April 1, 1960

Page 1




iJulJlls»ict! every Frldity, 101 No. »j|rj omutia, Nebraska. Phono JA 13«i





Sccund Cluss Fostuge Paid at Omaha. Nobr.

Single 1C Cenll Annual Rate 4 Dollar*

Tim vital utM'ri for maintaining the network of programs for Jews In Omaha, In the (.'lilted States, overseas and In Israel keynoted the messages of Milton Alirulmins, General Clmirinuu of tlio riill:inthro[)ies (.!uni]iiiif;n and Samuel Jlaber, Kuropt'vii Director of the .Joint Distribution Committee, Tuesday »t a gathering 0/ tvorkem of tlie Women's Division. Mm. Sain I.,. li;it/.ln;iil, Women's General C'li:ilriu;iii, presided at the event wliirli was IicliI at tbn Jewish Community (enter. Tlie following presents Iligliliglils from the talks of (lie



J e w s - i l l Africa,' encties (I.efl to rignl). Miss |{:i!jili Franklin, Women's ('iiin^mign serrrtury, willi JMrs. Sam Kt:t/.»ii:in, Women's Division <ieiienil <'hairm:in nml IS. mill I*. I'o-Clmimieii, Mrn, Alice HiTgor mill iWrs. .losef Miiyrr as they lead discussion on riill.mtliro|ilc'N.


Pliilanlhiopies shared in the op- JDC.aiils Khetlo Jews in Morocco, portunity to open bright, new Tunis, Algiers and Iran, . page in history'by helping to es- There, they fight disease, saving tablish Israel which absorbed many, particularly children frpm 1,000,000 Jewish refugees. horrible, destructive diseases. Agencies an; trained organizations Maintain school lunch programs and their activities are carefulfor feeding children. A notable group of busy wom- funds when pointed out by Mrs, of God—-It might have boon- any- ly constructed to serve all por- JDC re-established program in Poen gathered );ist Sunday after- K;it~nian. one of us who survived the holo- tions of American Jewry. land in 1957 to assist repatriates noon to plan their part in Philcaust of a concent rat ion camp." There is a sub-surface o[ hostility and those Jews who survived in Six.' told the women, "let us esonthropios.' Kvery woman Offered her serv- against Jews. We are fortunate the country. tablish a bond between our local i ices, unmindful of the fact, that-.it They wore hardly tlie largest endeavors to have agencies trained to comand our serious intent i would he "a job" after her regular The organization arrived immedcampaign .unit in niiml)or hut lo build a stioni; bat such a ineimce.. bridge between us iately fit: Agadir to help fcarththeir spirit, and devotion to their Our lives are centered around pro- qualie survivors with medicine, our leilou-Jew wherever he ijob. objective, was high by any meas- and viding heritage for our children j The group is planning cocktail sleeping bags, clothes and food. ure. Member; of the liusiness and is." i supper to initiate its campaign ac- through the Omaha Religious immigrants will arrive in Professional Section'of (lie Wom- "Granted we have fulfilled our I livilies, Wednesday, April 27, bc- Schools, through the Jewish 25,000 Israel in 1960. These will come en's Division, many jfavo up their local needs," Mrs. Katzman said, j ginning at 5 p. m. at the Jewish •Community Center and Camp disinherited and dispossessed. only free afternoon of the week to "that unless we build a strong, I Community Center. Jay-C-C, Which we support. Israel's problems include the heed discuss the very important biisi- healthy people, we cannot have a Our agencies are the "survival to absorb those in shanty-towns ness of helping to achieve a great- whole world in the United States, kit" of'the Jewish people and and to provide tools and equiper job this year, simply because It Israel or any other place. we must see that they do not ment for farm .settlements and Is a new year and the needs are "In Israel, there are still one slacken. work programs. greater. out of three who lack decent 1 We guard and protect the welfare Campaign is crisis because of JewWith their Co-Chairmen, Mrs.' IIIR facilities; who have not means j of our community through the ish need to save n generation Alice Heeger and Mrs. Josef May- of earning a livelihood. We must • Home for the Aged, Family and a people. er, they met for bunch and busi- not allow these brethren of ours \ Q B e z o l e l Service and Youth Activities. The JDC is a part of the over-all ness at the home of Mrs. .Snm L. to lose hope and heart - It is for j Sherman, noted United Jewish Appeal. Kat/.man, Women's Division Gen- us to help provide them with tools s o c i o l o g i s t The women responded with great for the future. eral Chairman. w i l l speak on / ' enthusiasm to the vivid picture of Home became aware for tiie first "We cannot for one moment, al- "Changing Put- f.Philanthropies activities depleted time of the complete picture of the low ourselves to .be lulled Into terns in Amei i-[ • 5* by Mr. Abrahams and Mr. Habor. local services aided by campaign complacency—but for the grace can L i f e" on. % . The speakers were introduced Monday. A p r i l ; , by Mrs. Julius M. Cohn and Mrs. 4th. at 8 p.m. at' Morris J, Shapiro, Women's Divithe Jewish.Comsion Co-Chairmen. The address of munity Center. welcome was made by Mrs. Mike Mr. Sherman Freeman, president of the Federais Director of tion of Jewish Women's Clubs. C u l t u r a l and Presiding at the tea table were Onmhans will have an opporcontrast, Alhvell nnd Siep;- Community Mrs. Lloyd Freeman and Mrs. Harrelations for the tunity to see n collection of un- muncj Foist have created Haggaly Sidman, first and second vicousual and beautiful Haggadahs dahs along the modern art con- Labor Zionist Organization of presidents, respectively, of the from the pens and palettes of cept, bringing the text up to the America—Poale Zlon. His appeargroup. redemption of modern Israel, it ance hero will be the sixth feature many lands. on the Program of the Month. The COMMKMOKATIVE STAMPS will bo noted by visitors exatnlnAn exhibit of Haggadahs has scries, arranged by the Jewish Two postage stamps will be isbeen set up in the Jewish Com- fiig the display. Community Center, Is co-sponsor- sued by Israel on April 27 comChildren's Versions munity Center lobby In' observed by Beth El Synagogue, Beth memorating Memorial Day and the ance of the Passover holiday. The Many delightful children's Hag- Israel Synagogue, Omaha Chapter nation's twelfth anniversary. community will be interested In gadahs are on exhibit. The first of Hadassali, Workmen's Circle, This special series features wild film trip through France will seeing different versions of the illustrated Hnggadahs, actual pic- Temple Israel. B'nai B'rith Lodges flowers of Israel in multicolor and beAfeatured on the program, April Haggadah used In the Passover ture books, made their appearance and Chapters, nnd Farband Lalior are shown here with "tabs." at the Senior Citizens Lounge in Seder ritual around the world, the to *kecp the attention of the child- Zionist Order and Young Adults Subscriptions for stamps may bo 4the Jewish Community Center. An text and art varying according to ren as the hours moved by. The Council. placed at the Jewish- Community Israeli newsreel will also be shown the period and country or origin. Biblical injunction "And thou shalt tell thy son on that day," required There Is no admission charge Center. They will be sent directly and a report of delegates who at2,200 Different Editions and the program is open' to the from the Philatelic Services of Is- tended the Older Adult Conference A handbook, a prayerbook and that the entire family bo present community. raeli, in Jerusalem to subscribers. will be made. . storybook guide for the first and for tho retelling oC the Passover second nights of Passover, it Is, story. Four top post appointments next to the IJible, one of the most Both the contents and illustrahave been announced by the Youth oft-published nnd translated Jew- tions of the Haggadahs reflect the Council Division of the I960 Philish books, having appeared In vicissitudes of Jewish history. In Temple times, one of tho four anthropies Campaign. 2,200 dlferent editions. • Among the • volumes represent- questions read: "On nil other Alvin Newberg and Ethel Sabes ing an early period is the Venetian nights we eat meat, roast, stewed who served as co-chairmen during Haggadnh, a translation from roe- or toiled, whereas on this night the organization's record drive dovial Italian. It Is believed the only roast," referring to the sac last year, have been named Grand earliest Haggadahs camo off the rlflces that had to be roasted on Marshals for the Youth Council's press in the sixteenth century. the fire. 1960 drive. The Youth Counclf Throughout Jewish history; the Nostalgic itoferMico Added topped its goal of $1,000 in 1959 widespread use of the Haggadnh After the destruction of the and hopes to set a new record has facilitated the Introduction of Temple, nostalgic references to its this year, the new Grand Marshals changes nnd Innovations in Jewish future restoration were added as declared. customs and ritual. well os the bone and the egg on Stephen Guss and Susan Speier the platter of the sacrifice. The Kaufman Illuminated Book will serve as their co-chairmen. hoi's d'oeuvrcs, the rules for reAnother early copy In tho exAll four are Central High school hibit is tho Kaufman illuminated clining and wine drinking recall students. tho elaborate banquet rituals of Haggadah. Its original In the •Mrs. Mike Freeman, president Kaufman collection in tho Orien- classical antiquity transmuted into of the Federation of Jewish Womtal library of tho Hungarian Acad- a Jowlsh pattern of freedom and en's Clubs, and a long-time camemy of Sciences in Budapest. It thanksgiving. paign leader, outlined drive proIndicates a 14th century back- Tho Haggadah opens with an cedure in an orientation meeting ground with Spanish, Italian and Aramaic Invitation to the poor nnd early in the week at the home of the stranger to Join the Seder, an French Influences. Miss Sabes, echo of the golden age of BabyTho artists of Israel have deAH Youth. Council members lnlonian Jewry, During the dark veloped, a wide range of contrasttcreated In active campaign paring art media for Haggadahs. The ages of medieval Jowlsh martyrticipation are invited to contact gzyck Haggadah which Is consid- dom, thero was the Seder behind any of the persons whose appointered one of tho most beautiful oloaed doors to bo opened at the It's l'hlliuitliroplcs timo, too, for tho Youlli Council whoso I960, ments ore announced,above. ever produced, hag'a strong Ori- ond for shefokh hamatkha, for Captains end lieutenants will be ental art motif with o Btrlotly th» witry of Elijah, tho prophet lenders ore (loft to right) Etliol .Salion, Husun Kpcler, Stephen Guss (Continued on Pago 5.) announced soon. nnd Alvlu Nowberc. traditional Interpretation. In strik-

