February 19, 1960

Page 1


Published every Friday, JO1 No. »UU<niAII,\ Onialid. Nebraska. PJionc JA 13UG «-' I J "»*»



J Kiu.li,

J i.ism All*

Second CJuss Postiipo f'uld


Single Copy 10 Cent* Annum Hale 4 Uollar»

To Survey Needs of Omaha Jewish Hged David K. licbcr will head a specinl Federation committee which The 1960 Day Camp sponsored Camp will be open to boys and will malic a .study of the needs and by the Jewish Community Center girls C-12 years of ago. A prerequirements of the Jewish aged will be held at Peony Park from school division for 4 and 5 year •nat " t l l e June 13 through July 8. in Omahu, 'Harry Trustin, Jewish The spiritual leadership of the The r. old children will be offered if Federation president, announced. Jewish Community of the United spiritual well-being A 'complete outdoor program there is sufficient registration. The special committee will .study States has been mobilized In sup of every : _,;inent of the Jewish will include swimming instru Dates and ICuteu the long term plans for services port of the 1!)6() campaign of thepeople is the concern and respon- by qualified Red Cross personnel, to'.Omaha's Jewish ay.oil, as well National United Jewish Appeal sibility of Jews everywhere. We athletics, camping, hiking, group F'irst two weeks—June 13 to J u n e 24— $X>'.00. as future needs of the Dr. Philip with the formation of tho UJA games, trips, nature lore arts and Rabbinical Advisory Council, con- urge the fullest support of thecrafts, campcraft, dancing, sing- Second two weeks—June 27Sher Homo for Aged. It will also survey medical, sisting of 21 leading members of United Jewish Appeal, for it is ing, cookouts and many other ac- July 8—$35.00. Full four weeks—June 13-July housing, recreational and other the American Rabbinate, Milton through the United Jewish Appeal tivities. needs and existing facilities serv- H. Abraham, Jewish Philanthropies that the Jews of America express The Day Camp provides oppor- 8—$60.00. Chairman, announced this week. ing the senior citizens, and make this concern and .responsibility in tunities for children to make new Registration will bo accepted in recommendations to the Jewish The Council will serve' as a con- the most constructive and mean- friends, learn new skills, appre- the order they are received. Federation Hoard. sultative group to the UJA andingful manner." ciate the outdoors, to work and Rates include transportation, food, crafts, insurance and trips. Mr. Beber is a past Chairman act as liaison between the UJA Chairman of the Advisory Coun- share with other children and to Brochures and a p p l i c a t i o n of the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish and members of the American have the guidance of mature leadHome for Aged, and served us a Rabbinate. Its membership repre- cil is Rabbi Morris Liebeniiun of ers and counselors. ProgramB are blanks will be mailed shortly. member of the Jewish Federation sents a cross-section of Orthodox, Baltimore. Reform and Conservative Rabbis. The rabbis pointed out in Iheir geared to the ability of the campBoard. statement that American Jews, ers. through the UJA, enable Israel Carefully selected and trained to continue to serve as a haven counselors will supervise the small for Jews in need of a home; to groups into which the children help in completing the absorption will be assigned. The Day Camp of the million immigrants who will be under the supervision of The 1960 United Jewish Appeal have come to Israel since li)-18 and Boris Steiman, Center Activities is now more than a Israel is finding it difficult to Canal and would use every means to provide aid to Jewish men, Director, assisted by Dik Welner, campaign campaign to solve the problems of obtain arms, especially armor within her power to secure this women and children "living In theYouth Activities Director and by 3960. It is a campaign not only shadow of fear, in spiritual suffo- Cy Seitcliick, Health & Physical to meet the great human deeds of from the Great Powers," an- objective. nouticcd. Mr. Shimon Peres, the Hy now Israel has probably cation, or under the burden of Education Director. the present, but to clear the road Deputy Minister of Defense. His spent nearly half a million dollars crushing poverty and look to refor the future. statement follows the total failure in keeping the Inge Toft and the settlement in Israel and other This was recognized by the of the United Nations to break the Astypalea at Port Said. This Is lands as their only hope." American Jewish community as it Egyptian blockade of the Suez Ca- regarded as necessary expenditure, A meeting in March will be held prepared to embark on the twentynal against Israeli shipping and for only by repeatedly sending in Chicago. second consecutive annual United the passive attitude adopted by cargoes can this matter be kept Omaha B'nai B'rith including Jewish Appeal campaign at the the United State.s to Nasser's pol- before world public opinion. OthHenry Monsky, Nebraska and Miami National Inaugural ConferU N I T E I) NATIONS, N. Y. icy. erwise, Israel's case will go by de- (WNS) A statement condemning Cornhuskcr both lodges and chap- ence held recently. Mr. Peres said that arms sup- fault. the recent spate of anti-Semitic ters will sponsor a Blood drive on plies from Kuropc would in the incidents was issued by UN Sec- Wednesday, February 21, between The United Jewish Appeal agenfuture have to depend on the conretary General Dag II a m m u r- 12 noon and 5:45 p.m., at the Red cies, the American Jewish comficnt of all members of the Euskjold. The UN official said he Cross Blood Bank. Com beef munity recognizes, are now dealing with a set of problems which ropean Union, including West Ger"saw no reason to regard those sandwiches will be served. many, For airplanes Israel was mahisfestatlons tho result of any AH blood collected will be given result from the awareness that still United to France, nnd for nav- Iti conjunction with Jewish masterminded o p e r a t i o n , " but in the name of Jeff Cooper who men cannot live by freedom alone. al equipment to Britain. Israel was Music Month, Both Kl Synagogue that the UN "and Its specialized recently underwent, heart surgery Since 1948, the United Jewish increasingly nble to rely on herwill hold "An Evening with Joseph agencies must apply the means at at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Appear has brought almost a milown production for the supply of I.ovine" honoring the conductor their disposal as effectively as pos- Minn., Mrs. Max Sacks, chairman, lion immigrants to Israel. I t gave them freedom, but it also tried to small arms. of the Omaha Symphony Ojchos- sible to counter resurgence of such said. Israel's new search for arms Is tra on Sunday evening, February tendencies." Jeff is the eleven year old son help them make that freedom real of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Cooper, by aiding them to become self-sufmotivated by the continued flow 21, at 8:15 p. m. at the synagogue; who wrote "our son is making ficient. Today two out of three of