May 6, 1960

Page 1



No. 88

Published every Friday, 101 No. 20th Omulia, Nebraska, Piipne JA 13GU


, ,,





Second Class Postage Paid ut,,Qmaha. Nebr.

Slnglt Copy 1( Cent* Annual Itals 4 Dollar!

Senior Citizens Month Proclaimed by Mayor Jewish Federation Serves ffie Aged


WHEREAS Omaha h;is greatly As we JJO to press, wo received the first report on the 1960 Jewish Philanthropies benefited from the contributions campaign from Milton It. Abrahams, General Campaign chairman. A complete pi ofjiam of .scmus of its Ki-nior citizens toward "(he to tho Senior , On the first 589 cards, we have received the amount of $100,487, as compared with enrichment of iti ., „ ,. „ , - », ,- „ , Citizens of the \y ., some $88,000 on the same cards, Mr. Abrahams stated. This represents about a 20% iiK Jewish C'ominun- n' \ social, spiritual, crease over last year on the same cards, Vf ity is sponsoied a n d economic i by tlic Jcuibli -„, i.r "If we are to reach (lie minimum quota set for this year's campaign," Mr. Abrahams life; and F e d e r a t i o n of ^ ' t ' //.< 1 said, "ivc must maintain the same rate of increases in all divisions. A realistic appraisal ol WHEREAS their Omaha, H a n y possibilities definitely points toward reaching our campaign goal of $550,000." Is a greatly inTrust in, PicslThe above results are from the first meetings of the Initial Gifts Group and from creased nunibi-i di'nt, stated tothe Women's Division, Abrahams said. . of persons enday, in connection,, with «IIL' abled c h i e f i j Senior Citi/uis through advanceBikur Cholim To Month hold n iment of tionally dining Triisltn science to conInstall Officers tin? month ol M ty. tinue to shaie Bikur Cholini's traditional event _ "Those include, "Mr. 'Austin both the Eidvant- Huhrnlil.itt h o n o r i n g grcnt-Krundmothcrs, nj.;es' and the problems ol' our Brtld, ".such activities as health, mothers and dsniKlitrii will again society; and be carried out in a tea, Monday, housing, recreation, education, uiui May 9 at the Jewish Community welfare. All departments of the WHEREAS the attention and inCenter at 1:30 p. m. terest of all persons of e\ (i > I^ecicralioii fire active .in provid- txRn within this'community a»u Highlighting?""^ ing a variety of services to the ag- sought in order to honor as well the a f t e r-noonj! / ! will be the in- j ing alul the ngi:d." as to serve better our older citistallation ,of of-f zens, to help them live satisfying The Senior Citi/ens Month will ficers with Paul," lives, and that all may piolit lie observed by a number of events Veret, J e w i s h , from their presence: Federation E xIn the community, Mr. Trustin NOW, THEREFORE. I, JOHN] ecu live Direct oi ,' .added, ROSENBLATT,' Mayor of the conducting t h e City of Omaha, do hereby pioThe Golden Age Club, sponsored c e r e mony. Mr. clalm the month of May, !!)(>'), V e r e t , in his Jointly by the Council of Jewish HKNIOIt CITIZENS MONTH talk, will toucli Women nnd the Jewish Federa- In Omaha, and respectfully mge upon the signiftion, inaugurated the observance all citizens, chinches, organizaicance of Senior J-'aiil Voret tions,, and other institutions to The first Omaha presentation of drews, Wendell Beinekc, Dennis Citizens Month being obseived in Of the Senior Citizens Month unite In a movement honoring tho dramatic production, "Tho Berltet, Gary Danielson, Ken Glo-May. through a city-wide Spring Open our older citizens, and promotver, Ken Grosso, Willa Hautwed, Those who will take office ara House. ing improved community serv- World of Sholoin Alelchcm" will Stanley Lnrsen, Judy Magnussen, Mrs. Jake Wine, piesident, Mrs. be sponsored by the Young Adult Special KxhiblU ices according to their needs. Harry Sidman, Mis Adi on Levine, At the Community Center, Har- Done at City Hall, Omaha, Ne- Council in the "kick-off" of their Paul Ness, Judy Rnsmussen, Mar- vice-presidents; Mr, Moms White, ry Sldman, Center chairman, an- braska, this twenty-ninth day 19G0 Philanthropies Campaign. cella Rldlen and John Tarrell. recording secretary; Mrs. Sain Tickets will be $1.00 and will be nounced that special displays and of April, 1900. The play will be given Tuesday, available at the door.' Reserved Freed, corresponding &ecrctaiyj exhibits have been set up. These Mrs. William Epstein, financial May 10 at 8 p.m. In tha Jewish seats for patrons are available nt secretary, Include a variety of posd-ia, books, and Mrs Charles Rosj, Community Center Auditorium by the Center Activities Office or treasurer. churls, pictorials, and pamphlets, depicting various aspects of the the drama department of Dana mnye be obtained from officers of Prizes will be awarded to tin tho Young Adult. Council. problem. oldest and youngest persons presCollege, Blair. . Jerry Ferer Is chairman of the ent at the , tea, Mrs. Bernar4 Another exhibit, entitled "Senior Citizens Graphics," a group of The Philanthropies Business "Tho World of Sholem Alei- event. His committee Includes Neal Schien, and Mrs. Philip Batt, chem" was first produced in New Melden, Anne Weintrauh, Gporgichairman and co-chairman, said. photographs portraying activities and Professional Women at their in the Senior Citizens Lounge, will recent dinner, heard Milton H. York In 1953 and Is based on three anne Megzy, Lea Melden, Karen All friends und members are ln« Moser and Fred Marcus. vited to attend. ^ also be shown. Abrahams, General Chairman, des- different expressions of Eastern Special films dealing with the cribe tho role played by American European Jewish life of the last subject of aging are being made Jews In the destiny of Israel, in century, available by the Federation Li- filling the needs of people in other The cast Includes Ellen Anareas, abroad,'as well as brary to all organizations In the helpless the contributions made on the community as part of their meet- homo front. ings. Increased giving, he added, Is 5tli Commandment Diiy May 19 was set as target date vision was contadted and personneeded to combat slowing sympAt the Dr. Philip Slier Home toms of sub-surfnee hostility to for completion of the General ally invited to hear Weinsaft'« for Aged,' Nathan L., Nogg, Home Jews in this country. He spoke of Men's solicitation by Barton Green- mesasge. Chairman, announced that Sun- expanding religious schools In the berg, the Division's Chairman and Weinsaft,. Detroit businessman, ! day, May 29, has been set aside community and the' extent they his team captains at a' meeting, anil member of the heroic crew oi • ' os the "5th Commandment Day, are assisted by Philanthropies. the "Exodus 1947" keynoted tha, Monday. Honor Thy Father and Thy MothGeneral Men's Campaign with an > "The answer is Increased giving "Judcing by the momentum of er," An open house will bo held for Jewish dignity and self-readdress last evening at the Jewish tho campaign tliua tar," wo can Community Center. for the entire community to pay spect," ho said, . complete our task by Mny 10," Workers were called upon to respect and honor the elder citiMr. firoenberg reported In reveal- continue their efforts at thesam» zens who reside there. ing the deadline day, placed two pitch in order that the message of In this connection, Mr, Nogg ivcel« after Hurry Welnsaft'g visit this year's urgent needs at homa isaid, a special exhibit will be arto tlio community. and abroad will reach all members ranged, entitled "Aged in CamNEW YORK, (JTA)^More than The 185 workers and 22 captain of the community. j\i : era," a series of photographs de- 51,000,000 in contributions to tho of the General Men's Division Greenberg reported that an in:'. .'griding many aspects of the'life United Jewish Appeal- were anwere commended for their efforts crease in giving has been reported Of elderly citizens. nounced at a dinner hero this week In preparing for the Weinsaft throughout the nution as Individ"All the departments of the sponsord by the National Jewish meeting. In less than a week ev- uals and groups continue to roJewish Federation," Mr. Trustin Welfare- Board on behalf of the ery community member in the di- spond as never before. doneluded," "such as the Commun- UJA of Greater New York. ity Library aro contributing to New York (WNS)— ?5OO,OO0 for health and welfare of the aged in tho advancement of engineering tho community. education In Israel has been reClub In Oth Year ceived by the American Teehnion Special medical help for aged Is Society from -the estates of Sadie Mrs. Charles II. Feebler Jr. 11 furnished by tha Bikur Cholim So- Danciger her brother Dan Dnnc, olety. Tlie Council of Jewisii Worn iger; both of Texas. Mrs. Charles P. Peebler Jr. has Sinat was described as 'One of strangulation," ha asserted, "and , in help In an occupational therapy been appointed Women's Chairman the most fortified areas in the wo will have to sacrifice some program at tho Aged Home, and for tho Cerebral Palsy 53-Minute world by Isaac Aronowicz, Captain tilings, economically, and the ra« WOW Radio— March, it was. announced by Drive of tho historic ship, "Exodus 1947," laxation we all want." _ nro co-sponsors of the Golden Age at tho annual dessert luncheon of Chairman K, M. Donahoo. Statistically, Aronwicz Informed - Club, now in its ninth year of exSunday Jstonco, and in tho Senior Citizens Mrs. Peebler will head an army tho Philanthropies Women's Divi- tha women, the Arabs .outnumber 0:30 p. m.-lO p. m. lounge, now In Its second year of of 4,500 women who will solicit sion at Beth Israel, last Monday. tha Israelis 40 to one and In area, Special Israel Anniversary funds throughout Douglas County 5,000 to one. But Israel, ho stated, Armoil North and South operation. "If There Were and adjoining areas In the floor The United Arab Republic Is excels in the human el«mont. In addition, oil women's organ- Program, Peace" featuring Melvin Doug- to-door campaign, Mny 15, begin armed both to tho north and the Flaco for Rofag&os izations In tho community, under Ins. drawn from speech nlng nt 1 p.m. "We ltnow wo can rp«iia placa south, whilo an efficient embargo the Federation of Jewish Women's madeTitlo by Israel's Prlmo Minis- must bo away. Clubs, sponsor Bpoclal days at tho ter Ben doe* not allow Israel to, bring In for all rofugeej who want to ooma during hla reto; Israel,"..Aronowluz nxolaimd. Homo for Aged throughout the cent visitGurion the arms. It-needs; ho said. Mrs. Peobler Is the daughter of to the United States; (Continued on''Page'3.) year. "We are facing-a strategy of Mr. and Mrs. Morris E. Jacobs.

