June 3, 1960

Page 1

Vni x x v v m VII <t« RuWIMied every Friday. 101 No. With Vol. JLXXVUl—Nu. Hit omalia, Ncliraifcs. I'hoiio JA U03

<riArilJ\ NFiir/t<4K% V P I I I A Y JUNr t inm> OMAHA, nr,ln.ASlt«\, ILIII.VK, aujMK S. IWtiO

Second ciu»9 PoBtupa Paid a t O m t t i l a - Ne [; r ,

Slngl* Copy It Cents Annual Itafo 4 Dollsrl


Now Hospital Wing to bo completed »oon.

Reports received by Milton It. Abrahams, Philanthropies Campaign General Chairman, show the drives of three major cities topped their 1959 figures. Boston's Combined Jewish Appeal raised $5,5:19,218, an increase over tha $5,475,00O of 1959. In Philadelphia, tho Allied Jewish Appeal hit $1,279,135, $50,000 mora than during the past year. Pittsburgh c o m p l e t e d its United Jewish Federation Drive with a record $1,620,295.

Hospital Wing Being Added To Dr. Philip Sher Home Above isjshown the almost com- six beds for tho care of residents pleted addition to the Hospital who need! nursing and medical atWins of tlie Dr. Pliillp Slier Jew- tention. ish Home for Aged, which will add The addition was made possible by a special gift given by Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Mlidnr, whici! was gratefully accepted by tlie Jewish Federation of Omaha. Israel wil llssiie ft 50 agorot , "This extension will relieve the stamp on July 0 featuring lier shortage of hospital and nursing beds at fho Home for Aged," NaAtomic Hescareh Reactor. than L. Nogg, Chnlrman, unil ArThe reactor located on the sand thur" Cohn, Co-chairmnn of tlie dunes near Illshon lc-Zion fulfils Home,A. commented, is in line a numl)er of .important functions. vvitli a Ion;; range "Jtdevelopment It acts n« n vital educational tool program of the Homo which will In teaching engineers and reactor enable it to serve the needs o£ presoperators atxmt its operation and ent unil future residents, nnd will control. It will produce special amplo provision for nursing radioactive Isotopes for use In In- malte dustry, medicine and research. The nnd medical care." radiations and neutrons produced

Stamp Comer

Morris E. Jacobs, Omaha business and civic leader, a member of Crcigliton University's board of regents, nnd former president of tho Nebraska Board of Education, will receive tho N e b r a s k a Builder Award at tho University of Nebraska's 89th Annual.June commencement. Tho1. award is the highest nonacademio honor Morris Jacobs

Gen. Harkabi Headlines B.B. Convention Opener

by. tha reactor will bo used In all fields of natural sclenca. Subscriptions for stamps may be ""placed at tho Jewish .'Community Center. They will bo sent directly from tho Philatelic Service* ot Israel to subscribers.

The 39-year-old Chief of Intelligence of tha Israel Army—the agency behind the capture of Adolf Eichmann, Nazi commander of tho program for tho systematic murder of six million Jews—will be the featured speaker at tha openIng, Civic Night of tho District No. 6 B'nal B'rlth convention, bora June 26-June 29, -Edward A. Rosen, convention chairman announced. Gen. HurknM Guest Speaker Ha Is Gen. Vehoshafat Harkqbi, Kdword Koson who for flvo years has headed Gen. IlnrKbl Israel's military Intelligence, the Morris Jacobs and Mrs. Abe organization, prominently mentioned In the press throughout the Greenberg aro chairman and coworJd after JJichmaiin'a arrest wa3 chairman of Clvlo Night which revealed in Israel's parliament, will bo held at tha Shcraton-Fonlast week. . r (Contlnued on Pagu 4.)

The Annual Dinner of the Initial Gifts Division of the Jewish Philanthropies Cumpaign will be held Monday, June C, at 6:30 p. m. at the Highland West Club, Milton II. Abrahams, Oneral Campaign Chairman and Morton A. Itlchards, Initial Gifts Chairman, announced. 'This dinner meeting murks n most important milestone in our campaign," they stated. "It brings tliB community closer to tlie completion of tlie drive which raises funds to support welfare, educational and health agencies in Omaha, United States, overseas and in Israel. We. look forward to a large turnout at this momentous dinner meeting."

Melvin S. Goldstein, National Vice-Chairman of the United Jew* ish Appeal, will bo guest speakejf at the meeting. Mr. Goldstein con» sldered among the nation's most gifted leaders and executives, wa4 a key figure in the drama of th$ Greatest Exodus in History. H<» played an important role in tha transfer of a half million Jew* from Europe* to Israel and th$ United Slates, where tlie victimj of concentration camps and persecution found safety. Helped Savo Jews While Adolf Eichmnnn, tlie Nazt Butcher, began to administer a program which resulted in the o*0f struction and murder of 6,000,000 Jews, under the slogan of "Final Solution to the Jewish Problem,1* Mr. Goldstein opened tho JDC of* flea hi Portugal, where Jews man* aged to escape from Germany an<J other war zones, and were given immediate cara and assistance. As Allied victories mounted, and more Jews began to escape front German concentration camps, MA Goldstein became the coordinator of the vast program of relief, re» habllitatlon and emigration. Sinc^ then, Mr, Goldstein has been Irk direct touch with communities throughout tha world, both as i member of tho UJA Study MisT sions to JJurope and Israel an<| through personal on the spot surveys.

