January 15, 1960

Page 1

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'" ^"iiu.Vio^jTma1


JfS. JOfiO

beconrt CiuM Hu&tui'c Paid at Ornaliu. Ncbr

Slnglo Copy JO Cents Annual Uatc 4 Dollars

Officer Elected


Trustin Hear Federation

Chairmen Report to Community m our Mi" Harry Trust in whose lead- 11ppp.1l p ership has sparked community V Veip( omphusi/oii "It is incumactivities Cor many years, was bent fKHi u.s tint we fcliuie uitli elected president of the Jew-IM.ICI of our c o m l o i l mid « I M I " I'roTile of Ciiniriiniilt) ish Federal ion of Omaha at piofilc of I''cder,ilioii .icliviits 56th annual meeting, Sun- tiefaA WJS piesenfed bv cliaiimiMi »f day evening at the Jewish ils department,*. — Community Center. I Tin- w i n e <if Niwifctlltu diiutiiug Other oflicers Heeled woie ulileli IIIIM priietriited Oniiilnt anil Ernest A. Nogg, first vice- Hit IUVMI <i(\ i i i n ri'|»ir(cil upon president; Arthur II. C.okl- liy .Mllliint ItdMiilicrg, Anll-DifnI.IIUJIII- Aihisnr.v CommitBlHn, second vice-president; mation Cliulrmmi. Milton R. Abrahams, treasur- tee"livci'ythnijj possible IB iH'inK er; Isadore Chapman, were- done to contiol the gidinlion," Mi tary, and Dr. Philip Sher, hon- flosenbeij? stated "Thp healthy morary president. lerfiiHh relaUonsliips. that l 'Ihe nominal ions were submitte/1 l)> J I l a n y Ktil.ikofsky, Nominating C o m m i t t e e Chulrinim Membeis of hih commit lee weir Herman Goldstein \)r Abe Cireoibi'i i; Howaid Kaplan, Mnunce Kit/m.in, K H o W l NMHIOII, Joe M Kice and Yule Kiduids in ntveptlllf! I h e piebifleiu'j, M r T i t i s l i n p o i n t e d o u l Hint t h e J e w i s h I V d e i f i i l n i i i s tin 1 s o l i d liniiiil.it i o n ul t h e C'JiiimuniH n n d viiul t i l it hi' u . i S . l l v IV i pl'Hlrl tn lib H'l,c I h e Illl'll I s t l i l l l III \vtlllil

within tills city, built up ovei many ycaro and leflecled by the under standing and respect between Jew untl Gentile, give Us the kind of confideiife in our rieiuhboih thul nu Iridividuul rmrkpol c«in disturb, und ovory si(;n |x)inls to ihe flirt Dint those responsible I01 pninlini; su.istilii-, ,ue ei.uKpols'

Recommendations By Robert H. Kooper Retiring President, Jewish Federation

llw Oiudin I fill i .ilinn i s In I'll t h i n i i limn Ihi' II i t m n ' I I I ' s 1 1 ( 1 ' I I , l ! l l ! . ' I l l I I I f •' U i i I pi l l p il i t , ' i l l l I M i i I | l [ O i l I - I bilitv j I | ' i I m i t ' n i i (if l( u i s h C i n rrillllMIIS o f " S l x t n ' s ' , ii'Y 1 0 s « ' i s i » < ' o m i n u n i t y m o n * iii [i ii m i ) ' u i n ii Us IUIIH it I I I ' t l c c t a t 1% Koi>|»-i l , ' l n lilt; I'eilei i l m n pi > si '2 S* ( t i l i n g .1 p i 1 Ml w e n t s i t e l l c n t ,iss4'jleil 'I b e l l ' v e lli.il t h e I01 ( • i m p . I . J \ - ( ' - ( ' •kiMiei. h o p e t u l ,IK w e m i> nu> ( l l l l ' H , i s e I l l C l l l t U "t l « l » l II p i i ' s e n l n i K u s vs 11 h rl ltlf.il pinh-

lems which. fiod-willuiK. may be Solved in this deenile. 1 uoulri ur|;e th.it tho concept ol Jevsisli Philantbippies in Oninha lie Intensified, to Ihe end thai even member of tile community .shall bear his piopst shdiv through piuiwi givini; " Mr. Hooper nlso <'vprcs<ie(l Jhi-

and chronic iitfed «t the Home foi Ac'd ' A SlieiiKtlienitiK the concept of Jewish Philniilhiopicfc as 11 United Jewish CumpHij,'ii 5 Contlmit1 piORinni linolv111K youiiR men und women In Community Lendeishi|i

liojn* of <*iM<itir«if;fitc < out Liuii'd le.iil^rHhlp atiicin^ the .toting |M*o$K),.'J(i-> l<'(ir Kdiiciitlun |>le, "mi Unit w<' IIIII> lim<< |>ropflr Tlie Federation ha.s allocated a r •'iiliiiilllllltv K °wth mid <li"«I'loji- subvention of 540,'t(i2 to Iho religious sdirails in Omaha in Its efIIM'llt."

