April 29, 1960

Page 1


w«i' v v v i n n w,, 01 PuMlihoiI every Friday. M>1 No. 201& VoL KXXVIII—]Vo. 33 Omaha. Nebraska, I'huno JA 13MJ


#V-ITAII« Nii'imAtJtra i . r . m t v . . , » n » 0 mnn OMAHA, HltJUtAMllA, J'KHIAY, Al itll, 30, IDGO

Second Class l*UKtii(;o Puld at Omuha. Nebr. . .

Single Copy 11 Cent* Annual ditto 4 Dollar!

rui General Men's Event Scheduled May 5 at Center Auditorium Harry Wclnsaft, a prominent Detroit, businessman, whose poignant memories of the "crush" of •(ho historic "Exodus 1017," and the tragedy of Its 4,500 refugees, remains uu impelling and everlasting force behind his efforts to aid homeless Jews find n liaven, is going to be im Omaha guest. Mr. Weuisaft. will speak at the General Men's meeting of the Jewish Philanthropies, Thursday, May 5 at 8:30 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center auditorium, it was announced by Hilton OreenIHTB, General Men's C'luiirman to an enthusiastic group ol team captains, last Monday, at a meeting tit the "home of Milton IV Abrahams, General Campaign Chairman. Crewman on "KVOIUIH"

His ties with the historic vessel are as close as those of its passengers because lie was a member of that dauntless crow whose destination was Jerusalem, through the British blockade. IIH witnessed, the despair as well as the courage of the men, women, and children, who were reaching for the freedom they had' onco lost and wero to loss again.-The "Exodus" was the largest Jewish refugee ship in hlxtory. Born in Vienna, Austria, Mr. Welnsaft, an early victim of Nazi persecution, was sent to Dachau ot the age of 1G after the Nazi occupation of Ills country. However, lib .was one of the. fortunate few to IJO released alid permitted to migrate to the United Slates. As soon as he became of ace, he Joined the Armed Forces here and was attached to U.S. Intelligence in the European Theater of War. After th<) war, he served In Vienna with the U.S. Military Government and later joined the staff of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and placed in charge of D i s p l a c e d Persons Camps. Member of Underground Ills intimate association with Jewish victims of war and persecution (toon led him to Join the underground movement which gathered together Jewish survivors from every part of Europe, es-

Harry YVMnxnft peclally Eastern Eiirope, to the safety of the American occupation zone in Germany and from there to Mediterranean ports and placed aboard Immigrant ships to Palestine and eventually to the historic "Exodus 1947." After the state ol Israel was established, lie returned to thin, country to enter business in Detroit. He has made numerous trips to Israel, his latest ono in March, 19G0, when he lived In a kibbutz on the Israel-Syrian border and was an eyewitness to tlio recent disturbance* which occurred between those two countries. Mcssago Will Bo Clinllonffo "We are honored by tho coming of Mr. Weinsaft to our community," Mr. Grecnberg told the meeting, "and we will bo challenged by the message he is bringing to us." Mr. Greenbei'K reported that the Men'* Division Campaign plans are ncarlng completion with most teani3 of volunteer worker* filled. "The captains of the teams have functioned with outstanding enthusiasm and efficiency," he added, "to complete a difficult organizational task in a short, period of time." Ho called upon all vomit teor workers and men of the community to attend the May 5 genoral men's gathering.



Omaha Jewry This 1980 Year of Destiny Campaign calls for the generous support of every meniher of tha Omaha Jewish Community, so tlmt Jews everywhere limy live In freedom, dignity, security. Funds raised in this campaign are vital for the continued operation of Omaha health,- welfare, education and group work agencies, which are serving practically all members'of tha community. Through this campaign we raise funds for Defense Agencies which combat aiitl-seniilic anil anti-democratic forces iu (lie United Slates. We make funds available to National Hospitals which care for Omaha residents, and nurse them bafck to health and life, 600,000 men, women and children, in 24 foreign lands, are assisted through our funds. We help the gallant peoplo of Israel to speed up the absorption of 315,000 out of lbs 1,000,000 immigrants and refugees who have come to Israel aincs 1918. 60,000 men, women and children still livo in shabby shantytowns— (ma-aharot) waiting to ba placed in decent housing. 500 farming settlements still lack the tools to becomo selfsupporting after years ot patient -waiting and hoping. A net of national agencies In education, health, and welfare are supported through tha Philanthropies Campaign. Omaha Jewry — man, woman, and child—must mako Ilia kind of response which will ennblo us to raise thn minimum amount needed this-ycar, $550,000 To reach this amount; new standards in giving must be established. Make your gift generous and sufficient to meet Omaha's share and Omaha'* needs.

