Vol. XXX VI11— Nr,. Ill
"Program ofMonth' Arranges For Famous Educator, Dr. Si Liptzin to Address Omahans .
8*. J»(l«
Second Class l'oKl;if;c paid ut Omaha. Ntbr.
Single Copy ltl l e n t ! Annual Knts 4 Dollar*
Junketing Sunday to Elect Five
hooks on Kuropean literature includes "Shelly in Kcrmany", "Arthur Seliiiltzler", "Heinrich Heine" and "(Jei'inany's Children". He believes- thai a Golden a>;a of Jew-.."'.•• till! Kecolld f» islmo.iB in a possibility in Anu-ricu Yehuda Wei^sbcrwr, Director of the Westeni Immigrants Department of Israel, will \- _. / ItlollS; .jiiTSnll H',"i as well as in Israel but that steps Scheduled Idled lipn'on y . ! munt be taken now to make this speak to members of (he Board of Governors of the Jewish .Federation, Sunday morning, the I'rogram of possibility a reality. Prof. I.ipt- .January 24, nt 10:15 a. in. at tlit! Jewish Community Center, Harry Truslm, Federation the Month serlri i'm is ProsidenJ of the Collet;*' Yid- President, announnni. ••;• 6-s part of the several years In the Ifaganah, he cent best-seller "Exodus." Sine* dish Association and has published To Klfit l''lv» Cultural nriil fdbooks on the Yiddish writers catlonal program Five niembers will bo elected to volunteered for the Hoyal Air demobiluatAon, he V>a» \>ecome Ji Dr. I.lpt/ln Peretz nnd Klinkinn /iirvser and Die. Federation Executive Com- Force in ]9<10 and served in Egypt foremost expert in immigrant reof (lie J e w i s h studies on (.•oldfaden, Mendcle, mitleo at this meeting, In accoid- and Italy lie was a leader in the habilitation Community Ccniei. "With this type of: backgeouud, ance witli the constitution of the pie-j»tate immigiation movement Vr. I.iptzin will m ik'' his Oinnha Sholem Alelchem, I'inski. including the other important poFederation A list of nominees will appearance, Siuut.iv, J.niii.uy 31, Il'nal H'rltli—I*rii|jrain Ifnsr be submitted by the nominating Into Palestine, descuhed in the le- sitions he has held, we may exat 8 p. in. at llw O n t t n wheie he Tlie proi;rani of Hie month series committee pect on Informative and interesting Will tfilie on "Geneiatum of Decitalk beanng on the current situasion" — n discussion <if Burning is presented by tlie Jewish ComNoted Lender munity Center in cooperation with tion in Israel," Mr..'Tru'gtin stated,! cultures. co-sponsors, Beth Kl SyiiiiKOfiue, Mr. Wcissbeigpi, a distinguished in uiging the attendance 'of-.aH--Widely Recognised Authority Uclh Israel Synaj;oKUe. H'.imi Israeli, was in cliaige of the HRifn 1 membeis ot the lioaTft ot GoverHe is Professor'.of Comparative ii'rltli !odi;es and chajilors, Oma- Immigration Reception Center nors, at this meeting. Literature nnrl Chairman of the ha Chapter of .Hadas.s'.-ih, Temple from !!)'!') to J9")fi Under his duecJDcparfmiwiL of Germanic and Slav- Israel and (lie YOIIIIK Adult Onin- tion some 117,000 immigrants enic Languages, at.CHy CoHei;e, New cil. The H'nai IVrlth groups will tered Isi.iel and settled thrie durParley Shifted When York City. A widely recognized au- he host organization at this lec- ing that period Nation Bans Israelis thority In these fields, his nddross- ture. The Isi.ieh Icider studied at the United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)—. . es, have .-iltnirti'd Inn:1' audiences As a icsnlt of the refusal of tha. Admission is free and tlie pro- Hebrew Umveislty nfter his ftiwherever lii> hriM appeared. rival in the countiy in 1036 After Pakistan Government to permit gram is open to the public. Traveling extensively, Jlr. I.iptan Isi.ieli observer 1o attend a ses-Cin'li.is studicrl Jewish niniiiiMiilsion m K«\vi\c\u ot -VYie Economic 'til's mi various continents and roCommission for Asia and the F a r contly spent « s»l)l):itic;il year in Fast, the conference will be shiftIsrael. If"1 was educated at Now ed to .inolhei site. York's City College, Hie UniversThe luo-Weel: session, which ity of Ui'i-lln ;iinl Columbia Uniwas to have opened February 17, versity. l!i' ha1; scrvi'd :>s visiting Jerusalem f.JTA)—The Arab appro\'inj;ly from an article In the will probably be held in Bangkok, professor ut the l.'nlvT.'iHy olCal- world was advised by Kailio Hai;h- .Sudanese newspaper, "Rissala," Thiittiind, in March. Israel is not ifornia, Nnrtlwciti'rii University. ilad, in a monitored broadcast to which declared that. "Arabs must a member of the. 21-nation body' Y'-sliiva University ;iml IVir-Ilan forfiet the idea of a "war of ex- once and for all understand that but sends observers to its session'*-University in Israel. Vfllllllil there cannot h". an all-out atlack termination" a':.iin'it Israel. because1 of the in\p(W\i\w-tt \x> I s Some uf Dr. f.lpt/iii's many 'I'lii' hrondi.'iist was mndi; in sup- on Israel which is a member in rael of its trade with the East.. port of Ir.'i'i Premier Kiissem's plan i;ood stanilinj: of tin; Uniteil NaPakistan imposed the ban as a gesfoe creation of a "Palestine He- tions. Proclaimini; war on Israel— ture of solidarity with the Arab publir" under the leadership of as Arabs so often promise- is t.'inStales. 