tho University of Nebraska Board of Regents confers. Mr. Jacobs, who has been identified with Jewish Federation activities for ninny years, was its president In 1915-46 nnd headed tho Jewish Philanthropies Campaign in 3910. He was president of the United Community Services in 3916 and chairman of its 1951 drive. A native of Omaha, Mr. Jacobs, president of the Bozcll nnd Jacobs Advertising' and Public Relations Co., has been cited on the national and local scene on many occasions for his participation in civic, welfare, educational nnd religious ac- Moses F. Kagan was elected tivities, . '-. . president of Henry Monsky Lodgft No. 354 of B'nal B'rith at a recent meeting. Installation will be hold In August. Tlie C o m m u n i t y Cooperation Other officers chairmen of organizations affil- aro Sidney Tariated with-the Federation of Jow- en, first viceish Women's Clubs will meet for p r e s i d e n t ; Dr. a 9:30 a. m. coffee, Tuesday, June Benton Kutlor, 7 at tho Jewish Community Cen- second vice-prester, It was announced by Mrs. Al- ident; S t u a r t . bert Fox, overall chairman of the group and" Mrs. Harry Siilman, Gottlieb, t h i r d Women's Federation vice-presi- vlco - president; Sam Epstein, te- M F dent. cordlng s o c r o- - tary; Dean FranUel, financial setfFRATEItNlTY TIES WITH retary; Nathan Turner, treasurer/ NATIONAL SEVERED Isadora Bogdanoff, g u a r d l a n j Hartford (WNS)—Severance of Charles Morgenthau, warden ana tics'with tha national organization Louis Jess, chaplain. because of Its policy of discrimina- Edward A. Rosen and Earl Slegcl tion against Jewish and Negro stu- were re-elected to servo as trustdents was disclosed here by the ees with Marvin Treller, Dr. Leon Sigma Chapter of Delta Phia fra- Fellman, Sam Pollak, and Dr. A. ternity at Trinity College. Greenberg, honorary trustees; •



Don't Day Camp Dcsf® Dates—First Porloti: Juno 13 to Juno 21. Second Period: Juno 27 to July 8. Full Session: Juno 13 to July 8. Slto—Peony Turk. Itato*—$35.00 for two weolcs; $00.00 for four weeks, Tttuwportntfon—Day. Campers will bo picked up and retained to ono of flvo convenient locations. Pick-tip 0 a. m. Ilotura , 4:30 p. m. Age*—Boy» and Girli, 0-1)5,

Day Camp for iPre-ScStooS Division Half Days, Monday through Friday," Datos and rates same as regular Day Camp. Transportation! Picked ap with regular Campers. Betataed to horns at noon.

Register Now Enrollment In both Jewish Federation camps—tho Day Camp, and Camp Jay-C-C Is proceeding at a rapid pace, Paul Vcret, Federation Executlvo Director, announced. Tho camps aro half filled already. Parents nra urged to register their children* without delay to avoid disappointments. Campora aro registered In the order in which applications are recolvod. Mr, and Mra. Yalo Trustln ars co-chalrmon. of the Day Camp. Norman Butt la chairman of Camn Jay-C-C

Dates—Pint Period, Juno 20 to July B -J^ Second Period, July 0 to July IS. , •'•>•*?$' Full Sosslon, Juno 20 to July 15. Slto—-Camp Sheldon ot Columbus, STobr. : Rates—Ono I'orlod, f 75.00 lor Omalmns; $R3.00 for non-residents. Full Sosslon, Juno 20 to July IS, $ 140.00 for Omulionsj $100.00 for non-rosldents. Ago—Boys and girls, 7 to 14. For further Information regarding tho Camps, contact Boris Stolman. Camp Director; or Mls3 Bess Blank, Camp Registrar, at tha Jewish Community Center, JA 136a. .

Full or partial scholarships for both Camps ara avallabla. For ad* dltlonol information on scholarships, contact Solomon Brawnstein, Federation Family Servico Director, at tha Center.





Friday, JTuno S, lilfiO

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged Standards Proposed r

ClTie Dr. Philip .Sher Home for the Apod arknov,ledges the following memorials and donations.)

Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation ol Umulta.


Second CIUS5 Poslone Paid ol Ornrjria Nct/f. Annual Subscription, 14.GG. Advertising Role'j on Ajjnncu'lin Publication Office-101 No ?Qih Mrect, Ofnuha rJebr^ JAcKsun TZC6.



Services <'andlellKhtinfir—7:32 p. HI.


For larriags Riles

Washington, (JTA)— The Wash-

In Memory of ington Hoard of Habbis, not in;; the

approach of the June seasons for weddings, listed n new set of Standards for the ceremony to "deepen tin.' .spiritual dimension" of the weddim; and to in;mil;iln proper conditions of dignity and beauty. The rabbis recommended .strongly • that weddings he held In a Bynayo,';ue, rather than in .secular bi!rroiimlinj.;s «nd that the music played be Jewish. Donor In Honor of They uri;ed that alcoholic bevV.r. ond Mrs. v.'iHIam A. l » / f / , rtcovtry of Sam Tlitcdor*, Mrs. erages should not he served beFraiiit Kro.ornon fore the ceremony and that photo'/ft. John Robinson , rMiovtry of John Hoblnson graphs should not lie taken of the Mr, a/id Mrs. Harry Trmtln , ..recovery of Sum TIIKX MIS. EITI Mandl*r recovtry ol Jo« Mlctk Wr. and Mrs. Brn Sfktr ?J!h birlhday ol Mory Kendfs wedding during the service. Couples were also naked to observe Synagogue Contributions the traditional practice of attemlMr. and M r i . Srjrrt Po'^dblum • In mt'nory cf Marry Odd Rtst t?t int; religious worship with the re1U11 Ntcrio'i. jdfn fish spective families on the Sablialh Special Contributions before the wedding. Cliorlrs Eflflfl Fc/nll,1, Mrs. R t b « f a JttjracK Mrs. Roi« Hobtrman, Mrt Jennl#

