February 12, 1960

Page 1


u'illihed every Fridav, 101 No. 20111 Omaha, Nebraska, I'lione JA 13GU

econd Clasa PoMane Puld at Omaliu. Netir.


Single Copy 10 Cents Annum Rate 4 Dollars

UJA Launches 108! ialional Campaign Miami Heach IVVNS i ....'['lie ' I'd


Appi'" 1


tbir-i'-f'ferenci Hie sin dividual (Visiar. borti Di. Xasrollah \SV IKaifpour Kalcnn. i direct descendtor.',. \ j ant (it Prophet Muhatmncd's only Hepoiti ., .0 Ihe more than 500 1'atema. Jewish community leaders who al-i daughter J -4 lended the conl'ei enoe, Morris \V. I now l ru!(\ssur ol Keiinslein, general chairman ol .Social Sciences tin1 H.I A reported that these ad- j at V .1 i r I e i i; hvance contributions represent "one I>iekinson U n i ol Ihe Appeal's earliest and most versily, r Itulhersuccessful starts." lie t e i w d il ford. N . .1., will "an inspiring indication that Amer- appear "n the ican Jews mean lo cumplele Ihe Program of the job ol integrating all ol the million M o ii I h sene-.. ^»—>{ Thursday, Keb-f* .-»"*V», ot refugees they have helped to ruary "IS at. 8 p.I f • » " " / Si reach Israel." in. at Ibe I ' m - 1 - " * One of the principal conference vcrsity of Oma- ,,r_ v.iWmS speakers was Israeli Ambassador lia's conference Avraham Hfirman who told the auditorium. The series is part of parlej lhal funds raised by the Hie cultural program of Ihe Jewish UJA .since Israel's emergence as a Community Center. nation, in HUM had helped make Study Tour Made possible "Ihe simplest and most Dr. Fatemi who jiist returned uccessiu] relugee absorption pto- from u stvirty tour of Japan, Ma:i;iin in Jewish history." laya, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, tlie Middle Kasl and Western Kttrope, will discuss "Behind the Scenes in Middle Kast Power Politics." He is now engaged In two research projects sjionsored by I'lIIIIADIXr'HIA. <JTA> — A Fnirleigh-Diekmson University, on resolution urging the 20,000.000 "Tiie Kconomlc Development of Negroes in the United States IJI the .Middle Kast" and "Nationallend assistance in the aprehensiou ism in the Moslim World." Noteil Ktuti'-iiiiaii, Kilneator anil punishment of anti-Semitic A noted statesman, author and vandals was adopted at a confereducator, Dr. Fatemi was graduence of Negro leaders here. "We apprise American citizens ated from Stuart Memorial College of the Jewish faith and such other in Iran with honors ana received citizens who may be the victims his M. A. and Ph. D. degrees from of racial and religious persecution Columbia University and the New that they have a faithful ally in i School for -Social Research. As a diplomat. Dr. Fatemi repIhe American Negro who recognizes I hat acts of injustice to one resented Iran at UNKSCO Nationgroup strike at the safety, .secur- al Conference in 1918 and the Inity, and well-being of all Ameri- ternational Congress of Americanists in New York City in 194!). He cans," the resolution said.


Hubert IVoRif. S/uirmi Kraft, <it'iifrul Cliuirnicii nf VmitU CoUUcil Stiiitv Nit,-, ami l»ili Wrim-r, { •ntcr Ynulli llirrctor.

