l vvvvill
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i'Ulillslicd every Frlduv, 101 Nu. 'Jttth / I A I A I I \
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Vli'littlf \ « v
London—I! r e a t h I n K threats to our Republic to against Israel at nearly every step, brothers in arms, members of the President Nasser, in a rabble-rous- Army of the United Arab Repubing tour of Syria on the anniver- lic." sary of the foundation of the Unit- j Smash Israel ed Arul) Ilppnblic, has stated that i "We (shall smash I s r a e l i
. * •
'.'j. ';*,"'"* ''}, -I J" ' * '
Second Class Pustanc Paid at Omaha. Netir
Single Copy 10 Cents Annual Kate 4 Dollars
United Nations head<|i New yorlt, Secretary (lei. ./ag I rammarskjold said that i.ie Middle Ku.st situation was deteriorating, that he had done all he could and that his critics among the maCamp Jay-C-C, now entering its 21st year of existence, jor powers mi(.;nl well bestir themselves to take some action on their will be held on a new site, located in the finest camping area in Nebraska, it was announced this week by Harry Trustin, own. Jewish Federation president, and Norman Batt, Camp JayDimgeroiiK KHuiition His unusually barbed comments C-C chairman. "We arc very glad to report to-fcame when he was asked to commen on .statements by President oiir community that after consid- be special accommodations tor F.isenhower that the United Stales erable search, we have located a pioneering camping in covered walooked to the UN to resolve the most unusual camp site for the gons. S Special programs will be Suez Canal impasse and by British comfort and convenience of the planned for every ago group. Foreign .Secretary .Selwyn I.loyd Omaha boys and girls who look Jewish Content that a "dangerous .situation" had forward to an enjoyable camp exAn inspiring program of activideveloped in the Middle Kast and perience. the UN should act. Mr. Lloyd ap"Camp Jay-C-C has been certi- ties of Jewish content is being parently was referring to recent fied by the American Camp As- planned around specific projects. clashes in Syrian-Israel demili- sociation, and has been cited as These will include Sabbath Services, art-craft projects, music and tarized zones. of tin? finest jamps in the (lance, us well ns provision o! Hecountry, in program and activiMr. HammarsUjold retorted that brew instruction for those who de"there are things which the other ties," Norman Hatt, Camp chair- sire it. man added. organs," the .Security Council in Approximate dates tov \V>e camp Canoeing Added which both the United States and The camp site is ideally situated will be from June 26 through July Hrit.iin are permanent members and the General Assembly "can do and offers ma7iy advantages. In Ifi. It 'H planned to have two 10and tin; Secretary General cannot addition to the program of tradi- day sessions, as well as the Cull do." lie added he felt there was tional activities such as swimming, 20-day season. T h i s hki'tcli i l n n v , ]sriuT» nrigiiltors w h o tlircali-ii I H T "!,00l>.0nl) "a certain tendency in some quar- hiking, fishing, archery, horseback Further announcements will be population. ters to forget: this difference of riding, camp craft, exploring, there made in the next week's Jewish responsibilities anil to expect from will also be canoeing under com Press. Additional information may the Secretary General action pet cut supervision. be obtained from Boris Steiimn, Israeli ships and cargoes would dreams," he said, adding that tli< In addition to the regular mod- Camp Director, at the Jewish which rightly belongs to the Scnever pass through the Suez Canal j n r s t Army was on the borders i-,,.•.... Couneil " ern cabins lor children, there will Community Center. in any circumstances. i ... t . . ,. i"" l l > M l u l l u l ' . , ,, ,. with Israel -nid .so was the SeeAny Israeli cargoes reaching United Arab Republic ports would ; ° " ( l Mm*- H l ' U ( ) l l l ( l «-(-lcom(- a be confiscated lor the benefit of i command between the Iraqi Palestine Arabs now refugees, ' Army and the United Arab ItepubIn cooperation with the Jewish. , President Nasser told a public; lie, but, he slated, General Kasrally that 'if Knsscn of Iraq . . . ; sem had refused, to send the Army The Farband Concert and Thea- Community Center, WOW Radio The Yiddish Culture Committee wants to liberate Palestine. I in-1 to the United Arab Republic so |will present two nationally famous ter group on Thursday evening, will present "Highlights in Jewish Music" on Sunday, March 6 from vile him to send the Iraqi Army'far. i groups of players in March on tin' March 17, will offer a tri-lingual. S.45 a.m. to 10 a.m. musical "stage-o-ramn," nt the j Program of the Month series, part This presentation was prepared of the Jewish Community Center's Center. A play, "The Treasure" by Mrs. M. M. Jabenis as a tribute will feature Yiddish, Hebrew and cultural program. Knglish songs and recitations in- to Jewish Music Month to ht. Flr»l l'liiy—Mar. 0 cluding a number of the works of celebrated nationally from February 13-March 13th. Washington—The V. S, GovernThe Workmen's Circle will Sholcm Aleichem. The program will include a canWashington—The United States ment has ncccdcd to demands that bring a star-studded play cast Hotli programs are nnrt ot naNavy announced that it was with- no Jews be included on Us embas- here on Wednesday, March 9. They tional Jewish Music month ob- torial number by Cantor Sholom drawing from contracts with pri- sy staffs and economic mission in will appear at the Jewish Com- servance and also will honor the Katz, Yiddish and Hebrew folk songs by Jan Peerce, Theodore vate shippers a clause which im- Pakistan, It wns revealed by high- munity Center at 8 p. m. in a play birth date of Sholcm Aleichem. Bikel and Martha ScMamme rmii by Hen Kenster, titled "Listen lo They are open to the community plied support of the Arab blockthe Oranim Zabar group. ly placed sources. This," based on the life of Sholcm and admission is free. ade of Israel. The Jewish Community Center Aleichem. It wan sairl that a "gentleman's Organizations are Co-Sponsors Library has available, for loan, a Imposed Tenuities Directed by Israel Wclichnnsky, The program of the month se- large selection of Jewish recordThe clause imposed threat of agreement" has been developed character nctor nnd mimic, the penalties on American shippers between Pakistan, the Stale De- cast includes Minna Hern, actress ries is presented by the Center in ings which include instrumental carrying Navy cargoes if their partment and the I'. S. Interna- and singer; Zislm Gold, comedian; cooperation with co-sponsors, Beth numbers, symphonies, cantorials, ships had done business with Is- tional Cooperation Administration. Chayele Luxemburg, singer-actress El Synagogue. Beth Israel Syna- Hebrew and Yianish folksongs, gogue, IJ'nai H'rith lodges and children's stories, holiday and fesrael. In effect, the clause in the and Pola K»dison, pianist. chapters, Farband, Omaha Chap- tival stories and songs and Bible standard contract forms of the Candidates assigned for duty in A concert program will conclude ter of Hudussah, Temple Israel, readings. Military Kofi Transport Service, Pakistan, it Is learned, are now which nets as charterer for the being informally screened t o weed the evening's entertainment. Workmen's Circle and Y o u n g Navy, barred such American ship, out the Jews. Adult Council. pere from bidding on such conMembers of the United States trecls. 1I1GI1K.KT TKMl'BUATUUK Congress indicated that they inIN I0IUIITY YEAKS A • number, of protests followed Tunis (JTA)—Two hundied publication on January 21 that the tend to take action mined at seIsrael-—Temperatures recorded Navy had boon using the contract curing the annulment of such an The regular luncheon meeting in Jerusalem between January 12 Jewish residents of ine ancient for nearly two years. agreement. In the senate, mem- of the Federation of Jewish Wom- and 16 were highest recorded be- ghetto-type slum district, known us the "Hara," where Jews have bers reported they were opening en's Clubs will be held Thursday, tween such dates in 80 years. State Ucpnrtnicnt Action lived tor many years, wore moved Although the navy's decision a study on the Pakistani issue In March 3, 12:30 p. m,, at.the Jewto newly built municipal dwellings. ish Community Center. Was welcomed by political quar- the light of belief that it is a The shift of the Jewish families ters in Jerusalem, It was suggest- violation of This meeting will be devoted to Morse-Javils the Jewish Philanthropies Cam.vas part of a plan of the Tunis ed that this step be followed by amendment to the the 1959 Mutual Municipal Council to tear down official Stale Department action Security Appropriations Act. This paign with Mrs. Sam Kutzman, against the Arab boycott policy. amendment called on the Presl- chairman of the Women's Division, Dar Ks Salam — If the people the slum area and re-build tho Reference was made to the transof Tanganyika are ready to "ac- quarter with modern homes. The in charge. port of U. S. food surplus to Arab dent to oppose religious, discrimi1 cept the yoke of hard work," Is- area was condemned as a hazard nation against Americans by naThe '.presidents and representacountries, which cannot be shipped rael, is pienored to help the.coun- to the lives of its