Vol. KXXVIH-No. 31
A carefully planned program of camping ""'I 'ruining will be offered to a limited number of boys nnd girls, 13-15 years of age at Crimp Jay-O-C this summer, Norwan Ratt, ,Ii\y-C.'-C camp committee chairman, announced. A meeting of all those interested |n this program will be hold on Sunday, May 1, at 1 p.m. nt the Jewish Community Center. The counsclors-ln-training will Jive in their own village and will be supervised by n selected staff, As purl of their training, in addition to outdoor camping experience, these trainees will 1>« fisslgned to cabins, waterfront, administration, program, supplies, Overnights. Tlieir activities will include (Jlscciissions on leadership, responsibilities of counselors, first Hid. working with children, Jewish
programming and camping skills. Fees for ciunselors-lnrtrainiuf; are $140 for the full camp session which runs from June 2(> through July 15 nnd include* till services except, trading post and horseback ridlnj?. Addition information may be obtained l>y contact inn Boris Steiman ul- the Center, JA 1306.
Second Class Postage Paid at Ornulm. Nelir.
StngU Copy 1C C«ntf Annual RaU 4 Dollaxt
<0? ©
United Nations (WNS)—United Nations Secretary (ieneral iJ.ift liuimnarskjolrt was reported this week to have come to the conclusion that President Nasser of the United Arab Republic hnd no intention of keeping Ills agreement to allow Israel curgo through the Sue/ Cunnl when he made that promise to the UN official. Tho agreement on which Nasser renc(;e(} provided that Israel cm go' Hi shipped F. O. B., meaning that New York. YWNSl—The Arab- title to the cargo passed to the ian-American Oil Company way ac- purchaser before the 'Ship sailed, cused this week of using question- would be allowed transit on forDnrton II. Grpenlirrfj naires to find nnd weed out Jew- eign vessels. . ,• ish job applicants which "would The first test ship under the •make tho Nuremberg Laws look HummaiBkjold - Nasser agreement like a Boy Scout manual." was the Greek freighter, the Asty- Soviets Bern SHIIIII Arnliln Operation* palea. Port Said authorities halted The chargo was made In the the Astypalea at the entrance to Appellate Division of the New York the Canal December 17th nnd it (Supreme Court by Shad Poller, a has been there since. Its Greek New York (WNS)—Jews In vice-president of the American owners have decided to allow un- some of the western areas of ttie {Jewish Congress which hag been loading of its cargo of Israel ce- Soviet Union d e n i e d the right fighting the oil firm on the Issue ment fio that the ship can return to bake Matzos for P a s s o v e r , for a decade. ARAMCO has Its to Greece. it was reported in the New York field operations In Saudi Arabia. The occasion was «n appeal by Times by Harry Schwartz. - The yiHAMCO from a ruling last July information, according to Mr. 85 by New York. Supremo Court Schwartz, comes from foreigners Justice Henry Epstein that ARAJVICO violated the New York State Washington (JTA)—The House who recently visited the Soviet |nw ugaimt discrimination in em- Foreign Affairs Committee took Union. The ban against bnldng of ployment, formal action this ,wcek in the matzos this year, says tho Times 1J.S. Jolw Open new foreign old bill to urge the expert on Jewish affairs In RusChester Bordeau, counsel for Administration to adopt a firmer sia, appears to be uk.athei* step In ARAMCO, told U)8 five-man court stand against the anti-Israel the intensified Soviet campaign that Jewishness was a "bona fide" blockade of the Suez Canal. The against Judaism. ^qualification for employment by committee included In the bill a Soviet authorities have prohibARAMCO under tho New York section stating that "the United jaw beeauso Saudi Arabia will not States favors freedom of. naviga- ited tha Import of matzo and <jdmlt Jews. Poller said there were tion in International waterways" other special Passover supplies adet lenst 400 positions In the com- and that aid policies should beset dressed by the Chief Rabbinate of pany's domestic operations In New accordingly. Israel to Jewish communities in YorJt City which did not Involve The committee report on the bill the USSR. any possibility of travel abroad. "leaves to the President full reAccording to the Chief Rabbisponsibility for the determination nate, a local agency specializing of tho application of the policy in .exports from this country to TO JNF POST Jerusalem (WNS) — Yaakov and of such action as Is to be tak- the Soviet Union was notified seven in these matters, but 'requires, eral weeks ago that 200 packages Tsur, former iBrnel Ambassador to France, has been elected chalr- that ths President report to the of matzos and other religious supnian of the world board of the Congress on the" Implementation plies would be sent to' tlia Soviet of this section." Union. The agency, Peltours, Jewish National Fund. seemed evasive on whether it would accept the shipment and finally, last week, notified the Chief Rabbinate that the shipment would not. be accepted on the grounds that