by Dr. Alexander Zarchin, a plant In a semi-arid region of the to this year's program. interest gained is .53.33, (>l-yenr-old resident of Tel Aviv. southwestern United States. ''It Is vital to the Stnte of IsThe machine invented by Znr"Our engineers estimate that rael that a maximum of cash be chln, an emigrant from the Soviet when we achievo full and regular received • by that date, for the Union, freezes sea wnter In a industrial production, the cost of •.governments.of the world evaluate vacuum, forming pure water crysIsrael's economic position yearly tals which are then melted to pro- water under the Zarchin procesj In large measure by the sale of The Youth Council lounge at the duce salt-free water. The salt Is Will be as low as—or lower than—i bonds during the calendar year," area manager Gerald Schwartz Jewish •.Community Center has the present average cost of dellv. been completely redecorated and pointed out. erinfc fresh water to consumers In refurnished. Area chairman, Mrs. J. Harry the United States, which is now A high fidelity Juke box with Kulakofsky, said. "With a con- currently popular records has been approximately 40 cents per thoucerted effort, we can still hit the installed In the room in addition sand gallons. f200,000 goal. If every one re- to new, attractive chairs and othIl.irnld W. Sobel, Family Servsolves to buy or sell an additional er pieces of furniture. ue Director of the Jewish Federa"Our engineers have examined tion, has Accepted the position of all operating and projected comA large bulletin board has been l.vcullve Director of the Jewish mercial processes publicly or privconstructed with individual secCommunity Council of Peoria, 111., ately developed in the United tions assigned lo each organization and a case has been set up to dis- A former Om;iliun, J'lilllp M. Vale Richards, chairman of the Stales and elsewhere, and we befilut/.iiMt lias lictll < IKISI n to Feilemtlon Family Service Complay club trophies. lieve that the Z'irchin process 19 Mi.-mbers «f the Golden Age It is estimated that an average serve as a National ( h .ilrniiiii for mittee, announced. tint Kllil) liallmnilile t C'lul).will hold a Hanukkah candle- of some 7.T Youth Council memMr. Sobel came to Omaha In a great sclentilic breakthrough, :.JA Drive. lighliiif,' .service at their "tea," I > - bers visits (he loun;;e daily. Ilr now ri'^lilci In I'arlt Forest, III. lO.Vi, and was in charge of the In the years ahead we expect many 'cembcr ^S Jit 32:.'iO p.m. at the Family Service program of the dramatic consequences of Dr, Jewish Community ('enter. The Jewish Federation and its program Zarchin's woik to provide start•'party which has been planned for for the aged. In addition, he was ling benefits for the world." tin; group's monthly session will eo-ordinator of the Men's Division feature cards, KJIU'S IUKT a twenof the Jewish Philanthropies. ty-five cents Hanukkah gift exIn his new position in Peoiia, change. Mr. Snbel will rliiecl the nimmtlcame to an agreement that both Wa;,hington (JTA iSenator AlA -talk on Hanukkah will be nily-uide program of (he Council, Riven in Yiddish h.v Abraham Kis- hert CJore of Ti-nnessce, a member would accept conciliation and co- and will be lesponsihle for the of the Senate Foreign Kelatiun.s enslein, Jlcth Israel Talmud Torah operation solving the Palestine United Jewish campaign in IVona. Committee, who just returned from Staff member. "We are sony lo l o s e Mr problem." Jerusalem (JTA) — The first Refreshments will l«: baked at a three-week tour of Ihe Middle Sobel," Mr. I'.iWiaids, F a m i l y ihipmcnl of Isi.iel cabbage and "We hear much talk to the ef- SeiMce- chanmaii said. "During his tin- tenter for this party by the Kasl with Senator Gale W. McCiee, Mines, l.ouis •Cutler, .Sol KOJII; ami reported his conclusions on the fect that all the million Palestine Ihii'e je.irs in Omaha he has cauliflower to Ihe Uniled States Bessie Helm. J'ourini: at "tea" will trip this week, in which he said refugees want, to return to their hi'lped us huilil a good pio|,riam, will arrive hi New York soon. A New York canning factory lias be Mrs. Stanley Herzoff, president Senator McOo was in essential homeland," he said. "Wliile we which w.i-, accepted by the comu( the Omaha Chapter, National agreement. were In Israel, we learned that munity. He has brought to his ordered 1,000 Ions of cabbage and Council of Jewish Women and .Senator Gore said there was negotiations were under way for position1 professional competence LTJO tons of cauliflower, which will Mrs. Nathan Simon, representing significantly more political sta- the return of 250 from Jordan. P.ut and hi , poifoim.mre was of the bo carried on a Zim liner operatthe Golden Ago Club. Assisting at bility in the Middle East and a when we were talking with the finest caliber. Our commit tee and ing between Haifa and New York tin; tables will be Mines, l.ouis much greater military potential, Prime Minister of Jordan, lie was Hie l'Vdci.ition Ho.inl 'jmeeiely re- City. Cutler, .Sol New:, Hymaii Fried, Israel will export 2">,000,OOQ then when he visited the area three interrupted by a telephone call i;rrt Ins leaving, and extend to Arthur Itubin, J. Milton Margolin him their best wishes for a Mlc- flower bulbs to the United Statoa from his military commander who years a(fo. Ho said that during the and Kes'.ie tichn. cuessful career in Peoria." during the coming year. The IsThe Golden Ai:c Club is jointly tulka which he and Sen. McGee reported that many of the refugees were standing with swords at their had with Premier Ben Gurlon of Mr. Solid plans to leave Jan- raeli bulb growing season extends sponsored by tin; Jewish Federation and the National Council of Israel, and President Nasser of breasts and threatening to kill uary li>, nnd will be Joined by his from October to May and includes three crops, tho United Arab Republic, "we themselves If forced to go back." family later. Jewish Women.
