May 27, 1960

Page 1

Vol. KXXVHI— No. 3T

Publluhcd every Friday. 101 No. HOth Umuliu, l-itbimkii. t'bono JA MUG





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Becond Ctusa PttRtuuo at Oinulia. Nebr

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Little rlld Josi'pli S. Cuss, prominent Omaha. l>usiiii':ism:tn, dream when bo WHS president of tho Jewish Youth CViuuctl in HC'.H-.'i'.l, that Ki)ini>(iiiy his .son would occupy Die jii'imc post. Following in It is* father's footsteps is Stephen (jiiss, newly elects ed president (if On? Name onjniiizii1i<m. The election rtlso m.tttcs tin-1 first lime a father-mid son IUNUIIMI the Council. Council I''nrin»<l In '.'i:i The Jewish Youtli Council wns formed in ]!).')3 (<> serve as a coordinating and Integrating body of Omaha':; Jewish Youth Clubs, Tim Ciiuncil .sponsors mid promotes cultural, .sociiil ;ind cointniiM.'il activities for tlie entire Jewish Youtli Ixrly of Omaha. Mr. «insi ferln tliat pnrtirlii i(Ion in Jewish Community Center nctivitics nerves ns mi important founduUttii IVH wt'll 11* |^iilrt« for

oral co-chairman of the Jewish Youth Division. Their interest in community projects is shared l>y Mrs. (ius.s who has served 011 tlie Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs,. is a past president of Beth El- Sisterhood and is active in other women'.* organizations*. Youth Council I.i-adcm Three other youth leaders will be installed us officers of the






"The training I received tliroiif'li the Center youth .programs Ins )i<K-n a valuable asset to \n« throughout the years," Mr. Gtiss •li'clared. "The Center leadership program for its youth, is not only nn inspiration hut a wonderful preparation for future respon >iMlities us a way of life." . CninmiinUy Servian Iloth father and son share a devotion to community service. Mr fJuss is a member of the lOdO <;i ss \ Philanthropies campaign cabinet. . . . father above, »on lioloiv. Stephen "''"' w i " '"' a Central IIh:h senior in the fall, is a Ken- Youth Council with Stephen on Julie 9 [it tlie Jewish Community Center. They are Gary I'.irilman, son of Mr. and Mi's, Arthur Parilniiin, vice-president; Carol Rosenbaiiiu, diuighter of Ml', and Mrs. Meyer Itoscnbnum, s c c r e t a r y Jerusalenv (JTA)--Israel Is tn-a.siirer; and Cheryl Tnubnrutn, nlinost certainly the only coun- daughter of Dr. and Mis. Robert try In tlie world whose President Taiihmnn, sei'Bcant-at-arms. holds Bible discussion meetings Stephen Nuccccdn Edwin Sidin his home and whose politics inan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry could include a Parliamentary Sidman who is graduating from debate on a motion of confidence Central High School. .sparked by a dispute over Biblical interpretation. Observers here pointed out that this weelc in reference to the Knesset dispute over Prime Minister The appointment of Mr. and David Hcn-Gurion's exegesis of Mrs. Yale Trustin as chairmen of the Old Testament, the Jewish Community Center Day Camp Committee was announced by Harry Sidman, head of the Center committee. Tlie Day Camp Committee mem' Friends here will be interested bership also includes Messrs. and In the news of the forthcoming Mmes. Marvin Taxman, Bernard marriage of Jay Alvin Bisno, son Iluliin and Leonard Kulakofslty. The camp will be held a t tlie of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Blsno, former Omahans, now residing in same site as In previous years, at Peony Park from June 13 to Beverly Hills, Calif. July 8. A staff of capable counMr. Hisno will wed Yehudlt Son- selors have been employed to ehshlne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. supervise the children's activities, Slilomo Sonenshine in Haifa, Is- Mrs. Trustin reported. The prorael, on June 7. Both attend the gram will feature swimming, hikHebrew University in Jerusalem ing, arts and crafts,.trips, creative where they first met. dramatics and cooliouls. ' •• Tlie couple will honeymoon In Parents are urged-to register Elath, Following' the completion their children Immediately. Adof examinations in July they will ditional information will be sijpleave for California via Europe and plictl by the Center's activities will be at home nt 3G1G San Ysldro office, JA 13G6. Drive, Beverly Hills, after AuFees are: gust 15. • . , Period 1—June 13-June 24— Mr, Blsno and Miss Sonenshine $35.00. recently returned from an archeoPeriod 2—June 27-July 8— logical expedition under the direc- $35.00. tion of Professor Yifial Yadin Full 4 Weeks—June 13-July 8— which discovered, In a cave near $00.00. the Dead Sea, eleven papyri lettew, written by Simon Bar Kochba, leader of the Jewish revolt Cleveland Campaign against the Roman Emperor Ha- Raises $5,422,105 drian in 132-135 A. D. Cleveland (JTA)—The CleveThe senior Mr, Blsno was Na- land Jewish Welfare Fund Appeal tional Executive AZA Director closed with a recoi* sum of $5,422,when the organization's headquar- 105 thereby topping Its* 55,415,000 ters were in Omaha. He is now goal. The previous high was set Associate Executive Director of in 1957, when the campaign rethe Jewish Federation-Council of alized $5,341,901. The 1959 drive netted a total of 55,152,231. Greater Los Angeles.

