— ntt. «.
Pulilltlwd every Frlduy. 101 No. 20lh Oirulia, Ncbrtuilca, l'hono JA MGG
ficcond Class Postage Paid
Slnclo Copv it Cent* Annual Huto 4 Dollars
All workers in the Women's Division of the Philanthropies Campaign will meet Tuesday, March 29, at 12:30 p. m. at a Dessert Luncheon, at the Jewish Community Center, Mrs. Sam L. Katzman, General Chairman of the Women's Division announced.
Women'* Division O'liuiniuui, IWr«. Sam IUII/JIUUI, (ri'iir rculvr) moving »j> to llu> "cliuir" to respond to Win fjursUon of un Interested cnmi>ul|;ii miiialii following nil Isrncll movie nt a planning w * nlnn at her home.
"oca/ Needs Must Be Met'
Jt is important that locally we havo the vision to provide for ourselves and our children a secure tomorrow, Mrs. Snm Katzman, Women's Division Chairman of the Philanthropies, told her captains at n meeting at her home this week. Tile Hireling 'wag held to outline the role of tho captains in the campaign and to review tlie noedi Which funds must meet this year. Fulfill I-ocul CoBBinHmcnfs Mrs. Katzman said "we are committed to fulfill our local need* and budgeting first" and painted the services Included--Omaha religious schools. Home for the Aged, Family .Services, Community Center, Camp Jay-C-C!, and Jilikvah as well as assistance to organizations such as B'nal B'rilh, Hadnssnh, Council of Jewish Women, Pioneer Women and Workmen Circle. "Through the United Jewish Appeal we help cement the partnership with Jews throughout the world," Mrs, Katzman said, "and especially In Israel. Since even before the establishment of the State, we have each year added a 'phis'—call it emergency, call
Miss Mira Gil5 lM>rt, famous folk s i n g e r , whose r e p e r t o i r e includes selections In almost a dozvea 1 a n g uages will appear at Beth Israel synagogue on Sunday, March 27 at 8 p. • m .
M i s s Gilbert combines a fine voice with her own guitar accompaniment to bring out the warmth ond gaiety of folk songs from many lands. She has appeared in Town Hall concerts, radio and television shows and has had top billings in Washington, D. C. and New York City entertainment inots. Tho event is the sixth on, the Program of the Month series arranged by the Jewish Community Center wid co-sponsored by Beth El, Beth Israel, B'nal B'rith, Farband, Hadawah, Temple Israel, nilru fillficrt
it anything you wish—to attempt to fulfill this most important phase of Philanthropies—salvage from Eastern .Europe, Egypt, North Africa and various other areas, the Jews who survived. "We have brought thenv to Israel -now what? In ton years, more than a million -and we have helped that tiny democracy with n feeling of great sal isfaction and tho ri'iKirts are overwhelming," j;he added. "We must care enough to put ourselves iii 1he place of those Jews," she said In reference to completing 1he job of rescue and rehabilitation. Mre. Katzmnn declared "we must with great sincerity of purpose work on both fronts and put into practice, the women's division slogan, "build today--eccure tomorrow." Needs Desperate Paul Veret, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation, spoke of the desperate needs for permanent housing for new immigrants who are still living In miserable shiuity towns awaiting decent housing-to be provided by us." Hfl emphasized the need for pre-
Workmen Circle and Young Adults. It is free and open to the community. A display of JcwUh_Folk music and dance materials will be exhibited at the Jewish Community Center and at the synagogue during Miss Gilbert's visit.
British to Sell Arms fo Israel London (WNS)—Great Britain Is planning to sell new anti-aircraft weapons to Israel, it was disclosed here In a report by the Sunday Observer which. said that Britain's policy was to maintain o balance of t m s In tlr? Middle East. At the game time the Observer said reports of a major Soviet build-up of the United Arab Republic air force in recent months were not authentic.
serving Hie security of Israel and pointed out that our own rights in the United States must be preserved. He referred to the picketing by the American Nazi Party on the occasion of Ben-Gurion's recent visit In Washington. The placards carried such messages of hate for Jews that even the Arab pickets hesitated to join them. Mrs. Mike Freeman, president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs and H long-time Philanthropies leader, also spoke. 1J. & P. Meets Sunday The next Philanthropies function will be a brunch meeting of the Business and Professional Women's Division, Sunday noon, March 27 at the home of Mrs. Katzman. 540 North 72 Avenue.