A plaque honoimu his .scivice foil to niiiinlain hik'h standiirdH t<> the (ummuiilty was presented of religious cduciition, Hen Kasto Mi Koopci by I)r Abe Uiccn- lovv, Buieau of Jcwibb Chnmnan. lolil the beu;. <i past pi evident He also praised the I.ibioiy for Mr KOOJH'I'S exceplional recoid Of seiv'ire was stressed b> Paul li.-ivliiK "one of tile finest rolleeVeivt. t'edcriition K\ocntive Di- tlons of bnolff, of cveiy ty|ic of |i>clor, why Bind thnt ihrnugJi bis Judfiica, riiKlm-viMial ediKMtional Icddeiship during tho pa.sl two media, in I lepioduclloiih and » tlltfii'ull years, "lie leinfoieod what record collet IKIII ei|it.i| to those \M- t.ill our Federation" HIM.III'MI n v u l l . i b l c o n l j 111 .11 e . i s of e o m 111intention to Ml. Knopi'i s .icliieve- t i . i l e d J e w i s h popnl.il 1011 liwiits in hclpmc to iiuet I lie n<'c<ls H o p e I 01 ( ' . i m p s i t , . of (he (.iimmumix ' Nuiinin Bitt ( " i m p J.is-C-< iv ill 1 ( h. in 111 i n s n d In h i s KJIDII 'I "As we f.K-e Itie si\.tns l<i>v I liui" tin- iinii" is nut f/ii 1I1 I nil go Cm u.iul with I > u I si

KiiDiiK'l N. Wiilf, !!)">{) l'lilluntlirfipir-s (lialriiuiii with \\w lic<i(l of the \'.HW \)iivi., MiUon ft. Ahi.ih.iins mill IIIIII.IIH l.iflh leader, .Morion A. KII'II.IKIH iipuii tlicli iijipoliiliiienl li.\ Hiiri.v I'lllHtill, ffeuKli I fderiitlon presfdenl, a|>peiiifn^ with Kobcrl II. iKiopci, letiilni; president

Abrahams Heads Campaign; Initial 'I he .i|i|ir>iiilmpnl ol key fl^iiies 1111lie l%() I'hilanlliiopies C";un|).iifj;M was announced Sunil.i\ m;;ht .it Ihe annual meeting of tho .Jewish Kedeiation ol Omali.i uith the naming

of .Milton II Ahiahams as General Chairman and Morton A. Richards, Initial Gifts Chairman, by IKuiy Tiustm, Federation President. Mrs. Samuel Kat/man will head the Women's Division, it was revealed by Mrs. Mike Freeman, President of Federation of Jewish Women's Cluhs • - ~ DIsfiHKlilxIn ll ICe<nrd Mi Abi.ilwms, dltoini-v nnd piommejil fic,m<> in Jewish communal alf.iiis nnd Omaha civic actiwUes, h,iH IM'PH ahsocialed with e\eiy l'lulanlhiopies Diive for at liast 2'-> yt'ai.s He has herved as « past chilli man ot the Men'n DiVIMOII nnd Ims held the post ol vire-chanman of Initial Gifts during his many continuous yeais of \voik with the Phil.inthiopios Currently Kedoration ttcasuier, he Jms been a membei of the Hoaid of Goveinori> tor many yeais; a foimer cliainnan of the Anll-Delamatlon Advl.soiy Hoard, the Jewish Center Committee, and many olher Federation committees Mi Abiahnms Is a past pieildent ol l)oth Temple Isiael and

Heni-y Monsky lod(;e of Hit- 13'uai fJistiict and is an acti%p fiRiuc <«t B'i'ith. Hu is a member of the Beth HI Synagogue Mm. Sum Kul/Jimii—Leader Omnlia Human Relation* boa id Mis Samuel Kat7man held « and that of tho National ConfeileadniK iole in the 1939 Philailenee of Chnstians and Jews tliiopies as a co-chairman for tho President of the Omaha Bar As- Women's Division She is a past sociation, the l%0 PlillanUuopies picsMenl of Bi»\h Asrae\Syn»ROK«B head Is vice-pi ("sidenl of Rehabili- and a member of Ihe If 158 Israel tation, I n e , and a boaid member Uond Cabinet of botli the NchiAska Metliodmt Dining the evening's cciemomes, Hospital and tho Omaha Public Ll- Samuel N. Wolf, 1!>.V) Philanthrobiaiy. Among tho dlstinfiiilshed pies Geneial Chan man announced posts he has held IK thai of piesi- the awai ii of set vice cei tificale.s to dent of the United Community the leaders who served with him. Sei\lcen for two jearfc. "Temptiitlon to Itct.iv" In fctieuing Ihe imporlnnce of the needs to be filled by Philuntliiopi("( funds, Mr Abiahams told the Svimlay audtetice, "11ml there is alwayR the temptation for us to relax and slacken our effoits but thut v.e weie not placed on this earth Just to leliiK 01 to h \ e solely onto ourselves."

when the federation might acfjiuie Its own camp fcilc and Rrcatlv enl.iiHe mid oMend Us cnmpmg pioi;i'im to 0111 older teenaKers and unhide fanul} cuinpinK on its Wild.! ' "Bi'»lili'H, tliK utiU-BcinltcH arc Ml)i it Feldm.in lejioillUK for not ri'lu\lnif uiiyuiicrii;" '»' added, the Coinmunity Center committee, "neither IH.IIID AJIIII hituiriic. The (Continued on Pane 2.1 |ii'i's», mdio mid televlNlon imilie

11s 111 lit 11\ nWiiie of tin1 steppe(t-iip iitlneliH 011 our people eveiyuliere. In tin- luce of I IK-SI- iiltiiclis, mil' iespiiiisll)illt\ is dear mill mi-s< i|<iihle" j Huh nils—Vi'lriaii ('.imp ilijin1! C iiiipii"iis .nu no i n " 1 \pi 1lence lo Morton lUchards, O m a h a business man, a n d prominent leader, whose Kiicoi'ssful piirlinipation in communal activities- is wellknown in tile city. He IIIIK been nelive. in tin 1 Federation and Philanthropies; he is a l)udi;i'1 .subcommit lee chairman. Mr. I'Jchanls served as l!»">il chairiiian ol the di.M-s of isnK'i for Isrnel Bonds and served as its 1 Keiieral olU'irman in I9.'VJ and li>."i.'l. l i e is a past, president ol. ihn Dmaliii '/.i<misl


ISKAIJI. HAOlO'.ST.VItTS NKW OVKIISKAS SCHKDJ.'I.K JKIiUSAU'lM. U T A l T\K Israel S t y l e . Itadin has inaiiRiiiated

a new schedule of overseas, broadcasts in Ihe French mid lOie.lisli r y Tri<«Mii, p r e s i d e n t ; A r t h u r I I . Ool<l«t«lii, wcnnil vlco-prcsldcnt; I'".miwt A. No|;|f, first vlc«-|ir«»lrtont. lnn^uat;es, bcanteii to West Al'ricu.

