every Friday, 101 No. atit Ii Vol. XXXVIII— Ni>. 80 ' FubUnhed Omalia, Nebraska, I'limie JA 13G
H, J00O
Socund Class Postage Paid . at Omuiio. Ntibr.
Single Copy 1C Cents Annual R.u(« 4 Dollars
Nasser Fails to
'Renewed Compassion' ^ iiars* TA)—Col Nasser, Urged at Passover ;H U' • l°M United Arab Re,. i iu change India's re„, lationship to Israel, during an of- Time—Abrahams authori".8UIOM!-I
' Nehru
Arlington, Va. (.ITA)—Ailini:lon County granted n permit for the "American Nazi party" to set up headquarters in a house here. Tha permit allowed George Lincoln Rockwell, Kclf-'slyled fuehrer, the right to liave Nazi offices in the building. Rockwell announced that every Sunday his movement would hold mass rallies in Iho tourist center of Washington, D. C, between the Washington Monument and the Capitol Building. In letters announcing the meettugs, Rockwell's literature carries
i: ll the Klo^un: "National Der Welt, Knmpft ' tl (Nazis of the World. United Ranks.) District ties have prepared plans for pio- ficial visit to India. Prime Minister Nehru indicated lie feels that teclion of Rockwell's Nazis. lie cannot ignore Israel's existence and the fact that Israel is "here lo slay." United Arab Republic1 Foreign Edge wood, Md. (WNS)-More Minister Favvzl told a press corthan a dozen swastikas, one bear- respondent here that "there is no ing the inscription "Jew" have likelihood of the United Arab Rebeen painted on the Army chemical center, here. Military authori- public changing its attitude toties are investigating the Incident. ward Israel."
Swasfilcas Painted On Army Chemical Ocular
Tlio 0 m a h a ,) e w i s h Cumin u n i t y w a .s called upon today by Milton R. Abrahams, General Chairman of the Philanthropies, to dedlcato itself during the Passover holiday to "a renewed compassion for hun-
Abraham B
New Proposes! for Admission to U.S. New York (JTA)--A new bill for admission of refuse™ to the United States, proposed by Kep. Francis E. Walter would, if it becomes law, benefit hundreds of Jewish families from the Middle East and East European countries, James P. Rice, executive director of United Jlias Service, said.. Mr. Rice testified, as representative of United Hlas Service and os an officer of the American Council of Voluntary Agencies, at n hearing before a House Judiciary sub-committee on refugee legislation. Hep. Walter presided at the healing nt which his bill was considered, and predicted earJy committee approval. The Walter Bill would set up a permanent program- for admission Of refugees without any limit or time, and without being charged to any country's quota. They would be admitted on pnrole. The measure covers only those refugees who ere under the mundate of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
Beth El Concert
Wednesday Night Last minute rehearsals are oocuping the time of those participating in the 2<Uh annual Beth El Concert to be held Wednesday, April 13 at 8:15 p. m. at the Synagogue. Highlighting the event will b« music by the Beth El Concert Choir directed by Cantor Aaron. I. Edgar and the first performance in Omalia of "The Dybbuk" composed and conducted by Eugena Jose Singer. The orchestra for tha dramatic concert will Includd • twelve members of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra.
Hate Groups Have International Ties
Dramatic Club fo Melodrama A-three-act melodrama will be presented by the Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club, Sundny, April 24 at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Tho limiirdlntn future of tlio 500-homVless Jewish survivor* ot tlio disastrous Agudlr osirthqualte This Is the annual presentation ol the organization which has been Is In the hands ot tlio Joint Distribution Oonimitteo whoso funds arc supplied by tlio United Jewish active In the community for the Appeal, J,u»t Saturday night they were evicted from the Moroccan Anny barracks In Casablanca last 30 years, Admission to the and told to find other shelter. Here arc shown dtiMtl orphan* in (upper and.lower left) and to the right scenes from a temporary nursery, (upper) »nd cllnlo (loivcr). •. play Is 75 cents.
Inier-Faith Services In Bombed Temple Gadsden, Ala. (JTA)—Demonstrating this city's devotion to freedom of worship, leaders of the Protestant and Catholic faiths Joined Jews at Temple Beth Israel here at an Interdenominational religious service. The Temple's spiritual leader, Rabbi Saul Rubin, hailed unified community action against nntl-Scmilic and other hate groups throughout the country. Temple Beth Israel was attacked on a recent Friday night, when the house of worship was crowded, by a 16-year-oM youth who threw
a fire-bomb at a window, and then followed this outrage by shooting at fleeing congregants. Two of the congregants were Injured, one seriously. The attacker, Jerry Hunt, Is under arrest here, charged with assault with Intent to murder.
