Vol. XXXVHI— No. 2«
Published every Friday, 101 No. aoih Omutia, Nebraska. I'liutm JA i:i(i(i
Becumt Class Hosinr.e I'ald nt Otnuhu. Ni/nr
Bin;;le Cupy 10 cent* Annual If.111? 4 (Julhira
Leaders Supervise Group Programs
Homo /or Aged
Mri. Alice IlM-grr, (I,.) and Mrs. .Iiisi-f M.i><r, (It) Co-( h ilrmi'ii fur t h e ISIISIIIOSK unit Professional Womrn'tt Division, discuss future <'ani[ia!|;n plans wllli Mr*. S'.mi 1,, Ii.il/>ti.ui, Women's General Cliulrmnn, (<',) •
Mrs. Alice HwijcT and Mis. Josef Mayer have l w n named co- Soviets to Supply chairmen of tlio linsiiiccs'atul Profi'Ksionul Division of the Philan- Nasser wtth Jets thropies, Mrs. S.'mi L. Katzman, Women's General Chairinmi, an<JTA)--The U n i t e d nounced. Arab Republic's Air Force will "lioth women have bi'f'n cx- soon IK- equipped with Iltissiun-detrcm'ly active in previous camMIG-M) supersonic jet paigns." Mrs. Katzrnan said. "They hav« immediately phinRrr!: into fighters—tlie first suj)e'r.ionlc warcampaign planning with groat eii- planes in any Middle Kast air force, the aviation correspondent thuxiasm." Mrs. Ilwger is president of the of the London Dally Telegraph reilatliissali Business and Profession- ported. al Women's group and is a member of Ahamo Toastmtstress group The normal price of a superand tln> Bramlels University Wom- sonic fighter, the Telegraph writer en's Committee, Mrs. Mayor is said, Is $700,000 excluding any of vice-president, of U'nai li'rith Ne- tl'n other supplies an;i <?n"tpnicnt braska -.Chapter and Hadassah's .siicli as radar and ground control 1$. & P. group and bivionj;s to apparatus which uro complemenliratidois University Women's unit. tary to such aircraft.
Rabbi Heiijuiiin Grom-r who prcjmrpil tlio tf^t of t!)« rltitlon slioivn in llio protoifraph which Admlrul I>e«ls It. Strati^t Mill rccelvo at Beth Israel Synagogue, M»rcli'2o, The text of the scroll bearing tivities and ns a memuer of the the citation to bo presented to Atomic F.nergy Commission wctrkAdmiral Lewis L. Strauss of New ed for thecnAmerican production ot the hyrofe l>onil), will receive the York City, here on Sunday,.March annual Weth Israel Humanitarian 20, was prepared by Rabbi llcnju- Award at n dinner at d o syiiaroln Groner of Beth Israel .synagogue Tlie scroll is on special The citation will be presented parchment, illuminated stylo, ': W Dan Gordmaii, president of tlie Mr, Strauss" who devoted many synai;ogii(-\ Matirlce K'Vtanan is years to international relief ac- general chairman of tliif Bffair.
!icli:iril (jioldniaiiDanii'l
The appointment of chairmen of the various deportments of Ilia Jewish Federation of Omaha, was announced this week by Harry Trustin, Federation President. "Those chairmen," Mr, Trustin said, "alom? willi their commit* teci, supervise the activities and programs of the. FeilevaUcM \NMC\\ are assigned to them." The following will servo as chairman of their respective Federation departments; Millard Hosenberg, Anti-Defamation LeagtiO A d v i s o r y Committee; -Normal! Bait, Gump ,1:iy-C-C; Nathan L, NofX Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged; Harry SidMan, Jewish CommunVlv Ccrtcf, Ben I'.'. Kaslow, Jewish Education Bureau; Yale Richards, Jewish. Family Service; Kiehard Goldman, Jewish Press, The following were appointed as chairmen of standing commit-, toes: Daniel Knlzmun, Budget Committee; Alex Woinsfein, Buildand Mainlenance Committee) and Ivvin C. Levin, \st%&\ Cw'svmittee. Milton R. Abrahams head.? the 1S)G() Philanthropies and David Feder is chairman of the Pledga lk'demption committee. Membership of the various committees and their vice-chairmen wiH be announced in the near Iu« ture.
Irvin I-mln hegal
• • • - - ' .
