June 17, 1960

Page 1

Vol. XXXVHI-No. 40


'eriod, June 27 \ program filled with activities u store for children enrolled fur lust two weeks of Center Day Camp, Mr.-and -Mrs. Y.'ile Trilstin. chairmen of the puy Camp Committee, reported. The second camp period begins June 27. Swimming, hiking, a r t s and crofts, Subbuth programs, trips and eookouis are part of the busy schedule offered to campers. v Parents are urged to register children Immediately to avoid any disappointment, fees »re $35.TO for the two week period and in : dude t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , meals, snacks, art and craft materials. Cy Seitcheek, O u t e r Physical h'fliicatloii Director, is also Camp Director and is assisted by Mrs. Charles fin ret/.

Loan for Israel Btf ay Be Approved New York fJTA I—Creation of a Port. Authority for Israel has been recommended by Austin ,1. 'i'obin, executive director of the i'oit of New York Authority, on his return from Israel. .Since Mr. Toblii Merit tit Jirarl Omaha, tin; home or former residence of a number of B'/ini B'rilh (o survey the port situation tliere leaders who have acquired national and international recognition, n( (lie n'<|iii>t nf tl><> Interimtlonwill welcome 1,000 delegates expected here for the organization's «1 Ilmih for UfcoiiHt.riK'ttmi iincl Development, financial circles lure 02nd annual convention district No. 0, from June 2li to June 2',). expressed HIP lii'llcf Unit the Prominent hi local and mitiim-*" '• World Bank uoutil now approve 1 al circles of thy order, havi; been a long-pending Israeli application . tlio lute Henry Moiisliy, Philip M. fur a midli-milllon dollar loan. Klnt/.iili'U, Sinn IJI-IMT, both <>f Kugene P.. lilack, • peesidenl of Park J'"<ircst, 111.; Dr. Abe (Jreeiithe World Bank, who was also in berjc and the late S'.mi I>i-<>n. The spotlight will be on Youth Israel recently, had hinted that lhe Until Mr. Monsky and Mr. Klutz- at the IVnai B'rith Women's con- Israeli loan request would IK' nick -went on to tile international vention luncheon, Monday, Juno granted if the port authority wen; presidency of B'nai B'rith while '27 at "i'2:'.iO p. in. at the Paxlonfound feasible by Mr. Tohln. Mr. • Bcber. and Dr. (ireenberg Hotel, "Building Bridges into the Israel's loim application enserved on national levels as officers and active lenders. All five- Future" will be the theme of the visages two principal goals; port mentioned occupied the post of meeting, Mrs, Sam Pollak. general development, and expansion of tindistrict <i president' during past w o m e n ' s convention chairman, phosphate Industry. The World nk lias hern uslteit l>y Israel to years, it was recalled by Kdward said. help finance lhe porl development A. Rosen, general chairman for Vontli Leaders «n Program scheme, which is to cost ;i total »f the men's convention, Participating in the luncheon The mi'n'o lipaili|iiarU*rH will bi- piogram will be Said Millei, jun- aliuiit $<!'