published every Frlduy. 101 Nu. mitti O/nuhu. NetirasliH. Ptiono JA IUWJ
@n Cbonselor Training Program al Csnler Sunday, 1:30 ffi
Second Clusa J'oatane Puld ut Omuhu. Nebr.
Stnele Copy 1C Cent* Annutt! Kate 4 Dollar!
For Youfb Council Campaign
Hoys and girls in the eighth, nd tenth grades, interested c»tinsi<lor-in-training pro•.('amp Jiiy-C-C, and their ate invited to a meeting, Sunday, May 22, at. 1:.'!() p. in. at the Jewish Community Center. Movies aof Camp Sheldon, .site .f the 1900 Camp Jay-C-C will lie shown,-and'information on its expanded program will bo presented, Norman Halt, Camp Chairman, said.
Howard Da Silva, actor, produc- Award for His er, director, on Broadway ami in "Lost Weekend ,,o^\H D^* Hollywood, will Before the Mast. V a i -,»i"'S' 'C^y ' piesenl "An KveSfmlrnt of Yiddish Humor m'ng With the Masters — Sho- Loin; a student and admirer of lom A 1 e i c h e m Yiddish humor as a whole and of and Perelz" at Sholom Aleichem in particular he T niple Israel on .Sunday, May '22has for years worked to bridge the at 8 p. in, Mr. two cultures, Jewish and Kuglish. Da Silva's ap- He recorded "Tales of the Old pearance brings Country" Sholom Aleichem stories, Tennis GSassss Hre to a close? tin IiM Kngllsh and later "The World popular season's of Sholom Aleichem." He pro\h\ SI I v.i Program of the duced, directed and starred in the The Jewish Cornun'tly Center Month .scries, part of the Jewish latter, a performance labeled will sponsor tennis classes for bcCommunity Center's Cultural acginm is .mil .idi.inced .students betivities, in cooperation with spon- "Pure Art with no shortcomings" ginning Monday by Brook Atkinson of the Now soring organizations. morning, J u n e York Times. He produced and diNoted for Character Studies 13th. Classes will Howard Da Silva is noted for rected and later recorded Tevya be at the Dewey having created a wide range of and His Daughters" by Sholom i I'ark Courts evmemorable character studies on Aleichem. ery M 6 ii d a y both the stage and screen. On Sponsoring fJroups m o r n i n g Broadway he created the role of Co-sponsoring organization?• for throughout t h e Jud in "Oklahoma" as well as the ..the series are Helh El, Both Israel, summer. "White Knight" in Eva U-Gal- li'nai B'rith, Kurband, lladassah, T c n n is Pro, lienne's production of "Alice in Israel, Workmen Circle Man Austin, raWonderland."1 He starred in Orson Temple and Young Adults. dio announcer at Welles' production of "Cradle Will s t a t i on KMA, Hock," in Rod(;ers nud Ilammer- The program is free of charge Austin Shenandoah, la., Btein's production of John Stein- and open to the public. and former state tennis champ of beck's drama "Burning Bright" Kansas will be the.instructor. The olid as Horn, the prosecuting atclasses are ope nto all ages. torney in the controversial play "Compulsion." Austin was a state champ while In Hollywood, he has appeared E'nai B'rifh Oouncll playing with Arkansas City, Kans.,. Harry Goodbinder of CornhuskIn over forty films and twice has high school and Junior College for beeh nominated for the Academy er Lodge, was installed as presl- six years. Later he was captain Uent of the Southwest" Region of the University of Wichita tennis team. During these years he Council of lin'al participated in many major tourCornhusher Lodge B'rith, Sunday, naments throughout the midwest. May 35, nt a reClass fee will be six dollars for ESecfs Abmmson gional conference the summer plus thirty-five cents Alvin Abrnmson, accounting banquet at t h e each hour on the court for city firm executive, has been elected Paxton Hotel. charges. Austin will also give privTaking office president of Cornhusker Lodge No. ate instruction. with Mr. Good1760 of B'nai hlnder aro IrvRegistration may be made imB'rith for the ing Nogg, Sioux mediately, by calling Cy Scitchlck, 1900-61 season. City, la., f i r s t JA 13GG, at the Center. Other n e w 1 y vice . president; Arthur Hill, Linelected officers Birthday Tea for coln, second vice- tSoortlilntlcr of tho lodge are president; Dr, Leon F e l l man, Sidney SpeiglOmaha, third vice-president; May- Golden Age Club tnan, first vicenard Telpner, Council Bluffs, ser- The ninth birthday of the Golden president; Mangci»nt-at-arms. Kdward A. Rosen Age club will be celebrated with ry Schwartz, secwill serve as district board gover- a lea at the Dr. Philip Sher Home ond v i e e-preslnor. for Aged, on Monflay, May 23 at dent; R i c h a r d Warner Frohman was toastmas- 1 p. m. Hostesses will be members M Feliman. third ter at the banquet. In charge of of the National Council of Jewish vice - president; A. Alir.imson conference arrangements Were Kl- Women with Mines. J. Milton MarJuy Chasen, recording secretary; llot Brown, general chairman, Dr. golin and Louis Cutler as chairJosef Mayer, financial secretary; Ralph Turkel, Harry Silver and men. Hernnrd Greenberg treasurer; Lio- Alvin Abramson. The program will include musinel Horwitz, corresponding secrecal selections by Cantor Eli Katary; Jerome Wasserman, warden; Israel's '59 -Exports gan, the Omaha Civic RecreationHarry Silver, guardian; Elliott al Orchestra and Mrs. Lamm's Brown, Chaplain; Ralph Turkel, Total §17?-Million "Little Band." A reading will be presented by Benjamin Klaiman. Gerald Bernstein and Willis EpJerusalem (JTA)—Israel's exstein, trustees. ports' in l!).r)9 reached a record to- Assisting t h e chairmen at the Installation.will be held in June. tal of $177,000,000, representing tea will he the Mmes. Nathan Sian increase of $.'(7,000,000 over mon, Arthur Rubin, William Kaithe previous year. Indus trial prod- man, Jules Shapiro, Irvin Kaiman, ucts sold abroad increased by 45 Bessie Eelin, Elizabeth Neveleff, per cent over 1958. The rlso in and Hannah Fried. exports was accompanied by an •Detroit (JTA)—Detroit's Allied increase of only $5,000,000 in the Boston Group Makes Jewish Campaign for this year end- country's imports, as compared Ebon Honorary Member ed in a high note when Isidore with 1958. Solwloff, executive vice-president Boston, Mass. (JTA)—Abba S. of the Jewish Welfare Federation, E b a t i , Israel Minister without announced that contributions toPortfolio and former. Ambassador taling nt least .H910,000 will have to tho United States, was elected been secured when all the figures honorary member of, the American ore in. " Academy of Arts and Sciences. I,ast year, the campaign totaled Cleveland'(JTA)—For the third $-1,850,000. Tills year's final figure, year in a row, a group of .leading Newton Manuscripts Go Mr. Sobeloff said, may exceed the Cleveland, newsmen contributed $5,000,000 mark. their skills to produco 'Tho Cam-To Hebrew University paigner," a 12-pago tabloid-sized Israel—The Jewish National and wonl-and-plcturo report on tho University Library has received a $3,000,000 Raised work of beneficiary agencies of the gift of IS original manuscripts on New York (JTA)—Moro'.than Jewish Welfaer Fund chemistry artd alchemy by Isaac $3,000,000 in contributions to the Cleveland Nowton, Tho donor Is Dr. Sydney .United Jewish Appeal of Greator Appeal. New York was recorded this week Tho newsmen Included.editors M. Edelsteln, of tho United States, Us six Important campaign divi- and reporters from the Plain Deal- for many years secretary of the sions held their major fund-raising er, tho Presa and Scrlpps Howard History of Chemistry Section in the American Chemical Society. newspaper*. events of the year.
