March 18, 1960

Page 1


w _ « , PulJllthed every Friday, lol Ko, 20tii no. Zi Omaha, Nebraska. Phono JA 1SGO



MAICCII 18, J960

Second Class Puatasa Paid at Omaha. Neur.

single Copy 1C Centf Annum Koto 4 Dollar!

$70,000 Above Last Year

Ben Gurion in U.S.A. United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Israel Premier David Ben-Gurion stressed Israel's desire for peace to 200 journalists at the United Nations, following a two-hour private conference with United Nations Secretary General Hamma rskjold. "The only tiling thut I enn say," he said, "Is that this Institution and this assembly should accomplish ons word ttint we use In Hebrew In Israel every day—shaiom —peace. This could be accomplished If you people would assist us. Then 1* a (brotherhood of nation* throughout the world—Kuropean and American, Asian and African, blitck and ivliitn. The press and other means of public opinion littvs great weight In thin respect and can help, "We represent a small nation although an ancient one. We were brought up in the tradition of our prophets that the time will come that the nations will learn war no more. Tills would be the great contribution to humanity and is the great task for our generation. "Althoui;h you may call this visionary, it may KUII come true In our time—the time when all people will be free and the independent The task of peace should be a task not in name only hut in fact—we want a really United Nations. The 'Secretary General will join me in the wish that this house may become a really United Nations. I say shalom—which means pence." Cliiinccllor Konrml Adenauer of Wc»t O«mmny ard Prlmn minister Hnn-Gurion pxchniiKAd pledges of mutual cooperation following » dramatic two-hour meeting which wan a moving, emotional c.vporIcnon for both statesmen. In statements, the two heads of government spoke positively of cooperation but neither mentioned the question of establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Germany. Dr. Adenauer declared: "I am deeply moved by my meeting today with .Israel Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. For a long time, I have been on admirer of

his statesmanship and steadfastness as the chief architect of modern Israel and its remarkable development. "The German people draw deep satisfaction through the fact that through restitution to victims of Nazism, a contribution was made toward rehabilitation In Israel. I am sure that the German people as well ns my Government are convinced that our mutual cooperation with, and support of Israel will continue to bear fruit in the future," Prime Minister Bfln-CJurion said: "I Wtt» glnd t» mret Chancellor Adenauer. My people cannot forget ltd pant—but wo remember the past not In order to brood upon It, but In order that It shall never recur. Mr. Ben-Gurion the previous day concluded his visit to Washington evidently satisfied with the discussions with President Elsenhower and other top leaders. It is understood that his views were met with understanding by American Government leaders. The Prime Minister liad lunch with Vice-president Richard M. Nixon at the Matter's home and then met with Secretary of State (Continued on Page 2.)

Center Arranges Vacation Program A fun packed program for boys and ijiils, seven to eleven years of age, is being plunned by the Jewish Community Center for the spring vacation period. Activities on Thursday and Friday, April 14 and 15 from l p m . to i p.m., tinder the supervision of counselors, will include visits to Joselyn Art Museum, World-Herald, Union Pacific Museum and other points of interest. Plans also will cwisist of a tumbling and gymnastic display, Passover movies and a "surprise" full-length movie. Swimming and a Junior Olympics will be held and Passover treats will be served. Registration, which may be made at the Center Is 50 cents per day or 75 cents for both days.

Stamp Corner

$1New §,§10,001) Loan York, (JTA) — The United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York announced that it had completed arrangements with seven local banks for a $15,000,000 loan. Samuel D. Leidesdorf, UJA treasurer, said that the loan was negotiated in advance of the inauguration of the Appeal's 22nd annual campaign, "so that there would be no delay in meeting the immediate needs of the 600,000 human beings here and abroad who depend on UJA aid." Mr. Leldesdorf called upon New Yorkers to continue and expand in 19G0 the upward trend of giving to the United Jewish Appeal that has marked the past several years. "Continuance of the sharply increased standard of giving to the UJA that is already evident this year is absolutely essential," he asserted, "to enable the United Jewish Appeal to meet its loan obligations while mnfntainlng its support for agencies conducting programs vital to the Jives of hundreds of thousands of people in need and distress overseas."

Sen. Klaver Files For Re-Election, State Legislature

.The amount of $550,000 was set as the campaign goal of the 1960 Jewish Philanthropies drive which encompasses agencies and institutions in Omaha, in the United States, throughout tile world and in Israel, Milton R. Abrahams, General Chairman of the Philanthropies Campaign announced this week. Goal—Absolute Minimum "This campaign goal is an increase of some $70,000 over the amount raised last year," Mr. Abrahams stated, "and represents the minimum needs of the beneficiaries included in our annual campaign." The amount of $550,000 was approved unanimously by a joint meeting of the Federation Executive Committee, and the Campaign Cabinet, which consists of past campaign leadership. This action followed the presentation of the needs of the United Jewish Appeal by Rabbi Isadore Breslau, a national officer of the United Jewish Appeal, and a discussion of the requirements of the Omaha agencies, Harry Trustin, Federation president, added. J-oeal Agencies' No.wl Local activities, such as the Home for Aged, the Religious Schools, the Center, the Family Service program are facing increased costs of operation. Addi-

tional funds are required to sustain the activities of these agencies which provide Omaha with its complete network of Jewish services. In addition, the needs of national community relations agencies have increased, due to current manifestations of anti-Jewish feelings. The educational and public relations work of these agencies must be strengthened in order to make their services more affective. Most urgent is the support of the relief and rehabilitation pregrams in Israel, where some 100,000 newcomers are still in desperate need of assistance. With tha security program draining Israel's own resources, American Jewry is called upon to help in a program whic his definitely one of succor and reconstruction. Hopes for Responso "Tlie goal adopted by our leadership is possible of attainment, Mr, Abrahams stated. It will be necessary, of course, to interpret the needs which must be met by the 1960 campaign. We hope that the members of our community will respond in a generous measure. "We are building up a fine campaign organization, and with the cooperation and understanding of all members of the community, we will attain our goal," Mr. Abrahams concluded.