tho Import of'religious articles Into the, Soviet A. W. Gordon, prominent Oma- Therapy Center, J. P, Lord School Union Is not permitted, fia business and civic leader, will and tho Hattle B. Munroe Homo. receive tho ninth annual Ameri- Ho Is a board member of the Meycanism Citation of tho Henry er Center and tho Clarkson HosJHonsky Lodgo, B'nai B'rlth. pital. Tha award will bo formally pre- Mr. Gordon Is a director of the sented May 17, Harvoy A. Roff- World Herald Corporation, FairJerusalem (JTA)—The board of tnnn, chairman of the lodge's directors of the Zim-Isrnol NaviAmericanism Committee, nnnoungation Company approved "In Ced. principle" here a plan .to build a Tlia B'nni B'rith Award'is based 22,000 - ton superliner for the on "contributions by .an individual Haifa-New York passenger traffic Jo his community and for general route. The cost o£ tho ship is exadvancement of citizenship repected to be about 510,000,000. sponsibility." In Initial discussions of the plan Mr. Gordon, chairman of the with experts of tho Israel Ministry Poard of Directors of tho Omaha of Transport, three possiblo couiv Loan and Building Association, tries were mentioned as the places was ono.-of tho loaders In estabwhere this order might ba negolishing tha Omaha Community tiated, Tha countries aro Wes Chestj appeared before the State Germany, where inost of Israel's Legislature In tho 1920's to help Hoffman Gordon recent shipping acquisitions Iia</o istablish the University of Omaha, liul tools part In 'the formation of mont Foods Company and, the been built, undor tho German-Isthe Association' of Omaha Tax- Omaha National BanK. rael Reparations pact) Franco, payers, Ho wns president of the Serving with Mr. Hoffman on wliero an ultra-modern; singlo 3onrd bf. Children*'Memorial Hos- the Citation Committoo arc Rich- class liner is now being construcillal for two years and participat- ard Hiller, his co-chalnnan; Sol ted; and-Japan, whsro orders hav» ed In tho planning of tho medical Vaffe, Ernie Nogfj, Harry Collek, been placed for two Israeli superenter whlrh includes the Meyer Ceruld Schwartz and Louis Jess. tankers.
Firmer Stand On Blockade Urged
$10 iillion liner Mia°$$Bw York Run
Tlw tup leadership of the 1900 Jewish riilliintliroples campaign was completed tills week with the appointment of Uarton"II. Grcen, an Chairman of the Men's Division of tfie campaign. Acceptance by tireenborg of the key ciunpafgii position was announced l>y ttciveral'chninnnn Milton R. Abrahams. Barton Greenberg, considered among Omaha's outstanding young pressing this same sense of rebusiness executives will supervise sponsibility through their efforts the activities of the Men's Divi- on Philanthropies drives." sion, wliir:h cmcompasses the lai'K- "My acceptance of the position ;st. number of prospects, in the all- was largely based on the belief important united community drive, that you, and others like you, the Jewish Philanthropies, which would pitch in with me on this raises funds for local, national," essential, soul-satisfying effort." Mr. Greenberg announced that Israel, and overseas needs, Abrahams, extremely pleased Solomon Browjisleln, Federation that the organization of tho top Family Service Director, will serve leadership Is now complete, ex- as the division coordinator. pressed full assurance that Bar- la addition to uimounchig Mr, ton Greenberg will lead his .divi- O r e o li b n r g's appointment, Mr, huras disclosed some ol tlio sion to a record performance. "Barton Greonberg," Abrahams current campaign reports In other said, "is heir to a tradition of reas, community consecration and serv- He said initial gifts to the Alice in keeping with outstanding lied Jewish Campaign in Detroit and long time record of his fam- at this time totaled $3,291,154— ly's share in the building of Oma- representing 68 per cent of last year's total of 54,850,000 ana that ha Jewry." "Under Creenliorg's leadership, the city's objective is to exceed wo look forward to tlto recruit- the $5,000,000 mark.. moat of tliu young uilult Jcwlftli Mr. Abrahams pointed out that cliTHhlj) and worker** In tlie more than $750,000 in contribuforthcoming campaign," Abraliains tions to the I960 campaign of tha emphasized, "and the Intensifica- United Jewish Appeal of Greatei* tion of community loyalties among New York were announced at a dinner this week under the sponthorn." In accepting his campaign re- sorship of the American Jewish sponsibilities, Mr. Greenberg said Congress. in a letter to prospective work- Canada reported, he stated, that ers, "In past years I have observed Jewish community representatives many o£ my fellow-Omahans ex- there, set a goal of $6,000,000 in fund raising on behalf of the United Israel Appeal and the United Jewish Relief agencies. CommuSupermarkets nity commitments totaling 5V Sell Bibles ". 824,570 have been pledged toward ' Philadelphia (JTA)—Jewish and the objective and represent an Christian Bibles were on sale in average Increase of 25 per cent i over last year. Philadelphia supermarkets.
