May 13, 1960

Page 1


No. 89

Published ovcry Friday, JO1 No. Suth Omaha, Nebraska. Phone JA 13G0


Second Class Posturce Puld at Omaha. Nebr.

Single Copy 1C Conn AnnuaJ Iluts 4 Dollars


Of World Famous Wood Sculpture

New York (WNS)—An assertion in a pamphlet that Communist leadership In variou" ^ tries is "often Jewi-' ' traded by the Foreig sociation, a non-gover, ganization, devoted to i. ., foreign affairs. A 62-page brochure'on Africa recently published by the association stated in connection with the opposition parties in the Union of South Africa, that some of the opposition comes from "Communistled leftists" who are "mostly white and, as in similar groups in Europe, often Jewish." The author was John Scotto, American for-, eign correspondent and special assistant to Time magazine publisher. of that assertion, the District of Columbia School Board, Collection depicta mocln of life of the "Shtetl" (village) In I n t - Washington, D. G, ordered the pamphlet withdrawn from the ern I.'urope before Nazi uhlltrnitlon. schools. The community is invited to sec..the sixteenth anniversary of the association president John the world famous collection of Morris L. Stinver Foundation of W.The Nason, said it was deplorable Wood Sculpture of the "Shtetl" Detroit. by Herel Salt on exhibit at the Iierel Salt, un internationally and that "the offensive part of the This In tlie way the new pool nlll look at Camp Jay-C-C this Jewish Community Center until known artist, was born in Poland sentence'is irrelevant to the general subject being discussed and hummer. May 31. In 1H80 and now lives in Los An- is not confirmed by supporting Displayed ore. 43 pieces depict- geles, Calif. His works have been evidence." A new swimming pool will be Ing forwdid to pioviding aqua tin ing the mode of life of tlie "Shtetl" exhibited in the Stemlahl Gallery ready for water fans at the 1960 activities under such excellent (town) in Eastern Kuropc which in Los Angeles, the Los Angeles site of Camp Jay-C-C by the time conditions." Was destroyed by the Nazis. It is County Museum and at the Nait opens on June 2G at Camp Shel- The pool will bo supervised by sponsored by the American Jew- tioonal Sculpture Society in New don near Columbus, Nebr., Norman highly qualified water safety inish Congress in commemoration of York. Batt, Camp Committee Chairman, structors. Swimmers will be rated The Shaver Foundation plans to Staff openings are still avail- reported. according to ability and will ba these sculptures in every able for Camp Jay-C-C, June 26- The pool will be constructed 75 able to qualify for higher levels, Mmes. Margolin, exhibit Jewish community throughout the July 16. Needed are boys and girls feet by 25 feet and will be equipped The water program will include world. The collection will event- C.T.T. counselors and persons to with the most modern type of fil- instruction in canoeing and fishGaer Appointed ually find a permanent home In head the boy's and girl's villages. tering system. ing in.addition to the many tradiMrs. Milton Margolin and Mrs. Israel. All applicants must be over 18 "Campers will find this attrac- tional activities featured at camp. Albert Gaer have been appointed Also on exhibit are books, art years of age. tive and modern pool an-Idea spot Th». following schedule is ofto Douglas County legislative portfolios and copies of paintings Day Camp, June 13-July 8, to achieve swimming skills," Mr. fered: Committees on the Governor's of. "Life in Eastern Kuropc." wishes to fill the position of Red Batt said. "Swimming is always Oinulia Non-Res, Commission on Aging in connecCross Safety instructor. Applicant a popular sport, and we are look- Dates June 26-July 5 $ 75.00 5 85.00 tion with "Senior Citizens" month Temple to Honor must be experienced and qualified. July 5-JuIy 15.. 