005). Payan era T V Gen. Moishe" Dayan, former Chief of Staff, Israeli Army and now Minister of Agriculture, will be featured with Gen. Maxwell DTaylor and Edward It. Murrow on "Small World" over WOW-TV, Sunday, May 1 at 5 p. m.

•Some 700 Omaha women will hear an address by Isaac Arnowicz, daring captain of the "Exodus 1917," whose dangerous arid il-fatcd mission in the face of insurmountable odds, did much to swing world opinion against Britian's Palestine policy. Captain Aronowlcz will be guest of honor and speaker at (lie citywlda dessert luncheon of the

sal. Mrs. Kiitv.ninn to I'rtwldo

Mrs. Katzman will preside at the gathering. A greeting from tho women of Omaha, will be brought by Mrs. Mike Freeman, presU lent of the Federation of Jewish. Women's CAubs, who vn\\ present Captain Aronowicz to tlia assembly, iHruol's J2tli Anniversary A program has been planned fit recognition of the 12th AnniyeiV sary'of Israel and the 100th birth, day of Tlwodor Her/}, founder'ol Zionism, both dates falling on Majr 2. This feature will be presented by tha Mmes. Julius M.. Cahtt, Morris J. Shapiro and Nathai Turner, all co-chairmen of Mr*, Katzman's. Several selections will ba sung by Mrs. Alfred Frank, vocalist, who will be accompanied by Mrs. A. C. Fellman. The pray; er will ba offered by Mvs. Movri* Grossman, 1959 Women's General Chairman. Amon? tlis honored guests at the luncheon will be Hairy Trus* tin, Jewish Federation' president! Milton -It. Abrahams, Jewish Philj anthroptes General Chairman, smft Paul Vcret, Federation Executive Director. Iw»ao Aronowlc* Mrs. Henry Appel, Beth Israal Women's Division of tlio Jewish Sisterhood President, and mtwi» Philanthropies, Monday, May 2 at hers of her organization, will serv^ 12:30 p. in. at Beth Israel Syna- ax hostesses. Mrs. Delmar Klein will be in charge of decorations. gogue. A station wagon will be at 52nd Story ofltlnkft • Omaha women are looking for- and Western, between noon ana ward to meeting this "Exodus" 12,30 p. m. for tliosa who wlsK skipper, whoso story of his risks transportation from that point and to land 4,500 refugees on the sitter service will be provided at beaches of Palestine reverberated the synagogue. Anyone who ha* around tha globo when their sad not mnde a reservation to th& plight was reported by the press. meeting, which is open to tho Although tho refugees wore turned women of the community, is inback, tho Incident made possible, vited to contact the Jesvl&h <~~ tho United Nations vote for a muriity Center JA 1366. democratic state in Palestine. Reservations have been pouring In, spurred by interest in the tinusual speaker, Mrs. Sam'I*. Katzman, Women's General Chairman, reported. She imid the dessert Members oi the. Voutv^ luncheon will culminata weeks of Council' will begin their Jowisli previous activity in which more Philanthropies Campaign by spoa« than 200 women have been briefed soring a performance of "Th0 on the campaign and oriented for World of Sholom Aloichem," stat*. ring members of the drama ,depar(;« ment of Dana Collega at BIaU>. Tho production will ha presented Tuesday, May 10 at tho Jewislj; Community Center, Mort Bennett^ Young Adults p r a a i d a n t , att.« Rabbi Myer^S. Kripke will spaak nounccd. at a public memorial service hon"Tlia World of Sholom AIe[oring tha heroes of <ha Warsftffl chem" In which the Dana playerfl Ghetto and tha 6,000,000 victirM appear, v/nt fust producei| of Nazi terror, Sunday, May 1, at in New York ty 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community 1953 and consists Center. of threo differ* The program will Include other cut expressions talks by Mrs, Ethel Levonson, Haof Eastern Eu» dassah; LKJUIS Witkin, Workmen's •.opean 3 ev/lsii Circle and Ted Scnnett, Antl Dellfe of tha last famation League of B'nai B'rith. century. Cantor Eli Kagan will- sing songs Tickets, wft\ of the Partisans and chant the x be SI per persoii Memorial prayer. Surviving memi and will be availt bers of the concentration Camps -Jable at the doot'. who now reside in Omaha will The proceeds will light the memorial candles. Joseph bo included in Itadinowski will preside with Mayor John Rosenblatt, as honorary the YounK Adults contribution W Philanthropies. chairman. The event Is sponsored by Far- Tho play is being directed by band, Pioneer Women, Workmen's Sieghard E. Krueger, Dana D r f ^ Circle and Jewish War Veterans. Dfeectoc wltVi Kav\ K p p Members of tha committeo in sound; Victor Brown, 1costurtM charge are Mrs. Marion Bondarln, Karl Kooppen, lighting , VlotOT • Ben Klaunan, Mtlce Orlowskj Brown, sound, JutUtU M t j Karl Rosenberg, Max Relzbauni costumes and IConnoth Stage managcr4 and Sol Ash, .