1 tin former Mufti of Jerusalem, tainomil to sliippinK tlie face of Ifaj Amin el llusseinl, one-time the United Nations." Nazi collaborator. Kenewed oppo"Arabs slioiild therefore welcome sition ol" tile plan, which would rc- the best possible Palestine soluLee ('.us, fluent in charge of the "Tlii! Problems of At:in;; in This quire Jordan to j;ive up the terri- tion proposed by Premier Kasscni, U.S. Trcnstiry I.itiioau of Narcotics, toiiininriily" will be the prniir'im tory west, of the Jordan it. ob- namely the establishment of an. District No. 2, will lie the guest I) r , Bernard' topic. nt the 12.',')() p.m. dessert sorbed dmiiii; the alt.iclc on the Arab Republic in the western part speaker at YouhR Adult night at .. luncheon of flu- <ii>ldcii A;;e f'lul) new-born Stale of Israel in l!Mft of Palestine," the broadcast cita- the Jewish Community Center, Chcrrick, Pirec-" tor General of ' | lhp.7iHvi.sli ('onimmiily Center, was expressed by Hazzi Majnli, tion Irani "Itissnla" continued, Tuesday,. January 26. the Hebrew Unifoiulny, January '£?•>. Jordanian Prims Minister. "Such a plan does not Involve war Mr. Cox will outline the various versity In Jeru/ P h i l i p Vc>r;l. Director of Puhllc The Jordanian I'rhm* .Minister, since it is in accordance with Unit- arc/is with which his bureau is in- salem, will .be .. ilVclfmi! niul newly appointed As- suid In Aniiuan that tint Jordan ed Nations resolutions." volved and will have on display ,the Ruest speak-, '>B0ciate Professor of Sociology at vei'iimtiit (ltd not rmigiilMt I lie confiscated material, A question cr at the Hadas-f Omaha University, will be Hie. Arab Higher (.'utuaiitlrp or imy All* IO1C IIDIX IN I'.'AKMKIIS period will be held, sah meeting t o ! guest speaker, liorls Slcinman. other l)i>ily UH the lef;al ri'iiresent- M-'VKCTKH 15V I>KOt.'<iHT The group's gnme'room will he held Wednes-| Director of Center Activities, will ntlvti of the. Arab refugees, 'i'lio •)pen at 7 p. m> arid will offer, taJerusalem, (JTA)—The Ministry assist Mr, Vogt in lcadinK an inday, January 27,1 ii^'is would, iindrr 1'riMiiier of Agriculture will distribute some 1)le tennis, cnrdSj scrabble, chess, formal discussion following the. at 12:30 p.m, at j sM'iu'H proposals, IIIM nine tlic checkers and other games. A so•ToriO. O OO to approximately 1,000 program. A film also will be the Jewish Com-1 • Bhown on the life of Helen Keller. citl/.riis of the proiioscd new A rub Hedouin farm families to compen- cial hour will follow the talk by mimMy Center. sate for losses suffered in, the M r . C o x . A l l y o u n g a d u l t s a r e i n stale. Br Luncheon arrangements have < Thi" Ranliad hroadeasl f|uolcd drought, last, winter. v i t e d . " •."•:'. ; • • • . ' • '••• : '.••'.'•: Dr.••Chcrrick who was an Omabeen made liy Mrs- •!. Miltfii Marha visitor last year, will describe golin ami Mr*. I/mis Cutler, Colthe •progress whvcU ha» \icw,Tnnde den Age coordinators and Mrs. .on the Hebrew University-Hadastsinthan Simon, Its chairin.'in. sah Medical Center which is being Tlin club is sponsored by the built near Jerusalem, at Kiryat; Omnliat .Section, National Council Hadassah. of Jewish Women and the. Jewish The Center being built at a cost 'federation. of $25,000,000. will bo officially dedicated in August. o! l%0, TVIrg. tarii.'s of the Jordan Klvor, j)iiblic tc;iin made « preliminary Adolph Mayer, Medical Center London (JTA)—Tha Arab agaiiMl. Israel's plans to use Jor- Hussein (Jweinl, the Lebanese survey of the possibilities of di- chairman for the Omaha Chapter dan River witters for Negev irri- Koreigii Minister, said that Leb- verting the other two tributaries, >f Hatlivssah^ rcnovted. anon planned to spend S-'l'JO.OfW.t the Haniiis and the Yarinuk rivers. Heservation* for the luncheon The Israel Minis!ly of Posts h,\i gation projects reached tho stage for the diversion project, which are being taken by Mrs. Harry announced the isiiio of ,i neu <otof a Lebanese Government deci- would send tlie waters of the Wigodsky. of Ainnail -stamp > rli |m lui" !•>- sion to-divert the Ilashanl Hiver, llasbaui River into another Lehfine.se waterway before they reachoii(j of tin., three principal tribued the Jordan Kiver. The .stamp iliiis i 1 The Lebanese1 i'oreii;u Minister trail's a scene In Tel Aviv (.1TA)—General E. L. \ also announced that, the issue M\ Hums, outgoing commander of Sitfud. Others in f 'B would he discussed at a meeting the series will be \ of the Arab Foreign Ministers in tin! United Nations Kmergency Cairo—Recent anti-Semitic demt u t r o U u ceil in < Cairo .next month. It. wan idso re- Force, termed H "distortion" sm ported that a United Arab Ke- Aral) press report that lie had onstrations in many countries proforthcoming Is- , A -Kymnaxties and called "illegal" Israel plans to di- mpted the conference this week class for.hoyn In grade and •lies of the .low- } ' vert Jordan River water fur Ne- ot Abdul Kbaiek llassouna, Arali hU;h school-i will open on IHII Press. gov irrigation. League secretary-general with Dr. Thursday, January 2H at 4 p.m. Oeneral Burns declared here Mahmoud Fawzi, United Arab Re'The .» t a m p i • I>,V liL a t the Jewish Conininnily Centhat what. h« did say at. a. Cairo