B. & P. Women Hear Leader

May 19 Is Men's Division iirs. Feebler to Head Target Date—Greenherg

$1,000,000 Raised al New Vork Affair


Page Two



Friil»y, May 6, l!»«0

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged (The Dr. Philip Sher Home for the A^fd ncknouledges the folio^in^ nuniui ial,s and (ionntiuiLS.)

Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Omaha-

Set on o Class F'ostauc lJol<J at Qfnohu. New. Annual Subscription, 14.00. Advertising Kate* on Appl'ruHon l»ubilcot'on Office- 10) No jQ'U Strtfl. Omaha, fJtUr^ 1366.

With the Home Folks Nr.wt mid tiappfulne* at flir Or. f'ltulp tin 1 Jriiltli lluuir for lli> Afrd tit l>a\M orLoH.

l'lll> ili'ivi-tll Voiltll Cllllliril


tertained fit. the Or. Philip Slier Home lor til*' An<"d on the occasion K d i t o r ; //.rtvi. oi;<) //rues. J w O.rnnm.i , Htitdci Chirnif^k., o:id I. Cl^pifdi;-, /,',rs. Clarence (MRS) FRANCES KLEIN of the twelfth anniversary of Israel's indcpciideiK'n. i i t bct r>i o o i i e v Our rnlihiiilral visitor this \\i el{ 0! 5Dr l J 0 • i Or. l.\u->, f-ic' //fi. iCjinh Ntmjle, Bfn Wine, //ox Davis, liafjc II. Cr]crni>5is liuhlil Siilni'V liroolts. A l l fricmlH mill r e l a t i v e * r i r e ! '.'curs mid K r a s l i n l Nr,ienilcck and Moil's Loriu J. EiU-nrd Hotrnlliol FIOIVITX this week were n.-rcived 1M\. t." r-~...,.i,.. lluiticl to attend M-rviees and ! I.'T. nnd Vri frc.ik o flrnl . ../.'.rs. Fo'-rtie lit'Ji fioin Mr. inicl Mrs. Fred Kurl/.reception. In Honor of miin and Mr. find Mrs. Ha 1 old Donor pf! IIPGIIII of Jonn Rtjbmicii, Norfolk ('0{>pt'iman. j o s r c r i i KN(ii..\M)i-:u ecovery uf //.rt, Helen-Goldstein 5. Lus'oarfen and N. //.f;-> from recent opera!ton 'J'lin Ililuir (.'Iiullm hi-aiity salon1 Josejih Knj'lander. soli of Major is n \«*ry busy spot ntfei1 the Passand Mrs. Daniel 1.. Kiicjandcr, will Synagogue Contributions over iccess, The snlon will hi; (ipea celebrate his liar Milzvah, Friday A',f. e n d !•'•'* S<*. tf .In men.cry of Ho' ry ofid Rotn nt least once a week from now on. evening, .May »i and Saturday Tlie i'oinit'll of WIIIIICH'S morning. M<0 7 al T<-mple isiael. Special Contribution! tf—7:07 p. m. llr und I.'i Juliu) l.'cvularts and crafts instruction is held cait of I I VnCeM B'NAIJACOIiAIMK f,crrrt.n Hy'iri , , every Tuesday mornlnc «t the I UK HAItl) IHAMONII VVcrkmtn't circl* thtfilr* fic J Ionic. I The Bar Jlitzvuh of Jtichard DinNI'KCIAL ttll'TS: Ml. mid Mi». Kriday, Mineha, d'.'.Vl p. in., Sat- mond, son of Mr. mid Mrs. Oscar Julius Novak. urday, 8::)0 a. m.. Mineha, 6:.'I0 diamond, will be celebrated to'Die II. untl 1*.HiuluKxali will help and Saturday morning ill A monuineiit \\\\\ rw dcdiraterl p. m., followed by Sholo.vh S'MIIIOS. Nathan S. Yalle, printiiif; firm n« celehr.ite Mothers' I>ay with a Hpth in memory of Mrs, Ida Connor, Daily servires at f>:.'!0 a. in. aiul j e v e u l i w . and cominumt\ le.uln, ijalti parly on Sunday, May 8, 6:itO p. Hi. I JOAN SAX was one of tin infn honoH d by Sunday, May 8, al 1I:.'1O a. m. at Golden Mill Omelery. Habbi Benthe flraphie Al Is jamin Groner will officiate, ANTI-FREEZE TKM1M.K ISICAKI. ) o a l l S a x dmijjiit,.,. ()f Mr. and A >s s o c ia tion ot Services nt Temple In'ael Kriday Mrs. Morris Sax,-Will ot)M'i\c her OnialiB, foi out'I he monument unveiling cere- IN A LEAKY RADIATOR i «viiin>!, May K, will bi'i;in at 8:15 Has Mjt/.vah, rind Jeffrey Swart/, standini; l< id< imony in iiienioiy of Anshe! (Ah") IS MONEY V/ASTED p . m . ll;ihhi Sidney II. Brooks will, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Holierl sltip and disllilZelinsky will lie licM'Simday, May offieiate. His si-noon topic will be j Swartz, will observe his Bar Mitz- i;iiishfd 8 at 11 a, in. at I'lea.sant Hill ('eniseiud For Fast—Dependable cteiy. Itabhi Benjamin Groiicr and "A Cup of Colfee and a Card.'-' i var, at llcth Kl SynnBOKUe Kriday to the ]ii'intiliK M Guaranteed Service Cantor Kli Ka^ui) will offieiate. Saturday morniiii; ser\ief's will eveninj;, May 6 and .Salurduv industry of d m iix'Kin at II :.'il) a. in.-The Kelipjous morning, May 7. ba. The aw.nd School choir will render the musiwas jjiven at the LAIVIIKXCK KAITMA.V cal portion. Thi* Bar Mitzvah f>f Lawrence anuiil iii-'clme ol | Unuard I), %'nrin will repicsint Lou Hurwirz, Prop. Hrian Kaufman, son of Mr. and the ns«)ci ition f Omiha at the Slate Spt'-nk-np .layBKTII lSH.\i;i> Downtown Location r ,'(•<• n I 1} Mi '— <M contest in I.iiu.'olii, Ma. 7. liablii Beiij.-imin Groner, Cantor Mrs. Jirrnard Kaufman, will be 170S Cast WE 0200 Mr. V.iffc Kli -K.'iKah and I lie lieth Israel celebrated at Beth Israel Syna- Yalfe, pi<"-.ulf ni Mvrmi .Milder has been named as ;;oKue Saturday iiKUiiini,'. May 11. of N. S. Vail K Co his 1 n- <o r hairmeji of tlu- N'ebraslta ComChoir will conduct family service; I'OI.ITICAl. AIIVKIWIMCMICNT tjaced in the printing business 51 mit lee lor World Refugee Year. this e\cninr.; at H p. m. Traditional DONAI.O S U ' A l i n p Kriday evening s<'r\ic cs, iKalxtlas y.ars and lias participated in comMr. and Mrs. Allen Swartz anShablKisi be;;io ;it 7 p. m. l);ive Ilenistiin and Hnndd There is no substitute nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their munity allaiis lor many years. Cooperman were re-elecled 1o tile Siiahlwis moinin" services b'-Kin sun, Unnalil, on Krirlay evening. for experience board of directors of United A-(J at 8:43 a. in. at 5L'nd and Charles May I.'l an<l Saturrlay morning, stores at a recent meet inf.;. Streets and at '.i a. in. at l!tth and May H at Beth Kl Syn:i(.:oi;iie. liurt Streets, .luniiir Coii^ii'i'alinn at. H:15 a. in. Kabbi 'IIOIWT will SI SAN LINCOLN Mr. and Mis. Willis M. Kp.,li in conduct the Talmud at (i:.tO lir.r.KN HANK Mr. and Mrs. Nornian Litwoln have (jivi'ii the name of Sally Kay p.m. Sabbalb .Minrlia at 7:1.") p in. followed by Shniosh S< iirlns and aniiounec the Has Mitzwth of their to tli'.'ir third d-m^liler bom April daughter, Susan, and Mr. and Mrs. L'O. They also have two sons, I'.onWaariv. 1 ald Steven and Garry Alan. Sunday morning vi-tices l»-j»in I.loyd Hank announce the Has Mitziuli of their daiiuhler, Helen, Grandparents me Mi.-jisrs. and Bt H-/M) a. m. followed by lire.-iklast and-IUibbi's class In Bible. Sunday May I.'! and M at Temple Israel, Mines. D. \V. Biinstjiii and William Kpsteiii. Mrs. Kanny Cohen morning .Junior Min>*ou followed by is a fjreat yratidinfitlK'r. bivakl'ast starts at H:.".(J a. m. . Daily services at 7 a. m. and nt Mr. and Mrs. Jerold A. Dann .1:20-p. m. Olt. U : \ I N E TO SI'KAK arc parents of a son, Mark \V., Dr. Victor K. Irvine, Professor j t)0]-,, April 14. They also hnve a BKTIf KL and Head of the Department of j dnuchier, Wendy Susan. Services at Beth Kl SynaKOKun Biological Chemistry and N'utri-j Grandpari.'iils are Mr. and .Mi>f. will hrji'm at S;]5 p. m. Itjibhi tion, Cnif;htoii Uni\er.sity School ; Nathan Dann, Newcastle, Ind., and Myer S, Krjplte will deliver the of Medicine, will present a film |.Mr. and Mrs. Isadore II. Weiner. MONUMENTS sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Kdf;.ir and talk on "cancer" Monday, Grcat-Kramlpnrents are Mr. and in the Jewish Tradition and the Beth Kl Syiiai;O(;ue Choir May !t at 1 i>. m. at the Senior Krahk Kropmati of Mason City, Vouf ortlf?i clioulil be placed well will render the musical portions Citizens' I^QtiiiRc! in the Jewish I Ja., and Mrs. Ida Weiner. ' In advance (if "yahr^cit" Kli till? work ilucs not IIIIVC to be hurried Of the service. Community Center. The men's bible will \*> i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alper.son an-.Sabbath morning sei-jices be^in V/» 4r* known for our «xttctino nounce the birth of a daughter, held at U s . m. Htbraw lettering and detail. at 9:.10. The Junior Congregation Amy Beth on April :«) at ClarkYou may place y c r confidencs .at 10:30 a. m. The Minclm-Maariv son Hospital. They also have a in ui knowing each detail and WINNKIIK gerviee at 7 p. m. tradition will b* adhered to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie W'introub son, Joel Harris. Sunday morning services, at 9 with utmoit cars tnd tklll. Grandparents are the Rev. and INDORSED BY. a. m. Daily services at 7 a. m. and were the north-south winners and Mm. Arthur Gendler, Great-grandMr. and Mrs. Sol Parsow were the 7 p.m. t Aiitfftf Here you deal illrrrtly will) till? east-west winners at the last .tour- father is Max Peltz. wditiol owners . . We permit-no untime( ly iolloitiitloii . . . Oill in for nament'bridge night held at. the appotntincnt nt 'vour convenience. Temple Flans Dinner Jewish Community Center. Ctmpl«ting i*y«ar farm 01 The next session will be on Temple Israel will hold Its nn' Judge • ' lh*» Mwnieipot Cowl• ' MBS.-KM.SA BAKU CftdMl fr*i{dlna Jvda* by .hit , Funeral services were held Mon- Thursday, May VI al K p. m. at nual congregational dinner, May /*!I(rw Jutfs»f, Hit cxptrientm «n day at Fifch & Colo Mortuary for the Center. Plans for summer play 17. The occasion will honor Harhim oi art eulitondlng tandldolm old P. Farber, outgoing president. Mrs. Klisa Baer, 94, of Bellevue, will be made at that time. for tb* impcrtont efff<>«f Oltt/icf 321M! " 9 " St. Frank ftenna who died April .')0 in a local hosI'OUTK'AJ, AI>VKHTIM'.Mi;.VT~~ POLITICAL AHVnilTIKEJlENT Open Sunday 2-5 pital. Rabbi Sidney Brooks of Mure 1 of8 Temple TIsr;iel, officiated. Originally from Germany, Mrs. Baer, lived in Italy 12 years before arriving here in 1051 to join her! «m and daughter-in-law, Mr. and j Mrs. Hans Baer. j Mrs. Baer who continued her! painting throughout her years in Delegate Omaha, exhibited her works a t the Joslyn Museum and at art galOMAHA'S LEADING Jeries in Lincoln. Her son is a Pemoeratic National Convention well-known pianist here. Burial was in Pleasant Hill VOTE DEMOCRATIC F. Jay Pepper Cemetery.


