Vol. XXXVII1-K... r .
'ffl^%1S S kl't'r,ono M J A°i.S h
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famous Yiddish Stage Company f© ffer Repertoire, Wednesday, Center i i '
Tlie Workmen'.1! Circle Troupe of celebrated artists of the Yiddish tla;;p, will present a prognun of Jewish drama,' literature, music nnd dance- .it the Jewish Commimity Center on WedOf iii.'.v, March
famous Jewish humorist, titled, "Listen to This". The cast will include Alinna Born, Zisha Gold, Chayele L-uxemberij with Pola KctdLson, pianist, mifler the direction of Israel Weliehniislty. Features of Program Tiie second half of the evening's piogram will start with a potpourli of Golclfaden melodies arranged and played by Miss Kailison. Miss Hem will follow with two numbeis, "Little Birch Trees" and "This is the Way They Dance in Israel". Director We.liclinn.iky will he featured in recitations, "1 am Writing to You, Fideretz", "TeneLuxemburg «uld ment Houses" mid "O, Am I Sick." A grand finale by the whole 9 at H p. in. on the Program of the iMontli series, part of the Cen-company will include many other favorite songs from the Yiddisli ter's cultural program. In honor of the lOOlh annivers- .stage. 1 Commltteo .Join* Sponsors ary of Sholcni Aleichcm, the com- .Toe \ - • ' \l".i Kadinowslti, Yiddish Culture piny will offei .i I?<-n I-enstu pro- Committee Chairmen, staled that duction baser! on the life ut the his unit welcomes tlie opportunity to join tlie Program of tin; Month series by bringing to the community this group of talented mid celebrated artists. The Program of the Month series is arranged by the Center and co-sponsored by Beth I'll synaShown at left are Mine*. .Tulliis 51. Colin, Morris J. Shapiro and Nathan Turner, Women's IJI« gogue, Hi-fh Israel synagogue, vision C'o-Cliiilrnipn, HtiKlyliig with ihelr Chalrnim Mm. Sam luit/.nian, the jiunoraina of local snrv> B'nai R'rith lodges and Chapters, Icei NUiipcirtcd liv HIP riillunlhropics uielutling thn Jtonio for Aged, Hebrew and Kellgloui Schools Karband, Omaha Chapter of Ha- In Oinnlia, Family Kellef and Medical Service, Center and (lamping. dassah, Temple Israel, Workmen's lli Iianiky Item Circle and Young Adult Council. In conjunction with this event an exhibit of specially selected books, recordings and art will be on display in the Center auditorMrs. Sam. L. Katzman, General Feeling of Optimism ium. Admission Is free. Chairman of the Jewish Philan- "I have a feeling of great opllthropies, Women's Division, an- rnlsm as we he.ul mti>-4!;»;^ri¥Js!iL nounced today the appointments Mrs. Katzman declared as she The Women's Division of the of three leaders in the Omaha praised tlie abilities of her C9Jerusalem —Philanthropies raised $70,054.17 Jewish Community who will be chairmen. "These women air* Prime Ministci in 1953. Itecords also show that her co-chairmen. All have served aware of their responsibilities David Uen-GurMrs. Weta Simon and Benja- 2,520 pledges were made by in past campaigns with distinction through their work in past driven. ion will travel to and arc well-known for their de- This will give our campaign; a min Klaiman, Senior Citizens Omaha women. Such a total Is truly out- votion to community projects. the United Statei Lounge Committee Co-Chainnen, solid frame woik for successful Tlireo Co-Chalrmen Abe Flancheck and Joe Iladinow- standing, Mrs. Sam Katzman, operation." to receive an ski were elected at a Golden Age liHJO Women's Division ChairCo-Chairmen are Mrs. Julius M. "Each one," she added, "shaffis honorary doctor Club meeting, as delegates to the man, declared. However, she Colin, Mrs. Morris J. Shapiro and the same feeling of iesponsibility nte froiti B first Older Adult Conference of said, need.'? this year are so Mrs. Nathan Turner. for meeting the local needs of our tleis jjnlversit, the Midwest Section in St. Louis, g r a t that the women must Mrs. Colin is a member of the community, and those from afar. next week. make every effort to raise hoards Mo. The St. Lduis meeting will be of Temple Israel Sister- "A united approach is important Thei. ! P r l m t held on March 29-31 in conjunction larger funds in the I960 cam- hood and Omaha Section of the for campaign leaders and workMlnlstnHs offict with the Jewish Welfare Board paign. Council of Jewish Women, and ers." Issued [ j a comBiennial. Mrs. Sol Nogg and Abe treasurer of the Douglas County Mrs. Katfni.'in said the spirit munique which JJon (iiirion Fisher were chosen as alternates. Cancer Society for four years. of team work was typical of, all • said that the Pi Imp Minister had The Conference will cover such Citizens Lounge are jointly spon- Mru. Shapiro, a former Philan- women in the Omaha community accepted an Invitation to IP<CUO subjects as hou3lng, social secur- sored by the Omaha Section of the thropies captain, Is Beth Israel and promises assurance of a suo- ' the degree of Doctor of I.aul in ity, health and medical care, emSisterhood corresponding secre- cessful drive. ceremonies at Waltham, Mass; on ployment and recreational pro- National Council of Jewish Women tary and sits on the hoards of and the Jewish Federation of Hadassah, Council and B'nai March 9. Mr. Ben-;Giirion will grams. TOURISTS DON'T HAVK speak on "Science ami Kthics— Accompanying the group will be Omalia. B'rith. Mrs. Turner, another past TO DECLARE DOLLARS The Contributions of Greece/:In- Mrs. Albert Gaer, Coordinator of Tlie Mid West Region includes Philanthropies captain and former Tel Aviv (ZINS)—Beginning dia and Israel". Older Adult Activities for the Na- Ohio, Illinois, Colorado, Iowa, Beth El Sisterhood vice-president, with April 1st, tourists to Israel It Is expected that the Prime tional Council of Jewish Women Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana, is a member of the Boards of will not be required to declare the Minister will pay a Courtesy call and Boris Steiman, Director of Missouri, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Weltzman group of Hadassah and sums of foreign exchange In. their at the White House dnrlnfj his Center Activities. the Dundee P-TA. possession. ' The Golden Age Club and Senior Nebraska, and Pennsylvania. forthcoming visit to this country.