<,(1(111,000, with ;i loan '«<;gngutilig between $35,1)00,(100 and nt thir-Mlicrutoii-l''ontencUe. Hotel y«),O0O,0OO. wliert* Sam •'• SluiKi1 of l'eorl.i, Recommending the oslal)H:;hIII., current district president, ivlll ment of tho T o r t Authority for Ispreside at Hie IHISIIIPSH Muslims. I.IL), Mr. Tobin said he foresees a Mrs, Joseph fturlaml of Chlc.iK", dmston of function between Iswill conduct the women's Imsinos Hussions at the Hotel Puxtoti. i.tel s three innjor ports. Haifa v oiilfl concentrate chiefly on hnnThe men and women will pains imports of iron ore, semitlcipate jointly in the many social finished iron and steel items nnd events scheduled. The program inothei raw materials, and the excludes an address by General poit of industrial products. The Yehushafat Harkabi, former he.td new port of Ashrtod, like Haifa of Israel's Military Inlelligencc at (inlilinan Mlller also on the Mediterranean Sea, Civicc Night, N g , Sundayy evening, g, June 1 2fi at the Sheraton-Fonteneile. Mr. lor at Queens College, New-York would specialize in tin. 'shipping of Israel's major export item, citrus Kluticniclc, honorary prosident of and national president of Ii'nal ; B'nal B'rilh, former member of B'rith girls; and William Gold- fruits. The third port, Kilat, lm the Gulf of Akaba, would .specialize, in the United States delegation to man, Akron, O., university senior, United Nations, will deliver an and national A. Z. A. president. the shipment of phosphates and address at the elosini; convention Both have been representatives to potash obtained by Israel in the bouquet, Wednesday night. June lhe White House Conference on DcadSea area. 29, at the Omaha Civic Auditor- children and youth in Washingium, ton, D. C.Monday night, June 27, will feaDavid Bluniberg, National Youth Outrcmont, Quo., Canada (JTA) ture the County Fair a I fi:')0 p. in. Commission chairman, will be the at the HiRhluhtl Went Club, The keynote speaker.at the meeting, —An effort, to change the election program for Tuesday, June 28, Mrs. Louis L. Perlman, Wllmettc, law of the Providence of Quebec, will include an afternoon at the III., past women's national presi- so thai elections need not be Ak-Snr-Ben race track. dent, will bo moderator and chair- scheduled on days when some citizens cannot vote because of reMr. Rosen and Mrs. Sam Pollak, ligious holidays, will be -made by women's chairman, urged OmaStarted In Omaha the Oiilrcmont City Council ncthaiis to attend business sessions Omahans will bo interested to Inj; on n request from Jewish or1 which-art open to the public. know that A. Z, A. orglnnted In ganizations this week. Omaha in 1923 and the girl's unit, Last spring, municipal elections started in San Francisco in 1927. The luncheon is open to B'nai In some wards in this city vvere B'rith members and its youth held oil the last day of Passover. According to Mayor R o m a u Id groups. Bourque, "we were nil extreinoly Milton R. Abrahams, Omaha a'Women to Install Office™ disappointed that the elections this toniey arid civic leader has been Officers of tho B'nai B'rith year happened to take Place o'i a named, the third public-interest director of the Omahu Transit Corfl- women will be installed by Mrs.' Jewish holiday," Charles D. Solovlch of pelroit, l«my New York (JTA)—the ZimIs .-• Mr. Abrahams Is General Chair- Mich.i national president, fit the man of the Jewish Philanthropies luncheon meeting, Wednesday," rael Navigation Company marked June 29, at % P. m. flt the paxton. its 15tli anniversary this week. Campaign.''. • :-.-•