MtMrs. tmd Wtirf!. Morion L. D(fl»n. Poul Vrrct, Ha'lnit I . H039, Mr. Louis Sciiifjitr oud /.'.In tita So/inner M f i Con>furK« Wcic-I M f l i r j . ar.d Wnits. f'uul Vertl, Kitil Rcu-n-Jo'-V. OiDrttj Ko^tnstotk. Louil Swjinur. Wr.j O u 'j0.'Timcr an<] /.Us. Utfi Moodier LciUr S!o-bur(j M.fS!.rs. «i*t] Wm«. Pa'.il Vfret, V/llllam A. Levpy Hyrry Sllvermfin Mr. and «I5. I'oul Vcicl Mrs, r.Hso Uacr, Mrs. Fonnle rllch, tl.ri. Ada Moiih Lojls Scnimcr and /.'.i',4 Bfa S&mmer J. lidword Rosenlhtjl, Alax Duvii. IKe Chcifilsi, Hnnnofi Bluintnllial //.ascn Uf^n Hoi.ditr Mrs. Ada A1nr5.h, I k Clierniis foods Co /,' Llli fiurati M. Rlnole New York — Su/clle K.straii.t /.*.r, o;id Mr*. Btn SIKcr Kcjbcn Kulokofiky, Max [)o«l>. Ku.shncr and Suzanne Ksir.-jda .SoIfo Oipinlrs, Myfnle Fercr Atiramioit M r , lubcecu Temln [X'l ,daii;;liter.s of Mr. mid Mrs. Da-Wr, <•md Tcrti'n Mrs. J. Sleotl |. |j chtrnls!, Ypiilo Somll (Yohriell vid Kstrada, will bo ainoiij: tin ld<i R. Brcllffld Mrs. Morrli Tunic Wn, Mourlco Cllln-.h/ M,j. Monls flcld>i graduates at the (ifitli annual Com- f/r. and Mrs. LPO Mllri^r ...Mr» Ida Stermun IVohatlt , Simon SbyVefl (Yafinclt. mencement K.wrfisos of the Jew- /v'.r. end Mrs. ChurJel f>llm«f


aris io Oraduale From fj. Y. Spminary

ish Theological Seminary of America, on June 5.


Mrs. Kusltner will receive a c.fr tificate from the .Seminary school Friday, Minolta, 6:.'W p. m , Saf- of Jewish studies and her sister m-day, 8:30 a. rn., Mincha, 6:,'!() will receive the ilegree of Uaehelor p. m. followed by Sholosh Soudos. of Religious Kducation from the Daily services nt 6:30 a. m. and Teachers Institute. The Omalmnii, both recent brides, will graduate 6:30 p in. Rosenblcll, •-.tal» of 5adl» J. Full, at the same time with their husbands, Harold S. Kivvhner and TKMPI.G I.SKAKL Early summer services will I'esacli Subcl. Herzl Memorial Tablet Itart Friday, June 3, at Temple Let Us Clean end Repair Unveiled in Vienna Israel and continue every Friday Yew Car Radiator Now Vienna ( J T A ) - A memorial tabevening throughout the summer All frlenda anil relatives arc let on the Theodor Herzl House in the Chapel at 7:30 p. m. Rabbi An Overheated or Leaby Invited to attend cervlcm and here was unveiled by Mayor Franz Sidney H. Broolts will officiate. Radiator Con Causa Jerusalem 'JTA) — Foreigners Jonas as one of the events in the The closing Saturday morning reception. Serious Damage 'mplojed here by the Government observance of the centennial of wrvice for the religious school will MAIU! FELLMAV ONE-DAY DEPENDABLE SERVICE the birth of the founder of modbe held at 11:30 a. m.. June i. SatMare Fellman, '.;on of Mrs. Saul •ivil service have been given a •rviros will be re-1 Fellman .will observe his Bar hree-year reprieve from the reg- em political Zionism. The com- Insfwcrion end Etrlmatn Ar* Frtc munal house will bo the site of ofiumed in the Fall. LOU HURWITZ, Prop. ] Mitzvah this evening mid Saturday ulation that nil civil service cm- fices of Zionist groups nnd instiDowntown Location morning at Heth Kl.Synagogue. tutions of the Viennese Jewish iloyees must lie Israeli nationals BOTH ISRAEL 1700 CASS W l 0200 community. ind must swear nllegiance to the Kobolas Shabbos services at •IOSKPII « jovprnment of Israel. • Seth Israel becin a t 7:30 p. m. I'lIILU' «ICEKNHf:HC, I.ate Friday evening sen-ices will There are several hundred forMr. nnd Mrs. Samuel M. Greenbe resumed in the fall. A monument will be unveiled in berg announce the K'nai Mitzvah ign nationals in Israel employed Shabbos services begin at 8:4.1 of their sons, Joseph and Philip, at [>y the (iovernmerit, most of them memory of Mrs. Kelle Rn/mek, a. m. at 52nd and Charles .Streets Jiet.lt K| Synagogue on .Saturday ,11 hlgh-ranliing civil service jobs Sunday, June 5 at 1 p. in. at Beth and at 9 a. m. at 19th and Hurt morning, June 11. .vhere they lire rated as experts. Hamedrosh Cemetery. Kabbi BcnStreets. Junior Congregation a t •Several months apo, when the Civil jamin t f;roner will officiate. Service Administration promulgat9:45 a. m. Rabbi Groner will con- IIONOKAJtY DOCTORATE d a regulation requiring all Govduct thp Talmud Class at 7 p. m. t'OIl <>(>LDA MKIK Sabbath Mincha at 7:40 p, m. fol- Milwaukee (WNS)—-The Univer- rnment employees to be Israeli lowed by Sholosh Sc-udos and Maa- sity of Wisconsin on June (i will tationnls, there was grave concern hat the experts would have to reconfer an honorary doctorate on Sunday morning services at 8:30 one of the most famous daughters ign. a. m. followed by breakfast and of the State of Wisconsin, the one Under the change in the regulaRabbi's class in Bible. Sunday time .school teacher who is now ions, the foreigners will not be Junior Minyon, 8:'!0 a. m. followed Jsrale's Foreign Minister, Mrs. cquired to swear allegiance to Isby breakfast. Golda Meir. A similar degree is (o ae). In order to comply with the Daily services at 7 a. m. and at be conferred on the Israeli For- Official Secrets Act, they will havo 7:45 p. m. eign minister on June 5 by Smtih to pledge, howevor, that they will College, Northampton, Mass, obey that law. BKTH EL MEET Services at Ueth El Synagogue ENDS will begin at 8:15 p. m. Ilabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. MONDAY Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the MONUMENTS 8-RACES DAILY-8 Beth El Synagogue Choir will renNew Yorlc (JTA)- The College which accept high school Hebrew in the Jewish Tradition der the musical portions of the Entrance E x a m i n a t i o n Hoard 9 - RACES SATURDAYS study as fulfilling their entrance Ifour order should be plnced won service. AND MOM. JULY 4 ivjiich administers college en- requirements. In udvunce of ••YnhrzeU" EO tlie work docB not nave to bo hurried Sabbath morning services at trance tests to high school gradADMISSION Queens College here has decid8:30. Junior Congregation Services uates throughput the country has W» arc linown for our meting INClt/OlNS' at 10:30 a. in. Mincha-Maariv approved the addition of a Hebrew ed to accord Hebrew full parity Hebrew littering and dolail. STATI C no, TAX Service at .7:30 p. m. achievement test as part of the with other foreign languages for You may plica your confidene* fulfilling dcvirce requirements. All Sunday morning Eervices are Board's college entrance language In ui knowing oach derail and LADIES' DAYS tradition will bo odtared to held at 9 a. m. Daily services are examinations. The decision to in- four New York City, colleges now TUESDAYS a n d FRIDAYS with utmoit car, and tldll. held at 7 a. m. and 7 p.m. clude Hebrew tests in the College offer students the opportunity of ADMISSION fOS IAOIII J3« Entrance Hoard examinations is in studying Hebrew in complete fulIlcre you deal directly with the NO CtllLCHN ADMITTID lvncr We ! accord with the policies of tome fillment of degree language re- P ,? ;.• i. Permit no untimely Bottrttritlmi . . . Cnll un Tor 1,500 colleges and universities. quirements. DOMT MISS appointment at your convenience. »15,000 HANDICAP, JUIT 4 ARNOLD FLESCII Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Jewish Funeral Home for Arnold Flesch, 72, of 1204 North 69 Street, who "13-15 "Q" St. • Frank R.rno died in a local hospital. Burial was Open Sunday 2-5 In Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Atlantic City, N. J. (JTA)—-The He added, however, that "the Since IBIS Benjamin Groner and Cantor EH average expenditure of $100 percontinuing crisis in Jewish educaKagan, officiated. child per year in the United States tion cannut be blurred by the magMr. Flesch, a resident of Oma- for Jewish education "is inade- nitude of t h e statistics. The soluha 50 years, operated a gasoline quate to provide for education in tion to the teacher shortage probatation. depth or for the engagement of lem and to the improvement of Surviving are two daughters, properly qualified teachers," Isaac learning conditions will be found Mrs. Sam Kaplan and Mrs. MaiToubln, executive director of the only after we plan the consolidaTepper and four grandchildren. American Association for Jewish tion of schools and achieve an inEducation, warned. creased level of philanthropic BiipAddressing the closing meeting port." To reach that goal, he said, OMAHA'S LEADING HARRY'S here of the board of governors of Jewish Welfare Funds throughout the Association, Mr. Toubin noted, the country will be asked to douLIVE FISH MKT. the vast increase in attendance ble their support of the work of 1314 HO. MTH ST. and In expenditures for Jewish the association. education for children disclosed KOSHER CHICKENS by the association's recent NationWA 5554 4415 CUMING KILLED DAILY al Survey of Jewish Education. He Libraries for Israel's said the 600,000 children attending Immigrant Settlements lav* by Calling AT 4977 Certified and approved by Rabbi various reUgious school* and the DIAMOND'S Israel—More than 80 small liDr. Lton Thorn, Praiidanr, Ameri- $60,000,000 expended by communal can Academic Rnbbii Auociotion and congregational Institutions an- braries, organized by t!y» Youth of Now American, and Rabbi S. nually for this purpose "are un- and Hehalutz Department of the Wallrin of Ih* Orthodox Rabbit precedented in all of Jewish his- Zionist Organization, now serve Association of New York Cify. Youth Clubs in immigrant settletory." ments all over Israel. Each library has 120-150 volumes which are changed from 4 Lb..... time to time. The project which started four WIRING ELECTRIC years ago has brought Hebrew CEPAIRIHQ HEAT books to scores of settlements and has (served as an impetus for further reading.