¥a!e TrusSins Head Day Camp Goenmifleo

<!ay Alvin lisno To Parry Israeli

Wash out of your mind all old pictures of ILIA, campaigns.

Drive on in Full Force; Increased 'Giving1 Urged

Tlii' lialf-way mark in tho JewUiiisfi out nil "thousands'' and "needs," "drives" and Philanthropies campaign was reached this week, Milton It, Abra"goals." Never mind Hie numbers. hams, General Chairman, anNow think of just one Jewish family—one family ground nounced. The amount so far necuix-il is $270,000, which is one tlirou^li the horrors of monstrous human tyranny. hal fof tlie campaign goal of $550,. This remnant of a family has already reached Israel's 000. "Tlie amount we have to-tlate .shore. Kill the promise of Israel for them is .still unfulfilled. represents considerable Instead of a new licfnio they're still living in a tin shack over last ye;u'," Mr. Ahrahiiini —the intolerable Miiabara, because the Jewish Agency homes s;iirt, "but it will ho necessary to for newcomers building program remains unfulfilled. intensify efforts in all divisions to reach our minimum campaign KO>'1 Instead of tlie security of a. new job with a future, the of $550,000." fattier sits and waits his turn for an occasional few hours of Urgent S e A Overscan casual employment. A new industry is planned for the comReports reaching the campaign munity ivhero this family lives. In faet building new homes headquarters point to a continued would provide work for a lot of people. Ittit financial support flow of immigration to Israel from. is as yet unavailable cither for the new homes, or the new countries where the position of the industry. Jews i.s precarious, uncertain, and When this family first came to Israel, mother, father without a future. "Israel herself is making every and each child got some new clothes—lmt oven these new effort to absorb this stream of imclothe* have long been threadbare now. They got a few food migrants, lint they need our help parcels—but how long can you live on hand-outs, even • if to absorb them into the economy they keep coming—and not lose your self respsct? of Israel, and provide the new and This family has been in Israel for three, four, maybe* the old immigrants with decent even five years—years of waiting for promises that remain housing and employment," Abra» hams added. unfulfilled. Oinuli.'i NI'IMIH Paramount Think of this family. Have they come to Israel to have Tlie Omaha institutions benefittheir spirits crushed and defeated by frustration in their own ing Irom the ciimimign, also depend upon tlie successful outcome. Our land? services in Omaha include all reThey came to Israel to escape the fear of tyranny and liRious schools, tlie Dr. Shev Uom« persecution. In tho old country they didn't worry about for Afjcd, the Camp, the Center, where their next meal was coming from as long as they Family Assistance, and major recould stay alive. I?ut in Israel it's different. Border incidents pairs to the Federation buildings. don't mean very much when you haven't got a home in your Sufficient-funds must be raised own homeland. How can you work for a country when you in the campaign so that these inhaven't got a job to work at? How can you take pride in stitutions may continue to provido national achievements when you don't have a share in them? the much needed services for Omaha Jewry. This family .still has to be brought into the .stream of Need Increase* constructive life in Israel. The need for increases was emMultiply this family by tho tens of thousands of other phasized by Mr. Abrahams, who families still in tho .same circumstances in Israel—-wasting said: "To reach our campaign goaf, we need an average increase of a their lives in the Maabarot. Think of the need for homes, jobs minimum of 15 per cent. This inand tho ordinary amenities of life required to lift these fam- crease will enable us to meet tho ilies out of their degradation. minimal requirements of the agen» What's the answer? These families came to Israel under cies supported by the Philanthro* the terms of a partnership program undertaken between the pies in Omaha, United State*, Jewish state and Jewish communities in America and other abroad and in Israel, free lands. Senior Citizens' These families represent thn unfilled quotas and camLounge Closed paign goals of previous years. But these families aro in Israel May 30 and we can still do something to help them. The Senior Citizens' Lounge To help these families out of their hovels, to reclaim at the Jewish Community Centhorn from tho legions of lost hope in tho land of promise— ter will be closed Monday, May this is the challenge of the United Jewish Appeal for 1960. 30. The regular program will be resumed June 6. THIS IS THE CHALLENGE WE MUST MEET.