Ladies Luncheon 'Accent on Youth'

17, I960

Second Clusa Postage Paw at Omuha. ^Nebr.

Single Copy ll Cent! - •• Annual Rate'« 4- Doliiik

Chic-mo (JTA)— The United Slates must continue "to press for effective implementation of the principle of freedom of the seas and five access to international waterways," Vice President Richard M. Nixon urged in a letter to the B'nai B'rith.

policy recognized that the independence and integrity of Israel and the Arab countries of the area are of vital concern lo the United .States, "Our Government -must continue to use every suitable occasion, both within and outside the United Nations, lo CacUitaVe'progress toward a mutually acceptable l'rotcction of V. S. Seamen solution of the Arab-Israel conThe letter, addressed to B'nai flict, based on amity and recogniB'rith national president Label A. tion of each other's existence and Kalz, also emphasized that the independence,1' he Mated. U.S. Government must act lo proeet the interests of American seamen and shipping "now being discriminated against .by the Arab boycott and blacklisting policy." Mr. Nixon also said there was a need to try "with diligence and Jerusalem (JTA) — An agreepatience" to end Saudi Arabian exelusion of American servicemen of ment for a study of the impact of Jewish faith froni the 'Dhnhrnn American surplus food shipment!) on Israel agriculture was signed airhaxe leased by the United States here this week \sy UW ilanit of in Saudi Arabia. Israel and '.Mural Williams, the American Charge d-Affaims, on .Hutu,illy Acceptable Solution Mr. Katz announced the con- behalf of the U. S. Department o{ tents of tin; letter in a speech here Agriculture. The United States is contributbefore a convention of Ji'nai B'rith District No. 2. Mr. Nixon said U.S. ing SfiO.OOO toward the cost of tha study which will be made by the Hank of Israel and which will be lhe first of its kind ordered abroad by (he V. S. OoiiatliTOirt tVi Agriculture. The study will investigate the Washington (JTA I —A uni- intluencc of the A'nwn«<u\ foo<i formed squad of (icorye Lin- surpluses on Israeli price and nucoln f i o e k w e l l ' s neo-Nazi trition levels mid on- the developbrownshirls, wearing swastika ment of Israel's agriculture and 'armbands, picketed the White iiulustvy. Other aspects of tho deal with the Impact House bearing placards, urging study'will of tin1 surpluses on foreign t u d e 'Kassint; of Jews. The placards read: "Kich- and tho influence oi IsvaeVv counmatin did not kill any innocent terpart funds on development projJews;" "lite,, help free Kich- ects financed by such funds mann:" "Punish the Jew International Bandits;" "It's No Crime to Kill ,!cw Communist Traitors; "We Killed thePaisenbcri's;" "If the Jews Can Kidnap Kichmami, They Can Kidnap You.". Jerusalem (JTA.1—A fouv-ycOT . Police arrested two supporters of Lincoln Rockwell's neo- program to settle 10,000 setniNazi group on chiinics of dis- noniadic Israeli Beduins from the orderly conduct at a Nazi rally Negi.'V in .urban areas will begin near the II. S. National Arch- soon. Some Vr>,t)OO Israeli Beduins ives Building. Rockwell's meet- now roam the Negev. In recent ing ended in confusion as sev- years, they have suffered considereral non-Jews heckled the neo- ably bi-causc of drought damage lo pastures for their camel and Nazi leader. cattle herds. Tho 10,000.'lo be settled m w ban sections will get new housing umi will be given permanent employment. The. 5,000 Who will remain in the Negev also will get Rome (WNS)—Jewish service- permanent housing, in areas best men asking for I lie privilege will likely to assure year-round glazhe exempted from military duties ing lor their herds. on Saturdays. It was disclosed by Half of the costs of.transfer the Union of Italian Jewish Com- and housing will be a Government munities. grunt and the rest will be proRequest for the exemption . of vided as a long-term loan. The Sabbath observers was made to decision on which Beduins will rethe Defense Ministry earlier in main in the Negev and which will the year by spokesmen for the go to cities wiU be made Y>y the Seventh Day Adventists, a Chris- Beduins themselves, Areas selecttian denomination that keeps the ed for resettlement IncludeXydda, Kamleh, Heorshelv.i ;md JaCCa Sabbath as its day of rest.

Impact on Israel of IKS. Surp'us Foods Will i s SiuiM

Pfokel White Hoose

1 I


4-Year Program To Settle Beduins \n Urban Areas

New Election Law


4,000 Ancient Coins Cou Be Tax Coilecfion Money Tel Aviv (JTA)—A bin-led treasure containing over 4,000 coins, has been unearthed in the Druse village of Isifiya on Mount Carmel. The coins are believed to bo the proceeds of a tax collected by Jewish communities in Phoenicia In f>7 A. D. and were to be sent to the Temple treasury in Jerusalem, according to Ur. Leo Kailman, curator of. tile museum here. • Pr. Kadman, a numismatic expert, said that the treasure was apparently buried when a Jcrusa* ieni-bound tax collector's caravan decided to bury tlie treasure until

after the w<n4 which ended with the destruction of the Temple by the Romans throe years \atov.