of arms to Egypt from Eastern Mr. Levine will highlight the very good progress. We are deeply that million have reached the goal Europe. Israel has no intention evening by delivering an address. grateful to our relatives, friends of self-sufficiency. That is a great of .giving up her struggle for free The affair is open to the entire and the many Omahans who help- success story. But the third impassage for ships through the Sue?. community. to replace the blood, which was migrant—and there are almost Assisting Mmes. Keith Saunders Mrs. Paul Gallagher, prominent ed greatly responsible for successful 350,000 third immigrants — still community leader, will receive the and Sidney Schwartz, general cosurgery. We thank B'nai B'rith for needs our help. 1900 B'nai B'rith Women's Award chairmen arc Mmes. Harry Linmaking this life-saving program The third immigrant needs a for service in community affairs coln and Daniel Katzman, decorareal chance to earn his bread— tions; II. Lee Gendler, reception; and 'in the field of human rela- possible." tions, at the 12 o'clock luncheon, Assisting Mrs. Sacks is Mrs.simple but decent housing—to and Joel Helfman, publicity. Thursday, February 23, at Shera- Charles Fisher, co-chairman and bring up his chil-lren with a chance Hosts and hostesses for the eveMmes. William Stone, Julia Jac- in life equal to the opportunities Governor Ralph G. Brooks and ning are Messrs. and Mmes. Fred ton-Fontenelle Hotel. Mrs. Herbert Melches, chairman obs, Albert A. Oruch, Abraham available to other children in IsSenator Roman Hruska will par- D. Brodkey, Harry Dulioff. Joel Marvin Gerbcr, Yale Kap- rael. Yet among Israel's third imticipate in tho Beth Israel-Syna- Helfman, Stanley Herzoff, Joseph for the B'nai B'rith Women's Ci- Temin, Abo Bear, Harry Friedman, migrants we find 60.000 living in gogue Citation Dinner Sunday, Ifornstein, Daniel Katzman, Kcvee tation luncheon, Is assisted by lan, Milton Mints;, Arthur Pnrilman, stanty-towns; 130,000 unable to March 20, Maurice Katzrnan, pro- Kirshcnbaum, Sam S. Newman, Mmes. Gene Osheroff, Max Krizel- Harry J. Milton Mar- make their living on farmsteads gram chairman, announced this Max Ricltes, Phil Schwartz, Rob- man, Herbert Passman, Art Jacob- golin, Schulmnn, Richard Wright, Delmar where they were settled; tens of week. ert Wagner, Drs. and Mmes. Nor- son, Morrey Alperson and Harold Klein, Frank Sekar, Myron Mar- thousands of youths unable to get Admiral Lewis L. Strauss, for- manMilgram and Al Rimmerman. Abramson. Aaron Epstein, Harry Smith, tho training, guidance, advance, Reservations, which are open to ko, mer chairman of the Atomic EnWeinberg, Nate Kaplan and educational opportunities they the public, may be made with Harry ergy Commission, will receive the Barney Kaufman; Messrs. Wlllinm need to bring them to a par with Mmes. Marvin Gerber, KE 1362; Stone, coveted humanitarian award at Elliot Brown, Lou Jess, the rest of Israel's youth; thouCharles Scudder, To. 6180 or Nor- David Cooper, the annual dinner. and Max Sacks. sands of aged who need expanded man Rosen, Te. 3270. "Both Governor Brooks and welfare facilities, and a host of Senator Hruska have demonstratother needs. ed their interest and support of Those unmet immigrant needs the State of Israel and in Jewish are the core of the UJA's 1960 philanthropic causes," Dan Gordcampaign. Added to them are the mnn, president stated. "We arc responsibilities which the pleased to have their acceptance." Washington (WNS) — George were baffled by the ruling since vast agencies of tho UJA have to more Admiral Strauss served as presLincoln Rockwell's anti-Jewish the issue at hand was something than 2l).'5,00O people not only in ident of Temple Emanu-El, New "American Nazi Party" virtually more than the issue of obscenity Israel, but:in 25 oilier countries York. He was Acting Secretary of received an official "hechsher," —incitement to murder. The Hock- throughout the world—for a total Commerce in President Eisenhowendorsement, when the District of well sheets actually urged "the of 600,000 meir, women and chiler's cabinet lost year. chamber" for American Jews. dren—responsibilities the fulfillColumbia Commissioners ruled gas Moreover, the official literature Israel Cul.-Iricet Hours that' the ^police:"hwiJi>i0consider of the American Nazi Party ment of which mean day-to-day Report on Incidents; .'.'." distribution'; of anti-ow,...... hate pledges establishment of "an In-survival. Two Israeli* Killed As American Jews we recognize literature 'u violation of local law. ternational Jewish Control Auth- that : Jerusalem (WNS) Tim slaying our responsibility does not Chester H. Gray, Corporation ority" that would make "a longof two Israelis by Jordanian forces liear Ashmura," un Israel agriculCounsel, .said in an opinion that term scientific'study to determine end with the docks of .Haifa or of. the other free-lands to which we tural settlement near Lake IIuA unique gold box, originally while the literature that wim be1'eh, was the background of the belonging to Lieutenant Uriah ing distributed by the Nazk wus if the Jewish virus is a matter of have helped bring Jews seeking ameeting of tho Israel Cabinet. P. levy, recently donated to offensive,:insulting and abusive, it environment and can be eliminat- free and better way of life. Our Highlighting the session was a reed by education and training, or responsibility extends to the point port on the situation by Major Tho Jewish Museum of The was not obscene nor violative of if some other method must bo de- where Mr. Refugee becomes Mr. General Chaim Laskov, Israel's Jewish Theological Seminary of the local libel laws. The Corpora- veloped to render Jews harmless Citizen with all It implies—a job, tion Counsel ruling was hailed by America by Mr/and Mrs. p Chief of Staff. . to society." The group, the record and a real chance to make Tho new outbreaks were also M. Kntz of I'MHlmrgli, Va. Tho the American Civil Liberties Un- shows, would also establish "an ahishome, new freedom meaningful. discussed by Premier David Ben inscription rends! "Tho Com-ion and the two Jewish nttoi'noyn An outstanding significance of. Gurlon and Foreign Minister Gol- mon Council of the City of New It appointed to defend a Rockwell international treason tribunal to da Melr. Mr, Ben Gurlon was ex- York to Lieutenant Uriah P. follower who Is to be tried this investigate, try and publicly iinng UJA for us is that it enables us' pected to make a firm statement Levy of tho United States Navy, week as a codefendant with a in front of the Capitol, all non- to make freedom more meaningin Parliament Mils week against leader who sought to seize Jews who are convicted of having ful throughout the world, and in the proposed lifting of military as a testimony of respect for his Jewish contcols in Arab-occupied areas of character, patriotism and pub- the hato sheets that were being acted consciously ns fronts for doing so, make it more meaningful distributed. Jewish circles here Jewish treason or subversion." for ourselves. ' Israel, He spirit, February 0, 1834."

