Vol. XXXVIII—No. 39
Published every Friday, 101 No. 'iOtb Omaha, Nebraska, Phone JA 1366
10, VJGO
Second Class I'ostape Paid at Omaiio. Nebr.
Slngla Copy 1C Cent* Annua] Hate 4 Dollar!
Program for Incoming FresliErseo and Parents Arthur Nelson, principal of I,i\ss than two weeks an* left «5,00 Central Ifif;h School; Dr. Edwin IJ, X-yinnn, director, Omaha Health register for Ounp Juy-C-C \vh opens June 20. A carefully select Juno 2U-Ju!y 15 140.00 160,0fl Department, and Dr. J. Lewis etl staff will .SUIKTVISO all iictivi For additional information cul Ymjer, psychologist, will participate in a panel discussion on tics, Normun Mutt, Cump Chair tlio Cump Office, JA 1,'tfiij, "What's Ahead For Your High man, reported. •School Freshman" at: the Jewish Tlu? camp will of/Vr Ci'ineiiip, Community Center on Tuesday, swimming in a now pool, hiking, June ]•!, at H p.m. Bert Bender, mid Irips. In order to avoid waifCenter Youth Committee chair, inj; lists, imrwifs avo urn«»i1 to <-n niiin, will he tho moderator. rolj cani|K'i\s while uponin^s exist Four weeks of v;ir;ition fun for Discussion- will center around yoiii!(:Kl<'is will li('f;in <in Afondiiy the educational, medical and social are: June 1,'S when tlie Jewish Com- needs of the coming freshmen. Jtihn Hohcrmofi <;nu,s fieri Jorol)^ munity Center Day Cump opens. l i t Session Jacob Kluu't All fathers and mothers are invited Julie Urcll I'lck-up-polnl'i •Bruce Muskin to attend and participate in the KfjHiy Chapman Skip Rlchordi Capipers will he picked up nt discussion. A social period will CecUy Irvin Rodin Worldi10 Hotowlc* Mtiurfcc Moieril-prg five convenient locations: Joivisl honey Wind llruCQ SctincliJcr follow the program. Delia Jacob', Community Center, Heth Israel Roger Srff Dchbf Kullii Cnry Solref liclh KI, Temple Israel, .-nid r>2ii<i Barbara Up^hulz Lloyd V/oli(ner. Jock Obrrjiciii iinil Unilerwuoil, anfl takon to the 2nd S c i i o f i Helen Hodlek Howard rp-.tein camp site at Peony I'ark. I'ick-w Maryo rcf Schneider Steven Epstein Julie Taren of ehilrlren will he jnutle at 9 a.in AAark Frllman 2'rid ScSSlort ' Monald Fcllmon daily from Monday through FriSutlo CcraHl Gflretkk Hclme Qahn A workshop for publicity Howard Gould day. They will he returned to the Cytilhi 0 PolQlfVjff Mark Greenbcrg Carol Dubowy same points each (lay nl '1:15 p.m. chairmen and presidents of ttobert Gusi ,' Barbai'0 Jo Hisher Ctiarles Itkowicr Jewish women's organizations Barbara G i m Day Camp activities 'include tiJnar Kutafcotsky affiliated -with the Federation Robert Kull*?r .suimmlni;, athletics, camping Money Kaplan Stuart Llpman of Jewislf" Women's Clubs, will Jgtiel Ltpsey Druco L^wls hildnj,', (jroup puW's, trips, nature Carol Simons -Jeffrey O5ticrclf he held Friday, June 37 nt lure, arts and crafts, dancing and Jerry Simon* 12::i0 p, m. at the home of its Michael fiftiwarlz siuKiiu;, eooUimts, ilniiiiiitirs iind Ellen Wlcn Udward Ztilnsky second vice president, Mrs. Jewish cultural pro!;rains. Full 'e'.'