On WOW Friday
An hour-long, star-studded program devoted to tho theme of freedom and antl-dlscriminatlon in the theater will be seen on television station WOW-TV, Friday, April 8 at 8 p. m,, Millard Hosenberg, chairman ot the Omaha Anti- Defamation League committee announced. The program is produced by the Mr, and Mrs. Gerhard Spies Public Affairs Department of CBS placed first and Mr. and Mrs. News In cooperation with the Lloyd Friedman, second, at the Anti-Defamation League, recent Tournament Bridge' nlglit held at the Jewish Community Heletz Fields Yield Center. The next session will be hold New Oil Gushers Thursday, April 14, 8 p. m. at tho Tol Aviv (WNS)—A new oil Center. Sheff Katakeo, tourna- gushor In tho northernmost part ment coordinator, roported open- of tha Heleti oil f ield3 was reportIngs aro available for playorg in- ed here. It was Indicated that the teresWd In participating. Tha tea oil fields extend to the'north as well as to tho south. i« seventy>fiv» per parson.
Genier Bridge Group
Each yenr around the globe families ro-oxninlno tlio traditions of tho Passover Sodcr /« they prepare for the event. The Jewish Community Center, (affiliated with the Nations! Jewlnh Welfare Board) provides cultural And spiritual Inspiration In tho tlno holiday guides In Its library. • .•
dreds of thousands of Jews In need throughout the world." Mr. Abrahams suld. holiday aid Is toeing provided by the UJA agencies to 600,000 people in 26 countries throughout the world. The humanitarian organizations supplying Passover assistance av<» the United Israel Appeal, which remits funds to the Jewish Agency for Israel, and the Joint Distribution Committee which operates internationally. "In Israel," M\\ Abrahams declared, "345,000 needy immigrants are receiving supplies for their Passover tables from the Jewish Agency. This is a reflection of a concerted effort we are making this year, through a 19G0 Special Funn, to heip the 'one immigrant in every three' still not absorbed Into his new home in Israel."
Brussels (WNS) — Existence of "international connections" bo. tween Nazi, Fascist and anti-Jewish groups in many countries was disclosed here at- a patley on antiSemitism attended by Jewish leaders of twelve countries in Europe. Convened under the aegis oC tha European executive of the World Jewish Congress, the conference examined the spate of anti-Semitla incidents following the Christmas evo swastika daubings in Cologne, Germany, and the law machinery n the countries where the outbreaks occurred. The parley called for a combined effort by the Jewish communities to "collect all information on the composition, activities and interrelations" of the hate groups. It stressed the need of revising of education media so as to eliminate instruction which fosters prejudice and to give an aocurato appraisal of the disastrous effects of religious Intolerance throughout history.
Ex-0mahan Elected to Norfolk School Board Mrs. Arnold Robinson, formor Omahan, was elected'to the Novfolk (Nebr.) school board, Wednesday. The wife of a Norfolk businessman, she is the first woman to hold this post since 1,920. Mrs. Robinson, tha former Margaret Rundell, daughter of Mp. and Mrs. Jacob Rundell, is a graduate of Central High School. Sha studied at the University of Omaha and receiver her Wasters Degree at tha University of Ohio, at Columbus. She is tha 4aughter-itt-law oi Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson of Norfolk and the mother of four children.