Itccord Ki'lllng, n fnnd-niUIng project, occupies tlin nttnntinn of Y'otitli Council J'ljll.itltlmiples lenders, Susitn Spelcr and Stephen tins* (center) as they make SIIIPS to Arnold Welntroub, (left) and Domic Kraft (right). Harry Trustin, General Chairman of the Philanthropies Campaign, will be the featured speaker at the I'JCO rally of the Youth Council Division, it was announced by Edwin Sidman, president; and Susan Speier and Stephen "Guss, co-chairmen of the group's drive. The event will begin at 7 p. m.,
Sunday, May 22, at the Hlacltstone Hotel. Mr. Trustin will discuss the rol« of the Youth Council in the Campaign. The program also will Include numbers by Judy Vincentinl, vocalist and John Litig's Combo. Dancing will follow. Ethel Sabes and Alvin Newberg, grand marshals of the campaign, reported the organization hopes to last year's goal of $1,200. Mrs. J. Newman Is Aexceed record selling project is being by the Youtli Council B. & P. President conducted as part of its Philanthropies camMrs. Julius Newman will be in- paign. The records are on sale in stalled as president of the Busi- the Youth Council lounge in the ness and Professional Group of Jewish Community Center. Hadassah, Sun- „ day, May 22, at a '•.§, 32:30 p. m. lunch- r||. „„£ ial Services eon gathering at fe%,(.?f the Conant Ho- §• tel. 1 Annual graveside Memorial Day sei vices will he held Sunday, May Mrs. M o r r i s # > 2'), by Kpstein-Morgan Post of Grossman will be the Jewish War Veterans, Robert installing officer Ku Neman, commander, said. Plans Members of the! for the services will be completed installation conv at. the monthly post meeting, Wedmittee- are Miss nesday, May 25, at the Hill Hotel. Evelyn Levy and Services this year will be held Mmes. Gertrude Mrs. Newman Mosher and Jennie Rosenblatt. at the graveside of William WeinReservations will be taken by Miss er, a charter member of J. W.,V., Levy, and the Mmes. Sara Felt- and the American Legion, at Golden Hill Cemetery from 10:30. a. in. man and Ann Sosltin. A forum on the last regional to 11 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner conference will be presented by a and Cantor Ell Kagan will officiate panel of fourdelegates.
Sfarnp Corner Shown nt hide, us tub Indicate.'), In stamp issued to mark tho 23rd /.lonlst Congress held during tho early part of tho last decade.
Herzl Stamps Two Israel stamps were Issued during the past decade in tribute to Dr. Theodor Z. Herzl, founder of Zionism, whose 100th-anniversary of his birth on May 2, has been marked by several Omaha eVents, .Ona stamp was issued in August, 1951, the. date of the 23rd Zionist Congress^convened in Jerusalem
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Above Is stamp commemorating 50th anniversary of Dr. Herzl's death. —for the first time since the establishment of the state. Dr. Herzl was the initiator of the first Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897, and the first president of the Zionist organization. The other stamp was issued in July, 1954, commemorating tho 50th anniversary of Dr. Herd's death in Vienna. Dr. Herzl'a remains were brought from Vienna . and reburied in-Jerusalem,
Page Two
Officers Elected By Belli Israel Published Every Friday by llio JenfMi I<Vdi*rut!uu ol Omaha.
Officers elected at the annual meeting of Beth Israel Synagogue LVlitor iuc Mauri*'!' Kalrlman, president; Henry Apptl, vice-president; Harold Zelinsky, recording secretary; George S'chapiro, financial f-ecrpAll friends und rclatlici are fary and Krn>-st IiochsliT, tivii.1.Invited to attend tcrvioa and uror.
Second dens Posluie Paid a! Omaha UUclit. Annual Subscription. $4,00. Advertising Hat es an Appiiremcn Pobncotion Office- lOt No. iQin Sirrret, Omaha
Bar and Has ftlitzvah I»).\I-;B I-;I*STKI.V
Services CandlflSghting—7:20
BKTU I8RAKI, lUibbi Benjamin (Ironer, Cantor Eli Kagun and the Beth Isreal Choir will conduct the Friday family services nt 8 p.m. Traditional services, (Kobolas Shabbos) begin at ~ : 1 5 P" 1 Shabbos morning srevices at 8:45 a.m. at 52nd mid Charles Streets and at 9 a.m. at 19th and Burt Streets. Junior Congregation at 9:45 a.m. Rabbi Oroner will conduct the Talmud Class at 7 p.m. followed by Sliolosh Seudtu and Maariv.