.lon Full Set'.lnn Dave Cohn D<wer)y Abrarnj Daily I.iincli Scrvcil Mkfiyt-1 Abrams Janice AtJreme Mrs. l.Ioyd Friedman, WomVVayno Brett Belly BrotJy C'itinjM'rs wil be served lunch Bobby Broijy •••" Caroline [Jrody duily mid n snack at ,'j p.m. First . en's. Federation President, deWuynionfl (Jouganlin France*. Brod/ Oarry Colin Miriam CuMer poriod is from June 13 to June clared she hoped everyone will Kafmcllo Froidenrekh .'icott FflftJmon Mlihael Gorcnow Leah Fraidonrolch 'l\. Second period Is from June attend the session designrl to Mo-wurd J « i Deborah Goitlmaii familiarize the women with 27 to July 8.. Kates are W"i.0(> for Gary Kopian Judf L r r 5tf?vo Kolzmon Debfty l.ipp each two week period or $fi0.00 basio pulilici ty icchni'iuc. David Kla^i fil'tf) //fjluiOCk Robert Lamburd The workshop will he confor the entire four weeks. There; Colh/ Rip-. Nr-al //alo'.rirjcK Ourbaro KGhimon ducted by Mrs. Leonard Klein, ;irc no extra fees. Hates include Steven Meltzcr Cw.nn Robliuor) Victor M t l i ; e r Cllcn 7e1in^ky transportation, food, emits, in- editor of the Jewish Press. Sloven Milder Alun Mirson surance and trips. Knrollment is IJOVS Orion Wlrson 1st Session. limited ar.d there aro only a. few ^tevc Slivctrncin Plorre Flatnwlci Jffrry Wattjbaum more places available. Full payDfnnct) Crefn-iparj - Sheldon Zwcrlrna Sldn?/ Helr-lcr ment must accompany npplicaMi.ss K a y n n Manvit/, I o c a 1 tion. Call JA. l.'iOG for further BchooJ teacher; h;is IWVII' uppoint- information. cd Girls Villnyc Director. DAY CAMP REOISTRATIOM Jorne) Steltiljrrg U0Y5 Dates OiimlKi N'on-Hrw. KCIIIl WunniT June 2tJ-.Iuly 5 ? 75.00 ,S 85.00 Barry Bclmonl •GIRLS CohM
Center Day Oamp Starts This ionday
Workshop June 17
11 f i i I IT r
Washington (JTA)—The Ma line corps indicated this week that as long as the "American Nazi Party" is not on the AUorneyGeneral's subversive list, it cannot prevent members of the Corps
Nixon Rejects Support Of [ki\ Parly Leader Washington (JTA)—Vice-President Kichard M. Nixon repudiated support offered him in his presidential campaign by George L. Kockivoll, "American Nuzi Party" lender. Herbert G. Klein, special assist ant to the Vice President, said Mr. Nixon's views on Nazism were in the same category as his reacation to Communism. Klein snid that "all Americans should join in op posingjiny man who stirs up bias and hatred."
Israel-Nepal Ties Kataninndu, Nepal—Premier B P. Koirala said in a report, confirmed in Israel Foreign Ministry circles, that his country and Israel soon would announce the opening of diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level. Mr. Koirala, said at. n press conference, "There is no reason why this should affect our relations with Arab countries."
"rifli Eicpecfs 75®
Preparations Made For Eichmann Trial Jerusalem (JTA)—Preparations for tlu* tritil of A<loH Kichmann, Nazi official responsible for the deaths of 6,000,000 Jews, may take considerably lonK'*1' than the .six t o oitfht WCH'US orifJtiiiUy cstimuicd and may tal«? as long as six months. . Kichmann now in an Israeli prison, may, not he tviotl before next yoat. Tlio trial itsolf, it was ' predicted, < might continue as lorvg ns six months in view of the enormous number of documents and the quantity of evidence, unearthed.