Ben Gurion Flying To U.S. Next W e e k To Receive Honor OoSdon Agers EEeof
$70,054 Raised By Women's Div.
limes. Julius M. Gohn, Morris J. Shapiro, Nathan Turner Are Flamed As Leaders
In 7959 Drive
Conference Delegates
"<,' " , i
pened. More than eleven protests are back working their side of the were made. Israel said the village dralnnge canal, but now they are was being fortified, made into a carrying rifles. Above Tawafik is strong point. There was an ex-' another village, and above that the Syrian hills look down on the This is Tel Aviv, What '-Hap- change of fire, an Israeli border whole plain. Along the whole area pened at the village of Tawafik, policeman was killed, two others the Syrian guns and mortars are is tlie kind of Incident that,is as wounded. old as the State of Israel,' The The Israelis then mounted a looking down the throat of the area involved is only about-'20 Hlmrp night operation, went In and Israelis. Tawafik was not an esncrea, the kind of land an AjneH. cleared thn village, blew up about sential or well sited defensive position' from the Syrian poiiit of can farmer would put in tlie soil .50 houses and. pulled back. bank program and , forget.. The They brought out a small quan- view, and now it is no more, and area was demilitarized under the tity of Syrian weapons, all made the Israelis have buried their three 1919 agreement between Israel in Russia or Czechoslovakia, all in dead and are waiting. , ond Syria negotiated by Italph good working order, all posj.- Yesterday, within rifle shot of Ihihche.. Tawafik lies' southeast' World War II models, including the action, children at a kibbutz, of the bottom of tlit» Sea of .Gal- a new semi-automatic carbine or collective farm, were playing ilee. It I» in the palm of-your which the Israelis had not seen football while their mothers placed hand. The fingers run Up tb, .tlie before; This reporter ha» seen and freshi lauridry on the lines. There over-hanging hilU of Syria, * 'se- examined these- weapons. . was soma delay In entering the ries ot dry wadis or ,eanyonsj'; • ' This sort of action has, as I kibbutz. We had to soak bur shoes said, occurred many times before. Tha Israelis built a dramaga The thing that makes it news now in disinfectant. Seems there is an outbreak of foot and, mouth disditch. Syrian and Israeli U is that it's the first Incident of its ease In the area. Recently A shell workers both side of ,.the kind since the tfnd o£ tlie Sinai fragment came through the roof Then the Syrians began to; campaign In 1958. .'•''' of the treasurer of. the kibbutz. over. Israel protested fo ilia M observer^ claimed the farmers Tawafik now resemble* « blot Some of the farmers thought this were in fact soldiers from :Syria of White chalk dust on a brown very amusing, remarking that the In civilian clothes. Nothing hap- blackboard. The Israeli: farmery Arab* were ' very;/'''smart. They Ed/rard R. Murrow hoi broken Ms tab' bo/lcal again to do dril-nond rtpstling far CSS Radlt. Recently h« braodcoit the following dsicrlpllon of lti» illunllorr fl«or Itu tant el thj current clashes between Israel ant Syria;
ernment's action. The threats comknew where the money was, • A quarter of a mile away, Is- ing from Cairo and Damascus raelis on holiday strolled along have produced neither alarm or the edge of the Sea of Galilee on concern here. The Israeli assumptheir way to the baths once used tion is that the United Arab Reby Roman legions, The sun broke public needed a diversion that ro» its brilliant lamp against the cent wholesale changes in the SySyrian hills across the Sea of rian officer corps had created » Galilee and the fragments were certain amount of unrest^.and .Wblue, green and gray, and an aver- renewal of tension would be usa-; age pair of field glasses would ful. bring Syrian patrols and gun cm- This Incident Illustrates what might be called a basic clement placements into focus, It was all most peaceful and, at of Israeli philosophy, that again ths place where Mary Magdalene they will suffer a certain amount was born, children wero playing of provocation, make tho pron kind of hop scotch In the road. scribed protests to the lf,N. ob? If there is an exposed or tender servers, nnd then they will rolf nerve In this country It cannot be upon their own power. This maydetected. 1 saw behind a convoy not be the way to win friend*, or artillery and nrmor for miles. No Influence world opinion, but tri,»yr.< think It'i the only way to survive. children shouted or waved. It seemed there was a certain Their faith and their rellanoo U • tightening of the muscles' about In themselves, and' they make • • ' ' » . , ;' the mouth and eyes of the women secret of It. particularly the older ones, but I The atttiude here !a much elm-: am not certain. Theer is no ex- lar to that in Britain In 1949 when ; citement. There's no tension, and the phrase was, "If nepissary, so far as a foreigner can judge, alone." The Israeli attitude ~ a, practically no criticism of the gov- "Necessarily; we will do it alonti/'
• * '-V
' Friday, March 4, 1960
Peaceful Hula . . « Syrian Armor on Fr@nfler U.S. Diplomats Published Every lTriUu> l>> Ui» Jcivifth f/ederatiou of Omaha.
Washington — Se-iuitor Ifu^h Scott (Pennsylvania, Hep.) who just returned from Israel, commended t h e achievements of American diplomatic and consular staff stationed then1, in rnnsierins; Hebrew. He reported that in Israel "many of our embassy and consular- people, as well as their children uro now fluent iu Hebrew."