Si'iOVKN AUKAMSOX Konce F.pslcin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kpslcin, and Steven Abraliam.Mjii, .son of Mr. and Mi-ri. .Vomian Abraliamson, at Beth Kl Synagogue this evening and Saturday morning. MAKC BKNNKTT HAI'I.AV Marc Bennett Kaplan, ton of -Mi-, and Mr;;. Hen Kaplan, at Beth Israel Synagogue tonight nnd tomorrow morning. IiKVNBTH UOIUUtSIAN Kenneth Hoberman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Itichard Iloberman, Friday evening. May 27 and Saturday momin;;, May 28 at Beth Kl Synagogue.
Joseph Burst riii, Irving Kp.'.tein, Alfred Frank, Mrs. Sam Kut/.man, Martin Kolm, l)r. Hasltell Morris, Hen Rubin, Alexander Sand and Mrs. Harry Sidmnn will s.<-rvi> us commissioners. Mr. Katelman, announeed the following additional rommiltpe rhaii'incn: Mrs. Henry Appel, Sam Bloom, Mrs. Alfred Frank, Sam Freed, Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Fromkin, Dr. Bcnni'tt Fishbain, Dr. A. Greenberg, Manny Goldberg, Dan Gordman, Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, Arthur Gould, Stuart Gottlieb, .Sam Hahn, Morris Kutler, Maurice Katzman, Julius ICatzman, Mrs. Harry Lewis, William Milder, Rabbi M. Poliakoff, Dr. Sidney Rubin, Harry Sidmnn, Mrs. George Schapiro and Joe Soltolof.
MAHLK.N'E St'intEIBKR Marlene Sohrelber, daughter of Sunday morning services at 8:30 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schreiher, at iun. followed by breakfast and Beth Israel Synagogue on Friday, Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday .May 27th. morning Junior Minyon at 8:30 m m COJ.K followed by breakfast. New York (JTA)--The proDaily services (it 7 a.m. and at JAN ixnfisr: SCHNHIDKR portion of American-born Jews Judy Cole, daughter of Mr. and 7:35 p.m. h«s lisen from 33 percent in Mrs. Russell Cole and Jan Louise 3900 to SO percent In 19G0, acSchneider, daughter of .Mr. and BETH KL.. cording to data in the I960 ediServices at Beth f-:i Synn;;o;;ue Mrs. Ben Schneider on Friday tion of the American Jewish at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripl:o evening, May 20th, 8:30 p. m. at Year Boolt. The number of the B'nni Israel Synagogue in will deliver the r.prmon. Cantor American Jews has grown in the Council Bluffs. Aaron I. Kdgar and the Beth El six decades from 1,000,000 to Choir will render the musical approximately 5,riR7,000. portions of, the1 service.. Sabbath morning .services at 9:30. Junior Congregation services BOOK FAIR Tile U.S.Y. will hold a fund-raisat 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Mauriv sering book fair. May 22-29 at ISeth vice at 7:15 p.m. Kl Synagogue. Proceeds will l>e SunJay morning services at 9 Riven to the National Foundation Jerusalem UTA), A special auand daily services arc held a t 7 of Synagogues of America to' send tlwuity was created to care for a.m. and 7 p.m. worthy youth to Israel.' Mount Zion, one of the holiest of places iii Israel. It will be made B'NAI JACOB ADAS BKTII KL CONTKST WINNERS up of representatives of the Prime YKSHUItON 'Hie following students are win- Minister's office, the Ministries of Friday, Mincha, 6:.">fl p.m., Sat- ners of the "Kxncrt on Israel" con- Religion and the Interior, and the urday, 8:30 a.m., Mincha, 6:30 test, part of the general Beth .Kl Jerusalem Municipality. p.m. followed by Sholosh Scudos. school observance of Israel IndeMount Zion is sacred to Jews Dally services at 6:30 a.m. nnd pendence Day. throughout the world as the site Marty Shukert, Bob Cuss, Mi6:30 p.m. chael Miller, Don Kohn, Marsha of King David's tomb. I-ocated on FelJman, William Rosen, Denise an enclave cutting into Jordan territory. It is the closest point In Temple Israel will conduct Silverman, Joel Epstein, Jon Whit- Israel to the Wailing Wall in old Hebrew school graduation services man, Jeffrey Cooper, F r a n c s Jerusalem; which is under Jordan Shrier, Netta ICripke, Floyd Freidat 8:15 p.m. Friday. cn, Lloyd Wolilner, Richard Green, control. Mount Zion, also i3 sacred David Katz, Susan Pachman, Bar- to Christians, ns the site of Christ's bara Jess, Billy Alloy, T.inda Platt, last supper. Joanne Kaplan and Joel Kiel).
Friday, May 20, J900'
Dedications A monument will be dedicated New* Bud h.tpprnlnKH %\ The Or. Philip to the memory of Fred S. White, Wur Jnwlali Uuiiu l u r Tin « e « l l)j Sunday, May 22, nt 2 p.m. at li.iU.j Orkuw. Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi BenTile ninth birthday uf liie (Jolden jumin Groncr and Cantor Kli Age club will In; irelebratcil «t the KaRnn will officiate. homo, Momlay, May 23 at 1 p. m. T'IOUITK were received from the Advertise in the Jewish Press. Cornlmskor lodge of B'nai B'rith. Sprcliil cercmcinlcs were hold on the occasion of the addition of the plaques to the memorial tablets In the home synagogue for the Let Us Clean and Repair following: Hose llrcenlx'i'g Samuel Your Cor Rodiofor Now Greenbci'g and Jacob Shapiro. A special program was presented An Ovcrhcat'cd or Leaky Thursday, May lilth honoring the Radiator Can Cause centenary of the birth of Dr. Serious Damage Theodor Herv.l. Joseph Radinowsky ONE-DAY DEPENDABLE SERVICE was finest speaker. Inspection and E&ftmafos Are Free The I'ouncll Itluffs Chapter of lludassnh gave u party at the LOU HURV/inr, Prop. homo to celebrate Lag B'Omer, Downtown Lacciloa ln:;t Sunday. Participating In the WE 0200 program were Mrs. J. J. Brown, 1703 CASS chairman, Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, Mrs. Philip Cramlell nnd Mrs. Milton Nearenberg. Yalii-«It during the month of lyar; lyar 1 -April 28—•Harry Steinberg; Iynr 2 -April 29 Mnry Cohen; lyar 8 - M a y 5-Meyer Potnsli and Iynr 10 - May 7 - Joseph Kosowsky,
80 Percent of U.S. Jewish Population, American-Born
Special Authority For lount Zl@n
Close Orthodox Areas To Traffic on'Sabbath
Jerusalem. UTA)—-Four sections of Jerusalem largely inhabited by Orthodox Jrvvs will hereafter be closed to general traffic on the Jewish Sabbath, the city administration decided. The sections include Mea Shearim, and three other religious quarters. Signs will be posted at the entrance of these sections. The city nuthoritlea also approved closing off sections of a jnnln Jerusalem throughfare during Sabbath services a t the Yesliuron Central synagogue. The only traffic which will be permitted will be that of the Army, police, United Nations, consular officials, doctors, fire engines and hospital vehicles.
