I'ulilislipd every l'rlcluy, 101 No. With OmuMii, Nebraska. I'iumc JA l.'lMi
Vol. XXXVIII— No. 31
Interesting Schedule Planned--
I Renault Auto
Brazilian Leader to Vis.*, r S a , e s D e d i n e — Senior Citizen's Lc „ **r~ lew,t overYork,theCJTAl .surrender of the
"<. lUliU
Second Class 1'ust.uee Paid at Omalm. New.
Single jpy 10 Cents Annual {ate 4 Dollars
U.N. Takes First Steps To Fight Anti-Semitism Approves Resolution
Mia. Su.sanua Frank. Dia/i|iaii JIIHI.MI :I Nations, ,V V., (JTA)— directed and a threat to the h o Her fide .„..! on Tuesday, Feb- Renault automotive concern to leader und guest of the Omaha niary it, will include observing the the Arab boycott of Israel was For the first time ill the history man rights und fundamental free•if tlie lulled IViitloiis, steps were doms of all peoples." Section of the Council of Jewish blind oliikli en's lour ot Joslyn Me- indicated by members of the auto"It is the responsibility of th9 Women, will initiute a packed two- morial in the morning and Temple mobile industry here as a reason tulieii to establish the principle |tli»t untl-Semltie niuiilfcwtutioim ivivlt schedule In Omaha b.v at- Isrncl Sislerhnoil meeting in the for a marked decline in the sale are u violation of the I'.V charter United Nations, representing tha internalional community, to speak tending the Monday session of the afternoon. The lest of the week of the French automobile m the anil therefore u problem witli out against anti-Jewish manifeswill be devoted to a visit at tlie which the International agency Senior Citizen's lounge in the ChiWheji's Hospital, coufeiencu United States since Renault cantations, to ascertain the underlymust deal. Jewish Community Center. ing facts and causes, and to rewith Mrs. Brigadier Paul Iiobb, celed its dealing with Israel. The 11-nation subcommisslon on commend the most effective measSalvation Airny. Vinlon CommunCoiifcrrnee With I'mil Veret The fall in the sale of the pop-Prevention of Discrimination and ures which can be taken against Later in the day, Mrs. Frank, ity service meeting. Council Board ulur Renault car here was most who is a hoard member of both meet ing and a parly at the Ne- marked in view of the continued Protection of Minorities unani- them," the resolution stated. the Brazilian alfiliute ol the In- braska Psychiatric Hospital spon- increase in sales of the American mously approved a strongly-word- The measure next will be placed ed resolution which spotlighted before tlie Subeommission's parternational Council of Jewish sored by Council volunteers. the recent worldwide outburst of ent body — the UN Commission Women and the Federation of Jew. The visitor will be guest speak- market registered by other for- anti-Semitic smearings as being on Human Rights — which will ish Agencies, in Sao Paulo, will er at the Council's annual Over- eign cars and the heavy, intensi- "reminiscent of the outrages com- open its next session at Geneva on confer with I'util Verel. Director seas Luncheon, Tuesday, February fied sales and promotion campaign mitted by the Nazis prior to and Of tlie Jewish Federation. 1G at I he .Jewish Community Cen- embarked upon by Regie Renault during the Second World War." February 28. here. In September, Renault sold ter. She "ill also observe Council'.'. Mrs. Frank is interested in \\n\s In wli'ch she can help in the Mir- j pioiliams at the Omaha Hearing 9,W)0 cars in the United States. Such manifestations were dether development within the Jew-School, their ciatt program at the The total decreased progressively fined in the resolution as "violaish Community of .Sao Paulo after •Home, for the Agod and the Well to 7,00'i. for the munlh ol Decem- tions of principles embodied in the Charier of the United Nations observing the Omaha section's ad- liaby Clinic. She will also attend ber and in the University Declaration ministration and programs, tlio city-wide meetings- of the United ol Human Rights," as well as a Israel—The United Nations ArJewish Federation and otlici local j Community SI-I vires and the V'olviolation of "the human rights of mistice Commission ordered Syservices. |unteer liureau. the groups against which they are rian soldiers out ol a demilitarized zone, tlie scene ol Arab-Israeli clashes for tlie past week. The Israelis did not return fira when Syrian forces raked Israeli A Kilt to tlie n"« Hadas-,ah-IIeterritory with artillery, morta? hievi University M.'dical Center Municipal Judge Donald Brod- and machine gun fire. There were ne.ir Jerusalem lias been made by Mrs. Paul Gallagher, prominent Holds M;m.\ Offlc.-t key. pi eminent Omaha jurist, in community leader, will he awardMi i Galbrjii'i i-> a member of Allied A\ehod, retired Omaha the practice ot law for almost a no casualties. The demand for tlie Syrians' de-. ed the V.W.i B'mii li'rlth Cili/eii- the Hoys 'J'own I''ouudation Fund businessmen, in memory ot his quartet of a century, liled his canfiliiji Citation Auard it «ni an- committee, a trustee ol the Unit- wile, Itutli, who dii-d in Jerusalem didacy for one ot the seven Dis- parturo was made, by the truce liOtinred by Mrs Heih'-it M'Mrhes ed C'oininiinity Service, and cliar- on November l'i while on a tour trict Court vacancies, and took team which ruled that Syria had B'nai H'rith Civic Affair chairman tir member and second vice-piesi- ot Israel. oath before Election Commission- illegally taken up positions insida the Israeli part of the demilitarlor the Omaha Council. dent ol the Junior League, member The gift will include the furnish- er, Sam Cooper. ized ?one. Syria is part of PresiAiimiul Award ol Allrusa Club. Bronson Circle ing of a room for two patients in Judge Brodkey, 50, of 1001 S. dent Nasser's United Arab Kothe deep therapy department of The citation is awarded annual- and Deanery Study Club. 5:5th. Sticet, lias served one full ly in observance ol Brotherhood She served two years as chair- radial treatment in the institution. term as Municipal Judge. Hi- waspublic month, by the Ji'nai H'rith Women man of the Women's Division UnitMrs. Axehod came to the Unit- elected presiding judge of that Of Om.ilia, to a woman in recog- ed War and Community Fund ed States fiom Poland as a young court in January, l%0. nition of her ontMaiidiug service Campaign, vw<s fo-chaiiman ot girl She was trained as a nurse On Federation Itoiird in community ailan.s anil in the I evidential (in i.sion ol Chest drive in Chicago and spent several years He is a member of the Board of field ol human relations and president ol the Omaha City in Hndassah hospitals in Palestine. Governors of the Jewish FederaPaul Veret, Executive Director Among those who have received Impiovcment Council six years-. She was a membei of Hadassah, Divaids in the past are, Mrs. Alex- She received jecognilion for her Mi/rachi, B'nai B'nth, Temple Is- tion, has served on the Anti-Defa- of the Jewish Federation, will participate in a panel presentation ander McKie, Jr.; Miss Theresa work as chairman of Parks, Play- rael Sisterhood ami Brandeis Unidiscussing "Retirement Problems Clark, JIis Alice Wilson and Mi.s. grounds and Itecroation Division versity Women. A son, Dr. Ephot the Aged," Sunday. February J, Hairy Kidakofsky, last year's by ha vine; (he name of King Park Tnim Axelrod is an interne at 7, at 12:.'