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ruiillshi-d every KrlcJnv, 101 No. ^» Onmhii, Nclirusk-u. CiKJiiu JA 13ij(
:!'.», ISMiO
uml Cla^s lJ*j ai Omuhu.
v.H py enii Anninc l(ntc 4 Mollar*
Haya Harareet at 5S Il aya n»raivf(, (Merited l;;r:u-li iiini;, February 'j, at the Center, H a r r y ' Blltl U 1 ) 1 ] < l ' l l l l l l l ' l , l u l l " . V i l l I ) ' Community Hit1 guest of liomii' nl ;t conimun- tin, Jewish Federation I'll ••<., announced. ' d The Omaha. Jewish community is inviled lo meet Miss Iiararcet at the galhcrin;; which will be held from H p, m. to !) p, in., Mr. Truslin said. The Israeli .star who plays the roll.1 of "Ksther, the beautiful" In "Uen-Ilur," the motion pietuie opening soon al the Cooper Theater, will visit in Omaha, during h'l tour of personal appearances. Mis.s If.-irarcet's career as' an actress h"i:an with army Khov, , while she was serving Wilh the Israel Women'.'; Army. Alter li'i service witli the Israeli Marine;, she joined (In- Tel-Aviv Chamliei Theater and became Israel's out slandini; young actress. The imnie star who was horn in Haifa and later muved toTel Aviv, speaks five languages. She pronounces her name, Hare-a-net She appeared in French and Ilnlhn movies, and her performances attracted inteinational attention.
rges Appr Jewish nPosition rf The significance of tho. recent •<lvave of nnti-Scmit.ii: manifestations, was stressed hy Milton ft. Abraham.4, General Chnirmaii of tin; 19WI .Jewish Philanthropies Camfiaii;n, ill remarks al a meetIng ol thi* Hoard of Governors, Sunday innrniiiK nt the Jewish Community. He was Introduced by Harry Truslin, piesidinf: at his first. Iio:trd of Governor's cession ns Federation President.
context, of tlifsf!: anti-Semitic Incidents, We reeo|;nize the jeopardy in which we are livini; and the importance of the agencies that have been established lor protection and •survival." "if l,lfe Is lo Contliuu-" Mr. Ahiaham emphasized thai, just, ns thi^ human lieart beats steadily and strongly without interruption, if life is to contifme, so must our fund-ral.sihe; agencies and activities function 'without pause if Jewish life Is to flourish. . In presenlinK Philanthropies leaders, Morton A. Kiehards, Initial Gifts head, and Mrs. Samuel Katzman, Women's Uivi.sion Chairman, Mr. Abrahams declared, "I am very proud lo he associated with them In this drive."
Snl>-Siirfae<: of Hostility "There lire various interpretations i.o tlii'sn incidents, Mr. Abrahams, deelured, "hut everyone agrees on one tiling— that there Is a virulent .sub-surface' of hostility to Jews in all places and that It takes only a spark.to ignite it into llamc." "We have a hnliil of looking on 'tin.' brighter ;.ide of lile," lie pointIsraeli leader Speaks ed out, "hilt sometimes as a pracYehuda Weissbercer, Director of tical matter, w« have lo look oil the darker tide and apprai.se our the Western Immigrant Departtrue position. When we do thai, in ment of Israel and guest, speaker at 1he meetini;, discussed what is beintf done for the western immigrant In Israel ami (lie opportunities for residents there.. A resident of Haifa, Mr. Weissbere;er, who is visiting this counThe K e c o n <!t try for the first time,'said arrivals slump in (bo ncv.. (*,' in Israel from the West consist, set of Airmail; ** ^Q. mainly of young men or wonien n S t a nips a n - j ' l'i C, who settle temporarily in a Kibbutz and (ru'iti' often extend their nouneed by the! ^ .> stay, mid on I IK? other extreme, Israel Ministry of! _ those who arc retiring. Ho .slated Posts, Illustrates, ? that Israel needs metallurgists, u scene, hi Ash-[ * Uolon, a city of J ^ , t "• . Ml skilled builders, glass workers find enchanting beati-J i < *^r 1 * people with .technical "know-how." 1y,' With ft. '">•( , . ; „ ' ,*;. ' " J \ Flv« MrmbeiK FJretcil prcssive \vatoi-t-.------ - - Five new members were elected tower, the city's Alrin . I to the Federation's" Executive lnn.litii.rk. AKhkclon Ashkelon, n planned city on.tlw Committee. They are 1 William Grorljnsky, F. Halph Nogg, Morton Mediterranean In tho South, of A. Richards, H a r r y Sidman and Israel, Is .described as having Alex Weimitein. Hgn'eable weather, wnier abuntlA resolution calling upon the nncc, rich soil,, deposits of clay president of the United Slates and for industry and a potential as a tho prosldont of the United Nations to help Kociu'e the "free pasfishing port. This stamp like all those-.which sage of ships of all nations through havo been presented in this col- the Suez Canal," proposed by Hobumn, may Ise tihtaitied flt the Rit M. Kcinberg, Omaha Israel Ji-wioh Comirninity Center Library, Bond Chairman, at the annual FedIloonl l-'.'J. eration meeting, was accepted by tho Hoard of Covernoii.