Temple School To Graduate 19 Ninteen students will participate In the Hebrew School graduation exercises, at Temple Israel, May 20, at 8:15 p. m. They are Carol Altsuler, Jeffrey I,. Altsuler, Ellen Ann Bank, Joseph Knglander, Sandra A. Fleischl, Sandra Gayle Greenberg, Claire M. Gummers, Elaine Sue . Hess, Carol Jacobson, Diane Elizabeth Klein, Paula Gail Krasne, Busan Lincoln, David K. Litt, Charies Steven Mayer, Jeffrey Bruce Mayper, H. Robert Milder, Joel S. Porter, Stewart Sloan, and Steven Jay Wigodslry. A reception will follow the icrvice. i
JJFTV I'ARTY Temple Israel's NF"1"Y flroup will sponsor its first annual "Senior Farewell" dining and dancing party, May 29 at the Temple, from 8 p. m.1'to midnight. EAGLE AWARD Tom Fellm.'in, 15. received the Eagle Scout award, the highest rank In Scouting at a Court of Honor held by Troop 17, Dundee school. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Leon K. Fellman. AWARDS «IVKN BY AZA NO. 1 Awards were presented by AZA No. 1 at its Founder's .Day. banquet to Robert Ginsburg and Frank Goldberg, best athletes; Steve Boguchwal, best pledge; Marvin Kirke, ad solicitation. Goldberg ,was also named best member. Melvin Katskee nnd Russell Kaplan are chairman and co-chairman for the "Old: magazine" drive to be conducted Sunday, May 22. Proceeds will be given to the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged. Arnold Breslow and Gary Parilman have been named co-chairmen of the chapter's twentyseventh annual Sweethnrt Dance to be held September 3 at the Blackstone Hotel.
The total world Jewish population was estimated nt 12,500,000. The majority-0,300,000 CAKt M*DI WITH CR1SF, live in North, Central nnd South CIIUNKTtMLHUTI Alia THI O I CHOICdr CAI1I America and 3,.r>00,00<) In Europe. There are about 2,00,000 Jews in Asia, 550,000 in Africa and nlx)Ut (>8,O0O in Australia and New Zealand. The population of Israel was listed nt 1.837,000 Jews and 225,000 non-Jews. About 42 i>ercent of Israel's Jewish population Li DROMIOm OICCCUTMOT B8U I In the-zero to 20-yenr nge group \f4U mi eUAKSMOT ItSU I and 2\ percent in the over 45 I year group.
on mum
Paris (WNS (-Official confirmation of a meeting between Israeli Premier David Ben Gurion and President Charles de Gaulle nt a luncheon In France on June 14, was reported by the French government. Mr. Ben Gurlon will remain in France until June 17. Following his French trip, Mr. Ben Gurion will go to The Netherlands and Belgium. Both of those countries have been on most friendly terms with Israel. When Belgium's Queen Mother Elizabeth visited Israel last year slm was received with unbound enthusiasm by the populace nnd the governA thirtieth anniversary dinner ment. will be held Sunday, May 29 at Beth Kl Synagogue with Itabbl Myer S, Kripkc as tonstmaster. Honored guests will be the "founding fathers" of the synagogue who continue to piny an RUG & UPHOLSTERY active role in its programs. CLEANERS Robert" Fcinberg nnd Mrs. Kobert Kooper, general co-chairmen, RUGS— CARPETING announced reservations will close LAMPSHADES '• at 300.. Reservations may be made FURNITURE wi tli Mrs. Kooper.
Beth El Will Honor 'Founding Fathers'
£L^ 1 |
M O N ITM E NT S " in the Jewish Tradition
four ordei •liould Do placetl w«rll In advance of "Ynhrzclt" to the work does not huvc to l>e hurried. V/o «ra known for our aiacting Hebrew tottering and detail! You may plac* ysur eonfidonc* In ui knowing each derail and tradition will h» adhtrad to with utmost car* and tVIII, Hero you deal directly with the own cm . . . We permit no untimely solicitation . . .Coll tin for appointment ot your convenience
Cleaned in Yoor Home!
Former Omahan's Son Marks Bar Mitzvah A dinner in Bel-Air, Calif., honored Mnrc Alnn Simons, son and grandson of former Omahans, in celebraiion of his Bar Mitzvan. His parents are Mr, nnd Mrs. Arnold Klein of Lo3 Angeles. His mother, the former Merriam Wiesman and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Wlesmaiuire all former Omaha residents. Jerusalem (JTA)-- Water rationing will be instituted throughout the Negev nnd most of the coastal plain—more than half of Israel's total area — during the summer.