Nazi Murderer In Israel Prison Arrest Ends World-Wide Search Jerusalem (JTA)—Adolph Elch. mann, Nazi war criminal, and murderer of hundreds of thousands of European Jews during World War II, is now under arrest in an Israeli prison, Prime Minister David Hen-Gurion, this week, reported to an incredulous Parliament, In the following statement: To Faco Trial "A short time ago, one of the 'greatest of Nazi w a r criminals, Adolph Efchmann, who was responsible, together with the Nazi leaders, for what they called the 'final solution of tho Jewish queslion'«tliat Is, the extermination of 6,000,000 Jews of Europe—was found by tlie Israel security services. Adolph Eiehmami Is already under arrest In Israel, and will shortly be placed on trial In Israel tinder terms o£ the law for the trial of Nazis and their collaborators." A liushed Knesset (Parliament)

heard the announcement. For a moment, there was silence in the chamber. Then there was a burst of wild applause. Mr. Ben-Burion's promise that Elehmann will be tried under the law providing for trials of Nazis and Na/i collaborators was not lost on the House. Capital punishment has been outlawed in I s r a e l — except for "crimes against the Jewish people" and for crimes "against humanity." Thus Elehmann faces the possibili* ty of a death sentence it convicted. The capture of Elclimann and the promised trial hit all of Israel as one of the most sensational events in many years. He will be allowed to have a German or Austrian lawyer to defend him before nn Israel court. But it was reported the lawyer must have no Nazi record. Admitted Identity Minister of Justice Pinhas Rosen revealed that Eichmann had been brought;for a hearing before

a magistrate a t Jaffa ^ where ha admitted his identity. Eichmarm had been the object of a worldwide search ever sinca he escaped from an American camp at Kegensburg, Germany, In 1945. A reward of $20,000 for information leading to the arrest of Eichmann has been a standing offer here tor a number of years. Eichmann was born in 1907 in the German Templar colony of Sarona, in then Turkish-Yield Palestine, and learned to speak Hebrew, Yiddish and Arabic fluently. His family moved to Austria wUera he became active in the Nazi movement. Eichmann is described as tha most bloodthirsty of Nazi leader* in Israeli history books on crimes against .Tews. Officials said he wm directly in charge of mass extermination of Jews in Germany, Austria Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary,.




Bluffs' JWV Plans Tekoah Protests Arab Tactics in Brazil Hio Ve Janeiro -OTA)— Israel'* pointed out that the VAR foreign Memorial Service Ambassador here, Yosef Tekoah, ministry official "has turned his

Published livery Friday b j the Jeivi&b Kcilcratloo ot Omaha.

Second C l a « Postal* PotO at Omaha. Hetsr. An/iuai iu&jcrlpNcn, i4.U0. Advertising ftalei on Apf}|ica(lon PutMeollOP Office- 101 No ',10'n Mriet, Oniofio, Nebr- JAcfcsan 1344.


Friday, May 27, 1060


Oamp Jay-O-0 Sfaff flamed by Ohalrmeit

Jerome J1. Grossman, depnrtment commander of the Iov/ft-Ne- protested strongly to tlie Brazilbrnslta Jewish War Veterans,- will ian Foreign Ministry against »ntlbe the j;uest bpeaker at Memorial Isrnel VhatreU and i-acial Insults' .Services to be held by the Irving being spread here by the United Colin lodge of Council Klnffs, Mon- Arab Hepublic's deputy foreign day, May :;0 at 11 a. m. at Oalc Hill minister, Hussein Z. Sabrl. Onv'tery. Mr. Sabri came here on a "KOO<1f.ouis 1'asser, chairman of (he will" mission, after visiting several Veterans .Service committee, that the rites would be Iwlil in Hie other I^atin American countries. B'nai Israel Synagogue in Coun- At a press conference here, he told newspapermen "that Nasser would cil Bluffs in of rain. Kabbi David Kerb will cosidnct never meet Israel, which Is miaccptaWe to us." He also stated that the services. the United Arab Republic would not enter into a non-aggression pact with Israel, charging that "Israel would not keep such a pact, just Rs Hitler never honored agreements."