n. Ferer's PassingIs Loss foQommumiy Hyman Ferer, a past president of the Omaha Jewish Federation, and active in the Jewish community and civic'affairs, died suddenly Saturday while vacationing in Florida: Mr. Fever has-been prominently identified with Jewish community and general activities. He was General Chairman ot tUa 3aw*l\ Philanthropies campaign in 1915. He served as Budget Committea chairman in 1918 and 1919. He was elected as President of the Jewish Federation in 1951 and 1952. He was also active in synagogu8 activities and was an active supporter of Brandeis University and. other welfare • and philanthropia programs. "Our community will sorely misa Hyman Ferer, his advice, and aative Davticivnitiqn.- He-was s\.©i\fc.U ly honored by the Jewish community when it rewarded him with tha \
'Build TodaySecure Tomorrow/ Women's Slogan
Sfairs to Perform
Israel Study Tour
II) man Foror JEWISH 1A», biggest honor and responsibility1, CATHOLIC 1H«H SJ2NIOKJ* that of president of-tha. conunun* Charlotte, N- C. (JTA)—The president o[ tlio Charlotte Catholic ity Federation. High School senior class and the "Our Board and the oommunjtir most popular senior by vote of his extend to his family their since™ classmates is » IT-year-old Jewish sympathy and condolences," Hurt* t M l Cawn. (Continued on Page 3.) student,
The'Farband Caravan of Stars will present a cavalcade of Jewish drama, humor and song, Thurs"Build Today—Secure Tomor- day, March 17 at the Jewish Comtow." . munity Center at 8 p.m. .on the That is the thought and slogan Month which will keynote tha operations Center's Program of tiie Women's Division of the Philanthropies, Mrs. Sam Katzman, I960 Women's Chairman, revealed at a meeting of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, at the Jewish Community Center. The inspiration for the ltfGO women's slogan came from the Hebrew word "Hazon", denotin; vision, Mrs. Katzman stated, and symbolized "the liope of lwiidini; a Whole world today for a seciue tomorrow." "Our drive will bo a parlneiship of workers nnd purpose," the chairman declared n3 she introduced her co-chairman, the Mines Julius M. Colin, Morris J. Shapiro nnd Nathan Turner. "With such capable leadtTsIiip Working with the" women ot our community, I I.lh^old feel very optimistic and assured of Dur.t K ihnov.i successful drive." eo-spoiisoied «itb T»(th PI, I'.clh She was introduced .by Mrs. Israel, li'nal B'.'ith, t.irlnnd Mike. Freeman, Women's Federa- IladassHh, Temi>!e Israel, Woiktion president, who presided at men Circle nnd Young Adult1 the meeting. Council. A slate of new officers was pre- The Farbnnd players include sented by Mrs. Henry A. New-five musical comedy pcrrormers man, nominating committee mem- from .the Ni>w York Art Theater. ber, Nominated were Mrs, Lloyd They are Lilly LilHuna, Dora Kaliy L Friedman, president; Mrs. Harry jb J B Joseph Barnova, Leon Siclman, first vice-president; Mrs. ash and their director, Ben Bonus Dave Cohn, second vice-president The program, whicH will include and Mrs. A. C. Fcllman, secretary. a one-act play. "The Treasure" in An election will be held at the English; worJts of $holom AleiMay 5 meeting. chem and SOUKS in Xlebrew, Yiddish and English, will be packed with wit and entertainment. Guineart Group on Israel—A 10-mcmber Gulncan jovernment training group is mak. ins a six jtfonlhs tour of Israel's cooperative projects and agricultural cooperative settlements. This is, tlio first Guinean government mission to visit hero.
Sit f *t»t*l
S O»rH Orliow.
fafetbhtd Ev«rj t'ridaj by tbs tfewlsii ^ederfttioo of Otxuiiu. ticcnd Cltrj poiloct Poid ticcnd Poid cl Omctoi. H«fcr. t l Rei Aliti Annual SubscrlplMui. MCO M.CO. * *ov«rtuln:j Rein en Application. b H«bru JAtkxw 1344. #U».'tuH«t O«lc»-WI Hi. SSHi Strut. Omebs.
Purim Serv/ces Beg/n
At Sundown Saturday The reading of the Megilluh I to 5:30 p. m. is bring planned and (Book of Esther), Saturday eve-j carried out by members of the ning, March 12, will mark the j Youth Clubs, club leaders, tcacliciJWiing of the Purim observance, j crs and P-TA. Featured will be Purim, the Feast of Lots, a joy- j booths, entertainment and the ous holiday,*is Uso marked in the j serving of refreshments during the synagogue with songs and prayers entile afternoon. Temple Israel of thanksgiving. Purim celebraTraditional Purim services and tions will continue through .Sunday with masquerades, coronations, the reading of the Megillah will be contests, bazaars, 'carnivals and held at Temple Israel, Saturday at dramatizations of Die story which 7:35 p, m. The Saturday and Suntells of the defeat of Human, in day Religious School Choirs under the synagogues, and iefctivu cliii- the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin and Miis Nancy Fellman will sine;. jiers in Jewish homes: A carnival will be in progress Beth JC1 Beth El Synagogue will bi'cln Sunday horn 3 p. in. to G J), rn. at its Purim .service .Saturday at G the Temple and will feature rides, p. ni. The leading of tl'c Mcgillah movies and booths anrl refreshvv-ill be held at 6:45 p. iff. The chil- ment;;. Mrs. I. M. Liberman is general dren will have a .special program at 6:40 p. m. and will then join chairman of the. event and is beinf; the main service. A program of assisted by limes. David Bebcr, Purim songs will be presented by Morris Kh.shenb'ium and Robert the Junior choir under the direc- Silvennan. Heliiciiius school sessions will tion of Cantor Aaron I. Edgar. The annual coronation of the King mid not bo hi-lil at the Temple on .SunQueen of Purim at 8 p. m. will he day. directed by Mrs. Norman Pied, Sunday services will begin at 9 n. m. and include the rearlini; from All friends onij relatives are the Book of Esther. Invitctl to attend services nnd Ki til Israel The Beth Israel Purim .schedule reception. will include Saturday, 7:10 p. m., CAROL, ALTSLXKK reading of the Jlrgillah; 8:15 p. m., I'K.V.NV KKASNi: coronation of Beth Israel royalty; On Friday, March 18 and Sat8:45 p. m., grand march and cos- urday, March 19, the Bas Mitzvah tume parade; Sunday. 8:30 a, m. of Carol Altsuler, daughter of Mr. children's service and adult sei-v- and Mrs. Harry Altsulor and Penny ice; 9:15 a. m. first Megillah sen- Krasne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ice and 10:30 a. m. second reading. Leonard Krasne, will be celebratThe annual children's Purim ed at Temple Isreal at 8:15 p. m. carnival on Sunday from 2:30 p. m. I£RIJI KWIATEK LISA KIIAl'IKO Terri Kwiatek, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Sidney Kwiatek and Lisa Shapiro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Shapiro will join in their Bas Mitzvah celebration tonight at Beth Israel Synagogue.