"220 Volt Mouiepower
fS ONLY AN INSTANT, AWAY « whtn you itock up on dark, delicious | |
Don Bernstein
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since 10:3
.Friday, May 20, 1BC0
Mrs. Castle Weds Nathan Richards
EEecfed Miss Falk Plans Ex-Omohans Mrs. Paul Ncrenbei'g, former Oniahan, has been elected presisiilr- rejjort will highlight ll»: Wed Announcement has been mad< August Rife dent of the B'nai B'rith Oiapter in. nesday, .Mny '£Ah, U-'M p. in of the marriage of Mrs. Tob;
WO.MT.N ISO\VI.I;KS KIA:CT oi'rici;its Montabfllo, Calif. Her daughterUfficciH clci-tpil by I ho H'nr luncheon meeting, in the Jewi.s Katelrmui Castle to Nathan Iticli in-law, MVH. Ix'e Neroiiberg, also 1 IJ'rith IJowlintj le:tj;ue for the 1'JUO Coniniunity Center. ards in Ucs Moincs .Saturday evf a former Oinahan, holiLs the office (>1 .season an.1 Mrs. Al Onicl Four "Corners of the Field", nin^, May 4. Tlip ceremony wa of vice-prt'fiident in the organizaprcsidLMil; Mrs. N'ale Kr;ift, fir.s playlet will IJO presented under Hi. perfiinii(!(l by Rabbi Isaac Nadoff tion. vrit'*?-prc.lJii<Icnt; Mrs. Dan (!or< direction of Mrs. Jack Duitcli, a.'s Aftor a wedding trip to Chi man, M'rontl vice-president; Mr sistal by Mrs. Manfred Kreilsioii cafco, III., Mr. and Mrs. Richard; O l i o Hrauti, iccurdim; secretary wilii Mrs. J. Ix'uis Yaicer us lie,will be at homo in Council Bluffs MONA LISA eompanist. JIUJIO Kalm, Marl ICatz treasurer; Mrs. Sam Oiii Arnold RoKeman and the Mines House of Glamour Bocrcinry; Mrs. !,<<? Herail treasurer; Mrs. Norman Alirnlinnv Phiiicas Wintroub, Sidney .Huhin I I I No. 5011, GL 7000 Foil, ser;;eniit-at-;trms nnd MrsRobert Rosen and i\liw> Melind; 6 Expert Hair Styliit. Rosen will participate. Meyer Knpliin, publicity. Air-Conditionod Dryen Winners for the; season are tlv Mi's. Nathan K. Hernstien if. MISS MARSH ond MISS JERRY The next Jewish Community Lincoln, Nebr. will conduct Hie in Albert's Insurance team for tli Ownon Center tournament bridge evening lli-nry Monsky I,enj;iie mid. th stallation ceremony. will be Jidd Thursday, May 20 ReixjrlK on the rummnge tale, National Supply team for the Ne June f> nt 2125 I,oaveiiworth, wii Plans for the summer will be dis l>rasl<a league. be given by Mrs. David brodkey cussed. Winners at the last Res fund raising co-ordlnator. Assist- ;;lon were Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gractz MICH. SAM 'ng her are Mmes. Art Abrams and Mr. nnd Mrs. Phil Laser. TO Hi: IIONOIIK1) ind Sain Rothenburg. Clothes may Mrs. Sam Binder will lie honore be taken to the above iidclress Mrs. Max Fromhin to CANTONESE n.s Mother of the Yenr by member: Wednesdays and Fridays, 3-4 andSpeak in Sioux City l'iJl( of the Workmen Circle Dramatic June 5. APPCTIZER5 Mrs. Max Fromkin, honorary Club, Sunday, May 22 ut 6 p.ni Reservations for the nicotine Mr. ami Mrs. Isailore Falk nnnt the Labor Lyceum. Mines. may be made by contacting Mrs president and liaison officer of the notinoc the iiiKagenicnt of their Mid-Central States Chapter of tin Nathan I<cnnun and Samuel Oren Harry Wljjod.iky, GI, 9443. Women's Branch of the United daughter, I-enora Kuy to Jerrold stein will terve ns hostesses nnd Orthodox Jewish Congregations o S. I*.'vln, «on of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mrs. Sam Zwurling will direc America, will be the guest speak- I-evin of Kansas C'ity, Mo. the entertainment. Officers in Miss Falk attends the Universer at the annual donor luncheon stalled May 7 Include Sam Sus Mrs. Stanley Hcr/.off will at- of the United Orthodox Sisterhood ity of Missouri at Columbia, where man, president; Morris Goodman, she is affiliated with Alpha EpsJvice-president; L o u i s Wltldn tend the first annual president's In Sioux City, la., Monday, May 23, lon Phi Kocial sorority. Mrs. Fromldn is on the Nationeoeial director; Mnx Pfeffer, re- institute of the National Council Her fiance was graduated from cording secretary; Max Ksitz, of Jewish Women at Miami ISeach, al Hoard of the Women'ji Brand: treasurer; Sain Zwerllng, musica Fin., from May 22-2G. She has been in New York City and is active in the same university and is now studying for a Masters Degree in director; Max Cronn.se, hospitaler; Invited to participate In a plenary Jewish nnd civic circles. industrial eiiEinwring there. 1I« Mrs. Sam Zwtrllnij, publicity session dealing with the president's a a member of Alpha Kpsllon Pi chairman nnd Mrs. Samuel Oren role In public relations. 