h C l b f.onnp H p c Robcrf Frcernon '/aurlce Frlciinion Klaus Jocobr. Howard Lcv<ii Wiart Lincoln Rosi Alfjroolln Jchi) Ro^enbera Mark Schoenbaum Michael Sond Sleplicn ihcrmao •Alchoel 'SJicrmon . 2nd Scislon Gordon Hobcrniun Jfjcol> Irkov/lr.l MurC. Lliipcll Qpnlomln Rodlck fdckv Slrof Full Srsslon Gorry Oelmonl Howard Cohn Harry Don Mothan Feldinon Pobcrt Coodblntler Jl K i h b Jimmy Kirthcnboum Jimmy Lchr Jeffrey Lohowjkl Pcfer Newman Sfevtn Rico Marlon Rips Jimmy Roteman Michael Rosrnboum Thamua
JUIIB Dtrn'.lein ffiyro Gordon Sornaall KulJfiion K«Hiy Lincoln Jonl Lohrmui Snlly tlwyj Joule Htmrncrmun Kalhy Sliclton Mnrgfjrct Sclinoldcr 2nd Session Susie Duch^old Salty Cooper Toby Cukjer Miriam Frunk KoWiy Goldstein Marilyn Kali Sliosliona tAWkl Nancy Roicn'jlock Carol Raduilner Marilyn Relsbourn Knrcn Rice llaticy Roi5 HsIIlD Sclmolb Full i c i i i o d Leslie Oabchdlr Mlchclo Hulprln Bar'Jara Londmnn Sherry LIppcll Honey Milder Sonic Polonsky Helpn Rosenberg Avcva Sllverbranii Judy Strcl
Omaha men demonstrated their Americans. lie said other coununderstanding and awareness of tries have turned to Israel for aid the needs that must be met throtiRh the benefit of her.experthrough the Jewish Philanthropies ience, ' . - " , TJio "Unfurnished Story fcarripnign (is they reported to Morton Richards,.-Initial Gifts Chair- ' Tlie other side of the Israel story man, Monday night. Many in- presents a different picture, Mr. creased pledges were announced Goldstein said. fit the annual Initial Gifts Division", "Israel still 1ms thousands in tho fllnner at the Highland West Club. Ma'abaot, or shanty, many from North Africa, who find it difficult "Aivurdenc.is of Community" Milton Abrahams, General Cam- to adjust" he explained. "Schools are free for children to paign chairman, stated that inbreasea of pledges made at the re- the ago of 14." Those who cannot cent "Parlor Meetings" indicated go on with their education, look i n awareness in the community of for work, and not finding it are on the street and candidates for owlsh values and needs. juvenile dellqucncy." .Israel's Progress Cited Mr. Goldstein described the Melvin S. Golstcin, national vice- needs in Morocco where children iresldent of the United Jewish Ap- are fed through campaign funds, ieal, tha £iicst Bpeaker, told the the desperate situation in Poland nrge group of men present, that and other countries where the srael is a great country wtlh great plight of Jews Is so tragic. Iroblems. Crises of Today Ho spolco o£ tho groat stHdcs The crises faced today, Mr. Goldniade by Israel, with such as the stein said are not the kind that growing oil pipe lines, beautiful makes headlines but are just as hotels, Hebrew University, iKe important as he declared funds are aTochnlon, housing, agricultural de- needed desperately tO'give people velopments, all possible with the place to go, a chance for freedom dollars ami understanding of and to live llKo Jews,
Ofiicagoan So Preside Program Features M Women's Sessions Social Affairs Mrs. Joseph Garland of Chicago, III., president of li'nai Il'rith Women's District No. 6 and leader in many philanthropic and community activities, will preside at the women's meetings of tlie dls-
,11 r-*. (Jiirlimd Mrx. d i d convention, June 20-29, at the Paston Hotel, women's heartquarters. Women's District No. 6—the Second, largest district of national B'jiai B'rith women will meet In Omaha for the first-time in twenty years, Mrs. Sam Pollak, women's chnirman of the Omaha contention, revealed. "Il'nal B'rith Women Building Bridges of Service through Communications," is the theme of the women's meeting. A reception for women's deleatea will be held a t 2 p. m. June 20, on opening day. The following women have been named committee chairmen, Mrs? Pollak reported: M m e i . Dovld oiclcher, official hostess; Abo Grconbero, Civic Night; Edward Rosen, Hlnhland County F a i n M a x Sacks, banquet; Barney Hoberman, Ak-Sor-Ben Field D a y ; H a r r y Sldrtan and Leonard Klein, press and publicity; Stanley Snaplro end Harry Fried, man, convention program;. Carl Loomon and Den Dlall, dolly bulletin; Sorn- Garrop, banquet decorations; Herbert Paismart and Harold coopcrman, luncheon decorations; David Olelcher, hospitality; Sidney Kwiatek ind Poul Sacks, DBG pono oW». M m e i . Harry Friedman, Slcno Pool; M l l on Low ond Denny Rlfkln, youth luncheon; ",om Harm, Instal(cl5on luncheon; Robert SI!Jer, dfnner with the president; Marvin Gerber and Stanley Shapiro, gilt (hop; M a x Krlielmon and Bernord Kalmon, convention 'avorsi David Dlelclior, photography;. Irving Forbes, transportation; Ralpti Hooa, bannuet Ickeis; Albert Oruch, individual tickets; Jam Poliak, David Dlolcher, and M a x Sacks, rien'j cooperation; Harry Smith, Inrormalon booth; Bernard Goldslrom, display exhibits; Aaron Epstein, chalrmoni Harry •rlearnan end tjathan O&troyr, co-cholrmen on reglitrotlon; Sam Pollok, oeneral chairman, and M a x Sacks/ co-chatrrnan,