Toy Shall Tell Your Son On Thaf Day1
A Navy Chief oxplalnn the I'nssovcr Seder symbols to his two . Many nwmbnro of the military miAc up tlio congregations IIMI by Jewish military chaplains recruited, endorsed nnd served by tlio National Jewish Welfare Hoard.
Ben Gurion Goes World Parley on T@ Paris in June Jewish Education Jerusalem (WNS)—Premier Davld Ben Gurion will visit Paris in Juno, following completion of the summit meeting, It was indicated by informed sources,who said the projected Juna trip wovfld be an offlolal ona. It IS believed that tha original May data had boen abandoned fov two reasons—becausa General de Gaulia and hU aides would be too prooccuplefl with the summit meeting arrangemonW arid beoauso a fatei' meeting would give the Premier greater leisure.
New York (JTA)—A preparatory meeting for a world conCer> ence on Jewish education will ba held in Paris on June 29 and 30, it was announced here ta a sValoment released through the Conference of Jewish organizations by Dr. Nalium GoUmann, president' of the World Jewish Congress, Dv. Joachim Prlnz, president of tho American Jewish Congress and Label Katz,. president of B'nai B'rith. . •' :^,,
Frid*r, April Iff, 18fl0
Speaks at Youth Council " Null. Jewish Youlli Week
' PohUtfad Evtrs S"rM*j bj tlie Jewish Ftileratloa ot Omsita.
Second Clasi Poiioat Paid oi Omcha, Htbt. Armua Subscription. M.CO. Advertising Hafw on Application. Publication O!(lc»—101 Ho Mlh Slietl, Omaha, mar- JAcKs&n 13*1.
Nc»i naa bapiitBlR%9 At Tfio Vt. j rihrr JeHjib Henna l:ar V«s» A H « 1 t»j David Orkolt,
liecords of Passover borrowed from the Onter library are heard on our hi-fi throughout the week in observance of the holiday. Our -.42 p, m. rabbinical visitors, Habbi Benjamin Grotler anil Haljbl Myer B'NAI JACOK ADAS Kripke, also spoke, of the holiday 1'E.SIIUUON' .intl it.s connotations. Friday, Minr-ha, 6:30 p.m., SatMyron Cohen and the Omuha urday, H.-.TO a.m.. Minolta, 6:30 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seu'los. Symphony Trio gave a concert at Daily service-!; at fi.DO a.m. and the home on Monday afternoon. The three beautiful centerpieces .6:30 p.m. for the Sedoriin were presented by • • » tho Omnhn Chapter of the NaTKMI'LE ISItAKI. Temple Israel set-vires will be tional Council of Jewish Women. hold Friday, 8.15 p.m. and Satur- 'Die Mlzrachl women entertained day, 11:30 a.m. Rabbi Sidney our folks on Thursday, April 14, with a sain Passover party under Brook* will officiate. (Seated left to rfcjlit) (ronnfl the tablf) Anron "livid" Mnrciiw, UW'll lla*li>w, Arnold Ureslnw, the leadership of Mrs. Herman Ron) Meyer, Edwin .Sfdntan, Siunn Speler, Frank Goldberg, Karrn i'ellmnu, Karl Lttpffleliuetz, Alan Franklin. BKTH KIv ROM. (Standing left to right) Darl* .Stelinitn, Ilert Rendrr, Illrk Welner, Hurry. TrtistIn, T)onv.\;ui Services .it Both K! SynnRofpie I'latt, Hob Welnsteln, Naomi Rotlienberg, Mnurrcn Ilorden, Kllrn Canar, Bill tlorwlch. Attending Nawill begin ai 8:15 p.m. Rabbi tional Jewish y«utli observant. . Meyer S. Kripke will deliver the Harry Tmtilin, Pi-esident of the-* • All friends and relatives are (sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edfjar Invited (o attend service* and Jewish Federation of Omaha, was i boards. Attending the and the Beth F.I SynuKO'W Choir reception. Israeli Samaritans jjuest speaker at a Jewish Youth Bert H. Render, Center Youth Ac"will render the musical portions or Council meeting held recently ot tivities Committee chfiimian. SI ONE V FllANK the service. Attend Jordan Biles the Jewish Community Center. The Bar Mitzvnh of Sidney Sabbath morning services arc held at' 9:30. The Junior. Congre- Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Jerusalem, (JTA)- -An entire Mr. Trustln who wax closely idengation Services «t 10:30 a. m. Min- ter Frank will be celebrated at communlty of 150 Samaritans tified with youth activities in cha-Maariv will be held at 6:45 Beth Israel Synagogue on Satur- crossed the Israel-Jordan border earlier yearn, expressed his pride day morning April 23. to celebrate Piwsover at Mount in the group's progress nr:d desp. m. Flolile Roger* Says . . . Cerizim in Nablus, the Biblical cribed nome of its pnst programs. Sunday morning services begin DONALD KOHN* Shechem in the eastern part of Your Barber Work at ot 9 a.