!0 p. m. over s t a t i o n recipient, u ho, will make the pre-changed to Rachel K. Gallagher Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn, KMTV. senui t ion at a 12 o'clock luncheon, Park. N Y. The Axclrods came to OmuThe show, sponsored by the Thursday, February 2.">, at the She lias been on the hoards of h.i a few years alter their marriage Omaha Douglas County Medical Sheiaton-Fouteiiflle Hotel. (Continued on Page 3.) in New Yorlc. S o c i e t y and Blue Cross-Blue Shield, is part of a series on "Your Doctor and You."
Syria Told— Leave Zone
Mrs. Paul Gallagher To Get B'nai B'rith Award
Alfred Axelrod Gives Israel Hospital Gift In Memory of Wife Judge Brodkey Files
For District Court
Paul Veret to Appear In KMTV Panel Sun.
A Visit From an Israeli Actress
200 Expected for Mn-> Haya Harareet, famous Is- tions tossed at her, she spoke of she believed was ri^ht. raeli actress, revealed a spark- her career and how she happen to After she won special mention Temple Institute ing and warm personalty as she become "Ksther," the feminine for her performance in "Hill 24 The 122nd annual Institute on told Omahans about herself in an starring role in the film of "Hen Doesn't Answer," she vvas asked Judaism for Christian Clergymen informal chat at a reception given HUr" to be shown at the Cooper by a French film director to play will be held at Temple Israel, Friiii her honor at the Jewish Com-Theater soon. It was at the film in his "Judas." After signing the festival at Cannes, France, when contract and studying the role, day, February 12. More than 200 munity Center. she met the director who she felt Miss Harareet on reading the ministers and clergymen of all Huiv She IJieuino "KMIIUT" might ha vo been xuffled by her whole script, felt it had antifaiths are expected to attend, RabJudge. Donald BrodUey conversation of the moment. HowSemitic overtones and reproached In response to the many quesbi Sidney H. Brooks, announced. ever, he remembered Haya when the director. . He said the play riiation and Camp Jay-C-C Com- The guest lecturer will be Rablooking for an "Esther" and sent was approved by the Chief Rabbi mittees. Judge Brodkey is a past bi Dudley Weinberg of Temple »for her a year later to make a of France. A copy of t h e play president ot Henry Monsky Lodge Emanuel in Milwaukee, Wis., who test. which Miss 'Harareet sent to the B'nai B'rith: former trustee of will speak on "The Theological She said tlie most tense mo- Rabbi, wus the first he had seen Temple Israel and of the Goodwill Basis of Human Rights." ment of her movie career was her of it, he told her, The actress re- Industries. He is active in P-TA The Temple sisterhood under tlio first day on the "Ben Hur" setfused the part. and Boy Scouts, and other civic direction of Mrs. Julia Jacobs, will Airmail-Tiberias when she felt everyone watching Notices appeared in the French enterprises. be host at a luncheon for the visitpress that she had been sacked her. ing clergymen. An afternoon sesHojiorarles "I felt like everyone was wait- owing to differences between her Judge Brodkey, a graduate of sion will follow. Rabbi Weinberg, wjll bo guest ing to see if I was Worthy of the and other members of the cast. tlie University of Iown, holds a Kept Her Uivii Nuniii role nnd if I would lx> able to Bachelor of Arts degree (liWli, preacher at Sabbath services, FriOn • another occasion, she was make it," the beautiful young star and a Juris Doctor degree In Law day evening. confided. "But they were all won- pressed by Holly wood to change (19.'W. He was elected to Phi Beta her name as i;j often customary derful " among actresses. She insisted on Kappa, National Honorary SoAdmired Art Kxldhit A scene from Tiberias, tlie ecokeeping her H e b r e w name of ciety; Order of the Coif, National Legal Scholastic Society; Order of Hayu Harareet talked about life which she is very proud. nomic center and metropolis of Lower Galilee, is illustrated on the in Israel and how people were Miss Harareet who was the Artus, National Scholastic Ecoabove third stamp in the new sethungry for art as she admired tlie guest of the Jewish Federation at nomics Society; and is a member A film showing Helen Keller in of Airmail Stamps announced by exhibit of reproductions of worlcs tlie reception, Tuesday evening, of Phi •Epsilon Pi fraternity. Dur- her struggle to rise above her hanof Israeli artists which lined the plans to return to Israel in March ing his law school years, he was dicaps, and a second movie on_Abtlie Israel Ministry of Posts. Center auditorium walls. for u visit with her family. She on the editorial staff of the Iowa raham Lincoln in connect ion "with Tiberias Is where the Mishnah "Wo are erecting b u i l d i n g s was introduced to the gathering Law Review. He was president of his-February 32 birthday annivernnd Monorah were edited and In which we hope to fill with art by Harry T r u s t i n, Federation the Omaha Chapter of Phi Beta sary will be presented on YOung early centuries attracted many Adult Night, Tuesday, February Kappa for three years. treasures," she declared. president. pilgrims and scholars as one of 9 nt. the Jewish Community CenHe is married to the former Mrs. Mike Freeman, president The friendly Israeli Sabra laudthe four Holy Cities. ; Gertrude P.olhl:op, also a-lawyer. ter, a I. 7:.".O p. m. of the Federation of Jewish Womed Americans for their forthright Tiherlns is also famous for its manner, a Rtrong characteristic in en's Clubs, vvas in charge of re- They have three children: Bruce, The program will be followed by healing hot springs. a .social hour. her own make-up, as two episodes ception arrangements and was as-14; Amy, JO; Frank, li. This slump may be obtained at about her depict. sisted by Mmes. Arthur Abrams, Municipal Judges Frank Nimitz Tin' group will meet also on the Jewish Community Center Li- In both Instances, even in the Louis Cutler and Arthur Rubin. and James O'Brien liled for the .Sunday, February 7 at '1 p. m. to brary, Room 2'X face of possible harm to her ca-Mrs, Harry Trustin nnd Mrs. Mil- district bunch posts at the same discuss plans for an election on Sunday afternoon, February 28. time as Judge Brodkey. reer, ulio stood firm in doing what ton Abrahams poured.