1914 F«rn«m Columnist Visits iraternity. stein and Mrs. Natlmn I,erman Mrs. All In Abrarnson nnd son, refreshment*! committee. Michael are visitinjc In Chicago. • • • Mrs. Morton Phillips o£ BurllnAnnouncement of new officers i;ame, Calif,, the "Dear Abby" of HKJMA DELTA TAU ALIIMNAI' vei* Officers will lie elected tiy the by the Omaha Chapter of Delta 'lovelorn" column fame, and sister Reglitared Repr«»ont«Hve . Sigma Delta Tnu Alumnae League Nil Alpha, transportation frater- of Mrs. Ilavid Brodkey, was a visJ. Cliff Ratio! & Co. 1130 First National Bank at a meeting, Saturday, May 21,nity Included the naming of Ernie tor on the Omaha-Council Bluffs icene this week. Investment Bankers JA 7262 at 12:30 p.m. at the Oimmroi Nofjff as n director. Mrs. Phillips, whose syndicated Iloom. Reservations may be made Henry N . Polliwh has been column npponrs in the Nonpareil by calling Mrs. Joseph I'olack, anted n fellowship nt the Uni-of Council Muffs, spoke in that (iL 1Z>7 or Mrs. Jtfdianl Winott versity of Michigan for study city ut a meeting of its Rotary 323-4325. toward n Doctors Degree In »;PO1- 'Huh, Thursday evening on n pro« • • oi;y. lie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. gram Hrrarryjed by Abe Katelman. TKA AMI TALK, MONDAY poriroitt of distinction She was a house guest nt the Brod'Ilils season's final session of Harold Pollack. key residence. Call RE 1317 "Tea and Talk" will be held In Mr. and Mra. Irving Srhnplderthe Heth Kl Library, Monday, May man have as their guests, their ?3 .nt 1:15 p. m. Mrs. Myer S. Nearly Candid Wedding Albumt Kripke will lead the concluding d a ii f»'h t e r - l n - l a w , Mrs. Neal Formal Bridal Portraits Schncidcrman nnd granddaughter, discussion of "Howard nnd Punish Monti Lynn, wlio nrrived May 18 Children Our Specialty rue-tit - A Jewish View," All reser- from lieaufort, S. C. Sor. Evening Post. 40 Wkj...$4.7? 4929 Oodg* 9uo!lry Work J>sfl Than Re a Cony vations should be made with Mrs. Csstoawr Paiilag (Offer Kiplrm Jane IB, 1000) SA ot Quollly Pclcu Joel Helfinan, Mr. and Mrs. Alie Solomon and U. S. Mow« and World • • • daughter, Miss Snndra \Vlilt<i, forReport, 26 Wk» $2.47 FINAL SKSHION OF mer Omnhaai arrived Thursday All Special Offer* Honored HTUDY (1HOUP on All Magazines Rabbi Benjamin Gmiier will o spend a week at the Blackstone complete the discussion of Herman lotel. Wouk's "Tills is My fiod" at the JacU Nooilell was named secrefinal sesion of the Uetli Isreal "Magazine Specialist" Sisterhood study group, Monday, ary of Phi Delta Kappa, profes440 No. Ak» St. May 23. The croup will gather ilonnl education leadership frater- WA 1742 18th and St. Marys for coffee at 1 p.m. at the home of ilty. tinder New Management Mrs. N. II. Cireenhcrg, 677 North Featuring MR. MAX Mr. anil Mr». Niitlian Glmpln 50th Street. • European Ladies' Hair Specinlut ,vlll leave May 29 for New York • * * «B«w M in 'Jity wliere they will attend the CIIAPTICU tinting, Bleaching and All JUSTIN D. HORWICH f gruduntion of their daughter, INSTALLATION MAY 23 Corrective Coloring Technique! iKlltli, from narnard Collgce. Miss The second annual installation •imple Specialising in received the Margaret SPECIAL OFFER ICLJAHO^ of the B'nal -IJ'rith Cornhusker Meyer Graudate Scholarship fund Undervalued Chapter No. 1032, will bo held prize at Reg. $10 C O S i n n c£ 1 J the annual Barnard ColMuy 23, 8:30 p.m. at the Black- lege honors assembly recently. A N D SET Securities Permanent, Now 3 . V 0 | " • • • "• ' stone Hotel. Reservations may be and Call JA 5375 Today made by calling Mmes. Max KlrEugene Huplan who Is stationed for Appointment nhonbaum, HA 9278; Harold Special Situations Open Air-Conditioned Abrahamnon, ICE 5249, installation at Sari Nlcholes Island, Calif., has eon promoted to Petty Officer. chairmen. Evenings Salon and Dryers Ie Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben • • • Kaplan. PIONEER WOMEN TUESDAY LUNCHEON Mrs. Plera Funnro of Llvorno, Member* Hew Yoik Stack The Pioneer Women organiza- italy, la a visitor a t the home of Iicftonge and Other tion will hold a luncheon meeting er son-in-law and daughter, Mr. A Principal Exchange* Tuesday, Mny 24 nt 12:30 p.m. nt .nil Mrs. Gerhard Spies.. A sculp1801 FARNAM the Jewish Community Center. ress of note, she will return to 1 • •. • tnly at the conclusion ot her Oma- 1 WEbstcr 45S5 TKMPLE ISKAKL PICNIC ia visit. Temple Israel will hold its annual family picnic May 29 on tbo OMAHA'S LEADING Temple gruonds beginning nt 2:30 If's New! It's Different! It's Exciting! p. m. Free rides nnd novelty races have been planned for the children. W A 5554 • - . - • 4415 COMING • • • IIARASSAII INSTALLATION Installation of new officers, a dramatization, and the rummage
ftaxf Oeeler Groupp
g rnay 26
Omahans in News
In Omaha, Bluffs
V2 mice
Helen A. JernsSsio T
Ofy of Hope High! Club Party
Miss Sina Gelbart Will Wed June 5 Miss Sina Gelbart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Gelbart has. chosen Sunday, June 5 as the date for her marriage to James Blanker, ion of Mr, and Mrs. L, Blanker, of Buenos Aires, A r g e n t i n a . The ceremony will be performed nt 7 p. m. nt licth Israel Synagogue by Rabbi Benjamin Groner.
Pickled T@ngyes
9:30 P.M. Till 77
Dancing end Entertainment Walter Scot* Orch.