In Memory of

: B a r a n d i a s fihlzvan i «„„.. ,,,„„.,„„. « ,« n,« r^,": ,^r .'. :: :." .:: : . ; :?f : ^^ sj,,,,



N. S. Yoffee Cited


Omahans in News



Decaf hs

Omaha ionumenf


F; Joy Pepper


WA 5554

'MRS. IJSNA.BLOOM Funeral services were held Sunflay at', the Jewish Funeral Home for Mrs. Lena Bloom, 72, who died April 28. She was a resident of Omaha 52 years. * Surviving are ner husband, Sam: »ons, Will, Harold and Milton of. Omaha; daughters, Mrs. Harold Rosenzweig, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Maurice Roginsky, Los AngeJei), Cal.; brothers, the Rev. A. Diamond' and Harry Diamond of Omaha, 3 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Burial was in Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery.






| Former State Senator

World War f! Veteran : tt

^ ^*p'^^



Friday, May «, 1M0

Anita Rae Ravitz Will Wed Joel Ro+enstreich in July

Airs. Kripke Will Receive Beth El Sisterhood Award

Announcement has lieeu nmde|plia Kpsilon 1'hi sorority. She is a by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Itavilz of craduati' of Hie University of Omaha and i.s now teaching in an Ilie ciiKaKfinciit of their diiiicliler, Omaha public school. Anita Itae lliiinuyl Kavit/ to Joel Her fiance is a graduate of the Rolcnslreich, son of Mrs. Jsadore Wharlon School of Finance nnd r Kolenslieich of Hiniiiii(, liaiii, Ala. Commei'ce at Piiiladelpbia, lJa., Officers To He hi^lullrd Oflirers will be installed at the 'Mr. Kofen.streieh and his mother where he was a member of Zela luncheon which has us its theim.-, are current visitors at the Jlnvilz | I ! | 1 | H ' J ' H U fi"tcrjiity. 'J.iindslide for Torali.1' An early July w e d d i n g is I residence. Mrs. A. ]). Kiank, regional planned. (iuiiimau for TJK- Matilda Schech- | Miss Itavilz attended the ilni[ler project, will install the follow- w-'isily of Misiiuri, at Columbia, Patronize Our Advertisers ing: Mnie.s, Morris C'. Kellman, where she was affiliated with A i president; Alherl liininierman, I . . _ House of Glamour Saul Gracl/, Jinny Kerenslein and I I I No. 50th GL 7000 Hcihert Wajjiifi-, \ ici'-|iresiiients; 6 Export Hair Stylists In Mrs. P h i I Mrs. M. Krlpl.e lira Whilelmrilt, ln-iisurer; Max (lereliek, co-chairinan of Ihe Torah 'Mittner, <'<n'icsjiondiiit; secretary; Air-Conditioned Dryers Fund willl Mrs. Morton liifliards : Hen Slut/ky, K'cordin^ secretary; MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Ownori ("oiitriliuthin lo Literature jl.ou l.e\\is ami Ma\ No\ai(, liCANTONESE Mrs. Kripltc, who holds the de- 'iiancial fsecrelaril's; Morris Sl.-ilAPPETIZERS A Mint her-dauijhter luncheon will iinasier, auditor; Jack Kaufman, Sam I'.an and Alan Wolf.snn, direc- ! he held Saturday, May 7 at 1 p. in. i j tors. Mrs. Krank will serve as par- |jit"J'emple Israel. "Magazine Specialist" . lianientatiau. j The program will include talks I ! As a lie-iu with Mother's Day, i by Mrs. I'aul Verel on "My Feel- I CURRENT SPECIALS . lip train- , the |.:real-t,'i'and-liioth'-r.s of the .inns About Jiciiii; a Mother"; Mrs. Fortune, 18 moi. $11.75 — , courses. The auard also is hi'- i mui;icr,ation will he hunored at a | isidor /,ii'i;ler on "What. HciliK a j life. 75 Wks 7.00 int: |ires.-nled In Mis. Ki Ipkc. wile i.special lalile. 'l'hcir lickets of ad- Uirandmolher Means to Me" and I Look, 18 Mos 4.00 ol the li.-ibhi (if lieth III synagogue, mission will be pictures of their j Miss Nancy HrodUey, on "Whal I ( K x p l n - H .MII.V S I . '(10) | My Mother Means lo Me." Mrs. | because of the conlribiitiou she newest ^reaI-!'.rand-child. Sports Illust., 45 Wks 6.87 Mrs. KoliiM't l''eiiiberK, circle-co- I Klalne .lahenis, who will be mis- j f.uur«t <iim>iit I'ricf-H mi ordinalor, and her circle chairmen, ! tress of cen-nionies, will present | Kvvry -Miif;u/liiiare in c h a w ol the 1L':.'1O p. m. a dramatization, "ma^nifiecnl Se- : ' . I Ol(lli:il 111' I'llONi: ()H .MAIL ! huicheon with Mrs. Leonard Gould ;«et." 'Continued from l'ar;e I ' WA 4742 440 No. 61st St. 1914 Farnam i and her Visual Aids Coiiiinitlee in I Arrancinc tin.' event are Mrs. "Most of the- Nei;ev is slill empty j charge of decoratinns. A baby-sitj Edward Malashock, general ehair/iml there i.s the job of building 1 lor will be asiiilable. .. iman; Mrs. Howard I). Vanu, proJiomi'.steads for those who need ' Krnni chairman; Mrs. Harold • Ilii-ni. Some 00,00(1 iu camps and Slern. luncheon chairman; Mrs. <l<Ki) new sett lenient Is in Israel Bernard- Allsuler and Maurice Mili are not self-sufficient." Aresly, table settings. porfraits of distinction "Israel is not looltinf; lor charily, lint [or a chanee to stand on its j Mr. and Mrs. .1. Harold Saks of otwi Icet. We believe Americans .Mr. nnd Mrs. lien Martin feel an identification with us and ; Great. N'-ck. Lom; Island. N. Y., Candid Wedding Albums wish to Iliiink tfifir dear friends •we will carry tile burden In^elher." : aiHiniince the enn.iKenienl of their ii ml relatives fur flowers, giftx Formal Bridal Portrait* ('optain Aronowicz at 2'J years daut;hter, Marjorie Gail to Aliraand (hniiitiiuis to or^aiii/iifloim, f>f ai:<\ tried to land the "Kxndus" ; ham KeinbciK. son ol Mr. and Mrs. Children Our Specialty Kivcn in .Mr. .Mill Iin'H inline, for I;IM,I( its 1.500 immigrants on I'.des- • li.nid KeinlierK of the same city. Quality Work i The father of the bride, a lorIIIH reci-nt recovery from snritiniau .soil, ].'!! years ;n.;o. This at Quality Piicsi t-wnt inspired the wrilini; ol the mer Omahan, is I'.'nai IVrith Anti! Iiefaination direelor. Miss .Saks is •Morld's lio-it seller, "Ksodus," which the Captain lermed re- ! Hie Kranddnuuhler <il Mrs. 1'liil roMTKAi. AIIVI;UTISI;MI;NT markable, because of the icrcuf •Salts of Omahn aiul.M'r. and Mrs, .1. Glassman ol Inwii (lily, Ja. rc^'xmsi" and interest it aroused. Tin' s|>eiikpr was inlrodiici'rl by i She attends the School of Kine Mrs. Mike Freeman, president of Arts, .Syracuse University at New Ralph R. tin- Federation of Women's • York and her fiance will graduate in .hme from the Atfissachiisetts Clubs. . Institute of Technology, al HosAnniversary \uted ton. He will continue his studies in Tin' twelfth anniversary of as District .Israel anrl the 100th hirllulny of tile fall at tile University of Pennsylvania. • 1'li-odor Ilerzl, bolh May 2, were Presentation of the "Benefactor A wind" to Mrs. Myer >S. Kripkr, national vicu-pn sitli tit of "•• Kalionul Woman's League, will l i i n h i I K l i t the Tuesday, May 10 Jit-lh El Sisterhood final luncheon meeting of this season. This 111" \v I y created auard, designating "eternal life." will be presented from Sisterhood