Candleliglitliifj—G:06 p. m. TEMPLE ISRAEL Friday services at Temple Israel, 8:15 p. m. Sermon hy Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks on "Fun and Violence." Choir will render musical portion of services. Saturday morning, 11:30 n. m. BETH EL Services at Beth El Synagogue Friday at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripkc will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the Service. . Sabbath morning services, 9:30. The Junior Congregation, 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Maariv service at 6 p.m. Purim services Sunday ijt 9 a. m. Daily services are held n{ 7 a. m. ond 7 p. m. BETH ISKAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Ell Kagan and choir will conduct Friday family service, 8 p. m. Traditional services (Kabalos Shabbos, 6:15 p. m. Shabbos services, 8:45 a, m. at 52nd and Charles Streets and at 9 a. m, at 19th and Burt Streets. Junior Congregation, 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 5:45 p. m. Sabbath Mincha, 6:16 p. m. 'followed by Bholosh S'eudos and Maariv. Sunday, 8:30 followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday Junior Minyon, 8:30 a. m. followed by breakfast. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 6:20 p. m.
LOUIS ZKVITZ Louis Zevitz, 62, u former Omuresident for 33 years, died Monday in Kansas City, Mo. Surviving are wife, Goldie, son, Morton, Kansas City; sister, Mrs. Rose Lewis, M.t Vernon, N. Y., and n brother, Sam, Omaha. Funeral services were held in Kansas City, Wednesday. MIES. IDA FELDMAN Funeral sen'ices were held March 3 at the Jewish Funeral Home for Mrs. Ida Feidman, resident of the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for'the •Aged," who died March 2. Eurial was in Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth Israel Synagogue officiated. Surviving is son, Charles.
Monday af Senior Citizen's Lounge Alaska will be the subject of a ilm to be shown Monday in the senior Citizen's lounge at the Jewsh Community Center. The movie •vill depict the new state's towns, ichools, economy, geography nnd icople. All older adults are Invitctl -to •l£it the lounge which is open •very Monday from 10:30 a.m. to i p.m. They are asked to bring heir own lunch. Coffee and tea vill be provided. Also available vill be checkers, chess, cards, omlnoes, record listening, discus;ions and singing. The Senior Citizens lounge is co-sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish. Community Center. Mrs. Moo Venger nnd Mrs. Robert Silver are coordinators for the National Council of Jewish Women and Mrs. Weta Simon »nd Benjamin Klaiman are the co-chairmen representing tho Senior Citizens. r
(Continued from Page 1) ry Truslin, Jewish Federation president, stated. Mr. Fcrer was president of Aaron Ferer and Sens Company. The funeral services were held Tuesday at Temple Israel with burial in Golden Hill Cemetery. Survivors are: wife, Anne; son, Harvey D., daughter, Mrs. Hubert Monsky, and seven grandchildren, all of Omaha. Four brothers and a sister live in California.
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Killed Daily
Inside I&r&fil'c western N«S«v border. Tlii** of the infiltrators were killed in tin ensuing claub with the patrol, while a fourth was seriously injured. AH of the infiltrators were equipped with fedaycen-type anus. The incident occurred two days after, another encounter with aimed fednyeen in the southern Negev in which one of the infiU trutors was wounded und captured. The prisoner said that Egyptian intelligence forces were massing fetlayeen in Gaza Strip camps and sending the infiltrators into Isrne} for espionage purposes. The captured infiltrator mid that his group was given the task of observing military communications along the Negev highways.
"220U&JJ, oudep*owei'
Community Mourns Passing of Ferer
B'NAI JACOB ADAS Services fit B'nal JacobrAdas Veahuron will begin Friday at 5:45 p. DO, ana Saturday at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 5:45 p. m, followed by Sholosh S'eudos, Daily services a t 6:30 a. m. and 6 p. m.
Aviv {JTA)—Rtporle *f inflltrjiUon Into lex&el Speclnl greetings to Mrs. Minnie territoiy of Egyptien-draincd f®Blank, 'Mil. Rosa Goldfein and dayeen imits were confinncd when ijniu Poster OJI the occasion of another auch unit won liittrcepted ity mn IfsraeJ Army patrol several their birthdays. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke "UB our isitor this week. Brandeis University Women presented u wonderful concert for our YOUTHS WIN BKTII IHKAEL •csidents under the direction of UlULE CONTKST Cantor Aaron I. Edgar, and asTop winners in the Beth Israel sisted by Mrs. A. C. Fellman ut Bible contest are Larry Feder, son the piano. Choir members Includ- of ?>lr. and Mrs. Louis Feder, Taled the following: Mines.' Morris mud Tornh Group and Sidney 3riclc, Irving Clmdncoff, Dan Franlt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter f.'ohen, Max Lashinsky, Sain New- Frank, Youth Clubs. Both will he :nan, A. G. Kiminerman, Al .cut to n regional contest. Regiontidiuarlz nnd .Stewart Tully. Ko- al winners will participate in the freshruent.s v.ere sen'ed by Mrs. first National American Bible con\I. F. Ucrmvici and Mrs. Morris lost on June 12, sjKinsorcd by the De])aitmcnt of Ktlucntion and CulLevy. FJo-.ver.s v.r-re sent to the home ture of the Jewish Agency In co»y Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trust In on operation with the Israel Bible Sohi; occasion of their 401 h weddini: ciety In Jerusalem. ;inni\eis:iry. Awards will be presented by the A Purim party will be given on Beth Israel Youth Commission to Sunday. March ].'