April 22, 1960

Page 1


Vol. XXXVIII—'No. S!i

u U h c d every Frldnv. 101 No. With Ornuhu, Nebraska. Plume JA liiiHj

Camp Jay-C'-f'.', sponsored by the Omaha Jewish Federation will open Jur»! 2lj on a new slle, at Camp .Sheldon, (the YMCA camp B.t C'olimilius, Nebr.t, in one., of the finest campln;: i-roas in the Blnte, 11 WHS'announced by Norman Bait, Camp Jay-C-C chair* man, Camp Jny-C-C Jias beeri certified by (he .American Camping Association, and has been cik'd as one. of (he. finest camps in the country in program and activities, Jlr. Jt.ilt said. New Swimming J'uol Ideally situated, In addition to the traditional activities such as swimming, liikin/;, fishing, archery, horseback riding, camp craft, exploring, the camp offers canoelnf; under expert supervision, A new swimming pool will be built for liso this uiimmer. C'overod Wagon Camping Special accommodations for pioneer camping in covered wagons will be available for the children 'in Addition to the camp's modern and comfortable cabins. Special programs has been planned for every ane group. An inspiring program .of activities of Jewish content will include Sfihbulli services, art-craft, music atKl dance as well as provision for Hebrew instruction for those who desire it. ,. Camp - Commit too'. "Mr. Batt also announced the following Camp Jay-C-C coniinit-

Whon Your Hosfoss Calls You for That

See Story on Right


tee members; Hurl Robinson, personnel; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duiteh, training; .Mr. und Mrs. Stuart Gottlieb, budget and legal; Mrs Lou Jess with Pr. A. C, Felhnan as adviser, medical; Minos, Floyd Perimeter and Bertha Formim, menus and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Jess, food purchasing. Other Members of the committee are Judge and Mn. Donald Brodkey, Mcssra. and Mines, Norman Cain,,, ]5arney Ilobermati, Kdward 1). Urodkey and Camp Director Boris Steiman. Exofficio members are Hurry Trustin, president, and Paul Veret, executive director of the Jewish federation.

22, JDGO

2 Luncheon at

Two Session*'

An encouraging', response to the appeal for woi'liers was Teporled by Barton Greenhorn, Men's -Division chairman ql the Plillanthropies campaign. "Our objective Is to recruit a minimum of 120 campaign ivorli<TK for the Men's Division," *JroeniM;r£ Mild, "in order to rovvr tlio number of prospects IJI our Unit,. "I am gratified witii the response to date, but we urgently need more workers. I believe that our task will be -marie easier for all of us if we can recruit promptly the necessary man-power." Volunteers are requested to contact Mr. Grecnbcru at Webster 416G,. or-the Men's Division SccrCr tary, Solomon Brownstein, nt the Community Center Jirkson 3

United Jewish Appeal American-Israel Cultural Foundation Hadassaii Youth Aliyah Hebrew University in Israel Israel Instituto of Technology National Committee for Labor Israel National Council of Jewish Women Pioneer Women's Organization • United Ilia.* Service ' ' Ycshivot in Israel

Defense Agencies American Jewish Committee American Jewish Congress Anti-Defamation League, B'nal B'rlth Jewish Labor Commlttea Jewish War Veteran* Nati Community Relation* Council


Warm UVlcoino Awaits Aronowlrn The women of Omaha are looking forward to welcoming Captain Aronowicz when lie appears as "guest.of honor and speaker at tiie. city-wide dessert luncheon of the Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies, Mis. Sam L. Katzman, Women's General- Chairman, staled. .The event will be held Monday, May 2 at 12:,'iO p. m. at Beth Israel Synafjoijuo. "The coi'imgo and fearlessness of lids unusual niun'u dmmiifie Htory which inspired tho 'writing; of tho world's 'host seller' Kxodus", Mrs. Kntzmun dfflclareil, "will always warm the hearts of people who will fight, its Ion); as it Is necessary, for the rescue- of our people. All'of us Hhould walk a little, strulglitor and little prouder because of tho.io on the ICxodus". It is said that the Exodus inclCnpt. Inane Aronotvicz, wlioso uaga of; "rescue" .jvlll nl\vai» ln(Continucd on Pane 2) Bpiro future (jendmtlons.

The following a/jenc/ies and institutions ara included in tho Jewish Philanthropies CampaiBii, and receive support from the drive proceeds. Tliey are listed here'to .Indicate the wide scope of the many and varied programs which benefit from the United Jewish Community "Campaign, the Jewish Philanthropies. These are in Omaha, In the United States, overseas .arid in Israel, and represent a total of about 125 agencies. • . _ The campaign j*oal established for the 19C0 drive i* $550,000, as against some 5-181,000 raised in 1559, Milton K. Abrahams, General Campaign Chairman, stated.

Overseas and Israel

Single Ingle <ju|iy II Lent* Annua> Rule 4 Dollars

Sixteen hours of agony and battering on t h e "Exodus 1MT' in a vain try through the British blockade to-land 4,500 Jewish passengers on Palestine soil, was the' heartbreaking experience of i t s youthful and valiant skipper, Isaac Aronowicz. Just 17 miles from its Haifa destination; the r e f u g e e s ' prayer and dream of a haven, turned into a nightmare as the lone Exodus was rammed in a "before dawn" attack by a cruiser. The attackers succeeded in boarding the ship and in spite of resistance, returned its cargo of refugees to the I). P. camps of Germany, which fluty had once left.

The Camp will have two camp periods: June 2l!-July 5 and July .'i-July 15. Campers may register for ono or both sessions by cnntacting the Camping office at the Jewish Community Center, JA 13f!t>. •. Fees for Omaha residents are $7;>.OO for a single period or $140.00 for.both sessions and for noil-residents, $85.00 for a single period or $160.00 for both sessions.

Oreenberg Motes

Second Clunu tJustnj;e Paid ut Omajju. Nvbi

The campaign goal of $5:50,000 represents the very minimum which must be attained to discharge-Omaha Jewry's obligations to local, national, overseas and Israel needs. Our Jewish communty wpujd become a philanthropic "Jungle," if agencies listed below would embark upon separate and individual campaigns, Mr. Abrahams stressed. Through our united Philanthropies campaign, with the help of every member of the community, both through contributions of funds and help in the various campaign divisions; and with increased contributions at every level, the campaign goal of $550,000 can be reached.

Hospitals American Medical Center, Denver BcHefnlre Children's Home, Cleveland City of Hope, Los Angeles

Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital, Hot Springs Nationnl Jewish Hospital, Denver Nat'l Mental Health Center, Denver

National Services American Asso. for Jewish Education Council of* Jewish Federations and Funds National Jewish Welfare Board Synagogue Council of America

Religious Seminaries Combined Campaign for Reform Judaism Hebrew Theological College, Chicago Jewish Theological Seminary, New York Ycshlvah University, New York Minor Religious Institutions in U. S.

Cultural American Zionist Fund B'nal B'rith Hillel Foundations H'nai B'rith Youth Organization (AZA, BUG) B'nal B'rith Vocational Service Di-opslo College ilistaJrut Ivrit Jewish Brailis Institute Jewish Qiautaunua Society

Omaha Agencies Beth El Synagogue Itellgioug Schools Beth Israel Synagogue Religious School* Temple Israel Religious Schools Camp Jay-C-C Scholarships Pr. Philip Slier Home for Aged Family Welfare and Medical Aid Jewish Education Bureau and Library Jewish Community Center . The'Mikvah Religious Transients Capital Repairs on Federation Building*


Page Two


" Published livery Friday by thoJiwisli federation of Omaha. • • Secona Closs Patlsxie Paid ol Omaha Httc. Annual SuDscrlpNon. U-OO. Atlvcrllslno Holes on Application. Ptl&HcotlOP Offlce-lOJ No ?Qih StrceJ, OfTotia flebr- JAchscn 1346.