-; lias mude in the field of Jewish i literature tliroujjli her "Let's Talk" series and olher books An author ol a number of books, her newest, "Iiebhie in Dreamland" will appear in the fall.


jTemple to Have Mother-Daughter Affair May 7

Helen A. Bernstein

Sinai Heavily Armed


Made Knov/n

Call RE 1317


, j imlrd by Mines. Julius M.. Colin. |]Mnriis ,T. Shapiro and Nathan ! Tiirjicr, co-chair/iien of Mrs. Sain II., Kntznian, Wonteri's fjenern! *•('luurinan, who ; presided at the i • Mr. ami Mrs. Noi-nmn Lincoln capacity Ki'ithi'riiiR. Community sili!;iiu! was led by . will hold an open house, Siinday. JM^s. Alfred J'rnidc, accoin;ianled ! May 15 al their residence, for by-Mrs'. A. C. Folhnan. A prayer ! iheir daughter. Susan, who will '•uviB-ofiVred by Mrs. Morris (Irnss- I celebrate her lias Mitzvah that • .ina'ii, 1!C>9 Women's Chairnian. I week-end. . M M . Henry >Appel, Beth Israel ! The event will be held from 2 1 'Sisterhood President'and members | p.m. to 5 p.m. No invitations have of her organization, were liosli •;«(>s i been issued.

i Norman Lincolns I Plan Open House

Voloran of World War II MEMBER OF: American Bar Atsociation Nebraska State Bar Association Nobraslca Association of Plaintiff's Altornoys Chairman of tho Taxpayer's Plan—1958 Legal Counsel of tho Taxpayor'i Plan—1959-60


Mis. Delmar Klein was in ( l i u . ' i of decora (ions.

Prs. "M. Bemer Heads p»««i,.il.i,ns. OhaptGr | Mrs. Milos ^HI-iDPi' will lip Infetallwl Us presidonl of -OonihiiMii'i Chapter No. 1032. linai U n t i l on May 'J.'! at .HM - p.m. at tin'liiai-Ustolu.- Jloff'l! ; Other officers • who will taUe. office are the Mines. Hi-n Rilkin, Jerry Lehmai^iijerliert Passman, vice-president^; jHajiy Alloy, ivrordint; sec-retjii v; Meyer Dalpriii, corr(-.sponililiK{s«<irel«ry; Seymour Ahrams, financial Kccrelary;- Jninds Was, In-asuier; Merle I'olnsh, Kciilinel; Harry Hichnian. Ku.inliiin; Kevee Kirshenbaiim, historliin; Rilil Rifkin, Bnrlon DiineVitz and .Iny Cliasen, trustees. Mines. Max Kirshenbaiim ;ind Harold Abraliauison are chainncn In cliar^e (if the installation.

Dance Recital fa Be HelcLat.Center SliuluntK of (he I'ariilyn Kaf-an Dance Studio will appear in a }>anci! Kcvuc and Iteeital on Sunriiiy, May 15 at 2 p.m., at the Jfivish Community ('eiile.r. Students recently entertained at the Psyc.hliiti-le Unit of the University of Nebraska Hospital.

Here's the glamorous new extension plione that's styled to blend beauty with' practicality. It's small to save you space on table or desk or kitchen counter. It's modern— styled to go anywhere in your home. The dial lights up. It glows in the dark and lights up bi iglitly when you lilt the receiver. Five smart colors—white, beige, pink, blue, turquoise. Just call the Northwestern Bell business oflice.

It's little! It's lovely 1 It lights.


Pare Four


IT'S HIS H O M E - a shack in a ma'abara — an Immigrant shanty-town in Israel. You say this isn't the vigorous, dynamic Israel that you have been reading about? You're right! Fortunately, only 60,000 Immigrants live this way. A few years ago it was 250,000. A million refugees have entered Israel In twelve years and two-thirds of them are doing fine. They have jobs. Their children go to school. They live in decent homes. You can take pride in their progress. You



' rri<Uy, May «, I860

helped to achieve it, by supporting the life-' saving work of the United Jewish Appeal. But what does someone else's progress mean to this youngster-or to the other 59,999 ma'abarot dwellers? Do we just leave them where they ore, forgotten? Or this year do we finally make good their hopes? L e t ' e t







. V

Give to the regular United Jewish Appeal. Then give a great extra gift to the UJA SPECIAL FUND.



IH 1960, t). J. A. MUST EXTEND THIS VITAL WD: In liroet. Speed intcgrailon of 345,000 unabsorbed Immigrants by; Homing 60,000 living In immigrant shanties; itplacing lubstandard housing for 30,000; Providing 130,000 patient pionccra on form sctilemcntswiih needed machinery, water, livestock; Providing vital services to 38,000 immigrant youth; expanding welfare services to ill and aged; Supplying resettlement for the steady flow of new immigrants;la addition,meet welfare nccd» . o f 45,000 aided by JDC-Malbcn programs. In Europe, «|o»lom tondu Step up aid for 205,000. In ths U.J.i Help 5,000 refugees build new lives.

UNITED JETOi APPEAL Receives Its Support From tho

Jewish Philanthropies Oampaign in Omaha HI«* iiftvici


w Friday, 2l*y 0, 180O


Rabbi Irving Rosenbcium Named First Chicago Board of Rcsbbis Director lialjbi Irving J, Rosenbaum, former Omahan, has been appointed the first executive director of the Chicago Bon id of Rabbis, Kabul iJavid Polish, p r e s i d e n t , unnounccd, Uabbl Kosenbuum, Is the son of Mr. mid Mrs. David Ilosi-tlbaiiin and a brother-in-law of Rabbi Hrnjamin Groner of Kcth Israel. With IlrandilM 1'rogrum Itatibi Kosenbrmm is presently curator of the Lasher Fellowship program in Civil Liberties and Civil Rights nt Brnmleis university, Walt ham, Mass., and national executive director of the Brundeis University Associates. Chicago Hoard of Rabbis (formerly the Chicago Rabbinical Association) is the nll-cncompassing body Veprescnliii!; the rabbinic community, its present meniber-

.Mt -.



to Security' IsYouth Drive Slogan

"Let's Hand Them the Key to Security." Bhlp contistG of more than 100 Con- This Is the slogan udopted for servative, Orthodox and Reform the Philanthropies campaign by the rabbis. Youth Council. Former ADL Director Inspiration from Film Rabbi Kosenbaum wns the naThe inspiration for the phrase tional director of lnterreiigloiis co- came from the film, "The Key," operation for the Anti-Defamation which is being shown to members League of B'nai U'rith for more of each of the Youth Council Clubs than a decade. it was announced by the youth He produced and directed the drive's leaders, Susan Speier and motion picture, "Your Neighbor Stephen Cuss, Co-Chairmen; AlCelebrates," and was the author of vin Newbe'rg and Ethel Sabes, the pamphlet bearing- the same Grand Marshals. The film stresses title. the poor living conditions of imRabbi Rosenbaum is a xraduate migrants coming to I.srael. of the University of Chicago and Drive Captain* was ordained by the Hebrew TheoDrive Captains and their units logical college. Hofore joininf; the rOUTHAI. AIH'ftllTISKMICNT staff of the Anti-Defamation League, he was registrar nnd associate librarian of 1 he Hebrew Theological college.

are Karen Fellman Ediar; Arlene Grossman, Eleanor Roosevelt; Linda Magzamin, Rohanue; Judy Friedman, Independent: Girls; Bill Horwich, liayim; Bud Epstein, AZA No. 1000; Karl Luefschuetz, AZA No. 100; Arnold Breslow, AZA No. 1 and Gerry Heeger, independent Hoys. The campaign will be climaxed by a youth rally, Sunday, May 22.

AZA ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION AZA will celebrate its thirtysixth anniversary with a Founder's Day week-end; May 6-7-8. Events will include mass attendance at Beth El Synagogue on Friday night followed by a stag. A Fremont party is scheduled for Saturday night. The week-end will conclude with an Initiation and awards banquet Sunday afternoon at the Town House.