public Foreign Minister. , were designed b< »r..l ter. Miss Frledei It was the opinion of observers The dancini,' CIUDB held ouch press conference was that General Th» closg will bfl held each S t e r n of Tel Air M.ill Thursday afternoon "t tlie Vnfjn Hennilte, his predecessor as hat the Arab government and the Thursday- under tin; direction Aviv, whose illustrated bfiok, "In of p a n Fogel, a upeclalist iu Jewish Community Center un- chief of the. United Nations Truce. Arab League circles in Cairo fear Short: Israel" Is avnilabla nt the der the direction of Carolyn Supervision ori;ani/.iiit\on, h<«\ ruled that the present: campaign of antiJewish Community Center Li- thin Held. TIUMS dcKlrliiK to ' deniilltHiized Semitism may lead to greater Kagnn, is still open to new stu- Unit work within <» nttoii'l aro aslcod to contact brary. dents. Tho Center, JA 1306 may zone might givp Jsrni-1 strategic world sympathy for Israel and..in-'The itauips may be obtained In Cy Soltchlok, ("enter physical ha contacted for rcfjlstration. ,»K-<ntages.-The pioject culls for duc« Americans imd KuropeaTis to Kdiicntkm Depnrtment, J A the Ci-nt.-r Library) room >!S. Grade school girl* nro urged to development in * demilitaiued contribute more money to aid Jew* 1368. /one on tin" Syrlnn-Tsrael border. find a homo in Israel. attend. I :' • • -.',. , ' V J . ' j . •' :J. Dr. Sol Ml''Kin. internationally known u r 'tmer, aiiDior and educator, will I"1
Radio Opposes
Narcotics Agent Speaks l o 'Young Adults' Tuesday
Public'Welfare' Head To 'Sneak at Golden .-.-Age'Meeting Monday
Or. Bernard Gherrfck To Address Hadassah
Stamp Comer
Burns Accuses Arab Press of Distortion Arabs Fear Outbreaks X'M Stir r.oro World Sympathy for Israel
Dancing Slass Still Open for l e w Pupils
Till! .Jl WIMI
Mil «
Mi uid MI* I upi nt S Jarobs of DC'I'DUI-, Mich., aninnmct; (lit1 bnfnrl \ of .i d nij'htri \ \ s s n .Till; Fditor J In \ ne Us i the pjicnlb of Keith Di\nl iti'l \\ i.lc DCUIJ Ml Jai ol>s is ii former Omahan. di md|i iiLtits iiie Mis Piinzel Johnston of. Garden City, Kuns. All friends and relatives nre uid Mis Julia Jacobs, who just re Lnvilccl to attend sfnices and ! turned-from a visit in DeTour
Published Every Friday by the JCUIHII Federation of Ornuha. Second CFois Positive Paid oi Omtihu, fnver. Annuaj fiuDscrlptlon, S4.OT Advertising Rafcs on•AppncoJton Publication Office— IQI Ho ?Oth Street, Omaha, r.'ebr. jAckicn i>«.
New* and naiipfAfmrs At ltuv Or. f'Mllii Uhcf Jewish . ti'iiiie hat Tim n**-<i bj UavM in-kow
Services Cniidli-Iiifhlliie, 5:08 p. in. BETH ISKAEt Ernest J. Hbchsler, Beth Israel members>hlp committee chainn m, will welcome the 4') m*wly affiliated families of Ihp synagogue in -an address at the Fnd>> e\c nmg ser\ices, January 22 tt 8 p m Dr Sidney Rubin will speak on behalf of ihe new members. Gilbert Aronoff and Elliott Brown also will paiticipate in the semce to w conducted by Rabbi Benjamin Groner. Cantor Kli KUK.'III /uid th' xynagoKUe cliojr. 'Traditional Friday * e r v i c t 1 (Kab-bolas Shabbosi begins at 5:15 p. in. Shabbos morning services begin at 8 1^ ,i m at "52nrl | and Charles and at !) a. rn. at 19th and Burt Streets. Junior Confjregation at 10 a m Rabbi Gionei will conduct the Talmud Class at 4;45 p. m. Sabbath Minehn at 5: If p. m. followed by Sholosh S'eudo and Maariv Daily bervices at 7 a. m. and 5 25 p m Sunday morning seruces begin at 8 45 a. m followed by break fast arid Rabbi'i class in Bible Sunday morning Junior Minjon followed by breakfast »tarts at 8:30 a. m The ; Talmud- Discussion 'group meets evejry Tuesday at 6 30 p m B'NAI JACOB ADAS Services at B'nai Jaeob-AdasYeshuron will begin Friday at 4:45 p. m. and Saturday morning at 8 ,10 a m. v ith Minch<t at 4 lr> p m followed bj Sh.ilo>-h S'euclos Daily benlcefc at 6.30 a. in. and ."5
p. m. TEMPLE Sam Bleicher will speak at \h". Temple Israel Youth Sabbath, Friday, January 22 at 8:1") p. m. Temple Youth will take part in the .service which will have ns Its themn, "Judaism and Reality". A reception will follow the service. BKTII EL Forty-nine members of Gimc-1 classes of the Both El Hebrew School will be consecrated at the annual consecration service, Friday at 8 p. rn. The sermon will be delivered by Rabbi 1\Iyer S. Kripke. Cantor Aaron I. Kiljjar and tl)'Beth El choir will render the musical portions of the service. Those who will be consecrated RoiTerr Bernstein, David Eilfne-r, Dale D!urnarjd, Jori Lynn Faik, Karen Gould, Ho-vard Jess, David Kcplcn, David Katz, Steven Katzman, Harriett Manfieirncr, Bruce Muskin, Gary Plolt, Jimm/ Rice, Roncld Pomcnlk. Linda Scbmldmon, Hank Shrier, Belli V/introub. Elliott V/ohlncr, Horlan Abraiiams. Jeff Bcrnsfcln, Scndra Bernstein, Susan ChopMan, Mnrtt-,3 Elkon, Morris Friedman, Suscn Friednrjn, Howard Halperln, Leslve Helfman, Jclin Hobcrmon, Barry Kalrnan, Susan Kdtr. Jerry Raznlck, Allen Ruback, Karen V/fntroub, Joyce Berek, Susie Buchv/nld, Diane Epstein, Linda Farber, Karmelo Fraidenreich, Bobby Jncobson, Karen Klmmel, Larry Krcfr, Debra tAHiltr. S'jjan Milgram, Lynn Nogrj, Hov;e!f Richards, Sonla Rothkop, Bruc« Schne!-Jcr, Nanette Schuiman anrJ Solly Simon.