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kohn an- Palestine now held by Jordan. The The meeting highlighted the Your Convenience nounce the Bar Mltzvah or their Samaritans consider themselves Youth Council's observance of Naand 7 p.m. son, Donald, on Saturday morning, the "true" Jews but are not re- tlbonal Jewish Youth Week. Karen Appointments at BKTH ISKAKL April 23rd at I3eth El Synagogue. garded as Jews by Jewish religious Fellman and Karl Luefschuetz were in charge of activities for No Extra Charge . N o late Friday eveninK family authorities. services tonight. Traditional Fri- CHARLES STEVEN MAYER the week which aloo Included other GL 9284 The Israeli Samaritans, who .day evening services (KnMas Charles Steven Mayer, son of e v e n t s In the Youth Council Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Mayer will ob- were met by Samaritans from Jor- lounge. Youth Council Clubs exSnabbos) bejdn at CA5 p.m. 6618 Dlondo 0 A.M.-6 P.M. Shabbos morning services be;;in serve his Bar. Mitzvnh on Pi-May dan, were headed by their hish hibited specially decorated bulletin at 8:45 a.m. at 52nd and Charles evening, April 22 and Saturday priest. They will be permitted to Streets and at 9 a.m. at 19th and morning, April 23 at Temple Is- remain in Jordan for ten days. Their ceremony is highlighted by Burt Streets. Junior Congregation rael. a killing of a sacrificial lamb in Helen ft. Bernstein at 9:45 a.m. Rabbi Benjamin Gronliteral observance of the Passover 5p»c!clhf" er will conduct the Talmud class] iamorial Services ritual. SAVE TAX Rtm«mb»r wUh * m*g«zin* cub* at 6:15 p.m. Sabbath Mincha at icription—-\b* gift that V«*pi on DOLlAnS 6:45 p.m. For Warsaw iariyrs giving! 1IEIJ.A1E v Sunday mornLnR services begin Memorial services marking the at 8:30 a.m. Sunday Junior Minanniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto yon starts at 8:30 a.ra. Sunday uprising and for the millions of ROHANTJK TO PHESKNT Mincha at 6:50 p.m. who died during the Hitler PKIZK WINNING SKIT Jack § Jill, yr.$3.50 Monday services at 8:45 a.m. Jews will he held at the Jewish Rohanue BBG will present Its and 7 p.m. Tuesday services at regime, Order by Pkoea or Moll Community Center, Sunday, May 8:45 a.m. and 7 pjn. Yizkor nt 1 at 8 p. m. prize-winning Stage-Nite skit of All Current Spoclalt OH 10:15 a.m. Wednesday ami Thurs11)60 before a B'nai B'rith lodge All Magojlnot day services at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on April 28. WA 4742 440 No. 41 if St. Members Naomi Rothentterg and Renee Rimmennan have been chosen assistant counselors for HERMAN BOnSKV SAM OFFICERS the coming camping: season at Funeral services were held lost Sifjma Alpha Mu fraternity, Un- Hcrzl Camp, Webster, WIs. Friday at the Jewish Funeral Home for Herman Borsky, 78, of iversity of Nebraska at Lincoln, JUDEAN GIKLS 5031 Charles Street, who died elected the following officers: The Judean Girls will meet Sun* It. J&A April 6 in a local hospital. Mr. Marty Soph'ir, president; AJ'ForBorsky, a garage operator and man, vice-president; Arnold Joffe, day, April 17 at 2:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. veteran cab driver, lived in Omaha secretary; and Mike Blutt, secretary. Also elected were Harvey since 1893. Surviving are his wife, Martha Parilmah o( York, assistant treasurer and Dick Newman of Minand five brothers. "The Faihion Shop Burial was In Golden Hill Ceme- neapolis, Minn., house manager. of Omaha" Bruce Bloom Is alumni recorder. tery. . • • •• ' Initiated Into campus organizaMBS. TESSIE ZEUNSKV tions were Irv Belzer, Robert ShaMrs. Tessie Zelinsky, 75, of piro, Corn-Clubs, and Theta Mu, Announces with Pleasure S«b (Suhby) PutvertntB Sioux City, la., mother of Mm. national pre-medical honorary; AlOur New Associate Henry Krasne, died April 6 after len Epstein, Symphonla and Na25 Yean' Experience a year's Illness. tional Music fraternity, Stan KdlWHh Jewish She is also survived by a man, PI Tau Sigma, national meLettering end Memorial! daughter, Mrs. Sid Raskin, Sioux chanic engineer honorary and City; sons, Dr. John, Brunswick, Howard Upton, Theta Nu. Me.; William, I^os Angelea, Calif, The fraternity rated first scho- 2211 So. Bth 50th and Dodge RE 2060 AT 2452 and a brother, Julius H. Riaff, lastically on the city-campus. Omaha and seven grandchildren. £*^^(^>?S*&w(«&s<^^ Burial was in Sioux City.' AONON, ISRAEL CONSUL GENERAL Los Angeles (WNS)—Yaakov Agnon Is now in his post as Israel Consul General for 13 western 1201 Jones JA 3032 states. •