U.S. I'lAMsT RECEIVES INTBRNATIONAT, AWARD Brussels (WNS)—A twenty-five year-old American pianist, M. i'raeger, was winner of the fiist prize In the -international piano contest held here under the aegii of Queen Elizabeth of Belgium. Another JewisU conlcslnnt to gaiii distinction was J. Lowenthal, Professor of Music at th'e Hebrew' University In Jerusalem.



Page) Tw»


FrW»j, flute IT, I960

Omahans in News FubUihed Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Ouialia. Second Class Postcu* Paid ot omoha, Utbr. Annual Subscription, 14.00. Advertising Kales en Application. Fubllcollon O H I O - 1 0 1 tlo M'h Slr««l, Oincha. Ilibr., JAcMon I K * .



Cy Si-ltihlrk SOFTUAIX, The Jewish Community Center Softball team scored their third victory in tix league games when they routed the Guadelupe A. C. 9-4, at Upland Pmic on June 'Jth. Allen Bograd led the Center's <: 7:.1» p. m. nine hit attack with a double and j single with the sacks loaded «ach BETH ISKAKI, Kobolas Shnbbos Friday eve- i time to drive in four runs. Tlie Jay scored four runs in the ning services at 7:30 p, m. Shabbos morning services at 8:45 a. m. second inning and were never at 52nd and Charles Street* and headed, although their loop rivals at 9 a. in. at 19(h and Burt tallied three In the fourth frame Streets. Junior Congregation at and pulled within two runs of the 9:45 a. m. Rabbi Groner will con- victors. However the Jay came up duct the Talmud Class at 7 p. m. with four more in the top half of Sabbath Minclia Ht 7:.'iO p. in. the sixth to nail down the verdict. Shortstop Johnny Okun was the followed by Sliolosli Seudos and defensive slftr of the game with Maariv. several fine plays to back up a Sunday morning services begin good pitching performance of Ray lit 8:30 a. m. followed by break- Kirk*. fast and Rabbi's class in Bible. VOrTH COUNCIL SOFTBALL Daily services at 7 a. m. and 7:50 Rain caused postjionment of last p. m. Sunday's games. They will be made up at a later date. Next BKTH HI, games on the schedule are on Services at Kftli El Synagogue .Sunday, June 2fith, /it Elmwood Vjll begin at 8:15 p. in. Members Park, when A.Z.A. 1, vs Rayim ef the Congregation ' will conduct and A.Z.A. 1000 v» A.Z.A. 10O. the services. Dr. Joseph Soshnik, Standings Won Lost of Lincoln, Ncbr. will deliver the Rayim 3 0 lermon. Dr. Mclvin Tatelman will A.Z.A. 1 2 1 b the cantor. A.Z.A. 1000 1 2 Sabbath morning sen-ices at A.Z.A. 100 0 X 8;.')0. The Mincha-Mnnriv tenices SHOTS IN" THE DARK . . . «l 7:45 p. m. Bruce Goldstein to attend the Sunday morning lervices at 9 t. in. Daily .services are held nt 7 University of California . . . Barry Rubin, a recent newcomer to Omaa. m. ami 7 p. m. ha via Philadelphia, to Join the ('enter softball squad . . . Jeff B'NAI JACOB ADAS Wohlner, junior pitcher for Central VKSHI.'KON Friday, Minclia, 6:.'M) p. m. Sat- high, Innrie honorable mention on urday, 8:30 a. in., Mincha, 6:30 thn All ( i t j t( im p. in. followed by Sholosh SeudoB. Daily services at 6:30 a. in., and 6:30 p. m. TKMPLF rsitAKI, ana fiappailnff* At Tim Ur. Philip Services at Temple Israel will HberNew* Jr.ivlih llrjrn* Tor T b * A c H br fee held in the Chapel,. beginning I I » « M Orfcow at 7:30 p. m. Rabbi Sidney H Brooks will officinte and deliver A launmoiwr was pi evented to the sermon. I the Dr. Philip Slier Home for the [Aged by Mrs. B. M. Helberg of Chicago, 111., in memory of her mother, Mrs. Rose Joffe, a former home resident. Candlesticks were presented to Mr. Nathan L. Nogg, Chairman the home by Mr. and Mrs. Morris ©f the H o m e Committee, an- Adler. nounced that special contributions Miss Zelda Bush gave a Kiddush were made by the following, for on the occasion of the Yahrzcit the purchase of equipment for of her father, Joseph Bush. Home Grounds: Flowers were presented to the 1 Arthur Adlcr home in honor of the <10th wedding David Bernstein anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel VV'iesman, Norman Bordy Edward E. Brodkey In memorlani: Mr. Abe FriedSeymour Cohn man. Dr. Maynard Greenberg Our rabbinical visitor this week Manual Krupinsky will be Rabbi Sidney Brooks. E. Leo Nogg New resident: Mrs. Nettie Gray. Edward Rosen A father's day party will be held Norman Smeerin at the home on Sunday, June 19. at 2 p.m. under the auspices of the RECUPERATING AT IfOME B'nai B'rith Cornhuskcr Lodge Abe Bear is recuperating at his No. 10.32, Mrs, G. W. Osheroff, borne after being in the hospital. chairman.

