Vol. XXXVII No. 16
Published «vory Friday. 101 No. 201 h Omulm, Nobrasku, I'hone JA i;iC6
J, ]fl(!U
Second Class lJubt,if:c f'uld at Omaha, Nttir
. 10 Cent« Annum I! o.4 Dollars
Federation /" *ing January 10 Egypt Gets World Bank Funds To Build Bigger Suez Canal Israel Ships Still Barred WASHINGTON, \> C (WNS) —An agreement. II.I.H been signed liere between the World Hunk ami the United Ai.il) Republic under which It k to get a io.jn of $56,500,000 to Improve the Sue? Canal, a waterway it has boon blocking to Israel In violation of international law and in defiance of U. N. directives and resolutions. Dr. P. Lief I nick of Holland suggested pont(>onemeiit of action In view of the latest development In the canal, seizure of a Greek vessel with Israeli cargo of cement. However, Ills motion ..found no Other support. He thereupon proCeede<l to place on Ih* lecord Israel's position on Ihe loan. T. Ginyson I'pttm, U.S. lcpiesentative, said the U S. wns not insenUllive to tin' recent deterioration of the situation, hut that lie felt the bank could not . reckon with political coiiiiderations List summer J';;v|il v\ is ie|>oit-
mlt passage of Israeli cargoes thiough the Suez Canal If they liad been paid for by foreign buyers prior to leaving Haifa. The cargo aboard the Greek vessel, the Astypalea mot that condition,
Jordan River Project Requires Four Years
TKI, AVIV (WNS) — Y. Duvedvanl, director of the Mekorot Water Cutup my, announced that work on the Jordan River project was pioc dint; accoidlng to schedule and I hat completion of the undertaking would he attained in four years. Designed to pipe water from the Joidin K I W I , the project lint tx'en under heavy Aral) attack In recent v.ivk'i lsi ii-l conceived the iniderfiikin<; v.tn'ii 1 lie At.il) st ites rejeeted iho Johnston Plan which hive piovided for the sharing of rd ti> ha'y pledged to V N S K I P . Iht" tiwi s waters 'MIIOIIK .Ford in, taiy Date II iiuiiinr-.lt(old to jier- Si ill, I."biinon and Jsi.ii-1
Pioneer Women Planning Oneg Shabbaf for Israeli An O n o H Shabbiit is being planned by the Pioneer Women's Orgnni/ntion in honor of Mrs, Shoshana Unroll,-' who is represent Ing the Israel Winking Women's Council, its .sister organization, on a t o u r of t h i s Mr«. Hareli countiy. Mis. Milton Ne.iivnberg, piesldent of tho Oniiiha group and Mrs. Marlon Bondnrin, are in charge of milking airangi-ments for the visitor'-, .stay In Omaha. Members of all community groups arc invited to attend the Oneg Shabbat to be held Saturday, January 9 nt Beth Kl Synagogue at 2 pin. foi M M Ilaieli who wns born in New York and educated nt Hunter College and the Unlveiiily of Chlcii'o Mis Hill ell will b" cue-.l spi-.iker at the J'eth KI ,Syiiii;ii,;iic Knday evening semccs, .I.iniui.y H nnd will be the hoiM- i;ii"sl of n.ibbl and M M M J M S Knpke. The visitoi's ci.iiidfiithcr v ho foiindi'd the fust ,i> iKiilluia] *clIlemenl in J'r.id, I'.-I.III 'Iikv.ih made his wny to the country on foot fiom IIunj;.u> Shosliiiii Hmili went to I'.il< -.tine In l'.l.''.l and became active in the Working Women's .Movement
Belgium Opens First Jewish Book EvMbl'i mirs^ri.s, MTAI - An c\Jiihitlon of Jewish books ••— the fust of ils kind to 1 iki' pi ice m Belgium •• - was opened ;it the youth centri heie inidi i th<> patronage of the Isiacl Amh.is Jidor find the piesideiit of the .fev.lsh Coiiiistoiy. The e\hibll ti ices the Iller.ny wmk of tlic .Tcvvi ii people and Jewish subjMls fi.im the time of the Bible lo the pi<"-ont Jt {imsisls of niiinuscnpls lent by offu i il hhnules and Biblical f.oci-
Dining the War of I.iboi.itlon she was stationed in Palestine and p.utlclpited actively in iti defense She was thr first emissary of the Moel/el IlajKinlot to this country after that war. At present, .she Is In charge of the Integration department of the newcornel's, connected with the cultural and Kducation department of the group She 1B also vicopresldcnt of the Council of Women's organizations in Israel, a member of Ichud Olaml and a judge in tho Court of Appeals of the Histradut.