!@Iffldl Cfe©]iB°lrll@l
First Israel 'Siilf Welcomed hi Haifa
U. I Firm and Israel Combine fforts to Desalt Sea Wafer
Post to KSulznick
Center Youth Council Lounge Has New Look
" . . - •
Bolden Age Hanukkah Parly December 28
Harold Sobel Leaves Omaha for Peoria
^ /
Israel Vegetables d States
Friday, Dewiatrf-r t.1, lf»5»
Omahans in Newt Mrs. Itose BluniUin, president of the Nebraska Furniture Mart, Published C\ci> I ilda} IJ\ Hit) Jcmsli I (dir.Ltion ol Omaha. last uci'k, rei<"i\od Set Ionia Club's !,e'^i J Co , I :• v t Pc d at On ol.a l l t t r . Annual iuDicriplicn S4 U Advert, j f>'-''-' on Ar r cai'on sci'ornl lomiiiil "Son ire to M»nfutOlcgtlop Office—101 Ho iCHi S t n t l O '<! o. I.eLr J A ' l ' e n 1344 (MRS ) FRANCES KLI.IN Mitor kind Award."
Stamp Corner
Miss Belle Ann Po-,k.i, Hollywood, OaL.tearher; is spending the school holidays here with her parNew York <JTA) The number ent K, Mr. and Mrs. Sam I>. Ponkli of American Jewish children In the nnd her brother, Sliermsui l'uslu fi\e to U-jear range has jumped 40 percent in the last decade. Morns Reisen of Maplewood, Dr. and Mrs. Donald R., SilverN. J., chairman «f tt two-day meeting, told the volunteer and man of Seattle, Wash., announce Ilaniilikuh professional leaders (rf coinmuiilty- the birth of a daughter, Judy Lynn, First Candle, 4:88 p. m., Decem- spon&ored day camps, that the to- on December 16. They are also the Tim Mump KIKIIV & vliiv of Dotal number of American children parents of a son, Jeffrey Howard. ber 25, Friday, , mother of tlic rollwtlv* Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. in the 5-14 year bracket had inSecond Candle, 5:50 p. in., Do- creased in the past ten years from A. B. Gendler and Mrs. Herman dpttlcmi-ntii in Inrucl, and on the timber 26, .Saturday. 2-1,319,000 1o 33,901,000 and the Siherman. Paternal groat-grand-" tab IK » map of tlir whole trnn number of Jewish children from parents aw Mr. and >frs. Sam n-lfh Ilif .Sea ot (inlllpp in thp cenTEMPLE 1SKAEL ] Flax of lx>s Angeles, Oil. ter. A sermon on "Lighting a Dark 746,000 to 1,040,000. World" will be given by Rabbi SidDKOANVA ney II. Brooks at Temple Israel's To be issued shortly is a stamp family services Friday, December commemorating the fiftieth anni£5 at 8 p. m. versary of Deganya, the first The eighth grade religious school Kvutza (collective settlement) in Class under the direction of Mrs. Israel. Dcgnnya has served as Robert Gcrelick will participate tranllng school for hundreds of young pioneers who came with the in a Hanukkah candle-lighting dream of reclaiming the loil, and •ervice. Students of the Saturday today embedded in orchards and and Sunday choir will sing se\eral gardens, sits amid the flourishing Hanukkah songs. .settlements of the Jordan Valley, Saturday division of religious school will not meet on December The name Deganya Is derived 26 and January 2. Sundav clahbes fiom the Hpbrew Dagan-corn. will be recessed on December 27 The stamp valued at 180 pruta and January 3. or ten cents in American money, Hebrew classes will not meet may be obtained at the Jewish from December 21 through JanCommunity Center Library, room uary 3. Nursery school classes will recess from December 21 through January 3.
JWV Cited for Providing 'Vets' With Entertainment
BETH EL. The annual college home-coming (en-ice will be held at Beth El Synagogue Friday at R:]j p. in. Cantor Aaron I. Jvdgar and tho Belli Kl Choir will offer the musiciii |wrtions of the sirvice. Students will participate A discu-sion panel will follow the service. Services, Sabbath morning will fcegin at 9:30. The Junior Congregation semce begins at 10:30 a. m. Minchn-Mnanv Service is at 4:45 p. m. Sunday mum ing .sen ice will begin at 9 a. in. Sei vices during the week are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Use the Want Ads to buy, rent or sell.