litres-Year Lioiif for Foreign Employee in Israel GiviS Servios


e Of Hebrew in Entrance


Jewish Institutions Spend $60,000,000 on Schools

Kosher Meat Market & Delicatessen

220 Volt Momepowet


M _fcp**._


Friday, Jmir S, 10G0



Spanish iobl@woman Returns to "NIGHT IN I.AH VKCiAS" J I ' . V K 11, i t i ; i i t INKAI-X

The Vdunj: Couples dull of I'.ctll Israel will hold n "Ni|,'lit In Las Vi'i;.'i.s" parly .lurif- 12 "I H:.'!() p. m In tin1 syiirt!:ot,'ii" social liiill. Mr, unit Mrs. Milton Loss are )ivii|:r;ir rliairmen. riONKKK'S ANNUAL I'AKTV AT I)It. SIIKU IIOM10 'i'lie Pioneer Womens organization are plunnini: their iinnuitl party at tin- Dr. Philip Slier Jewlsl Home for DIP Afjeil on .Sunday June 5 at i :.'!0 p.m. A program will be prpm'iitcd liy Mrs. Milton Nearenben;. Hi's Phillip Cr/inilcll nnd Joe lUiliiimv«ki. Mrs. Dave Kpstein nnd her committee me in charge «f nrinni;ements. Blvl'II I X KINTKKHOOD 1'I.ANS "STl'nKNT-THAClIKK" TIOA The Uetli Kl Sisterhood lias is«ue<l invitations for a "BtiHle tiMi.'hcis" tea on Monday, June G «t 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. M. A. Veneer, G~!)4 Glemvoori Road. The oeension will honor Rniih Myer S. KripUe, those v.ho nttondnl his "coffee with the Rabbi"; Mrs. Dorothy Kripke, members of her "Tea nnd Talk" group; Cantor Aaron I. Kdijar, his sisterhood cliovat unit and the Krv. Alex Katz and Ills Hebrew language students. The tea is being planned by Mrs. Stewart 'fully, adult education head with Mines. Norman Pied nnd Joel Ilelfman as rhiiiiinen. Mmes. I-ou Jess, M. C. Kellmnn, Kdwar<l Xoriiisky, Kiohard Martin nnd M. A. Vvnucr will contribute baked delicacies for tlic event.