Israef-Syrian Border Tension Noted Again JKIUJSAI.KM (JTA) — The United Nations Tiuce Supervision Oigani/ation dispatched an extensive lepoit to UN headquarters In New Yoik on its investigation of tencwed tension along the IsiaeliS>rian bolder. Hollow id inteiference with tsi.ieli fishcirnen on the Sea of Gallic e by Sv nan fni cvs iccently pinniped 1.1,ir] to nnilto a complaint to the UN' agency and to demand me e-ine s to half bolder VIOl lilOll'j 'Ihe i i ' p o i l was said to covei the investigation by the I'NT team of I M . K I I complaints ol filing cm fiMn'iHii n, on the s djol.ii'liii' md Ihefl of lishini; n e t s in t h e -,ea and the plaiitm'; of mini s on I-ii,icli t ' i n t o o
, nizes Work With Aged Jerusalem (JTA)—The Ministry of Social Welfare has decided to establish a 'special authority to deal with the problems of tho aged, The new Gerontoiogical Authority will coordinate the work of various Institutions for the aged and the research work in medical and social economic problems of older persons. At present, the Institution;) deal in one form or another '..with 140,000 persons over GO years of age. Statistical forecasts indicate that \vithln ten years their number will be about 320,000
Rich Source of Water Found Near Eilat Israel — Illch underground reseivcs of sweet water has been found In a wide area north of Kilat, The new flesh spring produces several hundreds of cubic meters of water per hour with a content of 400 milligrams of chlorine per liter. Water with this chlorine content is consideied suitaWe for Imgation and drinking
Egypt T^Get TV, And Jet Airport With U.S. Money Washington The I'mtul St iti -, will loin T.gypt «1L' OOO.WMI to iniilil the countrj'fl fust telcvismn station, At the same time it was announced that the U.S. Federal Aviation Agency is to assist the United Arab Republic In a multimillion dollar project to modernize and expand Cairo's airport facilities for jet planes. Kgypt was also granted $2,370,000 worth of wheat nnd wheat flour by the U.S Department of Agriculture.
Review Year's Progress
All members of the Jewish community have been invited to the 56th Annual Meeting of the Jewish Federation, Sunday, January 10, at 8 p. m., at the Jewish Community Center, Robert II. Kooper, Federation president, announced. "The Annual Meeting of the+ ' • Federation Is the most important sistlng of Herman Goldstein, Dr. community event of the year. Mr. Abe Greenberg, Howard Kaplan, Kooper .said, "At this meeting, Maurice Kat/man, E. Robert Federation leaders repoit on com- Newman, Joe M. Rice, and Yale munity progress and achieve- Richards. ments. In brief summaries, either Samuel N. Wolf, General Chairchuiimcn or co-chulnnen, will report on their respective departments." Entire Community Benefit* "Tlie activities of the Federation," Mr. Kooper added, "are intimately Involved with the spiritual, physical and moral welfare of the community, reaching practically Into every Jewish household, in one manner or another. In addition, our Federation is also the Instrument through which Omaha Jewry helps national Jewish agencies, overseas relief institutions, and iti the rebuilding of Israel. Attouilauo© ITrgcd "For this lenson, I urge every member of our community to attend the Federation Annual Meeting, Jan 10," Mr. TCoojier concluded hlcction of Officers Mirlion o( offKi'is will take plnce Nouiiiiitions will be prel sented by .1 I l a n y Kulakofskv, man of the 1 l.7J Phil Hithropieg chninn.in, nnd his commit toe, con C'ampiiign will submit the final campaign lepoil, ami present special auvnds to e.inipaign leader* of the v.uious divisions Piesent olficers aie: Robert I t Kooper, piesidenf; Harry Trustin, first vice-president; Ernest A, Now Yoik fJTAi An agioe Nogg, second vice-piesident; Arment bv which the Fiiedrlcli thur II. Goldstein, tiensurcr; MilKrupp Company will pay to for- Ion R. Abrahams, secretary, and mer JCIYIRII concentration camp Dr. Philip Sher, honorary presiinmates who were forced laborers dent, during the Na/.i ipgime in various Krupp factories an initial sum of Sl,428,O00, which may be increased to ?2,:?80,O0O was announced.
Krupp Co. to Pay Compensation
Stamp Corner
Stamp Column Creates Interest The weekly Israel Stamp Column has been moved to page 1, due to the considerable interest on the part of our readers. As Is well-known, Israel stamp collecting has become a world-wide hobby. Many Omahans are among the 50,000 subscribers over the globe, who receive their stamps directly fiom the Philatelic Services in Jerusalem, Israel. Headers will note that In addition 1o the stamp itself, which
Vandals Deface Ger. Synagogue Cologne, ( i e r m a n v Vaixl.ds who desi'ci.ilc-d t h e citv .s new h\n.ii,:ue, v u t e being hunted by lioth loial and s l a t e detective s r l h e walls of the sviM,;i>^ue vvoic .nieueel with l e d iW.isllk.is ,ind the vvoids " d e n n . i n s , we d e m a n d Jt v. fet o u l ' '
©race Detroit (\VN>)—Ali.imliiiiniriit of li.in iil.iurr.ite M-nlcis In seniiir high si-lionl graduation i-M-ii-lsrs VMIS voted lij the lio.ird of IJilliration of Ilcrhli'.v, a Detroit Nlihiirb, 'I'lie action vvim (alien In tin; wake (if protests liy JCUINII jiarents. Disclosure of tin- ileclslim was iinulr; l>.\ the -Icnvlsli Community Council of Detroit, ullli ublrli tho IlerUley Jewish ciiiiiiiiiinUy IH affiliated. Jcwlili pari-nts In ISirkley took tin- Iiosllinn (li.it (he fici larf.in niitiirc of the luic.il.iurrnlr prograni't icnilirreil Iliein lm|ini|iiT for use In pnlillfi Kchools. IIIHt<'.id, It w.is proposed that the diverse religious groups In (lie iin-n romliiet M'jiar.He b.itcal.uiieiile services for tln-lr congregants among tIi(i itrmliiutci, Chrltlau elnrvnicii iitteiidlng (lie (llstusslons Itetivcin school officials mid representatives of Southern Oakland County consented to tlio propsul,
reproduced with the tab, the historical background and significance of each stamp, covering such phases as Bible history, personalities, institutions, special events, etc are provided. The Center Library has a comprehensive bookshelf devoted to Israel Philately, which is available to the community, For further information concerning stamps, contact tho Library n*- ( l l ° Center. (Tlie editor.)