9 Aft Tw»
Friday, April 8, 1880 WfNS PRIZE FOB "BEST PAFEK" Robert M. Brodkey, ton o( Mr. etitf ihmttb tffSt tar t o . 4|ed by and Mrs. David Brodkey was ()»>M Orion. awarded the first annual Andrew Passover 8720 will be celebrated Edson Prize in Government at at the Dr. Philip Sher 3c\vish Dartmouth College where he is a Home for the Aged In real festive sophomore
.MHS. FANliy MIIXEB Word has been received from Denver, Colo., of the death March Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. ttccMJ CloM Pocttio* Pcld cl Omaha, Ns&f. -'y, of Mrs. Fanny Miller, former Annuet luB«rlptn>n, M . * 4 « r i i t t a 3 Ra1«j en Application. resident of Omaha for SO years. Publication OHIcs—101 Ho. Kill slrcet, Omaha. HtDr. JAcksen 134«. (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Editor .Services were held in Denver. Survivors arc husband, Joe and style starting Monday morning, sons, Morris Fine, Denver; Abe April U . A floral centerpiece was pre Miller, Omaha; brother, Hen Itoitstein, I-os Angeles, Cul., and two grilled to the Home by AZA No. 1. Special donations were made by grandchildren. LINDA VEKET NAMED the following during the past TO OMAHA V 11ONOHA11Y week: Messrs. nnd Mmes. Louis Linda Veret has been named to MItS, J.KNA JACOBOW Funeral servicos were held Sun- Bernstein, Paul liloteky, Max Cathe membership of Angel's Flight, c:o-«'d auxiliary of the Arnold Air day nt the Jewish Funeral llomt; nur, Hoy Feltman, Yak- Ginsberg, Society at the University of Oimi for Mrs. Lena Jacobow of 3715 Albert Krasne, Ijiwrence Ki'as ha. A junior at the university, she Norili 52 Street, who died March If. Linsman, Joe Hicc, .Saul Sulvalis the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 31. Rabbi iienjamin Groner offi- slty, Jake Slosburj;, Stanley SlosCandlellghtlng—-<i:36 p. m. elnted. rR and J. Mendelson. Paul Vcrct. Surviviiic are liusband, Sam; TKMPLK ISKAEI., son, Harvey, Wichita, Kaiw.; Friday. 8:15 p. m., Saturday, SIUMA Ahl'HA MU daughter, Mrs. Bernice Pidgpon, MKMIIERtt NAMED 11:30 a. m. Rabbi Sidney Brooks. Klecled to office in campus or- Ues Molnes, Xa., a brother and n A Passovor .Seder for Offutt Air Hebrew school find nurspry school ganizations at the University of sister, Force Base military nnd civilian nnrlnl wns in Mt. Sinui Cemercccssfi). April 11, 52, 13, 14, 18. Nebraska, Lincoln, ivere the folpersonnel will be held Monday at: lowing Signia Alpha Mil members: tery. 7 p. m. nt the Fireside restaurant. BETH FX Martin Sophir, son of Mr. and Mrs. The Seder ritual will be conducted Friday, £'.15 p. m. Sermon on Alfred S o j> h i r-Tntcr-Fratemity also c h O E o n as "outstanding by Ben M. Zcff, Director oC Edu•The World of Hasidism" suries by Council president; Howard Koop- pledge" by the SiRina Delta Tail cation for the Strategic Air ComRabbi Myer S. Kripkc. Music— er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. •Sorority. She is the daughter of mand. Tickets may bo purchased by calling the' office of Chaplain C-intor Aaron I. Ed>;ar and choir. Kooper, Korn-Cobs secretary; Mr. and Mm. Dan Cohen. Brimberry at BE 2100, Extension Saturday—9:30 a. m.; Junior Con- Gary Hill, Cosmo CMub business 2-6153. tinuation, 10:30 a, m.; MlndioiinBiT and Pro Sherman, Men's HIUII SCOHKIt ON Mnariv, 6:.')