Senator Sam Klaver filed for his ninth term in the Unicamoral Legislature of Ni'braskn, Ho has served eight regtilar and seven special sessions. A m o n g the more important Hills that Senator Klaver introduced which b e c a m e Jaws wei e the Social Security Programs for Nebraska, such as, s.wi Klnvcr Old Age Assistance, Blind, Permanent and Totally Disabled, and Aid to Dependent Children^ The Senator Is responsible for 85 per cent of this program now on the Statute Books. Senator Sam Klaver is also re(Continued on Page 3.)

T h e appoint vice of Philadelphia for tiie past two years, Mr. Brownstein spement of Solomon cialized in diversified caseload M. Brownstein witli emphasis on marital probof Philadelphia, lems and worked directly with Pa., as Director adolescent youth. Prior to this, ha of the Family was a caseworker in the PsychiService Drpai tatric Clinics of the United States ment of the JewArmy at Fort Jackson and Fort ish Federation Rucker. He received his profesw a s announced sional training at Temple Univerthis week b y sity and Bryn Mawr College, from H a r r y Trustin, which he holds a Masters Degree Federation pres- - -•-— in Social Work. He was a superident; Paul Ve-S.M.Knmnstc>ln visor for the B'nai B'rith Youth ret, Federation executive director, Organization in Philadelphia and and Yale Richards, Family Service did group work for the Educational Alliance of New York City. chairman. The Family Service DepartCaseworker for the Family Serment gives aid and offers counseling to families and individuals; cares for transients; services Nebraska state institution inmates A call for volunteers to serve in the Women's Division of the of the Jewish faith. It also proPhilanthropies was mailed to every woman in the community this (Continued on Page 2.) week, it was announced by Mrs. Sam Katzman, Women's General Chairman; her Co-Chairmen, Mmes. Julius M. Conn, Morris J, Shapiro, Nathan Turner and Business and Professional Women's Co-Chairmen, Mmes. Alice Hecger and Josef Mayer. lloturn Postcards Women are urged to fill in postcards received in the mail and Both the Center Day Camp and return them immediately. Camp-Jay-C-C are accepting apMrs. Katzman said she and her co-leaders look forward to a plications for staff posts. substantial response in the usual tradition of Omaha Jewish women Openings for the Day Camp inand aclded that a large corps of workers is needed to operate efficient- clude boy's and girl's unit directly and to complete the drive with a minimum o£ time. ors, senior and junior counselors, Captains' Minting waterfront director (must be cur ; A meeting of the Captains will be held on Monday, March 21, rently qualified Red Cross Water at 9:30 a. m., at the home of Mrs. Katzman, 540 North 72 Avenue. Safety instructor), kitchen crew Plans for the women's campaign will be coordinated. and counselors-in-training. The camp will be held at its Peony Park site from June 13 to July 8. Positions available at Camp JayC-C which will be conducted from June 26 to July 1G are arts and craft director, supervisors of the boy's and girl's villages, junior More than six hundred persona mnn, synagogue president, said. Among the dignitaries who will and senior counselors, counselorsare expected to attend the dinner, Sunday night, when Admiral attend will he Lt. Gen. Francis H. in-training and camp secretary. Lewis L, Strauss will receive the Griswold, vice-commander of the Applicants will be selected on Beth Israel Humanitarian Cita- .Strategic Air Command; Maj. basis of maturity, interest in chiltion in tho synagogue auditorium. Gen. Thomas Griffin, commanding dren, camping experience and Officials who have accepted in- general o£ the sixteenth Army skills. Applications may be obvitations to-the .event include Sen- Corps; Maj. Gen. Lyle A. Welch, tained at the Jewish Community ator Roman Ilruska, Gov. Ralph Adjutant General of Nebraska; Center's Activities office, or they G. Brooks, Mayor John Rosenblatt Maj. Gen. Keith R. Barney, chief will be mailed on request. Interand Homer Gruenther, Washing- of Army Engineers for the Mis- views will be arranged as soon as ton, D .C, Special Assistant to souri River and Capt. J. W. Flor- completed applications are returned. President Eisenhower, Dan Gord- •., (Continued on Page 3.)

Center Gamps Offer Staff Positions


Israel, on April 7, will Issue two Special stamps commemorating World Refugee Year. Israel is one of the 70 nations releasing stamps to mark this occasion designated by tho- United Nations to focus attention on the world-wide problem of refugees nnd the need for ; its speedy solution. ''Shown hera ara the two Israel Stamps. Ona symbolizes "Magic Carpet" when tens of thousands of Jewish Refugees were flown from Yempn to Israel. Tha other

.symbolizes their resettlement on Israel soil as visualized in the words of the prophet, Micah: " . . . ' . they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree and none shall make them afraid." Both stamps have descriptive tabs in Hebrew nnd French. Subscriptions for stamps mny be placed at the Jewish Community Center. They will be gent directly from tho Philatelic Services of Israel in Jerusalem to subscrib-


608 Expected to Attend Citation dinner at Beth Israel This Sunday

- ,5-


Fog* Two



Friday, March 18, I860

Israel Had 83,614 Tourists in. 1959 Published Every Friday by the Jcwisli Federation of Omaha.

' Paid at Omaha, Uebr. Second Class 'Posage Annual Subscription, $4.CO. Advertising Ra Ics on AppUcallon. Publication Office—101 No 20ih Slroel, Omaha, llebr. JAckson 1364.


B'NAI JACOB ADAS YKSHUItON Services.'at B'nai Jacob-Adas Ycshuron will begin Friday at 5:45 p.m. and Saturday at 8:30 a.m. with Mincha at 5:45 p.m. followed by Sholosh .SVii'los. Daily services at 6:.''O a.m. and 6 p.m. TKMI'LE I S I U I X . Temple Israel services Friday at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Sidney II. Hroolcs official ini;. Sunnon - "Does it Killer Have Kit;litr.?" Temple choir will render mur.ii-al portions. 1 Sabbath niornini; services at 31:30 a.m.*


VOUTH <;nour OFFICKHS INSTAf,I,KI> t'KIUAY The following Youth group officers were installed a t Friday evening .services tit Temple Israel: Steven Hernstein, p r ets i d e n t, Jerry Frank, vice president; Ninna Bi'btr, recording secretary; Larry Mayer, treasurer, and Jim Silvcrnian, scri;eaiif-at-aniis.