Special Contributions For Ground Equipment


Diehard Elniteln, vice-president A monument will lie dedicated of J. L. Brandeli and Sons, has to the memory of Abraham WelnMr, and Mrs. Milton Soskln, an- been elected president of the Oma- steln, on Sunday, June 19 at nounce the birth of a daughter, ha Better Business Bureau. twelve o'clock (noon) «t Mt. Sinai Phocbo Jane, at Clarkson Hospi Cemetery. tal, June 7. The Soskins have an Joseph IIudhiowBki has returned other daughter, .Susan Klliott. A monument will be dedicated to Omaha after a three-week stay in New York where he was called in memory of Max I-evine, Sunday, June 19 nt 11:30 B. in. at Golden by the death of his brother, Isaac Hill Cemetery. Rndinowski, All friends urn) relative! are A monument will be dedicated United to Attend services and Jfuimp Silver, efudent at in memory of Mrs. Anna Kelhcrff, reception. .Smith College, N o r I li a in p t o n, Sunday, June 19 at 11 B. m. at •JKKHY FA I Kit Mass., will arrive home Sunday. Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Jerry Kaier, son of Dr. and Mrs. June 19. En route, Mint Silver Abe Fnier, will observe his Har visited Boston, New York, WashHabbi Benjamin Groner und Mitzvah Saturday morning, June ington mid Chicago. She is the Cantor Kli Ka^an will officiate nt daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs Robert 18, nt Beth El Synagogue. all of the above services. H. Silver, A murker dedication in memory JOHN' FAHBKK Week-end guests nt the home of of Sam Siporin will be held SunMJS. Genevieve Karber and Mr. day, June 19 at 10:30 a.m. at Homer Farber announce the Bar Mr. and Mrs. Morris Epstein are Beth Kl Cemetery. Hnbbl Myer Mitzvah of their son, John Farber, their son-in-law and daughter, Dr. S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron I. at Bnth Kl Synagogue on Sntur- and Mrs. Norman Siegel. Dr. Sicgel Edgar will officiate. who received the degree of Doctor day nioming, June 25. of Medicine this month at the University of Iowa, and Mrs. Siegel STKPIIKN SII-OltlN nill leave for Fresno, Cal., soon The Bar Mitzvah of Stephen where Ihc former will intern at Siporin, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis the General Hospital of Fresno. Let Us Clean and Repair Slporin will be celebrated SaturYour Car Radiator Now day, June 18 at Beth Israel Synagogue. An Overheated or Leaky

