v v v v i i i v « I T Puhllsliad every Friday, 101 Ko. 2'JtU AAMIII—No. IT Omulia, Nebraska, i'liuite JA I3U8
,,,.,.., OMAHA,
Dr. Philip Slier Home for the (The Dr. Philip Sher Home (or the Aged nr/knowli'dgc.s the following memorials and donation^
Donor f/r.
onrl A','-,
In Memory of DlKl
A. tlojj
Mr'.. G e r t i u i H Put/ I
lf.n Urn lltiiid'Ci Lo"H ionnji-r uud t'\'r<s h<(l
Solr.im.fi MWenrral I Mri. Colcli*' Kurr>, //,r'5, I.IMI'jn Uernm-i'i, | Or. M I. Gordon, Abe Cr'.'Jlir. 1 •f.'.-rilri. OII'J /.'rues. J<.,' t l i f i n ' i ' . t , Harold OiSfnlritl', I. Clmpiowi Or. M. I. Uordon i ti/Hl Ji.i/7/.(j!"'.fi(«k i f/.r, ami Wri. l>'n,l V i r . l Chii!.:'. S. Ho'.s, llurmnn IWo.vii t/.r. ll'i'l Mr-. Ir^i) ((:,-.nnU'l , HofiTinn fjrown f/.r, unj / / r i U'-II :,ilv<.r ,.Dr. rA. I. Gortlon, Ju/ Maloi.hL.'.K, Af,f Grodini, A!,rum Dnri^)"/, Otlo rvj-'^r, A(l))(ili Fli.-v/ni'Hi tJlKl »/,r.
a m i ;/.r-,. ;/.lil'..r, I I . Y I , U - ! ' , ' J H
JJIIICI RoOTilra'/m Mrs.Clam I k k
In Honor of
V5lh wprjdlnri (innivpc.arv of f.".»MIJ. on'J'W.nns. II V, FUH.KI, I r i i c l A. llf.'IJ ... Mr, ami Mrs, Onvirt '.her Mr'. 'Jiul Wrc. /.'.firk,ri f'iftujnf. /Vlh lili IliJ')/ of A'r. AI' • ^ l.'-I'M'^Iri GciOlfl l>cfi//nrU . . . , Tlie Jc.'Mi I'rp^-.
Special Contributions
Ifos. e. A. pf.Mfh, l.'.ts. Ft,;:" blumklM, Srj.n Zlfjrniin, Dt.vlil II". n-.H-lii, Ice Sluan, S'ini C.r(n*ii!j--r'j H'Tir/ Grfcn:;-,:r!j, IIK r, J. ?,'. "r H'jcr, t.\t'.. H-r,c l.:p-,t'-in, /.Vjrlan lilultic und Oov|.| U Wciii:;'.'r.|
sireaieis fro s aue
British''Nazis Threaten to Take
London f.JTAi A self-styled Milifinio, u former riieinhi1!' of spokesman for the "l!iili:h Nazi Parliament, and DJ-. liarnell movement" telephoned Hi" olfice Sti-o.-.s, an M. P., ns the first thrcii Of Cliiei Italihi Ii.iael I'.iwlic h're mid warned that leailini: Hiitish • Jt-ws v.oulil IK; Liken as *'lii)sl;i^fs" Tlio Ji-<vi;h Cluoniel" was a n y i i r i i o n b y (In 1 A'k 1 - j l'.arti^d }ty trlrphoi]-.- th'it Ih' 1 n e x t C l o v c n u n ' j n t in We.-,! (V.-- n i o v r w o u l d b e " a b o m b n\, y u a r I n ' i n y ) o piinisli " C i ' i n i ' i t i n a t i o n - doorstep." alists." Scotland Yard j;ot its first lead \':i\wit
, j \ .sllllil i r (.'all, lecejyed \,y a to the vandals who have bf en de'fnf.i'.i iiri'iorialiiHi, Jd"iitil'i('(l. Sid- lacinir J"\vi>;h-owned imd occupied ney .Silvei/uaii, a f.abor M. I1., Jan buildings in 11K' firlti'ili capital when a Jewish Telegraphic Agency editor recorded n lelephoii'd thi'cal from a man describinj; liimself as a spokesnian for the "Urili.sh Nazi Movement." Tlu.' JTA .editor who took tho call, .switched on the lecordin;; apparatus as soon as the caller identified b'iins'.'lf. Later, Criminal Investigation l.')epiii'lineiil officers listened to the recordinj; and took possession of the tape.
• 750/
'•Tlioif Sliiill I.nvc 'Jiiy XIJIKIIlidr us Thyself." Aliionii the stamps released by IM'II'.'I IS one honorini; UuiiKui Itif;hts. Its issuance mnrUcd tho first timi; Jsnicl joined other mwnIKT ('Miltitiios of tho United Nations in lionoriir; this "^'ii'al. liuniiinitiii'i.'u) lili.'al" philatelically. The central depicri of (his sliirnp in n HIIII) OF sioiio inscribed, "Thou Hhiilt love thy neighbor an thyself," n quotation from tin- book of. Lftvlticiis. The emblem of: the Vnitod. Nations Is si.'C-n in the lower corner of the s(mi)[>. Tin? lab i:; iii.'icriljoil la French, Etiillish, .Spanish, itiissiaii mid Clilliivio, At the Joft sido of the tab, 1 ho source of • 1'ho Hililic'tl rniotution is identified in Hebrew and Knjjlish. This is the first.(inio that ti IJihle qiioldtioii apjieaivd in the five official lan;:uaci'S of the United Nations on any stamp or tub, . "'he stamp which is valued at 75:i [Hulas, may br» obtained at the Jewish Ciiitiiiitiiiily ("outer Library, room %\. (It is siif:f;ested that intfiested .stamp collectors tJlp iind file th'.1 «bdve material for •fuMiiV reiorenco.)