jMonday's Program Z\Ot Month Speaker Noted Sociologist

Sfamp Corner

Film on France for . Senior Citizens


Pace Two

2b* Published Every Friday by the Jenish federation of Omaha.

Double Beth B'




Admission will be $1 donation The Beth Kl Choir and ;i 12piece orchestra, members of llie? and tickets may be obtained from Omaha Symphony Orchestra, will the Heth Kl office, IIOKIH'S «r lit share honors on the [irOKram oi Scliiiiuller & Muellers. iiroflfam has been prepared b/ the syruiKOfjuo's L'lth Aiinii.'ii Con- t ^ i sThe Phil S c h w u i l i and her ctmmillet: l.'.mt'^. iidncv ictvuortj, HI. If,. cert of Jewish Music U> IK' IIIO- • Jtitjcnn, Jot) HclfnKJM, Dovici lifodkey, N,orsented Wcrlripsday, April I-I i't ! ns ftllmoJi, Or. A. G. Rlmmerman tint! j Damld Vunn Ttic colt include* MrncJ. W. 8:15 p.m. The event will lie ;<• !M Job^ilh, Norman WhMrnart, Rotitrf Wtjrjj nt-'r, M'5i Joey Margolin. Rabbi Mr*cr S. the syiiii^oKiK'. Kflpkc, Cunt&r Aejrcn I, Edfiar ond Messrs. The first h:ilf of tlio concert 1 Kichcjrd Wln.'rculJ and felcfiurd F-'ell'non. A/fmtje-rs ct n;e Ccntert Choir are Wmes. 'will, consist of syii:i»o::ue music Dan Cohen, tionr.m Ocmnbcrfj, Ucrl /•'osrovltl, A. G Rimmevrnan,- Paul Rufcark, and a variety of Jewish folk ,s.ni:;s (1 Arnold Ro-.cman, Sklnty Scliwarti, Robtri r by trm IJeth Kl choir under the .(hillcr/ lioiman Whili^an, Altin Woilson, Frances Ennan, Watlftlne Kripke, dircction of Cantor Aaron I Kdi:ar. ! WiS'.et Kcnce Rirnmcrman, tiaom] Rolhc-nUera end This will he followed by the Jollu Zuker. Alio, Drs. Sol Kuricr, Mrlvin Tlatclrnon, and //.Piirs. Horry DuBoff. presentation'of an original work Michael Kali, Jae-h Llcb, Jrrry Simon ana by KuEenu J<1S(" Siimer. American Jerome VVc'.lcnnon. Jewish composer, who will d induct the orchestra, headed by Myron Cohen. (•onc<irltiifi*l(ir. Mr. .Sinsjer will intnulnci.- ihe orchestral suite1 lie has written based on the Jewish folk play. "The Oybbuk." Tlie choir, ;i narrator, anil several readei.s, afco will talcc ptirt. The concerto rump «•<! in l'.'lhas been peiforrneil in .concerts in Israel, Kurope ami the Uniled Stales umlrr ihe flhvetion of the iii.rii composer who is well known also .Services at Heth El Synagomie :LA a violinist, pianist, and con- will bet;in at 8:15 p, m. lliibbi ductor. Mr. Sinner came to the Myer S. Kripke will deliver the United Stales in V.)17 anil be- sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Hdijar came professor of music lit Salem and the Beth Kl SynaKOKiie Choir College in West Virginia. Ho will render the musical portions founded the West Virnini.i Sym- of the service. phony Orcheslra anil toured with Sabbath morning services will the Gershwin Orchestra as violin- begin at 9:30. Thy Junior Cflnfireist and assistant conductor. He j nation at 10:30 a. m. Minchawas also a member of the Dallas Manriv will «• held at 0:'i0 p. m. Symphony Orchestra. Sunday moinini; services nt 9 a. m. in the Chapel. Dailey norviee.s arc held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. ley services arc held at 7 a. m. find p. m.

berg of Fremont; Nebraska. H~Morris Nofc'g; Nisan 18-April A hjieelul KiddiiNh wns j,'i\en In 15—Mon-is Gross and Nisan 21honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jerry April 21—Tfina Bush. ; Netrl And tmcpealnxs ftt Iht Dr. Philip Hbf-r 4rMl*U llifme l o r TUt deed by Schneider by-his parents, Mr. and tlavld OrUu\9. Mrs. Charles .Schneider. Mr. Pavid Orkow, Home SuptTMr. uml Mrs. Herald Kn^el «f inteiiilenl, was the guest speaker j Sidney, Australia visited the Home at the Council Bluffs' Synagogue j on their mnnd Ihe worJd tour, and RoIMo Rogers .Sisterhood anniversary dinner, on ' made a donation to the Home Compieio Barbcr^ng Serv'ico | synafH'K'ie in nieniory of their par.Sunday, March 21. Satisfaction Auured i ents, Mr, and Mrs. Martin KIIKC.1, Special (Jiffs—A silver cake j who peri.slu'd in Gernwny. The • SfiflmpoQi • Facials • Tonics server was pre-euted to the Home, Gerald Kneels are visiting then• Shaves * Haircutt by Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bcrcovici. uncle, Charles Krif;e'l. Appointment* Save Time 'I'lie Kaliblalrnl visiteirs .schedule Tin; Kleanor Keiosewlt H.l!.(i. GL 9284 eiitfrlained our folks on Sunday, is as follows: March :',(), Ralihi SielMarch 27, with a variely show. ney lirooks, April (>, liabbi UenTlie Chairman was Frances Mintz, jamin Croner; April M, Hahbi 6618 Elondo 8 A.M.-6 P.M. co-chairmen Shelley Reiss and Myer S. Kripke, and April 20, Diane Kiibmow ns:,isted by Fran- Hatibi David Korb. VAIIIt/KIT—Special memorial ces Jlife, Carleen Kla;;s, Sheila Hiidcrniajin, Kllen Cohn and Irene service's will bo held in tho Home synaK'Hme for the followiii);, the VVeiner. The necessary wine nutl hraiuly anniversary of whoso death is r e for the April Sabbath services was inemhnrcd lurini; the month of donated by: Mr. and Mrs. Hymun Nisau: Js'Jsan 8-April 5 Gussic Ilelmtm, Mr. and Mrs. Ixmis Soni- Oniniz; ^f1s!l)l L5-April 12 -Dr. berij and 'Mr, and Mrs. Sam W'cin- Manuel Grodinsky; Ni.san 17-April , the only brand produced and bottled In Famed Rishon-le-Zion

Judged superior for tender care of your silver

M.TJI ISKAKII'tabbi Benjamin Oroner, Cantor Eli KaRan, the members o£ AXA No. 1 and the Heth Israel Choir will conduct the Friday evening I vening family services nt 8 p. tn. j Traditional Friday evening scrv-\ ces (Knbolas Shablms). begin at G:.'«J p. m. Shiibbos' morning services bt:f;iiJ ;il 8:45 a. m. at 52nd and Charles Streets and at 0 a. m. at-19th nnd Biirt Streets. Junior ConKiogation at 9:45 a. m. Rabbi Gronor will conduct the Talmud class at 6 p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 6:30 p. m. ollowed by Sholosh Scudos and Maariv. Sunday morninK services at 8:H0 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday morning Junior Minyon at 8:30 a. m. followed by breakfast. Daily services at 7 a. m. and :45 p. m. WNAI JACOB ADAS VKSIIIiKON' Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas Yeshuron. .will begin Friday at 5:45 p. m. and Saturday at 8;.'!0 a. m, with Mincha at 5:45 p. m. followed by Sholosh S'euilos. Daily services at 6:30 a. m. and 6 p. m.