inhabitants. The tions receiving U. S. Hid. Pakistives of the affiliated clubs are in vessels included in the Arab try in its development, by sending plan provides for a gift to 250 tan, n predominately Moslem urged to attend the meeting by L e a s ; u e XJnycotl Committee's experts and technical advisers, the Jewish residents oC the cquWatavrt. country, but not a member of the Mrs. Mike Freeman, president, Minister, ot Urban Local Govern- of a year's rent in their new blacklist. Arab League, receives massive llcports will be presented by com- ment and'""Works, Amir Jamal homes. (In New York, the American United Stutes aid. mittee chairmen. said, following his return from Jewish Congress urged that the Israel. Agriculture Department follow the example of the Navy and end pracMr. Jumal, the first Tangantices aiding "the Arab boycott yikan Minister to visit Israel adagainst trade with Israel.) ded that the principal areas of New York (JTA) — Trade bepossible cooperation between the R and High School students may now apply for counsetwo countries arc agricultural tween the United States and Islor's position* at tho Jewish Community Center Day Camp which rael continued to grow in the teV settlement and production. will !« conducted at Peony Park from June 13 through July "I was so impressed by what I quarter of 1959, totaling more 8th. ' ' . ' . . • saw in Israel that it was some- than 535,000,000 for the quarter. There nro opcnlngi far Senior C'linnnelorfl, (18 years o' ago times difficult to keep my perDuring the first nine months of Washington (JTA)— Israel is and up); Junior Counselors, (10-M); Counselord-ln-TralnlnE, spective," Mr. Jamal stated. the year, trade between the two receiving six and one-half kilo(14-lft); Waterfront Director, Arts anil Crafts Director, Qlrls' "They have extended the hand of countries totaled 5109,930,600 comgrams of enriched uranium for its Unit Head and Kitchen Crow• . friendship to us and are prepared prising .'589,875,500 in U.S. exports nuclear reactor, froni the United Applications may be obtained nt the Jewish Community to place at o"P disposal the fruit to Israel, and 520,035,100 i i Y States Atomic Energy CommisCenter from Boris Slelman, Day Camp Director. of their research and experience." exports to this country. sion.
June 26 to July 16
Yiddish Stage Arfisfs to Appear at Center March 9
Navy Withdraws Boycott Clause
"o to Offer Jewisfi Husk March 6
- Jew?
Tunis Jews Moved From Slum Area
Federation Women To Meet Thursday
Israel Offers to Loan Experts to Tanganyika
U.S.-!sra8l Trade Continues to ©row
U. S. Sends Enriched Uranium to Israel
Page Two
Friday, Frlmiury 20, 1HC0
|New Israeli Of Teaching Hebrew
%\)t fetotsl)
ELEANOR ItOOS'lCVIXT Israel—A new method for teach- nix; MI;I;TIN<» Scccno Class Po^Iaot- Pafd ol Oniufia Wcbr. Plans for the coming year will ing Hebrew to immigrant children Annuui iuDscnptlcn, S4.C0. Aciverl^ln-i HuU". on Application Publication Office- 101 Ho *?0m S!r<.ct Omaliu. tjcbr. JAcKscn 13i6 is explained in a rerenl book by be discussed at a meet ing of Elea(MRS) FRANCES KLEIN ICditoi I Ur. Diiiii Frilclsim of Hebrew Uni- nor Hoosevclt group BBC, Sunday, j \ersity in collaboration with Ife/n- February 'JH at the home of Fran!da Asio. jcee Rife. A program will be prej II « < found that iininigianl. sented by Oiane Kubinow, (,'aiiI All friends and relatives «re eliildii'ii h.aniing Hebieu- for the |sen Klass ami Francee Rife. invited to attend services and ;lir.-,t time foiiiid il dillicult to ab- 1 ; reception. ; so'h \\ hole words at one time, a i i method adapti'd limn Knglish ll-AMtKNCK JOKI. BLOOM ' speaking iHmntries. 1 '•• Tin Jiar Mil/vah of Laurence Tiu- book i'Jesriibes !|if i^;e ol Joel I'looni, son of .Mr. and Mrs. the phonetic synthetic melliod j Tlie Youth Commission of (he '. Will liloom will he celehrateil to- ; which .VHs found .succsslul in a j Midwest Region of the United , two-year experiment i" fii'si grade j Synagogue of America, will meet ni^'h! and Satunlay niorjiin^ at t'sindlf-liKliHiitc—!»:.•»! | i . tit. .clashes, eomposeil of immigrant ; in Omaha as guests of Beth Kl lii.-lli Israel .Synai;oj;ne. TKAiri.K ISKAKI. jchildii-n. Sub.M'ijueiilly- the Minis- i Yiiulh Commission, Sunday and jlry ol Kdiiralion and Culture in- j Monday, February 'JS and 21). **J!f'fi-IIur iirifl Iifii Tor;th" will It.WIl) STANLIOV KAl'LAY jtrodueed many changes «ith the i David liouganhn. synagogue edube die topic of the sermon to l>e. David Stanley Kaplan, son of active aid of teachers and inpec- cation director and Mis. A. C (fivi'i) by Rabbi Sidney II. Hrook.s ; Mr. ami Mrs. Louis Kaplan of Co- , tors. Fellman, synagogue youth coinat Friday services, 8:1 r> p. m. al ; lumbus, Ncbr., will observe his i In connection uilh the new i mission chairman, of Uelh Kl, are Tempje J.siacl. Satuidriy morniiig i ilar Mit/viih on Saturday morn- . method, the rate of pro;,'ress is j in charge of 1arrangements. Meetservices at 1 ] :.'