A8 memorial Services

i-un»ri tho forced return to conr.Mitratlon campn, ths 4,500 rcfugera on (ho "KKOthis" drnw on ' Indoinitnble fplrlr, once oRiiln, when tlio Brltlnh blocked 1'ieir landing on tlio shares of l'alcstlno hi 11)17,

their part in the fund raising op*



Page Two


Publlgluul Every Friday by tlio Jeivisli Federation of Uiuulia.

Second Cla^i Poitarjv Polo at 0mc;ri3 NtU. Unnuai SuDscrlpHon, W.«. Advertising Rolci on «.pp!!calton. ^Ofcltctjtlon OHlce—101 tio 1C!I> ti<ett, Orr'Cba, lltfcr.. JAcfciQn 1^4.



itear Sp@rts

Friday, April 20, !««()


AH friends and relatives are Invited lo uttaud service* nnd ri.coptlou. CIIAltf.r.S ICANItV ENDLXMAN Chailrs JUmdy Endelman, lion of Mr. ;iud Mrs. IJoburt Kiidclruan at Beth Israel SyiKi|,"iKue on Friday, nielli, Ajiril '29, and Saturday, April ;K).

MOOT COURT Sltcldon Krantst, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kranlz, sophomore, Collo;;o oE Law, Univcviity oS 'Neb,ijilJ?nJU!?3 6i I t * Or. I'hlllp Haul* tal Xttt &ne3 \ir braska, wan recently selected as one of three members representhvr', tha law school in the National Kiiidu.'ih by Mr, and Mrs. Hil- Moot Court competition. ton Ikiientlial -— anniversary of death t>{ Jiicob Ilotcnthal. GORDON StOUAGi Flowers fn.iin Mr. and Mis. WalVVcrehouEs, Ins. ter Frank--honor of Bar Mifzvah 1201 JONES JA 2032 of ton, Sidney. Floral centerpiece from the Misses Marilyn lirmin, Arlenc Grossman, ("ailcen Kluss, Francos Mintz, .Shelley Iteiss and Diane Hnbinovv. Special gifts- -lUirry Kutler. Kntertaiiunent lust .Sunday by Herji)c Wolf, Kenny Ambros, Cheryl nnd Pant Weiss, Cherry Sliailberj;, Karen Sokoloff, I!onnie Btitkus, Arliss Nieklatis, 'IV Andrcsfn, Palriela Sliafer, Fred Newton,