Second Clots PUJ'UQ* Pu.a at Omanii Nei))Anriuui suuscnpMOn. U t t i Advertising Hales on Application PybjiCOliOD OH.ce- 10' No WU Street Omaha fJcbr. Mtkson 1364
Israel Alert to Egy
'I'd Aviv — -IMW;! nei'urity circles and the Arab League were bluff t i e lollowin;; Hit- rouis of I'.'Kyp- "Hut if they really intend to athe added. tiun troop I'linreritralions in thetack us. let them try," In the interview. Ml1. Hen Gurf^inai Peninsula anti are nfert In ion, said he doubled the ;;enuiiie©liv I'Veiilualily. Patronize Our Advertisers ness of tlfe l.eaifiie's thie/ils to 'J'roop-> in Sinai compel Israel to abandon her It is learned that large forces ANTI-FREEZE «f the United Aral) liepublie are plans for utilizing the .Ionian Stationed in the El Ari-sh, Gaza, Iliver for irrigation purposes. He IN A LEAKY RADIATOR A1)U Ayeila and Kusejma regions. stated "the .Ionian waters arc of as much importance to us as inIS MONEY WASTED The United Arab Republic governllulu pnpyrus nx-ils Hintid aslion not too lonff ago us sliown ment is miuisltioninj; trucks and dustry is to Uritain." The Prime 1 For Fast—Dependable other vehicles, eoiisfrurlinjj pon- Minister stress"! the importance In tlie al<»\<> pl< Inn , to <Ieir the w i v for Israel's reuli/.eil dremn toons as it moves troops into the of water to the .settlement south of peaeelnl flnla drained und iiinverlcil Info thn lireaillmski't of „ Guaranteed Servico of the Nejjev and added "W'f shrill iNriti-I. Nmv dm nmililo of roeli bhisting l>y tin; SyriuiiK in tlielr Sinai peninsula. only use quantities of water to furtifieation ojMTations thre:it«-it tlie people of this region urn) their The present Egyptian moves are which we are entitled." jlol considered as bcinff a serious ' threat to Israel's seenrity, and Syrians Fortifying Krontier Leu Hurwltx, Prop. Nasser's charges that Israel is Itc-ports from Tiberias indicate Downtown Location mobilizing were seen as a pretext lie Syrians be^an (i new- phase WE 0200 St. Louis, (JTA) Dr. Max Beer, said the spate of anti-Semitic 170B C O M to nmking possible this move. if streiiKtheiiing their fortlfieaThinks Naswr muffing duubin!;s w h i r h followed the vice-president of the International ions. tiloiti; the Israel border, inPremier Ben-Giirion is un interHiiK the Central sector of theleague for thp Ri;;hts of Man and(.'llristiiias l^ve devcration of the vert' with a London newspaper lula Valley. I t appears they outstanding expert on Germany, ( filijfjne syna;;ojnie were "a harmeorn-sirandent, said "he believed lave also concentrated armor on said that the spirit of Hitler was less follow-up to Ihe mueh more the anti-Israel threats of Nasser border. still alive in West Germany anil M-rious anti-Semitic and Nazi would remain an influence "as manifestations i;oin;; on for many yean;." loni; as sonic; of his former subordinates are members of thei the only brand produced and Bonn Government and as (ong ;is botrlcd in Famed nct at Ilii- fit. his judjees and teachers, dominate nttrr Jrviiili ll'inir Rishon-lc-Zion Oatlr) Orion courtrooms and sclioolu." Rollio Rogers Invites You Spcaliini; a t a Jewish KrderuThe Gift- of Gifts to Bring This Ad to the A special i;ifl was made in hon- tjon Hireling him;, l>r. i5i:cr uaid ivould runtlniiK IN A WIDE VARIETY r of Sam Foster on the uceasfcpn* Hitler's infliieuen 1 BLONOO BARBER SHOP ro sun if his 8(itli birlliday, by his ehil- nlsu "it* long im ninny licrnnaiift EVERY TASTE Iren: Mr. nnd Mrs. William Poster, do lint lieiliw him of liuvlnf >leClandlcllBhtlnjj—r,-MH p. iu. and SAVE 50 CENTS Tiru Wlf.f.fi. Ua^.fjn f-n,fin;. David Becker and Mr. and slroyed tliplr country tint necuse 61IVOV/IIZ. WlfiefdAH,; tin? forrlgn |M'oples and JCWH BOTH KL Irs. Norman Korney. ON A SHAMPOO VODKA. CM^MpAf.f,i-: IP'WULKifi BtJftfiUNDV.i Services at Beth K\ .Synafjojjue, Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Stejnbcri: wliiiin lie att:u*l(ird.** . Friday, 8:f5 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. )urcliased an jnhaiator for the lit* denounced Dr. II.'uis filobke. CONCORD and Knpke will conclude scries on iloine. Chancellor K n n r u c l Adenauer's MALAGA 8 A.M.-t P.M. . "Die Prayer Book in Your Hands" A Kiddush was Riven by .Mr. und Secretary of State, who wrote the 6618 BLONDO half-gallons, with sermon on "Does Prayer Do ifrs. IlaiTj' Kaplan in memory of official ^fazi commentary to the gdllom, fifflis Any Good?" Cantor Aaron I. Ed- heir mother, Mrs. Fannie Adel- Nuremberg Laws which excluded Kur, Beth Kl Choir will render schtein, on tlie occasion of the an- Jews from the national and human musical.portions of service. community, "thus preparing the niversary of her death. Certifiod Strictly Kosher ' Sabbath morning, 0:30 a. m. Flowers were sent this week by vvav for their extermination." He by Rabbi Isaac • Junior Congregation, 10:30 a. m.Temple Israel. ; Holovi Horzog, 'Mincha-Maariv, 6 p. m. Sunday, Itabbi Sidney Brooks was our 9 n. m. Daily 7 a. m. and 7 p. in. 