Senator Proposes Arab-Israel Plan Washington-A tliree-point pio(jr.nn for tlic M ttlement of the Arab rcfiifjee problem was proposed by Si-nitoi (!ale MctJee (Uim, Wjo) in .in iddn'ss lo the national Ilalioiiim (.'nnvenlion. lie iccenllv letuiued fiiiiii talks with leaders In .Israel, Jordan and I rvpt He siiiii'i'sli'd in bis plan An offer from Israel fur re[inti i itii)ii All of 1 € ) to the- \lalis of ".l lust lminul.i of compensation for piopei ly lost in I'.ilestme " A llliei'iil plan for rcsel.llenient of Ihe K fusees, v\hn do not insist nir ri'tui'iiiiiK to Israel, in othei count lie i 'I In? senator estimated a combination cost of compensation and teicKliniuit at moie Ih in » billion dull us .Hid (Iceland ' e \ e l \ one involved iniisl contiibiite " lie aKo inihciled that "Iheie is little likelihood that more than liw to l< n pel cent will .iclu illj Ii v to ii-luiii to Israel "
The stamp HIIOVVN (he portrait I Ciniliii Nachman ISiallk and a facsimile- of Ills signiihlie. The Israel Munstiy of Posts issued a cnmimmoi alive postage stamp m honor of Chaiin Nnchniiin l'a ilik ,gic it Hebievv poet, on Ihe Decision of Hie Iwcnly-fifth iniuveis u v ol In-, death. Mr Tli ililv v as bom In Russia in IS?.'! His ( ulv poems appeared in 1 'XI1 Musi of bis vvoiks were vviilten mil limited in Hebievv and n iti% ol Iheinveie Ii.mslalcd into I niimbci of l.ni"ii I'^es He r u n e In Niael in 1'KM and made bis home in Tel Avu Ml Pa.ilik died m I'M I 'I lie stamp, bi-c iloicd gieenish blown and il.uk oi.mge is valued it 2(1 cinls in Aineiie in money It n iv In1 obi uned at the Jewish ('iii)iniiiinlv C'enler Ijbwuj, room 2> Maleiial on the life and woiks of the famous poet is also available it this Iibuiy
Friday, Janun ry J, 1 !)fi(l
'Israel, a Land Flowing With Milk and '
Published ICvery fridaj by the Jewish Federation of Oui.iha.
; Second ClQSi Pasloqe Paid at Omoha. Uebr. ' Annual Subscription. S4.0O. Advertising Rates on Application. Publication Offlce-101 Ho Mlb Street. Omaha, Near.. jAckson 13M.
Omahans in News S;iiiiiitl V. Cooper, Htforncy, \\u& named Dou^lus Cuunly Klceiion t'onmiis^ion^r l>y Gov. Ralph ; Uroolts.
" '
. . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . .Editor
I'lill (irrcllcJc has -linen'..filretrd \ice-picsident of Hie Om.iha N u t (' iv T)P I)PI s Associ ition
lews Are 'Safely Past' Danger of Extinction'
Ni:\V YORK fWNS) - - At one (imp theie loomed for .lews ' t h e biological menace of Oitinction lhioui;li A decline in population," but as a result of the 'population explosion of our t imoi" the aie 'safely past the dnngeis of posin. ('ikn(llrli|;litlni; 1:45 sible extinction which existed in the last twontv \ears," arroidini; B'NAI J4GOR M>AS tn I)r S.ilo W Hiion, notpd JewYF.SIIIJKON Services >it B'n.n Iii< oh Ail w- ish lust 011 m Yoshiiron will begin Fml n .11 I IT Addiessiny some 100 Mbbis and p m and Satunl.ij morning nt sociil woikois at a (<inf(ience 8 TO a m with Minclui .it 4 4~> spoiisoied b> the Commission on p m followed b> Sh ilo-.h SVudos Swi.iKO.jiie Kohl ions of the FedD.ulj UTVKCI at 6 SO .1 111 and eiation of Jewish Philanthiopies of New Yoik, Di Karon asspi ted P 1U that "turnlv JP.US <isTo there exThMI'l.l'. isted leal problems of the pos1 la bin Sidney H Riouks .m- sible hnniliilation of the Jewish nounres tint Tempi** lsi.iel will people by woild aitti Semitie t)o hosts on Kinld\ evcintif; to the nio\enie!its" ami liy the decline In young people who .ire home fiom population, but that tins danger has now pissed since 'Jews are collecc At a seiMie dedicated to o o l l i v shuing 111 what has come to be students, M J I t in I. (.1 ccni' of 1111 - called the population explosion of vard CoIU'KP, will deli\ei d -IM-our times" The onlv tiuestion now monette on ' IJeliL.ioli .tnd A1.1-is 'how the suivivini; .Tews will' cultuie demiC" An UIWK Slialibjt will shape then religion and so that it should be HS1 liie.imnt;follow till' s e n it e The wonls of the bible, "lsi.tel + ful to the future Heneintions' as BKTII IM. the oldei forms of the Jewish a 1ftml flowmi; with Milk and Services at Beth I.I SVII<II;OKIIC f'lith lirur Ix'on to then .nircs' is itflccted in the announcewill begin it H I') p m on Friday t o i s " Di Hiion SHiil ment by Food itml AgiKiiltme OiRabbi Myei S Kiiiike will delnet that ilairy herds in | the sennon Cinlm A.tton I I d- '1 he (OtifeKiU'e was called to piomote Rrciler undpi standing Isiael have now jumped to set ond I and the 1',i>tli I I .' Choir willTcnder. I he musical v'iy- and more fruitful rroopcratipn be place 111 the woild in nullt vielrl dd even mole tions of the -service.. :.'