75.00 85.00 being observed this May. Openings also remain for three Full Sessions— senior boys counselors and a drivBoth women have been associat- Harold father June 26-July 15 140.00 160.00 ed for a long time with Golden Temple Israel's 90th annual din- er-helper for the kitchen. Campers are urged to register Age programs Including the Golden ner and congregational meeting, For further Information, conas soon as possible by contacting Age Club and the Senior Citizens Tuesday, Muy 17 nt 7 p. m. will tact Boris Steiman, Jewish Comthe Center activities office headed Lounge In the Jewish Community honor Harold Fnrber, retiring pres- munity Center Activities Director, The residents of the Dr. Philip by Boris Steimnn who will b» Sher Jewish Home for the Aged Center. ident. JA 13C0. Camp Director. He will be assisted will hold a spe- by Dik Weiner, Center Youth Dic i a l meeting, rector, Thursday, May 19 at 3 p.m. in c o mmemoration of the 100th centenary of Dr. Cal Kirshen, KMTV television Mrs. L l o y d Friedman, well- vice-president; Mrs. the coTheodor Herzl's announcer, will be tha guest fcnuwn community leader, was In- second vice-president, and Mrs. A, operatlon which created a birth. speaker, when the Jewish Comstalled as president of the Fed- C, Fellman, secretary. "oneness" In the community. Joseph Radi- munity C e n t e r eration of Jewish Women's Clubs A former president of the or- Mrs. Freeman was presented a nowski, Omaha holds its 13th Ot a recent meeting at the Jewish ganization, Mrs. Harold Farber, certificate, "in appreciation and communal work- Annual A w a r d Community Center. Mrs. Frled- who presided at the installation, recognition of devoted communal er and leader in N i g h t Wednesman, previously first •vlce-prest- paid tribute to the abilities of Mrs. services and distinguished leaderItadlnowski Zionist activities, day, May 18 at dent, tiiicceeds Mrs, Mike Free- Friedman and her officers. She ship" on behalf of the Women's called attention to the importance Federation by Mrs. Farber. The will be guest speaker on this 7:30 p. m. at the man. Center AuditorTaking office with Mrs, Fried- of the bond that unites the wom- annual president's r e p o r t was occasion. man aie Mrs. Hnrry Sidman, first en's groups, through their organi- given by Mrs. Freeman. A special Herzl exhibit is being ium. M(j. Kirshen, arranged for tho meeting by David Orkow, Home Superintend- In 1948, received the Harry 'Iius-. ent. • tin'Award,'given! annually to the I "most outstand-* Klrshcn ing Youth Council athlete." He was a member of Enrollment for the summer A^A No. 100 champion basketswimming program, beginning ball teams in 1946-47 and played June 13 at the Jewish Community with the organization's regional Center, is being accepted now, Joa winners during the same period. Micek, Aquatic Director, reported. He served as a counselor for Camp Registration will be thrown open Jay-C-C in 1946-47 and 50. to the general public on May 23. Teams as well as individuals will Mr. Micelc discussed pool oper- receive r e c o g n i t i o n for their ation at a statewide Swimming achievements in Center sports. Pool Conference, Wednesday night "The evening is always a big at tho Omaha-Douglas County event and yve hope that all parents Health Department. and Mends of our athletes will be present to witness the presentation of. the hard-earned citations," Irvin Yaffe, Center Athletic chairman, said. ' Johannesburg (WNS)—A nlneteen-voluma Vilna edition o£ the Soviets Rebuff Ben Talmud was presented to Stellenbo3Ch University by ths South Gurion Parley Bid African Jewish Board of Deputies. Jerusalem (WNS) The Soviet Tho university has 290 non-Jewish Union'has indicated it has no instudents of Hebrew most of tfiom tention of Inviting Prime Minister talcing counsel to qualify as min- David Ben Gurion to visit Russia The gravel la presented to Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, new president of the Federation of Women's Clubs, (third from left) by Mrs. Harold Farber, Installing officer, taoblng on are Mrs. Bilbo isters of the Dutch Reformed for a meeting with Soviet Premltt K h r u s h c h e V ; ' ' •" ' .-..••• 1 -.••:-• C h u r c h . •'" ' ' •' ' ' ' ''••' ' • • • • • < Frormnn, ,rellrluff president, nod now officers, Mini'.!. Hurry Hldmiui, Dave Colin and A. O. Fellman.