Beth .El Wifl Hold All Men's Sabbath

Radiator Can Caut* Serious Damage

LEON BHIIAGO The Bar Mitzvah of Leon Dr. Joseph Soshnik, n former Shrago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Omnium, nuiv comptroller at the Shrago will be celebrated Satur- University of Nebraska, Lincoln, day June 25 at Beth Israel Syna- will be the guest speaker at the All Men's Sabbath, Friday, June 17 at 8:15 p.m., Joel Helfman, general chairman for the evening, announced. Dr. Mclvin Tatelman will be guest cantor. SAMI.'KL E. KAIMAN Music for the service will be Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at the Jewish Fu- presented by an all male choir neral Home for Samuel E. Kai- under the direction of Cuntor mari, 54, of W i South 50 Street, Aaron I. Edgar. Members of the who died Monday at his home. choir are: Sonford Brophy, M o r i Brett, Jack Duilch, Burial wnj in Golden Hill Ceme- lurry OuBoff, Jot Hornsteln, MIchotf Koff, tery'. Donald Noog, Jack Lclb, Jott Helfman, 'IICJ Rtmer, Sciwyn Roffmon, Jerry Simon, Kalman, a native of Omaha, Jtrome Wosjerman, Richard VVIfitroub, Sornworked in the miscellaneous ac- ucl V;olf, ond D r l . A. G. Rlmmerrnon, Sol counting department of the Union Kufler and Harold Gnrber. Tlie men's club will be hosts at Pacific railroad for Xi years. Surviving are wife, Ida, sons, a reception following the service. Officers elected at Ihc synaHoward and Ernest, dailyhtpr, Donna, nil of Omaha, and six gogiie's bonrd meeting will partlcijiate in the ser\ice. They are Dr. brot hen;. A. G. Rimmerman, president; Morris C, Fellman. first vice-presiI1E.V M'STOAKTKN Funeral services were hold June dent; Jospfiii Hornstein, second 0 at the Jewish Funeral Home for vice-president; Nathan Turner, Ben LviBlgarten, 102 South 38 treasurer and Saul M. Grnetz, Street, veteran South Omaha busi- secretary. nessman, who died Juno 7 in a local hospital. Surviving are his wife, Poln; daughters, Mrs. Max Rlekes, Omnha; Mrs. Bnrdsley Jordan, HHIsHUG a UPHOLSTERY jboro, Cal.; sons, Albert and Steven, Omnlia; Chester, Tulsa, Okla., CLEANERS 12 grandchildren, two ulfiters and RUGS —CARPETING a brother. LAMPSHADES Burial was in B'nai Abraham FURNITURE Cemetery.

ONE-DAY DEPENDABLE SERVICE Impcetlon and B«llmato« Are ttmt LOU HURWITZ, Trep. Oowntawa location 1708 CASS WB 0260

[;S PI EG EL 1 MONUMENTS in the Jewish Tradition

Your order should be placed well In advance of "Yahrzelt" so the worlt does not have to bo hurried. W« ard known for our exacting Hebrew lettering ind detail. You may place your confidence* In ui knowing each detail and tradition will h» adhered te with utmoit care and • leiII.

Here you deal directly with the owners , . . Wo permit no untimely Bolicitatlon . . . Call us tot appointment at your convenience.

Cleaned in Your Homo!

Tennis Instruction Register now for -the Jewish Community Center tennis program. Every Monday at Dewey Park Tennis courts, 9 a. in. to 11 n. m. AInn Austin, former State champion of Kansas, instructor, Enroll by calling the Center Physical Education office, Ja, 1306.


Dan Bernstein


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Heavy End, U>. . . . . .