Stamp Corner
Young Adults to See Films, Tuesday Night
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Page Two
Friday, February 6, JSfiO
Building Opened for
PublisheU Every Friday by tho Jewish Federation of Omaha.
Second Clcss PcJar-.n Paid ot Oincho, Ncbr. Annuol Subscription, J4.00. Advertising Roles on Applicollon. Pubiicotlon Office—101 (Jo. 20lh Sired, Omcho, Nebr.. JAckscn Ut*.
Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged Solar Energy Sftidy (The Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Aged acknowledges the following memorials and donations.)
Editor Donor
In Memory of
IM. und Mrs, Puul V<rtl
'insllierhood' fo Be Theme of Two Oroup ieefings Tuesday
TE.MI'UO ISJEAIX Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will offciHte Jit Sablji'ilh .services, Friday at 8:15 p. in. at Temple Israel. Immediately following services, Rabbi Hioolts will continue the Sabbath discussion series on The Decisions of Judaism of The Values »>f Life." Tonight's topic will be "To Accept or Resist Evil." Ke/reshmejits will be served. Shalibas morning services will ta>Kin at I1:.'il) a. m. with Rabbi Brooks olficiaiinj;. The Helicons School Choir, under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin, will sinj; the musical portion of the Service. BKTH KL Service's at Heth El .SynaKORue will beKin this evening, at 8:35. The .senict" will be conducted by Rabbi Kripkc, Cantor Edgar and the Deth El Sisterhood Choral Group. Members of the Sisterhood hoard will participate in the service, and will present brief talks on "Jewish Self F u l f i l l m e n t Through .Sisterhood." An Oneg Shabbnl, at. which creative works «f Sisterhood members will be on display, will lollow the service. .Sabbath morning service will tegin at !!:.'!(). The Junior Congregation Service, at ]0:.'!0. Sunday morning services will begin at 0 u. m. in the Chapel, led toy Rabbi Kripke, followed by breakfast and discussion.
Mr. und ,Mrj. TriiCjl IJonp Mr. onU A',rb. Louis Ktjlul<ch/ Mr. cjnj Mrs. Reuben [3ro,vn Mr. ond Mrs. ifdrry Fiochmuii Mr. Davici Orto// A\rs. Lecnurd Klein Mr. und Mr*.. Nolhtin Ucag '/,rs. Anne Hips
Mr5. Ulllim Herman. Mrs. Clora risk, Mrs. Ltno Rounbloom, Loiorus Cfiupman ...Louis Simon, David B. Epstein, Lazarus Ctiapman Mr*. Clcra Fiik, Louis Simon, Ln/urus Chtipmon, Mrs. Bertha Harris, David D Epstein Mrs, Mollle Koplcjn, !,ol Mindell , Sol Mindell Mrs. Hslher Rosentljcl .David B. fip s | e i n Lazciru;, Chapman , Mrs. Eva Weiss
Brotherhood will be the theme Donor In Honor of of two Synagogue Sisterhood 'T. and Mrs. Ernes! Nctjg • Recovery of Mrs. Henry GrobOiS recovery of Mri. Morris Rosrnslein nicoiings, Tuesday, February 9— Mrs. Ben Handier ",lcte recovery of Mr*,. Jocob Goodblndcr at Tem[)!e Israel and Beth Kl. j Mr. and Mrs (;rnejt Hotiy Recovery r,f Mrs. Henry Grobol Bor Mlt;vcJli of Donold Lilt Members an' niviied Wi bring th''ir 'Mrs. Leonard Kit in .....' friends and neighbors to the gathSynagogue Contributions erings. Rlcliurcl HoLeimor), Mrs. Rc.e Ffrcr, 5om Fisli, Louis Kaplan, Nofnsan Korne/, Borll Korncy, Lcuis Fruicn. Miss Beverly .Shepnrdson of Special Contributions Ansley, .Vtljr,, who spent four months on Israeli agricultural setDr. A. A. Sleinocrn, ,V,r. Harold Garlxr, Mr. Ben I. Seldin tlements, will .speak at the 1 p. m. Temi)le Israel luncheon at the Temple. Luncheon chairmen are Mines. All friends and relatives ore Max Wolfson and Harold Knsin. ICirliiird A. IOiiihtiin, vice-pre-,i Invited to attend services and Mines. Bernard Altsuler and Mau- dent of ,1. L. Brandeis & Sons, reception. rice Arfsty are in charge of table Inc., has been elected president of setting. Keserval ions may be made the Omaha Better Business Bu- DONALD FOX with Mines. Joseph Goldware, UK reau. Tlic Har Mitzvah of Donald l-'ox, T.'Ar>; John Tollc, CA OoBO or TemHerman Goldstein, of Goldstein son of Mr. mid Mrs, Rudy Fox will ple office, RE 61536. A board meet& Chapmans. has been re-elected he. crlebrated Salurdny moiiiinj,', ing will be held at 10:30 a. ill. Fcbinaiy 6 at Hrlh Israel SynnBrotherhood will also highlight president of the Associated Rethe ]2:30 p. m. Sisterhood luncheon tailors. Among those newly electmeeting at Beth Kl. Elaine Jalvnis, ed to organization