Soviet's Advice To Israel Press Jerusalem, (JTA) — A highranking- Soviet diplomat in Israel was reported here as having stated that Israel has no chance of receiving from the West the same quantity of arms that the Arabs are getting from Soviet bloc countries. The unnamed Soviet diplomat made this statement to a representative of Haarctz, one of Israel's leading daily newspapers. . Addressing himself apparently to Israel, the Soviet diplomat told the Haartz representative: "Abandon your exclusive ties with the West, change your policy—so that you will receive amis both from us and from the West, like the Arabs Ret. Why arc you stubbornly leaning on one foot only?" I3UAEI,I SUN SAVES DUTCH JJJTTUCE Israel—Giunt lettuce seedlings of a new strain were flown to Israel recently to save them from a severe cold spell in Hollund, Ten years have been spent in developing the new strain which is twice the size of ordinary lettuce. ISBAEI, DICOIHIHT CAUSES S1E,OOD,000 DAMAGE Jerusalem (WNS)—The recent drought in the country has brought an estimated damage af more than $12,000,000.
Attendance Important "This is one of the most important functions in our campaign," Mrs. Katzman said, "and we urge all workers to attend this Dessert Luncheon. At this meeting we intend to complete our campaign plans, so we may start our work with all tilt" necessary information." Abrahams on J.ix .tl Needs Milton R.Abi ah a m s, Genei <il < \ Chairman of the campaign, w i l l I' ''" s p e a k to the workers, and piosent the l o c a l and n a t i o n a l needs which are met through the P h i 1 a nthropics drive. Since the Abrahams— Local and P h i l anthroples National p l a c e s special emphasis on local needs, such as schools, Home for Aged. Camp,
i r s . N. ¥sffii!maii on OoSden Age Program Mrs. Norman Whiunan will present a reading "From Kasrieleoke to Broadway" commemorating the 100th•• anniversary of the author Sholem Alolchem at the 12:30 p. m. Goldan Aj;e Club dessert luncheon meeting, March 28 at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Whitman will read excerpts from Sholem Alelchem's stories. Also featured on the program will be Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zwerling and Hyman Karl, who will sing Yiddisii songs. Luncheon arrangements have been made by the Mines. J. Milton Margolin. Louis Cutler and Nathan Simon. The Golden Age Club is jointly sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish Federation.,
" Center, this will be a very important review. Haber—Clucst .Speaker Presenting the picture overseas and in Israel will be Samuel Huber, E u r o p c a n Director of the * J o i n t . Distnbu-/S tion Committee. AH aid given to Jewish refugees in Europe is "adm i n i s t; e r e d through his office. He will discuss the situation in Euiope, Africa and Israel Mr. Haber is a coloiful personality. In World War II he served as Military Governor of Bavaria and Wurtemberg. Under bis direction some 200,000 DP's have been aided and moved into Israel. He lias spent many years in close contact with the problems of Jews overseas. During his recent work in Poland iie observed at first-hand the critical changes in the lives of Jews throughout the Eastern European area. He knows why scores of thousands of Jews are concerned with the future and why they are seizing chances granted them now for emigrating to Israel. Mmes. Julius M. Colin, Morris J. Shapiro and Nathan Turner are associated in the drive with Mrs. Katzman as co-chairmen. Baby sitting service will be available at this meeting.
H. Trusfin Heads Delegation to Women GEieolc Hailing J W i Convention
List of Servicemen
New or changed addresses of servicemen are needed by the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs so that an accurate listing is available for the organization's annual mailing of Passover greetings. Mrs. Joseph H. Freeman, project chairman, WA 8814, stated this information may be reported to her or the Jewish Community Center, JA 1.36G.
Hz Survivors Saltier for Reunion New York (WNS)—About 1,000 survivors of the infamous Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz, where an estimated 3,000,000 people, mostly Jews, were put to death, met here In a reunion that was so heart-breaking that even hardened reporters wept. The reunion took the form of a memorial dinner where the survivors told harrowing stories and experiences. Many of the former prison inmates did not recognize each other. And when they did, they embraced In tears and convulsions. The survivors paid tribute to the U.S. government and to the United Jewish Appeal. In a scroll presented to the United Jewish Appeal, the Auschwitz survivors said it was the UJA and its agencies that made them "realize that we had not been forgotten and sustained our belief in a better future."