at work on tho urraiH',wn< nts for STANI-J'A' UIV/.i;i,MAK Cy Si'ltchicli Stanley Wc/elman, firm of Mr. tho evening's activity. BOFTBAIX. . . and Mr.'--. Jrwin We/ehiian, Friday The JCC soflball team <U;feate<l SHOTS IN THi: IJAUK . . . ni[;lit, April liOlh and .Saturday, the Marine lU'Sei'se Unit In a five Irv Yaffe, toiistmastor al a re- April 'Mi at Bi.th V,\ Syiiasjo^uc. Inning exhibition garni;, 4-0, at cent bamni'it honoring tin? .South Charles Kurlzrnan, KOII of Mi', and Kort Omaha, on Thursday, April HiRh Slate chainiiionsliip haskt't- Mrs. Fred Kurtzman, who was to 21. The JCC will play in the Class hal ltcnm. Center will sponsor a celebrate his Bar Mil/.vall the "A" Chili league in the Omaha tennis program bcKiiining in June. .same eveninir, ^ i " ""I partidpati' Softball Association, while the Alan Austin, former .State Cham- because of illnc.sx. Marine Reserve Unit plays in the pion of Kansas, will be the inIndustrial league. Ifilruclor. Dave Mflzer to help in.'itiJoel Porter, son <<f Capl. and Jtny Kirke, stylish southpaw, who hurled for the Center team age the Confer Softball team. The Mrs. Klliott I'orler, Friday nlfiht, with Frank Goldberg, Allan Ko- Youth Council .softball league will April 21) und Sniurday )»iirniiie. nneky and Cy Soitchick supplied Rft undenvuy at Klmwood Park April 30, Temple Israel. the butting punch to produce tho on May 22. Edith Goldstein, Center slimuastics instructor, back from KICIIAKH DIAMOND runs. Bar Mit/vah of IUchard DinShowing up well in practice ses- a three week vacation in Arizona niond, son of Mr. and Mrs. O;;car IN A LEAKY RADIATOR sions are, Stuart Ivihn, Ray Klr- . The Youth Council Track and j Diamond at Both Israel SynaIS MONEY V/ASTED ke, Allen Konecky, Howard Up- Field meet nt the Tech hlRh school ;;o^ue, Friday evening Tvl»y G and ton, John Okun, Howard Martin, on Sunday, May 15. Snturdav. May 7, For Fast—Dependable Frank Goldnerj;, Morrie HandleGuaranteed Service man awl Cy Sdtchick. .IEFFHKY SWAItTZ JOAN SAX •MVAHI) NNiHT . . . Jeffrey Swartz, son of M.r. and C'al Kirshen, jwpulur radio-TV Mrs. Robert Swartz and Joan Sax, announcer, In Omaha, and Ion;; daughter of 'Mr. rmd. Mrs. Morris Loo Horwitit, Prop. active in the Center athletic pro.Sax, Friday evenim:, May 6 and Downtown Location gram, will he th» niain speaker for Saturday morning. May 7 at Beth 1709 Can VIE 0200 the 13th Annual Award Night, at El Synagogue. the JCC Auditorium on WednesJOSEPH BKKNARD day evening. May 18. Athletic Chairman, In' Yaffe, Joseph Bernard Enijlamler, Kf>» and his committees are presently of Major nnd Mrs. Daniel L'. Knulander, Friday evening, Mny f> and Saturday nwning, Mny 7 at TemTemple Israel, Friday services, ple Israel. tub ISobby) Pulvcrenro MRS. ANNA FRIEDMAN, Sun- 8:15 p. m. Sermon by Rabbi Sidday, May 1, 10 a. m., Golden Hill ney II. Brooks on "Can We Now 25 Years' Exporioneo Cemetery. Talk Freely About Israel?" SatAZA No. 100 will hold KB anurday services, 11:30 n. m. Wi*h Jewish JACOB GOLDSTEIN, Sunday, nual "sweetheart dance," Spring Lettering and Momoriali May 1, 1 p. in. at Golden Hill Cem- BI71H ISUAKL Serenade, Saturday night, May 21 etery. IUibbi Benjamin Grtiner, Cantor at the Blackatone Hotel. 2211 So. Gfh AT 2452 EH Kagan, Both Israel Choir will MRS. BESSIE SCHWARTZ, conduct Friday family cervices, 8 Sunday, May 1, 1:30 p. m., Golden p. m. Traditional services UCabolai; Hill Cemetery. AH friends and Shabbos), 7 p. m. relatives are "invited. Saturday, 8:45 a. m. at 52nd and SAVE TAX Charles Streets and at.9 a. m. at DOLLARS HARRY L. SHUKERT, Sunday, ]9th and Hurt Streets. Junior ConP.UG & UPHOLSTERY tlLlt-Vi'CAVlTAt. May 1 at 11 a. m. at Beth Hame- gregation at 9:45 a. m. Rabbi Groin<u&& t a I ' instif. CLEANERS drosh Hogodol' Cemetery, ner will conduct Talmud class, • v o e, Utttur, Ui, t ! r e » , Rlatatfn&nce. RUGS — CARPETING . • Rabbi Benjamin Groner nnd 6:45 p. m. Sabbath Mincha, 7:15 Iblailou. Cantor Eli Kagan will officiate at p. m., followed by Sholosh Setidoes LAMP SHADES the above-named services, and Maariv. FURNITURE Sunday cervices, 8:30 «. m. folCloanod In Your Homo! MRS. SARAH VANN, Sunday, lowed by breakfast and Habbl's May 1, "11 n. m. at Beth Harne- class in Bible. Sunday morning Clndfno—toying—[Jcpoltlng drosh Hagodol Cemetery. Rabbi Junior Minyon, 8:30 a. m., lolJliyer S. Krlplie officiating. lowod by breakfast. Daily services, Don Ccrnsfoln HA 2S54 7 a. m. and nt 7:15 p. m.

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Your Barber Work ot Your Convonionco Appointments at

BETH KL Beth El Synagogus, Friday at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar nnd Beth El Synagogue Choir wlli render musical portions. Saturday, 9:30 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10:30. Mincha-Maariv Service, 7 p. m. Sunday, at 9 a. m., Chapel, followed by breakfast end a study-dlficussion lod by Rabbi Kripke. B'NAI JACOB ADAS VESHUKON Friday, Mincha, 6:30 p. nv, Saturday, 8:30 a. m., Mincha, fl:30 p. m., followed by JSholosh Soudos. Daily EOrvice* at 6:3ft B. m, enfl 6:30 p. m.