LeadershipforAppeal C

UJA Campaign Meaningful Freedom



Beth £1 to Honor

Mrs. Gallagher Citation Recipient

Hruska at Beth Israel

American Nazis Get Green Light To Distribute Anti-Semitic Sheets





Friday, February JO, l!KiO

Golden i g e Ghh Omahans in News Jack W. Marer was Heeled vice$03 'Democracy Dolls* president ol the World Insurance

Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Omaha,

"JJDII.S for Demociacy" will be jiresented by the -Mines. Hcrberl Company at its recent inei'linj;, Meiehes and Morris Shapiro at iJavid iilacker was appointed (MRS) FRANCES KLEIN Editor the Golden Age Club dessert JKIDAV, S-Emil.WtY )2: A luncheon liieeiinj:, Monday. Feb- t i serw as a member ol the newfloral eenleipiece was sent by Beth ruary 22, at V2:'.',0 p. in., Jewishly organized Advisory Hoard of Israel Sistei b<)ud. the Lutheran Medical ("enter. Community Center. SAJ'I ItDAV, riJti.TAKY IB: Mrs. Albert Rimmerman will Ann IVniiirs I-'islier Kdward I!. (Ireen of the Kduard i-'uneral services were held Sun- Bikiir Cholim j;ave a One;: Siuiljli.it sing a selection of Yiddish soncs, day at I he Jewish Funeral lionie Inn the occasion of Chamlshah Asar accompanied by Mrs. James Wan. Ii. (jreen Co., Advertising Specialfor Ann Frances Fisher, 51, who ] liishewit. j Mrnes. J. Milton Margolin, Louis lies, has been elected to memberdied February V2. Burial at PleasSI'NDAV, l i : i t i : r . \ l i V I ) : The 'Cutler and Nallian Simon are in ship in the Advertising .Specially 1 ant Hill Cemetery. National Association. Omaha Iladas.-ah enlertained our charge. Survivors; lather, A. Fisher; residents uiih a miisicalo. Arlists The club is jointly sponsored by Ho will attend the national asbrother:;, Henry, Morton, Charles were Mrs, Albeit Kimmerinan, (be Omaha Section, National sociation convention and show in and Harold, Omaha: sisters, Airs. Master Jon Whitman, and Mrs. Council of Jewish Women and tin: Chicago, March '1-7. Sylvia Rosen, Omaha, and Mrs, Norman Whitman. Mrs. Hymen Jewish federation. 1-Jtliel Kerns, New York Cily. Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Kaiin.-in lielman \'-as mistress of cereBelli Kl celebrated t h e i r twenty-lilth monies. Mesdamcs Joe Bernstein, .Mrs. Id.i <;<ilill)iT(,' wedding anniversary on WednesServices this evening at Beth Sam Davis, Aaron I.evine, Alex Services for .Mrs. Ida fJuldbei'),', day, .February 17. 'K\ Synagogue will bcejn at H.15 7.r>, of Kansas City, AI<»., a former PJotkin and I'd Simon served cake ltr. anil .Mrs. 10. Ijordon Margop. in. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will Oniahan, who died February 'J in ami fruit. lin and daughter, Susan llclli NKW YORK fWNSi Six naKansas City, wen' beJd here at the MONDAY. FKIHtrAHV \r>: 'llie nf Cincinnati, Ohio, will be bouse deliver the sermon. C'.intor AarJewish Funeral Home, February plastic vsater bottles dnnatcd by j;uests of their parents Dr. and tional Jewish organizations and on 1. Kfl.Ljar and the Beth Kl Syn- 12, with burial in Pleasant Hill fifty-one Jewish community relaI he Bikur Cholim vverc favorably Mrs. .Morris Margolin. They arrive tions councils throughout I lie <i£n;:\ic Choir v. ill render the lini-Cemetery, heceiu'd by our .residents. in Omalia February 25 and will United States, all affiliated with fcical portions of the service. Survivors: sons, Meyer, North Tl KSDAV, rKKKVAKY 1(J: A remain over the week-end. the National Community Relations Sabbath moraine, .services will Miami lieaeh, Fla.; Abo, Kansas special ;:uest, Mrs. Susanna Frank, Dr. Gordon Margolin will par- Advisory Council, joined in a stateV'l'Hin ;it !i:.'iO; Junior Congregation City, .Mo,; daughters, Mrs. M. A. of Sao Paulo, Brazil attended our ticipate as a visiting faculty mem- ment condemning U. S. accjuies.'tt 10:."0 a. j 11. The Minclia-Mnariv Mokofsky. Kansas Cily, Mo.; Mrs. Council of Jewish Women's Arts ber in a post graduate course on ence in the Arab embargo on slrps Belle Bowman, Mrs. Iz Bernstein, servicee Will lieejn al 5:15 p. in. diseases of the kidney at the Uni- that have touched Israeli ports. Omaha; Mrs. Ksllier Beitehinan, and Crafts class. Sunday illuming service's arej New York City; Mis. Jack IJII, WICD.N'KSHAV, riOltltlJAKY 17: versity of Nebraska College of Copies of the statement, coupled held at 9 ,i. in. Daily services arej Gold Head), Ore.; 10 j;randchil- Hiibbi I)a\id Korb of Council Medicine. will) a request for discontinuance al 7 a. in. and 7 p. in. dren and three ^reat-Krandchil- Bluffs was our visitor. of that policy, were sent to Presi-Milton Ciiiss, .son of Mr. and dent Kisenbower. Ihe Secretary of dren. Till ItSOAV, I'Kfiltl.'AltY If): K i t h Israel | Mrs. Ifyman (Inss, has just reStale, Secretary of the Navy and The first legujar session III the turned to the States after five other officials and government Rabbi Benjamin (ironer, Cantor Jamb Shapiro now iH-auty parlor was held to- years in Havana, Cuba. He arrives Kli Kai'an ami the Beth Israel Jacob Shapiro. 81, resident here day. in Omaha on February IK to spend agencies. The statement, said "subChoir will conduct the Friday since 1010 and long active in Jewi'KltKIAHY 21: H'n.