from affiliating with the party. This was a development growing out of disclosure that at A hectic Memorial I5ay demonstra* tion of Rockwell's party, that a Marine stationed at (he" Quantico Marine base was one of Rockwell's estimated 2i "storm-troopers." Marine Jfclc.iscd The marine was arrested by military police on .charges of aiding Rockwell in the anti-Jewish rally and later freed in the absence of any legal violation. Rockwell has.announced that his organization will picket tho Israel Embassy, the White House and the United Nations on June 11 to protest alleged Israeli "persecution" of Adolf Eichmann, the Na/.i war criminal. Rockwell also boasted that members of his "Storm Troops" included men on active duty with the United States Armed Forces. Senators Move In Two powerful senators, both members • of the Armed services Committee moved into the situation. Sen. Leveret t Sallonsiull, (Mass.) asked die marine Corps commandant for a full report and the office of Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (Tex.* also wns studying the participation of the Marine in Rockwell's activities. -JWV Culls Mvotinj; The Jewish War Veterans announced a national policy committee meeting in New York on June H to discuss counter-measures against Nazi activities scheduled in Washington and New York oil July 4. • ,
To Aid ^edsoal Fund
The Bikur Cholim Society will Nearly 750 persons are expect- nojd its annual June luncheon' and ed in Omaha for the annual Dis- card ' parly on Monday, June I'.i, trict No. 6 Men's and Women's at 1 p. m. at the Jewish CommunJJ'nal B'rith Convention June 26- ity Center. Mrs. Harry Sidman has been 29. Although the men will hold appointed ticket chairman by Mrs. their htuiine.s.s sessions at the Sher- .Jake Wine, president. Mvs. Cecil aton-Fontenello Hotel find the Izenstnlt and her committee are women «t the Paxton Hotel, they planning the luncheon and Mrs. will join for the social events Abe Kraut/ and her committee planned for their entertainment, will have charge of table setting. Proceeds of the luncheon, Mrs. Kdwnrd A. Rosen, 13G0 Omaha Wine statetl, will be used for tho Convention Chairman, suid. medical program and other imporGeneral Yehoshafat Karkabi, tant activities of the organization. Chief of the Israeli Army IntelGuests are invited to make up ligence, the organization whose :heir own tables for curds and activities hit the newspaper head- Mali Jogg. Tickets, a dollar perlines with the capture of Nazi person for the luncheon, may ba Adolf Eichmann, will make the purchased at the door. main address ut Civic Night, .Sunday night, June 26 at the Shera- JEWS AND MOSLEMS ton-Fontenelle. N CASABLANCA.ELECTION' Paris (JTA)—Jews and Moslems Another social event on Monday, June 27 will fee the Highland cooperated actively In recent muCounty Fuir at 6:30 p. m. at the nicipal elections in Casablanca, Highland Country Club. A B'nai Morocco. B'rljh Handicap will be a feature of the afternoon program at the Ak-Sar-Ben track, arranged for horse-racing fans, Tuesday, June 28, . The convention will hear an address by Philip M. IClut/.nick, past Israel—An Israeli physician, international president of B'nai B'rith and former Omahan, nt the Dr. h. Neumann, will direct a closing banquet in the Civic Audi- sovernment Eye Hospital, opening torium, Wednesday, June 29. The this- month in Monrovia, the Ltinstallation of officers will be a borian capital. His staff will include two Israel-trained Liberian part of the evening's program. nurses. The nurses are Mrs. Theodoshie Johnson, mother of six children and Miss Jean Knowlden who have lust completed six months' special training at tho Hadassuh-Hebrew University Department of Ophthal« There are now 389 rabbis in mology. Dr. Neumann.' is senior Israel, of whom 224 aro- Ash- assistant of the department. kenazlm and 174 aro SopharDr. K. J. Mann, director Gendim, It was announced by the eral of. tho Hadassah Medical Chief Rabbinate. Organization, said Israel was preA total of 11 new rabbis pared to provide1 special English wero appointed by tho Chief anguaga courses for Afro-Asian Rabbi to various posts In tho students If they applied In suf« last six months. ficient numbers.