Mr. and Mrs. Uurton Hobinson and Mr. rind Mrs. Jack Duitcli, this wveli, announced the following camp staff for the 10(i0 reason. They are: Boris Steinuui, director: Pik Weiner, assistant direct or; Edwin <!am)Icllgijtinj,r—7:27 p. m. Sidman, administrative assistant; TlMVl.t ISKAI'X Michael Dene-nlxTB, tioys villngi' The Cantata, "What is Torah" director;'Bill Kntzman, trips and will he prpscntff"! Friday ni/;ht at camping; Ina Margolin, enmp secTemple Israel following the regu- retary; Chuck and llaymond lionlar service at 8 p. m. A special ganim, sanitation. Senior C'ounIn his complaint, Mr. Telroali blessing will be recited for con-solors are Honald .Simons, Ktun Jerusalem (\VNS)~ Israel's refirmands as tii'"y receive their cer- ZuerlinK, Karl J.ue/schuetz, Ralph tificates a!id praycrhooks. The Josephsohn, Judith liaron, Viclt! ipttlemvnt and development projconfirmation service will be held Ilnumsten, Judith Eirwibrrfr nnd ects hnve miide a deep impression Tuesday, May 31. Annalx-llt Gractz. Junior Coun- on visiting U.S. Senator J. W. Kul6AVE TAX selors are Steve Guss, Sandy Kid- brijlht, cliairman of the Senate BOTH ISttAKI. man, Howard Weiner, Klchnrd ICti- Foreign Relations Committee, who DOLLARS declared that the projects could Rabbi Benjamin Owner, Cantor KEIJt tslv , Jerry Fcronstein, IJmla Mag- serve as "a model to other coun. TIKU-Ut'OAflTAI Eli 'Kazan and the Ucth Israel ral< Inxur y.aniin, Frances . Erm;m, Koslyn • c tries." Choir. ivill conduct Friday family s" Marilyn K.itzman anil t The U.S. .Senator made the asser.'icrvices at S p. in. Traditional Friday • eveninc services (Ivobolas Klaine Steinjan, Mrs. Nell Sclief- tion before an audience of Hebrew fer ul Columbus, Neb., will be University faculty members folShabbos) ln-;;in ttt 7:30 p. ra. lowing a visit to the l.achish nrea, Shabtx)s morning services begin th<? camp mirsc. «t 8:43 a. tn. at 52nd ami Charles 'Hie YMCA will jirovide a second where Israel, is implementing one nurse, a waterfront anti canoeing of its most ombitions regional deStreets and nt !) a. m. at ]Oth and Hurt Streets. Junior Congregation liircctor, an assistant waterfront" vrlopment projects. It<> was particdirector, a riding instructor, nrchulary impressed over the fact that at- 9:45 a. m. Habbi Groner 'will conduct the Talmud Class nt 7 ery and rifle instructor and a com- immigrants from many lands v,i'ic plete kitchen staff. being integrated in tin? course of p. in. Sabbath Minelia nt 7:30 p. An oriental ion and pre-cninji the I^achisl'i regional developmeiit vn. followed by Sliolosh Srudos and training period will be held for all programs. ' Maori v. Following his visit to the TlnlRoIIie Rogers S a y s . . . Sunday morning services begin counselors out at the camp Kite. 1 Mr. Norman Uatt, chairman of I'ersity,. the Keniitoc dined at the Et S:'M a. m. followed by breakthe camp committee, slated, "that Your Barber Work at home of i'orelgn Minister flolda fast and Ilaljbi's class in Bible, Your Convenience Sunday morning Junior .Minyon, « ( have an excellent staff and that il«-ir. JCarJier He conferred with he children ran look forward to 'rentier David Hen Gurion. 6:30 p. m. followed by breakfast. - Appointments at having a splendid eainp experience Daily services at 7 a. m. andthis summer." No Extra Charge' 7:40 p. m. except Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8:45 a. m. GL 9284 Ylsker service, Thursday at 10:15 o. m. Junior congregation, WedA monument will be unveiled in 6618 Blondo 8 A.M.