Opening sessions of tournament bridge, dance and aj't. classics are on the Jewish Community Center January calendar, I'-nrl Siecel, Adult Activities Chairman, announced. Tournament Iirl(l(;<) Tournament |)i iilf'c begins January W w i t h Shcff Katskee In eharfje.. The meelliiKH on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, are open 1o couples or individual players who are asked to make their reservation by January 13. The fee h 75 cents per (iveniniJ. Lessons in Latin-American dance will be offered for 10 consecutive Monday cveniircs, bp/;irmuu; January 18 under the direction of Mis.'; Carrie Griffiths of tho University of Omaha physical education Depaiinient. Classes will be held from 8:.'iO p. m. io 0:30 p. m. Tho fee Is ?10 per person or $15 it couple. I'laus nrc boiiifj made for on art. class to start this month under the direction of Nnal Melden'on Wednesdays from 8 p. in. to 10 p. m. The dale for the ten session alt course will be announced as soon as registration is completed. The charge is $H. Mr. Meldon la an experienced commercial artist and specialist In advertising design. Persons wishing to -rcKlffpr for any of the abpva nctivitlen me asked to call the .Center. Activities office, JA WGG, iinrnedlately.
i>rn*v . ii . JSIDA*
8, J%0
S . T u m i (..'la.',.-, l'oM(i|;o I ' l i t i f at Oliiulia. Kt.lir.
Hohcrl II. Kooper, pn idenl, •!< r.ish Kedei.ition jMillard ilosenberg, ch mill.in, ADL A'Kisoiy Committee. Krncsl A. No;rg, chaiiman, liudL'et (omnnllee Jl'-n 10. Kaslow, rhainuan, llureau of Jewish Edueali'tn. Norman liatl, chairman. Camp ,lay-C-C. Louis Canar, chairman. Ci.nimuniiy Center. Ifarry Sidinaii, chaiiman. Federation liulldinijs Committee. Nathan L. No;:!;, chairman, )">r. Sher Home for Aged. Vale Hichards, chairman, Family .Service. Samuel >|. Wolf, chairman, Jewish I'hilanlhro|iien. Isadorc Chapman, chairman, Jewish Press. David Feder, cliaii-man, I'lerifie Kedemption. Irvin C. Levin, chairman, Community Statistic!*. Mr.;. Mike Freeman, president, federation of Women's Clubs. Paul VI.TCI, executive director, Jewish Federation.
\New Young Adult Program A now "YOIIIIIL; Adult" program will m;.tl:e its introduction Tuesday eveniu,'.;', January 12 at the Jewish Community Center under the auspices of the Younjr Adult. Council. All .voting arlulls and college students are invited to lake part in this activity which will he held on tho second and fourth Tuesdays of each month (it the Jewish (,'onimunity ('enter. Arrangements for the p r o g r a m to he known as "Youn.i.; Adult Ni(;ht," followt-d mimcroii.'i requests for expansion of aclivlllcs for yomij: people.
IVsstsrn Tfieeio Keys OeISs El Golebration
The evenings which will begin at 7 p. in. will feature a film on "Nijfhtmaro in Red" on Russia at the "opener," and will usually include movies or discussions, games and a social period. future programs will include a sjxsikcr from the Kl'J whose subject will be narcotics, folk sinners and (lancers, discussions on art, m u s i c , intermarriage, vacations and contemporary religions. Aaron Sterlin?; heads the committee in chariie. Its members are Frances Silver, Neal Melden and Lea 1'feffer, Moris Steinrnan, Center Activities director, is t h e group's advisor.
Kln;:lc Uupy 10 C e n t * A n n u a l Italc 4 Uollara
KVIT.VOIII: hi the community 1%
in'/;Ttl fi> atlciid (lie filfy-si.vtli onniiiil meclinif (if |In, .Jewish I''i;<II'liition of Omaha, Sunday at S p. in., n( the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. Robert H. Kooper, Federation president, stressed the importune* of Hie reports to be presented by Federation Department Chairmon, Kepurls To filve Story "It. is vital that members of our community spend this evening together to hear the annual story of our progress and activities," Ml'. Kooper declared. "Kach report will be brief and pertinent. This is also an opportunity to join in a common bond in a community* wide event significant to all of us." Klection To He Held All election of olficers will b« held, Nominations will be present* (•(I by J. Harry Kulakolsky, chair, man and his committee. ' Tiiiini; Adults I'ruvrt A '.special message urtjinpr • tho younK adults of the community to be present at. the meeting was issued by iuv. Kooper. "Durini; the past four years \V(S have succeeded in dewloping a young adult participation in tha various programs of the Federation," Mr. Kooper said. Our young; folks are becoming aware of their communal responsibilities, and th$ need'Of developing leadership." Present, officers are: Robert' H. Kooper, president; Harry Trustin, first, vice-president; Ernest; A. Nof.% second vice-president; Arthur IT. Goldstein, treasurer; Millon R. Abrahams," secretary, and Dr. Philip Sher, honorary president.
Youfh Council Meets Jan. 13
The Beth K) social hall will be transformed into a frontier town complete, with stores, cafes and a museum for the "western bonanza" o/i .Sunday, January 17 from I. p. in. to 3.n. in., the. liii'hliKhl of the year-lout; .'iOlh anniversary celebration of. the HyiniK"l,'iH'. The store will he slocked with aprons made- by Mines. J a c o b P.ernslein, Meyer Kal/man, Frank .Marks, Leon Craeiz and their committee. Mines. Jeroid Hosen, Kcvce Kirshenbaum and Hobert liaker will slaff a bakery shop replete with home-baked pastry. A cafe will be mann/jed by Mrs. Harry I'erenstein and oilier sisterhood member.'!. Mrs. Morley Zipur.sky, Donald o;;g and I. 1). Ziegman are |;eneraT chairmen of the event.