Israel Doctor to Direct Liberian Eye Hospital
Israel Has 398H@bg>is
Friday, /line 10, I860
Bar r
All trira<!» and relatives are lmiled to attend sen Ices and rcceiitioii.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goldman of I Ilir lit. 1-1,111, Nt»a anil t Jen Mi T i l * Agr<J l u Hiot'iiix, Ariz., Hnnmiiict> the birth «nr llailil orhun. of a (laughter, Mvlissn Sue <>» April JOSKl'II (iUKlCNBKItti I'UIMI' (WEUKNIIKIttt . . . . . E d i t o r M. Mrs. (ioldtmin is the former ]>avi'l Orkow, Home Stipci inli-nrlJoseph and Philin GiernberK, Hill•b.'H-ii P.'lpeiny. (Jriimlpaifrrits of tin? baby oiv eut, has returned from AtlHiitk- iv.in Buns oi Mr. anil'Mrs. Sttmiwl Mrs. Max (lolilmnii of Des Moine.s. i City, N. J-, v.hiTe he l epji-M-iilccl j M. Gi eenber^ will celebrate th« la,, and .Mr. and .Mrs. Morris J'aril- Omaha at T h e National Coiifer- 'Hal" Mil/.vah, .Saturday morninjf, euee lor J e u i s b Communal Servii-r. June II at Beth Kl HynauoKue. inati.
Published Every Friday by tho Jewish Federation at Otualta.
ieconO Ga^s Poiian* Pcld at Omaha, Nebr. Annum Subscription, V4.0Q. Advertising tfates en Appilcaifen. Publication Office—101 tio ^Otrt Street Oinoho, Nebr- JAckson 1344.
Graduation Excises Beth Israel, Jons 15
The administrators of ,h-u i^li Thirteen students will be graduated from the lieih Israel Talmud A son born lo .Mr. and Mrs. Da- homes lor the Afjod at. s e p a r a t e \ id Meyers on May 14 in Clarkson meetings agreed that the whole Torah in exercises, June 15 at 8 ! Hospital, has been named Joseph social s t r u c t u r e of homes lor the p. m. at the synagogue. Stuart. The Meyers haw? another iiKed must be I eroiiMiueled to Members ot the class -ire I.aurinodei n day eoneepts ,-nid ejvr the son, Jonathan. nice liloom, Susie \\iw Hrunlis(<-in, aj;ed more ronen-te w a y s to till Allen S. Cuhii, Sidney Harold Kriednian, Alexander Grossman, BKTII I-X Mr. :ind Mrs. Hamon Somhert; their extra years, whieh medical Philip Cail Itkin, Rob<-ria <\ Meyhave t;i\en the name, Kenneth I science has ad(l»-d to our .span ot Kahbi Mycr S. Kripke will deprson, Ar.je Xai.'hman. Hruce Alan liver tlie eh;u'i:e to uratluali-s and Alan to their first i-hild. born June life. Poster. Jerry Smith, l.eon A. Nhrii- (.'Oiil'ii'iiia;i(ls, at Kridny niclit M I T - ,'i in flarksori Jlospita). SI'KCIAl, (WI'T j;o, Kllen riulli /.elinsky and Mar- ices, al H:15 p. in. Kif;ht pu|iils will nnuidpaivnts art' Messrs. «nd Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holiersha A. /.ueiback. Mines. Morton liichards and I.ouis , ,„,•„,_ •„, imnor of the linr Mit/\tdi y cunt ii'inefl. t\\enty-ei(j;ht Thi'ii- respective parents me the u;ileil from Talmud Torah nnd 1\vo Somber),'. Groat-grandpai-ruls arc of their .son. Kenneth. Messrs. and Mini's. Will Bloom. A. School j Mi's- "<» ; ' Perimeter. Mr». Abe from the Mr. and Mrs. Norman Korney, Ki'Ooksti-in. Max Colin. Albert : Somlii'i-R mid Mr. and Mis. Alx- ill honor ol their new Kiandchild, ill' Jewish Studies. Friedman, Ignar Ciossman, David Certificates and diplomas will he Jonothan .Sherman Mildei-. Jtliin. I .on .Meyeisitii', Nathan N.'i'-hprcM-nli-d by Yale C.olsdiner, I!.