•••. . . twep.n the rubliinatt' and tlie Jew- pei cow Cunsideied inipoitant is the relation between •. Sabbath niorninj; services will | ish social worker." milk consumption and siunltiids begin-'at.9:30. The Junior Congreof health 111 society drmoiisli Hid gation service", begins at 1,O::JO a . m . bv the e\<illent 1" unple of win I The Mincba-Maari\- sprvir:e will be WILLIAM WKINKK lias b^en done in 1st 111 held at 4:45 p. m. Funeral sprvic'r.s were hold SunSunday mprniiiK srtrvice' begins day at the ilowish Kunoral Home, lit .9 a. m. Daily services are held for William Weincr, tifi, proprie- J,O(HI TO I'1.MK( C O M L M I O N , .II-III SAI.I M at 7. »• m. and 7• p: in. . tor of Bill's Jewelry and Lonn, who Isnel -Kour thons mil AwmbK I'rlied -following a knife attack in MONUMENTS of God pil^'i inii fi'ini ill p.itts of hits siorp -!asl..week.; Rabbi lien- the woild i\'c expelled to tttdid Rabbi Benjamin Ghnier, Cantor | janiln in the Jewish Tradition Gionei officnted at the I'Jl K.14.111 tnd the Beth IsiaH the fifth Woild l-'entrrost il Con V'our order fihoujd IJC pluvvtl well In advjince of "Yalirzcit" HO the C'hon will conduct late Tnday p\e- service Burial \\ ts in Oolden Hill vention in leriisalem in M iv 1%1 worlt docs not have to-be hurried. CVmetei v rung family seivices at 8 p m Sumving die a nrphew, OSCJI Tiaditional Friday u\enuiK seivWo are known for our exacting )PCS (Kahbolai Shnbbost l)ei,'in <it Kay of Milwaukee, Wls,,. and a Hebrew lettering and detail. siMcr-in-law Mis Geitiudp WeinYou may plico your confidence 4 45 p m Fnd.iv uiorninj; sfi\icc. ei of Chicago. Ill in us knowing each detail and January 1 at 8 45 a in tradition will bo Adhered to Sabbath morning scmces be- ISKAM- VISITORS NEKD Ji*iusalcm (JTA) with utmost car* and iklll. Kin at 8 4"> a m at 32rid and NOT I)i:CIAltK (JUltHKNCV Ish-.Shalom, Jemsalern's new MnvCharles Streets and at 9 ,1 111 at Jerusalem (WNS)—A inline or, announced a plan for more Here you d<?:d. directly wltli the 19th and Burt Stieels J1111101 Con- that foreigners in Israel need no than SDO.OOO.OOO fivp-ye-jr develop- owners'. :. We'permit no untlmoly snJIcitHlirm , . . Call us for gregation at 10 a m Rabbi Gioner longer declare their cuticncy is to ment piOKiam for Isiael's capital upp'iinttiu'iil nl vuut convo.nlonco. will conduct the Talmud class at go into effect within the ne\t few lie said the plan was based on 4 15 p m Sabbath Mincha .it 4 Vt weeks, it was announced here by an anticipated increase in populap. m followed by Sholosh S'eudos official fiscal authorities who said tion fiom Jerusalem's piesent and Maariv. Dailv sen ices at 7 the change would ease the cunen- K.0,000 to 200,000 by I'JGT Seveial a. m and 5 p 11) cy but den on tounsts to Isiael tju ti teis which have become slums Sunday morning sen ires begin Frank ftenno will he ra/ed and leplaced bv mod- 3213-15 " 9 " St. at 8 45 a m followed by bieakOpen Sunday 2-5 em buildings, ccnteis for small Since 1013 fast and Rabbi's class in Bible industry and new ailpnal loads to Sunday morning Junior Minjan speed up oil> tiaffic he said followed by breakfast stalls at Patronize Our 8 30 a. m JKMJSAI.KM. (3TA) — The The Talmud disrussion Rioup first stretfh of a new strategic meets every Tuesd iv e\pmn[;~nt hiRhway linking Jerusalem and Beef-he))!, the capital of the Ne6 "50 p in
Births Mr and Mis AlbPit Clajm in announce the birth of a dauKiitcr, OjnlhiH K i v on D<'CPmboi J8 (jrnndpiiionls are Mr. IUKI Mrs,
Morris White und Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ol.ijnmn of Oinnlid Mr. und Mis. Bfinaid Ncubcit; of Law Ion, OkU, announcT Die bnth of a boil, Stu.itt Michdfl, mi November 29 Gtondpaients me Mr. and Mit> Chm lie nnss of K n>sas City, Kans , and Mi and Mis, Jack M
SKLAR RADIATOR Lou Hurwlri, Prop. Downtown Location 1708 C O M WE 0200
the at '» / laud fi-odu-td at d I' ilUJ in ^wncd
Jerusalem-Beersheba Highway Opened
FlHC WlfUt. BKANDtt.«,l 1,1 VOAITI WlBH»l»K, VODKA.
CONCORD «nd MALAGA now iilso In Kfillitfig nnd hnlf irfiflont
nioinmi; J mu ny 2
KKUC.K HOBKH.MAX The.Bar Mitzvah of Urur.-e Hoberman, son.of Mr. and Mrs. Harney Iloheriiion will \it: iipletoratcd nl; the Bf.'lh I.si-a(*J .Synagogue on Friday•"•e.vi.'iiint;.' January 8 and Saturday lpurninK. January !>.