Washes and Polishes In ono operation Judged superior to % other polishes by leading home tnaf^zina — So tail you' II be amazti — yrt giurmilicattit—tamless to French g«f Toamhg fiction •— ujthes tarnish down tic drain — He rubbfag—iusfwaih silver lighily Silver rinses cltan — no dried deposits in pattern!, on lingers — so jpotling — no soiled doihs Dry light j to rich, heirloom Iuslr« tveh is joa'ie never seen — Wild, non-abrasive — pleasant od«f Lftvii bunds soil, loot W H /.v. ir — ..k l.r M.«.rtj'» i rh • I H i l A Darton Sllyoromllha Merln Boor


Friday, April 1, 1000

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Second Closs Poilaqe Paid at Onicha. llebr. Annual bUDscrlptJon, U.00. AdvtrNstnrj Rates en Application. PubllcoJion Ollice^lUl No 7Gtti Strcel. Oriiofta Hebr,- JAck.*an 13W.



Friday evening,. April 1 services will be held at Temple Israel at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will officiate and the Temple Choir will render the musical portion. Following services, Rabbi Brooks will lead a disscusion on decisions of Judaism. His topic will be "To Admit Or Avoid Sinfulness"—Faith in Human Nature. Saturday, April 2 services will begin at 11:30 a. m. The Religious School choir will render The musical p m

Dedications A monument will be dedicated to the memory-of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Vann at services, Sunday, April 3, at 2 p. m. at Beth El Cemetery, A monument will be dedicated Sunday, April 8 at 3 p. m. to the memory of Harry- Dolgoff at Mt, Sinai Cemetery.



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Friday, April 1, 1069

Pago Tlirea


Hnrold B. Kort was named Uiv ban Renewal Administrator in aw announcement by Mayor John Rosenblatt

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged (The Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Aged acknowledges the following memorials and donations, j


In Memory of


Mr. ond Mrs. Bon I '. Lewis nnMr. ond Mrs. Htrt>crt Forbes Soul Fellmun, Som Epstein Or, Max Fleishman, Mr. and Mm. Reuben Drown, Mr, end Mrs. foul Vcret, B M I Shapiro , , Mrs. Anna Diumontliol fAaton noiince the enfj.-iKoineiit of their Mr und Mrs, Paul Veret, Ben Shapiro, Mr. and W n , Abe Goldstein, Ml. ond Mrs. tltiMiim tii.')!J ' Mrs, Hoe Gordon dtuightor, Nancy Pamela to Mike Mr, tmd Mrs. Puul Vcret, /Am. Leonurd Kietrt Jacob Shapiro Mr. nnd Mr',, f'uuf Vcrel, Ben Shapiro Ma/ 1 ro^lilenliprij Lazer, son of, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doroth/ Hayes -•> *' .•• .Mike Davidson Lnzer. Tlip betrutluil was made Ucn bhaplro, Mr. one! Mrs, Mike Freeman, Thomas R| and Ellen Ml. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Un;\\on Noyy ......Hyman f-'efer known nt H recent family dinner Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vercf Mrs. Sylvia Goadbinder Urn Shoplro Mrs. Esther Chescn, E(!yar Collot «t the home of the bribe's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Abo Goldstein Lor Chapman Mrs, Sol tiny?, Dr. ut\<l Mrs. Ben Sliifzky, Mr. ond Mrs. Ernest N6fjg . . . I . H. Cticrniss Miss Lewis and lier fiance are Mr. and Mrs, Marks Lorlp, Mr. end Mrs, David Orkov/, Mr, and Mrs. EtTifc*t Notjtj, McKt^oti und HobWns, Orug Division ......Win, St.ru}, Rlmjie Mr. and Mrs.'Mcim Goklman, fAr. unti Wrs. l.uvucnr.0 5. Simon, (Oakland, Caiif.), Mr. tmtJ Mr:, Sol t.ciscr, (Son Francisco, Calif.), Ben Mmpira, Mr. and Mrs. HuHian Nona, Mr. ond Mrs. Ernest tfauy. Alan N&ga, Wr. and Mr;,. Oean Fiunkcl Reuben Kulakofiky Mr. ond Mrs Marvin Fox Ben Wine

both students at the University of Nebraska at. Lincoln. The bride-tobi. previously attended the University of Ohio at Columbus where she was affiliated with Sigma Ueltu Tail Sorority. Mr. Lazer_i.s a member of. Zcli\ Betu Tan fraternity. Aufjiiiit 28 has been selected as the date of the wedding.

Young Adtalfs fo Sea

In Honor of


Mrs. H, Franklin. Mil* Kuloli Franklin, Mr. fine) Mrs. Mike Freeman . 40IM wrticiing annivoritiiy of tAr. rjnd Mrs, Harry Jru'.tln tM. ond Mrs Mlltcn Yudolsofl recovery of Henry Grcenberci Mr. ond Mrt Mike Freeman 90m birttiday of Jo-.fuh Moykin

Synagogue Contributions,

Mrs. f.oroh Silver and (tie Kof.irufcy family Epilcfn Paper and Mc-ttjl Co Mri

IJO'.e rrlcaVri

.In nnnnory of f/.rs. Ann Fisher In'mciviory of H/inlo flpstuin T T Ychrjpil n( dcr nuilhpr

Mrs. Horry Koplnri for Yotincll "I l i e mother1 Mr. and Mrs, t/'itK ^chcufrnian, Morris f'osicr, Scini Fhh, Sain Colnic, Hen Meycrson, Hc-rnian Nichols. Mr, nnd M'-,. David Orkov/

Synagogue Memorial Plaques Samupt Grfcnljcrf). Roif? Grcrnljerg, Jacob Shcifiro

Temple Women on April 5 Mrs. Hai-iieU-p"" I!. Hi-Jckner of | ; (', 1 o v P 1 a 11 d, i- O., N a t i o n ii 1 F c (1 ^ i' n t i o n of 'I' iiiilo S i s -

The Twisted Cross, documentary liiuAvinj' the vise nnd fall <>V Nazi (Jemwiiy will he shown on 'l'tiesday, April 5 at H p. m. at tl>c Jcwish C'omiiuiiiity Center. Tl\is movie was compiled from captured Germany Army film and has bi'on highly praised for its authenticity. Table tennis, table names and n social hour will follow the movie. All young adults arc invited to utti-ml the V. A. Nil i»; which are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.