<7 p. m. Sunday, 9 a. m. Credit Club president, latter two BOWIJWi TKA.M Stuart Kutler, University o( NeDaily, 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. of Lincoln. Among the appointments were braska Student Union Bowlinf; Al Krizelman, cheerleader iqund te;uti member, was high scorer for B'NAI JACOB ADAS Yeil King and Jim Sophir, s<|un<l he Nobrasltans when they won n a match with Kansas State. Friday. Minchn, 6:30 p. tin., Sat- member; Irving Belzer, and KobHe is affiliated with Zeta Bcln urday, 8:.')0 Ji. m., Minchn, (i:30 •i-t Shapiro, publicity chalnnan run fraternity end is the son of p. m., followed by Sholosh Si'udos. and rally chairman of Korn-Cobs Mr. und Mrs." Phil Kutler. Dfiily siTviccs «t fi:30 n. m. nnd and Allen Kpstein, Synrphonln jazz chairman. Their respect ivo parC:.'{() p. m. ents are the Messrs,, and Mines. Sol Krizelman. Alfred Sophir, MarBOTH ISRAEL vin P.i'lzer, Stanley Shapiro and Kridiiy, fnmily M'rvices, 8 p. n).; Perry Epstein. traditional, 6:40 p. m.; .Shabbos. 8:15 a. m. nt 52nd nnd Charles Judith Cohen was named to Hie S l w t s ami 9 a. m. at 1.9 nnd Burt Stiwts. Junior congregation, 9:45 Dean's List at the University of the only brand produced and a, m.; Talmud class, G:15 p. m.; Oklahoma at Norman. She was MOHUMEWTS bottled in Famed Mincha, 6:45 p. rn., followed by fn the Jewish Tradition Rishon-Ie-Zion Sholosh Scii'los, Maariv. Sunday, • a. m. and 6.••15 p. m.; Wednesday, Your order sliuultl bo pluccil ivclj 8:30 a. ni. followed by breakfast, ,R;.!5 n. m. and U:f>5 p. m.; T'htirsIn iidvanno ot "Yahrifll" to Vlie Rabbi's bible clnss. Junior Minyon, 1 day, 7 a. m. and 6:50 p. m. Talwork docs not huvo to bo hurried. The Gift of Gifts 8:30 a. in., followed by breakfast; |mud T o r a h recess — April 11 IN A WIDE VARIETY Wo ors known for our oxacfing Mincha, 6:45 p. m. Monday, 7 a. m. i throiiRh April 19. Kabbl Benjamin -STj TO SUIT Hobrow teMoring end detail. and 6:45 p. m.; Tuesday, 8:45 iGroner. • EVERY TASTE
Wednesday, April 13
:4ffi Annual Beth El Concert
CONCORD and A4ALAGA hali-galloni, gollonj. fifths
"The Dybbuk" Orchestra
Beth El Concert Choir
8:IE P.M. Be<h El Synagogue
Tickets $1 Beth El, Hospo's, Schmollor & Mueller
Cortifiod Strictly Koshor|«|| by Rabbi Isaac life I Halovi Hcnog, Chief Rabbi of Israel Available at Your Local Liquor Storo
You may ploco your confio'o'ico tn ui lenowing oach dofail and frdditiort will bo adhered fo wilh utmoit core and ikill.
Here you cirni directly with tlic oiviiprn . . Wo permit no untimely solicitation . . . Cull us ror appointment at your convenience
Judged superior for tender care of your silver
Wnnhoa end Pollohop In One }w\v,til iurwr;t'f to 9C other polish* cj by \r*<\it\% home msfiazinrt — S^ '..ill V<iu'U kz amaz{i£ — \cl %uar* ti'tictJuic~-}].irm!rj* to YftncU^TAj Foaming action — UJihtJ down Hie drain —
A*o riihhtnft—just wash iilver Jighllf Silver riruct titan — no dried de» posit* fn piltetm, on fingr/x — no spotting — no soiled ctotlu Dr>- lifjuly lo fich, hWrloom lurtrff -IIK h »s you've never seen — .Mild, non-abfjiive — pleisant odof
Ltartt ktnJt Jojt, taoi y«w'H f»r* II — o\W ftr Htfstfty't D!,tnbvt*J t*<tj,iftr hf
Rood A Dorion ailvoremfiha Main frioor 3213-15 " 9 " Sf. Frortti Ronna Open Sunday 2-5 Klnru 1033
"220 VoltJJoutepower
JA 3990
Exclusive Distributor*
Best Wishes FOR THE
Wo have Passover butter, sour cream, end milk—Kosher for Passover-—under
For a Most Enjoyable Passover to Our Many Friends and Patrons Closed Tuesday and Wednesday Call Thursday, April 14 for Friday Delivery
personal supervision of R a b b i Nathan Fcldmon.