Certified Strictly Kosher by Rabbi Isaac Halcvi Herzog Chief Rabbi of Israel
Available »t Your
Local Liquor Stor« |«i™/*,,, t
Blorclcy Bevorog* Co. JA 3990
Kxrllikivn Illslrlliutorn
Bar and Bas Mitzvah
STKI'HKN LIJBMA.V ! The Bar Mit/vali of .Stephen j I.ubman, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Phillip Luhman will be celebrated at. the Beth Israel .Syna^OKue'on Kriday.'evening and .Saturday inorning.
"220 Voit JJtou&epower
gev 111 tho south was opened The new iwid, approximately •>() miles vvlun eompletid will (tit All frie.nds and rclatlveti nre travel distance between Ihe f.vo Invited to attend services and cities 'I ho n"w road t i a v e i s r s .1 reception h i t l u i l o wild Hid unpopiil.itril ' area close t o . the Jordan-Israeli M<\ltLYNI. I K I J . D M W Mailyne I iridmin diu n hl<i of frnnlirr which h a s luii^ be<*n tisctl Mr. and Airs. Irvinji P'rcedinan, ys a havt'it hv Arab infiltfatot's. 1 will observe, her Bas Mitzvah nt It will f-'nnhle nioi'c frofpifnt and Keth I I S\n I»IJ Mie mi I tic! iv 1 \< d f f ' l i v t pit lolling ol ttu K ion I 1 ninf,'. January 1. aii'l Saturday hv Isi K h si (in ifv foici s
MAItSIIALI. AliUAIIA.MS Mr. and Mrs. William Abrahams- | 1 hnnbnnce the Bar Mitzvah of their Kim, Miirshall, at Beth Kl .Synajiogtic, f>n Friday pvpnin'^, .lannary 8 and Saturday morning, Jan-!, uary 9. j
It Vun
Development Program For Jerusalem
Omaha Monument Company
WA 5554 Departures from New York: March 28—S.S. JERUSALEM (All Steamer Tour) March 30—S.S. QUEEN ELIZABETH April 20—S.S. QUEEN MARY
Diamond's Famous
Groups limited io 25 Mombori . . . S o m e Spaco Still Available on Low Cost Air Toure Departures: Feb. 8, 22, March 7
Suite 424 — Farnam Bldg., Omaha 2, Nebraska LOUIS ELBERT —Co-Owner, Mgr. Telephone JA 5874
• rlil:.v, Juiiimry J, liMiO
Joan Mayer Engaged To Martin J. Lehr
Needlework Guild Contributions Urged
Mi-. IJri\c Colin, eh.nun,in sehiilinaii, JH.iny Se^.ill, Mori is leui.sh (h.iiilics Sedioii, of the |M Sh.ipno, Jtuhien Shapno, D.i.e Needlework Guild J)nvp in^es all j SJmkci t, Harold Slohburc Ahe Mi ind Ml.-,. Allied .S MP>«T I tho-ip «ho h,i\e nut us jet sent I Slusky. Tlnlnn .Snieenn, Jlany iinnoiiiue the engagement of their I in their conn ihul urn In An so ini- j Smith, Louis Sokolof, Phil Soko| lof, Moms Specter, Sam .1. Mlelnil mi'liter, Miss ,Ici!in U> Mailin J • medtntPl). beiR, S Stcinniiin, Y;ile TiuMin, In additiun to those uumi'ii who 1 i lir, son of Mis Saiah Lehr , •S.unilel Turkel, Donald L. Vann, eonliihiiled piuvionsly, the InllowMils M«\ei' is (jraduate of llrll^eo Waxenberi', Heinuri Wein•iitliff College, Briareliff Manor, | IIIK contributions me i(>pnrled: sleiri, Sanniol U. Wiesman, I^oins i T Mines Leo Abiiinisun, Aillmr N Y. and now is pinutled at I Wohlncr, ,1 Lewis Ynwr, Hen | Aillcr, Od\p Jiolker, Jiick BrainISiiindela University, W . i l t h a m J son, Abe rjlninovic, LyiTwn Colin, Zeff, Hernaid /e\M/, and Miss Muss. Heine Deliogh, Morns J. Kunk- Hose SteinbeiK Mr. I.ehr IH H t;r.idn,ite uf Oma- lln, Kiehaid V. (iimuneis, Sam lid Univeisity and obtained his irtilin, K\\ K.if;an, ,S;nn Knpl.ni, master's device in accounting Abe Kfilelnian, Dave Knl/, Louis DUNDEE FLORIST fl6ln the Univeisity of Illinois at Kendis, Kevee Kirshenl>ainn, Fred Champaign. He is a mumlier of Kuii/.man, Max London, .Sol W A 2442 Phi Kpsllon Pi and Delta Sigma Mann, Sol Mai tin, Hcnjannn M. , PJ fraternities. He sprved in the Minkin, Morns Mitlleman, Alvm 675 No. 50th 'aimed foices for two yeais. '• S NOKK, Sidney No\nk, Albert No wedding datp has been set | Okient, Max A. Ontman, Isadore Osherolf.
Open House to Honor Jack Lincolns on 45th Anniversary
Beth Israel Sisterhood Plans Donor Luncheon
Mmes. Arlhur 1'unlinnii, JJa\id Paiker, Sol S. Parsow, Y.ile Jlichards, Sdinupl Rirhman, Ko> Koffmun, Sam Hosenbnuni, Kmnk RuPlans aie Ix-ing funned for the henstein, Marvin Sahes, Marvin Beth Isiael Slstei hood'.s annual Sadofsky, Jack J. Sdua^ei, Hairy donor luncheon to be held Thuis. day, January 28 at I p.m. at the
Patrorii/e Our Advertiser*
Continental breakfast served a
Two Students Attend Minneapolis Meeting
"I say it's news!