Both Center Gamps Offer Positions

ilerzl Pay Speaker

Gal Kmhm to Speak i a y 10 Award Night

Registration Open for Center Swim Program

Vilna Talmud for S. African School



Ncu« ntid tmpprolnEB Qt The I>r, I'hlllp cr JrtttMi ll«ni« tor Ttis Auctl by id O k

Published Every Friday by Hie Jewish federation ol Omalia. Sccona Ctas^ Pasiaic Potd ot Ornana. fjebr. Annual Simscrlpllon, U 00. Advertising Kales on Application. Publication Office—101 No 7Q!h Mrcct, Omaha. IJcbr.. JAckt-cn 1364.


Friday, May 18. I860

Weinsaffs Message Kicks Off Campaign For Men's Division


Vi PRICE Sat. Evening Post, Per Copy Sc 60 Wks J4.79

In an address keynoting the ( l i r / i r i;x|ilrcs .lunr IS, HIGH) , . . . S3.87 Special (iift: Mr. and Mrs. liich- General Men's Campaign meeting Tlmo, 39 Wks last week, ;it Ihe Jewish ComAll Special Offers Honored inan Ilohi'i'inan. munity Center, Harry Weinsaft, on All Magazine* Ftalibiiiical visitors: May 11, Itab- Detroit businessman, called upon All friends and relatives are bi Brnj.imin Groner, May 1H, Rab-the Omalia community lo regard invited to attend tervices and its Jewish identity and heritage bi David Korb. reic|itloii. "Magaiine Specialist" with a new sense of dignity and Couiu-il fif Jewish Womtms* .Arts 440 No. 61st St. courage. lie pointed oul (hat. the WA 6742 SI.'SAN LINCOLN" and Crafts group meets every Israelis have defended their nation KLI.KN BANK Tuesday morning. for 1'2 years to preserve those Susan Lincoln, daughter (lf Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lincoln and 101- Coining Kvcnts: May 15—Lag qualities, lie cited the many contributions'made to Israel by Jews len Hank, daughter of Mi', anil B'OHHT festival to be sponsored <'!in<!l<-lfK>itli>K—7:14 p . m . throughout the world. by the Council Bluffs chapter of Rollle Roger* Mrs. Lloyd Hank, Friday evening, iurrii i-x Weinsaft's rness.-i^e. kicked off Hadassah. Complete Barbtring Servic* May V.i and Saturday morning, the division's general solicitation. Services ;it Beth KI Iliis evening Satisfaction Assured May 2.'. The Golden Age Club Pledges indicated an increase, Barnf H:15 p.m. Sermon liy Hahhi May 14, Temple Israel, • Stiampooi • Ficifllt • Tonici will be gucsis ot the Dr. 1'hillp ton 'Jreeuhorg, General Men's Meyer S. Kripke on "Wliai. Rabbis Chairman, who presided at the Talk About." Cantor Aaron I. LAWUKNCKKAUFMAN Slier Home for the Aged. • Shavei • Haifcuti Eil;;ar and .Synaf;o;;iie rhoir will Lawrence Uriati Kaufman, ton May ^'.t An Open House will be I meeting, said. Appointmenti Save Tim* render iniisical portions. The speak"')' was introduced by of Ml', and Mrs. Bernard Kaufman, held at tin- Dr. Philip Slier Jewish GL 9284 Sabbath inornim; .services, 9:30. .Saturday morning, May H, Beth Home for the Aged to celebrate Arthur Colin, 105!) General Men's national Senior Citizens' Month. Division Chairman. Milton It. 6618 Elondo 8 A.M.-6 P.M. Junior Congregation services 10:,"K). Abrahams, General Campaign Mineha-Maariv s m i c f begins at Israel. Chnirnian, spoke. 7:IS p.m. .Sunday morning services DONALD KWAHTZ at it a.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. Donald .Swarlz, .son of Mr. and mid 7 p.m. Patronize Our Advertisers Mrs. Allen Swartz, Beth El. this B'NAl JA«:«)B ADAS evening and Saturday morning. NKW VOHK I W N S I - Kvideixv yi-:snritoN of pirated translations of Kith Jlrs, Myer S. Kripke and Mrs. Kriilay. Mincha, C>:3() p.m., S a t -STKVBN AHKAHAMSON century Yiddish works uas dis- A. I). Frank have been invited lo urday, K:.'iO a.m.. Minrlia. ti:-'>0 KOXKE Ki'STKIN closed her*? with the discovery of lead seminars al the Miduesl p.m.," followed by Slmlosh Sruilos. Sleven Abrabamson, son of Mr. manuscripts antedating their first Branch of the National Women's Daily w r v i r e s at <>:.•«) a.m. and and Mrs. Norman Abrahamson and printed editions. League of United Synagogues'of 6:.'W1 p.m. This came to the lore in an an- American conference in Kansas Konee Epstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Epstein, Friday noi.ncemi'nt by Dr. Simon Green- City, Mo.. May lli-l'J. berg, Vice-Chancel lor of the Jew- Belli V.