John Viirdy, Veteran* llotpitul Kpivlnl fcfrvlrrs Jii-ad, presents uu'iird In Isadora f/Ouis, IUV husiiltiil chairman as Ituhcrt Kiiti 1mun, post roniin.'irulcr, IrxiKs nn. An award was1 piesenU'd to the
Epstein Morgan Post No 267, Jewish War Veterans, Wodnehday niiiht for their efforts In hclpinn (o entertain hospitalized veterans at the Veterans Administration Hospital. It was presented to Isidore I-ewis, post hospital chairman, by John Vordy, special services chief at the hospital during a post entertainment program at the hospital. The! organization also presented Mr. Yordy with a check for 550 to start a special revolving fund which It will sponsor to enable needy veterans to take furloughs home on ocacsions during the year, other than the current holiday season. Funds are derived from the post's annual January yearbook.
Lou Hurwltz, Prop Downrovvn Location 1708 Cau WE 0200
Beth Israel Youth To Attend K. G. Conclave Sixteen Beth Krael Youth group delegates will attend the seventh annual synagogue Youth Organization convention in Kansas City, Mo., December 28-30. Members of Club Tovim and SYO who tnke the trip are. Michoel Simon, Karen Forbes, ViVi Feldman, Helen Katz, Linda Sircf, Carol Fisher, Keva Shyken, Raphael Groner, Paul Kuller, Dora Gerber, Neil Bloom, Suzl Ash, Sheila Rudennan, Harry Friedman, Ronald Kaiman and Carl Cohen. Paul Shyken, club leader and Samuel Stone. Youth Activities Director will accompany the delegates.
STEPIIKN' The Bar Mii7\'ah of Stephen Lubmaii, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pliillip Lubmun, will be celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue on Friday evening, January 1, and Saturday morning, January 2. MAX KICIITMAN The Bar Mitzvah of Max Hi«-hrman, son of Mr, nnd Mrs. David Jlichtrnan, will be celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue Friday and Saturday morning.
Nylon Production For Israel in May New York. (JTA)—Beginning May 1, the Rogosin Industries, Ltd., will open a factory in Israel for producing nylon, 75 percent of which will go for export. The company now makes rayon and tire cord fabric in Israel.
{Hi only f-ta-d
Kosher Poultry
%%•' l i ' l J CONCORD and MA LAO A now uleo Ip jrnlloi.a nnd hnU tnllnn*
<£!iji of Gifu Certified Strictly Kosher by Rabbi Isaac Halevi Herzog Chief Rabbi of Israel
Special Dlscountt for Large Orders AT 4977
1314 No. 24th
Certified <nd approved by Rabbi Dr, loon Thorn, Proildent, Amorlcan Aeadtmic Rabbii Anoclotion of Now Americani, and Rabbi S. Walkin of trie Orthodox Robbii Ailociation of Now York City.
Available at Your local Liquor Store) Blotchyy Co. J JA 3990 i:»rhi»ivis Dlotrlkiitorti
'220 Voit J4ouiep<oiver
Best Wishes
Ideally planned tours to Israel during tho lunny winter months — and on to Europe at tho height of tho social 5cnjon.
o o
AT 2452
Fomily Pkm
Departure Date
I960: Jon. 19, Feb. 9, 23, Mar. 9 Stay in lirdel rnoy b» attended and European itinerary ctiatigcci, allowing independent return.
j-eadt of- (tie candied
Attractive Tour Foldsn Available For Further Information and Reservations
Suite 424 — Fornam Dldg., Omaha 2, Nebraska LOUIS ELDERT — Co-Owner. Mgr. Tclophons JA 8874
avenv TASTE
Stb (Subby) Pulvcrent*
2211 So. 8Hi
and fill
Monument Co. 25 Year*' Experlenco With Jo with teitoring and Memorials
Services ;it B'n.u J;irot>-A<l;i<-Yesliuron will begin Friday at 4-45 p, 'in. and .Saturday morning ;it •8:30 a. in. .with .Minchn at 4:4.r> p. m. followed by Slialosh S'cudos. Daily services at 6:30 a. m. and 5 p. rn.
MAKLFJNK Mr. and Mrs. Irving announce the lias Mitzvah of their daughter, Marlene, on Friday evening, January 1st, nnd Snturday . Januni-j1 2nd at Helh FI1
Pulverente I .