Jerusalem, (JTA)--Forty-three per cent of Die 83.G14 tojirlsts who visited Israel, in 1959 were Americans. The 1959 total represented sharp innrefi'ie over that for 1958 which was under 70,000. Frenchmen and Britons wore next in /lumber among the tourists, each group ainountini; to about 10 per cent of the total. Germans and Canadians amounted to alxiut four jx;r cent each. Seven thousand Israelis left the country during the year after makinf; official declaration that t.iey intended to nettle abroad permant-ntly. They included 1,241 natives of the country and 972 persons who settled in Palestine prior to HIP establishment of Israel in 19-18. Of the emigrants, about 4,000 planned to make their homes in the United .States, 953 in Canada, and 101 in Iinv/il.

.SOKI end lulppcatnccs At Xhc Or. I'hlllp tjticr itwlih tlumt tor ITti Ac^d by David Orkow.

A f.p(i!al Klddusli: Given by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenhlum in memory of Hose and Harry Kubin. By Rev. and Mrs. Alex Katz to celebrate the I'u'.im holiday in honor of their mother, Mrs. Rose Gliizman. New residents: Mrs. Anna Kubin, Mrs. Minnie Kurtzman. The Bikur Cholim Home Women's group entertained our folks with an Oiu'i; Shabbat tea on the oreasion of the Purim holiday. Our rabbinical vislto- this week: K'lbbi David Korb of Council H.uffs. A musical youth group will entertain at the Home on Sunday, March 20th at 2 p. m.

AD friends and relatives are UwlUii to attend torvleoB and reception. CAHOL ALTSDLKK I'KNNV KKASNIO 'Hie Bus Mltzvah of Carol Allsuler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Altsuler and Miss Penny Krasne, daughtiT of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Krasne, will be celebrated Friday evening :it Temple Israel. KKTTY <!A<JKI,LV CAItOI.VN LOSS <JAIL UDOKKMAN Hetty Qicklin, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Milton Cackia, Carolyn Loss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Milton Loss, and Gail Ruderman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Uuderinan will join in their Bus Mitzvah celebration ut Beth IKrnel Synngogite, Friday, March 25th.