-6 P.M. New York UTA) —Jewish renesday and Thursdays <it 0:15 a. in. memory o( Hen Burxtr-in, Sunday, ligious textbooks deserve "the May 23 at 2 p. m. In Beth BETH EL liighest mark" for being free of Services nt Beth Kl Synagogue drosh Uajiodol Cemetery. material prejudicial to any race, Will begin at 8:1-5 p. m. P*abbi Myer religion or color, it was announced A monument will be S. Kripke will deliver the semion. here by scholars who have comin memory of Mrs. Clara Soshnik, Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the pleted a three-year study of such .Sunday, May 29, at 10:30 a . m . a t Beth El Choir will render the texts. Golden Hill Cem»t""y. musical portions of the service. The study embraced a large Rabbi' Benjamin Groner and Sabbath morning services, at sample of about 220 boohs, plays, Cantor Kli Kagan will officiate at Seb fSubby) Pulvercnr* 0:30. Junior Congregation at 10:30. and issues of periodicals drawn Mincha-Maariv service begins'at both of the above services. from 46 organizational ami Indi25 Years' Experienco 7:30 p. m, . vidual publishers covering most A monument will bo dedicated of the Jewish schools in the UnitWith Jewish Sunday morning services, a t 9 B. m. Daily services,'at 7 a. m. and n memory of Mrs. Annie Green, d States. Lettering and MemorUtf . Sunday, May 29 at 2 p. m. at 7 p. m. Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Habbi 2211 So. Ctfi AT 24S2 Mj'er S. Kripke and C a n t o r B'NAI JACOB ADAH Aaron I. Edgar will officiate. Friday, Mincha, 6:30 p. m., SatA monument will be dedicated urday, 8:30 a. m., Minclia, 6:30 Memorial name plaques which p. m. followed by Sholosh Scudos. n memory of Harry Kaplan, (CoDaily services at 6:30 n. ni. andlumbus, Nebr.) Sunday, May 29,:iavc been affixed to the Beth El at 3 p. m. at Beth Hamedrosh Ha- synagogue memorial tablets dur8:30 p. m. godol Cemetery. Rabbi Myer S. ing the past Sew months, will be RUG & UPHOLSTERY Kripke will officiate. dedicated at Shavviot services, CLEANERS Thursday morning, June 2. Those, whose names have been memorialRUGS — CARPETING i7ed' are Samuel Baskin, Ethel LAMP SHADES Temple Israel Men's Club electAll friends nnd relatives are Brodkey, Isaac N . Chernlss, Saul FURNITURE '"ellinan, Roze Fercnstein, Finnic ed six new vice-presidents at their Invited to attend urvlma nod Cleaned in Your Home! Fitch, Ruth" Leibovid Click. Seyannual meeting. They are 1. M. receptloiL mour Goldberg, Sylvia Goodbinder, libennan, Sydney Osten, Fred-. IWNNKTU liOBKHSIAK Binding—toying—Repelling «rlck Cassman, Ted Sennett, E. ICenneth Hoberman, con of Mr, Morris Isaac Gordon, Ethel HasRobert Newman and James Far- and Mrs. Jticliard Hobennan, will pel.Hyman Ylsroel Haspel, Jacob Don Bernstein HA 2554 ber. observe his Bar Mltzvah at Beth Kavich, Llssie Kavich, Stnnlsy F. Other officers, rc-i-'lected, B ' 5 El. SynaRosue Friday evening, May Levin, Ike IWrhards, MoiTis IluAjon Farter, president; ilorris J. 27 and Saturday morning, May 28. bin, Mosbe Jxib Schlitz nnd Sam Siporin. Lipp, vice president; Lloyd Friedman, vice president; Marvin Tax- MAKIJENE SCHB1SIBEH man, secretary, anil Dr. Earl WigThe Bas Mitzvah of Marlejie Father's Day—June 19 odsky, treasurer. Schrciber, daughter of Mr. and Th« Gift The* Kn.pi on GivingI Committee chairman named for Mrs. Juliu3 Sclirelber, will be ccle r A Gift Subscripiion the coming year include Sennett brated tonight at B « h Israel Syto i F«vorlt« M»goiin. . > n d Osten, membership; Liberman, nagogue. . OMAHA'S . , - • • ' ways and means; Stanley KatelTIME taax\i service; Sidney Taren, safeItUBIZMAN 39 Week* ....% 3.07 ty; Cassman, program; Dr. Earl Charles Kurtzman, sanol Mr. 78 Week. 7.S7 Wl|pdsky, religious education . and Mrs. Fred Kurtzman, will obI Veers 20.00 WA5554 serve his Bar Mitzvah. on Monday, SAT. EVENING POST Main Hall of Israel May 30, 9 a, m. at Beth El Syna60 Week* . . . . . $ 4.7» gogue. Center Seat? 3,000 <Offer Exptrt. June IB, I»00> . Jerusalem (JTA)—The second MABO FELLSIAW Qrden Tttlien on Hverr ltnsottn« ; st iMwtit Cur»nt Price *t&ge In the construction of the Mrs. Soul Fellman announces huge National Convention Center the Bar Mitzvah of her eon, Alarc, here—-Binyanti Ha'Uroa—has been, Sp«tl«1Irt" completed and the main hall, seat- on Friday evening, June 3 and 8f. 440 He. t ing .3,000 persons/Is now fully Saturday morning, June 4, a t Beth WA <742 •quipped wtih air condiitoning and El Synagogue. the latest electronic devices.