\ delegates who will atTK.MI'1,10 ISKAKI. evening, May 20 and .Saturday ish Theological .Seminary of AmerThe sermon for Friday srrvic,*; , M tend are Mmes. Morris C. Fellman, ica, that the mnnuMTipts were A. (I. Hinimerman, Saul fjraetz. al « p.m., Temple Israel, by Ilabbi i "' •> par! of a large early Yiddish book Phil 'Jen-lick. (Jene Rich, Morris Sidnev Hrooks "ill he on. "Can a MAIM: IIKNNKTT KAI'I.AN and manuscript collection recently Brick, Norman Prod, Koboil WagCatholic or a Jew be President." Marc Bennett Kaplan, son of Mr. acquired by tin.1 Seminary from Saturday orvioos at ] 1 :'V) a.m. and Mrs. Ben.Kaplan, Friday, May the private library of Dr. .Iiidah ner, Alan Wolf son and Joel 2<> and Saturday, May 21, Beth Is-A. Joffe, S7-year-ol(l international- Ilelfmiin. BKTII ISICAIX _. rael. ly known linguist and book colRabbi IVniamiu c.roner. Cantor lector. The collection, consisting Kti K;r;;ni and the Beth Israel of more than a thousand rare and Choir will conduct Friday family Bruce lirodkey and Barry unique books anil 25 manuscripts, M'lviees, S p.m. Traditional. unfolds a panorama of Kith lo 1 Hili •wis, both of (Jeorge W. Norris r HAICKV KIIA'KKMAN (Kalinins Sliabbosi- bei.'in at 7-.l.> RUG & UPHOLSTERY century secular and religious Yid- Junior High and Arnold Kimmel, Funeral services were held Mon- dish literature ranging from poetry Dundee .School, wore among the CLEANERS 70 eighth graders cited for "citiShabljus inorniim servii-es, Hi'lf) | day at lilt N. P. Swanson Mortu- to ritual and devotional works. zenship, scholastic achievement, RUGS —CARPETING H.m. at .->2nd ami Charles Streets j ary for Harry .Silvcrman, 67, an and at !) a.m. at Tilth and Burt attorney, who died .Saturday, Rab- Dr. Grecnberg said that the service and character" by the LAMP SHADES Streets. Junior Congregation at bi Sidney Brooks officiated. Burial early printers frequently credited Kotary Club of Omaha, at a FURNITURE themselves as the original transrecent luncheon. !k4i> a.m. I'.abbi llromT, will con- was in Beth El Cemetery. , lators of their works and "the Cleaned in Your Home! duct Talmud class, 6:45 p.m. Sab- Surviving arc wife, Ann, daughThey are the sons of Judge and bath Mincha, 7:15 p.m. followed ter, Mrs. Marge Fromkin and proof of the invalidity of these Mrs. Donald Brodkey and the Dlndlng—Laying— Repairing claims reopens for examination by Sholosh Sc.udoes and Maariv. son, Robert. and rewriting the whole history of Messrs. and Mines. Ix>u I^ewis Sunday .services at S-.30 a.m. and Charles Kimmel, respectively. Don Bernstein HA 2554 early Yiddish literature." followed by breakfast and Rabbi's 1IKS. ADA MAItSH class in Bible. .Sunday mnrniiiR Funeral services were held Itl ltlti:il I'l.ANT Junior Minyon, 8::«) a.m.. followed Wednesday at the Jewish Funeral FOR I.SItAIX by breakfast. Home for Mrs. Ada Marsh who New York (JTA)--The Israel Daily services at 7 a.m. and at d i c ( , T u P S ( U i y A n a 1 i v e o f E n ) ; i n nd, Government has authorized the 7:30 p.m. she made her home with a daughter, Mrsf Sam Colick of Council const ruction of a rubber reclaiming Bluffs. -She was a member of plant In the coastal town of NaMizraehi. S«b (Sabbyl Pulvercnls She Is survived by another ANTI-FREEZE Surah Milder and Rosalind Mor25 Yoan" Experience ris, Central High, are authors of daughter, Mrs, Harry Swift, Oak With Jowiih hish school work selected for the Park, 111.; sons, Norman, Omalia IN A LEAKY RADIATOR University of Omaha magazine, and Lionel, Birmingham, England ES MONEY WASTED Lettering and Memorial! Grain of Sand. Their parents are and six grandchildren. Burial was For Fait—Dependable Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milder and Dr. in Golden Hill Cemetery. 2211 So. GJh AT 2452 end Mrs. Haskell Morris. Guaranteed Service LKSTKR SLO.SBUIKJ Ronald Greene, son of Mr. and Funeral services were held Mrs. Edward Levinson, is one of Tuesday at Temple Israel for the three Omahans, named win- Lester Slosburg, 52, Chicago atners of National Merit Scholar- torney and former Omalian, who Leu Hurwtti. Prop. ships. He also headed the T9G0 died in Chicago, Monday, ELECTRIC WIRING Downtown Location senior class at Central High school HEAT REPAIRING WE 0200 Surviving are wife, Doris, Chi- 1708 Can in scholastic achievement.William Horwich, son of Mr. cago; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob end Mrs. Sam Honvich, ranked SloBburg, brothers, Stanley J. and tanya, by an American fii-m. Harold W. and sister, Mrs. Mau- Sell what you don't need . . , second. rice Pepper. Burial was in Pleasant Buy what w need through the Hill Cemetery. Want Ads. (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN


Bar and ies fililzvah

Helen L Bernstein

Seminary Acquires Women Invited to Early Yiddish Books Lead Seminars

Cited by Rotary Club



220 Volt Moaiepou/er .






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Page Thre*

Bid f o Recover Ransom Paid fo liltEer in 1030

Il'NAI Il'ICITII SOITHWKST KMUONAL COVFKUKNCF. The sjiriii}; li'nai IS'ritli Smitliwest llej'ioiiid Conference will bo held ;it Hit; Piixton Hold. Salurday ;IIKI Sunday, May 14 anil ]fi. .Saturday's ;>rn;;i"jiii will include r<'i,'isli'alioi) at f> p.m., bowling tunrmiinenl at liuse Howl. 7 p.m., followed hy dancing and a midniilhl liuffi'l .supper at the I'axlon.

A. C. Fellnian, I'hinea.s Winlroub and I'aul Verot will In,-jrl disciissions. / The Hridiissidi Chapter Hoard will hold a 12:.'tO d i w r l luncheon jnieelini;, Monday, May 1(1 in Ihe j Injine of Mrs. ,1. ,1. Friedman, (iH'l | Harkwood I.ane. .Mrs. Alfred Frank ' i.s eo-hoslrss.

Mil. AM) MltS. NOIt.MAN KIM1KHT ON I'IKXil:AM A drainali/atliin of "Who is that l.ady" will In1 presented liy Ml', mid Mi's. Xnniiaii Filliert (if Council Bluffs at the lunrhroii meeting of tlic Council of Jewish Women, Tuesday, V2:'M) p.m. at tin1 IIii;liland Country Chili. Iteserviitions mav l>c made with Mini's. Phil I.;i.ser-<;i.. 5212, AlvTn Kpstein-HK. '.I'l.'JO or Ted CohnTK.

Kuhlii Myer S. Kriplir of Helh Kl SynaKOKiie attended the ISOIh anniversary convention of the Assembly of Amerieii, held May K-12 lit Crossinner's. New York.

MIZI!A< III DF.SSKRT M'.VCIIKON The Mizr.'iehi Women will meel Wednesday, May 18, for u dessert luncheon ; t the Jewish Community O u t e r at 1 p.m. All members are nslced to brink' their Hlue Boxes.


\Omahans in News

Mrs. Maine JalienlH In director of 1'acliacci and assistant director of Qiiivera, beini; presented by the Omaha Civic Opera Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at Technical Hi^h .School. Mrs, Hutfl Ixtndun of Council Hluffs, lius returned home after KpendinK five months with her son, Dr. Kii|,'ene Iymdoii of I.os Am;eles, Cal.