EDIAIt -ACTIVITIES X-.'diar pledges entertained their activities at n lea at the home of Mrs. Harry Sidman, one of the club's advisors. Members have twen volunteering their services a t the Ixniis Meyer BrovvnsJein Director 1!( hubilltatlon Center on Saturday (Continued from Page 1) mornings and at the Central Grade KKUBKN KIJI.AKOFSKV .•ides casework and services for Funeral services were held lust the ajjeil, and the Dr. Slier Home JKHKY KCIINKIDEIt School Nursery after school. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sclinuidcr Friday at Beth El Synagogue for Ellen'1 Goldstein, daughter of Reuben Kulakofsky, HO, pioneer for Aged residents, and handles announce the Bar Mitzvah of their Mr. and Mrs. Herman Goldstein, Omaha grocer, who died March 9 the Displaced Persons' program son,. .Terry, .Saturday morning, is one of Central High's cnnrll- after a long illness. A former co- nnd immigration matters, Yale March 2Gth at Beth KI Synagogue. datfs for "Miss Junior-Senior owner of the Central Market, Mr. Richards, Family Service chairman, explained. Prom Queen." BKTII KI, Kulakofsky wan active in that A program in "Parent EducaHoward Martin, son of Mr, and business until his retirement 16 .Services at Belli I'.l Synagogue. tion and Family Living" will be 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke Mrs. Sol Martin was named Ediar's years af;o. reinstituted this year, as well as Uottia Uoqoti will deliver the sermon. Cantor beau at the Rhapsody in Blue Beau He was a member of B'nai the youth counseling profiram, inAaron I. Kd;;nr and the Beth El Dance. Complete Darbering Servlc* B'rith, one of the Highland Coun- cluding college and vocational Synagogue Choir will render the Saliifactton Aiiurad try Club founders am] in earlier orientation on an individual basis, musical portions. KU:ANOK ROOSKVEI.TS PLAN years was active in Jewish cir- will be Intensified. • Shampooi • Facial* • Tonic* Sabbath morning services, 9:.'!0 I'ltOGIIAM, HOME FOP AGED cles. Mr. Urownstein will also serve • Shivtn • Haircuti a.m. Junior Congregation, 10:.'J»0 Eleanor Roosevelt, BUG, will Surviving are son, Seaman Kay, as Men's Division Secretary of the a.m. Mincha-Maariv, 6:15 p.m. entertain at the Dr. Philip Slier Appointment! Savt T)mo Jewish Philanthropies Campaign. San Jose, Cal.; daughters, Mrs. Sunday morning services, 9 a.m. Jewish Home for the Aged, on In thin capacity, he will co-ordiDa.'ly services 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. .'"unday, March 27. Chairman for Aaron Richards, San Jose and Mrs. nate the activities of the Men's GL 9284 A. H. Brodltcy, Omahn, five grandthis event Is Frances Mintz with children and 15 great-grandchil- Division working with the Chair- 6618 Dlondo 8 A.M.-6 P.M. BETH ISKAFX mrm of the Division and his ComRabbi Benjamin Groner, ' "antor .Shelly Ueiss and Diane lUihinow dren. Eli Ka^an, the Talmud Torah P r i - as her co-chairmen. Burial was In Beth Hamedrosh mittee. Mr. Brownstein is married and mary Students, and the Beth IsHagodol Cemetery. has one daughter, Rebecca, two rael Choir will conduct 8 p.m. fam- JR. B'NAI 1'RITII and a half years of age. Mr. ily services. Traditional services NEW BOWLINC, OFFICERS Brownstein assumed charge of the (Kabolas Shabbos), 6:15 p.m. Elected to serve as officers of DAN KATZMAN, secretary- Department this week. Shabbor. morning services, 8:-15 the Junior B'nai B'rith Bowling a.m. at !>2nd and Charles streets League during the 1959-60 season treasurer of Frontier Homes Corand 9 a. m. at 10th and Hurt sts. were Bruce Hoberman, president poration, has been elected a direcPatronize Our Advertisers Junior Congregation, 9:45 a.m. and Steve Hoberman, treasurer, tor of the Mobile Homes Manuthe only brand produced and Rabbi Groner will conduct the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ho- facturers Association. 5:45 p.m. Talmud Class. Sabbath berman; Hurley Schrager, vicebottled in Famed MISS JEANNE SILVER, stuMincha, 6:15 p.m. followed by Sho- president, son of Mr. and Mrs. dent at Smith College, NorthFtlsfion-le-Zlon losh S'uedos and Maariv. Jack Schrager and Carol Altsuler, hampton, Mass., will arrive March Sunday services, 8:30 a.m. fol-sergeant-at-arms, daughter of Mr. 23 to spend a two-week vacation The Gifr of Gifts lowed by breakfast and Rabbi's and Mrs. Harry Altsuler. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. class in Bible. Sunday morning Seb (Sobby) Pulvcrenfo IN A WIDE VARIETY Robert H, Silver. The league which meets at Sky Junior Minyon, 8:30 a.m., followed TO 8UIT Lanes will hold its annual banquet by breakfast. RONALD L. ItKITZER, who EVERY TASTE 25 Yoari' Experience Daily services, 7 a.m. and 6:30on May 1 when trophies will be has been discharged from the TINE Wmea, ORAHDIES, Wtth Jewish awarded to winning teams and in- Navy after four years of service, 6UV0WITZ, WlSIIHIAK, p.m. dividuals. VODKA. CMAurAOnr. Loftcring and Memorials planned with his wife and daughHfAnn{.ma DunauHDY. ter, Lenora, to visit in Omaha Ben-Gurion in U.S. DOTS HOLD CONCORD and before making their home in Phoe- 2211 So. 8th AT 2452 (Continued from Page 1) ONEO SIIABBAT MALAGA nix, Ariz. He is the son of Mr. and Christian A. Herter at his home The Daughters of the Torah, Mrs. Ben Ittltzcr. in the Georgtown section. Young Judaean group, will hold an gallon's, f i f t h . After the talk with Mr. Hertcr, Oneg Shabbat, Saturday at 1:30 MIIS, MILTON WALDBAUM Mr. Ben-Gurion went to the Is- p. m. a t the Jewish Community has been elected corresponding ANTIFREEZE raeli Embassy, where a Purlm Center. They will also meet Sun- secretary of the Omaha league Certified Strictly Koihor IN A LEAKY RADIATOR party was In progress. Children of day at 2:30 p. m. at the Center. of Women Voters. by Rabbi Isaac the Embassy ptaff were dressed, IS MONEY WASTED Halovi Horzog, at the party, In the (fay Purlm cosFor Fa if—Dependable tumes traditional of the festival. Chiof Rabbi of Israel During his stay in W a s h i nGuaranteed Service ton, Prime M i n i s t e r BenAvailablo at Your Gurion appeared at a closed sesLocal Liquor Storo sion of the Senate subcommittee dealing with Middle East affairs. BLOTCKY Lou Hurwlfi, Prop, Sixteen members of the Senate BEVERAGE CO. Foreign Relations Committee, inDowntown location JA 3990 cluding Chairman J. W. Fulbrlght, 1708 Cats WE 0200 prelusive Dlntrlbutori attended the session. After the meeting, Mr. BenGurion told newsmen that he discussed the situation In the Near East, the relations of Israel and IiEN-GURION OPENS SCIENTIFIC PARLEY". The Fifth Inleriution.l her neighbors, the refugee probCongrei* on Biological Stsndarditntion recently bronglit leading icisn> lifli from all over the world to the Hebrew University of Jcrmalcm, lem, the Suez Canal, and the general world situation as It affects the Middle East. He said the world situation could not be discussed without mention of the summit conference. He thus indicated the Near East aspects of the coming RUG g UPHOLSTERY Mr. and Mrs. F, H. Turkel anBig Power meeting were talked CLEANERS about. nounce the birth of a son, Scott RUGS —CARPETIN© Commenting on Israel's pros- David on February 28 at Immanupects, he revealed that he Epoke el Hospital. LAMP SHADES of immigration, electrical and FURNITURE Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. atomic power, desert development Cleaned in Your Homo! and expansion of industry and ex- Morris Koom and Dr. and Mrs. PLACE! YOUR PASSOVER ports. He also discussed possibili- Sam L. Turkel. Great-grandparing—R»paWcg ents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben MoliofPOULTRY ORDER ties of development by Arab states of their resources. He pointed out sky, Mr. and Mrs. Philip V/lesman, Don eemjJoin HA 2354 that the Near East could again and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Turkel. Open Sundays From 7 AM. to 6:00 P.M.

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become an important world center. He saW "peace" as the ultimate solution of the Arab refugee problem. The Premier was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree at Brandels University in Waltham, Mass,, last week.



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WA 5554

Friday, lurch 18, 1660


Annual Rayim Carnival Set Sunday

Young Adolf Nife Cantor Eli Katran will present the "Development of Jewish Music" at the Young Adult Nite to be holt] at the Center on Tuesday, March 22 at 7:.1O p.m. Cantor Kaftan will render examples of liturgical, Yiddish, and Israeli folk soni:s and music from the Yiddish Theatre. A question period will follow. Guests for the evening will be the YMCA CO-KD croup and the Greek Orthodox Young Adults; The remainder of the evening j will consist of came:;, and a social hour. All yoiiiif; adults are invited lo attend and to bring their friends.