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Friday, April Z9, IBOO



Center Noles


P»K» Thnt*


Among the high school students who were honored for their forensic ability by the AHrusa Club of Omaha were Samuel Weieher, Edwin Sidman and Stanley Zweriing. . Zweriing and Sidman were tvyo DON'T DELAY HKG1STEH TODAY of the speakers who participated in tho program at the club's Recognition and Award banquet YOIJN(i ADULTS Thursday. 'llie Young Adults Council wil Their parents are Messrs. and! find M u Joseph I 1 i ink met:t Sunday, May 1 at, 2;'M p. m,Mmes. David Bleieher, Harry .Sidat the Center. announce the birth of a daughtei, man and Al Zwerling. Kachelle Lynnc on April 20, at Jerusalem (JTA) .i: STUDY l'OK MKN Clarkson Hospital. They are also The Rev. Alex Katz of Belli E organization and tactical methods the parents of a son, Bruce WilMONA LISA will conduct, a weekly bible study ure being revjimpetl to be uhle U liam. House of Glamour Grandparents are Messrs. and class for male members of the rope with Soviet methods adopted I I I No. 50th GL 7000 Golden Age Club beginning MonMmes. .Sam Frank und .Samuel J. by the United Arab Republic, osTunng 6 Expert Hoir Stylists day, May 2, in room 32, Center, Bernstein, Brigadier Yitzhak Rabin, Chief of CANTONESE Air-Conditioned Dryers Benjamin Klaiman, announced, Israel's Operations, diselosed. MISS MARSH and MISS JERSY APPETIZERS Mr. and Mrs. Morton A. ResOwnon He warned against the "miscon- nick of Wilmette, III., announce ception" that the potential dan- the birth of tlwir first child, Miger to Israel's security could Ire chael Thomas. Grandparents are galled by the degree of tranquili- Mr, and Mrs. Frank Polzin, Chity on Israel's borders. "The devel- cago, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Milton New York (JTA)—United .Stairs: Circuit Court of Apputlft Judgo II opment of military power In dcpll Kesnlclt. Kduurd I.milliard denied a motion within tho Arab countries constion behalf of the Kluxlivlul Mull tutes a greater danger and lias no I.lne, of Alexandria, Kgypt, ulilcli relation to the border tranqullity,' sought again to halt tho picketing Jit' stressed. of tho United Arab Republic ship, For this reason, he said, Israel NKW YORK (WNS) Non-Jew- Cleopatra. nrmy training programs for the ish graduates of business schools d/t<Ja£ JhfawU The picketing ha3 been ruled a current year have been designed of leading Kustern universities find q to meet the new conditions result- employment as executives in key "labor dispute" by U.S. District Ing from the adoption of .Soviet American corporations (it a pro- Court Judge Thomas F. Murphy, f Pltot<Hj'taphi( military doctrines by the UAR. He portionate ratio of 30 to one com- who, disagreed with the thesis that Duy what you need through til* W' 4607 Vodge- Pe 0233 reported that the UAR lins boon pared with Jewish graduates, the the picketing constitutes "politiWant. Ads. cal action." The maritime workAmerican Jewish Committee resending thouKands of its keys miliers are picketing in protest against tary personnel to .Soviet bloc coun- ported. The findings were based on ex- Egyptian blacklisting of American tries for training while hundreds of Soviet technicians and advisers tensive surveys of tho schools and ships trading with Israel, contendare now in the UAH In traininK of some dozen major Industrial ing that such a practice robs areas. Harriers to employment o[ American seamen of jobs. rapacil ies. Jewish graduates were found highest in.banking .and insurance. The MHS. S. LAGMAN IIOSTKSS survey covered 15,000 students TO COUSIN'S CLUIJ MAY 1 who graduated with masters deMrs. Sol Lagman will entertain Mrs. Max.Sacks uill bo Installed grees In business administration tho Cousins Club Wednesday, May ns president of Henry Monslcy during a ,')0-year period. 4, 12:30 p. m. at her home. Chapter No, 470, r ~ Dr. John Slmvson, AJC execuB'nal B'rith nt nt '-J, tive vice-president snid that Jew12:30 p.m. lunch-1 '_~'J* ish personnel totalled about half fon, Wednesday, of one per cent of management in May 4 at the American Industries. Town House. InHe said that the low acceptance stallation will be of Jews as executives contrasted c o n d u c t e d by with another finding of the survey Mrs. Sam Polthat, barriers against Jewish, stuInk, Mrs. Joseph] dents in the elite colleges have Guffs, Instnlln-i been disappearing In tho past decade. The number of Jewish stutiona chairman, dents In the "Ivy League" schools wiicl. Mrs. S:irkn has risen from 15 to 20 per cent in The program will Include songs by Mrs. A. G. the past 10 year*. . , . v/ucn it is a ipeciol Rimmerman accompanied by Mrs. 701) ANTI-ItELIGIOUS George Eieenbcrg. Reservations EPISODES KEPORTED holiday portrait will be taken by Mmes. Frank Se Boston, MOE3.—Irving M. Enof your family kar and Bernard Sleglcr. gel, honorary American Jewish Committee president, stated here, that 700 episodes of anti-religious vandalism were reported In the Photographer United States since the first, of the 817 So. 36th HA 1044 year. The Junior B'nal B'rith Bowling 'League will hold its annual banquet, Sunday, May 1, a t 1 p. m nt the Ranch Bowl. Bruce Hobcrmah, president, wlll.be master of R«gltt«r«d Roproiantatfve ceremonies. Reservations may be J . Cllf? Rahel & Co. 1130 First Notional Conk made by calling Mrs. Ida Sacks, CA 1802 or CA 2380. Investment Bankers JA 7262 " HOYS AND UIKI.S