BIIANDKIS IIOAKD p AT ZAI.KIN Ki;sini;N< r. The board of Omalia Chapter Urandeia I' n i v r r s t y National Women's Committee will meet Monday, June 6, 10 a. m., nt. the home of Mrs. KM Zalliin, CM North fi.'lrd Street.

nor, 'Sunday, June 5 at fi p. in. at Keliovotli, (WNS)- A Majority tlic Ilif;lilam! Country Club. of the Siianish Army Staff str'irr MI/,({,\< II! I5i;»NKI'lI' from Mairamw, Jews who wen MJM.'HKON, J(1NK K forcibly converted to Christianity A Mizraclii benefit luncheon ami (iurinj? the liujiiisiJion, it was .said card party will be given on Wed- by a Spanish noblewoman, Mi:;f nesday, June H, lit J p. m. at the Jewish Community Center witii Isabel MoniiK, herself a descendMines. Kose Kogel, HA H2M; Mer- ant of the Manano.';, a.s she r man ['Vanillin, WK VMS; and Sol entered the Jiiivish fold with the No;;g, WA 'X>X2; as bo.stei.ses. permission and ronsent of the l All profcfds u ill be used to sup- hovot Itabbiiiicnl Court. port tin- Mlzraehl Children's VilThe cla\ii;hter of a former genlage in Israel. Kveryone is invited to at tend. For reservation, please' eral in the France Army, the fift> five-year-old woman said her de call any of the above hostesses. cision to return to Judaism vva in obcflirnre to mi admonition by CORNIinSUHK her father some years ago, (hat the IIOAICI) MICKTINCi entire family resume Us undent A tioard meeting of the Coni- faith. hnslter Chapter H'nnl H'rilli will .She said the Marranes who setbe held on Monday, June G, H:.'IO p. it)., at the home of Mrs. Hen tled in the Inland of Majorca KtiU Uifkiii, 4103 No. 55 Avenue. Mis. preserved some of the Jewish Koligious practices in secret, Biich as Paul Jtifi:in will be hostess. Vom Kippur, abstains from worl on the Sabbath, nnd in many ease SOT AUiMNAfi avoiding intermarrince. EI.KCX OVnCMM Mis. Justin Manvitz has been elected to head the Omaha Alumnae LciKiie of Sigma Delta Tail Sorority. Other officers are Mmes. EdJerusalem f JTA) - Jerusa l e m ward Oorellck, vice-president; Has transfcred into a Hollywood Illi-liard Martin, treasurer; M. L movie set to re-enact Israel's Greenspan, eorresponriins; Rrcrr- proudest moment, the proclama tary and Ted .Seldin, reeordinc sec- lion of Israel's Declaration of Inretary. dependence. Mrs. Joseph Polnrk will be in Otto PremlnRor, producer of (he charge of publicity and Mix. Ber- film version of the Leon Uris nard Greenberg will serve as call- novel, "Exodus." brought his caming (•hiiiiman. era crews, technicians, nnd cast The league welromes any .Sig- here from location in Haifa. While ma Delta Tau alumna living in cameras reamed the streets shoot. this area. Anyone who lias not been ic various scnes as background, contacted may will Mrs. Joseph preparations were made for two of the three important scenes to I'olaclt, (;L J227 for further infie filmed here. formation.

20,000 Israelis In Exodus Film

Page Three

Beth El Religious School Program Tlie Beth Kl lieligkius School} will hold confirmation ami graduation eereimmies, Kriilay, June !0 .'it f?:15 p. m. ul. the .synui;o<;ue. James Gu;,:i nnd l.oiiis Itich, son; of Messrs. and Mini's. Chnilcs (Ju:.s .'uirl KiKjene liicli will he j;r;jduated I rum i lie hicii -sehool of Jewish .studies. f Vmfjrmhnds /.ire K'aren Sue I'Yllinan, I fully Sue (lerelick, Steplien fioiild, Jiarbaru Kaplan, Marilyn Kat/nuui, Michclli" Simon, Oirry] Weinbei'ti and Linda Zalltin. 'J'lieir re.'ipecliu1 pai'ents arc Mrs. Saul I'VJlmnn; Messrs. and Mines. I'hil fjerfllck, Leonard (Jould, Meyer Kaplan, I'hil Kafzm.in, I.ee Simon, Harry WeinhciK and K. M. Zalkiu. Talmud Torah pi-aduatc.s are Ito.salind lionly, Iiarb.ua f'hudacoff, Louis (,'lmnovic, Joe Knnan, Alice Ann Fellniiin, Itohert Vox, .Sanford Friedman, Paul fioldcnhrrg, Roli'.'i'l fJould, Linda (irar-lz, Lawrenen (Jrossman, Barbara llorzo(;, Itouglas K,T/;an, Dan Kat.skee, Steven Katz, Arnold Kinimel, Harry Lewis. Jerry Lohrman, Jeffrey Noddle, Jerry Novak, Sheldon I'erelman, Linda Itickes, Jeffrey Silverman, Neil Simon, Sharon Sinon, S<isan Slutsky, Judith Turner ind Arnold VVeitz. Their respective parents are Messrs. nnd Minns. Norman 15orcly, Irvinjr f.Jhutlacoff, Alirniinm .'Inmovic, Morris Knnan, Dr. and Mrs. A. ('. Kellmaii, Messrs. nnd Mmes. Harold Vox, I. II. Kriedman, Irving (JoldenherK, Leonard Gould, Saul fJraetz, Arthur Grossman, Irvine Her/OR, M. F. Ka-gan, Shol'f Katsltec, Maurice Katz, L'harles Kimmel. Lou Lewis, WilLiam Lohrman, Koliert No;lille, Max Nowik, Harold Ferelman, Max Ftiekes, Stanley Silverman, Krvin Simon, I.ee Siin<m, Dr. mid Mrs. Ben Slul.sky, Messrs. and Mmes. Nathan Turner and Leo Weltz.

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ISYO PA11TV The Synanogue Youth Organization held its third annual party on Muy 14.