-ii 13'rith, a few days before leaving for mission to the willful obduracy of family services this eveiiinj.; al H ish charitable work, died FebruJ>. m. Traditional Friday services ary 11. .Services were held Sunday Henry Monsky Chapter No. •HO,Washington, 1). C to make his Arab dictator Nasser can only contribute to his intransigence and (Kalj')las Shabbosi bee.in at .1:45 at the Jewish Funeral Home, with will present a Brotherhood Week home. feed his sense of power." program at 2 p. in. J). in. burial in Fisher Farm Cemetery, .Shabbos momintr services begin Survivint; /ire: wife, Mary; sons, ! gg <J fil •S:-!5 a. in. at r>2ml and ("harles Benjamin S. and Max, both Oma-1 U i W« Mrs. Albert Goldstein wishes anil at '.) a. m. at 19th and Burl ha; Harold, I.os Angeles. Calif.; to thank all of her friends nnd Kip'ets. Junior Con^rcHalion al. daughter, Mrs. Helen Wagner, relatives for the many cards, 30 a. in. Habbi (jroner will eon- Madison, Wis.; eirjit grandchilKANSAS CITY, Mo. (JTA'i— WASHINGTON I.1TAI — The School officials here have reinduct the Talmud Class at 5:15 dren; five great-grandchildren, flowers and contributions durJ>. in. Sabbalh Mineha at 5:15 p. in. and brother, Max, Sioux City, Iowa. i United Stales Navy announced slated nine high school boys who ing her recent illness. fn))()wed by Sholeth S'oudos and | that George Lincoln Rockwell, wi-re suspended last week because Maariv. Mrs. Sylvia CIiiiMlbinifrr [ self-styled American Nazi "Fue- Uicy were members of local neoFuneral services for Mrs. Syl- hrer," has been formally dis- Nazi gangs. The nine students who Sunday morning services beuin fit. 8:-15 a. m. followed by break- via Goodbinder, 12, wen held Tues- charged from the U. S. Naval Re- were reinstated in school will l>e fust and liabbi's class in Bible. day at Beth Kl Synagogue. She serve. He had held the rank of ('((Hired to attend a series of lecSunday mornini; Junior Minyon died Monday in a local hospital Commander. tures on Iniman rights and Amerfollowed by breakfast starts at after a short illness. Burial was A Navy spokesman said the ican citizenship. They also prom#:.'!0 a. in. Daily services at. 7 a. m, in Golden Hill Cemetery. Navy aeceptr-il recommendations ised never again to join any Nazi and o:30 p. tn. Mrs. Ooodbinder was an active .-uid ardent worker in many organ- of a four-man Naval review board club. to discharge Hie •11-year-old Nazi B'll.ti Jacob Alias izations. Three ol her. boys were still un- the only brand produced and Xeshiiron Surviving are two sons, Hymie, agitator. The Navy said the dis- der suspension, while still another, charge resulted from Rockwell's bottled in Famed Washington, D. C. and Harry of reported to be the leader of the Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas "civilian activities." Rishon-lc-Zion Yeshuron will beKin Friday at Omaha; and three grandchildren. Nazi movement here, will not be 4:45-p. m. and Saturday morning Iiermitted to re-enter .Southeast nt 8:30 a. m. with Mineha at High School where he was a nonThe Gift of Gifts 4:45 p. m. followed by Shalosh lesident .student. Activities of neoa c-udos. Daily sen-ices at 6 30 IN A WIDE VARIETY Nazi clubs at Southeast and Kast a. m. nnd 5 p. m. . • TO SUIT high schools were revealed after EVERY TASTE a bomb caused $10,000 damage to Trmple Israel fttJE VVjNtC, OHAhD'Et.i Kelillath Israel Synagogue on &LIVOWITZ, WlfcMMIAM,, Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will January 28. VODKA, CHAMPAGNE conduct Friday services «t Temep/Hrar/JG DURGUMOY.i ple Israel at 8:15 p. m. His sermon Second Closs Pc-Iaqc Poiti ol Omaha. fJcfcr. Annual Subscription, W.OC. AOvcrlijinq Rates on Application. Pub:icotion Office-- 101 [Jo ?0!n street. Omohc. fiobr.. JAckscn 12W. •


Visiting in Omaha



AH friends ana relatives are Invited to attend scYvlces and reception.


H. Robert .Mililor H. Robert Milder, son of Mr and Mrs. Edward E. Milder, wili celebrate his Bar Mitzvah tonight and Saturday morning, at Temple Israel.

Cleaned in Your Home! Oindlog—laying—Repairing

Don Bernstein

J"au) Martin (jlventer Bar Mitzvah of Paul Martin Giventer, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Giventer, will be celebrated tonight and Saturday morning at Beth Israel Synagogue.

laurenco Bloom Bar Mitzvah of Laurence Bloom son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Bloom, will be celebrated at Beth Israel foynagogue on Friday night, February 26 and Saturday morninc February 27. David Stanley Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kaplan of Columbus, Nebraska, announce the Bar MitzvaJh of their son, DaVid Stanley Kaplan, on Saturday morning, February 27, at Beth El Synagogue. Stewart Sloan On Friday, February 26 and Sattirday, February 27, the Bar Mitzvah of Stewart Sloan, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sloan will take place . «t Temple Israel.


Sell what you don't need . . . Huy what you need through the Want Ads.

Su-1 * J'ls Re!i «'°n a Good Thing? Socrvices, Saturday u-ill be at 11:30 a. m. Habbi Brooks will officiate and the Religious School Choir will render the musical portions of the service.