Rose Hollis
No.l specialist in packing-
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R. BROWNS OH TIUP Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Brown of Council Bluffs, la. are taking a trip through Wyoming, Nevada., California and Mexico. They will Cincinnati, O., campus of the He- return home, May 1. brew Union College—Jewish Instftute of Religion, has been anMONA LISA nounced. ' House of Glamour The fellowship is available to a I I I No. SOt), GL 7000< qualified graduate student who 6 Export Hair Styliiti wishes to pursue a three year proAir-Cont/itloned Dryeri gram of study leading to a Ph.D. MISS MARSH and MISS JERBV degree in American Jewish history. ^ Owner* Applications may be obtained from the chairman of graduate studies at the Cincinnati institution.
Alvin M. Fellman Recoarda Fellowship And Fiancee Plan In History Offered A research fellowship at the June 26 Wedding American Jewish Archives on the
Tlie story of Hm Zion Amarant, UKSSKRT I.VXCURON The Omaha Chapter of Mizrachi 14-year-old Israeli youth, overWomen has postponed its regular coming the handicap of a heart Mr. and Mrs. Morris Noskin of monthly meeting from A pill 20 to condition through tlic humnnltnr- Brooklyn, N. Y., have announced Thursday, April 2fl. A dessert the engagement of their daughter, luncheon at 1 p. in. at the Jewish ian efforts of the American Physi- Donna to Lieutenant Alvln M. Feltcians Fellowship, Inc., is passed Community Center will precede a business session at 2 p. m. The on by Dr. Abe Greenberg, promi man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis meeting will IK; devoted to Jewish nent Omaha physician who is af- Fellman. National Fund box collection. Mrs. filiated with the group. The marriage will take place Herman Franklin, clinlrm.m and June 20 in Dayton, Ohio. It wits discovered that the lad her committee will be charge. who lived on n. Kibbutz with his Miss Noskin is a registered nurse * * * parents nnd had been deprived of and a graduate of Queens College PIONEKK WOMEN l'l.AN active play because of his physical in New York. She is affiliated with ONEtt 'SHABBAT renuireii surgery for reThe Pioneer Women will hold condition, pair of Die main blood vessel lead- Alpha Epsllon Phi sorority. en Oneg Shabbat, on Saturday, ing from his heart. Lieut. Fellman, a graduate of the April 16 at the home of Mrs. HurUniversity of Omaha, Is at present ry nichlin, 3031 Lafayette, at 1 The father was advised to con- stationed at Gentile Air Force Dep. m. The program will include a sult a Uoston physician. He WHSpot in Dayton, with the Air Force. Mrs. Max Sacks, has been electtalk by Joe lUflinowskl, icndincs told there would be no fee for the ed president of the B'nai B'rith by Abe Schneider and Hen Klul- operation, hut that the hospital Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 man and songs by Mrs. Milton service would have a charge. for the 11)60-61 season. Neai-enberg. Mrs. Pave Epstein Is The boy's plight vens brought to program chairman. pther officers are Mmes. George the attention of the American Slljafer, Bernard Kaiman, BerPhysicians Fellowship, Inc., an or• • • gnniznlion of 2,,'jOO physician inein- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kuklin of nard Goldstrom, vice-presidents, SAM MOTHER'S CJ.IIB The .Sifrma Alpha AIu Mother's b«rs whose function it is to foster Neola, la., announce the engage- Ben, Blatt, recording chairman; AlClub will meet for a dessert lunch- medical activities in the Israel ment of their daughter, Arlene, to bert Sorltin, corresponding secreeon, Wednesday, April 20, nt 32:30 through the Israel Medical Asso- Milton Moskovitz, son of Mrs. Bert tary; George Schapiro, financial p. m. at the home of Mrs. Joe Up- ciation. Financial arrangements Moskovitz. secretary; Arthur Pmilman, dues ton, 4436 Pierce Street. were made by its Roston Chapter Miss Kuklin attended the Uni- secretary; Jay Stoler, treasurer; for the boy's operation and main- versity of Iowa ut Iowa City, and Kugene Braun, historian; Leonard tenance for the family during was graduated from the College of Levin, sentinel; Charles Fisher, BETH EL MOTIIKHStheir Blay in this country. Medical Technology, Minneapolis, guardian; Nathnn Kaplan, Milton CHlUVttEK LUNCHEON An innovation for Beth-El will The Israeli Youth is back: home Minn. Her fiance attended the Uni- Mintz and Nate Gitnick, trustees. bo its mothers-children luncheon after a successful operation and versity of Nebraska at Lincoln, on Saturday, April 23 at the syna- hopes eventually to achieve his whore he was affiliated with Zeta gogue at 12:30 p. m. Arrangements ambition—to join the Israeli Army Beta Tau social fraternity. are being made by co-chairmen, as a paratrooper. A July 9 wedding is planned. Mmes. Jack Jacob-son, Irvin Knirniin nnd Norman Milgrim.