Jerusalem (JTA) -The news of the wave of anti-Jewish propaganda activities in Germany and elsewhere throughout the Western world has caused consternation in Cairo, Arabic broadcasts, monitored here, revealed.
Greater Omaha exceeded its ?200,()(ip goal for State of Israel Honds for the second straight year, chairman, liobert M. Feinberg announced this week. The final figures for 1!I59, including Council Bluffs, showed $203,001) ill commitments, of which $11)2,700 was received in cash by December ,'!1. The figures are only slightly below the record-setting l'.KH drive, co-chaired by .Samuel Katxman, Samuel Itice and Mrs. Samuel Wolf, when $2011,400 was com-, mil ted and S198,!JI)0 paid by December 31, according to area manager Gerald Schwartz. Chairmen I'ralscil ' Mr. Fcinberg praised Mrs-. Aaron Rips, women's division chairman; Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, area chairman; Morton Richards, Builders chairman; Isadore Chapman, Guardians chairman; Mi's. Ernest Nogg, Sponsors chairman, and
Mrs. Henry Riekes, Chen chairman, "for inspired leadership." He also praised "the many, many volunteer workers — particularly our untiring women workers" for their part in the successful campaign. Mr. Schwartz said preliminary figures indicated that Greater Omaha had maintained its record as best pcr-capita sales city for Israel lionds in the Midwest, but that comparisons with other areas could not be made until the 19"i!) planning meeting. .January National Conference He \yill attend the national session, slated at the Hotel Billmore in New York City, January 15-17, which will be followed'by the annual staff meeting of (he Israel Uonds Organization. Dr.- Joseph ,7. Schwartz,"executive vice president of tho group, is now in Israel studying the year's economic progress. ' :
Mi'mber.s of the Youth Council will meet in their newly-decorated lomifjo at the Ji.'wish Community Center, Wednesday, January 13 at 7:15 p. in.
Tint IOgyptian leaders ar« fearful that the. anll-,(ewlsh incidents will cause panic among Western Jewries, and result hi a n e w mass cmlgrution to Israel. Cairo Kadff) tlit'i-croni started a campaign to nfisurn Jews In Western Europe that tliore Is no real ilunjfor ot aiitl-Semlllsiii. It charged thai Zionists were responsible for th* swastika daubing;, in an effort to HCiin; Jews Into fleeing to Israel.
The .swastika, symbol of Nazism, burst out all over the Western world map last week-end—being publicly smeared in New Yoilc, daubed in London, appearing in Israel, showing its face in. many cities hi Germany, stealthily manifesting itself in Paris, Brussels, Stockholm and Oslo.
A luncheon meeting of tho Federation of Jewish. Women's Clubs will be held on Thursday, January 7 at 1 p. m. nt tho Jewish Community Center. Members are urged by Mrs. Mike Freeman, president, to attend the meeting'which isha stated, would deal with important matters. . ,:
*•»*— J r-iN-^V*T».Jt-ii#j.li._s^i-:E^ I iJis-si-',. t i i j a r . j * , i -
Page T«o
Friday, Jarumry «, Mill)
Bas Mifzvah With the Home Folks BarAll and friends and relatives are Publlslicd Ever; Friday by the Jeulsli Fcderatluu of Onmlia. * Second Clots Postage Pa'.O at Omaha. Nebr. Annual Subscription, U.QO. Advertising Rates on Application. Publication Olflce—101 No ?01h street. Omaha, Nebr» JAckion 13M,
Center Sports By Cy Srttrhlrlc VABSITV I.EAGUK . . . A 56-48, overtime win over Belgrades, gave dcfendinK champions Pauls, undisputed position of first place in the Vursity league last Week. Ray Kirke, again wns the chief factor in his team's success with a scoring burrage of 22 points. Lindy Paul was a guiding factor in the victory with ten points plus his usual Bteady ball handling. Ed Belgrade led the losers With 14 points. In the opening game of the evening, Robinsons broke Into the victory column for the first time this season with a 43-30 triumph over the Lusty crew. John Engstrom and Fred Bernstein teamed up for 26 points for the winners. The los»re were minus the services of Al Clayman, the league'* leading scorer and rebounder, and Cy Seitchick. YOUTH COUNCIL . . . The well balanced league leadIng A. Z. A. 1000 team defeated A. Z. A. ] , 61-44 last Sunday to (trengthen its hold on first place In the Youth Council race. Sixteen points by Dan Hollis and twelve each by Bruce Goldstein and Mike Sadof.sky were too much for A. Z. A. 1 to cope with. In the .opening game, Rayim had little difficulty in handling A; Z. A. 100, to the tune of 5G-24. Jeff Wohlner witli 17 points was high for the winners. The young 100 group showed bomp improvement, and may get tougher in the second half of the.campaign. : The Midget leaguers completed their second round of practice games last Sunday and are now ready for the opening Ifagun encounteis on SumLiv, January 10th Lost' week's game scores were US follows: 7th and 8th grade . . . Kaiman 18, I-Go-Van 17 Gerelick 28, Phillips 27 5th and 6th grade . . . Richmond-Gordm.-m 27, Playland Park 12 Slosbuig 27. Tretiaks 14 SHOTS IN' THE DARK . . . Ediar defeated Rohanue In two etraight to win the B, B. G. convention volleyball championship... Final scores of the youth convention in Omaha last week showed that Omaha chapters walked away with all honors In all events, outclassing chapters from Des Mollies, Sioux City and Lincoln . . . A. Z A. 1000 defeated Sioux City 4136, in the finals of the basketball tourney held at the Central high school gymnasium . . . Bruce Goldstein was high scoier for the tourney with .38 points . . . The entire starling five of 1000 made the nilStar team Thi>v «'ii>, rjohislfin l)an Hollic, Justin Ban, Allen Konecky and Mike S idofsky . Steve K;ii>l;m, u freshman, from A Z A. ]000 .• ii-i tlv i>nv'-I>"ii" title . . . Carol Knsenhnum, from Kdiur, wjinj) <1 to I hi' yn) '. ink- in ping-pong hiiidl\ \Mthout comprtition . . . lii id I p ti in, K-uiiigc boulfi deluv, lcl A 7. A. 1. to the bovWinf; title, b.iielj d'fpjiiJIIK