Moscow Bans Parcels (I,, to I!,) Hlrhnrd Zaclmria, Jonnttioii Ilniilc, Harold Forbis examining *omo of the, Hem* collected for the Itayini CarnlvnI. Jluyim once again will* hold its 1 p.m. will feature an assortment Annual Penny Auction, March 20, of stuffed animals and the preSunday afternoon at the Jewish sentation of a television set. TickCommunity Center Auditorium. ets will be 25 cents nnd muy be Merchandise was collected for the obtained from members or at the carnival booths under the direc- door. A portion of the proceeds tion of Richard Zacharia, chair- will be turned over to eliarity. man, Harold Forbes and Jonathan Hunk. The event which will liegln at Mtt3. N. II. OKKENBKRO IVHADS DISCUSSION OUOUP The Book Group of the Omnnu Chapter Brandelf; University National Women's Committee will meet Thursday,* .March 24, 10:30 A Beth Israel sisterhood delega- a. m., at the home of Mrs. Sam tion will attend the spring confer- Rosenblum, 1527 North 52 Street. ence of the Mid-Central States Mrs. N. H. Greenberg will lead the of "The American" by Chapter of the Women's Branch discussion Henry James. of United Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America in Kansas BOOH ftEVIKW City, Mo., on March 21-22-23. The AT TKMPI.K Krhilnth Israel Sisterhood will be The second in a series o£ four Temple Israel Sisterhood literary the hostess Rroup. Beth Israel Sisterhood will be reviews will be given Tuesday, represented by the follow!ng dele- March 22 at 1 p. m. at the home Kates: Mmes. Henry Appel, Iza- of Mrs. Ijiznr Kaplan, 617 North <lore Elewitz, Sidney Goldberg, Falracres Road. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will reI"'rank Cohen, Barney Grey, Harry Sfdman and Sam Stone. Mcsdames view "Hawaii" by Jnmos H. MlchcSldman and Stone have betn in- ner. vited to participate In the pro- A coffee will precede the review. Kram. Mrs. Max Fromkln, Unison officer and honorary president, will accompany the group from Omaha,

Study Groups

Beth Israel Women To Attend Conference

Betb Israel Citations (Continued from Page 1) ence, chief of staff of the United States Naval Reserve Training Command. His longtime service ar. president of New York's famed Temple Emanu-El was only one of many religious, philanthropic and civic activities which made Admiral Strauss a unonlmous selection for I960, according to dinner chairman, Maurice Kat/man. Admiral Strauss Is a former chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission. Dick McConn of KBON Radio, will serve as master of ceremonies. Reservations for the dinner may be secured at Beth Israel.

Sen. Klover Files (Continued from Page 1) sponslble for the Bingo Bill in Nebraska. He began six years ago to get the people of Nebraska on opportunity to play Bingo if they desire. The so-called "Occupational Disease Law," now ono of otif laws was also introduced by Senator Walter Raecke and Senator Klaver. During the sixteen years that the Senator was In the Legislature he had served with Senator Harry Pizer of North PlQtte. Because ol 111 health, Senator Pizer has stated he would not flic again.

J e r u s a l e m (WNS) Pruycr jihttwls, phylacteries, prayer books and other religious objects have bet.')) returned by Moscow to their senders In Israel, it was reported here simultaneously with disclosure thiit Soviet officluls had returned a package of ritual objects which was sent to the Moscow Jewish community by the Israel Chief Rabbinate. The rejected packages were marked "undellverable."

JOG Aiding Agadir's Jewish Survivors New York, (JTA) — Plans for the rehabilitation und resettlement of some 700 to 800 surviving Jews of Agadir, Morocco --all who arc left of the community's 2,300 Jews—are now being made by the Joint Distribution Committee, toKCther with local Jewish organizations. Some 500 of the Ayadir Jews had been brought to Casablanca, where they are being cared for by the JDC, which Is also providing food, clothing and medical care. After the Immediate emertfency has been met, officials reported, JDC must be prepared to undertake to provide housing, jobs, schooling 'or the children and other necessities for the refugees.

Landman, Mrs. Hy Shrier, Sherman Lipstein and Jimmy Farber. •


I'rONEIOKS 1'I.AN DONOH'B TEA The Pioneer Women's Organization will hold their annual Donor Toa, Tuesday, March 22 at 1 p. in. at the home of Mrs.* Harry Shrago, .130!) North 57 Street. Pvoccieds from the event will be for the benefit of Moetzet Hapoalot whose chairmen are Mmts, M.Mian Uondurin and Sam Rifkin. Speaker at tiie meeting- will be Joe IliuVmowsk,. Mrs. I)avi> "Epslc is cultural chairman. • *



MIKACIIt MKKTINOr POSTPONED. The regular meeting of the , Omaha Chapter MiMachV Women on March 16 was postponed because of the weather and will be hold Monday, March 21 at 12:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. George Kaplan will serve lunch.


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UN Expert Recommends Research Plan For Israel's Magnesium Industry

United Nations, N. Y., fJTA)— Aprogram of research leading to the production and industrial application of magnesium and Its compounds, to be extracted from the salts of the Dead Sea, has been proposed by a United Nations Technical Assistance expert who has returned after a threemonth detailed study of the situation in Israel. In his report to the Government of Israel, Samuel A. Abrahams, Sun Francisco chemical engineer, rccomends a broad program of research to devise manufacturing processes In Israel that can compete In the existing world market, and to develop new uses and application of magnesium compounds in industry. He suggests for Instance, product research to produce a soundnnd - heat - Insulating material, utilizing fibers native to Israel; the development, in cooperation with a local refractory concern of suitable refractory bricks for use in the steel, cement, copper, lead and other Industries. A email pilot plant capable of producing and testing a wide variety of magnesium compounds

has already been put into operation by Israel mining industries, Mr. Abraham reported. The pilot plant, he added, would serve as a forerunner for the construction of n full-scale plant when sufficient knowledge and experience have been gained. At the appropriate time, he has suggested that a large United States concern experienccd In designing, building and operating this type of plant, be consulted.

U. S. Citizenship May Be Retained

Jerusalem, (JTA) — American, Canadian nnd South African nationals In the employ of the Israel Government will be permitted, as In the past, to retain their original nationality without becoming Israeli citizens.