-tli Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiirl/niali. man, William I'li.-ter. Hairy Smith, and Mrs, Hcrnard Wolpa of Mr. Kl School Board chairman. Anill honor of the liar Milzvah of Harry Shrago. II. Zrlin'-ky anil 1 MorK^n (iro\'e. III., announce the | nouneeinrni w ill hf' imuli of special their son, Charles. J. Zwieback. ili.stinctions; the Dr. I'liilp Shcr birth of « dau<:litor, Andrea Wynn. (in May L'f). They are also the Kabhi .Myej- Krispkf was our Kducaticiiial Fund .iv.ai'ds nnd the parents of a son, Hrian. IJabbinical Visitor this week. uinntM- of the Shlomo and 7J(jt.la (iraiuipareiitK arc Mr. and "MnC Shitvnoll). the Feast- of Weeks, I Mfinoi-iiil avviii'il. Cantor Aaron I. i Kfiijar and the Hetli Kl Synat:oi'iie Mclvin Schut^ of Kkokie, III., find uas celebrated <m June 1 and 2 Mi\ Ales Wolpa. with special services in tho home Sanniel 1. Here]; of Fremont ; Choir will render the musical |mrSyiiHKiigiit1. llf>lls jNiflir. has been named State VAIII[Zi;iT: Special memorial •rhairiii.-in of the Cnitcd Nations! Sahhath morning smices will .services uerp held for the lollowa Commiliee. by Covernor Htilpli •'"•«'" < H::iO. The Junior ConcicMrs. Harry Memlelson has re- iliK. the anniversary of whose V. Brooks. The' appointment minks Kiitimi, at I(l::',0 a. in. Minchu Miia- turned to the city after <i visil death will be remembered durini; ri\' nro. ln-1'1 at Daily thn eighth con-i-niiivp y«-ar Mr. ' r'n" arc held at 7:,'1'» p. in. aif held ;il 7 a, in. and with her daughter, Mrs. Maynard the month of .Sivan: May '27, Israel Ki'i-rk has headed the cominittee. services in.'Sunday mor,,i,,K'at ') a.'.... * OWMIMTK of -Mount V.-rnon, N. j Sa.lol.sky and Dora Chaif; J,,,,(, 7, P Mr. Herclt plans to apiioinl Y. She also visited relatives, in Joseph i.oMwan", J u n e >), S a r a h local chairmen in cities anil towns Boston. Her son-in-law in asso- WWiistoiii, Morris T u r n e r and J o lhroii','hout the slate in prepara- ;Il'.NAI ,1M(>n AHAK h|1 1 P' ' i u s l 1 " ' " I •'">"• •>•', Malcia ciated with the McCann F.ricson tion for the observance o/ t!nil*'d ; Vi:siHK()N Friday. Mincha. 6:30 p. in., SalI Ad\.-rtisiii Company of Ni-w York. K Matiuns Day. urday. H:,'H) a. rn., Mincha, t;:.'!