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PAKKNT'S WAV I-OH HAM MOTHKIt'S CMiBS The Sigma Alplia Mu Mothers' Clubs of Omaha nnd Lincoln will hold their annual Parents Day Oin-

F«der-will represent the Nebraska rcnicm in the National 13lble Kociety Contest in New York City on June 12, it was nnnounced by Maurice Katclman, Beth Israel Synagogue president. Hoth boys are students In the Religious Schools of the synagogue. Awards for perfect attendance lit Kntli Israel Sunday school wore, presented to Barbara Bent, Margie Amster, Kenneth Kislibaln, Walter Wclitman, Jeffrey Spiegel, I .eta Diamonds, Gary IUfkin and Alan CJiarney.'

Mrs. IJei'man Janoff of Los AnCelrs, < 'al,, formerly of Omaha, has hecn a house (juest at the homes of her sistcr-in-kiw, Mrs. Sam I J Iatt und nii.'ces, Mines. William Kaiman and l'cter flrei!!! during her foui"Week \ k i t \iore. -Mrs. Kaiman was hostess at n (;allierin>r Inst Tuesday evening at lier residence for the visitor. Mrs. Janoff will Jeav.; for Califnrnia June 5 in order to he present for her Installation as vice|>icsidcnt of Ort in a ceremony JUIIH 7 nt the Jewish Community O u t e r in Los Angeles.

Tho Gift That Keeps on Giving! A G i H Subscription fo a Favorito Magazine

BOOK (iKOIX AT NTi:iCN IIOMK The Book (Jroup of the Omaha <'hupler Hrandeis University National Women's. Committee will meet on Monday, July I.'!, 1f):.'!0 .ii. in., at the home of Mrs. Samuel H. Stern, C484 CuminE Street. Mrs. N. Fl. GreenberK will load the discussion of James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist As A Younj; Man."

«ler, son of Mr,

Mrs. H. Janoff Is Visiting Omahans

Call RE 1317 ISHAEL DELEGATION MKETS WITH STIIDCBAKCR-PACKARU OFFICIALS — Members of an Israeli delegation of government leaden and businessmen conferred with Sturtebakcr-I'ackard Corporation officers in South Bend, Ind., on plans to begin assembling Studclmktr cart,and trucks in Haifa under sn agreement announced recently. After touring the S-P plant, the visitor* were honored guests at a civic reception nnd luncheon, Discussing manufacturing techniques during the plant tour are, left to right, Aryeh Manor, Israeli economic minister; Flnchas Sapir, minister of trade und Industry; and Harold E. Churchill, S-P president. DINNKH OAST OF A recognition dinner will be nlvn Sunday, June 5 at 5 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum by the members of the WorKmen's Circle Dramatic Club for the cast of their recent annual play. Snm Susman will bo chairman of the evening-and Louis Witldn will have cbnrKc of the recognition ceremonies. Entertainment, under the direction of Sam Zwerling will follow the dinner.

/MA ELECTS OI'TICEBS AZA iNo. 1 has elected the following [officers: Arnold Breslow president; Mark Goldfitrom, vicepresident; Arnold Manvltz.j secretary; jifarvin Klrke, treasurer; Sieve Boguchvval and Hnrold Schneider pledge masters; Melvln Epstein, first Rergcant-at-avms; IKDBEW COURSES NOW Marian Hlmmcrman, second sev- OltHIlGD TO TOURISTS Israel— Special courses for tourUcnnt-at-arms and Robert Friedman, editor of tlie chapter paper. luts were organlied recently at the Bre.slovv succeeds Frank Gold- ZIoniHt Orgnni/atioh. ol Ameiica Iou«e In Tel Aviv. berg as president.