C'unillrllghtlng, 4:52 p. in. BETH 1SKAKL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Kli Kagan and the Beth Israel Cliolr will conduct family services Friday at 8 p.m. Traditional Friday evening services (Kabbolas Shabbos) begin at 5 p.m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:45 a.m. at 52iid and Charles Streets and at 9 a.m. at 19th and Burt Street*. Junior Congre' gation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud Class at 4:30 p.m. Sabbath Mincha at 5 p.m. followed by Sholosh S'eudos and Maariv. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5:10 p.m. Sunday morning lervlces begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by Rabbi's class In Bible. Sunday morning Junior Minyan at 8:30 a.m. Sunday, January 10—"Fast of Teves." The Talmud Discussion Group meets every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. B'NAI JACOB ADAS YESHUKON Services at B'nal Jacob-AdasYeshuron will begin Friday at 4:45 p.m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. with Mincha Ht 4:45 p.m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Daily services at 6:30 a.m. and p.m. TEMI'MS I.SKAIX Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will deliver a sermon on "The Decisions of Judaism on ths Values of Life" at Temple Israel'* Friday serviced at 8:15 p m . BETH KL Services at Beth El Synagogue this evening will begin at 8:15 p.m. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Shoshana Hareli of Israel. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render tho musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services will begin at 9:30. The Junior Congregation service begins a t 10;30. The Sunday morning service which will be held In the chapel at 9 a.m. will be followed by breakfast in the social hall, A Btudy discussion session will be led by Rabbi Myor S. Kripke. Daily services are held at 7 a m and 7 p.m.
Dinner to Celebrate Tenth Anniversary Mr. ;md Mis. Joseph Polonsk> ' v.lll cr-k ln.ilc t h r l r .enth wi-ddnig ! a n n n e i s t i y v i l h a dinner and l e - ' ('•jilion at tin' 'i m n Ho'isf-, Sun-
flfiy, Jiinuniy 10
Stw* And tui|ipcB!D» at J'lie T>r. Philip Sbt-r Jfulsli Home Fur lh« Aitfl by Duvld Orhow.
XKW RESIDENTS! Abe Friedman, Nathan Seiner, (Vila Sweet Kmily Zwibclman. 'fhe classes in arts and crafts, sponsored by the Council of Jewish Womon wore reactivated after the holiday recess. INT MKMOMAMi Morris Ackerin>m, Clara Fisk. yAIIItZEIT: Special memorial services will be hold in the home synagogue, for the following, Ihe anniversary of whose death, oc curred during the month of Tebet, Tebet 6-January 6-E11 H. Weil; Tebet 13 •-- January 13 — Julius Newman; Tcbot 22- January 22Rosalie Epstein; Tebet 2'i—January 23 — Max Veret and Bessie Seglin. • COMINd EVENTS: On .Jwiuary 17th at 2 p. m. a minstrel show will be presented by troop 248 of the Girl Scouts of AmericR. KIDDUSHIM: Special Kludushim, given by Mrs. Julius Newman on the occasion of the anniversary of her husband's Yahr/elt and by Mr. Sam Poster on the occasion of the naming of a great grandchild, John, son of. Mr, and Mrs. Gorald Welnberg, .Grandparents are Mr. and M M . Harry Weinberg and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Korney, and great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Boris Korney.
'Funtime' Draws 126 Youngsters Ono hundred and twenty-six youngsters participated In the holiday "funtime" activities, December 22-24 at the Jewish Community Center. Winners of a talent show conducted during one of tile sessions included: J a y n o Kirshenbaum, Cheryl Weiss, Pam Weiss, Marjory Siref, Phyllis Lerman, Gayle Lerman, Anna Gomberg. Pierre Flatowicz was top . scorer in tho Junior Fun Olympics. Other prize winners were Mike Sellz, Danny Dutro, Marc Meichcs, Bobby Brady, Han WII'DD, Maynard Roscnbaum, Don Fodman, Jim Weinstoln, Rlcltoy Slref, Rence Teper, HolK?rt Bernstein, Shari Lltt, .lack Landman, Avia Silverbrand, Beverly Abrams. , The Hanukkah candle lighting was performed by Renee Teper, Rickey Siref and Martin Gilbert. Volunteers who worked with Borig Steiman, Center Activities director, and Dik Weiner, Youth director,' were Steve Guss, Maynard Weinberg, Mardee Sokoloff, E!aln« Steiman, Judy Shermans Kevee Shyken, Sandy Steiihan, Arnold Fellman, Arni Sako and Marcla Cohen. CORNHirSKRIC I.OU(JK MEN'OHAII DIN'NEIt CornhuskcT I-odge No. 17G0 will hold Its first annual Menorah mt'inlxTship ijanquct .lanuary 13 at 7 p. m. at the Roam Inn.
HIU'CE IIOItKUMAN The Bar Mitzvah of Bruce Hohcrmun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hoberman will be celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue Friday evening and Saturday, morning. FKAN(;KS IIOKNNTKIN LYNX SAUNDEHH Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ilornsteln announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Frances, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sounders, announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Lynn, on Friday evening, Januaiy ]5th and Saturday morning, January' 16th at Beth El Synagogue.