'isitor this week. Chief Rabbi of Israel Seb ISobbyl Fulverent* The Beauty Salon is a popular All friends nnd relatives are BKl'II 1.SKAFX * >,"•' •endezvous for our senior citizen* Available at Your United to attend MTiiers und 25 Years' Experience Rabbi Benjamin •Oro/ier, Can- hese days. reception. Local Liquor Storo tor Kli Kagan and'the Beth IsA case of sacramental wine WHS With Jewish rael Clioir will conduct the lute ionateil by James Samnelson. Lettering and Memorials BLOTCKY u:\vis Friday family Services a t ' S p. m.IS .MKIMOIUA3I: The Bar Mlt/.vah of Marshall BEVERAGE CO. Traditional Friday ^cervices (KaKslher Ann Che.sen, Mike DavidAT 2452 Lewis, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Harry 2211 So. Oth JA 3990 bolas Shabbos),'6 p.-m. >;-" on. Lewis will be celebrated tonight K&cluftlvo Dlntrlliutorfl Shabbos morning, 8:45 a. m. at VAFIKZKIT: 52nd and Charles Streets and a( .Memorial services were held in and Saturday mowing a t Beth Israel Synagogue. 9 a. m, a t 19th and Burt Streets. he Home Syiiajjofjue, for the fol Junior Congregation, 10 a. m. Ilab lowing, the anniversary of whose ORDER N O W bi Groner will conduct tho Talmud leath is remembered during this TKRKI KWIATKK MSA SHAPIKO class at 5:30 p. m. Sabbath Min .veek: Adar 1-Febrna)7 29— Tei'ri Kwiatek, daughter of Mr. cha, (i p. m. followed by Sholosh laj-ry Itoitstnin, Adar 1- February 2!)—Rose Frcidcn; Adar 5— and Mrs. Sidney Kwiatek and Lisa S'eudos and Maariv. Sunday, morning, 8:45 a. m. fol-March 4-- Fannie Liebovici and .Shapiro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Shapiro will join in their lowed by breakfast and Rabbi's Adar 5—March 4—Bcttie Hess. Bas Mitzvah celebration on Friday Class in Bible. Sunday morning Passover Candies and Cakes • • Junior Minyon, 8:30 a. m. followed Use "Sun" Want Ads to Buy,night, March 11 a t Beth Israel Synagogue. Americo'» Motf Wontod Koth.r— by breakfast. Daily services, 7 a. iell or Rent. for Ponovcr Oglicscioi m. and 6:15 p. m. Orders Taken Thru Council of Jewish Women B"NAI JACOB ADAS Until VKSHUUON Call Mr*. Gerhard Spies—GL 6915 Mar. 15 Services at B'nai Jacob-Ada* ELECTRIC WIRING Yeshuron will begin Friday a t HEAT REPAIRING .5:45 p. m. and Saturday at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha a t 5:45 p. in. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Dai ]y services at 6:30 a. m. and 6 p. m. p. in.
Hitler Spirit Still Aliva in Germany
Religious i Services
Spaced QUerl
0L 0200
Bar and Bas lifzvafr
TKMI'LK IHUAIOI. Friday evening services a t Tem/, pie" Israel at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi .J Sidney H. Broolts will officiate ;'Temple choir will render the muT " «ical portion. Following services, the Sabbath discussion series wil IK? continued under the leaders h i p of Rabbi Sidnfry II. Brooks. Topic will be "To Cherish This • U f e or Ahe Next,"—Faith in . Good World. Saturday morning services, 11:30 a. m.
Want Ads
Phent JA 1344 to insert your Want Ad li B M Jewish Pf«J. Rat* l i SO ccnti tor cacti m m line mier flon. Tris Pna reserves the rlaht to llm »tz* of eocft odverHsemcnt
JEWISH PAPERS B . ^ and Bas Mitzrah congralu lations also for all Jewish boll' days end special occasions. \Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodg
OMAHA'S LEADING SS OMLY A N when you stock up on dark, delicious
Kosher Meat Market! Delicatessen WA 5554
Gall Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
Friday, M a n * 4, lfifiO
f-d lu-lcnowJodtfos the fol-
Youg Adults Feature Film, 'Twisted Gross'
imghfer Given in
Z)r. Philip Sher Home for the Aged (Tim Dr. Philip Shcr Hume for thy Jnwing nu.'inori.'!]?! ,'iij'I donations.*
"Twisted ^ Cross." a film on the Nazi movement, will be shown on the Young Adult. Nitc program, Tuesday, March 8 at ; 7:30 p.m. a t Ihe Jewisli (,'ommunity Center, The movie is compiled almost: ejilirely from captured Oerman film. The latest Israel i''ilm Magazine (news reel) will be presented also nnd will he followed by a social hour. ' Aaron Sterling, Y. A- Nite commit lee chairman, announced that all young adulls are.' invited to .-ill end Ihe group's programs which are held on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each mouth. IJc' .said the entertainment is designed lo meet tiro interest of Jewish young adults.