Paul Kaiman Paul Kaiman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kaiman, will observe nis Bar Mitzvah on Saturday morning, February 20, at Beth El Synagogue.

Kansas ®l\y $ahooh RetEisfaSe Students

IIKIIBHW VJilVKKHlty ARC'HKOM)GIST AT WORK. Dr. pu Ynden, Vrotcusor of Arrheology a t Hebrew University, right, sliovvn some of hl» recent discoveries at the Hazor site In Ifsracl to I'romler B«-n iiurlon during Hin Israel statcnmn'H visit to the excavations wlilch are under the. direction of the 3swae» «!e ItolliBehlld ExI«!dltion of the Hebrew University.

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Certified Strictly Kosher by Rabbi Isaac $1 Holovi Herzog, Chief Rabbi of Israel Available at Your Local Liquor Stors


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Come Meet

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Friday, February JS>, 18C0




Study Groups it'NAI



<;o r.vcii. Tiie \V\v,\\ 1','rith Women's Conni:i) o/ Omaha will niccl . Monday, February 21>, Jvl."i p. m., .Jewish Community ('ciili]-, Mrs. David Iilcirll< r is [IK'Sldi III. IIAD.VSSAH iW.W'YVM Mi IT AM) JiOOK KKVIlAV Tlic Omaha Chn|iler ill Iladusf;ih will meet for lunch n/i W'edmv-diiv-, February 24, ]2;.'iO p. ill., (il tin1 .Jewish (.'(immunity ('enter Mrs, Siiiii Kalzman, president of the .Szold (Jrnup, will preside. A short original farce "'Die } Ion.se of Uue ,\I(ii;e" will he pre.(.eiil'rd liy its authors Mrs. Jerry Kemsleiu and Mrs. Robert Iloseii. Olhi'is in the easi lire Mines. Louis Deliniin, Morris Fellmsin, Willi.'im Kililtle, Albert Rimim-mian, Maurice Sachs, Miid Norman Whitman. Mrs. Alexander MeKie. .Jr. will n v i r w Robert St. .John's hool; "David Ken (jiirion". Mrs. A he Feldrmin, rummage .*,ale ehidnnan, ur^es ineinucrs \o bring articles to (his meeting. The Hide will he held in March. Storage depots will he at. Hie imiiu's of Mrs. Sam Kotiionhei'K,

TVnipli* Youth (iriiup The Temple Israel Youth (iroup (NI'TY) elected the following as officers: Steven Hcinstein, pre.sidellt; .Jerry I/rank, vice-prcsiilenl; Ncena Jieher, recording secretary; Nancy llardiii);, ii'iKirlini; secretary; Larry Mayor, treasurer, and Jim Silvcrinan, sergeant-at-nnns. Tin.-- following will serve as chairman on the executive committee: John Spilzor, publicity;' Arny Breslow, social; Norman Ulf.'lcher, project, and Frannle Crossman, cultural. STAiiK NMillT AVINNKKS: JIOIfANI'IC AM) A/A NO. J More than seven hundred people saw the 241 li Annual .Singe Night performance at Central High School auditorium, Saturday cviniiit;. Fourteen ucts highlighted this annual event. Chairmen were Hob Nogg mid Sharon Kraft. Arnold Hrcslow wns the stage manager.


Young Adult Feature Jewish feie Program Omlor Kli Kiigan of Heth Isliiol Synagogue will 'present n ifrmnnslrntion talk on the "Development of Jewish Music" nt. tlio Young Adult Night on Tuesday, February 23, at 7:.'iO p. m. at the Center. Guests will be the YVVCA COF.P Group nnd the Grcelt Orthodox

I.'JO.'I So. r>2. and .Mr.--. Art. Ahrains, 511 .SII. ."IOIII A \ c J-'or pick-up service call .Mines. Ahe I'Vlduiini, ('•[ •llll!; H a r r y Schuhnaii J'e liUO; or Niile .Maims, (II ()!)'(.'•!. I{ \VOMI;N' Aiui;r i I K S U . W Pioiu'er WoMM-n will liolil Ilii'ir nidiillily luncheon m e r l i n ; : Tuesday, F e b r u a r y -•(. 12:.'1O p. in. Jewish Coiiiiniihily Cciilcr. Mini's. Isa<lore l-'iirtjes Jind l)u\ e ICpslein are ill <:h.ii;;<• of .'iiTaiiwinrnlK. l'l.uis for Hie donor luncheon will In1 discussed.

IJKTII isrcAioi. r. T . A. I'KI:SI:NT MOVIK

"'I'lic.' Golrlen At;n of Cumedy" a fcaliire film ami short subjects will be shown by the Beth Israel Syn;i(;o);ue P. T. A., February 20, in H:.'U) p. m., at the syiiai:<»)Mie social hall. Tickets can he purchased lit th' 1 iluor. Coffee and calic will he served and ii dnoi' prize will hi- nwiirded.

Kollowini; the priwntation, the Kamc room will he open for table tennis mill tublr cmncs;. H^rrcsh? nvnts and a .social hour will follow. N'« ADULT I'.I.K(7r MOKT HKNNICTT 1'KKXV 'I'lic YouilK Adult Council elected the following offlct'i's for the next. nix months: Mort Uennelt, presiileiit; Oeoi'cin Anne Mezoy, 1st viec-iircsiclent; Aaron Stcrlint;, 2nd yicc-pri'sldelit; Arnie Winer, recordinf; KpcnMai^;'. K.-iren Mozer, corresponding secrclary; Sheldon Cohen, ti'fjnsiiitrr; Stove Kiislow and Annie Woinlrntib, scrReantat-arms, nnd l»wrdl liaumcr, clmplain.