For Fast—Dependablo Guaranteed Service
iOdwnrd Altman, son of •Mr.' and Mis, Charles Allmun, ulll ohMMve his Bar on Saturday 2(> nt H<-th Kl
In 'D.xintd
BETH ISKAKL, Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan and the Beth Israel Choir will conduct late Friday evening family services at 8 p m. Traditional Friday evening services (Kahbolas Shahbos) begin at 4:30 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. at 52nd and Charles Streets and at 9 a. m. at 19th and Burt Streets. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabi Groner will conduct the Talmud Cluss «t 4:15 p m. Sabhath Mincha at 4:45 p. m., followed by Sholosh ——"Omaha's Travel Strvice" JTeudos and Maariv. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 4:50 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a m. followed by breakfast And Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday morning Junior Minyan at 8:30, followed by breakfast The- Talmud Discussion group meets every Tuesday evening at 6:30 p. m.
All friend* and relatltes nra lnvlt«d (o attend ttrtlefi »ml reception. F;I)\\'.\III> ALTAIAN'
1,040.000 Jewish Children in U.S.
Bar and Bas Mifzvah
Omoho's Leading Koshor Meot Marker end Delicatessen WA S554 4415 Cuming
US, J8fl»
David M. Solzmans Married December 22 in Connecticut
Mr .imf Mi1- lM\id Mnri '-•ol/m<m whit \wr«» m.nnfd Di-< e>nl>f-i 22 in Hamdpn, Cimn, vill their liornp in Omnha following their wedding tup The temiiony \MIS perfonned at the Country Club.
Omaha Collegians To Spend Holidays With Families
Vi&itoii from the Umw-iiity of Illinois at Champaign are Tony Kaplan, Lynette Forbes, Su/i WolfBon, Judy Piattner and Mauiecn Zovitv. Arrivals from the University of Oklnhoma at Norman are Nancy VenRcr, Charles Wise, Justin GreenberK, Lurry Gliinsky, William KaUman and Judy Cohen, and from the University of Texas ill Austin i* Judy Brookslem. The University of Missouri at Columbia, contingent brought MarJcne Friedman, Lenora Falk, Clark Swartz, Marlene Swartz and Beverly Goldberg. Jlobcrl Adler, Dale Kabin, Beverly Bloom and Gaylc Feldman came from the University pf Ohio at Columbus. Arrivals from University of Michigan, at Ami Aibor are Phyllis Abrahams, Barbara Bercutt, Dave Wintroub and Dennis Schulman and University of Alabama al Tuscaloosa, returnees aie Joy Kreiden and Toni Fellman. The vahationistb include Steve Blocli, Colgae, Hamilton, N. Y ; Stan Greenfield, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Howard Weinbcn; and Lan> Z.iclmri.i, Dartmouth, Hanover, N. II.; Steve Fisk and 'Howard Knslow, Yale, New Ilinen, Conn ; ltich,ud Sjieier and Saul Kripkt.*, Harvard, .Cambridge, M.iss , Steve Unites and Justin L«-wis, Bunder, I'imi'i sily, Walthiim. Mii'ii ; Andy (Jiov, and .Sally Freeman, Lislmth Cliornlack. Northwestern, Kvanslon, III ; P h y l l i s B c i n , 1 < in, I i n w i .il> of Wisrori',111, *• I uli'-on, c "lifi m a S c h r a j ; e z , l'ni\ct*>it> of .Mi tun nnrj J e a n . S i l w i f i n n S Tilth ,il \ ' o i l h iiinplnii, 1 ,
Israeli to Oo Guosll Of Pioneer Women Mi'.
M I D . I ] in,i
ftabbi Brooks to Talk At Ikbr, Wesleyan ltd bin
Sulni \
Ilifioks <J1
'l<iii|i,c I i i « l " i l l l e p i e b i u l ( l i e lei" I'll M i ii|t,iui|U<t "society ah I ] ( M i n e r ut t h e N i l i i . i s l i i i W f s l e j -
' in I - JIIVM-H>, IJIKOIII, on Fndiy,
Thr bride, the former MaryAlice Koplik, is the daughter of Mrs. Simon B. Kleiner of Hamden and tht- 1nte Dr. Lewis Henry Koplik of New York City. J3r Kleiner jjave his Ktep-dnuRhler in marriage She was atnu'd in intermission length gowTi of ivory pemi de soie. Her short veil of family heirloom point de Venice lace ivory tulle was worn mantilla fashion. She rarned a bouquet of white catnelias. Attendants were Miss Bfirt>ar& Mr*. David Sol/mnn Zonn, maid-of-honor, Mrs. Paul Osborne Lewis II, matron of hon or; and the Misses Coivlyn Stun and Lucky Merman. Michael Sol/man served as best man for his brother. Ushers wi>re I-«\vis Henry Koplik, the bride's brother; Doran Jacobs, Carl Frankel and Alan Marer. Omaha collegians have armed from many different parts of the rountry to upend the school \aefltion with their families. From NfhraNlui Among the students from 1he University of Nebraska at Lincoln, now at home are Irvin Bolster, Michael Blatt, Bruce Woom, Morris Brodkey, Jlobort Epstein. Stuart FORPI, Allan Korman, David Goldstein, Bernard Grossman, Larry Herman, Arnold Joffe, Harold Kulman, Stanley Kaiman, Howard Kooper, Allen Kri/clrnan, Howard U p t o n , John Okim, Jerry Rosen, Ste\en .Sej;lin, Robert Shnpuo, Ifrmaid Slusky, .lames Sr>phlr, Martin Sopliir, Jeff Sunrlz, Das id Wiclmmi, Lduaid Wintiouh, Barb.ira Curbci, fireentorj;, Linda Knvich, Judy Leu is, Sallie Kay M.ulcowt/ and C.uolvn Stern
I J.inumj K He will ,pr.ik on "Jewish Cusloins iirul Ceremonies" ilabbi Albeit A Gordon of Mt Sin.n Temple, Sioux City, la., vvill represent the Sociclywhen he speaks at Xebiuska Stale lleachcib College, W.i>ne, on Tuesday, January 5. The Omalhi Jewish Philanthropies includes I he Jewish Chautnuqun Society as a beneficial y and makes an annual allocation towards il» piogram and activities
Stone Is Beth Israel School Director Samuel .Stone, Beth Israel Hebrew School staff member, has been appointed education director, Rabbi M. M. Poliakoff, synagogue board of education chaltmnn, announced Mr. Stone held a similar position in Canton, O., four yeara. He attended 11K Hebrew Theological College of Chicago, 111, and holds a degree m education from Bradley University.