Henry Monsfcy Sroiip
lilion loskoviiz
Membera of the religious BCIIOOI'S
Couple To Be . Wed in June
fifth, sixth nnd seventh grades will present a plnylot, dancci nnd longs. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Gelbart Reservations are being taken by announce the engagement of their circle chairmen. Mines. Meyer Ros-1daughter, Slna to Jimmy Blanker, enbaum, Norman Abrahnmson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Laster Blanker llobcrt Silver, Morris Koom, Is of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Tretlnk «nd Loulj Hurwltz with An early June wedding is planMrs. Joe Hornsteln, chairman. ned.
Betrothal of Miss Eleanor Falkensfein Is Announced
Jack OoSien Chairman Of Gornliusker Danco
iexieo, Israel Sign
Philadelphia Schools May Introduce Hebrew Study
Philadelphia, (JTA1—The Philadelphia Board of Superintendents ha« announced that Hebrew will be Introduced In the final two grades of two of Philadelphia's high Bchools If enough student* signify their intention to study the language. Students' at the High Schools will b eollowcd to substitute Hebrew for the foreign language they have been »tudylng for two or three yearn. The ruling was issued in connection with a survey now underway on such Innguage preftranco. Previously the superintendents hod ruled that Hebrew would be an elective addition to foreign languages now being studled and not n substitute. Parental approval will be required also. David A. Horowitz, associate superintendent of Philadelphia schools, said that two yearn of experimentation would be required beforo serious consideration could be given to adding Hebrew to the
UJA Film Made in Israel, ,on TV New York "(WNS)—"The Dock", "United Jewish Appeal film produced in Israel with'a cast ot stars from the Ifciblma and Clwmber Theatres, hud Its premiere television showing on WABC-TV in Mew York last Sunday. TwP other JLA films will be shown on April .7 afld April 24. V
Specialising in Undervalued Securities and
Special Situations I' .
Jack B. Cohen will serve as chairman of the annual spring dance of Cornhuskcr I-odge, No. 1760, B'nai B'rith, Elliot Brown, organization president, announced. The' event will be held April 30 at the Elks Country Club, Lake Manawa. Proceeds will go to B'nai B'rith sponsored -agencies. Tickets may be obtained from Mr. Cohen, RE 1844, or lodge members!
Th# engagement of Mis» Elea- or of their daughter and her finor J, Falkensteln to Steven Har- ance. ris Ca»well, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Fnlkensteln attended the Abraham E.- Caswell of Swamp- University of Illinois at Cham- Mexico City, (JTA)—A Mexfco»eott, Mass,, has been announced paign. Her fiance, who studied at Isniel cultural agreement, negoBoston, (Mass.) University, in staby Mr. and Mm. Julius Falkek- tioned at Offutt Air Force Bnse tiated since June 1959, was signed here by Dr. Manuel Tello, Minister • teln, parents of the bride-to-be. with the Air Force. of the Exterior, and Shlnneon The Falkensteins will entertain An autumn wedding i« being Amir, Israel's charge d'affaires. «t a cocktail party in May in Hon- planned. The move for this pact was initiated here by Mrs. Golda Melr, Israel's Foreign Minister, when she visited the Mexican capital in
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list of foreign languages approved for study. He said that if and when such a decision was made, study of Hebrew would begin in .the ninth grade. The cautious attitude of the school board was explained by the fact that in other cities where similar experiments had been made, the language had to be dropped for lack of student interest. Students were Informed that dropping a language for the two years of experimental Hebrew mglht create complications in college admissions, It was explained that some college boards oppose student ratings which include only two years of a foreign language.