Sabbalh morning service will be held at. 9:30 a. m. Mincha-Maariv .service will be at 5 p. m. Sunday morniiiK son-ice at 0 a, m. Dnily services at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Danish Press Hcsuses Nasser of 'Brewing Anti-Semitic - Poison' ColK'llhagiJl] rent
rected the
t!-••_• w o r l d ot
"ftelinblc pcr
Mr, and Mm.••Harry J. Falk an nounce the -.'.birth' of their firs, (hlld, a daughter, Martjn Jo, on January 5 at Methodist Hospital. Graildpaicnli me Mis J"\nihj Falk and Mr. and MKS. H u n \ A Greijn. • Mr and Mrs Robeit A announce the birth of a diiunhti'i-, Barbara Alljson, on Jiiman <\ They are also the parents ol another daUEhtor, Shelley Kilwn Grandmothers are Mre. Clara Waldman and Mrs/Frances Smith, Great-grandmother is Mrs. Sarah' Minkin.
.'-riMre.'••," ii-jiori
•'.•.;i : .;-
i n Cuiio,
J o i i a n i i f ' s
i n ( " h a i ;:t'
»o Dorboring , c ico Sat if.- 11ion Auut cd
llm \an
Masonic Pilgrimage To Israel June 4-29
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kolniek nnlouriee the birth of a girl, Anno Marie, at CJarkson Hospital, January 3. Their other children nre Lori Su and Stuart. Matcrrwl grandparent Is Mrs. Alex Lasenslty of Sioux City, In., ',nd paternal grandparents are Mr. uid Mrs. Hnrry Kolniek of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Burstejn f Mars'halltown, In., announce lie birth of a daughter, Gaylc j ictli on January 1. They al.vo have two otlir»r children, I>na Tine nd ] Michael. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J L. Burnsteln, Mar.shallhnvn and Mr.' and Mrs. Jalie Bursf-ln. Mrs. Bur- | stein rr-contly retitrnrd from a j two-Week vi^it in Marsliallto'.vn,
It is u r m n r to IIMIJI'VL1 that G n many is the rmwtv o j t h i ? : i'pi•JciiiU: Hie ii"W.sp;;|ii'r (l.-'rimcd. " T h r poismi Is brewed in (".';iiro."
j | j i
The acceptance of former President Harry S. Truman ai Honorary Chairman of tho Second Annual Masonic Pilgrimage Committee to liroel and Europe (Junu 4-29, 1960) vvai announced lit is v/eek by M, W. Cheitor Hodgo* 3 3 , P.O.//. Grand Lodge of Ohio who ii Pilgrimage Loader and Committee Chairman. Tho 25 day ovortoas A^asonic tour for Masons, their familiot and friendi will visit liraol at tho Invitation of tho Grand Lodge of Masons of tho Stato of Israel. According to Pilgrimago Loador M. W. Hodgos 33n, tho Grand Master of Matoni of Israel M. W. Max Sollgman, will arrivo In Now York City on February 20th to attend the International Grand Mastors of Masons' Conferones in Washington D. C. and visit 16 North American Ma«onlc Jurisdictions, Commlttoo Headquarters are Sulto 1101, 15 East 40th Street, Now York 16, Now York.
• Slump..)
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!~i-rtiitic' p j ' o f i i u ' . n n c i . ' t .
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a Tonics
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Lou Hurwitx, Prop.
Mr. Myron Tarnoff wishes to Miiinli all his fricml'i for t l u l r inaiiy r a n i s nnd ^oml wKlii-y lie received during Ids recent, s t a y In ttu* fiitspltal.
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DATIU KI'STKIN* Funeral services wore held .Sundafi at tin; Jewish Funeral Homo for David B. Epstein, who died January M of a heart attack at his home. R137 Decatur Street. Mr, Epstein was in the poultry business prior to his retirement.'A "fir-ran of World War I, lie was I a member of American Legion, I H'nal B'ritli and Beth Israel Syna- | cotfiic. 1 .Surviving m<> wife I.ibby; sons, Arthur, Omnha; Bernard, Denver, Colo., and four grandchildren. Burial \vns In Golden Hill Cemetery.
cum- . i;i
".N'.-iK-ci 's |niip:i/:aii'l;:," Hcrlliuj. ske Tidrii'l' 1 a^sf.-i-tcfl, "is h.pi;iniiu; to work. .SoiiK' of it. is di.'-.trihuleti by the .StiindiiiHv'iii-Arrib KrioinKhiji nnirni, v.iiich ha<-: central oflicvs in .Sloi'ltholm find Copeiili.'ijren. S o m e of (lie Anli-Semltic leaflets a r e beiiiK di.strjljut'.'d out DAVID LITT Mr. j arid Mrs. David/D. Belter of Klsinorf, D e n m a r k !iii(l out of The Bai Mit/vah of David Lilt announce the -birth-'of fheir fourth Stavniit;er, Norway. Another main renter Is Mnrnn:; .son of Mi and Mrs Joseph Litt son, Edward Lee, on January 13 distribution Aires." will take place on Trlrlsij nnd Sat- at Lutheran Hospital.
iird i> morning. January 29th and Grandpdrents are Mr. Brid Mrs; iOlh at Trniplp Israel Richard ft. SpiegaJ and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bober, Great-grandparents are Mrs. :Bessle Gilbert of Dallas, Tex.; Mrs. Bessie Bchrt and Loujs Ban.