Mrs. Clmrles Kmlncer and sons, Jeffrey ami Stvvcn, Yanldon, S. I)., will arrive May Mill Tor a HAM MOTIIKICS C U B The Si);ma Alpha Mu Mothers two weeks' visit with her parents, Cluh will meet for a 12:30 p.m. Mr. mill MrN. I. II. Welner. ilesKf'i't luncheon, Wednesday at Accompanied by their sou, Allen Ihe hiime of Mrs. liohert Koujit'i'. Sinn, Mr. mill Mr«. Dave Sliuliert left last Sunday for Chicago, to I)It. MIMJIEA.M TO SI'KAK he witli their son-in-law and dauj;liAT FAKItAM) MKCTIMJ Farhand P.iole Zion will c l o - ter, Mr. and Mrs. I'liul Wolf who llralc Israel's 121 h anniversary became parents of a second son, with Dr. Norman Milnram as Daniel Ix'C, on May 2. The Wolf's principal sjiealitT, Sunilay, May other son is James Allen. The jljth at 7:.'Sfl p.m. at the Jewish liaby'K paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. 13. Wolf, Chicago. Coinmunily O u t e r . Mrs. Mjllon Nejirenberi; will His i;real (•rniidparoiils arc Mr. rnlertiiiii with a program of Yid- and Mrs. A. J. Jacobsmi and Mrs. dish anil Israeli soii:;s following Sam Fried. dinner. Mrs. Marion liondariii, .Morion III eh sir (I s has been Chainnaii, un;es all members to uttend. Mines, lsadore Forbes and named a director of the Douglas Kthel Keiwlowitz are in charge, County Red Cross Chapter. of dinner arrangements. Reservations will be taken at JA :W91 Mrs. Stelln Itiisenllial wishes until G:.'K) p.m. May I.'ilh. no convey her tlinnlis for the many nwisaifrs »f Kyiii|iath.v IIADAKSAII <)Ni;<l SIIAI1BAT anil the many aels (if th(iii(,'lilMrs. Ilnri-y Sidman, R17 Park- fulni-sH HIIOWH her (luring her wiKjd Ijine will be hostess to a bereavement for lier son, J, KilJfadassah Kdiicntion Council Once vvanl ICnseatliiil. Shahbat, Sfiturday at 1 p.m. Mracs.

London i,rrAi--Tln.' Rothsehilil family acted in a bid to recover part of what may be Ihe largest ransom ever paid the estimated ?2ll,<t(»0,000 handed over to Hitler in I!).';!) lor tin- release ol Ha roil Louis d • Rothschild. The- ransom uas paid alter the failure of ii direct appeal to Hitler hy the Unite of Windsor. A London afioiney, appealed to the l''oreii;n Compensation ('Dinmission to uphold Ihe claim of Baroness Clarice de Itothschild, widow of Huron .Alphonse de Rothschild, to (iOO acres of land included In the ransom. The Nazis sold the 1/ind, then in German-occupied I'olunil, to a German baroness. Lady Kolhsehild is claiming about $250,000 in compensation for the land from a fund set up by the Polish Government to compensate owners for property taken over hy the Polish People's Itepublic.

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Page Four

IfcWay, Clay 18,

Official I'libJicalion of Sioux City Federation

All Divisions JWV Past-Commanders Form General Expect Early Men's Division 'General Staff1 Drive Wind Up Like an army in the field tlic United J o « i s h Campaign lias placed division after division in action. As this issue goes to press the Advance Gifts Division, which Ordinarily accounts for 75 per cent Of the total raised in any campaign, is KT . per cent finished and facing toward successful completion; the Women's Division is 80 per cent completed and moving on Schedule; the Business and Professional Women's Division is 85 per cent completed and promises to wind up first of all. The General Men's Division, which in more ways than one represents t h e "heart" of the United Jewish Campaign, launched its big push this \veek. Its manpower was again drawn this year from the ranks of the Jewish War Veterans. The Campaign's similarity to u . military engagement w:ii pointed Up b.v general chairman Charles Durhfii. Tli<< Campaign requires u massive effort nn the part of many Working together, uiul victory docs Dot cuuif easily. Like u h.ittlc, u campaign geW men to put forth extraordinary effort, and Illie war It cements brotherly feeling in the community. "If the present rate of speed holds up our community should be celebrating a victory rally this month," Mr. Duchen said.

Aroundthe World and Nation By Normal) Maiu»on

rant-Commanders of JWV Post No. 337 confer with General Men's Division chairman on campaign strategy. (Left to right): Mike. Itlee, Martin Italic, Nato Goldberg, Hen Shapiro, Harold Ivener (present tununiimirr); Bob Friend, chairman of tho (Jciieral Men's Division, Irvlu Wutle, Sid Baiimsten.