Friday, April t t , IW9


Mutl Rcilly in WasEtingfcin

WfKhliiKton (JTA) — United noted that pro-Nazis in the crowd States pnrlc police rejiorted tbey almost came to blows with the anic forced to disperse u nro-Na/i ti-Nnzis nnd that the whole area, This wwk we wch.vnie our rally to avert what iippcnrcd an would have erupted in a wild mej lee hail they not dispensed and Sioux City neighbors to the Jewish J'rcxs, The .Siuu.\ City imniinent 'violent clash bctwet'ii terminated the meeting. Section will a p p e a r in the Lincoln Hocltwell's followers and a Pri's;. for n period of time dur- crowd Hint became enraged when ing the Sinux City United Jew. Rockwell voiced e.xli-eiuir anli(Continued from I'ane 1> ish Appeal Campaign. Members -miti^m. of (lie Sioux City Jewish Corndent did much to .swim; world I'olice saiil that about ]fi0 perintiuily will receive this puliliopinion against Britain's Palestine The first j;el-to;:ether of the ciition. sons were present at the open-air policy. Plans are under way to make Captains of the Men's Division ol rally of the "American Nazi par- tlie annual cocktail supper of the Harry Tmstlri Studi'iit At Culiinil>isi j tlit? Philanthropies Campaign will y." -Most of the crowd appeared I''ed*Tati(m President Captain Aronowiez, IKIIV a srholBusiness and Professional Womto be tourists, mainly student,',, en, one of the outstanding events Uirhitrd Itoldman arship student at Columbia Uni- be held Monday evening, April 25, 1'rrss fuiiiinlMttc who were passers-by ill the area. of tile year. The community's caversity, .set sail in 11)47 from at 8 p. m., Barton If. Gieenberj;, Chiiirtnitu Individuals armed themselves with reer women will assemble WedFranco with Mis '••1,51)0 hapless Men's Division Chairman ansticks. It was the hottest flare-up nesday, April 27 al 5:30 p. in. at souls" on thf liiiturical "Exodus" nounced. yet ignited by the neo-Nazi group the Jewish Community Center for ship after months " e r e .spent in with harangues against t h r Jews the yearly event. making tho vessel seaworthy, and Mr. Greenberg nnnotuu'ed that on weekends near the leading art in eluding the British Mcililf-r- the following have accepted the The appointment of Miss Myrtle ri.m-an Fleot. The ship, outfitted i)oxi,s of captains: Kugene Hraun, gallery and museum. Freeman us chairman of the supto tmnsrioH D, R's to Palestine, 'Itockivell'ft Jew-halting, under n per committee wan announced by had previously hcen the obsolete Jay Ctinsen, Stanley Feinbcrj;, hanrier proclaiming Nazism, uw»rtJ Mrs. Alice HeeRer and Mrs. Jor.ef 1.7, S. .steamer, the President Gar- Richard Fellman, Arthur CJoulii, listener* to Biirffo forward, hooting Muyer, co-chairmen of the group. Sam Halm, J o t li. Hornstein, Sam field. and threatening the Agitator. His . Ilifthlii;htlng the evening's proThe daring 22-year-olil «ltll>- Kohn, Morris J. Lipp, Donald voice was drotvnrd out by the tu- gram will be a talk by Milton Ab| * r anil Ills brave rrew resisted Nogg, Si<lney Osten, Bernard flumult. A riot seemed In thn Immed- rahams, General Chairman of the the British destroyer*' attack ben. Dr. Sidney Rubin, Krvin R. iate atUng, caiihlnjf p.irle pollc« t« Philanthropies. for 16 hours. l^o Into nctlon. Tliej' ordered RocltInvitations' have been Bent to \t. m. Although internee! by tlxv Brit- .Simon, Marlon Sombertj, Ramon wrll to turn off his loud-npi-aMnf; all business and professional womish, Capt. Aronowicz managed to SomberK. William Stone, Sidney I)Kill ISItAl'X sjdtern nnd leuvo the nriu. They en in the community, who arc escape and was Kive.ii command of Taren, Stewart 'I'tilly, Nathan TurRabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor alw) dispersed the crowd. urged by Mrs, Hum Katzman, another transport the Pan Cres- ner, Hairy Wise, Jr., and Jack KH Ka^an and the Beth Israel •rent, then in Rumania. On his first Wolpa. Ax part of their protest. Indi- Women's Division Chairman, to attend the gathering. Transportavoyage,, carrying 7,500 passengers, "This meeting will give us an op- Choir will conduct family services viduals in the crowd sang "God he was again intercepted by tlie portunity to discuss the current this evening at 8 p, m. Members Bless America." Some persons tion will be provided those who British and interned with his ves- campaign, its needs, ways and of the Junior Class of the Talmud stood In front of the Nazi plat- call the above mentioned chairsel and passengers In Cyprus. But form and sang "Hatikvah" in de-men, or the Center, J A 13GG. immediately after the establish- means of making our Division a Torah Junior class will participate. fiance of Rockwell's men. I'olice success, and such other matters us Ttvidi tiunul s e r v i c e s (Kabolas ment of 'he state of Israel, he New York (WNS)~Philip Roth, ran his ship through the blockade arc necessary. We hope everyone Shabbos) begin at 7 p. m. author of "Goodby Columbus," conwill be present at the meeting," and delivered his passengers to sistlnc of a novella and five short Shabbos services begin at 8:45 Mr. Gnenberg said. Israel. stories, has been named one of a. m. at 52nd and Charles Streets Attended School of Navigation three winners of the annual N a and at 9 a. m. a t ]9th and Burt Capt. Aronowicz, in 1946, entional Hook Awards. Streets. Junior Congregation at tered the School of Navigation in 9:45 a. m. Rabbi Groner will con- Jerusalem (JTA) -Almost half All friends and relatives are Ix>iidon, after serving with British duct the Talmud class at 6:30 of Israel's total population visited Invited to attend services and war vessels nml merchant marine. p. m. Sabbath Mincha at 7 p. m. relatives or friends for the Feast reception. Two years ago he entered the followed by Sholosh Seuilos and of Passover. Among the pilgrims Foreign .Service school at OcorRe- KIDNEY FHA.NIC were President and Mrs. Itzhalt Maariv. town University to study adminisBen V.\\ who left their home in Sunday morning services begin Tiie Bar Mitzvah of Sidney tration and management of ship Jerusalem to visit old friends in Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walat 8:.'i0 n. in. followed by break'mes. He was graduated suma cum the settlement of Dcguniu. (aflde, attaining the highest marks ter Frank will be celebrated at fast and Rabbi's class in Bible. More than 5,000 tourists arrived ever recorded by a student in the Heth Israel Synagogue on Satur- Sunday morning Junior Minyon followed by 'breakfast starts by air from 14 countries, to spend university's School of Internation- day morning April 23. 8:30 a. m. Daily services at 7 a. in. the holidays here. More than 10,al Transportation. and 7:05 p. m. 000 tourists nnd returning Israelis The Itincheon" will nlso mark DONALD KOHN • * * came by ship during the same peDonald Kohn, son of Mr. and the observance of tho 12th anniriod. versary of the stnte of Israel, Mrs. Sam Kohn will observe his IJKTH I'X Uar Mitzvah at Beth El Synagogue Services nt Beth El Synagogue which falls on May 2nd. At Army camps throughout the this evening will begin nt 8:15 country, chaplains assisted by Plans for meeting were made on Saturday morning, April 23. p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kriplte will servicemen, worked to prepare the by Mrs. Katzman and. her, cochairmen, Mmes. Julius M. Cohn, C'HAKMCS KANIIY. ENDKLMAN deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron camps for the holidays. MONUMENTS and Morris J. Shapiro and Nathan The Bar Mitzvah of • Charles I. Edgar a'nd the Beth El SynaIn accordance with custom, all Turner. in the Jewish Tradition Randy Endelman, Eon of Mr. andgogue Choir will render the mu-"Chometz" in the possession of your order should bo placed well Mrs. Robert Kndelman will be sical portions of the service. ndvanco of "ynhrzclt" BO the Sabbath morning Kervices will the Government was "sold" to n In celebrated a t Beth Israel Synawork Uocfl not have to bo hurried. non-Jew who made a formal downbegin at 9:30. The Junior Congregogue on Friday night, April 29 gation at 10:30 a. m. Mincha- payment of 150 pounds l$80). AftWo are known for our exacting and Saturday, April 30. Maariv {services will be held at er 10 days' time, Desta Haile, an Hebrew tailoring and detail. Ethiopian consular messenger, who You may ploco your conflifenco 7 p. in. Nesrii nna riapp*ntnri* Al The Dr. i'tiTJIr CHARLES K I J U T Z M A N flbM JrwlHh Hnrnr Tor Tht Arrd by in ui knowing each detail and David Orbim. imVIN'VVKTZKLMAN' - : Sunday morning services fire, during that interval will probably tradition will bo ddhorod to be the richest man In Israel, will held at 9 n, m. Daily services nt Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kurtzman with utmoir cars and iklll. 'sell" the food stores back to the 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Many of our residents will nt- announce the Bar Mitzvah of their Government. The sole to the Ethi• • • Hero you deal directly with the tend the Shrine Circus this week. son, Charles Kurtzman, and Mr. opian official was made by the ownern . . Wo permit no untimeRabbinical visitor will 1)0 Rabbi and Mrs. Iryvin Wczelman an- II'NAI JAC'OIJ ADAS ly solicitation . . . Call us for Chief Rabbinate. nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their YESHURON appointment at your convenience. David Korb. Council of Jewish Women's a r t son, Stanley We/.elmnn, on Fri- Friday, Minchn, 6:30 p. m., Sat- More than two months of planand craft classes are being held day evening, April 29 and Satur- urday, 8:30 a. m., Mincha, C:30 ning by officials of the American day morning, April 30, at Beth £1 p. m., followed by Sholosh ScildoK. Jewish Joint Distribution Commitevery Tuesday morning. Daily services at 6;30 a. m. nnd tee, here, has enabled more than Special Gifts: Messrs. and Mmes. Synagogue. 6:30 p. m, 115,000 Jews in 17 countries to I^ee Sloan, Ray Feltman, Lazar Frtmi Besna • • » JOEL FORTERKavich, and living Herzog. celebrate Passover this year in ac- 3213-16 "Q" St. Open Sunday 2-5 Yahrzeit: cordance with the traditional, JewCapt. and Mrs. Elliott' Porter TEJH'LE ISRAEL fclnco 1023 Memorial services will be held announce the Bar Mitzvah of their Temple Israel Bervlces will be ish religious requirements. In the Home Synagogue, for the son, Joel Porter, on Friday night; held Friday, 8:15 p. m. and Satfollowing, the anniversary of April 29 and Saturday morning, urday, 11:30 a. m. Rabbi Sidney who$e death will be remembered April 30 at Temple Israel. Brooks will officiate. during the month of Iytir: Iyar-1, April 28, Harry Steinberg, Iyar-2, April 29, Mary Cohen, Iyar-8, May 5, Meyer Potash and Iyar-10 May 7, Joseph Kosowslcy. (MRS) FRANCES KLEIN

Exodus Captain 'To. Speak-Here




Captains. Meet'

On April 27

Israel Celebrates

Joseph Hayldn wishes to thank nil those who remembered him with Beth El grams and greetings on his ninetieth birthday.