posts were Iler- LLOVI) WOHLMOlt recently starred in an Omaha IIIIII I'Viednuin, executive viceLloyd Wolilncr, .son of Ml1, arid Community Playhouse production, president of Union Outfitting Mrs. Norman VVohlncr, will obwill present an original humorous Company, vice president, and serve his HarMilzvah on .Saturday monologue, "The. Magnificent Se- Henry (ireenberg, Philip's Departi : , Fcbriiiiry U, at Beth Kl ment Store executive, member of cret," the Ijoard of directors. Another feature will be a musical program by the .Sisterhood Sheldon .1. Harris has been namPati'onize Our Advertisers choir under the direction of Cantor ed to the executive council of the Aaron Edgar. Omaha Bar Association, Principals and I'-TA presidents Mr. iincl .Mrs. Li-onurd I'inU'.Myron Milder, president of the ovil/. UIKII to thanli all Iliclr of six Omaha grade schools and members of the First Central Con- Nebraska Junior .Chamber of fricnils mill relatives for (lie gregational Church will bo the Commerce, has been invited to at- many ailts, flowers and cards tend President Eisenhower's conreceived by Mr. I'inliovllz and guests of the sisterhood. Circles 56, 17 and IS are in ference on occupational safely, Tor IIio ronlrilditioiiM miiili- In March 1-3 In Washington. his imiiif, ilurini; Ills recent charge of luncheon arrangements under chairmen Mcsdame.s Harold Mrn. Siira Siisman, wife of Dr. convalescence l» the hospital Korl, Hiiben Marcus, Ben Minkin, H. S. Susnian, has graduated as a following mi operation. Abe Marcus, Sam Davis and David technician from St. Joseph HospiManvitz. Mrs. Harry Lincoln is in tal's School of X-ray. charge of table decorations. Leonard I'lnkuvitx is at home ANTI-FREEZE after five weeks in a local hospiIN A LEAKY RADIATOR tal following surgery. IS MONEY WASTED .SAM DKOMCK Servic<."s for .Sam Diolick, 615 of AltARS KAN MOKK For Fast—Dependable MOV1K STAItS Lincoln, who died January 25, I^ndon (JTA) — The United Guaranteed Service were held at Fitch & Cole Memorial Chapel, January 2H He was Arab Republic has issued (in order banning films in which either Enra native of Council Bluffs. Surviving are brother, Jules; tha Kitt or Kduiird G. Hobiiison sister, Mrs. Harry Nystrom; niece, appear. Lou Hurwifj, Prop. Mrs. Earl Siege), all of Omaha and Downtown Location nephew, James Burroughs, Alex170S Cass WE 0200 andria, Va. Burial was in Oak Hill Cemetery, Council Bluffs.
Omahans in News
BKTH ISK.4KI, Rabbi Benjamin Groner. Cantor Eli Kagnn and the Beth Israel Choir will conduct family services Friday at. 8 p. m. Traditional Friday services (Kabolas Shabfcos) begin at 5:30 p. m. Shabbos morning services begin at 8:45 a. in. a t 52nd-and Charles Streets and at !l a. in. at li)lh and Bnrt Streets. Junior Congregation jit 10 u. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud Class at 5 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at. 5:30 p. m. followed by Sholosh S'oudos and Maori v. Sunday morning services begin 3IKS. Itl'TII LKII1OV3CI UIACli at 8:45 a. m. followed by breakfast Funeral services wore held Sun- 'A FABULOUS and ENCHANTING PLAY!" mid Rabbi's class in Bible. Sun- day in Des Moines, la., for Mrs. —UttlflHfl, 1IMES 5AINT SUE8[R i ARTHUR CAMC* F f m ^ t day morning Junior Minyon fol- Ruth Leibovici Click, 47, of Des PADDY CHAYEFSKY'a NtW HIT lowed by breakfast starts at 8:30 Moines, a former Omahan, who a. m. Daily services at 7 a. m. and died Friday. Burial was Monday 5:40 p. m. in Beth El Cemetery. February 1 3 - Hamisha Ashcr Surviving arc husband, Sol and rTYRONE GUTHRIE B'Shcvat. son, Edward, Des Moines and sisfc'cn. t*rj IF'vfi. U J I . I 16.1X7, 5.75, 4 80, 3 M, 3.00. Ut. k ?.t\. ln\- \7'->Q, k.Vi. 'j.7i. A 10, ter, Mrs. Herman Cohen, Omaha. 3f.O, 3M, •Jlit, U Sit, Witt i 11.60, <30 B'NAI JACOB ADAS SKSIIUBON Buy what you need through the i | BOOTH THEATRMsstw.tf e Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas- Want Ads. Ycshuron will begin Friday at 4:45 p. m. and Saturday morning at 8:,'iO a. m. with Mincha at 4:45 p. m. followed by Shnlosh S'eudos. Daily .services' a t (i:.'!O a. m. and 5 ELECTRIC WIRING p. m. HEAT REPAIRING
tenth man
"220 VJt
K m s s u d liapprnlnKRAI The Dr. Philip Hlwr Jeulsh Horn* IVir The Aced by David Orhmt.