Pre-.School 4-5--AGES 6-12 DATES AND KA'J'KS Period 1-June 13-June 24 F<-e S:t!5.00 Period 2 -June 27-July 8--Vet; $35.00 Full 4 Weeks - J u n e l.'i-July 8— Fee : 500.00

e r r i'ito(SKAM All eighth, ninth und tenth gradors Interesti.'d in the counsclor-in training program at. Camp-Jay C-C am invited to attend a meet intf, Sunday, May 1 p. m. at 1 p. m ut the Jewish Community Center


Court Denies To Half Piekefsng

Jews Rejected for Executive Posts

Oliapfer InstaSlaSicn

Every Portrait a Precious Gift..,

John Kalina

Junior Bowlers to Hold Banquet Sun.



^rtaffu u oL. \5ilver

tr— - tr—,

MHS. ESTHER GARFINHX.E 1 - . . Funeral services were held Sun day, 2 p. m. at the Jewish Funeral Home for Mrs. Esther Garflnltle, who died last Friday at the home «£ her daughter, Mr*; Robert Noddle. Sh9 is survived by other daughters, Mrs. Robert Kalman, Glenwood, la., Mrs, Harry- Smith, Omaha; son, Joclt, Chicago, H!, MBS. HELEN STEIN News has been received of the -'death of Mrs. Helen Stein, 73, o£ Sioux City, la., who died April 20. She was the mother of Don Stein, Omaha; Mrs. Morris Goldberg; Bloux City and Mrs. Jack Zell, Richmond, Va,

|« ma h a

Gome Meet

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Kilpatr!ck'« Men's Clothing — Second Floor

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DRIVE 1 IVALK 111 LOCATION DOUGLAS Atcmbtr Federal Depait Insurance Corporation


Paf« Four

Friday; April 29, IW»

Official Publication of Slouit City Federation

Around the Wo rid Center's For ¥©ufIi» Children and Nation By Norman Rlunion Vital So The Jewish Community Center