Harry Truslln, president of th» Jewish Federation, Fifth Area Chairman of the Armed Services Division of the National Jewish Welfare Board and a member of its national board, will head the Omaha delegation to the organization's 1960 national biennial convention in St. Louis, Mo., March 30-April 3. Mr. Trustin will participate in all Armed Service Division Workshops at the conference'. The delegation will include Mrs. Abe Bear, hospitality chairman at the Veterans Administration Hospital for the Omaha Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. Mrs. Bear has been invited to serve as a resource person at a workshop session on Volunteer Service, Thursday, March 31. Paul Veret, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation, also will be a member of the delegation. A group representing the Golden Age Club, composed of Mrs. Wela Simon, Benjamin Klaiman, Dave Flancheck and Joe Itadinowskl will attend the First Older Adult Conference sponsored by the JWB in conjunction with Its biennial meeting. Mrs. Sol Nogg and Abe Fisher are alternates. Mrs. Albert Gaer. coordinator of OWer Adult Activities for the National Council of Jewish Women, and. Boris Stelnman, Jewish Community Center Activities Director, will accompany tha Golden Age Club delegates.
Pag* Two
Friday, Marcli *B, I8J0 they will visit relatives. They also plan a reunion with Mr. Bojbel'f Mr. end Mrs. Sisla Sojbel will leave March 28 for Israel where brother and alster In Kovno, Lithuania.
Sojhols to Israel [$
Published Ever; Friday by the Jewish Federation ol Omaha.
Second CICJI Posloat Poia o! Omaha, Ntfcr, Annua [ubicrBlion, M.OO. Advcrtlsmj Rolti on Application. Publication Off let-101 No. 201b Street, Orooha, Wcbr., JAckjen 1344.
fct.tr Jitvl.b (i Otttld Orfcow.
tcKS M I?.e Of f hi IP lur Tti* A l t l It
But 9%oi>, dt-uiel Flowers wtre sent to the home by Workman's Circle in cdebm tion of the 70th birthday cd Louis ISAAC N. CHEKNI.SS Funeral services were held Sun Witlcin. day afternoon at the Crosby-KunSam Poster, Gabbal of the home the only brand produced and old Mortuary for Isaac N. Chersynagogue, conducted a special niss of €01 South 31 Street, who bottled in Famed ceremony, Saturday night to name died March 17 in a local hospital. Rislion-Io-Zio.i Mr. und Mrs. Jay Mildcr'a daughRabbi Myer S. Kripke officiated. ter, Rnchat'l Hoclel In Jewish and He was a member of Excelsior The Gift of Gift* Rachtiel Ida In English. GrandparMasonic Lodge, Scottish Rite and :21 p. in. ents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milder Shrine in Council Bluffs and B'nai IN A WIDE VARIETY' and Mrs. Harry Schwid. Mr. and B'rith and Beth El Synagogue in BETII ISRAEL TO 8UIT Mrs. Leo Milder gave special KidEVERY TA6TH Omaha. FOR SALE Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Jush for this occasion. 'Tt, I' " VVINH. GfUKOI».l Survivors are wife, Anna F.; Ell ICagan and the Beth Israel INCOME PROPERTY *$ i><\ SUIVOW17I, WltHNIAKfl daughters, Mrs. Zelda Wine and Choir will conduct the Friday famVpDKA, CHAMP/ICNI 3-Un[? Apartment House • PARKLIHO 0UnoUNOY,t • Mrs. Beth Maduff, both of Losily services at 8 p. m. Traditional Patronize Our Advertisers •liy-'i (2S0 Net Month Incoma Angeles; brother Leonard and sis- Friday services (Kabolas ShabCONCORD and 119 SO. 4J5T ST. ter Mrs. Harry Goldslrom, both bos), 6:30 p. m. MALAGA Coll CA 1472 of Omaha, and two grandchildren. Shabbos morningfcorvices,8:45 r g a l i , Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. a. m. at 52nd and Charles Streets gallon, fifths and at 9 a. m. at 19th and Burt .