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only C-ianA fncditaid and l-cll/i'J In 'DomiJ
STEVKN' JAY WIGODSKV Steven Jay Wigodsky, son of Dr. and Mrs. Earl Wigodsky will cele-
Mrs. Myer S. Kripke will speak on "Tenchlng God to Your Children" at a meeting of Cornhuslter Chapter of B'nal B'rlth, January 11 at 8:80 p. m. at the Blackstone Hotel,
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BOCK.. TRAVEL AGENCY Suite 424 — Farnam Bldg., Omaha 2, Nebraska LOUIS ELDERT—Co-Owner, Mgr. Tclophono JA 5874
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H O O K (.H()i;P MLL1S I A T UEKCOVICI H O M E ! TIIP Hook Oioup of Omaha' Chapter Tiratulcih L'nheisily -N'ationnl Woman's Commitete will mci't on 'Him .day. January 14, 12-30 p. m., at the homo of Mrs M. A. Bfrcovici, 6492 Cuininf; Stii t 'llv. (Ji'ciission of fiust.AP 7" "> I « *' 'if i ,!• I-im.in" will fee completed with Mis, \'. Jl
Vs/A 5554 Diamond's Famous
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• UVOWITZ, Wl»H»l*K^
. . . Some Spoco Still Available on Low Coit Air Tourt
M;iil>n K.it/iii.in v •••• 1HRII individUal in gills' Ijo'.vJiiii; ,v, Ktli.ir von the title . . . Incidentally, Lincoln, Sioux City and Dn Monies did compi'tf in <ill the ic f.cntB but il was ii el MII '-v.c: p for th" Oinnhn teams . All si ir Kills \oll">h.ill tcim . . K'a'/man, Linda M.i.f/ii- | min, Cheryl Taubrnan, Eden Co- ' h(-n and Frances Rife Omaha mom-' bo is. I
?,"' V"*"l"' ffif* / " ^
Invited to attend scrvicus mid rccentlon. JIAIISIIALI, AIIICAHAMS Marshall Abrdhuins, i-on of Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnni Abrahums, will observe his Bur Milzwih on Friday uvenitiK, Jiinuairy 8th and Saturday morning, January 9th, at Beth Ki Synagogue.
brate ills Bur Mltzvah at 'IVrnple Israel, Fjiday night, Januaiy 13 and Saturday morning, January Ki.
I'rtit.i\, Juiiu.iry 8, lOfJO
Miss Judith Ann Lazer Wed In Double Ring Ceremony
'DOI'ltLK CKI.KUHATJO.VS Two Omuha couples were ac- 1 groom's sister-in-law, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss cpptliili congratulations on cifh • Caiole. NOHK of Sioux City, la., b e e o m i i i K grandparents twice |
Pago Three
Miss Muriel Joyce Rosenblatt Fiancee of Joseph Sigman
and Miss Ann Houck. Thoy wore idcntleul gowns of blue lace ovir blue taffeta. . The bridegroom's brother, Huilier Wolpu, was best man. Ushers weio Jerry Wolpa and Mike Wolpa, Omaha; Leonard Wolpa, Den \er, Colo, and Bernard YVolpa, of Chicago, 111. A reception ut the Old English Inn followed the ceremony. After a week at Lai, Vegas, Nov., the couple will be at home at -1727 North 83rd Avenue;
within a month. ' Mr, and Mrs. Jack Solomon's new grandchildion are a son.i David Jay, born to their .ym-m-j law and daughter, Mr. and Mis. Manny Dworkm of M a y f i e l d l Heights, O, on November 25 and | a daughter, Menu Sue, born on i December IK to their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. .Tuck Solomon Jr, of Highland Park. The Dworkins have two daughters, Amy and Barbara. The patemnl grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Dworkin of Merrick, i.ong Island. The Junior Solomons are the parents of three other children, Debra, Alisa and Michael. Their mother, the former Joser phine Kleiman, the daughter of The Oneg Shabbat to be given Mr. and Mrs. Saul Kleiman of by the Pioneer Women's OrganMnt. Wnrren \Vol|>ii Mliv .Muriel Kosenbliitt Kansas City, Mo., was at one time isation Saturday afternoon for , Miss Judith Ann Lazer, daugh- Mrs. Shoshana: Hareli of Israel, youth director at the Jewish Com- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Rosenter of Mr. und Mrs, Joseph La/.cr, will be held at the home ot Mrg. munity Center. blatt have announced the engageMr. and Mrs. Harry Weinbeij.; ment of their daughter, Muriel became tlio bride of Warren W. Morris Grossman, 4915 Uodga Wolpa, son of Mrs. Alex Wolpa, Street, Originally, the event was also celebrated thp arrival of two .Joyce to Joseph Howard Sigman of Sunday in a douhle-rlnK ceremony to be held at Beth El Synagogue- grandsons, Evan, son and second Denver, Colo. at Beth FA Synagogue. Rabbi Myer where Mrs. Hareli will speak on c h i l d of their son-in-law and The hi ide-elect attended the S. Kripke «nd Cantor Aaron Edgar Friday evening. daughter, Dr. and Mr». Marvin officiated. Ziporyn of Evanston, 111., born De- University of Colorado where she Membors of oil community orThe bride wits attired in a satin ganizations are invited to meet comber 14, and John, son of Mr. gown with Queen Ann neckline Mm. Hareli at the Saturday junc- and Mrs. Gerald Weinberg, of DUNDEE FLORIST and bouffant skirt. Her imported tion scheduled for 1:30 p, m. The Washington, D. C, who arrived December 15. Maternal grandpar«ilk illusion veil fell from u Jeweled Israeli who is on a tour of the ents of Weinberg children, now WA 2442 coronet. She carried a white Bible with a white orchid and Btepha- United States will be introduced four In number are Mr. and Mrs. to the gathering by Mrs. David Norman Korney and thp groat675 No. 50th notla. Epstein. grandparents aro Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jerry Wolpii, (lio brideMrs, Milton Neuronberg, Pio- Boris Komey and Sam Poster, all neer's pi evident; Mrs. Marion Bon- of Omaha. darin and Mrs. Hurry Shrago ure ANTI-FREEZE in charge of arrangements. Mr. and Mrs. Meile Potash nnA reception will bo held Satur- nouncc the birth of a son, Alan IN A LEAKY RADIATOR day evening for Mrs. Hareli at the Edwrtrd, on December 2fi at ClarkIS MONEY WASTED Mr. mid Mm. M. \V. 