Help for the Israeli causa came from a somewhat unexpected but and the many youth anil children'! nevertheless welcome sourco last activities offered In it are imporweek; America's seafarer's ant tant factors in the Jewish life ol longshoremen's union*, who re tha community—but they cost fused to unload cargo from the money to maintain. This basic eco Domic fact must be recognized by Egypfion freighter Cleopatra eoritiibutors to the United Jev.isl her arrival in New York. Even tins threat of reprisals • against American ship.-, in Arab ports did nut dampen the elation of the Jewish state at this show of support fur their cause. Even more than official governmental Statements, action such as this served to indicate a bond, a rapport between the peoples of the two nations. Union officials .said they were picketing the Cleopatra to protest against the blacklisting of American ships by tha Arabs because the ships had called at Israeli ports. The Arab boycott they added, deprived American .seamen of Jobs. Continued picketing was promised until the .situation was corrected. America's .seamen weren't alone \ in their actions, cither. In Stockholm, the Swedish Transport • Workers union said it would blockRobert Frlnnd ade the loading and unloading of .all U.A.R. vessels, also in reprisal Campaign, and particularly by for Arab blacklisting of -Scandi- parents of children benefiting from navian ships doing business with he Center, according to Robert Israel. A similar bloekada also Friend, chairman of the General Was announced by a Finnish union. Men's Division. Meanwhile, the U.A.R. blockade Per Child, of the Suez canal was the subject It costsS100 ilia Jewish Federation of « sharp attack on the floor of approximately $109 per year for th« United .States senate after a child attending tha Jewish top-ranking state department offi- each Community Center and enjoying cial had sought to justify it legal- its facilities, Mr. Friend stated. ly. Parents should ha mindful of this New York's Sen. Kenneth Keat- expense when they mako their ing blasted President Nasser for pledge to the United Jewish Cam"his usa of the Suez canal as a paign. Weapon of revenge against the State of Israel." He called the Nas- Mr. Friend pointed out that most ser government's recent actions parents do meet their community implementing its policy "outright obligation fairly. Parents who theft of ship's cargo" in keeping lave the. financial means to pay with Arab attempts to stifle "by the cost of services thoy use, by and large do add this cost to their all means" Israeli growth. United Jewish Campaign eontribuWith all these events—plus Dag ions. The Contributions Renew Hammarskjold's condemnation of Committee of the Jewish Federathe U.A.R. action in confiscating tion examines the- pledges of those tha cargo of the Greek freighter who want to contribute less thin Astypalea after it had taken on the actual cost of providing seivIsraeli cement—Israel's cabinet ices to their families, and may call was said to. be considering an- on them to explain the circumolher test of Nasser's policy. stances. Earlier, Undersecretary of State GKNKUAJ, MEN'S UNIT C. Douglas Dillon, testifying before a house banking subcommit- The General Men's Division covtee, cited the old Treaty of Con- ers the bulk of the Jewish Comstantinople -as justification for munity—the professional and busiEgyption closing of the canal to ness men, employed and self-emIsrael. Dillon was under fire for ployed, whose pledges do not exAmerican approval of a World ceed $100. Those, contributing more aro automatically transBank loan to U.A.R. With opinion In key segments ferred for solicitation in the Adof the western world apparently vance Gifts Division. asserting itself on Israel's side, a The General Men's Division aims turning point in'the long and tur- to raise 20 per cent more than it bulent story of Israel versus the did in 1959. . Arabs could be approaching. However,- a long and tortuous struggle still Jies ahead and the help of American Jewry Is a vital need AZA In prosecuting It. Briefly in THE' NATION - . , The big youth news of tho week "an open and-active link between is the AZA Sweetheart .Dance Satantl-Ncgro racism and anti-Jewish urday night, April 30, at the Elks prejudice" in tlio south was re- Ball Room. The theme of the dance ported last week by New York is "Silver Serenade." Doug BradTimes writer Harrison E. Salis- shaw is supplying the music, bury, in,a series on current condi- AZA members; BBG members; tions ini Alabama. For example, parents—NOTE! The Youth Counconsiderable public sympathy was cil has adopted a 2 a. m. curfew noted for the youth who fire- or tho night of the Sweetheart bombed the Gadsden synagogue. Dunce. All youth are pledged to Newspaper stories showed distinct- observe it. ly sympathetic undertono toward the boy, and a policeman investigating the dynamiting of a Birm- BEG will hold election on ingham synagogue, while conced- May 3. ing It was bad, said "but you have The Senior Farewell to DUG to admit you Jewa brought It on members of the Senior Graduating yourselves by encouraging the Clas3 will beiield May 10. pTegroes to Integrate" . . . In BBYO week-end will be May Washington, feuhrcr Georgo Lin- 20-22. coln Rockwell was going full blast With his I960 version of Hitler's f'tonri troopers, complete with uni- Applications for USY Camp, at forms and tho Infamous "Horst Aken, Minn., ore to bo obtulncd Wessel Lied." from Mrs. Philip Silversteln.


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By Itnnmrd Slunnan I.ou Agrnnoff, first assiHtant to (fenorul rlialrninti ('hnrlra I)ueli*n, Miiy* lia lovi-« to luiudt on doora fur tbn United Jewish <'iiiiij)nl|;ii. And lie ni«ntt» It, tint proof belli; found In the rntliiitivsm In his volco and tlin sincerity with which he ftpenlti. Mr. Agranoff explained In his office in the Sioux Paper Company that lie has 'been knocking on doors, so to speak, for 30 years or more-even before Hitler. 'Why »»<•* Ho Do I t ? " Why does he do if? Hotter yet, why does lie live to do it? Two

reasons wero put forth by the personable Mr. Agronoff, one an answer in Jest deserving a chuckle the other a statement in serious earnest. Lot u» take th« second stinver first. Sir. Agranoff hn» been working diligently In the Campaign for year* bnr awta the money aids Jeivt«h people In Ivrnel und oilier foreign lunili wln're, as h« neatly puts It, "only (foil knows how much thoy need It." Wi) in this wonderful United States have so much to be thankful for that it is almost inconceivable that thera are people of

And Mrs. Miller on May Rabbi and Mm. Solomon W. Miller will be honored In n community-wide tribute Sunday, May 1, 8 p. m. at tho Jewish Community Center, for completing l!i years of devoted leadership to Jewish education. Tha 15th anniversary tribute, which will include a rocepion and a special program, will be conducted under tho auspices of the Hebrew Women's Association. Tha program, under tha direcion of Mrs. Joel C. I evine and the president of the Hebrew Women's Association, Mrs. Ben Lebowich, will include participation by parnta, former graduates and leadrs of the community. Attendance s open to tha entire community.