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' I Sisterhoods i\n<l u'iis llir> oi'Kuiiizor find first Pif.sidfiil of HIP first loforiii Kisk'tliMicl in Cinada. She IK an honorary trustee of the FnirMr. and Mrs. Israel Lessak of mouiit 'IV.'iniilo in CICVPL-IIKI, wlie-re Minneapolis, Minn,, announce the IUT luisli.-iiul the Into Iliibhl I'.ai-- enKiijjetnt'nt of Ilieir daughter, •tprlionils IOIIIIIT, nctt UricltniM" served for many Harriet to Sidney Klopper, son of will IJO tlitf unfit i -« Mr. and Mrs. Abraham KIoj)per. yenvs. . a p i' ;i It (? r a t » Mr. Klopper, n graduate of the I.iinclicon chiiii'inpii are Mini's. ; lunclu'on uieet-f- 'Hiimlil PolliieU and Miiyimrd University of Omaha, Is at present iiiC or TiVmplel r „ i^. CJirenhcrf,', Mines. Hornard Alt- doing graduate study at the UniI s nr ai ce l .SIst<T-l Sisier- f^*^ X sulcr and Maurico Ai'osty will versity of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Iviml, April 5 niL_£_?** ' 123 handle table sptlimj.s. HeKri-vations He Is affiliated with Phi Alpha ]'.!::«)) p.tn.'nt p.tn.nt UlC'** U l *-*** C * may l»; in.'ide by culling Mm. Theta, Alpha Epsilon Pi nnd Phi Temple. Her suli- M Mrs.B Brlrktirr jocl will he "World Union for Pro- Joseph Ooliltt'HTO, RV. 7.'!45, Mrs. Delta Kappa fraternities. John . Tollc ('A 05W) or 'I'eniplc gressive .IndaiMii." n<'le|;atioii.s from Lincoln, Sioux Office IIK 65:iU. Mrs. Ktluard l.evinsoii, outfjoing City, la., and lies Moine.s, fa., will attend 1lie program wjilch will pifwiilout. will conduct the iraetulsn include the election and in- InC (itul the K):.'5O a.m. board meetin f,'. stallation of new officers. Combining 3 Well-Known Stands Mrs. Hiioluier is it member of the National Federation of Temple Popular Wilh All Smatl Homemakefs! Sisterhoods Hoard and chairman of its committee on World Union •Susie Gilinsky, Central high for Progressive Judaism. She has school student, was c r o w n e d been a vice-president of District Sweetheart of lionu Chapter of No. C, Ohio Federation of Temple Aleph Zadek Alcph Satu'rdny mulit at.the organization's Jance nt tho Town 'Hou.se. Miss Gilinsky Is the daughter of Mr. antl Mrs. Sliidrt All friends onrt relatives are Gilinsky. Invited to nttcnrt scrvicca and rcreptlnn.


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llrrc ii MOW ,u.lny, MOKI! •rairlotl], MOHF titwuly in H ilitiner vnicnlbl* Ihih you rute ever Kin at thil low prict. A comjilfltv •trvici fur eight including 50 pitcti Wm. Hp S l l i r « f « , . . , 61 picoei y , Smtltt m l Tiylor Dinnerware and 32 pirctl Anchor Hocking glaiiwuc. Don't mill (till (frtst i^uluf

Sunday, Center

Neil Gcndler, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Gendler will observe A special meetlnfj has bten set his Bar Mitzvali at Beth El Syna- for oil players desining to play gogue on Kridny cveninK, April 1 with the Jewish Community Cennnd Saturdny' morning, April 2, ter Softball team, to bo held at the Center gymnasium Sunday, April SHKII.A BLOOM 3, 3 p.'tn. . w o r m HATNi:it The JCCwill field a team this <;AIIOL KHIOUMAN' season In the'Omnha Softball AsOu-oJ Sherman, dauRhte" of Mr. sociation In the Class "A" club and Mre. Leo Sherman; Judith league with I.indy Paul and Cy liatner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scitchick as coaches. Knbln Hatner and Sheila Bloom, All candidates arc urged to atdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton tend in order thnt they can be Bloom will join in their Ban Mltz- measured for uniforms nnd obtain viih celebration at Beth Israel Sy- the necessary information concernnagogue on Friday, April 8. ing the league.

Ma'am! I'.vcryltilni you »« on Ilils Inbla Ii youri, n complola harmonizing service for 8 . . . fevcry plect ftnoronttod first quatlcyl it pleat Dlnntmore by TAYLOR, SMITH • TAYIOA

Y' KC'HBAOEK Mr. and Mrs. Jack SchrngDr nnnounce the Bar Mltzvah of their son, Uarley Schrager, on Friday evening, April 8 and - Saturday morning, April 9 at Beth El Synagogue.

Mrs. IU>so Kcrer'WIHIICR to tlmnlc nil tier friends mid relatives for tho many glflH, flowers and donation* given la Iior nnmo In honor of hnr recovery.

ctrtmie dilwtlwatl. OriQ.|iroolt DOirgfai.prooll Won't c r i u t Stl comUtiefi

i» I li.lncn dinner ptatea * 8 ailad plalia Albraad and butltr ptatta * • faa cupa w 8 in atuctra * I aoup plalta * I daamt dlili*i. * Cor*r*d Craamtt < * Vajatabla ton]

K plttit Slivcnvan In WM. A. ROOtat Sectional Sllvcrplal* ay OHH0A ITS. KViaiMmi, milk utt* uethnl fl/nr ftr UJiHmt pnUtlhn

itu»1 Dinair knlvf i h»n tu>U«W Ut ooniltfl of] » 16 Tmpoon


Glass wara by ANCHOR HOCKtNO

clear gUiiwat* [ft ftuidtoot latljr cut diiljjn, S*t cooiittl oft * S tall fc#d b«rtriS# filaiHS * I Ju * 8 w«t*r ftiamt A B foottd •h

J. 1.. Ilrandctln & Koim 10th and Douelu*, Onmhu, Ncbr.


Page Four


April 1, 1800

Mr. and Mrs. Perry London end children of Champaign, 111., will arrive in Omaha April 10 to be Jewish the Kuests of the former's partnts, Mr. und Mrs. Max London. Mr.

with fear, anxiety and trepidation the very heart of tlic By Nathan Sijiorln that the world looks forward to a dream. By ttie time this appeal's in pronouncement from its summitIt was good that Hen Gurion print, Premier Ben Gurioii will be rrien. But. here was an intellectual home; his prognosticators having and spiritual unfolding of highly followed in the tradition of Jewfollowed him with predictions as redemptive quality.. Here was ish leanUm; at his Bramlo.ts appearance. He could have given tho he pursued his way to 1-ondon and Jacob's voice at its best. country an image of an Israeli Paris and other chancellories Ben Curlon Is a twcntietli-ceii- statesman. Instead he chose the whose doors are open to Israel. <ury man, but lie was a man of tlu> This writer, frankly, is lacking <enturl«H us hp stood on (lie podi- greater symbol, epitomizing Jewpolitical competence to make pre- um evpoiiiiiiiiiKf ethical values and ish learning. Jewish erudition and dictions on the basis of conjectural the "mesKiunie vision" that in of the moral and spiritual values that are of the very pattern of Israel. facts. It is difficult enough to be a prophet on the basis of real "facts" let alone on speculation. We are reminded of the reply a famed chassidic ralibi (save- to u chassid who wantetl the rabbi to tell Mm when Messiah would conic. "Those who know, keep it a secret, and those who lalk do JIOI know," replied the rabbi. It is virtually exiomatie Unit Mr. Hen Gurion did not come to this country merely to receive an honorary degree. The true motivation will eruTge In due tiini\ and it may be wiser perhaps lo avoid speculating about so serious it s>ui[>ow. There are times when silence is a virtue, talking a crime. The classic example is the Talmurlic adage that •'everybody knows why a bride goes to the ehupah, but whoever Utters it loses his share of the hereafter." Majestic Kxpr*»s?>Ion Whatever the political implications and consequences of Hen (Jurion's visit to the United States, the outstanding fact was that his presence brought much needed radiance to a community that is all-too-frcqiicntly searr-d by mediocrity. The quality w« Kern-rally , come to expect in a political figure is statesmanship. But here wns ' the head "of a state who brought I to his taks not only diplomacy, j • but t-rudition, love of tome, and classics, knowledge of history and love of Bible and man's ancient record in. many lands. Ben Gurion's theme at Waltham wns extolinc of human and moral values, a theme that can be the mo.*>t banal in the world under incompetent semantics. But under the Premier's touch it emerged a majestic expression because he drew It front the clear waters of the ancient well. Too oflen these davs it is

London Is on 4he teaching ttaff at the University of Illinois. Buy what, you need through the Want Ads.

'8 ft

\e Beauty of Your Seder Table v/ill be enhanced by from i


CENTERPIECE for the Passover Table or

Remember Your Hostess Wifh Flowers by calling

mi 657 North 50fh Sfreot

WA 2442


Capt. and Mrs. J. Joel Milder of Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, announce the birth of their first child, David Geoffiy on March 24, Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zalin of Columbia, S. C , and'Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milder. Mrs. Helen Bolker of Beverly Hills, Cal., is the paternal great-grandmother.