Magoiliw SpeclalUr OPENING OFFERS—Until March 31 SAT. EVE. POST, 37 Wit $2.97 READER'S DIGEST, I I Moi $1.87 HOLIDAY, IS Moi. ...$3.75 AH Your Maqsline Neotit Spoci/tl Intcrsiti—Studtntf, Profoisionoli, Houiewivtil and Hobbyiitf AIL SPECIAL MAIL OFFERS HONORED ORDER BY PHONE OR MAIL

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House of Glamour III Mo. 50th GL 7000 (, Export Hair Stylliti

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Jewish Scientist* Heads U.S. Rocket Launching Washington, -(JTA) — The American scientist who directed the successful launching Into orbit ct the latest United States "tnitrument package," Pioneer V, now orbiting around the gun, it Dr. Abe SUvorsteln, 51, na«v« of Terre Haute, Irid.

HADAHSAWH "SHOWER OF DOIXAHS" 1'ItOGKAM A "Shower of Dollars" for Hadassah .Supplies will be held on Wednesday, March 23, at the Jewish Community Center at 12:30 p. in. Mrs, Saul Oraetz, chairman, aiv nouncetl that the money raised will be used to refurnish linens, layettes, blankets, etc in the Hadus:;ah installations in Israe' Mrs. Joseph Guss, president of the Cliaim Wirltzman Group, will preside. A musical skit "The Diaper Dilema" wiil be presented by tlie following cast;, Mmes. Murray Uordfii, Louis Dolman, Philip Katznian, Morey Landman and Stuart MuskiH. Mines. Edward Doluoff and liny Simon are in charge of production and direction. Mrs. AI Harding is tho accompanist. Reservations may he made with Mrs. Harry Wigodsky.• * * IIKNKY MONKKY OHAI'TKK BOAH1) MEETING The IJ'nai B'rlth Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 Board will meet Thursday, March 24, at 12:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Nathan Shulrert. Mrs. Norman Gendler will be co-hostess. • * * SI)T BAKE SALK Sigma Delta Tau Alumnae league of Omaha will hold a Bake Sale, Saturday, March 19, at Ilinky Dinky, 72n<l and Dodge from 9.30 a. m. to 1 p. m. Proceeds from the sale will be donated to the National Leah Kartman Memorial Scholarship Fund at Brandeis University. Co-chairmen of the affair are Mmes. Marvin Kohll, Elliot Brown and Donald Sturm. • • « TKMPLK DINNER DANCE Mr, Harold Faxber, President of Temple Israel, announced that final plans have been made for the Gala Dinner Dance Revue Saturday, March 19 at Temple for the congregation and friends. Reservations may bo phoned to the Temple office. Entertainment acts will be presented by Mr. and Mrs. Morcy

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Happened at Genler

Center Sports By Cy Seltchlck Feeling at home on the visiting court, the Omaha Jewish Community Center All Star teams captured three victories in four games against the All Star groups of th« Sioux City J.C.C. at Sioux City on Sunday, March 13th. The games ended the outside competition of the Omaha All Star teams. In the past two weeks they won seven out of nine games. FIRST GAME In almost a repeat performance of the first meeting, the Omaha 5th and 6th graders trailed the entire game and then came back in the final seconds to squeeze by in a 24-21, overtime victory. Ronnie Wolpa's field goal gave Omaha its first lead with 85 seconds remaining of the regulation game, but Sioux City tied the game in the final five seconds. In overtime play the host team went ahead twice but baskets by Lee Ross and David Jacobson kept the Omaha team in contention. Then with 45 seconds left, John Ruben sunk a foul shot and Tom Rosen iced the game with a field goal as time was running out. Omaha Ilk 4 i l l fg (a Im Walpa R. 1 I 0 woim M . 0 1 0 . a 0 Wtlmltln 0 0 0 Wlpton •• • 1 Ramanlk 2 * 1 Rubin 0 2 1 Shofton


Ross Jocoojon Holm

I Sioux cilr >n> * »lh PI lo lo fin P. 0 0 ZiBtrpan 8 0 I ODIiMipi I . 4 1 1 1 o!EI>buro OMId 2 1 liGorchow 1 1 ] 5 DIlMIp H. 0 0 0 1 Levloe 0 2 11 1 1 2 4 1 II 0 2:sadoff 0 0 0 0 I 1J 1 3 Whwlcr


SECOND GAME Omaha's 7th and 8th grade All Stars exploded in the second half to erase a halftime deficit and went on to romp Sioux City 45-28, to avenge last week's setback. Sandy Friedman came off the bench to supply the needed spark for his team'3 victory as Dan Katskee and Bob Gould controlled the backboards. Bill Ginsburg led the scoring with 14 points.

Camp Offers Travel Camp Pathfinder offering a program of travel for boys of 12 to 15 years of age, has been announced by its directors, Henry Pollack, teaching assistant in geology at the University of Nebraska and George E. Jakway, Zoology staff member at the University. Camp activities will provide two successive four-week trips covering 2,500 miles in six states with private transportation. Included will be projects in biology, Ecology, astronomy, geography, history and cultural anthropology. Registration for the trip is limited to 12 boys. All campers will be selected by personal interview with the staff. The directors at 1400 South 21st Street, Lincoln, Neb., may be contacted for further information.