RABBINICAL SKIUIOS: Rabbi Siilney H. Brooks spoke to our folks this week on a current topic, "Cologne to Omaha." On Fcbru•ary' 10th, Rnbbi Myer S. Kripke Will be our visitor. A thank you to the Izenstat family for the beautiful floral centerpiece. IN MEMOIMAM: Sam Gilman. G'OMJNTM' KVKNTS: February 7, Temple Israel Sisterhood under the chairmanship of Mmes. Leon Fellman and Paul Veret. will entertain the residents a t 2 p.m. February 21, Mrs. Julia Jacobs announces that the B'nai B'rilh JJenry Monsky Chapter No, 470 will entertain on the occasion of brotherhood week.
Jcru.siik in I JTA) — The iJ.m "Janzigfi" Building for Appjied science, which is seh*-duled aiso o become the national headquarters for Israel research in u,k,e of solar energy, was opened at lhe •brew Uni\ <">rsity. P'iiiiince Ministei' l.e\i I'.'shko), ivho attended the opening irremonics on behalf of the (Jovcrnnent, e.\j)ressed himself ;vs pal ticilarly int*.irestefi in solai* energy research. He was told that practical solar energy sources would be available "within two years."
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Friday, February H, 1080
F&ge Thtce
Hadcfsscih Honors B'nai B'rith Award Luncheon Given (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. J . Stein Cliildrcns Memorial Hospital and For Bride-To-Be MISS UAUItAKA i;»\VAItI)S AT BKTII 1:1.. SI;M>AY Miss IJarhara JCdivanls, sin cic.i) jun.se on tin' slall ol St. .Jos'-ph's Hospital, will b'1 Ilic special cui'Sl ol Halibi Meyer S. Kripl%<? at the lii'lh 101 Men's Club "lireakl'ast with tin' Hi'ihbi" Stni(l;iy, I'Ybruary 7 at !):.'!() a. in. Miss Kdvvard.s, who recently returned from u trip to the Middle K.i.st, will describe and ilhislrate her visits to hospitals ami medical facilities in l.srai-I .'Hid .Arab con -lines. Albert Ki'ldilian, president, of Ilu- Beth-El Men's Club, announced that, all members of the eornmunily are invited to attend. The only chaijje is 75c for tlie breakfast. Kooil will be prepared by a Sisterliood conuniltee headed by Mrs. Harry Kerens!ein, Men who plan to nttt'iul for the first lime ar< iisked to call .lerrv I'Yeemnn, JiK i!2J7. The Men's Club ".Sunday Breakfast with the Kabbi" is a regular monthly event, devoted to meditation, fellowship and discussion of current topics, according to chairman Ilichard Wintrnub.
and Mrs. A) Ni pomnieli, third Mrs. Julius Stein, ardent, lla- Catholic Charities and was Art \ii:e-pre;,idi nt; Mr. and Mrs. Rob- diissuli worker for many years, Institute secretary. Sho headed the ert K. Wa^nrr, leeoniinj^ secre- was honored in a .surprise presen- Omaha Committee to plan state tary; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alper.son, theater under tlie federally-sponcoi i espondinj; sfcreinry; Mr. and tation by the sored art program in ]!),')5, was Ointilia Chaplei /^ *> Mrs. N. Julian Hips, treasurer. president of the Community Playof IladaN.sali nl ( - ,~ f house, twice, and was chairman of lillUIt MIOM.U IIKSSKHT its recent. Midi./ -* f the Omaha Centennial Women's M'XCHKON Participat ion ('ommitfec en I Cenler m a t- J? -' * Tlie IJilcur Cholim .Society will i"KhoJd its regular tli'ssert luncheon JI r.s. Stein's meeting on Monday, February H at thi' Jewish Community Center nann.' will be inat 1 p. in. A meeting of the board scribed on (he Mr. and Mrs, Dan Greenfield will be licit] .-it.11 a. m. Plans for Freedom Bell I have announced the engagement the annual Purim Tea will be injj erected on of their daughter, Miss Patricia made. All members are urged to the grounds ol Lee, to Jerry Zlngerinttn, son ol attend. Mr. and Mrs. Louis /iingerman of t h e llail(lii.s.ihDes Moines, la. CODNCII, llOAIil) MKKTJN'fi AT Hebrew Univers((.in I The couple was honored at a IfOMIO OK MltS. LOI'lS H A T / sity Medical Center at. KirvaMIa The National (Council of Jewish ilas.sah near Jerusalem. The Hell, cocktail parly given recently by Women will have its February was designed as a dramatic .sym- the bride-e)i-el's parents. They am board meeting at the home of Mrs. bol of .solidarity which binds the planning a June 1!) wedding at Beth Israel Synagogue. Louis Katz. 1002 Sunset Trail on Mi-. Zingerman attended Iowa Thursday, February II at 1 p. in. democracies of Israel and Die UnitMrs. Robert Lcvine will be co- ed Slates and was dedicated in University. hostess. Mrs. Susanna Frank of lionor of former President Harry Dundee Holds Show Sao Paulo, Brazil will be a guest S. Truman. at this meeting. A past president, of liadassah, Over Third Week Mrs. Stein was Omaha's Youth "The Last Angry Man," highly TKII SKNNKTT TO SI-DAK Aliyah Chairman and has been a praised film is being held over for AT (-OKMIl)SKKK MKKTINT, Chapter Chairman for the Medical a third week at the Dundee TheTed Sennet I, ADL Director, will Center. ater. This movie has been noted speak nt a meeting of the Cornto be one of the strongest, contendbusker Chapter of B'nai B'rith, ers for the Academy Award. Patronize Our Advertisers Feberuary 8 at 8:.'S0 p. in. ut the Blacks!one Hotel.