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Pag* Four
Youth Finds ArvH-Semitism Rampant in West Germany asked how it came about that socalled highly civili7.ed and educated Germans engaged in tha burning of human beings In tho crematoria?;, one student immediately replied that Hitler had ordered the executions and that Germany, besides, had mode profit "from the human soap." In a state school in u suburb of Munich, Siegelman was permitted to sit in with a class of about thirty students and to ask questions. Discussing Hitler, the students wore-uniform in their praise for his accomplishments for Germany. One student volunteered the information that "Hitler had Io get rid of the Jews, in order to seize power." The student raved tlint "Jews are thieves and robbers," that the "Jews never paid tdxesji^ anil that Hitler confiscated Jewish property, distributing it among Germans, because Jews had too much money. At Dachau, the young Yeshiva student discloses, he was shocked, to learn thai Germans were visiting that place of horror as if it were a playground or entertain.\l>.>\c ire tin- members of the youth Council All Star l> iskctball ti-am for the lOVI fiO <ugf ment area for tourists. Me said Four Omaha students at' IJran- many tourists inscribed their e-imii-ticn K-puU-d one of Hit- finest Air St.tr group* In Jeulsli Community Oiitir liistorj, lliej drfi'atc'd Sioux City twiii' and took a victory from IIio Kansas City CvaU-.r Quintet, and won over Hcvcral deis University at Walthatn, Mass., names and the date of their visit liuleiioiHlrnt t>-aniN. Left to rifjlit: Justuir liaii, Allan Koni'eky, Dick -Znrlmrlu, Frank (Joldbcrg, Kt«v« participated in a "mock democratic on the walls of the ovens. Gould, ISruc,' (ioldst.'in, Dun Hollls, IJill (iinsburg, Jiff Wulilm-r. Kill Horwkli. Joel Duvlx and C'oiicli convention" there, along the lines v of the nctunl July party conven- Johannesburg. S. A. (WNS)— Cy Su'itctiiuk. Nut shown in the picture is Walt Wise. tion to be held in Los Angeles. James Hell Durban, who died in Martin Weil, son of Mr. and 1959, has bequeathed $50,000 to : Mrs. Herbert Woil, was Nebraska the Jewish National Fund. In tha state chairman. The role of Sena- will, the deceased, a Christian, tor Kennedy's campaign manager said tlic bequest was made Io the Allan Konecky, Bob Ginsburg. JerCy Si-itobiik Gene Tolpner. Winnipeg Free was taken by Steven Riekes, son JNF "for the furtherance of their ry Colnic, Allen Bograde, Leonard Press staff reporter and former of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiekes, ideals which is part of the dlvino A.Z.A No. 10OO WINS Wolk, Ray Kirk, Stuart Kalin, Oinahan, has received the Cana- and his aide was enacted by Rob- program centered in these people." WKESTLIN(» TOl'ltNKV dian National Newspaper Award ert Fellman, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. C Fellman. Justin Lewis, son A.Z.A. No. 1000, captured the Lindy Paul, Jack Stiss and Cy for feature'writing. PRIVATE TUTORING of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Lewis, served Youth Council wrestling "iriam- Seitchick. Tiie award winning article was as a member of the Oreyon dele- Habrow, Ytddiih, old and young, pionship last Sunday at the Jewish for a story concerning a dying gation. group and individual — ovenlngi, Community Center by winning woman's donation of her eyes Sat. aft«rnoom; Sun. morningi. seven first plae<- titles and racking The student body was divided which previously received the HARRY G. MEHDELSON up a total oi '•'# points to easily according to states with chairmen Winnipeg Press Club's Western DA., Pedagogy. Unl. of Ncbr. out-distanct? the rest of the field. and committees. 1000's victory strengthened their Mr. and Mrs. Barton II. Green- Canada news award. The account The youths are now vacationing 4304 CALIFORNIA - WA 0881 quest for the youth Council Olym- berg announce the birth of a son, is credited with bringing thous- in Omaha with their fnmilies. ands of eye bequests - to the-new pic Championship trophy as 27 Manitoba eye bank. . boys from tho Youth Council par- Joseph Jay on April 3. ANTI-FREEZE Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Telpner was born in Omaha and ticipated in the tourney. IN A LEAKY RADIATOR Next, on the Olympic agenda M. A. Bercovici and Mrs. J. J. studied at the University of OmaWill be the Ping Pong tourney, Greenberg. ha. IS MONEY WASTED April 17tb, at tln> Center gymA t h e n s (JTAt — Archbishop nasium