IS OMLY AH when you stoclt up on dark, delicious


VVA 5554


AT 4977


'( TRY "EM —THiY'Hi oaicious

Oal! Wed

/ for '-Tliursiaf @eSi?a§f |


Friday, April it,




Hada^ah Conference Opens Center Notes Golden Aqen Invif© City April 23 at Town House Two hundred and fifty delegates and guests lire expected to attend Ihe 14th annual Mlf-souri Valley <Conference of Hadassuh at the Town House, April 23-2B, Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, and Mrs. Ernest A. NogR, chairman and co-chalrtiian, announced. Mrs. Ezra Shapiro of Cleveland, O,, a former national Ifadassuli vice-president, will nerve us conference advisor. She has been a. delegate to five World Zionist Congresses and has made never! Mm. E. Klmplro .Mrs. K. N. Wolf trips to Israel. 1. 1,. Keticn, wood Broun Memorial Award for Fairfax County, oututitndliiK journalistic achieveVII., executive illment. His subject will be "Israel rector of the American Israel and the Free World." Reservations Affairs Commitfor Ilie event ure beinj; taken by tee and editor of Mrs.' Irvin (". Lt'vin, GL 2.r.l.r>. the New F.ast The committee of Omalia WomReport, will oii \vorkin^ on the nwtinK conNjM'ak at t lie Kmiday, A p r i l sists of: 24 banquet nt i; -. ^mmrnxmsi^s;.'^ Mtnc'i. A. D. Frunk, (rvlrt C. Levin, //orrU M. Franklin, M. C. Fellinnn. Alfred 11)0 Town House. |, u K , , n P | | Frunk, Jo** Guss. Sum Roltienbyrg, Iro VYIitteA newspaperman book, Ted Saufurd, Worrit J, Sttajdro, ti, SltinSn i l n e o VVInlraub, / l r , Plllllp i p p . Schwarti, mid lawyer, he recently won the HI'hlncas Morton Icyy risk,, touli tu Llpp, N Nailian Rlcdordj, Harry Foremteln, R d d H F t l SSam t d n o , Aniericim Newspaper Guild's Hey- Arihur Cohn, A, D. Frank, A, C. Fcllmon,

• *-\

Campus WINS Fl'J.ItKNiHT £('IIOL/UtHHlr i\Ilss Kita I'eltz is the first University of'Omaha co-ed to win a Viilbrlcht scholarship. She will'me the scholarship to study at the University of Montpellicr in Montpellier, France. Miss Pellz who will be craduat<•(! in June from the University, Is tlie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pellz. She graduated from Central Hitfi school In I'Xfi, ranltIIIJ; fiiTit in her class academically.

//.. M. Jobertts, Al Fiedler/ Arthur Gotdliptn, Abe Vofiger, Elnior Crccnborg, Al Sopticr, Irvlfi Mor/og and Ervtn Simon.

Some'-of the hif;liliKlit« of the conference will include a ''Communications .Showcase" presented by Mrs. Morris Snitzer of Si. Louis, MIL; a "Lpiidership Training Worksliop," Mrs. Nathan 11. Bernstein of 1-incoln, Neb.; "A Study Group in Action," Mrs. Saul Suvalsky of ('oinicil Hlufta, fa.; "Anatomy of a Program," Mrs. Philip D. Schwartz, of Oniahu and a "Consultation ("linic" with Mrs. Kzra Shapiro, and Mrs. Arvle Ooldsfeln, Kansas City, Mo., rei'jonal president.

Cuffurcil Center

Ef.KCTJtf) AT HAKVAttH .Murray J. Belmaii. son of Mr. nii'l Mrs, Hymen Dnltnan, hns been nan.ed Class Marahnl of the liJCO Harvani University IJiw SCIKHII. Paris (JTA) Jewish cultural He was Rrnduated faun Cornell lite in Algeria has been substanbefore cnterinR Harvunl. tially expanded with the creation of a new cultural center In Satda ami the furtlu'i' development of Among tho:;e re-elected to of- thf" exiKling Jewish center In Tiafices In the Omabn Food retailers ret. Tlie Saida center, which was esAssoclatioirwore ,)oo Upton, pr<>sidcut; I<c<«i:ir<l Iitittbrg, vlce-pres- tablished with the help or the iflent and Hum S. HtelnlM-rg, ser- World Jewish Con(;re;:s, Includes a Kcant-at-arnis. lending library, records and fi!mn on Israel. The center plans to orHarry Lobel, Omaha electrician, gnnize lectures on Jewish topics. in to lecture on the "protective The Tiaret center Is accelerating role of arteriosclerosis" before the its activities. Seminars nnd classes NebruBkn Academy of Sciences in will be held during the summer Lincoln, April 22. months'. It was also reported hero tlint Mr. and Mm. Allen Kohun will return Mny 18 from a trip to the nearly all Jewish children in Tunisia are receiving a traditional west Coast. Jewish education. The OrganizaHonry Grecnberg is one of the tion of Tunisian Jewtoh Communnew members of the budget com- ities and Tunisian Jewish Centers mittee of the United Community reported that 1,014 Jewish boys Services. ' and girls are attending regular courses in Jewish education and religious Instruction.

Omahans in News

BPIES' TOP BCOItE SKOONW TIMK Mr. and Miu, Gerhuul Spies wera.-'top scorers for the second consecutive time in the Toiirnument Bridge Game held at tlie Center on April 14th. The next bridge night will be on April 28th, al the Center.

Ml. MII.OItAM, TO IJIO YOIJN<; ADULTS' Ol/KS'f Dr. Noriiian Mil^rain will be tlie featured cuest at the Youni; Ailnlt Nite on Tuesday, April 2Gtli, at 8 p. m., wlipii he will lead a discussion on "Facts and Fallacies about Mental Health." Dr.. Milgrum in a Clinical Psychologist on Children's Service at. the Nelirnfiku Psycliiatric Institute, All youni; adults and their friends are welcome.

ISohatioa Danee Ohairmeii

'Ilia Go!<l(!ii At;e Club will, be hosts td meinbora Of other contemporary organization.1!, Monday, April 25 nt the Jewish Coiumunily Center. Guest ^rou(i!< will include the Purlin ami Kccreation Department, Senior Citizen!,- Club, lietired Teachers, VMCA, Salvation Army, Union Pacific Old Timers Auxiliary, and the Telephone Pioneers of America. 'Ilie afternoon's program will include entertainment by Ihe Omaha Magical Society, Joy Holies, Omaha Jtecrealional Orchestra, Kxcelsior C's, liusy Bee's, and Dnunatic Club ot lite Worknian's Circle. There will also be vocal and instrumental soloists and community singing. Serving on committees for the event ure the Mmes. Sol Noj.;g, I.ouis Cutler, Bessie Behn, K. May Davis, Beatrice M. Jeiiltins, Hyman Fried, Mill on Iiesniclt, Arthur Rubin, Kllzabotb Neveleff, frviiij Kaiman nnd Ksther Murks. T)ie Golden Age Club is co-spon-

Holianue BBG has named the chairmen for its annual dunce, "KvenliiR In Paris" to he given April .'10 at the Shcraton-Fontenelln Hotel. 'Iliey are Ronnie Tnrnoff and (.'beryl Taubman, over-all chairmen; Susan • Sachs, publicity; Lcnnnc Goldberg, decorations; Naonii Hothenlwri;, tickets; Itosulind No(;g nnd Nancy Harding, at.iclcero; Reiiee Rlmmermnn, patron tidteta; Sharon Kraft, house parThe Workmen's Circle Dramatic ties; and Fran Grossman nnd Club will present its annual play Linda Siircf, Beauster Rifts. "A Speechless Wife" Sunday, April 24 at the Jewish Community Center at 8 p. m. CIS Louis WitUin will direct the production. Tickets may be obtained at the door. Haifa (JTA i-'-Kor the firm lime since the foundation ot Israel, <m Arab citizen presided as muyor of n large city with a mixed ArnbJewlsli population. In adjoining Acre, W, Hablshl, the Hopuly Mayor, was invested With nil mayoral powers ns Actini: Mayor of the city, serving in place of Mayor V. Gadlsh, a Jew, who was uiinble to function in office because of Illness. Mayor Gailish hns been an Omahn visitor.

sored by the National Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish Federation.

Program ©f Howard DH Silviv, fwrusfl , who will be a Program of the Month guest at Temple Israel, May '12, is scheduled to appear on the Kd Sullivan show on WOW television, Sunday, April 24, 7 p. in, to 8 p. in. Mr. Da Silva has iiluyeiJ i» »t»ne •10 Ilolijivood fjluii: and has been nominnli.'d twice for an Academy Award for his portrayals in the "Lust Weekend" and "Two Years Before (lie Mast". He has directed, produced and also acted on many HriMulwuv .plays. The Program of the Month is arranged by tiie Jewish Community Center and co-sponsored by Beth K), Beth Israel, B'nai B'rith lodges and chapters, Farhand, Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, Temple Isvnel, Wovknwn Circle, Young Adult Council.

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Of Israel City

Visiting in Area

Mr, nnd Mr.s H.. Mirowitz/ former Omniums, who are now making their home In Minmi Beach, Fla. are vialtlhK frlend.i and relatives here and in Council Bluffs. They are guests at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Brown of Council Bluffs. Before returning to their home, they will visit St. Paul, Minn, St. Iyouls, Mo. nnd attend the June 12th weddliiR of their granddaughter, Roznnne Edith Mirowitz, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Mlrowltz In Dallas, Tex. Before arriving here, they attended the Bar Mftzvah of their grandson, JUDAEAN GIHLS lUKFiTING Edward Feintech, son of Mr. and • The Jutlftean Girls (sixth graded Mrs. Sid Feintech in Den MolneK, will meet Sunday, April 24 at 2:30 Id. Washington, D, C, (WNS)—The p.m. in the Jewish Community House Foreign Affairs Committee Center, recommended thiB week tliat Israel continue to receive special Greater U.S.-lsrael "Mogazlra Specially" assistance grant aid during the fiscal year starting July i at the Student Exchange name level~$7,50O,0OO—as it reJerusalem (JTA)—Former Su- MOTHER'S DAY, May 8 ceived during fiscal year 1980. preme Court Justice Joseph M. fUmsmber with • gift lubicrlption. The 19G0 grant was achieved by Proslcauer, honorary president of prlo«» and ip*cUU the House committee last year de- the American Jewish C6mmittee, Low»itscurmnf on all magailnti. spite objections fmm the Elsenhower Administration. Opposition snid that there should l>e a greater LOOK, IB mos. S4.00 in Congress to an Administration student exchange between Israel POST/JOURNAL, AMERICAN. nnd the United States. Judge plan to cut Israel off from such 1 vr. each, comb • • • • J8-50 aid for fiscal 13R0 forced rein- Proskauei' said groat mutual benefit could be derived from such an WA 6742 440 Ho, 41 tt ( I . statement. In Us re commendation, t li <> exchange of teachers and students. IIou.se <ommitten Imiiled Israel'* effective m t of "the m o d e s t -amount of »[><'<'lal nuslstancc1' r«v i crlved dtinrln'g 1DG0. During tlm't i f I wen 1 year, Israel nlso roecelved porfraitt of distinction $1,S70,000 In I'olnt Four technics! aid, and $H'IMO,000 In «titpHm , Call SE 1317 / foods, ' , . ' At the simi<! time, Stewart O. Candid V/odding Album* Mason, head of a special WnsMngFormal Bridal Portraits ton nilssion of the World flank, said In Jerusalem that tile mission Children Our Specialty hud completed its'sttidicg of large '•oule development projects ••"•.tor which Israel seekn n World Bank

Of Aid to Israel

ver Roaii

J. Cliff Rahel & Co. C Investment Bankers

1130 First National Bank JA 7262

Wilk Two Block* »nd tm Z0% . 40"/o. 5 0 % • ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY

Helen A. iersisSeln


l o u n .