'Stamp Corner
"Generation of Decision," a discussion <jf growing cultures will l)n the subject of an address here .Sunday evening by Dr. Sol Liptzin, dislinguis'lied educator and author, whose keeu dvwevuwv^iit of the Jewish American cultural scene, has been recognized by scholars everywhere. Dr. IJjil/in will appear at the •Jcsvisli Conimimify Center Sunday, .famiiirv .'(/, at <S p. in., tho ' M\etiiu\ famous spt^ilier, to t'iMHO tii Oinaha, this season, on tlio Program of (lie Montli series, a# part (if the (enter's cultural iuvd educational program. Chairman of the Department of Germanic and Slavic Lnngungcs, and l'rolessor of Comparative Literature at tho City College of New York, Dr. I.iptzin is widely known as a .popular lw.Uwcv aw\ author of a dozen books on world Literature. DeCi-nd Faith mid It»[><> In defense of faith and liopft for American Jewry, Dr. I.iptzin, in his latest Ixjok, "Generation of A M-ctiim of tlio display of. works by Israeli iirtlsts belli); ar- Decision," stales, "If a people, after tragic experiences of two K'1'! for Suiiiliiy's Kliowing lit the Center. thousand years has been ingathgraphs, silk screen, engravings, ered from, the corners ot U\« earth and has resumed an overdrawings and others. This is the first time that some lone;, intemipled national life on of these works will he- .shown in it's original .soil, then surely this. the United .Slates. A national dis- new birlh brought about by implay including 'most of these, will measurable suffering, s a c r i f i c e he shown at the Boston public li- and heroism cannot have been brary in May and will !«• esliibiU-d achieved in order U> U« foHuwel An unusual exhibit of repro- in live of six other American by early death and quick dissolution, but ralher in order that It duction;; of print's hy Israeli art- cities. might 'mature and make a conWorks »f liiilspel, T:nnlr ists collected over the past twenstruclive contribution to the huty years, will open at the Jewish Included in the Omaha exhibit man community. Thus must argua Community ('.'enter, Sunday, Jan- will he works of fterslion Knispel faith, when logic and reason fail uary ,'!l. 'i'hf! display which em- and Moshe Tamil'. to supply u ilt'ViniVtve answer, bodies an creative area of Jewish Mr. Knispel, » Haifa painter, ".Similarly, if a unique minorcultural expression, was arranged was outstandingly successful ut in conjunction with the appear- the V.Crt International Youth Fes- ity group in America as well as ance of Dr. Sol Liplzin, leading tival in Moscow, At an exhibit Ion on other continents has outlasted Jewish educator and author, Sun- of '10.H00 pictures hy 2,100 paint- time and defied the ravages of the spatial environment which day evening. ers, his work was awarded the sec- everywhere nibbles away at its ond prize. The Moscow Culture essence, then such a group may Most, Limited Editions Department-purchased two of his Most of the albums of the prints folders containing engravings and well expect 1o carry on its way are In limited editions. They rep- drawings, at a very handsome of life in general ions to come for resent, various media .such as wood- price, Mr. _Knispel recently won a 'that and iO that." Sunday night's speaker will b« culs, sketches, water colors, lilho- the competition for the decoration introduced by Dr. Norman Milof tin? two facades of the new Sao gram, Clinical Psychologist on Paulo Associated Broadcasting Children's Service, at. the NebrasStations in Brazil and has been ka Psychiatric Institute. •ommissioned to carry out the Ifnal IJ'rlfl! U Host work. The Program of U\e Month SeMoshe Tamir, another popular Jerusalem (JTA) A new dcries which is open to the public, parlment in the Ministry of For- artist, has produced some out- is presented by the Jewish Comeign Affairs is now studying the standing colored lithographs. He munity Center in cooperation problem of the Arab boycott is at present painting murals for with co-sponsors,- Belli El Synmagainst Israel and drafting plans the C.'arson-Pirie-Scolt store in Kogue, Beth Israel Synagogua, B'nai li'rilh Lodges and Chapfor counteraction, Prime Minister Chicago. Some thirty- outstanding Israeli ters, Onv,\ha Chapter of HadasDavid lieii-Ciuriun reported to Isartists will be represented in the sah, Temple Israel and the Youngr rael's Parliament. He said the. plan would be pre- exhibit which will he arranged by Adult Council. The B'nai B'ritll sented to the Knesset Foreign Af- Mrs, Nathan Shultcrt and Mrs. groups will he the host organizaP.en Kifkin, representing the B'nai tion on this occasion. Admission fairs and Security Committee. is free. The Prime .Minister opposed a fi'ritli Women's Council. General Zionist motion to have the problem discussed in the Knesset, lie received .majority support on his stand when lie agreed to place the boycott on the agenda, of a closed mceUnK of the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee. In \nistoeB9 Washington (WNS)—The Navy owners who has capitulated to the Arab boy- with Israel on lotico tliut Hioy cott of Israel and in the last two could not cuter a bid. years ils regulations were such as Disclosure of the development to even debar bidding on oil car- was made by the Military Sen go shipping to U.S. ship, owners Transport-Service in a letter anTlie Jewish Community Cen- who had previously -done business nouncing request for oil shipping ter will sponsor Handball with Israel, H was revealed here bids in'January. One of the .route* classes each Sunday afternoon. hy informed sources. was the Suez Canal. Jack Stis.s will, instruct the Hep. Kmanucl Cellei*, New York N;ivy contract* iiilli U.S. Mug classes designed for grade ship* <: « n I :> I n v il cnni'flliition Democrat, announced thai he VJft» school members of the Center. cluiHCH ileil^'oi'il to meet t He (act introducing a bill in the Hous« Those Interested should conof (tin Aral) hoycott iiguinst Js- designed to force tho Navy to ratact the Physical Education rael. Tlift effect of tho.sn stlpula- move clauses that respect the Department, JA VM. Uon» WIIM tu put American sldp Arab blockade.