Chairmen (or tltll "Affulr of Dlitlncllon' ore Mines. Albert Sorkln, Sum Roicmt«ln, Sidney Kaltlman and Julius Mornslfln, .O5silted b / Mmef Maurice Kalelmdn, pro Mr. and Mifc. .luck Lincoln will nrarn; Arlhur Pdrllmon. casllnp, Harry Slref, stage m a n a w r ; Phillip Handleman, bo hnnoied by thPir Pleven child- properties, Marshall Kalz, publlclly, D B Fpsteln and Rose Epstein, luncheon, Arthur jen (it mi open house, .Siitiinlay, Epstein end Delmor Klein, tabte: decorations, Michael Cohen and Nathan Kaplan, table January 9 on the occnsion of their settlna, and l/odore dlewllz, advisor. Captains are M m e f Jack Alberts, Morns finty-fifIh wedding iinnivpi.sciry. Appel, Sol Ash, Abe Bear, Nate Berg, Julius Bernstein, Iz Bogdonoff, Don Cohen, Frank 'I'tic event will lie held at the Cohen, I Elewltz, Robert Endelman, D. B Epstein, Alfred Frank, O W. Frank, Joe home of Mr find Mrs. .Inmei. Lip- F-rank, Sidney Goldberg, Max Creontleld, r r n e i t Horh»(er, Jock Joseph, David KatzM-y, 124 North r>3nl Stieot froin J man, Sam Katzman, I, J . Kraft, D. H, Lewis/ Harvey Llpsrnan, Arthur Parilman, H "in. to 10 pin i Wm. Poster. Hn/bcn Ralner, Ocorge Senaro, Morris J 5haptro Harry Sldrnan, Hosts Kill l>o Messis. .ind Mines | mils Slporln, Horry Slref, Al Wohlncr lr\liiK Lincoln, Joe Lernei1, Nor- 1 Harold /rllnsky, and Sam Zwclback.
in.in Lincoln, Hairy Lincoln. Shel- '< don Lincoln, .dimes Lip->'y, Hnolrl Lincoln ,loe Lincoln -ill of Omah.i Mcs-is and Mines Itrilu-i I Colin. Herry Uird of Knns.'i:; <'ilv, Mo., and .Mr. ;m<l Mrs. I-'i-.-mk M.nlHini- Knjike d.iiiKhtcr of liliick of J>;illiis, T e \ . llihbi and Mrs Mji r S Knpke
and Michael Katz. son of Kev. ind Mr-, Alexander Knl/ are atiPiidniK the Midwestern C'oinention of the Leadeis Training Fclkmship in Minnenpolm, Minn. Ilidh school boys and Rhls are meptinK these under the superviMr. mid Mil Millrin Sajlan ind i sion of the Teachers Institute, to Mr mid Mi.s Leu .Sheiman en- di.sc.iibs then studies and plans for tertained fit ;i dinner on Decemlier the expansion of the Leadership 25 IHJIIDIma their p.nents, Mi and Training Fellowsllip proKnirn. Mri Jiick Savlan on I lie occasion «f Iholr foilj-second anniversary. The dinner WHS held nl the home Appointed of tile Milton dele Haney has been appointed No i n v i i i i l i ' i n . h iM
1» f i i
i - mil
Wedding Anniversary• For Jack Saylans '
vice-piesident and advertising di-
Home for the Holidays rector of Skinner MamifacturlnR C^o. He was formerly assoelated
Among the Omaha students with Bo«'IJ & Jacobs, Inc. niiilcinp up Ihc group spending the holidays at home arc Robert Felliniin nnd Joan Mayer of Rrnndeis Those-Beautiful University, Mnrvin Freedmnn of D a r t m o u t h College. Mnrtin Moments Cireene, Gordon Fellmun and B,irly Veret of Harvard nnd Nancy Kich.-irdH of Wellosley College.