;•' • ••• ••

' :.-.. '



So. 16th

HA 2355 N.


Page Four

Friday, April VI, IEfiO


Artist's Conception of Future Israel Museum: Twenty-Five in Program ' Twenty-five Belli El young people will participate in a projrra-m centered around "This Is Your I,iff" at the first sisterhood mother-children lunclienn, .Saturday, April 2.'i in the syn;i};<>;;u<; nt 1^:30 p. in


Hrumk'is I'niverMly (Style Ucvlrtr April 27 The new date for the Musical Style Review "i'un In The .Sun" to be presented by the Omaha Chapter ISranrteis University National Women's Commit Ire «ill be Wednesday, April 77, following a 12::i() p.m. luncheon at the Hladcslone Hotel. Twenty-five club members will model the latest cruise -wear, inteispersed by a chorus of musical I numbers with.original lyrics writI ten by the Mmes. Murley Zipur| sliy, Normal Denenberi: .'iiiil Don, aid Nottf-r- Mrs. Harry Dulinff will V *--• I he piano accompanist, Mrs. Har- I old Carher style show commenArtiKt's collrcptlnn of tlu* m-w NutiiiliHl .MIIMUIM «f It,ra«l U> IIR built on u 2!i-aero |>lot in tator. Hcse.rvalions chaimien are Miss Hose Griidinsky. AT 2710 Jerilsalcru, mljoiniilt,' HIP Iletireiv IJnlverslly cninpiis. $1,500,000 is already available, for I lie liuilillnf; in grant* friini the United SIUICK nnd Ihrui'i i;"Vinmiilh. and Mrs. Uuth Hoffman, JA 2083. Mrs. Verne Vance will f;ivo a report of current events at lirandeis University.

Israeli Frigate .

"Thank lliavcns for Little IJirls" Tin-in* "Th.-inU Heaven fur I.idle Girls" Tel Aviv (JTA)—The second of will be the. theme of I lit- I'-eili two'Israeli frigates sold (o Ceylon, Jerusalem, (JTA)—A search for equipped with divir.j; equipment Israel Sisterhood fund - raising the Miznak, was en route to Co- hidden treasure reportedly buried and underwater photographic apniofher-da lighter haixmcf to be New York <\VNS>~ Thousands lield Thursday. May !>. at <;:.''>0 p.m. of Jewish residents of Chicago lombo where a CVyloncse crew in Hie Second Temple is underway paratus. nwir the Wailing Wall Jn Jordanin tlie syriacoK"'' social hall. and of a Montreal suburb faced will take over the vessel from its The program will feature a fash- the painful choice on the first day Israel crew. .Several Israeli in- held old Jerusalem. 'Hie excavations are tx.'ing conion show with 26 little -girls, from of 1'assover of l.isiri); their rif'ht tt'jes three to ten, acting as mod- to vote or of disregarding their structors will remain to train the ducted by the Jordanian Antiqui- lieth Ihr.nl Kahlii Benjamin' Groiier will els. "eylone.se crew and the other Is- ties Department, nnd Prof John religious'duties by voting. Mode-Is ore the Mlsifs SieH! Shapiro, Alle;;ro of Manchester University lead the discussion nl the next Cynthia Epltein, Hf-Une Pelmofil, Roberta The situation in Chicago was raelis will return home. The Miz- mi authority on the Dead Sen session of (hi- Beth Israel study Shrogrj, Annlr PolloVoff, Murcla Lou Gerrllck. Shelly Rubin, Linda Grtntr, Jcnl Hole marked by a charge by the Chi- lalt left Israel last week and .Scrolls who is searching for the group to be held at the home-of Crounse, liorbora BcfQ, Sharon Fc-dmon, cago Jewish .Sentinel that Govercrossed the Than Straits separat- treasure claimed to have been hid- Mrs. Albert Friedman, 511 North flond«ll Karjon, Sherry Jcsln, Diane Hoc Clinton, Julie ^nn Frunk, Jorklt Lubmon, nor William G. Stratton. a Redi'ii'in the Second Temple before 47, on Monday, April 25, at 1 t u n . Lvnis Syminer, Leslie BabfrMdir, Borboro twice vetoed amend- nf,' the Gulf of Akaha from the the Romans destroyed it more Bergman, NorKy Buratcln, Wurilyn Rc-.en. publican, bercj, Pamela V/elSi, Polrkla Shater, Bar- ments to the slnte election law lied Sra at sunrise. than 2,000 years ago. Ilrutlricta Cnl bara Flshboln, Avla Sllvertrand and Monica Parker. which would have made voting The first ship, the Mivtach, left The Book Group of the Omaha The "report." of the hidden Also appearing on the program possible for observant Jews. The or Ceylon last year.after several treasure was contained in a copper Chapter Hraodcis University Nawill he Mrs. Ijcroy Canfield and Illinois primaries were held on the months of political delate touched scroll found among the Dead -Sea tional Women's Committee will daughters, Debby and Donna, who first day of Passover. off by refusal of the United Aral) Scrolls. Armed guards of the Arab meet Thursday, April 28. 10:30 will offer musical vocal selections. In the Montreal suburb of Outa.m., at the home of Mrs. Albert Chairman and co-chairman of rcmount, the City Council Is re- Republic to allow a Oylom'se cn-w Legion were guarding the diggers Wohlner, 125 .South 93 avenue-. the event are Mmes. Ernest Hoch- quired by law to schedule city to inter the Gulf of Klath where because Moslem zealots consider Mrs, N. H. Greenberg will lead ster and Jack Levey; banquet ar- elections seven days after nomina- the two frigates were sLationod. digging in the area, which contains the discussion of "The American" rangements, Sidney Goldberg and tions are closed-a day which this The impasse was broken when an a Moslem holy place, an net of by Henry James. frank Cohen; decorations, Uclmiir year came on the first day of Israel crew sailed the Mivtach, to grave sacrilege. V • • Klein; model consultant, Allen Passover. The Jordan Antiquities Departthe Indian Ocean where- it was Council of .lewisti Womfn Weinstein; and fashion commentament meanwhile, canceled a pertaken over by a Ceyloncse crew. Mrs. Frank Wear will dlsciisg tor, Milton Gross. mit to a Kansas City arcbncologist Michael Comay • * • to hunt for the lost cities of Sod- her experience as Nebraska's cle'cSDT BAKE KALIS om nnd Gomorrah, He has been i;ate to the White House ConferAssumes UN Post MlzrncJil Women The Sigma Delta Tail Alumnae ence on Children and Youth, at a New York UTA)—Ambassador League of Omaha will hold a Bake exploring the bed of the Dead 1 p.m. coffee of the study group The April meeting of the Omaha Chapter Mizrachi Women will be Michael Comay arrived here from Sale Saturday, April V3 at Hinky Sea. The. permit of Dr. Ralph Beney of the National Council of Jewish held Thursday, April 28 at the Israel today to take up his post as Dinky, 72 and D(Hl|;e. Proceeds Women, Tuesday, April 2G'nt'the Jewish Community Center. A des- Israel's Permanent Represents-, from the sale will be contributed was canceled because lie has failed home of Mrs. Harry Wise, !)2(> to find anything after five wreks sert, luncheon at 1 p.m. will pre- tive at the United Nations. to the National Ix*ah Kmtman Hillcrest Drive. A discussion will cede a '1 p. m. business session Yosef Tekoah, who served ns Memorial Scholarship Fund fit of searching. Dr.'Beney, n.Baptist follow her report. minister, arrived In Jordan at the which will include the annual acting Permanent Representative Brandeis Unlvereity. Reservations are being taken by head of a team of four Americans •pring J N F box collections. at the UN since Ambassador Eban the Mmes. Justin Manvitz, ItK ("o-chalrmen of the affair arc A program will be presented. left last year, will leave for Hio Mmcs. Marvin Kohll, Klliot Brown, 9509 and Seymour Abrams, GL» Mrs. Herman Franklin, chairman, de Janeiro to become Ambassador nnd Donald Sturm. The Bale orifj6872. will be assisted by her committee. to Urazil. nally was scheduled for March 17, but was canceled due to the bad weather. Applications are now .being nc1USSB USES ATOM cepted by the Jewish Community Center Day Camp for the followIII 0OE1AGS, HOW ing positions: boy's unit head, wa'A rAEULcys esd iiicat'iiEa nsir -*tUMH,TIHI terfront director, senior boy's and U'ttl SUtSIK • MrHUI CAMTOI rftwA senior girl's counselois, all o w r F%DDV CHAYEFSJtV* WIW Hit Jerusalem fJTA)—A sweeping revision in the Ismel Government's 18 yenrs of age; junior boys and policy toward its Arab citizens, junior Bill's councilors, 3G-18, and ...nrt t,TYRONE GUTKliiE aimed at making them fully into- kitchen tnw. Mon. thru Ihurt, tin t JO.CO, S.7S, 4 CO, The camp will l«> held at Pcoiiy grated nnd patriotic Israelis, has 3 CO, 3 00. fit. t Uf. Cv|S.i »7.5O' C CO, 9 75, 4 CO. 3 CO, 3 00. VIill. » Eat. Ktatl.i been decided on in highest Gov- Pnik fiom June 13 through July itdO, 4 JO, 3 60, 3 00, Z.50 (Ta> rnment circles for early Imple- H, Boris Ktciman, O u t e r ActvitiIntl.). tncloio idf nSdnssci), lljmpcd tlcs dnector, JA lSfifi, may bo contnvelops a lujjtst 3 i i t t r u t i tola mentation. BOOTH TKDH1Eg.tHB.qtt.at.» Under the proposed new policy,- tacted for additional information. A'hich also would look toward de\eloping Israel's Arab population y as a bridge toward friendship with REGISTER DEMOCRATEC neighljoring Arab countries, rather than a susj>ecled minority, military government would be continued in Arab-populated areas. However, its authority would be strictly limited to security matters, with all other 'procedures transferred to normal civilian authorities. The plan calls for an effort to Delegate to Democratic employ a .substantial number of Israel Arabs in all Ministries exNations! Convention cept Defense and Finance where .security problems arc involved, it F. Jay Pepper VOTE DEMOCRATIC was reported. Another projected itep would be arrangement? for rOMTH'AT. I'OIJTICAI, many Aral) teachers- to teach in Jewish schools nnd Jewish teachers in Arab schools. Vofo for... Landless Arabs commuting daily from villages to neighboring maJor'towns and cities would be encouraged to settle in urban areas — ron — permanently in Government-aided Dr. Albert I), Saliin, who developed tlic live viraa anti-polio Tsarine, !s housing, it was reported. The Mulionorecl in New York Cily at University House, national headquarter* of nicipality of Haifa, it was underthe American Friends of the Hebrew University. Dr. Saliin lectured at the stood; a city In which the-largest Hebrew University of Jerusalem UA Mimnicr and plant to return for a HOM-POUTICAt DAUOT 'number of such' c/>mmutin£ Arabs •erics of lectures in 1961. Shown at die University House reception are, left ate employed, is willing to absorb lo riglit, Daniel C. Roes, rlmiriuan of the Hoard of the American Friends a Former State Senator in housing and .permanent, emcf the Hebrew University; Dr. John If. Gurlocb, president of the American , Jewiih FuyMcianii' Committee ami chairman, of,ll»« event} Dr, Sal/itt, ami ployment many thousands of. tltesp World War II Volcrcn ' Dir. Israel S. WecMer, honorary president ef the AHIU, Arabs. •'.'" . ' • ."•