Works of 30 in Art Display
Israel Drafts • Plans •
Oenfer to Sponsor Handball Glasses
Page Tun
Friday, January 20, l.tilit)
500 Anti-Semitic incidents Published IC\er.v t iid;i> \iy tin -ft:ivisd I'Vtlr Annual Sunv.i ijmon. 54 '.:;;. A-J.xr iT PuDMcctlO.n O'f.'ce--!C) 'Jo VO'th S-irr.ct
• Pa'd ot Omaha, i'-i-i on Apf)t!col'!j , tJ;br.. JAckitfi
Specialized Furnifure end Cabinets Tables Marble Formica I(E 0842
of Omaha. .N. u York (UN'S)—During tin: :-twi-|[ i-'tiitor ' Hire,
Den with
Needlework Guild Contributors
other •Jiimuiry
I it.".!!,
lonists atleinpti.d to raze 111'.' syna;oi;nr in ilie iiavarian town ul Am-
I'liiliHK j be)-
ITJ, IDliO, thftr
I." •lore it )>r<',:m SJII fading 1'roin
i i l l - S c i n i l i e ( l e e i i r i i i i ' e h I n '!1II j a n
ill 'M c o u n t r i e s , a e r o n l i t i ^ aw ay. |»i j to :i survey the World J< Hl-h ConAnolher in mi tie incident. j,'!r^s Institute *>i .fewKh Affair* was reported in J.elirf.!, wliore Stwtt mill ll:i<;!-(iilnitl Hi Mu- Dr. I'tMjnlur J i l l U l i l l i . m r l o r Tlif A e ' . l l » made. In addili>.ni 1o fho-i.' women v. In l».i\lfl Utl.uiv. ihree e<;n.'.( iuelinn workers uer,. contributed previously to th1 Tiiouch thi-.se lijiures aie not arrested l(»- paint in;-: swastikas and Needlework (iiiihl Dri\e, liie fit! iinal an<] do not inelude ineidrnis anti-.Iewish K1OI;.-III «n buildimr lowing contributors ure it ported, j Rabbi Sidney Iiiouks of Tenijile lay, yet unrcpoi led, records reveal walls. Police Laid two of the men Mrnex Norton n AlJiahamsun, Al- I.sruf'J, was out' visitor last v.vi.-k. | that foui' of tlie 'M countries in- had links.with Kasl Germany. fred Brotly, Louis Oanar, Daniel Silver .suiAin.L' places were ' ' " ' I vo]\'(<l, aeeoitnied lor nppro>:iin;UoIn Hamburg.; meanwhile u local Cohen, Henry Cooper. Ccrahl K. natwl by .Mrs, Abe liner in lionor ! ly Ilni'c-Ji:ths nf the jjaees /iffecrcourt imposed n nino-nioutli prison Gross, Morris Hnnddman, Alfred of IIOT husband, Abe Barr. ;ed: West Ct:j niany n"> lo^'.ns; USA, term on a tliir(y-cie;lit.-yt'ar-ol<l Jioiasky, Abrahum Llpsinaii. MilThe Jliktii1 f'lmlim balsinj;' i.'lub |'!4; Italy, 2~; and Great Britain, ton Livingston, Theodore A. New-ejiteitainrd our liunte folk's on i 21. France iollrmcd with 12 towns truck driver for .shouting antiSemitic .slogans. The irnok driver man, Jacob Shapiro, Kny It. Simon, Max A. WesstM'nmn, Victor The Council of Jewish Women jand Sweden with VI. Three Ca- V.HK accused ol publicly -shodtini;: Wpiner and Miss Lena Kolien. held its rei;iil;ii" Alls and Crnlts nadian citieii were ullr-eted, a sim- "ft in j.;ood that the- Jeui.sh (|IH\Sclass tor the home residents liiir. | ilar number In ArRentliiii, Brazil tion is being rolled up ngnin. I .still and Mexico and one each in Chile, have two .shnrp kniies at home." i 1',-i'uk. I The Miller Park Women 7>Iolber Colombin, Ecador, Pananm imcijj Sinjrers presented H program on Urufjufiy. tir. Maurice L. Perlzwei^, World Friday. Jewish Congress director of InYAHIIZKIT Special memorial services will ternal Affairs, said the time hud be held in the Home SynafiOKue come for thp lnterimtionul com-1 during Ilio month of Shebat for munity and Eoveniin'-'lile to re-ex•V -" the the following: Slipbat 2---Jnn- nmine the possibility of using leguaiy SI—Hnbbptifi Krnuuin; She- islative and administrative means bat 2 January 31— Miriam WoiKs- to deal with the problem of inciteBETH El, nian Doiizes; Slmhat 5-Febr. 3— ment. ,'••' Services this evening at Both Moshe Oslicrov.-: .Shebat 7—Febr. . 'El Synagogue will be^in at 8:1.5 5- Al)e (iliis'Sniiin; Shpbnt 10-Jj.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will Kebr. K—-Mrs. Herman Nichols anil deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron j Beisip 7 Shi.'but 11—Febr. New York fWNS)—The Park I. Edgar and the Beth El Synn-1 9 - J a k e Zejdcnborfc; Shebat 14— Avenue Synagogue, target of vanifiogue Choir will render the mu:;l- j Ko),r, 12- Myor Brookstein; She- dalism three weelcs ago, was f;f;uin cal portions, of the .-;ervic<;. i hat 21 Febr. 19 —David Kie.<;al; singled out HUG week by swnstiknSabbath morning services . will j Shelmt 22-Vcbr. 20- R n c h e i boodlums who scrawled a footMONUMENTS •begin at 9:30; Junior (ToiiKi't^fi- Dworsky Moll; .Sheliat 2(5- Febr. Krjiiare swastika on the sidewalk in the Jewish Tradition lion at 10:.'i0 a.m. Tlie Minchn- 1M Fannif Adelschtein and fjlie- near the synagogue. Your oitfcr Miouul he plncctl v.cli advance of "Vahrzcit" to the Wuariv service will bef,'in at B:15hmt 2R—Febr. 20 Joseph Ruliack. Bonn (WNS)—Anti-.Semitlc ar- in vvorJc does not nave to be hurried. p.m. Sunday morning services are Wo ftro known for our oxocting Hobrcw lotto ring and dctell. hold at 9 a.m. Daily services are 1 Y*ou may piaco your cenfidonce and ' p.m. All friends and relative.! oro HVM1K KI'KTKIN" in us knowing each detail sind s Invited to attend services and Funeral services were held TuesBETH ISItAKI. tradition will bo adhered to reception. with uirnoct caro one! sit! 11. day afternoon at the Jewish FuRabbi Benjamin Gioner, Cantor neral Home for Ilymie Epstein, Eh Knf;an and the Beth Israel ABK KINSTI-I.VfiKIt Hero you deal directly with the Th'.