London Times Lauds Writing Of Jewish Authors in U.S.
m o s t l y the .lew in token for granted in America." Dlstinrtlon ntitvvcen Old, New The chief distinction between the new Amei ic.ui-Jewish wiileis and the older ones, bays The Times' ciltic, is. that the older writers "attempt to hold up a segment of Amcncin-Jcvvish" and Ktudy it at arms length." What levoted to "The Ami in .in IIIIH- remains in this, he adds, "is something distinctly .ICIMSII the 1'inatian " Iiieoccupatlon with sentiment, '-ulT h e i i i l i c l i ' cll<s ;is li idim' feiing and iifhloousne'is, with iimA m r i K . i n ci it if s t h e J e w s , Lionel i.ihty ' Tlilling. A If led Kn/m Philip H(.- declurcK however .that "the K.iln. Leslie Kiedler and Irving Howe Among the >oungcr fiction miiin fh.u.icteiistics of this wntunteis "of umnislakable MfTiifi- inR to day Is its creative rnerj;y cancc" it nnmed Saul Bellow and rather than its focus, and its Bcmard Malamud. It cited Arthur tendency is to flow outward to the Miller as the "most solid and se- American world rather than inrious plnywnght' 'nnd in poetry, it ward and backward to the Jewnames Karl Shapiro (a Catholic ish" convert), Dolmore Srhwiirl7, Howard Ncmerov and Stanley Kumt/ ("pcrhnps the most underrated poet today.") The "unquestioned influence" of the Partisan ftoview RUG & UPHOLSTERY is ascribed to the work of these nnd lesser-known Amencan-JewCLEANERS ish writer*, as well as "the rapid RUGS — CARPETING reputation and Influence of ConiLAMP SHADES mentaiy." FURNITURE Assimilation Noted Cleaned in Your Home! The urticlc notes that since the Rinding—Laying—Repairing, Jewish lussimilntion in Americu has made its widest, deepest Don Bernstein HA 2554 and easiest gains and one result is that the Jew, for the most practical purposes, is counted in today with the majority." The Jew is "perfectly at home' 'In all aspects of American community life, tiio unidentified author of the article asscrt.s. "He finds that his aggressiveness, his shrewdness, his love of the politics of life—like moat of his other tugs nre transvalued now into assets that promote acceptance rather than merely tolet.inee " London, (JTAl-The of American-Jewish writing as "a decisive force in Amei lain letters" has been a "substantial and formidable deiedopment" since 1950, according to an article on 'The Jewish Pait in American Let lei s" appearing in a special literary .supplement of The Times of London
MISH Caiolp June Ki,mk became thi^ bride of Second'. Lieutenant Joseph Stanley Widman in a double-ling candlelight ceiemouy early .Sunday evening at Beth Israel SjnagoKiir' Rjbhi (Jioner who officiated was assisted by Cantor Eh Kngan. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mi.s. Oavid Ward Frank; the bridcgioom, the son of Mi mid Mrs K I. Widman The bride woie a flooi length gaidema white gown of Schiffle embroidered with nylon tulle over bridal Mllln Her veil was of silk illusion all ached to a cap of seed peaiih and she carried a white orchid with slcphanolis imd showct of while satin ' Mrs. Jay of Norfolk, Va,, was matron-of-honor for her iister. Bridesmaids were the Misses Vaxine Zweiback, Joyce Canar and Rita Pelt7. 'ITiey wore aqua brocade full skirted dresses. David W.'dman, brother of the groom, served as best man U.sheis were Jay Lashinsky, brolher-lnlaw of the bride; Norman Garrop and Uemard Ostiavich Marshall Widman and Stuart Ilurvvit/ wore eandle-ligliteis, A cocktail buffet and dance at the Town ffousc followed the ceremony. The couple will make their home in Fairbanks, Ala.ska, where Lt Widman is stationed at Lndd Air Force Base with the United States Air Force
KtMow, j pf)Jjti(Ml science .iiirl eioinimics triiijor ill Ydle University, was iivvai'ilcd t h e Rhodes Hchol'iiihip Twelve scholaib fioni HI\ slates comjictcd for the aw.irds which provide two years oi study <d Ovloid University in ijigl.'iiid Mr. Iv.islou duiing ha, high school ye.iiY. was ,in aclnc par» ticipanl and leader in Youth Council affjiis. He is the son of Ben IC Kaslow.