Frltlay, fun* IT,

Youth INSTALLATION Officers of Kohumie were lntlalleil at & Mother-Daughter banquet by Mrs. Max Sacks..They arc Itozalind KoKK. president; Linda Mafjzamln, vice-president; Mauiien Uordcn, secretary; Lennne Goldberg, bills trcasiirpi'i Judy (JijuUcr, (tucs treasurer; IJntUi J'riesman, .serKfnnt-at-arms; Dora Gerber, Youth Council representative and Sharon Untzman, alternate; Barbara Ktiplan and Gaylc Itender, n'porter. The group held a "fainvell to SenioiV on June 8. at. the home of Doris Kwiatelt.

i: 11

DICK KAMI-.OW NAMKII Dick Kslow, son of Hen Knslow, tvas numed Nebraultu Supreme Court Chief .Justice of Boy» State. J/e and Susan Speier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mlllard Sjeler, were among the top scorers in th» government examination.


Mrs. Adler Gelebrates Ninetieth Birthday Mrs, Ann Chalt entertained a group of friends at her home recently to honor Mrs. .1. Adler on her ninetieth birthday. To mark the occasion, the guests contributed u gift of money to the Children's Village at Itaanan, Israel. The Confirmation class of Temple Isriu-1 wishes to thank their relatives and friends / o r the many c o n g r a t u 1 a t ory UniongraniF they received. Tiie eonfirmands are: Neena Beber, Karen Brodkey, Sherman Brddltey, Kick Engel, Nancy Fellman, Thomas Fellman, Susan Gllinsky, Laurence Greene, Linda Joffe, Lawrence Mayer, Rochelle Sommer, Judith Veret nnd Ronald Wohlner.


Center Holes

Page I t r N

Sam Wolfs Mark 35th Anniversary


House of Glamour LOUNGE, AIR-CONDITIONED I I I No. EOth SL 7000 The Senior Citizen* Ixninge at Mr. and Mrs, Samuel N. Wolf 6 Exptrt Hair Styllsti the Jewish Community Center has Air-Conditionsd Dryers be*n air-conditioned for the com- will receive their friends at u. MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY fort of its int'tnhcrs. McetiiiKB will reception in the social hall of Ownen continue each Monday, throughout Beth E) Synagogue, Friday, June 17, following the cervices on the the summer. Members are welcome to drop in dining the week. occasion of their thirty-fifth wedA1TUDIO ding anniversary. IlIllIX.i: TOIJICNKV WINNERS Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Brody OPENING plueed. first and Mr. and Mrs. FRI.. JUNE 10TH Lloyd Friedman, second, in the Oue Werk Including: Kunday recent tournament bridge session CANTONESI at the Jewish Community Center. THE KIRBY (TONE FOUR The next meeting will he on APPETIZEHS Thursday, June 23 at 8 p. m. in Ifllartoul room 36, (uir-coiiditkmed) at the M\'hM',AT, IlKVr.'K ** Center.

RENAULT FAILS'IN OAR SALKS IN KOYl'T Paris fJTA)—The latest figures of Renault. Company's export sales dhow that less than a handful of cars were nold In Egypt since last October when the automobile company withdrew from Israel an the ttUAIWATES CUM JMVtVE pries of removal from the Arab Gerald Steven Brodkey was boycott list. graduated cum laudc with Doctor of Medicine degree at recent graduation ceremonies at llnlver«ity Smooth V Mellow of Nebraska College of Medicine. Dr. Brodkey Is the BOH of Mr. and MrB. Fred Brodkey.