Jj>Utvet' Registered R cpreienfativo

J. Cliff flahel & Co. Investment Bankers

1130 Firsf National Bank JA. 7262



AZA No. 100 to Announce 'Sweetheart1 at Dance

FOR U. S. \


Democratic Primary • • •


• •

Schwartz Is: .* - AZA 3Vo. 100 Hu'CRtlienrt cnniliilatcR—(Ifcft to right), Bunnlo Tiirnoff, Nnney Hut/., Kurcn IYIImuu and (/'nrleen Klniw. (Sitting) Carol Itosinlmmn and Marli'ne Krledmnii. A.Z.A. Ko. 100 will hold its nn-nual ".sweetheart" dance, Sprint; noff, Maurice ICutz, M. H. FriedSerenade, Saturday niRhl, May 21 man, Murray Klass, M.. W. Rosnt Ihe Blacltstone riotel. ' enbaum, and Mrs.' Kvclyn Fellman, The ..sweetheart candidates are, respectively. Bonnie Tarnoff, Nancy Katz, MarTickets may be obtained from lone Friedman, Carleen Klass, Carol Roseiibaum, and Karen Fell- any AZA No. 100 member. man. They, art1 the daughters of Messrs. and Mmes,. Myron S. Tar-

Campus fcOl'IIIIt N A M E D TO 'INNOCENTS' Martin K. Sophir of Omaha, w a s revealed a t last Saturday's ceremonies, a t the University of N e lirask a t Lincoln, as a new member of the Innocents Society, Keillor men's honorary." He Is the son of Mr. a n d Mrs. Alfred Sophir. ZBT KVENTS AT NKBKASKA New officers of Zeta Beta T a u F r a t e r n i t y , University of Nebraslia, a r e David Goldstein, president; Allan Noddle, vic<.';prcsident; H a r old Kalman, t r e a s u r e r and Ronald Simons, secretary. They a r e t h e sons of Messrs. and1 Mmes. A r t h u r Goldstein, Robert Noddle, Bernard Kaiman n n d , B e n ,Simons, respectively, .. \ Active members cited by alumni at a recent banquet were Sidney Pessen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pessen, best plcll&e'; Allan Noddle, m o s t rcetilar guy; Simons and Goldstein, outstanding service chapter. Harold Kaiman received t h e scholarship trophy and the Sommer Memorial. Scholarship. Steve Friedman, son of Air. and Mrs. lite' F r i e d m a n was awarded tlie Vann Memorial Scholarship. Kaiman, Noddle find Friedman were also among t h e sophomore students honored, a t the annual Honors Convocation a t the University. • . ; • . • ,. j . ' • Cited also at t h e convocation were 1959 law school graduates, Richard M. Fellmnn, son of Dr. find Mrs. Leon Fellman and Allan Ross, son o t Mrs. Charles Ross for honors rcccivcci'durinf; their senior y e a r in the University's College of

Parents !o Entertain For Jeffrey Swarfz

Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Swartz will entertain at an open house on May 7' at their residence In honor of their son, Jeffery and lhe~cclrbration of his Bar Mitzvah. No invitations have been Issued to the event which will take place from 7:.'W p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Out-of-town guests arriving for ,the occasion are Mrs. I. Swarlz, Mrs, Ann Uushall, Los Angeles, Till.; Mm. Hose Sax Katz, New York City; Mr, and Mrs. Robert Gross, Chicago, 111.; Mr. find Mrs. George Shamon, Davenport, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lefkow, Sioux City, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hyatt and children, Joel and Debbie, Mitchell, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oarson, Lincoln, Nebr.; Marlone nnd Clark Swarlz, University of Missouri, at Columbia.

Nebraska State Traffic Safety Coordinator; Public Relations Chairman, •. .

Democratic Midwest Conference; Past President, Henry

Monsky B'nai B'rith Breadbreakers ( 1958); Former President, North Dade Zionist District; Honor Graduate, N. C. State College and U. of Miami; Past Member, City of Miami Beach Planning Board (1953-55); Winner of Optimist International Civic Service Award (1954); Member of Urban League, American Legion, Elks, Eagles; Member of Public Relations Society of America, APRA, GPRA; Former President, Alpha Delta Sigma Advertising Honorary; Member of Omicron Delta Kappa, ZBT, Lead and Ink, Etc.

Schwartz Is For: Health Insurance Program for Aged, Including Those Not on Social Security; Mutual Security Program Including Economic Aid to Underdeveldped Nations; Peacetime G.I. Bill of Rights and Necessary Federal Aid to Education; a $1.25 Minimum Wage Law; SteppedUp B-70 and Missile Programs Without Increasing Defense Budget; Crash Program of Federally Assisted Flood Control and Flood Insurance; Better Laws for Small Family Farmers

Schwartz Is Against: Continued Coddling of Dictators, Whether They Are Castros or Nassers or Full-Time Communists; legislation to Cripple- All Labor Because of Infractions of One Union; Slow Motion on Civil Rights-

Killed Daily 1314 N.24rti

Legislation; Failure to Use Our Grain Surplus as "Food for Peace"

AT 4977

NOMIMATE A FSGHTING DEMOCRAT phono JA I 3 U to insert youi Wont Ad in ihe Jewish Press. Roto Is 50 cents tor each three Una fmorlion. r i u Press reserves the rlnht to limit i l u ol eocil advertliement


Law as winners of the Allen Moot BAR and HUB Mitzvah congratuCourt Competition In the spring lations also for all Jewish holiof 1959. Fellman Is now engaged days and special occasions.' In practice of law in Omaha. Meyers New* Stand, 1502 Dodge



fireworks, Dancing, Parades Mark Israel's Anniversary .'IVi Aviv U T A i - -I.-.i-.-M-l tlii.s Tlii-iidor Her/1. T h e (minder of JK>Week held its hiKK'.st, nu»\ juyous , lilieal /.ionism was horn in Huda<-elel>ration of Ilic year, 1h- ti-sli- peM in lfciKi. vul tiiarking t h e i'iih iiimi-.n-MUy ] Hiinf 10 lite npenin^ of fiie anof t h e ivl/ntli of tin* S t a l e \%)iic*t] . ni\ et .sal y celebration, Israel spent c a m e otticially into b>'u\if, in -May, a day in solemn o l w i vanee.of Me1SHH, when David IVii-Cnrion lead | nional Day, honorin;: t h e mernoiie.s I s r a e l ' s Oeelarattim-<il ImU'i>"ii'l- ol lhn.-e who had di'il in t h e ereaenee in a museum lieie. iiiou and liberation ol Israel. As so';m a s t h e period of numniint; r i r e u u r U I,i$^tit Mcies' One iTiiimle niliT a toreii was ' turner.] lo l e s t i w ccleln aliun, Preslighted »' sundown jilnp Ml. iler/1 ident I t / h a k IVu-Zw Ijiiiadeast to ill Jerusalem, thim.s.'inils (if lire- {the liiitiim - iinil ID the win Id a w o r k s flared into tin' sliii's over s]*eei;ti anniversary llles>av,e. 1ht> bench a t Ti'l Aviv. Thnmf;li<>iit (ill-. Wnrlil Aid In his aniii'v'•!sary message, Mr. the country, other torches vvrie a b l a z e after Kaddisb l.u/. speaker 'en-Zvi pointed out llial, but for


Frlflny, Mny R, W>0


Truman—'Not Sorry He Hccognized Israel' the Workmen Circle family to obl.'nited Nations, N. Y. UTA)— MKS. H. <i!Ci;KNUI,K« TO serve the 90th hirthday of Josepll T INSTA1.1,AT1ON Harry S. Truman, former PresiMrs. N. If. (ireenljerj; will offt- Hayliin, the group's oldest menident, of Hit* I'niieii States, tleK (i cliiii'd Hint he is "not sorry" he eiate at the installation of officers j ' ' of all clinptrrt at the Heth Israel Sisterhood luni eeo^'ni/ed Israel within a few cheon jnertinj,', May JO at 12:30presented f»reetin^s. Louis Within houij. alter the reborn Jewish State p.m.. in the s.vnauojjue .social hall. was chainnan of the evening andd A social hour will follow. Ke.sei'- Max issued its Deelarulion ol Indcpendi'iicc in I!UM. "1 v.ould do it Vfitiuns may he maile with Mines, j liarney (ircy, Milton (,'aeliin or auaiu," iie asserted linnly. Mr. i Hyman i.vihin. Haliy sitter service H J . I l ' I S 1IADASSAU Truman ^ a s a ^ui'st at a t'ruled • Will br> provided. I'ltOfiKAM AT I1OMK Nations ('oni'spondeuts luueheoii. The Council lilults Hadassali Asked whether he thought, thf COt'.NTII, HOAItl) MI-:K'I'IV« I'niii'd Nations resolutions on rej>- ) The National Council of .lewish will piT'Seu\ an aHevnoon program, May 15 at the Or. Philip alrialinn and roriipeiisiition ol Wonien uil have ils May board j Sunday, sl 1 Aral) refugees should Ix' imple- meeting at the home of ^frs. Sam • "' ' Jewish Home for the Ajtfd. mented, Mr. Truman ans'-sereiJ: C,oo,lman, 71S .1 K. C,e,,iKe » K < \ . , » n l i r A ( i O A N TO S f M K "Yes. 'J'hey should he eariied out," luesday. May 1J lit I p.m. Mrs.! Sherman Sperling will be eo-hosl- AT rio.\i;i:its' KVKNT Mrs. K\elyii Kaplan of Chicago ! i'^s at. a (iessei t luncheon. will be j^uest .speaker at flic PioAmhcrst Accepts Fund neer Women's 1 >onor ljincheon ( DUA.MAT1C f l . l ' U TO On Removal of Bias May 11, ll!:.':u p. m. at Hie Kiresido <T:I.I;HK.VIT; IIII:TIH».VVS Neuark I.ITAI Atnherst C'olTile Workmen's CUTU* V>ianiatic !e',;e \ras r» ady to aeee}>1 a sehnlar- Club will celebrate the bit-tlnliiys i ( l i "''" ' " " ' S a l " "'fl"'i nre chairman .ship ioan fund alter Kniwrior Court of the following members, Hatur-!"' the alf.-iir. .lit'tije 1'aviil A. I'indar letnoved rlay evenini',, May 7 at the Lahore the v.oiils "Protestant" and "(Jen- I.\*c<'iim: W:i\ Crouuse, Motek 1 tile" Horn the will setlim: up the I'ft.'tfcr. Morris (Joodman, Natliaii; IIIIKI. The college had lelused to I.ermati, Hyman Karl, Harry j [ neeept the );i|i heeaose ot the re- Weisman. Max XliiHky. 'Mr. --•*' j li^ious fjualifieaiioirs. Mrs. pave SiiKiiian, Mnws. Sam i Wa.shinijlon The United Stat Hinder, Sam Mo^il iinil Men Mil'olf. [.Senate this week voted -tS-.'-IJi ANNK I l I A M i Mi:KTIN(i n-allnm Us •tn>\>«sv\wm \« nivy tv The next hieetuu; of the Anne IIIITII IHIMTIUAV OF <M|?n aid ussislatice to the Unit Kranlc Voun^ Judaea i;roup will .lOSKI'll Il.tVKIN Atatn Kepuldie as lone » s it hi- held Sunday afternoon, May 'Hi A special program \\;i* held j tiuucK it han Israeli fillip. at the Jewish Community Center. April '27 at the Lnlioi' Lyceum bylpiw; in the Suf/. Canal. rOI.ITIC.MI. MIVl:ilTlSHMI;.\T 1(11.11 KAI. AliVMtTISK.1IF.NT rOI.ITII'AI. AIIVKKTKKMKNT