!(J a. ill. U.ihhi j iiiK. Kebruary 27 at Beth Kl Syn;i- tscaled and i-very Ilebn-w s>liable | ings will IK held at the BlackBrooks will officiate at Saturday. j is learned in class. The eonlenl stone Hotel. A dinner for deleJ ami appearance nf the le.ulirn: I gates will he held at the Inline of ni'irninK services, ll:.' ,0 p. m. ami I matter is adapted to (he special • Dr. and Mrs. M, II. Brodliey, Sunthe lU'lit;ious School clioir will 3IAH! -II Al, . I.KWIS , day evening. ri'iidcr tin1 musical portions of tlicj Tin Bar Mitzvah of Marshall background (tl the children for I whom it was intended. I Lewis, son (if Mi", and Mrs. Har.service. i ry Lewis will be celebrated at I Hell) Israel Synagogue on Friday Rabbi Tklyer S. Kriplte will give j jiii;ht, March 4 and Saturdav, Lowell Dimmer, University of the .second of a series of three lec- ! .March 5. Omaha junior, has been rcappointture sermons on "The 1'iayer Hook rfl edlior-ln-chief of the school ' in Your Hands" at Friday services JSTKH'AKT SI.OA.V Xew Yoik <JTA) New York student pa|>cr, the (Gateway. Tin; at lictli Kl SynaKoyue, SilH p. m. I University announced that, it is re;i|ipointment was Hie first in (lie Cantor Aaron I. Edn:ir and the . _ slo iM sf)M()f Mr ,im, Mrs , ,,„ offering five full-time, three-year history of the publication. Beth K) chow w, render the mus- s , ( ) a n w i ] , .. ]a(.(, Fl.j(,;lv .m(J I graduate fellowships ill Hebrew iral portions of tho .si'ivic. .Saturday, February INi and 27 at ! and Judeo-Arabic studies. The rel t f th V;il)bath nioriiiiiR services at Temple Israel. i jciplents will begin 'their programs 9:.'!l). Junior Ointfrocation at 10:3'J. ill the university in September. Mincha Maariv senice, at (> p. in. i Awarded under the National Sunday services, nt !) a. m. Daily j Defense Kducation Act, the new services 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. i fellowships are intended to help students prepare for doctorates in BKTII ISItAKL [Hebrew or Judeo-Abrabic studies Itabbi Benjamin fironor, Cantor i in the department of Hebrew culEli K'affin antl the Beth Israel Mexico City UTAJ--A new Choi'- will condnc' the- late Friday Ki'oup of school buildings', costing ture and education of NYU's evening family services at H p. m. j a total of more than $80,000 was School of Kducation. Each carries Ti'aililional Friday evening serv- j pu..s,.ni,.,] to the Mexican Covern- la stipend of S2.0O0 for the first ices (Kat)ol.is Slialjbosi at 5:-15 jme-nt by lhe Jewish community. year, $2,'<!00 for the second year, and S-,400 for the third year, plus Minisfivr of Buildings Jaime Tor- $•100 a year for each dependent, p. m. res Bodet lauded Mexican Jewry •Shabbos services at 8:45 a. m. and recipients will pay no tuition at. 52ml ami Charles Streets and for their concern and generosity I fees. Applications must be filed by at '.I a. m. at l!)t.h and Hurt Streets. in filling the cultural needs of (lie ' March 1. MONUMENTS Junior CongiTcaiion at 10 a. m. Mexican people. \n the Jewish Tradition One of the new structures, Rabbi Oroner will conduct the Voui order should ho plncc<j v.cJl in advance of "\H.\\V/M\\" HO tiie Talmud class, 5:30 p. m. Sabbath named for the late sister of the worJt docs not huve to bo Hurried President, Ksperanza Mincha at (> p. m. followed by Mexican Mateos, will serve as an Sholosh S'cudo.s and Maariv. .We ore known for our oxdcii'ng Mr. rind Mrs. Sol Parsow and Sunday, 8:45 a. m., followed by extension of the Albert Einstein Hobrow lettering and detail. breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bi- School, which the Jewish commun- Mr. and Mrs. 1'hill Laser tied for You may place your confidence !n a% knowing each detail and ble. Sunday morning Junior Min- ity built for tin: Mexican Govern- first place in the last Thursday, tradition will * bo adhered to Tournament Bridge event, at the yon, 8:.'