! at. 2 p. m. by '_.arry and Sidney ;uid eight others B'nai P/rith, Nebraska Chap- ncluding Max Ririitruan, Leon er No. 3J(i. Shrago, Barbara Givot, Jerry In Memririanl: Mrs. Ida Fold- .Smith, Bruce Poster, Stuart .Smith, Kllen Zelinsky ami I.aury Bloom. nan, Yahraeit: .Special memorial servers will b<? held in the home syna- Oldsters Study Bible •o:;iie for the followin;;, the smniSan Francisco fWNS;— Heavy ertary of whose death is rememered during theoomin;; fortnight: response to a Bible course de\dar 20 — March 19 — Samuel scribed by its director as "the fintabin; Adnr 21- -March 20—Mrs. est spiritual therapy people of this Tarry Friedman; Adar 22—March i;:<" level could wish for" was re] — Morris .Spivak; Adar 21 — ported here by the Sun Francisco i March • 23- Louis S. Braunstrin Home for flic Aged nnd Disabled. •md Adar 25—Mnrrh 21-Kulh Thames. Patronize Our Advertisers
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Citemlsck Wedding
filr.-Mid Mass. tey.Chemlack an« iiounoe the engagement of -their daughter; VValJis Wtustl, t o J o n w Weil H , son of Mr! and Mrs. Her•chel Jonas Well of Lexington, Ky. Miss Cherniack Is a gi'adaate of Browncll Hall and nttcn<ls Northwestern University in Evanston, 211. Air. Weil, u (graduate of Culver Military Academy, at tended Cornell University in Itlmcii, N. V., where ho received his Bachelor o£ Science Decree mid a Maiiter'b Decree from I he Graduate .School of Business Administration. Hu recently completed a tour ol duty Us u .Second Lieutenant, "-'-S Army. 'I'lie couple plans « summer wedding and will reside in I>ejcwhom Mr. Weil "In
TropAfoi; 6y Ktzikr
HABABSSlAtt MEETINGS Mr*. Sam Katzman, 540 North In bastass* with his t&tii&t. Mini OierniaeJt mil! contltiua her edu- 72 Avenue, will be hostess to the Omaha Chapter IJoara o£ Hadascation * t ti\t *Univ¥rtHy of Ken- tah, Monday, March 14 at 12:30 tucky thli tall. p. m. with Mines. Irving Lincoln and Julius Stein at co-hostesses Mrs. Saul Graetz, Hadnssah Supplies chairman, will report on March meeting plans. Group Boards will meet ut dessert . luncheons, Thursday, Marcl 17. Mrs. Davitl Plait, 659 Parkwood Lane, will be hostess t Hi-rzl. She will be assisted by Mines. James Snmuolson and Cieorge Spitzer. Szold will meet at the home of Mrs. Sam Davis, 721 North 58. Mrs. Arthur Friedman will assist. Mrs, Samuel II. Slorn, G48-1 Cuming, will entertain Weitzman with Mrs. Irving Omdacoff as co-hostess. . * ,
Bikur Cholinr Plans Annual Purini Tea Members of ISikiir Cholirn are U.illis (Ixrniailc pliinninj.; their annual Purini ton, a euKtom initiated many years iij'.o. This yea r'.i event will lie held Weinfroubs, Frfedmans Monday, Mnrch M a I 2 p.m. (it Place tn Bridge Even? tlvc Jewish Community ('enter. Mr. anil Mrs. Krnest Weintroub 'Ilio program will include movie:; of (lie Beauty and Uarber Shop placed first mid Mr. and Mrs olx'nini; at the Dr.-Slier•Homo for I.loyd Friedman placed second it the A);I.M1, a rcidinj: by Joe Kacli- the Tournament Hridpco event, ut nowsltl nod SOUKS by Mrs. .Sam t> Jewish Coninuinity Center .SwcrlliiK. Mrs. liernard .Schcin, March ."!. Tlic next session will b< chairtnan of the tea, said. held March 17 a t the. Center. Members lire iislsod 1o brine Shcff Kalslcee, instructor, stattheir donation ticket stubs and ed that In order to accommodate money' to the U'li. The croup's the increased number of players, April tncetint; will bo postponed the tournament will be moved into due to the'Passover holidays. room 26 at. the Center.
Miss Frances Davidson Is Bride of Bernard R. Sax Miss Frances Davidson, daughter of Air1, and Mrs. David Davidson become the bride of Bernard H. Sux late Sundfiy morning in n double-rill); ceremony tit the home of her uncle «"nd'~auii t, Mr, and Mrs. Nathan Horwlch. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke officiated. The bride wore a while imported lace and silk Rown and carried orchids on a white Bible.. Her veil
Workman Circle Holds Conference The Workmen Circle Midwest district will hold Its semi-annual conference, Sunday, March 20 at the Labor Lyceum, 302'! Cumlng street, with session!) from TO a. m. to 4 p. m. and n G:30 p. m. banquet. Honored during the meeting will be Mr. mid Mrs. I.oui.s Witkin on the occasion of Mv. Wltkin's 70th birthday, for the couple's devoted service to the organization. Mr. Witkin is chairman of the midwest district nnd director of the Workmen Circle Dramatic Club tmd the Labor Lycedm. Max Crounsq is in charge of arrangements and will be chairmen tif the evening's program. Morris Goodman will ho loastmnstor at the banquet. Delegates.will be from Omaha, Den Moine.s, Sioux City and* Lin•oln.
[)pen House for Sheff Katskees Mr. nnd Mrs. Shcff Knlskcc will io honored on their twenty-fifth .'edding anniversary, tit an open ouse, Sunday, March 20 from 7 .m. to 10 p.m. nt the home of Mr. nd Mrs. Stuart Simon, 848 North 8.street.* Hosts will bo the Simons nd Mr. nnd Mrn. Oscar Fox. No ivltntions have been issued. MERICAN ON STAFF OF CRUSAU3M SCHOOL Cincinnati (WNS)--Dr, William , Albright, dean of the American iblical archaeologists nnd Prossor Emeritus of Johns Hopkins ilversity, "hits been appointed, st Professor'of. Biblical Archac>gy ut the Jerusalem School of ; Hpbrcw Union College Jewish Ulttite oC Koligion.