Sold to Ceylon ' Voting Rrgfits Lost fcy' Passover Observance

Wall for Hidden Treasure

Study Groups

New Policy for Israel's Arabs









t-:/S-M- | 0 e c ,


Friday, April 22, IOCS


Two Unions Boycott Egyptian New York, (JTA) — Two big niiiritimc .unions ixiycol ltd ;m Arab Kliip «t (in American port for the first time lust, week in-reprisal for tlic United Arab Republic blacklisting of American chips trading with Israel. No I'liloiidlni;

Pickets of the .Seafarers Inter national Union and the Inlornnt inn a I • Longshoremen's Unior walked the dock where Iho Cleopatra, nn i:j:yi>tian passengercargo vessel, hnil been berthed The stevedores .refused to iinloud the Cargo. Paiil Hull, president of the .Seafarers Union, and Thomas Glcason, general organizer of tlie ILA, mi affiliate' of the -AFiX.TO, led the pickets who distributed leaflets in which they demanded that the United Suites Government older the Nnvy not to buy oil in any ports where Anieriran fillips were blacklisted.'The leaflets also demanded that the shipment of jjuVwnnicnl-finnimod surplus roods be stopped for imy nf.don "which blacklists' American shipping." A spokesman for the Seafarers Union .said it would not solve the

problem for the Cleopatra to be moved to another .American port. lit! fciiid ' Hit; two unions would picket the ship wherever it was brought for unloading. J''rredoni of the Seas Hall declared: "We will keep up thi' steam until this situation is corrected." Gleason said his group was backing Hie protest to help restore full freedom of the ueas for the benefit of maritime workers throughout the world. The Egyptian vessel has 3,000 tons of general cargo aboard, 400 tons, of which were to be discharged hoe. The remainder of the cargo was destined for U. K. ports as far south as Jacksonville, Fia. Federal Judge Edward Weinfeld rejected the request of the Khedivial Mail Line owners for it temporary restraining order against the picketing of the'Cleopatra In advance of a full hearing. A hearing on the ship's company's motion for a preliminary injunction against (he picketing was to be held in Federal Court. In Stockholm, the Swedish Transport Workers Union announced it would blockade the loading and unloading of all vessels belonging to the United Arab Republic in reprisal for the Aral) blacklisting of Scandinavian ships doing business with Israel. The blockade includes transports to and from United Arab Republic vessels, such as oil tankers. A similar blockade was previously decided on by the Finnish Seamen's Union.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard I.. Ooldman have given the name of JJaitjel Bruce to their son, born on April 5. They are also Iho parents of two other children, John Alnn and Jane Kllen. Grandparent.1) arc (he Messrs. nnd Mines, Isiaiiore Abranison nml Offers Support David Goldman. (Jreat-grandnfothi.'rs are Mrs. J. Aliramson und Mrs. In Brussels, Victor Larock, leading Belgian Socialist, expressed Abe Herzbei'K. his supiwrt to American and ScanDr. and Mrs. Raymond Wcis- dinavian dock workers for their lierf; announce the birth of their boycott action. first child, Erica Lynn on April "It is to the honor of the New 8 in Uoslon, Mass. Dr. Welsberg York, Stockholm and Copenhagen is a staff resident lit the V. A. dockers that they took upon themHospital-there. . lves the task of making ri reGrandparents rire Mr. and Mrs. joinder. 15«t it's also not a little to Frank WelsborK of Sacramento, the shame of the United Nations," Cal. and Mr, und Mrs. Max S. M. Larock declared. Kaplan. Mr. nnd Mrs. Marvin S. Kohll are parents of their first child, Louis Howard born April 10. Mr. Kohll Is the son of Mrs. Gerald P. ' Colin, his wife, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ilernard Fisher. Great-grandmothers of the infant lire'.Mm.-Heine Delrogh, Omaha nnd Mrs. Ann Kohlberg, Venice, Cal.

Willhn Earmarked London (JTA)—The sum of $5,C00,O00 has been-earmarked by Premier Kasstm's Ira(| Government to aid in setting up a Palestine Republic and to train a "Palestinian Army," the Times of London reported.

Mr. find Mrs. Walter A. B.uecnuteln, Buffalo, N. Y., announce the birth of their necond eon, Lawrence Gregory on March 10. Grandparents are Mrs. Ann Israel—Unrecorded letters writBugensteln, St. IVmis, Mo. and Mr, ten by Theodor Herzl, the foundand Mrs. Meyer Colnic. er of the World Zionist Organization, were discovered recently in the private archives of Grant! Duke Friedrich. of Haden. Five of the MRS. FANNIK FITCH Funeral services were held Wed- letters were not mentioned in nesday at the Beth Kl Synagogue Ilorzl'g memoirs. for Mrs. Fannie Fitch, former In one of- the letters Herzl Omaha'and Council Bluffs resi- thanks the Grand Duke for his dent, who died Sunday in Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs.. Fitch's- husband was a Council Uluffs grocer. . . Survivors: daughter, Mrs. Jerry Lewis, Los Angeles; sons, Marvin, Chicago, 111., Vcrnnn, Los Angeles and Avrum. Dallas, Tex.; brothers, Max and Henry Itiekes, both of -6maha;/fdt)r sisters, Mrs. Hnrney Fink and Mrs. Station Kichaids, both of Omaha, Mrs. Philip Klutznick nnd Mrs. Sam Beber, both of Park Forest, III. Burial was In Beth El Cemetery.

Ancient Scrolls Jerusalem (JTA)—The. largest Israeli archaeological expedition Poland—A journal of a 12-yearfever organized will soon start sys- old ton of'a'poor Jewish tradestematic ue a r e lies for ancient man from the village of Krajno telling of the horrors of a Jewish scrolls believed .still hidden in boy living under increasing Nazi eaves in the Judean Desert, it was repression, was discovered in a announced by Dr. IScnjamin Ma- rubbish heap. It lias been comzar, president of the Hebrew Uni pared to the diary of Anne Frank, Jewish girl in Amsterdam, who vorsity, and chairman of the Is- akept an account of the months she rael Exploration' Society. aacl her family hid from the Nazis Scrolls and other relics are be- until they were discovered and lieved hidden in the caves where taken to a concentration camp Anne died. recently, archaeological diggings where Written IS to JJO Years Ago have discovered many fragments The Polish weekly paper Polilyand artifacts hidden by Jewish ka has introduced excerpts from rebels in their revolt against the the diary purportedly written by Romans, after I he destruction of young Duvid Kubinowiez eighteen to twenty years ago. It runs from the second Temple. March l!)40 to June 3942 and Its While there was no official state- appearance is said to bo giving ment to that effect, it is believed Poli.sii readers a fresh glimpse of that many scroll scraps and other the horrors of wartime Nazi ocantiquities have been stolen from cupation. those caves by roaming Uedouins who later sold the valuable ma- As published in Politylta, Davterials in Jordan. The urea is near id's diary opens with this entry: "March 21, ]<M0. Very early this the Jordanian border. morning I walked through our village. From a distance I saw- a poster on the wall of n shop and went quickly to rend it. It said that all Jews will be forbidden to travel Israel — A group of American by horse cart. (For a long time Investors nsked the Eilat Munici- we have not been allowed to travel pality for land on which to erect by train)." a 20-story office building. AlterRecorded Indignities natively, they are prepared to Between youthful comments on fint up three eight-story struc- village life and boyhood observatures. tions, he records insults and inA team of Italian investors and dignities, house searches, fines, architects came to Haifa recently privations and on-the-spot killings for preliminary consultations with of Jews who violate strict laws. various parties on the construc- The family is herded off to a Jewtion of a 20-Mory office building ish ghetto. there. It will include a modern At one point his father is taken cinema and a Turkish batli and to a labor camp but on June 1, the roof is to be used as a land- 1942, he Is brought back home and ing field for helicopters. David writes; "I was so happy. No one can imagine our happiness except those who have experienced it.'Nobody expected his return. It all happened as though In u film. Life changed in a second. Geneva (JTA)—The Soviet Un- The diary ends with that entry ion supported .Saudi Arabian .ef- or June ']., The story, as told by forts to establish a maximum 12- writer Maria Jarochowska,. conmile limit for territorial waters at tinues: the 84-nation Ijiw-of-the-Sea Con"One dny in 1942 a trumpet call ference. The Arabs are seeking a was sounded on the town square 12-mile limit to seal off the Gulf and all Jews were told to prepare of Akaba to Israeli shipping. The proposal by Soviet delegate Grigori I. Tunltin would E'ant every state the right to push its sea borders out 12 miles. Israel and the United States ndvocate n six mile limit."