Piss OreenffeEfl To Be June Bride
illCANDICIS ItOAItl) SIKKTS AT VANCJC 1IOMK The Hoard of Omaha Chapter Urandeis U n i v e r s i t y National Women's Committee will meet Monday, February 8, 10 a. m., at Hie homo of Mrs. Verne W. Vance, 2510 Country Club Blvd. IMiAMATH' CM II HKIIKAKSINC I'I,AV HOOK (iHOI I' Workmen.s Circle D r a m a t i c JHKKTS AT COIIKN 1IOMK Club is rehearsing a three-act The Book Group of the Omaha melodrama, "A Vieb Un Luschen" Chapter Brandei.s University Na- (A wile that can't talk), under tional Women's Committee will the direction of Louis Witkin. The meet on Thursday, February 31, play will be presented at I he Jew3 p. in., nl. the homo of Mrs. David ish Community Center, Sunday, K. Cohen, 20O3 Country Club April 1M, at 8 p.m. Songs will be Blvd., Mrs. N. 11. (Ireenbere, will under the direction of Mr, Sam lead the discussion of Dosloevsky's JSwerling. "Crime and Punishment." CITY «K IIOI'K OWICKICK Mr. anrl Mrs. I'ennie '/.. Davis Were elected co-presidents of the Omaha Chapter of the City of Hope. Other officers: Mr. and Mrs. Now inn 15. Gendler, first vicepresident; Mr. and Mrs. Milton l-oss, second vice-president; Mr.
Dr. Jesse ¥/eil, Bride To Leave for Europe
Council Roster on Sole
Bonn iWNSl- Since the outbrealt of the Christmas Kve swastika epidemic iii Cologne there have been at least 414 recorded anti-Semitic incidents in West Germany.
Be Near Thooe ! You L o v e . . . ; AI way >> •
John Kalina 817 So. 36th
HA 1044
Come Meet
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff Let Him Holp You With Your Clothing Selections
Kllpainck's Men's Clothing — Second Floor
greets the B'nai B'rith
"I say why not join the
Women's District No. 6
duke and I for a
Bowling Association Nearly 600 of mid-America's finest women bowlers will compete this weekend for "Queen of the Pins" in the 12th Annual Bowling Tournament of the B'nai B'rith Women's District No. 6. Not since 1954 has their tournament been held In Omaha. Continental Buffet S p.m. to 9 p.m.
Registration opens today at the Shcraton-Fontenelle Hotel. The tournament gets underway tomorrow, 6:30 p.m.
Bowlers attending represent Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Grand Rapids, Des Moines, Peoria, Rock Island and O m a h a . Highlights for the weekend include: election of officers, a card party, Omaha Bowler's presentation of "The Bowlers in 905," a continental buffet supper and a banquet. All of this will be climaxed by the awarding of over 70 trophies to winning teams and individuals.
Announcing... General Electric Theater presents
City of Hope Drama Starring Shelley Winters
Jerys-aSem Has 5 Embassy Offices
Bar-Han Holds First Graduation
414 Anfi-Semific Coses in Germany
A Gift Portrait by
The Youth Council Directory will be available on Sunday, February 7 and 14 in the Jewish Community' Center Youth Lounge. Charge will be fifty cents. The Roster may also he obtained on "Stage Nite." James Guss edited the public,it ion
Dr. and 'Mrs. Jesse L. Weil, who were married January X\ in the chapel of (he Student Memorial ('"'liter at Itice Institute, Houston, Tex., will leave .soon for Germany. They will mulct* their home there for nine months where the bridejjrootn, « former Oniahan, w i l l serve as a research associate at the University of Hamburg. The wcddinn ceremony was performed by Rabbi Hyman J. Sclmachlel of Houston's CoiinreICiition Helh Israel. T h e bride, the former Ksllier Kirk land, is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Kirklmid of Houston and her husband's parents are Mr. nnd Mrs, Herbert h. Weil. Miss Leah Sklar, Houston and 11i(! bridegroom's hi other, Peter J. Weil,'Washington, 1). C.. were attendants. Another brother, Martin Weil, ushered. following their stay in Germany, the couple will return to Houston, where Dr. Weil will reMiine work as a research associate nt Rice.
TKI, AVIV (WNSl ~- Jerusalem is (inickly ealchinn up with Tel Aviv as site for foreign embassy offices. Most foreign diplomats have their offices in Tel Aviv. Jerusalem now has five foreign embassy offices, three from, Latin-American countries.
A luncheon for Miss Doris Gott.stein WHS given by Mrs. Cecil Izenslat at flu; Fireside Restaurant, Sunday. Mi.ss Gotlstein will lie married to Lewis Izenstat, April 10 at. Beth El Synagogue. Otil-ol'-town guests present were Mines. Max R o s e n b l a t t , Des Moines, la.; Sam Berek, Fremont; Hryon Krasnc, Henry Weisgart, Minion Graetz, all of Lincoln and Mis.s Florence Izfiistat, Chicago.
"Early to Die" A Story of Hope
Phone JA I 3 M to Intcrl vcur Wool Ad In tho Jewish Press. Rcto Is 50 cents lor ench three lino Insertion. Tho Press reicrvet Ihe ricftt to limit sizo cf ench odverllscmtnt '
DAILY JKWISII I'AI'KKS BAK ami Ban Mltz.viifi congratulations also for all Jewish holiHnnint C!nn ' HVNS)— Twenlydays and .special occasions. neven students wen- graduated Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge from the Bnr-Ilan University nt Hie first exercises held at the For Practical Nurses nnd Practical Domestics. Call Clara Itan.American Orthodox-sponsored iJidnll Placement Service—WE clitulion. Eighteen of the 27 «ra«l6217. jintes were girls.
Sunday, Feb. 7
Tfit City of H o p e — a . Free hotpStAl and national medical research center for cancer, leukemia, heart, and blood diieascs, Supported entirely by voluntary contributions.
OmahaChapter City of Hope
President of tho District B o w l i n g Association and chairman for this I960 Tournament is Mrs. Max R. Sacks of Omaha. It is with pleasure that Brandeis welcomes these outstanding Midwest w o m e n bowlers. May your stay in Omaha be most pleasant and your tournament most successful!