> Bar Mitzvah of Abe Kinst- 57, of -iSn'i Cuss Street, who died j •Choir will conduct, the Friday fnmowners . . . We permit nn untimeily services this evening at 8 p.m. linsser, son of Mr. and Mrs. SolMonday nt a local hospital. He was ly solicitation . . . Cull us for Traditional Friday services (Kab- Kinstlinqcr will I)e celebrated ut n resident of Omaha for 35 years. appointment at vour convenience. 'bolas Shnbbos) begin at 5:15 p.m. the Beth Israel Synagogue tonight Surviving are sisters, Mrs. Libby Shabbos niornins services bexin and Saturday mornint', January Nepomnlck, Omaha; Mrs. Ethel 29 and 30. at 8:45 a.m. at 52nd and Charles Slavsky, I<os Angeles, Cal.; brothand at 9 a.m. at 19th and Btirt ers, William, Marry, Sam, nil of Streets. Junior Congregation at DAVID LITT Omaha. 3213-15 " p " St. Fronk Rcnno The Bar Mitzvah oT David I.itt '10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will conduct Burial was in Beth Humedro.sh Open Sunday 2-5 the Talmud Class at <1:-15 p.m. j son of Mr. and "Mrs. Joseph Litt Hagodol Cemetery. Slnco 1D23 •Sabbath Minchn at 5:15 p.m. fol- will take place on Friday and Satlowed by Sholosh S'piidos. and urday morning, January 29th and Israel Synagogue in Council 30tli at Temple Israel. •ftlaariv. Bluffs, la. They arc Charlotte KuSunday morning services begin lmne, daughter of Mrs. Maxine a t 8:45 a.m. followed by breakfast DONALD VOX JCosher Poulfry The Bar Mitzvah of Donald Leibovitz Kahane; Susan Krasne, -and Rabbi's class.in Bible. Sunday and Mr*. Rudy daughter of Mr. and Mrs, I.loyd morning Junior Minyon followed Fifx, so) i of Mr. and Special Discounts Kiasne and Barbara Finkle, . by. breakfast starts at 8:M0 a.m.Fox will' be celebrated ut The Beth daughter of Jvlr. and Mrs. 1-ester for Largo Orders Dnily servircs at 7 a.m. and 5:;'.O! Israel Synagogue Saturday morn- Finkle. •j?.m. • j ing, February 6. AT 4977 1314 No. 24lh The Talmud Discussion group j IXOYI) WOIII-NKU meets every Tuesday, evening at BAItBABA FINKI.E Certified And Approved by Rabbi Mr. and Mra. Norman Wobbler Dr. Loon Thorn, Pretfdont, Ameri<JHAi:i,OTTK KAHANE -'11:30. p.m. announce the Bar Mitzvah of their can Acadomic Rabbi* Association Sl.'SAN' KKASNE S'NAl JACOB ADAS Each of three girls will cele- son, Lloyd, on Saturday morning, o l Now AmoricirfT*, and Rabbi S, brate her Han Mitzvah, Friday, February Oth. at Beth El Syna- Walftln of the Orthodox Rabbit A i jociation of Now York City. . . Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas-1 February 5 at 8:3pT>.m. at Beth gogue. . Vcshuron will begin Friday at *1:45 p.m. and .Saturday morning j . * t 8:30 a.m. with Minchn aV4:47> PASSOVER and INDEPENDENCE DAY Tours to p.m. followed by Slmlosh S'etidos. Daily services ut. 6:30 a.m. and 5 and ELECTRIC p.m. HEAT
Religions Service
ANfi-FREEZE IN A LEAKY RADIATOR IS MONEY'WASTED For Fdit—Dependoblo Guaranfocd Sorvico
SICLA1 RADIATOR Lou Kurwlta, Prop. Downtown 17CQ Cau
Locoflon WE 0200
SAVE TAX DOLLARS ju:u;/\«j: Tll.'IMU-CAlTJAI. liulurlcc f u l l IniUf>nci, llc»ur, tax, 111 e i. nitilnu-ifcanf*. lubrlathon.
' .„,, Pir
the o n l / brand produced and bottled in Famed
Cortifiod Strictly Kos by Robbl Isaac Halovi Herzog, Chief Rabbi of Israel Availablo al Your Local Liquor Storo
Kxduhlve Dlfitrihulors
"220VoftJJosiiepowes' t
Rubbi Sidney H. Brooks will aonduCt Friday services at Temi>)e . .-Israel at 8:15 p.m. His sermon •will be on "Cologne to Omahu"-— •comment on the revival of untiSBemitism, Services, Saturday will Ibe at 11:30 a.m. Rabbi Brooks Will officiate and the Religious XSchool choir will render the musical portions of the services.
Departures from New York:
March 28—S.S. JERUSALEM (All Steamer Tour) March 30—S.S. QUEEN ELIZABETH April 20—S.S. QUEEN MARY Groups Limited to 25 Memberi • * . Somo Spaco Sfllf Avallablo on Low Cost Afr Tourt ."
Departures: Feb. 8, 22, March 7
BOCK TRAVEL AGENCY Mr. and Mrs. Stanley K. Fein-" berg announce ..the birth of a - .daughter, Tari Nannette on January 15 at Clarkson .Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Messniek, Brooklyn, N. Y. jmd Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Fein-
herg; (Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wiseman announce the birth of a son, David Allen, born January 20. They are the parents of another son, Mark Jeffrey. " Grandparents are Mr. iind Mrs. Jsadore Robinson of Des Moines, la., and Mr. mid Mm. Samiiel Wiesma/i.