N10MA ALPHA .'MIJ MOTin;i:s ciniis The Sigma Alplia Mu Mothers club will meet Wednesday, March l(i for a dessert luncheon at. 12:'M p. m. at the home of Mrs. Joe Lipton, •Hr;0 Pine street. * * • v o i m ; VOVPLKU oit(i.\Ni/,i: CMIIt AT BKTII ISKAEIi Dr. and Mrs. .Sidney itubin will head the newly organized Young Couples Club, a social and cultural group at Helh Israel Synagogue. Other officers are Mr. and Mrs. Manny Goldberg, co-vice-presidents; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gemller, co-recording secretaries; Dr. and Mrs.,Dennett Fishbain, co-corresponding secretaries; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lehman, co-treasurers. Committee chairmen include Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burslein, membership and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Loss, program. The group is planning a costume ball to be held April 2 at the synugogue. •
of imported illusion was caught by 1'IUUM DINNKU AT a tiara of pearls. BKTII .KL, iMAU. 13 Slie was attended by her sister. A Purim dinner will be held at Miss Judith Davidson. Stanley Sax Beth El Synagogue, Sunday, March served us best man for his brother, 13 at 5 p. m, who is the son of. Mr. and. Mrs. The program will include a Morris Sax. quartet featuring Habbi.'Myer S. A reception followed the cere- Kripke, Hev. Alex Kntz, Cantor mony. The couple left on a trip to Aaron I. Edgar and David H. BouAspen, Colo. ganim; a musical trio consisting of Arnold Fellman, Michael Markovitz and Howard Chndacoff and a Steinbergs Present* lramatic skit by a USV group. Itabbi Kripke will serve as master Piano, TV to Center Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. Steinberg of ceremonies. Mines. William Alberts, Sol Lagnnd Paul Steinberg have presented the Jewish Community Center man, Robert Noddle are in charge with a Parlor Grand piano and a Television set.
Vousig tails io See Israeli Hewsr-eel'
•Mr.-.;, Frederick R. Solomon of Chic;>,';o, III., B'nai B'rlth Women's District No. G convention chairman, will confer with Omaha women on the 1960 convention plans at a meeting, Wedcnsday, March 16 ut 1 :.')0 p.m. at the Paxton Hotel. Mrs. Sam Pollnlc Js Omaha women's chairman for the convention which will bo held here, June 2G-29.
ROHANUE ACTIVITIES Bonnie Turnoft and Cheryl Taubmnn have been named cohairmen of Rohonue's Annual Jcau Dance, April 30. Members have been working at the Landon Court Nursery and helping to shellac Braille sheets at Beth El Synagogue. They will attend Both Israel Synagogue en masse on March 11. •
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A11/1CACIII ,Mi;KTIN<J, SIAK. 1(», CKNTIOIl Omaha Chaplei', MiV.ruclii Wdrnen will meet Wednesday, ;i1 12:30 p. m. foi1 luncheon at. the Jewish Community Contei1. Mrs. George Kaplan will be luncheon liosless and proceeds will go to the Children's Village in Hnaiuina, Israel. A .social period will follow. Contributions will be accepted at. the business sessions for 1hc fund which provides Passover necessities for needy Israelis.
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Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosenblatt announce the birth of a son, Mark David on March 5 at Clarkson Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fox, Flossmoor, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rosenblatt. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fox, Chicago, III., are great-grandparents.
An Israeli Filnv Magazine showing an Arab village, foreign students in Israel and an .exhibit of fish from tlie lied Sea will bo featured a t the Jewish Young Adult Council meeting, Sunday, March 13 at 2 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, News has been received of the Mort Bennett, group president, stated all young .adults are in- birth of n (laughter, Rachel Ida to Mr. and Jtrs. Jay Milder of vited to the meeting. New York City on March 6. Grandparents are Mr. und Mrs. Leo Milder and Mrs. Harry Schwitl.
ii i'nai
of filmier arrangements and Mrs. Two trophi«s have btfia present* Sanford Brojihy, decorations. Cir- ed t o the Jewish Youth Council cle chairmen serving under dln by Phil Kutler, outgoing •dipinnan tion of coordinator M n . Barton of t h e Youth ArtMtitev:C«Himitte» Green berg are Mines. Leonard of the Jewish Community Center t Boasberg Edward Zorinsky, Lee The trophies will be awarded Gendler, Alvin Abramson, Julius annually to the Best Boys' «.tvd Stein anfl Ileubcn Uordy. Best Girls' clubs of the Youth • * * Council and will be presented for KOIIAMJE TO KN'J'KKTAIN the first time at the Best Club AT COKNIITIHIUOR MKET1NO Award Night, in May, Bert RenIlohanut* JiBG girls will present der, current Youth Activities Comtheir prize winning Stage Nite mittee Chairman, announced. skit at a lneetiiij; of Oornhusker Patronize Our Advertisers Clmpter of B'nai li'rith Women, March 14 a t 8:30 p. m. at the Blackstone Hotel. MONA USA The nitniinating e o m in i t t e c which consists of Mines, Yale I'JchHouse of Glamour ards, chaii'inan; Meile Potash, Max I I I No. 50tli GL 7000 Kiislii'iiliaum, Paul llilkin, "ilarolrt 6 ExpoH Hair Stylish Abruhamson, will report on a slnte Air-Conditioned Dryers of nomination for the coming elecMISS MARSH and MISS JERRY tion. Owner* * -v # r i l i l M I'AIM'Y AT I)I£. SHIJIt IIOAIIS Passover Will Soon The B'nai B'rith Nebraska Cluipler No. 31(i will liold Its anBe Here... nual Purini Party at the Dr. Philip Slier Home on Sunday, Brighton Your Home with larch .13, at 2 p. m. Mrs. .bum •Su'Prling is cluiirmnn, and hostCustom Made esses are Mmes. Julian Baumul, Re-Upholstered or Morris J. Franklin, Phil Katner Custom Made and AI ZwerJinjj. New Furniture Knlcrtaiiiment will be provided by Mrs. Max Leviiur, Mrs. Leonard FAY LEVJMSON Pinkovilz, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Zwerling.