Tables Formica KE 0012
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Specialized Furniture and Cabinets
N<« HcHldi'iits: Mai} Sliapno <imi K WMOVI) HJ.MtV Itaymond Henn Buiigumni, so Moms Passer. of Ihe late Habbi and Mrs Yamir It:ibl>lni(Ml Program: Rabbi Ben will ob-rf'i\e his B.i jamin tlioni'r opened oilr ^in S ituiday mninini?, J.inu ter tcssion of 'Visits \Mth (he Habbi" on Monday, Jann.irj' P dry 23rd at Beih VA Habbi Sidney Biookb will bo our next gnps,l on Janunrj 28 In Mwnoriain: Esther IloSoiithal The Bur Mit/vah of Abe Kinst The Miller Park P-TA Moilu-is linger, son of Mr nnd Mrs. So Singen, will entertain our resistlliiRPr will be celebrated a dents on Friday, Jaminry HI. at 2 the .Beth Israel Synagogue on p. m. Friday evening, Janitaiy 29 and t i At J .' '• ' ' -" . 't.\ Saturday niortini({, January 30.
Friday, Juuuury 22, l!)ii(l
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Cerftfiod And approved by Rabbi Dr. Loon Thorn, Proiicionr, AmorJ< can Acadomic Rabbli Anociafion of Now American*, and Hobbi S. V/alMn of fhe Orfliodox Rabbis Atlaffon of Now York Cify,
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RUGS — CARPETING LAMP SHADES FURNITURE Cleaned in Your Homo! Binding—Laying—Repairing
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Sulfo 4 2 4 — Farnam Dldg., Omaha 2, Nebraska LOUIS ELEERT — Co-Owner. Mgr. Telephone JA 8874
I ri<U\, Jumiiirv 22, IBM*
Expected for B'nai
Glass Starts hn. 2B
t*W? M l :. P i i s a m i a J''raiik, v o i n i n l e a d e r i n >•' P ul Iii-.ix.il, tin n h a s a . I c v . i s l i KlliOl), v. ill .:ji. n i l t Y.) v.f't'ks here till- I'llf-M. n f ' . II i O m a h a S.<'Ct u n ol t h e N'a- > I HI i il C o i u i f i l ol b \\'oni"ii, mi I t i t s nri I.ion- • ' il u i l u n t i ' c r Irad- ' i I lii|> prOKi'.'im.-t',. 1 ht \ ' i s i t o r ™.--.-l o u i I I T ol t h e ! -
mizal ion . in $.-, /il which la1.-. I in i n i t i a t e of t h e f t I n I i r n a lional Mr*- Frnult ' o i i i i i i l ol .li».'.i;.li Wonion and a in inliiT ol bolh its board a n d t h a t ol tin J e w i s h J'V-d'ialion of A|,reiii ii s in S a o Paulo, will arrive in ' O m i h a , .Sunday, F e b r u a r y 7. li'nul B'rllli mi'inlici-t nlio will IIWVI' li"u(lln(f rules in liic muVisit Senior Citizen'* I,«ini(fe »lial planned for tlm <!iitrrl;ilnmi>iit cif wimifii piirMdiiiint.i at the She will wet her first ullmpse of I2Ul Annual ll'iml ll'rltli Olsirirt No. <l Bowling ToliinuiiHIii \uro, (.'ouncil piirticl[mtion in communure (left to riRlit) Mines. Tulri IfnIjicilri, (on pliuio) I'alil Sm'its, ity HCtfvlties, the following (lay, Ijt»onnrd Lrvln, Onn CHIKMI, Milton Loss, N:iti: Iir:if( •jind Russell when hlic will VIKII tlio weekly Illniiii'iilluil, flutter settled at piano). Monday session of the Senior CitiOinuhii will be the .scene "f 1 Me"^~ ' """ ' zen's I.ouniie in the Jewish Com-
JSJth Annual Bowlim; Tournament of final •B'ritii Women't; lfclriel No 6 on February r>-(>-7. The lot al R'nai B'ritii Brnvllnj; AMWinllon will be host to ve))i(.-.;cnl.iti\.' teams from Chira;;o, nock Jil mil Peonu, III., Detroit, Grand K:t,n<< Midi, Milwaukee, Wis., Minni ij) ollh, St. Paul, Minn, niul I'r Mftines, In. A program of social event it the Hlieraton-Knntenelle Holt I fids been urninsred for the visitoi in addition to Iho busy bov line drliedule. The tournament vill open with tho arrival of appioxim ilely (i()0 out-of-town bimlu who will join the Omaha |.;ro»ip at a. "Mixer" Friday nlt'ht, Fcbiuarv C Tiiiiin iiia'iit bowlini; will c'-t iincli'i u.iy Saturday nlj.;ht Febntur> 6 mill continue' through Sim•» <liiv men imifr. A Imffet KuppT will follow ^.lturday'n bowlinf,' .session. The week-end's activities will bo with tlio presentation of nnd the Installation of
Jewish community of-Sao .Paulo. J Mrs. Frank was chairman of the | lirst Brazilian .Integration Conference held in her city in 1959, on a inti'Kration program for newcomers. . •:.- • . ;-. . ••' ••• •.;. Her interest in con|mjinity work began in Poland where- she was boiri nnd later in Paris where she lived until corning to Brazil in 1940. She is also active in the Jewish Women's organization which" sponsors Jewish family and cfcild care • services in Sao . Paulo. She will spend four months in the United Slates.