By Bernard Slmman Give for the children—not the children in Israel, or in Africa, but the children right here in Sioux City! "Seurch Their Souls" Perhaps that is too simple an 'Friendship Day1 explanation of why the General Division is urging men, esFor Golden Agers Men's pecially fathers, to "search their A full bus-load of golden agers souls and give to the utmost of representing the Council-Federa- their ability". But it is essentially tion Golden Age Club were among true that this Division, perhaps the 300 senior citizens, some com- more than any other, has the most ing from as far away as Sioux fathers of children who derive falls, Des Moines and Omaha, benefit from the Campaign. Just were guests of the Bancroft Gold- ask Robert Friend. en Age Club region-wide "Friend- Mr. Friend Is chairman of the ship Day" program May 4 at the General Men's Division, und hav$>ioux City Municipal Auditorium. ing worked hard and willingly The Bancroft Club, first and fore- through many previous drives, he most among the senior citizen is in a position to know. He mainplubs in this area, was founded tains that the Jewish Community by the Sioux City Section of the Center exists for the children and National Council of Jewish Wom- youth of the community. The en, as was also the Council-Feder- Jewish Community Center proation Club at the Jewish Commu- vides Hebrew School, Nursery School, Young Judaea clubs, BBG, nity Center. AZA, J3ay Camp, athletic activ"Friendship Day" was spent in ities. One might say that nineeames, recreation and renewing of tenths of the youth and children's friendships, with Mrs. N a t h a n activities in the city center around Goldis, newly elected president of the Jewish Community Center the Sioux City Section, a3 chair- building. man of the area-wide vent, and 5100 For Each Child Other members of the National Council of.Jewish Women serving Cold facts and figures disclose that it costs the Jewish Federaas hostesses. tion an approximate .?100 each Mrs. Goldis will attend the Na- year for each child who attends tioonal Council of Jewish "Worn-; the Center and takes advantage on's presidents' institute in Miami of its facilities. The Jewish Fed"next week. eration anticipates that it will allocate $40,000 from the 1960 Campaign to support the Center next year. That is why, Mr. Friend de1 The Council-Federation Nursery clared, the people of Sioux City School will hold Spring round-up must "search their souls and give Wednesday, May 18, 2 to 4 p. m., to the utmost of their ability". at the Jewish Community Center.. Needless to say the money to keep Mrs, Marvin Cohen, N u r s e r y the Center going throughout the teachers, and other members of year comes from the people of the the. Nursery School board will be city. The flow of words in Mr. On hand to interview parents and Friend's office on the fourth floor give information. . of the Commerce building was in. The Nursery School will accept terrupted momentarily as he refor enrollment children who have lit his pipe. He went on. reached their third birthday by "We have one of the finest CenSeptember 1, 1960. Parents are ters in the country," he declared urged to bring children with them proudly. Praise for the staff and to let them become acquainted the Center's fine program folwith the school rooms and tho lowed. Then Mr. Friend struck a teachers. sensitive nerve in most persons. He asserted that tho majority take The Nursery School board will the Center for granted meet Thursday evening, May 19, Outstanding Institution at the Jewish Community Center. "The people must be made to realize that it is an outstanding institution, but, in addition, they must be taught that if they want Mrs. and Mrs. Jerome Shiloff nice things they have to pay for he said. "The people of announce the birth of a daughter them," 1 on April 29th at Wilmington, Del- Sioux City have a financial reaware. Paternal grandparents are sponsibility to the Center." Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Shjloff. At this point the inquiring reGreat-grandmothers are Mrs. B. porter asked for an explanation of 'JT. Shiloff and Mrs. Abo Slutsky, who comprises the General Men's Division It \vn«s explained that inall of Sioux City..

dividuals in this category arc those whoso annual contributions are less than 5100—in other words, the majority of the community, including as it does, professional men and business men, employed and self-employed. Mr. Friend's plan is new. He selected an advisory board of seven men, all long-time residents and a cross-section representation of the community. These rated the entire list of contributors, establishing the amounts the yarious individuals should be asked to give. Mr. Friend emphasized one point that should be kept in mind at all times—"How much can the person give without financial injury to himself?" Thunk* to JWV Mr. Friend had a special word of grateful thanks for the officers and members of the Jewish War Veterans post who volunteered again this year to supply the manpower for the General Men's Division. "For years the Jewish War Vets worked in the General Men's Division as Individuals. It is only fair that the community should give credit to the organization itself." In conclusion, Mr. Friend repeated the eleven words that have been twice quoted previously, "Search your soul and give to the utmost of your ability." In that way the needs of charity, civic duty and the upkeep of the Center will all be adequately served.