Suite 424 — Farnam Dldg., Omaha 2, Nebraska LOUIS ELBERT — Co-Owner, Mgr. Telephone JA 5374
WA 5554
4415 CUMIMG Diamond's Famous
Sam Drolick April 15, 1894—Jan. 24, I960 2jritck & Co/e MORTUARY
1'riilay, JIIHilary 2!), JUflO
'J'he nc-,1 sewiion of liridge TouriianK'iii. play at the Jewish Community Center will be held Thursday. February 4 al 8 p, m. | Mr. and Mrs. Ddmar Klein and Mr. and Mr:;. I.i-o Kiscji.stat placed J"ii.-.r .-iiifl .sccoml, n'S])fclivcly, in Ihe play, at Hie ijj)eiiinK mciHing, .Jaimaiy 2\. Tlie ^njiijj im'Hs rvi'i-y set'oiid
pre.iideiit; Ben ttarelirk, first viceCOIIMI1 SliKK ISOAIU) MIOKTINO, FlOIt. 1 president; 1'Javid n. HI'iclier, secThy (.'oi'iihuil'.ir chapter of ond vice-pr<..ideiit; Hen Kaplan, H'nai JS'rith Women will hold n treasurer. Yale iJal|ierin, .••eei-eKiiard iiT'etin;'. February I a! 8:,'1O p.m. at tho I mine of Mrs. tary; Hen Mnrtin, Sol Mai'lin, Marvin O r b e r . f'o-licv-.t(.':;sc.s will|l-f<> Kraft and Sam Kuller, trus bo Mrs, Harold Coodmmi and Mr.*. Hen I! if kin..
BK'I'II ISK.AIJI. SIS'J'KKHOOO XO I1AVK I'ANKI, Dl.SCISSrO.V At the n-KUliir Belli Jsrar-I Sisterhood Jtiiidi'-on mcetim;, Tuestlny, February It, al 12:,'iO p.m., a panel, coiiipo&id of Mines. Sum Stone, Alfred Frank, N. If. tireenlx>rif and I). U. I^-wis, will diuruf-.s Herman Wouli'f: "This Is My flftd," with liabbi Benjamin Groner aelini; as moderator. The 111 It* of the l'-.iok is liasedViu a ijuotalion from the SOMJ; at the Kcd .Sea iKxodus XV, 'It: "This Is My Cod, and J Will (Jlorify Him." Ilcswvalioiis may be made with Mines. Harney (Jrfy, Milton CaelsIn or Hyman I,iii)in;iii. SPONSORS SAIH1ATH A "Know Thy NoiKhbor" firtbliath will be -held al tin- I!r-tli Israel' SynriuoKue, Friday, fVliruai-y 12, nt 8 p.m. Mrs. N. II. Grconbei'ic, chnir.riian; mid Mr«. George Sdiapiro, co-chfitrni'in, are in clian;e of arrangements for 1he .'iponsfJiinj; Slatfi'hood un,'anizati'in. COUSIN'S rM;B Mrs. Alic Kiilvltee will be hostess i'i the Cousin's Club on Wednesday, February .'! at 12:.'!0 p.m., al the lilackslone llot'-l. McmberH who cannot attend lire nskofl to call WA «3fi5. III;TH KI. SISTKIJIIOOI) J1OAI1I) MiNCIIKON Heth KI SislcrhiHiil Hoard will ini'i't for lmiclirori lit 12:30 p.m. mi Tuesday, rY-nrimi-y 2 in Hi'.1 Synai;o}>iie social hall. Rea'uvationx tiro ixfint; taken by Mrs. Morris F.rnian, HI, <M17. WOMEN TO SI'i:AK AT ANNUAL NAIIKATII ••Women . . . in Ho a r c h of Fulfillment." will be the theme of the sennonet.tes to ho delivered by the Mines. Phil Gerelick, Ainu Wolfson and Hose Hollis nt Belli Kl SyiiafjofjiM- nt the nnniinl sisterhood Sabbath to bo conducted by Its members, I'riilay, February 5 at H:15 p.tii. An OIIOK Shabbat will follow the service, A display in the social hall of members' creative handiwork will lie arranged by Mines. -Jack Jacobson and Leon Sthinidnian. limes, % Norman Whitman and Al .Shrler ura over-all chairmen for (ho evening. Mrs, Max l.nsliimjslcy Is In charge of the reception, Participatlm; in the SabHath jinmr'mi are:
ENJOY . . .
"Coilee With Hie Uahbi" will be held at Uilb K\ on Thursday, February 4, al 'J:',iO a. m. in the synnKoKue library. Itabhi Myer Kripke will discuss "I)o We Believe In a Hereafter'."' Mrs. Kdv.Kid Zorinsky will he the hostess, Sitter service will be provided.
For Youth Oonticil Annual Sfag© flit© iMemberr, of the Jewish Youth A new 200-rnniii hold to lie known as tlin Sliiraton-'J'r) Aviv, (Council are ixilishini,' up for their Is <>v|M'<(r<l U< l)(t romly for occupancy by OCIOIHT iinrl Is tlip first 24th annual .Sla,;e Kite, to he held liotul t<> l)i> ojieratcd by (lie Slutratii/i chain outside tlm llniits of Saturday, February 1.1, at H p. m. coullnciitul North America IUKJ Ha^vnll. Slioivn nhovc ut liio SliernRt the Central IHKII school midl- tori-Kniit Hot<!l in New V'orli, ulicrc the contract for tin' new liot<0 toriiim. ill Inrncl Has nigneri lire Sidney Ktiiclilpr, I'resldcnt of tlio Hotel Original skits will be presented CorponiHoii of Israel, owners .of <h<; Nhcrutoii-'l'nl Aviv; Isniel Aioh> i;i!ven groups, Hohert No;;;; and baN^a<lor Avraliaui Ifaruiaii; Irvine Klmbe.rt, .Senior Vice l'r<'.sitl<;ilt Smidrit Bloom, co-chairmen of the of Sheraton Corporation of Ainoi'lca; (standing, 1. to r.) Voliunan nvcut uaid the individuul clubs Helium, Director of the. J»rael (jovcriiinciit Xoiirlsl Office in tlie have written tlie skits, and also United States, and IOniest HcnUerhon .III, Treasurer and Director of prepared costunie.s, .scenery and Hie Sheraton chain. staRe prop;:. 'I\vo awards will he pifsented, one to the j;irls' club and the oilier to n boys' club. The- performance in open to the public. Admission is fifty Centu for htudents and one dollar for adults. Tickets may be-purchased ANYONE? Mr. and. Mrs. Morris Spci'tur from any Youth Council member liavo announced the ciiKaRemetif of or nt the program. their di'iuchlcr, Gail to Mnrvin S. Art Epsfein's Alinimson, son of Mr. ;mr] Mrs. I.ouis Abr;iiMM>n. A party will l)c Kivcn in Fcbnmry lor Miss Spifdor and her fiance by her parents. 