Israel Exports to Canada Increased Ottawa, UTA) —Israel's exports to Canudu during the first six months of thu. year increased by 50 ppivcnl over the same period last year. A totnl of $1,465,000 worth of Israel pioducU, including oinngcs and unsel diamonds, were sold to Canada fiom Jan 1 to June 30, 1959.
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Howard Kaslow Given Rhodes Scholarship
Miss Frank Weds It. J. S. Widman
t o i i n n i : 'In* IJintrci St.ite'i aii a tli Irg.ile <>r tlic W o i k m g W o m e n ' * C'oiinril of I'.i.iel, v.ill visit O m a h a J . n i u a i y 8 .ind '.I, .is t h e l i m s l o f • he M u m 11 W o m e n ' s O i f ' i u i / i i IKIII, M i s , Milton NeaidilM-ifr, il« riicsldciil, nniiniiiKtd.
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Americans f o Drill Gas Wells in Israel
t h t .Midget l e j i - ' i e pnp.ues f'ji lCi f 'l,(" C'j|l!I«.tlll'>ll .SJUHIMJI, Jll INi-.v V ' k I J T A I — ' i ' n e I»Mi"l t h " ."itb ,<nd (irh g i . i d u l e w 1 l i t \ c , i', I', tiuli"i:ii C o i p o i i i t i o n , a n S I I C I I I J I , ' ' l i e l i i K i , i ' K i j l i n d I \ u k A n n i n ii o w n e d f i r m , will di 111 ui I i!.( h i u o f i d - ( j o i i i n a n . I N fir-.t n i t i i i d l g a s w e l l w i t h i n 7 l h .tnd Ml) j ' l . i i l e t p o n s u i ' i a l e the n e \ t .'40 dajs In p.utiierahlp K, ( j e i e l u k , J-Co-Van an with the Najilhii Isrnel Oil CoinPhilips Iii-piiilment Stole, piny at a location due west of (he
VAKSITV I.fcAGlK . . . The LuMgartens tcmk ovii undisputed possession of lu^t pi after the second Wcdnesd iy ioun'1 of games at the J>i> thii veek A smooth working I iKtfaiten team defeated a game Helgii ii)i>i-Hii>i)V I , I : A ( . C I : . . . .southern tip of the Dead Sea. crew 39-32, as the team-, battled Nine new bojs v\ote on hand DougKis Hall, a Denver petrolon even terms up until the final for the second week of dull two minutes of play. bunging the Iddy-Hiddy piogram eum geologist, who icturned fiom Big Al d a y m a n scoring fiom number of bojs to 53 , . . The an ln.s|>ectioh of the new Zohar underneath led the scoring parade youngsters fiom (he second to natural gas field as a consultant With 19 points ond was assisted foiulh giaile h i d , meet eveiy for the corporal ion, said that the in that department b> Epstein Monday and Tuesday after school Zohar w ells already in operation who hit for ten, Jack Stit.s with *>IIOT<i IN* TIIK I);YKK . . . for the Napthnl Israel firm, had a nine was high for the losers. II,ith off to the cinht sponsors pioduction capacity of more (ban In the nightcap the Pauls romp- of the Midget basketball le.igue. 30 billion cubic feet with a daily ed past (he lloblmons 56-39 ns TliL-ir interest in joungstcrs and production rate of 15,000,000 cubic Lindy Paul hit for eighteen points their generosity make it possible feet of natural gas. "The slgniand Coyboy Sadofsky pumped in for lhe boys to have complete uni- fic.ifirc of the Zohar's discovery," fourteen Kay Kirke tossed in ten foims for the league competition Mr. Ball emphasized, "is that it for the winner.'!. Stern was high Sponsors m e : Iiv Kaiman, Bud proves Iheie are hvdrocaibons in for the losers with 18 Siosbui)', Phil, Irv NoRg, (he JXstein Ncgev." J f O m i COCNCIL . . . Alie SJii'-ky, Dan Gordman, Sam AZA 1000, defeated Rajim 50-10 Groi'iibcrg and I, JW. Treliak . . . In a tight game List Sunday to The Vanity cage league is on waltz mlo a two-game load in the more liable grounds after n shaky Youth Council Basketball league. pie-.senson lound Interest is imAZA 1, moved into a second place proving ns more players are showBoston, (JTA)—-Two famed old tie with a 45-22 victory o\cr the ing for the games . . . Volleyball winles* AA 100 group. is high as freshman A.Z.A. churches came to the aid of the newest Jewish Heform temple In In almost a duplicate game of groups aie playing I5.B.Y.O. girls New England with the offer of thre weeks ago, 1000, moved into on Sunday mornings . . . A.ZA. a huge lead and then had to hang 100 defeated the A Z A . 