In Memory of
Mr, ond 'Arr,, Moe Venner, Mr, ond Mrs, David Or^o*v Sumuel GHmr.ii Mr, and Mrs. (Jav» Colin , M r j . Ruth Gflck Or. Max Hclstirnun .Mltirj Lillian Chernlss Mr. and Mrs, Paul- Veref Mrs. Ruth Click, Julius Wt-il Mr, and Mr*. Morion I.. Dec/fit Mrs, •Minnie B, Dsgen, Julius Wtll Mr. and Mrs. Morfcs Lmiy , , , . . . , . . M r t . Ida Goldberg Mrs. 5aroh Silver, Mr, und Mrs, Arthur (/oslnsky ami daughters, Madeline and ttcrinfiw Miss Ann Frances Ftslier Mr%. THIle C. Plotkin Mr. and Mrs. A. Scfjlln Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Mnrnlno, Mr, and Mrs, Reuben Orov/ii Jarob Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Milton Yudelson Mrs. Paulino B. f-'rlc<Jman Mr. ond Mrs. Mfobm Urown and Mrs, Ida Dro^n , Mrs. Sylvia Goodbtnder Mr. oiid Mrs. Ernest Nono . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . Mrs. EstlKir Chcr.cn, Mrs. Hue iiuiuuu Gordoi <ii< -j. r;inu:n u'>U[) . . . . . . . . • -. . . . , , , . - . y^n s. i^kiiici \,IIV:,KI\, / A I i . «uc Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Wrs. Sam VV. Guldftln Gulrifcin and tArt. Hose Coldtein Goldftin Mrs. tstlicr Chcscn Mr. and Mi ~ " no:,frT,iock •• 'Ms. Fred , Mr 1 / Hoe Gordon Mr. and Mi Wrs. Sfjm W. Goltifnin Chorfcs Forhor
In Honor of
Mr. and Mrr>, Willlurn Moiler, Mir,, Duvld BetKcr, Mr, ond Mr.i. fJorrmtrt Knrncy
Power's B6tli blrttiUciy
Synagogue Contributions hlr.hord
Hob-'MiKin, Mrs. Role
Sam Huh, t.ouls
Koplon, Nonncn
K or nay,
Special Contributions Dr. OMo Mof(/rnthou
«a\Y,•;;;:";.'•;.;; •':».- .;.
Reception Planned For Harry Trusgins On 4O2h Anniversary Mr. mid -Mrs. 'Aliirvin T;iNin.'in nml Mr. .md M R . V;il»! •Tnislln will riilcrlaiii .Sunil.iy at a roci'iition honorlii;: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trustlri on thi'ir fcirliclh \VO<1<IJIIK
MONA LISA House of Glamour Kirst Lieut .and Mrs. Avnun fin-enlwrt; announce tlio birth of a son, liruce Stuarl, Ki'bntary <i, in Ashiya, Japan. The Grecnbergs, foriinT Omahan.s, have lii-en' slutioned in .fii|)iin for more than a year.
Gruridpa/enls are Mr. and Mrs I,awiv:ii(.'e Taulicn, Tulsa, Okla., The f;vt:nt will !»-' Iwlil «t 'IVinplc and Dr. and Maynard M. GreenMiilernal great gr.'indparcnt.f Isiai.'l from 2 |i. in. to !> |i. in. No bi'i'i;. an 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. Kisen, Tulwa. invitations Imvi; bwri ifism.'d. Tho senior Triistins an: par'Hits of Mrs, Ta.\in;ii! nml Ynlr.1 Tnlslin', Out-of-town ciii'.sts' itxpocti'il holt.1 for the ucr.'ision <"'• Mr. and Mrs. S. K. (iondinnn and Mr;;. Will Hips, all of Kun Antonio, T«!x.; Jerusalem-'-Tlte West Gorman Mrs. Sfim Chernlss, r.os An:;<.'lilH, Oogoinohll CJompany is one of four Cat. and Mrs. 'Josfph (\>lin, CTii- foreign firms which have extended caijo, III. •• '. offers to establish assembly of compact cars in Israel, Michael TKiir, Isi'/iel Ministry of Trade director, disclosed. THUT returm.'d from the United Slates, where lie had concluded YOUTH COUNOH.', MKKT1NO an agreement with an American M A I U ' I I 2 ' A T <;KJ*Trcu Hie Jewish Youili Council will compact, car producer to manufacmeet -March 2 at 7:30'|>. m. In tho ture Mich cars in Israel. ProducYouth Council lounge <il tin; Jew- tion of such a car in luruel has ish Conimunity Center, it'was an- txinn the goal of the Kulser-Fruzer nounced by Kdwin Sidinan, prrsl- plant at JIalfa, since Renault, the di.'nt. Ufpoits on "St;i|;i: Nii;'it." French auto maker, cancelled its will IK- clvi'ii by its ro-cliiiinin'n. contract. Shnrry Kraft and Hob NOI;I:.
I I I No. 50lh GL 7000 6 Expert Hair Stylists
Air-Conditioned Dryers MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Ownors
Si'vvii-.>rar-»lil Unplina IJnlinrn, <laiiglitcr of <'allfornlii Kahlil hpliralin J.'1, KInliorii, posing with Israeli actr««» Ulana Kdeii In a HCCIII) fidin the ?.T,ni)(),()OO Itlliicul production, "The Story of ISntli." Kliit was dlm:n\ <:icd by the Went Coa«t K«pr(!Nvntntlvi! iif Isnutl'm Zirn IJIICS, Niiliiini II. IIIICOIMII, vvhcii lie nrranged yiaKsagc to Haifa last ninniiicr for her, her mother nnd young sister. Tim thren urn HIIOVVU ahoard tlio vessel, '"JThe iNruel" In the upper innet.
Oer. Gar Firm Offers Omahans in News B'nai B'rifh Starts Israel Assembl|f Aid Myron II. Mildor, Omaha civic Convention Plann'ng and community leader, wus mimed
lazi Sentenced for Program on Jews
YOUTH CnVNCU. INJTIATBS «;ONVi;ilSATION SKKIKS "The I/-t'H Talk 'bout" swles Vienna ( J T A ) - T h e Wroclaw was initiated Thursday afti.-rnoon Uiiitrict Court, in Poland, has imunder the sponsorship of the Jewish lYouth Council at tho Jnw- posed a death sentence on Felix Polic for complicity in the exterish Ooimmity Ontf.-r. mination of the Jewish communThf program wa:i designed lo ity in Proskiimw in 1042. develop the nrt of convci.satioii nnd Polie was commandant of the will be held weekly. Ukrainian Fascist Police force ill Client moderator al, tin: opi.-ninft Froskurow from 1941 to I'Jl.'S. In meelini; was Jack Kal/, owner of the autumn of 1942, according to station, KQAI,-1>'M who s'l'ived as testimony a t his- hearing, 1'olic president of tho Youth Council forced six concentration camp induring 194B-47. Mr. Kut/. presided mates a t gunpoint to dig a grave in a discussion of jazz. and enter it. lie then shot them. The group will holds its next For several years after tho end mectinc, Tunsdny at 3:45 p. in.of the war, Polic was in hiding in when the program will deal with I^ower rfllesia. He was recently "Human Relations.'1 recognized by a resident of ProsUurow and arrested. AI- NKWItKKO IS BOTO COIMNKU Bill to Create U.S. Al Newberg was named colonel of the .Central High School HOTC Stamp for Dr. Herd ut the school',*! recent annual miliWashington, (JTA)--Kcp. Seytary ball. lie Is the son of Mr. nnd mour Halpern, (New York Rep.) Mrs. Jack Newbei-j*. ' Introduced a bill in the House to create a V. H. postage stamp in UKBAT1-: ON CKNTHAI/S the "champions of liberty" seriea, WINNINfi TKAM commemorating the 100th anniSam Bleicher, Edwin Sidinan versary of the birth of Thcodor und Steven (Jius ,were members Herzl. The issue would he concur«f tlie four-pei'son Central IliRh rent with the celebration of Dr. school debate team which emerged Herzl's contennial year. victorious In the Mlsouri Valley Open Debate Tournament last week.