At Your Door or Favorite Store
Y®yp Order Now
f\ev. ^rt, JUiamond
4444 e? You? i^eset Viess fia&s&i Ara Uta\ta& Is ^ssntSty)
Friday, April fr,
sanizatiiits •if
MIZHACHI WOMEN Tha Omaha Chapter of Mlzrachi Women will entertain residents of the Dr. Philip Slier JewUh Home for tha Aged at the annual Passover, tea and program, Thursday, April 11 at 2 p. in. Mines. Herman Franklin nnd Sol co-chairmen of the event.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Somberg have given the name of Lisbetli Jean to their third daughter, born March 24 at Clnrkton Hospital. Tlu'ir other daughters nre Linda and Jane. Grandpnvcnts are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sornbcrg and Hen Shapiro. I'attrrml great. Krnndpnrciits aro Mr. and Mrs. Abe Goldstein onil Mrs. Abe Romhi'rg. COUNCIL BOAltl) "Dolls for Democracy" will be Mr. and Mrs. Kll Znlldn became presented by the Mmes. Herbert grandparents nml the lattcr'B Meiches and Morris Shapiro lit a mother, Mrs. Sam Kutz, a great- National Council of Jewish Womgrandmothr-r twice within two en's open board dessert luncheon, days. Thursday, April 14, 1 p. m. Bt the The Zalkin's xon-in-law and Jewish Community Center. Rcserdaughter, Mr. und Mrs. Edward L. vntionn may be made with Mrs. BclKradc hod a son, liruce Steven Justin Manvlte, RE.9509 and Mm. on March 24, Another soti-ln-lft\v I-oonurd Jucobson, RE UG45. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Richard •Rochnmn became the parents o{ a son, Michael Juy on Omahans in News Marcli 26. The Upgrade's have an- Mlllard IUiscnherg, Omaha adother son, Robert Lnwrpn.ce. vertising agency executive, hus Paternal grandparents of the been : named publicity and press two babies are Messrs. and Mmos. relations chairman for the downMax Belgrade and Hatry Rodi- town Kiwunis'Club. m;ni. Dr. A. D. Fnler has been electMr. and Mrs. David Glazcr of ed new president of the Children's Galcslmrg, III., announce the birth Memorial Hospital Dental staff. of a son, Robert Murk, on March Sir. and Mm. Samuel II, Iloscn28. Thfy are the parents of two lierg are In IJBR Angeles, Cnl., other children, Marlenc and Mi- where they are visiting their chael. daughter, Mrs. Martin Herger. Mrs. Glazer is the former Dorothy Parilmmi, daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mr«. J, Harry KuUiUdfMis. Irvine Parilmnn. «liy left recently on a trip which will Include visits with their »,onand daughter, Mr. and Mis. l i s s Ssiwer Engaged in-law K. A. Smith and family of Kansas City, Mo., and daughter, Mrs. To Aaron Sterling Kthi'lyn. Kaplan and family of Mr. and Mrs, Sam Silver, for- Oakland, Calif, Before returning to mcrly of lyontlojj, JCnc, now re- Omaha they will vacation in Mexisiflinj; in Omaha, announce the en- ico. KiiKcmenl of thtir daughter, Frances lo Aaron Sterling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sterlinj' of Sioux Turkey, Israel Sign City, la. Istanbul (JTA) Turkey and IsMr. Sterling who nuUes his rael iiigned it §32,000,000 trade home In Omaha, allendcd tin; Uni- agreement which provides for versily of Iowa, Iowa City, where doubling the trade volume between lw was affiliated with Alpha Kp- the two countries. fiilon Pi Fraternity.
Bar @nl All friends end relative* are Invited to attend service* sad reception.
MATHEMATICS TKA.M Mark Brodkey, son of Dr. and Mrs. Morris Brodliey and Ronald J. Greene, son of Mr. and Mrs. EdCATIOI. BHKUMAN ward Levlnson, were members of BI«:U.A BLOOM the top scoring team In the State JUDITH KATNER Carol Sherman, daughter of Mr. High school Mathematics Chamftnd Mrs. Leo Sherman, Sheila pionship. Bloom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JOIN FOIl SUNDAY MEETING Milton Ulootn and Judith Ratner, Rohunue BI3G and AZA No. 1 daughter of Mr. and Mis. Rubin will meot jointly .Sunday at 2 p. m. Rntner will join in their Baa Mltz- at the Jewish Community Center vah celebration tonight at Beth Is- to hear Councilman' Warren R. rael Synagogue. igart. Mr. Swigart will speak on "Our Democracy Needs You." HAftLKir SC'HItAGEIt Hnrlan Rinunermun is In charge of Harley Schrager, son of Mr. nnd arrangements. Mrs. Jack Schrager, will oteerve his Har Mitzvah on Friday evening, April 8 and Saturday morning, April 9 at Beth EU Synagogue.