1000 facilities until the neiv congregaon to stall off a final last quarter freshman boys in a cage lilt on tion has its own home. The two churches are in the hisrally by the never quilting Rayim Thursday afternoon, 'Hie 1000 team. The league leaders displayed freshman group displayed some toric town of Lexington. The First a well balanced scoring attack and nice future talent along with fine Parish Church, a Unitarian Instiappeared to be getting stiongcr as sportsmnnship They were coached tution founded in 1691, offered the camapign progresses toward by Dave Beber . . . Tlie A.ZA. use of Its building to Temple 1000 team, currently in first plnce Isaiah for services. The Hancock the halfway mark. Only three AZA 1, players hit in the Youth Council league will Congregation Church has put il« the scoring column but it was good receive a Jolt to their title hope3 classrooms at the disposal of the enough for 45 points and an easy when Coyboy Sadofsky leaves for Jewish congregation for its rellwin over AZA 100. David led the I-e\lngton, Missouri, in January. ;lous school ana has made its hall winners with 18 points, while He will enroll at the famous available for regular Sabbath services. Goldberg, the league's scorer Wentwoith Military Academy. Al ("layman became the father pumped in IS. of a baby girl this week . . . conY01TII COINCH.. LKUJUE ;inUilations . , . Brad Kpsteln, W. 1. with an average of 1W5, it o i e of 1000 1 0 tin- fiin si t i d i i / e b'>>\faj in t h e Rayim 2 2
3 Lltlt ca:
Church Facilities Offered to Temple
nl <ai>, groutli of n r r yy j Inrorl Hand H n d lit li vi lopini p i l , v.lildi li.ig p u n roti d tlir i g j h l' iimlnl try and d Of rimlliirr, i l l u « lliri n a kkiy ffiulor l iin llioj l j major phoneoff IIsrael's t x p a n t i o n of production lit ihr Aim-rii m\ Isrnrll |ia|n r nnlla. ' | l n « m n f 01 tliog t>a]>rr mill shown hunrirf ilu of hulra of corn etnlKri hi-iiift pil< it up hi fore ItHngj made hit/) paper pulp. T h e u r of loiull> p,rov,n t o r n in thr |iop<MnakinQJ process reduces imiioil!. of p u l p , Unit rjvinu forfi£,n rurrtnry, •
U.S. Aid Emboldens Nasser in Threats Against Israel
Israel Issues New Currency Jan. 1
H I A) -Isi KII c l i d i s
VAIISUV M \(.l I j clinked (hit p i o i u v i of niisiivt! \V. I. Ami'iicin cruimmic aid—e\pccttd Lustganon 2 0 to eveed SlOfJOOOOOO during the Jniiulun (Jl'Ai-All Isi IP] Pauls 1 1 oining ve.u — had unlmldemd postage stamps and riii-leltcis v.ill Belgrade 1 1 President. Nasser of the United 1)0 withdrawn Jan. 1, when newRobinson 0 2 Ar.ib Itepubhc to a new pitch of ones a i r issued following tho start bellicosity a g a i n s t Israel and WID(.ET I.KA(,l.r. . . . of cu dilation this week of new thieats tint lie would, by foiee, Kighl sponsois vveie named as i<i"l money. prevent Israel fioni proceeding The new legal tender i-> b.iscd with its Joidan Vnllej irrigation on a division of (he Israel pound plans. into 100 agorot instead of 1,000 President Nasser, it said prulot. The pruta lu.s been the smallest unit of Israel currency here, conslclors the American aid since the establishment of Imael. nn indication of extreme American The new banknotes will enter 'afjeinesb to improve relations with Jerusalem (WNS)—Premier Dacirculation through the banks and he UAR and does not expect the vid Ben Gurion's five-party coaliwill progressively leplace present United States to make any move tion, holding 86 of Knesset's ]20 o head off his new anti-Isruel seats, M,IS approved by Israel's banknotes at par VJIIIP exch tnge iiate drive parliament by a vote of 78 to 33 N.isser, they noted had not only after nn right-hour debate stalled a new campaign against Immediately after the vote, tho srael but hud also raised the membeis of the Cnbmcf were "Jei iiM'ilem question" in an effoi t sworn in Mr Ben Gurion did not Pails ( J T A I - - A 3J-year-cild to make trouble for the Kingdom participate 1 in the swearing-inJ e w i s h molal-worlter, Andre of Jordan. Only the Soviet Union, vceremony because"of a cold. Sclnvarz-Hanlt, WMS named as win- they said, would profit from fur-."-. The new coalition provides the ner of tli<; I'rrx Goncourt, France's ther disturbance in the area. Premier with .