; •

Writing Award to Former Omaiiean Gene Telpner, former Omaha newspaperman, has won the Western Canada newspaper writers award for a story concerning a dying woman's donation of her eyes—a gift which brought sight to two blinjl men. Mr. Telpner, feature editor of the Winnipeg, Man. Free Press, will be formally presented with tho award at a dinner. May 13 in Winnipeg.


Deaths SAM GORELICK Funeral services were held Wednesday a t the Jewish Funeral Home for Sam Gorelick, 66, former Omahan, who died Sunday in Los Angeles, Cal., where he had Jived since June. A resident of Omaha 50 years, he was the former owner of the O. P. Skaggs System 'grocery stores. He was a World War I veteran, a member of the American Legion, B'nai B'rith and the South Omaha B'nal Avrum synagogue. * . Surviving are wife, Pear), daughters, Mrs. Louis Singer, Los An geles; Mrs. S'elwyn Hoffman, Mrs. Bennett Fisfrtiain, Omaha; sister, Mrs. Israel Katzman, Los Angeles; brother Ben, Omaha, and eight grandchildren. Burial was in E'nai Avrum Cemetery.

MAN I •it


Friday, April J , JSOO



4Ll.~ -..H:


Fag* Flc*


soring the meeting are Farhand, Pioneer Women, Workmen Circle Haggadcsh Exhibit (Continued from Papo, 1) and Jewish War Veterans. MOTH GET TOLLS All other groups Interested me of latter-day vengeance, or ia enJJETII E l , PASSOVEH invited to send representatives to sure also that no informer lurked INSTITUTE Beth El will hold a P.-issovtr the meeting. outside. Institute Monday, April 4 from 8 Israeli Army Adaptation t>. m. to 10 p. m. at the .synagogue. PASSOVKK THEME AT The impact of modern Israel has Kflbbi Mycr .S. Krlpke will cliscu.s.s IJKTII I.SKAKL MKKTING "Passover in IliKh Focus" is the also found its expression in 'the Boiler service with men in one tnsiiion and Mrs. Kriplcc will meet theme of the Hrlh Israel Sisler- Ha(;gadah used, by I lie Isr.-iel with the women on "making the hood luncheon meeting to be held Army and Kibbutzim. Based on holiday more meaningful." The on Tuesday, April 5, at 12:30 pjn. an ancient version, one of the examples in the Center display betwo groups will join Inter under in the syiia!;o[',ue social, hall. u'ms with the words; "Yesterday the direction of Cantor Aaron I. .Sam .Stone, education director, we were slaves; today we are free K'l|;-'ir to practice traditional mel- will present, the first portion of men" and in the Grace these solodies. the program, which will bo fol- diers, of Jewish renaissance add Other features will be » "Iteclpe lowed by si presentation of tradi- "May the All-merciful bless the "«nd Taste" table to be supervised tional songs siint; by Mrs. Alfred slat*" of Israel . . . " by Mmos. Ted Sanford and Sol Frank and Cantor Eli KHKWI. Many other Hacyadah of note, Crandell and . an Informational The nominating committee com- on exhibit, are part of tho Center pamphlet Jiropnvcil by Mrs. Hairy posed of Mines. Sidney. Goldberg, Library collection. Wise Jr. ' chairman: Louis Slporin, Don CoAn institute committee headed hen Albeit Sorkiil and Nathan Jerusalem (JTA)—The former \>y Mr. mid Mrs. Jack J.Juitcli in- Marcus will submit the following President of West Germany, I'rocludes: Mmes. Hichard Martin, slate of nominations for election. fessor Theodore Ileuss, is due to » And no wonder! Only Max Bittner, Irvine Pomerantz, Alines. Alfred Frank, president; precious whitefish has such an irresistibly delicate flavor. Hubert HownWoom, Alick Altmmi; Harold Zellnsky, first vice-presi- arrive in Israel on May 3 for a three-week vin-otficial visit. Kurt Jlli'schiiiKor, Hy Gendler, dent; George. Schapiro, second It's so"tender...so tttsty...so Incredibly Walter Woskoff, Harold Fox, Joel vice-president; Arlhur Pnrihnan, delicious! Share its tantalizing goodness Hclfman and Messrs. Hichard Win- third vice-president; D. W. Frank, your family and guests. <gj PAHEVE tronb, Jerry Freeman, Ernie Noyg. treasurer; Heuljen Hatncr, RecordKOSIIKII ron PASSOVER Also, Messrs. and Mines. Louis ing secretary; Morris Shapiro, "Magailno Specialist" Paul, Harold Novak, Stutirt Gott- Herbert Meiches, corresponding New or Renewals at lieb and V>vs. and Mines. Norman secretaries; Irving Charney, MarLowest Quoted Prices! Milgram and J. I.ewia Y/iftcr. tin Herzoff, financial secretaries; COMBINATION SPECIAL Mmes. Moiion Brett, Maxwell Sum Katzman, Sidney Goldberg, 1 Yr.—Saturday tfBgFA Giant and David Frederick will lie Izadore Elewitz, directors. Evening Post $ f 50 hostesses for the serving of reHaby sitter services will be pro- 1 Yr.—Ladies freshments. vided. Reservation may be made Home Journal with Mmes. Barney Grey, Milton FATHEITS DAY IN MAYt DELUXE QEFIUTE FJSH HBNllY MONSHY TO SHOW Cackin or Hyman Lvibman. Order Now . , .Special FILM AT MKKTIKG From the spotlett kltchem of Mothor'e food Products, Inc. • Newark 8, H, i , Gift Cards Sent, Handwritten The B'nai B'rilh Henry Monsky IJRANDKIS HOAItU MEBTS WA 6742 440 No. i l i f St, Chapter No. 470 will hold their AT BF.KCOVICI HOME regular luncheon meeting, WedTlie Board of Opiaha Chnptcr nesday, April 24, at 12:30 p.m. at Drandeis University N n t i o n a I the Jewish Community Center. Women's Committee will meet Featured a t this meeting will Monday. April 4, 10 a.m., nt the l)e a film "Mine Eyes Have Seen," home of Mrs. M. A. Bcrcovici, an armchair trip through Israel. 6492 Cumin*; Street. Offered by Election' of officers will also take NKBlt. CHAPTER 310 place. fiescrvations may be made with MKKTING, AI'KIL 6 The NohrnsUn Chapter No. Mli Mrs. Bernard Slegler or Mrs. of H'nai B'rith will hold its memFrank Sek.ir, A Klale of officers will ha pre- liership meeting, Wednesday, April sented by tin; nominal ing com- (i at 8:30 p.m. nt the home of Mrs. mittee composed of Mrs. Harry Kdward Uultfioek, 5011 Western. 1619 N O . 24TH STREET Smith, chairman, and Mmes. Sam Pollak, Bernard Siecler, Richard PAKIiAND IJINNKB •Wright, Sidney. Kwatlnk and Bon SIINOAY, C'KNTKU L. Katz oC I-O8 Angles, CaSif., CHECK THE ITEMS YOU WANT FOR PASSOVER Blatt. will speak at the 7 p.m. Fati);ind dinner mectinfl, Sunday, April 3 HOMIIAV DANCING CJX'B The Holiday Dancing Club will .X the Jewish Community Center. hold its spring dinner dance, Sat- He will speak on "PlnsUI, the ArtPurs Cccf USDA Choice Standing Rib urday evening April 9 at the Slier-, ist and the Man." Mrs, Millon Nciirenhci'K wil " fcton-Fontcnello- Hotel. Lb present a program of Jewish tfilk M b . Chub Koncs, nnd Max neizhaum wil COJJFBICKNX'E TO I'I,AN MEMOIUAT' SEICVICK read cxcrpts'of the works of Davit Whole Boneless Oeef A conference will bo held Tues- Pinslti. <)ny, April 4 a t 8 p.m. nt the Jew- In charge of dinner arrange Mb, Lb. . . ish Community Center, to arrange ments ure Mmes. 'Isadore Forbes for the annual event marking the and Max Flewlowltz. Mrs. Sun' Heavy Native Steer Uprising of the Jews in the War-Rlfkln will accept •'reiiewatloii! 1-Lb. Chub «aw Ghetto. Organizations spon- until 7 p.m. April 1, at HA 4030

"I prefer pure whitefish...

Helen A. HernsSesn







Knockwurst 79c



We Will Carry All Items to Complete Your Holiday Menu Featuring . . .


ROAST». 69c

TONGUES *.. 55c Selected Yearling Beef

Corn-Beef Lb: 1.79




Corn Beef Lb 1.10



Meaty Rib


6-ox. Pkg.