'Rosen- home of Mrs. Charles Guss, 1017 son hospital. They fire nlso the baum huve nnnotiiirerl the enj;;jj.;e- North Gllh Street. parents of a daughter, Janio. For Fast—Dependable ment of their daughter, Miss .LinGrandparent* are Mr. and Mrs. Guaranfood Service da, to Jerome P. (.iorriinnn. David Potar.h of Omaha nml Mr. Tllr> b r i d e - e l r e r j a a hojihoinoie Infra-Faith fating at and Mrs. Sol Slavln of Fore'.t nl t h e U n i v e r s i t y ol ' 1 V S . I I , ;ii Aiis-j Hilli, N. Y. Mr. Slavin Is vlsitlni: tin w h e r e s h e is Jiffilliitwi w i t h , Beth Israel Jan. 12 nt. the Potash homft. Sigma Delia Tail Sororllv. i Lou Hurwlti, Prop. Her fiance, Hie son of Mr. midj The Iteth Israel Sisterhood will Mr. und Mrg. Jack W. Bakei Downtown Location Mrs.Dan Gonlman, will uradimte be hostess thin year to the SIMcr- announce the birth of a daughter, WE 0200 in June from the University of lioods of Beth El and Temple Is- Betsy Lynn, at Clarkson hospital, 1708 Cast Pennsylvania, W'hnrton School of rael ut the annual Intra-Faltli December 29. Finance at Philadelphia. Mr. (Jord- meeting. A dessert luncheon will Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. mon is a member of Beta Si^ma be held Tuesday, January 12 at Abe Baker and Mr, and Mrs. 12:30 p, m. In tho synagogue «oHho fraternity. David Krantz. Mr. and Mrs. MeyBoth Mr. Gordman mid hio fi- clal hall. er, of Sioux City, la. are greatnncee h n v e returne<) fo their Mrs. Harold Zelinsky will direct grandparents. studies after Hpendlnjj tlip holidays nlsterhood members In a skit, "I'll Shry Tomorrow," Mmes. AlIn Omaha, News has been received of the fred Frank and Izadore Elewlu birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs, are chairmen for the afternoon. Alan Katskee of Los Angeles, Cai., Baby sitter service will bu avail- formerly of Lincoln, Nebr., on Janable. MBS. CLAltKNCE BElUiMAN uary 4 at St. John's Hospital, SanFuneral services were held Janta Monica, Cal. The KatRkees also nary 1 at Temple Israel for Mrs. have a daughter, Sue Ann. Clarence Bergman, 67, of 4807 Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. California Street, who died DeMose Krasno, Fremont, Nebr., and cember 30 in a local hospital. BuMrs. Bernlce Katskee, Lincoln. rial WHS in Pleasant Hill CVmeMrs. Rae Diamond, Lincoln, is a lery. great-grandmother. A lifelong resident of Omuha, Mm. William (J. Singer has anMrs. Bergman was a past presi- nounced the engagement of her dent of Temple Israel Sisterhood daughter, Miss Diane Joan and and a member of Hndassah and S t a n d . Kainnin, son of Mr. and B'nal B'rlth, Mra. Jack Kidman. Survivors are her husband, a |io m a h a Miss .Singi.-r attended tho UniRUG & UPHOLSTERY daughter, Mrs. Stewart Gilin.sky versity of Nelmtslta at Lincoln, CLEANERS find two grandchildren. where -sho u;is a member of Sigmn j
Pioneers to Hold Oneg Shabbat at Home of Mrs. Morris Grossman
Linda Rosenbaum to Wed Jerome Gordman
i was alfilmted with Alpha Kpsilon I'ln, social soiority. Her fiance, wliose patents are Mr. und Mrs. Harry J. Sigman ot Denver. Colo,, is a senior at the University ol Coloiado at Boulder, lie is a member of Phi Sigma DPI. ta, social Iraternily and of Beta Alpha Psi, scholastic honorary society. A June w e d d i n g is being planned.
Blondo Barber Shop Rollle Rogers Complete Barbertng Sarvic* Satisfaction Aisured * Shampoos * Facials • Shavti
Appointments Save Tim*
GL 9284 6618 Blondo
8 A.M.-6 P.M.
Bridal Portraits AND
Candid. Wodding CALL
John Kalina 817 So. 36th
HA 1044
Miss Diane Singer, Fiance Plan Late Summer Wedding
D/VVII) CIIAItNKY Funndal services were held a I. Hie Jewish Funeral Home, T)ecember .'!() for David Clinrii<.'y, 7H, of 4319 Parker Street.' who died December 29. 'Burial was In Belli Hanicdro.sh .Ha^i'do) Cemetery, Surviving are wife, Sophie, daughter, Mrs. 'Zelda Frnedman, sons, Archie antl Irvine find five grandchildren.
RUGS—CARPETING Delia 'I'au Sorority, ; LAMP SHADES Her fl;ni'-(i is a j-vnior in Hie .School of f'.n,^nii-oriiiK at the tlni-i FURNITURE vi-n>ity of Nr-hiaslia. Ho is husi-j Cleaned in Your Home! ness manager of the cumpus'nowsBinding—Laying—Repairing pajier and jiresident of Sigma. Alpha Mu Fraternity. HA 2554 A late .summer •woiiding Is be- Don Bernstein ing planned.