'Hie Latin - American D a n c e Class will have ils first, meeting, Monday, January 25 at, H:30.p. m. in room '21, Jewish Community. Center. : . Miss Cari-ie Griffiths of the University of bniaha, Department of Physical Educittitm, will be the instructur.
••-•'•••-' .
Patronize Our Advertisers
Established Fifteenth Nahal Settlement
WA2442 675 No. 50th
Tel Aviv (.JTA)- Premier BenCiirion. Chief of Sinff. Chalm Uislroy and members of the Cabinet attended the formal ina'URuration of the fifteenth Nalial settlement In Ein Yahav, a half a mile from, the Jordanian border. The settleme;it, named Ncpt .(Pastures), was formerly an -.'agricultural experimental station. It will form an 'important link in Israel's Chain of frontier fortress-settlements;
eiirllw-eleeted officers ;it a lian- munity -Center, u project. Jointly (|iiel Saturday evening. .shared by the local section with A fi it ii' of tin entertainment I he Jewish Federation, along with Sell what you don't need . . , pi 'i' tin Oni ih ins fur. their Golden Ai;e Club activities. Buy what you need through the _ n e t s , will be a Mrs, Frank will be guest: of .•.-•-' j '"i mcrnlier cast honor at. the Council's annual Wont Ads. : musical staiTini! | Oven;ens luncheon, February 1(1, 'oril B'iiai B'rilli it was annouiKv.-d by Mrs. Stanley t ilent. The pro- H'T/off, Omaha Section presi£3, il u < t i o ii, 'The dent. .Study of Council Activities Bowlers in !K)3" ANYONE? While ill Omaha, she will ob« MI be KIIIAVII on serve the Section'.1! administration s itiuday cvf-niiif! and program, recruitment, trainArt Epstein's foi tournament IIIK nnd volunteer.-;, family «nd i nil nits only. child iare program:-!, Federation Mrs. M a x and other coordination services so Mrs. Siw-liH, Sack.s, Tourna- that she can help In 'he further ('luiiriuiiti ment Chairman development, of services within tin 38th and Farnam and preiildent of the District US. 1112 Association, f-.aid the show would be premiered Thursday, February •!, nt H-.RO p. m. In tlie Sheratoii-Fontenellp nl. il public JUSTIN 0. NORWICH performance In order to (iccommodate the many Omahnns who h a w Specialising in ti desire to see it.
Undervdued SccuriS-ics
Harriet Scfohff to Wed Minnesotan on May 29th
Bridal Portraits -
Candid Wedding
Special Situations
linvc announced the cn;<"cement Mr. and Mr*. Al« W. Schloff of their daughter, Mian Harriet of St. Pdiil, Minn. Patricia to Mlch.ie.1 T Goff, son Ml l s .Schloff has choson- May «f Mr. and Mm S>dne> W Guff '."> as the date for her wedding. •^li" is II student at the Minneapolis, (Minn ) Business College. Her fiance Is n grnchmlc o! St. 'Ihoin.is AliUt n-y Academy, St. Paul and .it tended the University Of Minnesota
John Kalina
817 So. 36th
HA 1044
Members How York Stock Exchanqo and Other Principal Exchange)
1801 FARNAM WGfaster 45B5
B'naS WnlU Iknry
Lodge 354
Omaha B'nai 0'riirEi Wosncn Bowlers Will Present Thoir Promioro Showing of
"The'.Bbwlers on.905" Thursday—February 4, 1960—8:30 P.M.
For Ro5orvation« Call: Miss Harriet Scltloff
-Iowa Sfudenfs Are Engaged Mi. and Mia. Sam Trope of Peoria, 111., havs announced the cncancnunt of their daughter, Mi>,s Carol Lynn to WllJard PlotIdn, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Plotkin. The Plotkins have returned from Pcorln where they attended a dinner nnd cocktail party given by the hi ide-elcct'fl parents for their daughter and her finnco. Both young people attend State University., of Iowa at Iowa City, where Miss Trope, Is affiliated with Eit;mn Delta Tau Sorority and her fiance with Phi Epsilon PI fraternity. A S o p t o m b i i r . wedding Is planned.
. • .
Fee for the course which yriil include 10 lessons, will be $10 per person or $15 per couple,, . -.'.- .,
Mrs. Bernard Zevite—WA 9718 Mrs. Harold Coopcrman—GL 8072 Bowling Tournamont Co-Chairmon Donation $1.00
jipwtdl Come Meet
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff L«l Him Help You With'. Your Clothing Seltttloni
Kllpatrick's Men'i Clothing — Second Floor
K^ ^
Continental breakfast served at pool-side. Won't you join me?"