-MKS. SARAH KIKGLE ANTJ-FREEZE Funeral services were held last Streets. Junior Congregation at Corfifiod StricJly Kosherj 9:45 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conIN A LEAECY RADIATOR Friday at the Jewish Funeral by Rabbi Isaac /] duct the Talmud Class at 6 p. m. Home for Mrs. Sarah Munheit IS MONEY WASTED Halov! Horzog.. Ringle, 85, of 2405 Davenport Sabbath Mincha ut 6:30 p. m. foji • A sv ,/ Street, who died March 16. Burial lowed by Sholosh Sc-udot and MaaFor Fast—Dependable Chief Rabbi of Israel[ riv. was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Guaranteed Service Sunday services fit 8:30 a. m. Mrs. Ringle, unknown to the Avsilablo at Your general public, aided many Omaha followed by breakfast and Rabbi's Local Liquor Store students in obtaining an education, class in Bible. Sunday Junior Minand was active in many charity yon; 8:30 a. m.( followed by breakBLOTCE<Y fast. Lou Hurwlfi, Prop. causes. I '-<•. . . . . . - , u J, BEVERAGE C O . Surviving are daughters, Miss Dally services lit 7 a. m. and DowRtowa tocotlon . JA 3990 Dorothy, Omaha; Mrs. Florence 6:35 p. m. MONUMENTS 1703 Ceii WE 0200 Exclusive Distributors Seider, Chicago, 111., and .sons, in Hie Jewish Tradition B'NAI JACOB ADAS Phillip and Louis, Omaha. Vour order Bhould 60 placed ivoil YESIIURON In advance of "Yuhrzelt" to the JlltS. KOSK L.AKDK Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas work docs not have to bo hurried. Funeral services were held in Ycshuron will begin Friday ut ito known far our exacting Chicago, 1J1., Monday for Mrs.5:45 p. m. nnd Saturday nt 8:30 W« Hebrew lettering and detail. . Rose Lande, 75, mother of Mrs. a. m. with Mincha jit 5:45 p. m. You may piece your confidence Gene Rich, who died Saturday. followed by Sholosh S'cudos. Daily In ui knowing each detail and Other survivors Include two services at 6:30 a. m. and 6 p. m. tradition will be adhered fo daughters, seven grandchildren with utmoit ear* and skill. and two great-grandchildren. TEJU'LE ISRAEL Omaha's Leading Kosher Meat Market Hera you deal directly with the BEN WINE Services, Friday id 8:15 p. m. owners . . . Wo permit no untimely solicitation . . . Call us for and Delicatessen Funeral services were held at Temple. Rabbi Sidney H. appointment at your convenience. Tuesday at the Jewish Funeral Brooks will officiate, His sermon Home for Ben Wine, 51 of C025 will be "What Teachers and ParPacific Street, a grocer and native ents Should Say To Each Other." of Omaha, who died Sunday in a The Temple choir will sing the local hospital. Burial was in Gold- musical portion of the Service. en Hill Cemetery. 3213.15 " 9 " St. Frank Hernia Teachers will be honored. Open Sunday 2-5 Mr. Wine was a Thirty-second P U C E YOUR PASSOVER Since lOiJ Degree Mason, a member of Co-BETH EL POULTRY ORDER NOW!! vert Lodge No. 11 and Tangier Services at Beth El Synagogue Shrine. Friday at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer Surviving arc wife, Mildred; S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Open Sundays From 7 A.M. to 6:00 ?M, son, Norman, Omaha; daughters, Cantor Aaron I, Edgar and the Geraldine, San Francisco, Cal., Beth El Synagogue Choir will renPrompt Attention GIv«n l a Phono Order* Dorene, Omaha and three grand- der the musical portions of the 4410 CUBING ST. WA 6SS4 children. service. Sabbath morning services, at HERMAN WHITE PAVGD PARKING Funeral services for Herman 9:30 a. m.; Junior Congregation, White, retired Omaha grocer, who at 10:30 a. m.; Mincha-Maariv, at p. m.; Sunday services ot 9 . died Monday, were held Tuesday 6:15 m.; daily services at 7 a, m. and in the Jewish Funeral Home. Bur- a. Killed Dally ial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. 