A little over 15 years ago Rabbi Miller gave up the pulpit of an Indiana congregation to become tho principal of tho Sioux City Hebrew School. In this timo the school has more than doubled Its enrollment and has Improved and defined Its teaching program. Mrs. Miller, also a trained and gifted teacher, has been associated with Rabbi Miller in the school and in the Jewish education program of the community without interruption throughout tha 15 yean of the Rabbi's tenure. Tha Hebrew School, a division of tho Jewish Federation, serves children of all congregations and from, all sections of tha community.


our faith who are doing without the basic wants of day-to-day living, he explains. We tnke for granted everything, from the bread on our tables to the gasoline In our automobiles. IJft>-S:»viri(f Aid But overseas, whether they aro known as refugees, DP's, exiles, newcomers, or by any other tragic appelation, the bewildered Jewish victims of tha world's upheavals need life-saving aid, ha adds. • And now tiie humorous reason, nn answer characteristic of Mr. Agranoff, who in a whort interview found time to praise his workers, ravo about his family and query the Interviewer about himself and his relations. "I love to do it because I lovo to talk a person out of a dollar." In the 1018 campaign Mr. Agranoff helped talk Sioux Cltyans out of $387,000. In other yean; tho amount fell as low as 5110,000. Hard work last year boosted the total to $128,000. This year the goal Is ?115,0(K), or approximately 13 per cent mora than wns contributed in l'J59. I'redlcti Siie«o»!>fiil Urlve Mr. Agranoff predicts success for this year's effort tinder the general chairmanship of Charles Duchen. "The campaign Is being adminstered In a diplomatic manner, without any embarrassment to any individual" ho said. Ho particularly praised the parlor meetings, where tha contributors, a few at a time, discuss the needs quietly In a private home, without pressure or rancor. Tha needs aro still plentiful, even If they don't tear your heartstrings, There are 350,000 refugees in Israel to be moved out of tin shacks, supplied with tool.i, IIvo stock and water, helped with rehabilitation. Mr. Agrunoff had a final word of counsel to other campaign workers like himself. who knock on doors. "Go in pairs. It will strengthen the Importance of your message if you don't walk in alone." And though ..the paper business a fact which has kept him from visiting Israel), Mr, Agranoff in cady at any tlmo to he part of a pair and R"O campaigning.

Bar Mitzvah

Norman S. 'Mozvinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mczvinsky, of LcMars, will observe his Bar Mltzvah on Friday evening, May 6, with the chanting of the Kiddush at the Friday night services, and on Saturday, May 7 at 9 a. m. Tlio nix danro hostesses, ono of whom will bo elected ilia 1000 at Shaare Zlon Synagogue. Mr, and Mra. Mczvinsky will "AZA Sweetheart," were chosen liy tlio members of Max Kroloff Zenith Chapter April 01ft. Sweetheart IIOHU'HHVH must bo membersiionor their son at a luncheon folof FOB Chapter, B'nal B'rIHi Olrlu, Tlio hostesses, left to right, aro lowing the services Saturday. All (back row)—Rocky. I.efliovlrli, Hliclla Klsborg, Aronita Charnlo; riends and relatives are cordially (mlddlo row)—Paula Kaplan, Vlcltl Hauimten; (front)—Sharon invited. No invitations are beinff I,evltsky. * -.. sent.

Rabbi'Albert A. Gordon spent April 20 and 27 as guest of Huron College, Huron, S, D., where he addressed classes and college assemblies. He was also guest speak-' er to tha Huron Rotarlans and ,lons. Rabbi Gordon's visit was sponsored by the Jewish Chautauquo Society. , .

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chosen, C5 Ridgcview Road, announce; the birth of a son on April 21. Paternal grandparents aro Mr, and Mrs. Loula Chesen, maternal randparchts. are Mr, Maurice Lsssnsky and Mrs. Soil Brookfl,

It has been said that the .Sabbath has preserved the Jcsvlslt Peoplo even more than tlie Jewish People has preserved tho Sabbath. Tho holiness of tho Sabbath, tha spiritual elevation that associated with tho Sabbath, and especially attendance at services on Friday evening, are indispensable to the maintenance an strengthening of Jewish life. We, the Rabbis of Sioux City, call upon the Jews of Slows City to attend' worship services with their families on tlie Sab-, bath. To.absent one's self from services Is to deprive one'a self of an important spiritual experience, a3 well as to deal n blow to the survival of Judaism. . Henco, wo greatly deplore the practico of some people to schedule private Bpcial affairs on Friday evening, thus preventing others from coming, to the Synagogue. This thwarts the efforts of.your congregational leaders who are doing their utmost to encourage maximum attendance. We entreat our people to arrange parties on any other night but Friday. Please help us to preserve and strengthen Judaism In America. (slfjnod) Rabbi Baul I. ilolotnlkov (ftlguod) Itabbl Albert A. Oordon (l Kaubl 1'IiHlp SIfvcratela

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