Ex-Omahans Visit Mr and Mis. Archie Jacobs of Ueveily Mills, C i l , former Oraahans. m e spending several WPPICR at the home of their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peeblcr ,Jr 'Ihfy also a i e visilinj; Mayot ami Mrs. John Rosenblatt, liiolher and sister-in-law of Mrs, J.icolis and Mr. and Mrs. Mori is K. iliirolM, brother and sister-in-law of Mr. Jacobs. Before II tinning to California, llicy will \isit ,'it Ilic Inmic of Mi mid Mrs. John ilohinson in Norfolk who will iiuw'l thein1 earlier In Omaha' after a trip to bes Monies The Itoliiiwms v.ill \isil nt. I ho henries ol their children, M'ssis mitl.Minis J I"i iler "^'CIII mill SliJii'.-y Tan'ii. I
When Captured So
lucky silk shirt dress
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silk shirt dress collection 29.95 and 35.00
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Page Four
Center Sports
Friday, January 1, 1060
World Scene
d i s p i t f h i i i < c< I \ I d l i f i i j fi ' m i A m - i r h c - l n r i o f t h e A i i i b L L M ^ U O C ' o i m cil, c i n v i n r d ' l o p n \ ( n t I i i i d man. M i i i n hlk», It v u l e n i i K i l h f i u 11urn d r . ( i lint" i l i e J u i r l . i n u it• 1 s '
of A l l II ih U'Mln, T NO M M : IN* HI IKII.I a till ( i'"J)O\,( I { MUIIIJU'L 1 < pK BV CV SEITCHK'K lk[;c, 0\IOM1 1'iiiiiiMij v,.is >i i i t m j ' t ) , i U i i i W ' i A i a b I ; i p n l i h r Tel A \ u (W.N.Si -Iiirfdi l%0 livery Portrait VAKMTl' LKif.I i: .tided nn h'jni'i.uj Uiict^i of JOl li 111 ! ll'l 1 " I) UKill l l I' I) , I'll budget will not C M O J the 1''59 u i device <it the coinocitiun o o n i j u l i i i ' ' opui t~, n l i / c i 1 i ii 1 s I a Precious Gift. • . The Vaiiity league v,Jb tlu-own budget of ?832,50O.C()O, orcoiding Into a three way tie foi first place to infonnPd fiscal ciiclesi Tins will Mi Ismail is the atilhoi of so\eul [JI.HI, m i d tm> e fi- 11 ii in % n i . i wlien PJUIS bumped the pievious- be the first time in the .history of books, iiicliiiling lno,';i aplupi of on t h e A M I ) s i i " rf i o i> ,«j] ^ ly undefeated and league leading the' country .that the budget will C'haim Wci/iiMiin ami Moses Hess w i l l b , ' t u i j i m i l ) il l o ii .JJI 11 il Lusty's 60-33 last Wednesday not show a rise on a new year. OFVIITM IN night. In the nightcap game Bel- Under the new budget, aid to edu- CHAOALL FRENCH LLfilON OV HONOR grades also mo\ecl into the fust cation miiy he increased by fifteen Paris (WNSJ—Mnrc Ch.iRdll, place entanglement by vnhie of a •j*er cent. world-famed Jewish artist, was 69-57 win over Robinsons. raised to the rank of on officer In RUG & UPHOLSTERY HARMON" HONOKKD the French Legion of Honor, Capitalizing on a weak /one de- BY SEMINARY CLEANERS . . . wnen it is a special fense, which left the center com- New York (JTA)— Israel's Am- JORDAN WANTS AltAU TALK RUGS — CARPETING pletely open, the Pauls took ad- bassador to the United States ON ISRAEL WATER PLAN holiday portrait LAMP SHADES vantage and sent Tiny Knkp into Avraham Ilarman was awarded London (JTA)—JbuUn's Prime of your family the center tune after time for his the honorary degree of Doctor of Minister Ilnz/a Majah called for FURNITURE soft left handed hook shot. When Hebrew Letters at a special con- an early Aiab States summit conCleaned in Your Home! the game was over, Kn-ke had 27vocation of the Jewish Theologi- ference, to coordinate Arab policy Binding—Laying—Repairing points, all from the center lane to cal Seminary of America- Sir against Israel's plan to harness the Phologropl'or almost slngle-handely wreck the HA 2554 waters of the Jordan River to ir- Don Bernstein 017 So. 36th HA 1044 Lusty team. rigate the Negev, according to Al Clayman with 20 points was Wgh for the losers but it wasn't enough to make up for the defenBETH ISKAEL OPEN sive weakness of his team. Belgrades at full strength for BOAHD MEETING the first time this season had too Members, will-be the luncheon The Sta+o of Israel's First Supormorkct Chain much all-around balance in set- guests of the Beth Israel Sisterhood at the open board meeting, ting back the Robinsons Leroy 30,000 Common Voting Shares Katz with 16 led the winners. John Tuesday, January 5, at 12:30 p. m ( P a r V a l u o $ l l U.S. PorSharo) Engstrom, a newcomer pumped in in the synagogue social hall. At the close of the business meeting, 20 for the losers. Tilt pir«ctari of Suptnol Limilsd ara pUaud to announce that the oompan/l primary (took children from the Beth Israel SyVAKSITT LEAGUE lliu» l» to b» ui»d for th* capitalisation of Suporiol'i axpamlon program in liraal. nagogue nursery school will pro\V. L. sent a program. tsm Lustys 2 1 Mmes. D. W. and Rose Epstein Belgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 are in charge of luncheon arrangePauls 2 1 ments. Baby sitter service will be Robinson 0 3 provided. SIOUX CITY DEFEATKD The Omaha Varsity all star team I5KTH KL BOARD defeated the Sioux City nll-stnr JANUARY 5 group 48-47, in a tight basketball The Beth El Synagogue board game at the Jay last Sunday morn- will meet at synagogue on Tuesing. day, January 3 at 1 p:.m. AH board Superior rebounding in the sec-members',' committee