goodwill mission into a campaign of hatred, spreading racial Insults and national discoid on n continent traditionally opposed to any form of discrimination."


Smooth 'n' Mellow

iglil Oy Land Oevelopmen! in Israel



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li •" 1


Belli ElHo Dedicate





Men's ( M Eleel Six Naw Vice-PresfieiiJs

The family of Mrs. Ada Marsh wfahet to thank frtea&t and relatives for t h e many klfldn e u e t shown them during tbelr beresvemen..



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Page Tow

Members to Entertain Omahans in News Dr. Herman Jalir has been At Beth El Banquet elected chairman of the Children's

Friday, May BT, J90O

300 See Center Champions

Beth Kl members will take part Jerusalem, (JTA)—Final 'techIn the program to b™ presented at Therapy Center medical staff. nical preparations for the contiie synagogue's 30th anniversary Morrh K. ilnnilw, advertising r struction of Vhe Haifa .Shipyard, in banquet, Sunday, May 'JO at 0 p. agency president, will receive un which Netlierlanfl:; shipyard exm., Hubert Keinbor;; ami Mrs. Hub- honorary lioctor of Laws De;;ree perts will assist, have been comert Kooper, co-i'h'iirmen, reported. from Sr. Joseph's College, Culpleted and bids will lw issued to Participating in the entertain- les;eville, Iml., June 5. ment are Mrs. Donald NofK anil local contractors w i t h i n two Mis* Harliara Minliin of ChiMrs. Norman IJenenberj; in the months. role of "balladeeis," accompanied cago, III., is spending the holiday Ti> Jlcpair Ship* by Mrs. Harry IJnlioff. A combo weekend with her parents, Mr. The shipyard is expected to be composed of L'rnest Priesnriii, Irv- anil Mrs. li. M. Miniiia. ready in mid-lUlJI lo repair .ships ing Clnidacoff, Jo.. Hornsiein, NVil Mr. and Mrs. T.riuii Friedman of all sizes and possibly to build Miller and Mr. I'.enton Kutler will have returiK'd Inline after speiidinj; vessels up to 10,000 Ions. The first accompany players in scenes from a month with iheir son-in-l.'tw nixi slep will be an effort to earn in'Those Wonderful YIMIS." daughier, Mr. and Mrs. (Jregfiry come by repairing xA\\\\:\ cumin)', lo Mrs. Louis AHMTIS is in char::" j Unselllhal <if I-OS Angeles, (.'at. Haifa. Construction of three shipj of dinner anani'.ements and Mrs. Tlie Kuscinhals became the par(iiinn illy will be the second obKooper i.s takinj; reservations. ents of their second child, John jective The |joal for such conLawrence on April 'SI. The baby's Minotwn capacity U the middli; paternal grandparents are Mr, and of 1'iBJ. In five years, the shipyard Mrs. Joseph liosenthal of Los * \peclefl to ha\e two ways on Angeles, former Oinahans, wlui h capacity to huild vessels \\\\ '. . Vy Sciiehlck 10 !0,000 tons will be available. Mrs. Sidney (inldlM-rg aeeomYOUTH COUM II. SOI'TKAIX panied 1'y her (;rauddauf:httT, I'ndervvnler I'ipellno Youth Council Softball, last Ciir»l FMier, left Thursday for Work will liej'.iii in \1IR f;ill on Sunday at Elmwood Park, opened New York City to attend the )(I.iTt to rlglit) Robert <inuli], David Jurotaan, f'sil Klrshcn, an underwater oil pipeline from a 12 game schedule fur four A/.A wedding of a niece on June !>. I Ilubert ('inshurg and Itay liirlie. 011 installations in Haifa l!ay to an chapters. Two lopside(| games were There they will join Mrs. Siipliii1 | More (ban .'