!0 a. m. followed by break- ment 12 years ;if>o. wtfh utmost care and iltill. Jewish Community Center. fast. Daily services at 7 a. m. and The next tournament session 6:05 p. m. Alaskan Synagogue Here, you dr.iJ directly . wltli tiic will he held Thursday, March 3 otvner.s . , We pt'i'j/ilt no unllmt*solicitation . . . Cull us for at 8 p.m. at the Center. Sheff Kat- Iy B'NAI JACOB ADAS YESIirRON Now Affiliated nnlntnu'iit at vour convenience Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas Anchorage IWNSI—The first skee, coordinator of this Center Yesruiron will begin Friday at synagogue established in Alaska, activity, announced that all inter4:45 p. m. and Saturday at 8:30 Beth Shalom has ested bridge players are invited a. m. with Mincha at 4:45 p. m. voted to join the Union of Ameri- to join, the group. flolovved by Shalosh S'cudos. Dai- can Hebrew Congregations. The 3213-15 "<?" St. Frank Renna ly services a t 6:30 a. m. and 5 congregation was founded sevenp. m. Open Sunday 2-5 teen months ago. MltS. (-IPA ZOKIN.SKV Slaco 1033 Mrs. Cipa Zorinsky, 76, of 2307 North 53 Street, died Tuesday In a local hospital after a short illness. She came to Omaha from Kiev, Russia in 302-4. ELECTRIC Surviving are a son, Hymie ZorHEAT Itabbi Oscar Groner of Chicago, he has been Hillel director for insky; daughter, Mrs. J o s e p h Blend; grandchildren, Edward eight years and where he lectured 111., has been named assistant naIn history and the literature of Zorinsky, Mrs. Esther Rice and tional director of the B'nai B'rith religions. Miss Bonnie Blend all of Omaha Hillel Foundations and will assist He also has served as a regional and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wedin directing the organization's 217 director of the Anti-Defamation League in Illinois and New Jersey. nesday afternoon at the Jewish college campus units. The new appointee is a brother Rabbi Groner 1B a graduate of the Funeral Home with Rabbi Benof Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth University of Chicago and was jamin Groner of Beth Israel SynaIsrael Synagogue. lie is well ordained by the Hebrew Theologi- gogue, officiating. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. known among the many Omahans cal College of Chicago. who have studied at Northwestern OMAHA'S University, Evanston, 111., where Published Every Friday by tile Jewish I'ldrrntiim ol Omalia.
HOT Mitzvah
A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Max Summer, .Sunday, February LH ' nt ]1.:.'I0 a. 111. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Sidney If. Hroolis of Temple Israel, will officiate. Patronize Our Advertisers
[Beth El fo Host Youih
Bcatmer Reappointed I Hebrew, Judeo-AraliicIGateway Guaranfecd Service Editor I Fellowships Offered SfCLAO RADIATOR y U. Y. University Lou Hurwitx, Prop.
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the only brand produced and bottled in Famed Rishon-le-Zion
Bridge Tourney Ends in Tie
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Call Wednesdaif for Thursday Delivery
Rabbi Oscar Oroner
Friday, IVIimary «fl, ]fl«O
Chdim's Barber, Beayty Shop Serving Home Residents
tin' lira i IH Nntliim Murtin, lleriisril opersil<>r, trimming llic heard of Max I'cltz and Ktylinif tin; hair of Mr«, Minnie Illanli, liotli liomc n*lMr, Murtln IK HIM; <if several licinscd Oniuliu iH-uiitirlmiH, Vvlio uro (hill.illli),' lliclr K<>rvlci'» l» thu new nhop at thn liorni1. The licensed liarlier and Heuuty Shop at tin.' Or. Philip Slier Home for the A)!<"(1, established hy tin1 Uilttir ('liolim-Society tit it i:o*t of Volunteers honored ly the Red I A gin of two individual auditory Jfl.tiOO is now opemli/Ht, complete- Cross for their years of service . Irainers was presented to the ly equipped to provide lons'iiial includes Mrs. II. A. Newmnn, can-i°" 1 ; i l l i l Hcurins School hy the mill Inanity services to Jlonii.1 ivsi-J teen, Y.\ years and Mrs. .Stanley iOinnhu Section of the Council of .Irttisli Women, The trainers, coni<!cnls. The shop will he oiii-ratcd j H. Katclman, motor service, « !'pn'srii Of headscL and amplifier by the HiUur Cholini women. i years. unit, have dual volume controls The shop recently received a M. M. Jalicrils will he one for-either car and are used to help Kilt of nil air conditioner from Mr. | i train lmrd-<if-he:u'ii!K students in und Mrs. Philip ('randcll In honur J<lf ."«•. J<"li:<%s ! l i t i ] " . < ' i'o-V'd follies | u '. ( ,,.,i ,'vcoi;nition! hcini; pii'scnted Kriday evening on Ilicir fiH'lii'lh wi'ddim; y The presentation was made hy tin- tfjiiversily of NVIu-aska C'ainIIIT. Mrs. Julia Jacobs, hearing school (iils at Lincoln. 'I'lH' i>stiil>lislinient, one of tlio chairniiin tor the local Council orni.'iny projects iindcrl.-ila'ji by Alie Hear relnriied home Wed- canization. liilciir Cliolim for the Home, ha.s Rviiknl oiiisidi'niblo iTilhilsia.sii) [lcsdiiy nfter nttrtidini; the siiiiiii.'il aiiidiii; residents. Mis. .lake \Vin<\ reunion of Mattery 1! of the 1,'lOth Those Beautiful Biluir Clioliin pre.'ii'K'iit, reporlei). l''ield Artillery with which •he served in World War I. Tin; pvent Moments WHS held in Lawrence, Knns. lie also visited in Kansas City and l.i'avenworlli.