Lb. . .

Beef Fry 55c 4-ox. Pkg.





Horowitx Margaretcn

119 We

have Passover butter, lour cream,


milk—-Kosher for Passover—under

Matzos and All

personal supervision o f R a b b i Nathan Feldman.

At Your Door or Favorite Store

Fide© Your Order Now

Eviscerated Hen

Horowitz Margaroton


Kosher for Passover Products at Prices Thaf

Will Please You!

TURKEYS u . 75c Eviscerated Tom

Lb, . Eviscerated Lb. Also Complete Line off Fresh Dressed Hens, Springers and Fryert

To i e Assured of Full Selection Sttop Early Wo Retcrva Right to Limit puantltioj

Call RE 4444 or Your Grocer (Nofe: These Products Are Limited In Quantity)

WE 2916

J A 0736



Pago Six

Friday, April 1, 1000




Arthur Mu.skin Julius Ncu-man Jennie Jiosenblu.tt Charles Iloss Iio.se .Schik Phillip D. Schwartz Kaiinin .Sherman I-iouis Sohrin Anne Soskin Marian Yawilz Misses Rebecca Hercoviei Hess Illank

Mines: Duva Becker Isadoro Damlcy Eli/ulK'th Fried David Greenbm-jj Ben Hen>hom These are the women who have jjaitfn fora all Jewish needs — in among tlio ranks of Omuhn wom- Julia Jacobs Israel, in America, and in Oma- en, by currying the message of Jean Kaplan volunteered this year as workers ha. Thi-y have undertaken to see the campaign lo some 2,400 womEddie Kuviteh 111 a most crucial and critical cam- ilirouj,'h the campaign, merry j en in the community. Carl Lawman Sam 1/t-iik I.e Morisse Abe Mozer Mrs. Sam I,, Kat/man

General Chairman

Joyce Canar Lee GrccuberK Klizabelh Hart Jane Kohl Kvclyn I-evy Fayna Manvitz Sylvia Parilman Dorothy Kosenthal Lillian Slutzky Ida .Spring Dorothy Weinor Julia Zuker

his research for his Ph. D. in TheOmahans in News\ oretical Physios.


.Mrs. Alan Wolfsnn will serve as | Mr. and Mrs. Heeger and their secretary anil Mr>. Stanley Her- j son Holer Scott, reside in Albany, zoff, as u board inemlier of the Calif. Mrs. Heeger is the former newly organized Nebraska I-'oun- Hiithann Chudacolf, dauchter of (lalion for the \'isually Hantii-' Mr. nml Mm. Marry ( hudaeoff. capped. i Patronize Our Advertisers Mesdames Seymour A b r a m s, H a u s m a n . Martin Iloi/ufl, Kriicst, bin R a l n e r , S a m Kosenstelti, S u m j Henry Appel, Abe Bear, Ii-vint: W. J. Jloehsler, Il.m-.-piil Kaplan. La- j Rothenlier;,', Meyer Rubin, Georf.-e j Daniel Zi-ff. son of Mr. and Mrs. ,;„.,,,, Sehwil,.,z „ „ , . . , lien JM. Zrlf, lias fompleted his j Charney, Isadore Kleuilz, Harry / a r Kaplan, Morris K Kirshen- S ( . h , FOR SALE Leonard hulakush.KV, Hob- i , , ,, . , ,,. , ' lour of ai'iny service a t - C a m p ! Ferenstein, Maurice M. Fleischl, ezamn, 1 s 1m 5128 Franklin St. n II. Levin,.. Kdw.-ifd Levinw.n l ^' " ' " ' . M^'I'-'.v J. SlosburK, f lOrdnn, Georgia, and has joined ; Alfred Frank, Morton Frank, Max Davitl II. l.i'wis, Lou Le-.i-is, Mor-! Marvin T a x m a n , P a u l V e i e l , I floor, 5-room brick, expandFronikin, Irviu Gendler, Sidney ri.s Lipp. St.-mfin-d l.ip.^-y, .Max M.j David D. Wt-inber);. H a r r y I). the slaff of the Waiilft'c.-m Newsj able aftic, spacious kitchon, Sun at Wauke^'an, HI. Goldberg, .Samuel Goodman, Sam j Moskov.iU, M a \ N o v a k , f.lene j Wi^odsky, Phineas W i n t r o u b , Alc a r p e t i n g , fireplace, tile Mr. Zefl i.s a ]!).")« graduate of II. Green, Paul Grossman, Norman OshiTOlf, Sydney Osleu , David i bert I.. Wohlner, .lack Wolpa, and the Univi-rsily ol New Mexico, j bath. Iliihn, Sheldon J. Harris, Henry i (.'. I'lati, William Jtailu/.iner, liti-i Harold Zelinsky. where lie was alfilialed with I'i ' Closo to Synagogue and Har'Kappa Alpha Alpha and .Sigma j rison school. KE 7238 Delta Chi. .Journalism fraternity. I PL 1015 Jle received his decree of Master' Mines: Mines: of .Journalism Science Irom NorlliMines: *.r Mines: westein I'niversity in MCiit. j Owner moving fo larger houio. Millnrd Rosenljei-K Manuel Krupinsky In-ins \V. ForU-s Milton Abrahams V/fltiH quick tale. Philip Rosenblatt Arthur K'ulaliofsky Albert Fox Arthur Abrams A/.'U' <iuil .Mrs. Allan Paul Cut-I Saul Rosinslty Alexander 1). Frimk J. Harry Kulakof.sky Alvin -Abramson ler, former Oniabans aie now re.! Harry RuU-nsiein Maurice Frank Louis Kulakof.sky Isadore Abramson sitling in' San Antonio, 'J'e.v. Air-' Arlhur Rubin Herman Franklin Max Lnshinsky Lawrence All)ert man Cutler, now stationed at the; Reuben Saniani Mike Freeman Milton Lehr Io'irltlitml Air Force li.-ice, is the j Louis Alberl Donald II. Sclioenbitum Arthur Friedman William Levey son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cutler, i William Alberts Sitlney .Schwartz Herman Friedman Irvin C. Levin His will-, the former Mnrlys Lynn j • Maurice Alperin Richard Seilner Isadora Friedman Jack M. Levin Isaek is |hc daughter of Mr. and | Bernard Altsuler St;ji.nle\" .Shajjiro Jacob J. Friedman Isid'ir Le\inson Mrs. Joe Ispdc. ' Leonaid Shelton Harry Altsuler Lloyd Friedman Irvini; L. Lincoln David Sherman Maurice Arcj;ty Alan .Jay Heeger, son of Mr.**. Jack Frileck Norman K. Lincoln Ii-\ in Sherman Lewis Asbyll Alice Ileeger, has been awarded a Joseph II. Freeman Sheldon Lincoln Hiiro' Shraco National Scienci.' Foundation Fel-, Herman Auerbach Allx.-rt Garber Louis K. Lipji •Sam Shyken lowship for the year HMMil. Mr. j Killed Daily Sam Ban Haroltl GarlMT Harry Lippett Bernard .Siecler Heeger is a grailuate student at ' Lloyd Bank Charles Garetz Robert Silver Hubeil Lippett the University of California nt Harry BaBsman H. Lee Gendler 1314 N. 24th AT 4977 Robert Silverman Harvey Lipsiiian IJerkrley, where he is completing Julian Baurnel Phil Gereiick Edwairl Simon William I^)hnnan Sam E. Gilinsky Hymen Belman En-in Simon Kdil N. Louis Nathan Gimple M. A, Bercovici Ray Simon I'hilip Lulimau Arthur H. Goldstein Pavid Bernstein Stuart Simon Kdward Malashoek Hennan Goldstein Milton Simons Joseph Bernstein Irvine Malashock I>'onard Goldstein Ixiuis Siporin I-.ee Bernstein Aiji* H. Marcus for Josejili Goldware Harolil Slosburg Ralph Biniamow LeMer Marcus Dan Gordman Norman Smeerin Boys and Girli (6-12) Wax Bittner Natlian Marcus Yale (Jotsdiner Louis .So^olow J5avid Blacker APRIL 14 and 15 J. Milton Margolin I-eotiard Gould. Morton Soiref 1 to 4 p.m. Paul Blotcky Millard Margolin Saul M. Graetz John .Solomon at the I^ouis Blumkin Morris Margolin I-ouis Somliei-fj Joe Gratz )a Jewish Community Center Herman Bondarin Alfred S. Mayer Hubert Sommer Arthur M. Green Reuben Bordy Howard Milder Alfred Sophir Abraham. GreenbeiK • Trips • Games • Swimming ° Entertainment Donald Brodkcy Jerome Milder Millard Speier Biijce Greenl)erfi 0 Gymnastic Display ° Special Movies •Edward D. Brodkcy Oi-vel Milder Morris Stnlmaster David CJreenlMTK Kvu Stein Edward. E. Brodkey Ted Monasee Henry fJreenberj; Julius A. Stein Stuart Muskin Kdwin E. Brodkey Joe J. GreenlxTK Marvin Steinberg Milton Nearenberg Fred D. Brodkey Maynard Greenberff Sam .S. Steinberg Elizabeth Neveleff Sam M. Greenberg Harold B. Brodkey Carefully Selected Counselors Arnold Stern • !M. H. Brodkey AIlx>rt B. Newman Arthur M. Greene 50c Each Day or 75c Both Days Charles Stern Marvin Brookstein Max Greenfield Calvin M. Newman Sam H. Stern I'.ueben H. Brown Mail in Your Registration Today David B. Gross Henry A. Newman Donald Sturm Louis Canar Gerald Gross Jack Newman Oscar Sutin It. Max Canar S. Elmer Gross Jules M. Newman Isadore M. Tretiak 'Frederick Cassraan Morris Grossman Sam S. Newman Atlolj>l) 'frost