Box 777 Omaha, Nebraska
Page Four
Friday, Felini«r.v 5, 10C0
Pauls moved iinollicr step clos- 7TII AM) S i l l (1KADK I-KAGIJt This profile of tin- Jewish f'uiiiiiitinlt.v of Uruz.il K Jiri-M'iitfd in liuniir of .Mr*. Susanna Frank, Onclick continued unik-featci er to [he Vai.sity league chainpionBhip with a 7t-.ri3 victory over Rob- in league play by overpowering Sao 1'uulo leaitir, uhu will arrive in Onintia Sunday muter tin- utisp'uMw of tfiu N'aliiiiiMl. Council i>f insons. Ruy Kiike and Allen Ku- Kiiiman 47-1-1, for their fourtl Jewish Women. New ideas to aid in furthering ihr development of the Kan I'.uilo Jewish community, nocky with 20 and 19 points U'- .straight, Sandy Friedman and Ar- v»ill In- gathered by Mrs. Frank during her two-week .sfii.v here, a part (if a oross-rmnitry tour Inbpectively were liiyli lor tlie league nie Weitz scored twelve apiece for eluding visits with local Council Section*, Brazil, which is larger limn the'*" loaders. Koy Kutskee kept his team the winners. Paul Kainiau topped whole of Europe, excluding Rus- ies.iiomil school, and three kinder- large number were located in Brain contention by scoring J" points. tlie losers with eight points. Philips remained one ijarne be- sia, contains a Jewish population gartens, with an tiggi'e^ate enroll- zil. Then a stream (if Jews from Lusty's kept their chances alive of some M0.O00 with the largest ment of ubout 2,200. All other Kastern Kurope started to flow for tlie title by knocking oil JJel- hind tl.e leaders by virtue of a .settlements in Sao Paulo, (17,000- localities together have f i v e into the country. With the rise graces :;;>-27, to stay two games 47-17 triumph over a game but 50,000i and Kio de Janeiro, schools. Two teachers' seminaries of Nazism, thousands of Germany behind tlie league lenders. Steve outclassed I-Go-Vun team. Bob (.".9,000-11,0001, ;iml has had Jew- are established on a provisional Jews began to How into the couuRosenblatt pumped in 1.". for tlie Gould was a one man wrecking ish residents almost since it> be- basis. t ry. crew, with 29 points and grabbing winners while a trio ot players oft almost every rebound. Ami ginning. ''Creeping Assimilation" There are ten major and a numhad seven apiece for the losers. Kimmell scored eiRlit points for The many benefits provide! in Tlie Jews of Brazil are onjan- her of smaller congregations in IV. h. I-GO-Van. i/ed nationally in a Confederation Brazil. Sao Paulo and Rio have Brazil, as Keen by Wintersleiff, do Pauls fi 2 of Jewish Representative Organi- seven Jewish libraries. There are not conceal from leaders of Hi" Ltistys 1 4 | The stage is now set for this zations to which all local federa- three Jewish banking institutions community, "the threat of creepRobinson '.'• 5 I Sunday's important clash between tions heloii'.;, the largest being the on a cooperative basis with bank- ing assimilation to the youth." Belgi.ules •''• 5 Gerelick and Philips. Gerelick can federations in Sao Paulo and P.io ing functions, two Jewish Hospi- This, he credits to the facts that AZA No. lOfKj, won the Youth wrap up the championship with a Janeiro. tals, four Old Age Humes, and only one-fifth of Jewish students attend Jewish school and that the Council championship as they victory. Philips must win to keep four Children's Homes. Personal Freedom new generation does not particiromped to their ninth straight "vic- its title hopes alive. Observed Juiluism In (Secret IV. An interpretation of the Jewish pate fully in Jewish everyday life. tory over a hapless AZA No. 100, The Mariano Jews expelled I position in Brazil is offered by team 92-26., last Sunday. Danny Gerelick In his opinion, "Although the 3 Vojtech Winters! em in his recent from Europe by the Portuguese challenge by the young for the Hollis, gunning for the .scoring Philips Inquisition, arrived in Brazil just I-GO-Van 1 article in the monthly publication, championship pumped in '18 points leadership of the community re"World Jewry." He states that a few years after the country was flects an understandable impaO Of which ,">ii came in the final half. Kaiman "Brazil offers ttie Jews a fair 5TJI AM) GT1I GRADE L first settled, early in the 1500's. In the other game, Raj'im moved tience with the authority of their Tret Inks managed to squeeze measure of personal freedom; After their arrival, they continued seniors, they are not yet prepared into second place with a 06-12 win there is lesi anti-Semitism nnd to observe the traditions of Juda- to take over, nor are they ready out a 23-21 win over Slosburg, for over AZA No. 1. Jeff Wohlner with discrimination perhaps even than lft points in the second half and its fourth straight win. Ronnie in Knglnnd; economic success can ism in secret. With the capture of to fight for succession." 22 tor the game led the winners. Wolpa led the victors with 15 he achieved more easily than in Recife by Holland, it became an "At least half of the new Jewish Joel Davis scored 21 points for 1. points. Johnny Ruben had ten for thev United States, in spite of in- important center of Jewry. In Brazilian generation, which is the winners. 1651 the Portuguese retook Reci- third generation at most, consist Richman-Gordman hung in the flationary spiral: the status of fe, and many of its residents fled of immigrants, although many AZA 1000 9 0 the citizen is little affected by title picture by scoring a 17-G marRayim 5 i bureaucracy — n a t u r a 1 i z a- to other lands. From among them, have been naturalized," he "wrote, AZA 1 1 5 gin over Playland Park. I.ee Ross tion comes almost automatically a group of twenty-five finally ar- "But the new and old generation, had 7 points for the winners. Marc rived in New Amsterdam, today live in two different worlds and AZA 100 0 9 Rotnanik was high for the losers after five years." New York, to build the first Jew- have only few common interests." with five. Business :tnd Industry, Mr. VoJ- ish colony in the United States. The Jewish Press in Brazil con* W. L. teeh says "are far from being a Settlers