38!li and Fornam Cha-Cha, Samba, Hbumba, lieMr Abramson formerly attondKUine are nmoin; the dances being od (hi1 University of Omaha. RE 1112 featurerl In the I.atin-American Dance Class, meetint; eacli MonPaul Muni Performance day from H:.'!0 p. m. to 9:30.p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. at Dundee Wins Praise The ten-lesson course will be exPaul Muni, Academy Award wintended for tho.se who join the ner, returns to the motion picture Kroup now. Miss Carrie Griffiths screen, in tin? portrayal ol Dr. Sam RUG & UPHOLSTERY of O/naha University, is the In- Abclrnan, elilerly Jewish pliysician, CLEANERS structor. The fee Is $10, individual- in.'Tlie iMHt Angry Man" at the RUGS — CARPETING ly or $15 pel1 couple. Dundee Theater. LAMP SHADES A prevlow of the sliow was held for th(i Anti-Defamation l.(;nj;tic FURNITURE recently and won high praise from Cleaned in Your Home! those a"t('nr]in«. T5cl Sayles, tlira-
Party to Honor Engaged Couple
Olass Features Many Latin-American Steps
Oiiairmen Announced
ter manager, reported the preview Committee heads working on the was ono of the finesl ever held at ii'rmi B'rith annual District No. (I the Dundee, despite the bad weathHowlijjj; TotiriK'nnciit. |«. \)c held er. February 5, (5 ;mi! 7 in Omahii, hrivf been annotwiaul by yira. Mnx Jeffrey Cooper, NOII of Mr. Sacks, t&iwral cnnlrman and her co-cliairtnan, AIiucs. Koi'nard Zo- anil AlrH. Nato Cooper wishes to thank all IIIN friends mid relvltz and ilnrold C'ooponnan. atives for tlui many cards of The li,iit of chairmcii includes: (food wishes recelveil diirlnp 'lin Mines. Myron Tarnoff, Ircosurcr; Albert Mffics. Harry vvluodiky, Mormon Pitd, recent Illness. Stanford l.fpsey, J. Horry Kulakofsfcy, Ed- A. Oruth, itcrpfar/, scorlnit nnd tat-ulat-
ward Zorlntky, Oovkf Drodkey, Ronold Ing; Uornard Zcvit^, : Harold Ccapcmian, Brodf'ey/ Lout". BluniMn und //orrlj l-'cl(- PrO'jroni; Irvlnq V/, l orbcs, nilxor, butfet iupper, bonqucf; Earn Grtrrop, Louis A'.hyll, nion, prayflr service. MnMI, Myjnad Dclfnan, Irvlno Chudacof/, froiiMcs, decorations; jjnfe Krofty Loo finrnMorris Fcllrpcin, Hcrnord Golusfrom, Wo< s I tin, JransDorfaflon; Meyer Kaplan, DonLashlnsky, 5(jm Hc-.vniur), Al Sv/urtr, HOT-n/ Goodman, fcom rcuFstrotJoii; Barney man wonlncr, I, 0. /ieyman, Morris Drlck, Hokcrman, Meyer Rubin, noipilollly; MOP Arnold Roscrnan, Alan Wolfion. UorTnan Crewman, nl((r., louvcniri; Abrohani Tcmln, pubilctfy; Wdllman. Al Wlmmcrrnan, Dan Cohen ond banneri, itnni; Leo Abromion, Harry CoIkK, Charles I;Jf,ticf, tjekefs; Sum Paul Ruback, . choir. Garrop, Albtrr A. Oruch, W. I, B C Mme%. Robnrt Wagner, Max ulltncr, Wax scorefceepcrs; Horry V/etnbcrg, Morris Frank, Novak and Lou Lirwu. uihcrclfci. Mrnos. Joo Lipton, cord parly; Abe Gchfoff, Ralph f-'ooa, ^aul Graefr and Harry Tcren- lln, stag*? fnanaycr, and Eutjcne Draum, Hoto aleln, i>ri-^idlno at OJWJ ShaUuol, Koitlon, Boy l£f)ilcln, Car| Lcflman, Phil AAembcrfl v/ric.o han4cratl v/lll be en (Jli- KuHer, ilnjje cr<r//. play urnr Mnicj. Wycr 5. Krlpke, Donald Tlioio ujilstlno the criolrnitn arc: Mrncs. Horcar, Max Ditlncr, Wela Simon, M. F. Kaoan, Mnrold Garber, Lou Shrler, Gary Ralph Cooper, Ben Mulnlck, Latc-r Slnoer, Grots, Leo W(i*enberg, Abo Markcvlt;, Kut>cn Lfppctt, Soi'i Davis, Ralph Blnlamow, Henry Grrcnbcru, r/.cycr Deber, I, V/. ficd Givcntcr, Norman Wine, John D. i?ostnt>lalt, Harold CoOpcrrnan, Htirry Wen- Coopcr( Paul Sucki, Dorney Kaufman, Dati deljon, Don Mtller, Nathan rloog, John A. Gordman, Harry Slref, Murray Harden, Will filoom, Max Frank, Normori Abrohamsan, FoflHir and Jerome Conn. SeUvyn Roffman, Leo Toul), Irvlnn V/ohlner, Mtifon Loss, Herbert Pmsman, Jack Belmonf. Al DOVIB, Yafo Halrwrln, SeyINIH;I'KNDI:NT mour Abrams, Abe Sf'rago, Walter Green A N M I A I , LOAN' MKKTTEII. 7 bora. Bill Abrottomt, John Quif.n, Leonard Stanley Ross, Georoo Cohn, Abe The annual stocklmlder's meet- Levin, PollkoV, Gordon f-\cv/lit, Faye Smith, Julian Nalhan, Monny Simon, David Chom^y, Note Ini; and election of officers of the Cooper, Harold Fox, Julius Pern.itelnr t/orIndependent Workmen'.*) I.nan A.i- iiian Rosen, Alfred Kolosky, Arthur Jacobir>n, Dan Cohen, Allan Welnifeln, Jay Stoler, EOCiation will he held .Sunday, Stan Feftmon, Leonard Klein, and Byron February 7, at the f.'oiiKrcjation RainJcK,
of Israel SynaKoj'uo, 25 ond J on and all social evontH BtreelH nt .'1:00 p.m. All members will ho held at iha SJhfratoij-Fonnre urf'crf to attend. Hcfrpshmonls toncllc Hotel. will he .served following the meetinK.