Committees began workin;; *Njis winner of the Junior Chamber of week in preparation for District Commerce's Distinguished St.-rvice 6, B'nai M'rith convention to awnrd, given to tlio "young miin held in Omaha June 2fi-2f>. of 35 or under who has contributed Thirty-five persone met Sunday the most to the civio life of Oma-as a steering committee to formuha." Mr. Milder i.s vice-president late curly convention plans. In attendance at the meeting were of the Milder Oil Co. Norman Berg, I'eoria, 111., district convention chairman and Hen '/,. Sir. and Mrs. Miiv Ilresloiv have Glas.1, Chicago, district exueutive returned from I,ew Angeles, Cal., secretory. where they visited their son-in-law Omaha chairmen for the connnd riaii&hler, Mr. and Mrs. N. K. vention are ICdward A. Rosen and Chuditeoff and grandson, Lawrence Marvin Trcller. Heading the womnnd other relatives. While there, en's unit is Mrs. Sam Pollak. they celebrated their twenty.sL";th wedding anniversary on February 23. Volunteers honored by the I{ed Cross for years of service include Mm. Aim Hear for ei);ht: years-on the staff.
Holland Booksellers Fight Anti-Semitism Amsterdam, (JTA)—All booksellers in Holland launched a campaign against anti-Semitism with the publication of n special pamphlet entitled "Protest" and by displaying anti-Nazi hook.-; in their windows. Tlie campaign is in commemoration of Hie first, mid by the Nazis against tlie Jews of Amsterdam in .1941.
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Don Bernstein
USY The U. S. Y. will hold a Chassidic night a t Beth El Synagogue; March 6 a t 7:.1O p. m. Members ef SYO and Nifty are invited. KOIIANUfc 1'UKSKNTS DOI.L FOIt "J'UOOKAM" Bohanuo BUG has presentctl an Abraham Lincoln doll to the Dolls for Democracy program. Bctte Weiner, Lcanne Goldberg mid Rosalind Nogg were chairmen of tlw ijrnnp's February events.
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riizafions K\x;x FOK A BETH *X THKMK "C'hapeaux for * Queen" will be the themv. of Die sprint; hat and dress .style shvw, at the Ik'th Kl Sisterhood' ftlarch .8 meeting and luncheoq ii}H)« social hall un Tuesday at 12:30 p. m. The style show, sponsored hy Kilpatricks, will have an commentator, Joe Martin of WOW Radio and his partner Al L'aipra at the piano. Mrs. Gilbert Frieden and Mrs. Sidney Schwartz, program cochairmen ]. {or the day, have an nounced that an original holiday hat feature of the show will, be designed by Mrs. Richard Martin and Mrs. Justin Manvitz. Twenty-two model* who will assist In carrying out I h t thrme of spring styles under dlreciJon o r Mrs. M, M. Jabenls ore Mmcs. Lee Gendlar, , Harry Ferenitefn, Leonard Boasberg. Bon Slutzky, Burton Robinson. Meyer Freeman, Meyer Holperln, Ervin Simon, • Irvlna Schneiderman, Leon SchmJdmon, Jomei Llpsey, Harry Dubolt, Keith Sounders, Morris H. Brodkey, A. D, Frank, Hubert Rosenblum, Georoe Elsenbero, Alvln Abronnon, Edward Dotgolf, Ernest Wlntroubj Normqn Abramanson. Circle chairman lor the luncheon meeting ore Mrnes. Morris Brick. Irving Schneiderman; T- A fully, Charles Klmmel, Alex Plotkln, Charles Girts ond Bert Sender.