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Page Four

Friday, June 8, 1D80

General Harkabi

Center Sports

Omahans in News

(Continued from Pago 1) tenello Hotel, Sunday evening, Ernest A.. Nogg, papot v By Cjr Seltclilck June 26 at 8 p. m. There will b< firm official, was elected president CKNTER WINS 11-0 . . . no admission cliurge, Mr. Rosei of tlio Heart of America Paper Congratulations and best wishes nro extended by Harry Trustin said. A reception will follow tfv Association at a meeting in KanThe Center Softball team racked sas City, Mo., last week. The orUp its second consecutive victory Jewish Federation President and Paul Veret, Federation Executive address by General Ifnrkabl. ganization is composed of membcrg Director, on behalf of tin organization, to the following students, Studying nt Harvard In the class "A" club league of the soon to graduate from Omaha High Schools, and their parents: from Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, A graduate of Hebrew Unlver Missouri »nd Kansas. Mr. NORR IS Omaha Softball Association last sily, General Harkabi Is nov Central High Graduates also first vice-president of the JewWeek when they downed tha Thill studying for an advanced decree ish Federation of Omaha. Louis Allen Rich Athletic Club 11-0, at Boyd Park Arnold Kent Altsuler at Harvard University graduate John M. Riekes school of public administration. Hard throwing southpaw, Itay Stephen, Appel Michael Ban who will graduate Lawrence Grant Roitstein A member of the Haganah, he from the University of Chicago, Klrke, tossed a ono hitter and Sandra Kluine Bassman Marvin Ruback served in the British Army's Jew- Chicago, Phyllis Ann IJelzer this month has been Margaret Kllen Rubensteln struck out ten, in the five inning ish Brigade during World War II awarded a111., to Harvard Dlnne Marie Rublnow and us an infantry officer during U n i v e r s i scholarship game, behind the sparkling defen- Martin liercovicl t y , Cambridge, Mass. Klhel II. Sabcs Sharon L « Bernstein Israel's War of Independence. sive support of Ills teammates. There he will study for a Muster* Diana Kuy Schrcibcr General Harkabi, a member of Samuel Bleiclier -Nathan Schwalb Rvee In p«\itici\\ s t i t i w . Me is Stuart .Kahn, Bob Ginsburg, Marilyn Diana Braun the delegation which negotiated Gail Fuye Slider John Okun and l.imly Paul came Nancy Kllen Iirodkey an armistice with Egypt, joined the son of Mr. and Mr», Jnclt Bun. I^ou Beth Sliwldelson • his government's foreign office lip with many pretty plays during Frieda Cohen Keva Stewart Shyken after the war. In 1350, he was apthe evening to help jicrserve the Eilon Colin Kdwin Norman Sitlnmn pointed, deputy chief of intelli Marvin dene Colin Frances Silver shutout. gence, und five yearn later as WINNERS Frances A. CViojierman Steven Allan Sloan chief. The Center team handed out 11 Meyer Hershel Coven Dr. ami Mrs. Aided ISrady <u\4 Roger Kldon Smith Advisory CommHt^o Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Friedman wcro hits and jumped on Thill's pitcher I''.ui;i-iw A. Dandy Howard Michael Stoler Serving on the convention's ad high .scorers In the recent TournaI^eanne Dorothy Trust Joel, in the opening frame for five Joel J. Davis vlsory committee with Mr. Rosen Dolgoff ment Bridge .session held at the Sandra Turek tuns. Kirke had three si might hits Carolyn are: Dr. Abe Greenbo.rR, chair- Jewish Community Center. Albert J. Dwoskin Knld Vcngcr man: I.otiis Bernstein, Sam Canar, and batted in {our runs to com- I^awrence Martin Klewltz Marilyn Arlene Welnberg 17. Chapman, Harry Cohen, Harry Sheff Katskec, coordinator, statplete a perfect performance. Arlene Sup Kpsteln Maynard Weinberff 11. Cohen, Ben Gershun, Pavid ed that the next meeting will b« Bradley Gene Kpstein .Catcher Stuart Kahn broke out liette Kay Weiner Goldman, Arthur Goldstein, Sam held at the Center,-Thursday, Juno Clary Allen Kpslcln of a slump with a booming 300 foot Arnold N. WeinUaub reenhprg, William Grodlnslty, 9, at 8 p. m. Maureen Marda Kpstein triple, a single and drove in three Irene M. Winer Morris E. Jacobs, Louis Katelman, Matthew Y. Faier Walter E. Wise runs. Maurice Katzman, Robert- Kooper, YOUNG ADULTS 1'I.AN Karen Rence Forbes Judy Wolilncr J. Harry Kulakofsky, I^ouis Lipp, I5OX I.UN</'H AUCTION The team played the Midwest Donald I.ee Forman Mary Paula Yager Milton Livingston, Sam Meyerson, The summer activities of tha AC. last night at Adams Park and Sliaron Frances Frank Hymio Milder, Jula M. Newman, Young Adults will begin with an—• will meet the Knight of Columbus Helcne Hue Franklin F. Ralph Nogg, Joe Rice, Morion After Finals—fancy box lunch aucWestside High 652, at Upland Park, 7.13 p. m. Bonnie Mao Freshman Richards, John Rosenblatt, Harry tion, Sunday, June 5 at '8 p. m. at this Sunday, June 5. Bruce Goldstein Judy Friedman S i d m a n , Jacob Slosburg, .Sam the home of Benny Abramson, 1523 j . C. c. ! Thin A. c. Norman A. Krizelmon Lawrence D. Garrop Steinberg, Dr. I. StemhlH, Harry North 5'2SU~eet. ob h r rbl' oi> h f rbi Karen Morisse Ro))ert II. Glnshurg Paul 1b 4 2 1 liYarvo " 2 0 0 0 Trustin, Paul Veret, and Sam The box lunches prepared for Handl'n ?t> 3 1 1 OrCamiOTi c) 3 0 0 0 Gloria Okrent Frank N. Goldberg Glnib'rg 31) J I 0 0 Mtcuss 1b 7 0 0 0 Wolf. Dorothy Ann Saylan wo by the girls will be auctioned Judy Frances Goldner Martin, cf 3 1 2 liNlnrllnM c J 0 0 0 Klrke p 3 3 ? 4 Rlmet 3b I 0 0 0 Jlstelle Schulman to tho boyn. Jtvry fever v»itt b» Jcrald Goldstrom Colnlc Cf 2 0 1 O X O I K I II 1 1 0 0 Bonald Lawrence Susman auctioneer. Anabel I/ee Graetz Kahn c 3 2 1 3'ftngelo r< 2 0 0 0 Konccfc/ If 2 1 0 OMunuel If 0 0 0 0 Ronald J. Greene The arrangement committee InScllch'cic l( 0 0 0 CliJoel p 1 0 0 0 BRIDGING THE CENTURIES Okun «i 3 1 1 l'Oefhel p 1 0 0 0 Ronald Harris Grey SouthHigh cludes Mort Bonnet, Jevry Fever, Sandra Kay Gross YOUTH 'COUNCIL SOKTBAM. Robert Hlrsh, Carl Morris, Karen OF JEWISH HEROISM Stanley Zwerllng Rayim remained the only un- Alene Claire Grossman Mozer and Dave Rothenberg. defeated softhall team in the James Joseph Gus» All young adults are invited to Youth Council league after the sec- Ian Isaac Her/oR Delegates of 16 attend. • ond week of play last Sunday at Marilyn Kny Hobcrman Elrmvood Park by virtue of a 11-1, Daniel Hollis Nations Attend drubbing administered to AZA William Edward Horwlch Kuvil Z. Kalninn No. 1. Housing Seminar Kay Kaplan AZA No. 1, fell apart with sev- Marilyn Israel—An