Brazil Studies Biased School Text Material Rio De Janeiro (WNS)—A commission to study all educational texts In the country with a view to eliminating anti-Semilic allueioas was appointed by the Uraallinn Ministry of Kducntlon. Nnmlng of the commission culminates n trtTo-yew cnmpaiEn by a local attorney here, Dr. Fernando Lcvifilcy, to purRe school boolis, dictionaries and encyclopedias of ontl-Scmitic material. . The dictionaries currently used in the schools of Brazil define n «few as "a devil, Satan, swindler." i Encyclopedias fleline B Bynagoguc OB "n center for dishonest merchants,"

B. B. Monsky Chapter Party at Aged Home

The li'naf li'rith Henry AfonsUy ("liajitcr So. •)?() will sponsor a fiiirty and program at Ihe Dr. lJ))iiip Shi.T .li-uish Home foi- tiie A/.'id Sunday, l<"chniai-y 21. Ahe Schneider will mtcrtain with Jewish poems and readings and .Mrs. .Milton Nearenhcrg will sin^;. .Mini's. Dave Kpsfcin. Abe (JirisNathan Mike Colin, a former hurK and Krank Kckar are coresident and now residing in Los cliajrnicii. Anc.eles, was married to Lenoro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Philip Frank of Los An(;eles on January 21. The couple reside at I2H50 O.\nard, No. Hollywood, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen of Council lilidls, will hold an open hoii.se .Sunday evening, February 2K, from 7 to If) p. in., al the Club til in Council Bluffs in honor of Londtui (JTAI --• The foreign their I'oriirth wedding anniversary. ministers of eight Aral) slates mot Out-of-town visitors will be Miss in Cairo to discuss "The Palestine Lillian Sii.'jjcl, Miami Beach, Florproblem" and measures to pro- ida, a former Omahan ami Mrs. I, vent Israel from developing Jordan River waters for NVgev irriga- Ii. Levin, Rochester, New York. Assist ing at the affair will bp tion. Mrs. .Seymour Lee, Council Muffs, The meeting would also plan or- a daughter; Mines, Leo Wojlz, ganization of a new "Palestinian Army" made up of Arab refugees. William ifaduzincr and Miss SicTin- army would fight for Die "lib- gel, sisters of Mrs. Cohen; nieces; eral ion" of territory now held by Mines. Normnn D. Hips, Slanley .Sloshing and Jerome Radnzincr, Israel. Tunisia and Jraq. feuding with and Judy Lee, granddaughter. Ihe United Arab Republic, boycotted today's meeting. Slates represented were the II AH, Jordan. Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen Sudan, Lybia, and .Morocco. A no-host luncheon was given King Hussein of Jordan is carrying on negotiations with King Tuesday at the Fire Side in honor Sand, of Saudi Arabia to help him >f Doris Ciotsdincr. 'The. brideoppose Nasser's plan for a "Pales- elect is the daughter of Mr. and' tine Army" from among Arab Mrs. Leo (ibisdiiwr..-Her fiance, ref i igci\s. Louis Izenstat, is the son o£ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil J/enstnt:. An early April wedding is planned. acl Diamond l'Jxpiirt Shows Kise. I'utvoniy.e Our Advertisers London (WNSl Israel's export in diamonds in 1!).")!) showed ;i rise of .'17% over 1!)5H. The 105!) diamond export was 547,000,000 as compared with Jf.'}.'i,r>00,000 in 1058. Forty per cent of (lie diamond export went to the United Slates.

Natbn M. Cohn Married

i!i!A.M)j;is r . o o u (;(:<>( i' AIIOIO'I'S Till IiSDAY A. M, Tin.' Hook Group of tile Dinah Chapter lir.indeis University Natloiml Women's Committee will meet. Thursday morning, February 27>, nt 10:30, at the home of Mrs. Sam Kosonblum, 1527 No. 52 St. .Mrs. N. H. (ii-eenbei-K will discuss 1ln' second half of Dostoevski's "Crime and Punishment."

1000 ponnd.s; ,¥:!,:!00,000 ocean transportation expenses. Mr, IScnson commended Israel ns a "dynamii: yoiini; eounlry" and said Israel was one of the world's leading participants In' the surplus program, having siRncd n(,rreemenls each year since it was initiated, totaling S1(>1,000,000. He said lie had a rcrcal personal interest in Israel's successful development since hi: had visited the country and witnessed its efforts. Of the currency proceeds generated by the commodity sale in Israel, 80 percent will be ised for development purposes.

"I say why not join Ihe duke and I for a

YOUIIK Adults.

Holiday Leap Year

ItAISItl liIiONl.lt DISC I SSIOS "THIS IS MY <i(D" The Holiday Dancing Club will Habhi JJenj.iiuin Groiier will lead the discus.'.jon of lli-mian hold a Leap Year ColiUion .SaturWuidt's buoH "This is My Cud" at day, February 27, from 10 p.m. tin1 IJelh J.srael Sislei liocxl Study J (Jioiip on Moiid;iy, l-'ehruary '^'•-. to 1 a.m., at the I a.\ton Hoi el. ! |). ni., al the home uf Mrs. D. 11 l.r»vis. IIV.O No. .").'! SI. <'o!l"eo will he ser\fd ,'ind e\eryon'1 is v.elcdine.

COUNCIL WOMKiV TO IIIOAIt CICOKOIC ItOIJlNSON Tlie study jjroup of the Omaha Section. Nationnl Council of .lewisli Women will meet nl a dessert lunclieim Tuesday, February 2.'!, at 1 p. in., at the home of Mrs. Harold /.clinsky. :>f«8 llaniilUm. .Mrs, Justin Manvilz will assist as co-hostess. George Rohinson, Urban I,cai;uc Uirector, will discuss "Are we iiiakinn [irocress in inter croup 'I'hi1 newly elected officers of relations?" 1 tin seventh crndc Youni; Judaea i;ronp, UiKiKbtci's of the Torah •HKII IHtlOAI)' INTItOIHICKI) are: Krances Iffirnstein, president; .lerusalem (WNS)-Hakers i" I'aula Mai'./.ainin, vice-jnesidi'iit; Israel arc hakini', "rod bread." The •Shirley Feldruan, secretary, and red is not a political line hut an Frjincrs Shrier, treasurer. economic device--Hie utilization of The croup will meet Sunday, tomato juice instead of water, The February 21, •! p. in., at the (Vn- innovation accomplishes an imler. The members arc asked to portant dual purpose--absorbs Ihe lirini: a ci'i'sl of'another lailh lo tomato supply and reduces Hie the nicotine which will hii;hlur,ht amount of required flour by about fifteen percent. lirolherhotid JVfonth.