chairmen, ond half by Ray Klrke, Roy Knt-circle chairmen and council of Skee and Al dayman, pnnrd to trustees are asked to attend. Cofbe the difference to off-jet the fee and <l"»icrt will be coived preyounger and faster usitois fium redin;; the meeting at 12 30 p ni Iowa. Hie two tnams battled even- .ind Mtter seivicc will be <i\ail;ible ly throughout tha tilt with Die lead switching b.uk and foith MOMI". ON" "I \LLOI T" AT A key field goal by Danny Ep- R'SM li'lUTII I.I NCHLON stein helped pull the grime out of A talk on "The Ciwl Defense the fire with two minutes remain- Dis islcr Control" wlil \i* made by Protp*ctus and Information Available an ing. Kirke and dayman with 13 Charles J. Tice at a luncheon meetand 13 points respectively led the ing of B'mu B'rith Henry Monskj SUPERSOL LIMITED winners while Levine with. 19 led Chapter No 470 al 12 30 p m al AT 2168 the losers. the Jewish Community Center, 306 Balrd Bldg, 1704 Douglas Omaha, Nebr. Wednesday, Januniy G Mr. Tice YOETII COUNCIL LEAGUE who will be intioduoed by Mrs. There were no league games this Dan Gordman, Civil Defense chairweek due to the AZA Convention. man, will show a movie on "FallHowever the three AZA teams out." were getting ready to compete in Reservations may be made with the convention tourney. Mrs. Bernard Siegler or Mrs. YOUTH COOXCIL LEAGUE Frank Sekar. W. AZA 1000 4 COUSIN'S CLUB Rayim 2 Mrs. Hyman Fried will be the AZA 1 2 hostess to the Cousins Club on AZA 100 0 Wednesday, January 6, at 12:30 MIDGET LEAGUE The Midget league began fheir p m., at the Blackstone Hotel. practice games last week. First An)one that cannot attend, please practice round results showed Tre- call RE 9196. tiaks defeating Richmonrl-Gordrnan 23-16, and Slosburgs downing Harry's Playland P.irk 23-10 SHOTS IN* THE DAKK Kosher Poultry Frank Goldberg, with 53 points Special Discounts and a l l point fnor.iKP is the leadfor Large Orders ing scorer in the Youth (Council league. Al Cl.iyman with 1) points 1314 No. 24th and a ]6 point average lead the AT 4977 Varsity league . . . Health Club Certified and approved by Rabbi
John Kalina
In 25 Languages Aid Means New
membeishiu is inrii I-IMK nicely i n recent weeks . . . IIuv ml M n tin of AZA 1000, is u i r s t l m ' ; for the Central high school team . . W a l l Wise, also of A Z \ 10O0, I n s been selected to piny in the aniiii il Shrine footlj.ill t'ninf m Oiinh-i next f.ill Wi-o li i> In on .in outstanding t.acl<lo for Central hij,'h the past I v o ji-irs . P inrlj Hiuphy lias t.ikfii o v n il>e roiclun" duties of AZA Vi'l 'llns ni IV l)f the toughest coaching job in the nnniuls of IM<.1:( lt> ill lustoiy . Bon Naclnnan officiated at tho Viiisity 1P iguc g.mifs 1 i-.t Wednesday, l i e is c m fully ,i (If iit.il student nt Crfi::hloii Univer.silv . . . O\ei frjitv lriirlfc t lpit'U'"is w c i f gucits of Itecl McMiniis ,ind Creifihton V, <it the Blue J i j s Seatlle U c<i,:e n HIT1 list w c l : .
Or. Loon Thorn, President, Amorlcan Acfldomic Rabbit Association of Now Amoricani, and Rabbi S. Walkin of tho Orthodox Rabbii A i lociation of Now York City.
Phono JA VM lo in-.crl vour V/onl Ad in rh» Jc n.h Pro.; Rule 13 SO cenls tor cacti Ihrfe Uni Ir-cr Mon. Tlie Press recrves lha rlrchl to I m t '170 of each a d . r r i T m n i l
HAIC iiml Has Mitzvah congr.iliiiations also for all Jewish hoh d.ij^ and r,ppe.Ml orr.isirin1; ."Icjcis N e w s Stand, 1.10J IJotlgf J'or Pi.ictK.i! Nil) sis ,ind Pr.irlicil UomrslKs C'.ill CJ.ii.i R'uidall Placement Sf;rvice---WL HI'SIM SSM1A . Si^ns, illustration, arf tempo i h sltfii .irts. NIMI Meldcii C ill .iftei 8 !0 p m , i'JJ Hill
•ILWIMI I5I.OOI) New Yoik (W.WS) — Konner heavyweight.champion Jack IJemp- WILL Gentleman who mistakenly sey claims a Jewish ancestor acfrom Beth i'.'l Friday cording to his biography in . the went home with wronj; coat, plcnsc current issue of Look. Dempsey .night relates that his father's grand- contact synufjor'nr.' office, G L mothcr was Jen ish
Highlights of in.illli mid welfare, services for Jewish children In K5 countries which will tie report* (1 to llip l.illi AniiiMl Meeting of the Joint Distribution Committee In yen Y'orlc City DrccniIi(r JO, nro pi< lured nhoip. Top Left: Mororin—ii clu'ili-r (rrll|;ioii« helionl) In f IIS.IMUMII'H srpiulld ghetto. Onro tli« fjlietlo'i only h< ImoN, dlngj, iiieclle\nl, dise.ise-breodlng, tli.'i haw- lieen rcplai-pd in rc-Kiit v u r . mill JDC lii'lp. Top Itlglit: mi o.isls In this ghetto: on a street recentl> rle.ined up :iiiil lie.nitlfieil, a JIK'-sniiportul l>indei(,'.irlen offers » now life to JmvMi <hlldre/i—litnllli e.ire, nonrjihiiig food, clothing—am! a nnyf Ic.irnlng— lion lo play, lluttom I^'fl: It.tlj—At the JIK'-.ilded day nursery in Home, ual>le<* |{('t loving wire wliilo tlicir inotlicrs work to Nupiilcnient .miirglnal family Income. Hottoin Itiglit: I'olund—A youngster noivly repatrlattd from Jtussln gets more lhaii Iiook-le.irnIng at the Jewish school at Wroclaw; JDC provides hot Inneh and medical euro for Mm, ronstnicllvo loaiiH, easli (,'rantsi and vocational training for Ills (lisstliiite parents. Funds for JDC seniees urn provided hy tho Untied Jewish AmiMi.