International housAnn Katleman RUG & UPHOLSTERY en error3 and a host of walks by Janice ing seminar attended by 30 replloy David Katskee their pitchers, enabling the defend- Judy Mae Kalz .. resentatives from 16 countries In CLEANERS ing champions to walk away in a Michael Don Katz Africa, Asia, Latin America-and RUGS — CARPETING "no contest gqme." Steady Steve Phyllis Carol Katzman the Mediterranean region is con1AMP SHADES Guss allowed only five hits and his Carleen Gail Klass vening In Israel. mates backed him with a 12 hit at- Cynthia Jenn Klein FURNITURE Tlie seminar was organized by tack. Larry Allen Kohn Cleaned in Your Horns! the Housing Division of the MinIn the other same AZA No. 1000, Alan K. Konccky istry of Labor and the InternaBinding—Laying—Repairing pounded out 35 hits combined with Mary Ann Krasne tional Co-operation and Assistance Gerald A. Lehr all sorts of errors and waltzed to Section of the Foreign Ministry. HA 2554 Don Bernstein a 13-2, victory over AZA No. 100. .Edward Levey During the first part of the semBoth games were completed in Harold Abo Levey inar, those holding central posifive innings, making all four Myra Joan Lipp tions in the sphere of housing in Frances Magzamin games played to date lopsided af- Karen their own countries, heard lectures, Both Ann Mukiesky fairs. partlcpated In lectures and in study Michael Howard MnrkovJtZ STANDINGS WON LOST tours throughout, the country. ftaylm 2 0 Howard Robert Martin ,,.., , A Z. Z A A. A. 1000 1 Martin Meyers During the second part of the fc£S:W::::::::::::::::::::::S I Sarah K. Milder seminar, the visitors will bo at- Prof. Yjgael YsJin of ths Hebrew UnlFrances EstherMlntz This Sunday AZA No. 1 plays tached to housing companies and .vcrsily of Jerusalem, who, at Chief of AZA No. 1000, and It»yim plays Irvin Nathan government departments dealing Opcrolions, led Israel's forces to vie Alvin S. NewberS No. 100, at Elmwood Park. Game with housing, each in accordance tonr In ilia 194S war of Independence, Robert Sterling Nogg haldt • relic of an earlier Jewish time is i0 a. m. with his own specific interests. Sheila Rae Novak itruggle: tlio Bar KocIiLa revolt ajtolntt SHOTS IN THE 1>AKK . . . Countries participating Jn the Home. This pan and IS other lines Maurice Lewis pepper, Jr. Ray Klrke batting over 800 In seminar which will conclude June objects, tiled for pagan cult worihip, the first three games. He has five Pamela F. PereJmon 15 are: Australia, Burma, Chile, FOR had apparently been seized by Jcwltb straight hltg in tholast two en- Douglas C. Platt Cyprus, Ecuador, El'Salvador, Is- rebels froro • Komon encampment over Bridal Portrait* Justin W. Plotkin counters . . . Lindy Paul on base, rael, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Puer- 1,800 years ago. They were found by AHD Judith Ann Pollack __' • • «lx straight times and scored each to Rico, Singapore, Tanganyika, Gen. Yadin, now a Profciior of ArcheCandid Wedding at the Hebrew Unlvcr«ity, on on (Una befora striking out in the Rochelle Ann Iteta Turkey, Yugoslavia and Vietnam. ology CAll cxpcdilion to the" JuJcnn desert cave>> third Inning of the Thill game . . . whlcli proyHed refugn for (lie survive John Okun played his first softors of tlio unsuccessful revolt. Also ball game with the team last week Research for U.S. found wer« 14 letters by Bar Kocbba And looked good at the shortstop 817 So. 36th HA 1044 tmd a scroll frnnment slid more anposition .... Stuart Kahn continues cients n portion of tho UlU VttXm. By Israeli Unit to come up with tha "big" defenslvo play each gamo . . . high Tel Aviv (WNS)—Rehabilita- Washington (JTA)—Tho U.S. schoolers, Bob Ginsbu-g, Howard tion of the aged and the physical- Department of Agriculture anMartin and Allan Konecky doing ly handicapped "is one of the big- nounced that basic research on well in pass "A" circles . . . Selt- gest jobs In the social life of Is- cotton will be done for the departchlck and Konecky shared one ace rael," Minister of Labor Giora Jo- ment by an Israeli research unit. A grant to the Israeli Ministry of feandago In tho Thill game after sephthal, said. Konecky tripped going into second Addressing a conference of Mal- Commerce and Industry will fibasa in tho first Jnning. In the ben, Joint Distribution Committee nance a five-year study of the rejtourth frama, Koneclty returned welfare and rehabilitation program lationship of crimp to other fiber • PEPPERED BEEP tho bandago as Seltchick went Into in Israel, Pr. Josephthal said that characteristics and its effect on • UVEI? SAUSAGE left field for h i m . . . Douglas Platt rehabilitation wa3 "a Job which cotton processing prefromance and • FRANKFURTERS to Stanford University next fall was to be done on many fronts by product quality. • CORKED CFXf , . . Tho Center gymnasium now thb employers, the workers, the Research will be done In Israel has ail now hooks on the basket- government, the rehabilitation "at tho Ministry's Institute for fib• PASTflAMI ball rims . . , the mats will all bo agendles and tho people them- ers and forest products research. • BOLOGNA fcovered with special plastlo cov- selves." . erings by next f a l l . , , Steve Gusa proved to be a major factor In tho Summarizing tho two-day conCentral high school track squad ference, which brought together AT LEAOma BUICATESSMJ. W K M M K E H JA 1JM (o tnsart your Want Ad In , . . h o lettered, running tho 880 membera o£ the Malben-JDG staff th»Phont Jewish Pr««. and on ona of tho relay teams . , . and other specialists In tho health Rat* I* SO CCTII far cactr ftir» om Inwr. Hon. Tti» Press r«erv» th« rlalil to limit Jeff Pomerantz won a «cholastlo and welfare fields, Louis D. Hor- >lu of each advertisement. SAUSAGE COMPANY OF CHICAGO (Scholarship to Northwestern Unl- witz, Malben-JDC Director, Inysriaty this summer... Ho will at- dicated tho organization's readiDAILY JEWISH PATERS |nd a special high school speech ness to continue its maximum elr^ to help Israel to solve its so- BAR anil BasUUtzvaU congratutlasa on tha Biff Ten campus . . . MORTON WHOLESALE MEAT CO. reft dll a flno Job with tha Midget cial welfare problems by an Indi- lations also for all Jewish holiWB19X4 vidualized casD-l>y-case approach k b U leagtfo tha past year. days and special occasions. • to each needy client Meyexf News Stand, 1502 Dodge

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John Kalina

Hehabiliialion Is iajor Job in Israel

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