Everyone Invited . . .
DAIIiV JEWISH I'AfKHS j HAK iinil Has Mltzvnh con;;ralu-j latibns.aho for all Jewish holl-! days and special occasions. ! Meyers News Stand, 3502 Dod|;e ! MAGA'/INKS! M A G A Z I N E S ' . . NEVKR have Iheic been so in'nny 'wondurful .special olfeiii on nianiiziiie subscriptions. Yoir name the magazine of your choice I'll Ket It for you—at u bit; saviiu;! Elsie Honvlch, WA :H»57.
Kilpalrich Come Meet
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff Let Him Help You Wilh Your Clothing Soloctiom
Kilpafriclc's Men's Clothing — Second Floor
"I say it's newsl Continental breakfast served at pool-side, Won't you join me?"
Phono JA I3W to (nsort vo-jr Wont Ad hi thft Jtnvltti Preii. I Role U 50 cents (rvr each three lino tn-.ttr- j tlwl. Th« Prc-i rcitrvc: tho ilaht to limit •Ira of each advertticrncnt !
Sunday, January \7, i960 I P.M. - I A.M.
Entertainment for the Whole Family Western Attiro
• Tonics
• Haircuts
Fag« Four
Friday, January 8, 1800
Jewish Federation of Omaha •jr Harry Trust In I'lrxt Vi<«-
Milton" K. Abraham* Sei-refary The Jewun Fi'd'Tdtlon, founded in 1903 as the Associated Jewish Charities, conduct*, coordin •) mid supervises all Jewish ioelnl services through ieveral departments, with the object of planning and maintaining a completely Integrated proRram of community services for Omaha Jewry. The Federation departments and their function* are as follow4:
ADL Advisory Committee Millnrd
, Chairman
Conducts a community relations . program, coordinating Jewish civic protective activities in Omaha, establishing and maintaining good relations in matters affecting the Jewish and general Jewish community, and promoting b e t t e r U xi- d- erstajiding among all groups In th» community. M. Jtoientierg
Bureau of Jewish Education Ben E. Kaslim, Chulnnmi Dr. lUskell Morris, VIce-ClMlrmun Promote1! Jewish education In Omaha, coordinates, and provides. financial assiitance to Jewish rejligious schools in [ t h e community. I Maintains the [Jewish ConimU[nity Library I which ser v i c e s ! schools also the t Jewish and non[ Jewish community through its [ c o m prehf-nsive [ c o l l e c t i o n ol b o o k s , recordB. E, Kuslovv ings, filnis, film•trips, and reference flips.
Camp Jay-C*C Nornun B.itt, C'li.iinnun al camp for dren which Vide* oufdooi vacation, and opportumt'Ci for p e r s o n a l i t y development, with * e m p h a s i s , on meeting spiritual «••»?' needt of childi < 11 f .Vormun Hatt
Jewish Community Center Louis Cajiar, Cjiulrman Doniild Illce, Vlcr-Clialiiinn Serves the leis- J ure time needs of' th« Jewish comm u n i t y of all ages, t h r o u g h recreational, cultural, iocial, educational, athletic mill c h a r a cter b u i l d i n g programs and facilities. It is t h e "Town Hall" of the Jewish coinunity.
Vr. J'lllll]. Slier Honorary
Executive Commiffee, Ex-Officio Members and Past Presidents In addition t<» the Officeu of the Kedcrmion, thp foHosvlng ar» nwmhprs of Hi* executive committee: Norman Batt, Abe M. Brodkey, Mi-s. tdward E. Biodlcey, I,oui« Canar, Isadora Chapman, Harry B. . Cohen, Arthur A. Colin, Robert H. Femberg, Mrs. Al» C, ycnmanw S. Elmer Gross, Ben E. Kaslow, Maurice Katzman,-Mrs. J, Harry Kulakof»ky, Irvin C. Levin, Dr. Morris Murgolln, Dr. Daniel M. Miller^ Nathan L. Nogg, Stanley E, Perimeter, Yale Tttcharns, Mlllard RoseliMrs. Mike Freenmn, President b«rg, Mayor John Rosenblatt, Mrs. Meyer N. Rubin, Dr. Maurice M. Mn. Lloyd Friedman, l i t Vlce- Steinberg, and Snmud N. Wolf. Prenld«nt Tlw following art memben ex-offielo: Rabbi Sidney H. Biwlu, Mrs. Harry Sldmiui, Jnd Vlc»Rabbi Nathan Feldman, Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Rabbi Myer S. Fretlitent Mrs, Robert H. Kooper, Hecre- Kripk», and Mrs. Mike Frcemun. tary Past presidonts of th« Federation are: Sam Beb«r, Hyman Ferei\ C o o p»ratvs^ji Df. Ab« Qreenbertf, Morrli K. Jacobi, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Milton with the Jewish' Livingston, Jack W. Miner, and Joe M. Ric«. F i d t r t tion of Omaha in carryout Its comm u n i t y - wide r.s, puiticHurry II, Culien, C'liuiriiiitn ii. a unit Slnil(l»n Hnrrlt, Vlcc-f'li.-ilnii.in Hurry 'J'ruitln, (lililrinuri 111 dtj-v nil. civic Harry SUJinun, C'o-Clmlrrtum c aims and inninAlox Wclnslflii, Vice-C'lmlruiun Hubert H. Hooper l'ri^lili'nt of JI-UMI Federation of Oninlia
Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs
Buildings and Maintenance
Jewish Family Service
Pledge Rodempfion c a s e w o r k pi ogram to piomotc and nia i n t a i n wholesome family life; professional counseling in family a n d child pioblems. Provides financial a s s i s t a n c e vvheie n e e d e d and other BervY.ile Rlclinrd* ices.