MONA LISA House of Glamour I I I No. 50th GL 7000 b Exptrt Hair Slyliill
Matzo Ball Soup and Matzos Featured Daily on Menu
Air-Conditionod Dryen MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY
ROSEHOLLIS JOINS ZOOB'S Mr. Seymour Zoob Announces the Appointment of MRS ROSE HOLLIS in an
Executive Capacity at ZOOB'S
WOMEN'S APPAREL Mrs. Hollis has boon an active loador in tho community and previously had been associatod with tho N. P. Dodge Co. for five years.
ZOOB'S * "The Fashion Shop of Omaha"
50th and Dodge
RE 2060
All Fish Cleaned and Filleted Without Any Extra Charge Phone Your Order Early — It Will Be Prepared for You in Advance
1608 Harney Strecr
AT 8720
FURNITURE Cfoancd in Your Hornol Binding-—toying—Repairing
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
7830 Dodgo
TE 3207
In Beverly
Fancy Foods
Hills P l a n
and Delicatessen
As Always tli© Leader Feaftircs the Finest and Most Complete Selection of
Art Vorte»fc»
of Matzoi and Ofhor Passover Ptcdtitin
Selection of Fancy Holiday Chocolates
Sinai Kosher Sausage Breakstone Dairy Products Kopper's Selected Chocolates Manischewitz Products AND
Killed Daily 13l4N.24fti>
AT 4977
nmn O lira Ocfurdsy 9 A.M. to 10 P.M.
Many Other Passover Items . Out-of-Iovm Orders ©lv©n Our Careful Attention SOTH AND
Friday, AjirU 8, 1000
after the creation of tli» no%v Miss Rosallo Cohen, Omaha otsfe, they were found and now high school teacher, was ons of tlie copjifr minus of Tlinmn ure seven Ncbraslcans awarded thu Iwlng workeA. Woodvow WHson Frtlowaii^p for graduate study. • Recording to the Midrash, the Toll old Pharoah, reason God choso Moses to lead Let my people, go. Israel was hocaviEQ lia watched lilm as a young rmm wlille lie was Huvc you Been HIP sculpture of a shepherd and God figured if Mows by Mlvliticl. Angelo In Moses made such a line shepherd Home? ho would also mnlce a good sJiej)Ths rabbi of Minsk on tho Sab herd for Israel. bath befora Passover preached on tha obligation of the l'lch to provide for the poor during Pass over. Spselalkt" "X think," ho suld afterwards, "the poor among my congregation fr o m 40 lisucj, entirely agreed with me." 18 Monshi...
Center Sports 600,000—Exodus -of Hoses Cy Seltchlilt BASKETBALL Th» Jewish Community Center Of Omaha played host to the JCC Of Kansas City Sunday, April 3, as Omaha chalked up two more victories to close out tho basketball program at this Center for the *59-'G0 cage season. First Game Prior to the inter-city activity, the 8th grade All Star team defeated AZA No. 1000 Freshman, 60-33. Bob Gould lead ths scoring parade with 17 points. Arnic Weitz and Bill Ginsburg also lilt In the double figures as Dan KalBkee swept the backboards clean. tttl Orodt All Start AZA 1009 fflfn fa fm FS Pi . S 5 Wein;!c>n KatskM Gould 3 5 17 Kahin I ] lVKull/ ib 3 6 9 Kocjlon Klmmel 0 0 0 Merman Weltt 0 0 12 Staler 0 l> 2Glusky Lohrmrm - 1 2 Sadofsky iysmon 0 0 0 0 Koiman l
by I5e>> Mobtow Some 600.000 Jews left Egypt under the Kxodus of Moses. There ivei'e die same number of Jews in Israel when the .Suites of Israel won its' independence In 1058.
fsP 0 4
5 17 2 0 1 5
Second Game A well balanced Youth Council AH Star team won against the JCC Kansas City championship Youth Council group, 74-36. The team was sparked by floor piny of Dick Zacharia and Justin Ban.
r '
fm fs P; 4 5 10Bulou!k>! 0 0 2 Pulolf 1 0 0 3 Jacob! 3 1 2 7 Gershrnotl 1 1 1 5'Alimtm 3 0 2 1 0
When the V. S. ivas established In 1770, Franklin proponed that the Real of the V. S. show the crossing of tho Israelites over tho Kcd Sra, He thought that America «a» repeating as It were the gtory of the Israelites In their dparcli for freedom.