(l ^Ir. mid Alrn. ilaek Ban nci'om- j p. rn. followed by Sholosh Seuilos. Daily services at (i:M a. m., and punjefi by their daughter, •liuli will i A monument will he u>ivr:-iU-d in j ti::iO j i . in. attend the graduation of their son, i memory of Mrs. Uora Koom. Sun- ] .Michael from the University of j Rollfe Rogers day, June VJ at Id a. rn. at Golden Chicago nil June 11. Michael was ; CMri.K ISItAKI, Complete Barfaering Strvic* Hill Cemetery. Rulibi Myui S. Karly smmm-i- service* will be notified this week of his election j Satisfaction Auured Kripke ol Heth Kl Kyna^'OKUc, will j heldat T.-mi<lc i r l and d continue lo I'hi Beta Kappa, II scholastic Ij Israel officiate. j every Friday evening throughout j honorary. He will serve as a coun- . • Shampooj • Fflciali • Tontci at .I. Bar Double C. ranch • Sh*ve% • Hairculj A muiuiment will I*K- nnv-nvd i "ie summer in H,e Chapel at 7::y> l*<'lor cam f>l in memory of Alex Wolpa, Sunday j p. m. Rabhi Sitlni-y H H. B Brooks P ^ 1Klbcrt, l h i Sid k willl j «»np " « ' 1 ' 'Colo. ° Appointmcnfi Sav« Tim» at 11 a.m. at Hefh El Cemetery, officiate. GL 9284 i IIKLKTZ on, crsiiicit Rabhi Myor S. Kripke will off Tol-Aviv (JTAl-Oil' prosppc- 6618 Blonde 8 A.M.-6 P.M. ficiate. Friends and relatives a r e IIKTII IKHAKL. Kolxilas Shabb(js Friday oveiiini; j tors in (he Hclolz fields brought in invited to atend. services begin at 7:.')() p. in. at ja new oil gusher, \V(.-1I 2(i. Beth Israel. Shabbat.li moniini; serviceji beKin at 8:15 a. m. at Knd and .Chillies Sirci-ls niid at, i( a. m. at Mrs. Sara Susman, registered i<)|h and Hurl Streets. Junior ConX-Ray technician, will attend the Biegntion a I. 9:15 a. m. I^abbi Bcn. National Society of X-Kay Techni- jamin Groner will conduct t)ie Talmmi Class at 7 p. m. Sabbath lUincians C'onvention Seb ISubby) Pulverenta cha at 7:/15 p. m. followed by in and Sholosh Setidos and Manriv. 26 years' Experience June n-16.whei»' Sunday momiiiK services b«Kin she will display Wiffi Jewish at 8:.')0 a. m. followed by breaka recruiting exLeftering «nd Memorials fast and Rabbi's class in Bible. hibit. Mrs. Su<Sunday morning Junior Miiryon, at wan, the Stare 2211 So. 8th AT 2452 8:,'IO, followed by breakfast. Daily society public re-
Samuel I. Berek ts UN Chairman
Omahans in News
.n;i(i:v FAIKK Dr. and Mrs. A. I). Faier announce the bar Mit/vall of their son, Jerry, on Satttrday morninif, une 1H nl Helh Kl
STKI'IIKN siroiei.v .Stephen Siiiorin, son of Mr. mid Mrs. Louis Siporin. will celebrate his Bar Milzvah, Saturday, June IK at 7!elh Israel Synagogue.
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Mrs. Susman to Technicians Meet
services at-7 a. m. and at. 7;50 lations chairman, p. m. will attend a special public rej lations committee meeting. She is a grad- Mr<i. Susman uate of St. Joseph's School or X-Ray, and the wife of Dr. II. S. Susman, editor of "The' Chronicle," journal of the Omaha District Dental Society. Judi Susman Will make the trip with her unother.