Mrs. S, ICat/iirui The. recipients w i n ( i l \ m M Newman, initial (jilts ( I n n m a n ; A r t h u r A. Cohn U r n s Dwvstev C l i a i n n a n ; Cliai Ii s Mon isi e, Millanl Margolin, Gi 111 ci Sh iff 1 l)onald NDI;K. all Men s Division ViceCll'iirnieu; Mrs. M o m s (jiiissinul, Women's Division ( l i u i i n u i M11 .S;im Kalzman, M i s A l l n d Soplnr ami M r s . A l h n t Wohlnii all Wnmi'ii's l.'ivisioii ( o-( Ii i i i n u n ; Mrs. Charles S. Koss Hiisiness mil I'rofessio'.wl Wiiiinn s lu>i MV, C h a i r m a n ; Miss '-IIIIIII.I i e l l n n n Universily amj Ynunij \dull >ivi.sion c o - c h a i r n u n VIv in \ i - w biTK a n d Kthel b a b e s High School Division co-chaiinn'ii




With the Home Folks

Published I2\try Fncl.iy b> Ihe Jenish federation or Unulix Second C'ass PuHoqe Paid pi Omaha, Nebr. Annoai tuDicnpllon M 00 Advcr I \ no Rales on Appl cation Publicol on O» ci?- 101 Wo 70th Vrrfl Omaha Hcbr JAckson 13M.



Federation Meeting (Continue'(1 fiom Pane I I whose channiiiii is l.uuis Can ir Mid Illllt (lilting (111* list M-dl | thousands of ailulls M'nioi t i t i /pns \oulh ami clnMirn lia\e- l>epn hrlpcd lo n.ili/e the it miMiiiunil potential .is indiMclii.ils ,is Moiip numbers, as nti/ens .md .is p o sonahties of thn Icuish fjith

. sliill j \ K I U D I "-11 w.is Bivm 1>V Mis I Saidh Minltin long lime home ifs| idi'iii in linniii of IK I m wi i l guttt| gi.inHrlulil H.iibdi.i Allison Smith, j <!.iui;)iti i of Mi and Mis Kcilxtt I "smith

Religious Services 4.VJ

< .unlit I

%tws inij r» w pci Irks at I lie Pr IMlIp slur Jrultli Hume Icjr 1 lie lietJ 1>» II ulil (Irhnw M \\ I!l slhi M Mi \\illi..m ]< i .i 11 I'l (>\M li"i- Mi >iul Mis Willi mi A In ill mis )IM '.(lid il tin home* 'with I lour is in i i h bi.i I ion of thf I U.II Mit/\.ili cil thin *oi), M a i -


j KAUIUMCAI, SKIllhS: TtW) jsi.ison will slnit with <i \lsit by I K.iljbi Ddij iinni Gionci" on TIIPSil.t) J Hiuiai > l'l




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meclini,' were pie srnti el bv Milton i Maanv Dailj sci \ k f s at 7 H m R Abnihains, w t i i l n i } and the . and •> 15 p m



fct IVOWi t / , Wftii'rN(AH,i • VODKA,


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CONCORD and MALAGA half-galloni, 9allom, fiflhf

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f/am/ation in (oinmunnj afr.ins M l i l i i t h moinini; sii\iees lie I/III 'lbe Jewish Puss, which ie ailns while In was 111 tin IIHKJIII il at b 1") a in nl 'line! and Ch.nles (very Jewish fjjnily m Oiniiha is S t u d s and at ') a m at 1'llh and responsible to a siibst inn il eliKiie foi conuniinjt) iiniU (s.nlfjii linit S l i d Is lunipi CoiiKiepition Cha|)inan said in Ins (\picssion .is .it 10 a In H.ilil)) drone i w ill (onJewish P i c s Commit l i e Ch.iii- line t thi> 'Idlimnl ( lass Hi 1 if) p in Sabli.ith Min'hii at "> p m Tin? iiiimiles of llio 1'IV) .innudl i followed b.v Shotosb Snidos and

Kosher Meat Marfeef & Delicatessen WA 5554



Gall Wednesday for Thursday Delivery

For Faif—Dependable Guaranteed Service

tipasuiei s lenoit was w v i n bv Sunday inonunij services lv<i»in Arthui (ioldstPin .if fi Vi a m lollouedbj bii'aUlast A resolution calling upon Hit'| (lrid the ftibbi s (lass m H I P UiblePresident of the I'liilreJ Slates to! Sunday Jumoi M i n j a n at « 10 help bccuip the "fiep passage of a m Lou Hurwlri, Prop. the ships of all tuitions thiough The Talmud Discussion (Jionp Downtown Location 1hp Sue/ Canal" was pioposed by mrcts e \ ( t > Tii(Sda\ Ht l> 10 p 111 1708 C<m WE 0200 Robert M Feinberg, cliauman of Ihe Greater Omaha Committee foi the State of Isiael Bonds


M r . iuid M m Sol Frleilin.111 H P I P M r and Mi<; David Kiinstun of Washtni;lon D C, foi met Omahans, and I h u r son. M.-ntin I i i i n jitun of N'PW Yoik Citj

Specialized Furniture and Cabinets Tile


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Some Space Still Available on Low Cost Air Tours Departures: Feb. 8, 12, March 7

BOCK TRAVEL AGENCY Suite 424 — Farnam Bldg., Omaha 2, Nebraska LOUIS ELBERT — Co-Owner, Mgr. Telephone JA 5874