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DONALD JACK Photography . . , v,,,_;i it is a special holiday portrait of your family
Candid Wedding t
John Kalina
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Page Four
Ben-Gurlon Tdks On Smesi!
Vrlflaj, Jtarib M, lPOO
Yoyfhs Say 3,000 iawi fjnlti\?a!i;in _es 0ps Proiisee Yield Israel—A new motViotl of cultiHave Nazi Records vation hy hydroponics which, it is
crs '«( alt (be way and had little rliifienlly in setting buck the Omaha vrvw ;iH-31, in Omaha's n e i l i n (WK8J—Tivo leaders of Wallham, Maw.—David Ben- WIN" T1'NK-I!I' (JA.MK only ldis of tfi'.> day. liob Gould claimed, can give yields 50 times TimhiK "I" fci" their t iV0 encoun- Sfiuvd 11 uoiuts for O;n;ilui and separate democratic youth orjiiin- or more hiiilier than those obtiiinGllrion, Prime Minister of Israel charged ters uilb Sioux City, the Youth did ;i !;oij(J job olf the IKI.U<1S, hut i'wtions simultaneously and a champion of ihe woi-lil's new Courn.il All Star U«m romped to | „,.,„;., „,„„,,,, iibJe with orthodox nfjricullural in West it t o off ,,, t ,;„, ,J()01. tli.it of flio 10,800 j nations, outlined the contributions a (>H-:u victory over a make-up ball h.imlliiif; ami defensive errors Gennimy antl Berlin a t least 3,000 rntthotls was (lc-monstratcil recently l»y William Pirak who lives in •Of small nations to society lust team mostly composed of Varsity of his leam-rnales. i have Nazi records. a SiL'ttlcnH'nt In Galilei;. iea;;iie players ul thir Jewish ComWednesday, bvfore ;m audience of j Omcfia 7IU & Sill SfOy x C'l The c hit ri; is, m a d e b y l « « Mr. I'iralc claims that with his to p . I-i < munity C e n t ' i ' on Wednesday, 1) Im f:> r noted iin.-i.hoi3 it !.s possible to grow. al2,300 scholars and guests at Uran- March 2. WtiU 1 1 4 0".O 10 6 13 V6 FriH I'liiviTslty students, 1 0 0 3 i'-l''.her 0 1 3 1 Hint If no union I» taken nmv ternatively, GO pounds of tomatoes, deis University. y 2 4 2 0 0 o h Mi Tiie winners baffled t!i>'ir op- Klmiv.ct jiu/jjew 3,200-poiuitfii of Ix.'i'ts, 528 pounds 3 0 0 6IU D a 0 fj against tlin Jviizl-t.clnted 0 J t.'Jf p'itf 0 0 0 At special convocation cere- ponents with a pressing zone de- G'j'jld ("Vic'I'rifJfl 1 0 7 'J Kf. I'in 7 a 0 2 (hi\v will f»t weiiro from jirosnn- of sprint; onions, or 119.8 pound.'i (J a 0 O A i l:ovidl 1 •i 4 t!<m vmdir th(^ utattjto ot liinltamonies honorim' Ihe Israeli staiej- 'iense thi'oiiKhoni. Krrree Goldstein, (if Btrawberrii's on ah area of l'>0 0 0 1) ( H v i c r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 c!hiw 0 0 7 0 tiDiis wliieh Roc* Into effect on tn.an aiul scholar on the campus, scoring IHO-.IIJ- on offensive r e 0 a 4 /.',-. 1 i 1 3 May H, litfiO. K.Viiininatioii of tl>«> square feet. 'Die njmeinl fft'itun) HO (<;n 0 0 Q (1 Ben-Gurion was awarded an hon-I jump shot, led Hie Votith Council records of it of |h(! judges by F i d - of this int.'liiod is dial the seeds Tliiiil <i;un<> are sown or (ho seedlings pl-itiled orary P o c t o r of Laws di';;rv.:'. T l v , ; scorers with !7 points, l i e conThe Youth Council All Star team t-ral ^tti>riicv Oeucnil A, <iucili> in half set-lions of 1(1 inch pipes P r i m e Minister spoke on ".Science j Heeled joi- ei,;ht field jjoals in 1 i sboiveil thai they wcro fiiimer romped to to t!ie theirr second victory which are liunj; OIK; ;'l>ove the , .. fix. , , , romped secon f ... hit and Ethics: 'J'lie Conti-ihiitiotis of attempts. Da.my TIJollis a dazed N.-t/is. pts. Da.my IJollis hit fix.h im other in tin: shape of a ladder. d Greece, India .-intl Israel," before M, s and ended .,p with U ^ . ^ ( ,ify ; > ; u n 8.'i-2!j, ^ in a tilt I'roscntation of.the charccs by TUis metiiod woultl KUVC a j^rcat ( y (team & the gathetiny of trii-nds of tile points. ()1 that, turned into a rouL almost the youllis w.-is witieized by May- fltvil of prtnvinf, area, (lie originaI Opponents Youtti Co'jnt'l University from throughout the hj t 1a p. from the oin'iiin;; whistle. or Willy lirandl, wlio ,s;jid h<: dis-tor of the Idea, says, hecause OIIP 10 0 2 1 1 i Bcrtni-tlI country, and faculty and .students !/uciiora 1 a o i 3 S J'Vv'oulk The Omaha j;roup utilized a approved the "over-dramatized" battery of pijio on it basi; of 1'iO from the Creater I'.o.'iton JJI-C-.