KDIAK KI.KCTS Kdim-'* newly elected officers fur the coming year are Marcia Kogel, prcfiident; Linda Zalltin, vice-president; Carol Rosenbaum, MIT Mother; Judy Davidson, corresponding' secrctury; Carolyn Ituhln, recording secretary; Linda Joffe, dues treasurer; Marilyn Kntxinnn, Mils treasurer; Karen. Fellman, reporter; I-e»lie Forbes, historian; Susan Speier, monltre.su; IIKCKIVKH SCHOLASTIC Sue Hermnn, Y.C. representative AWA«I> •Saul Kripkc was among the mid Ardcen Forbes, alternate. Harvard College students to win the Detnr Book Prize, one of the nation's oldest, scholastic awards. The prize is given to students who have received all A's for n IfAMATKJ <X17H year of class work or received '('lie Workmen's Circle Dramatic seven A's mid one B. He in the Club will celebrate Father's Day, son of Rabbi and Mm, Myer S. Sunday, June 19 with a 5:30 p.m. Kripke. dinner nt the Labor Lyceum. The organization named Jxmls Wit kin, CfTKD FOR SCHOLASTIC IN father of the year and Morris ACIHBVKAIKNT, I1KANDKIH (•undmun, ris son. Justin Lewis, son of Mr. and Hostesses are Mmcx. Nathan Mrs. l^ou Lewis, wan recently J.enmm and .Sam Oremlein. Sam named recepient of the annual KuerlinR will be In charge of Temple Shalom Award at Brandeis* Going shopping? Check the Jewentertainment. University's Awards Convocation. Justin received the cash award ish Press ADS first. 1'IONKKKS PLAN BAKK SAI,K for "out standing ucholastic aThe Pioneers Women's organiza- ehievement with particular distion will hold their annual bake tinction In Hebrew studies nnd the «ale, Monday, June 21 at the expressed desire to enter the rubDrandeis Store. An unusual selec- binate." He is a freshman student tion of home baking will be avail- majoring inN ear Enst mid Judaic Studies. able.


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Israel Exports Show Increase Israel-Exports for the fiscal Export estimates for the current year 1959-60 totalled 3188,800,000, fiscal year have been fixed at Us compared with 5142,000,000, the $210,000,000 , with industrial exprevious year. They also exceeded the 1059-60 estimates, by 15 perports expected to realize $90,000,000, agricultural exports $65,000,cc;it. 000 and diamond exports 555,000,000.

FOR Bridal Porrraiti AND Candid Wedding CALL

John Kalina


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HA 1044

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Cartifiod and approved by Rabbi Dr. Loon Thorn, President, AmorlCAn Acfldomi'c Rabbit Association of Now Americans, and Rabbi S. Welkin of Iho Orihodox Rabbis Association of Now York City.



• •

a • a

MONDAY June 27 6:30 P.M.

a a

Country Style Dinner


Phom JA 1W6 io tn»rt vour Wont Ad In tho Jewish Press. Rots it SO cents for each thrco Una Insertion. Tin p r n i rcierves Iho rloht to limit glie of cacn advertisement.

J10W1SII PATERS BAB and Bns Slitaivah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays.nnd special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge

Reservations Must Do

in by Noon, June 27 ©clli Sylvia Trellcr — W A 0190 Sort Render — J A 2076

Sponsors—$5 Per Person Sponsor—$6 Per Person



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Friday, June 17. lOGO

in One ©f Nebraska's Finest Campsites (Camp Sheldon, Columbus, Nebraska)

• Carefully Selected and Trained Staff • 2 Registered Nurses • Qualified Red Cross Water Safety Instructors New 75'x25' Swimming Pool


9 Fishing

© Cookouts

© Nature Lore

® Camping Trips

© Sabbath Programs

@ Hiking

• Jewish Living in an Outdoor Setting 9 Dietary Laws Observed

Registration Limited fo 109 Campers Sn iescb Period


Horse Back Riding

FEES and DATES NonOmahons Resident! l i t Session—June 26-July 5 . . . . $ 7 5 . 0 0 2nd Sojsion—July fc-July 1 5 . . . . .

Tepoo Villago

$ 85.00



Full Session—Juno 26-July 1 5 . . . . 140.00


Camp fee includot: laundry, insuranco, craft feel and'transportation io and from the camp from Omaha.

Covered Wagon Villago


OutBOS* Island for Primitive Camping

Contact'Boris Steiman, Camp Director at the Camp Office, JA. 1366



, Deliver Baggage to The Jewish Community Center — Saturday, Juno 25, 6 to 9 P.M. • '

Sunday, June 26, Before I P.M.

- • '

Loavo Jewish Community Confer .

Sunday, June 26, 2 P.M.

'Return to Jewish Community Confer July 5 , 3 P . M .


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