!00 persons were on vinners: Kay Kirke, liurlicn- Anchorage at sea, for servicinjf recorded in tiie openers, as defend- (.raiilli'l,, mother of Mrs. fJiilrlbet'B, h'.ind to see awards presented to •dad trophy; Kober! Ginsberg, some of the larijesl oil tankeni ing ' .champions ' Kayim, swamped who made the trip earlier. team champions and individiuil Iarry Trnstin tropliy; I'.ohert now afloat, the Financial Times AZA 1000, 17-1, behind the one hit athletics at the ,13th Annual Ath./pitching of .Steve Guss. Army VIC I'r.inUlyn I'. ISc-rg, letics Award Night at the Jewish Joulil and David Jaeobson, J. J. reporls. '•reenberi; trophies. . I n the other encounter AZ>\ 1, son of Mrs. Florence ISrrg, who Community Center auditorium, Cal Kirshen, KM'J'V annoimcer defeated AZA 100, li'.Mi. in a game will complete his military .service, Wednesday. May 1H. MONA LISA mil past winner of the J Iarry that resembled a track meet with May .''.I. plans to .study at the! "Outifmuling" Awards Tnistin award, was tin? ljuest HOUSG of Glamour AZA 1, doing most of the running. University of Omaha this summer. Highlight of the evenini: was the ijjeaker. GL 7000 I I I No. 50th Arariii> operator in the MOth . Tlie schedule for Sunday, May jircseniation of "outstandini;" 6 Export Hair Alhletic service awards were 29 is AZA 1, vs Hayim and AZA Artillery's Headquarters iiattery awards t() the following individual at Kort Lewis, Wash., he particiAir-Conditioned Dryers liven In David I'.el/or, Jacl: Sliss, .1000, vs AZA 100. pated in Kxercise 101k Horn, a i):in Foj;el, Allan Konecky and MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Standing* :'"rank Goldbcrj;, for services Teams \V. I.. .Strategic Army Corps field maOwnors •endered |o the Center athletic Bayim ] 0 neuver at the Yakima, Wash. Kiriin: Center, May il-'J.'t. one of j )ro;;r;un dnrini; tlie c.irront year. 1 1 0 Hall of Fame 1000 0 1 the year's largest maneuvers with London, f.ITAi— Israel's second 18,000 taltiti!,' part. 300 0 1 Ten former Cenler ^athletics submarine, the 800-ton llahav. left Berg is married to the former SHOTS IN TUB I)AI!K vere nameil to the "IV,\H of Fame" The Center soft ball team had .Syril I'.uth Foster of Milwaukee, | the Hritish submarine base, JIMS by Irvin Yaffe, Center Athletic IJidphiii, for Israel. The Hahav, their second postponement due to \Vis. formerly the Hritish submarine 'hainnan and his romniiltee. They rain last Thursday when their Kalibl Myor S. Itriplie of J'.eth SangiiiiK', was n<'quired from ire .Tames liurouKbs, Jake .SadoCgame with the Knights of Colum- F.I Synagogue, was the guest .Britain two years ago, together ;ky and Louis VVeiner for basketbus, 652, was mined out. The speaker, last .Sunday at a dinner with the Tan in which was coin- ball; Sol Yaffe, .Jaels Han ami league tilt will be made up. Sun- at Congregation Beth Shaleni in missioned in the Israel Navy last Jake .Sclneihinan, handball. day 5, same time, same place . .-. Kansas City, Mo. Uirkenroail ami Hymen Belman, December. volleyball and llarlon II. CJreenCounting one exhibition game, this Fully armed with TJ torpedoes ber^ and Louis lilnmkin under marked the third time the Center and carrying a full complement :be banner of swimmins;. team had to postpone a game . . . of TiO officers and enlisted men, The Hibernian Club has folded out Lindy Patil, chairman of the the Hahav sailed for Israel "ready of the Class "A" club league and COUSIN'S ( 1 1 1 ! for action" after completion of Award Nii;ht activity, annoiinred will be replaced by the Midwest The Cousins Club will met Wed- trainin!! of the crew and testing that A.Z.A. No. 1000, was the winA. C. team . . . Registration for nesday, June 1 at VJ:3O p. in. at of the undersea craft. ner of the Olympic tropliy for tennis classes coming along nicely the Blaclcstone Hotel. Mrs. Jack Three crew members became Youth Council sports. Tlie wiiinini? . . . .enroll now at the Center Lincoln, hostess, asks that mem- engaged to Kritish girls during chapter