$1.50 Per Person
4 to 5-Lb. Average
Pag* Four
Friday, May SO, 1900
Center Sports Omahcins Get Fraternity Scholarships Bar Kochba Leffers Turn ! By Cy Sellchkk Up In Cove Hear Reel Sea 1-0 Score
Jewish Community Center lost a heartbreaking 1-0 decision to the Knights of Columbus from South O m a h a , in the opening league encounter of the- Omaha Softball Association Class "A" club league last Thursday night at Adams Park. Two of the top pik-hers in the city, Bill Hinchey nnd Kay Kirke, hurled a Unlit pitching duel which saw the only ran of the evening scored when Tony' Aliano's drive to left field was lost in a blinding .«arly evening sun by loft fielder Howard Martin in the first inliing. Coaches Cy Seitchick and Dave Belzcr weren't disappointed after the first game. Tho club played errorless ball and the pitching was •sharp.-'The hitting left something to he desired but .should improve as tlie season progresses. J. c. c. Paul i ( , U Bograde 2ti M a r t i n If Clnsburo M Wolk II) Kirks p Kol>n c Coinic r f Handle'n ] t . K o n « * y cl Roblnton cf
ob.hr l o 3 o 2 0 1 0 3 1 3 7 3 0 2 1 1 D -1 o 1 o
K. c. »»-.••
ri)U Gb.h.r.rD.I. o QAMono 2 t> 3 1 1 1 0 DiYainaor 3I> 3 0 0 0 0 OjDonavuo d 3 1 0 0 0 oe.llenWrn c 2 1 0 0 0 OIW.Hene'n [ 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 i 5 d a / d 1b 2 0 0 0 0 OlRylihky si 2 0 0 0 0 OiBiioi K 2 0 0 0 1 OHIncliey p 2 1 0 0 II 0; 0 Oi
(Lift to right) Howard 1>. VJIIO, Zct.i JScta T.m Alumni Hub president, uwards tlm first annual lJcuben nnd Kutli 11. Vann Memorial Hcliularshlp to Hteven Michael Friedman, son of Mr. a.inl Mrs. I. II. Friedman. Ilamld Kaiman, son of .Afr. and Mrs*. Ilftrnard Kalninn, ari'epts tlin Kilvvin K. Sulimicr Jlcinorlul Niliiiturshlp from I.loyd 1>. I''rlcilman, president of the Nebraska University Zet.i Iti-ta Tail Triist<M> (irouji. liulli srholar^hip nli/nrri are sdiiliiit'* at tho irnivt-rnity of Nchraska, Lincoln.
First Victory :«' •• The J. C. C. scored their first Victory in the C'Uib league cm Sunday, May 15th, by easily romping past the Guadalupo A. C; Tl-2, in Mr. and Mrs Ah in Milder ana short 4>,i inning contest at nounce the birth of a son, JonBoyd I'ark. Ray Kirke allowed only one hit athon Sherman, May !) in Caniand struck out eight and had good hridge, Mass. Mr. Milder attends support from catcher Stuart Kahn, Harvard Law -School in Camwho threw two key runners out in the early Innings. Leonard bridge. Wolk, Howard Martin and Bob Grandparents of the baby are Ginshurg provided the big hits, Messrs. and J.tmea. Norman Koreach driving in a pair of runs with ney and Leo Milder. (Jrcat-granjlUase loaded singles. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Boris J. C. C, | OauodalUM A. C. a&.h.r.rb.U a b h r r b . l . Korney and Sam Poster.
Campus Mi-;*!. Sally Freeman has been elected vice-president of 'Alplui Kpsilon Phi sorority at Northwestern University, Kvanston, 111. Miss Freeman i.s also a member of the executive hoard of the Pan-Hellenic Council. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freeman.
Israel Plans Small Gar for lass'iarkei
Jerusalem (JTA)—The prototype of a small, Israel-made automobile tiiat will sell ut low price for the mass market will be ready for road tests in two months, Michael Tzur, director-general of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, announced here today. Designed by a European automakint; firm, the car will be "a simple vehicle," without frills, inexpensive to operate, and featuring stability of construction rather than appearance, Mr. Tzur declared. He stated the price will be low enough for the popular trade, permitting wider sections of Israel's population to own and operate individual means of transportation at a. cost many people can afford. Meanwhile, it was learned here, the Kaiser-Frazor assembly plant •4. A, Z. A. 103 O points n ' 60 yard dash ....Howard Martin, looo-<V.Q7. in Haifa is ready to begin soon'to 109 yard dash ....Steve Gould, RayJm—0:10i $100,000.KKOM NON-.TEW assemble the Studebaker Lark 2?0 yard dosli —Steve Gould, Raylm-O:24.5 •'OK NEGKV KESKAUCH ' 4W yard tiaztt ...Roy Katskee, Roylm—0:56.0 model for the local market as well 820 yard dash . . . Allan Konecky, 1000—2:22.3 New York (JTA)-A $100,000 as for export. Mile Run J d l Wohlner, Royiin—«:27.S Shtfput Wall Wist. 10OO-3S9" ;ift Xrom a non-Jew, Graham Baseball throw . . . . . Arnle Manvlt*. 1—?45"A" Broad Jump . . . . . . Dob Ginsburo, 1—17'1V;" •Vench, Philadelphia, will make Milo Relay. Roy Kolskoo. D l « Zocliarla, possible an arid zone experimental Harold rorbes. Jell Wohlntr, Raylm 413 yard relay, Gerald Goldstrom, Bob G'ns-farm by the Hebrew University in bora. Brad Epstein, David Ddbcndure, No. 1 ttoe Negev. SHOTS I N THE IJAKIi The Center soltbaH team played Jerusalem (JTA)—The threetlie Knights of Columbus, 652, at sided contract on the Zarchin deUpland Park last night . . . They salination process signed here by were going after their second conthe Ministry of Development, the secutive victory . . . Gymnastics American Fairbanks-Whitney CorJerusali>m (JTA)—The Swiss poration, and Alexander Zarchin, instructor, Dan Fogel, became fa, ther of a sun last week; third post office issued a special Ilerzl covers rights to all of Dr. Zarchln's child, all boys. Tennis registration Day slamp on May 15 to commem- past and future desalination invenis now on for tlie Center classes orate the 100th birthday of the tions, it was reported here today. . . . Boh Ginsburg to Nebraska U., ounder of political Zionism. The agreement gives 50 percent next year . . .- Look for Alan BernThe stamp has seven stars withstein to become an outstanding n a Star of David and a Lion of of the. profits to Fairbanks-Whitathlete. The Iddy-Biddy standout Judah. The Swiss post office also ney, the Chicago firm which will already has the poise of a veteran issued first day covers showing set up the desalination plant in .'<;, . . . Tho Center Mats in the gym- Herzl leaning over a Rhine bridge Eilat; 35 percent to the Israel Govnasium will soon be covered with and his statement; "In Basle, I eminent, and 15 percent to Dr. new plastic covers . . . Look for founded the Jewish State." The Zarchin, the. Israeli inventor who new pulley weights in the Center (-'gend appears in Hebrew and developed the process. workout room . . . German. 