14 Acts of Fun—


1 Fourteen ;»cU will l.-itur." :i two .IT' tlnwMiil Hahn, ushers; Linda iinil it half hour .show us the Jew- M-i<zniiiin, publicity; Mark Planish Youth Council presents its ner, general assistant, and Arnold 24th.annual Starfo Nit..\ SnUiniay evening. February K; Curtain Breslovv, stnge manage!". Admission is one dollar for . time is se'heduk'd for H p.m. at the Central High auditorium. iidtilis find fifty cents for teenEach of the seven Youth Coun- agers. Tickets may be secured at cil groups will pri.-.v?nt a skit the door i>r from any Youth Counwhich will be judgel by a panel cil rneinber. Norman Kirshbaiun. of four adults. .Judges will In? Central Hitsli school staff member Beth Gayiif-s, il.'intv instructor; Don Ifoyle, TV personality; Dr. is technical ad/isor and is being Aldrich Paul, Omabi University assisted by William Barnes. Cenfaculty member and Warren Den- ter Health Director. cnben;, graduate student (it tlii> university The skit.i incl'i'li?: A Z.A. No, I —"There's No PVi'l Like Home," (satire on Shakespeare); A.Z.A. Washington UTAi -Secretary No. 1(W--"K:ilv> Alarm," (spoof on fire ciejiirtnitrtit.-ii: A.Z.A. No. of State Christian Holler indi1000 "The Bagel Thief." <'» farce*; cated to a press conference that Itayini—"Rumble at the Summit." the United States continue to look (satire on forthcoming surnmit to the United Nations for a soluconference'; Kdiur - - "Jubilation tion to tlie Suez d u a l controversy U.S.A." (satin? on presidential involving the transit ol Israeli election); flohanue— "The Mouse cargo. That Roared," (satire un movie The Seciotary commented on of same munu) anil Eleanor Roos- what the United States was doini,' Jerusalem (JTA i—Discoveries evelt, "Suddenly Last Night" (sa- tr» implement President Eisenhowtire1 on modern-day advertising!. er's 1957 assurances to Israel on of archaeological finds considered by scientists here as of extraordIn the spotlight will be acts by Suez Caniil transit. He said the inary importance, including a phythe -Sahors. a musical combo with United States had made a num- lactery scroll and weapons apparArnold Fellmnn, Howard Cluid.i- ber ol strong statements 01^ the ently dating back to the era of eoff niiil Michael . Murkovit/; Mar- transit issueliar Kochba, about the year 150 Mi', Herter pointed out that I);»K of the Common Era, was anjory .Siref, 10-ye;ir-i>ld phmist; dancing routine.-. t>y Leanne. Kraft, Hanwiai slijold UN Secretary Gen- nounced by the Hebrew University. and Shflin Ruderman; songs l>y eral, was currently making an efTlip discoveries resulted from Nancy F-'llrnan .'itnl tlir? Triplets, for to find a solution. diggings hi ii ldgb iiionntiiin cuve Sharon Kraft, Ken.'..- llimmerman In the meantime, Israel's Cab- In <lu. Juileiui Desert went of the "and Naomi Ho» 1I>?JI1HM-^ Dik VVein- inet has reportedly reached the Dead Sea, not far from the nlt« »t cr will emcee the show. fundamental political conclusion Kuinram, in Jordan, where the Sharon Kraft and Robert Nogg that Israel can no longer rely on f'.mumt Drud Sea scrolls bad been tire general chairmen of the pro- the United Nations as a rcstrain- found in cuven. One of tlie scrolls duction. Sub-committee chairmen iiiK factor in the Middle East. discovered now antedates tin; Dead The Cabinet completed its dis- Si';» scrolls by about 10 yeiirtf. The phylactery (tefillin) scroll cussion of Israel's present security .situation. The opinion in the Cab- contains the first 16 verses of inet, it was learned, has crystal- Chapter 13 of the biblical Book of lized into the conclusion that the Exodus. It was written on parchUnited Nations as such, and Secre- ment, apparently by an expert, in tary General Dag Hammar.sltjold the same style in which the Dead Mrs. Susanna Frank, prominent personally, have failed to obtain Sea scrolls has been inscribed. Brazilian lender, will speak on the slightest modification in the With this parchment, the scien"Woman's Life in Brazil" lit the intransigent stand taken by Unit- tists found papyrus covered with annual Overseas luncheon for the ed Arab Republic President Nas- square Hebrew lettering also used Omaha Section, National Council in the same period. The-, papyrus of Jewish Women, Tuesday, February 10, a t 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. The invocation will be offered by Mrs. Mike Freeman, president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. Members are asked to bring toys and clothes for the "Ship-aI3ox" shower. The Items will be tent to schools' and nurseries abroad. Mmcs. Ernest Pne.srrum, and Joseph M. Horwlch are program chairmen and Mmes. B. Gilbert Aronoff and Leo Elsenstatt are This new series of ten provision- units. For greater convenience, the in charge of the luncheon. Reservations may be made with al- postage stamps has been an- pound is now divided ijito one hunMrncs, PbiU Laser, GL 5212; Alvin nounced by the Israel Ministry of dred new tinits, called ""argoiot." Epstein, HE 9130 or Ted Colin, Posts. It Is bcine issued In connec- (singular, "ugoia") instead ol n TE 23.10.. A baby slUer will he tion with the change In tbd divi- thousand "prutot" as before. Ovollnble. sion of the Israel pound Into subThe values of the new stamps