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Joan Mayer Becomes Bride Of Martin Lehr af Temple
i i s s Sandra Fellmati To Wed Oerald Stein
Mr. uud Mis. Louis Kellman afternoon ceremony performed 1. ha\e announced the ciicafjenient of their dauKhtei-, Sandra Lee, to Jtabbi Sidney lirooks, on July Gerald Stein, .son of Mrs. Morris in Temple Israel. The bride, dan^lilcr of Mr. an Stein, .Sioux City, la. The bride's parents are plan Mrs. Alfred Mayer, was atlenilc by Mrs. Milton Lehr, Risler-ln-la' ninj? a coekslail party on July 3 of the bri(lci;roitin, an matron o honoring their daughter and her honor. Milton Ix'hr served as hi fiance. brother's best num. They (ire son: Miss Fellman will bo graduated of Mrs. Joesph Ijphv. from the tJniversily of Omaha The implinls took place mule (hi.s month. Mr, .Stein IK n gradua bridal arch of white peonies an ate of Moniingside University, Sioux City. huckleberry. Ushers were Gerald Lehr brother of the bridegroom; Kobei Levine and Richard Frieilnian. The bride wore an Alfred Anne) The Center soft ball team droporiginal of imported silk homh;izin ped two names last week in Class trimmed in peau d' aiifjo lac»\ / "A" Club league piny. .Sloppy Kwciiish crown of seed pearls liel< ha.se-running and several .''crucial her three tier illusion vail. Sh errors were the iniiin causes of carried an HiTanniMiient of while defeat. caltelya orchids and stephanoli The J.C.C. lo.sl lo (he Midwest on a Bible. A. C. .'i-2, Thursday, .lime 2 and Both mothers wore blue Mrs then dropped a 4-1, decision to Mayor in n peau de sole tuni the Knights- of Columbus 652, Mrn. Mnrtin J. I<clir dress and Mrs. I.chr in a jacke.led Sunday, June 5. Their overall navy lace sheath. league record Is now two wins A buffet was served in Temple. and three losses. The couple will live at the Buckingham Manor nflcr n honeymoon at the Broadnioor Hotel, MONA LISA In n double rill); candlelight ci.'rc- Colorado .Springs, Colo. House of Glamour liinny, June 5 ut Hetll Israel SyI I I No. SOtli GL 7000 n;ino|.:ue, Miss Siiia Gelbart, daugh- NKW .IKWISH IIOMK I'OIl 6 Expert Hoir Siyliitl ter of Mr. ami Mrs. Simon Gelbart A<JICn IN OKHMANV Neilsladt f JTAI---A new Jewisl Air-Conditioned Dryers bee.une the bride of James HlnnkMISS MARSH and MISS JERRY rr, son of Mr. !iii(l Mrs. Laziir Home for the Aged, one of the most, modern of its kind in West. Ownert of liiieno.s Aires, Arccnliita. Oflicialint; »t (IHJ wedding wore Germany, hns been inaugurated in Kabbis licnjamin (Iroiier, Matthew ceremonies attended by P. Hodan, M. I'oli.'ikoff, the IWv. Mayer representing Israel, and Willy .Silinlman mid Cantor Kli Kny,nn. Thyssen, Mayor of Neustadt. Mrs. David Gelbarl, .sister-inlaw of tlic bride, was her only filti'iidant. Her husband and Abraham Gelbart, brolliers of the bride, fiervod us best man and candleCANTONESE lighter, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Orlow.ski, sister and brotlxTAPPETIZERS Jn-Iaw of the uroom were lii.s OK-
Mi.si Joan M.i\er liMvme Hi Iride of Martin J. I,ehr in a lai
Sina Gelbart Parried In Befh Israel Chapel
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A reception followed the eeremony. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gnacilt of Albany, N. Y., attended the wedding.
BAM MOTHERS' VIA1H EI.KCT OFFICIOUS Ncwly-clcctcd officers of the Si^mJi Alpha Mti Mothers', Club arc'Mrs.-. Alfred Sophlr, president; Mrs. Robert II. Koopei-, vice-president i Mrs. James Samuelson, sccrotary and Mrs. lien Wintroub, treasurer. MRS. AIHJAIIAMS DANZNi TO ADDKIOSS MIZKACIir Mrs. Abraham M. Danzig of Kansas CJty, Mo., regional virepresident of Mizrnchi Women, will ))e (jucst. speaker at u dessert Jnncheon of the local organiza. tlon, Wednesday, June J5, at the Jewish Community ("enter. Mrs. M. M. Pollnkoff will hold an open house, Tuesday at 8 p.m. at her home, 5119 Iznrd Street for Mrs. Danzig. All members and friends are invited.
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