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MONUMENTS in the Jewish Tradition Y o u r O J ' U M M H j n l d tn* p l . u i i l \ In iifJv.'inro <>f " V n U i / i l t " • * ) w o r k docs n o t )v,i\v \*> IJ' 1 I I U M

V/o aro Icnown for our exflchng Hebrew IcUcring and dcfAil You may place your confidence in us knowing each detail jtnd tradition will be fldlw rod to with ufmoit care and ikill. flwc vuu dcjil (illfit 1 v ivit.h llif O\'.'IHIC« , . We pfunit. no untUnfly f-nltcilntloii . . . r -II u fin fippolulnir-rit ot y n u cnii1- ( MIIMK *j



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Cirfified and tpproved by Rdbbl Dr. Leon Thorn, Preiident, Amerf. can Academic Rabbit Aisociation of Htw Amtricani, and Rtbbi S. Wallcin of Ida Orthodox Rabbii Aitociatlon of N«w Yotlc City,


;in(l flowers ri'eeiv.'ri ;ind tin doiiiitiorw ^ivi'ii tn clNiritalilt r.llises 111 .Mr. T.lllb's ll.lllli



Bar and Bas Mifzvah

men and wum-1 H m The Mfncha-M«aliv s e m r e lUMIOM) IIKM1I BOK.AMM Kedeiations oil-, is held at "5 p m The Sunday 'Ihi- i l i i M i l / \ ih of ii.iwniiM'l J jiclive of bnntsitiK vejiinRcr fMvple moinuiK seivice will b< Kin a t <)II< n i l lioiiKiiiini >-OII nf I In 11(< into its orKani/.ition n m n.uK S«IVKPS aic at 7 a m Jtnlibi (ind Mrs. Viiiiiin Houn.-niini Aithui I I Coldstun who icand 7 i) m will be oljsi i K il s iinni i \ niDin jxiited feir Da\id tejlcr, Plcili,i" IIIK .J.inn ii \ . ' ( I I', Hi I I *-,\n i Redemption Commit top Cli.ni man IIKT1I ISUAKI. declared thai .iveiaijc collettiein ul Habbi B e n j a m i n G i n n e r . C a n l o i Philantliiopics is alKiUt 'IX |K i K i l l T i l K.iK.ni, H I P .lumen class of tin Mr, iind Mrs. 1.10 I'ji<11> n isli Of funds subsciibcd Talmud ' l o t a l l w i l l conduct t a m i K to thank nil tln-ir friends :tnil Mi's "Mike Kieenuii pii'suloit ejf •.riviees I ' m l a j a t 8 p m T i i d i - ri'l:tti\'i'K for the llunv e.-ircls

JJ< ( ) ( , ! ' <

675 No. 60th

All frienils mid relatives are Invited to attend services and reception A lepeiil on (IK completion of , < | ( , | j),Vfctni of Diiloition who i> renovation and nioilcMiii/aticm Iv w | | t 0 ,| ( |iicl susices, «t Prmple I.VN.N S \ I ' M ) ] . H S pi«iKt.mi whirh had Ixen in r"'W . I M . I C I Knd,i> al SI") I) m . will I HAN< Ks UOKNS1I I V Lvnn Saundi i s, drui^htpi of Mr Ksv toi l i m e veils was pif M nicd | | i | | ( t o n , N . , n i| o i i/ons in Jewish and V i s K < I U I S.iiinili'is will ohb\ M a m S i d n i a n 1 • di i it ion jK ( | , , , , l ( l < m • srr\o her Has Mit/\<ih find FianHnildniK CVmiiinttii' Ch.nim.in (i s ]Ioi nsK in, dniiKhti i of Mi ami ( iilli i-litritlnii eif Popill itinn i | { |j j i | ' | .JOM fill Iloinstrin will obImnC levin Sl..l.Mi«,il Coin-I ' , n , „, r j Mis s i i w IIPI Has Mit/iah at Jicth JJI Sjn.TBOKiiP this i\(iiiii({ and Sdluiilaj mornniK J o u >• population p..lll(Ul..ll> HI » l ' l l ' b l M " " ' ^ h " P k ° « ' » d I C l » " m w oull>'iiE clistne Is Hie si inioii tantoi Aaion J I J I K H I STK\KV UII.ODSKV AsSOCI.ItPel with 111 und the Hi'lh f.l K\n.iKOi?iip I'hon 'Ihe H.M M i t / \ a h Of S l e i r n Wlj;Commillfe its i luiinuin l.inesl will lender Hie' musical pot lions of odsky, son nl Di and M i s l.rnl A NOL;K eliscloseel ue i e UO peisci\ice .Sabbath moimiiR Keivices will I Wifiodskj will U- held al 'I.niplr niii". imol\cel m sut-viJIIIK and ttudjmc S[M>CI(IC <ni.is of pio bffiJn .it ') 10 The Juliloi C o n n i e - 1 1 ^ ' • " ' / ) " ''"(lav Ihe' f,ioiip j g.itlon s<mei s will befi'in .il HMO I > .mil S.iluiil.iv, J.inii.uv Ki grams and adivitics include U en in line