Leaders Adopt Resolution

U.S. Enpecis U.fl. Find Solution Blockade

u.is Iran's delegate to (he United Nations, a member of Ihe Iranian Mission to the Security Council .old ( couomic and Political Adu-ji'i to the JVrmunenl Delegation ot h,m 1o the UmU-n Nations. Lectured at 45 SrliooN He has lectured at some 45 American and Canadian Universities and taught at Princeton Unimsil> from I0.10 to 1955. His speeches have appeared in U\« annals of the Academy of Political Science, Vila! Speeches of the Month, Islamic Review and many other American papers and periodicals. Dr. Fatemi lord; prtrl in the pveparsvtion <>V an ariicle on Islam published by Life Magazine in its famous book, "World's (ireul Religions," which is available a t the Jewish Community Center Library. In addition to five books in Persian, he is Ihe author of two hooks in V.nglisli. "Diplomatic History of Persia" and "Oil Diplomacy." He is co-uuthfir of the "Report of Palestinian Refugees" published by the Institute of Middle Kaslern Affairs. I'Iditor utul I'lihlislu'r In his native country Dr. Fatemi was the editor and publisher of a monthly literary magazine and daily newspaper. He served as a member and vice-president of the legislative council of the province of Isfahan, us MajfT o? the crty of Shiraz (population 150,000) as the Governor-General of the province of Fars. In • 19-13 he was elected to the Iranian parliament where he served on the Foreign Relations Committee and organtzerj an anticommunist group which defeated the Tudeh Party (communists) in the industrial city ot Isfahan. Community Groups Co-Sponsors The program of the month Is believed to ]>•• part of a-letter, series is presented by the Center but exact deciphering will have to in cooperation with co-sponsors, await cdrelul. investigation in uni- Beth El Synagogue, Belli Israel Synagogue. B'nai B'ritli lodges and versity, laboratories. chapters, Farband, Omaha ChapOilier finds in the cave, the Uni- ter of Hadassah, Temple Israel, versity officials declared, lead to Workmen's Circle and Young the beliel that the cave may have Adult. Council. been used as a cache by the Bar Mrs. Ervin .Simon, a vice-presiKochba forces. The. scientists found ancient coins, arms and am- dent of. the Omaha Chapter of munition. incUulins arrow shafts Hailassah, host ovRani7.atiot\ for painted red and black. The dry the evening, will introduce the climate in the area has apparent- speaker. Admission is free and the proly preserved not only the items discovered but also the original gram is open to the public. paint, . . ; In addition to the finds dating to the Bar Kochbd era, other discoveries go back to a much earlier period. These include wooden and Jerusalem (JTA)—A. gvovvp o£ clay implements and bits of linen and leather dating back as far as Belgian banks have agreed to the Chalcolitie period, about 4,000 grant Israel a 55,000,000 loan for years before the Common Era. The the purchase of industrial equipcave yielded also remnants of an- ment. The granting of the loan was cient Roman fortresses believed to decided upon on the recommendahave been eercted to guard Nahal tion of a delegation of Belgian inTseclln, which is one o[ the. larg- dustrialists who recently visited Israel. est canyons north of Massada.

Lafesf Judean Deserf Discovery

Brazilian Leader So Speak ai Council's Overseas Lyndieon


Belgian Loans Israel i

Israel Issues' Mew

will range from one agora to fifty agoroi. The. .-iliimns depict, an ancient Jewish coin from the period'of the Second TVmplo (fili-70), the dif-

ferent values appearing in black. Siamp subscriptions to the Israel Philatelic Services may be made through the 'Jewish Community Center Library.


Page Two

Committee Named for Citation Ltinelteoti Published Every Friday by Hie .Jewish Federation of Omaha.

Seccnd C!o;s Po'Jaqs Paid ct Omcho. Ucbr. Annum Subscription, J4.00. Ac'vcriislnrj Ro'cs on Application. Publication Office—101 Ho JOMl Street. Omcho, Ncbr.. JAck'.on >3£4.



\evva anil Hlirr Jewish Davit) orlam.

Services Cimilli'lifrlitiiiir—5:31 ]>. nt. Jt'N'AI JACOB ADAS lKSIH;i£O-V Services at B'nai Jaeulj-AdasYeshuron will foejjin . Friday ai 4:-15 p. m. and Saturday morning ;it. 8:30 u, nx. witH Mindiu at -\A'i p. in. followed by Shnlosh S'eudos. Daily services at ii:.'!Q a. in. and 5 p. in. TEMPLE ISItAtX Temple Israel services, Friday, 8:15 p. in. Kabbi Sidney If. Brooks officiating. Guest preacher-—Kabbi Dudley WeinbeiK, Temple Kni.-uiuel, Milwaukee, W'is. Sermon on "Human nights anil Jewish Faith." Reception following. Saturday morning « e r v i c e s, 11:30 a. m. Religious .school pupils will plant a tree in observance of Tu B'Sheviit. Sunday, 10 a. m.. Men's Club uilh Rabbi Brooks leading discussion Hioup.

nines HI Nic Or. I'liMp e





SAITItDAV, FCJilU'AItV (i—A special Kiddush by Herman Meyej'son in honor of ins broth*.']' Ben. a home resident. SINDAV, J KIJIil'AItV 7—The Wesfside Tln'spiaiis sponsored by the Temple Israel Sisterhood. MONDAY, FEHItl'AIiV 8—The Brownie Troop 197 entertained and presented Valentines to our folks. TIKSDAY, l'KKKIJAIEV 0— The Council of Jewish Women with the Arts and Crafts group and the Bikur Cliolim special baking group. WEDNESDAY, l'KBHUAKY 10 — Home movie program. TIH.'ltSOAY, FKIJItl'AIiV 11 — Rabbi Myer S. Kripke. FKIDAY, FFJJJCIAHV 12—Special Lincoln's birthday celebration. SATI.'KDAV, I-'KRItrAKY 13— A special Kiddush. SI'NDAY, FKISItl.'AHY M—The Omaha chapter of Hadassah will celebrate the Tu B'Shevat holiday with entertainment and refreshments, under the direction of Mrs. Hymen Uelman.

BETH El, Services at Beth 1C1 SyiiayofiUe Ihis evening at. 8:15 p. in. Rabbi Myer. S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Kd^ar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Services, Sabbath morning, 9:30 ». m. The Junior Congregation, 10:30 a. m. The Mincha-Maariv Services, 5:30 p. m, Sunday morning services, 9 a. m. in the Chapel. Daily services, 7 a. m, and 7 p. in.

All friends and relatives are Invited to attend Services anil reception. VAX L MAHTIN filVHNTEB Bar Mitzvah Of Paul Martin Giventer. son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Giventer, will be celebrate<l at Beth Israel Synagogue on Friday night, February 1!) and Saturday morning, February 20.