Suggest Skyscrapers For 'Eilaf - and Ihlh

Moscow Supports Saudi Arabia

for a journey. They were herded to a railway station at Suchedniovv, shut in cars and taken to an unknown destination for certain death." (The Germans are estimated to have killed three million Polish Jews.) Written In School Books Miss Jarochowska said the diary was written in-"five modtst school copy books, with stained' pages, filled with childish handwriting, very neat and improving with progressing dates." She gave this account of how the diary caitic to light: Aftir David mid.his family were takm away hy (lie Nazis, a neighbor found the notebooks in the Kublnowicz apartment. He gave them to someone who in turn hid them in his attic. Years later i'hey were thrown out during a houscclcaning. A woman named Helena Wolczyk, mother of seven children, found thorn on the rubbish heap. Last March, Miss Jarochowska wrote an article about an antiSemitic war crime in the same town. Soon after the article appeared, she received the notebooks from Mrs. Wolczyks' husband in the mail. '

U. S. Expert to y Israel For! Problems New York (JTA)—Austin J. Tobin, director of the Port of New York Authority, is going to Israel next month to probe tlie possibility of establishing a port authority for the entire country, the Intcinational Bank for Reconstruction and Development announced. A loan from the bank to Israel has been pending for some time, and the bank is expected to decide on the loan before the expiration1 of the current fiscal year, which ends June .')0. Th« loan includes money which Israel plans to use for $(i4,00O,000 worth of port developments at Haifa, Eilat and Ashdod. Mr, Tobin, who is considered by the World Hank as the "most highly qualified man" in his field, said here he would go to Israel without salary, and will spend two weeks there studying the country 8 port problems and harbors.


photograph. "I would consider it an honor to.have the photograph on my wall when I establish myself in Palestine," Herzl wrote. The photograph row adorns Herzl's room in the Jewish National Fund Office in Jerusalem. Grand Duke Friedrich was one of the few political figures of the late lilth century who took Herzl's plans, seriously.

JF, RDWAItn Word was received here last Friday of the death of J. Kdwnrd Rosenthal, 53, former Omahan, in San Antonio, Tex. Mr. Rosenthai was the son of Mrs* Stella Roscnthal of 3708 Podge Street. Other survivors Include his wife, • Ruth," afiQiiand daughter,; Services end burial were held in San Antonio. -. Geneva (JTA)—A new home for the Jewish Aged will be erected in Warsaw. While the Joint Distribution Committee will' finance' the construction.costs, equipment for lite Interior or (he building will bo provided by thp Polish Ministry of Works.

Page Five

onyourwoy-wm. You'll get to work on time! — because banking is fast at U.S. National's new Drivo In-Walk In location. You drive off tlio street,roll up to one of the tlirco auto windows;' bank from your car and spi'Cf] on your way. Wherever: you're going downtown, you can roach the new location quickly by main traffic arteries—it'n at 20th and Douglas, just outside tho congested traffic area. ' . ' » • • Use Iho walk-in windows inside the. building when you're walking to or from work. Hours aro convenient for you: 7:15 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. -; All itrvlcci conllnu* ol tht moln hanV, Fmnom ol Xlh,

WALK IN LOCATION A. unroll honoring. tlio United Jewish Appeal for lt« rescue, resettlement nnd rehabilitation work on bhalf of Naz.l terror survivurawuH presented by Norbcrt Wollholm, (left) to Italilit Ilerlicrt A. Friedman, UJA Kxrcullvo Vlco-1'resMent at a Now York dinner reunion oi AusolmlU winrentrutlon ramp RUrvivorn. \Vnlllirtm IK rlmlnmin -«if tlie AuBouwllz-lIuiui Memorial ,HcJi/ilar»l)lp Vund rhcubllslicil en behalf of clilldreu of survivors.

DOUGLAS *c Ffdtral Dtpotif Initircticc

MMra&££Ste»ja&&S^ •Vlfaft *!**» « .


What makei a toil produco—a long-negleetod toil, ihort o eliort of tcaterf Aiiawer j—a mau—ono who wants to ess £t grow again, who is ready to work losg end hard until the brown earth luraa fjraoa with the f oocloluUe o£ llf®. The gtory of modern Israel is the stoiy of thousands who dreamed of a green land. Include in it pioneers who drained ageold swamps and cleared two thousand yeara of stones from fields that now feed a nation. Include, too, thousands of new farmers among the one million immigrants you helped to bring to Israel through the United • Jewish Appeal. More than 130,000 of them —immigrant farmers and their families—live on the 485 farm settlements you helped to

establish throughout tho land cinoo 1943.

ra i o , o. i. A. mm mum WAS vm± m»

With tha aid of Its new farmera, Israel now produces moro than 70 percent of to own food supply—plus millions of dollars of commercial agricultural crops! citrus, coteon, peanuts and othora.

tn Israeli Speed Integration of 345,000 unabcotbod Immigtanu byi Moutlng €0,000 living in disgraceful Imml* grant shanties; replacing substandard housing for 90,000 others; Providing 130,000 patient pioneers.#a fann eetttemBnts mlh needed machinery, water. ( Cools and livestock; Providing vital cervices to 38,000 Immigrant youth; expanding welfare services to thousands of ill and aged; Supplying transportation end resettlement fof the steady flow of new immigrants. In addl- tloa, meet continuing welfare needs of 45,000 Immigrant* aided by JDC-Malben programs. (n Europe, Moslem lamht Step up v<elfa« tsA other aid for 205,000, In th» United Slalot: Help 5,000 refugees seeking _ to build new lives.

lot, ettaogs QS it may eeem, eono of these new {armeva has cchlovad col2-3u(BcieuoyI 1b do GO, tliousands need edditional farm mnchfneiy. Oihcra need moro water, fann anhuals or power. You can help these determined immigrant farmers win their battle. You can see thsm through to victory. „ Oivo a generous gift to this year's regular UJA. Then give a great additional gift to the UJA SPECIAL FUND to meet uamet Immigrant needs—Today.


Receives Its Support From trio

UiA SPECIAL rUHD in addition to I860 REGULAR CAR3PAIQN On habatf Of I UHlTfiD ISftAUi AffSfii.


Oampasgn m fto&a





Friday, April « , I9G0



Approval of Mi-Bombing Clauses In Civil Rights Bill Anticipated Washington (JTA) —• Smooth sailing is anticipated for the unli bombing provisions of the* f'ivi (lights Hill adopted by the'Senate when the measure comes before tho IIou.se for final approval. While attempts mny be mad< to alti-r other portions of the Sen alf> version of thr- Civil Rights Bill southerners will accept the section protecting synagogues and othei institutions from violence, it. wa.» p r e (I i c t. e <1 by Congrcssiona sources. This section of the measlire was iinsucc^sl'ully opposed by Southern members of the Senate, rivn Years Imprisonment The Senate bill, 'adopted by a vote of 71 to JH, included two seclions designed to assure FIJI investigation and federal prosecution against arson and bombing under certain circumstances. Onesection makes it a federal crime to flee across a state line or leave the country to avoid presccutlon for bombing or burning any building or vehicle, or to avoid testifying about such an act. Maximum pen-

alty was set at fiv« years' imprisonment and a $5,000 fine. , Another section would penalize the transportation of explosives In interstate commerce for the purpose of damaging any building or other property. Penalties were specified up to a year In jail and $1,000 fine; ten years in jail and $10,000 fine, in the event of injury caused by the bombing and life imprisonment or a death sentence in the event of a fatality. J'Vdnrnl Oimo The bill also made it a federal crime to convey by telephone, telegraph, or mail a threat or false warning of a bombing. The maximum penalty is a year in prison and a $100 fine. Federal Investigation of Bureau sources have indicated that the bill would enable federal agents to enter bombing cases more quickly. But suspects arc likely to be turned over to local authorities for trial in most cases.

Iraq fSaeruitiiig for Israel fo iegm Ifork Army Against Israel All notion oliot of ono of tlm ninny drills displayed nt the Jewish Community O n t r r Ryinnanluiu ulicro Instructor Dan I''»K«'l, former University of Nebraska (jvoinii.slics :icc, condiictii the ('IMIter gymnastics ami tumbling program. I<rft to right: .Sharon I.lnt/Jiimi, Dun Fogel, lincdlug, J^anno Kraft, Jim VVIgton, and Jlorrnn Kraft. I'tfo <-lims ments t v h Tuesday nt 4 p. m.