A rejKjrt of the nominating committee will be made by its chairman, ilrs.^Joe Guss: Also delegates will lie elected for the spring conference in Kansas City. l&Ml'LE SISTERHOOD TO DISCUSS -CIltCKK SYiiTKM ,Plans for .the circle system will be discussed ,at an open board meeting <pl: Temple' Israel Sisterhood, Tuesday, March 8 at 11 a. m, at the Teinple. In pl/ice; of the reRUlar Mafch meeting, the Sisterhood will -com? bitie with, ,the Men's Club and Temple aboard, on Saturday evening, March 19, for a buffet sup-' per at ^,p.' m. and a program. A champagne hour will start at 7 p. m, . Cost is $3.75 per person. Reservations rn;iy he made at Temple office. . . * ASSISTANT TKACHKKS' JMKKTJNU The next mcetinR of the assistant teachers program will l>e held on Tuesday, March 8th at 1:00 p. m. The croup will be led in a discussion by Mr. Maury L. 'Schwartz..on "Teaching from a Lesson Plan." •
REHABILITATION STOUT ON BETH ISRAEL PKOGKAM ' ' , The story of the rehabilitation of.handicapped people will b? told at the regular luncheon meeting of the Beth Israel Sisterhood, Tuesday, March 8, at 12:30 J>. ni'., when "The Odyssey Of A Jacket" will be presented by Mrs. Vincent M. Washington. Leland C. Whipp, executive secretary of Nebraska Goodwill Industries, will speak on
Deaths MRS. ANNA MASON ' ; Funefal services were held Mon'. day at the Jewish Funeral Home • for Mrs. Anna Mason of 327 .South STth Street, who died Sunday. Mrs. Mason was a resident of Omaha more than 60 years. Surveying are husband, Kd, . daughters, Mrs. Max Davis, Mrs. Aaron Rips; son, Russell Blumen'. thai; sisters, Mrs. Mina KrestuI, Mrs. Samuel Kesselman, all of Omaha, .'and Mrs. Fanny Ackerman Nmielman, Elsinore, Cal., sixgrandchildren and 10 great-grandChildrenMIKE DAVIDSON Funeral services were held Sunday at ,the Jewish Funeral home for Mike Davidson, 73, resident Of the £>r. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, who died last Friday night Burial was In Golden . Hill Cemetery. , Surviving are three sons, Stanley,' antf Arnold, Council Bluffs, and Gjlbert, Paris, France; two brothers, Aaron, New York, Jack, •Chicago1.
physical, mental nn'1 emotional rohahilitntion. Mrs. iJan Goldman will introduce the speakers. Reservations may be made with Mines, Barney Grey, Milton Ciifkin, or Ilyitian Luluiiiiri. .Sitter seiA'ices will be provided. * • *
"I'iLN IN THJ: sr.\," MAIL 7 I'KOtJICAM FOIl IIICANIIEIS "Fun in the Sun" is the theme of the musical Btyle review to be presented by the Omaha Chapter l i r a n d e i a University National Women's Committee on Monday, March 7, following a 12:.'iO p. m. luncheon in the liiack.stune Hotel ballroom. Chorus members or* Wmei. Norrnun Den enbera, Donald Nyyg and Donald Klce. Lyrics for musical numbers were written by Mniei Mbrlty Zipursfcy, Donald Norju omj Harmon Denenberg. M n . Harold G a r t e r Is style show commtntalor. Cruise wear styles trom Zoob's will be modeled by Mfnei Sheldon Lincoln, Sidney Osten, Donald Hlce, Ho^ Simon, Homer Farb«r, Harold Gorber, Norman Denenl>era, Harold Sloiburg, Norman Rips, Jerome Roduilner, Eoword Zorlmky Stonley Matahock, Worner Frohman, Lloyd Friedman, Sanlord Brophy, Robert Mewman, Stanley Kolelman. Loud Blumkln. Poul Socks, Donald N002 ond Howard Konton Piano occompanlment will be by Mrs Horl ry DuBotf. • . "
Mrs. M. A. Venger is luncheon chairman, Telephone reservations chairmen are Miss Rose Grodinsky, At. 2710 and Mrs. Ruth Roffman, Ja. 2083. Mrs. Mike Freeman will report on current events at Brandeis University.
Detroit—Detroit's Allied Jewish C;inip:ii^n on behalf of over.seas naiional and local Jewish cau - h a s already received contributiiuis towauls the I'.XjO drive totaling S1,S07,«!>0, ftom a group of "bi^ f;i\ers.' who have exceeded tiir-ir r.).")'J c-iintributions by 15 per cent.
Israel's Relationship With Other Countries Praised by Isgerian
Greek Church Urged Omit Bias in Liturgy
Israel—Israel's approach in aiding other nations on a partnership other nations on a partnership basis was termed "wry sound and represents an important precedent in international relations," by Aminu Kano, a r>7-year-old Moslem member of the Nigerian F<»dei'ul Parliament, who is now in Isr.iel. "In mi af;e of suspicion, this i.s the only n'asonabh* way The Sunday division choir of to foster international cooperation Temple Jsrftel Religious school will with formerly colonial people," he present a Purirn musical play, "A said. Tale of Two Queens", March 0 at "Tiie fact that the majority of ll:.'!0 a. in. under the direction of Nigeria's jKjpulation in Moslem Nancy Felluian and Ann Garfield. will baldly influence my country's Holt's will In? jilayed by Scott policy, and I expect full diplomatic Richards, C h a r l e s Rusetistock, relations between Israel and NiRicky Gilinsky. Jeff Landinan, geria to he. established shortly Mark .Sehoeribaum, Kddic Kula- after we reach independence on kofsky, Jerry Waldb.uim, Jrff October 1 this year," the young 'Jshfroff, Jeff Giirctz, Harlan Rips, African statesman stressed. Dairy Joe Slosburg rind Bennett "Youth education and the us'.' Greenspan. Gary Kaplan will also deliver a IJurim Monologue during of army training for cementing Nigeria's unity is one of my main the Assembly. interests; and Israel's success in these fields is unique," says Mr. KI,AN CAMPAIGNS FOB Kano. lie himself holds an educa10,(100 NEW MKMHEIIS tion degree from London UniWashington (JTA)— A new Ku versity. Klux Klan group in Atlanta, Ga., Nigeria is rich in water resourannounced a widespread recruiting drive to add 10 million "high ces, but many areas are si ill arid. 1 "Israel can help us a great deal type" members in 30 states. in promoting the t>roi»cr distribution of water anil land reclamation projects," he declared.
Temple School Gfioir In Purlm Hiusical Play
Athens (JTA)—A leading Greek tbr'olojiiaii has appealed to the Greek Orthodox Church authorities to eliminate anti-Jewish passages in the church liturgy. The appeal was made by Prof. 'Amijkas Alcvizatos in the Athens Ecclesiastical Journal, who cited the recent order by Pope John XXIII for the elimination of antiJewish passag' :i from the Roman Catholic liturgy. He urged that action be tatfiMi before Easter on Easter Seivier; material which has anti-Ji'wish passages. riiii,osoi'ifKic IIKADS ISICAKI- t'KNTKK Jerusalem (JTA)-Prof. Martin Biiber, world-famed philosopher ami religious lender, w:.s elected president of flu/ Israel Center for the ••Advancement "of Human Culiirf.