Washington iJTAI- The United States Depart merit of Agriculture signed an agreement with Israel providing $.'10,200,000 in surplus agricultural commodities. T h e agreement was signed by Ambassador Aviaham Ifnrman and Secretary K/.vu Taft Demon. The commodit it's i n c l u d e d $1J ,200,000 wheat or wheat, flour, approximately <>,700,000 bushels; $9,900,000 feed Brains, 7,800,00(1 bushels; 1,200,000 cotton seed or soy bran oil, 33,000,000 pounds; SBOO.OOO cotton, 6,000 bales; S600.000 rice, 110,000" bags; $200,000 tobacco, 265,-

Page Three

Harry Ccbea's, CB.

Arafi iigissfsrs ieei

fJo-Host Lffncheon

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Ronu AZA No. 1000

Frlduy, Folirunry 19, I960

Tffillin Project for f.TH & CXH OUADT. LEAGUE . . . Israel litiflaled

VAttSIlT LKAGl'K . . . Pauls clinched.a tie for the Var Ti-ctiaUs won the league cham- New York (WNS>—Initiation sity league championship February pionship by defeating Playland of a project to supply Israeli bar 10, by battling to a 55-11 victory mitzvah boy« with Trillin 'whenover a stubborn Belgrade team. Park, after watching Slosburg ever their parents or guardians Pauls clinched the win in the fina knock off Kiehman-Goidman in arc unable to purchase them was quarter as Kay Kirke and Lindy stunning upset; thus ending tin announced by the Union of OrlhoPaul combined for 15 clutch points regular season play with ;.t tinill- dox Jewish Congregations of in the final five intmiU'S. Inf; climax. America. Kirlte led the winners with 1 Knowing the title wus "in the At the same time the Union appoints while liecker was high for ban," Trot inks played carefully l>fdU'U to its nliHinteil congregathe losers with 11 points. and methodically in downing Play- tions to make available Holy In thf.' second Kami' of the eve- land Park 17-5. Konnie Wolpa, th« Scrolls and other religious objects ning, Lustys saw their leagues leading .scorer, pum[icd in to Israel's now settlements. chances for tint title become even eleven points for the champs. dimmer as they were edged by In the opener, Rlchman-GordC O L O G N E (WNS) The two Kobinson 51-17, in a tight game. man made the mistake of looking young hooligans whose desecration John Ingstrom and Hoy Ktitskee forward to the title match for next of the Cologne synagogue and the with 38 and 17 points respectively week with Tretialts. However local Jewish cemetery set off a ed the winners. .Steve Rosenblatt .Slosburg was "up" for the game wave of anti-Semitic madness virand In surprising ease went on to tually throughout the wovM were >umpeil in 19 for tin." losers. a ,'!5-17 victory. Kichman-Gordman sentenced here following convicW. Konu AZA Xo. ]OI)l) are t!i«< Youlli Council basket bull champion* Pauls was never in the game as Ik-n tion by a local court to prison 7 nnd also the Cornliclt ICegionnl basketball champions. The player*, Lusty;; •Shafton and Robert Tapper scored terms and loss of civil rights. One, 5 Arnold Strunk, who was defiant shown above, are: front row, left t« right, Alan KniK'cky, Ijirry 12 and 11 points respectively. Belgrade ' 1 and unrepentant throughout the Garrop, Howard Martin, Mlk? Kudofsky and Buddy Kjisteli'; ntnnd\V. obinson ' 1 proceedings, was sentenced to 14 Ing, left to right, Coach Jerry Herman, Justin Han, Walter Wise, 5 months in prison. The other, Paul Danny Hollis, Donald t'orman, llmc« (ioldstein and Howard Stolt-r. YQITTII COITNCIL I.KAGITK . . . Tret ink 1 Richman-Gordman -1 A. sluggish AZA No. 1000 team Sehoenen, was given a ten-month Tin Komi AZA will hold its unnual award banquet Sunday, Veh,'f erm. The prosecutor demanded ruary 21, 0:30 ji.ni., Illackstone Hotel. Awards will be given for ivere hard pressed but managed sloshing Playjand Park 0 o defeat AZA No. 1. 51-12 last heavier sentences hut th« iurty.e athletic participation anil chapter nclileveincnt. Sunday. Bruce Goldstein, with a •SHOTS IN THE DARK . . . was said to have guided himself mooth left handed shot, led the Brad Epstein to bowl in Lincoln by a psychiatric report which said vinncrs with 1H points. Joel Davis in March 12 with the senior divi- hat the two hoodlums were "psyad 20 for the losers. ion of the American Jr. Bowling copathlc scatterbrains." Schoenen, In the second encounter, Kayim Congress . . . Howard Martin in- under the Nuremberg laws would •linclicd second place by burying jured his arm in the District wres- lave probably been put to death by the Hitlerites as ft non-Aryan YZA No. 100. 101 to 39. Steve An im-jover a fortress. Now, according ould, un-noticcd for most of the tling matches last week but. still since his grandfather was halfJerusalem, (JTA) partant archaeological discovery to Dr. Yadin, new excavations at •ason came into the spotlight with manages to win before losing out Jewish. . which seems to establish, among the site have established that the scoring barage of ,'!1 points. Jus- in the final. Other things, that the famous, so- wall:as well as the stables were in Mulnlck swished in 2?> for 100. called "Solomon's Stables," at bib- not built in Solomon's days, but u W. I.. ,lical Megiddo, were not built by century later in the time of King 10 1 Solomon but -vere construe-j Ahab. The new discovery, it was ZA 1000 1 ted about 100 years later by the j said by exports here, will necessi- ayim 5 Judean King Ahab. was announc- tate important re-evaluations of AZA 1 Jerusalem—The Government o with him- let him go up to Jeru0 ed by Prof. Yigaol Yaiiin, the Is- archaeological finds dating from AZA 100 Iran has invited Israel to partlcl salem, which is in Judah, and TTI1 tifffll GHADK LKAGUE the Solomonic era. raeli archaeologist who was first pate in the observance in 1961 o: bullu the house of the Lord, tho Bob Gould scored '1(5 points Chief of Staff of the Israel Army. the 2500th anniversary of the reign God of Israel. He is the God who DOUBLK FAKK ON SATURDAY Philips defeated Kaiman 61-15, in Another Fortress Found of King Cyrus who, upon his con- is in Jerusalem. And whosoever is Tel Aviv (WNS-—Taxi drivers in the final round of league play for Ancient Megiddo City, a Oanquest of Babylon in 539, restore left, in any place