-I, j ooi-i'-.ir2 0 0 * 1 i 17,l(uillcr 1 1 1 ptcssinf, -/.oiii" defense to perfec- manner In which the youths han- squari! {pet, CJin pro\'ide C'/ioi((;h 0 I A Kotz Many fiovenimeiit ami i-iluealiona] j'^j,' 1 "'" 0 0 0 0 dled the problem. At the same vcijetiiblos for a i'oui'-meinbcr fam1 1 7.Colnic 2 0 0 J tion. Five ;>!a\ers bit the double loadi'rs were on hand to paitiei"- ' 2 0 21 ni •. C»;;e\n column in scoring. Sioux City lime he asserted that "responsible ily over (he entire year. pate in the oremonies for the Is- Wise 5 0 0 10 0 0 ? Kir*. scored only V, points in the first officials" hi both West Cermany 0 0 i Oolubcry raeli statesman. half HS .liistin Jl.'iii turned in a and Berlin were "certainly loolt1 o o r Horwif.h Dr. Abram L. Sachar, pn'.sident 0 0 2 iti|? into tho problem and doiiif; top performance on defense. AM, STAKS of Hrandeis Cnivei.sily, ojnfeir.'d what they CM\." Ornalia Youill Cogncir1 ( Cily the honorai'y doctorate on Ben- Omaha's .ICC All Star teams la tm la.H. . I'J Im to P 0 1 1 1 TElcbofcco 0 0 0 0 RUG a OPHOLSTEKY Bon won three victories in four Gurion! 1' "3 i 15 l.<ffo.v 0 0 0 D i e l n J i i lDIHrwilt 0 0 0 0 last Sunday as the JCC Sioux City KQnccV.y CLEANERS 5 4 6 Uxolien 0 1 6 1 and the T. J. Const met ion Co. of 7 h l * 3 6 11 Lm'irn 1 oo RUGS — CARPETING 4 0 0 G tvriHT 3 O J 6 Omaha, jirovided the competition V/ohlfwr 1 0 9 ? (JriJhute LAMP SHADES Dovli 0 0 0 OLoil/ 2 2 7 with a full schedule of basketball Gfn-.turg 4 4 5 1? Kailiinik'/ Jerusalem (WKSi — /Israel h 1 1 2 3 ~ FURNITURE ijamra at the Center in Omaha. Norwich 1 1 1 3 i) Ivener 0 0 4 willlnp; to admit at once all the Oould 2 3 3/ I-'irst Giiiiio Cleaned in Your Home! New York iJTAi—A document Vlhn o o o o Jewish survivors of last week's Omalia's 5th and fith grade All Cn11tJcd."A Keceipt far Palestine" I'ourlli (iimin cartlujiuikc ^in Atsarlir, Morocco, Binding—Laying—Repairing was sold at an auction here for Stars, trailing the entire uame, Tlie Varsity All Star team de- where l,SOO*of thu o.stimatcd 2,'JOU $5,500. The receipt was drawn up came from behind in tin; final 90 feated the T..7. Construction Com- Jews perished. HA 2554 Don Dcrnstein seconds on a lay up allot by Konnie in 1920 at the request of the company 52-11 in the 'lt.li ami final Thrnisajids of Israelis of Morocmantiini; officer of the British U'olpa to educ the Midget leagu- game of tho day. Al dayman can origin v.ho have relatives in .forces occupyim; Palestine before ers from Sioux City 18-17 in a topped the scorers with 10 points. Acadir are tryiiif; to obtain inthe territory was turned over to thriller. Vorsily All Slor« i ,T. J. Conilr. formation tm . thc-ir kin through Omowi sin & <th Sioux Cily lo Im fa P. j tm la P. I fa fm < the new Hu;h Commissioner. fo3 (in I 0 0 2 Kfllc various indirect channels since no 1 ta P. o i o o oP ' tf.caic Rcnujnlk 3 0 5 1 3 11 ZaracH r, I'nl. N 0 0 0 0B. Dislillp 0- 1• - 11..V. un Rolen 2 3 5 7 diivct contact with Morocco is-posThe • receipt reads: "Received R'jbtn 0 0 0 0 H. Dlihlh) D 0 0 0 1 0 0 J/.'.cCoin S 1 1 11 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 5 Cullin 0 0 0 0.l.»vin 3 1 J 7 sible from here, Morocco broke from Major Ciwral Sir Louis Bols, V/iglon P/Ivato futofing,. individual or In f)oft 0 t> 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 Serlui 0 2 4 2 Wheeler 3 1 1 7 Rois one ;Palestine" complete. The doc- Joeobion postal communications with group, in Habfow, Yiddish, Jowlih 1 1 4 3 r.llsv J 0 0 i IM 2 J S 6 off dayman 3 0 0 7 2 3 16 0 0 0 0 Ebbtr-q hiitory, lore, customs and I'Muait-— ument is signed by Herbtrl SamIsrael several months at;o in com0 0 0 0 Kail. 2 0 04 3 0 3 6 5oOoll t 2 1 1 5 0 0 0 C GvrchrH/ 0 0 1 0 uel,'Britain's first Ilii;h Commispliance with the Aral] League's ovenJngi 7 to 9; Saturdays 2 io 7; 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 6 EJcrgcn ». Wolpa Sunday mornings. KvonN . BionW" for Palestiiii', w]io added (he M. V/oipo 0 0 0 0. anti-Israel boycott. .Sunday, March 13 at Sintix City, hotHtion "E. & O.K.," meaning erSerond Game rors and omissions excepted. Sioux City's "?th und 8th i;rad- four J. C. C. All-Stars teams play Fiva yoars In Palotfina as «fu(/enl, By Cy KclU'hUii
Israsi Offers Haven Ta Agaiir
Documents Sole/ for $5,0Q0 at Auction
Harry G. i@nd@!s@Ei
Airborne iatzo Delivery Service