Hise In Bncidenfis in South

By Cy Srlt4lil.lt VOI/TII COUNCIL J'ING roN< New York (JTA)—There lias A.H.A. No. 1000, continued to been a rise hi anti-Semitic mandominate Youth Council sport ac- ifestations in some Southern comtivities by rapturing team firs munities in connection with the place honors in the Pint; Pong Inert-use in strife over race relatourney liolrl last Sunday at the tions in the South, the New York Jewish Community C«nter jjyin- Times reported. nasilim. The report said that. Itnbbi WilFreshman Steve Kaplan defeated defending champion, I'"ran!< liam H .Sllverman of Nashville — Ooldberg in the flnalu of the where the Jewish (Community Cenfinales, Allan Konecky. of 1000, ter was bombed, in' 1958—linket captured third place by .defeating the Increase of antl-Sernitism directly to opponents* of desegregaAllen Ross. A.Z.A. No, 1, took the doubles tion. The rabbi is also reported as eonipetition ns GoIdberK mid Joe sTutinfT that the amount of antiDavis won over Kaplan and Kon- Semitic literature, largely from sources outside Nashville, now circcky. culating in the city, Is higher than Team Feints he has e%'er before seen it. A.Z.A. 1000 ; i) points A.Z.A. 1 5 rx>lnts In this connection, the Times Rayim 1 point reports that those who bombed A.Z.A. 300 0 r«)lnta the Jewish Center in Nashville YOUTH COUNCIL -OLYMPICS were never apprehended. The With wrestling and plug ponf Times reports also that, when a completed, the Youth (Council swastikn was recently painted on Olympic race points to handball, a synagogue in Nashville, the po/swimming, track and field to wind lice attributed the act to a prank up Olympic activity for the year. by youngsters. When the police la The swimming meet will be held ter caught the perpetrator, he was ot the Center swimming pool on found to be a 22-year-old member Wednesday, April 27th, 7:30 p. m. of a good family. lie was fined two Competition-will be held In the 40 dollars, and given a 30-day workyard freestyle, underwater -swim, house. sentence, which he has not 40 yard breast stroke, dlvinj;, 40 yet served. yard back stroke, .60 yard Individual medley, 80 yard relay and 40 yard butterfly. The track nnd field meet lias been set for Sunday, May 15th, nt s site to be determined later. Paris (WNS)—The latest In Handball participants nrc now being accepted at the Center ath- what appears to be an organized anti-Semitic series of .vandalisms letic office, of Jewish organization offices in AWAIU) NK1IIT The annual Athletic Award franco was a destructive robbery , Night has been scheduled foV Wed- of the offices here of the Federanesday evening. May 18th, 7:30 tion of Jewish Societies of France ' p. m. Awards for the various ac- and the French Jewish Loan Fund. tivities throughout the year will The vandals stole 100,000 francs be presented and a guest speaker and scattered files of the «officcs. will appear oh the program. There was no attempt, however, SOFTBALL. to set fire to the offices. Vandals The Jewish Community Center who broke Into the Jewish Agency eoftbnll team held two practice affice in Marseilles started firc3 jessions at Elmivood Park during there. Previously the office of the the past two Sundays In prepara- Jewish Agency was broken into.

Buffalo, N. Y. (JTA)—'Hie desecration of Temple Beth Zion here and a reported threat to its rabbi, Martin L. Goldberg, were being investigated this week by a team of Huffalo police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. . Swastikas were painted on thn floor and hacked Into the walls of the synagogue. Rabbi Goldberg refused to discuss the report he had received a letter threatening, he would be attacked with a bomb.

Talks on ft! Jerusalem, (JTA)—Felix* Sliinnr, head of the-Israel purchasing mission in West Germany, arrived here for consultations with the Government, presumably on ways and menus of following up the recent tnlks between Prime Minister David Beii-Gurlon and West German Chancellor Dr. Konrad Adenauer. During Ambassador Shinar'o stay here, the Government is expected to name a delegation to proceed to Germany to discuss the practical aspects of n German loan to Israel possibly totaling $n()0,000,000. . .i '

Jewish Offices in Paris Vandalized Herman Jewry Files

tion for the season opener during the first week In May, '., The J.C.C., Is entered In the Lincoln Exhibit, ©muha SoftbaU Association class I "A" Club league.1 Other teams In Hebrew University • the lengufl are the Knights of JERUSALEM, (JTA)—An exI Columbun, K.C. 052, Giiadalup hibition commemorating the 150th AC Thill G.A.C. antl the Hi- anniversary of the birth of Abrabernian - Club. • • ' , - . - , • ham Lincoln was opened at the R OP CAItEER CHOICES OF JEWISH YOUTH PLANNED Washington, I). C. (WNS)-JJ'nal B'rith Women plan a nniional survey of career choices of Jewish youth. Moro than 30,000 teenagers will be Interviewed In April nnd May by member* of the organization.

Assembled for Israel

Israel - - Arrangements for securing the Jewish archives of Hamburg and Koenlgsberg for Israel have been completed after a 10-year quest for all available records of Jewish communities in Western Germany.'. . More than 1,500 books of minutes and files of the period 16411944 will be transferred to Jerusalem. These represent only half of the Hamburg Jewish comnuinty archives. A reciprocal arrangement has been made for microfilms of documents remaining in Hamburg^ to be sent to Israel, while in exchunge, copies of files and volumes In this country are to be supplied by Israel to the* ierman authorities, .

Hebrew University. The exliiblt Pfiono JA 13M to Insert your Want Ad In Jctvlih Pr«j>. included pictures illustrating Lih- tboRate Is SO cenli tar each Iflree line lnser< coln'a life slory as well as several lion. Tho Press rewrvoi the right to limit documents in Lincoln's handwrit- O n of cacti odvcrll«meni ing nnd books on Lincoln. The exDAILY JEWISH PAPBI18 hibit was prepared by the United States Information Service. A BAR and Bas, Mltzvah congratubronze head of Lincoln by Leonard lations also for all Jewish holiVolk was presented lo the unidays and special occasions. veisily. Hevers News Stand, 1502 Dodge

Tel Aviv, (JTA)—Work will begin at the earliest possible time on a regional water plan for settlements In the Beisan Valley to replace waters from a tributary of the Jordan River which Jordan Is diverting. Settlements in the area, located In northern Israel near the Jordan River boundary, would be threatened with lack of water once Jordan completed its diversion of the Yannuk if alternate water supplies were not provided. The diversion, according to Jorilunian reports, is Hearing compleion. A new pumping station will be sot up on* the Jordan River'near the outlet of Lake Tiberias to provide the required water, the officials explained. This new program will be tied into the plan to divert some of the Jordan River waters for irrigation of the Negev, a plan which has evoked threats of war (rom the Arab States.

London (JTA)—Iraqi n e w s papers and radio announced that recruitment would start this week under Iraqi auspices for the so-called "Palestine Republic Army" which Brigadier Abdel Karim Kassctn, the Iraqi dictator, announced he would set up to "liberate Palestine from Jewish usurpation." The Ministry of Defense has issued detailed instructions on the enrollment, and training of recruits for the new nrmy, but there was no indication where the force would be stationed or how it would be deployed. The "army" ennnot be,deployed on Israel's borders unless the Kingdom of Jordan permitted ltd entry.


Herzog Named Israeli Ambassador to Canada Jerusalem (WNS)—^Yaacoy HerK, now Minister at. the Israel [Cmbassy in Washington, has been lamod Ambassador to Canada, l'he new appointee, son of the late -hlef Rabbi of Israel. Itzhak Hcr»K succeeds Arthur Liirlc, who ias been named Ambassador to Jritain,

i,ou Hurwlfi, Prop, Downtown Location 1700 Cau WE 0200

70 PItOKK.SSIONAI,S TO ISItAKL IN UIB9 London (JTA)--A total of 276 rofessional persons immigrated :o Israel from Western countries nst year with the help and guidnce of the Jewish Agency's Proessional and Technical Workers liya. PRIVATE TUTORING Hebrew, Yiddish, old and young, group and individual — oveningi, Sat. afternoons; Sun. mornings. HARRY G. MENDELSON B.A., Pedagogy, Unl. of Ncbr. 4304 CALIFORNIA WA 0301