where he «*• aanite center dating back to about Israel can charge their fares twice the Midget leaguers. Paul Kaimai to the Jews the vessels of th journalh, let the men of his place help him with silver, and with 3500 B.C.E., was one of King Sol- as much on Saturdays as on week was high for the losers with 7. temple* and permitted them to re- gold, and with goods, and with omon's 12 administrative head- days. The ruling was made by a In the second game, Champior turn to Palestine. beasls, beside the freewill offerquarters. About 30 years ago, j local magistrate in the case ot a Gerelick's swept past 1-Go-Van archaeologists from the University cab driver who was accused of 51-12, with Dan KutsUee hitting The invitation was extended by ing for the house of God which is Of Chicago dug up at Megiddo a charging excessive fares. Officials for 20 points. Ted Sanford had six Iladg Eddin Haifa, Cultural Coun in Jerusalem. sellor to the Court of the Shah series of stables for horses and of the taxi drivers association told for the losers. W. of Iran, in talks with Israel's For- EUZAHKTII TAYLOIC TAIIOO chariots, discovering the so-called the court that drivers were en6 eign Minister Golda Meir when Paris (WNS>— Elizabeth Taylor, "Solomon's Stables." N e a r b y, titled to higher fares on Satur- Gcrr-lick -1 they met recently in Europe. The the American actress who became there were found the remains of u days since there were fewer driv- Philips 1 Iranian official was reported to converted to Judaism on her inarfortress dating back to Solomon's ers and fewer customers on that I-Go-Van Kaiman ••• 1 have voiced confidence that Jews ripge to Eddie Fisher, has been time, with a wall which appeared ihiy. the throughout the world would co- placed on the boycott list by me to be from the same period. Under j operate in the observance of the Arab League's Israel Boycott Ofthe wall, however, another fortfice in Damascus. event. ress was discovered, also built in the architectural style of the peThe story of King Cyrus of riod of King Solomon. Persia is told in the opening chapter of the books of Ezra. It is also Ite-cvaluatum JA I3M la insert vout Wonl Ao in For the past three decades, New York (JTA)—A gloomy tivlties. Some 30 of the 400 re- mentioned in the final paragraph thePhone Jewlih Press. scholars wore puzzled as to why picture of the life of the Jewish maining eligible members of the of Second Chronicles. Ezra relates; Roto is SO ctnu mi coctTIHrce lino inscr. Now in the first year of Cyru; Hon. Tho Press rc-crvcj (he rlqhl to limit Solomon would have built the wall community in Egypt is given in a community were present to hear of Persia, that the word of size of codi odvcrllsemcn! report from Cairo by Joe Alex the annual report. The meeting king tlie Lord by the mouth of JereDAILV JEWISH PAPERS JERUSALEM (WNS) Discovery Morris Jr., special correspondent had been scheduled a week earlier, of archaeological finds of extra- of the New York Herald Tribune. but was postponed for luck of a miali might be accomplished, the l i f t anfl Uas Mitzvnb congratuLord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus lations also for all Jewish holi. ordinary importance, including two Only a "slender fraction" of the quorum. king of Persia, that he make a days and special occasions. fragments of ancient Biblical estimated 80,000 Jews who lived in The Cairo Jewish community has proclamation throughout all his Meyers News Stand, 1502 scrolls, was announced here by the 70 properties including 18 temHebrew University. The discovery Egypt has now remained there, ples, three schools, a home for the kingdom, and put it also in writ- For Practical Nurses and Pracwas made by a te;im led by Dr. the American correspondent es- a#cd, a social center, n free lunch ing, saying: 'Thus saith Cyras tical Domestics. Call Clara Itanking of Persia: All the kingdoms Yphnnan Ahroni. Included in the tablished. for the poor, hut of the earth hath the Lord, the ilall Placement Service--WE find was a phylactery and coins Mr. Morris attended the annual establishment dating back to the Bar Kochba meeting of the Cairo Jewish Com- only a few buildings which bring God of heaven, given me; and He 5217. revolt against the Romans in the munity Council. "The meeting," he in any income. The schools have hath charged me to build him a HOUSEWORK for Jewish family. year 135 A. D. Found in a moun- reports, "was conducted by two some 500 students, 300 of them of h o u s e in Jerusalem, which is Salary open. Will live in. Anna tain cave in the Judecan .Desert vice-presidents of the community. Jewish faith. The community's big Judah. Whosoever there is among near the Dead Sea, not far from the The president emigrated two years problem is to try and maintain its you all His people—his God be Hubcr, Co. Bluffs 38415, 15 So. 14 St., Co. Bluffs, Iowa; site at Kumram where the Dead ago and they are still looking for services with a steadily declining Sea Scrolls had been found, the a suitable replacement. The coun- income. Receipts by the rabbinate new scrolls are said to antedate cil also took note of the departure for administrative services were ANTE-FREEZE the Dead Sea Scrolls by about of three other council members less than one-third of income rethe previous year gatherseventy years. which 'left a large gap' in its ac- ceived M A LEAHY RADIATOR ings at the various temples were Rollio Rogers Invites You down by the same amount, and IS MONET WASTED the school deficit has increased by to Bring This Ad to the about $10,000 to $30,000 For Fast—Dependable BLONDO BARBER SHOP Guaranteed Service and SAVE 50 CENTS FOR THE FINEST... ON A SHAMPOO IN PHOTOGRAPHY - LOB Hvrwlfi, frop. Portraits Powntown location Wedding* 6610 GLONDO 8 A.M.-6 P.M. 1708 COM WE 0200 Commercial


New Data m "Solomon's Stables Established by Archaeologist



Mid-Ocean Rescue

Seb (Snbby) Pulvcrcnte

John Kalina PHOTOGRAPHER The Israeli liner, Jerusalem of tlio Zlin Lines was the scene ot th» mid-ocean rescue of two men injured aboard n tanker about 400 miles northwest ot San Juan, Puerto Rico.


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