Friday, February 12, 10U0


Mrs. Herbert Meiehes, general chairman of the B'nai B'rith Women's Annual Citizenship Citation Award luncheon, to he held Thursday, February 2:1 at the .SheratonFontenelle Hotel, has named Mrs. .Morris Shapiro ;JS her co-chairman. Mrs, Paul Gallagher, prominent civic leader, has been chosen to receive the award in recognition lor her "untiring efforts in the field of human relations and community service." Assist inf.; Mrs. Meiches and her co-chairman are Mines. Harry Wise consultant: Norman Rosen, Charles" Scudder, Marvin Gerber, Marvin Trcller, reservations and telephone; Herbert Passman, decorations; Stanley Shapiro, hostesses; Harry Friedman, invitations; Sam Pollalt, publicity; Julia Jacobs mill William Stone, arrangements. Reservations may be made by calling Mines. Rosen. TK 3'JTO; Scudder, TK G10H, and Gerber, KK 1:J62.

'Know Your Meighlior' Sabbatli, Belli Israel The Belli Israel Sisterhood will sponsor ils tenth annual "Know Your Neighbor" Sabbath February 12, at 8 p.m. at the synagogue in observance of Brotherhood Week. I'.abbi Benjamin Groner will deiver the sermon and Cantor Eli Kngan, accompanied by the choir, will participate. A question and answer period will conclude the service and will be followed by a social hour. Mrs. Nnth.in If. Greenberg, chairman and Mrs. George Schapiro, co-chairman, are being assisted in making arrangements by Mmcs. Henry Appcl, Isadore Klewitz, Sidney Goldberg, Dan Gordinan, Maurice Katzman, Sam Katzman and Harry Sidman. A tour of the religious school will be made under the supervision of Sam Stone and Miss Matlee Katlcman and their teaching staff: Mines. Nate Berg, Robert Endelman, Bennett Fishbain, Sam Stone, Mai Tepper, Miss.Karen Forbes and Messrs. A. Kisenstc'in, Avnim MaleU and Paul Shyken.

i;i, KAIMAN Mr. and Mrs. Jrvin Kaiman announce the Bar Mitzvah of their BETH ISKAKI, son, Paul, on Saturday morning, Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor February L'Oth, at Beth Kl SynaKli Kagan, Beth Israel Choir will gogue. conduct Friday family services at 8 p. m. Traditional Friday serv- II. KOriEKT MILDKIC. ices (ICabolas Shabbosl, 5:30 p.m. On Friday, February 19th, and Shabbos morning services, 8:45 Saturday, February 20th, Robert a. m. at 52nd and Charles Streets, Milder, son of Mr. and Mrs. L'dUnited Nations, N. Y. CJTA)— 9 a. m. at 19th and Burt .Streets. Ward E. Milder, will celebrate his Israel and Syria both agreed to Junior Congregation, 10 u. in. Tal- Bar Mitzvah at. Temple. meet under the auspices of the mud Class, 5:15 p. in. Sabbath U n i t e d Nations Israeli-Syrian Mincha, 5:45 p. m. followed by Mixed Armistice Commission. Sholosh S'cudos and Maariv. Sunday morning services, 8:45 n. m. followed by breakfast and Miss Beatrice Soinmer placed Rabbi's class in Bible. Junior Minyon, 8:30 a. m., followed by break- first and Dr. and Mrs. Alfred n.A. iind r<*<l{iff<>£y, I'nl, SVbr. fast. Daily services. 7 a. m. and Brody, second, at the recent tournament Bridge Night held at the PrWafe tutoring, individual or in 5:30 p.m. group, in Hebrew, Yiddfih, Jewish February 13 — Hamisha Asher Jewish Community Center. history, lore, euttomt and rituals— The next bridge night will be B'Shevat. evening* 7 to 9; Safurdayi 2 to 7; held Thursday, February 18 at 8 Sunday mornings. p.m. at the Center. Sheff Katskee, tournament coordinator, reported Five yearc in Palestine At student, Harry Trustin, Federation Pres- openings are available for players farmer and teacher. ident, will be national associate interested in participating in the Founder of Omaha's Modern Hechairman of the attendance com- sessions. brew School; instructor af Temmittee for the lOfiO biennial con- JEWISH Mi;.SK(.'.M ple lirael; 5. Omaha Synagogue vention of the Jewish Welfare AT IDLKWIM) and Labor Lyceum. Board scheduled March :i()-April -Vew- York (WNS)—Kstablish- Columniit. war-time editor of the 3 at St. Louis, Mo. menl of a Jewish museum at IdleOmaha Jewish Press. wild International Airport was anDr. Maurice Sarhs has just re- nounced by the New York Board of. turned from Chicago where he Rabbis as part of the international Harry G. Mendelson attended the mid-winter meeting synagogue it is building at the air4304 California St. WA 0881 of the Chicago Dental Society. port. Mi's.' William Kuldin, former Omahan and now of Los Angeles, PASSOVER and INDEPENDENCE DAY Tours to is spending a month here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Klliol Rubin.