Mrs. Joe Goldstein has been Installed president of the Hebrew Women's Association. Other officers of the organization are; Mrs. Hyman Elsberg, vice-president, Mrs. Milton Grueskin, recording secretary, Mrs. Hayim llazun, corresponding secretary, Mrs. Max Ivencr, treasurer and Mrs. Rose Levin, financial secretary. The Hebrew Women's Association Board will meet Monday, May 16, 1:15 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Dan .Levich. * • * Mrs. Louis G. Fish, president, and Mrs. Ben Shapiro and Mrs. Merton B. Welner, vice presidents, will represent. the Shaare Zion Women's League at n 3-day regional convention of the National Women's League, May 16, 17 and 18, at Kansas City. *


The Board of the Brandeis University National Women's Committee will meet for lunch at the home of president Mrs. J. J. Arkin Thursday, May 19, 12.-.T0 p.m. Mrs. Arkln will attend the national convention of. t h e National Women|s Committee in Boston next month. *



Nursery School Spring Round-Up, Is l a y 13






Officers will be installed at Hadassah's- closing luncheon meeting Tuesday, May 17, 1 p.m., at the Jewish Community Center. A sitter will be provided.


Women's Division chairman Mrs. Diana Arkin and Mr, and Mrs. Frank J. Margolin greeted Miriam Hadar, "Miss Israel," on her arrival at Sioux City Airport Miss Hadar had been a guest of Ordelle Margolin in Los Angeles for sev-

eral weeks during the "Miss Universe" contest in 1959, During her stay in Sioux City Miss Hadar addressed the Women's Division luncheon, the Business nnd Professional Women's dinner and an Advance Gifts parlor meeting.' • •,: .;>>>, .. •-. '






The spectacle ot American appeasement of the Arab world became more and more evident last week as President Eisenhower and the state department both semed intent on allowing Nasser nnd his cohorts to liave their' way. Tln< president, who did not hesitate to condemn Britain, Franco anil Israel lor tln-ir Egyptian Invasion in Jfl.10, coolly admitted nothing would be done, about Nasser's refusal to allow Israel to use. the, Suez ranul. |[« admitted lie had given a pledgo In l!t.",8 to support Israel's right to use tV\o Intrrimtlnjuil waterway, but said nothing could bo done to Imph-nient (lint pleilj;e short of forre, and tluit no p«sltlve action was conlempluted. "We have done everything wo could to make it clear Unit wo stand by our commitments and wo think that other nations should do the same . , , But, I don't know that there is any M?a whatsoever of making, a new step in this direction or new argument because I think it's all been said." Meanwhile, the state department was making what seemed Jike a desperate effort to end the boycott by American seamen of 1I.A.K. shipping In American porls. The department blasted the two unions involved for "embarrassing" the conduct of American foreign policy and tried direct pressure on them through "informal" talks with unton leaders. Department spokesmen pointed out that, in contrast to the oneship-n-month schedule ot 15.A.R.. shipping in America, more than 30 American ships visited Arab ports monthly. A counter-blockado thus would affect the jobs of many American seamen. The union leaders were unimpressed and seafarers' president Paul Hall emphasized that the U.S. government "beyond expressing disapproval of the boycott, has taken no effective action to protect the American flag in international trade." As of last week, the federal courts Yiad been of no help to the state department either, having refused to grant Injunctions against tho unions sought by attorneys for Khedivlol Mail line, owners of the Egyptian ship Cleopatra, which the maritime workers refused to unload as it stood at a New York pier. Only one key senate figure sup« ported the state department stand, but he was Arkansas' J. W. Fulbrighf, chairman of the foreign relations committee. Other con« gressional leaders blasted th« department's attack on the unions, and a proposed amendment to the current foreign aid Wll would, "invite" the president to withhold aid from any country engaging in economic warfare against any other nation benefiting from the aid program. J1KIEFLY IN THE NATION . . . The question of a "Jewish vote" already is being debated in this election year. A study published by the Center for the Slutly ot Democratic Institutions reached • the conclusion that Jews, os other ethnic and religious groups here, are influenced in their voting by special group interests. The can* didate's own racial or religious .background apparently 1B of lesv importance. For example, in 1956, New York's Jewish voters werfl strong in their support of. democrat Robert Wagner (a Catholic) tot , the senate seat against Jacotf Javits, a Jew, because of the Israel-Suez Issue, Meantime, Jewish spokesmen wero seeking favorably . democratic platform planM, whllo resolutions urging .talr can\pa\gtl practices wero being Issued . . . A sweeping probe of tho Gross* Pointe - discrimination situation was launched by Michigan authorities following disclosure of a "point system" for prospective purchasers. 1 i

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