7 p, m. Mr. White was a native of Russia Use the Want Ads to buy, rent and a veteran of World War I. N. 24Hi AT4977 Surviving are his wife, Ann; or sell. daughter, Mrs. Earl Levy of Milwaukee, Wis., and son, Lee of Washington. MKS. SMl KAPLAN Funeral services were held Wednesday at Beth El Synagogue for Mrs. Sam Kaplan, 77, of 3212 Leavenworth Street, who died Monday. Surviving are her husband, daughter, Mrs. Nathan Turner; FOR THE sons, Edwin S., Lazar and Howard. Burial was in Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery. MAX DAVIS Funeral services were held Wo have Passover buffer, (our croam, Thursday at Beth El synagogue and milk—Kosher for Passover—under for Max Davis, 4903 Underwood Avenue, who died Tuesday. Rabbi personal supervision of R a b b i Nafhen to* Myer S. Kripke officiated. Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Feldman. Surviving are wife, Sadie; J l © W i l l t O O l And no wonder I Only daughter, Mrs, Millard Rosenberg precious whiteflsh has ouch an irresistibly delicate flavor. nnd son, Leslie and six grandchildren. It's so tender... so tasty... so Incredibly t^,r At Your Door or Favorite Store delicious 1 Share'its tantalizing goodness with your family and guests. © PAREVE 1
"I prefer pure whitefish ron TABSOVEH
PASSOVER CARDS BAR and Bag Mitzvali congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge I always have tremendous special offers on all magazine subscriptions. Jf you really want to save - money, call Elsie Horwich, WA 3957. Gift cards furnished free.
Ccsll U2 4444 or Your Grocer INofot Theto Products Are Limited la Quantity) DELUXE QEFILTE PISH From th» tpotlcs* littchen* of Msthtr1* feud tioiuAt. Ine. • Newirk 9, H.l.
Fridsy, March *5, 1WS9
Harry L. Hilver has become as-1 and a 1958 graduate of the Unl> soclated with J. Cliff Rahel & Co.Jversity of Minnesota, et Mlnneinvestment bankers. He is the son apolls, where he wag Affiliated of Mr. and Mrs. Hobert H. Sliver | with Sigma Alpha Mu.
Mrs. M. Grecnberg Cantor Edgar Leaves Married Thursday For Son's Wedding Announcement 1ms been made of the marriage of Mrs. Max Grcenberg and Julius Kunilc of Iowa City, la. The ceremony was performed at Beth El Synatfoeue, Thursday at 7 p. m. by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke. After April 1, the couple will be et home nt 1715 ntdgeway, Iowa City.
Bar and Bas iifzvah
Cantor Aaron I. Edgar is leaving for New York City on Friday, March 25 to attend the wedding of his son, Cantor Raphael Edgar and Mi.ss Brneha Brisker, daughter of Dr. nnd Mrs. Leon Brisker. The marriage will take place on Sunduy, March 27 in New York City.
Next Bridge Night March 3.1, Center
The next Bridge tournament session nt the Jewish Community All friends and relatives are Center will be held Thursday, Invited to attend services and . M.-trch 31 at 8 p.m. reception, The first, second mid third winners'at the last mt-etinK were BETTV CAC'KIN Messrs. and Mmes. Loyd FriedCAKOIAN XA)S» man, David Fertil and So] Graetz, OAU, IIUBEKMAN respectively. Betty Cnckln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cacltin, Carolyn Ix>ss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Loss, will Gait Rudermnn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rudermnn will Join In their Bns Bazalel Shermnn, sociologist and Mlfzvnh celebration tonight nt. author will cpenk on "ChnnRinR Patterns in American Jewish Life" Beth Israel Synagogue. at the seventh Program of The Month to be held at the Center on JKItKV SCHNEIDER Monday, April 4th, at 8 p. m. Mr. Jury Schneider, son of Mr. and Sherman in the Director of culMrs. Charles Schneider, will ob- tural and Community Relations serve his Har Mltzvnh on Satur- for the Labor Zionist Organization day morning, March 26th, nt Beth of America—l'oale Zion. There 1B El Synagogue. no admission charge.
Sociologist Spaaks
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gendler announce the Bur Mltzvah of their Bon, Neil, on Friday evening, April 1 and Saturday morning, April 2, nt Beth El Synagogue.