Omofca 7lli lli «« Hit Hit ! VVIK VVK City 7th 7 h ft lib fg PI fa f Id I fm f PI f fa f fm f P P

Soifcflky Welll Kahnan Friedman Klmroel Gould Zysman Lohrmon Katskee

0 0 0 4 0 4 0 5 0 4

2 1 1 4 0 7 0 1! 0 7

0 0 Arkorlch 0 O.llihtr 0 OiMargolln 2 loXeflow 0 o;Nash 4 1? KaSKi 0 0 Ivener 4 14,Gru«k«r 0 0 Dolrof 3 IIIBemon ,'PIII

0 0 0 3 0 1 0 6 15 0 2 o 1 0 0 0 0 2 0

0 0 11 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

S » 4 14

THIRD CAMK The Youth Council All Star team scored their third victory in four games of outside competition by racing past Sioux City 56-50. The Omaha group led comfortably all the way. and the final score waa no indication of the superior con trol of tlie game by the Omaha All Stars. Omoha I SI«UX Clly fa fa fm p, fa fo fm p 2 Coldlleln 6 4 113 Koitilnsky - 4• -i 5 0 2 11 Wvhtner 2 0 0 4:Co»i<-n 5 4 2 12 H'jllls 2 6 3 7|lvener K, 1 1 0 2 Glnsburo 2 J 2 t Horwltz 1 4 111 Zocharlo 0 4 2 2,lvener M . 2 i 1 7 Go!d!«ro 1 0 0 2'Llpshufz 0 0 0 0 Kon«ky 4 » 6 HXtlkow 14 15 Gould 0 0 0 0'lvaner D. 0 0 0 0 Bon 2 6 2 6'Lelchook

Jerusalem (WNS) — Supreme Court Justice Simon Agranat, a native of Louisville, Kentucky and a graduate of the University of Chicago, has been named Deputy Chief Justice of Israel's supreme tribunal, succeeding the late Justice Zalman Cheshln, a graduate of an American law school. The fifty-three-year-old appointee has been a member of tha Israel Supreme Court since 1950. His first appointment to a bench was in 1940, about ten years after he first settled in Palestine.

Varsity v». Y. C. The Varsity league All Stars defeated the Youth All Stars 6462, in a tight rugged battle at the J.C.C. on Thursday evening, March lOfh. The Varsity leaguers overcame a seven point deficit in the second quarter and went on to win on the strength of a 28point scoring spree by Ray Klrke and three key baskets by LeRoy Katz late in the game. 3200,000 GRANT TO Vanity I Youth Council WEIZMANN INSTITUTE In fm fa PI fa Im la P. Kotz 4 0 2 eilolli, 4 3 5 11 Jerusalem (WNS)—The U.S. Klrkt 12 4 19 23 Goldberg 0 0 0 0 Stln 6 2 3 UGolditeln 3 0 0 6 Agricultural Department has givRobinson 5 0 J 10 Glniburo 3 2 3 1 en a grant of $200,000 to bio-phyColnlc 0 0 0 0 Ban 1 2 5 12 Bermleln ) 2 ) 4;Wohlner 2 0 0 4 icists at the Wcizmann Institute Wilt 0 0 0 0 Davii 0 0 0 0 at Kehoboth to enable them to Gould 0 0 0 0 conduct research in proteins and Kontcky 6 » 9 21 IZacharlo 0 0 0 0 vegetables.

Jerusalem, (JTA) — Portions of a letter froirThn Israelite peasant written some 2.700 years ago, which were found by Israel archaeologists on the coastal plain, may be part of the oldest Hebrew letter ever discovered, the Israel Antiquities Department said this week. On Earthen Pot The fragments of an earthen pot, on which the letter was written, were found on the site of an ancient fort a mile south of Yavne Yam near the coast. Scientists have completed assembling the fragments and have deciphered about half of the text which has been tentatively dated as having been written in the Seventh Century before the Common Era. The • Tel'Aviv,-. (JTA) — The agree- letter is an appeal from the peasment between the Studebakcr- ant to his prince for return of a Packard Corporation and the cloak which, in accordance with Kaiser-Frazer plant in Haifa, customs of the period, had been which was signed this week, pror confiscated for a bad debt which vides that the Haifa plant will the peasant denied. start output of Studebaker cars New Historical Evidence with parts received from the Scientists said that besides inAmerican firm. cluding at least one word which Under terms of the agreement has not been found in any other for the assembly of Larks and known Hebrew text, the letter Hawks at Haifa, the Kaiser- seemed to indicate that King Jo3Frazer plant will gradually start iah had extended his sovereignty production later from an increas- to the coastal plain and had seting number of parts produced in tled the area with Judean peasIsrael. (From South Bend, R. A. ants. It had been known that JosHutchinson, vice - president in iah conquered norther Israel and charge of Studebaker - Packard parts of the Negev but the coastal overseas operations, reported that plain had been thought to be an 3,000 to 5,000 cars a year will be Assyrian province at that time. built at the Haifa plant.) The new evidence indicated that The- Israel firm received also Josiah took advantage of the dethe right to export Larks and cline of the Assyrian empire and Hawks to agreed-upon-countries. conquered the coastal plain. When-and if Israel manages to The scientists pointed out that produce body shells for the two the letter was written in a very types of cars, it will be allowed to skilled script but in clumsy languexport those cars under its own age, suggesting that the letter was name to'all .countries. A special dictated by the peasant to a proGovernmental committee is now fessional scribe, typical of the investigating the possibilities of scribes who sat near city gates to manufacturing a plastic car body. handle such writing chores. Other The agreement provides also that fragments included Hebrew inthere are no limits on the amount scriptions on pottery which indiof Israel parts in tha assemblies. cated that the letter was not misTha contract is for five years with placed but originated in the Isan option of an additional five raelite population resident in the yean. area at that time.


U. S. Uranium Reaches Haifa

ICenfuckian, Israel's

2,700-Year-Old Letter In Hebrew Unearthed

Israel-Made Cars Leave for U. S.

Th« winter's snowi have not prevented two Modale, la., womTel Aviv, (JTA) — The first en from enjoying weekly swim- shipment of Israel-made cars, COO "Sabra" station wagons left the ming in Omaha. Mrs. Janet Strain and Mrs, Haifa port for the United States. Israel-assembled cars have been Bette Lijevahl are beauticians for several years to varwho drive nearly one hundred exported ious European, Latin American miles every Tuesday to swim at and African countries. The ears tiie Jewish Community' Center. will sell for $2,000, about S'lOO less The swimming is preceded by than American-made station wag an hour's gymnasium workout. ons and about the same as the Asked why they braved Tues- European compact car of that day's storm, one replied: "If wo size. Other shipments of the Sabra want exercise, we have to do it." will soon be sent to Ceylon and Turkey and some African countries.