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Friday, January 29, ](HiO
8'nai B'rifh Safely Haifa Firm +o Award to Oov. Brooks
Sue Renault
Mr. Riid Mr*. Ben Martin wish to thank all their dear friends and relative* for Hit) eurds, flowern, gifts, and COIIIriff uf IOIIH limdo to dlffiu'ent oi-gani/utloni fur Mr. IMurllu'* ree'ent riM'overy /I'OIII nurgery.
Governor Rnliili G. Brooks reParis (JTA)—The Paris newsceived the first annual H'nai B'rith Oy.Si-lt chick Award for Leadership in Safety, pnper Le Monde reported (hat the VAKSITY u;.u;i r: Thursday uflei'iioou at the annual Kaiser-Frazer company of Haifa Defending c h a m p i o n Paul membership 'meeting of the Oma- had started suit against Regie JrHla ppened up a two game.-, lead aini I Richinan-GordriKui Renault, the partly Governmentha Safety Council at the Shera- owned French auto firm, for Robinsons lost their first s u n " in I four starts as Varsity league play Slosburg lun-lwmteuelle JloU'i. $1,81)0,000 for breach of contract. 0 Completed their seventh week of Playland Park William Stone, president of NeThe French firm canceled a conTil .V: Bill (ilSADK l.KAIil I. action, Gereliek's continue to be ti i braska Lodge, made the presen- tract for assembly of its small ears In the opening game last. .Wedtation. He cited Governor Brooks at the Haifa plant last October. nesday, Lusty s came Iroui behind major power in the Mid>;et league, for his "initiative and leadership Kaiser-Frazer officials in Israel to dump IJohiiKon ,".!i-:!L', alter i.a'rt Sunday they romped to their j in selling up a statewide Traffic charged that Renault had bowed third straight win with a 'l'J-11 trailing most ol tin- game. .Safely (.'oininfitcfl and for permargin over I-Go-Van. iiaiiiiy to Arab boycott pressure, which The second garni- saw the .sea- Kri'-dman and Dan Katsltee with sonally leading a safety crusade officials of the company denied, . pon's highest scoring garni: as IS and 14 points .espoetively led that cut Nebraska's death toll and threatened a damage suit. for 19.-)!'»." Pauls outsliot Uelgi-adi-s Si 1-70. Al- the winners. Talks were held between Kaisrerlen Konecky with 'Si point* and Stone said the award, given In Fra/er and Renault officials pointPhilips remained in the running Ray Kirke with '2U I'd the winon the s!r.i!:;th of a -32-li7 \ictory the form of « plaque, will In; made ing toward a possibility of some ners. Ed Belgrade tallied :;l points over Kantian*. Hill Ginsburg each year to the person contributkind of a sell lenient and tlie Haifor the losers and kept, his ti.-am in jiuinpril in 2,'i points and had jilen- j ing the inosl to .safely pnijjrams. fa firm indicated II had dropped at the game with his fine abounding. tvol help Ironi Jiob Gould with 17. least temporarily plans for a suit. Standings the Konald Nicltlaus scored 15 for \V. I.. Change Announced in Pauls . .. •"' - losers. 7th and Bill Orade Standing* BIGGEST HIV Robinson , ' •"-•' 4 [Telephone Mumbets HOW BY MAIl Belgrade . . . . ' ,'i 4 The population ot Israel .stood i All telephone subscribers In Geiciiek ','• 0 Liistys -. 'A 4 Philips 2 1 at tin:- figuie of 2,()Hii, 100 at the Omaha, Papillion and .Millard will yol'TH COINCIK LEAGLK I-GO-Van , 1 2 end of Jii.V.t, an increase ol 57,013 receive a letter which provides in'A FABULOUS and ENCHANTING PLAY!" .AZA 1000, won their eighth lCahnan — *lt,nmi>, TIMS 0 3 over l'J5N. " formation about the change to sev' jBtraight and clinched at least a tie SHOTS IN Tin; DAKK Of the total'population, l.HjO.OOf) en digit telephone numbers next PADDY CHAYEFSKY'a Nl!v HIT ior the- league championship by AZA lO'ii.l, threw a surjiri.ve par- weir- Jews. The report was re- .September, according to ,T. A. Mae"romping past AZA 1. SI-10. Dan- ty for Mike Kadof.sky, who left Ii-asi.il by the Central Bureau of Allislcr, Northwestern Hell \Jia;hy:Holli.s and Jiislin Ran with 22 for Lexington, Mo., last Sunday .Statistic;; of Israel. diet Manager. and 38 points respectively led the . . . Th? Jewish Community Oeii/Winners. Bob Ginsbmg with 18 jlervvill field a mflljidl team in the v.wui ii TYRONE GUTHRIE COUNKKSTONK I'Of! li'XAI Was high for the losers. . 3 tJJ. in & !•)(.' E,|f, il.'.x %,'tS, 4 ?',' 1 )!')! I Omaha Soitball Association this It'lCI'J'II NTltrCTUKR 3 M, 3<>'J. Wrl, S :,t\ F.*i!i. J4 T.a, 4 v>, . •The magic number for the 1000 summer . . . Iucidcntlv, the O.SA 3 >). 3 C-J, 7 '.'J i ! J « | " i : . [ M , s t ! ( » { i ! i - J I.letitenaiif IClrhard >I. Fclhuan 'J'el Aviv (WNS)—tiround was boy$ is one and a victory over has returned from service with the broken here for an eight-slory BOOTH TiiE/lTfiEf45 st.w.of Bw»..H.V.3a United .States Army at Fort Kiley, ICnaiU'rith building. Kans,, and is now associated with . . . An Individual race for scoring , R^yim hung in contention for second i)!ace with a surprisingly honors in the Youth Council league the law firm ol Marks, Clare, HopOmcha B'ncti B'rith Women Oowicrs •rough victory over AZA 100, 5G-3'!. Is shaping up between Frank Gold- kins * I'.auth, in the general pracThe over improving 100 boys with berg and P.anny Hollis as the tice of law, Will Prosont Thoir Promiero Showing of an all sophomore lineup ran out league goes into the home stretch. Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Milder <jf ste;-.m in the linal quarter. Jeff Goldberg has 122 points and HolWohlner led the winners with 18 lis has 120. Ray Kirke is running are back from the liahamas where aiid Dick Zevitz hung up Vi for a\vay"in scoring honors in the Var- their party had chartered a boat sity league with ]?,T points. Jack for u t-,vo week's criii.se. the losers. Stiss is one of the better .-handball Thursday—February 4, 1960—8:30 P.M. • y o u ' l l Council League Mr, niid Mrs. Siini (ieifmaii have W. I.. grade school members of (he Jay last .Sunday and hud !•) pupils . . . just returned from a three-week SHERATON-FONTENELLE AZA 1000 B 0 Stis .sis one of the better handball stay in I,os Angeles, Cal., where AA1 i 1 performers in tlie Midwest area, (hey visited their son-in-law and HOTEL BALLROOM Rayim 4 4 ; having participated in major lour- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Root. AZA 100 0 8 I nevs. For Reservations Call: While in California they celebrat5TH & 0T1I OKAnii LIOACJI.'K ed their fortieth wedding anniverGERTIE ZEVITZ — WA 9718 Richman-Gordman scored seven sary. MERRIAM COOPERMAH — GL 8072 points in the final 00 seconds to Bawling Tournament Program Co-Chalrmon tie Sloslmrg at the end of the reg.Mrs. A. II, liriidki'V was one of ulation game and then went on to Dir»ctor — Elalna Jabanli Script. Writeri 12 women presented' awards for win 19-17 in an overtime period. Uort nonder and Iteub'Ti LipChoroographor —Both Gaync* Maxlno Sloan —Ruth Klein Lee Koss with nine points led tiie pet t have beon named co-chairmen outstanding volunteer service by winners. Ben Shaiton was high for of the sixth annual Past Presi- the Visiting Nurse1 Association at Donation (1.00 tlie losers with eight. dent's Slag .of Henry Mons] \ its annual meeting . . In the second game Tret inks I^idge of H'nai B'rith, Ixm Ji s, won their third straight with a President., announced. , 23-14 win over Playland Park. The program, only fund raisins Bonnie Wolpa was the game's affair of the year for the.' lodgi s WA'3595 service fund, will be held Fcbrtmi} 25 at Highland Country Club. Lip50TH, DODGE pet t is a past, president of the roup and Render is a former Du- | PAIJfiHTKP.S OF- TOICAII ufiue. (fa.) lodge head. A goal of I TO MKKT SUNDAY ... .'DaiiKhters of the Torah, seventh •180 tickets at S25 a plate has hi ui | grade Young Judaean group, will set. for the-I960 dinner, Itendei meet Sunday, January 31, at the said. • Jewish Community Center, I room .IKVVISII AGIOXC'V MOVKS 21) nt 2:,'!0 p. m. New York (WN.Si— The Jeui h B O I J A X U E ' S i i j T t i u ; I;VI;.VTS Agency has moved from its bra\ n,. Future events on the calendar stone headquai'ters at East GOtli r of Hohanue BlilJ include a Daddy- Street to new quarters . at 51> Daughter Dinner Dance in.Fob- Park Avenue. . ruary, a Slave Auction in March, • a visit to Glemvood State Hospital and the annual lieau Dance. leading point producer v.iili 12 Slh and Bill tirade Standings W.
Up 57,013 in
^ ' B PJ >
tenth man '§<
Omahans in News
Rendsr, Lippefl-Named Oo-Oliairnisn of Dinner
AZA NO. 100 ASSISTS IN COMSIIINITY SKltVlt'K • Communily Service (.'hairnian, Irvin Karl of AZA No. 100 announced his group would participate in the community effort to aid the James Aladdox family. whose home was swept1 by a disastrous fire. The organization will . help to collect ciothin;; and canned goods on Sunday. January .'il. -Those wishing to work with Ihu boys may contact the chairman at RK 2347 or bring their contributions to the home of Karl Leufshultz at 212 Paxlon Court.
Formsr Gmafian, WHs Give A former Omahan and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Uolker of Beverly Hills, Calif., have established scholarships at the University of California, Los Angeles. Arrangements are being completed for a 55,500 competition Scholarship for "low cost" home design and for a .$•1,000 scholarship to aid a medical student in need o;' financial help. Bolker, a California builder, i:a brother of Mrs. Howard Milder.
s Ktag Lsuded For Elefugea Stand
New York (JTA)— L e a d i n g American newspapers this w n k lauded King Hussein of Jordan foi a statement made by him in Amman criticizing Arab leaders for "using Palestine Arah refugees as pawns for selfish political purposes." Tlie ruler of Jordan accused rulers of other Arab countries of approaching the Palestine refugee problem in "an irresponsible, ridiculous and even criminal" manner. Terming the statement of the young King "courageous," The New York Times said mlitori.dlj that, the first condition for any solution of the Arab refugees pjoblem is Arab recognition that Isiael is thero to stay. "But even then," the editorial emphasizes,"- it will take concessions from both the Arabs and the Israelis to solve the refugee, problem." The New York Herald-Tribune said in an editorial that "King Hussein's courageous statement ndicatcs that Arab unity upon-flip mportant issue of the Palestine .-efugecs is neither as solid noi as myiWding as it is often made out. to bo." .
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