John F. Kennedy IsThe Only Man To Enter Nebraska's Presidential Primary He put his faith in you — put your iaifh in him!

world Zionist m o v e m e n t of the Israel Parliament, .sparked ' t h e forma] opening of Hie eelebra- ; launched by iJr. Iler/1, "the flar• inn pioneer woi'r.Ol Hi" Jewish ition in Jerusalem Monday. \vouih. the eoui.'ii-ieous niotal Htid In T P ! Aviv, .1,000 members of , material as-istanee and brolherly youth organizations Marled a mass iaid li'Oin our brethren tiironghotit dance which wound Us way :thc world, tov.anl 1he ••.-ttnblishthrough the city's street-., jiuiJint,- i merit ol the State and its rcbuildpassers-by inlo the proo-ssion. In . ine, would have been impossihlr'." every city square ami al countless ! lu Ilaila tnoii; than 'j5l),i|0(l lined other places. .Special . slai;e» hud | tlie street.-, to watch the hour-loni; •been erected 'or folk dancij;s; and j procession ol new amis, displayed entertainments. Millions of electric ii'ii lu t tim< •light bulbs flashed Kieetin^s ami congratulations to the Stale <it Israel erdei'int; its Kith year. Her/.! Kirllidny .Marlicil It was the mosi joyous celebration Israel has held ill many years. Tim celebration this year marks. Hot only Israel's 12tli anniversary but also flic 100th birthday ol i >


An unmatched record of 14 yt'ars of u. sional acconiplishitu-nts and cxpnienca Much decorated hero of World War II Respected scholar and author of Pulitzar Prize-Winning Book "Profilei tn Courage"

Picketing Galled labor Dispute New York MTAi Attorneys foi j the Seafarers Jnirpialional Union, - w h i c h hiCs'm'Pn pickoliui; Hie Oleo:-.'paUA)i at an' i'Jast i'.iver pier, ami ' for the International I.onj'.shore; men's Union, which has refused to ! cross the picket lines to unload • t h e vessel, made the position of the unions clear. They told the U. S. Ciicuit Court of Appeals •tliree-judije j>anel thai the picketdug would continue until tlie "NasBer Governtnent chatiKe.s its policy toward American .ships dealing with Israel." .Seymour W. Miller, attorney foi the Spafni'crs, told the i-ourt the action is a pure labor dispute. "More than 100 American ship,," he suirl. -have hcen IjlackliMei] by the United Aral) Republic for • traditif; in Jsraeh' porls. On ihese .ships alone, more than o.OOO Anter•Ican seamen's jobs aie insohed. The Dep.irtrnetit of Agriculture ,Jias stipulaterl that no charters for caiTyin;: United States Mirplus commodities to J'Jsypt will hn '.granted to American ships on the •.United Anih flcpiihlir blacltljsl. .Until l-ocently, the Navy popart1 ment also liad such a rule In pf• feet, 'l'o us, this means jobs. We ' a r e fli;htin!< for jobs."

Advocate of plan to assure fanner* a fair shar* of the nntionnl income ••V

Leader of opposition to Admtnisitrntion proposal for higher intrrft rates on cooperatives


Author of more than 30 bills to promote efficiency in government


Sponsor of legislation to provide health car« for the aged . . . nnd improve social security



Fighter for an adequate defense as the basil for a durable peace and disarmament



Champion of labor—with 14 years of productiv« service on the Housa and Senate labor committees



Leader of effort to use our food surpluses to feed the needy here at home—and as an instrument of peace abroad


in War a Hero—Today a Fighter for Pesos







Friday, May «, JMO


Center Sports By Cy •YOUTH cor.\<


tral hif;h baseball teum Dick Znchiiria playing tennis for Central high . , . Brad Kp.slein to bowl against tho famous St. Louis Hudwelsers at. the 4(1 liowl . , . Dan Kogel und his gymnastics class at Khmvooi] I'urk next, week . . . linve Bclzer working in Oklahoma next week . . ,

Awards to Center 18

Synagogue Burglary Covered fiy Ion-Jew

T h e Jewish Community Center will present, its thirteenth Annual Athletic Award Night, Wednesday, May IS at 7 :.'•>() p. in. in the Cent Auditorium.

Kurt Wayne, lnd..(JTA) Kabb Seymour Weller, whose 15'nai J.'icol synagogue was smeared with .swastikas anil burglarized on April 15, agreed with police and community leaders that the. vandalism was not the work of pranksters. The sum ol .$300 which was .stolen from the synagogue office, was made up by a contribution of i Christian. At the suggestion of (hi. I'lymoulli Congregational Chinch a group of Christian minister.' helped to clean up the. swastika.' as a gesture of brotherhood and sympathy.