antl the Swimming- tour- Mr. and Mrs. Miles S. Remer anFor Fa$t—Dependable Theoklitos, Primate of Greece, ney, April 20th, at the Center pool. nounce the birth of a daughter, Guaranteed Sorvico sharply denounced anti-Semitism, Individual winners in the wresand announced a plan to remove tling tourney were: 112 — diet Lynn' Michele, born March 31 at from the New Testament passages Stoler, 1000; 120---Bud Epstein, Clarkson Hospital. They are also that offend Jewish sensibilities or 1000; 127—Allan Konecky, 1000; the parents of another daughter, provoke anti-Semitism. The Arch''133—John Bank, Itayim; 138— Lou Hurwtti, Prop. New York (JTA) — Israel is bishop condemned "those wellBill Kully, 1000; 115 — Roger Laurie Beth. planning to adopt special legisla- known anti-Semitic incidents Downtown Location Grandparents are Messrs. und Smith, Itayim; 154 -Justine Ban. tion that will encourage big film WE 0200 1000; 165—Bob Ginsburg, 1; 175 — Mmes. Albert Ross of New York producers from foreign countries which have filled every Christian 1700 Cats Howard Sloler,- 1000; Heavy- City and Louis Remer of Kansas to use Israel as the location for soul with anguish and Indignation." City, Mo. — . weight, Don Forman, 1000. the production of big expensive Every Portrait FINAL TEAM TOTAL l'OINTS News has been received of the films, according to "Variety," the The church leader said that, prior to next October's meeting A.Z.A. 1000 38 birth of a son, Steven Marshall to show business weekly. a Precious Gift... at the Holy Synod, consultations Rayim ....22 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Yaro.sh The purpose of Israel's purposed will be held about eliminating pasof Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Yarosh A.7..A. 1 ..-It plans is to provide more employ- sages provoking anti-Semitism A.Z.A. 100 0 is the former Shirley Greenberg, ment to Israelis needed for large from the New Testament. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred SOFTBALL film productions and to help shootTwenty-one candidates are list- Greenberg. The baby has a pa- ing on Israeli locations of stories ternal grandmother. Mrs. Sophie ed for the Center Softball team that will interpret the spirit of the for the 1960 softbalt campaign. Yarosh and a paternal great Israeli people. The J.C.C. will field a team in grandmother, Mrs. Mary Friedthe Omaha Softball Association man, both of Minneapolis. HUG & UPHOLSTERY .Class "A" club league. Games will •)>e played each Thursday evening. KMEO GENERAL 3IANAGEK CLEANERS . . . whan it ii a special . Vying for team positions are: Jack L. Katz has been appointed RUGS— CARPETING Ed Smith, (Howard Martin, John general manager of KMEO Radio holiday portrait LAMPSHADES Okun, Howard Lipton, Cal Kir- Station. Mr. Katz recently attend- New York (JTA) — An album of your family sham, Sandy Brophy, Dick Zach- ed the 38th annual convention of containing 12,000 signatures of IsFURNITURE aria, Jeff "Wohlner, Roy Katskee, the National Association of Broad- raeli children was presented to Cleaned fn Your Home! Burt Robinson, Morne Handelman, casters in Chicago; 111. Mre. Eleanor Roosevelt world paBIndlntj—loylng—Repairing tron of Youth Aliyah, at her home Photographar in New York. HA 25S4 317 So. 36th HA 1044 Mrs. Roosevelt is recovering Don Bernstein from an accident, expressed-interest in a forthcoming Youth Aliyah seminar for educators and social workers from African nnd Asian countries which will take place owe? WIRINO ELECTRIC in Israel under the auspices of 1 1 HEAT REPAIRING the International Union of. Child Welfare mid Youth Aliyah. NEW YORK (WNS) — West Germany is still Infested with antSemitism and Hitlerism and Its youth is exhibiting unrestrained enthusiasm for Hitler and Nazism, it was reported here by twentyone-year-old Abraham Siegelman, a Yeshiva University student who has just returned from a visit to Germany, his native country. The young man, who was invited to visit Germany l)y the Bonn Government, said that the unti-Semittc attitudes of German students emerge most sharply when they are questioned about Jews. Siegehn.'ui's impressions of Germany, particularly of its youth, are carried in the current issue of Commentator, Yeshivo publication. Posing as an American correspondent, a guise he hoped would give his German interviewees greater freedom of expression, Siegelman got his first shuck when he visited a club in P>onn. When he
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