'•")-' ! ( • -

1058 Mir.';.

Itepoilinj; on the Di Philip Slier H'NAI .UCOB ADAS Jewish Home foi Hie Ajjed N.iCJW \ i l s .ind O a l l s Pi OKI a in IKxIII'ltON th.in L NOSK Oi.ijiin.in stake! will Iw In Id r \ c n rncsddj. TinSt-iMLis <it B nai Jsicob-AeUs- Uikui Cholim spinal rpmmitfpe "We ,III? jnouil i)C tin- fact Ih.il « o li,i\r in w>r t u m i d down .in ap- Yisliinon will IXKIII Kiulay a( I'nU itaini d on \ \ (din'siidy. An Sell u h it \ ( i n don t H M il . . plicant to ( j u r Ihe caie n u d i d 1 4"i )i in and S.ituiclay moinniK rdnc.ilion.il film jnoRidm wun Buy whiit \ w i n i i r l 11n .,ur li I hi He nlso spoKe (jf nc u ic'iuiieim ills , > shown .it I he Home this w<('k Witrit Ads in \ulh_Minchj al 1 1"> foi I he .i«ed l d t8 l 0 I t K M I N D I . I ! : JhP Mmstiil Show follow i d b> Sh.ilosh S on f iind.iv, J.in(Mr> JTtJi lit 2 p in Yalo llich.nds K.iinil> Suvite m siiMivsHt b tO « m .iiul 5 Chan man said the function of this<lP|Mitni(iit is topiovide cejun-|p in fcliiiK social 1,'UIII.IIKP mid plan-| ninu, finanri.il aid and olhci .is- ' I K M I ' I . K tislance within its HUMUS j M.mij | , Schuatl/, Temple Is-

I M . I J

K a l e s t J i i r l n g l'.)~>\> i n i . i l i c l

1910 Peerce Sioux City, lowes


"-',<•.,?.' v ; : * ' *

I rul.iv, Junuary 13, J'jCO




Beth Ei Bonanza Features 'Fun For All Ages' h;ik !)rrn n.. cir

Miss Helen ¥ann Engaged To Bernard L. Friedberg

N e w Y o r k fWNSl — CBS diopped ,1 sciipt riealiup with the Wai saw Ghetto because i l consideied tho m.Uen'ii! UM Mip," Variety slated.

Judith Wolf, Paul Striker Engagement

AiiiiMiiixcini-iit I nfei i,,]!,,,,! nt rm ,il) ,vrv% nil] Mr <ind Mis Jiislni n Wolf. t>l tin- i iif.MV'iiK'iil of M i * ' Hi Id) EXPERIENCED Hue V.iiin lo Hcnuird K. Knoii- Ijf fe.ilimd nt \hc Uclh hi Huiwn- Wiishin.Moii I I C, loimer Oni.iLIFE UNDERWRITER /<!, Sunday, .l,inu,iiy 17 «IIPII trimU i " 1,1 Wii-liici, Kuiis. Th(y will Iwns, Jinioiiiice the enfMf'eiiifnl of IIK s wilj i^iilhei ut the i.>nr,^op;iie then dnii»hli'i, .IndiHi to "\jr I'.uil In' n],u) if (] June JO in Omnhn. to Assist in t<j <\'lcliiii<<> its Umlu'lli iiiiniM'i^D I P biiili'-i-lvrt Is tho duiiRlilcr ary in ^e«tern f,i.shion. The r\ent S Sinker, sun of Air and Mis, AGENCY DEVELOPMENT of ilii- l,iit* M i . urn] Mis. Reuben will \x the culmination of nwiiy Iittin Stnkei of Dpinci1. Oiloiado WORK WHIM. Shu hus attended the tlnl.Miss Wolf .illends New Yolk of l)dl<jnjr, BL-HIII^ nn<J JOHK1 \ci--iiy of Mtssuiul where s.hc v.,is> Call for Appointment platining on ihe part of Uimrislty. HIM fi.incei was i •iffiliulcd with Alpha Kpsilun Phi uutcd liorn JI.ii\iiiil Couple nnd 1 soioiily and now is nl Die Vn\Is now attending .Medical School GENERAL AMERICAN Among the day's activities vriMly of Wichita, (Kans.) whore of the I'mu'iMly ol CotoiarAo A LIFE INSURANCE CO. hhi- will In1 K>""hiuW from thr be the nnnonneeineiit of (lie pil/e uinner of the Kinulay sehool sutnmer wedding IR planned C'dllfKc of Kdiidifion In Juno. RE 8800 Her fmriu1, thr son Of Mr. iinrl poster contest depictjn^ 11 He in Mis. I. K KucilDci); of Wichllii, Kl Western motif. Jf. BoilKnnun, dnectoi of is (i KI.HIU.IIO of (lie Uimoisily of Mcvniri fit ("olnmbin, U P IS H education, Mmes. Kobvil W.igner meinlXT of Zofn Beta Ton ini- and Wallace Klkon have arranRd ternily niul CJICBlf, senior men's for children's fnteitainmcnl under Imnor.iry. Mr. Kncdbri'K i" CIII- the Mipervision of Sunday schooJ icnllv on the Miiff of (he Wichita teacheis and members of the United RynapoKiie Voulh. A speMISN He.nun. cial pio^rani has alfio bren MM up for the teenage set. included in (he list of chalinicn lire Mmes. Hnrry Fricnsleln, I-ouis JCKK, Donnld No^g, Philip BETH EL SYNAGOGUE Knl/m.m, Jerold Rosen, Wrilter (Jieenberg, Kniie NOKK, Arthur- A. Sunday, January 17, I960 Mr. nnil Mis-. I>;I\I<1 IJ.IMIISOII Colin, Ninman Batt, Abe Slushy, I P.M. - I A.M. Sam Sfeinbcrp, flarold Garbcr, announce the iiiK'iwinrnt of then Owen Mycifon, Jack liuileh and daiiKhter, Miss Kiiinri", to Hr-in,ml Eiun Simon. Mis. Moiley ZipurR. Xiix. son of Mi and Mis Motris sky, Donald NORK and I H. ZieKHHX man aie general chairmen. Miss Davidson lit tended the UnlDl\ Al P.immermfin, president of Entertainment for the Whole Family of Oklnliorna at Norman, Beth r;i nnd Mrs. Moms Kellman, she wan afliliatcd with Alsisterlioi/d head, report the ewnl Western Attire No Admission Charge pha Kpsllon f i l l sorority. Her f i is one of the largest undrrtukini;s t n r r HttorinVrt Die UnkiTslly or in the hmtory of the synii|>OKUP. Nrnimkn at Lincoln \vli<Me ho was e memlKT of Sigma Al|ihn Mn. Plans mo IK'IIIK made lor a news! Marrh wedilniK

Everyone Invited . . .