Agree to leet

Tournament Bridge

Harry G. iendelson

INDIA PKESS STATICS ISHAKL "HICKi; TO STAV MltS. KTTA HUSHNICn New Delhi (WNS)—The Arab News has been received of (lie countries must, make peace with deatli of Mrs. Ktlu Coremnan the idea that Israel is here to stay, linsliner, 00, in Oakland, Cal., Feb- the influential 'I'imeH of India deruaiy .'), Mrs. Knsliner, a fonnor clared in an editorial cautioning Omalian, was u life nn^inber of against the insanity that the Jewish state can be liquidated. Hadassah. Survivors: -husband, Dr. E. I, Patronize Our Advertisers Kuslmer; son, Dr. Josi.'pli Kusbner, San Fivmrisco; daunliters, Mrs. Joe Weiner and Mrs. Bernard Sideman, both of Oakland; sislers, Mrs. . ,. PJiineas Winlioub of Omaha, Mrs. Sam Sarver of Ualilnnd and Mrs. SAVE TAX I-i-oii Krafr, Cliarlolte, N. C ; DOLLARS ill ft \ s l . brolliers, James Corcnman of I l l 1) I l'( M I I A I Sioux' Cily, la., and Aaron and IIVIIIIII l u l l Irwir iDcr, Ikf II<T, Mi Nathan C'orennian of Palo Alto, t i r e s , liulKlrlialllr lulirlrallnn. Cal., iid live urandehildivn.


Kiim-ral services were held January 28 at Jewish iMimral Home for Samuel M. Oilman who passed away following a short illm-ss. Hurial at Golden Hill Onieli.'i-y. A native of Russia, Mr. Gilman was a resident of Omaha for 53 years and in business here until retirement. Survivors: daughter, Mrs. Morton Kerer and two jjrandehilriren. M.\i;UK'K < I \ ' I \ Wonl has been reeeived of the death of Maurice (,'ivin, 12, in Honolulu, T. II. Hi- had lived in (-)inaha 50 years before movinj; to Hawaii ei^ht years a no. A brother, Hen, lives in Omaha. Funeral services were held in Honolulu.

Mrs. Sam PoIIak has returned from visit with relatives in Chicago.


Departures from New York: March 28—S.S. JERUSALEM (All Steamer Tour) March 30—S.S. QUEEN ELIZABETH April 20—S.S. QUEEN MARY Groups Limited to 25 Members . . . Seme Space Still Available on Low Cost Air Tours Departures: Feb. 0, 22, March 7 :

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Omahans in News

Returning today from St. Louis. Mo,, are three Omaha women who attended the Board Meeting of the . Missouri Valley Region of Hadassah February 10 and 11. Mrs. M:iv iire-Knbvrg, president of the Omaha Chapter; Mrs. Sam Ii.it/nian. president of the Szold Group, and Mrs. J. II. Ifiilnkofrky. Regional Constitution chairman, participated in the sessions. Under discussion were plans for the Regional Conference to be held in Omaha .April 24, 25 and 26.



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Friday, February J2, 1860




at ming

MIES. ItCIHN, HOSTKSS MIMiKAM, SI'KAKKR 'JO IIAIMSSAII U()AKI> AT I-'AItllAM) JIKK'J'ING Dr. Norman Mil|;ram will IK: .Mrs. Meyer Hubiii. 902 Hillcxest Drive, will be hostess to tlw? C.'hjip- jj'i'.'.st .speaker at the dinner meet1«|- Bo;n<l of H;nl;iK.sah HI a <lcs- ing of the Farband-Foale '/Aim, icrt lundir-uii, Monday, Kcbru.iry Sunday, February, 1<1, at 7:.'i<) p. in. 15, at VI:.'!() p. 111. Co-hoslcssrs will at, the Jewish f'ommiinily Center. tji1 Mini's. .Alfred Fr:mli imrl Ira Ke.servations will he taken until G p. in. Friday, February VI. Whileljijok. .Mrs. Alic Kchlni The following officers will be in\\\\\ rliKtMiss plans lor Hit" Kiiniiiiiii;i' Kali' to bi' li'-lil early In stalled: Mrs. Marion Hnndariii, eliainnan; (.'all JtOM'nhcrj;, viceJhiivh. chairman; nenjamin Klaiman, acting Poale Zion .secretary; Sam KifCroui) lioanls will meet (it des kin, recording secretary; I.a/ar sert luuflir-on.s on Thursday, J'Vb Friedman, Ireasi'iri-; J;ilci; l-'clrlni.'iiy IK. Theodore Ilerz) ('iruii mail, Mospifallei'; Joseph Radin;il liimic of Mrs. Ilnrry Ravi I/, owski, finance secretary; Mrs, 1,2 .South 4!) Avenue. Mrs. .Sol Sarah Oknn, honorary chairman; Cniiidell and Mis. Isadorc Ohi'r- Mike Orlowski, Isadorc Forbes, inan, eo-hoste.sses. Sol Ash, Mrs. Jake Fcldman and Mrs. Sidney CoJdberj.:. 5212 (*or- Harry Kilkin, execulive board. )>>'. hoKtesK to ileiiriettii Szold The committee in charge of Group, assisted by Mrs, Leonard HiTiistcin. C l i a i in Wcitzman meeiinj; arranccmcnts will be: Croup at the home of Mrs. Charles Mines. Isudore Forbe.s, Sam Rifkin Cuss, 11)17 No. (M; Mrs. Max Hilt and Max Kicwlowitz. Mrs. Milton NearenberK will present a musical JUT, ro-hostes.s. program. i)SK(i SIIAIIHAT The monthly "Uni'K Khabbat" of -tIn? Krluralion Council of Iladass.'ih will be held at the home of Alr.s. Charles Garetz on Saturday, Kcbruaiy 13, at 12:30 p. m. •i'K.MIM,!-; IIIIII.M STIJOV <;icoi;r, I''KIIICIJAKY IH