Omahans in News {Council Makes Gift
Michigan Student To Wed Eugene A. in
Mr. and Mm. Davlil IViney of Mountainside, N. .!., hav(; auliDiineed tin1 enjjaiji'inent of their tlatiKliler, Miss Heverly Uoehclle to Kni;i'ne Alan lJuHoff, son of Mr. ami Mis. Hairy UuHol'f. An August ui'ddim: is beinc jilaniied, *l'l)i- I'IIHIDI'W'III aimounced recently at a cocktail parly at the Mountainside residene of the liridi'-lo-he wa.s attendnl hy Mr. Ilulloft's 'parents. .Miss lii'iney will be ^radua hi June from the University of JMicliisjan »t Ann Ail>«r whei'f she IK a in'-mbcr «r 1'hi Kappa Thi and j PI LanihdH 'l'h<ta sororities. Tier fiance who ntleudeil Dartmouth ("olleiie, Hanover, N. IF., was i;n«Uialed from the University of Michigan nnd Is now enJ'olled in its medical .school. He is affiliated with Phi Kpsllon 1'i social fraternity and IJhl Delta IOpsilon medical fraternity.
Zionist Youth Group Plans Open Meeting
MONA LISA House of Glamour
GL 7000 The Omaha Zionist Youth Com- I I I No. 50th 6 Expert Hair Stylists mission is sponsoring mi open Air-Conditioned Dryers meeting with Kalibi '/.vi DerschoMISS MARSH and MISS JERRY wltz, at. Belli Kl Synagogue social Owners hall, on Monday, I'Y'hruary 29, at K:15 p. in. llaV.hi Derscliovvitz, direclor of Camji Iferzl, in Wehsler, Passover Will Soon Wis., will meet, with all interested parents to discuss the I!)(iO Be Here . . . camping .si.-nsou and to acquaint them with the proposed activities, Brighten Your Home with Parents of prospective campers Custom Made arc urged to meet. Knhbi IX'rshoRe-Upholsfered or witz on this occasion. A social Custom Made hour will follow the program. ' New Furniture A reunion for all former flerzl campers will lie held directly afFAYE LEVINSON ter school on February Mth at the lielh Kl social hall. Iiahhi GL 6247 Dershowilz will he present to meet with the former campers as well as those, anticipating attending Use "Sun" Want Ads to Buy. the lira) season. Sell or Rent.
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Page Three
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Page Four
Center Sports Truslin Honored CY SEITCHICK
Friday, February SC, 1000
Israel Picked for 196! Convention
Reservists Group
New York ( J T A ) - T h e RabbiniHarry Trustin, Jewish Federa- IIKNItY MONSKV MKKTINti TO a meeting, Thursday, March 3 at cal Council of America, an OrthoVARSITY LEAGUE dox organization, announced that 1 p. m. Pauls won the Varsity league tion president, has been named HAVE Ol.'EKT SPIOAKKIt it will hold its 25th annual conOmaha Reserve Officers AssociaBernard Goldstrom of Leo N. Championship last Wednesday eve- tion's Alan of the Year. l vention in Israel in July 1961. Levi Memorial .Hospital, Hot BKTII EL SISTKICHOOD ning by defeating Robinson 57-50, Mr. Trustin, a city councilman Springs, Ark., will speak at a In a close hard fought struggle. MEKTS TUESDAY S.OOO JOIN KIISUIJTZIM and former Army major, was citA well rounded scoring attack ed at a dinner, for his participa- luncheon meeting of Henry MonIsrael — Three thousand new At the 1 p. m. Beth El Sistert&vf Allen Konecky, Ray Kirke tion in the Reserve Officers Asso- sky Chapter No. 470,'B'nal IS'rith, hood board meeting, Tuesday, y j members joined .settlements beand Jerry Simon make all but nine ciation, the American Legion, Vet- Wednesday, March 2 at 12:30 p. m. March 1, plans will be discussed j longing to the throe kibbutz inoveof the points for the victors. Lin erans of Foreign Wars, Disabled at the Jewish Community Center. for the style show featuring iments during the last year. A skit entitled "The Dolls of "Chapeaux for a Queen" at the dy Paul played his usual "staller" War Veterans and Jewish War Philanthropy" will be presented March 8 meeting and the congrefloor game in guiding his team. Veterans. GORDON STORAGE also. Members of the cast are gational I'urirn family dinner on Roy Katskce pumped in 11 for The award, association officials WAREHOUSE, INC. the losers, who have improved said, goed to a civic leader for Mmes. Delmar Klein, Aaron Kp- March 13. A coffee hour will prevastly since early season play. contributions to national defense stein, Harry Friedman, Abe Mil- cede the business session. JA 3032 In the opening game of