Paris Street Named at Sioux City. farmor and foachor. .Wednesday, March 16 at J. C. C, 'Place d'lsrael' Founder of Omana't Modorn Ho* Omaha , . . Mdy-Biddy basketball Paris (JTA)—An impressive cerbrow School; intJructor ar Tomto Bive a demoiis'tratioii. pis Itraol; S. Omaha Synagogue emony of renaminj; a Paris street and Cftbor tycoum. "Place d'l.srael"—decided recently by the i'nris Municipal Council- Columnist, war-fimB editor of iho Omafia Jowith Preis. took place this week. TKWU2 ISKAKI' Speakers at the ceremony InUIHI.G CLASS cluded Israel's Ambassador to Harry G. Mcndehon Tile Bible class will meet Thurs- France, Walter Kylan; M. UcvWA 0001 day, March 17 at 1 p.m. at Temple raiijno, president of th« Municipal 4204 Call^mia St. Israfrl with Itabbi Sidney JI. Council; Dr. Vidal Modiano, presiBrooks who will continue bis dis-dent of the CrUF, the central repcussion on the "Book of Amos," resentativo body of French JewGORDON STORAGE ry, and Andre Blumel, president DISCUSSION ON "THIS WAREHOUSE, INC. of the French Zionist Federation. CYCI.K OF JEWISH YKAIl" JA3032 Kabbi Benjamin Groner will lead the discussion on "The Cycle 1201 JONES of the Jewish Year," based on the book, "This is My God" by Herno. 1 specialists in man Wotilt, at the second session storage, packing, local of the Beth Israel Sisterhood Study group nt the home of Mrs. and long-distance moving Henry Appcl, 4S2! Franklin street, "A FABULOUS and EKCHflNTIHO PU)Y!"i —UUMM,''"" I Monday, March 14th, at 1 p.m. SAtlfT CUBBtH I AflntuH CAMGR prutRt
Study Groups
A Jewish chaplain In (lie I'. S. Ann> in I'raiicc helps unload « »lilj>mcnt of mat/as flown for Hie Vasso\cr feitnn! cclclir.itlnn. ArrangcmonU were made by llio National •Icwlsli Welfare Board.
I»J,A.\S HOSPITAL TOCK the . A tour of the C. I^ouis Meyer Memorial Hospital will be conducted for the study ftroup of the cimui b, TYRONE GUTHRIE National Council of Jewish Womt'-n ("a ri-jrf f»/t I tr, 5J, 5 7J, il") 3M, Call Jerry Krupinsky en on Tuesday, -March 15. The. 1 For Freo Estlmatci Jerusalem (JTA)—An agreeGroup will meet first at the home Geneva, (JTAj — Measures to was signed between Kai.ser- of Mrs. Julia Jacobs, 114 South BOQKI TI1EAIRE,«st.w.o!E«,,,«.Y.3 and Prompt Scrvlco eradicate racial~and religious pre- ment Frazcr of Haifa and the StudeStreet for coffee at 12:45 p.m. judice and prevent such outbursts baker-Packard Company providing 50Study Kroup chairmen, Mines. as the recent swastika epidemic for the assembly of Studebaker's Seymour Abrams nnd Harold Zelare on the agenda of tho United Lark model compact cars in theinsky made the arrangements Ior Nations Commission on Human Haifa plant. The Lark will sell'in this tour. tsrael for about $6,000. Rights which is holding a Assembly by the Haifa plant of "TEA ANO TALK"' v/eek session here. the Renault cars was discontinued WITH sms. urui'KE 8S OMLY A^3 MSJAm AWAY Ths commission will work on year, when the French firm "Tea and Talk" with Mrs. Dorthe question of. advisory ibervice in last to the Arab boycott othy Kripke will be held on Wedwhen you stock up on dark, delicious the fieid of human riyhts and will surrendered canceled contracts for tho as- nesday, March 16, at 1:15 p.m. in get i n t 0 discussion of the right and of the car by Kaisor-Fraz- the Beth El library. Mi's. Kripke of asylum, prevention of discrimi- sembly will discuss "Howard and Punishnation in religious rights and prac- er. ment—A Jewish View." Sitter tices and practical measures to service is provided. Mrs. Joel Hellcombat racial and religious preju- Underground Water man may be called tor reservadice. tions. . Resources Explored The commission is expected to Israel—Wi.'izmann Institute reheed tha recommendations of its Subcommission on the Prevention search Worker have successfully THE READY-TO-SERVE DESSERT CAKE Of Discrimination and Protection used radio-isotopes to investigate Phone JA 1344 to Insert your Wonf Ad In MADE WITH CRISP, CHUNKY WALNUTS Of Minorities to adopt a resolution Israel's underground water re- the Jtwlih P'tts. Role 19 50 c»nt» Jar each WirM lln« tn«r. Condemning the recent worldwide sources. AND THE WORLD'S CHOICEST DATES Hon.- The Prttt reservsi th« tloh! to iunl) entl-Semitic outbreaks, to call on Underground water resources l?jrg of goch QjverllsgTnenr ^ all members of -the education pro- represent two-thirds of Israel's . DAILY JEWISH PAPERS LOUK m WE © OH THE LABU. grama to eradicate racism,'ami to total water potential and such ex- BAtt and Baa MHzvah congratuB H r nUS m ITf m m t set up machinery to concert inter- ploration is of particular imporAfso enjoy latlons also for pll Jewish boMnational action to prevent such tance to the development of the• days and special occasions, I DROMEDARY CHOCOUTtHUT vA OMHEEilin ROa manifestations. economy. Meyers News Stand, i502 Dodge
Parley So Discuss Sleps Against ilgsfry
tenth man