Tlie Temple Israel Bible Sillily Jjroiip, led by Habbi Sidney II. Jlroolts, will continue its niKeusfiiun on tin: Hoolc of Moses at a 1 j>. in, meetiii);, TlnirsdaV, Felnniiry 18. WOIIKHK.V (Iltt'l.I-; BAZAAR The annual bazaar of the Work man Circle family will start at ft p. in. Sunday, February 21, at the L a b o r Lyceum, 3024 Owning S t r e e t . Buffet supper will be (served. Mi's. Max Croun.se is chairniiin mill Mrs. Ijniis Witkin is in eharee of solicitations. ••TKA AMI TALK" AT ItKTII KIAnntlii'i' si'ssion of "Tea and Talk" will bo conducted by Mrs. Dorothy Kripke on Wednesday, Kobmary 17, at 1:115 p. m. at Holh 1^1 SyiiatioKHc. Mrs. Kripke will continue her discussion of "A Good Lift The Jewish View." MI/.KA<HI HOLIDAY DKSNKKT UlN(;iIi;O!V 'Die Mizrachi Women will have n ("hamlshah Assar Bisheval desjiort luncheon preceding the regular mcetiiiR on Wednesday, February 17, at 1 p .ni. at the Jewish <'011111111 nity Center. Mmes. Max Arbitman, A. Lipsmun and Sol Nojfg will be in charge of the dessert luncheon. Sam Stone, Kducational Diiec1<>r of Both Israel .School System, will (jive a talk, Mrs, Morris .1. Kranklin, program chairman, »nnottnecd.


•A MM,*

BONN (WNS) Dr.. N a h u m Goldmann,'president of the World Jewish Congress, in a telegram to West German President Heinrich Luebke for his public condemnation of nazi climes against Jews, declared that Dr. Luebke's statement forlificd Jewish hopes that the German Federal Republic will resort, to all legal and educational means to thwart the resurgence of nazi sentiment.


A i t Epstein's

38th and Farnam

Pipe From Oas Field To Pofasfi Works Jerusalem fJTA)—A six-inch .tO-kilometer pipeline will be laid between the recently-discovered Uosh /ohar natural gas field and the Sdom Potash Works. The project was outlined in an agreement between the Dead Sea Works and the Naphtha! Petroleum Company, which has a concession 1o the natural gas field.


RE 1112 ,£M •'


[ Kcprmlllrllnil .• ' of four-color poster announcing

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Page Four

Center VAUSITV LEAtil'K . . . The Varsity Jeanne look on a new turn this wci-k tis Lusty's tiefeuted Pauls 49-10. 1o climb ivithin oiii" f,'i""e ()f tlic league leaders. Pauls had an eiyht point kwl going into the final three minutes nnd appeared to be on the way to clinch the title However a stall backfired and finally uitli 17 seconds remaining. Steve Ttosc-nblatt dropped in a two pointer off an offensive rebound for the winning points. Rosenblatt, and Scott stored L'S for the winners, while Allen KolioeUy pushed thmugh H for the winner;;. One game now separates the teams KoiiiK into Hie final round. In the other gfiinc of the evening ItelyraoVs pulled out of the celler witli a 53--J."> win over Robinsons. With Jack .Sliss liittim; from the outside ami Hill Humes from in close for u tolnl of 'SI points, the Robinsons could never catch them despite a IG-pnint performance from John l.'ntjlesliom. WON LOST Pauls i> •! Lusty 5 1 Belgrade 1 H • Robinson 3 (i

tallied IS points to lead Sio->burg to a 27-8 win over PUiylurid Park. Jim IVigton hud all eight points for the losi'i'.i WO.NT LOST Tivtiak, 1 ! Richmoi. - C«>nliiian. 1 1 -Sloshing '-' .'• Pl.iylaiRi Par): 0 5