M/ss Frances Davidson Is Fiancee of Bernard Sax

Chuck Wagon Serving 1 P.M. to 9 P.M.


Movie Series Shown in Senior Citizen's Lounge on Mondays


Continental breakfast served a

A colored film, "llimiil/iy.i l.ifi< <i, tlif Horil el tl i Woild" ll.i' fiflh in n \\> i IJ\ \io.ii.d Ihi' Woild Si in s v ill lie iliuwi Mnnd.iy afc 1110(111 J'IIIIMIV I1* in tin1

N11101 Citi/ins ) iiuni'i- .it II11 Jewish ("oininiiiiilj C'f 1)1 < 1 l ' i ( \ iously shown n u t lilmsnf n,i»iiu, Y)rnm.ti k, Sii.iiu »n<l I'.ist Ad 11,1 An Imnil Ncwi M.iiM/im1 film ,il i o J« pji'scntul 1.11)1 Momlii). Failicinnlion In Unnu:'" iicliuIlrs tins sti'jultly bin (Mscd since its opomHK m IJiTrmU'r, Mis Vi'l.i Bimon anil Hen Kljiinuin, 1I1.111mwi, rpportrd. Oru.nii/od puiKrnms from 10 «. ni lo 3 p tn me offered then1 c;ich Mondny for Senior Citl/cno. KnRlif.li classes hclil al 10 n. in. and uu 1 followed by ails unr] riafts, miitiic listcmnK. (liscviksion KioupH and table nnm^s. Coffee nnd tenax* ,s< rVed ihnifiK thr noon hour. Additlnmil pi op finis nnd scriicr.s uull he macli' mailtihlc.

SUPERSOL LIMITED The State of Israel's First Supermarket Chain Those Beautiful

30,000 Common Voting Shares .(Par Value $11 U. S. Por Share)


Be Near Those You Love.., When Captured So Enchantingly by

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und M i i

January W, 1,064


I j i w i e n n ' Ru>

Turnor will hi' hostess to the S c l i u a i l z aniiouiiee tlia Mi III of £L1'K TO HOXOIt Weit/man Gioup assisted b> Mis. dauKlitei, Hennie Rt'th ')» JanJB1HTHDAVS uary 5 The Woikiiu-n'k C'IMV' Diam.itic Max UishmsK) The Education' Council, of the Club will ceJebutf (lie hulhdjvb Giandpaientb a i e Mr. mid Mii> Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will of six ol its meinlieis Sitm-d.iy, Sam Schvvftrl7 and Mr. mid MIR. Januai\ 16 at 810 [> in Ht the hold Its monllil> OIIPR Sliabbat on Lonik A Cutler Sett in day, Januaii lb, at the home Ldfoor l.>ceuni Di. and Mit. R Ni'iil SchncldorGuilts, of honoi will foe Mmai of ftlis J. Huirv Kulakofsky at ma.ii ol Beaufort, S C , announca ISathan Lcrmaii, Mu\ Lev me, M J \ 12 '10 p m the hu th ol a daughlei, Monte Lyn Ciounse, Louis Wit Kin. Messrs* on January 6 Grandpaienls ai« MUK Htoffer and S.un Kusnian Mr ami MIH Iivinfi Sclineidoiman A burial houi will follow and tiiterlainit.ent will lie under the diL,ra Davtd TVimon, son ol Mr. ot Oinaiia and Mi>> Mano Schoi'iirection of Sain Z mill Mrs. Stilton Simon, who has biun of Tylei, Tex. M n Samuel completed hi* .senice with the Keiselman of Omaha is a gieat SJ'l-OVI. EVKNT. S\TI KDAV United States Mai me Coips at grandmothn. NK'HT AT HN.U J \ ( O l t Camp Pendlelon. C H I , has .«The Chc\ra Thlliim .md Clieua Ituned to make his home in Oma- Mr, and Mrs. Sol Friedman anMiilin.mos will hukl <t V e l a \ e ha He will ii'sunv his .studies at nounce the biilli ol a hon, Slcplien .lefCiej on December 22 (irandMulkp Saiuid.iv nmlii. J<fiiiidiy 16 the Unnersitj ol Omaha paientt> al* Mr. and Mrs David B, at H [> in dt 8 n.ii Id rob Adas Hernsirin ol Wnslnngton, D. C , Vcihuii'ii Syii.i{.'(igii'" 'I lie M>/.J.inip I'l'llimin, daughter of Dr. foi mei Omalidiis, and Mr and Mrs raihi Men \ull p u l i t i p j t p also and Mrs. !.<•«» K. I'l-llmim Wus Louts Friedman of Omaha Gieat F . l l i U W O KI.WTIOX Si NO AY floin Noi Iliwestcin Uni- giandparenlb aie Mis Pauline The u"-:ulai immllib rnoelinfi of u>iutj. Rvanston, III on fJecem- Cohn of l^os Angeles, Cal. and Abe Faibiml IJonlc /HIM mil be held l>ei IK She iecoi\eii HIP degree Ueinslpin of Miami, Flu, also foron Suncln, .l.inu.nv 17 at 7 p m of Hafhelor of Science in speech. mer Omahans at the Jewish (.'iminumliyy Centci, Tin1 dcRiee will he foimallj auardd ed at commencement e\eicisen In Klecttoii ol officers be hold, Mi and Mil. Jack W 1)aki>r anan I riiMilPiid chef Ks to policy holdnounce the birth of a daughter, ers will be issued A Imhl sujipoi Betsy Lynn at Claik-son hospital, wjll lip st»i\pd Mines \ I . i \ FiewXJ. iiosciDiim, I(<is<-iil>liim, Woodman : ,, r.i Hor.ui-i>. woodman DecPmbci 29 Mi-v Bakei Is the r V. ll".!'r.. n . n ,^f. d .^..!?'!!!":. W l 1 1 '" I of i h P W n i M d . . . . t o . ol ads.Ml.s- formei Judy Kiuntz Giandparpnts named pub aie Mi. and MIJ.. Abe Bakri and Mr. and Mis David Krant/ S KM MOTIIKKS CM ft TO MMCT hcity chdiiman of the YMCA The Si'^niii Alpha Mil Mothci't beiship round-up, b> Howard M Mr and Mrs Meyer Schulmiin of ne\il> appointed d i n e Omaha and Mih Sam Bnker of Clul) will meet Wpdnp-.il.iy. JanSioux City, Ia aie gieat grandtwiy '20 ,it M y.) p m at HIP homo chanmaii p« rents. of Mrs Joe Lipton Mis Sdmlc) The Municipal Com I last week Shapiro is co hostess elected IJonulil Call Ri'tjcnt 4M) for resenatiotn Mm, C'hurh'H S t e m will lea\p SAM NKWS AT UNIVKKSITV U'iri OJ.SNKUT I.I'NCII OiniihH Januaiy ] 8 foi Los An- O r NKBKASKA. LINCOLN \J:V 2i), n:vn.ic KPles. C J I , wherp she will \isil lx>Howard Koopei. son of Mr and A disseit luncheon al 1 p ra forc lpavinj; for Hawaii on Jummry Mis Robert Kooper n an execuwill pipiwlc Die liynlm mpptinK 22 She will l e t u i n M.'uch 1. tive, oo-ordinator for the foithcoinSt 2 p m of the Onvilia Chaptei, ini; Johnnv Mat his show u hlnli Is Mr. and Mr». I H. UVIni-r have Mi/i.irlu Women Wi dncsdjj, JanbeniK sponsored 1)> a CIH\PIMI> of