-a'-woi-kihg majority outstanding lilcrary award, for his that is expected to give him great- novel, ."Le.s Ucrniprs d'-s Justes," W mobility in the n«v parliament. ("Tlie I.'nst of the Just,"; which j '..;'•;.' Water Project deals with the plight of tlie Jew- j '•• In the course of tlie debate, Fur- ish mother through the ages. The .eign'Minister Golda Heir •told book has enjoyed an unparalleled I'nited Nations, N. V. (JTA; Knesset that no power can. lialt popular and critical .success here. The • fi'wral Ar.Kembly approved Israel from going on with its waSchwaiv-Jiardt Ixini in .Metz tin- apjxjinlmcnt of Major ter project. She said tho country's of I'olisli-Jev.ish imrenls uho hnd l'..S. Cyani <i{ India, as commandright to develop her resources was migrated to France in VS21. Hiser of the fi.OOO-inan IJnitdl N.ian elementary one ami one which fath'T was a peddler. The young ti'tns Knicn^'iir/y Forte, .stationed Israel vvuuld execute "wilh all writer lo.'it both his. parents mid on the border between Isiail and means at her disposal." .She also most of his family during tile Hit- K;;yjjt. ami at the .Straits of l i r a n General liyani .will sueeetd the government's Arab, ler persecutions. li-nant (jcneivil K. I... M. Uurns, of refugee policies, declaring (hat 1 Canada, v.ho will beeome the (' i"then. is only one solution-- -setnailian representative'in the di tlement in the Aral) countries" and armament talks,- scheduled 1o htthat "there is nothing to prevent ;;iu oarly n<-.\|. ye;ir in Geneva the solution of the problem except, the altitude of the Arab rulers Jerusalem (JTA)---'Hit; .'fsrar-l Patronize Our Advertisers who aro indifferent to the. fate of Foreign Ministry asked the United the refugees." Nations Truce headquarters 1<i warn Syria to halt interferenre with Israel fishing- on J.ake Tiberias, Ph'in? JA I3i6 to In^erl vO'Jl Woni Ad In The .Syrians (luring the last in; Jc«lib l'r«7. Role Is 50 cc-n!i tor each three (Ino [n'T* fishing season several times at- lion. The f'rrss re'";rve5 ihe rluht to I ml) Jerusnlem, (JTAI- Israel w i l l tacked Israel fishermen, wounding 'Jin of eoclt atfvcrll^cmcnl shortly submit to the World Hank and killing several, in attempts II.1N'I:KKAII CAItDS detailed requests for loans total- to steal nets and other equiping SfiO.OOO.OOO for various invest- ment. With the opening of (he I'.AIt and Jl:is llllzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holiment projects. The Treasury is now current fishing period. Syrians redrafting plans for investing (he newed such acts and have stolen days ancj special occasions. loan in the construction of the and destroyed Israel nets. It was Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge new port of Ashdol, expanding believed that Israel told UN truen potash production nnd financing officials that a rendition of last HUSJNK.S.SMKN NOTE: an industrialization institute which year's acts of violence against Is- Signs, Illustration, nrt tempo <lewould make investments in de- rael fishermen would not be tolBlifn nrls. Keal Jlclden. Call aftvelopment projects. erated. er 8:30 p. n%, KB 1611.
Knesset Approves Ben Gurion's Five Party Coalition
French Literary Prize Won by Jewish Writer
ItraeVi chemicol onj mineral production IIOB fnrrcafed rapidly during tli» po«t ytar undir tho impart of I roil Uond Jmi-tminK bhmwi nU»e is a ntv» plnnt under coiiFlniolion ol the nji'um works nenr Mflrlilr>|| ](nnion, KIKTO lii'lfr of 1'orii v,ill tio iirmlucdl. Anollur pliaso of liuililing nrtiwty hriufii. nj from. Israel Uond dollnrs in l!io cnmtnidion of pcrmuncnt Iioiislnf! for Urf,t. mimbirs of iimnlpmun from LaMun Luropc. The new $300,000,009 fc'iuncl Ur\tlo|iincnt I'>uc of I'ratl Bonrfu inu-l prmiilo cnnilj] for the ilcvcl. opment ond ixnansion of imltmr), OErltulturc and coinnirrcc.
Of Harder Forces
Spans Toftl fo Stop Annoying Fishermen
• Israel Seehs; L©a§i
Israel's lai (,'cat sinelc indunti inl en- phatej, ammonium nulphatc, pol.itc> tcrprifie, Fertilizera and Ciiemicala slum sulphate, di-calcium iihu.ipliato Ltd., liituatcd in tho Haifa Hay and hydrochloric acid. The plant, nren, recently completed thin instal- which producuu these chemicals IUKI Intion for the production of ammo- fertilizera for donicntic unc nnd for nia, which wan constructed with the auch export markets an Italy, aid of Iarael Bond fumta. In nddi- France, Japan und Uurinii, is a tlon to ammonia, tlie finn nmnufac- notable example of the impiesnivo turca other vital chemicals, includ- •progresd mado in industry as a i n ? sulphuric acid, suncrnhos- result of InracI Bond investmentu.