MKKT Youth Council athletic activity will culminate, its J!)r>y-l"iO athletic program with their minuiil track ('iilmla.'ite Stiisiiii unit field meet at the. Tech high "This evening uhich is the eulschool track field on Sunday, May r minalion ol the season's athletic n. )th. Starting time for the meet events" stated Irvin Yaffe, Alhwill be 10 n. m., according to leiic Chairman, "will be the ocKrunk (JoIdhiTfi, Youth Council casion of awards to the <'enter's Athletic Chairman. most outstanding athletes." Kvpnts for the meet will include Ihc <i0 yd. dash. JO0 yd. dash, 2^0 A feature of the evening will he AZA No. i(HK), moved another a talk by Cal Kirshen, populai yd. dash, 4-10 yd. dnsli. 880 yd. run mid tho mile run. Other events step closer to the Youth Council KMTV fiiinoinicer, who too has rewill be th<" mile relay, 440 yd. Olympic Championship by sweep- ceived awards for his participation relay, baseball throw, shotput mid ing to the swimming title at, the in Center Athletics. Ihc broad jump. Center pool on Wednesday eveJluiuir Champion 'IVumn At, the present time, AZA No. ning, April 27. Award Niglit will see the Cen 1000, is in the lend for the Youth AZA 3000, also won the basket- ter's championship teams honored Council Olympic trophy. ball, 'football, wrestling and table along with the "Outstanding AthAIR MAIL THACK AND tennis titles. Only the handball lete Awards." The Les Hitrkemoud SWIMMING MKKT meet, the track ami Held meet re- Award will go to the outstanding 'ilie Omaha Jewish Community main to complete the sports pro- Varsity athlete, the Harry Tiustin Center will participate in the third gram for the current Youth Coun- Award will go to the outstanding iinnual International Air Mail cil season. Youth Council nthlote and the J. J. Athletic meet sponsored by the No. 1000, scored 2'J points to win CJreenberg Award will be presentWorld Federation of YMHs und the swimming crown. They were ed to the outstanding midget HthJewish Community Centers. followed liy Kayim, 22 points; letc, and the fifth and sixth grad The times of the Youth Council AZA 100, 15 points, and AZA 1, 7 er who sljnved the most improveiswim and track meets will be ment during the year. points. Kent, to JWB HeiiclqiinrtcrH lit New 1 Mr. Yaffe said pveryone Is inYork. Last, yea! 37 Centers took Karl Luefshuclz of 100, was the part, in the meets. I,ns( year, the outstanding individual winner of vited to Award Night nnd preOmaha .ICC won the .Swimming the meet. Hi: scored three first dicted, a large attendance would be meet by scoring 1 OH'i points. place wins to rack up 15 points, oh hand to honor the Center athCKNTKK SOFTBALL TKASI Koy Knislcrc took individual sec- letes. The ,ICC Softball tenm began n ond place with l.'i points. Wall 15-gami; schedule in the Omaha Wise and Howard Stoler, lied for Softball Association Class "A"j third place with 12 points. All toClub League last night by mcel- tal, thirlei'ii different .swimmers ing the (Juadalupe AC team, at | broke into the scoring column. Jerusalem (WNS.l- The Tsrael Doyd Park. The Jewish Press wont j to'press before an account of the! Frank Goldberg directed the Government, has made a request j;ume could lw reported. i meet. The starter was Hud Kp- lor 100,000 tons of grain from slein; timers were Stuart Ilur- American surplus stocks to alleviThe Ifi-game schedule will he I concluded on Augiist Hlh, when | witz and liary Kredkin. Arnie Sac- ate the situation of the victims of the recent drought, the severest the Center team plays Thill (iACj co was disqualification Judge. in the history of the country, it «l Upland J'arlc., , j INDIVIDUAL NINNKItS Coaches I)av<i' lielzcr and Cy j •10 Yard Kreeslyl.-, Kail Luef- was disclosed here following a talk between Minister of Kinance Levj .Scilchick have announced that a scliuct/, A'/.A KID 0.27.1). Kshlcol and Ogden Heid, American «|iiad of IS players arc currently! •10 Yard Hreast Stroke, Walt j Ambassador to Israel, t « tin- rosier. Wise, AZA JOUO 0.37.3. Tentative starling line u|i for •10 Yard Uiillerl'ly, Karl Luefthe opener: Wayne Siegal, lb; Allan Koneckj', ^b; I.indy Paul, ss; sehuetz, AFA 100 0.27.9. Hob (ilnsherg, .')b; Leonard Wolk, •10 Yard Hack Stroke, Howard of; Howard Martin, of; Morrie Stoler, AZA J000 0,2!).3. Handleinan, of; Stuart Kahn, c; Underwater Swim, Roy Katskee, and Kay Kirlte, p. Hayiin 63 yards. New York UTA)- New York Other players on the Center GO Yard Individual Medley, Kari City's public schools will, hereteam include, Allen Bograde, John nftcr, shut down annually on Hosh Oktin, Jerry Colnic, Howard Lip- l.uefschuctz, AZA 100 •-0.51.0. Diving, Dick Zachuria, 'Knyjin— Hashunah anil Yom Kippur, "for ton, Hoy Katskee, H u r t Robinson, administrative reasons," the city's >'rank Goldberg, Cy Seitchick ami .')4 points. Cul Kirshen. 80 Yard Relay, Mark Plattuer, Hoard of Education -decided. Dr. John J. Theobald, superinOkun is currently the starling Bill Kutler, Sandy Steiman, Itoy tendent of schools, recommended ghortstop on the University of Katskee, Rnyim- -0,44.0. the school closing on the Jewish Nebraska freshman baseball team High Holy Days on the grounds and will join the Center team in that, even in schools where the June. Upton, also at Nebraska U, pupils mC preponderantly nonwill join the squad at that lime. Jewish, so many teachers are abThe team will also be strengthened in June when several baseball Jerusalem (JTA)—India forbade sent on the Jewish High Holy Days players from the Central high that it is unsafe to keep the schools school team will be available for a Burmese airplane to cross its open. air-space on a flight from Ranfull time duty. The board voted only for the Eoon to Lyclda Airport because the Th« Center team is expected plane carried "military, personnel." closing of the schools this year on to be-a-strong candidate tor cham- The Burmese ship, carrying 40 Jewish New Year, which fulls Seppionship honors. They boast two of Burmese Army men and ex-serv- tember 22 and 2.'). Yom Kippur this the city's outstanding performers icemen, as well as 60 members of year offers no problem, since it In pitcher H. Kirke,- a hard throwwill come on a Saturday. But the JWJilhouthpaw, nhfl Wayne Slegel, their families, landed at Lyddn, 24 principle of the shutdown will, hours'late, having had to take a f«.;fop notch firWti hosemnn. Llndy after this year, appij to Yom Kipi jlavil is also coniufcred' one of the round-about route because of the pur as well as to Kosh Hashanah. Indian ban. 'itifM player* in ;the- Class "A" Rome (JTA) — Ituly's United The Burmese group has come to fjoop. The Confer j schedule - is as ws: Jim'-"' '• Israel to spend a year studying Jewish Communities will publish jfojlows; for establishment nnd a complete documentation and ' i i! •- methods ilMpl A C . 9:15 Boyd Sotilh operation of new settlements and history of racial persecutions in J J.C.C. v». GuodolM) Ml»..«...:15 Adumj Vrtji h j U . C C . VJ. K.C. 50. jItaly. 119; J.C.C vs. K.C. «J2 . . . . . . . . . . 7 : 4 5 Upland agricultural development.

AZA. No.'100 Wins Youffi Council Swim

Grain for Israel's Drought Victims

|M.Y. Public Schools To Close on -Jewish'-'. High Ifoly Days

56 J.C.C. J*' • '2 J.CC. ! V J.C.C. ;16 J.CC. iilJ.CC.

vs. Thill QWC 9:15 Boyd Cost • i I i ' I .' vs. Hlberftid* >.'. ..9:1; A9amt West vi, GuartatOpo'A.C. ....4:15 Upland vs. K.C. S(TI» ...'.......4:15 Gilford v«. K.C. lr,7'....;.6:15 Morton Park

' W J.C.C. vs. Tnin GiA.Cj ; »: 15 upland • July •'' 7 J.C.C. v i . Mlbtrnlon 6:15 Adamj W « l 14 J.C.C. v>. Guadalupe A.C. 7:1S Boyd Soulli

31 J.C.C. 58 J.CC. August A J.C.C. 11 J.C.C.

v». K.C. 3019 VI. K.C. 652

VI. Hlbtrnlon vs. Thrill G A C

6:15 ColumtJOJ 6:15 Alton™ West

U.S. Court's f-o Study Sunday Closing Laws

Berlifi Ghsldren Will Study Uazi Airosifies

New York (WNS)—Student enrollment at. Tochnion-Israel Institute of Technology increased from (iH"! to 3,5.'lO in last, twelve years. rol.HK Al, ADVKIt'flSKMKNT



West: Berlin (JTA)—West Berlin education officials announced u new public school curriculum to assure that pupils will learn who Hitler was by the lime they are 10 years old. Pupils aim will receive comprehensive instruction on the meaning of such symbols as the Nazi swastika and the .Star of David. They will also be informed on the Nazi atrocities as part of teaching the events ol World War II.

by The Omaha Bar Association

IttltAI'X OKFICIAI, •ASSIIiMKS iVKW I'OST New York (JTA)' Dr. Benjamin KIliiv, newly appointed Consul General of Israel in Now York, arrived here to assume his duties. Dr. Kliav succeeds Simcha Pratt, who returned to Israel earlier this month fifli'r serving as consul general in New York for two and onehalf years.

The Omaha Judicial Citizens Committee



Lawrence C. KRELL Patrick Wm. LYNCH Frank G. NIMTZ James P. O'BRIEN Donald BRODKEY John C. BURKE Paul J. GARROTTO Robert L. SMITH John E. MURPHY

New York (WN'S'j -Establishment by Farhand of two scholarships for .students in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem was announced here.



HA 25S4

[xj fxj g) (xj [xj 0 [g} 0 [xi



Cleaned in Your Home!

Don Bernstein

Washington (JTA)--The eonsiilutionaJity of llie variety of state Sunday closing laws in the United Stales, under which Jewish merchants have been repeatedly penalized, will he reviewed by the United Stales Supreme Court.

gj |x} [x} Ek; ®, [><} M

XlCOUNTY Robert R. Troyer Th« men and women who know the judicial candidate! bolt— the Omaha Bar Allocation and •he Omaha Judicial Citiioni Committae — recommond the. above ean'didale'i a« the bait qualified for office.

FOR Bridal Portraits AND


Candid Wedding


John Kalina i 817 So. 36th


"220 Vott JJoudep otver




7:<S Doyd 6ost 7 : « Upland

KIIOT8 I.V TUB DAHK Looks like nn exciting race In the Youth Council softball loop this year ns interest is running en t ( high, . . The fr , or ngftball team fhfid. their firfj p<)Htp<)iioment of ; the season Jast j Thursday • WJfii their game with the Marine <IOBr aerve team was rained out . . . i/:iy Ijcvcnson to California fvv Ihrcct weeks . i '. Boris SteltnnnJ and; Dick Weiner were present nt ihp; wrestling mntches last week when'Dr. X was unmnsked . . . Ray Kirke to. try out for the Omaha U. basketball team next year'. . . Look for Alan Konecky to play witlKthe Omaha U. freshman v. . . Jeff. Wohlnor, Roy 'Katskce, Bill Glnsbiirj; and Bill Horwich, all playing with the Cen-

» • * •



ADVICHTISEMENT • • • • • • •

Judge L. Ross

MUNICIPAL JUDGE Now Judge of District Court— Served 3 yean as Presiding Jud£e. Intiontd fc/ OMAHA BAR ASSOCIATION cincJ OMAHA JUDICIAL CITIZENS' COMMUTES





159 South Water Market, Chlwgo 8, Illinois Vt5TI -

Distributed by M O R T O N WHOLESALE MEAT C O . 1619 N. 24th St.