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Friday, April 82, 1000

Official Itititicatiuu of Sirmx City Federation

Around the World Duchen Confident And the Nation I$y Nornmn Mitnson Miss Miriam Hadar, "Miss Israel I Tlie coining of' Passover lust i)t 1958," and Mrs. Jack A. GoodWeek seemed to brim; a relative man of Indianapolis, n a t i o n a 1 serenity to World Jewry, althon^li any connection pmbably was purechairman of the United Jewish ly coincidental. Certainly liio.se in Hy Ilcri Shuuiun Appeal .Woman's Division, will the anti-semitlc camp were not jointly address the Women's Dilias been placed in calling it quits even temporarily. theConfidence vision luncheon, April '~H, 1 p. m., Jewish people of .Sioux City, However, the time seemed to be tin; conlidence that they will mea.sat'tlie Jewish Community Center. one of realignment and of taking ire up to their responsibility-in The guests will be introduced by stock of things as they are. Kven tlie United Jewish Campaign by Mrs. J. J. Arkin, .Sioux City Wornthe ominous rumblings which aln's Division clmfr/nan. Mrs. Arfrom their hearts and to most inevitably are heard these giving dn has stated that our comtnunbest of their ability. days had quieted almost to whis- the veryKulth ty Ts rarely honored by a visit in Neighbors pers in the middle east, rom two of the most distinguished This faitli in his neighbors was On tlm American scene, there exprewd women representatives of the in all sincerity by wa» a noteworthy development as United Jewish Appeal to appear a long-awaited realignment «f .'harles Duchen, who is chairman anywhere. aijencie.H ivfiirli alloeatfl and <ll»- of the drive this year. In an interImrso funds for Israeli ilevelop- view jn his of lice in the YounkcrStudying l,s\W ment purposes was disclosed. Al- D.-ividson store he fllalod that he Tall, attractive "Miss Israel" matched this faitii iii his neighIVIrs. Jack Goodman though this hardly i* an rurthwns a sergeant in the Israel army Hliaking development, It dues rate bors with his own sense of personal and a sun-carrying veteran of the ice. She has one more year to net as s niilostiinc in Israeli-American responsibility as the leader of the .Sinai campaign In VXS. She hns iei' law degree. campaign which has as its goal a philanthropic relations. attended law school at Hebrew She represented Israel • in tho At the core of the new setup is •mich-jicedi'd SMVWO. University in Jerusalem, is now "Miss Universe" contest lust year ~*fr Jewish Agency for Israel, .Inc. Mr. Duchen has a franlc, distudying law at New York Univor- and KHimed with "Miss-Iowa" at with a hoard of directors consist- arming view of the annual Jewish iity. .She hopes eventually for a Long Beach. ing of 21 members,1 most of them campaign. He consider* the posi•aieer in the iMad foieign deiv"Woman of tho Year" American community leaders and tion of chairman as a civic duty Charles Duchen top fund-raisers. Fourteen of the h«t eaeh in turn must accept, and Mi's. Jack A. Goodman, national board members will be nominated the yearly pledge to the campaign ly In the funds which will remain' UJA Women's Division chairman, by the United Israel Appeal, a a form of taxation imposed on ev- at home, pointing out that this Is is a former national vice-president partner in the United Jewish Ap- ery Jew for being a member of the omething that can be .seen and felt of Hilda.wall, a past president of peal. Jewish community. the Indianapolis Jewish Federation .'.ich day. "There are Jewish jieo$115,000 (ioal In the reorganization, the new and an "honor award" recipient Jewish Agency will not contribute He discussed the goal of $M!>,- ile who need help right here in of the Indianapolis Community to Israeli political parties after 000, which is approximately 10 per Sioux City" lie said, adding that Chest. She was niuned Indianthis year, nor will several activi- cent more than was raked a year "I am confident the people of the apolis 1!)36 "Woman of the Year" ties on the American scene be its ago. It is not a figure picked lit city would not be happy knowing by B'nai li'rith. beneficiaries. This latter group random. It is an amount selected She is the widow of an Indianincludes educational and youth or- after careful deliberation of the here were others in need." 1 r• apolis industrialist mid civic leadNeed to Finish Job ganizations, aid for whom will be needs in Israel, of Jews in foreign er. She w/is brought up in St. ••""£ handled by the American Zionist countries, by tlie Jewish agencies Though (here is no crisis at the /mis and was graduated from tht* Council, 'co-ordinating body of all in the United .States, and by the present time in Israel, or in North St. 1-fluis Teachers College, She in national Zionist groups in the Uni- Jewish community center In .Sioux Africa or Kurope, the lion's share i member of. the Indiana Civil of the money raised in this camted States. ' •ity. -iberties Union, tlie Indianapolis The Israeli parties—allocations Mr. Duchen believes very strong- paign is critically needed in Israel. Jewish Community R e l a t i o n s It is needed to finish up the job to whom amounted to tjffcuut two Council and a member of the board started when one million refugees million dollars a year—may conof the Indianapolis Jewish Comwere moved into Israel. It is needduct independent campaigns after munity Centers Association. ed to move them out of the ma'athis year. Their leaders have deliarot, or shanty-towns; to provide nied tlie money was used for poliShe has visited Israel annually them with tools, to provide livetical purposes, saying it has been for tlie past five years and is nn Aflrfcirn used to assist development under Mrs. J. J. Arkin was elected and stock and water for the farms, io authority on UJA's welfare proinstalled president of the Iira.ii- ake care of the aged and handiJewish Agency supervision. gram. deis University Women's Commitcapped. On the middle eastern scene ittee for tin? coming term at a meetself, developments were few. AbraMr. Duche.li has never been to ham Harmon, Israeli ambassador ing' held April 7, at the home of Israel, and at the present time no Mrs. Phil Colin. to the United States, told an trip io that young growing nation American Zionist council confer- Other officers installed were: is JSy Kay (.'oronnmn planned. But like every thoughtence that Israel's permanence Mrs. Albert Gordon, Mre. Arthur The 1OG0 United Jewish Cam- YOUTH C'OtJN'CII, now was being "tacitly accepted Miller and Mrs. Milton Bolslein, ul Jew he is bound to that coun- paign promises to by the speediest The Youth Division of the Unitin several Arab countries." How- vice-presidents; Mrs. Sam Kap- ry, and longs for the- day when, in Sioux City's record, according ed Jewish Campaign will hold its ever, so-called authoritative sourc- lan, recording secretary; Mrs. with the help of our annual cam- to Oscar LittMicld, Executive. Di- drive during May. Chairman of es in New Delhi said India's Prime Jack Schwartz, financial secre- paign, the Israelis will finally ab1 the Division, Rrian Ivener, will Minister Nehru had failed in his tary, and Mrs. Louis S. Goldberg, sorb the refugee immigrants and rector. attempts to persuade President treasurer. Four new directors Of stand firmly on their' own feel. Though tlio men's divisions are ppoint his sub-chairmen and N a ^ r to modify his attitude to- the board also elected were: Mrs. Then they, too, willbe able Io help conducting eight or more parlor start the organization going immeetings in place of a single large mediately after the Sweetheart ward tlie Jewish state. Phil Colin, Mrs. Meyer Epstein, others, he concluded. banquet affair, less time has been Dance,, April 30. India recognizes Israel officially, Mrs. Burton Lipshutz and Mis. absorbed in rounding up the 500 but, does not maintain diplomatic NateMagid. or more pledges from tlie advanced MAX KROLOKF ZKNITH relations with it as un appeasejif(s and general men's divisions, CIIAITKK AZA ment gesture toward the Arab than has been required before. '-States. • " AZA Sweetheart Dance will ba The U.A.R.'s Suez canal blockTlie explanation lies in the cali- held Saturday night, April 30, at ade still was as tight as ever, al- Andrew Michael Galinsky, son bre of tha campaign workers. Un- tlie Klks Club, Kill and Douglas though in Washington the house of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Galinsky Miriam Hadar, "Miss Israel" der Charles Puchen, Sidney Knlin, Streets. The Sweetheart Hostesses foreign affairs committee sought will observe his Rar Mitzvah at will address the campaign-opening I-ouis Afjranoff, Rudy Schindler, are Vicki Baumsten, Aronltu Char* to stiffen American policy on the Friday evening services, April 2'J, dinner of the Business and Pro- Lynn Arftln, - Robert Friend and nie. Sheila Elsberg,. Paula Kaplan, issue by inserting a "freedom of at Mount Sinai Temple. fessional Women's Division, Thurs- Harold Rosenthal, a corps of loyal, Rocky Lefkovlch and 'Snarl Levi'tnavigation" clause in the new for- Mr. and Mrs. Galinsky will honor day .night, April 28, 6:.'!0 p. m. at hardworking captains, nlded by sky. Alan Baron Is Dance clwireign aid bill. The clause states their son at a reception following tho Jewish Community Center. volunteers, hosts and hostesses, man. that purposes of foreign aid "are the service. All members of the Miss Hadar will be introduced by are smoothly and efficiently bringnegated and the peace of the family and friends are cordially the B. & P. Women's chairman, ing more contributors'together to Community service was at the Chapter meeting, April 14, world endangered" when nid re- invited. No invitations are being Mrs. Stanley Karl. hear the story of the needs, than as AZA's biggest project. Ron Fish cipients, "wage economic warfare sent. double the number In other years— gave the meeting a travelogue of The Business and Professional and getting more generous pledges. against other nations." ResponsiWomen's Division is one of the his trip to Israel. . ' ' • bility for Implementation was left YOUTH MJBIJCTATIONS Four teen-age and children's pe- stauncbest, close-knit groups work- The advance gifts division, genwith the president. in behalf of the community eral men's awl area divisions are FDlt The week's events added up to riodicals are regularly published ing campaign. Because most of the all scheduled to be completed, by All the girls feel that the Dadlittle in the way of major change, from the Sioux City Jewish Com- members .-.'•' are full-time job holders May VS. dy-Daughter Dinner-Dance wai but they did make it cjear that munity Center. they would find It exceedingly dif- The Women's Division and Busi- the most exciting affair ever held Israe} very definitely needs conto attend the luncheon meet- ness and Professional Women are by the Chapter. tinued and implemented help from prominent families—were in court ficult and educational affairs of the also scheduled tq be over with by American Jewry, and that the on charges of painting a nine-foot ings Women's Division, their that date. N I T S ' '. ' : • '. leaders of the American Jewish swastika on a temple, causing an regular chairman stated. However,' their A new 50-star American flag Community—including Sioux City estimated $3,000 damage. At interest is strong and their desire will be presented by NFTY to the BIUTU ANNOUNCED —are more than aware of the fact SJprrs, Conn.", a swastika flag was to participate equal to that of Temple.'As a communlly-servic* Mr. and'Mrg. David Felges' anand are taking steps to meet the flown from the window of a fra- the most activeiscampaign workers. nounce the'birth' of a daughter project NFTy will provide volunchallenge with Intelligent fore- ternity house at the University of sight and efficiency. " Connecticut while a loudspeaker Mrs, Karl is aided by the fol- Tammy Ruth on April 14 at teers to the Red Cross. blared out anti-civil rights slogans lowing Captains: Miss Sylvia Bor- Methodist Hospital. BRIEFLY INT THE NATION— /TT\ New Jersey's Sabbath observ- shevsky, Miss Rose Resnick, Miss The swastika epidemic flared 'ance law, upheld by a split deci- Floretta Dreben, Miss Ida Fold- NAMES GIVEN CENTER again at three widely separated sion in tho state supreme court, man.'Miss Hannah Lipman; Mrs IN PKKVIOD8 YEARS places last week. Tha SkoWe, ill., will bs challenged in the fedcra Ida Goldberg, Mrs. Joe ICalman Tha Jewish Community Center, "Ajditional syriagogua was under courts. A similar law, declared un- and Mrs. Lester Heeger, throughout ih» 54 yoara of its ex- The Monday Night Bible Study p £ " guard after vandals daubed constitutional in Massachusetts by Mrs. Jack A. Goodman, visiting istence, lias been known as the Group led by Rabbi Saul I. Bolotr three swastikas on the building's a special federal court last year, national! chairman of tlie UJA "Freo Jewish Library," the "He- nikov will resume regular sessions wall*. while in Utioa, N. V., threa now is before the. U.S. Supreme Women's Division will also attend nrew Institute and the "Hebrew April 25, 8 p. m., at the Jewish jouthi -— member* of socially Court. . the dinner. Educational Alliflnco." •-,.-•"•,..' Community Center.

Mrs. Arkm Heods


Wind-up May .15'


Mss Israel' to Address B. & P. Campaign Opener




Rabbi Bolotnikov Lead Bible Study


I! !


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