Mrs. Julius M. Odin. Mrs. Morris J.. Shapiro, and Mis. Nathan Turner.



Haney—RE 1020


Passover Garnival-Passover Goodies

Pavid M. Cliapman Paniel Cohen Harry B. Cohen Jack B. Cohen .Michael Cohen Arthur A. Colin Konnett Cohn pave Cohn Seymour Cohn Louis Cutler Arthur Davidson panmel H. Davi* Gorman Denenberg Pernard Diamond flan-y DuBoff Jack Duitch JLco Eisenstatt Daniel Englandor /•• *Sam Epstein •Morris Erman Robert Faier David Feder Robert Feinberg Albert Feldman Maurice Feldman . AbeC. Fellman Leon Fellman Morris C. Follmon •••. Alfred Fiedler Ben Fisher Stanley Fislc

Charles Guss Joe Guss Ben Handler Joel Helfnmn Stanley Her/off Morton Hiller Bernard Hockenberg Joe Hornstein J. M. Horwich Jack Jacobson Louis Jess William Kaiman Sam S. Kaplan Harold Karp Nathan Kartman Harold Kasin Abe Katelman Stanley Katelman Morris Katleman Louis Katz Daniel Katzman Dave Katzman Julius Katzman Jack Kaufman Joseph Kirshenbaum Kevee Kirshenbaum Robert H. Kooper David L. Krantz Manfred Kreitsteln

E. I*eo Nogp, Emest A. Noijg . Ernie Nogu F , Ralph NOKK

Nathan L. Nogg

Nathan Novak . Beulah Perclman Floyd Perimeter Stanley Perimeter Alex- Plotkin Harold Pollack Jerome Raduzlner Harry Ravltz David Rice Joe M. Rice Norman Rico Eugene Rich Morton A. Richards Yale Richards Henry Rlekes Sam Rifkin Albert Rimmerman Aaron Rips N. Julian Rips David Romanik Ben Rosen Edward Z. Rosen Jerold Rosen David Rosenbaum Meyer Rpsenbaum

Harry Trustin Yule Trustin Sam Turkel Donald Vann Milton Waldbaum Jerome Wnsscrman James Wax I^eo Waxenljerg Herbert Weil Albert Weinberf; Harold Weinhoff Harl WeJKs Ira Whitebook E. I. Widman George Wilson David Wine Herbert Wintroub Allen S. Wohlncr Bernhardt Wolf Samuel N. Wolf Richard Wright Sam Zacharia Allen Zalkin Sam Zwelback Misses Sarah Gilinsky Fannie Grodinsky Rose.Grodinsky

Business & Professional Unit Co-Chairmen Mrs. Alice lleeger and Mm. Josef Mayer

7030 Dodge

TE 3207

In Beverly

Fancy Foods

Hills Plow

and Delicatessen


All Varieties

' Complete Selection of Fancy Holiday Chocolates

of Marios and Other

Passover Products




PLENTY OF PARKING Monday thru Saturday 9 A.M. to 10 P.M.

Friday, April 1, 1000




Brad Epstein and Sonny Kalman will head .the arrangement's commit too for A'/.A No. 1 Founder's Pay weekend, May 6-7-8. The organization will be host at the annual freshman party on April 1fi. "IN I'KSACIII KAND" TIOMI'LK I'ltOIHK,:IION Tlie Junior Theater of Temple Israel composed of the .Saturday's Division of filth, sixth and seventh Knide. performers will present "111 Pesach I,ami," lit the Temple With Mrs, Robert Rosen, .Religious school dramatic consultant, as director. Thy play, a two act comedy will be Riven Saturday, April 2 at 10 a. in. and .Sunday, April ."! at 11 n. m. The cast includes I'aula Maj;zamill, Jj'ii Itoss, I.anny Hips, Amy Brofllcey, Caroline Brody, Jane Smeerin, Marlt Cherniuck, Diane Kolasky, Melind.'i Rosen, Sandy Greenhorn, Jill Slosbun;, Fninlui* Hnrdini,', Rocky I.ipp, Linda Eisenstatt, Jo Francis Cohen, Jack Culll, Ulelti KirenlxTR, Allen Kulnkofsliy, Steve Wljjodsky, Sherry Hess, Carol Jucobson, Julie Shrier, Pebble I-ipp, Diane Kcjiomnick, Sandy Lipp, llonna Nepomnick, Frnnldc HnntinR '«nd Caroline Mayer.

IIUYO ilOWMMi TOU11NKY Over 100 howlers from all Jewish Youth Croups in Omaha participated in the fourth annual B.Ii.Y.O. bowline tourney at the West Lanes, March (ith-irttll. Hii;h scorers in the boys division were Mike Sherman with a 548 series and a high game of 218. liiad Kp.stein had second liigh series with r>12 and Mike Green bowled the second high game of 208. The girls' division saw Marsha f'oren bowl 'he best series with <17H. She also carried off the individual high game score of 1K0. Honnle Tarnoff was series' runnorup with 4IJ5. All scores will be sent to Washington, D.C. to he used for National H.H.Y.O. averages and se ires. National winners will be announced in June. ISASKIOTtAIX The final basUellmll fiction at. the Jewish Community Center this season will take place on Sunday, April Tird, when the Jewish Community Center of Kansris City, Mo., Invades the J.C.C. in Omaha for names with (he All Star Varsity and Youth Council groups. The Youth Council game will begin nl noon and the Varsity game will follow immediately. Cy Sellchick will coach )x>th groups. At 11 a.m. the All Star Seventh and Kiuhth. graders will play the A.'/.A. No. 1000, freshman team.

DOTS TO MKKT The seventh grade young JuMrs. Allen Koliun Is hi Chicago ddi'ii i;roup, IJauciiters of Toiah will meet Sunday, March .'! at 2:'M) visiting al the home of her Kon p. m. at the Jewish Community and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jay Koban. Center,

MAtiUADAIIS FOK H U M ) TO BK l'UKSKNTEW AT UETII El. MJNCHKON A climax to months of planning will be the appearance of the finished Passover Ilaggndahs for the blind at the April S Hell) Kl Sisterhood luncheon with its meeting theme, "Kxodus from Darkness." The Haggadahs will be officially presented to Mrs. Irving WeinRnrt of JJcs Moines, la., on behalf of all the Brailllsts who participated In the project. Mrs. Weingart, who transcribed the Haggadah into Hebrew Braille, Dr. Morris Margolin to whom the Haggadah is dedicated and who was tho proofreader for the Hebrew section, and John Smith, supervisor of home services for the blind for the Nebraska Services for the Blind, will lx» honored at this meeting. Mrs. Alan Wolfson, chairman for Braille activities at Both El since its Inception, will be program chairman for tho day. Guests at tills prc-Passovcr meeting will be members of the Tifereth Israel synagogue In Des Moines who are Brnilllsts, and Mrs. Jack Levinsky, regional Braille chairman. Honorces will be all tho Omaha men and women Who contributed their time to transcribing, duplicators, shellacking, and mailing of tho Hiigpadahg.. Copies are being sent throughout the United States to every blind