VAItSITV LEAGUE Team W L Pauls 9 3 Belgrade.? . . . . . . . , . . , , 6 6 Lustys 5 7 Robinson 4 3 YOUTH COUNCIL I.KA«l'E Team w j^ A.Z.A. No. 10O0 11 1 Rayim 8 i X.7..A. No. 1 5 7 A.Z.A. No. 100 0 12 7th it 8th GIIADE LEAfiUE Team W L Gere-lick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 Phillips 4 2 Philips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Kqiman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 5th 4 Gtli GKADE LEAGUE Team ,". W L. Tretiaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 Rlchman-Gordman .... 1'••'.•. 5 Slpsburg 3 3 Pl«yland Park . . . . . . . . 0 6 VARSITY ALL STAR TEAM -LeRoy>Katz, Jack Stiss, Ray Kirke, Lindy Paul, Danny Epstein, Steve Lustgarten, Al dayman, Steve Rosenblatt, Burt Robinson, Roy Katskee, John Knglestrom, Joe Kirshenbaum, Si .Simon. YOUTH COUNCIL ALL .STAR TEAM—Allen Knnecky, J u s t i n Ban, Bruce Goldstein, Danny Hollis, Dick Zacharia, Jeff Wohlner, Frank Goldberg, Hob Ginsburg, Joel Davis, Bill Hohvich, Walt Wise, Steve Gould. . '•', 7th and 8th GRADE ALL STARS—15ob • Gould. Bill Ginsburg, Barry Sarlofsky, Dan Katskee, John Zy.sm.in, Sandy Friedman, Arnie, AVeitz; Jerry Lohrman, Roiiald IMIcklaus, Paul Kaiman, Barry Zoob, Arnie Kimmell. 5th and 6th GRADE ALL STARS — Jerry Hollis, Ronnie Wolpa, Mark Wolpa, Ben Shafton, David Jacobson, Johnny Reuben, Lee Rosa, Tom Rosen, Jim Wigton, Dale Weinstein, Marc Romanik, Robert Tupper. Leading scorers in each league are as follows: Varsity: Ray Kirke 226 points, John Englestrom 155 points, Roy Katskee 141 points, Lindy Paul 130 points, and Allen Konecky 129 points. Youth Council League: Dan Hollis 197 points, Frank Goldberg 177 points, Jeff Wohlner 164 points, Bob Ginsburg 152 points, and Joel Davis 151 point?. 7th and 8th Grade Leaguo: Bob Gould 129 points, Dan Katskee 99 pointa, Sandy Friedman 92 points, Bill Ginsburg 79 points, John Zysman and Paul Kaiman 49 points. 5th and 6th (j)rnda League: Ronnie Wolpa 75. points, Ben Shafton
Rosen 43 points and John Reuben 31 points. The AH Star teams of the Omaha J.C.C. will play host to the ! All Star teams from Sioux City ^ J.C.C. at the Center in Omaha on j Sunday, March 6th. The 5th and i 6th graders will play the opening jjaim; at 11 a.m. The 7th and 8th j graders and Youth Council teams : will follow. The Omaha Varsity! will play an independent team j from Omaha to close out the day's I activities.
Premier Davifl Ben-Gurion said hat the center would serve to at- ; ract. the'finc.it scientists to Israel find to fiilvance scientific a c - ' ivities' hero.
Center Sports
Final Basketball League Standings
MAX TKOCHTENBERG , News hase been received here from I/>» Angeles, Cal., of the death, Tuesday, of Max Trochtenberff, 64.« former, resident of Omaha'ind-CoUncil Bluffs.. Surviving *re wife, Ruth; son, Herbert, Los Angeles and sister, Ijjs. 1 Joseph Meyer. Funeralaervices were to be held 60 points, Lee Hoss 58 points, Tom in Los Angeles, Friday.. .
Detroit 'Big Gifts' Exceed 1959's 15%
Patronize Our Advertisers
Harry 6. Mendelson Unl. Nebr.
Private tulorirnj, individual or in group, in Hsbraw, Yiddish, Jawlth Mitory, lore, cuifomt and r i f u a l i — evening! 7 to 9; Saturdays 2 to 7; Sunday mornings. Five y e a n frf Pdlottlne at student, farmer and teacher, Foundor of Omaha'* Modern Hebrey/ School; ini true tor at Temple firaol; 5. Omafia Synagogue and Labof l,ycoumr Columnlit, war-time editor of the Omaht Jewiih Proii.
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Hand Made Israeli Dolls Th« Porfoet Gift for Any Age, for All Occasion* Colorful mat«ri«l(, htaolt of hiavy campaiition wifh Icfa-likf bolt, facn trtiitically p»lr>l»J'«nd; b l K I «r* pol!ih*d ho«yy wood. Siiai b«lw«in I tni 9 inchit in hniglit. ' .!'
On Display at Community Cenfar Lobby Saris* t
8—Kibbuti boy with ho«; 9—Kibbutr girl with ho«; 10—Bar Mitivah boy; I I — W o m a n candlsi; 1 2 — H a n i d with Torah Scroll; I J — l i r a s l Sibra boy; 14—liranl Sabra girl.
With each order of six dolls, pur-, chaior will recoivo a fovonth doll fro» of charge.
Shipped direct from Itraol. Delivery time from five to six weokt.
Use coupon and enclrclo ehokft of dolli. Typs addrest where dolls ore to bo mailed. Mak* Chsck Payable tai Th» Jswlth Tm% 101 North 20'fc Strtot' Omaha t, Nsbratka S«nd Dollt to:
N.m. City Purch«i«d byi
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