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Friday, May 6, 10S0

Offlclnl I'ubllcation of Sioux City Federation

15 Years as Husband-Wife, Principal-Teacher Team

A ro un dth e Wo rid and Nation By Norman Malison

Despite a sharply critical blast — termed unprecedented in soina quarters—by the American state department, the blockade against gees to Palestine-Israel and ?•'£>,By Bernard Sliiiinan Arab shipping by American sea-' 000 to other free countries. men continued wilh legul sanction The scene is a modern, comfortVoluntary Rc<.jiiin»ibility this week. able, office on Fourth stroef. l-otAt this point Mr. .Schindler inKfforls to 'bring the action te> ters, invoices, brochures anil cataon end through a court injunction gues lie strewn about, indications jected an undeniable truth that each" mature, thinking Sioux C'ifyfailed when Federal Judge Thomas of an active agenda for a promiI1'. Murphy refused to issue such nent Sioux City business man. an must remember. \lu<A\ year the enthusiasm for the drive decreases, an order. lie cited a recent su• Thousands of miles away is the but the job remains and Increases preme court decision which Iwld litle country of Israel, a land re- in importance. Like? taxes, which that picket boats in c/isi's of this ferred to later on as "a miracle are mandatory, he said, contributkind enjoyed the protection of tlm beyond comprehension." ing to the drive is u voluntary reNorris-I-'tGiKirdii'i act which proBut the ensuing dialogue, the sponsibility. hibits federal courts form Issuing . question and the answer, links That statement led to a query injunctions In labor dispute cases. these two'scenes together. asking why he had accepted u Earlier in the week, Ihe stale •"Rudy, why is U.I A so import- key position in this year's camdepartment lashed out at the parant this year to the Jewish peo- paign. "I am happy and willing ticipating unions, saying picketing ple of Sioux City'.'" to do my fair share." Mr. Schindof the Egytpmn vessel Cleopatra It Was a question that demand- j ler said, adding that "'everyone was "ernbarrassini;" to . the eoned time.and thought. This was the must do his part, because il is the duet of American foreign relations reaction of Rudolph .Schindler, responsibility of everyone." and could result in massive relongtime worker in campaigns, .Mr. .Schindler realizes that all filiation by Arabs a<;ainst AmeriWho this year has assumed the of the money raised is • not earcan, shipping. role of colonel working directly marked for Israel, (hat national IEubhi mid Mr*. Solomon W. Miller, who Mere h'onoml last under General Chairman Charles agencies benefit from the drive as Although admitting It "iinelerSunday night ill a oomniuiilt.v-wlile tribute for fifteen years of IfiDuchen. does Sioux City's own Jewish N|ilred service) JIH principnl-aii(I-tea<lier team of the Slouv City He- jiteiod" the stand of the two marltime unions, thai the Arab-antI"T!ie I'nited Jewish Appeal In- Community Center. brew School, Italild nmi Mrs. Miller were married u few months iKnifl boycott illsrrlmlnalrd a"' .- dicate.*1* the continuing rrspejiiNlBut it was Israel that dominat- after ho Joined the1 staff. i;ainsr American shipping and foillty that the Jewish people of ed the conversation. "Israel is Hie seaman, the department salel that Sioux'City, have to the land of Is- result of blood, sweat and tears, "freim Hie foreign pulley standrael," lie Kald. and there probably will be more point," the plelii'llni; was ruganleel "What do you mean by 'continu- blood, sweat and teai-s before she! abroad " as a poiltle'al demonstracan be totally imWjiendent," he | ing ••risibility'? tion relateel" to I'.A.It, restrictions concluded. "Israel is a nation that still j :i';alii<<t Israel. It was noted t i n t needs much more assistance from the I'nlti'd States "hns repe4ated'y the people of America before the Jewish War Veterans Post No. cant than the total sum it raises. emphasized that It docs not ronrepublic can stand on its own feet ',YM will again enlist as a group It is in this division that the young- done" tliH 'Arab boycott. independently and steadily. this year to solicit the; General er business and professional men The department statement went Through a dozen years of intensive "Men's Division of the United get their first experience in comUnited Jewish appeals, almost a munity responsibility. As they rise on to express re'gret about "an Jewish Campaign. effort by a private group to apply million refugees have been brought The announcement of this action in'responsibility and maturity they pressure publicly with the view to to the new nation and the nation -graduate" out of the General was maelt? jointly by Harold Ivenbringing about shifts in the polihas made tremendous strides in er, Commander of the JWV Post, Men's Division into Advance Gifts. cies of foreign governments." Ono becoming self-sufficient," he exanil Robert Friend, chairman of possible unfortunate consequence* plained. I he General Men's Division. mentioned: possible widespread re/'But there Is still much to be It will b« the second luioecsslve prisals by middle east unions adone," Mr. Schindler said. "Alyear that the veterans' organlza-_ galnst American flag vessels. though we are not as important tlon has taken over this Important A similar blockade; by Swedish to the nation as we once were, division of the United'JcwIhh Camtransport workers was called off, pur financial assistance and suppaign. In 1050 Post No. 337, under Reports circulated that U.N. Secport still are needed to facilitate the Joint leadership of the 1059 retary-General Dag Hntnrnnrthe nation's growth and prosperCommander I)r. Frank Epstein skjold had intervened to halt ity," it was added. and Past-Commander Joe? Goldthe action, but he Issued an in; "Tile Independence of Israel In stein, solicited over 200 contribudignant denial. n lone-term procest that can't be tor!) and rained In excess of $8,000. resolved In one drive," he declared. Israeli reaction to the end of The General Men's Division is the Swedish blockade generally atMr. Schindler, owner of Schindtributed the change in policy to ler's Jewelry store and an active i^sss considered by many to 1» most important group of the Campaign, Hammarskjold'}! intervention, and participant in B'nai B'rith, the they were skeptical of any plan ho and its success is far more signifiChamber of Commerce and other might have to end the Suez canal civic organizations, then likened ifl-t.i.^JS;^ - " ' '• ,1Jsi**^ ,' %;*$%$!% blockade against Israel. the assistance needed by Israel to .Mrs. Harold Goldstein the simple planting of. a flower Tho situation thus remained Seed in a garden. If left alone, touch-and-go, and what-the next jWill Narrate Play the seed may grow, but surroundmove would be was anyone's guess. Harold Koseiitlial Mrs. Harold Goldstein will nared by weeds which will conceal Perhaps a showdown was not prethe flower's beauty. If given the cisely Imminent, but the next few Harold Rosenthal, Area Divi- rate the script for an original play, ' proper "care and attention the seed sion chairman In 1959, will again "This is youc Life, Mom," at the weeks could bring swift changes will blossom Into a beautiful flower lead the solicitation of the 60 or Mothers and Daughters luncheon in tho present picture. that will be a satisfying sight and more Jewish families living In the of the Mount Sinai Sisterhood, Satachievement to the planter. 'BRIEFLY IN THK NATION*... surrounding towns of the Sioux urday, May 7, 12:30 p.-m.( at the Temple. Mrs. Phil Zell is program "We fall to realize the miracle City area. George Lincoln Kockwell's Nazi chairman. of the state of Israel," lie mild, usharangues in Washington almost Last year the Division raised Brian Iiener ing tliis moment to describe the over $5,000. resulted in a riot, but police broke nation he ha* never visited but Brian Ivener, tenloi •.Indent at up his open-air rally before his hopes to some day as a "miracle Central High School and son of enraged audience could attack 1 Mr. and Mrs. Max Ivener, has him. The American "fuehrer" used beyond comprehension." The year 1960 has been labeled been elected chairman of the U- loudspeakers to project his vbica Samuel Kooperman, son of Mr. a crucial period in the history of and Mrs. Jacob Kooperman, will nited Jewish Campaign Youth over a determined group singing United Jewish Appeal aid to Jews observe his Bar Mitzvah at SaturDivision by the Jewish Community "God Bless America". , . The Chicago area hod Its fourth case of overseas. A great backlog of un- day morning services, May 14, at Center Youth Council. synagogue-vandalism In a month met needs among Israel's immi- the United Orthodox Synagogue. The Youth Division will operate as arsonists put the torch to a grant settlers have to be cleared Following the service Mr. and In two sections. Tho senior section building,' showing tho recent out• t i p . • • ' . - • • will solicit tho Jewish high school breaks of overt anti-semitism Mrs. Kooperman will honor their Almost a million Jewish men, son at a Klddush In the Synagogue students of the community'in the were not confined to tho south. women and children have entered social hall, to which all friends same way that the adult divisions However, anti-Jewish, Nazi-typa the young republic in the dozen and relatives are invited. conduct their drives. The junior youth groups were uncovered in yeara since Independence, Two out section will bo solicited through Jacksonville, Fla., and Dayton, No invitation are being sent. of every three of them have been the six Young Judaea clubs—each O. . . . I n a more subtle but integrated into their new homeclub making a lump-sum gift or nevertheless Insidious field, a Uland. .' . . . . Camp Man-GUHah pledge. ' • ' ; . nltcd States commission on civil But it is the third person—the The Youth Division raised over rights report showed housing disone who waits in hope—who still Opens ..Registration $200 in 1959. crimination against Jews to bo CAMP MAN-GI-NAH, the Jewn e e d s help. Refugees remain refurelatively minor in most states, gees until they have livelihoods ish Community Center Day Camp, but cited Michigan and New as well as asylum, dignity, self- announces the opening of registraHampshire! as two where it waa sufficiency, usefulness. This help tion for it's sixth season May 6th. can only come through the United The camp Is open to boys and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gordon of strongest espeoially In suburban: girls, 7 to 11 years of age, and the Jewish Appeal. San Jose, Calif,, announce tho en- nreas and resorts. In Michigan i gagement of their daughter, Judy, itself, tho state attorney general •Mr; Schindier mentioned the in- camp season will extend from Vlclil Bautnsten, ltiGO Sioux City to Harold Falk, son of Mr, and blasted real estato brokers J n tha tensive drives of past years. From Juno 13 through July 22. Campers 1939, the year Hitler started world may enroll for either tho first or AZA Sweetheart, crowned at the Mrs. Sam Falk, former Sioux exclusive Grosso Polnto area near Detroit for using a "point system" • ,y war-1, the United Jewish Appeal the second of two thrca-week sea Sweetheart Danoe, April 80th. Cityans. has been the instrument of Amer- sions, or for the full 6-week season. Members of hor court were AronlGrandparents of the groom-to-be to rate prospective horns buyers ican Jewry's compassion, In these Inquires should be directed to ta Chnrnle, Sheila Elsberfr, 1'aulu are Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Falk of —and requiring a. Jew to have j l years, fund3 given in the drives Harold Ivener at the Jewibh Com- Kaplan, Iteiclcy Lofliovlch and 310 I,eonard Street, and Mn>, Joe nraily twico as many "points" a« a Centllo. have transported l,041,22J refu- munity Center, Sharon Levltslry. Proalok, of 1418 Jones Street,

JWV Volunteers Services General Men's Division

Heads Area Unit r

Brian Ivener Leads Youth Division


Bar Mitzvah

Vicki Baumsten Is AZA 'Sweetheart

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