100 JEWISH A central memorial meeting, or- TO ARGENTINA ganized by the Jewish Agency anil Buenos Aires (JTA)—Argentina he Israel Government was held has agreed on tho immediate adn the historic Casino Hall of Basic mission of 100 Jewish families All seventh, eighth and nintli on May 15. Tlie assembly was at- from Eastern Europe, grade boys interested in play- tended by representatives of Jewing on a softball team this sumsh communities of 12 European mer are invited to contact Cy countries. Seitchick, Jewish Community Center Athletic Director, JA Phons JA I3M »» tnwrf ytwr YVanl At to ISBAEL W t t l S E N D 30 fh» Jewish Proii. 136'6. Rafo it SO cenfa for oocJi thro* [!n» (userATHLETES TO OLYMPIOS Hon. Tli* Praii reservn tht rlaM to limit The Omaha Softball Associas l u of each advsrtHemwt Rome (JTA)—About 30 Israeli tion is considering the organization of a softball league for athletes will compete in the OlymDAILY JEWISH boys in tills age group, on a pic Games 'hero this s u m m e r . clty-wWo basis. If such plans Their teams will Include three BAB and Bus fitltzvah are made, the Center seeks to women jtnd will participate in bas- latlons also for all Jewish holiketball, track, swimming, boxing, have a team ready for.entry. days and special occasions, weight-lifting and gymnastics. Meyers News Stand, J502 Dodge Poul If 2 Bograds ! t 1 Konccky 2b 1 Clnsburo SJ 4 Wolk l b 5 Colnlc rt,c1 2 Klrke p 2 Kahn c 2 M a r t i n cf 1 Scllchl'k r f 1 Handle'n 3I> 3
0 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 1 0 1
4 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
0;Varrlos 20 3 1 OiSouvj II 1 0 0,VoIentin» s» 1 0 3 : Mar1lne p • 2 0 2]Polnia l b 1 0 O'.Sancker 2t> 7 0 o.Corctonn d i g URsyei c ,10 2:Sanchcz rf 2 0 0! 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 I 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0
A son, Jon Scott was bnnrApriJ 2!) to. Dr. and Mrs. Phillip S. Alhorts of Kansas City, Mo., fwmerly of Omaha. The Alberts have another son, Jay Howard. Grandparents are Mrs. Esther AZA No. 1 Wins Meet Abramson of Kansas City and Mr. A. 7, A. No. 1 piled up 3S points and Mrs. William Alberts. Mrs, II. to squeeze past Jlayim in winning Albert of Cincinnati, O., is the p,i : "the Youth Council track and field terhul great-grandmother. meet at Tech high school last Sunday, May l!ith. The team victory Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schneider broke A. 7.. .A. No. 1000's strong- announce tlie birth of a daughter, "liold in Youth Council athletic ac- Karen Lee on May 5 in St. Louis. - tivities. Mo. They are also the parents of Steve Gould of Kayim was the a son, Stuart Philip. meet's high individual scorer with Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 11 points. He came in first in two events, taking the 100 and 220 Jos Schneiderof University City, Hi), and Mrs." Anna M. Soskin of : yard dashes. Omaha, who is visiting at the resi•TKAM SCOUKS 1. A. Z. A. 1 33 points dence of her son-in-law and daugh2. Raylm 36 points er in University City. 3. A. Z. A. 1*) 11 points
Firm G@ts
llznl iay Stamp
Jerusalem, (WNS) Israel's soil which has been yielding ever new secrets about the land 'and its people, has given up what is deemed one of tlie most significant •rcheological finds in the country —eleven letters by Simon liar Kochba, leader of the Jewisli revolt, aguinst Kmpeior Hadrian of Home in the year 135 A.D. Announced by Yadin Announcement of the find, in a cave near, the Ited .Sea, was made by Professor Yidtiel Yadin, archpologist and .commander of Israel's forces of liberation in l!MS. Written on papyrus, the letters were found in a woman's leather bag in a cave high above the Ilever canyon leading to the Dead Sea. liar 'Kochhu'a resistance fighters were known to have been found hiding in the rocky areas near the Dead .Sea. Among the other objects found in the bag were thread, a mirror and cosmetics. Of the eleven letters, Reven have been opened. All but two were in Aramaic, the others in Greek. Three of the letters were wellpreserved", not a word missing, three were fragmentary nnd one, almost completely preserved, was written on a very thin wodilen sheet. Tlie other four are still to he opened.
been Immediately realized or essayed because they were found In a lady's hug. It was not until they were opened, he said, that their significance dawned on their finders. Tradition holds that It wa;i in Hit; .Imleaii hills near Die Dead Sea that liar KOC!II)U.'K bands mad» their final stand against th» Komnivs. • Vrofiissor Y.;uUu, wlws'i strategy in the war of liberation in J918 was said to have parallelled that of the ancient Jewish generals, believes that, the liar Kochha letters were written before the revolt against the Honiara was crwslM'iV
Killed Daily 1314'N. 24th
A? 4977
Letters Denl With Order* Addressed to his deputy commander Yfhonatan liar Baayah, Bar Kochba's letters deal mainly with (inch orders as requisitioning of provisions and arresting certain people who are to ha brought to the commander. Dire punishment is held out if the orders are not carried out. The letters, some of them extremely Informal, do not carry liar Kochba's signature, having been signed by one of his adjutants. Professor Yadin said the importance of the letters had not
Biblical 'City F@ynd (JTA)--The site of the biblical city of Dot nan lias been discovered by un American nrchaeological team In the Jenin area of Jordan, on the' northwest bank of the Jordon Kiver. A report stated that Dr. Joseph Free, head of the archaeological team, said ha had also discovered the well into which Joseph—later Prime Minister of ancient Egypt— was tossed by his brothers, as told in the Bible. Dolhan was built 5,000 years ago. After suffering partial destruction I r a n war, It was, according to scientific records, totally destoryed by an earthquake. '*
Bridal Porrroiti AND
Candid Wedding CAU
John Kalina 317 So. 36>h
HA 1044
I lo.l specialist 'J in long-distance moving and focal moving, packing, sforago
. I 6 3 0. G. BS3KJAT3 » Efc I Bf 128VIM
1' f