Omahans in News


liaij 20 it the Jewish C'ommiiniU had a s their (jui-sis foi t u o weelts Cenlei A pigoi.im will lollow the then daugliti'i, Mis C'hailes 1A-\Al Krizelnian. Jerry Hnsen, injji'i and hei sons, J i l l r f j .Scott Howard Liplon find H.ni'.'iid IvenIJIIMM.'SS session and S t c w n of Y.inkion, S D v hile yon lire candidates in the "Most HKMiV MOSsKA ItOMtn Mi I.e\in[,'ci is in Neu Yoik f i t s j KIlKihlc Hachelor" contest fit the I H I . l . l s 1111 li>sl) \ \ I heir lespecflve pur'I In- hciiul of lln B ii.il B n l h Ion business Mi l..-\iiif;er is to I'nneisit\ H e n i \ Monsi.j C haiitei N o 170 .'time Fuitiiv to si)''iKl HIP wcclt- cn1s aie Ilio Messis ami Mmes v i l l m e n al VI !0 !> m Thuisdi>, '•nrf nt the Wcinei i<>sidtnie 'Hie Sol Krizelinmi. Kdwanl Koxen, Joe <Junn..!\ 'l\, for a de-sspi. lunch- visitors will lcliiMi home on Jun- Lipton Omaha and Mpjer Kcnyon,

Ilfmaid, S D Lipton has lPieued hlu acceptance to the Unheriity'k S<h<>o) of Medicine


eon .it the home ot Jiilii M Jacobs, ?11 South ")0 Slii-i'l Mis Han> A Wi.se Si will lie (O-hostfss


I'OIIIN Simon SCHKIULE News has been iccenod heie of The Chapter ttoaid or JIadassali will meet Monday, Januaiy 38, foi the death of Lou in Simon, 78, in a 12"'5O coffee at the home o[ Mis Oakland, Cal Mr. Simon a grocer, Sam If Greon Co-hostess will be h\ed in Omaha and Council Bluffs before mining to California 30 Mii. J Harry Kulakofskv The Gioup Boards will meet on years ago Surviving aie a son, Lawrence; Tliuistlay, Januaiy '1\, at 12-30 p. m Mrs Sidncv Goldberg will daughters, Mrs Haiold Kay and bo hostess to the S/old Group with Mrs Daniel Tenenbaum, all of Mis. David B Epstein, co-hosless California and a brother, Max of The Herd Group will meet at the Omaha and thu'e sister. home of Mrs Loins Albert with MTH. Mollic Mmen Harold Kori and Max Sha- Mrs MolUo Kal/. 76, of Albuplio. co-hostesses Mis Nathan querque, N. M, a nequent Omaha and Council Bluffs visitor, died January 1 She was (he mother of Mrs Joseph Kalrlman of Counol Bluffs Also MiiMvinK are nnolher daughter, Mrs .laclf Loiick, sons, Bj Oy Scitd.lck Dr. Uobeit Kal/ anil l)a\id K.il/ all of Albutjucique si\ ci.tn'ldul"VAKSITY Robinsons oveitime \ieloiyo\ei dren and one Kieat grandchild. Pauls threw Hie Vaisity i Into an encitliiK foui-waj idci' last MIIS. IIM(M\N uoM.M'ini, Fiinpral hei \ i ( . *. v . l e l i c l d '1 uc -.Wednesday The i'aul tcnti smied two held goals in I he firuil se\en ( I n ,'it Mir- ,k-.Ms)i Kinici il H o m e I'JI M i s Iff t i n i n llo-.cnlli.il a l e s i •ciomK )o (!'• the (jnii" at Hie end di-ni of tin- Di P h i l i p S i K i If u e l i