Hi. s*f»*~'> ,•.'<*««"*«•."»™»
ZBT MOTHKIC3 TO JUJICT rOK DKSSKItT IJl N< JIEON Tha Zeta Beta Tan Mother Club Will hold a dessert luncheon ini'eting, Tuesday, January '_'•> at 1 p. m. at the homo of Mrs. Leonard Herman, JJ17 North 5i.i Street.
nvisiu LKAUS DI.SCI7S.SI0N Rabbi Sidney 'Brooks will lead tlia discussion group at Teni|>le taruel, Thursday, January '2ft following a l p . in.- coffee. BETH ISUAI'X SISTERHOOD DONOIt LUNCIIKOX The Beth Israel Sisterhood donor luncheon will b« hekl Thursday, January 28, at 1 1>. m. in the *ynaogue social hall. Mines. Albert orkin, Sam Rosenst«ln,. Sidney JCatleman, and Julius Horns tcln •re co-chairmen with Mesdanies P. B. and Rosa Kpstein In charge of luncheon arrangements. The projjram will feature a mulical show entitled "I.a Femma Sisterhood in Franco," directed by Mr». Malirica Katleman and acdompanied by Mrs. I.eroy Stonlund. .MM, Arthur Parilmnn, cast•^)ig manager, announces the following cast: Mines. Hyman hubrnan, Leroy Canfield, B e i n a r d Denonberg, Harry Siref, B. Gilbert Aronofi, Joo Raznick, I. J. kraft, Milton Cackin, Phillip Handelman, Irving Babendir, A b e Shrago and Nathan Kaplan. Mrs. Joe Frank will supervise costumes find makeup.
COUNCIL TO HONOU MEMBERS New members and those who havo celebrated 25 years of servIco or more will be honored by the Omaha Section of National Council of Jewish Women at a 12:30 p. m. luncheon, Tuesday, January
'M at Beth El Syna(;o£;ue. The jm.njrnm will include u .series of tableaux, depicting utitsl;itidii]f; even's in thi1 s;i'>'ip's history ami will be. nariiitci) by Mm, Bell) tiaym-s (>inhb"r;:, vvilli Mrs. Harvey JJpMnaii, soloist, who will be accompanied by .Mrs. Harry Duboff. Other participant* will be: Mines. Lawrence l-psteiii, Atb'-i I Fox, Norman Halm, Jack Levin, Jeroma Milder, Julius Newman, .Miltuii Simons, Slurriit Vender, 'Norman Wine, tlw Messrs, James Farher and Sherman LipsU'in, and .Misses Beth Greenber*;, Kim Priesman, Jan Jlnlashoclc, .Sbeiiy Weiss and Master Jay I'aisow. Invocation will bi> niada by Mrs. Israel Rosentlinl and service awards will be given l)y Mrs. Harry Kulakofsky. Overall program chainnan is Mrs. h'nmst Priesman, assisted by Mines. Joseph Ginsberg, B. Gilbert Aronoff, Leo Kisenatatt, Solomon .Schwartz, Norman Cain and Stuart Simon. Reservations may be made with Mines. Pliill Laser, GL. 5212; Alvin Epstein, RK. 9436 or Ted Colin, TE. 21530. A baby sitter will be available. PIONKKKS DKSSKKT MJNCIIKON MEKTINO, TTKS. The Pioneer Women will hold a dessert luncheon meeting, Tuesday, January 20, 12-M p. m. In the Jewish Community Center. B'NAI II'KITII HONORS NKW MKMBKKS The B'nai B'rith Women of Omaha and husband* are invited to a reception held in honor of new members, at the Blackstone Hotel Monday, Jan. 25 at 8 p. m. Participating in the candlelight ceremony will bo Ihe Mines. Art Abrams, Ted Sonnet t, Nebraska
pprts VAHSITY LEAGUE . . . game, Barry Sudofsky, pumped in Pauls moved into first place and four field goals in tho final quarRobinsons won their third straight ter to lead I-Go-Van to a 28-27 to highlight the week's activity thriller over Kaimans. Kaiman, In Varsity league play. which led by-eight points at two In the opener last Wednesday, different times in the final quarter Lustya battled Pauls on even were led by Paul Kaiman with 12 ! terms for three quarters but wilt- points. ed in the final frame under a barIn the .Till and Glh ^rade loop, rage of baskets from Allen Kon- Slosburg defeated Playlmid Park ocky, Ray Kirke and Lindy Paul. 29-3, with lien Sliaiton scoring Kirke with 24 was hi[;h for the 15 points. Tretiaks nosed out winners and Danny Epstein with Hichinon-Gordman HS-H as Ron.10 led the losers in the scoring nie v/olpa pumped in ton for the column. Final score was 51-31. winners. In the nightcap gam?, Robin7th and 8th Onulo sons cbntintied their surtfe to the Won Lost top with an important 51-'18 vic- Gerelick 2 0 tory over Beltcrades. Roy Katskee Phillips 1 1 w i t h i n points led n well balanced I-Go-Van 1 1 scoring attack for the winners, Kaiman 0 2 while Ed Belgrade pumped in 1!) r.tli nod (ilh Oriuln for the losers. U'»n Loht VAKSI1T LICAfJI-'K Tretialts 2 0 Won I.ost Rictmmn-Gordman . . . .1 1 : Pauls A 'J. Slosburg 1 1 Robinsons 3 3 : PJ.iyland Park 0 2 Belgrades ,'4 3 Lustya 2 <1 SHOTS IX TIH-; 1)AKK . . . A.Z.A. chapter 1000. is playing JTOUTH COUNCIL . . . . ., A.Z.A: 1000 won their- seventh j a pojio benefit game sanctioned straight and Frank Goldberg by the New March of Pime.f drive scored 'A?> points, for Die main The undefeated Youth Council news in Youth Council play last league leaders, coached by. Jerry Herman, will be up. against a Sunday. The first game saw A.Z.A. 100 touj;h fne in St. Bridgets of tl.e put forth their best effort of the Catholic Youth Organization. The year in battling A.Z.A. 1, on even game will be held at the Cenlial terms for three quarters. How- high school gymnasium on Thursever, in the final quarter. Go.Id- day evening, January 28th. Topberg, channeled through 3'1 points off is scheduled at 8 p.m. Ticlwts to lead Chapter 1, boys to a H8-39 are fifty cents. Howard Stoxler triumph, Mickey Sacks h;id 18 is chairman of the project. Tins is certainly a fine gesture of tins points for the losers. The second game, saw the usual organization. well balanced 1000 group romp Nice seeing Kdith Goldstein to their seventh straight win with back for sliriinaslics classes after n 70-51 margin over a game but a week's illness . . . Slimnaslics outclassed Rayim team. Danny is becoming so popular at the CenHollis had 23 points for the win- ter, that a third cla.ss- has started ners. Jeff Wohlner tallied 21 for Approximately fifty women aie the losers. now participating. A nice picture YOUTH COUNCIL L?;Af;r;E and story appeared in the World ' , Won Lost Herald last week on the slimnasA.Z.A. 1000 7 0 tics classes . . , The new uniforms A.Z.A. 1 '.. 4 3 for the Midget league arrived Rayim ...3 4 Widget cage loopers look sharp A.Z.A. 100 0 7 Tlit Tuesday Iddy-Blddy basketball class has been switched to MI»GET LEAGUE . . . Gerelick moved into first place Thursday afternoon at the same In the 7th and 8th grade division time, 4 p.m. . . . Classes arc now with a 54-31 victory over Phillips. held on Monday and Thursday. Dan KatsKee with 24 points leii Pat Mogil, advisor of Ediar, bowlthe winners while Bill Ginsburg ed a 214 game last week in the Omaha Education Jeagua which with 14 was high /or the Ioser3. In the other 7tli and 8th grade v/a.% high for the week.