from Kastern Europe si.sts of five weeklies, two semiTretiaks 4 0 Jewish near monopoly, us waft the It was not until the beginning weeklies, two forfnightlios and Richman-Gordmnn • •' 1 onse In some European countries. of this century that Jews in ony two moiithlifi SlosburK 1 3 The Arabs for instance, who form United Nations. N. Y. (JTA'i— Playland Park 0 4 it nigger minority than the Jews, Pakistan's refusal to admit an SHOTS IN THi: DAKK re formidable competitors in OPEN 6:15 — VVA 3595 Israeli delegation as "observer" to St. Bernards of the CYO league these fields. Politically the Arabs the scheduled session of the Eco- defeated AZA No. 1000, 43-28, at have not crossed swords with, the HURRY! LAST FEW DAYS! nomic Commission for Asia and Central high school last Thursday .lews; they live as ii rule on quite DON'T MISS IT! the Far East, which was to have evening. Proceeds of the game ;ood terms with Mich other, a been held at Karachi, beginning went to the New March of Dimes Iiheiiomciion whlih will In- easily ONLY ONE MAN COULD PLAY February 17 has caused the UN drive. At the latest counting S275 when It Is seen that IT! Mr. PAUL MUNI in hit greatto alter the opening date of the was netted . . . Dick Wciner and most Arabs siro Lebanese or C'lirWest role ai THE LAST ANGRY ECAFE meet in!,' to March 9, and Moe Handlcmun volunteered to tluns. Some sectors of business, MAN! to move it to Bangkok, Thailand. officiate the game . . . The AZA however such as the diamond and Philippe de Seynes, Undersecre- boys got off to a quick 9-6 lead at furniture trades arn predominatetary for Economic and Social Af- the end of the first quarter but ly Jewish." fairs, stated: "It appears that it quickly fell apart at the seams The Jews of Brazil are essenTHE HOOD m THE HEADLINES would be impossible lor a member when St. Bernards threw a full (ially merchants, producers, facState of the United Nations to court press . . . Bob Fromkin and tory, and house owners and in participate if the session were held Sam Ban to assume coaching du- irofossions with a few artisans. at Karachi, Pakistan." ties with the Midget league . . . Occupy (•overninent I'ostw Judo classes may soon begin at Some Jews have occupied imthe JCC, . . Tlie new handball and portant positions in the governgymnastics classes arc off to good ment including the post of Minstarts with much enthusiasm with ister of Finance, in the ParliaDan Fogel and Jack Stiss instruct- ment and in municipalities. Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Schiller ing . . . IS'ice to see two dozen Jewish education is directed by announce the birth of their second son, David Mark, on January 23. youngsters in the handball courts- lie National Council for EducaTheir first son is Michael Howard. each Sunday afternoon . . . All Star ion and Culture and in .Sao Paulo, Varsity and Youth Council team to it is a part of its Federation of Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Goff, Portland, Ore., and Mrs. play in Sioux City on Sunday, Jewish Societies. There are Jewish schools in Rio Roy Roffman. Mrs. .Sarah Mini- March G against the Sioux City Jay'. . . All Star Midget leaguers :le Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Port Alegre. kin is a great-grandmother. will also make the trip . . . Dan Recife, Curitiba, Belo Horizonte Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richman Hollis's 48 point scoring spree last and in six or seven smaller loannounce the birth of a daughter, Sunday almost broke the Youth calities; all of them day schools. 010 SHOT IN A ^Elyse Kay on January 22. Council individual game scoring Sao Paulo has eleven primary and BETSY "PALMER BIO SOUCEZC Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. record held by Jerry Berman at three secondary schools, with a Sidney Weitzman of Chicago, III., 52 . . . Berman was pulling for combined enrollment of about and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Riehman. Hollis to break the record , . . 2,800 and Rio de Janeiro has ten Great - g r a n d f a t h e r is Jacob Large groups of youngsters use primary, four secondary, one proMAKE IT A HABIT TO DROP IN Brandt, Miami Beach, Fla. the JCC gymnasium every Sunday evening. One group is from the Buy what you need through the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bernstein Want Ads. announce tlie birth of a daughter, Greek Orthodox Church. Gayle Susan on January 21. They are parents of two other children, Meryl and Todd. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Grossman, Forest Hills, N. Y., Mrs, Irene Super, Miami Beach, FJa. and Harry Bernstein, Englewood, N. J.
UN Moves Heeling for Israeli Attendance
From She Pages of The Angry Best-Seller
News has been received of the birth of a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Marks of Clayton, Mo. Mrs. Marks, the former Doris Marks was Children and Youth Director at the Jewish Comuhity Center, several years ago. Grandparents are Mrs. Ann Marks of Worcester, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. William Raduziner. Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Wiesman announce the birth of their third son, John Robert on January 17 at Methodist Hospital. Their other sons are Ronald David and Richard Mark. Grandparents are Mrs. John Brodkey of Sioux City, la., and Mr, and Mrs. Philip Wiesman. Mr. and Mrs. Waller announce the birth of a Wendy Joy, on January Grandparents are Mr. Max Kadis and Mrs Eva
Woskoff daughter, 23. and Mrs. Woskoff.
Bnfra*r@i It's easy — and pleasant — for your organization to raise funds by selling America's most wanted Kosher-forPassover c h o c o l a t e s and baked delicacies. hor full ilelatta itlut' Iratnt brochure!.
Steam Oafh Slumber Boom SJIfra-vioHef Lamp
MASSEURS: Bill Barnes, Albert (Lindy) Llndcnbcrgcr. Sam Fleischer
HOURS: Mondoy thru Thursda/, 11:30 to 8 P.M. Friday, 11:30 to 5 P.M. Sunday, 9 to 5 P.M. * Phono for Appointment During the Weeh • No Appointments Necessary on Sunday
. 80 DeKalb Avenuf, Bropklya'l, N. V.