the eve and understanding of the part re- ler, Murray Borden. Nate Kaplan Another session of "Coffee with 1201 JONES ning, Belgrades moved into a tit serves play in the defense struc- and Bernard Goldstrom. Reserva- the Rabbi" will take place Wedtions may be made with Mrs. Berfor a second place with a 4U-4G, ture. nard Siegler or Mrs. Frank Sfkar. nesday, March 2 at 9:.'i0 a. m. in triumph over Lustys. Ed Belgrade the Beth El Library with Mrs. scored 15 points for the winners, SOT ALUMNAE I.KAfHj; Daniel Katzman as hostess. Rabbi all but two in the second half, Kripke will discuss "Tradition und TO IHSCI'SS IT'ND while Scott swished in 18 for the tJjKjrt of a national memorial Change." Sitter service will be losers. school fund at Ilrunrfei.s University provided. Final league games will be on Harry Lone], Omaha electrician, | wil Ibe discussed at a meeting of Wednesday, February 2-1, who has gained international rec- the Sigma Helta Tail Alumnae W. L. ognition for some of his anatomi- j League of Omaha at a meeting on l | Pauls 8 3 cal theories, has been invited to " ! February 27, at 1 p. m. at the Old Hi. I w lit. t # « n . Hi. I ii I . , a • m. I ii tea taarf» Lustys 5 0 lecture in Sweden on September i Knglish Inn. Reservations may bo t . telgrades 5 6 _. . . , ., ! made by calling, Mrs. Joseph p BurCall Jerry Krupinsky Robinson -1 7 ,, Mnj A Hie mvitathii. came from • the ; , i ,,,, ,.,„, M YOUTH COUNCIL LKAtil'K For Free Estimate] Royal Caroline mst.tuie m^ Stock 1 The Youth Council league closed and Prompt Service holm for a talk on The Appliesout the regular 1959-60 cage seaion of • Electro-magnetic Wave ! "IJOOK OF AMOS," son last Sunday with AZA No. Theory to an Anatomical Discov-1 Is STUDY TOI'K! 1000, downing AZA No. 100, ery in the Arterial System." The! The. Temple jsrael Bible Study 102-24, and Rayim knocking off Swedish Institute's faculty admin- j group will continue its discussion AZA No. 1, 57-51. liters the Nobel prize in medical) on "The Hook of Amos" with ItahAllen Konocky with 22 points, ciences. i bi Sidney If. Brooks as leader, at \\rrKO\r.i! Bruce Goldstein with 23 and JusLobel's studies on an anatomical i . tine Ban with 25, led the scoring structure within the arteries has ! parade for 1000, who scored at led to the development of a revowill just about every time they utlonary principle nf hydraulic had he ball. Mickey Sacks stress. His views on the subject dumped in 16 for the losers. liave been presented before some In the second encounter Rayim, ,)f the nation's top engineers, pl.y-' " « " « - • • A street, m Hasle <! lle firsl z i n i s t RUG & UPHOLSTERY still improving as the campaign sicists, scientists and doctors. ! u ' " uis "' tbe s to named " after f«ngre.s Theodor runs out handled the 1 group, CLEANERS Lobel said the Nebraska-Iowa Herzl, on the occasion of the 100th 57-51. Dick Zacharia, smooth lit- Electrical council is trying to get anniversary of his birth. RUGS - CARPETING tle hustler, sparked the Rayim j laboratory facilities for him to This will be the first lime th;it LAMP SHADES boys with 1G points while Don continue his work. the Canton of Basle has accorded FURNITURE Fielder controlled the backboards. CALL such a tribute to a man of other Frank Goldberg had 21 points for than Swiss nationality. Cleaned ir. Your Home! the losers. The Her/1 birth anniversary Binding—Laying—Repairing Final Ktundh.i; will be a central theme of this 817 So. 36th HA 1044 \V. I.. Rome <JTA)--A Rome court ! year's Independence Day celebra- Don Bernstein HA 2554 AZA No. 1000 11 1 dismissed a petition for nmnesty j lions. May 2 in Israel. ! Rayim 8 4 from former SS Col. Herbert AZA No. 1 5 7 Kappler who is serving a life term AANo.100 0 12 for responsibility for the ArdeaSHO"\S IN THE DAKK . . tine Cave Massacre in which hunBeth Israel Synagogue lost two dreds of Jews were murdered. ball games to the Beth Israel syKappler, was s e n t e n c e d by nagogue of Kansas City in Omaha an Italian court in July, 1918, The las tweekend . . . Dick Zacharia, court ruled that Kappler's crimes Steve Sloan and Howard Martin were not of the political nat ire all turned in good jobs wrestling for which amnesties haw been for Central high school this year considered