Haifa (JTA) — S e v e n steelshielded cases, containing 6.5 kilo grams of enriched uranium, arrived here from the United States for Israel's first atomic reactor. 0 0 0 0 The reactor, constructed win 1 0 0 2,l_evldi with Oavis 0 0 0 ft American aid, is expected to go FOURTH GAME The Omaha Varsity lost the only into operation by the end of April. game of the day in a rousing finish that saw Sioux City win 80~74, in overtime. Omaha blew a tenpoint lead in the final quarter. OmQha Vortll; | Ilaux City fa fa fm P fa (a fm P. Holllj . 1 2 2 <Ch«sen 4 2 10 Konecky 3 • < 12 Btrnsliln I I 0)1 Glnibura 2 2 2 6!MIIHr 1 1 1 3 Kotsket " ' " 2 0 0 4'Kantor 4 t 4 II Claymon 7 a 1 13 Kontro'h L. 0 1 0 » Goldittln 5 1 0 loKalmon 10 0 2 Klrkt 1 4 1 lPlJMinioil 14 10 6 34 1 O 0 rKantro'h J, 0 0 0 0 Roitnblotl Oottredion 1 0 0 2!

Friday, March 18, 1900


Dignitaries Discuss Historical Research


Jerusalem, (JTA) — The Israel Treasury officially announced a regulation giving virtually all foreigners a rate of exchange of 2.1G pounds per dollar compared with the 1.8 standard rate of exchange. •The regulations provide that tourists who are temporary resident*, as well as new.lmmlgrants, will be permitted to retain all foreign currency in their possession for a period of ten years. They can keep the money In foreign banks or transfer It Into unr«Btrictcd foreign currency accounts in Israel banks. If they sell their foreign currency in Israel, they will get a 20 per cent premium but such sales will be permitted only to banks or authorized foreign currency dealers.

DfsfinsSion Between lazis, G@rn.ans Urged Jerusalem, (JTA) — A request that the words "German murderers" in the proposed new standard prayers for the dead, on behalf of the victims of the Nazi holocaust, b» replaced with the words "Nazi murderers" was made by Israel President Yitzhak Ben Zvi. In a letter to Rabbi Jacob Toledano. Minister of Religious Affairs, the President said that the text as proposed would denounce the Germans as a people despite the fact that thera had been antiNazis among the Germans, He said replacing the word "German" by the word "Nazi" would extend the prayer to Include the Nazis of other countries who were involved in killing Jews. He mentioned the Ukranlans ns an example.

Jerusalem (JTA)—The experimental water de-salting plant built on the basis of the Inventions of Alexander Zarchin was put into full operation, the Ministry of Davelopment announced. Such a plant would produce about 1,000 cubic meters of desalted wriier a day. The pilot plant is expected to provide enough data to make possible fairly accurate calculations of the costs of such water when it is produced on a lnrjte scale. Engineers of the American Fairbank-Whitley Company, which signed an agreement for the development and use of Zarchin's inventions, cooperated In putting the experimental plant into initial operation. The Ministry said all basic parts of the plant were made in Israel.

Nasser Hand Seen In Anti-U.S. Acts New York (JTA) — The. hand of the Egyptian Minister in Panama, Mohammed el Tabol, waa seen in the recent anti-United States and anti-Semitic acts which are new in Panamanian history, the New York Times indicated In a cable from Panama from its military expert, Hanson W. Baldwin. Mr. Baldwin said that the United Arab Republic and Cuba hava established "cordial relationships" with anti-United States elements In Panama, and Nasser and Castro are promoting anti-American .sentiments in Panama. It has been established that leaders of th» anti-United States riots on tho Canal Zone borders last fall are acquaintances of Mr. Tabei, Nasser's envoy.

Killed Daily 1314 N. 24«i

AT 4977


\W --.VrV

Be Near Those You Love...

5,000 Studebakers A Year at Haifa

Harry I . l.endelson B.A. ond Peilasony, Unl. Nebr. Pr!v«»» Juforing, Individual or In group, in Hebrew, Yiddish, Jowish history, lor., eusfbmi «nd rituals— aveningt 7 io 9; Saturday! 2 to 7s Sunday morniitgi. Fiv. yean in PalesHn. »s student, firmer and teoch.r.

]"?<>}d ' cPreiident It.holc Ben-Zvl t X " u ' « ' W>toritiil reiewch et the Hebrew Univeriilr of Jeranlem Jjnh US. Ambtmdor to lerael Ogden Heid, Ambiiudor Peid exorcised great admiration for the Hebrew Unl. venitf • sehievemenuto Mr. BenZvi, who i, Honornry Preildent of th» University,

Phono JA 1364 fo I n u r t your Wont A d In tha Jewish Prsss. Rate Is 50 u n i t far each fhrei lint ln:»rlion. Ttie Press reserves I h * right 1o limit size of each advertisement

DAH.Y JEWISH PAPERS BAR and Bag Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holiday* and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge For Practical Nurses and Practical Domestics. Call Clara Randall . Placement Service—WE 5217. Will take cars of 1 or 2 Children over 2 years old, in my home during tha day. 119 So. 41 St. CA1472. WANTED — part-timo secretary, ihachino dictation. Must bo oxcellent typist. 10 a. m. to 2 p. m., Mon. thru Frl., starting April 1. Ideal position for mother of school age children. Contact Mr. Gottlieb after 6:30 p. m. TE 7231

Founder of Omaha'* Modern H«br.w School; instrucfor «• i . Israel; S. Omaha Synagogue and Labor Lycsum.

A ©jff Pcnra'rt hy

Columnist, war-time editor of the Omaha Jewish,

John Kalina 817 So. 36$

Harry G. Mendclson

HA 1044

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V/A 0881

Program of the Month prosonts

Myra Gilbert Famous Folk Singer

Sun., Mar. 27 — 8 P.M.

Beth Israel Synagogue Sponsored by Jovvijh Community Centor ond Doth El, Both Israel, B'naf B'rlth, Farband, Hadassah, Templa Israel, Workmen Clrclo, Young Adult Council. Admliilon Proa

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