Page Tttt«4
Mr, and Mrs. Dean Ellis Frankel announce the birth of their first child, Harris Alon, March 18 at Clnrkson Hospital. Grandparents are Mrs. Harry A. Frankel and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg. Maternal great grandmother is Mrs. Sarah Kay of Los Angeles, Cal., formerly of Omaha. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Abramson announce the birth of a daughter, Cynthia Beth on March 16 at Clarkson Hospital. Grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. Einer Abramson and Mr. and Mrs. Nate Brown.
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WORKMEN OIKCLE HOLDS OAKD JPAKTV, MAK. 27 Workmen'* Circle Branch 258 will hold Its animal card party on Sunday, March 27, at 5:30 p. m., et the Labor Lyceum, 3024 Cumjng Street. A Unlit supper will he terved from 6 to 8 for a small charge. Admission will bo 50 cents, proceeds will go towards charitable institutions. I8KAEL SISTKKIIOOD BLATE OF OWlCKIiH Tho following slato of officers for Temple Israel Sisterhood has t>ecn announced by Mrs. Horace jlosenblum, nominating committee tiliatnrmm Mmes, Robert Colin, president; I. Llberman, Edward E. Maklesky, VVdolf Mayer, David Eeber, vlcaJ>roBldents) Lloyd Friedman, treasurer! Maurlco Aresty, corresponding secretary; E. Leo Noge, duns Secretary! Nathan Novak, recording secretaryi Mlllard Krasne, audltorj Edward Levlnison, parliamentarian.
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Iddy-Biddy Stars Exhibit BasketbdS Techniques
of the Omaha scctiun. National Council of Jewish Wonu'ii will uttenii the biannuiil North Central ftegipnul Conference in Denver, Colo. March 21-24. Delegates will )>e tin1 Mines. .Stanley Horzoff, section president; itolH'i't Ix*vine, Irvin Koinian, Justus Manvitz, Havl Weiss, tuctum v'icc-presidcnls; I,1oyd Friedman, board diruclor find regional nominating committee advisor; Sidney
Phyllis A. Abrahams, of Mr. anil Mrs. Millon Abrahams lias pledged Sigma Dr-ltn Tan Sorority nt the University of Michi-
Fourteen Iddy-Hiddy basketball at the Jewish Community Center^ •players put on a fast and precise Thirteen different drills^ werej social hour followed exhibition of b.-isketbrill drills find fundamentals in a recent demon- the performance. stration before parents and friends
Youth TO HOLD ".MARCH MVXOIJY." TOWN llOWK Ronu AZA No. 1000 will hold its "March M e l o d y " Sweetheart Dance, on Saturday, March 2 from 9 p, m. to midnight at the Town House. The .1 tie of "sweetheart" will be • given to one of the followinc, candidates Arlen<> Grossman, Ellen Goldstein, De De Fogel, Kandi Gross and Susie Gilinsky. Tlicir respective parents are the Messrs. and Mmes. Arthur Grossman, Herman Goldstein, David Fowl, Abe Kaielman and lJirry Gilinsky. Tlie committee in charge of the event includes Larry Garroj), cliairman, DOUKI.IS Pl.itt, Wally Kosberg, Howard Martin nnd Stuart Hurwitz. Tickets are $1.
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Israel—Infant mortality among the Jewish population in 1959 was secre- 27.2 per 1,000 live births, the lowest, ever recorded.' tary. White at the conference, Mrs. Her/off will s m e as conference ruU'S ehaiminn mid wiii conduct a membership retention workshop. .Mrs. Justin Manvil/ will particiRUG a UPHOLSTERY pate in u workshop on "Work OpCLEANERS IKirtunltios for Youth." RUGS—CARPETING LAMP SHADES PRIVATE TUTORING FURNITURE
Seven t@ Represent Council in Denvsr Seven executive, board officers Schwartz, section financial
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Pic turn! a h m r ur<- <lie Mii\-BU1<ly basUrflnll JIIIMTS . . . I ront row, (lelt to rl|;lit) Jcrrj ttuldlmiim, l'lillllp Ki< li, Uan (<rc>>>siimii, Kdd'te Itululiuf'.ii.v, FratiUHn Katinnn and Murk Trustln. .Swoml row, (left to rljjlit) Stow- Nummu, Tom Vunnun, Murk. Pclieonbaum, Alun Bcrnstriti, Kon MnhisliwU, Stov« Hvriisti-in and Jvil Iloclistcr . . . Nol SIKIIVII In ]ii'tiirp is .J'llin IVpjjcr,
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