dominated Youth Council Physical Education office . . . The ber:; who cannot attend, call her their training period. activity by excelling in basketball, Center may field a basket ball team football, wrestling, pin;; IKJII^ and at JtE 7!)08. in the girls' high school city-wide swimming championships. • * # league under the AAU next year 1 . . . . Six Center midget leaguers HOLIDAY IIAN<!IN« Cl.Ktt The Holiday Dancing Club will were on the Dundee grade .scliool Jerusalem (JTA) — A special ;tcam that won the district soft- hold its summer dance, Saturday, ball championship . . . Five Center June 4, 10 p. m.-l a. m. at the Car- medallion honorini: Simon Rar a Kocbba leader of the Jewish reboy3 also won wrestling title in ter Lake Club. • • * Registered Rflprasenfativ* volt against the Romans in the the grade school district meet. BKTH ISKAKI. SYSAHOUVK J. Cliff Rahcl & Co. 1130 First National Bank year I.'i2 of the Common Era, will NUKSKKYSCHOOL be struck by the Israel GovernInvestment Bankers JA 7262 Beth Israel Synagogue is now ment. It will mark the recent accepting registrations for 1M0-01 archaeological discovery in the Nursery School. Judean Desert of letters written A "round-up" will be held at by the historical figure. Pittsburgh fJTA)—Mrs. Jonas Salk, wife of the discoverer of the Tiiduation exercises for the curSalic polio vaccine, has reported rent class on June 10 at 10 a. m. HARRY'S that Jews do not apply to the Prospective pupils and their parPittsburgh Mayor's Commission on ents are invited to attend. Mrs. LIVE FISH MKT. Human Relations when they are Henry Appel, GL 5K!S or Mrs. Er13H NO, I4TH ST. discriminated against partly for nest Hochster, GL 8346 may be fe"ar of being labeled "loud- contacted for further information. KOSHER CHICKENS Como Meet • • # mouthed or trouble making." KILLED DAILY This was reported in the Pitts- MEETING, JUNE 2 Sov» by Calling AT 4977 burgh Jewish Outlook, which cited The Omaha Chapter of City of Mrs. Salk as Riving another rea- Hope will meet Thursday, June 2 C«rtlfi»d and approved by Rabbi U» Him H.lp You With son for the "very small percentage at 8:30 p. m. at the Blackstone Dr. Leon Thorn, Prosident, AmeriYour Clothing Ssloctiom of complaints" -from Jews. She Hotel to hear Mrs. Lillian Segal can Acadomic Rabbit Association Kilpatr'ck't Mon'i Clothing — Socond Floor said there was a "pretty good of St. Louis, Mo., mid-west reg- of New Americans, and Rabbi 5. of the Orthodox Rabbis grapevine," through which Jews ional director. A social hour will V/alkin Aitociation of N«w York City, know from one another where they follow her talk. are not wanted. They just stay away, she said, and so unpleasant Incidents are avoided.


Israel's Sulsiiiiarine Leaves British Bass

Medallion lo Mark Bar Kocha 'Find

^rrarni o*..

^ l vet

. Salk Explains Faw Bias Complaints

Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff

American Mado Record of Nazi Songs Banned Karlsruhe <JTA>—West Germany's highest court ordered a ban on further sales of an American-made record of Nazi speeches and songs.

We Have Been Hooded Out!

City of Hope Night Club Party Sunday Night, May 29 ••

Pimm JA I3M to Intsrt your Want Ad In the Jawlrti Press. • ,. . Rats Is 50 cents for each three nna t tlon. Tin Pre« rerervei lh« rla"t to slzi of »och oaverllsemenl

DAILY JEWISH PAPEBS ' BAB and Bus Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge




• V

Seleferalei "Sbngri-La Wight Club" (LOCATED AT LOCUST AND ABBOTT DRIVE)

Duo to heavy rain in tho Carter Laka area, tho ground* of tho Shangri-La Night Club aro surrounded by wator and aro inaccessiblo.

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