Center Sports


Urn, l l o v « ^ , ,



f m i p r ( 1

J l i s o n s f n i n e l u c k s l , o n K i n t h e I, , , l u O i o l i r i i i S L - S S I O M t o w i r , ">7 V J 'Ceii J o h n 1 i i l l l r ^ l i o m v i | i , 2 1 [ifill.l-. ] S . I led Hi. v n i n e s a n dl ; , v Kill'.. U m t i l t h "»K w . i s l m : h ) " i i h . l o , < i s i I i > w I n H i . op< n i n t ; I ' i n i . [>.< l e i n i < s | P o s t d e h i l w l ,i b i d l \ s l u m p . I ' ; I , n s n



l' H'







in V.i th i I

flen HIMII' IM> iln.t'lilei Mi m '--il.c-, u,,i M i O n il.a m d . I i sf S-iitli- V,',,li -

team U-M), Ed J>lKra,J(.. was hi,;i, i M j c ! l n i . e man tor the winnois with V>, I W l S l l Q l S points. Slcvi- Rosenblatt with Yl Jed Hi.' lojci-.s.

A\ , dI

For Bar iitzvah

Youth BKAi; DANCE The second annual Bean Dance, "Rhapsody in Blue" will be Riven by Ediar B'nai B'rilh Girls, Saturday, January 30, 8'30 p. m. to midnight a| the Blackttone Hotel, Beau candidates are Arnold Breslow, Bruce Wintroub, Howard Martin, Uoner F.lcdmnn and Skip Solref The dnnee nil] be opon to the public ,

WantAds Phone JA 1366 1o Instrl'your Woni Ad In Iht Jewish Preis. Rat* Is SO cents for each three line in&tr* Hon. The P r e i i reserves the rlahf 1o limit iita ol each oavcrilscrncnt

and how electric beating opened it for good! WIUM vi ( Iniiil i«u Siouvi n«»i l».\vc ^l.u\»vd oa muling ilia'- OIK noilli I).-<JK*)IU lo an I'lld'mo duv|ng tin- vviriuu! We tmd winning it that f»»t wiiw Va~bu« k j^yed loo (hilly lor coinloH in tlifra, finally we i{<ivo up and ul'^<xl tin- dooi for the w«w tar month*. Tfn'ii \aM. MUIIIIUT ^¥e hcaid altout built-in ele»» <rfc U'aluig. K w6»> so sit»\>lc to 1\AV« tlw. vmt. in-» Otalli-d, and it l.w( much I«M than we'd thought, too. Loot wintnr our fotcner "Kskiino" bndroom WM tii« « M W J | , aoueit nv>iu in tlm houw4 Do you hn*« a room in your lionw that** hard to btM ia winter? Built-in elcotric healing way be iht answer—economical lo iiutaH, ki«en-qutc(, iun» •htne-dean warmth with controlled temperature*. Choose ftxxn four <)|>cs of low-cost electric heat (f>M diagram* bek>«r), and turn that winter-coM room. into ycar-around living >pao«.

i ) \ i i , v jr.wisii IUK :ir,il IS.is- ilit/\iili coni:r,itulntioris also for all Jewish nolidn\ti and special occnMOns M(\eis NPI> i Stand, 1502 Dodfje

HI a ill

For Practical Nurses find PracIn il JVune-.tlrs ("all C i l i a <lall PluiiiKtit Sei.icc .VI7



AtlAZIM S1 M A G A /. I N U S ! MA'LK h a w Ihcie been ho m a m w o m l c i f l i l s | j . ( i , i | of lei s oil m a K ^ / i n e s'llj^tiijitifms Y o u ii inn Ihe i n a ^ . i / i n e o[ y o u i


o, flo«ibln

Radiant ?*non J wK«f>vof you wonf


choice- I'll g.'t it foi' you^—at a bis; savins;! liMc llonvlcli, W'A I'.'Xu.

VOITH (OINCII, I.IJAOIJK Out-of-town. Riicsts who Iiavp Capable, experienced Kecretiiry. Full or part time. Ko 4013. AZA l(j(K) continued their way iirrivod for tile Uar Mil/vsh of to thf Youth Council championship j Steven .lav Wiuodskv are Dr. and by breezing past AZA ]00, 72-28. Mrs. If. S. Wi;.:odtiky. San Antonio, Cowboy Sadofsky led the winners Tex.; Mr. am) Mrs. Philip P.ozran, With 2R points. In the opening j Mr. iind Mrs. Harry Ahr'ams, C'liignrne AZA ], pulled ,-m upset In i cauo, III.; Mrs. H. ) , Snovsky. Dr. RUG & UPHOLSTERY • Winiiinr; over Rayim 58-51. nut! Mrs. Fr:ml: -Kpstrin, Sioux CLEANERS City, Ia.; Mr. ami Mrs.'.iohn AbraTllf Midttet leagner.s swung into ham, Mapleloii. Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. RUGS—CARPETING leafjiif competition this week as William Wolperi. St. J';iul. Minn., LAMP SHADES Gi-i'.iick defeated Kaiman 4(1-10. and Mis. r)oir)t!iy Kirf'nbcrt;. MinFURNITURE and Phillips downed I-Go-Van ne.ipoliH, Minn. 38-26. on the 8th grade level. Cleaned in Your Home! Ste\Mi, the sop of (Ji an;i Mis In the 5th and 6th grade league, I ill \Vi"odsk> v ill (eleht.itP his Binding—Laying—Repairing 1 '- •<• : .Riclmioiid-Gordman di |< jtrd PI i j - iiar >lit/\ah, F n d i y niRht and HA 2554 laii'J i'ark -12-15, ami Tretiaks Saturday moinmtj at Tcmplu Is- Don Bernstein i (el 21-1') dumped

FURTHER INFORMATION. INCLUDING FHEB SURVEf OF YOUR HEATING WEEDS . . . „ , . phoaa your locc! clocfric hoofing confracfo? or . .

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