CHy fg fm ft P 21 I I 5
Tho colored slaves of the South 1 ? I i looked to Passover ns tho harbinger of their own freedom. In 0 ? 13 7 4 2 4 10 1 I i g 0 0 0 0
i a 1 4Ftelit»ord
4 3 J 0 5
The saintly Kabbl .Scbniuel Saluntcr uluays supervised the baking of hlt> «ivn Mat/os. When he Has taken nick, dome members of his congregation took over Hie task. They a^Ued the nihhl H he hud any fincrlai Instrucllons to lusuro their beiiiK kosher. "Yes," he rejilliMl, "hi-f tluit the Moses promised the children of women' who <lo the balling ore Israel th.it lio tvould brinjf them properly paid." to u land tvlinre tlicy would dig Iron, copper nnd other metals from Moses, if he were to vise today, tho earth. Until recently Bllilleul would not recognize Eil.it nt the rifles Hald thu Idea tlmt the land Red Sea, the place at which he of Israel .pmisesseil minerals was n crossed over, with nil of Us mod- flRtnont of tho Jmaglnsitlon, but ern improvements built by Israel bonds.
5 15 Hunter 0 6Nmler S 1? 1 1: 1 10
their flpiritnnls, they mini',, "Go down, Moses.
John Kalina
3S Weoli
Handwritten Glfr Cords s«nt for Father's Day end all Occailons. V/A 6742
HA 1044
portraih of ditilnction
For Fast—Dopondablu Guaranteed Service
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Lou Hurwltt, Ptop.
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Cell RE 1317 Candid Wedding Albums Formal Bridal Portrait! ChilcSron Our Specialty % puollry Work ;,' of 9uolify Prtcei
4829 Deiga Customer Parking
Third Gnnie The Omaha All Star Varsity defeated Kansas City 30-48, in a PASSOVER CARDS kJdouble overtime as Jack Stlss BAI. nnd Ba» Mltzvah congratutallied on an offensive rebound lations .also for all Jewish holiwith 55 seconds remaining. days and special occasions. Omaha trailed until Ray Kirke Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge scored with 85 seconds remaining always have tremendous special of the regulation game to eend his offers on all magazine subscripteam out In front. Al Caviar came tions. If you really want to gave back to hit for KC with just five money, call Elsie Honvich, WA »econds left to send the tilt into 3957. Gift cards furnished free. overtime. Omotio Simon Kirk
RDKnblott Englestrom Cay Claton Katsfcw Paul Colnlc . Stlsl Epjlein Bernstein
fg fm fi 'O 0 0 4 4 2 4 1 0 1 "
Kansas I Pi 0Lerner ie;Herron iORIce 2AJhrter 9Cav1or 3;Ll
City fg fm 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 3 » 0 0
PRIVATE TUTORING Hetraw, Yiddish, old and young, oroup and Individual •—••vcningi, Sat. afternoom; Sun. morning*. HARRY O. MEHDELSOH B.A., Pedagogy, Uni. of Ncbr. 4304 CALIFORNIA WA 0001
fl P 0 0 4 t 10 3 9 9 19 0 0
?o 0 0)
P C/
arm ©c. +S>ilver Rogiit«r«d Repronntativn J. Cliff Rohel & Co. Investment Bankers
1130 First Notional Bank JA 7262
eauty of Your Seder Table will bo enhanced
the 7960 modoh now ay •hctrfo appllanzQ dealer's-—
by from {,!
CENTERPIECE i lor the Passover Table or
Remember Your Hostess With Flowers by calling
657 North 80th Street
WA 2442
Thesa electric ranges offer everything Q woman wants and neods for tho art of mo£> •rn cooking 1 _ „ . - • you'v« had In talajj fOf yoB^ oull find it—plu« maiw how* feature fc $$ 5 ftlectrta tangei on dbpjjy a» your ftppllanes dealer'i now!
lk* th» n»w ikyBno, nfff S o t o t&o& I baauty with On "bixm-tn" look. Y o u cacj ph»p»« from »lng!e- or dpuWa'SV.ea ^tfchdeu tflftf )iook tfke a <J(«wn, and clean U U a fcrssil toll those flutorantk feature m&t mat* Booking (t pleasure! Jf« thrifty to cook this modern waul. fit mvglyy on tmdm unlta w h ' adnimuin «II hew ll o a V eat nnd |RV« ftion«)> T«J.
tAkht tmn'l M i l m^id aoflihl