Friday, February ]Z, JOCO


Mertdelson Offers Ptwafe Tutoring

Retired Scientist CampusNews Oireets Research sonoicrrr

BALTLMOIU-J (WNS.i A 7fiPledged to sororities at Ohio Harry O. Mendeljon, B. A, and Pedagogy, Ner.it aska University, Stale University, Columbus, tne year-old Jei\lsh immigrant from Jltissln, Dr. Solomon Lefschelz, I!i21, announce;! offering private Barbara Adler, daughter of Mi", has lolled up his sleeves in an tutoriiii; for yuiin;; ond old in Ha- and Mrs, Arthur Adleri CJayle effort to close Hie gap in Soviet Invw, Yiddish, Jewish lore., cus- Feldman, daughter o( Mr. and Mrs. superiority in Ihe missile race, t'lius and rifuak. Arniiuicrtieiits Abe Feldman, Sigma Delia Tall Dr. Lffschetz, long relircil, rec:ui he made by contacting lii:!!. and Daly Ka.sin. daughter of Mr, turned to active duty as; director lie .spent ftvt" .wars in I'jleilino and Mr.,. Harold Kasin, Delta Piii as student of the ancient and Kp-silon. Miss Kasin was elected of the inalhemalics branch of the SHOTS IN" TIIK UAliK . . . 1'esearch Institute for Advanced ui'iiiem Hehrt'iv cullure, as faniifr .•v.'Cretnry ol her pledge class. The J. C. C. CHUM league all .Study because he believes Soviet anil as teafher of l-;m;lisli. In 19.'<0 featured major upsets last w'.' I lie established hU own inodern Hesuperiority is based on belter with the excitim; title picture go- liivw idiool. Aloo laui;l)t at Tem- I'OHtaije, .Stamp IIonorH knowledge of nonlinear differening into the lin.il round of play ple Israel. South OrualKi Syni- Originiitor ol I^jtcruuto tial equations. lie hopes lo correct . . . Lynn Hlomcndhal. Guodland. uoiiiie anil Ihe Lalur Lyceum. For P.iy cie Janeiro (\VNSi--A post- mathematics lai; in missiles hefiiro K.'iiis., national Baton and Twirl- some year.-, he served as secretary age stamp honoring Di'. Ludivig he attain retires. ing rhanipi'H! ir. juni'ir division of the O:n:i!i:i I'iiiio.-.op!iic il So- Z-.drieiihot, originator of Ksjieranlo, was a giust at Ihe ("elite." last ciely. was issued by the jiostal departueek. Mr. .Mendfl.vjM cmlriijute;! a ment on Ihe occiiKion of the obGORDON STORAGE column, 'i'lie Ilunian Paiioriif-i, servance of the 100th birth of WAREHOUSE. INC, for close tu a decade lo the Oinihj the Bi:<listok-born-Jcw. Jewish Press and was its wartime JA 3032 i'alrorii/e Our A<herfi.'-ers editor. Some of his tninsiatians 1201 JONES from the Heine1.1.1 and Yiddish ap.\e\\ York (JTAi -Tin' Am.'ii- peared in the B'nai B'rilh Journal, no.l specialists in cau GovfrnrjK'iit's support Oi the The Jewish Advocate of New York A r u I'tnbai'g'j on ships calling at and I ho Boston Jewish Weekly. storage, packing, local Israel ports was 'l"Mouliced by a He He is .isiociiitei with h e . N o g RUG & UPHOLSTERY and long-distance moving f,'rouo o' rnajo- Jr\vi-.h OJAJUIU/U- Bros. Riper Co. and h:is b->?n fo lions. CLEANERS many ye-iij. In a joint statement, six nationRUGS — CARPETING al Jewish (todies and Til Jewish unri;i:s IH:IN« AUKI;ST LAMP SHADES community, relations councils in OF MOKOCCAN' JKWS FURNITURE cities throughout the United Paris—Three Moroccan Je.vs VOl'TH COINCH. Cleaned in Your Home! States, all affiliated with the Na- were arrested in Casablanca when Ruyim put on their best per- tional Community Relations Ad- they were about to board a ship Binding—laying—Repairing Call Jerry Krupinshy formance of the year to topple visory Council, saiii oi the policies because officials said they found Far Free Estimates A. Z. A. No. 1000, from the un- of the Navy Agriculture Depart- in their possession letters from HA 2554 Don Bernstein defeated ranlts T>1M8 last Sunday, ment and Commodity Credit Cor- relatives in Israel. and Prompt Servico after nine straight league vic- poration that "this, almost defies tories'. Rayim got behind early, credulity." and then applied the pressure, late Copies of the statement, with in the second half. Dick Zaeharia letters urging action to bring scored 15 for the winners. Dan about discontinuance o( the polKatli year more families suite h to elecHollis had 19 for the losers. icies, were sent to President Ki.stric heating. Wo asked tlicm why—and A. Z, A. No. 1, had to battle enhower, Secretary of the Navy they told in it's because only clcrtiic for one quarter but then breezed Franlte, Secretary oi Agriculture heating has all these advantages: to a G4-43 triumph over A. Z. A. Benson, Secretary of State Herter, No. 100. Bob Ginsburg scored 23 Senate Agriculture Committee Cfeoa—No (ombimion, no fuel in llir house, for the winner.? and Mickey Sacks Chairman Kllender, House Agrino air c u n n i t i ' i o cairy dun. dumped in 18 for the winless 100 culture Committee Chairman CooEconomical—Low rlertrk ratM mean low boy. ley, Senate Aimed Services Comheating cosK—and there aic no (liirnncys, no WON" LOST mittee Chairman Russell, Housed ducti, no fiirimcri to initall. A. Z. A. 1000 9 1 Armed Services Committee ChairHtalthful— No hoi Ma)ti, no told diafti—jiut Rayim 6 4 man Carl Vinson Senate Foreign even, radiant wanntli. AZA 1 5 5 Relations Committee Chairman C a r t f r a t — N a ' y c B i I y ituintrnanre or .idjmtA. Z. A. 100 0 10 Fulbright, House Foreign Affairs mcnti, no cleaning. Committee Chairman Morgan. r 1JU ANI> 8TU ftKAMU LE.Uil K Comfortable— You select llie lirat you want The major Jewish organizations with individii.il loom comroli—and %n intlant Gerelicks won the league cham- which joined in the statement w.