Jewish person as well as to countries throughout the world including Israel, Tunis, Panama, Morrow), Franco, England, Canada, West Indies, and Australia. A to~tal of 800 copies are being issued this year previous to Passover. Circle clialrmen serving the

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KUWIN KIDMAN TO DKMVER HKlt.MO.V t;y Members of A'/.A No. 1 will con- j YOUTH COVNCIU OIA'MI'H'S duct wibbalb sen-ices Jit. IJeib Is- | The Youth Council Olympics riMjl-• iSynagOKiif, Friday nicbt, will swing into )il|;h f;e;ir in April April ] . Krlwid SUlman will delivei' and May as the four Youth K'oups vie for honors In wrestling, swin}tiie sermon. .Steve ISocuelnval nnd liny Gron- mini;, track and field, hundhall, pr (ire in charge of anant;emi'iiiH ping pong and softball. First on the menu will be the for the eveninic wrest liny tourney set for Sunday, Others to participate in the April 10th, at the Jewish Comservice arc .Steve Appel, Frank munity Center. All participants Goldberg, Mark Cioldstroni, Son- must weigh in at 0 a.m. Anyone ny ICiiima.ii, Melvin Kul.skee, Lar- fiiiliiiK to weigh in by 10 a.m. will ry Kirlto, Marvin Kirke, Arnold automatically be eliminated. VarManvitz, Gary Pnrilmni), Harlan sity members who oompeled in Ttimmemimi, mid Arnold Win- liillh school are ineligible. Tlio.se (iesirinc to compete tronli. should contact the Physical l'JdulriOAl) FOUNDICH'S


lilneheou under direction of Mrs. Norman Wohlner, circle coordinator, are Mines. Morris Roitntcin, Irving Forbes, Harold Kort and Reuben Marcus of circles 13 and 16. • * • COUSINS <;M;B

The next, meeting of the Cousin's Club will be held Wednesday noon, April 6 at the Sheralon-Fonteiielle Hotel. Those who are unable to attend are asked to call Mrs. Jack Luttbcg, TE 4060.

cation Department by calling JA V.iCili, or Frank Goldberg, New York CJTAI —A resolution Youth Council Athletic Chairman, at WA S87C. expressing determination to give Weight competitions will be set top priority to the United Jewish fll. the following class: 05, 103, 112, Appeal was adopted at tho '21st 120, 127, IXJ, .138, 145, 154, 156, annual conference of the Council 175, and Heavyweight. of Organizations of (he UJA which was addressed by U.S. Senator TJNCi l'ONtt AND Wayne Morse and Dr. Dov Joseph, •SWIMMING DATKS >>ET The youth council ping pong and treasurer of the Jewish Agency in .swimming competition dates have Jerusalem. The 3,000 delegates been Kct. The ping pong date is attending the parley and repreSunday, April 17th and swimming senting a million Jews in New is Wednesday, April 201 h. All York pledged to urge their organmembers must register with -the izations to raise »1 least double Phys yd department or Frank last year's totals to the UJA campaign.

Israel .'Spnices Op" for Holiday

by Benn W. Teller JERUSALEM--With the flowering of the almond blossom, Israelis know thuf Passover is ni^li. The Spring barley is being harvested, the countryside has rashed out into a riot of wildflowers, and do-gooders, of both sexes, are soliciting nittoth khitfiin, holiday provender for the needy. Taint Hrusli Busy It is white-washing season. Because most homes are plaster finished and require frequent retouchings, housewives choose this end-of-tlK'-ralny season for the chore. Painters services are nt a premium. Hoteliers, seeking catering personnel, are canvassing employment exchanges for after-season openings; their silverware and linens are already removed from molh balls. Shopkeepers are redisplaying the various languagespoken signs for the flow of tourists, tho first, swallows of whom already add color to the seasonal landscape.

Thirteenth Salary Mazkoreth shlosh'csrei —•- the thirteenth salary — also heralds the forthcoming holiday. Originally an extra month's salary bonus Instituted during the prosperous years of World War II has now become habit, and no respectable employer-employee contract is without this obligatory clause. It is paid with tho February (or March) snlary so as to be included in current year's income tax returns although some firms divide the shlosh'esrei into two instalments, half ouch before Pessach and nosh Hashona, Passover Is also the travellingest of holidays. Transport experts claim that nt least, one-fourth of the population is moved from place to place by train, bus nnd intor-urbnn taxi service for the Seder and festival. And us the first, of the three Pessncb, Shevouth, Sukkotli when all males are enjoined to tto Up "to the place where the Lord should cause His name to dwell" It is also the pilgrimage holiday. Many thousands ascend Mt, Zion for a glimpse of the Holy Temple silo across the armistice "demarcation lines and inany more thousands, unable to spend the Seder night in the capital perform tho pilgrimage during the Intermediate days (Hoi Hainoed) when travel'is permitted. ' Other Faiths Among Guests Members of other faiths from ambassadors to United Nations personnel, visiting personalities nnd representatives of foreign mission deem It. a distinct honor to be invited to a Seder. The Pass-

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PASSOVfcR CARDS BA1. iiiul Bus MU/.vali congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge I always have tremendous special offers on nil magazine subscriptions. If you really want to save money, call Elsie Horwich, WA 3957. Gift cards furnished free. Would the party who picked up the wrong beige cashmere coat (ladles) Sunday night at Turners call WA 0640? Private F r e n c h Lessons—Call Mark Bouganim, JA 13G6.

PRIVATE TUTORING Hebrew,, Yiddiih, oM and young, group and individual—^evenFngi, Sai. afternoons; Sun. mormngi. HARRY G. MENDELSON B.A., Pedagogy, Unl. of Nebr. 4304 CALIFORNIA WA 0381

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TOTH By HERBERT H. LEHMAN I HAVE ACCEPTED a major responsibility in the 1960 campaign of fh« Unltid Jewish Appeal. I did ao because I am convinced that an •jctraordtnary effort is needed to meet an extraordinary situation. For more than two decades we have engaged in a vast struggle to assure the survival of the Jewish victims of war and persecution. Our efforts have met with almost miraculous success.

and their suffering are great indeed. The test we face today is whether we are mature enough to recognize this fact and to act upon It.

We Must Show We Still Care There are hundreds of thousands throughout the world watting and wondering whether we will meet that test-whether v/a still care. // has never been more important (or us to prove that vie do.

Great Needs Continue W« have helped more than two and one half million people along the road to dignity and self-respect. Almost a million of these have jgone to Israel, which stands at a beacon of democracy among tha World's new nations. Today, no Jew with the chance to build a new lift for himself by resettlement need lose it for want of a country to which to go. Yet, there is the gravest danger that this very incest} may blind many to the fact that lives still depend on us. . ~ There are thousands who must be resettled in lands whert they tun Hvo !n security and dignity as Jews.

Thousands Live in Shacks Thar* are tens of thousands, even among those who have gone to iirael, who exist under indescribable conditions in the tin and tarpaper shacks of immigrant camps. There are the ill, the aged, the blind, the broken remnants of th« Nail holocaust. All still look to us for help. Thiir stories may no longer make the headlines but their need

That U why I have agreed to serve as Honorary General Chata. man of the United Jowish Appeal. And that io why I call upon my fellow Americans to join me in rededication to thia vital effort (<Sr the salvation of thousands of unfortunate human beings who depend on us for their chance at life.


I 9 6 0 , UJA MUST D X T E N D T H I S V I T A L


In Israel: Speed integration of 345,000 unabsorbed immigrants byi Rtheutlnn 60,000 living iii disgraceful immigrant shanties; replacing substandard housing for 30,000 others; Providing 130,000 patient pioneer* on farm settlements with needed machinery, water, tools and livestock; Providing vital services to 38,000 Immigrant youth j expanding welfare services to thousands of ill and aged t Supplying transportation and resettlement for the steady flow of new immigrants. In addition, meet continuing wclfara needs ot " 45,000 immigrants aided by JDC-Malbon programs. In Europe, Moslem tomtit Step up welfsrs end othor aid lot 201,000. In tfco United Sfpfej. Help S,000 refugees seeking to build now live*

To Aid 600,000,.. Including Israel's Unabsorbed Immigrant*



Receives Its Support From t\\9

VfA 0p«l4 ftafK'


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