Friday, Jfnmmry t%, ] (((id
Chapter; Yale Kaplan, C'ornbusker Chapter; Herbert Meichen, Henry Monsky Cliaptur. Following the foreniojiy, there will Ik' a short variety show, "Previfws of IVnai li'ritli Talent," enacted by JImes. Harvey Lipsnnnn, Norman Wine, Kei'ee KirslK'jibiium, Pan! Rubacli, Herbert 1'a-sjn.iii, Irvin -Simji'r.
CENTER SWIM SCHEDULE ISundoy Moiidoy 9 t? A, M, iFarnllf Swim
ITuosdi 1
Thur«tJu y
'Jlfiiinojt 1511 A, M. 1
1M P. W. 1
KUi'i/ Imcn'i flA-lill
P. Wl. ISwIin HAIJASSAII HOAKI) 3:30-4:15 1 MKI/i'i.Nli I'UANia.l) P. M, 1 T««n Ttofi Sy HO Tho eliapter board meeting of 4:lS-i:M 1 Chlldre l ' » P. M. 1 SWIM j lladassah to have been held last 5:15 6:3-3 1 Monday wan changed because of P. M. 1 ADULTS . ..CO I.-D . . . WIM thu weather to Monday, January Adult (Co t'ci) fpil Ctoil Ad, ii (Cond) * Lile Snvlna P. M. Ifii 2\t. It will be held as planned at Clasi 1 Vl.'.V) p. in, at. the home of Mm. Ro!>y llIMny lervice l i prov/djd for Tuciilay ond T njrsdny SHtnnasHc f.losscs. Sam II. Given, t'o-hoslesx will txAquo'lc Olrector—Jojeph Mlrck. Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky. ^.Iiss Barbara I'.'duariis, St. Josejjh hospital surgical mirse, will speak on her recent visit to fhe JA 1344 lo i n i t r l your Wont Ad In The Henry Monsky Lodge No. \\\9Phono Hadassah Medical Center in JeruJcvljh Preti. .'551 of H'nai B'rilh will feature a Rct^t It SO cerrii lor tcich threft Una Inter, solem. Gin Rummy Tournament, at its lion. Tin Preji r««rv«t lln rlnht to limit meeting, 'Wednesday, January 27 ilro of tacli acJvertljemonl RKANDKIS HOOK filtOlT DAU,Y JKWISII J'Al'KHS at 8:30 p. in, at the Jewish ComJ.IKKT.S WIODNKSDAY 1WU and Una MUzrah coiigratu* The Book Gi'oup of Omaha munity Center. lationa nl.io for all Jewish holiAll members are urged to attend Chapter Brandeis ITniversily Nadays and special occasions. tional Women's Committee will the meeting which will include an meet Weduusday, January 27, important business session, it was Meyers News Stand, ISO'i Dodge 12:30 p. m. at tin! home- of "Shs. stated by Millard Margolin, first Youi'if man desires r o o m and Samuel H, Stern, (ilHl Ciuning vice-president and program chairboard. Strictly Ko»li«r. Coll WA .Street, instead of Thmsday. Mrs. man. 9152, Sunday thru Tlwvswl&y. N. H. Greeuberg will lead tho discussion on Turfienefs "Fathers and Cliildren",
Sin Rummy Tourney
FAKHAM) AND I'OAI.K ZION TO n.llCT OI FK-KHS Farband and Poale Zion will hold an slecUon of offiecrii, Sunday, January 21 at 7 p. in. at the Jewish Community Center, It was announced by Mrs. Marion Bon(lariii, Chairman, Boris Sti'iman, Center Activities Mreetor, will speak. The committee In charge of the meeting are Mines. Isadore Forbes, •Sam Ilifkin and Max Feiwlowitz. A supper will be Kervcd ut 7:.'iO p. m. Reservation may be made by calling JA 3081.
All Aliens Must Report- Addresses Robert C. Wilson, District Director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Omaha, today urged all aliens in the States of Iowa and Nebraska, who have not yet filled out alien address report forms, to do so before January 31 at the nearest Immigration and Naturalization Service Office or local Post. Office.
SAILINQ From New York «nry UiM W«Ki 8.S. lva«\ »nil $.%. l i w , »\oppin| «n route at the torci and Qreec* From Medltorrtnean perti muklyi 8.8. Tha odor Htriland S.S. Jerusalem (In season)
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