-irmlli. pionship last Sunday by defeat- were: The American Jewish Coning Philips 41-20 in a hard fought gress, Jewish Labor Committee, game. Dan Katskee saved the title Jewish War Veterans, Union of HERE'S WHAT ONE OMAHA HOMEOWNER TOLD US ABOUT ELECTRIC HEATINGi game for his best performance. American Hebrew Congregations, He scored 20 points and controlled Union of Orthodox Jewish Conboth back boards for his team. gregations of America and United Bob Gould had 13 for the losers, Synagogue of America, who put up a scrappy battle. "Every American's pride in the Kaiman won their first, game j dignity and stature of the United of the year with a 25-17 win over I-GO-Van. Eleven points by Ron States Government must be shakNicklaus paved the way for the en by the disclosure that not only winners. Barry Sadofslty had nine the United Slates Navy, but the Department of Agriculture and the for the losers. WON LOST Commodity Credit Corporation as well, have bowed submissively to Gerelick •5 0 an Arab embargo on the freedom Philips '•'• 2 of United States flag merchant I-GO-Van 1 4 ships to touch at Israel ports," the Kaiman 1 4 statement said. "In doing so the.se agencies of BTH AXD fiTH CiKAUK LEAGUE Richman-Gordman, forgetting to our government have made the read the press clippings of the un- United Stales a party to the imdefeated and league leading Tre- position upon American businesstiak team, out-run and out-fought men of limitations on their freetheir rivals for a 2(5-14 victory- dom to transact legitimate busilast Sunday to send the league ness with their own government, into a two-way deadlock for first purely because they: do or have ' place. Should both teams win this done business with persons or comSunday, a special championship panies in a nation with which the game will be held following the United States maintains friendly and cordial relations. This almost regular season. Lee Ross was the power behind defies credulity. "This submission' to the willful his team's victory with 1G points Mr. A. C. Kxll. SSSO MtKlnlt, and turned in a steller perform- obduracy of Arab dictator Nasser ance in all-around floor play. Ron can only contribute to his intran"TI12 only dust we have is what we carry in iiere.Tlic greater liuniidity provided with clfcWolpa had eight for the losers. sigence and feed his sense of powon our »hoe» from the outside. It'* wonderful tric heat lias certainly helped hfr and I beIn the opening game Ben Shafton er. It thus diminishes the prospects to wake up in the morning and not nave a lieve it has helped my nrthriti), at well "The individual room control, the nice smooth, for stability and amity among nastuffed-up head. Tlierc juit isn't any dirt with even heat and the lack of dirt are .ill appreelectric neat. We've noticed that we haven't tions in the Middle East. The polciated by m. We wouldn't want an) thing but had ,i cobweb in the house. icies of the United States Governelectric heat." "Mrs. Krcll hasn't had a cold since we lived ment agencies involved are humiliating to American pride and inChooso Ono of These Modern Electric Heating Systems— The Soviet Union has at least consistent with American prestige, or a Combination of All Four— American tradition and American 2,268,999 Jews according to the vital interest. Our national dignity Radiant electric Bateboard electric Built-in will units Radiant electric 1959 Soviet census figures. Completely c o n 8omo t y p o s liavo heaters panels cealed in celling or f n n fl a n d m o . i t Jrifitnlleil on out.'iMo (llaiis, uictftl or ccr* The figure of 2,268,999 Jews is demands that they be disconmodels have tlierwiilla. tlicy radiftto walls. Hunslilnc-Iiko ntofc panel Is rc« a minimum, since many other tinued," the statement concluded. mo.'jtatfl for accuheat to tlio floor, radiance )cccp*i you ee.^ncd Into Iho wall. rate, individual heat wlillo v.'ftrm convectIt radlatca l i o a t completely comfortJews, besides the 2,268,999 enucontrol. Uoo ono or cd air ccntly r/ncs wjthout draftn. Ideal fiblo at lower room merated as such in the census, are moreto a room. to lioat ih<} room. for bnth. ' temperaturea. known to have claimed other nationalities. An official Soviet re- Phone JA 1364 lo insert vour Wonl AO in Far cornpMt Information about modern elscfrle hooting, contact port made recently to the United Hie Jewish Prcsl. Rote Is 50 cents for eoch three line truerNations listed the number of Jews lion. The Press reserves Ihe rlqlil to limit in the USSR as 3,000,000. There size of each aaVerlisemenf were 5,000,000 Jews In the Soviet Nebraska Inler-lndusfry Electric Council DAILY JKW1.SII VM'KItH Nebraska Public Power System Union in 1941. Large numbers of II.* 1 anil l i a s Mllssvnh congratu1 them were killed by the Germans Nebraska-Iowa Electrical Council Omaha Public Power District lation . aKo for dll Jewish holiduring the Nn/i invasion of Ihe ' l . n s .ind special occasions USSR Mevers Ni-ws St nirl 1102 Dodge

Denounce Sufiporl

Why more

of your neighbors than ever before

are heating electrically this winter

Soviet Union Has 2,2S8,SSS '.Jew s


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