and approved in other . . . Sioux City JCC All Star teams caess but common crimes comto play the JCC All Star teams of mitted against Italian citizens. The Perfect Gift for Any Ago, for All Occasions Omaha on Sunday, March 6, at Omaha . . . Both squads will play Colorful materials, heads of hoavy composition with life-like look, facos artistically painted and bases are j i Sioux City the following Sunpolishod heavy wood. Sizes borwoen 8 and 9 inches in height. day . . . Danny Epstein to coach the Varsity team . . . Cy Seitchick On Display at Community Center Lobby to coach the Youth Council and Kabbi and Mrs. William FertiK grade school teams . . . Look for of Sacramento, Calif., announce Rayim to be the power in Youth the birth of a son, Maurice LeonCouncil play next year %vith most ard, on February 6. everybody returning , . . Howard Kabbi and Mrs. Uri Miller, BalMartin and Walt Wise won the timore, Md., maternal grandpar"Best Athlete" award for AZA No. ents and Mr. and Mrs. I. Shafer, 1000. The trophy was presented at Los Angeles, Calif., maternal their annual banquet last Sunday great-grandparents, are all former evening . . . Bob Gould, John Zys- Ornahans. man, Dan Katskec, Arnie Weitz, Mr. .and Mrs. Arthur Walker Sandy Friedman and Bill Ginsburg were all members of the Dundee announce the birth of u daughter, Grade School team that went to Roxann on February 18. Grandthe finals in the City grade .school parents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred tourney. All these boys are Midget Walker of New York City. leaguer? at the Jay . . . Al d a y Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis anman back in action after an ankle nounce *he birth of their first injury . . . Health Club Director, child, a son, Stephen Kenneth on Bill Barnes, became a proud papa February 20. I—Israoli woman (Oriental); 2—Israeli man (Oriental); 3—Arab'smoking bubble pipe; 4—Yomontto woman last week of a baby boy, his sixth Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. with drum; 5—-Yemenite man with flute; 6—Oriental woman with wator jug; 7—Israeli (Oriental) with box . . . The Omaha Wrights, Women's Charles Litt of New York City of oranges. AAU Class "A" basketball team, and Carl Lewis of Omaha. coached by Cy Seitchick, won the Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. GreenMidwestern League championship. With each order of six dolls, purberg of Park Forest, 111., announce Shipped direct from Israel. Dethe birth of their first child, a son, chaser will receive a seventh doll Andrew Eugene on February 24. Each livery time from five to six weoks. free of charge. Maternal grandmother is Mrs. Betty Steinberg Milder and paJerusalem (JTA)—Ground was ternal grandparents are Dr. and broken here for a new $840,000 Mrs. N. H. Greenberg. Maternal Use coupon and encircle choice oJ dolls. Type address where dolls are to be mailed. housing project for settlers from great grandfather is Nathan the United States and Canada. The Steinberg. project overlooks this city's "green Mako Check Payable to: belt," commencing at the Valley Here I i My Choice of Dolls: (Series 1) The Jewish Press of the Cross, near Hakirya, which 101 North 20th Street 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 is the site of the new Hebrew Uni- Phone JA 1344 to inten yoi/r want Aa ir Omaha 2, Nebraska versity campus, government min- Ihfl Jewish Press. Send Dolls to: Rate II SO u n i t lor each turn line inser istries and the new Parliament (Ion. Th« Press reserves the rlaht lo limit sIMrof eoch advertlsemenl building under construction. Nam* Address . . . The development will include a DAILY JEWISH PAPERS City Zone . . . State shopping center, a park and a BT" and Ban fllftzvali congratuswimming pool. Land for the projlations also for nil Jewish holiPurchased bys . . • . . » . . . « . « * . » • « • « » « * » » 4 « . . . « « Address . . . ect was provided by the Jewish days and special occasions. National Fund. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
no.l specialists in storage, packing, local and long-distance movingr
Lobel invited to Speak in Sweden
Bas e Street to Be ! Named After Herzl
Amnesty PetHion Of Nazi Rejected
Housing Project For U.S. Settlers
John Kalina