David l i i h r , Cliiilimiin ""** Supcivi'ci the Jpli'dfp redt'mp} (ion nctivitles on - J b e h a l f of the 'Jewish P h i l a n »^j< t li r 0 p 1 e R, The high degiee of pledge collection is due to t h e •;'*4w o r k of t h i s 'j»>li committee. Dnvlil
Jewish Philanthropies S.unuel S. Wolf, Glijlrniun The fund-raising department of t h e Federation,. - ^ w h i c h conducts ' r ' the annual ovei< •ill campaign loi ,. » •) f u n d s to rivet ' < Jewish need in -~ ,j ' I Omaha, national-,^ /s lv, ovcisias, mid' *• -"* * "t, JsiaW. 'I Jus ram-* ' p 11 T elimnuit)'s' i • )111 r) 11 e a!ion in* \ • fun I - r using by; < j '• Conducting OIIP,".. \ ' .1i ihi\f foi nil ma- S.usim-1 N. Wolf 101 ii^t ncn f <tnd institutions
X< o 0 k • nftPi
to jirevnt roni't 111 piTifinm •ti' itic dliiJMrx. M Frcdiiun
l'.ilo Klih.iri], ( h.iirninn
tha builduih't and V piopeitli s of the f Jewith Feileia- *' tlon, and looks1 > after pioper r \ m a 1 n t a Inence J , and building im- 1J " provemunts.
l>u<'st A. NiiKK, < Imirmjn T)atilc| Kiit/ru.tn, V|r*o-( liairinan Chii|;id w i t h j * ir^'^if't. i? flip stud> of hud-i ^'Jj.v'' $ 'Jl"f\ , «ets ,ind miKinr / J fj iwommi-ndrttions i ^ f f,f \* for nl lot it ions of " 'rJ funds Niisftl hv " J1 the Ji vish 1'hil"""" j j intlnopHS a n d - • /A y flislmi <d b> Uv-f^l / I .7,,^ }Kto,A /»,% / ii.inlt'l Knt/itiun
the Jewish Tedciali'ii and its va rious depaitmtrits.
. )(. Cohen
I A' Hurry Sldnlan
Jewish Youth Council Kihvln SIdrnan, I'rcsltlent S'tnve fJiis», Vkc-l'rcnjiU'ni Hon Oorilon, Swri'tary
Budget Committea
Legal Committee
firosMimn and Ilnnnle
Community Statistics* Irvln C, I-evifi, Cliairiiinn DunaM NOKJ;, Vli I'-Criiiirrnun JT"" '< ' ™ ' M a I n t alns a peiniani'iit ir>f;i!i» tcr mid cominun* L v,««vj.^ \ it} master file es* ,* senlial for viui' '*, / (JUS c o m m u n i t y
li is- a rVdcid', > ^ piogiums, ISSIIIU 1011 of all teeiiII'<> (.lull* Hint ' • ""-r a " " " a ' P'JpUl I" urns to b r l n K \ dons report and ' about unit} i otlier statist!) '1 f nnion," .J 1/ w I s li * -, oil t h , aiul . . J t . _ j t h e Omnha Jewthio'ii'.li w hi ch t they act totjeth- Irviii C. I.evlii ifih community. cr on common problems, and r a n y on joint itii-s. It aids JMivin-SliluMli „.-. ;>5 in the deFederation executive and supervolopincnt of then1 programs, joutli education and leadership visory staff are: Paul V«ret, Kfd<»vpiopment. (H'.uUve IHvectoi", Mix's K u i . i h
Federation Staff
1959-60. Jewish Philbiiifhropies
tary; JJoris Steinian, Center mid Camping Activities; .Seymour Scjtchick, Health ;ind I'liysic-il Educi-
Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Homo for Aged
Natluni L. Nog^, Cli ilrm in Arthur A. (0I111, \ n c-( liairniaii
K imuul N. Wolf; Chairman.
< i> ipni.ui, < li,Urinal! fil.lnnn, \U <"-< Ji itrin 1 ; ; " " 1lssn.-fl
v c e k l j
j ijjti S' 1 . ( S <1S til** [
as v p][ as a pro'iam of o-nipi-
\tut ii o i l <i ] , . n i ( i j (S(
.Jiul t^ll U \\-
c < 1 " c 'i t J o n t
it * ' i i -
C" iKin M..N'owniiin, Ciiyiniian, Initial Gifts. Aithm-.A. Colm, Chiiiiman; Millard MarKolin, • Cl»arie» Miitmsir, Dimald NOKK and George Sfiafor, Co-C'tmiriiien, Men's IJni«.iuii "Mis Morris C'riossman, Women's Chainnan; Mrs. Sam Kat7.m-ui Mis. Alfred Roj/liir, and Mrs- Albert Wobbler, Co-Ciialrnjfii, Woiuen',"; Division; Mrs. Charles S. Ilo.';s, Chairinnn, Busiin Ls & Professioiiiil Women's Unit. Divid Skoke, Chiiii'inan, and Sandra, Fcllmnn, Co-C'hairlti in, University and Yomip Adult Division. Justin GriN!iibei-g and PJi.vllis Abi'.ihani3, Grand Mamhiils; Al Now berg, and "Ethel Sabes, Co-Cliuimien, Ifi«h School Division.
tlon; Joe.Wmi'k, Atumtic AolKiti(M; Hicliard Weiner, Youth and Cbildrcn'a Aclivitii-s; Duvid, C)ik'ow,
Sorvlce; Mrs. Leonard KU'in, Jewish Press; und Mnt. Hen 7.<-tt. Liliruriiin. Fedorntioii office staff meinberii are:- Hesse
Dlatik, Mrs. Geoij n
Kurst, Mrs. Harry-GoldberK, "Mis, Bun Handler, Mrs. Clara Sclinii/ler, Dotma Zouliek, and Mrs. ,U Zv.'erling.
Philip "Slier
Home; Harold W. Sobel, Furnily